TITE FEE: OMAHA. SATTRDAY. APRIL 2. 1!U L Council Bluffs i CORRECT DOES'. FOR MX!! &TD BOIJ. Council Bluffs Minor Mention Tie Cswaell aUnfTe mtTImm mt saw Q IT aha Bee l M M lW antes a, aV.ta 'ptosM a. COUMERCUL CUB BAJifll'EIjl Two Haadrei Gueitj Entertained at ScTtnta Aanial Ereat Davis, drugs. The C'.arit harbor shop for bath. .o.1 dressers. a Martin Pete'-son. "-'ORRIIAXl unoVrtaaers 'Phone MX. FAUST BEFR AT ROGERS Bt'FT ET. V Hidring Undertaking company. Ti4. BS. Lfn Cutler, funeral director. "Phone JI. Buird A Boland. undertaker. 'Phone 13. It-nun Main street. Independent 'phone T. e"Tr first daws wall paper wt paint ( Ir.g ami wail paper, and reasonable prices. The b-t and cheapest plaee tn th city to et your wail pjw and oainting' la .it W. Nichoiaiuen A Co.. 14 iuUj Mam street. 4':Hjir chapter. Rnval arch Masons, will get In npe'lal ennvorat on tnts evening for work In the pant master and moat - cr nt master degrees. IU.IUL0A3 JCEX A2E GUESTS EH W. Hrwr seak. "iv raaat ead CMrtl" Deasi serlw Talk Ceaeerva tlem. The seventh annual banquet of te I'.-jim- I ell Bluffs Commercial cluh. held Thursday j at the Grand hotel. was noi;ceable for two ! forceful edilreeees on by Edgar M. Hrw, i trtnenj counsel for tha Chirac? A North ' afiifn railroad, on "Tha Government and the Corporations.' and tha other by Eiwood C. Per-eno. dean rf tha University of South 1 Taknta. on "Conservation of me Fertility ! T"ie city council held a epec.ial railed 0f go ana Qmr Natural Resources.' fer r""; C. G. .-.under, prided .. M i n ret from E. F. Peters to Jehn tomtmuin- and in hia Introductory r There Fire No Clothes Like Ours! and they are make for true mark a annke brlef!v of what had been i arcnmpllsned by the Commercial ciub of Counril Bluffa and what it hoped to accora- pllfh In the f-.itnre. I J Complimentary to Mr. Hyeer. tha invited j wrv musny nutroaa men. m au'ii i fon to the party of Northwestern officials j who accompanied Mr. Kyser. tha r-ieat Hat j Included reprejwmtativea of the Bur'.inrton, j Rock Island and Milwaukee roada. The Nor-h waters party Included; K. D. Brinrhain. Chtc&go, aaaiatant frM-ht tratric manacer: J. L. Ferauann. Chiiaati. nutxnt a-nerai paaen-er tvul ticket ifeni, A. C. hichard!". Chicaao. -n- '"aim ant. 3a. J. Goiden. wnuiant Brennan FOrt THE EST WORK. BEST WALi. PPEH. PAi.NTS. AND TllS MOST P..tASj.VABLE PRICES II H. B)R wii'H. 1 H. MAIN. Ha t' ELI V EKa TUS G--ODS. W TV. Ful's of rmaiia and Aima X. Anderson of Hawarden. la . war marked in tnia city ce's-iy afternoon by Rer. juinen M VT: II lama, naator of Broadwaj' M'thodlat rhut--h. Tha flrx department n called at 7 o'clock iaat eveeina to the rear of M. Maxriia' atorw on "iVewt Broadway, where bumlna rubftiah had aet Pre to the ptlln an'l oiner amber work a: on a the bana of Inulan creek. Henry Jacobeen. a real eeta'e and in- ; era uranr uimt of Audnonn. la., filed a aenerai fretunt aaeni: W. R. Golden. Fre viuntary petition in bunnmptcy yeeter- i m-mt Neb.. ingpe-tor of linos w of the dar in the federal court In Wils city. H,. M:aiurl river; S. F. Miller. Omaiia. general uneerured 'lalnialea aKTeata about H.& ! freignt and pajuiener aent of !lne west wmle he fails to schedule any assets. of the Missouri river; F-nlt Waiters, nwnMxl Teatorday '-'mana. cenerai manager of nnea west of . iuw jn.eetjtin nvw I. t . tletnrn. 'jmani Ham- I'tmon; ntendent Sloua City division; J. C. Dav-.s. L-ea j Molnea. attorney for Iowa; B. T. White. .Mm. F. R. Lnfirt. rest-iina; at tasxilln,; E. c jr,fin. Omana, seneral aaent ler-s etreer. waa awakened wiortly before , , ,rnha fr-ignt department: m. J. Cheese I rt clock yeaterdar mornlna by tba nolea j rnma, Boone, trmveiina- freufht and pasiwn f worn eon e attemptins; to enter the houiwi. ; K(!r sent; A. C. Jonnst.n. Winona, M:nn.. ha tjeiennone: to suilua haado'iartenv hut aenerai aaant: J. C. Mttcnell, "i irasl Uiufts, f-ira tha arrival of an officer, on the i city paeeenaer and freight agent. umxaMi burglar making a second attempt n-... Italli aad ttaeata. force tha front door Mrs. Lennart. who . r tha first auarm had armed herself wilJi Th" Buxiingion waa represented by C. E. j rewilvar. fired through the gjaaa of , Spans, general freight agent: A. B. Smith, be door. The intruder jumped from tha flrw general freight agent of torch and made a haaty departure. When . ...... , n officer reanhed the housa no sign of I Omaha, F. A. Nauil, genarai westarn agont. e supposed burg!a.r could bs found. one-store frame ( Budding permits j 1. U. Kaunia ror bttsan at coet r tha Cl'iwne' ny at TTleventh avenue, near Sixth street. coat Cons. at Eightn avenue and Ninth atreet. f" M"nt -"' 'a:m agent; . li. I t Sf and for a brie warerioiise ! iooDe. aupenntenoent Iowa dlvti ci-isene' Gae and Electric cm-! : Brown, sioux City, auperinten V Greek section hand, known by the nia of Harry Brown, and on member of rang working on tha Cnion Padfla em- - , annment near tha east end or trie onnge. Bk?'"ivd. iniurlea yeatarday morning which If waa hetieved last ev ening would prove i rBlirnt T w th Eugraa Duvai. auistaat general west ern agent, represented tha Milwaukee, The Rock Island offlciaia present wars C. G. Weaver of Chicago, auditor of freight traf fic: it. i Brown or Kansas City, general IT T. , . fatal. Brown stiiod aatoe-to let a North- , , . 7 wetem tmn pa.-ai and was knocked down Omaha, and J. T. tt.ely. local agent, Coun the embankment bv a luma of coal whlrb j ail Bluffa. fell from trie engine. His InJuCea were I jn,. 20 guas-ta were saaued at amall tables, anout tha head. The Injured man waa j . ' ttuu fHTgrnoiuqiint ni. Al .11 B apeaaers tahlo were seated Colonel C. G. Saunders, toa at master; Rev. Marcus P. Madura, who pronounced the Invocation; General Gi-a- taken on the train to the trantrfer depot. -vhere he was attended hv Dr. V". L. Trev- -or. who had him removed to the EJmund on Memof-lal hospital. f. I Thomas, a hrakeman on a Chl csifo. Milwaukee & St. Paul construction train, waa aeriously injured while tttempt liTg to board his train late Wednesday niht near Underwood. He aiipoed and in falling his bead was it ruck by a beam on , one of the cars. E was unconscious when picked up and was hurried to Coun- ...I Eat..a 1. .. . hA . , .uUaM t th. ITil- muniwi Memorial hoapltai In the city j nature of the gathering and tha general ambulance. Examination showed that I good fellowship that prevailed at such 1 nomas baa receivea a rraxure or mm i meetlnr. Mr. Hy vliis M. Dodge, Em eat E. Hart, retiring president of the club: D. E, Stuart, the newly elected president, and tha two speak er of tha evening. Mr. Hyser waa tna first speaker, fallowing a few happy introductory remarks as to the sknll. His condition yesterday, while pra cartou. was reported, to ba showina im provement. Thomas' home la at Parry. la. BUSH HELD BY OFFICERS A. Tea as mt JteaUag Haaay Craalt aaaalta Haa Prlaoai Rmr. And they cost no more than the ordinary- kind unquestionably the best investment you can economy is paying all vou can afford for the best you can get Suits at s15, s13, s20, s22?, s25 anl up. bonarht nre, nrin ron irsu!t-. jon cannot duplicate elsptrhere. and the nearest ap proach will cost jou from $3.00 to $5.00 more. Hie cl)ths we sell ar? cot rr.en?lv manufactured, THEY ARE TAILORED That's why they hold and kep their shape and pIea.K rou more every d.iy. TVe are showing about 10 styles more than any cne el. at any price you want to pay, and the values are o extraordi nary that serioiua competitiion i a joke and one look will be more convincing than all the talk ing we can do (NO MORS BAD WEATHES SO BUY TODAY.) Our Boys Clothing is attracting a whole lot of attention this spring not so much on the beauty of styles and patterns, as on the unusual values we are giving' there's nothing to it. but save money every time you make a buy. There isn't a suit in the entire stock, but what you can save from 50 cents to $?.0O on if you buy it here. It's a recognized fact all over town that we've the best clothes for Boys for less money than anyone else 2.50, $3. $3.50, $4, $5, etc. Every One New, Crisp and Fresh, Our Kind of Hats are afforded instant admira tion. The beauty, attractiveness and individuality of the Hats here this spring is recognized at once. They are ail "Top Notchers," at every price from the lowest at $2.00, to the cele brated Stetson's at $0.30, $4, $5, $3 and up to $12. And at $2.50 aad $3.00 We Simply "Eat 'Era Alive." 0ur Furnishings are selected for Men and Young Men. who find pleas ure and satisfaction in dress ing as well as they possibly can, and appreciate what good quality and economic prices means UNDESWEAS, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, ETC. '" ii' ' iir ft ' rw . 1 : Ik I V ifc 1 "'l III 1 k i jijji - V ill ' V" v-v,. ;u) I j Young Men We hay Juat what yoa want. Clothe built for you alone. Th Suits ara noc rnr.leg or Father Style "But Tours," and they expraa Juat the air of smartness that appeals to you 310- $12. 315. SIS. 320 !"X .i .e"J I JT m .a f Kimr m me wm -jf.l. wm jff i jT3irsiT ft r ATis JZ THE ST02E SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING TN OMAHA. Slip On s Cmyenetted. light weight, dressy, yet waterproof 815 and a-p. Balloon Tissue Waterproof Coat. zephyr weight and servlceahit S3 entirely new sometimes failed in the past and that It j endowment was made but nce and will said: t have eome down hers tonight to talk to you about government and corporations. 1 shail not ta.it to yim axiom politics be cause I do not know bow. and. anyway, it would ba inappropriate. I ahail not ta.k to you about tha administration bill, or the commerce court, or the corporation bill, or tha tariff. They are mere incidentals, like what we are going to eat, and dr-tnn, and wear. Ernest Buss, charged-wnh ataaJng a j sjimlt ftndlun)MHl ,mngs. and tha first is valuable1 team or horses, a epruiff wajron i tiis absolute necessity of fully and eom snd doubia sst of harness from the 1 pietwy unUeratiuitling the vital elements of , - ' our government. premise of Peter T. Peterson, a farmer ,n any dlm:ul,Bin of business or Uvng nsr Honey Creek, who was r-, wonomic guet:ona the present and the revted Tuedav at Silver Creek. Nb.. is i future of our government suoukt stand . , .. (.1, i first and foremost. Every question wnicn no-r Lehind t.-e bu- of the county jail. , m ny ar(tl(f touchel toB, ot tnat I'erjuty .Sherlf? Leiicli. who want to Can- government should ba doternuned after ti-.il -' e.. after Bueh. imvl earty ; an'i ar.cording to that welfare. ... ., I W'thout th.s government by tha peopie ei..rd.;. monimff with ' prisoner. . witi, wnuJd b. nothinaT. ' art would be -l'-.u-.e '..i Council Bluf's. Blush told j nothing, iiteratura would ba nothing, cor 1 i -,i i . !lii"if? Le.ich that he was sen- porations would ba nothing, labor would le-n . -i Lxut tTelve years ago from a will fail again in tha future, because this divin experiment haa a human side and must work tLseit out In a human way. lieMt Tb-iaaTa Ara Teuau. But wa must remember that everyrhing ofl value that the race haa accompllsnad has coma through pain, toil and troubling. I do not know why this la so. but it is; and so here in this sphrrx at reprei-nta-uve government, the surrerlna- of the peo- nut ba again repeated. A. bad law. whether it ba a banking bill or a tartif meaanra. can easily ba repealed. An act of cona-rass may ba ooncriveo. enacted into a law. run its coarse of good or ill. and then die because it has been super seded by a navr law. ail aithin L.ia space of a few months, or years at moat, Not so wirn tne gifts known as our natural resourcee. fur a million- years nature worked without rest and without pi.r: n southeastern Nebraska to a life eent.-ti-e fur murder, but had been par l duned or paroled after serving seven years. ' Ha refused to gtve any further details. be nothing; human life la tins country would be uitoieralue. This is true because our government is a divine plan working itswf out on tnis continent. U there can b such a thing ss a Ulvine experiment, our goamment Is that experiment. when I say dlvina I ruler to tne Sheriff JsVCaffery la looking up tha man's : Power which maaea for r:ghteousneee William J. Leverett and wtfa to F. M. aeminona. ot lot 9, block S, Bayuaa A rlmer add. to Council B.uffa. la., w d 9M Mary A. Maxwell and husband to C. A. Ham pie. two-seventeenina of . kit M. blues a, Oakland, la., w d af Kght transfers, total IZT.Ca pie will finally aecompitah their political ' fstigua tiiat she might, in a far away salvation. If the leopie suffer from mis- j future age. endow tnese commonwealths representation tney aaust sutler umii tnev , 9f ours with a great forest, a magnlfl ieam the lesson, however bitter It is. thst ! cent river, rich ore beds, extensive seams tha responsibility lies with tnem: that they i of eoai and. greatest of all. a rich. mag;c cannot avoid it. They cannot snift it upon I mantle of soil, up from which will yearly executive, thej- cannot traffic with it. i grow the greatest wealth of many a they cannot sell it. tney cannot barter It i afire, away: they must assume it and axer- i After referring to a number of the lm- f-,"" , . i portant natural resources which should be When thev learn thia lesson tne-r rep- . , . , rewmauve, will s so hsve learned it and : considered, the spesker took up the quea will do their bidding. tion of aaTing the fertility of our soils. 1 ntll tnis time cjmes the people must i H introduced the topio by referring to a aimer inn cniiHiajii. aiig iiKn m iubii-tt f - -- and the constant oain of effort. Without fnt x mt fo a number of eastern this r swm neither aat)-trust acta nor ' especially those of North Carolina, criminal statutes, nor grand Junes, nor j ginia, Maryland and nelghbarin muictments. nor any ot Ulese tmngs win ; u, rfK e. ased Ja. emniovert s.iutnaest or nere. lanvai Itwi Satea. IOWA C ITT Fire compietly destroyed the hoaaa uf Isaac Isaacs in sVeat Lucas trfiwrmnttt near hie 1 ieHttV .flornnnii THe loss is i.uWL insurance a.iK. A defective uuuiauii4i cnvin-u nue caused the fire. Bransford. Conn. CRESTON Farmers In the vii-lnliy IOWA CITV Adjutant General Gay EL Logan lo at in . ; has been left until spring to tiiresh. iMLi" 1 ' J . 1 V 11 1 K mi 111C JJVllOl Ul bodv was mang'ed and parts of it were s liara Folkerts f this place from commit r altered along tha track for half a mile. I ting suicide by Sarin. ng himself Wednesday rno-p nnruu i- a iri.t. .hn i niaiu. Since he vtad oecoma an invalid a l ' i l'W iiitii u ,. , 1 1 1 1 ri hi iiir u" .i iii. i wikii this he waa able to pull himself up to a sitting postur. L'a.nc vnu rope ha atra.-igiad nicest if to. death. IOWA CITT Jround has been broken f-ir the new CniversPy of Iowa physics buiid in lust back of the present liberal' ai-ia building on the campus. A new road hus been built tu ajTommudate the taamsteri efteitive at the end of tne college year. I " " ' construction a tree was remov-d w. i...... h ..,i.. ... .....nl n.. i which has long been a landmarlt on the i time class fights were derided. at ! FORT DOInlE-Mm. Thomas J. (juinlan. as .lie "ourt raiennar styes i.'ie .ummon eeeded M. Gi. Newell a year ago as division freight agent for tne Great Western, lias resigned and will leave Thursday for Chi cago to take the management of the TooKer Storage Warenouea company's Chicago wareauuse. CEDAR FALLS Prof. 3. K. Tom kins, head of the department of public speasmg of the Iowa Teachers' college, has resigned. no several ninrr uitu-ers ot tne j . - ii' V :t Jl JT' law wife of a railroad imnn actor kiliea ,a National guard will ba in attenaance i J"' " T,r.,..B i 0 8,, - - Dakota flood. t .nDri-lnn .a i ie ninm annual miiitarv hail ta iu, nM.i ' kept well throngn the winter and la dry ' m t'aaois noon, .n appearing a tne CniversuTo iowaarmorv Knday ! arui bright. .This is the first time in in : "" here m an effort to obtain Mr uiit tns university or iuwa armory naa " , ., , ... ..... lan share of his fanulVs eetaxa whim Is DO DC J5 The Coffin separate . ouite larae. Ielln of sen&ational cnar- ai ter wern produced, claimed to bs wntea the de-eased to M.-s. tj'lln-.an. i I The horses aiw valued , by Peterson at j nrw continent, where a throne has never CM each and the total value of the prop- been erected, where a crown haa never been . . riv n,h j.i.r-i worn, seems to have oeen selected as the arty tanen was over . Bush declared mmDmUl.atar ror tm experiment. ta Deputy Leurbthat he had bought the laaswrtaaea mt besvwaaaeat. outfit for ttvt cash at Columbus, Neb. j t-,i we look over the past we find . ( ourselves unable to doubt for a moment WANTED Expertencrd lady stenog- ; uie profound importance of our govern- .... .,, .i,i,.r. .r.r- ,hi ,n mental estanitsr.ment. i lynci siiu .. ... i- - . v - --j play .piano. Address in own nanawruing, wnmt tins government and this peopie have iccompliiih their salvation. Ail that ilea in the future, for this people must euma and will come by representative govern- ; ment Xa". what haa ail this to do with cor porations? Everrtnlng: a corporation is which makes for tha bast soda conditions , simply a collection of men who com from the peopie. incorporations will uarn the same lesaon in another way. Now. you may say that I have simply indulged in Utopian dream, but I have not. unless you aay. also, that this new nation, conceived in liberty, has already perished from tha esnh. and you dare nut bad been abandoned. Many of the planta tions, which gave their masters so much wealth and luxury, were now old sedge fields, all because they had lost their fer tility. Good markets, extensive trans portation facilities, cheap labor all these are there now, but no crops are produced. He continued. Eaatersi Laarf Warw Out. What it dories is the condition of Jonn Eiiaeu. j V 'a ffTn the oh, an- i "" h" ? ! i i i-..oirn ami uiu-c.me resiuent ui : V. .i,.i ..Tn. ,i . says, sue anu wu.iiiun nvm los-inn-. vuio I Washington township, near Lemar.,. Buken ! 1?"! J12 t! !li 7.r i8n1 :l member of one of tn. o.deit a, Vir- im" ,,. urnu wuen nurt ? T J"Ee- U t"r : families ,.f Irish settlere in Webster c.mniy g ones. , OaKAIjOXSA Matt Humes, a miner. Wrlaht has nostnoned it until a anecial tae suit h" ,na 4""B " I ' -iis.il nai .i -ssasssssaspasas-naaisaaisn-Maa Ue Cricket miCe i ekMarinn nmn fm fiaWf. fn I tines n.aa sit rtr Lr sn4 k'llaa.1 i by a Northwestern train this morning. His h.ra to ms bed. did not arevent Wll- Chmbrr:a;n-s Coi:gh 1 Remedy w.ll prevent nneuaaonia. staung aalary expectad. a scott St. CIJl'lCTIOl St'S'T true ir. tha ahoved-named 1 say that; you cannot say that while the V I. J' v, . 1L les" ln -w i mint form nf Ahrahum T.invin Innin. 1 feneland. New Tor and the "Wrier older Inn. uooa our noillu-.i honaon: vou can- i atatea of our country A a, 1 It that Rot nv IhiT while mil remauniier tetrvs. ' i.i 'iw mtw mil burg and the Wilderness; you dare not sav 1 i"" f l. nm.hi Ree l.erom- ws mi lusllv and fundamental V n .raun, mo iv.isw ' j put forth practically in It. pt form 1 '. wftuin Ula I the farm impmenns - Why i. " that .ou j 1 . " A government With our nast Is canabie i rMn DUJ1 lrm ""nostin eigti or me great MLOiH ,-,. o( , n,w conunent. we may Weil i of ture. It has to do with things ! ... . . . tnese once lertua farms ara not nm- j v nen a gu-enimeui use mie. ciiwun m i . . . . i auctive.' vinv is it tnat farina can be our- tn number of earn en i iail it a divine experiment. I other than porno and power; with thins I citiaa uf tha east fur less money than you have to pay for unimproved land out west. rirst Salt ef Klad Igaiaat Law ' FHraa Lades Maw Uw. .Mtomev Paul C. Aylesworth filed y terday in the diHti'ct court a petition ask mg for an inium-tmu aaainst the saloon ! spirit has departed. on South M.-un afreet at the head of Frat e may answer avenue, and John Cinder manv miies from even the, smallest railroad W tr.m this tremendous elemental forr e ner man armies ana navies: w-.tn tnings , , , - ,w...u. .. i ..,, -.. . ,- 7. ; .7n 7.u I l,on"- ln eastern !and has been - i panuoiv. ail tns U'Jinj auu circummani-e . . " , - " w . . i ' : of power wmch hi ; fun awsy 11 Ke tin nu n an me suimiuiu f"-""", : ,,"; .. .-ii . I Tn" eastern !and has been aon, pomp and circumstance ; future, and. whether we will or on. either , feeding, but has never ave iHjme- with it. would we or those who come after us wit dls- b ft- Wh true m V'rama anrf , body from which tne cover tnt th.me quest.o.is can ba finally , m ,T,n bw. Z d. V.twas..r j determined only in accordant wth m.lnmuam r w:'.!i i-ertainty repre- mutabie and divine truth. (nwed. " Tlio way of the people toward that de termination will be. as it always has been. over paths ahich are difficult and thuray. John Raennau. : ","n""'' u,rumtm uy J .ummiiMiiin nr hnr.n ::i or soeaaers or Conrad Geisa. Charles Furier and J. D. executives: but government bv the teopie; tH hroe-ler who are ai!e;ed to ba inter- tne cimception tiiai the people can govern i but which nee. nevertneieas. from tne eeled in the c .- tvlenworth In hia : tiiemeeives. not as a pure democracy, where J anadow of the valley to the glory of the eetea in tne p.iue. Aisona in nis pe- , miuMI u( malviduais do the wiil ot un- summit Ullon a'leges that Under. Runneau and , br:dled and tnuugntieaa and unimpeded! The address of Prof. Ellwood Perirtto was ( htM are owners or the property; t.mti "i ion inn.i: uU mni-i roiliiiii. wiuni iiiirii DriuiiK LU pUTW democracy; but by repreeenianun. That ia 'he pian. That .a me experiment. That is tlie pnnoipie to whuin liis peopie of this country must flnailv come. That is i the crucible where the refinement win be made. Thai is tne fundamental iron to Furier and Lender are owners of the fix- tures and part of tha stock of liquors in j the- place, anil that .chmeder Is a bar-1 tender employed in the sstoou. j The defendants formerly operated a loon at 13 south Main street, but moved j " "" n we must yield our profound convic- 11UII. Ui thmr present loi-ation about the time the new petition of consent went Into eftoct last year. Aylesworth ailegea that tha records fail to show the payment of a mulct tax on the business la the present lie atlou. and that the defendants are. in fjii-t. eondurtlnif business in their presen Tha suit ia the lng instltuled aga.nst a Ux al saloon since the Moon law became effective. A de- j We must graiip It. omprehend it. brng it home to tne peopie. and maKe tiiem see U and believe u. or we nl sure'v sup into the smiting sands of pnililral chaoa teasaaa Makevailrta. We must abandoa nsaaeshifis, a strong appeal for the conservation of the soil, as from it Uia wealth of tha nation waa drawn. "A Pleat fas tae mil." Mr. Penrho said ln part: It is possible that if I should ask you lonignt to rmme tne big thing in which i.i.e club was interested, some of you woo;,i SMITK-HI. Tiie onetima of the M.ssouti river to aav,u:a. la outiMUerai.oa ot its volume of waier. its great length and the rich Those who have studied the soil and its fertility by the best scientific methods tuii us that the states of Illinois. Wisconsin, i Iowa and ail tna others in this section of i our country are. by the common system j of farming, depleting tiie fertility of the , soil si the enormous rale of 1H to S per cent annually. What this means, unless j a-a stop it, is a condition like that of soma nf the eastern stales; big farms, level fields, but no crops. j At this point the speaker spoke of the j food of plants and what really constituted j i ( fertility n the sol The loss of erupa from field and or- i chard. .due to the lack of birds to catch i the grubs and wai-ma. amounts to many ! millions of dollars eacn year. The speaker ' W'e HIUt ' m K 'if seem tii.r Ifiil wkm ii lev.r ina t loP orfenng opportuniUKS lo avoid tlie ' tn. n.K n,n...n for .ml- riuJ..i..n a retsil and whoicsaie responsibilities of self-government, we must i However, aa the partial solution of the ; 5resent olace. ; eon.iemn point, ai paient medicine anirn problem, ou.ers of you might con- : directly P " .i' ottered to tne propie for curing the ill. j .mpr , r.nrnsd prooietn Hie important ' soil and first Injunction proceed-1 h icn ran onlv be uinvo bv -e f-govern- aliMtion for a ouD Use tn.s to cunnr. , Xh . ment; not by bureaus, or commissions or j executives, but by seif-governmeni. 1 am making no sukw-iuoiis laamst -om- ness of tiie ataiea touching this stream, it nlr'i' ufmn tmportant fact that, no i matter i nut may be our business, or in i what way we earn our monev. ail ara ! or indirectly, dependent upon the i ,nd Uie crops which it produces. The dean closed his address with m pspnptri euvjpjwiu ioOST '! -B tt auaA4;t j ioC7e "i u 'xaihue evtl-aAg anoj-intj joiei d f rt 'aTtossed-sBade -aAg-.Cmj friius "qrrjnp Sarpaudxs Aiaa wrrj. ptre 'p-irn sjBdg wAup dai-;q5rnx) r9r(s-uTija 33snQOTT-i. sa s3jn;B3j uoas Aq ajuo pjanssn AJrprjj.j n ft iit-i. rrjjj. p.dnoQ 3m to air; rn parjdiia rrrws paqsnrrr paw psisn spnj3;wrxi arri p jsoo crj ;uai3rjTput uorvrjs arri o snp si A";rrnb jo xrr.j ru uorpur;syp sij soo m xrBSnvxxz notrjiji uatn-inirxIdiT JLia ur lojiuoj pagiuifip sairrripa oq. 'v?ijo-;oui y iTTjnorij'ad atri acj si irairj ju 'JIlJLi I The peeper control of the more than iio.i, 0o miles of operating ranroad. wtt h" the ou,' lo hat" ire and the lung time I e-tahlisnmeni of an euultabie freight rate, had worked to make our r-icks and c! aution. a-i. "iw wwnu. wouia nave' """""'" are proper: oui ; of , -tai ronseuence to the commercial the ertert ef barring them from engaging I 1 f?1.?rn , 'nml the people cannot i tnlere's of tnis country. ...... . . , . -rjxm nMnuers or tnis nrvan ui;nn miiro . o sort of power or tnbun.i. cl it wnat !, JJ' " ' h:;uTT rJZZT -"""l '"""V . fr'" with- ; , , . - - qui nm exnenae or eirnee r-. , Av . , Dunn, auarantee or bank deuomta ami ia m uu.iu. mr irenua oj. i.ve ; d'ttiea ana Durdena on commisaii.na years. and soil, and how ungrateful it ia for man ta abuse these and to consume them as a. no puiar j OInM. propositions inf": is bv nirn . ln,T1lln Qf t iiw counu wtldernees. of , importance. luencing tne money itry as the prom eta , Posaibiv some of vou Involved In the ! raising of funds bv whteh tne needed e - so . neo Heal Estare Traaafera. These transfers were reported to The Bee March "X by the Potta wattamii County of the city, or country, or a;e. are Abstract company of Council Bluffs you will, thai can titae the place of self ... i ; government. I Here is no ' . . ' of aloud bv day. or pillar ot til gtaaoee iniwi or J. w. imry, opiometrtaf. j tn lead this people out of the New location, all uroad way. Council ! They must learn to waiK a.ona and traiei '.ifa fa. r 'heir own eumnasa They caunor run T j strtict any g.n.'emnieiital mai-hine and 1 . Man-tears Unam. ." , ,.Ur. . m. would sav tnat the raai need ta a bar- John Ley them and wife to Lars P..-r i . . J ; " '"""' ter system of taxanon by which our . Larson ss ai-eis nwv ia. Liases -ed were iswued yesterday ta dci ar ... i more than lla .e.u..o of oronenv ,' Z mZ?,.'-' I ev rannm mne nor.esi electors by n-- ih. ..i.ru . I , mem, ae i . . T, . Z. ' ie.usj racwntiv from Stiukhum. ,oi t an. i... Jiisravee to office and avoid tn. re.ult of .reas.on.i oVhaiea, era t;i ralnaia-. eh i -'."T" . U lm Council Si putting them "''7"' forfoi- I t4rirf m our hl, vmOM,n. iuS hiKn I"":.. "1 ..m:r"Hi!'". Tnry'tarilT and low tariff and the no tar-ff- the following; I Name and restdenca Creor HL Mrepro, Idaho Faila la... Lon.e H. tiaiier. Council Bluffs Christ Pundgaard. Racine. W's Sema Hansen, Council BluTTa Bert. Mitttewwt. Pittsburg. Pa stra J. R. tjordon. Oman. W. C F'sher. M iseourl Vailev. Ia I Da.sy PhiLips. Mj.aoui-1 Vi!e ia. Louis Horat. Council Bluffs j i tMira Hwrnbaca. t-merson, la, Id W. W Fuiia. Omahs y, A. ma V. Anderson, Hawarden, la a , V 'Girts coat sale traturday tZ. KSS. B W Venaoa At Thame Co., lilB S ax iara tt paHnng a "'"' 'n-1 1,0 rr""' P'a.-t,res. j WH country a Tnancal neada. 1 ",d J1 T-ZIZ ".T.. " jLr"; .voU,n' DoMbilee. earns ef vou. so i ... Alto th. p...!. They cannot e.ect f.l. and . ,nw rBmr..gn and from tne I fo ceitnof purifv eie-!ions oy mcresuing the I but I : ni-moer iiich tilings are expedient " i not f indamental. I ja ; Noimiig wui ever be a.-ompalied until! Bur. IS tns people oi mis rwinov ieai n m.i gov- ( of m. are inportant pmolems. I grant you. Ceawervatiaai asT WesdtaU mi- opinion, none of? these Bluffa. Ia.. w d. F R. F inn and wife to Frank Moras lota IT snd 1ft. block is, Evans Bridge aad. tu Couocd Bluffa Ia. w d ' &neda IE. Burn.tt u C. B- Wa,tm waieat vaiue to ih. rBiinm..i lot 3 and north -m rt. of lot 1 hn.i. ernment bv thetnaeivee is a sacra ngnt. i mtewweta of thia aplemUd city, nor to' Oaaiand. Ia.. w d a ttiing apart trora business or pieas.ira. vuur neighuors Just acrcss the mer. the i alary McHobert and h umand to M n and seir-raitfit-atM and ee(f-aa?rand!sv. t jr famed niatropoi'.e of Neora.aa. Our nie E. Wr-,1Ke. lots La. is. ir slid IS. ment. mat m. punv of m h , mu greatest seed la at in tne creatine of block 2L Beer- sun . Council Bluffa stand on a pant, wtt h the punty of ine.r ! mora aew weaiiii, but ia tne pn.ner eon- Is., s w 0 . .. daugiuers. !..meti-n. t hey wul learn th s ,ervat!on of tiiat aeejica we aireauy pos-I M lime E. ' Bridget and husOana ' to leeaoo. neosuae tne man aill be aor-ted se-a. st.rv w.H,.o-. t..T. .in. mil in harmiMiv wliii in. .l.-.i u n . . . . k , , . 1 . .' ' ' i .. .iumw ouiiwe. w i ' it , n w ! i .inev I . . s-i- ivv.-wh,.!!,, ao.riuioeui oaa , uc u stairs aa lnwi and Nenra-kA T': . at t . --if JC1 t-ioi'S n. Beers' aun . Bluffa. la., w d in Council 1. B I ,ak esk ee.ske1r-i,r.'T IU- Cr Li