THERE'S only one "best" in ready-to-wear clothes and those you'll always find and find only in Omaha at this store. m mots? ;!,. '31' m km ;i: 'i,,,! 'i-.! rsc-- H i-.:,, . rt f t .1 t ',.,, M,i V TJU J ! "I,:. I . IU1 AY Saturday's Special Salos point embroidery. Every pair fitted; Main Glove ('ounter, at, pair Women's and Two-clasp, gray, tan, brown, red, black and white. Fitted if desired, pair . , $1 Quality Kid Gloves at 69c a Pair Big bargain square of kid gloves gray, black and white, all sizes, Women's Short Silk Gloves Two-clasp, Milanese and Tricot Weaves Kaysers Fownes double tipped fingers black, white and all fancy shades, at, pair . . . HOSIERY SALE Women's and men's pure thread silk hosi eryfancy embroidered boots, allover lace and lace boot patterns black, tan and light evening, shades all plain silk and Jisle tops and lisle- soles and toes worth up to $2.00, at Tmn. Lisle and Cotton Women's and men's fine imported lisle and yf lf cotton hosiery allover lace and lace boot, fancy silk embroidered plain black mercerized lisle y worth 50c, at, per pair siJFC Women's and men's fine cotton and mercerized hosiery allover lace and silk embroidered, also misses', children's and boys' hose, some with double knees, heels t 4? and toes worth 25c, at, per pair C Women's and men's fine cotton hosiery black, tan and colors, also misses' children's and boys' fine school Q hose, fast black worth 15c, at, per pair Women's New Spring Neckwear Lace Jabots, in Baby Irish, Irish Crochet, etc. Dutch Col lars, in baby Irish, crochet, fancy embroidered and pleated effects many worth to $1.00 THU CA. at, each .ZOC-JUC 25c and 35c Ribbons at 15c Yard Brilliant all silk tafeftns and moire ribbons, fancy Dresdehs and plaid effects black, white and all colors worth 35c a yard, at, yard Sale of Handkerchiefs Pure linm. hand embroidered, in itial handkerchiefs; plain hem stltched linen, Swiss embroidered hniKtltehed and scalloped bor- ' dorn: also men's plain white hemstitched lin en, worth 20c, each.. 10c Women's Lighter Weight Underweixr Women's sleeveless Vests; tine lisle, fancy colors, hand crochet, trimmed All sizes, vf,Q at, each TrC Women's Sleeveless Union Suits; fine :brella and cuff knees, at Children'" , long . and wing sleeve Vests all cuff knee pants- Women s . fine cotton, sleeveless and ' wing sleeve Vests, all sizes . . . all sizes, 19c at Brandeis Store Your Furs Moth balls, per pound. . ... 5c White Tar Lavendine .... 15c White Tar Cedar ...... 15c Damurai Moth Destroyer. . 25c olchcr-Schmidt Drug Go. Proscription Specialist 17th and Farnam Sts. Doth Phones. H2 MAY WIFE SEARCH P0CKETS7 Important Qaestloa to Hlsata of Wife tm llmtten 1)1 Torro Trial. The right of a wife to go through her husband's' pockets and extract therefrom small changer or better came into the llutten dlvoroe contest Friday when Dr. Jfssa Howard Hutten asserted that Mrs. Grace Hutten had practised this tlme-hon-vred custom. , Mrs. Hutten, he thought, has amassed fJ5 or $30 by this means until the colored phy ilclan began to "hide his money at night." Hutten declared on the stand that he had never . accused his wife of being un faithful to him and did "not now think so." Mrs. Hutten tells a different tale, saying that her husband several times made thla accusation to her face, naming an Abyssin ian minister who was a guest at the Hut ten home at one time. The exorucUtlng pains from corns or bunions may be avoldud by applying Cham t.ilalii's Llnlruent Women's 2-CUsp Kid Gloves at $1.50 Pr. Celebrated Perrin's La Mure. Finest selected Grenoble kid in all the new shades of grny, green, blue, red, mode, ohampajrne; also black and white; Paris T ill lU a 1 (I I 3 $50 Children's Gloves $1 Pair French lambskin gloves- $1 tan, brown, red, worth $1 pair, at . 69c and 50c-75c-$l double heels fill :69c-98c Hosiery 15c Real hand embroidered, fine linen handkerchiefs; all dainty, new designs, madeira nd French ef fects, many worth $1 special, at, eacn now 69c Women's Silk Italian Vests; pink, blue and white; silk ribbon trim med Special, at. each $1.69 cotton and llsl . urn- 49c Women's, fine lisle, Swiss ribbed Union ' Suits; lace, trimmed; umbrella pants all 124c sizes, ' at 69c Stores gjlMSIjljipi Mji.iimj WORKS WHILE SUING HIS BOSS Kmloe of James Black fonsuir lays on Job, Thouara Fighting- Employer. There are few contractors who will per mit an employe Bulng them to remain at work, but the James Black company, which Is building the City National Bank bulld Irg, Is an exception. Fred Schaer. a steel workman, Is now plaintiff In dUtrict court for $;i99, alleging this Is due because a steel beam dropped on his right foot. Schaer returned to work when his Injuries permltVd and stayed aa long as other steel worker, al though It was known that he intended bringing suit. There ate one or two other workmen for the Black company who have small suits on who have hot been' troubled as to their Jobs merely because they are suing their employer. I . , tora nettle Boor. Can bo obtained by tha case from Charles tors, next door north of Stora Brewery. Prompt delivery to private family trad. 6ama price aa formerly. 'Phones W.bittr UtiO, lad. B-U6L CLOTHING CO. Correct Styles Lion's and Young Hon's Suits AT We positively are showing the grandest line of all wool suits at the above popular prices to be found in the city. We have them in all the new shades, including the new handsome grays, wood browns, plain and fancy blue serges. Every garment represents a substantial saving to you. HATS Boys' Suit Speiial t $2.08 Extra pair of trous ers with each suit. A. genuine $4 val ue. BOYS' HATS Swagger College Style, at 95 and 81.50 Our Hat Department In brim full with all the new and correct ntylea of aoft and stiff hats The Celebrated John B. Stetson Hats, at ..$3.60 and up. The Emerson Stiff Hat now at ...... $3.00 The Young Bros., Soft Hats, at 3.00 The. Guarantee Special, really a $:'.50 hat. $190 rooo Grocery Specials Lotus Cream Butter, for Saturdav, at, lb 340 Extra Fancy Country Butter, lb. 33o Also In 1. 2, 8 and 5-lb. Jan. Strictly Freah Eggs, per doi. . .93o Guaranteed Egg; per do ao Brandnls Eggs, not over 24 hours old per do soo Lotus Flour, per 48-lb. sack . .$1.80 Dr. Johnson's Wheat Bran, pkg. ISO Very fine Flavored Mulr Peaches, 4 lbs. for . . . . too Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb loo Seedless Raisins, per lb lOo Wheatol, the new breakfast food, in 4-lb. bags, while it laats, bag ..950 Fancy Wisconsin Peas, dos. cans $1 French Macaroni, Spaghetti, etc., at, per pkg , isa Individual White Aaparagua, tin 16o 25c bottles Queen Olives, bottle ..ISo Fruits Vegetables pt. boxes Strawberries, per box lBo Fng-llsh Hot House Grapes, Malaga Grapes, Fine Table Apples, Grape Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, om urown Asparagus, Kztra Fane v Head Lettuce, Romalne and French Specials in Bakery Department For Saturday, April t, we will have , on special sale, Spanish Bun Cake, each, at 90o This Is a delicious, plain, home made Cake, and sells regularly for 2 Be Saturday only BOo Layer Cake, each MM L Specials in Candy Department Assorted Nut Brittle, lb 85o l This Is one of the best randies on Almond. Filbert, Pecan, Walnut, Pea- the market, and Is made of the best nut and Brazil Nut Brittle, for material, and sells regularly at 40c .Saturday, per lb.-r... SBo J, pec lb., Saturday only, lb. ..... a So Wine Department $1.00 bottle Very Old Tokay, Satur- . day, at .' Oo $1.00 bottle Very Old Malaga, Satur . day. at o $1.00 bottle Very Old Maderla,' Sat urday, at 75c bottle Old White Port, BOO Satur- day, at 360 45c bottle Blackberry Pure. Juice Saturday, at act You good citizen. Enlist today with Omaha's best boosters.' You want to Bee Omaha grow and prosper--that goes without say ing, but did you ever stop to think of the things that are necessary to growth and prosperity. ., Did It ever occur to you that no matter how many advantages and superiorities a city may possess they alone cannot advance her Interests greatly? That these advantages and superiorities must be made known advertised. If you please to those who will appreciate their Import once and then act accordingly? Many things contribute to such advertising, and none Is more Im portant than expositions and conventions. But the most valuable con vention from this viewpoint ever held in Omaha will be that of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America, secured for this city by the Omaha Ad Club. Your help is needed to help the Omaha Ad club to nandle this con vention in a manner productive of the greatest good for Omaha. The club ought to have a membership of not less tban one thousand boost, era for Omaha. Will you be one of one thousand to Join this week? You will If you want to see maximum growth and prosperity in Omaha. All you need do is to make immediate use of this coupon. It's the live fish that swim up stream, and it's live men that make a city. THE GODDESS OF Will Reign Supreme Over the MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1421 F&rn&m Street. Kahn Bros.. Props. SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND, WILL CIVIC THE WlSE'F.eiORIAL HOSPITAL BAZAAR 20 Per Cent of the Gross Cash Sales HAVE A LOOK AT THEIR DONATION WINDOW 9 The Bee for-RU the Sporting Nbws mm - t a FIKXISHIXGS Beautiful line of Dress Shirts all new spring patterns, at $1 and $1.50 Men's fancy hose, plain and fancy weaves; 2 Bo qual ity, special, at, per pair 12 erarrat. for Saturday qt. Jars Queen Olives, Jar BOo pt. Jara Queen Ollvea. Jar BSe qt. Jars Manxanllla Olives, Jar . ...BSe pt. Jars Manzanilla Ollvea, Jar ....ISo Young American Cheese, lb 80o New York Full Cream Cheese, lb. Bfto Imported Swlas Cheese, lb 3So Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb 96c lmento Cream, per pkg lOo Peanut Butter, our own make, lb. 80o Aloa in 10c. 25c and 60c Jars. Fancy Japan Rice, lb 4V4o Booth's Salad Dressing; In bottles, per bottle, at 10o Mataoth'a, per lb 1 In pkg., at 10o, 150, Boo 20c Imported French Sardines ...ISo 25c Jars Pickles, at . . . . ; ISo !0c Jars Pickles, at lOo Dr. Johnson's Educator Foods. Endive, Extra Fancy Fresh Tomatoes, Extra Fancy Cucumbers, Extra Fancy Wax and String Beans, Rhubarb and Celery, Extra Fancy Egg Plant, New Potatoes, Green Peppers, Spinach and Bummer Squash. ' Pound Cake, each SOo Jevll Food Cake, each too Angel Food Cake, each BOo Ribbon Cake, each 100 Ba Bas, at ISo Almond Macaroons, Lady Fingers, Apricot Macaroons, Assorted Kisses. Paul Jones, bottled In bond, full qt . now at 91.00 Golden Sheaf, bottled In bond, full qt., now at (1.00 Old Taylor, bottled In bond, full qt., now at $1.83 Hindu Tonic, "The Great East India" now at 4so 'Courtney's Lotus Brand" and J-yr.- iuu pure straignt Kentucky wh, key, now at V? 91.00 HENRY GERING , Chairman Membership Oommltt, Omaha Ad Olub. Herewith Is my check for $6.00 In pay ment for initiation fee ($8.00) and ( months dues. Name With Business Address , iM.Iiu,niii.iMiiiunmii i iimii. SWEET CH'ARITV H no THE RELIABLE STORE 'TT.-i o i- rc a. i. it - . . JliUL, tJUliUlUCl Ofc XUtVlA. IIHtKt lllt'Ul for us mid that they're made right, fit M right, wear right, the most critical, even l the most nreiudiced cannot denv. ill,' Come in and let us snappiest line of Spring shown in Omaha. Suits $18. Overcoats $15. We've Something Else to Show You in Clothes. A manufacturer's clean up of all wool 6uits, worsteds, cassimeres, Scotch tweeds, etc. Made to sell for and well worth $15.00 to $20.00 all new spring patterns, colors Q'ff ft $"1050 and styles, match-9 I ll-V I less values, at See Display in 16th St. Windows. P" ma a ase Ba m& Bat, or Catcher's Mask with I" ICC Saturday at $2.95 Up. Come in Saturday, bring the boy we'll show you at $2.95 to $10.00 to be found in Omaha and give him in base ball and bat or mask free. St Try Protect THE CHILD'S Feet Fit them 'out in Fry Shoes. They are made of real leather, the kind that wears the kind that keeps out the moisture. We sell a boy or girl a solid pair of shoes at $2.00, and we th!nk that they are the best to be had for the money. See them, try a pair. ( FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOEKS 16tb and Douglas Streets. YOU SAVE nOUEY BY PAYING CASH Every first of the month brings us many new customers people who have been buying on time and paying whatever their butcher cared to charge. Don't be a laiy shopper. Don't depend on others to do what YOU should do yourself. Buying by phone puts you entirely at the mercy of others. Reason it out yourself. 1 buy at lowest market price in quantity. 1 sell for cash, save deliv ery expense, save bookkeeping ex pense, and have no loss on bad ac counts. ' Therefore, I can sell you BETTER meats st LOWER prices than credit dealers. Every week 1 buy larger quantities, get better bar rains and give you the benefit. Cash does It. START NOW! PAY CASH; get better quality and save money. Jos. Bath's Gash Market 1931 Taxnam at. Tel. S. 6984 Saturday Candy Special 40c BLACK WALNUT TAFFY per pound 25c Ilej?ular 60c Princess Sweet Chocolates, per pound. . . .39c Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 1 16th and Farnam St. I! Artesian Water Free Tbe present agitation regard Ins the city's drinking water, prompts me to Inform tbe pub lic that the Pure Artesao Water f HOTEL ROUE Is free to all who care to use It In tbelr homes. ROME MILLER. I miiiiii mi .mi minmi mill1 1 jaewiiap) awpyy Rollablo Dentistry AT Tad's Dental Rooms i Vi Vr I: n JI show you the ' Ml CepTrifht Hirt SchtlTnet & IHIayden's sf Groat Drop In EYleat Pricos at Hay don's KVZoat Dept. Beef Tenderloin Roast i.. ....... .15c Roast Park 12ic Spare Ribs 12c Boneless Rib Roast....... ,....12ic Bulk Sausage 7c Veal Roast , . . ... -.... ...... 10c Ve al Chps . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 J c Veal Stew ...... 6c No. 1 Hams..:............ ,....17ic Hind Quarter Lamb $1.25 Fare Quarter 75c flsifuiJiiiiiaiaMBaBSBp)Ba) 1 f 'V,i Our Fire-Proof Storage Mouse Proof Rooms ' Under Padlock, of which you carry the key. Call and see this place. You should know how and where your goods are cared for. 804-12 S. 16th St. oiosi IPumps Never before was there such an array of pumps and ties In this store And every one a atar. Both the Soros Is and Monogram lines are re plete with snappy, up-to-date, exclu-slvely-wlth-us styles. Tour only trou ble will be to decide which you like best; probably resulting- In your buy ing several pairs Instead of one, as you may have Intflnded to do ' or os Is ar $3.50 and 94.00 Monorrama are 93.00 Tha novelties of the season may be had In both line. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 No. IRth dt., rtilX WXX.OOX, Maaarer. to:r..o..;.,.--'i.'W -r JV--.V- 7 -r tilt . Miri each Boys' Suit KJays " 'cc the best line of Boys' Suits addition to the best suit, a Fitrsft it Pays BSBi Boys' Dependable Shoes i Saturday la boys' day at Drexel's. Do not be saUstled with the good enough kind get a real 8hoe made for hard wear that a good, live ooy will give them. If our kind of boys' shoes cost a trifle more than the common kind, you will find them more than worth the difference. ' We guarantee uvery pair of our boys' shoes to be satisfac tory to the boy and to the parents. BOYS' SIZES I to 5H 82.00 LITTLE GENTS' SIZES ioh to 136 81.75 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. 1 1 1 ail mi m isvrt There's happiness, health, love, comfort and wealth in ft THC CCR YOU LIKE Ceaicmcrs' Distribatet John Nattier 8224 Bo.' 24 th Street, 51 1 Boa. IBB. He a 333, lad. A-1430. PILES FISTULA VAT VE1R OtTBID All Setal DIsmmvs rurml without urKlral operutlun and Guaranteed to lt a Liiaumt. No chluroforru, ether or otlinr general anarothetlo nurd Xaamlnatoi Writ Tot free Book. 1 f I DR. E. R. TARRY 184 BBS BZ.90. OfcUla, BKB.