AH- HfiK: OMAHA. -SA.TURD AY.. APRIL 1010. Glean Gut Clothes for Clean Cut ' G ARMENTS that express in every line and detail all the fine characteristics of strong young i manhood. ' y. "Satnpsck Clothes" are tailored in New York to meet the correct style ideas of the best-dressed young men in America.' f. You can wear these clothes and be sure not only of ' the best styles, but also of and above all, best service. y - 'And the price is no greater than you are asked to ; pay elsewhere for ordinary clothes. Look up this young men's busy store and try these ) fine garments on. Prices are W $15, $20, $22.50, $25 1 .Write for catalogue just out. rat you no own fTtVTrVrri . wmm ? MkooT fosSi shoes! iu m . Boys' Sites 91.00 to 1.80 Children' Mixes 1.60 to 83.00 Misses' Site .. ; $3,00 to $.b0 CATALOGUE U1ST IOQTU11I fOB TBS OXX&DKBaT 3 TBC YOUHO OWN k' idib-iozu ram am street. . t-l-J 1 NEW FACTORS IN FARM LIFE Farmer la. Nebraska, Iowa aad Kan sas Arc la vest lav Heavily la Automobiles. Tha number of automobiles owned by farthers 'Is growing rapidly. . Out of 10,000 autoa In Iowa 6,000 ars owned by farmers. Kariaas farmers spent 13,100.000 for automo bile during 1B08, and 2,75O.O0O In IB. In one Nebraska town of iOO population, forty autoa were sold last year to farmers near tha town and 'retired farmers In ie town. Brag Specials a! Beaton's for alurday 1 pint Ammonia and bottle, at 80c full pint Dleenfectorlne, for sinks, closets, etc 50c bottle Bug and Insect Destroyer, full pints Every bottle guaranteed. Pens tu red Alcohol, full pint. with bottle, sale price H pint Witch Haxel and bottle, at 1 pint Witch flaxel and bottle, at . 1 pound Epaom Salts, . now at V pint Glycerine an4 Rose water and bottle, at H pint Carbolic Acid and bottle, at I pint Carbolic Acid and bottle, now at Ite box Mountain Rose Soap, par box She Palmer's Rose Boap. per cake, at lie Full Pound Cold Cream, now at 10c Poxsonl's Powder, now at 1.0a Pumpelan Massage Cream, now at II 00 Querlain'a Jliky Perfume, per ouuce, at Joe Peroxide Hydrogen, now at 21c box Kinery Boards, now at 16c I.untrtte Nail r'.namel Cake, at tl 10 Oriental Cream, now at tOo Beaton's Cold Cream, now at ,10c .25c .25c ...15c ...10c 19c ...10c ...25c 29c ...35c ...10c ...10c ...50c ...26c ...8c ...59c ....9c ....5e ..17c $1.09 25c BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farriam Sta. Fellows a. best materials, best tailoring, ptoptrs j mjonz Foot Form Shoes S Nothing but foot form shoes L find a place tu our Children's shoe department. Wa know too wall the Importance oT allowing the growing feet to develop naturally L You , ire safe ' here, You will find every style orthopedic. You will find the largest assortment of children's shoes In the atate. You will be served by salespeople expert In the fitting of children's feet. And for the man you cannot buy a shoddy shoe In the store. We guarantee all we claim and Invite you tq Inspect this season's newest styles. Price range according to sixe and grades. PE0PUT3 4TORC Careful estimate of tha number of automo biles owned by farmers In the entire United SUtes Is 78.000. Nowadays there Is no more cry about lack of op-portunlty on tha farm. Sixteen auto mobile maker are advertising autos to the farmer In tha 450 farm papers of tha coun try, and moat or them are arguing that the automobile will keep tha boy on the farm, and make life more livable for the wife, whoee dreary round of labor ha been the pity of tha country. Now tha farmer with an auto can take his family for an evening oaJl, or lecture, with out using Ms horses. H can go to church on Hunday mora regularly; ha can visit dis tant relatives and friends more frequently; ne can go to town ortener and mora quickly. One Dakota farmer who Is ex tremely fond of hunting, but lives forty miles from tha game district, takea his aon with him on Saturday during the seaaon and comes back Sunday night with a deer or two slung across tha radiator, and bub bling over with tales of his trip. There are 48,000,000 people living on farms and In towns of lexs than 4,000 In this coun try. Thds means (hat over half of our pop ulation 4s practically In the country. About ti.OOO.OOO of shee are young people, and they are just as keen for vleaaura aa young peo ple anywhere else. That Is on big reason for the automobile on the farm. Ten or fifteen years ago farmers bought organs for their daughters and buggies for their sons. A great many of them are today buy ing autoa for tha whole family. Aa entirely new m waning has been given to tha village tools! life. In consequence. Travel Jdaga sine. LATE CITY BRIEFS mabbt Coha Will Speak on Bishop palolng "John Lncaater Spalding, tha Catholic Bishop of Peoria," will be the sub ject of Dr. Frederick Cohn's talk this even ing at Temple Israel. The address will be the fifth of a series of lectures on "Rep resentative (leulusea." Dr. Conn extends a cordial Invitation to the public to be pres ent while h talks about the great Catholic prelate. Delta Sigma Delta Obapter Students In the dental department of Crelghton uni versity are to form a chapter of the Delta Sigma Delta fraternity Friday night in Association hall. There will be a degree team consisting of some of the highest of ficers In the society and a big time Is ex pected by tha students. Among those who ara to be present will b Dean Hunt of the Indlanapqlls college and Dr. D. Bacon of Chicago. I Chl-Namsl, ths new floor finish, will not scratch and hot water will not destroy the goes. P. C. Da Vol Hardware Co., agents, tot Broadway. . saw r a am is a at - 1 iq LABOR SPREADS DOCTRINE Series of Meeting-i in Des Moinet to Fortify the Cause. MORE CANDY WITH POISON Mm. (lror Ptf wrt Ttkm III In Mysterlna Mtnnrr Rfprlaal by Mreet Car t'oiu- (From a Staff Correspondent.) rK8 MOIXE8, Is, April 1 (Special Telegram. --Incldental to the meeting in hl sclty of the convention of Iowa miners the Trades and I.ahnr assembly Is conducting a series of meetings for revival of Interest In union labor. To night an address was given by H. J. Pkeenflngtonn, representing the i shoe workers, and this will be followed by meetings addressed by organizers for the clgarmakers, the freight handlers. arment workers, barbers, the tuberculo sis movement and farmers' co-operatives. President White of the miners started the week with an urgent address urging the workers In - all lines to join the unions. In speaking .of the general la bor situation, Mr. White declared that unionism Is assailed on all sldea by men of cunning and great wealth and political Influence, who are constantly battling to wipe out the movement, and unless the unions strengthen themselves they win fall before the greed of great wealth. Poison la Candy. After partaking freely of candy de livered by an unknown messenger boy, Mrs. Oeorge Stewart was taken vio lently til and came near dying, while her sister. Miss Mattle V. Newton, who ate sparingly of the sweet, was slightly 111, but able to care for her sister. De tectives have been wholly unable to gain a clue to the mystery of the poi soning. No More Mia for Quarter. The Des Moines Street Car company sprung a surprise on the public today by withdrawing the sale of car tickets at six for a' quarter and resumed the straight 6-cent rate. This followed the election when the candidates supported by the company were defeated and the plans which hod been laid for securing a franchise fellxthrough. It Is the com mon belief that tho company will un dertake to make conditions so dlsagree able that the people will demand of the council a franchise on tha terms wanted. NELSON AND BRANDE1SCLASD (Continued from First Page.) Agent H. T. Joones, for the "prosecution" were false. - The direct examinations occupied but a few mlnuUs, the cross-examination by Mr. Brandeis taking up the remainder of the session. Mr. Todd and Mr. Love were prepared for the onslaught of the Glavls attorney and their answers were sometimes as sharp as the thrusts of the lawyer. There has been testimony before the committee from time to time indicating that Mr. Love as special agent was "warped" In his Judg ment" by the fact that he was a candidate for the marshalship in tha third .division of Alaska. He was asked today what In fluence he actually was depending upon to get the place. ' "Well," he began, "I happened to be a trooper in Colonel Roosevelt's regiment" "You need go no, further," interrupted Senator Flint, amid laughter. Committee Divides on Purty Lines. As tha hearmg progresses inc.ca.ions mul tiply that tha congressional committee Is so seriously split along party lines that a unanimous report Is beyond the bounds of possibility. The democratic members have gone so far as to notify their republican colleagues that tha democrats will partici pate In the executive sessions of the com mittee, butonly on tha understanding that tha democrats shall be free to announoe In publlo meetings the votes and the con tentions that take place during the private sittings. ,; The executive sessions have not been har monious, especially the one of Saturday last when the question of compelling Secretary Balllnger to testify as the first witness for the "defense" was under consideration. Following this session the democrats an nounced that with the exception of Senator Purcell they had voted !n favor of com pelling the secretary of the Interior to ap pear at once. Representative Madison of Kansas, insurgent, voted with the demo crats. Whether Mr. Madison will vote with the df nr-ociat members when ths verdict comes to be taken Is a question. His course dur ing the examination of witnesses has given but slight Intimation of his position. Sen ator Purcell voted with the republicans last Saturday 'simply because, as a lawyer, ha declared the "defense" should have the right to call its witnesses at Its pleasure, the same privilege having been granted the "prosecution." Todd Contradicts Jones. Elmer E. Todd. United States district at torney at Seattle, Wash., was the first witness called. Mr. Todd contradicted cer tain statements made by Special Agent II. Id. Jones when he was teatlfylng for Louis R. Glavls. He said Jones' statement that he had advised against criminal action In the Alaska cases "because Judge Sanford was constitutionally opposed to land fraud trials generally," was absolutely false. Mr. Vertrees asked Mr. Todd If he fiad been consulted some time ago regarding a possible prosecution against Glavls for let ters missing from his office when he turned It over to his successor, Chrlsten sen. It Is claimed the letters afterward were f-jund In a box belonging to Glavls. Mr. Todd said Chrlstensen complained to him In December that the letters were missing. About this time copies of these missing letters began to appear Iri a weekly paper with the announcement that more were to follow. During Ills cross-examination of the wit ness. Attorney Brandeis showed him some of the Jones' daily reports, one of which said he had conferred with Todd in re gard to the criminal prosecution In the Christopher group. "Didn't Mr. Jones confer with you at that time?" asked the attorney. "No, sir; ha may- have dropped Into the office to leave a letter. I said I had to look over the . papers before giving sn opinion." "Can't you conceive a conference without giving an opinion?" "I can conceive a good deal of Mr. Jones' testimony." "What object would he have In making these reports If he did not have the con ference ?" "To show thst he was working when he was not," retorted the witness. "Weil, what was he doing?" "He was 'running around here and there roaklvg dally reports." "He presented this matter to you. didn't her- "Tes. but not fully; not so fully as he ought to have dora." Qaarrer In raaimltlea. The cross-examination as to a letter Olavla had written to the department at Washington urging criminal prosecution In certain cases soon led the committee Into a quarral which lasted nearly an hour and brought out anew the strength of the partisan feeling which has grown up. Attorney Brandeis resd s copy of the Clevis letter which he ssld had come from the files of the forestry services "But that letter wss never sent," com mented Mr. Todd. 'How do you know thst?" demanded Mr. Brandeis. "Olavla o testified before this commit tee." Chslrmsn Nelson ssked Mr. Brsndels If there wss anything to show thst the letter hsd been sent. "There Is no direct evidence," replied the attorney. "But It Is the letter Glavls testified he never sent," persisted the chairman. "It Is the letter thl wltnfs says Mr. Olavls' t'stirlrd he did not send." re torted Mr. Brandeis. Attorney Vertrees read the Glavls testi mony In which Glavls said he did not sirtt the letter, because be heard Com missioner I'ennett of the land office was coming to Seattle and he could talk It over with him. As Mr. Vertrees con cluded, Chairman Nelson turned to Mr. Brandeis and said: "You know that; why did you conceal that fart? Why didn't you tell the com mittee?" Brandeis Resents Charge. "Mr. Chairman," shouted the attorney, in a voice wmcn couru oe nearn rar aown the corridors, "I object strenuously to the statement that I have attempted to con ceal anything. My course has been such before this committee that such a state ment la absolutely Improper and ought to be withdrawn." Representative Graham, (democrat): ."I move that the chairman be directed to withdraw that remark." Representative James: "I necon the mo tion." Chairman Nelson: "I won't withdraw It." Representative Graham: "I Insist that my motion be put." Representative McCall said that p did not think It was necessary, as he did not think Mr. Brandeis had attempted to con ceal anything oro deceive the committee. Representative James said It was recog nized that an .attorney should have the widest latitude. In cross-examination and that Mr. Brandeis "ought not to be Jerked up. Representative Graham: "This Is not the first time the chairman has by. Inference reflected upon Mr. Brandeis. I Insist that my mothlon be put." Madison as Peacemaker. Representative Madison acted as peace maker with tome , success. He said he thought the chairman's remark was made hastily and h,e did not sympathise with It. At i the same time, he "continued. It must be understood that the chairman spoke as an Individual and did not represent the 'opinion of the committee. "We are standing before the country In this Inquiry," continued Mr. Madison, "and If anybody is biased or Impartial it is be ing written by the newspaper men. Every member of the committee must stand upon his own record. - What the chairman says Is his personal view, ex cept when, he makes an announcement as the result of a1. vote.- Mr. Brandeis said, that in .view of Mr. Madison's statement he was willing to allow the record to stand. ( Senator Fletcher of Florida, moved that Mr. Graham's motion be amended to read that the chairman's remark did not re flect the view of tha committee. Representative Olmstead moved that the whole mafter be Ikld on the -table. A roll call was demanded on this motion and the mptlon was adopted by a vote of six to three. The ayes were: Senators" Sutherland and Purcell (democrats, and Representatives McCall, Olmstead, Denby and. Madison. The nays wera Senator Fletcher . gnd Representatives James and Graham. Todd Contradicts ' WIchersham. Mr; Brandeis here read to the witness a paragraph from Attorney General Wicker sham's statement to the president on the Glavls charges, In which he declared, al though Glavls was Informed that criminal proceedings must be begun before the May grand Jury In 1908, he took no steps what ever to bring these prosecutions. The at torney demanded tq.know If that was true. ; "The May date Is a mistake. I Informed Glavls and Jones that the matter must be taken up before the July grand Jury. The statement otherwise is true, except that Jones came to me with some scattering affidavits." j The attorney and tha witness got Into a heated argument as to what constituted a "step" In criminal prosecution. Mr.. Todd said a step'was a movement forward. . "But .it might . be a backward move ment?" suggested Mr. Brandeis. "It might be." . Mr. Todd insisted he never had a con ference with either Glavls or Jones. "Don't you know Glavls had been ordered by the land office to let go of the Alaska matters on May 2, 1908, and to devote him self to the Oregon land cases." "I have heard so." Mr. Brandeis attacked the witness from time to tlma with characteristic severity, but Mr Todd .answered bluntly and In a manner which seemed to irritate the at torney. , Na Eteroff Contract. Mr. Todd testified as to the Wilson cosl land cases In which he appeared as prosecutor, that there never was an escrow agreement drawn up In this case so rar as the record showed. Glavis had testified that he had been told that Mr. Balllnger had drawn up such an agreement ana mat rraua ui a iru nature was Involved In the transaction. Mr. Todd said ths escrgw agreement in the Wilson case was a verbal .one. Mr. Balllnger did draw up deeds for two of the claimants. So far as he knew, that was his only connection with the esse. Mr. Brandeis put the two rlee; in evidence. They bore the date of August. 1902. Mr. Brsndels said he would undertake to show to the committee thst Attorney General Wickersham had few. If any, facts befor him upon which to base his crit icisms of Glavls for procrastination and alleged failure to bring criminal prosecu tion. Mr. Todd safd he knew of no agreement from which Mr. Balllnger's name was to bo left .out of the Wilson coal company cases. As a miner of fact. Mr. Balllnger's name did appear Several times In the record. Witness Favorable to Balllngrer. Mr. Todd admitted he had taken an Inter est in the proceedings before the commit tee and his Interest was favorable to Mr, ttalllnger. He said his Interest had been aroused by the statement In a paper that certain rK:ords In his office had been rhansed. He examined the records anil found the charge was false. As to the letters alleged to have been concealed by Glavis. Mr. Todd said ha did not consider the evidence against Glavls sufficient, to warrant a prosecution and so wrote to the attorney general. Mr. Vertrees resd from a ststement by Commissioner Dennett a telegram, bearing a date In April, and saying criminal pro secutions must be In hand the following month. He read thla In Justification of Attorney General Wlckersham'S statement as to the presentation of testimony In May 190a, snd to contradict Mr. Brandeis. Ths latter, however, ssld he had mentioned this fact. j "I failed to catch that part of your state- ment," ssld Mr. Vertrees amid laughter. Mr. Todd ass excused, ss the cohimlttee took the luncheon recess. PEACE NEAR IN MINERS' STRIKE (Continued from First Psp;e ) of 6.5S per cent for men to man the mines during the suspension. The Joint confer ence then sdjourned at the request of th nrlne workers until Monday, April II. Th mine workers are organising today.. They will be In session all next week, charging the constitution to conform with the na tlonal constitution and formulating their demands to be made when the Joint' con ference resumes. Old officers were re elected with the exception of Audlto Harry Howe of Hitman, who Is succeeded by Hsrry Barber of Everlst. The wage scale committee of the operators Will be In session during next Week. This, com mlttee will formulate Its demands, one which will be provision for enforccmen of the agreement under penalty, better def inttion oi tne operators right to hire and discharge his men and lastly a provision permitting the Introduction of mining ma chinery. , DOES FOURTEEN MEN'S WORK Arlhar F. Griffith and Some of nemarkable Stunts la Mathematics. Hla LlfflnViing calculators have perodlcally appeared during the past two or three centuries. Some have developed their powers precociously and. as "Infant prodl gies, nave astounded all who cama In con tact with them. But usually this prema tura development. Involving such an un naturally great strain on the young mind, resulted either in an ultimate dimming of the Intellect to a state about equal to tha normal mental capacity, or aggravated. brought on an early dotage.. others or these mathematical wisards, Dorn. with' an Inherent attraction for fig ures, have progreased by comparatively rapid, although not precipitate, - stages un4g with a more naturally developed system they are able at twenty, at thirty and at forty years to outstrip easily all competitors In the race with figures. To this latter class, it now appears, be longs Arthur F. Qrlffith, (known on the vaudeville stage as- "Marvelous Griffith.") This youns man he has vet n attain hi thirtieth year Is possessed of extraordi nary powers or mental calculation, has a remarkable memory for figures, and Is able to carry oh several mathematical operations in his mind at the same time. The truly wonderful part of his story lies In the fact that he Is a product of the farm. Without pen, pencil, or paper; without slate, blackboard, or chalk, this wizard of figures can raise a figure to the sixth power in about eleven seconds; can multi ply threa figures by three figures in five seconds, can multiply nine figures by nlno figures in eight seconds. Griffith deals In millions and quadrillions rather than In the ordinary digits. But this figure faculty of his has grown so wondrously that its great development has rendered difficult tha proper cultivation of other mental fac ulties. Thus Griffith's aptitude Is for fig ures entirely, rather than for a conversa tion on any general curent theme. In. fact, he lives in flgues. Walking, he simul taneously calculates distance, time, and energy. His distance he reduces to Inches, time to seconds, and In computing his ex penditure of energy the problom winds Its solution in his conception of the size of his next meat. Again, his narrowness of com prehension In general matters Is illustrated, for Griffith's meals all are built around ham and eggs, mainly eggs. '' For years he has been the bewilderment of mathematical and psychological profes sors In America's foremost seats of learn ing. Members of these departments of Harvard and Vale universities have quizsed him on his capacities for mental calcula tion. Chicago and Indiana universities. Armour Institute, and Northwestern uni versity, too, have experienced his mar velous work. Within a few days he convinced many skeptics among the mathematical and psychological professors at Harvard that he Is possessed of the powers which he claims. As a result of this exhibition, In which twoscore of professors were aligned against him and shot at him friendly broadsides of queries and. problems Involv ing every phase of mathematical calcula tion except the "fourth dimension," he re ceived from Prof. Hugo Munsterberg, pro fessor In psychology, a testimonial of his feat. ' Griffith is always ready with demonstra tions of his marvelous power. Ha rattles forth a succession of words and figures mainly figures forming his query, and be fore one can follow him has it answered. The following Include a few suggestions which he makes for an examination in mathematics. Ha claims to have ths an swer to each at his tongue's end: What is the compound interest on 1 cent at ( per cent from the birth of Christ to the present date, and how far would that many sliver dollars reach In the air If placed flat and against each other on every square foot of a clear and level tile floor. 23.000 miles In circumference? "Which numbers with six figures to each, raised to the sixteenth pdwer, make 219,681 the last six figures, and what Is the six teenth powers of each of those numbers? 'What Is the sum of twenty-five numbers with twenty-five digits each that always will divide two with ths exponent twenty- five out evenly with only two of the. digits In each number? 'What two sums of all numbers from 1 upward added makes a sum of all numbers from 1 upwsrd; substracted leave a sum of all numbers from 1 upward, and multiplied make a sum of all numbers from 1 upward added? 'How many standplpea 24.000 miles In circumference (the distance around the earth) and vMOO.OOO miles deep (the dis tance between the earth and sun) would be required to hold ons vlrglntllllon drops of water If It required 61,440 drops of water to make ona gallon." "Light mental exercises," Mrk Griffith characterises these. In connection with his wonderful memory It Is Interesting, perhaps, to note that Griffith claims to be able readily to recall numbrs by reason of a sort of mental biographic operstlnn. He says that ths mention of a number Is followed by Its ap pearance before his mind's eye, literally, and that then there Is communicated to him tha ona system of the 1.500 which he has evolved to aid him properly In an ex peditiously correct solution. New Tork Times. . I FOR MKPICAl. AND FAMILY USB BUT YOUR LIQUORS AT ROBENFELD LIQUOK CO., Bl P. MAIN. 'PHONES S33. KOTIMIHTI OF OCEAW 8TZAMBHITB. Port. Arrlvrd. hailed. NEW TORK Adriatic. ...La Savole. NEW YC'HK Verona O. Washington. NEW YORK C'arpaihla. NAPLES Cretlc. ' QI'EKNSTOWN ft. lxuls. OK NO A Europea Ancona. h KIT. MEN Usrmstadt. OE.JOA CeHlc LO.NUON Minntaaaka. JSpiPiiimcgj Tho man or boy who hnya his npnarrl at the store of Urownirjtf, King & Co. is sure to ho well dressed. And for these rensuns: We offer n wider selection of woolens and worsteds than can be found anywhere else. . Our guarantee holds good on all our merchandise, lites and stock patterns, but are based upon actual gar niepts bought from a 'dozen of the leading tailofa of Xew York and London. From these exclusive models a hun dred or more we select and adapt the newest idorts, com bining them into our own original styles. These garments are cut, sewed and"tailorcd in our own New York workshops, which comprehend what we believe to be the most complete factory of its kind in the world. Our guarante holds god on all our merchandise, not not for today only, but for all time, as it has held good in all our business transactions for the past sixty years. 'BrovninaiCing S Cq CLOTHING, HHttTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS, ' OMAHA. . S. WILCOX, Manages. The Greatest Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits Ever Organized so Early in the Season. Regular $25 and $27.50 Values go at 51495 These suits consist of serges, white serges, diagonals, fancy worsteds , and men's suitings; distinctive styles, In short and medium length coats; the long, graceful lapels A remarkable value, at . .814.95 ' Womejia Foulard Silk Dresses, in a variety of models Special for Saturday only, at, each , $9.9$ ! French Serge Coats; white, grey and navy- values $15.00 and $17.50, now at, each ., .....$9.95 II Come To The Right Store Corner CSS YOUNG MAN CARRIES POISON ALL DAY BEFORE USING IT Harrison Willis of Dradwood "wal lows Deadly Uranaht After l.ona Threatening o Do So. i : . LIKAUWUUIJ, H. . D.. April I. (special Telegram.) While temporarily deranged, Harrison Willis, a 19-year-old boy of this city, stood at tho bar of a local saloon and drained a glass of beer containing cyanide of potansium. He was dead In a tew min utes. All day . tha boy. had carried the poison In his pooket and bad said he. would swallow It before 6 'lock. No ona believed him and some dared him not to wait until evening. Shortly before the appointed nour he carried out his threat. ,.1'sder. an Avalanche.. Human belnas occasionally live through Incredibly long imprisonments after their dwellings have been overwhelmed by aval anches, un Maren i. kuo, vioiiuii buried the village of Bergemoletto, In the tallan A us. and on April 2ft tnree women were dug out alive from a stable in which they had been Immured ror tnirty-seven days In the dark, beneath -the mass of Know which lay forty-two feet higher than the roof. With them had been burled a little boy, six goats, a donkey and some hens. '."..'.' The chHd. the donkey and the fowls soon died, but the goats helped the women to survive, their milk supplementing the thirty or forty cakes and the pocketful af chestnuts upon which they depended for food. Hope of finding the women alive had been abandoned when, far In April, the brother of one had a dream In which she appesled to him for rescue. The weather then at last made excava- EVERYBODY o t nr iron mcin civ tu t Ll II1UM with the staying qual itics. The same is equally true of Clothes and our Clothes arc chockfull of this satisfaction-g i v i n g essential. The suits and overcoats vre se at $25.00 merit your careful con: sideration. Our hats at $3.00 are built from stock that stands the wea ther and "stay" with you. We would like to sell you your clothes this fleason'. Drop in and talk it over. 818 Bouth 15Ui 8t. sr ' " ii i 1 1 ii r ii ii " FURNISHINGS AND HATS, I II II II 1IIW 16th and Chicago Open Evenings. SSSmsI - tlon possible and the women ' were re stored to the world and presently'to health. Chicago News. -. I - ' , . I Don't Mention It The politest man. In Boston collided vio- ' Iently with another man on the" street Tint second man was angrr. "My. . dear sir." ' said, the polite ona. with, a bow. , "I don't krow. which or us Is to blame for this on counter. If 1 ran into you, I beg youe psrdon; If you ran Into me,' don't mention' It." Success. Fifty girls wanted to wrap Woodward's ' Real Butter Scotch snd Woodward's' Pure Sugar Stick Candy. Also experienced chocolate dippers'' and girls for general work ' in candy factory. John Q. Wood- ward & Co. . .. Administrator's Sale . THE W. A. IIOBEBTSON , SUBWAY CIGAR STORE 16th and Dodge Streets Will be. sold at Private Hale To The Highest Bidder TUESDAY, APRIL 5 AT 12 O'CliOCK NOON -KAXX. TOVB BIDS TO SOOM 4-5. KRU6 THEATER BUfLDIMS W. V. COLE Administrator. AMI EUENT. IS BRAllDEiS lancho Walsh Zir HTB GREATEST SUCCESS THE TEST uadar DX.8IJI JAMXB. Beats How, Wed . . DOmOTXY MOITOX, Beats Moa. DOYD'Sr IHH'ULAH 1019 Matins Today, 10c aoa, 35e. Toslgnt THE WOODWARD STOCK CO., PRIS0nEn0rZEt!DA' ADTAKCXD TAUCETU.I.B 1 Ha. Every Say 8il6; vs. rf onuaaos si I Tills Week Edward Abeles, Arturo Bernardl. Mr, anil Mrs. Jack MoUi eevy,, Walter Lewis. Lteila Dsvls, Dorothy Ijrew-, Marvelous Hlllons, The Klnodrome and' The Orphenm 'oricr Orchestra. . rICJS loo, tSo. BOo. lfiL2J Dally Mat. H-ga-St, . .. o 6. all closing Friday night,, Corking Show for faster Week rnuay X.1U1 K1XJ.Y WiTsOR ana the "GIRLS FROM HAPPYLAKD" SZTXiTlOlVlA aad TAUDHTFLtB : fcaaies Dime Matinee Dally at a. IS at. The Grew Co.. la "THB WliilD" Sua. ( days) mscts-taatUy xatravagan , (IflUG rATi taioia lSa-afie-BOo-rsa Tonight a il Mattne Today at S " iU BtiAT 30 Tho Grcat; Divide tt naday A J"?T" . f. ' loiUvortkl "MAa.