17 cplDLCCTRICAL IN RESULTS i Bdd Want Ads ?AlvvaJj iBcci tWantl Column 1 hcrei fActl Kncrtfv THE DEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 2. 1910. A i I 7 if, 1 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING (Continued ) Tn TT VflV"AVE TOUR FURN UJ 11 aUV xi:KB REPAIRED AN D UPHOLSTERED. 2V FARNAM. U. 1110 EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dae en port Bla; warehouse. 217 -0 Izard It. 8TOVE3 stored. Ranee. 1111 N. 24th St. nTPTATVI Hand Ironed, J pair, 11. OUlVlAllNO Thone Douglas 423. " COt. FT 8 MOVING. EXPRESS. STORAGE AND 11 Capitol Ave. D 670. A-3!37. HAVE your gas atove connected by the only expert In Omaha; rat Isfactlon guar anteed. 'Phono Webster 1212. WHAT la the use of taking up your ear peta when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few houraT Free estimatei given. Heal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Douglaa block, 107 9. IStli Bt. Phones: Doug. 745; Ind. A -1335. Acroa from Hayden's. 1 A TVTTVn 6 my spring lino of wall AliN AliMX p,w. Munaon. Tel. R553 mtTtfmVfl Oet It done now. J. A. 1 uui)iuuu Fitipa ntipatrlck. 1721 Cuming. Douglas 1344. MUSIC. ART, LANGUAGES rnTTTTnV"i union orchestra. jlJU 1JXJ O McW, catohy. dancesbie. f TTSITP Rhul Moulton, director. 505 Kir iUUOlU (,ach Block. Doug. 23&S. A-4JS3. t. . - ,i r. - . . t OFFERED FOR RENT Boardiasj aad Rooms. MRS. JEAN LANDEROREN wishes to announce to her old patrons and new that ahe haa opened up the dining room at hes new location. 720 S. lint St. the forme" Hamilton home, where she will be pleased to accommodate any wisinlng fine rooms and board. Phone Douglas 6587. tlOOD rooms end board. 191S Farnam. BOARD and room, 1002 Houth 20th St., also furnished room without board. NICE rooms, home cooking; close in; pleasant location, 2208 Harney. KLEOANT lare front parlor, newly fur nished, for two gentlemen or man and wife who are employeu; A-l board. 2610 St. Mary'a Ave. 2961 PACIFIC ST. Large front room, for two; excellent bmrd. home cooking; on car line; modern; private. ONE furnished room for gentleman, with or without board. 1704 Vinton St. ROOMS, single or en suite; bosrd if de t.red. 5i2 S. 2ttn Ave. Douglas 7.M. TWO furnished rooms or room and board for two or three gentlemen. 2310 Webster St. 'Phone Douglas 4701. . LARGE front connecting rooms for tam 11 or four men; also single rooms. 2410 Harney Su Harney 2947. NICE room for two, also single room. 2506 St. Mary s Ave. X1CX2 room for to. 2554 Harney St. NICELY furnished rooms in private fam ily, w llKiiig distance. $1.60 up. 840 S. 23d Si. Si. Jatr.es hotel. 416 8. 13th Am. plan is n; due; weekly, 15 up; meula s oc. - " ' WAN1 El.T-Tv.-o Krntlemt'n to room and uou.O i!) private lainily; modern conveni ence; vtaiking olHtanif. Douglas 64 t- 1 arjtiked Rooms. DKWKY Kurcpear. Hotel. 3th A Farnam, FURNISHED rooms, also modern rooms (or light housekeeping. 1717 Hurt. Trio ftprvrrnji First-class far family hotel. ve. H 561. MODERN, well-furnished southeast front room, with large alcove; private family; large lawn. 7i2 8. 29th St. DODGE HOTEL Large outalde, and tam heat In every room; raica by week. UTOPIA-Nlce and Davenport. rooms, good board 18th VICTORIA hotel, nice furnished rooms, tOc up. 13UB Dodge St. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Douglaa UL WARM rooms. 12 per week; Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. free bath. FURNISHED rooms tor gentlemen. 8. lltb Bt... It Chatham. lit ELEGANT front room, fine furniture, J2 M. tftih. No sign on house. NICE, warm raoma, lsO Farnam 6L TWO furnished rooms ensuite; very cen tral. Inquire id floor. 1506 Farnam. FURNISHED 24us Cuming St. ind unfurnished room at FURNISHED or unf urniehed rooms. S. ffith Ave. MODERN, t per month. 1432 N. Kth. FOR RENT Modern furnlahed room 8. 41st St. 210 NEWLY furnished rooms; strict lv mod- ; l,d' V' A-2Syl. NICE front room for two gentlemen. S ISth. 723 ! PRIVATE family, large front room and alcove; alio air.gle room; modern. 2uT7 St. Mary'a Ave. LARGE front roorrs; modern. 63S 8. 19th. LARGK room for two ladies or gvntle men; t each; modern house. 611 8. 2vth. FRONT parlor and bedroom In cottage; modern: Hanacom park district, reason able. 1711 8. Ud Bt. NICELY furnished front and back rooms; strictly modern. 110 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished rooms; one large front parlor for two gentlemen. 8. C. Carson Lowrey. 1930 Dodge. HANDSOMELY furnished eight-room houe; will rent for year or longer if de aired. SM Spalding. 'Phone Webster 3197. LOVELY fi.rnlshed front parlor for one or two gentlemen; strictly modern home; plenty hot water; $16 month. 313 N. 2uth, rear high school. NICELY furnished rooms. Bt. 'Phone D. 6906. 2417 California NEATLY furnished room, suitable one or two: all modern. 2106 Caaa. for FT'RNISHED room In private family; modern house; M a month. l:J2 Paul. FT'RNISHED room in new, 612 N. 17th St. modern flat FURNISHED rooms for rent. 211 N. ISth NICELY furnlahed front room; $2.50 pr week. 1911 Caaa. BEAUTIFUL rooms In modern residence $10 8. 26th Ave. Beautiful location. NICE single room; $1 75 week. 831 8. 19th. FURNISHED, modern, south rooma for rent, islet Chicago St, front FURNISHED rooms, house new; plenty hot water. IX N. 19th. NICE front room; also other rooms. 2210 Harney. PLEASANT rooms, clean and cool; pri vate fajitlly, with two meaie or privilege of gas stove. $317 Paotrlo all MODERN furnlahed roomi cheap. iTxmgla tit 2310 OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Raoma ttaaed. FURNISHED room; private family; ntrli tly modern; In new bouse. W7 South Sth avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS, $3 per month, for young men; electric light. Hum heat, tele phone, running water, laundry nnd press ing privilege. 2627 Harney, Harney 2492. EAST room, new electric lighted flat. 112 N. 24th St. D. 4707. NICE alngle rooms, modern, SMO Leaven worth. Douglas 7072. STRICTLY modern rurntsTied rooms, everything new and first clas. Call Tues day or after. 604 N. fist St. MODERN front room, large enough for two or three. 616 N. ISth. $14 Large, well furnished room, with use of piano; nice homelike place ror per manent gentlemen; one atngle room, strictly modern, nice bath, hot and Ice water; both telephones; no objection to muelo or prac tice. 2563 Ht. Mao's. FUF.NISHED ROOMS, with board; desir able summer home; large lawn. 121 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Dorcas. mi ONE furnished room; walking distance. 211 S. 23th Ave. MODERN, well furnished, southeast front room, with large alcove: private family; large lawn. 702 S. 2th St.' FOR RENT Modern furnished room 210 S. 41st St. NICE east front room; Hlk.. 16th and Farnam. flat . Davldge SINGLE room, $5. 624 North 20th. FRONT room. 13 week. 622 N. 19th St. LARGE front room for' two gentlemen. 1712 Capitol Ave. LARGE modirn room, nicely furnished, $3. 618 N. Dth. ONE furnished room, 120 Caaa. PLEASANT furnished south room; mod ern. hJ2 N. 22d St., South Omaha. NICE single room, Ave. lied b.6. cneap. 603 8. 24th REAl'TIFt'LLY furnished, strictly mod ern, larfte room. gentlemen preferred breakfast if desired; references. 2616 Dodge. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 710 S. 14th street. LARGE, elegantly furnished all-modern room; walking distance; Hanscom park dis trict. 8"2 So. 2th. Haniey 3S81. NICELY furnished room, with alcove. In modern home; walking distance. Mrs. Lit tle. 115 South 26th street. FURNISHED rooms, close in. 823 8. 20th. NICELY furnished, south front also other rooms. 2474 Harney. room; ONE front room; young man preferred. 2S3T. No. IMh St. NICE front room, one or two gentlemen " j or young couple. 2;17 No. 18th St. I NffKLY furnished modern sleeping l :t3U - No. 25th. DESIRABLE rooms for throe young men or ninn and wife. 218 N. 13th. 1JACK parlor; also basement rooms. 2225 Dodge St. 2220 Emmett; modern rooms, half block from car. Phone Webster 4170. NICE south front room, with board, for two gentlemen; reasonable. Apply 2216 Grace. LARGE frort rooir suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. 1(07 Cass. CLEAN furnished rooms, 823 3. 20th. Aaartnaeate aad Flats. FOUR-rootu modern rat. 13). 2201 Nich olas. NICK 6-room flat, all modem. 4151 Day enport St. Tel. Harney 2666. AT 30TH AND FARNAM. 6-room St. Louis flat, strictly modern, $.) per month. Telephone Harney 2029. FIVE-ROOM house, partly modern; paved street; walking distance. Tel. Harney 1904. 2630 Chicago. CENTRAL apartments. One hulh-grade. dandv flat: atx rooms, enter each from private hall; shades, range, free hot water all year, steam heat; see it yourself; can't be matched. Summer 67. winter Wl more. Walking distance, references required, BE MIS, M Brandels. 4-P.OOM semi-basement flat la Dunsay, iOth and rierre, steam nested. CONRAD YOUNG. Tel u. 1371. 1118 Dodga A NEW modern, 6-room fit. Louis flat. tp-to-date oak finish, gas and electric I tht. 16th and Locust Sts. Call Web. 1403. I FOR RENT 6 and " room modern flat. I Pt10" W ebste- HSa. "i FOR RENT 6 and 6-room apartments In i the bherman. Webster e.bo. l!5 Eets complete outfit of 6 furnished rooms in 7-room flat, which rents for 120 per month; all modern; Ilanscom park district. Phone Harney 4564. FOUR rooms each, all modern convent er.crs, with gas, range and kitchen and Janitor service. Price, 114 to lis. Apply Tros. W. Hasen, 100 S. 16th Su 'Phone IXuclas FOUR rooms, strictly modern; new. 1740 S. 27th St. Harney 3M6. Hoaackeeakaa- atwosaa. A BU1TT! et triioe egana aew rooma goodera tH Kliui tsta. TWO very pleasant rooms for light house keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Call Sunday or after 6 o'cloc through the week. 2220 N. 19th Bt. THREE or four front rooms, complete (or Housekeeping, sun uaventport at. CLOSE IN; cook on gas; cheap reut 1916 Cuming. large rooms; !r TWO light housekeeping rooma; all mod ern. 2106 Caaa St. 'Phone. Doug. 7614. TWO nicely furnlahed housekeeping rooma References required. 22U7 North 2oth. FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing; modern except heat; toilet, bath, hot and cold water, cooking, gas, etc. Newly papertd. painted and furnished throughout. Suites ot 2 rooms and closet, $6 per week. Close In: HI B. 18th; flist door north of new Morrla theater. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. iX' 6. 19th; Douglas 5510. FIMSNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 615 N. 17th St. TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 2SU) Douglas St. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 1513 Burt St.; modern, cheap. THREE unfurnished, light housekeeping rooms, on parlor fioor. Wfl N. 17ih. TWO modern, furnished rooma. 1105a Pa eifio St. LARGE light housekeeping rooms; mod ern. 2U Douglas. NICE room for housekeeping, modern, $n 8. lth. Douglss 5510. OFFERED FOR RENT Iloneekeeplaa- Kooeaa L'eatlaaed. TWO nloe suite of light housekeeping rooms, modern. 2580 Harney. THREE light, newly-furnished house keeping rooms; rent reasonable. Inquire 1617 Howard ft., room , imra noor. HOVSE KEEPING room, atrlctly modern house; no children. 3T4M Davenport. THREE fine light noueekeeplna- rooms: full floor, gas and bath; block from car. t',0. 2V Ohio. Red 1474. MODERN 1 and 2-room cottages: fur nished for housekeeping. B-1S3S. 11 Cal ifornia. NICELT furnished light hnusek-eplng rooms; gas, bath; reasonable. 9WI Cass St. FT'RNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms. 611 8. 16th. MODERN housekeeping; cooking gas fur nished; laundry privileges; also parlor. X71 St. Mary a Ave. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; first floor; S3 per week. (12 8. 16th. TWO modern rooms for housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished. Call Tuesday. 604 N. 21st. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20th. LARGE front basement room for light housekeeping. 616 N. 20th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 606 N. 17th. SUITS of housekeeping rooms; also Sleeping room. 1915 Capitol Ave. HOUSEKEEPING N. 18th. rooms, modern. 601 ROOMS for light housekeeping, and double. 1A08 Webster St alngle THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 712 N. 16th St. FOUR rooms for housekeeping, first floor. 26C1 Harney St. Walking distance. REFINED couple, no chlldiaa; Barter, kitchen, pantry; use of plana Cm also have parlor alone. 2218 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms for refined couple; no children. 216 No. ith St. LARGE front room and alcove; elegantly furnished in strictly modern house; reason able. 2571 Dodge. A-2M1. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap. 1711 N. 24th St. LARGE furnished front room with small kitchen on main floor. BWl Hurt St. FOUR modern elegant housekeeping rooms very reasonable; no children; one block from car. a so. 4tn Bt. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeplnx rooms at 2421 Dodge. HANDSOMELY furnished apartments; large cool rooms; flna summer place; all modern. 604 S. 28tb. LARGE front . room, housekeeping; month. 2012 Leavenworth. TWO rooms with gas; $4 per week. 2401 Dodge St TWO front room for light housekeeping. 1129 N. 17th. ONE housekeeping room, modern; also furnished rooms. 24ta) Harney St TWO excellent rooms, gas range, mod ern. 614 So. 22d. TWO or three rooms, complete for house keeping. 2018 Davenport LARGE furnished front room with alcove, strictly modern. 1910 Capitol Ave. SUITE: nicely furnished: raa range, 110 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. $32 B. 28U St HOUSEKEEPING room and aleapina rooma 1916 Chicago St TWO pleasant connected, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; also one nicely fur nished room; modern and reasonable. 2129 Wirt St (1$ So. 22d, 2 suits of housekeeping rooms. CLEAN, furnished room for housekeep ing; nice neighborhood; $6 per month. 612 N. 19th St. UNFURNISHED, ground floor. 267S Har ney 8t MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2002 Web ster St Phone Douglas 2519. NICE. modern housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 2011 Burt St TWO or three nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. $16 per month. 2018 Davenport St. Calaraiatkea: fteoaaa. UNFURNISHED, lower floor. 2573 Har ney St S NICE large rooms, $10; colored couple. 806 N. 23d St TWO back N. 20th St rooms. $7 per month. 2203 FOUR-ROOM flat 14T0 S. 16th. Walking diatanco. Phone Harney Eu. TWO nice unfurnished rooms, larga closeta, bath, gaa, $9 per xtontb. 2533 No. lath. 'Phone Web. 609. TWO or three unfurnished rooms, modern 2643 Dodge 1st THREE large, modern rooms. 20th. 07 No. FOUR unfurnlshad rooms; reasonable. 2212 North 19th St Webster 8757. TWO very pleasant rooms for light house keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Call Sunday or after 5 o'clock through the week. 2290 N. 19th Bt. THREE unfurnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 4.6 N. 24io Bt lloasea a 4$ Cottasjee. -ROOM house, fine lawn, ahade. 2674 Sauldlng St. Inquire of Hutchlnson-Bojl-lard Co.. 1623 Farnam Bt FOR RENT Twenty-ninth and Itard, 7- room modern brick house, $20. Better look at this It's good. Turkington, 602 Bee. $ ROOMS. 2 full lots $10 3 rooms, close In 10 7 rooms. 2sth. near Capitol 22 6 rooms, all modern 26 8 rooms, brick, all modern 36 I rooms, all modern, brick 40 NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19T4. FOR RENT-2532 Davenport. 7 rooms, $25 HANSCOM Psrk district, t-room modern detached house, fine condition. John N. Frenser. Both 'phones. FOR RENT T rooms, modern, newly papered and woodwork newly varnished: $6: water paid. 2224 N. l(Hh Bt. Peters Trust Co.. ground floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. thlt Woolworth, t rooms, mod., $26. lie N. 20th. rooms, mod., IS. 291 Mason. 10 rooma, mod., 1.1 60. Iv.t B. xsih. 6 rooma, mod., til H. KING WALT BKOH. BARKER BLOCK. HOU6E4, Rata. Garvin Braav. U N. I, t ROOMS, easy walking distance. $11 6-room, sew, modern. Ua. t-room, choice location, $35. . N. ath, t rooms, modern, $t$ it3 N. th, 8 rooma, modern, t-tO. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Suite 624. N. Y. Life Itldg. Red 19C4V OFFERED FOR RENT Hotiei aad Cottages Coatlaaed. HOL'SE Sis. rooms. Harney and Twenty ninth, $12. Apply Sill California St. 13-ROOM house, 607 N. 10th; close in; walking distance; $44. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA Taa 4a enorwe r, par, mova, tore,' h. h. goods; storehouse. 1JJ0-J4 H Uib; office Me 8. 17 lb s)C Tet Douglaa -aoa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded) cheap freight rates; muvln and storing Expreaainen a uellver)' Co. TrL Doug. , ARK TOU IN TROUBLE? LET US MAN AGE TOUR RENTALS. PAYNE. BOST W1CK oV SLATER, ITU FU N. Y. LIFE. t-r., strictly modern, beautiful lawn, choice location. TH 8. S7th. Tel. Webster 25M. FOR RENT s-room house; modem ei cept heat; full basement, with laundry room, 122. 211 N. IKth Ave. Call Red IZA. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. On aha Van A Storage Co., 30V So. 17th St. Tel. D. 16. ind. A-1509. HOUSES Peters rriMt Co. N.T Life Bldg. FURNISHED house for rent for the sum mer. 2510 Poppieton Ave. rrrtTTCira m ail parts of the city U kOA-.J crelKh Sons gt Co.. Bea Hida. STRICTLY modern "-room house. 265 Miami St.. near Dodge St.: car line: XJS. John Steel. 642 Brandels Bldg. t-room brick house, all mo"rn, north part of city, 126. 4-room, first floor apartment, 1623 N. 18th St., $1150. 2 nice rooms, 1917 Clark St , 19 I nice rooms, 1830 N. 17th 8t., $lt C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Pazton Blk. Tela. R. 2636. Res. D. 6066. MODERN Miami. I and f-room cottage. 2124 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. -ROOM house, fine corner. Hanscom park district, quarter-sawed oak downstalia, fine bath, new rurnace; iirst-ciass repair. $50 per month. Inquire 10u6 N. Y. Life. NEW f-room brick house, modern. Har ney 64T. FOR RENT House, 11 rooms, strictly modern, $36. 2511 Pierce. Inquire 1301 So. 36th Ave. FOR RENT Strictly modern nearly new 7-room house. 2829 Miami St. One block from Dodge St. car line, $25. John Steel, 642 Brandels Bldg. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE RENTING. Save time and money; all slsex, all prices. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A SLATER, fth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. FROM April 1 to July 1. to married couple without children, furnished apartments In the Uintah. References required. $50 a month. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Tel. D. 722. 209 First National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Basement 4 rooms, modem except heat. $12. 2507 Pierce. Inquire 1:101 do. ath Ave. LOWEST RENTALS 7-room, city water, gas, nood barn, prem ises newly repaired, 4103 N. 28th Ave. $15. 9-room. all modern, choice. 3321 Daven port. $27.60, lz-room, an modern, choice, Z4i snerman Ave., $36. 9-room. all modern, choice. 311 North 25th Bt. $36. 6-room. city water. 724 Bancroft. $10. 4- room and store, 2122 Military Ave. $20. 5- room, part modern. 1612 N. 24th St. $8. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO.. 432 Ramie Bldg. 16th and Harney Sts. SIX-ROOM, modern, brick house, 2409 Hamilton St., $26.50 per month. This prloe to Include water rent. Applv Thos. W. Hasen. 106 8. 16th St. 'Phone Douglas 1300. FOR RENT 6-room partly modern; 2608 Chicago Ofrieea. LARGB and small office rooms on lflth 6t, opposite postofflce. 117A, N. 18th SL $12 and $&. CONRAD TOTING, till Dodge St tare a. FOR RENT Moaern store room. No. $0$ N. 18th St. Hotel Loyal Bldg.. apply Loyal hotel offloe. 180 Farnam St. arse 23x60 ft 'Phone Barney UM, t OFFERED FOR SALE ilts HANDSOME golden oak folding bed and double wardrobe, hiw bevel glass. In quire 4169 Cuming St. i- DON'T BORROW MONEY on furniture, piano, aalary. eta, until you " THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-616 Paxton Block. THE ROOF 18 OFF. Fire forcea us to sell our big stock of lightly used household furniture. All goods at a bargain. 822 N. 16th St FOR SALE One square grand piano, oak sideboard, household machine, large mirror, refrigerator and basAburner; call forenoons. 2212 S. 10th St., Phone Douglas 4741. Hardware. PATTON-BOWMAN IIDW. CO. AGENTS P. It F. CORBIN BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CONTRACTORS' SUP PLIES. 1615 Farnam. Phone Doug 6SS4. Horace aad Vehicles. FINE runabout and handmade harness cheap, almost new. 214 N. 15th St. Web. 4158. FOR SALE Good rubber-tired runsbout, nearly new. Joe Havens. 46th and Farnam. Maaleal lastraaaeate. STMPHONT Orand Columbia Grapha phoiK. aplrndld Instrument Price $9)0 and never sold for leas. Will sell one. which Is brand new, snd In perfect condition, for 1170. Good reason foi selling. Address, G-140. Bea $460 KIMBALL PIANO, walnut finish, good as new, $150. Piano Player Co. Old Boston store. fteeBBlasr Mouses. ONE 4-ROOM. PAYING $70 NET Per month, and owner reservea own living rooms: centrally located; snap at $.0. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y, Life Bldg. Red 1999. FOR SALE Rooming house of 16 rooms; leaving town. Inquire 1615-1617 t'hlcajro St. Trposemera, SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter U-zchtuw. ltJ7 Kai rata. Typewriters for Rent 131 Farnam Bt, Omaha. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS for sale or rent 3mlth-Pr.miers. Remingtons, Olivers or Royals; we also repair machines. Mon arch Office Supply Co.. U14 Farnam St. Mleeelleaeeas. ALFALFA HAT. Wagner, (01 N. 16th. Hundreds of Frames Now la your chance to get picture framed cheap, from our Xrnti klock uf mould leg. Bvmt In the country. A. HOSPE CO.. 1513-15 Douglas ft. OFFERED FQR SALE Mlecellaneoaa rontlnned. SEED CORN $3.00 Per Bushel We have for rule a lim ited amount of Silver Mine and Reld's Yellow Dent 1KB Corn with a M per cent test. This corn Is seed, and If not satisfactory may be returned at our ex pense within 10 days of shipment. I'iitter-son-Malony. Red Oak, la. REVELATION CHINA KILN; used but three months. Telephone Web. 3197. TYPEWRITERS Slightly used and rebuilt Underwoods, Olivers. Remingtons. Smith Premiers, Monarvhs, L. C. Smith and other make. Full guarantees. 1'rlces V and manu facturers' tS5 and up). Lowest rental prices. Look over our stock before buying, or write for our bargain list. Distributers. L. C. Smith & Bros.' Typewriter. H. F. SWANSON CO.. INC. 1312 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. mt) KAf.TC X'atlnnnl rash rlr ftK tan almost new: chean if taken at nnr. Addreas K-S6S. care Bee. r,r.f,U uiai win ft : u av lr cent or better. Catalog free. Aye Bros,, Blair, CLOVERSEED for sale; 200 bu. choice med. red seed; must be sold. K. W. Miller, Uutbrie Center, la. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at H retail prices. W o are direct importers and save you the dealers' profits. Bring us your old plumes. We'll make them as good as new at a trifling cost. H. GOLDBERG & SONS. 1519 Howard. WB HA VIE on hand a aumber ef Ink ar rets which we will sell at loo each. They are fine for rain water or aahvae. Call at pressroom Be ltibllauing Co. . G. C. DIMOCK & SON, THE ONLY INDEPENDENT LUMPER COMPANY IN THE TWO CITIES. 24th H Sts. South Omaha. 'Tel. S. lilt. MODA FOUNTAINS, new aad eeoond tand; monthly paymeata, Deng lit. Uil Faruani Bt HALL'S safes, new. ad-band. 1X13 Fartuuav DRUGS at out prices; freight paid on all CO orders; catalogue free. Shermaa .1 Ma Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (SECOND-HAND scales at 1607 Harney. FOR BALE New and sd-naad billiard and pool tablea. We lead the world la cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bmna wick-Balke-Collender. 407 8. 10th Bt SCHOLARSHIP a leading business col lege for sale at ducouot Address P-604. Bee T.H.WEIKICH K cases. Bank Counters. Mill Work, etc. PAPERHANGKRS, use the best 8now flake paste Omaha Paste Co . 718 B. 13th, D-1760. ID-HAND oak counter, hand-carveo mar tie cashier plate; wire w'.cket about 40 ft, add shape; will fit a roora 80 feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars 'phone Douglas IS. Bee Build in Co. FOR SALE-45 H. P. HART PARR GAS OLINE KEIlOSENE TRACTION ENGINE WITH JOHN DEER PLOW CO.. 8-14 IN GANG POLW BOTTOMS. Used a part of season. Lands at Belevue are too wet and sandy for big engine. Will be pleased to show saute. Come and see at Her Grand Hotel. H. T. Clarke. 1908 SEED CORN that will grow, hand picked and tested, 96 per cent guaranteed to grow. Write me for full particulars. J. J. O Laughlin, Rome. Ia. OSTEOPATHY IOHNBON IN ST.. 41 N. Y. L. Tea. D. Mat, Dr. Kathryn Kleboie. aut v. T. L, Bids. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Fsxton Blk. TeL Red TUT. HUFFMAN. 818 Nertlle Bldg Book tree. HIRAM A. STURGESS, registered patent attorney. V. S. nd foreign patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. 8409. Willard Eddy, registered practitioner In TT & Patent office. N. Y. L. Bldg D. $, Call at 2017 Miami St. PERSONAL A HOME for women du. iif confinement W find homes for babies wi.rrr mothers cannot cars for them. Babies larded. For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lw ol Bancroft St.. Omaha, Neb. Phone Duu.ij 1921. 1 WE rent ana repair an Kina ot sewing machines. Ind. A-1S63. Doug. 16. .3. NELtRASKA CVCLhi CO., 15th and Harney Sts. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan :Sanl torlum, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. JUNIPER and Asparagus pills for dis orders of the kidneys and bladder, be box. Cermak Pharmacy. 1266 8. 13th. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 160f Dodge St., oppo site postofflce. 3d floor. Phone Douglaa ,wx. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits east-ofl clothlos. In tact anything you on not need Wo collect repair aDd sell at 134 N. llth t, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'pnooe Douglas 4itt euui rfus alii call. If you are suffering from rheu matism, catarrh, dyspepsia, stomach, liver, kidney, gall stones or nervous and chronic diseases of any character, call on Dr. Theodore Milen, 423 Ramge Bldg. Dr. Milen has made a life study of these diseases and gives free consultation and examina tion. MASSAGE AN1 BATHS. Room 308 old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor, 120 S. 16tli St. Stairway on Dougias St. MEMBER of the Methodist church wants j roommate; Christian preferred between First Methodist and postoffice. Ttl A 3D2.S EXPERT chins packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1814 Davenport. Ind. R-2798. STRICTLY Private Home for confine! rr.ents, doctors' attenfon, trained nurse; babies for adoption. 2fl Davenport. WE rent and repair f-1 1 kinds of sewing roacnine. Ind. A-lt,i Oolk 63. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney lta. ! JOSIE WASHBURN'S Look. The Under. aorld Sewer' at all book stores; pr.ee, $1 64. PRIVATE confinement home Mrs. Dr. King. 1124 N. 24lh Bt 'Phone Webster 5V,9. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHsT" MASSAGE Miss LaGrsne. 1617 Dodge Bt; hrs. U a. m.-t . tn. Basement flat. Be an Actor or Actress Earn from $25 to $700 per week; complete course $7; diplomas given and engagements secured Address at once for full particulars THOMPSON AM II 8 EM E N T C O . 2013 CHICAGO ST.. OMAHA. PERSONAL (Continued ) HINDOO TAPLRTS. will build, brace, lutnttheri. too. HKLL DRUG CO. MAGNETIC treatment Mme. Smith, 122 M. 16th EL. third floor. ABLKNB DB VOY, manicuring and mas sage, 624 8. 16ih Bt. Flat It Phone D. 7544. W7fJf.s,nd toupee) ror men. ORI1 "1UkU and 14 FHENZfcR BLK. RirriTtt, OMAHA Stammerers las.. Ratnge Bldg, DIVORCES obtained without delay or noise; criminal case a specialty; 27 years' experience. W. A. CONNOLLT. 474-78 Brandels Bid. DOUO. $661; IND.. A-1434. Bwrti ft McKelvy News Dept. 2d-hand books; Ger. Eng. perlodlcala 10 8. 15th. POULTRY 6ETTING hen. Phone Benson 146. TESTED Rosecomb Rhode Island Red egr for hatching from prite layers. F. S. King, Benson, Neb. Tel. Beneon $28. Rhode Island Red aettlng eggs Tel. 8 40. EGOS from our prlre winner Barred Ply mouth Rock hens, $5 a hundred. Come and see our stock. Dr. Van Dusen, 1613 Woodland. Kansaa City. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS This is a One-Inch Ad. To sell your farm write a description ot It In sbout 60 words snd send It to THIS OMAHA BEE Claaalfled Dept., together wltn 72 cents for each day you wish It pub- KOOfl from single comb black Mlnorcas, $1.60 setting ot 16; $6 per 60 and $10 per l'jO. Mrs. McCracken. Route 2. Kansaa City; residence two blocks west of Dodson. WANT TO EXCHANGE can fruit for chickens. Mrs. O. W. Hornnung. Route 6, Box 214A, Rosedale. Kan. SINGLE comb Buff Orpington eggs, $1.60. $2 per 15. Roselawn fouitry fards. Ravens wood Station, Independence, Mo. Beil Fairmount 82. FOR SALE S. C. Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, irom prixe-wtnning birds, winning In 1910 show. E. H. Korsmeyer, 2041 Willard St.. Kansas City, Kan., Bell phone West 2218. EGGS from Utility Reds; both combs; 81 25 per selling; agent tor Old Trusty ln cubator: come see them at work. Pearson 350 Garfield. Kansas City, Kan. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-96TO for good Srtntlag. Lyngatad Print In Co.. 16th at Capitol Aa DOUGLAS county saves thousands of dollars, yearly, by having my figures on printing. John T. Thompson. Tel. Web ster 86b6. RIES-HALL Prt Co.. 109 3. 14th: Ind. $524. WATER PRINTING C. 62S-124 a l$tb. Miller at Jaroleeon, 1212 Doug Both phones. REAL ESTATE UK At SSSTATsft DBALURS, REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat 18(8; prompt service: get our prleea. 1710 Farnam St FRED S. HADRA, 417-418 First National bank bldg. Douglas 2318. BENJAMIN it S. CO.. 477 Brandels Bid Oeo. D. Perrlne. $31 Paxton, Doug. TMk REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO, 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. REMINOTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D. 1271. $4$ Ramge Bldg. New bouses. R. E. or Ex. T. C. Torrlson. 47 Brandels. ABSTHACTS OF TITLE. 6. M. SADLER SON. 306 So. 18th St KERR Abstract Co., $06 B. 17th St D. 64S7. JOHN CAMPBELL, 41 N. T. L D. 1071. PETER JESSEN. JR. Tel. Doug. 2292. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1623 Farnam. CITY PROPERTY FUR SALE I AM going sway and my home of 7 nice large rooms In trst class condition Is for sale. $3,X0. Call 2570 Kpauldlng St. INVESTMENT $3,000 WILL PAY $37 PER MONTH Two houses and full tot on 8. 26th St.; $1 000 cash, balance easy terms. Looks all right, don't It? NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. V Uf Bldg. Red 19!i9. 5-ROOM COTTAGE CLOSE IN $3,000 261S Caldwell St. A neat and well built cottage of 5 rooms, atrictly all modern. In cluding a furnace, located on paved street and paving all paid. South front lot, 60x157 ft. There Is room to build another cottage beside the ono already built. The owner Is anxious to sell at once and will he pleased to show you through any evening, as he Uvea there, or we wl'l show you through uny time during the dav. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. 8 Rooms, $4,500 1015 N S4th St., a modern home; 4 good bedrooms; good location and neighborhood; paved street; close to 2 car lines, schools and churches. TERMS. Wulkup Real Estate Co., 875-79 Brandels Bldg. Dougias 2S38. 6 ROOM, NEW, MODERN. $250 DOWN balance very easy. Paved street, concrete waikt; lartje tot; fine neighborhood; two blo-ks io cai'. C-ROOM MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. $250 raan, balance a trifle more than rent. New pavc s.reet, southeast from; near car. NOVATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 62 N. Y- Life B'-e.. Phono Red 190. In Center of City Brick building; flrst-claas shape; 14 rooms; strictly modern; one-haif block off 161 h St. In come $150 per month. Price $15 000 NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life B.dg. Red 1999. TWO desirable lote In Florence, two blocks from Main St., one block from school house. For particular cal; owner. Phone Harney SW7. West Farnam District Lots $1,400 Eaat front lota, es-c "a'.Vlis distance. 1 The yare sure a good buy. NOWATA LAND St LOT CO.. Suite 6-'t N. '. i.iit. . J. GOOD INVESTMENT-SNAP Meal market. Including all fixtures, gaso line engine, computing acales, kettle and fcmoke houae. Six living rooms upstairs. Will bring s rental of $40 per month. Oaner haa cleared (S.OuO annually and on aceoont of laavln gcity wilt aell for $4.i. Lot 22xW, located near 16th and Cumin:. Call Douglaa ZU2. 214 Board of Trade Bldg. W. O. JENSEN", builds homes fifrht; plana furnlahed. 2. 21 Spalding. Tel Wes). tS. REAL ESTATE CITV PHOrF.KTY FOIt ft ALB, (Continued.) BARGAIN FOR SALE rooms modern, large attic.' fire place, lots of fruit and shade trees; cellar under whole bouse. Owners. Web ster 446. Acre Property Ralston Heights This beautiful aururban property, lo. cated i mile due west of Ralston, will be open FOR SALE Saturday. April 2. and will contlnua Irom day to da) unit, every tract la sold. There will be 15 tracta in all and you can buv from four acrra up. The rices will be V!, and IXO per acre, 'his property la lust as good In everv particular as other tracla that are selling at twice the price, it s our purpose to let our customers in on the ground floor and let them make the profit. Remember, we will sell this property on very REASON A RLE TERMS. Don't for get our opening day. Aprtl 1 V.'e will have carriages take you to and from the street car depot at Ralston the day of sale. Call at our office and get detailed par ticulars. O'NeiVs Real Estate Agency Tel. South 1D2. South Omahs. COZY little home. 2025 Miami St.: lot 40x 180; i-rooms, fine lawn and shade trees; etty water, gas, $1,800; can make terms Pure Air Fine View At 47S6 North 40th Street, corner 40th and Grand, on tho Ames Avenue car line, an S-room house, :u: 100x132, good barn, city water, electric lights, gaa. altogether a very desirable home; worth $3,600. but owner will accept $2,500 if sold quickly. $500 cash, balance like rent. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Entire 3d floor. Ware Block. Tel. Douglas 1781. Ind. A1188. BUSINESS OR APARTMENT CORNER! ' $'5,210. for sale. 60xl2. half block south of Broadway, one block from postoff'ce. with 9-room residence at one side. Council Bluffs. Write or call. 702 1st .ve. BUILDING SITE 150 feet fronting Country club grounds by about feet deep, high, and sightly; 2 blocks south of Krug park and car line. Fine place for country home or plenty of room for 3 or 4 good homes. Price, $1,800. C. M. RYLANDER, S32 N. Y. Life Bids-. LOOK AT 2616 BU11DETTE ST. A well built, six-room cottage, on a full south front lot, which haa large shade trees. Iron fence and a large bam The house has 5 large rooms on the first floor, all nicely papered and In good condition, and one finished room on the second floor. This property Is located two blocks west of the 24th St. car line. Price has been re duced for quick sale to $2,650. Will make terms. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. IN BENSON South front lot on Evans St., near Burnham, 50x128 feet; for sale on easv payments $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. Price $190.00. DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Bee Office Tel. Harney 3070 after 6 P. M. 6-ROOM. WALKING DISTANCE. West of Farnam district modern except heat; lot 40x116; price. $2,700. easv terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO . Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red. 1999. EASY TERMS WANT OFFER 229 Decstur St., 7-room house, suitable for two smell families, citv water, toilet. r,,r.1' w,th tar" lot- 60x127 feet. Rents. $17.60. Price. $1,500. If you want a bargain look at this property and make us an offer, as we Intend to sell it quick. GARVIN BROS., 318 N. Y. Life. A SPLENDID MODERN HOUSE, $2,600 2;i8 Burdette St., I nice large rooms. Houso Is all modern but furnace Ruin I occupied by owner until now. Property Is in iiiii-tuin cunouion. r ine large maple trees in yard, some fruit trees and shrub bery. Large barn. The lot Is fenced with Iron fence, in front. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Extraordinary OFFER ONLY $200 CASn payment on a brand new home of 6 rooms recr-ptlon hsll and outside sleeping portico! First floor finished In oak; combination lighting fixtures; Carton furnace- bath linen closet; new window shade; etc. Cement walks all around and grounds sodded. Price Is only $3,259. the balance of the payments easy. If you want a nice home In a fine neighborhood, one block from two car lines let ua show you this one and you will buy It. ED. JOHNSTON & CO.. 205 8. 17th St. Phone Dong. 1233. Educate ycur boy or girl to save their nickels by making the first payment for them on one of our easy payment lots; $1.00 cash; balance 50 cents per week. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., W New York Life Hldg. Tel. D. 610s or A 2033. PARTLY modern 4-roorn cottage; pantry closeta. full lot. fruit trees and lawn, on car line. Come arid aee it and make offer. 4667 Leavenworth. A Perfect Little Gem 1609 No. $4th St. A strict y modern 5 roorn cottage. Including furnace, hot and cold water, gas and electric light, sanitary plumbing, only 1 block to Harnev car, for $2.5ot. House practically new and In splen d d repair. Immediate posat salon. Easy t. rma Payne, Bostwick & Slater, So'e Agen:s. C01 N. Y. Life Illdg. 7)AVFj7()NiyTO FREMONT Will sell hla home cheap. 2X10 Decatur. 7 rooms, modern, on full south front lot. 6ftxl28 feet wide, cement wslks In street and ysrd: 4 rooms on first floor. $ bedrooms upsiatra; porch tn front and around the house. Prlre, $1,900. Terms $500 cash,' balance monrhlv. HHTlG' HEYDEN, J614 Harney St'.