Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
The workingmwi is as careful
what his daughter nsds tli
hstikr. The Pee If In most
very thrifty, telf rrr.portlnR
PAGE5 It TO 10.
p Clothing Day for Men, Boys and Children; Smart Stylos for the Critical; Best Values for ttie Thrifty
Here is the culmination of all our plans for the
season's clothing business. The complete lines of
Saturday's Matchless New Lines of
p s yri' -
kj t t X ",1. 'rr" c r
5 If V,
Every man who favors U3 with his patronage gets the assurance of absolute satisfaction and perfect
ervice. This men's store was never so good a store as it i3 today. Bennett clothes combine all the
distinguished elements that mark the high grade, hand-made, tailored-to-order apparel that well-informed
men insist on. All the important details of the finest quality clothes with nothing lacking but
the fancy price suggest the advantages of coming here for that new Spring Suit. It's distinctly to your
interest if quality, correct dress and money saving are live issues with you.
Whatever your preference in fabric, color
or design, you'll find its counterpart
here, and at a moderate, fair
. 4 1',, - " ,
Boys' Spring Suits or, more correctly, young men's
suits clothes for the sprightly chap of 15 to 2J
years, whose fancy leads him to styles that are
pronounced. . We show a broad range of semi
form fitting models with full peg top trousers
and three-inch cuff at bottom. Materials are
fatiev stripe, cassimeres and blue serges, (P A
$15.00, $12.00 and vIV
Little Boys Suits, fairly bristling with new st!e
innovations smart, jaunty, boyish effects to
please most any boy and mother. i
Stylish Xorfolks and new single and double breasted suits In
large line, of fabrics and shades, for boys to Q Art
1C years; $10 85 $4 "d JO.VU
Hoys' Itussian Suits New plain fabrics and fancy styles.
at ; 3.00 84.00 85.00 "d 8G.00
Ilerfers Tan. red, grey; also shepherd checks
83.00 to 86.50
. (I 'll I u. Wl'Nf"
m j .
Nowhere else hereabouts
is the artistic in millinery bo
strongly developed as at
Hennett's. We have set a
i pace In the millinery race of
Jr Omaha that outdistances all
others. The prettiest hats
are Hennett's hats. There's
a style touch to them that
lifts them far above the
commonplace, giving trem a
distinguishing nlr of exclu
slvenefs very pleasing to
every woman. There's a be
coming hat hero for you.
For tomorrow an exceptionally
large showing of new hats ha
been provided; materials are rich
and beautiful; shapes new and novel
Popular prices as usual
XJf Li JbiLHJr ii
New Spring Corsets
at $1 and $2
Twelve distinct
models new lots
that reached us only
yesterday. Corsets
that show the new
est conception of
the Spring style 'ef
fects corsets that
show an acme of
the maker's art that
vou would expect to
Ind only In the
Higher .priced mod
They're richly
trimmed, beautifully
tailored and come
in superb coutils
and batistes really
the best garments
ever brought out at
anywhere near the
Figure builders
in every sense of the
u e,..m hoauHfllllv
Saturday Extras-Hen's Shirts
'Jr a
We put on sale tomorrow a choice lot of shirts at a low figure. They
are maker's house samples, travelers' samples, and small broken stock
from Chicago maker. Mostly tan and blue effects; coat
Etyles; sizes 14 to 17, worth $1.50 and J2.00, at
Men's Shirts Pleated all way
down front; doing away with
strap at waistband and avoiding
bulging; madras materials, now
at, each 82.00
Soft Collar Shirts In plain blue,
tan and white madras; also blue
and white, black and white, and
shepherd checks; best $1.00 val
ues, at 69d
SILK IJSLK HALF HOSE 18 shades with interwoven, heels, toes and
soles; usual 25c kind; 6 pairs, 81.00 or Palr 19
Double Stamps Saturday On All Gloves
F. V. Li. two-Clasp Lambskin Gloves,
' in blacks and colors, ralr. . . -81.00
Italian Lambskin Gloves, Paris point
embroidered, at 81.25
"Alexandre? ? Gloves, high grade, ex
tremely Stylish, best colors, per pair,
at. . . 82.00 and 81.50
"Aleandre" Simile Gloves, In ' black, tnn
and gray, pair .....$1.60
Washable t'humols Gloves, in natviral n:id
white, 1 -clasp .pnir $1.23
311k OloveR, In Kayser and 1"oh noa maki.-,
double tipped finders, L'-clasp lengths,
black .white and colore: per iiftlr--at
' 600, 7So nil a $1.60
Spring Hosiery and Underwear
Low neck, sleeveless vests; taped
arm and neck, each . . . . 1 2)4 th
Par Thread Siik Hositry for women.
Ieep lisle garter top and 1 1 Hie sole;
very serviceable: bent value
made: blHi'kii only: special at...89o
Impoitad Silk Ziliil Hosiery Ver. -
finest 50c Roods, reinforced with
triple heel and toe; double Bole and
frorter top; a clear saving of lc a
pair: tomorrow nt, pair 350
Fall Fashionad Meroertid Holt Wo
men's Imported Htocklnps, mercer
ized finish to look and feel like silk;
Hindi' Hth double sole and deep ar
ter top; perfectly shaped, or full
fashioned j,-ds, selllnK regularly at
3,'po; 35o
Sleeveless Vests, fancy
eaei. at
Knit Pants,
now at. . .
wide trimmed knee,
Lisle Pants, wide lace knee, f0
Lnion Suits, low neck, .wide or
tight knee, at, Suit -50
Samples Underwear, all grades;
vests, pants and union suits, now
at OFF
Here's the Ribbon f
Store for You
to just thTlines depicted in the spring
fashions. .
' They're just the corsets you warn
All sizes, garters attached.
On special sale Saturday
$1 and $2
A Fine Day for
w 1
of I
Ribbons gain in popularity as
spring advances. All sorts of rib
bons, too, are enjoying a steady
sale. Plain ribbons for sashed and
hair bows. Rich Dresden anA Per
sian effects to adorn tha new
spring hats. The . great vogue
velvet ribbons for milllafry useti
was anticipated here Ediths ago;
consequently today we have splen
did stocks, In blacks and the prin
cipal shadings in ' the wanted
If you' have a single ribbon need
we urge you to rome here, for
we have the very kinds you may
be looking for, at prices ranging
from, yard 54 to 50
Special Fine, all silk Moire Taf
feta and Messalines, in 5 and 6
inch widths; wide
range of colorings,
at, .yard
Golden Oak Davenport Hetl l.pnoi
sterfd in very fine green figured ve
lour: a large, massive, roomy piece
of furniture, worth $35 (like cut,
but plain instead of tufted) frQ rjr
Saturday's price $1J3
Automatic lied Davenport Solid oak,
in mission finish ; upholstered In
genuine fabrlcoid; a large impressive
davenport, mounted on balt-0a7 A A
bearing casters, for. . . . . J $ulSv
Mission Bed Davenport, with two pil
lows with Spanish fabrlroid covering
' to match the upholstering of the
davenport; something different and
modern; excellent CQ Aft
value, at JOO.UU
Brass Beds A special discount day on
every brass bed in bur stock buy
any at one-fifth or ....20
Tarlor Suites Any three-piece parlor
-suit or library suit in stock; one-
Veils and Veiling
20-inch Chiffon Veiling, In a dozen
shades, yard , 60o
24-Inch Ombre or shaded Chfron Oepe
Veiling, with cluster stripe border;
also veiling with border both aides,
all shades '. 65o
44-Inch Chiffon Veiling, in 20 new
shades, yard 750
32-lnnh Chiffon Veiling, cluater stripe
border, nil shades $1.00
44-inch Ombre Chiffon Veilinfe. 15
combinations, yard $1.95
Slade Tslls, three yards long, II. 8.
chiffon, alhcolors 98o
VEILINGS 10O200 pieces of fancy
mesh veiling, in all colors and styles
special purchase; 2oo to 1A
BOc quality. vad .....lut
Greatest Sale of
5,000 beautiful fresh cut,
long stem Carnations nt
lowest price we have ever
known. Regular 75c and
$1.00 a dozen values; all col
ors red, pink, enchantress
and white, bat- lf
urday special Vja
per dozen
Continuing the 5 ale Tomorrow of Our
Suit P
SUITS Made from purest of all wool
serges, in jlain weaves and shadow stripe
serges; each is lined with good satin. The
coats are either strictly.jilajn or trimmed
with moire silk at collar and
cuffs; colors are blue, grey,
green and black; values to $25.
SUITS $25 Suits at' $19. 60 Clearly the
greatest values ever at the opening of a
season. Are made of Lymansvllle pure
wool serges, in plain and fancy weaves;
also white serge, with, black brkCn
hairline; colors olive, tan.
mode, navy, reseda, grey, black
SUITS Beautiful and exclusive models,
in rich materials, principally diagonal
weaves, serges, fine worsteds, and tiny
checked cloths. The" color range' is very
large. We invite comparison
with any $35 Suits 'in town
now at . .
SUITS You can choose, from plain tail
ored, moire trimmed and silk . soutache
braided suits; all lined with satin Duch
esse; colors are tan, cadet, lavender, re
neda, rose, grey, etc.; also black and
navy; extra large serge suits,'
sizes 37 to 4 9 bust;
$45. at
values to
House Dresses !t Half New, stylish,
1-plece garments of Anderson madras
and French ginghams
splendid patterns and col
orings; valueB to $7.95 . .
New Lingerie Waists Just arrived six
attractive styles; new, crisp waists,
unusually fine and dainty
for so low a price; em
broidery or lace front . . .
Xsafsrs for Gtrls and Ziittls
Children A fine line of new
pongee silk; light stripe wor
steds; shepherd check and
plain colored cloth reefers;
2 to 6-year sizes now at.
each $3.60, $3.95 to $5.95
Beef era for Girls 8 to 14 yrs.,
In rod, navy, tan and cadet;
plain and fanclly trimmed, ef
fective new styles, now nt,
each $3.95, $5.00, $6.50, $9.93
Girls' Wash Dresses Nicely
made and trimmed; good.
washable materials; plaid:)
and checks; 6 to 14-year
sizes, at $1.85
Children's Srcssos 2 to 6-yr.
sizes; in high and low neck
styles; plain and ' checked
gingham, at 590
mtseo' Wash Dresses aailor
blouse, two-piece and one
piece style.", in high nnd low
neck effectn; now at. each
$7.95 down to $3.75
Spring- Jackets Many new
ones; in wide assortment of
new styles; tans, greys and
light .stripes, now at. each
$5.95, $6.95, $8.95 and $10.00
Children's Straw Hats. Xilnen
Eat and Pongee Hats In
the Infants' room; cute little
new conceits for baby; new
tarn effect?, with drooping
brims, Ht $1.35 to $5.00
Muslin Drawers For women;
nlso, nainsook, with lawn
tucked flounce; lace and em
broidery trimmed, worth 6Sc,
choice, at 39o
Sale 2.000 Dozen
5 0c Kind for ISc '
Saturday only, and
as long as the sup
ply lasts; buy ex
tra heavy, full siie
table tumblers for
18c a dozen. They
are all perfect and
nice clear glass
Sttt..o' uo always - sell at 50c a
dozen. None will be delivered
No telephone oraers
taken, must come In
person, per doz
Fine China Mugs
A Rare Bargain
1,500 fancy china mugs, of all
descriptions and beautifully dec
orated. One of tne big snaps se
cured by our buyer on his re
cent eastern trip. Values up to
$1.00; all arranged on the tables
for a lively Saturday
sale, choice of the
entire lot, only
Kodaks, Etc.
A 1 Folding Pooki t
Kodak- SJ
Pocket Brownie
foldinit works llkt 1
Inch pic- V
turcs ' '
Brownie Camera
Pictures 2'4x4H
Ideal M i Outfit Tuhe developer and pM.
acid hypo, for ISO
Hypo one pound package ..6c
Aio Developing Post Cards, 2 do 85o
Blue Print Post Cards, 'i doz 160
We sell only Kodak films and Eastman
paper. No substitution.
Drugs and Toilets
Tetlow'itv Talcum Powder, can Bo
Parme Violet Talcum, lb. can. 10o
Uorated Talcum Powder, large can..,.10o
Peroxide Cream, 25c kind at 15c
Quinine and Kgg Shampoo Jelly 100
Newman's Monoxide Cream BOc
Russian Sponges, genuine 60o
Powder Puffs, large, size, wool 8 So
Atkinson's White Hose Perfume, oz 75o
Dr. l.yon's 25c Tooth Powder 190
Marten s Koup cure ror cniCKens ouo
Moth Halls, per pound 8o
Household Ammonia, pe'r pint 160
Hair Brushes, all bristle 19o
Large Chamois Sllns for 16c
Comp. Cathartic Pills. 3 doz 10c
Licorice Powder, -lb lOo
Sassafras Bark, per pound 8So
Hponges, large, for janitor work lOo
Peroxide, 15c size bottle for
Lowest Prices in Omaha on Meats and Fruits
Not for a single day lo we let up on our policy of quoting the lowest prices on choice, fresh provisions
Fashionable Pumps and
Oxfords, at S2.50
Every woman loves a trim, neat appearing foot; here's
a chance to acquire the effect at very small cost
We are featuring smart pumps and oxfords, on the
most stylish lasts, in all sizes and widths
that give all the beauty and grace to the
foot you expect to find in higher priced lines
There are ankle strap pumps, in
patent colt, dull leather,
wing tip- styles; one eye
let ties, with ankle ....... etc
Women's . rumps and Oxfords
Very superior quality and snappy
new etyles, among them the well
liked Dorothy Dodd lines, patent
colt dull leathers and tan calf
with all the appearance
of fa 00 shoes,
noes for Tender Tet We have
Just received new line of wo
men s oxfords, speclully designed
for tender feet- We can fit the
hard-to-fit vici kid, luce ox
fords, with patent tip
and low
per pair
Misses' and Children's fumn These eve the mire
st ties tur fcnrniK. jauntv ankle strap rumps that
cuol, romfoitsble and very smart and dvessy,
in patent colt, dull leather, Hunsla calf
chocolate kid
8ises ! in S it ; TSo
Slues t to 8, at IliJ
Siscs S to 11. at 15
Mies lid to !, i $3.00
Boys' Shoes Boa calf and tan, calf ox
fords nd high shoes ill solid leath
er newest spring styles, will go
t 91-35 to 03.09
Best Pork Cltopi
pig, lb. . .
Beef Hteaka
choice cut, lb.
Veal Chojt,
per lb
Veal Itot
lb. H4 and. .
Pot Boast
choice, lb....
s 1 1 a Vrenh Pig Pork Boast 4 4 3
llhC shoulder, lb Hit
Mutton Boast
per lb
Mutton Stew
per lb
Veal Stew
per lb
Bex Baron-
Cudahy's, lb . .
Kxtra fancy oranges, packed 80 to box, largest oranges
we receive, always BOc dozen Saturday only, 11
per dozen ; Jvlc
Orange Spoon, FBIE, with one dozen lemons, at 35o
founx Onions, home
grown, 4 bunches . . . .50
Asparagus, home grown,
per bunch 10c
Spinach, peck 160
4-ancl Hill Potatoes,
per bushel 56o
Strawberries s first of sea
ton; 2 baskets 35o
Large Cucumbers, each 7Ho
Florida Tomatoes, per
pound 12Ho
Large Ieaf Lettuce,
3 bunches , . 100
Red River Karly Ohio
Heed Potatoes, bu..,90o
Sale Makers Samples
Picture Frames
The best frames
we have had in any
of o-jf big sales are
in this lot. 3,000 of
them; all Hinds,
shapes, sizes and
woods; frames suit
able for the home,
office, school room.
etc. Makers' samples and makers'
remnants, made up to our order
from large Chicago factory
Among them are
rosewood, walnut, maple, oak. etc.,
from post card sizes up to 20x34
Inches; also ovals in gold, brown
and black; and squares in gold bur
nished and lacquered, up to S Inches
wide; some to 40 Inches long; values
25 to $2.60. Bring pictures with you
We sell glass to complete the
picture Sale prices
10c to 60c
Sheet Music
Herbert Ingraham
Our music man-1
ger. Theron C.
Bennett. 1b back
from a twoj
months' trip to.
a a a a ? r m nolo I
jjpil)ubliBhJngi houses
and brings a hostj
of new music,
which will be i
featured tomor
row. The song
now raging in!
New York
"Vou arc the Ideal or Mjr Breams"
Is sure to be a great favorite here-
Be the first to have it
we offer it special Satur
day, at
A fine musical program will be ren
dered tomorrow by Carl Morltz, the
tenor; Miss Ethel Earnest, the pian
ist, and Theron C. Bennett, Omaha's
well known composer. Come and en
Joy the splendid music and hear the
newest songs. We have them all4-
The songs you hear today iu the New
York theaters. There are a
score of hits being intro
duced for the first time. . . .
Our 0c counter has many surprises for
you. Well known numbers, recently sell
ing at more than twice the price, now
are 10o
Bennett's Capi
tol Klour, sack
And 10 green stamps
C o r n ni e a 1, yellow or
:a,e'ke'.8:!h-. 12 JC
Bennett's Best tl ft ft
Coffee. X lb l.Wtf
And 100 green stamps
Be.iueti s Best r
Coffee, lb. for .... '
And 80 stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Baking
And 100 stamps '
Teas, assorted, t0
pound WoC
And TO stamps
Teas, assorted, Cfij
pound SOC
And 6i stamps
Tea Stftlnns, if.
lb. pks C
And 10 stamps.
(500 boxes on sale
'24 sheets of paper,
'24 envelopes; fine
grade; special for
one day, fA
per box. . . .
Saturday's Great Economies in the Grocery.
H a r 1 1 e y's Pure
Jams, assorted.
Bennett's Capitol ID.
Kxtract, bottle.... 0C
And 20 stamps
Diamond 8 Chili
Kuuce, bottle. . .
And 10 stamps '
Evaporated Peaches, best
12'ic quullty,
lb. 80 ; 'i lbs V
Gall laid Olive Oil,
, large bottle
And Km stamps.
laurornis Kip
Olives, 60c fans. . .
Sugar Cane Juice,
35o bottle for
Beat 'Cm All
tioap, 8 bars
Cheese, full cream,
And 10 stamps
Cheese, Vlrgainla
Swiss, pound . . .
And lo stamps
Garden Seeds,
per packuh'o
l ertiiier for lawn grass,
24-pound sack 45C
Marshall's Preserved
&n"?"' 20C
And 10 stamps
Diamond Crystal fAn
Table Salt, sack...
And 10 stamps
French Mustard. 25C
And 10 stuiiips
Pitted Cafe Olives. 2;"ic
bottles, while IC.
lot lasts, at t.
Raisins Seedless, 1 f.c
raisins; special 1f)n
pound .
And 10 ftairps
Macaroni star and Cres
cent brand, 9Cz
3 pkgs
And 10 stamps
Mincemeat. Bennett's
Capitol brand,
three pl;s
And id stamps
Ilex Uye, three 4C
cans for
And 10 stamps
Newport Catsup, 1At
bottle IVK.
And 5 stamps
Sour Picl.lcs, per C
dir.ten v
BaiiluMi Stove
And lu Humps
Onion Sots, per 1A
iunrt. .,
Glrirardelil Powdered
lb. cm
And 10 stamps
r 11 I V J 1
Do Ktamping in Art Needlework
I'at terns lie arranged to Suit. .
rii.imrrielll Powdered
Chocolate. 9Qr
u-lh. can
Anil i stamps
California Prunes,
ic grade, 4 !!.. .
Polk's Soups. ;0c JCa
A .una IW
Rice Special 10c
head rlcr, lbs. .
Iton's Honev
tookles, lb
Iten's Tourist Graham
Crackers. Iftp
And 10 stamps
Salmon, Best We Il'e
brand, tall . JgC
Jelly, assorted
flavors, glass. . .
Yacht Club Salad 40.
Drcssl.'Vr. bottle.. ."01.
And 20 stamps
Bennett's ."Fluf
feata," finest 5k!
choeolates made;
porlb 29c
Plain and Nut Car
amels, usual 4()e
tjuality, lb. . .25c
Candy Pais; large,
Saturday only . .70
Peather Dusters, 14
inch turkey ftath
ers; 45c kind ..390
fHep Z,s.dder: Nor
way pine; all brac
ed; 6-ft. shelf
bucket, at
Gas or Gasoline
Stoves ; I hole, il.85
Two-hola else. 2.00
Hot Plates i 3 burn
er, special . . .91-79
Pol Covers; tin, at,
i for 6o
floor Srusnesi long
handle. 1 00 kind,
at, each 4o
Carpet Beaters, made
of wire 10o
Scrub Brashes, worth
to 10c, at 6
Clothes tines, 50-ft
lengths, at ...,15c
Bast Pans, good and
strong, at to
Oardon Sets For
children, S pieces
now at So
Garden Trowels; all
lion, at ...3e
Ooat Hangers; wire.
at. 2 for .......So
Alcohol Stoves, were
II ti.V at TSo
Brooms; four .row
stitching, at . . .8o
XOQ OOX.X.AB. 4n0 samples; all hI and
stylea, Saturday, at PKICK