Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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MtYLERS not; idle et
Hefase to Quit Just 'Because Weather
j.' Was We,rm.
Met Bro. Team Ha Row t Inched
th Flat tor the Omaha
I.eagoe lor the Pre
eat n.
The- recent warm weather has not been
good for Jen pins. The more thought of
sixteen-pound ball almost make a bonier
preeplr. A temperature like mis manes
alley owner alt up and take notice. They
can "straw" men on the teams, little or
no practice, and have disagreeable vision
of padded rails and vacant lota. However,
th league schedule have only a few more
week to run and they will surely play It
Rpwier don t wont to are It get cold, but
donW forget they will have some decidedly
cooler weather than now, and will also see
a fa good games of tenplna before the
(mmer come. They huve yet to witness
the. tussles between the top notchers and
high trams of the respective league.
So ' let the pill roller keep up their
clip," nays Bob Manley. "When the time
cornea to lt on the bleacher we'll all
be there to watch and cheer 'Pa's' champs,
but In the meant hue let us got Just a few
mof of those 'aoO'', forget about the
sudden spell of hot weather and think of
orne of those big scores you rolled In the
month of July and August last year, glad
to be away from the hot sun and feel the
breess and hoar the buzs of the buay elec
tric fan. Hot weather was no novelty then.
Down south they roll with the electric
fan going all the time, and don't forget,
their make the big scores, too."
Met Brothers terns has now cinched the
flaf tn tha Omaha league, having won all
three of Its games this week with a nice
total of 2,06, while "tors Triumphs dropped
one Wednesday night, and being five games
behind the leaders, tha Met team having
but Jhre more games to roll. But as a
eerie of the Triumphs has been protested
It Was necessary to be mora than three In
tha lead.
This will make the third straight victory
for them; also wlna tha Brunswick-Balks
silver bowling pin, which will be presented
to Arthur Met by Captain Huntington at
a banquet to be given by the team In the
near future.
Th "prandals Store team held Its reg
ular weekly shoot' t Francisco's Wednes
day night, and some. very high scores were
shot. Captain Manley has some very fine
material among these bowelers and they
are ablo to Increase their scores each week.
Phil Aaron, the Store- champion, was
unable to shoot on account of a previous
dinner" engagement, but gave a fine ex
hibition of left-handed shooting which
greatly pleased at the large audience pres
ent. ' '
he scores of - Wednesday'
1st. M.
Mnlnv ISO
Ltppolri . l'i
Johnson t9
Williams 17
Elkjer 1)
M. Tofl.
1-. Ell
am M4
US 42
m t-a
Totals 783 814 K 2,4a J
1st. Id. 8d. Tofl
Leyendecker 18 ISO 201 M
Hrenlser K2 147 10 47
Hey lea 1tV. 140 IH DOS
Kill 143 1 17 41
AniFden 1W 117 M 4Sl
Total m m & J.K.9
The l.Wl score made by the Triumphs
In the second was a dandy and the high
est of the season's shooting. A remark
able fact connected with the same was
that only twenty-four strikes were made,
but fortunately they were bunched. C. J.
Francisco blew the ten-pin In the seventh
frame.- This was the only error of th
game. The first ball, however, looked
like a sure strike getter and would have
made a difference of thirty-two pins In his
National Races
Decoration Day
. A wT K ? CRirftXbUU3l i WONT STAMPy
American Automobile Association
Names May 30 for Championship
Meet at Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS, March Sf.-Decoratlon
day, May 30, has been selected by the Amer
ican Automobile assoolatton for tha hold
ing of the national championship races.
The championship meet will be held at th
Indianapolis motor speedway. Such was
tha announcement made today by B. M.
Butler of New York, chairman of th con
test board of tha association, In a tele
gram to the management of the local
This Is th first time In the history of
automobile racing that national champion
ship titles will be awarded. Th meet will
be under the direction of the American
Automobile association and all entrlea ar
to be made direct with th contest board of
this association. Thera will be fourteen
event and prize amounting to $20,000 will
be awarded. - . ;
Triumphs Roll Record Game of Season
Securing- Total of 1,061
from Dvrsher.
In the came between the XJraaher and
Storz Triumphs, tha latter team rolled the
record game for the season, 1,01. Th
former high game was-1,066, made by tha
otpiz ros.. ana witn tmi score lost two
games to tne ureeners. Hcore:
1st. Id. 3d. Total.
Frush 159 -198 171 623
Schmidt 170 178 IK 60
Mitchell AH 164 - US 634
Jensen 180 193 194 W4
Murphy 163 204 206 588
Totals. A, 871 881
1st ,.Jd.
Zimmerman ....
C. J. Francisco
Frltscher .'.
; i9
, 17
, 158
. 180
895 3,697
3d. Total.
868 1,767
-848 1,081
In the Mercantile league the CaDttol Boll
ers won two out of three game from the
gangers. iNippeu was mgu man with 640,
irnayon'a Paw Paw Pill COM the Href
Into activity by gentle methods. They do
not ecour, grip or weaken. They are a
tonic to tha stomach, liver and nerves;
lurtgorute Instead of weaken. They en
rich tha blood and enable tb stomach to
Ct all tha nourishment from food that la
put Into It . . .these pills contain no calo
mel; they are soothing, healing and stlm
tlntlmr. For sale by all druggist In lOo
rod 26c le. If you need medical art
Tlee, write Munyon' Doctors. They will
rdviso to the best of their ability abo
lr.tely free of Cnarr. MCNYON'S. 63d
and Jrffcnoa Bt Philadelphia, i'a.
iand 10 cents for trial package.
YtAinger ...
Nippell ....
Special match:
j Fagerberg ,
! Totals..'.
i Martin ....
Francisco .
i Totals...
, 184
. 161
3d. Total.
171 437
IS 640
186 497
470 479 525 1,474
1st. 3d. 3d. 4th. 6th. Total.
144 1S5 16', 2.U 172
. 153 146 173 166 113
.296 JS1.8S8 898 MS
1st. Id. 3d. 4th. -6th.
. 178 146 170 166 148
. 159 171 163 227 166
Head of A. A. U. and Secretary Sulli
van to Attend Meet.
Indleatloa Polat to Hesiffil at tha
Aadttorlaaa lor Athletic Event
Offlelala A re Aaaaae4
Over Thirty Kveals.
3d. Total.
182 COO
153 614
161 474
837 817 833 393 313 1.S93
I -1st. 2d.
! Sanders 11,18 180
How ley n 176
, Arnsteln , 146 167
j Totals 459" T 623 606 1.488
j The Excelsiors won 'three games from the
I Daily News last night on the basement
! al.eya. Utt had all high honor for the
' evening, with 589 for totals, and 211 for
single gome. Tonight Bungalows and
8 F
Wblakey Bhould be kept in every H
borne. If you don't happen to bave
any, now Is the tlnie to buy and
this is the place.
Quckenhetmer and dosren of other
standard brands, bottled in bond
whiskies, full quart SI. 00
Maryland Rye and Tennessee
White Corn (moonshine) per qt.,
t 75t
per gallcn S2.50
8-year-old Kentucky Dourbon, per
eallcn. at .$3.00
I.udy Cl?rk in Attendance
131 If. 16th Bt. Opp. 9. O. Both Fhon
Cough Stopped
FIbmV purt, moat pie -Ant to
, and luatant rvitff to
tXkuba or m tvr tvad oauarri.
Get Free Sample
at yourdnitfrlBt'i, or tQo and BOo
WMiur7 Kuuaa tuiMNk Alwkjra
Morton X.
Y. Zs. Score:
1st. 2d
176 184
144 115
211 liH
3d. Total.
Omaha'a athletic Indoor meet which
opened at the Auditorium tonight, has as
sumed large proportions and Is drawing
noted people from all over the country.
Word haa been received from E. C. Brown,
president of the Amateur Athletio union,
and J. K. Sullivan, ecretary-treasurer of
tha Amateur Athletio union, that they will
urely be on hand to officiate at the meet
and will arrive In Omaha Friday morning.
Seat are going fast and Indications now
are that the big building will b filled to
overflowing. The Commercial club has a
ttpeclal section of 180 box seat on the east
etage In a specially constructed box, where
It will entertain th member of the Greater
Des Moines committee which will bring the
lies Moines contingent of athlete.
Officials of the meet are
Honorary Marshals General J. C. Cowln,
Governor A. C. Shallenberger, Hon. J. C.
Dahlman, General F. A. Smith, Colonel Cor
nelius Gardener, Colonel W. A. Glassford.
Marshal-Major D. E. McCarthy.
Assistant Marshals Major J. B. Erwin,
A. C. Smith, J. E. Kelby, E. Buckingham.
Honorary Referee E. C. Brown, president
Amateur Athlet'o union.
Referee J. E. Sullivan, secretary-treasurer
Amateur Athletio union.
Assistant Referee J. J. O'Connor, presi
dent Western association. Amateur Ath
letic union.
Judges of Track Events A. A. Stagg,
University of Chicago; Charlea A. Rawson,
Des Moines; Major H. U Gilchrist, U. S.
A.; Captain W. C. Bennett, U. S. A.
Judges of Field Events Captain G. P.
White, U. S. A.; Lafe Young, Jr., Des
Moines; Dr. I B. Van Camp, Omaha;
Lieutenant N. W. Riley. U. 8. A.
Timers Dr. R. O. Clapp, University of
Nebraska; Dr. F. B. Modealtt, Sioux City
Young Men's Christian association; C. E.
Fisher. Grlnnell college; J. , L. Griffith,
Drake university.
Starter F. B. Barnes, Kansas City Young
Men's Christian association.
Clerk of Course M. A. Delaney, Chicago
Athletic association.
Assistant Clerk of Course Dr. ' Joseph
A. Rellly, Kansas City Athletio club;' M.
H. Smith, University of Iowa; Conrad H.
Young, Omaha; Lieutenant R. W. Drury,
United State army Lieutenant M. C. Shal
lenberger, United States army.
Scorer P. B. Harm.
Assistant Scorer Track Event Stanley
M. Roeewater.
Assistant Scorer Field Events H. A.
Measurers T. F. Kennedy and F. A.
Announcer D. J. O'Brien and J. M.
Inspector Captain J. F. Gohn, United
States army; Captata M. L. Crlmmlns,
United States army; Captain C. M. Bun
del. United States army; Captain G. E.
Ball, United States army; Captain C. E.
Babcock, United States army; Captain 8.
W. Noyes, United States army; Captain
W. H. Oury, United States army; Captain
F. E. Buchan, United States army; Cap
tain W. ' B. Cowln, United States army;
Captain H. E. Yates, United States army;
Lloutenant P. L. Smith, United States
armyr Iteutenant F. W. Boct(n, United
States army; Lieutenant F. C. Rogers,
United, States army; Lieutenant H. C.
Fooks, United States army; Lieutenant J.
E. Ware, United States army; Lieutenant
L. H. Kllburne, United 8tatea army; R, W
Patrick, Victor Diets, S. W. Smith, Gel
Botsford, H. H. Polk, H. H. Coggshall,
B. C. Wade, J. C. Tritle, j. C. Masker, P.
B. Slason, L. C. Nash, P. A. Beaton, Her
man Meu, S. S. Caldwell and N. T. Guernsey.
That military precision will have to b
used In handling the meet la easily, seen
by a glance at the long list of events. Of
flclals are willing to wager thttf ' these
event will all be pulled off according to
schedule. No delays will be brooked and
the athletes will have to stay In their
dressing rooms until tnelr turns ar called.
No athletes In their athletio clothes will be
permitted In th arena except when their
event la called.
"Free list entirely suspended."' This Is
the sign out and It will be strictly observed.
The tneet Is most expenslv and It will re
quire the sale of every seat In the house
to pay expense and the management has
shut down on all free tickets that the
meet may be made a financial success and
Omaha will be encouraged to pull off an-
43 outer nexi year.
421 The event are: ' ' '
them by the end of this week. Then 1 am
toln home for a short ty. as my people
hnve been worrying a whole lot since I
have been hurt.
"The Turin need not worrv ehnut me beln
In shape, fnr I'll look after that part of It.
"Ulve my reicnrrls to all the Ihivs. n
best wishes for the team's nuccrss, 1 re
main, respectfully yours,
With the addition of Keeley and King
to the line-up, tti exhibition game against
Lincoln looks like mis ha would take It
away. Itoth men have been working out
and will be able to step into their places
In good condition.
Mitchell Ranger
Due Here Today
Crew Put in Strenuous Tune on
Missouri Road and Hope for
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., March 31 (Special
Telegram.) When the Mitchell Ranger
pathfinder over the litlO Glidden route
reached here tonight from Kansas City K
had logged 2.089 miles to date from Cincin
nati to this city. It has traversed or
touohed ten states since leaving the Queen
City, and the crew are worn and weary,
anxious to reach home. The car will leav
here In the morning at 6 o'clock for Omaha,
via Lincoln; thence to Chicago, stopping
at Des Moines, Cedar Kaplds and Daven
port enroute. Zlrbles and has associates
were met at Atchison by a party of local
motorists and piloted acros the Missouri
river bottorns. To the confusion of the es
corting party, there were two punctures
and one slight breakdown, which the path
finders gravely righted for the polite pilots
from St Joseph.- The road from Kansas
City to Bt Joseph I badly In need of re
pairing In many places and Is particularly
Will Send Twenty-Five Athletea to
Enter Contest.
Omaha High school will enter a squad
of almost twenty-five men tn the big meet
to be held at the Auditorium Friday. The
high school has some fast track men.
For the last three or four weeks tha
athletea have been out for practice every
nlirht and most of them have kept atrlct
training. A short course has been laid
out on the high school campus. Besides
the track runners there are also a few
heavy men who are eligible for the shot
put and some good men at the pole vault
and high Jump.
Some of th high school lads who will
enter are: Harry Fraser, Alfred Kennedy.
Harry Kulakofsky, Warren Howard, Rob
ert Wood, John Rayley, Dick Payne, Har
old Rouse and Hugh Millard.
For the relay race, which will be th
blggeat among the high school events,
Robert Wood will run finish for Omaha,
with three other of the fast men to start
It off for him.
The tickets for this meet which were
reserved for the Omaha High school have
practically all been sold. Many parties
of the young folks will go down together
Friday and Toot- for their school.
Merrlt 180
McLean 146
Paxton 143
.531 493
1st. 2d
484 1,508
3d. Total.
187 624
128 430
186 3M
Start on Long; Job Putting; Andltorlnns
in Shape.
A gang of twenty men worked all night
last night and will work all day today and
probably tonight putting in the track for
the indoor athletic meet to be held In the
Auditorium Friday night. The Installation
of the temporary track Is being made under
the direction of Lieutenant Mlchaells and
when completed promises to be one of the
fastest Indoor speedways ipon which local
athletes have competed.
The advance sale, for seals for the meet
has exceeded the expectations of those
in charge of the' affair and It Is thought
that the Auditorium ' will be taxed to Its
capacity to accommodate the crowd that
will be present. ''
Members of th Commercial club held a
meeting Wednesday -to consider way and
means of selling 180 box seats, which the
club has for th? athletio meet. These are
in a specially constructed section at the
east end,, near- tfy finishes of the raoes.
When it was keen' that there was eug a
f;reat demand Hr7seats the management
aid aside this section for tha use of the
Commercial cltib, which will entertain tha
Greater Des- Moines committee.
bills is now; an oitfiblder
Former' '.Crark Pitcher Qolt the High
Moand Station.
Joe Bills, once regarded as a coming big
leugue pKcher,- epen-t the day In-Omaha,
en route to Join his team in tralnlrur. He Is
now playing In the outfield for Wllkes
Barre, having quit the pitohlng business.
This is one of the strange things of base
balL this action of Bills. He waa going
so fast down south as a pitcher that Cleve
land, last year, picked him up and he was
touted as one of the comers of the coun
try. But of a sudden, after he was let go
by Cleveland, he slips out of the box into
the field and there he Is sticking-. He is
making good and likes -the work, but his
friends are disappointed. ...
Cold Weather
Docs Not Stop
Pa's Laddies
Willing- Worker at Park to Get in
Action Despite Cold
Even though the weather man did hand
out a slight chill Wednesday, Pa Rourka'a
ball players hardly noticed It They were
at the Vinton street park early In th aft
ernoon and did not sluff off a bit In their
attempt to get In shape. It Is tru that the
work wa not as hard a It haa been In
the past, but the ginger that ha made
previous practice enthusiastic wa not lack
ing. After a few Innings of base ball In which
th regulars, supplemented by some of the
snubs, lined up against th regular sorubs
Manager Fox Instructed his protege In
the art of hitting the ball.
Every one waa given a chanca to land on
tha horsehlde and the result wa that some
of tha little trick that count In a winning
game were impressed upon the minds of
those who would win fame for Omaha on
the diamond next summer.
The young pitchers were given a chance
to feed thatr collections to the batters and
showed that they had a lot of pussies that
might make some of the older head stop
a minute to solve. Finch, Ferry and Min
im of the recruits worked and slipped
some slant that made the veteran look a
coupl of times before they decided to at
tempt to connect
"Pop" Eyler, the vet, was also there with
th goods, and after his two days' workout
shows that he Is willing to go th limit.
The youngsters have nothing on him when
It comes to ginger. He caper around like
a colt la the pasture and looks mighty
good to the eager fan who watch the
workout every afternoon.
PnKtllata Pitted in Boot with Oakland
Chnreh Federation Over Corn
In; Battle.
OAKLAND, Cal., March SI. The church
federation of this district began today a
fight against the holding of the Johnson
Jeffries bout at Emeryville, July 4, by In
structing counsel to take legal stops to
prevent the contest After a conference
with the district attorney, the attorney for
the churchmen, C. O. White, announced
that he would Institute legal proceedings
to prevent the fight
Rev. G.W. Snyder
Accepts Call Here
Council Bluff Minister to Take
Charge of Castellar Lutheran '
Rev. George W. Snycer, pastor of St.
John's English Lutheran church. Council
Bluffs, will shortly more to Omaha, where
ha has accepted the pastorate of th Luth
eran church at Castellar and Nineteenth
streets. His successor at Council Bluffs
has not yet been decided upon by the con
Rev. Mr. Snyder has been pastor of St
John's English Lutheran ohurch In Coun
cil Bluffs nineteen year. He went thera
when th congregation was but a mission.
holding services In a rented hall, and
througti his untiring seal and energy suc
ceeded In arecttng the handsome church ed
ifice at the corner 'of Seventh street and
Willow atenue in whioh the congregation
now worships. '
The announcement of the resignation of
Rev: Mr. Snyder will come as a great sur
prise to his many friends. Hs haa reached
that age when he feels the need of lighter
work, and this alone prompted htm to ac
cept the call to the Omaha church, where
his duties will be less arduous.
Totals 4t 430 451 1,360
The Omaha Bicycle team cinched first
place In the Commercial league race last
night, when they took two games from the
Klaucks Glendaies. Camp took high total
for the Glendals, with . 674 total, while
KJauck had high single name of 20S for
same team. -Hull had htghHotfti of 687 for
the Bikes snd Zurp high s(ng! game of
240. Tonight the Monte Chrlsto and Brode
gaard Crowns. Score:
, Ullbreattt
t ja '
X 1 M J 1
Totals 9d6
Stspenshorst .
1st. 2d 3d. Total.
.. 161 224 2" 6S9
.. 177 164 178 620
.. 193 12 170 hO,
.. 185 224 197 674
.. 240 170 170 680
.. 9i6 944 892 2,793
1st. 2d 3d. Total.
.. 1S4 lty 14 u06
..164 192 203
.. 168 14 172 604
.. 179 179 188 646
.. 1S2 199 193 674
-. 887 897 9" 2.C89
Fifty-yard dash, open (heats).
Fifty-yard dash, school (heats')..' '
Fifty-yard dash, Y. M. C. A (heats).
Fifty-yard dash, W. A. A. A. U. (heats).
Flfly-yard hurdles (heats).
Fifty-yard dash, open (finals).
Fifty-yard dash, school ((finals).
Fifty-yard dash, Y. M. C. A. (finals).
Fifty-yard hurdles (finals).
Fifty-yard daah. W. A. A. A. U. ((finals).
Two-mile run, handicap.
quarter-mile run, W. A. A. A. TT. (heats
If necessary).
Six husdred-yard run, open handicap
(heats If necessary).
Quarter-mile run, open handicap (heats
If necessary). x
Quarter-mile run, W. A. A. A. U. (finals
if In heats).
Six hundred-yard run, open handicap
(finals If In heats).
Quarter-mile run,1 open handicap (finals
If In heats).
Relay Race.
Hondoa Mfa. Co.
Minneapolis. Minsk
. n
Sooth Omaha Lraue.
The Carpenter Transfer won three games
i of the match against the Stelllngs last
night. Score:
l.tplnskl 169
'"Mark 189
Nolan 138
Kenntdy itig
liemleben 163
T.itals 715
; rprwln i
2d td. Total.
172 146 477
168 171 4(3
12 ' 1M 418
186 13 644
177 179 519
812 843 2,430
2d 3d. Total.
134 H O . 424
156 182 629
163 152 4M4
141 14C 433
134 2u2 4'2
727 841 1SJ2
i-a.v and iiri-iiu
ork and. youthful vlgoT i"'tedt i
(.one a result of over- f". ,; "
ork or mental exertion ehoulil tak ; fjo i 147
Gfl AY'S NKKVK FUoi) V1LLS They will I Winters 12
make you eat -and sleep and be -a iu
sain. ' i Tot V
1 Boa: 3 Vjs $3.60 y mall.
ISIKkln Jk.MOUOItNEI.1. Dklia CO,' Result at Plnehnrat.
Cor. J aad Podf. Street. j PINEHI'RST. N. C. March Sl.-A field
OTl ua COMPANY, . of lOU contestants, representatives of the
Cor. llti and barney Sta. Omaha. IT fa,Ult amateur in th2pnVtv i!
today' thlrty-lx-hole qualification round
of the tenth annual North asd 8outh Ama
teur Golf championship. At the head wa
former International Champion Waiter J.
; iravos. wno won ine oia medal with a
I c-urd of 147. W. R. Tuckerman. Chevy
Chase Oulf club, was fec-ond In 1;- J P
! Gardner. Midlothian, third In 1(1. and
Walter Fairbanks, th Colurado champion.
' fourth In ia.
Fort Omaha against Fort Crook.
Omaha Y. M. C. A. against
Bluffs Y. M. C. A.
Council Bluffs High School
South Omaha High School.
Svea A. C. against Sioux City Y. M. C. A.
Nebraska against Drake.
Grade schools (finals,
Omaha Y. M. C. A. against Lincoln Y.
M. C. A.
Bellevuo, Wesleyan, Tabor.
Omaha. Lincoln. Des Moines High schools.
Chicago Unl., Grlnnell, Kansas.
Nebraska, Mornlngside, Iowa.
Chlcugo A. A., Kansas City A. C, Kan
sas City Y. M. C. A.
Field Events.
Running high Jump I Handicap).
Pole vault (nanaicapi.
Sixteen-pound shot put (handicap).
Turn of Osnaha.
Detroit Team Start North Tonlsjht in
Tws, Division.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 31. The De
trolnt American league team will leave
San Antonio tonight. The second division
under the leadership of Manager Jennings,
enroute northward, will play a series of
games Including Topeka, April 6, Kansas
City, April 6, and, on the morning of
Apr 1 6, Fort Leavenwnrthr Sprinkfield,
111., April 8; Indianapolis, April 9, and Cin
cinnati April 11 and 12. p
April 10, the other division, after a num
ber of Bouthern gaires, v. Ill Join Jennings'
division at Ind anapollB.
Chicago Americana Will Train for
Next Five Year at Mineral Wells.
FORT WORTH, Tex., March 31. On be-
hair or Charle Comlskey, Ted Sullivan
sltcned a contract with tho Mineral Wei's
(Tex.) Hoard of Trade today whereby the
Chicago American league base ball club will
train in Mineral Wells for five years, be
ginning In 1911.
By the terms of the contract the club
will be furnlshi'd a fully equipped base ball
playing plant free of charge.
Total Oatpnt at Parkin; Home) Con
alderablr Leas than for flam
Week Laat Year.
CINCINNATI, O., March SI (Special Tel
egram.) Price Current says: There Is no
break In the light run of hogs In market
channels. Total western slaughtering was
340,000 hesd, compared with 330,000 head the
preceding week and 466,000 head last year.
From March 1 the total Is 1,436,000 head, as
against 1,170,000 bead year ago. Prominent
places compare as follow:
Kansas City
South Omaha
St. Louts
St. Joseph 96,000
TndlanaDollS 66,000
Milwaukee 43.000
Cincinnati M.000
Ottumwa 21.000
Cedar Rapids 26,000
Sioux City 60,000
St. Paul 43.000
Cleveland 46.000
Comfort and
When you go out for your entertainment you usually
, leave your comfort at home. If you knew that you
could combine all the comforts of your home with all
the itertalnment you derive from the Opera, concert,
theatre or vaudeville, how often would you go out ?
In your hom supplies better and more varied entertainment than
70a could get if you went to show or concert every night in th
week. You don't tit on an uncomfortable theatre seat and think
bow you could enjoy yourself if you were comfortable. You
arcomfortable, and you do enjoy it ervery minute of iu
With the Edison Phonograph it's just like having
your own theatre, your own Opera company, your own
orchestra and band right in four home.
Edison Phonograph .....H2JOtof?00
Kdlson Standard Record Yo
Fdlson Amberol Records SOo
Edison Uraod Opera Kecords 75c and $1.00
There are Bdlsoa dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and hear
the Edison Phonograph play both Killton Standard and Amberol
Kecords. Gt complete catalogs from your deal; or from us.
National Phonograph Co, 75 Lakeside A vh Orange, N. J,
Nebraska Cycle Co. represents tlio National Phono
graph Co. in Nebraska, and carries huge stocks of Edison
Phonographs, including the models mentioned in the
National Phonograph Co's announcement on this pago
today, as well as a stock of over 100,000 records.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
15th and Harney Sts., Geo. E. Mickel, 334 Broadway,
. Omaha., Neb. Manager. Council Bluffs, Ia.
Famed Nellie Bly
Heroine of Fire
Woman Who Made Record Dash
Around World Helps Firemen
Fight Blaze in Factory.
NEW YORK, March SI. The same dash
and spirit that enabled her, as Nellie Bly,
to make a record-breaking trls around the
world, was displayed tonlgn. oy airs. F. C.
Seaman, when she rushed Into the thick of
a fight with a fire In an effort to save the
plant of the Iron Clad Manufacturing com
pany of Brooklyn, of which she Is the exe
cutive head. '
Mrs. Seaman, who Is the widow of the
founder of the plant, was In another part
of the factory, when the flames were dis
covered.' She hurried through a court yard
and passage way where sparks were fall
ing thick, to the receiving department
building, which was afire, and then aided
the firemen In directing the fight. The
flames spread to a hospital adjoining,
which happened to be free from patients.
The factory proper was not damaged.
Btora Bottled Deer. '
Can be obtained by the case from Charles
Stors, next door north of Storx Brewery.
Prompt delivery to private family trade.
Same prices as formerly. , 'Phones Webster
1280. Ind. B-1261.
Andrew Carnegie in Chicago.
CHICAGO. March SI. Andrew Parnoirlo
arrived In Chicago today to be the guest
or jonn j. onaner. j ne entertainment
program includes an automobile rids about
tne city, a visit to the Klelrt Colombian
museum and luncheon at the Chloago
Press club.
Omaha Depot on
Aeroplane Route
Gate City to be Stopping Place of Sky
Ships, According to Flans of
Utah Aero Club.
WASHINGTON, March 31. A line of air
ships of the Zeppelin type to ply between
New York and London, via Peking, Is pro
posed by A. Brodbeck, president of the
Aero club of Utah, who says he Is already
negotiating with Count Zeppelin.
Although the line would be proposed for
the rapid transit of passengers, Brodbeck
has written to Postmaster General Hitch
cock asking If the Postofflce department
has authority to transport mail by airships.
He has advised that it could not be done
unless congress ehould specify airships as
one of the means- of transportation.
In his proposal Brodbeck says the prac
ticability of the Zeppelin ship has been
proved. It would average forty miles an
hour, he says, and principal stations on
the proposed route would be New York,
Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake City,
Ban Francisco, Seattle, Fort Williams,
Behrlng, Sakholm, Tokyo, Peking, Irkutsk,
Omsk, Orenburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Riga, Berlin, Colosne, Pa -is and London.
When you want what you want when
you want It, say so through The Bee Want
Ad columns.
Bomb Kiplnnion In Nevr York. '
NKW YORK, March 31. ExploHlon of 8
bomb In the basement of an East Thirty,
ninth street tenement today shook the
structure to its foundations, shattered
every pane of glnss in It and created a
panic throughout the entire block. Police
att.bute tho explosion to "black hand"
American Horaea at Pari.
PARIS, March 31. Nash Turner carried
off two first prizes and W. K. Vandprbllt
twice secured second honor in the racing
at Maisons-Loffitte todny. In the Prix
D'Spono of IriOO, six furlongs, Mr. Turner's
Rfstles 'Ulrl finished tn the van and his
Alby also won the Prix liu Paddock, of H"0
for a distance of ten furlongs. Mr. Van
dprbllt's Ovrrsleht and Messlrtnr 1 TI tinmhmA
against I , cond. respective y, In the Prix. Ptmlexe
of $i000, seven furlongs, and the Prix JJes
Haras Nationaux of $3,000 for 3-year-olds,
distance eitvtn furlongs.
Chanre for Amateur Players,
Any fast amateur ball player who would
like to pUy in South liuko'la towns this
summer may get the chance by communi
cating with l)Jck Grfrtte, care the Smoke
House, Omaha. Orotte has several good
jobs up hm slerve snd wants to land the
man to fill them as early as possible.
Professor Trier Offer to Assist Farm
ers in Selecting Fertile Seed
for Planting.
Much has been said of late about the
necessity of farmers testing their seed corn
before planting and A. A. Tyler, professor
of biology at Bellevue college. Is anxious
to help the good work along. He announces
that the class In agrloulture at the educa
tional institution will test free of charge
seed corn for any farmer who will send
It to the college for that purpose.
Corn not to exceed a bushel will be taken
from any farmer who sends It In and a
careful and accurate test will be made.
Each ear will be examined separately. A
definite report will be made and every ear
will be returned to the owner. Correspond
ence relating to the subject may be sent
to Prof. A. A. Tyler, Bellevue.
A Break for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is
made when a c box of Or. King's New
Life Pills Is bought. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Omaha Firemen's Athletio club against I picked nine. Store:
Sox No. 2 Annex Another.
SALT LAKE CITY, March 31 The stea!-
lng of six by the visitors was th
I oniy feature of a game here today In which
I me i nicngo American io. 2 aeieateu a
Omaha Police Athletio atiioclatlon.
Swedish exercise by Svea Athletio club.
Don't fprffct the, Big
PIANO SALE, ' Beginning
Saturday, April 2 Stock of
Bee Want Ads Produce Result.
Three Ka Will Soon Jola the Ronrkea
for the Season.
Word ha been received from Jimmy
Kane. Pa's first sacker, that he will be In
shspe to start the senson and will Join
the squad sometime next week. Bart
Kteley and Hert King have also sent word
that they will Join tha team aom tlm this
King I expected Saturday morning and
rrobably will get Into the game against
.liicoln In the afternoon. Keeley write
that hi wife Is much better and lie I ex
pected Sunday morning.
Kane, who haa been under treatment at
Pittsburg, says he 1 In good shape and
will leav Pittsburg the latter part of the
week for a visit with his parent at Scran
ton, Pa., and than come to Omaha.
A letter under date of March . written
to the Sporting lid I tor of Tb Bee, aaya
Chicago .- 8 8 1
Salt Lake City 0 1
Batteries: Voting, White and Ryan; Hum
mell. Huetser, Price, Papworth and Good.
Shannon Now with Montaomrry.
Oqen Shannon, well known in Omaha and
former catcher for Des Moines, Minneapolis
snd Washington, lias been tranjferred
from Moblla to Montgomery in the South
ern league.
Ilase Hull Scores.
Washington Cornell, 10;
Pennsylvanlu. S; Vlr-
town. 2.
At Charlottesvill
glnia. 6.
At Annapolis Trinity, 1; Navy, 0.
At Pirmlngham New York National,
Birmingham, 0.
At Ixidlsvllle Philadelphia American sec
onds. 11: Louisville, 4.
At Houston Houston, 6; Detroit first
team, I.
At Kl Paso Chicago American, 4; El
Paso, 1.
At Chattanooga Toledo, 3; Chattanooga
.. . . v. i
"I will be In good shape to start the sea-1 Southern. 1
son. I have been working out th lat week i At Nashville Chicago National, ; Nash,
or o and am In good shape at present. j vllle. 3.
"I aui atlll being treated by the doctor. . At Washington Washington Americans
but in ali probability 1 11 b through with '5. Philadelphia Nationals, L
Dr. H. H. Torrolan Says Alexander
I Merely EnHsh Translation
of Armenian Patronymic.
Dr. M. H. Torroslsn, dentist In the
Neville block, whose property was removed
from the office which he shared with Dr.
Mares, on a writ of ejectment, explains
that he has not been sailing under two
names, but that he Is an Armenian and
lhat the name Alexander, which he has
used Is but a translation, applied because
It Is earier to pronounce and more readily
remembered. He declares that tho con
troversy which resulted In the ejectment
of his office fixtures Is but the result of
a professional dispute. Dr. Torroslan, or
A txander. has carried his cas to dlatrict
court on appeal as h wa not aatlfled
with his fat In Jutlce of the Peac
Cockre'-l's court.
2 fJ&r
25c H
At All
in Three Heights
Field Cluby
The original and unsurpassed
close-fitting Fold Collar
with the well-known
wearing qualities
' -a'
'' Met Famona Boek Beer
on draught and In bottle on and after
March 30. Absolutely th only genuine
BCCK BEER brewed hi Omsha. Order a
ease sent to your home. Prompt delivery.
f hone Dougla 11, Ind., U-
immi9imummimtwwvmmmMmmpmmm ssWsuis
For Men who Dress "better"