Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Satur- y7r ... ;v All the
day srari n ) Eli!8
r jfo) 6l M O E D H-
m,s ri rw J V LtfroR SMrts
On Sale for the First Time Friday
Z Women's Wash Wal(!
From the Elite CIoaEs C.,1" FSS
and be Fillh Avenue Tailors, New York Cily
These purchases include hundreds of the finest waists in these high grade stocks. All of
them are in the newest styles for spring and summer of 1910. "We offer the choice of these
entire stocks.
0i Sale Main Floor at Extraordinary Bargains
&&lk .dim (ffik
tw..-l C -T 'iibi. t t II... U v-ir i- BiUi'i' I r
Every waist is up-to-date and contains the
orately trimmed and others are plain tailored.
f All the Wash Waists
Worth Up to $2 at 98c
Pretty and practical new spring and sum
mer models all the new and clever
style features made of the finest of
wash fabrics. All
sizes. On immense
main floor bargain
squares your
choice, at
very newest style features. Many are elab
In two lots on main floor.
All the Wash Waists-
Worth up to $3.50 at $1,50
Hundreds of high class waists, beautiful
ly trimmed with laces and embroideries,
all the very latest 1910 styles, new frill
ed front styles, all e tf A
over patterns, etc. (J ! j 0 U
in sizes on main ;
floor Bargain squares,
- at, each
All the Women's Fine Jackets, Suits and Wool Dresses
From the Stock of the Fitth Avenue Tailors, New York.
tn our great basement salesroom, we offer hundreds of
finest quality dresses, cloaks and suits from our big l
purchase at the crandest hiircnin pver nffprpH in Omaha V
4 tr o v -w.ukuw . uiii
'These high grade garments are worth two and three
. times our special prices. : I ' J
Huge Purchase of
Class Embroideries
Thousands of Yards Bought From a Ikxi York Importer
Un sale on immense Bargain Squares Friday
18 inch fine embroidered flovncings, skirt
ings, corset covers, also wide insertions
and headings, big bargain square, -
worth up to 40c, at, yard
18, 22 and 27 inch fine St. Gaul embroidered
flouncings,' skirtings, corset covers, wide
galloons, also 22 inch allover embroideries,
beautiful designs in Angleterre, floral and
filet effects, worth up to 75c,
at, yard
20c and 25c EMBROIDERIES at 10c YARD
Medium and wide embroidery edgings, in
sertings and headings, immense variety all
kinds, many worth 25c vard, i (
at, yard IUC
Remnants of Silk
Plain and fancy spring and summer silks,
poplins, taffetas, fancy stripes and OQf
- checks, Persian Marquisette, etc aJtC
Silks in remnant lengths, 2' to 12 yards
good lengths for entire dresses, skirts and
petticoats plain and fancy OCft Ofl
silks for linings, etc., yard e3C"JtC
Foulards in dark and medium grounds with
dots, rings, scrolls and small geometrical
effects, best colorings 85o and $1 CCn
qualities, at, per yard mDC
18 and 22 inch fine embroidered flouncing?,
skirtings, corset covers, also 20 inch allover
emoroidenes, new designs, worth JE,
up to 50c a yard, at, yard.
22 and 27 inch fine hand loom St. Gaul em
broideries, elegant flouncings and skirtings,
also 22 inch allover embroideries and 27
inch fine novelty waist frontings, all ex
quisite, new designs for this season, actual
ly worth up to $1.25 yard, big ' jq
bargain square, at, yard 51 uC
Crochet, venise and oriental insertions, ap
pliques and galloons, black silk chantilly laces and
insertions, silk embroidered bands, 4 - np
etc., black, white and cream, many 1tP-P
worth 50c yard, at yard U UU
Dress Goods Remnants
Main floor bargain squire. Mill ends of plain
and fancy serge suitings, whipcords, natty
suitings for tailor suits, etc. most- JTA,
ly 46 to 50 inches in width, yard ...... 3UL
" Imported Sample Pieces Wool Goods
They match up to 10 pieces of one kind medium
and dark materials, can be used for coats and
jackets, misses and children s school OA. qa.
fmported all wool
dress goods in lines
to match up A
. basement, ea. .JLvL
dresses main floor, at, each
Dress goods remnants
and sample pieces of
36 in. to 40 in. ma
terials 3Vi to 12
and 15 yards, 4 r
basement, yard .13C
April Fool at the Candy Heat Market, Sweetland.
A box of Dutch lunch-just the thing to fool your friends. Candy that looks like meat.
Frankfurter, wiuer kraut, fried oyster, potato and sliced bologna, for 25c.
W 1 0 0
t I tl
sr 1
niO KIM MB SAIif: 8ATIKHAV All kinds. II U
SKI v shapes and sltea at fine bargains.. j
Friday Reoiflant Bargains
Our Deal Remnant Day of
the Spring ol I9IO Tomorrow
Big Special
in all
Many Special
Offerings Not
Come Early.
A thousand choice dress goods lengths; all new spring fabrics, In
4 4 to fi-yard pieces Every new weave and aprlng shade, and fine,
pure wool goods, suitable for separate skirt or suit or dress. We
bought a wholesale house's accumulation of cut lengths, combining them
with our own collection All thrown out for a record sale, Friday only.
$1.50 Remnants 756
$2.00 Remnants 31.00
$3. BO Remnants 8l!75
$4.00 Remnants
$5.00 Remnants
$7.00 Remnants
All Wool Dress Goods Remnants 15c Yard
Khtfter pieces of 50c goods, lengths 1 V4 to 3 yards; many of them
match up. very fine bargains here; many kinds and colors. f r
all at. yard '
Remnants Wash Goods
Thousands of them ginghams, madras, crepes, a wonderful assortment
of summer goods, worth two and three times our price c
Friday special remnant day, at JC
Friday for Silks $1.00 Silks, 80c
A big table heaping full with
choieft-'new silks, bengalines,
louislnes, taffetas, etc., plain col
ors, fancy plaids and
stripes, worth 85c rn
and $1. at, yd OJt
Linen Torchon Iaors, edges and
Insertions to match, yd. ... .5
Embroideries Very fine grades,
In exquisite matched patterns
24-inch flouncings and allovers;
some worth to 39c a yard, Friday
a" Ko at .15
Val. Lacen All kinds French and
German Mesh, worth $1 per bolt
12 yards 35
In Our Famous Domestic Room
25,000 yards of wash goods, white roods, rirtntn. ilnthrnna nonlinn nnn-
gees, and all kinds of fine summer drf-na goods; besides silk dot. silk mousse.
en, etc., at less man one tnira of the regular price. Will be divided and
placed in lots, according to value
5c, 7c, 10c and 12c
! At10;no A- M 2. 000 Jds of wash goods In lengths from 3 to 7 yards of
tn mnas 01 cotton goods, that sells up to 12 He; some odds and ends, all at
one price as long as they last, at yard 2tt
At liSO P. M. Another lot better than above, all kinds of cotton goods, worth
up to 15c a yard, will go at, yard , 3V4
At a P. M. 1.000 yards of remnants of our high grade wash goods, Scotch
madras, French ginghams, all kinds of accumulations since last Friday at
one price, worth up to 60c a yard, at. yard o
afchlcss Spring Silk Bargain Offerings
Plain and novelty silks, including taffetas, messalines, pongees,
louisienes, silk tussah and other weaves, in nil new spring shades,
regular 75c to $1.00 qualities, in two big lots, Friday nt per yard,
'UUi; mm MOV'
Black Taffeta 36
inches wide, very
special, per yard,
at 69c
20 inches wide, per yard, at 19c
27 inches wide, per yard, at 29c
36 inches wide, per yard, at 39c
Natural Pongee 36
inches wide, match
less, per yard,
at fine
Black Peau de Soie;
36 inches wide, chif-
The Week's Great Suit Sale
Women's Hmartest Spring Suits
Fully a Third Under Value.
The Master Takes tlie Loss
wioSSlr $15.00, $19.50, $25, $29.50 g
A prominent New York women's tailoring house overestimated Its
season's business, gets caught with too large a stock and is compelled
to sacrifice' to save itself. The h6use Is noted for Its high class styles
aad general all around goodness of its garments, and these certainly
prove 1. Your Idea of what a correct suit shtould be is reflected In
these lots. No finer opportunity was ever presented. Sale continues
until lines are sold out.
Dressing Scques of light and dark
lawn, either with belt or kimono
style; day special 59
Wash Dresses One and two-piece
house' dresses; light or dark
print, , In neat patterns; well
made and very trim . . . .$1.25
Tailored Walsta of novelty madras,
white only; also a good sprink
ling of beautiful lingerie styles;
were $2.76 and $3, for . .$1.40
Lingerie Waist Two new styles,
In exquisite open embroidery de
signs; new and crisp, at $1.00
Goods, Remnants
Figured and Plain Goods, all kinds, lengths, V2 to 4 yards,
15c toOc goods, all at . .i.price
Whit Ooods Stripe,
nnd jilnln fabrics, fine
10c quality So
Towala Durable ahMtlnr mu.h oi
toweln, red bord- ronrl huv a
ers. Friday, each..6Ho special, yard BSo
whi Oambrto 8-lnch Teathar Pillows $3 val- Cratonna For draDarlea
suitable for undfryar- uea, wt. (6 lba.) fo lac and I9e T vln
me..ts,12Hcqual., So pair, Friday, each. $1.00 good patter'S . .'Vvio
Friday Bargain-Black Half Hose
100 dozen only, full seamless, fast black socks, the regular
12V1-C quality all sizes in the line buy all or
you' need Friday while they last
ct, a pair , Jr
Groceries For Friday and Saturday
Bennett's Capitol Flour,
per eack $1.85
and SO Green Stamps.
Cornmeal, ' yellow or
white, i-lb. aack, 18H0
Bennett's, . Beat Coffee,
3 lba. for $1.00
and 100 Green Stamps.
Bennett's Beat Coffee,
' 1 lb. for 360
and 80 Green Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Baking-
Powder, 6-lb. can
for 4 $1.00
and 10U Oreen Stamps.
Teas, assorted, lb.... 680
and 75 Green Stamps.
Teas, assorted, lb.... 680
and 65 Green Stamps.
Tea Sittings, lb. pUg. 16o
and 20 Green Stamps.
Hartley's Pure Fruit
Jama, assorted jar, 90c
Bennett's Capitol Ex
tract, bottle 18o
and 20 Green Stamps.
Diamond S. Chill Sauce.
bottle, at lOo
and 10 Green Stamps.
Evaporated Peaches, best
12 He quality, lb. ,.8o
2 lbs., for 15o
Gaillard Olive Oil, large
bottle 780
and 100 Green Stamps.
California Ripe Olives,
60c cans for 2So
Sugar Cane Juice, 5c
bottle for aco
Beat-Em-All Soap, 8
bars ior .960
CheeBe, full cream, per
lb aao
and 10 Green Stamps.
Cheese. Virginia Swivi,
per lb SSo
and 10 Green Stamps.
Garden Seeds, pkg..2Vio
Fertilizer for lawn
grass, 24-lb sack..49o
Marshal's Preserved
Bloaters, can 30o
and 10 Green Stamps.
Diamond Crystal Table
Suit, sack 100
and 10 Green Stamps.
French Mustard. Jar, BSo
and 10 Green Stamps.
Pitted Cafe Olive, 2Bc
bottles, while lot h,
Pint 18o
fcalslns, seedless, 15c
raisins, special, per
lb. loo
Macaroni, Star and Cres
cent brand. S pkga., 8 So
and 10 Green Stamps.
Mince Meat, 3 cans, SSo
and 20 Green Stamps.
Newport Catsup, bottle,
1 100
and S Green Stamps.
Sour Pickles, dozen.. Bo
Radium Stove Polish,
at 19 Wo
and 10 Green Stamps.
Onion Seta, quart... lOo
Ohlrardelll Powdered
Chocolate, lb. can, 38o
and JO Green Stamps.
Ohlrardelll Powdered
Chocolate, H-lb. can,
fr aoo
and 5 Green Stamps.
California Prunea, 9c
grade, 4 lbs BSo
Polk's Soups. 10c cans 4
cans for Bso
Rice. Special. 10c Head
Rice, 4 lbs aso
ion. noney cookies, lb.
fon weicrht.
value, at 89c
26 inches wide, full lino of colors,
regular 75c a yard value, Fri
day, at , .. , 39c
Friday in Our Manufacturers1 Stock Sale
Dress Skirts, Coats and Silk Underskirts-All chol imn
Spring styles, in all best fabrics and colors; look where you
will, you '11 never find these Friday bargains. Nothing to equal
them shown elsewhere
Made to sell at $5,
panamas in all col
ors and black, 500
in the lot, choice,
Friday ...$1.95
Worth $7.50, splendid assort
ment of colors and black, is
most delightful lot of bar
gains, at choice. ... .$3.95
Worth to $15, plain colors and
fanciest beautiful new de
signs, magnificent bargains,
at $G.95
Made to sell at $10.00
and 112.50, In choic
est Spring Style, taf
fetta, serges, Pana
mas and voiles, black
white and colore,
at $5.05
Made to sell at $7.50,
voiles, panamas,
fancy skirting
magnificent bar
gains, at. .$3.95
Made to sell at $15, long cov
erts and broadcloths, you
can't duplicate them, at sale
price, at.. $9.90
COATS-Made to sell at
$7.50, clever spring styles,
on sale, at .....$3.95
In the Domestic Room Friday, Tailor Suits-Made to sell up to
$20, in four big lots, choice $12.50 $10 $8.50 $7.50
Ladies' Dressing Saques re- Children's Wash Dresses
gular 98c values, at. : . .50c Values to $2, choice 98c
Some Interesting Specials
in Our Drapery Dept.
W will place all our remnants of
madras, silks, - nets, Swisses, scrims
and all other drapery cloths in three
big lota.
Lot 1 Consists of all goods that sold
up to $3.50 a yard, your unlimited
choice, per yard 50
Lot 2 Consists of all goods that sold
up to $1.26 a yard, your choice, per
yard, at .155
Lot 8 Consists of all goods that sold
up to 30c a yard, your choice, per
yard, at 10
30c striped scrims, 40-inch wide, all
new patterns, sale price, per yard,
at 15
All odd pairs of curtains, exactly
at H regular price
40c quality, white and natural color
madras, several different patterns,
per yard, at 25
10 other specials In lace curtains.
Remnants of IVool
Dross Goods
1,500 yards of all kinds of wool
dress goods, Shepherd checks, diag
onals, suitings, etc., worth up to $2 a
yard, in 5 lots
Yard 15. 25. 38. 48. 57
RemnanU of high grade linens, rarjr
Irish, Scotch, German and mer
cerized damasks, worth up to $1.50 a
yard, will go in 5 lots
Tard 10. 25. 38. 48. 58
Remnants at the regular counter
1?'00 yards of damask; 1,000 yards
oly linen crash; 2,500 yards of sheet
ings; 6,000 yards of yard wide
bleached and unbleached muslins all
at about
Ono-Half Price
iien Tourim and Ur.
nam Crackers, pkg. loo
and )0 Oreen Stamps.
Salmon, brat we have
brand, tall can 18o
Jelly, amaorted flavor.
Blaaa l0o
Yacht Club Halad Dre.n-
ing. bottle 4a0
and 20 Oreen Stamps.
Yacht Club Salad Ire.,
lna;. bottle 85o
and 10 Oreen Stamps.
Very Special Furnishing Goods Values
Boys' 75c Shirt Waists Sateens,
percales, ginghams, blouse, belt
styles, on sale at 25c
Men's and Boys' $1.50 Negligee
Shirts White or colors, manu
facturers surplus stock . . .49c
Men's and Boys' Laundered
Shirts Values to $1. manufac
turers Kiirrliis RfnrvV nn oiJLadies' Muslin
vv-" v J WM'V I . .
j Jiuaj, oi iC at
Ladies' Knit Union Suits light j
weight, regular and extra sizes,
at ,,,.,.,,........25(5 !
Ladies' Hose Worth regularly
to 25c, black and colors, on sale,
at 7H 10 12H
Children's Hose All sizes, reg
ular values to 25c, on sale, at, per
Plr 7K 10 15
Underwear in
worth to $1.60, go,
25 39 49 69
SAMPLE AND FANCY NOTIONS-Friday at y2 to y4 regular
retail prices. See the Notion Department, Domestic Room.
mm mm skki w mm : mm
h..'M!;m..b mymmrum.
Silver Cloisonne
Prooclie. Veil Pins. Cuff Buttons, Beautv
Pins Belt Pins. Stk-k Pins VVe hive Vom.
btautiaa Bp.nd a f w minute In oar stor.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
1610 Douglas Street.
It pays you to trade at Hayden's, when we save you
from 25 to 50 per cent on your housekeeping expenses.
Read the Big April Grocery Opening Sale for Friday
Ut The Beat Bemad fo Courtis,
V Colds, Throat as a X.nn( Troubles
Get a bottle today, as and aoo, at your
druKlats or Jtoweii Draff Co 80-ao M.
let ftu. Omaba.
.-. -
The workingni&n is as careful
what bis daughter reads a the
banker. . The Bee - la - In most
very 'ihrlttr, self - respecting
home. , ' '
Smith & Nixon
Piano Stock Sale, Begins
Watch Papers for Particulars
Kansas City House
Springs x
Now open under same man
, erement. UAUE It. BAIRD.
lbs. sacks Bst .Hlrh Patent Flour.
Made from the best No. 1 wheat, everv
sack ruarantefd, per aack fl 85
Id lbs. Best Granulated Kurar., Jl 00
8 bars Diamond C or Beat-Em-All soap, tGc
10 lbs. Bt Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal, 2fic
lbs. Best Pearl Tapioca, Navy Beans
Pago. Barley or Farina , 2f
( lbs. Choice Japan Rice 2Sc
All kinds Corn Flakes, par 7Vc
drape Nuts, per pkg lOo
Bromangelon, Jellyoon or Jello, pkr....7Se
l ib. cans assorted Soups "Sic
011 or Mustard Sardines 4c
Large bottle German or French Mustard
at, bottle 7Hc
The Beat Condenaed Mince Meat, 1 -lb.
Pk 7V4o
Choice California Prunes, per lb 4c
Choice California Peaches, per lb....7HC
Fancy California Mulr Peaches, !b..dHc
Fancy Muscatel Cooking KaLslna. lb., Je
The Beat Tea Sifting, per lb 12 Ho
The Beat Oolden Ssntos Coffee, lb., lie
The Best Soda or Oyster Crackera, per
lb ; 7Hc
The Beat Crisp dinger Snaps, lb.,.. 7 He
The Heat Pretsel. prr lb ...i. 6c
Fancy assorted cookies, per lb ,10c
Watok h( Watt tor tfce Biff Straw
berry Bala.
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. Jflc
Fanry No. 1 Country Butter, per lb 2c
Fancy No. 1 Kalry Butter, per lb 2Rn
2-lb. Oond Butterlne. for.!.. "
Fancy Full Cream T. A. CIio.o.'ik" " ;XJ
ii..,. ii. ... VU
Fancy Full, Cream I.lmbe'rire'r.'
' s-resn veretablea. It's BsTd.n'.
Tha rooples' Market. yaen a.
Fresh (Spinach, pr peck... ' n
F're.h Asnararus nr i.innk "' i.
2 Hesds Fresh Hothouse Lettuce 6?6
2 bunches Fresh Hothouse Kadlshei k 1
Large Head Lettuce. .,-h "aa'""""- l '.4
New Potatoes, per lb....
Shallots Tll rnl. 70
bunch, at ..'.;. .. "rroM-
I trie bunches tvh nlJ.-, ''. o
Wax or Ureen Beans, per lb
Fancy Rlne Tomatoes, per lb
Fresh Cabbage, per lb.."'.
""xinmi you want
per cenr.
. . . 1 5i
t a sa
. . . HO"
. .2i
vlng of 50
Jarals fot rrtday Sale.
Tot Trldsy, p.r aoaea
' ISo, 174 o. 80o. n 30
Tha Orange of Friday. For Friday,
per doien. 16c 170, 20c, 26c and 80c.