Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    niK IJKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. 'APRIL 1. 1910.
Whtat Newt Continues Bullish and
Fluctuations Are Erratic.
future atoadr: March, nominal: Hay
!; J'llv. M VI; October, 7a lod.
i im.N-spot quiet; new Amrl(nn mlied
northern. s 4S1: old American mled. fca
H'V'; future dull; July, im 64d.
M:U tlinK . CRFIt AL , H 4KKCT
$ltm llrnrr Damage, Wnlle, om t
Other Hand, Dfn4 U Mot at
All Aetlr and Mcalplng
In Free.
. .OMAHA. March SI, 1910.
Ther ! very I Lttie .chnge. In the wht
situation. News continue to be bullish
and msrket fluctuation sre very erratic.
Th. hjngs are holding firm and claimlng
heavy damaxe. On th other hand, demand
la not active 'and calplng freely in
dnleed In. '
I The corn market hi a heavy tone, owing
to llaht ahlDDlnff demand and heavy 1-
vator stock. Wore activ cash condition
ara needed to sustain present value.
Wheat opened nervoua and, after a ahort
rally, eased lack t Q yesterday' level,
i- Trade w rather light and the tone of the
O Market larked anap. trader being disposed
to trait for more definite erop new.
The corn market wit weak and lower,
gwral cash condition being very slow
af.nd liquidation In option easily sent prices
"own. t:sh offering were taken at He
lower, .with, demand alow.
Primary wheat receipt were lYiT.Ofl" bu.
and shipment wera lftfaoO bu., against re
ceipts lat yer of 4,000 bu. and Bhlpments
of 212.000 bu. .
Primary corn receipt were SS1.000 bu.
and shipment cr R4S..0) bu., against re
ceipt la.v-yer of 119.000 bu. and ship
ment of 878,000 bu. . .
Clearance were 171.400 bu. of corn. S.ono
bu of out a and wheat and flour equal to
120.000 bu. . . . . .
Liverpool closed Mid lower to V higher
on wheat and d hlieher on corn.
Lrfrcat range of option: -
Market Narrow, with Traders Flaying
en Both Sides.
Artlolea..Oper. I HU5h, Low. Cloae.l Tea'y.
: f
Wheat I
O'n t
1 H
1 03X1
1 OTH!
1 03
inn iv
. 1 03 1 03H
871a M
1 . 61
48 '43
41S, 411
1 0
1 3V
Omnia Caa Price
wheat-no. s.bard. i.c7'&i.o: no.
hart. ll.06Vfc-tfl.07: No. 4. hard. Jl.OtvBrl.os.
No. 2 spring, Sl.OSWifl.OSt,: No. S aprlng.
Si-Wfil.Wt:' No. 4 aprlng, S1.0W1.04V,; No.
2-tfxirum. o; Ko; 8 durum, SSci no grade,
9loWl 0 -' v v .
CORN-NO. 2 white. 58Vffo9e; No. J white,
58-OT8V4C;' N'o. 4 white.- fcVyuMc: No. 2 color,
b7e; No. 8 colon fcti.o; No.. 4 color. MWlt
5T.V; No. 1 yellow,. 50't(6c; No. -yellow
BW14c; No. 4 yellow, 63iffr3V,e; No. i
f&Mio; No. 3.' mWriKc, No. 4, Piic;
no grade. 40-it-ute. .. .
OATS-Standard. 42f424o; No. I white,
41-42o; No. 4. white, 41841V; No. 3 yellow,
41'S4mc; Noi : 4 yellow, 40U4Htc; No. S
mixed, 40WJ41HC. .';'''.,
BAHLEY-No. 4. 53364o; No. 1 feed. 12
6So; iej"cted, 6Ca,I!S4c.
HYE-No. a, 7iWTBc No.' , 7f374He.
C'arlot Receiatta.
w " Tieat. Corn. Oata.
iTMcaaO 114
Mtnneapolla . 93
Otnaiia W
Duhith .'...'!. 71
ro.ltttrra ef the Trading; and Cloalngr
r .1- I'rli-ea na Donrd, of Trade.
CHICAGO. March 31. Crop damage re
run from Kn. biid .the wheat market to)ny' and at the cloe prices were
Vfc'-Ste" higher: 'Corn and tiata were weak.
I'rovlnlen followed coarse grain and cload
weak. c . ...
Activity and treneth of the May deliv
ery whx the feature of trndlng In the wheat
pit'. Thut 'option showed greater flrmnes
tlran.the new crop months at all atages and
at iie liinh. poiot .was. 1'tc above final
flPtifH f'liti previous senslon. The new
crop month .were Influenced by fresh re
poits c jncei nlng the condition of the grow
li:g Krain. .Advices from Kansas were of
move- dWIhlte' chrncter than heretofore
nrxl showed that a larse percentage of the
crop ud bo,en .J'winter killed." These re
piirU, iiowovor. , had been, largely dis
c'AifM. 'Hie range on the July delivery
tottkv wan t'W'ke and - for September 'ic
Weaknrns of corn prompted some selling In
tin; !ral hnlr of tue aay, dui tne marKei
. juiy cioaea
at the outset.
uhI.ik to the bulge In wheat, but before
the end of the first half hour prices had
atm-teil downward. The market closed weak
at almost' -tfie ttottom, with 'prices feHe
lower. . may -sota oeiween itni-4i;
ttfVc and closed at'Ci'Alia'lttc.
Outs were inclined to be weak. The May
delivery rtinaed between 43MlO and 43o.
Th eoloae, was easy, with May off Sio
at 4S-'li43Sc. .
In provisions moderate weakness In the
tilt throughout the entire day was mani
fested. Quotations on the May products
were: Pork, $1!5.!0; laid, $13.82; ribs, SlXtHV
I&U.70. . . . .
'I lie leading, futures tanged as follows:
notations of the Pay
NEW YORK. March aO.-FIMTR-Bteafly.
with moderate jobbing: spring fmtents, IS W
l"S0; stralnlits. i, ihnf, ; winter patents,
lA.lio'q 00; epring clear. I ISO'S 4 75; winter
etrs. No. 1. H MVn 4 SO; winter e'ras. No. 2.
14 i4.4S; Kansas straights. p.Vtti,.W. Re
ceipt. 25.9O0 hbl.; shipment, 21.4 bhla
Kye flotir. ntilet: fair to good,;
choice to fancy, Mfti4..
COriNMKAL Steady; fine white aod yel
low. Si 4.V41.60; coarse, Sl.ltVifl 40; kiln dried,
RYK null; No. 2 western, WHfl. nomi
nal, f. o. b.. New York. (
WHEAT-Spot Irregular; No. 2 red. Si 2f.
o. I. f., and No 1 northern, 11 W4. f. o. a.,
opening navigation. The option maiket was
quiet and rather nervous and after ad
vancing early on the absence of rain In the
Southwest, eased off under professional
selling and ome more favorable crop re
ports, closing steady at H. decline to lo
advance. May closed at $1.24; Julr closed
at 11.17; Neptember closed at 11.12V Re
cepts. 13.100.
CORN Ppot easy: ateamer. Mf. asked
and No. 4. Kii'lc. both in elevator, export
baals; export, No. 2, nominal; options
wTn without transaction, closing at SfOSO
n"t decline. May Icosed at 71'c; July, 74c;
Kepteniher. 74c; receipts, 73,16 bu.; ship
ments. 4.S05 bu.
OATrt Spot steady: mled, WftM lb.,
nominal; naturnl white. 2MST32 lh.. 40Mc;
clipped white. 34342 lb., 60S.1c. Option
were without transactions, closing un
changed; May closed at 43c; receipt. 48.100
bu.; shipment, 2,000 bu.
KEKU-Hteady; western ptng bran, 100
pound sack. I24.2MT24 7S.
HAY (Steady; prime, S115; No. 1. S1.104S
MM No. 2, St.0WM.10; No. 3. SI 091.05.
HIDKR Quiet; Central America, VPc;
Hog"tA. 22Ho.
LEATHKH Steady; hemlock firsts, StWJJ
29c: seconds, 23s&27c; thirds. 22325c; re
jected. 2'1aic.'
PROVIPIONS-Pork barely steady;: mess,
I7.2fiif27.ft0; family, 37.SO2.00: short clear,
$2 504t 29.00. Reef, steed v: mess. Sl.i OOWlt 00;
family, S19.OO019.EO; beef hams, $24.0036.00.
Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
lbs.. Sla.Miru.OO. Lard, easy: middle west.
prime, St4.SFf914.4n; refined, easier; continent.
114 so; Himth America, S16.60; compound.
Sio jr-s-io M).
TAILOWStidy; prime city, hhds., 7c;
country. 7C(I7Vfr.
BUTTER Unsettled; .creamery specials.
34fi 34VfcC.
ROOH Firm: western storage selectim
22e23c; extra first. 22S22Hc; first, JlH3
Z2c; southern first. 21ltt2ivc.
POULTRY A live, quiet; fowl. 20c; tur
keps, 14(5 20c. Dressed, firm; western chick
ens. 16alic; western fowls, IBfli'ic; west
ern turkeys. 1723e.
tlons ranging from to ahove yester
day's New York closing.
For AebmaVa, Fair Friday After
Warmer Night.
OMAHA. March SI. 1910.
Freeslng temperatures were general last
night throughout the upper Mississippi and
Missouri valleys and over Nebraska and
Kansas, except along the Missouri river
from Omaha south. Temperatures con
tinue at or below freeslng In Wyoming
Colorado, New Mexico and the Texaa pan
handle, but are rising In that section this
morning, and warmer weather is general
throughout the west. A very decided fall
In . temperature occurred during the last
twenty-four hours east of the Missouri
river, over the Mississippi and Ohio valleys,
lake region and east to the upper Atlantlo
coast. Rains are falling in the middle Mis
sissippi and lower Ohio valleys, and gen
erally cloudy weather prevail east of the
Mississippi river. It In clear weat of the
river Into the mountains, and fair weather
will continue in this vicinity tonight and
Friday, with warmer tonight.
Following is the temperature and precipi
tation compared with the last three years:
1910 1909. 190 1907.
Minimum temperature S 29 S9 S7
Precipitation .00 .IS .08 - .00
Normal temperature for today, 44 de
Deficiency in precipitation sine March. L
1.33 Inches. '
. Deficiency corresponding period In -1903,
S9 of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1908,
74 .of an Inch.
a L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster..
- tint '!ral half of the day, but
' VtJ closet! firm, with May" at Si. 14.
' T af tl.OkVt and September at Sl-0
Coin showed some firmness at
Articles.! Opeaa High. ( Low. Close. Yes y
May July
, hept.
May July
May July
1 IS
I !,4N,'
i .i IT.I
' 2o
25 .
13 SO
IS 72W!
13 &('
IS 7V,
13 47H
13 36
.1 15
1 08
i us
1 0XW
1 OCVl
1 141,1 1 UM,
1 OSSl 1 OH,
1 O&Hi 1
431 4314
41- UWk
3o 92H
is nr.
13 72VI
13 5i
2R 70
26 12
1. 26 07V4
IS 70
13 67W
13 io
13 T2H! 13
13 47 I 13 27 S4
13 27 11 20
25 90
25 67
25 10
13 82
. 41
tr 95
26 75
S5 27
13 37
Jt. I.ovl General Market. .
ST. LOUIS. March 81. WKBT-FutUrea
higher: May, 1.121481.12H: July, S1.6BV
cash higher;' track, No. S rtd. S1.KM.2J;
.no. j nara,, ,-
CORN Futures, lower: May. 3c: Julv.
ae. Cash steady; track, No. 8, eziftSc;
no, g wnne, m(S4o.
OATS Futures steady: May. 43c: Julv.
41o. Cah steady; track, No. 2, 43 c; No,
2 white, 4c.
IIYF, Unchanged at 81c.
FLOUK Steady: red winter ntnt
S5.4Oif.t0; extra fancy and atraight. S4.iftli
o.w; nara winter clears. Ji,8'j(a4.uu.
fSr. r.l r j imot ny, w.was.'M.
CO RN M EAL S3. 25.
BRAN Lower; sacked eaat track, tl.ivn
HAT Unchanged; timothy, S16.0O04J18.5O;
prairie, tU bMH.OO.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: InhKIn
S25.flO. Lard, lower; prime steam, Sl3."5uf'
14.00. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxeM
extra shorts, S15.7; clear rlba. 81B.S7t
short clears. SlS.62. Bacon, unohangedi
. , . n"wn, viear rips.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, lSe; spring.
jiw iiirseys. ic; OUCKS, 16c; geese, 8c,
BUTTER Steady: creamery, 27fi3Sc.
nuua-irni at 190,
Flotir, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn. bu. .....,.'...
Ooats, bu
Receipts. Shipment's.
... 22.01)0
13 U 18 70
13 60
13 70
13 22
13 60
13 72
13 45
13 82
No. 2.
r Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOl'H Easy; winter patents, S5.309
5 65; winter ' straights. $4.3fx SO; spring
Mrnlcht. S4.75H.6;- bakers, Sa.20iJiS.S0.
nvc-Xo, 3. 8O0.
KA RLF. Y Feed or mixing, 62Se4of fair to
rV.o-ce maltina'. LUCtiiuC.
SEEDS Flx, No. 1 southwestern, 2.Sf;
No. I northwestern, $2.30. Timothy, S4.00.
CJover. $12 fc '
PROVISIONS -m Pork. mesa, per bbl.,
.,6,!l7V'i"-,0O l.ard, per 100 lbs., S14.00. Short
ribs aides lloose. S13.37'r13.76; short clear
sides tboxedl. $14.a.r.ij 14 .fA .
.Total clearance of wheat and flour were
equal tol-tl.OOO bu. Primary receipts were
457,000 bu.. compared with 4S9.000 bu. the
corresixindlng day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat,
20 cars; corn, 149 cars; Oats, 70 cars; hogs,
10 000 brad. -
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 n-d,
181141 131: No. S red. ll.l-tfrMll: No 2 hard,
V h HMM IO: ' No. 8 hard. Sl.07Wl.I4: No. 1
northern aprtng, SI f Uft Corn: No. 2
cash. cmti'Mttoi No, t cash. 6tHSlc; No.
I I uhlte, M'oMc: No. S wlilte. olUftttlo: No.
i i vellow. eiX'&sJc'r No. 3 yellow, tWttjeUio.
I ats: Na. 8 white. 4It44c; No. 4 while.
HV,itao: stanaara. ovJ'oi.v,c.
Bt'TTER Creameries, 2fo,32c; dairies,
ROUS Steady 1 receipts. S0.43S cases; at
mark, rase Included. lvfr-Ve; first, tOc;
prime firsts. Sic.
CHEESE Steady; daisies; 14c;- twins,
13J13C' Young Americas, 14S15c; long
horns. 14inisc,
POTATOES Stead y f choice to fancy, 25.J
27c; fair to good. I2f23o.
. POC LTR Yr-FIrm ; turkey, lc; chickens,
', ,i:; spring. 17c.
VEAI-Sieady; 50 to WMb. we1?hta, S10c;
m to K-lh. welghta. 10dfll'; 8S to 110-lb.
v weights, limi.120.
lcelpts Today: Wheat,. ?9 cars; eorn,
r 'At cars: eats,- 9" cars. "Estimated tomor-
.- : Whrat, 20 cars; corn, 149 cars; oats,
. cars.
. Minneapolis Grain Market, ,
May. SI 14; July, SI 14T; cash. No. 1,
SI. lfl 1.17; No. 1 northern, 8I.15M.1;
No. S northern, f U3ft'1.14V. No. 8 north
ern, SlOJWqlU. .
. SEEI-Fsx closed at 82 S2H
CORN No. S yellow, dbntej
. OATn N S whits. tOH-uHlHc-'
RYE No. S. S9C74Via. , ,
HRAN-ln lKVlb, ea.ks. 321 00.
i-l A 'R First patents tin wood t n k
- Mlnneapollst. Sr B0; second patents, S5.J0
frA : first' clears. M 4i; second clear.
. VUOW..k - e :. ...
,1 i l.lwrrnocl Srals Market.
full; No. S re4 rtrn wlater. bo tock;
s. son
no. mo
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
-May, S109H. bid; July, $1.03T81.04. bid
September, $1.0201.02. bid. Cash, un
changed; No. 8 hard. $1.10(8 1 IS; No. 8, $107
VI. IS: No. S red, Sl.17tfl.S2; No. 3. S1.140119
COUN-May, Ga'tc, bid; July, 2
"OiiriD, RtevivITIuer, HiC, old. CSSll
unchanged; No. i mixed. 63c; No. 8. 6aa
62c: No. 8 white. 6&63c; No. S, 63c
OATS Unchanged, No. 2 white. 4347c
No. t pilxed. 43(tf4lc.
RYE 72t)76c.
IIAY Unchanged; choice timothy. $15 00--7
Ji'iiLS, -tir.a-ire 'I'Oll; choice alfalfa,
II I.UtKrf IB. 00.
BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, extras
81c; firsts.. 29c; seconds, 27o; seconds!
27o; packing stock, Slo.
KOGS Unchanged; current receipt, new
cases, $6.10; miscellaneous cases $6 06
southern. $5.86; storage packed. $65
... S9.0D0 M00O
... 36.000 M.000
... 2.0U0 7.000
Phlladelpkln Produce Market.
Firm and In fair demand; extra weetern
creamery, 35c; extra nearby prints, 86c
EtJtiS Steady and In fair demand; Penn
sylvania and other nearby first, free case
S2c at mark; Pennsylvania current rel
ceipts. in returnable rase, 21c at mark
western firsts, free cases, 22c at mark
western current receipts, free cases, 2ic at
CHEESE Demand prices firmer; New
York full creams, choice, 17tri7sic- New
York full creams, fair to good, U'b17c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. March 81-CORN-Lower: v
S yellow, 5lc; No. S 68c; No. 4, 56c:
no grade, 43ft63c.
OATS Dull; No. S white, 43g44c: No
4 white, 42c.
Derision of Manresae Jest Ires et to
A ttend Fnnrrnl les It lee to Be
lief that American Tobacco
Case tClll be Settled Early
NEW TORK. March 81 The stock mar
ket today further disclosed It narrow limi
tation. The trader operated on one side
of the market for a time and then shifted
to the other side, while real buyers and
sellers apparently refrained from taking
any action at all.
Great uncertainly exist as to the sig
nificance of the decision of the supreme
court not to sccompsny the body of the
late Justice Brewer to Its resting place In
Kansas. The desire to avoid 'delay In the
public business gives rise to a supposition
In the financial district that the American
Tobacco rase maj be decided Monday. The
opinion la universal in sioca maraei cir
cles that the decision will be followed by
a pronounced movement of th market In
one direction or th other.
Another matter receiving much attention
wa the rumher of railroads following th
example of the Pennsylvania by advancing
wages. That action wa or mixed errect
on speculative sentiment. Th view ex
pressed by labor representative ascribed
a motive of caution to the action as de
signed to weaken prospective demands for
larger ln"reasee than thoee recorded. Tnt
the step would facilitate greements, how
ever, was assumed.
Uneasiness over the crop conditions wa
revived by the failure of predlctlona of
general rains In the Suuthwset and by the
cooler weather reported there. Another
wave of depression emanated from the
Granbv mining episode In the Boston mar
ket. The gravity of th Incident wa In
ferred from the news of Its Influence In so
remote a field as the Pari Bourse.
London sent reports of confident expec
tations of an early movement of gold from
New York to that center. An easing of
discount rate In London today was t
trlbuted to that prospect. The local money
market w-aa unaffected by the preparation
for the heavy April payments.
Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value,
$2,198,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
NEW YORK, March 30. -Closing quota
on storks wer as follows:
Ssles. Hlrh. Low. Clese.
Allls-Cnilmeni pf4
iuliuialsl Onpper
American Agricultural ....
Am. Beat Siiew
American Out
Am. o. a r
Am. Cotton Otl
Am. H U tifd
Am. Irs Securities
American Linseed ,
Amsrtcan Locomotive ....
Am. a. ft
Am. a. a a. ptt
Am. Rfesl Foundries
Am. Busar (tormina
Am. T. T., -dlv
Am. Tobaoco pfd
American Woolen
Anaconda Minis Go
Alrttiaon pfd -
Atlantlo Coast Une
Baltimore Ohio
Bethlehem Steal
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of Now Jeraay.'. . .
Chesapeake Ohio
Chicago Alton
Chicago ot. w. new
Chicago Ot. W. pfd
Chicago N W
O., M. A 81. P
C C, O. St. L
Colorado r. I
Colorado A Southern
Consolidated Uas
Oo rn Products
Delaware A Hudaon
Denier at Rio Orande....
p. A R. O. pf
Distiller,' Securities
Brie 1st pfd.
Brie 2d Pfd
Oeneral rlectrle
Great Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore ctla.
Illinois Central
lnterborougn Met.
Int. Met. pfd
International Harvester
Int. Marine pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa Central ....v.
Kansas Cttr o J..,
K. O. Be. e-iv..
Laclede Oae
Lou I iv tile N
Minn. A St. L
M , SU P. B. 8.. M ...
M , K. A T
M., K. A T. pfd. ........
Missouri Pacific
National Biscuit ........
National Lead
K. R. R. of M. id ofd..
New York Central.......
N. Y.. O. W
Norfolli A Western
North American
Norttvern pacific
Pacific Mall
People' e Oaa
P., C, O. A BU L
Pittsburg Ooel
Pressed Btael Car
Railway Steel Spring....
Republlo Bteel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Island Co ,
Rock Inland CD. fd
St. L. A 8. P. td pfd...
St. Loula W
St. L. S. W. pfd ,
Sloee-Sheffleld S. A 1
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway .....
So. Railway pfd
Tennoase Copper
Texas A Pacific
T., M. U A W
T , St. L. A w.. ei-dlv
rnlon Paclflo
t'nlon Paclflo pfd
V. B. Realty
V. S. Rubber
I'. 8. Steel
IT. 8. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical
W"aban pfd
Western Maryland ctfs.
Weat In chouse Electric .
Western tnlon
Wheeling A L. K
Total kalea tor tne sey, anarre.
T iew York Money Market.
call, steadv, 73 per cent; ruling, ra'c.
2 per cnt; rinsing bid. 2 per cent; of
fered at 2't per cent. Time loan steady;
sixty days, 8 per cent; ninety days, 4
per rent; six months. tftV, per cent.
per cent.
actual business I bsnkers' bills at 84 S440
4 M for slxtv dav and at $4 770 for de
mand. Commercial bills. S4.MV44 4.
SILVER-Par, 52c; Mexican dollar. 44c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad
New York Cork Market.
The following quotation are furnished
ey Logan A Uryan, 315 South Sixteenth
4) Greene Csnanea.. 9
27 Inspiration 77,
10 1rose 41,
23t,Nevda Cons Sl
.... I'tsewnouse i i-m
l:tv'hlo Copper 4'
2'4R'whlde foalltion
2',Hy Central ....361
18wlft Pkg. Co...ltX.
iTT'iSears, Roe. Co., .151
20 SMver King Coal. 2
lCiSup. Pittsburg. 1S
Tonopah Mining. 7
Goldfleld Cons.... 8 Trinity Copper... 7
O'dfleld Florence IUnlted Copper ... 7
Goldfleld Daisy.. 9w,
Trenenry ttratensent.
WASHINGTON, March 81 The condition
of the treasury at the beginning or dubi
nesa today was as follows:
Trust Funds Gold coin, $Sfi2.7S7.89; silver
dollars, $4(!9 134.000; sliver dollar of W0,
$3,no.flo: silver certificate outtndlng,
General Fund Standard llver dollar In
rnera1 fund. $1.9x0,si: current liabilities.
$101,823,14.; working balance In treasury of
fices. 29,l"0i2fl: In banks to credit of treas
urer of the United States, $35,4.8.717; ub-
imarv a.iver coin. l,4ll .Hl; minor coin.
1.0M.X89: total balance In general fund.
$A7,7K4 29.
Amer. Tobacco
i:ay State Gas.
Boston Cons....
Butte Coalition
Chief Con
Flv Central ....
Elv Con
Ely Witch
Receipts of Cattle Very Light and
Prices Strong-er.
l $t 1M t t SM ..!
Tt Si , . iu 4. HI M in Ttv,
71 SU . . .0 e
SH KEF The lamb market was larking
In life again this morning nd most of th
business was done at even lower prices
than thuse that prevailed eeterdsy.
Sunrdv was limited rotiststlnr slmost
I wholly of lambs; in fart, the run csrried
sum small proportion ot sneep r.o jeni-
HOGS ARE NOT FAR FROM STEADY ren,..BM,,n1,.iVh .nr'n.n.VWhw
best Mexican IsmhR here, tne same Ktna
that sold st HOIK at the high time last
beep la Light Receipt and Akont week changed hands this morning at $9 R.
rial ouc lower, siecuum tote ann nrw.
Steady, with I. a nibs low and
Weak to Ten to Fifteen
Cents Lower.
westerns are. If an thing, somewhat lowsr
than high-dressing grades and are meeting
with a verv dull inquiry at the prices. As
a whole, today's lsmb trade Is quotable
at 10d)f.c lower than yesterday, with move
ment Inaitlve at the decline.
Thus far this week the trade ha tieen
BflCTVt OMAHA March 81. 1910.
Cattle. Hogs Sheep, very nisappmmtng "' ""
4 433 11.13 l!'",r "rrl' M..W..-I. .....
Graft Scandal
Snares Sixteen
More Officials
Former City Fathers Charged with
Receiving Bribes Xlein Back
in Tenitentiary.
Receipts were
Official Mondav 5.178
Official Tuesday 4 Hf J S 9; 3
Official Wednesday S.n-4 8 9W
Estimate Thursday 1.526 .t
55,109 U 11 T4S
10 U t 44
l.OOfl 11 10 lb
l.i IH IS
DO 5W f
, 7
r4 IV, fH rm
no ni ia4 ih
sno 4H eO
ll,M) (14 7I4 toH
101) 10 )H 105H
MO t M K'4
too m n 113
i,4.S 17 137H l7Uj
900 14 lill 95H
I.SOO 4X 454, 4H4
1.700 vi ins lt
ino in it l"2i
1110 n it vet
500 11044 110H :i'fc
Bank of F.ngland gtatentent.
LONDON. March 31 Th weekly state,
lent of the Rank of England shows the
following change:
Total reserve, decreased. a.291.ouu; circu
lation decreased, 33,000; bullion, decreased,
328,960; other securities. Increased, 2.583.-
0110; other deposits Increased, 66,000; pub
lic, deposits, increased. 1,622.000; notes re
serve, decresed, 194,000; govern securi
ties, unchanged.
The proportion of the banks reserve to
liability this week Is 44.81 per cent; last
week It was 47.45 per cent.
Dry Good Market.
A revision of wide sheetings by agents to
a basis of 25c for Pepporell 10-4 goods was
announced In the cotton goods market. It
wa also stated that fruit or the loom
may be advanced, as orders have been
coming In steadily and the recent price
named waa below the cost of production.
Curtailment of production I Increasing In
Trie, icotton mill. Alpaca ana M.onair
linings have been priced for aprlng 1911
at an advance of 5 per cent. Jobbing
house trade continue quiet.
8.300 7'i
1,800 lal
no 41
JO0 10
17 V,
7SH 7M4,
')U 40
10 106
US a
C14 53
27 7
CO U04 ISO . lw
.4xi is m'4 140V1
100 ISVk ItVi
100 5 M Mtt
ASOO lit 140U, 144
400 16 11V. 14
400 171Vi 170k 171
1,000 40 M t
1O0 7H
300 150
m iv.
140 144V,
l,oo latu. iJii.if4
tOO t M t4
400 1SS 1M14 in
3.100 3'4 !J tt4j
lVk 1
iBVi, 'Vi
500 ISVt
43 St
104 Vi
8,400 lll 1304 121H4
BO) 4M 4t4 44
1.400 loss, loevt 101
1,000 iaih im
m tot '.
H,)0 IMS 1S44 1S6H
fl0 110 10V4 10,4,
1,700 102M, imvt iom
goo H 10 0H
100 40't 40V4 4UV
too tlVi to
Four days this week. ..14.442
Same daya last week II M
Bm daya 2 week agn..20.2ts2
Some days 3 weeks sgo..l9.i2
Same days 4 weeks agu..19 54l
Same days last year 14.837
32 2S4
riTTSBCRG. March Sl.-Df. E. R
Water, former president of the select
council, now director of public health and
Recelpta charities, wa indicted today a the l-
Itlllers have , , ...cini.,.. of St.tXX) In bribe money,
;2f,j beenpoor buyer at all times. Eastern de- .,.,. nlh,r former selectmen were
9?,5 mand I practically dead at present iony - ... . . ,
:!', levels and pi Ires have been steadily break- named In the grand Jury veport today
. I tne sinre the onenlne of the week. Hulk v, . amoitnta from B.100 to
S3.49S or loosys ismo iraae is .out .v-j. .nrtu.tmenl.
l i't than lust rrwsy, nit goon ainns 01 nrrp
20 X One of the notable features of receipts
2.y7or lately Is the Scarcity of shorn tock. Colo
radii feeders decline that shearing dates
1 . v . 1 i ,!.. nert
The fol owlns- tab s shows the receipts of ..... ..... 1. 1. iw m hold the
cattle, hogs enj hep at South Omah for .t(lff for llrt tnk; ,ha ri,n 0f
r"r 10 cumpareo witn i.- i y lower price on th market later on.
1910. 1909. Inc. Dec. n.,,.. n .h.r. ... iambs? f-nrlng
attie &.., rt,ow, .ii4i lamhs ehnlee tIS Hon 1 00; soring lamrs.
medium. $11 0viJ13 tiO; good to choice ismrs
price of hnga at South Omaha for the last yearllnjs, $8 4oti8 si; 10 choice ' wetners
I . ,lK Mm--t.nna. id Oiw, Wl- t.(i m m.rt wethers. Si.50(rH.OO
Receipts and disposition or live stoca at good to cnoire ewes,
the union stock Y ards, 8011th omana. iseo., enes, .owo;.w.
for twenty-four hour ending at p. m.
Cattle. Hogs Sh'p H'r's
574.903 71R.6M
... 898.473 427,418
19 504i.0 0t): fair to 'ood lamhs. $9.10Arf9 50;
The following table shows the average good light ywerllngs, $8 8f.ti9.Z5; good h ,
c, m. . st. r...
Missouri Pacific.
L'nlon Paclflo ....
C. t N. W. east..
C. & N. W.. west 8
C, St. P., M. A O.... 4
C, B. & Q , east 1
C, B. A g.. west 84
C . R. I. A P.. east.... 2
Illinois Central
Chicago Gt. Weatern., 1
Total receipt 82
2 2
25 14
28 2
113 21
total of
and yearling re hardly over SYtrlOc lower. I ninety-one In two weeks and thera are
more to come, sa District Attorney Wil
liam A. Rlakeley.
The Jury had before It today thirty mor
officials, directors nd mpluys of the eix
banks alleged to hav paid mo-iey to ob
tain an ordinance naming them as city
depositories. There were also four local
express agents before the grand Jury,
which Is seeking now to trace the $15,000
which wa ent or taken to New York to
be passed over there to former Councilman
Charles Stewart.
The progress of the grand Jury In it
probe for the "men higher up" was still
undisclosed today, but It I declared that
progress la being made and that the nam
Ing of "bigger" men Is certain to come
The Indictment of sixteen former select
men today was based upon the confession
of Stewart that he had distributed to theie
a.lo western lamb
648 Colorado lambs
61 weatern lambs
414 Mexican lambs
34 Mexican ewea
190 western wether
1S9 western wether
$44 wettern wether and year
121 western wethers
fl western ewe
2 western ewes
X4Q eL-aatern ewes
113 western ewes, culls, feed
885 western lnit. shorn
. 93
. 72
. Mi
. 75
. 83
9 35
9 85
7 00
8 05
8 05
. 78
. 72
. 94
8 50
8 00
8 25
I sixteen men $1,000 to buy their votes In
7 00
5 00
8 40
Cattle. Hors.
Omaha Packing Co 465 . 1.503
Swift and Company 27t 1.843
Cudahy Parking Co 418 2.026
Armour & Co 11 2.1
Murphy shipper s. 8341
Hill & Son 18
F. B. Lewis 23
Huston ft Co 5 ....
J. B. Root ft Co 28
J. H. Bulla 89
McCreary A Carey 9 ....
Lee Rothschild 27 ....
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co IS
Kline & Christy 23
Stern 67
Other buyera 210 ....
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. March 81,-OOFFEE-Fu-
ture closed dull, net 6 points higher to 6
points lower; closing bids: April, 6.75c;
May. .80c: June. .90c: July. 8.90c: August
and September 7c: October. November and
December. 7.0oc: January. 7.11c: February.
7.12c. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio. 8 U-1681,c;
No. 4 Kantoa. SVc. Mild, quiet: Cordova,
Oil and Rosin..
SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 31,OIL Spirit
of turpentine, firm at 59t4Jft9ic.
ROBIN Firm: quotations: B. 84 30; D.
S4.42H; E, $4.60; F, $4804.86; G. $4.85: H.
$4.90; I. $4.96; K, $5.95; M. $645; N, $6.70;
W G, $6.96; W W. $7.06.
agar nd Molasses.
firm, muaeavado, 8B tet, 886c; contrlfu
gal, 96 test, 4.36c; molasses sugar, 89 test,
8.61c. Refined, steady; crushed, 5.95o;
granulated, 6.25c; powdered, 6.30c.
loo 9s4
...111,) lt
100 UK
... n.too 4..s
100 u
loO 4
a,1 19,
ll 14'4
4i te
. 100 T4 7t
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. ..
Oats, bu. .
Milwaukee Uraln Market.
1 northern. Sl.17Vl.lf ; No. 1 northern. $1 14
trl.13: July. $1 0v.
OATS 44$ 440.
BARLEY Sample, 66Wc.
Metwl Market.
NEW YORK. March Sl.-METALS-Standard
copper waa weak and lower to
day. Local dealers reported a weak mar
ket, but no quotable change In price
London market lower and cloaed easv
with spot at 157 15a and future at 58
17 6d. Tin firm but quiet, with spot end
March at S33.45V3S.75. London market firm
and higher; spot. fl50 10s and future at
1154 10s. Lead dull: pot. $4 42S'6'4 50. Lon
don market unchanged at flS lxa td. Spel
ter, dull; apot, S5.55tfS.66. London market
unchanged at 123 Iron lower In Ixtndon,
with Cleveland warrants closing at 6lj id!
Ixx-al market quiet; No. 1 northern foun
dry. S18.00isri8.50; No, S northern, No. 1
southern and No. 1 southern, ift, 817 75
18 25.
ST. LOUIS. March St. M ETA L8 Lead
dull at S4.27V, (ipelter. nominal at $5.45.
Bank Clearing;.
OMAHA. March 3, -Bann e earing, for
today wer $2. 809.089 S3, and for th cor
responding dai laat year wer S2.6o6.S511,
12,700 WHi
400 S7't r 2T't
600 U4) tSt H
1,000 ' 9044 904.
100 43 434 41 '4,
400 W4, t 46 t
78,700 U.I
IO0 7H 7 1A
500 4S 41 T 4X14
m.too ut list -'S
too in HVi 11M,
l.hOO 45 44, tH
tx4 t,
SIS 804,
44 14
Loral Seenrltle.
Quotation furnished by Samuel Burns.
Jr., 614 rew iora iiiw uuiiuinty
Alma, Neb., rlty ef 'i
Ctty of 'omaha 4V4, 1M 1"44
Cudahy Parkin To. te Ml,
Columbus . 1,. nret mtg, te net 4
long Hell Lumker Co. 4a, ltl M'4
Nebraska Tel. took. W
North rlatte Val. Irrl. fe. 4a. H1S0.... tt
Omaha Waiar Co. te. 11 10
Omaha. W,t Oo. 4a, 14 "...
Omaha Wa-er Co. td pI4 18
Omaha Oaa te, 11T It
Omaha B. L. A P: ia. 1MI
Omaha B. L. pld. t list
Omaha u R. 4e. 114 HH
Omaka A C. B. St. R. te. UN tt
Omaha A C. B. Br. pfd. ei-dl,.... 14
Omaha A C, B. Bt. Hr , com T4
Omaha A C. B Hr. A B . ptd 444
Pacific T. A T. t 1417 t
iieux Cltr xk Yarta td 1 104
tt. lyoule Brewing Co tOtt
Bhreeport 0. t. la, 1140
go. Ky. Co. . e, 1118-14. net 4V. ...
Union stack lard. Block, te. Omaha., tt
London Cloalngr Stocks. .
Console, sioney... It 1-llbotilirllie A N.
BH CAttle Market Weak Ho Reported
K3 Higher berp Market Higher.
6-J CHICAGO, March 31.-CATTLE-Rcrtpts,
8.500 head. Market steady to 10c nigner.
Sierra, $6.00i&7.00: heifers. 84. 260'7. bo; ouus.
$4.5fVuS.25; calves, S3.0Og9.00; Blocker ana
feders, 4.7Ml.76. ....
I HOGS Recelnt. 12.000 head. Market 6c
higher. Choice heavy, $10 8510.95; butchera,
$10.80910.90: light mixed. $10 854JIO 76- choice
light. $10.70816.90; packing, $10.7510.85; plg,
$l0.15fflO.4O. Bulk Of ales. $10.7011 lO.sO.
SHEEP AN1J LAMBS-newiiHn, i.vw
head. Market tedy. Sheep, 87.ww.w;
2 881 lamb, $7.50110.25; yerllng, $7.50gi.oo.
Totals 1,717 7.831 4,753 Kansas Cltr Lire Stork Market.
Dt. 11910. 11909. 11908. 11907. !190. I1905. 11904. celpte. 8.700 head, Including 200 southern.
" I Market steaay to sireng. 1 nuiu "11
4 92 ie.ed heef steers. S7.6tXEf8.2ft: fair to good,
S6 $t.207.40; western steers $5.75ft'8.00; etock-
4 97 ers snd feeders, $4.20a'6.tiO; southern teer.
02 $6.25a8.00; southern cows, $3.f,OH.75; native
04 cowa, 84 364t.75; native heifers, $4.75-!.00;
l' Dulls. H 'ao oo; caives, ii.biij .
ufniH neceints. 7.000 head. Market
8 1' steady to 60 lower; top, $175; bulk of sales,
6 14 tin MtX to 75 Heavv. $10 66B10.76; packers
6 39 S0 S 09 6 07 ad butchers, $10 OOfl-iO.76; light, $10.4043'
0I4I pigs, $9.50.810.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4ts0
head. Market 15c to 25c lower. Lambs $8 M
flilO.00; yearlings. $8.ouw.4o; wetners.
8.50: we, $6.75(88.10; tockers and reeaers.
March 21.
Maroh S2.
t larch 23.
larch 24
Matx-h 26.
Maroh 26.
March 27.
Maroh 28.
March 29.
10 9V
10 714,
March 30.110 5k.i II M I 57
March SI. 1 10 66m 6 6 78)
6 64
fi 56
S 61
4 731
4 79I
4 80
581 4 S
671 5 01
8 78 6 S3
I 6 501
6 68
S 261
5 16
6 08
6 03
6 11
S 81
S 191 S 13!
5 V3
6 01
6 08
6 13
6 18
6 25!
6 24
6 t0)
6 27
S 27! 6 10!
S 28 ! 5 03!
favor of the bank ordinance, TI10 grand
Jury will b In seaslon again tomorrow.
John F. Klein, whose confession let loose
all recent development In the graft scan
dal, went off meekly to th Weatern peni
tentiary today to serve a three nd one-
half-year sentence.
Mlaaonrl Valley WIU be Dry. '
LOGAN, la.. March 31. (Special. )-Ter-manent
Injunction waa secured against
the taloon keepers, employe and prop
erty owners and each of the saloon keep
er wa given a $500 fin In the Missouri
Valley liquor case In the district court
here today.
The saloon keeper are alact prohibited
from selling liquor In the slate for a
period of five year and the liquor otp- .
tured In the saloons at the time the
searches were mad has been ordered de
stroyed and the cost of the proceeding
charged up to the defendants.
Riley Morgan was given ai term at
Knoxville because of excessive use of
strong drink and Druggist Sehlley was
fined $300 on a charge of Illegal sale of
CATTLE Receipt of cattle thi morning
ware verv ama.ll niablne t.he total for the
four days this week 7,400 head short of the I $4.00(66.00.
same days laat week. There were really
not enough cattle on sale to make a very
good market. Still reports from other points
were not overly encouraging and tne trade
Staple and Fancy Produce Prloea Par
Disked by Bayer and Wholesaler,
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to
tne retail trade In 1-lb. cartoon, 33c; No. 1,
In 60-lb. tubs. 32Ho: No. 2. In 1-lb. cartons.
Sic; In 60-lb. tubs, SOHc; packing stock, solid
pack, I8H0; fancy dairy roll,,i2vc. Market
changes every Tuesday. n?2i
CHEESE Twin. 18c; young America,
19c; Daisy cheese, 19o; Limberger, 18c;
brick. 14c to 19c; domestic block. Swiss,
ic; imported twiss, 80c. ..1. .
POULTRY Dressed broilers, $7.60 a do,
for storage, $6; for freah springs. 17c
hens, 18c; cocks, 11c; ducks. 18c; geese,
16c; turkeys, 26o; pigeons, per do., $1.20;
rtomer squaDS, t4 per do.; rancy squabs,
$3.60 per do.: No. 1. 83.00 Der do. Alive:
Broilers, from l' to 1 lbs., 36o; 1H to S
lbs., 26c; hens, 1314c; old roosters, 8c; young
ruusiers, ivc; uucks, run reatnerea, 13c;
geese, full feathered, lOo: turkeys. 20c:
guinea fowlB, S3 per do.; pigeon, 50 per
FISH-(all frozen) Salmon, lie;, pickerel,
c; wniiensnr iac; pike, 10c: trout. 13c: cat
fish, 18o; large era pules. l&filSo: smelts,
15c: Spanish macherel. 18c: eel. 18c: had
dock, 13c; floundera, 12c; frog legs, 40c per
BEEF CUTS Rib. No. 1, 16c; No. 2,
12Hc; No. S, 1044c. Loin. No. 1. 18c: No.
S, 14V4c; No. 8, 124c Chuck, No. 1. 8c;
No. 2, 8T4c; No. 8, Sc. Round, No. 1, 10c;
No. J, 9Mro: No. 8. S'c. Plate, No. 1, 7Hc:
No. S. 7t4e; No. S. 7c.
VEGETABLES Irish Seed Potatoes:
Genuine Red river valley and early Ohio,
per bu., 85c; western Nebraska and north
ern stock, per bu.; 66cj yellow Jersey
sweets, per bbl., S1.90; Wlsoonsln and
native, per bu., 60c; Colorado, per
bu., 60570c. Sweet potatoea. Kansas, per
bbl., $1.75. Cauliflower, California, 24 to 20
heads, per crate, $2.50, Rutabagas: Canada,
per lb., l'.ic Cabbage: Wisconsin, Holland
seed, per lb., 2c. Celery, Florida In Ruff.
4. S and 8-do. cases, $3.00: 12-lb. bunch, 80c.
Onion, red, per lb., 2iy33c. Old vegetable:
Parsnips, carrot, beets, turnips. In sacks,
per lb.. 2c. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per
lb., 16c. New southern vegetables: Turnips,
per do, bunches, 50c; shallots, per do,
bunches, 60c; spinach, per bu., $1.00; egg
plants, fancy Florida, do. $1.502.00; egg
matoe, fancy Florida or Cuba, per 6
basket crate, fancy, $4.00; ' choice, $850.
String and wax beans, per hamuer. 8600ft!
6 00; cucumbers, hothouse, per do., $1.76!$
2.00;. Horn grown vegetable: Radishes,
extra fancy, per do, bunches. 25c; lettuce,
extra fancy leaf, tier do.. 40c; head let
tuce. In hampers. $3.5O(ff6.0O; parsley, fancy
home grown, per doz. bunches, 40e.
FRUITS Strawberries: Florida, per qt
50c. Orongea: California, navels. 80-96-112-126
sixes, per cox. K.bum.iu; $160-200-21.2.rj0
sizes, per box, $300; Camella brand, $3 2.'..
Lemons: Extra fancy Llmcr.enas, 300-StsO
sites, $4 76; choice Loma. 300-360 slses. Tier
box, $4.00; 240-420 sizes. 60c per box less.
Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, $1.7&iji
8.00; Jumbo, bunch. $2.75i&3.76. Grapes: Im
ported Malagas, per keg. $6.0Mif6.6O. Orape
Fruit: Florida, 54-64-80 alzes. $4.60; Indian
River, all sizes. $5.00. Apples: Jonsthan, per
bbl.. $650; Ben Davis, per bbl., $3.50(84.00;
Genltan. Dr bbl.. $4.00: ner i.t.i
u I $4 60; Gano. per bbl., $4.00; New York Bald-
I .. In . 1J r, kin... LL, . , .w-
St. Loot Live Mock Market.
ST. LOUIS, March 81.-CATTLE Re-
oint. o aa heed Includlnr HUU Texans;
ail over th country wa rather alow and I market, steady; native shipping and ex
weak 1 I i.,.t ,; SOUTH 40: dressed beef or.d
With so few beef trteer In 1ght and with butoher teers. $5.667.66; teer unner i.uw
packer all wanting something the market pounds,; iocKers "'
...... ,.n.. .. . ,.i. .im.-., u iti.n u- and heifers. 12 tS6 uti.Go : can
than yesterday In spite of the weakness re- mrs, S2.obn.00; bull. S2.405.4O; calves $300
ported at other points. The offerings all
ohanged hand In good season In the mo"
ing. other kind of oattle, such as to',
heifer, sold 1n about th same way as
beef steer, all of them moving freely and
at orlcea a trifle stronger than yesterday.
The market on bee cteer I now any
where from 860 to 76o lower than the ex
treme high time. Th decline ha been the
least on the top grades, which are not over
85V50C lower, while some of th medium
kinds 1n extreme case show as much a
75o lower.
Quotations on cattl: Good to choice
cornrea steers. 17.2ryg8.10; rair to good corn-
fed steer. $.757.25: common to fair corn
fed teers. $5.76H8.75: good to choice cows
and heifers, (; fair to good cow
and heifers, $4.606.26; common to fair cow
na neirers, $2.25C34.50: good to choice
73.40: Texss and Indian steers, 4.iota'
;ows and heifers. $2.50f76.60.
HOGS Receipts, e.WJO neaa; maritrt.
ileadv to 6c hlgner: pigs ana ngnie, ei.'"
710.56': packers, S10.7510.86; butcher and
est heavy, it).BmeJ". . ,
SHEEP AM) ,!LAMH-tteceipts,. t.uuu
-. .rVi.f, ") "ative mutton. 86.00
iJ8.26: lambs, 17.15710.25; cull and ouck.
$4.2rifi4).90; Btockers, 4.007.00.
St. Josepk Live Stock Market.
jt rriHEPH. March 81. CATTLE Re
ceipt, 1.500 head; market low; prospects
lower; ateers. S5.60Qi7.;5; cows and hetfets,
.3.fioa.76; calves, J.ovtrJ W.
wnrts Recelnt,. 6.000 .head; market
steady; top, $10.85; bulk of sales. IIO.&OHJ
1076. .
SHEEP. AND LAMBS Keceipts, o.ww
l.lgktnln; Cnnsrs Fire.
NEVADA. la., March 31.-(Specia.)-Mr.
A. V. Graves of thi place and her niece,
Mies Gladys Moran of Osage, wer badly
stunned and might have been killed by
lightning which struck the Graves home
tills morning, and later had a narrow es
cape from being burned when the light
ning set fire to the house. The bolt
entered th house directly over where the
women were sleeping and both were , so
badly stunned that they lay unconscious
for time. In th meantime the houaa
caught fire and It was not until had
gained great headway that Mr. Grave
came to and waa able to aroBse her
niece and get her out of danger. Th
bouse and much of Its content , wa destroyed.
stockers and feeders, $Ofta.76; fair to head; market weak to 10c lower, mmus,
good stockers and feeder. $6.OO6.0O; com- IS. Wtf 10.00.
mon to fair stockers and feeder, S4.00ji5.00:
stock heifer. $3 5034.50; veal caives, H0O
t.w; nuns, stags, etc., 44. iwiys.a.
Representative salts'
No. At. Pr. No. At. rr.
II 2t t 10 22..... 1001 1 It
10 7t 1 to 10 mi t
1 1113 t 96 II JIM 7 III
W lOftl 70 2f. 110-4 7 M
11 3 I 70 2t 1214 7 10
17 m t 7 It 1041 7 10
) 1164 78 II list 7 to
It tut 6 15 4 'J107 7 51)
IT 1K4 4 II... I1M 1 m
II 1041 I to Bit 1217 7 to
It 14 t 90 t) 10(1 7 to
It Ml 10 II 147 7 to
It 1097 6 10 18 1441 7 tO
1 781 3 60 12 148 f IS
t 764 I 00 7 1071 6 16
1 144 I 00 4 10U 6 4t
6 IM I 00 1 10M t M
1 741 III 1 1091 I M
1 821 I 78 7 lit: 6 to
1 704 8 7 4 1117 I 40
4 112 4 ft) 7 1043 ton
1 10J 4 46 T 1120 6 00
Stock tm algkt.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western maraete .veeieranj ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
4outh Omaha 1.625 9.2-V) 6,725
St. Joseph, 1. 09 JW "
Kansas city .w .""
3t. LoulB 2.200 6.809 1.000
Chicago -..8,500 iz.ow ,,uw
.12.426 41.050 21.725
Sick Man Carried
To Prison on Cot
101 si
I '4
100 vt
to areoont II 1-14 M.. K. A T. .. .
Amal.' Conper 74HN. Y. CenOal..
Anaennta H Norfolk 4k W.
Atrlilson t do pfd
do efd lu Ontario A W..
Baltimore A Ohio 1U4 Pennsylvania ..
Canadian Paclflo la Rant Mines...
r-heaepaakt A O M Readln
Ohlrago U. W ISVktouthern Br....
Oil.. Mil. Bt. r...- " P'.
Pe Bear,
IlenTer A Itlo Q.
do (4
do let pM
do 84 ptd
Grand Trunk
IlllnoUi Central
.. 414,
.. n
.. 45V8
.. 4I4
.. 4k
.. 14
.. st
,.. 44W
ItttBoutrwm Pai-ihr..
.. 41 t'nlon Pacific
.. II do pM
.. to V. B. Steel
.. 4 60 pld
.. UViWebaeh ,
.. , do pfd
..14314 Roaoleh 4a
SILVER Bar, steady at 24 8-164 per oz.
MONEY-83t, per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills ts 84, per cent; for three
months' bills, 8S4 H-l P" cent.
.... 47
Bank of Prsart Statentrnt.
' PARIS, March SI. The weekly statement
of the Bank ot Franc show th following
change: Note and circulation, Increased,
209 260.0110 francs; treasury deposits, de
creased. tS.16O,0U0 francs; general deposits,
Increased, 40,460.000 franc; gold In hand, de
creased, 4.2J6.000 franca; silver In hand. In
creased, 460.000 francs; bills discounted, In
creased. S33T.X.OO0 francs; advances, In.
creased. l.itS.OuO francs.
' London Stork Market.
LONDON, March 81. American securi
ties war marked up by professionals at the
opening today. Only a limited amount of
business was done st th higher level, and
at noon th market wa dull with quota-
...1109 7 It
.... 87t 4 to
.... MS 4 74
.... 400 4 00 1 7J0 I 45
....441 IN II 1070 I tt
. ... 440 4 M
....1470 I 7 1 la) 10
....lltfl I M 1 14(0 I ft
.... 119 i 00 1 1M0 I it
....1117 4 00 J 1(40 6 60
... lr.) 4 00 2 1140 6 0
....1120 4 00 1 1700 6 TO
....144') 4 Ml 1 1140 6 7ft
.... :0 4 .14 1 450 t 7S
....1020 4 40 1 1800 I 74
170 4 70 1 5W t 10
Invalid Had Called Wife to Bedside
and Shot Her Dead Lynching
Was Feared.
SPRINGFIELD. Mo., March 81. A sick
man w carried on a cot from his house
to th county Jail here today because of
ficer feared he might be lynched by In
dignant neighbors.
Leach Ward I th mao. H had been
bedridden for month. A few day ago he
called hi wife to his bedside and shot her
four times. She died In a few minute, lie
had hidden a revolver under his pillow.
Henry Marley I Cleared.
LOGAN, la., March 81. (Special.) Yes
terday a Jury was Instructed to return a
verdict of not guilty for Insufficient evi
dence to convict In the cate of Henry Mar
ley, who waa arrested and Indicted a an
accessory to the murder of hi wife In De
cember, 1909. ,
Dr. Renshaw entered a plea of guilty to
the charge of practicing medicine without
a license and waa fined $300, ,
On a charge of bootlegging, "Reddy"
Gray 1 again with Sheriff Rock.
The Jury returned a verdict, of $700 for
damages In th case of Ward against the
Latta drainage district. The ditch ran
through Mr. Ward' farm, leaving a por
tion as an island without any means of
either crossing the Boyer river or th' re
cently constructed ditch.
Ha Fasted Forty-Five Day and Slay
Shall Make It Sixty If It
Kill Her.
CLEVELAND, O., March - Sl.-Nore
Oeak, 22 year old, was arrested yesterday
after she had fasted, her friends say, for
forty-five days. The girl wa taken to tr
county Jail, where no persuasion could
prevail, on her to eat. She waa so weak
that she could not stand, but aha Insisted
that she would fulfill an oath of fatting
for two month even If It killed her.
Mrs. Lnry H.-.fkito r,c nipi'
Fifty-Two Days Before Hnndredtn
GRINNELL, la., Mrch Sl.-(8pecll Tele
gram.) Mrs. Lucy II. White Verbeck of
this city died here this morning of old ge.
wins. Russets and Spys. per bbl.. 14 K
California W. W. Pearmaln, per bog., $2 00
4)2.25; Colorado Jonathans, per box. $2 00;
extra fancy Colorado it. Beauties, per box,
$2.60; extra fancy Colorado Wlnesapa. per
box, $2.26. Cranhernea: Jersey, winter
stock, per bbl., $6.00. Dates: Anchor brand,
new, 50-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $2.00.
Figs: California, 50 pkgs., 5c size, 20 pkgs.
in box. $2 00: 12 pkgs., 10c slse. 0o.: .
Ml SCELLANEOl'S Cider: New York, per
U-hbl.. $3.7:. Honey: New. 24 frames. I.Tui
Horseradish, 2 dozen In rase. $1.90. Wal
nuts: Black, per lb., 2c; California, No.- 1,
per lb., 124c. Hickory nuts: Large, per lb.,
4c; small, per lb.. 6c. Cocoanuts: Per tack,
$5.00; per dozen, 65c.
Cotton Market.
ket opened easy st an advance of 5 points
on March, but generally 7 to. 18 points
demand at the decline from some of the
larger houses, with early fluctuations
Cotton futures opened easy; March. 15.12c
April, 16.0e; May. 14.93c; July, 14.77c; Oc
tober. 18.0fcc; November, 12. site; December,
1287c: January. 12.f2c.
Cotton futures closed weak. Closing bid:
April, 145o; May, 14.84c; June. 149c; Juiy,
14.68c; August, 14 SSc; September. 18.85c;
October. 12.97c; November, 12.81c; December,
12Oc; January. I2.75c.
Cotton, spot, closed quiet; 10 polnta decline
,ir uplands. 16.10c; middling gulf.
16 S5c. Sales, 4,200 bale,..
.. 1a.m m. March 31. COTTON Market
klrady; middling 147,c; aaies. 50 balea; re
reinta. 640 bales; shipments. 656 bales; stock,
40,925 bales.
170 4 no 2 10 1 no
440 6 Vt 2 Ill I 00
2 t 0.) . I. ...... ....... 18 I 26
4 M t 120 1 at
0 7 00 1 11 8 16
140 7 50 1 :o I tt
I 4 60 t 470 I 00
407 111 M 100 6 40
nuun nuiK 01 111 mo nog yaras , ,. . Keen too vears old had she
this morning was barely steady with vs- She would hv been 100 ear old had she
terday' average trade. Well-finished lived until th 22d of May next, bhe was
butchers commanded figures In many cases born In Siandstead, Canada, was married
that looked to be ruliy steady, while on . fn. -ame town jn February, 1883. to
th other hand, light and mixed lot were ,n ,ne "am . ,h ' ,
more or lesf neglected from trt to finish Luther Mrtln Verbeck. nd they cam to
with price ranging from barely firm to Grlnnell, la., In 1883. Eight children were
nu-Kei lower, it was a slow deal through-I born to them nd all lived and married
.rj T.l ','mS..u"VJ Only on. .urvlve. her, C. H. Verbeck
was fully normal, but quality on an aver- with whom she made her home. She had
age was none too good. sixteen grandchildren and twenty-six great
bhlppers were reasonably active buyer, .r.ndchlldren. 8he was a direct descendant
during first rounds, but most of their " ,.,.. , vt.vflnw.r fame Her
orders cslled for good, light butchers, and of Ptrglne Whit of Mayflower fame. Her
the volume of shipping trd was nec- husband died here in iwo inn inree oaugn
sarily smsll.
American Telephone and Telesrraph
Com pony Files Certificate of In
crease of Capital.
ALBANY, N. Y.. Mrch 31. The American
Telephone and Telegraph company filed
with the secretary of state a certificate of
Increase of capital atock from 1200,000,000 to
Stors Bottled freer.
Delivered promptly to your residence at
am pricea a formerly. Cbarle Storx,
next door north of Stor Brewery. 'Pbonet
Webster 1260. lnd. B-1261.
When you want a hat you want when
you want It, say so through Th E Want
Ad column ' ' -
No. sr. Sh. Pr. No at.
74 t!4 SO : 41 it Ill
44 I4 40 10 44 74 :U
4 110 40 10 iS hi Ml
III 117 40 10 4i 41 !!
'1 11 140 )0 IS 41 IM
10 tn ... 10 4S 71 231
(4 1U ... 10 44 70 8M
U i;H 40 1 47l 71 ;
76 712 ... -0 47 71 to
t 114 ... 10 W 44 164
tl !I4 . . 10 40 l lit
71 121 140 10 M : t
71 21 140 in fi '7 !lt
77 4 ... 10 b tl 131
tr. tit ... 10 M 41 H5
IB ll 40 10 60 17 1t
41 214 10 10 M 44 tU
to us ... nui 7i i t
4t ! .. 10 In 17
77 tit ... 10 W 4'. 271
17 70 ... 10 tO 4t. M6
10 t!h SO 1 40 4 14
11 Hi 10 10 eft 44 141
77 ttt 10 10 Ml, M4
II I4 ... 10 t:Vi 77 Ml
SI 141 IN 10 44 40 141
tt tut ... 10 u 11 mi
41 2U ... 10 44 47 Ml
H 117 40 10 U 41 Kit
44 Ill ... 10 to 17
41 40 10 f 40 !
47 t4 40:0 II St.. M
44 tr. ... sH . w t in
n nt ... it t 1: i40
14 147 SO 10 K tl IM
44....... 124 ... 10 It t
M SB ... It W II 14
41 no ... i5i te.: 10
Bh. Pr.
...10 17 U
. .. 10 t7it
VI 10 VI
. . It to
80 10 40
10 10 l
... 10
... 10 40
10 10 ft
0 :o 10
... 19 to
140 10 40
... It )
. . 10 to
1 10 10
... 10 40
.. 10 sn
. . . -o in
40 10 0
40 10 40
... 10 40
... 10 40
... 10 40
... 10 til,
... 10 46
... 10 44
... :o 46
40 10 44
... t'
... 1 171,
... 10 1 .
... 10 7(
It TT14,
... 10 77 1 .
... 10 M
... 10 70
... 1 7
... It 10
ter r burled here.
Met Famona Bock Beer
on draught and In bottle on and after
Mtrch SO. Absolutely the only genuine
DOCK BEER brewed In Omaha. Order a
rat ent to your home. Prompt delivery.
'Phont Douglas 119; lnd., 2119.
Herbert E. Gooch Co
Brokers and Dealers
OBAnr, noTmovs, stock,
Omaha Offioei US Board of Trad Bld
Bell Telephone, Songla 631
Indeponaeat. A-Sia31.
Oldest and X,argat Bouse In th Sltat.
Smith & Nixon
Piano Stock Sale, Begins
Watch Papers for Particulars
Reliable Advance Information
Gathered by our expert who are in the field at all time.
Our Weekly Report mailed FREE upon request,
Flnley, Barrel & Company 1
Dept. E Monadnock Block ChlcaQo, til,