THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MARCH 31, 1910. 1 V MONEY TO LOAN Hajary mm IfcatteU C unvfT JiAMKD SALARIED PEOPt.H. i nfoMEN XREP1NO HOLSK AND OTH- ptt without eerurltyt easy payments. fric in principal cl'le. Telruao, roor ' 111 ot Bld- J 'IF Wl COCLD put our propoaitlon, hundrede know II, before all the people of Omaha who need money we would have no trouble In I loaning all the money w could lay our hnNO ADVAXCB FER On OTHER CHAHOK8. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. for eighteen years at 113 tfoanl of Trail HI iff. tf Bo. lh St Telephon Doug. 126. CALL L3 LP. no TOU NEED MONET to pay your debtsf H C"1' on un W loan money ,.n FCKNlf URE. PIANOS and Llvfi HTOTK AT POSITIVELY the LOWEPT TERMS, WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAY MENTS. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL NEURAPKA LOAN CO. f Crounaa Blk., Opp. P. O., mm CapltoL Doug. 1356; A-13b. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 IV. C. FLATAU. T!,6i4Rldod Salary and Furniture Loans itl.i. tha LOWEST HATES, nii'ekee ervte and MOHT CONFIDKNTIAIi DFAL of an In the elty. Patronise tha BIOGEST AWU VK.BI. RELIABLE CEEDIT CO., Thlra Floor. tm-Kt Paxton Block. Douglas liu ana u OFFERED FOR RENT, irllal IloaiB. MRS. JEAN LANDERGREN wl.hea to announce to her old patron and new that aha hue opened up th dining room at her new location. TA 8. t 8t, tha former Hamilton home, where aha will be pleased to accommodate any wisnlng Una roomi and board. Phone uougiaa xuat. ELKOANT large front parlor, newly fur nished, for two gentlemen or man and wtfe who are employed ; A-l poara. zoin t, Mary a Ave. 2961 PACIFIC 6T. Large front room, for two; excellent board, home cooking; on car line; modern; private. ONES furnished room for gentleman, with or without board. 1W4 Vinton Bt ROOMS, single or on suite; board If de sired. (22 S. 2tth Ave. uougia TIM. TWO furnished rooms or room and board for two or three gentlemen. 2310 Webster St 'Phone Dougla iui. LARGE front connecting rooms for fam lly op four men; also single rooms. 2610 Harney St. Harney 2947. NICE room for two, also single room. Xtit Bt. Mary's Ave. NICE .room for two. S669 Harney Bt. NICELY furnished roomi In private fam lly; walking distance. $1.60 up. 840 8. 23d fit. DESIRABLH) home with furnished room and board. 138 B. 26th Ave. Bt. James hotel, 411 S. 18th Am. plan bath; 11.36 day; weekly, 16 up; meal 6o. Furiilahed Room. DEWEY European hotel, Uth a) Farnam, FURNISHED rooms, also modern rooms for light housekeeping. 1717 Burt. rrn,n flonro-in. FlrM-clae family h ine ueorgia 1042 aeorgi Ave. h 561. MODERN, well-furnished southeast front room, with large alcove; private family; large lawn. 702 8. Wth St DODQB HOTEL Large outside, and steam heat In every roomi rat by wek. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Dorcas. 1413 UTOPIA Nice rooms, good board Uth and Davenport THE MANUAL 81 t and Howard, House, keeping apartments'. . . VICTORIA hotel, nice furnished rooms, 60o up. 18U Dodge 8t . O. M. S3, haul trunks. Douglas 4U. WARM rooms, M per week; free bath. Olden Hotel, CsunclT Ulufts. FURNISHED room for sTntlmo. B. Uth UU- Th CbaUmmb. ELEOANT front room, fine furniture, t ii. loth. No sign on boum -l NICE, warm rooms. 1801 Farnam Bt. MODERN. U per month. 1433 N. 30th. FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 210 & tlat Bt NEWLY furnished rooms; stiiotly mod ernj t. W and 83; walking dlstanc. 2671 iodg. A-KWi. NICK front room for two gentlemen. 723 & Uth. PRIVATE family, large front room and aloove; alao alugle room; modern. 2u67 St jaary Ave. LARQB1 front roorrs; modern. 638 8. 13th. LAROE room for two ladle or gintle- meo, o wjd; mooem nouae. til b. 20th. FRONT parlor and bedroom In cottage; modern; uanaoorn para district, reason able. ITU s. a at NICELT furnished front and back room; inoity wuwn. uiv wai iui ATI, NICELT furnished room; on large front pa nor ror two gentlemen, u. c Canon Lowrey, iB9 Dodga. HANDBOMKJLT furnished, eight-room kouee; will rent for year or longer If d- streo. Mtm opaiaing. -none w esster HVT. LOVELY furntsbed front parlor for one or two gentlemen; strictly modern bom plenty hot water; fit month. 813 N. loth, rear nign school. NICELT furnished rooms. 2417 California Bt 'i'tnone u. Km. NHATLT furnished room, suitable on or two; all modern. 8101 Case. for FURNISHED room In private family; wuueru noun; e e, moo to. uui raui. FURNIBHED room In new, modern fiat 813 N. 11th St FURNISH biD room for rent 111 N. Uth. NICELT furnished front room; 13.50 per VIM, BKAUTIFUli room In modern lsldnc. u s. satn Ave. lleautlful location. NIC?) single room; 11. TS week. 831 a 10th. I FURNIBHED. modern, south room for rant 3QE8 Chicago St. front PLKASANT furnished south room; mod era. u rt. ua ou, bouui uraana. FURNISHED room, bouse new; plenty BTRICTLT modern rooms In brick flat close In, reasonable; phone, electrto light gentleotan preterred. eul 8. 13d Bt NICE) front room; also other rooms. 2210 Harney. ( - N1CH single raom, oneap. 101 a , 24th Av. Red 64. -tt-X. PLEASANT rooms, elean and cool; pri vate family, with two meal or privilege of ge stove. 2817 1'avlflo St MODERN furnbhed rooms cheap. 2310 Duugla St. EAST room, ne electric lighted flat. 211 N. 14th Bt. IX 4707, NICE elngl roi,m modern, XxW X-eaven-worth, Douglas hn. . FURNISHED ItOOMS, & per month, for !. ,!u"i "": ,'' rlc litfht. steam heat tele M 'Wphon. J running ter, laundry mid press ing pivlfc.e.. nn lUrne. Harne, ua.- ? 1 r ONU yornlshed room. 1S30 Cass. ..f'.lf11 roam; private family; STRICTLY ItiOdfir-fi fn s-n it r. s,4 skum. everywu... new and first class. Call Tues day ot ler. fW N. at Bt . - iIO,,)l';r;1 'r-0."i. ,room' 'rl enough for tu nitlire-a nil; ,. is,t OFFERED FOR RENT MMaa BINOLR room, IS. 624 North 30th. FRONT room. W week. RH N. 19th Bt. LA ROE front room for two gentlemen. 1711 Capitol Ave. I .A ROE modern room, nicely furnished. $8. 618 N. lXh, 11(1 Large., well furnished room, with use of piano; nice bomenae pi ace tor per manent gentlemen; one single room, strictly modern, nice bath, hot and Ice water; both telephone; no objection to muslo ar prac tice. 163 St. Mary s. REAI'TIFULLY furnished, strictly mod ern, larre room. gentlemen prererrea, breakfast If desired; references. K18 Dodge. FKRNIHHF.D rooms, also modern room for light housekeeping, nil nun. HorsEKEEPINO and sleeping rooms. 710 S. 14th street. LA ROE. elegantly furnished all-modern room; walking distance; Hanecom park dis trict. 603 Ho. 29th. Hainey wst NICELT furnished room, with alcove, In modern home; walking distance. Mrs. tle. 11S South 26th street. NICELY furnished, south front room; also other rooms. 1474 Harney. FURNISHED rooms, close In. 823 8. 20th. ONE front room; young man preferred K36 No. 18th Bt. NICE front room, one or two gentlemen or young couple. KIT No. Uth Bt. NICELT furnished modern sleeping rooms. 214 No. 16th. DESIRABLE rooms for three young men or man and wife. 218 N. lirth. BACK parlor; also basement room. 2226 Dodge St. 2220 Kmmett; modern rooms, half block from car. Phone Webster 417U NICK south front room, with board, for two gentlemen; reasonable. Apply 2216 Orace. LA ROE front room suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. 1707 Cass. CLEAN furnished rooms, 623 B. 20th. Apartmeats aad Plata FOUR-rootu modern flat. 121. 1201 Nlch elaa. NICE l-room flat, all modern. 41M Dav enport St Tel. Harney 2651. FOR RENT Deslrabla apartment; Cal ifornia apartment house, Kth and Cal ifornia. Apply Janitor. CENTRAL apartment. One high-grade, dandy flat; six rooms, enter each from private hall; shades, rang, free hot water ell vear. steam heat: see It yourself: can be matched. Summer 127, winter 17 more. Walking distance, references required BEMIa, 480 Brandaia. 4-ROOM apartment, 811 a 22d. 4-ROOM semi-basement flat In Dunaav. 10th and fierce, steam neaiea. . CONRAD TOUNQ. Tel D. 1S7L 1SU Dodga A NEW modern, l-room Bt Louis flat up-to-date oak finish, ga and electric light lotn ana juocust his. uau weo. urn. FOR RENT 6 and 7-room modern flat Phone Webster imn. 4-ROOM modern Bt. Louis flat eaet of Hanscom Parle, aw. uarney asss. Heutkettlag . A ITUITB of mree aegaa new rooraa. Biodern. . 830 Ncrtu snt. TWO very pleasant room for light house keeping, f urnienea or unrurnunea. Cell Sunday or after . 6 o cloca through the week. 8330 N. Uth St fHKIB or foar front room, complete lor noueeping, cuu uavantport ot LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 201 8.. 26th Ave. . - CLOSE IN; cook on gaa; large room cheap rant il uuming. . . . TWO light housekeeping rooms: all mod ern. uos Cass St. 'Phone, Doug. 7614. ' TWO nicely furnished ' houaekeenino' rooms, neierencea requirea. sui north 30tn. FURNISHED rooms for light houaekeen. Ing; modern exoept heat; toilet bath, hot and cold water, cooking, gaa, etc. Newly Onrea, paintea ana rurnunea throughout Le of 1 rooms and oloeet K Der week. Close In; 111 S. Uth; first door north of new Morris theater. MODERN furnished houeekeednr rooraa aw n. una; xraugia txtiu. FURNISHED rooms for llaht houaekeen. ing. ou n. ilia ou TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 2310 uougia Bt HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Ula nun nt; modern, cheap. THREE unfurnished. light housekeecln rooms, un ymriur siour. xwi n. ittn. TWO modern, furnished room. llOSa. Pa. C1I10 Bt ... , LAROB light housekeeping roomi: mnA. am. uu jjougiaa. NICE room for honsekeeplnc. modern( tut & Uth. Douglas 6610. TWO nloe suite of light housekeeping THREE light newly-furnished house keeping rooms; rent reasonable. Inquire ion nuntni dw, njum o, ultra floor. HOUSEKEEPING room. trlctly modern nouse; no cmiarvu. xwf vavenport THREE fine light housekeecln- mnma full floor. gs and bath; block from car. ui. taut unio. a itit. MODERN I and l-room cottages; fur. nienec ror nouseaeeping. l-13Ja. 3119Vi Cal norma. NICELT furnished light hnueekeenin rooms; gas, bath; reasonable, 2007 Caa Bt FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sieepuig rooms, eis o. lotn. . MODERN housekeeping: cooklna- m e,r. nlehed; laundry privileges; alao parlor. 2571 FOR RENT Housekeeping room; first hoot, 4 per weok. 9. xein. LAROE kltchan and bedroom with gas TWO modern rooms for hnuknin furnished or unfurnished. Call Tuesday! FUBNISIIKD rooms for light housekeep- In. d- Q Irnh - LARGE front basement room for Hsht HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap. 1711 14th St. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms iur nuL nn . uiu. i SUITE of housekeeping rooms; sleeping room. Uli Capitol Ave. alao HOUSEKEEPING N. Uth. rooms, modern. kwkms tor light housekeeping, sing! . . . 1 . 1 . 1 1 I - L - . ... mill uvuuid. inn nrotUfT OL. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping FOUR rooms for housakeeplng, first floor, sou tiarney m. walking distance. NICELY furnished rooms couple; no children. 216 No. for refined ISXh. St REFINED couple, no children; pari kitchen, pantry; use of piano. . Can also nave parior aion. kus uougiaa. ( : f 1A ROE furiilsAed front room with sma! kuitieu on main floor. SJU1 Uurt Bt FOUR modern elegant housekeeDl room very reasonable! no children; oue bloca irom car. -L do, etui Bl. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms at 2421 Dodge. LARGE front room and alcove; elegantly furnished In strictly nn.darn house; reason able. 36.1 Dode. A-3l OFFERED FOR RENT ! Ces 1 1 weal . TWO front room for light housekeeping, 1139 N. 17th. LARGE front room, housekeeping; 18 onth. 2018 Leavenworth. TWO rooms with gas; 14 per week. 1401 Dodge Ht. HANDSOMELY furnished apartments; rge cool rooms: fine summer place; all odern. 604 8. 28th. ONE housekeeping room, modern; also rnlshed rooms. ie tiarney m. TWO excellent rooms, gas range, mod ern. 614 Ho. Z2d. TWO or three rooms, complete for house keeping. 2011 Davenport URGE furnished front room with aloove. trictly mod or n. 1910 Capitol Ave. SUITE; nicely furnished; iraa range, U10 apltol Ave. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 632 ft. 36th St 618 So. 22d, I suits of housekeeping room. HOUSEKEEPING room and sleeping rooms. 1916 Chicago St. TWO pleasant connected, unfurnlehed fioiisnkeoDtna' rooms: also one nicely fur- (shed room; modern and reasonable. . zu Wirt Bt. CLEAN, furnished room for housekeep- ns: nice neighborhood: so per montn. du N. Uth St. UNFURNISHED, ground floor. 2671 Har ney St. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2002 Web ster Bt. Phone Douglas Xl. NICE, modern housekeeping rooroa. reasonable. 2011 Burt St. TWO nlcelv furnished front rooms; rea- onable: strlotlv modern: cooking gas; good oration; walking distance. 2U St Mary's Ave. Famished Meases. TT ANDSOMELY furnished 8-room house, will rent for a yenr or longer 11 desired 2b68 Spalding. Tel. Web. 3197. FOR RENT Five-room cottage, fur- lehed. 37th and Chicago Bts. Call Harney 4277. S1S6 Chicago St. ' J.Ie)rlta Stoassa. UNFURNISHED, lower floor. 2671 Har ney St. TWO back rooms. 17 per month. '. 80th St 2201 votm-ROOM flat 1470 "J. Uth. Walking dlstanc. Phone Harney 2361. TWO nice - unfurnished room. large closets, bath, gaa, t par nouth. 2531 No. Uth. 'Phon Web. KBk TWO or three unfurnished room, modern 1642 Dodge St THREE large, modern rooms. 607 No. 20th. FOUR unfurnished rooms; reasonable. 2212 North 18th Bt Webster I7E7. TWO verv Dleasant room for light house keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Call Sunday or after . 5 o'clock through the week. 2220 N. Uth Bt THREE unfurnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 4YW N. 34UI St Bodmi mmd Cottages. 1620 MAPWC Bt.'. 6-room modern, 117. HANSCOM Park district, l-room modern detached house, fine condition. JOhn N. Frenser. Both 'pnone. BIS Wool worth, I rooms, mod., 82S. 1660 N. 20th, I rooms,-mod., 320. 2j18 Mason, 10 rooms, mod., 881.50. . -tfl S. Uth, I rooms, mod., $32.60. RING WALT. BROS. BARKER BLOCK. inTTRE Six rooms. Harney and Twenty ninth, 113. Apply 8118 California Bt . 10-ROOM brick house, modern; keys. on premises. K01 Capitol Av. - I ROOMS easy walking distance,' 110; -room, new, modem, fcS. - (-room; choice location, 836. 406 N. 80th. I room, modern, 136. 4L N. 3uth, I rooms, modern, 840. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite 624, vN. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1899. li-ROOM house. 607 N. 20th: close ln: walking distance: 144. peter Trust Co. HOUSIiH. f'.ata. Garvin Bros.. IU N. T. U nu AHA Tan anorwre e.. aaok. mora tore, h. h. goo si storehouse. iuo-M H Uth; offlo 80s 8. 17 th Bt Tel Douglas 'J68 hnilRSHOLU GOODS Decked, forwardedl cheap freight rat; - moving and atorlng. Exprasamen' Delivery Co. Tut Doug. 384. ARK! YOU IN TROUBLE T LET US MAN AQB YOUR RHNTAL8. PAYNE. BOST WICK A SLATKR. ITH FU N. T. LIFE. tt-r . atrlctlv modern, beautiful lawn, choice location, rsb a. siui. . xeu vveostar jdw. VOR RENT 8-r'.ora house; modern ex cept heat; full basement with laundry room. 833. Ill N. Uth Ave. Call Red 5364. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, 1108 Marcy Bt 'Phone. A-khb. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. On.ha van ft mor&ge t'o., bu bo. a, in ot. Tel. D. ltt. Ind. A-IUA. HnTTRTT5l in all par ts of the lt. Crelgh Bon Co. Be iag. HOUSES Peter Trust Oo,, N.T.LIU Bldg. .Vknitlkf 11 MnaMl kvlnV V.A.I.. MAm- binatlon fixture, ast front, cor. lot 13 minutes' walk to p. o 40. 8-room brick house, all mo"m, north part ot olty, 135. 4-room, first floor apartment, 1528 N. Uth Bt, 813.60. 8 nloe rooms, 1917 Clark Bt, 88. I nice rooms, 1830 N. Kth Bt, 111. C. M. BACHMANN. (86 Paxton Blk. Tela. R. 2036. Re. D. 6066. FOR RENT Strictly modern nearly new T-room house. 2829 Miami Bt One block from Dodge St. car line, 2a. John Steel, mz uranaeia mag. FURNISHED house for rent for the um mr. 3610 Poppleton Av. MODERN Miami. I and 6-room cottage, I'll 132.60 Good, modern 8-room house, . 1306 B. 28th. LOWEST RENTALS . 7-room. city waiter, gas. good barn, prem ise newly repaired, 41t'l N. 2hth Ave. $15. a-room, all modern, choice, tzzl Daven port 137.60. . U-room, all modern, choice, 2416 Sherman Ave., VM. 9-room, all modern, choice. 111 North 26th Bt . 6-room, city water. 734 Bancroft HO. 4-room and store, 2122 Military Ave. 20, l-room, part modern, 1613 N. 14th 8t 83, RUSSELL & McITRICK CO.. 433 Ramge Bldg. Uth and Harney Bts. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. 1508 Ohio St., I r., city water, gaa and toilet, 17. 2H1 No. 20th St., 8 r., mod. ex. heal, 125. 817 No. 87ih Ave., I r., mod. ex. heat, 30, B1RKETT A TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phones Doug. 4761 A-17C4. 9-ROOM house, fine corner, Hanseom park district quarter-sawed oak downstaiis, fine bath, new furnace; first-class repair. ta per month. Inquire 10U5 N. Y. Life. STRICTLY modern 7-room house, lS Miami Ht., near Dodge Ht. : car line; 35. John Steel. M2 Brandels Bldg. . Ofrtoem. LA ROR and small office rooms on 16th Bt., opposite poatofflc. lllfe N. 1Mb bt C and 86. CONRAD TOUNQ. 1511 Deag Be OFFICE or desk room. 631 N. T. Life. teres. FOR RENT Modern store room. No. Id N. lffxh rit Hotel Loyal bldg., apply Loyal hotel offlo. 1KW Farnam t sise . mat ft Harnev N-4 4 "Phen I . . Store building and good basemeat. Bo. 16vii t.t, l-D. BIFKETT at TEBUEN8, 423 Be Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4754, A-1764. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAO'K CO.'. clean your carpets and your floor. Elec- . i . t . , . . h- i iric veriiuin ejeim. j nv. ,11111 ci., in, D.-1M9. Ind. A.-lii. " - ' HO TT W,AVK YOUR FURNI uys AA AWV ti'KG RKFAIRED AND UPHOLSTERED. IMS FARNAM. H. 3110 EXP. Delivery Co.. office Uth and Dav enport Bts. warehouse. 13U7-4M laard tt. 8TOVES stored. Ranee. Mil N. 34th Pt CURTAINS 4r COLE"8 F.XPRKS9. STORAGE AND MOVING. 1(16 Capitol Ave. D. 67. A-88I7. HAVE your gas stove connected by the only expert In Omaha; satisfaction guar anteed. 'Phone Webster Sill WHAT Is the use of taking un your car pet when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hours T Free estimates Iven. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. NO Douglas )lock, 107 8 nd. A-U36. lstu Ht. phone: ioug. 141; Across from Hayden's. PArNITTNfl mT "Print Una of wsll aaiivj PMHrj Munsom Tel. R 66.5J 1 iJUxUJJJJNU Fltxpatrlck, 1721 Curalng. Douglas 1344. . . MUSIC. ART. LANGUAGES MOTTTTVlN'S UNION ORCHESTRA. 1I1UU1J1U11 O New. oa-tohv. dnrebl. MTTRTf! Rnul MouKon. director. 106 Kar xu.vikJ.Li"' ach Block. Doug. 3JS8, A-43M. OFFERED FOR SALE Rooaalac Houses. CENTRA LLT LOCATED, BEST PATINO All modern, u rooms, always rented; a nap at two. Nine rooms, alt modern, well furnished clears 160 per month above all expenses, ana owner resarvre living rooms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red U98. FOR SALE Rooming house of sixteen rooms; leaving town, inquire 1618-1617 Chi cago bt ' Faraltar. HANDSOME golden oak folding bed and double wararooe, neavy pearl glass. In quire 4168 Cuming St - DON'T BORROW MONEY on furniture, piano,1 salary, etc., until yoil THE 3. A. HUTTON CO., 614-616 Paxton Block. , THE ROOF IS OFF Fire force us to sell our big stock tf lightly used nousenoid furniture. . Ail goods at a oargaui. . , jv Abtn SL Hardware. 1 PATTON-BOWMAN HDW. CO AGENTS P. F. CORBIN BUILDEIts HARDWARE. CONTRACTORS' SUP. PLIES. 1615 Farnam.' Phon Doug 6884. . Btasleal lastraaeats. BYMPHONT Grand ' Colombia nrmh.. phone, splendid Instrument. ' Price 8200 and haver sold for less. W11I sell one. which is brand new, and Irl perfect condition, for tiro, uooa rvuua iwt semng. Aaares G-140. B- ' 1450 KIMBALL PIANO, walnut finish good a new, 1150. Piano Player Co, Old Boston, store. ,-r Typs miser. HBCOND hand tVDwrltra aoM. renal rMI Central Tp writer Fnhansr. 1607 Faro am. TyperAiters for. Kent m 1816 Farnam t, umana. REBinLT TYPEWRITERS for aala or rent Smith-Premiers, " Remington, Oliver or Royais; w aio repair maohlnea. Mon aron unio euppiy un., .ui j-arnam Bt, 1- FOR .BALE Smiths Premier tvnea-rlter Auuresa u. sue oee. i-iu Mtseellaneoaa. ALFALFA HAT, Wagner, 801 N.Ifith. TTnnlriwla. Now l"i 5o"r chance to get IlUnareaS' picture. framed cheap, from our Amps SIOCK ot mould U1 Ing. Best in the country. "Prnmp' A.'riOSPB CO., FOR BALE National 'cash 'reaister. with tape, almost new; cheap If taken at once. Addrssa K-.868, car Boe, 6EED CORN that Will grow 80 oer oent or better. Catalog free. Aye Bros., Blair, Neb. i-4i ' - ' CLOVEKSEED for' gale; 800 bu. choice med. red seed; must be sold. E. W. Millar, Outhrl Center, la. " . ' - WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLTTMKB at Mi retail prices.' V are direct Importer and aave you the dealers profits Bring us your om piuuie. wen make them as sood as new at a trifling cost H. uulucsuu ojms.,1619 Howard. WB HAVE on hand number of Ink bar rels which we will sail t 60s each. They re fin lor rain water or astie. Call at Breasruota Be Publlsulng Co. 0. C. DIMOCK & SON, THE ONLY INDEPENDENT' LUMBER COMPANY IN THE TWO CITIES. 24th, H Bt. Bo.lth Omaha. 'Tel. S. 1111 BO DA FOUNTAINS, Br eul oond hand; monthly . paymeata. . Deright, Ult riuMu st DRUQ9 al cut prloesr freight paid ea all Co orders; catalogue fre. Bharsaasi .a 4- Omnell Drug Co.. OmaiJ. Nee. SECOND-HAND Scales at 1507 Harney. FOR BALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool table. W lead th world ia heap bar fixture, easy payment. Uruns-wlck-Balke-Collsnder. 407 M. 10th Bt SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sale at dlkcooo. Address P-iioJ, bee T. II. WEIRICII MSLh.'w! cases, Bank Counters, ;Mlil Work, etc PAPERHANQER3. use th best Snow flak paste. Omaha Past Co., 711 8. Uth, D-ICt. . , .,, . . HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. Ull Farnam, ID-HAND oak counter, hend-oarved mar ble cashier plat; wr wlck'it about 40 ft, dd shape; will fit loom 10 feet wide, Can be seen at storage house. "For further particular 'pbeu Douglas Kit.. Hut AAuilJ. tug Cu. FOR SALE 45 H. P. HART PARR GAS OLINE KEROSENE TRACTION ENOINE WITH JOHN DEER PLOW CO. 8-14 IN GANG POLW BOTTOMS. Uaed a part ot aeaaon. Lands at Balevue are too wet ana sandy for big angina. Will be pUased to show same. Come and sae at Her Grand Hotel. H. T. Clarke. 11X18 SEED CORN tht will grow, band picked and tested. 93 rxir cent guaranteed to grow. Write me for full particulars. J. J. O'Lauglilln, Rome, la. . When writing to advertiser tn't fall to mention that you saw this ad ln The Hee .... OSTEOPATHY1 JOHNEON INST.. 411 U. Y. L. Tot D. 164 Dr. Kathrya Niche'-?. ' N. T U Bldg PATENTS D. O. BARNKLU Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 7UJ. HUFFMAN. Il Neville Hldg Book traa HIRAM A. BTURGESS, registered patent attorney. U. 8. and foreign patents a, cured. 519 N. Y. Lit Bldg. Tel. D. 3409. Wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner In U. B. Patent office. N. Y. L. bldg D. So PERSONAL A HOMB for women du. Iry confinement We find homes for babies Li-f mothers cannot ear for them. Babies frtrded. For term address Mrs. Martha A. 1 'wl Bancroft Bt , Omaha. Neb. Phone lsvtt THE SALVATION ARM T solicits east-ofl eloiblns. In iaol earthing you So aot need V rnilext rtpMr and sell as U4 N. JUh St, for cost ef eolliictloa, i the worthy ttoor. Call 'pltoa Dougia Has Jul wagwa ill oau. PERSONAL (Continued.) WHAT'S the matter with LEAN PKR CLAKKT Hes all right." Who's all right? Why, Leandor Clark. Kearney, Neb. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. M AS.xAOE Mies LaOrane. Il1 Dodge Ht Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Haeement flat. JUNIPER and Asparagus pills for dis order of the kidneys anil bladder, too box. Cermak Pharmacy, jreu t. uth. 81.011 PRIZE EARNED. WRITE FOR FAl'SMILK OF CHECK. I am frlendlena and bedlast Made this offer to establish business. Had to etc- rifle half my proms to succeed. NOW HELP M E OUT. Eleven more subscriptions to Saturday Evening Post or Ladles' Horn journal In March earns 10 mora for In fanta' home. Renides 1KO season' prts for myself. THINK. The last hui The last hundred worth I. w eacn to iniants noma ana worth 81 each to me. 8URELY eleven In United states will send their order and renewal In advance. Either Counts. GORDON, The Magatlne Man, Otnahe, i-none uougias tiul If you are suffering from rheu matism, catarrh, dyspepsia, stomach, liver, kidney, gall stones or nervous and chronic diseases of any character, call on Dr. Theodore Milen, 423 Ramgo Bldcr. Dr. Milen has made a life study of these diseases and gives free consultation and examina tion. PRIVATE HOMB during confinement! rames tor aaopuoa. uooa Samaritan oaat- MA6SAGE AND BATHS. P 308 Old Boston Store lllds . 4th floor. 120 a l(th St Stairway on Douglas Bt upen evenings, I to it.M. EXPKRT china packer; wedding present a specialty, aju AJavenpori. ina. U-27W. BTRICTLT ' Private Home for confine, ments, doctor' attention, trained nurae babies for adoption. 3618 Davenport WF rant and repair , all kinds of sewing roacniues. ma. A-inea. uoug. into. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. HINDOO TABLKTS. will build, ttisnglhen. too. HUU DRUC1 CO. brace. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th Bt 'Phon Webster 3569. MAGNETIC TREATMENT RATHB. MASSAGE Mis Lauren. 1617 Dodge eu; arm. ui a. m.- o. m. casement iiai. JOSIB WASHBURN'S book. "Th Under. world Sewer" at all book stores; price, 11.50, Be an Actor or Actress Earn from 825 to 3100 per week; complete course (; aipiomas given ana engagement secured Address at once for full particular THOMPSON AMUSMMENT CO., MAGNETIC treatment- Mm. Smith. Ui B. 16th 8t, third floor. ABLKNE DB VOT, manicuring and mas sage, en a. loin ai. r ibi i' raon u. 7p40. WTnSni3 tonpe ror men. ORIFFlTa, " iUk-U and 14 FRENZER BLK. OMAHA Stammerer' lna.. Rsrag Bldg. DIVORCES obtained without delay ot noise; criminal case a specialty; 21 years experience. W. A. CONNOLLY, 474-76 Branded Bid. DOUO. 1668; IND.. A-1434. Bwarts & McKelvy News Dept. Id-hand doqks; uer. ar itng. perioaicaia luy B. lettt. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths,' salt glow and massage. 1605 Dodge St., opposite nn.tnfflra HA flrwiv 'Phnn. fl,,.la. T.'dj; POULTRY BAT, Bill, If you wanted ' ro ' buy land, who would you see first Why,- Leander Clark, Avearney, iseb. SETTING hen. Phone Benson 140. ORPINGTONS Greatest Winter- lavlnr nen in in worm; eggs ror sale; tFee cata logue, rrewui, on oa. unawa, la. TESTED Roseoomb Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching from prise layers. F. 8. King, Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson 338. - PURE" black Langshan eggs tor hatchlna. tienson if. Rhode Island Red setting oggs Tel. S. 910. OLD TRUSTY Incubators; write for free catalogue; no poultry Illustrations special low prices; 40-60-90 day' free trial Address M. M. Johrson. Clay Center, Neb. PRINTING DOUGLAS county aave thousand of dollar, yearly, by having my figures on printing. Jonn A. A nonipson. Tel. Web ter Kti. HIES-HALL Frt Co., 109 8. 14th; Ind. A vat. , WATKRH PRINTING C-. U2-624 M. Uth, 'PHONO IND. A U for aood urlnttia Lyngstad Printing: Co., 16th tt Capitol Av Miller Jamleaon. 1212 Doug. Both phones. REAL ESTATE RtCAL 1C9TATK DEALKBI. RKKD ABSTRACT CO.. Est 1858; prompt ervios; get om prices. 1710 Farnam Bt FRED 8. HADRA, 417-418 First National bank bldg. Douglas 2318. BENJAMIN R. CO., 477 Brandels Bdg. Geo. D. Perrln. UI Paxton Doug. 760L REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO, 1101 Farnam. Ground Floor. . REMINGTQN-LCNDBERG REALTT CO. Tel. D. 1371. 643 Ranige Bids. New Uousea. K. E. or Ex. T. C. Torrl'on. 476 Brandsl. ADSTHACT8 OF TITLE. 8. M. SADLER A BON. 806 So. 18th Bt. KERR Abstract Co., 30b S. 17th St. D. 54S7. JOHN CAMPBELL, 416 N. T. L D. 1071. PETER JESSEN, JR.. Tel. Doug. 22. GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1G23 Farnam. CITY PROPERTY FOR 8AI.B For Sale Cheap f2,860 Buys 2013 Manderson St.. 6-room houee, all modem except heat, close to boulevard, and Kountxe park. A dandy home cheap. $2,850 Buys 4233 Harney ft., 6-room bouse, all modern except heat. Must be seen to be appreciated. $2,200 Buys 224 Vinton St., 6-room cottage (new), city water, electric light and gas; also good barn. A dandy home on easy terms. 12,400-Buys 1773 8. 9th St., a very good 6-room cottage, wth new bath, sewer, water and gas; another room can be flnshed up stairs; well painted and papered. In Benson, twelve lots and two good 5-room houses, well, cistern and pump, with sink In egch house; barn. shod, etc, Worth $4,000. For sale this week for $3,500. Owner leaving city. Birkett & Tebbens, 423 Bee Bldg. Phone Donglaa 47i4, Independent A-1764. SIX-ROOM all modern home; hot wats heat: very detirable. Terms, see owneiv 2118 Grand Ave. Dundee Home Fine new house, finished In oak on first floor; living room, 15x26 ft.; with fireplace; pleasant dining room; throe good bedrooms, with two closets In each room; Corner lot Owner will take $1,000 lot as part pay. SELBY, Plmne Douglas 1110. 436 Board of Trade. MODERN l-room cottage, good location, walking distance. John J. Toms, Web. u. REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOrlCHTY KOK BALE. (Continued.) 5 KOOM WITAOE CLOSE IN $3,000 Kis. Caldwell St A neat and Well built cottage of 6 rooms, strictly all modern. In cluding a turn nee, Ixirated on pavea street and paving all paid. touth front lot 0xU7 ft. Thereis room to build another cottage beside the ohe already built. The owner I anxious to aell at once and will be pleased to show you through any evening, as he lves there, or we win enow you inrougn ny time during the day. HASTINGS & IIEYDttN, 1614 Harney St. -ROOM house. Hansoom park district. fine corner, lot 150x188, fine shade trees; nwnstalrs In auarter-sawed oak. Tine nam, new furnace; everything In first-class re pair: splendid home for some one; ir not sold by May 1 will rent. Inquire 1005 N. Life. 'Phone Doug, 8 Rooms, $4,500 1015 N. 14th St., modern home; 4 good bedrooms; good location and neighborhood; paved street; done to I car lines, school and churche. TERMS. Walkup Ileal Estate Co., 875-79 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 1898. 6 ROOM. NEW. MODERN. 1260 DOWN haletiea verv easy. Paved street concret walks; large lot; fine neighborhood; two blocks to car. 6-ROOM MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. rao cash, balanr trifle mors than rent New paved street southeast front; near NOWATA LJND A IN V i,or tu.. 624 N. T- Ufa Bi-g. Phon Red 1999, In Center of City Brick building; first-class shape; 14 rooms; strictly modern: one-nan diock oii loin ou in come 1130 per month. Price 114,000. NOWATA LAND DOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. TWO deelrable lot In Florence, two block from Main St., one blook from school house. For particular call owner. Phone Harney 3397. INVESTMENT. $5,000 Cash, $4,000 at 5 will civ Vou over 18 per cent on your In vestment safe, ure. and th property will increase largely in vaiue, iet us snow it to you. NOWATA LJMNU AINU lAJi t.U Suite 624 N. T. Life Bldg. Red 1891. West Farnam District Lots $1,400 East - front ' lota, easy walking distance, Tha yare sure a good buy. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. T. Life Bldg. Red 1999. KOUNTZE PLACE IIOME 15.600. 8 rooms, finished In quarter-sawed oak ana pine, iuii ueineiitvu uvriiiii,- iuu nicely terraced, paved street, all newly dec orated and . on one of the psettlest streets in Omaha. Th owner ha found lfnce aarv tn nell and will make thta low nrloa If taken soon. The number 1 1814 Lathrop St. , '. GOOD INVESTMENT SNAP line engine, computing scales, kettle and amok house. BIx living rooms upstair. Will bring rental of $40 per month. Owner has cleared 86,000 annually and on account of leavln gclty will sell for 84,600. Lot 22x88, located near 16th and Cuming. Call Douglas 1292. 114 Board of Trad Bldg. , EASY PAYMENTS , , Five-room cottage, strictly modern except heat, 8018 Ohio Bt Corner lot 60x128; 33.8s0, $160 cash, balance 137 per month, which Includes interest. - C. O. CARLBERQ, 811 N. T. Life Bldg. 1 AM going away and my home of T nice large rooms In imt clssa condition la for sale, 33.250. Call 1670 Spauldlng 8t COZT Iltti home. 2026 Miami St.; lot 40x 130; ft-rooms, fin lawn and shad tree; city water, ga, 11,800; can make terra. Call at. 1017, .Miami Bt. Here is Your Chance from the . Owners. , , , , A completely modern new 6-room cottage within walking distance, one short block to Uth street car, 1000 cash, balance, at Loan and Building As, rates. Call Douglas 231. - VACANT PROPERTY Lot ft ; block 13. Walnut Hill, at 1500. 46 feet In Wet End addition.' West Far nam district, at f&zco. RESIDENCE PROPERTY Small cash payment,- balance at Loan and Building An. rates, N. E. corner 38th Ave. and Mason street for $4,300. 2829 Fort street, 8-room modern residence for $3,000. 1573 Fort street new 8-room modern residence for $3,000. 24u outh snn street, . I rooms for $3,750. 2461 South Uth street, a 6-room cottage for $2,250. : 2407 South 18th street a 6-room cottage at $1,800. 610 South Z2& street. a highly modern 9-room residence for $8,500. 703 south 2utn street, I rooms, modern, for $5,500. 609 South 25th avenue. modern I room for $6,250. 2:22 Jonr street. a modern 9-room for $6,750. 2524 Janes street a modern 9 room for $6,000. 120 Scuth "25th street, a 6-room modern for $3,230. FRED S. HADRA, 417-419 First National Bank Bldg. Bell phone, Douglas 2318. 18 on $4,800 A real bargain In an investment property, located on 24 th St., near Leavenworth; good . Improvement; rental, $870 per annum. Biggest snap ln Omaha. J. N. Switzer 431 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2157. BARGAIN FOR SALE 8 rooms modern, larg attic, fire place, lots of fruit and shade trees; cellar under whole house. Owners, Web stir 4646. WHY 1 Leander Clark of Kearney, Neb., always busy 7 Because he sells .land at the right price. 17 on $4,500 A real bargain In an investment property, well located, on 24th street, north of Lake street. Double frame flat of eight three-room apartments, Baths, sewer, gas and city water Rental, $78 per annum. Biggest snap ln umana , at $4,&00. Quick action necessary to secure this bar gain. The Byron Reed Co, 212 S. 14th. 'Phones Doug. 297, A-3834 TWO ACRES IN BENSON Ten mlnule'. easy walk from .'. cars;- 6-room houaa, new wing built on last June; electric light; cemented cellar; good well and cistern; new barn; chicken and ' - other outhouses; 91 bearing fruit trees; I rows grapis 135 feet long; . chicken tight aire fence around entire I scree. Owner leaving city, will sell for $3,150 If taken at once. Perrine & Wqlcott, Hole Agents, Douglas 7SC1. 132 Paxton Blk. ALB (Continued. ) Boycr's Bargains Beven-room noitso, modern except heatr Rvt 5xU7 f t., good barn: cistern) H'tn shade and fruit treee.y Ju Deoatur bt ' 3,0iWi ' ' ' Elght-room hounei, ' modem except heat: nearly new; lot , 4rtxf0. 8412 Spalding" ft. Big bargain. Must be sold M once. Inquire about this, sure. . Fix-room houee, modern ex cept het; lot xUl ft. located at 1424 N. 80lh St. Combined workshop and coal sheds In yard. Very cheap at 2,4f)0. New 8-room thoroughly mod ern house, with two lute, eech meaRiirlng 64137 ft. located at 4410 N. 27th St., one-halt Mock from ear line. A beau tiful place, 14,600. Eight-room house, modern In every way; gocd barn; permanent sidewalk and around house ; lot 40x121 ft. Ixicated at MS N. 1'ith . St. Bargain at 14.000. Eight-room all modern house; lot 68x16 ft., at south-, east 24th and Rlnney. I .awn and hedge; permanent walk In yard and sidewalk. 84,000. Four-room house, 41 Wil liam St, half lot and barn. Bargain at t.!KJ. ' Eight-mom double house and 4-room house ln rear at 400 William PL' Good Investment Price. 12,600. Five-room house, modern ex cept heat; lot 50x120 ft. I,o rated at '3309 ' Maple St Price, 13,500. . i Beven-room botiso. modern except heat; good bam; full lot. Located at- 481S Erskme Ht. Price, 12.600. : r Five-room cot lege, , partly modern: good barn; ' shade trees; lot 90x1(15. Located at 1629 Ohio St Look at this and make me an offer. , The northwest corner of SOth and Nicholas Bts., with one two-story frame building, two one-story frame building and one double brick flat building, Prloe, IL5.000. "' ; a Chris' Boy er i 22) and , Cuming St. ' Extraordinary OFFER .ONLY $200 CASH payment on a brand new home of I rooms, reception hall and outside sleeping portico. First floor finished In oak; . combination lighting fixture; , Carton furnaoe; bath, Imen closet; new , window shades; eto. Cement walk all " around and ground sodded. Price I only 83 250, the balance of the payments easy, ir you want a nio home In a fine neighborhood, one block from two oar Una let us show you this one and- you will buy It ED. JOHNSTON ' CO., ' ' 105 8. 17th St. ' ' Phon Doug. T235. OWNER AYS SELL . So MakeTJs An Offer 88S S. 19th St.; I rooms, lot 25x144. 11,600.. . .. ' 2923 S. 24th St., Z korjses, lot 41 xi58. $2,750., , ,.v , . 1416 N. 3Pth St. rooms, lot 30x 160. 11,800. , ' 1321 S. 26th Bt... I rooms, lot 60x 127. $3,000. ,' . 1526 N. 36th St., B rooms, lot BOX no.' '$i,25o. '' '. ;.'' 2922 Dupont St., 6 room, lot 25s 125. $1,700. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CREIOII, SONS & CO., ' Tel. Doug. 200. " 508 Bee Bldg. SACRIFICE SALE If Taken at Onco , $3,600 wlH buy 7-room, strictly modern house; aombinatloa fix tures; cellar finished; cement foundation; cement walk; paved street; one block from car; lot 50x127. Terms right Near 29th and Pratt. PERRINE & WOLCOTT, Douglas 7S0L S33 Paxton Blk. WEST FARNAM. WE are just completing a very fine modern, thoroughly up-to- date residence on 38th Ave., be tween Farnam and Dodge, Owing to change . of business owner will consider a salo of this house for a few days. We will be pleased to show it by appoint ment any time this week! HICK'S REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Board of Trade. W. O. JENSEN, builds homes right: plans nnlshed. V1U Jjpaidmg. Tel Web mat. tu Choice East Front ,Lot In Vest Farnam district. If taken at ones this lot can be had at a very low price. NOWATA LAND AND L.OT CO., 6ult 634 N. Y. Life Bldg. R1 1999. Acre Proper Ralston H'ri Thl beautiful cated A mil due f W'1" open FOR HALF lather. will continue of thre. d tract I Jld. ' ., i and you can nroe'l . wl' prices will 1rove th eff. Inl propeament 'and placf a? twroeV'-P't. .f all.otj Irt our ." eommerolal I and let Wlreles Com if ( pvery 1 ( 8 car car ticu'ttrs sad! Dealer Ci: 0OT1 STOWS, T I 118 Board of , Xtouglas 31 I Iudvu4ii g ateuM la Tel 8 citt r