Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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McGovera Raises Protest Over UTut
He Sayt is Trickery.
Miller, Stewari
Cj Bc&ton
413-15-17 South 16th St.
eu arras!
ii si J
Miliar mf Mas
Wave moot Mat Xt.
wooode Certified mails Aomatut
XalitlAf matures InrfMtnaltt Co.
trlotl Kama-Made mes. Iler Grand Cafs
1UO aTetlenal Llfi Insurance Ca 110
Charles E. Ady. General Agent, Omaha.
rythiaas to Iteae) Nebraska lodge No.
L Knla-hta of Pythias, will aivv a dance
at Myrtle hall this- evening.
Xvery deUa plaveed with tlia Nebraska
Savings and Loan As n belpa to earn n
oUtar. elx pw cent pr annum credited
aml-annuaiiy. I OS Board nf Trade.-
Another Tladuct Samara Suit Another
uit against the city of Omaha tn con
nection with the proposed Dodge Street
viaduct la filed In district court by
George T. Morton, who estimates bis
Injuries at ti.ano.
County T.aa Tarn Typhoid Caoaa Ten
victims of typhoid fever are now In the
county hospital. Patients suffering from
this desease have been received at this
Institution recently at the rata of about
one a day. A considerable number have
been discharged as cured.
Charged With Wife Beating- George IL
Place will have a hearing in county court
Thursday on a charge of beating hl3
wife. Margaret Piece. The complaint Is
aworn to by J. H. Johnson, brother of
Mrs. Place. The defendunt alleges that his
brother-in-law has caused whatever
trouble there la In the family.
Tonne; Woman Wants sTame Changed
Petition la filed In district eourt by I
Olga Catherine Palm to have her sur
name changed to Brailey. The petition
states that the plaintiff la 22 years
of age "and has resided for many years
as one of the family with friends who have
been parents to her In all but name, and
the. petitioner la desirous of assuming the
name of those who have reared and cared
Hot ber slnoe childhood."
j, Omaha Tinmen. In Canal Bone "Our re
,'garda to ail members of the Omaha fire
department." was the message on a post
card received Tuesday by Jus', ice Ed Leeder
from the C&ual sons. The card was sent
by Gus Shafar, who was speaking for him
self and the other former Omaha firemen
down In Panama Olewn, Livingstone. Tan
., nor, Peterson. O'Brien and Burmaeter, all
-at NslKim'Ise firemen there. "We don't
fight "as many fires bere as we did In
Omaha." writes Mr. Shaler, "but there is
excitement of one kind and another. The
blasting shakes the dlshea in the bouse to
remind you of war times."
Snlarjlna; Oreasral Delivery Department
'The plans for the enlargement of the
general delivery department of the Omaha
postotfice have been computed, and only
await the approval of the supervising
architect of the Treasury department for
the bf finning of work. This contemplates
the removal of the general delivery depart
ment to the north side- of the main work
room; Jnst west of the present general de
livery location. Tbs new room will have
six general delivery windows instead erf
two, as at present. The new room will
be C0x4O feet and will directly face the
Capitol avenue entrance. The rooms now
occupied by the general delivery will be
utilised as the office for the superlntendeot
f city delivery.
The excruciating; pains from corns or
bunions may be avoided by applying- Cham
berlain's Liniment
littla Eiapepsia regulates
Stomachs tn five minutes.
haA ,
Every family bars ought to keep some
Dlapepain in the bouse, as any one of you ll anping. tj
ma, have an attack of Induction or!"11 il ."fT1 b"ld" "1r" wU1
This harmless preparation will digest
anything you eat and overcome a die-1
tressed, out-of-order stomach five mlnutesl?Ut"f'0r'lBr tomaoh"- It prevents
If your meals don't tempt you. or what
little you do eat seems to fill you or lays
like a lump of lead In your stomach, or if
you have heartburn, that Is a sign of In-
Ask your Pharmacist for a EO-cent case'
of Pape's Dlapepaln and take a little just
as soon aa you can. There will be no sour'
attyla 91 0. be kariste eonat for a aUeder tt
are. U UtuuT boaea. has U lack tram ciaag and.
U i JMUSiat saupuiiao bisaa l ta
j . CWwt
- I Oa,
A delightfully smooth, mellow
blend of fragrant, aromatic "Old
Crop" Coffees. Try a pound.
25 crnnta mt Grocers.
Moinoo, low.
rae Mr
Fire Thousand Workmen and Church
men for Auditorium Sleeting.
l iloa Men af Tfcr Cltlea Are Co
Opratlaa; with the Cksreh Faroe
to Make This Meet tag a
Has; Saceema.
All Indications point to a strong- repre
sentation of laboring men and churchmen
of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs
at the address of Charles Stelala of New
York at the Auditorium Sunday. April 3. at
1:30 p. m.. under the auspices of the Young
Men's Christian association.
The Central Labor union la co-operating
earnestly In the plans and working through
both the central body and the various
unions In spreading announcements and
awakening interest for a largo attendance
of laboring men.
The Omaha Musical association h
granted its members the privilege of ten
dering their services free on the occasion
of Mr. Steizle's address and R.-Oisen. a
leader In musical circles, is providing an
orchestra. A committee from the Young
Men's Christian association presented the
matter to the Omaha Musical association.
and found a very willing and responsive
sentiment there. The sen-Ices or an or
chestra were tendered and Mr. Olsen agreed
to take the matter in charge.
Committees are at work among the
churches of the three cities distributing an
nouncements and awakening enthusiasm.
Deputations of men from the churches "of
Omaha and South Omaha gathered at the
Young Men's Christian association last
Sunday afternoon and promised to encour
age attendance of all men.
"There ought to be an audience of 5.000
men to head Mr. Steislo Sunday after
noon,' said L. T. Crossman. religious sec
retary of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation. "Mr. Stelxle has been addressing
audiences of 10.00 and 15,003 people and
considering the high esteem In which he Is
held by laboring men as well as the Im
portant position he holda In the church he
t certain to- draw a Icrge crowd."
The Sunday afternoon address is on
"Church and Labor," and is free to all
men. Mr. Steisle will speak Monday night
at the Young Men's Christian association
on "Working-men and Their Conditions,
and an admission of B cents will be
charged. This lecture Is Illustrated with
views which Mr. Steisle took himself hi
factories and cit'.es of the United 8tatee
An address will be given by Mr. Steisle
Monday noon to the Social Service club
at the Young Men's Christian association.
Mr. Stelxle is superintendent of the de
partment of labor and church of the Pres.
byterian church, a former machinist and
union man.
nets raasss Dawk Bees
on draught and In bottles on and after
March Ml Absolutely the only genuine
BOCK BEER brewed tn Omaha. Order a
case sent to your home. Prompt delivery,
'Phone Douglas 119; Ind.. ZU9.
. f
Bee want Ads produce results.
risings, no belching of undigested food
mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart
burn, fullness or heavy feeling In the
Stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Headaches,
utsxlness or Intoatlnal giipine-. This
left over in the stomach to
poison your breath with- nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsln Is a certain curs for
UUiu ui your rooa
and digests it just th
ne same as if your
acomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stomach
mMry is at any drug store, waiting for
you. n; rer
These large 10-cent eases contain more
than sufficient to cure almost any chronic
case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any
other stomach trouble.
YOU'LL find such
an endless variety
of corset models ia
the Kabo line that your
requirements will be
met without annoyance
or trouble of any kind.
In the matter of style
Kabo Corsets arc first in
the field with the new
est things; absolutely
correct because made under
instructions received direct
from Paris.
We guarantee you com
plete satisfaction.
No matter what model stab
yoa buy, you may return it
and get aatiy faction if it isn't just
what you want. We protect til
dealer, so ycu should Insist on ex
changing nil you jet what you
Stout women should wear a Kab
Form .Reducing- Corset; those: ex-r-ettinr
the Stork should wear
Kba Uatemby Supporter.
Kabo Corset Co.
k Chiarro ,
CsneilsHis Sara lnurty watere
Asked few Brick aaa Prwssetev New
ris ii te tlve These
Asahalt fastest.
Councilman McOovem furnished the only
tinge of Interest at the meeting of the city
council last evenlna-, and Councilman
Berka Introduced the only ordinance at
tracting any particular attention, provid
ing for a better quality of water.
Mr. Meovern raised his voice in protest
when the clerk read a petition for asphalt
paving on Twenty-eighth avenue, from Chi- '
cago to Dodge. The Ninth ward council- j
man intimated that some promoter work- .
Ing for a paving contractor had been
guilty of sharp practice.
A petition was circulated and signed
for brick paving-,' said Mr. McGovern. ;
"that la what the property owners want
and what they are entitled to have, since
they foot the bill. Yesterday, I am told, t
the promoter of this street said the pe-'
titlon for brick pavtng had been burned. If '
all the clrf umstanres are as t understand ;
them, that promoter la not an honest man. j
If promoters are to be allowed to pursue j
this course of thwarting the desires of the '
property owners, the sooner this council
calls a halt the better." I
Councilman Johnson said he agreed with '
the views of his cnlleaa-tie from the Ninth. I
and President Burmestsr said he believed
the matter should be thoroughly Investi
gated. It was tacitly agreed that this
should be done Before the council takes
final action.
for steal Fare Watvr.
Judge Berka I ordinance Is to provide for
the preservation of the publla health, to
prevent disease, to guard against epidemics
and to fix a standard of purity for all
water brought Into Omaha In pipes or
otherwise and offered for sale In any man
ner. It provides that all water must be
free from any gas producing bacteria, colon
bacilli, or pathogenla bacteria. The num
ber of bacteria must not. exceed fifty per
cuhlc centimeter, and all water so brought
tn or sold must be clear and free from Im
purities. The health commissi oner Is to
have ample supervisory powsrs, and vio
lation of the ordinance ia to be punished
by forfeiture of $100 a day, while Impure
water Is furnished or sold after due notifi
cation, and conviction of violation of the
provisions of the ordinance is to be pun
ishable by fine and Imprisonment. The
ordinance Is to take effect twenty days
after passage. It was referred to the com
mittee of the whole.
Aato for Tom Fly a a.
Councilman Davis Introduced a resolu
tion directing the city olork to advertise
for bids for a runabout automobile for
the use of the street commissioner, cost
not to exceed S900, to be paid from the
street grading fund. Council adopted
the resolution.
Mayor Dahlman was allowed S300 to pay
his expenses while In attendance at the
national convention to consider city plan
ning, to be held at Rochester, N, Y., May
t, S and 4, This convention Is the outcome
of the agitation which has been going on
in the country the last few months, and
some Indications of which have been seen
In Omaha.
The water company notified the council
that the. city of Omaha will be held re
sponsible' for damage done at the store
of Thompson V Belden because of the
b res king of a hydrant last Friday. The
communication was filed.
Council killed the ordinance grant
ing certain rights to the Chicago Great
Western to lay tracks across Twentieth
and Twenty-first streets by placing It on
DedsT street Vtswtaet.
A favorable report from the committee
on railroads and "uulucta was adopted,
ordering the Missouri Pacific to proceed
with the building of the Dodge street via
duct. According to the terms of the or
dinance work should begin May I and
the viaduct completed by September 1
A resolution was passed ordering a tele
phone placed at the dog pound for the con
venience of cltlsana owning dogs which
may disappear during the chase of the dog
catohers, beginning April L
Building Inspector WithneU asked that
the brick building at 1114 Douglas street
be declared a nuisance because of Its dilap
idated and dangeroua condition. The build
ing Is owned by Mrs. T. SC. Humphrey
of Rapid City, 8. D. The communication
went to the committee of- the whole.
City e-ewres Order frwsa JadsT Sartoa
CaeaaUlaaT Kaada to Shaw
Cawse Acaisvet Tfaadasaae,
Aid of district oourdt has been sought
to make railroads involved construct at
Thirtieth and Bancroft streets the viaduct
oraerea oy me city council last June. An
order to show cause why a writ of manda
mus ahould not Issue waa granted Wednes
day by Judge Sutton. The order Is return,
able Monday.
The respondents to the petition for the
writ are these railroads: Union Pacific.
Chicago. Burlington at Quincy. Chloaga
Great Western. Mason City & Fort Dodge
and the Omaha Grain .Terminals company.
The peUtlon for the writ says that a
resolution urging the viaduct waa passed
March SI. and that June 13 an ordlnanoe
waa given the approval of the council.
It la related that certified copies of the
ordinance and of the city engineer's plana
and specifications have been served on the
roads, but that with the exception of the
t'nlon Pacific- they refuse to comply or to
begin construction.
Haydea Bros). Bay Stack af Bier Cta
elamatl Plaae Faetery . Isaltli as
.-sixaa riauM Staask Caaaea
te Owaaa.
Through the Fifth Third National bank
of Cincinnati our buyer. Mr. Quinlan. se
cured for eash the stock of Smith at Nixon,
the well-known manufacturers.
The Smith Nixon pianos are known the
world ever for their beautiful tone quality
and gvneral all around dependability, rank,
lng among the first and best.
Is fact, scores of the most prominent
artists have given the Smith Nixon
planoe their preference and use them ex
clusively. We know that In bringing ths stock to
Omaha and offering It at ths prices which
the cash nuroliaae makee passible, we are
efrerina- piano buyers of this sectiou bar.
gain opportunities which hare nut baea
equaled in many years.
It will pay you to eoree hundreds of miles
to attend this sale.
Watoh daily papers for data of aale and
ii o HBt m oy the
Thursday, the last day of March, at 10 A. M., Kil
patrick's will sell about 1,000 yards of Blue Foulards, the
most popular of all colors and fabrics this season. Nearly
every piece of foreign make, and there are several shades
from the Copenhagen to navy usually $1.00 per yard.
There will be offered also at same
of the much-wanted browns, hclios and
Friday, the greatest sale of ,
Omaha has yet
never such choice
Thursday, March 3 1 st. You'll
The women are anxious to lead all cities in membership. It's
Get on the roll of honor.
This Marvelous Health Vibrator
Relieves Suffering Cures Disease
air aaa i
mtr uaa
laara la
rinaialliai. Sciatica. Laneasa, Goat, atew are eansed by uric add In the blood
through poor circulation at some particular part, eets slopped on Us way through tile
Apply the Vibrator to tbe spot sad you will relieve the congestion
aad get relief st once. ......
DaatBea Haaa Noiaaa, K inline ia the tan. in most caul, are
caused by the thickening- oi the inner membrane through catarrh or
colds. To cure this, vibration is the only thing, as It is the only way
to reach the Inner ear drum and loosen up the bard waa or toreiga
matter, so sound may penetrate to the drum.
Staaaca Trenbte. laaiaailiaa. Caaillsaliaa. ate. are caused by
the food not properly digesting: it lacks
juices, thus creating congestion In the stomach: forming gases, caus
ing pains, bad breath, cic. Apply the Vibrator to the stomach; It
settles the food down, releases ths
Bxiac aoout relict instantly.
Dont Wait-Dont Saffes
RawuLar Price), sS40
Mammy rofummmd if mot matitfimd. From Bomkl
Tom Sals ia Omaha by
baecuaa 41 aCcConasa Bras; Co. Sole Aftrntm,
Ftmi Sl.ialae aw Tark. Mil irm
Carpenters May
Go on Strike
Union Declare! for Fifty Cents an
Hoar and it is Rot Tet Ac
cepted by Bosses.
A carpenter's strike Is now threatening;.
At a meeting Tuesday night at Labor
Temple the union carpenters declared for
a minimum wage of 50 cents an hour. The
minimum Is now S cents an hour.
The situation concerns between GD0 and
'OS carpenters in Omaha. They declare
that unless their demand la met that a
strike will be called. A strike at this time
would Involve delays in the construction of
a largo number of new business houses
and dwellings whlcb are under way.
Tna demand of the carpenters has been
submitted to the Builders' exchange, but
nothing that approaches an asTfement has
been reached. The agreement Latween
the builders and ths carpenters is said to
expire en April L Beyond that date the
rpenters maintain that there Is no obli
gation to bind them. The carpenters are
Model A67
u a new one
n n an
Thursday at
seen. Never such
styles and colorings.
"Then, von hnrt yourself yoti rub the spot. When your head achesycra
rub your temples. Why? Because vibration is Nature'g own remedy,
and rubbing is Nature's crude way of creating vibration and startino;
the blood to going;. Disease is only another name for congestion. Where
there is disease or pain there you will find the blood congested and
stagnant. There can be no pain or disease where the red blood flows
in a rich and steady stream. Good circulation means good health. Con
gested circulation means disease and pain.
TheT ' 1 x C J
i. ....-- t .
Is the greatest medical discovery of the Twentieth Century.
It is capable of giving from 9,000 to 15,000 vibrations per
minute 100 times more than is possible with the most expert
master of massage. It is a light, compact instrument, weighs
twenty ounces, can be operated by yourself with one hand by
moving the steel head over the rigid steel rod, and can be
placed in contact with any part of the body. It is Nature's
own remedy developed and concentrated, and with one minute's
use sends the red blood rushing into the congested parts, re -moving
all disease and pain.
If You Ha- Any of Theaa Ailments
You Ncsed the Lambert Snider Vibrator
necessary saliva and gastric
rases, regulates Che actiun I
Psspla New
Dsisf Oar
represented In the controversy
Stroesser, business agent.-
by H.
That ia What Dr. F. E.
. ter Sara Is the Matter
with Her.
Far from enthusiastic over the war of
affidavits In the Cronk case, Judga
Troup in district court, after listening
to Informal argument by attorneys, af
firmed ths court order allowing- Mrs.
Cronk payment of $100 for suit money
and directed that she permit George P.
Cronk to recover his personal effects,
which are in Mrs. Cronk's custody.
Among- the latest affidavits filed Is ons
in behalf of Mrs. Cronk, sworn to by
Dr. F. E. Coulter, who declared that
after an examination made Sunday, he
la certain Mrs. Cronk is suffering from
neuro-psychasthenla, or nervous prostra
tion. Mrs. Cronk makes affidavit again
that she had given orders that the prop
erty replevtned from Council Bluffs
should be returned tn part to Mr. Cronk,
but says that the replevin suit came In
Mr. Cronk In an affidavit tells of the
return tn the Durfes Furniture company
of many articles. Including the two vol
umes of "The Rise and Fall of the Con
federacy," but he adds that "among the
books retained by affiant, aa belonging
to him, la the book mentioned by the
defendant tn her affidavit as having been
given by this affiant to her."
This Is the copy of "Three Weeks" and
Mr. Cronk declares be never did give It
to Mrs. Cronk.
Sets Plasui Are Preeasee by Viet)
IsKwtttr te Steal Eat at
"We would all Ilka to have a city beau
tiful and we should try to develop soma,
thing unique and distinct and bave that
advantage over our competitors," said Via
tor Kosewater tn addressing- ths Real Es
tate axohanga oa Ui subject of what tha
real estate men aa a body could do to
bvat a-rve this community "ItaaJ eatata
men naturally look to the physical eUt uf
! i
; I
71s Yard
price a few pieces
elegant qualities
Mark that down.
be told about it in our store.
a good thing! Mighty good!
fa tbe form r.t nrste of soda. This add,
system it-id, cuircsaLu, caioies pun.
A city beautiful may not be cashed In
dollars and cents, out It la a paying In
vestment nevertheless.
"One proposition which might now be
considered is the development of the court
house square, for it could be made Into a
beautiful park 160x26 feet and could be
noted as a sort of court of honor for the
city, facing as it does on soma oClhe best
buildings of Omaha. The new lighting
schema which Is being considered for the
city could be made to focus on this park."
C. W. Craig, city engineer, asked the co
operation of tha Real Estate exchange In a
move toward securing a state highway
commission for Nebraska. He asked the
exchange to hear State Highway Commis
sioner Johnson when he speaks In Omaha,
April 1
Traetlosi CoanBaay to Pat am Fifty
Additt.aal Pay-a-TCBtv
Kqalaaaaat 1st Fall.
Tha Omaha & Council Bluffs 'street
Railway company has ordered twenty-five
new pay-as-you-entcr cars from the Amer
ican Car company of St. Louis and has
also arranged to have twenty-five ears of
the Hanaoom park Una changed to pay-aa-
you-enter cars. Thuse are all to be ready
for use this fall before time ta take off
the summer cars and put on the closed
An experiment baa been mads In Omaha
of changing soma of the Hanaoom park
cars and It has been sunrsssfuL Ths
chanaed cars give more room Inside than
the new type used on the Farnara Una,
but have not aa much room for amskerg
on the rear.
Stowa lMtlf MmZwi '
'Phone your order for STORJZ BOTTLED
BEER to Charlea Stars, next door north
of Storm Brewery. 'Phones Webstar USX
Ind. B-12S1. Prompt delivery guaranteed
a prices as formerly.
. CaJ
A it Jtdaf if m familg mtojldtm. tit
Aver' SsBioparitU, h mat matfu hitler af4.
We Sc tht
VULCAN Gas Rtr.fej
Largest Whiskey
In The Wcrld.
Guaranteed by the
U. S. Government
100 Proof
This Whiskey is thoroughly
filtered and carefully aged,
giving it ah exquisite flavor
and an extremely delicate
Served in all
First-Class Bars,
Clubs and Cafes.
. - -
AIwcrj3 Ash For It
Distillera. Peoria, 111.
To make bread, and the very best.
Get Updike's Pride and (five it test.
When you have tried It you wilt like It
Just fine,
Tou will not gle it up. for any other
There's all kinds of flour' In the markol
for sale.
Some xoutl. some baJ, and some very
When you have tried a sample of each,
Tou will find that Updike's Pride cannot
' be beat.
14 4 S California.
An Order on Her Groecr for a
4-Us. BACK OP "Favrn OP OKUU"
who malls us a verse of four to six lines
(which we use for advertising) about
"Prlds of Omaha" Flour.
Updike f.!i!Iing Co.,
UU nanus Ave Omaha, Web,
HO! any IMl THIS!
Tfci Cristas! ar.4 Cir.uint
Tit (sr LI Agis.
Mare healthful than Tea or Coffee.
A free with the weal est gestiaa.
DeHrioilB, irrrigoraiinf and nulritiuus.
Rich milk, malted rin. powder form.
A jakk hack prepare! ia a niiratt.
Take u aufextihiLe. Ak for HCIUJCX'S.
Other arc imitation.
Will It Scrateb or H ear ?
That's weet rou should know before using- any
jun raii.ii. i mem oo aaa bo woe.
aV- TllM HMl.tH Wt,ll.t.. ,L. . I 1
..i. hMW. Hill KIUJ
ia were acrer inieaaca lux suck a purpose.
wVm ast Soratra ar Soar m 0Ma farfses. Its
tanuiM stakes lUat aa tipuamaihiy. As
to arilliaacT o kaow haw beaaliiuf Hew
Silver is aarstueanliianv Slactto-aiiiuaei
ejuwauaaa. Cat ta Oeauia. .
Fnns cAsV.plc
aa rauaiBt vc . n maa
TaeClaaantulaaCa..tscilll SawToa.
aM by Cranrsaaa Brownaej (eanaamer.
la aicenol a tonio f Not
maka the blood mm T Nl
rBTiien th nerves Net
Is Avar's SarstparUJ tonic? Test
Do it ma tha blood pure ? Yes I
DoS If SWen'en the Oervest YesI
Taa star ta tba sUiuaUao Bee Want Aaa.
aui nWaJ fctas wttk It.
a u. avw
X Itenrireiv ts fr sV-ohdl r tes
the cl:y as that la mure their provinces.