THE REE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1910. L. This Ad for Girls Only I ,yy e uutt every yn rum ins little j&- y year-old tot to the graceful miss of 16 veart tn Icnmu nhnut the nrar n ntinn in are making for the most imvortant airls S spring coat sale of the season next Friday and Saturday. Our whole misses and children's de partment will he devoted to the selling of these garments on those two days. . There will he a thousand garments to select from in this season's newest styles and colors. See details of sale in Thurs day evening papers. I 2 ' VHI ; 1518-1520 Farnam Street ?3 . : . . t ' IL af i. Yl II TBI YDDHfl PE8P1T3 own rom r i ana m a n ROOSEVELTSOFFfOR NAPLES Former President", Wife, Daughter and Son Leave for Italy. BIO CEOWD AT CAIRO STATION Amrrlrtn MImIoi ' Beads Address Thanklasj Illra far Tliltlic Sta tions and Aiding In Work of . htdrfmlas Egypt. ALEXANDRIA, March SO.-Former Presi dent Roosevelt, Mm. Roosevelt, Kermlt and Miss Ethel tailed for Naples this after, noon' on the steamer Prlnre Henrlch. . Mr. Roosevelt received an ovation aa he iKepped from the train at the pier station. He stopped to receive the greetings of sev eral prominent personages and then with the others of the party walked briskly aboard the (steamer, which was dressed !n flags, with the American colors flying from both mastheads.-- A great crowd toU lowed' him across the pier and onto' the vessel. As he stepped aboard, Mr. Roose velt acknowledged the popular welcome by raising hit hat. Every berth on the Prlns Helnrlch was occupied aiid the efffcers had given up their quarters for the vine of the passen gers. The weather today was magnificent and the steamer sailed with a promise of a splendid trip to Naples. CAIRO,) March JX-ThB Roosevelts were given a hearty send orf when they left here by train for Alexandria this morning. Among the communications received by Colonel Roosevelt was one from the head quarters of the American mission, thanking him for. generously acceding to the request that he visit the mission stations and ajsg for his aid In the work of redeeming Egypt. The message continued; r i "We deeply appreciate lh 1 hbble senti ments voiced throughout your address at the National university, which have a most wholesome and lasting effect, upon ' llfi of this country. Tour visit has made us doubly proud and thankful that we are Americans." There was a great crowd at the station to witness the departure of the dlstln gulshsd American, whose presenoe In the Egyptian capital has been of absorbing In terest to all. Sir Elden Oorst, British agent and consul general In Egypt, was not pres ent, but he sent General Maxwell to pay his respects and to say that he was unable to express his appreciation of all that Mr. Roosevelt had done for the civilisation of Egypt. The khedlve sent a representative to ex tend his compliments to the departing guests. - . f , . ... CUXHAVEN, Germany, March JO. If Gtfford Finchot, former chief of the bureau of forestry of the United States, sailed on the steamer President Grant to meet Mr. Roosevelt. In Europe he could not be found when the vessel docked here today. The purser's list does not show that' he was aboard. . ' . I New School Horn at Haroa. HURON. 8. D.. March SO Srwl11 The city Board of . Education has decided to erect a new sohool building In the Third ward. It will be located on the corner of Tenth and Illinois streets. It will be an night-room brick structure and will cost about $18,000 to f20,000. Work will be commenced at onoe. "ale of School. Lands. HURON, 8. D., March 3Q.-(Speclal.)-Land Commissioner Dokken, with State Auditor Hernlng, was in the city today and arranged, for a sale of Beadle county school land to take plao April 25. These lands are apraleed at from $40, to 180 per acre, except one Quarter adJoihlna- tha eliv which Is held, at $250; per. acre.., A number of prospective purchasers are waiting im patiently for "the sale;-' - - v ' ; 'A'DelicIoiis Drink-. I. That Builds Strength All the good of superlatively good cocoa you get in Runkel's Cocoa. Gives Strength and vitality to nursing mothers. Ideal for invalids. Good for everyone. No other cocoa so high in nutritive quality. No other beverage so delicious and digestible. COLDER, FROST THREATENED Lower Temperatures with Approach . . . of KifeTlt High. Wind Subsides . WIRE COMPANIES EI TROUBLE Telegraph Lines to West Tie lr by Starne .Railways I'nahle to Set ' Reports on Trafg, Conditions. With promises of frost by the weather bureau, Omaha went to bed last right with the temperatures, but little lower than they had been through the major portion of the (Jay. The strong westerly wind, which bore down on eastern Nebraska from the chilled tone of disturbance toward the Rockies subsided. With the high wind blowing the danger of frost was less. At nlghtfoll the temperature was slowly falling. Wednesday found the railway companies of Omaha shut off from communication with the centers of trouble In the storm district to the west,. Wire companies were helpless In the grip of the storm and there was no indication that communication would be re stored early In the day. The cold breath of the storm came . down on the west wind, chilling the morning In Omaha with a tinge of the disturbance which Is sweep ing over the western part of the state In Its march from the Rockies. Omaha has had oo wire to Denver since yesterday at noon. .. "No wires on lines west of Sidney, so we can't tell what Is going An out west," an official of the Union Pacific. "We understand that the service has been en tirely interrupted on . some- divisions.., but we can not get .positive Information-now until the wires are restored to operation." From the Burlington It was the same story. The Interruption of the wire ser vice hss left the general offices here In the dark as to conditions on the lines west. "We are able to get practically no com munication west of Lincoln," said q. W. Loomts, assistant to the general manager. The Associated Press wires to Denver are also down. Trains are Late. Nearly all of the trains from the west were late Wednesday in . arriving in Omaha, on account of the storm. The roads are handicapped on account of be--Ing unable to send from point along the western end of their lines. The Burlington reports two feet, of snow at Deadwood, where the tempera ture was 15 decrees, with -i blowing. Wind and rain were reported from a number of stations In the state and Wednesday mornln th.r. n,o. - , at Belmont, Alliance and Seneca. Passen gers at Doth the Burlington and Union stations were waiting for the early morn ing trains going east, some of which were over an hour late: The railroads sav thnt th. i caused havoc to their telegraph communi cations and It is believed that the storm center is headed this way. People in terested in fruit lands In the western Portion Of tha Stat aav h.t k.. j. . - - J .... fciicjf nui believe that the storm will have any de- vmeuiy oaa errect upon vegetation. It is claimed that mere snow and wind will not destroy the budding trees, and that as long as It remains rl mirfv lh.M Will be no frost Owners of trees which have started to bud fear a frost more than they do a sever annw atnem der buds are not seriously affected by huow, wnsre a sught frost might do In- O"' Sale Starts Thursday JMorning Promptly at 8 O'clock, 15 1 O DOUGLAS STREET mm -7T 1510 DOUGLAS STREET Sale Starts Thursday Morning Promptly at 8 O'clock y liJLL mmmA u)H.ll(8 I ..n : '"I and , You'll find Runkel's creamy, smooth and distinctively delicious. Then it's nutritious as beef which co&sten time its price. Runkel's is just pure cocoa of choicest ' quality. No. starch no sugar no fat to follow Its enjoy- ' ment. Runkel's is twice as strong as ordinary cocoa fuller flavored more nutritious. A little provides big satisfaction. ' Sold by. Grocers Everywhere fciUNKIX BROS., Inc., IWlrs., 443 to VI West SOtb St., New York tn the balring -is. . -,u - . it s , i..... where Calumet lining Powder proves its sunerioritvt its wohcicrful raising power ht never-faHing ibilit ' : to produce the most delicious baking and its economy la tha btJung that is the only way you can successfully test it and com pare-it with trie . nigh price kinds. You cannot discredit thesa statements until you have tried f!3 eC"T3 L4 the only high grade baking- powder telling at a modems, tort. $1,000.00 is offered to anyone finding the least trace of impurity, in the baking, caused by Calumet yosur Grocer and insist that you get, Talumat Received Highest Award Woria's Per Food Exposition, Chicago, 1937. THEC GODDESS OF SWEET CHARITY Will Keign Supreme Over the ' MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. 142! Farnam Street. Kahn Dros., Props. SATURDAY, AFTilL 2ND, WILL, GIVE TKE WISE MEMORIAL E0SP1TAL BAZAAR . F-er Cent of the Gross Cash Sales : 1IAVK A LOOK AT THK1R DONATION' VIMX)V Pour laebee Deep ' On Ln, , Drifted Badly In Place. NORFOLK. Neb.. Mat-xh ra . t-i.- jziy mountain bUazard has swept over into, northwestern Nebraska and has oome as faf east aa Cody. The storm raged all titght and four inches of anov nn has fallen and it has drifted badly in high w.nas. ah wires west are down in the Storm district and northvui.n, . i- traffic was completely tied up. No trains " '"o tne storm, because of the loss of w-lrea. throush tritina h.i. .i. - iiqu up at various point. Wire communication had not been restored late this morning. STORM FELT IN MINNESOTA. Snow Is Predicted for Northern Part . oi Illinois. , CHICAGO. Marrh S1M.-'- , - i. , . . . iconic CXlt; Which bea-an with h. . . ---- . fiuBiraiion or telegraphic and telephone wires and the bloeadlng of railroad trains in the Rocky mountains and eastward, made Itself felt In a diminished degree in Minnesota today In the northern part of tills state snow The bllxiard COntfriUArt arrTA r Castle Rock, Llmon and Kimball, Colo and the snow ts sstd to lie six Inches deep in the city of Denver. In the rail road cut it has drifted to a height of OQDEN. UUh, March 0.-On account of conditions arising from yesterdays storm, the SoJthern Pacific trains were sent west from Ogden over the old Cen tral Pacific line north of the Great Salt line today.. . Work trains are rapidly repair ing the atorm damage to, the embank ments, which form the approaches to the bridge across the lake. The trestle proper was not damaged by the storm. . l NEBRASKA'S CLAIM ON BENCH (Continued from First Page.) turn a ..district judge, a judge .t the supreme court of appeals and a justice of the su preme court. Arkansas has two district judges and for years has had a judge of the court of appeals. Wyoming has a district judge and a judge of the court of appeals. South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Utah each a district judge and Nebraska two district judges. Nebraska Never la. . - "Nebraska has never been represented on any federal bench outside of the district court of the state. It Is a prominent state agriculturally, industrially and commer cially, and Omaha Is one of the great and growing cities of the west, and Is located in the center of the group; that Is. to say, midway between the Mississippi river 'and the eastern boundary of Colorado. 'The legal profession of Nebraska has always ranked among the first' of the country. It Is equally true that the leading representatives of the various professloni and their pursuits have ranked among the first in their professions and pursuits in tha entire country. In other words. In the business and social world, Nebraska has been distinguished for the high standing and character of Its representative men, "In the appointments, political considera tion should be ignored. The appointment ' should be made upon principles of .justice the same aa the decision of an equity case by a court, and tn this view Nebraska may well claim recognition, provided It p re lents a Candida t possessing the necessary qualifications for the office." " ' i S, Fatal Aato Aeeldeat at Tastka. TOPIC K A, Kan.. March SO. George Brott of Kansas City was kll ed and C. U. Wilson of Manhattan, Kan., was seriously Injured In an automobile accident near here early tod a. , Opens Thursday Horning, Promptly at 8:00 O'clock '''.'' Greatest Sacrifice Sale Omaha Has Ever Known It would he interesting to show the table of the ivonderful growth of our husiness it would be interesting to show how that wonderful growth has been achieved conserva- ".y o,o,iuiy wis owmm, i wyi eaoft uuouiess principles; it is only a look pack, of but four years when we succeeded the Sco field Cloak and Suit Co., when this store employed but four or five peopler Today this cloak and cialty house in the middle-west devoted to the selling of strictly high class apparel for' women and misses, and employing over 100 people in the selling and fitting of Orkin high class garments. C We have outgrown our present store, and within a very short space of time we will move to our new location at 318 and 320 S. 16th street, where we will have more room and one of the finest and most complete specialty stores in America. Not one single garment will be moved from this store to our new location. Everything must be closed out within a very short time. Thursday Will Be Suit Day-All Our Beautiful Tailored Suits Will Go On Sale $95.00 Tailored Suits- Removal Sale Price. . . $85.00 Tailored Suits . Removal Sale Price. . . $75.00 Tailored Suits Removal Sale Price.'. . $69.50 Tailored Suits Removal Sale Price. .". $65.00 Tailored Suits Removal Sale Price,. . $65.00 $59.50 $47.50 $45.00 $42.50 $59.00 Tailored Suits (tTQ CA Removal Sale Price. . . .4JsDJ $55.00 Tailored Suits if 77 r Removal Sale Price JpJ I JU $50.00 Tailored Suit3 PTC (f Removal Sale Price. . :.4DDUU $45.00 Tailored Suits ' T f ct Removal Sale Price . . , ,4)D DU $40.00 Tailored Removal Sale $37.50 Tailored Removal Sale $35.00 Tailored Removal Sale $29.75 Tailored Removal Sale $25.00 Tailored Removal Sale Suits Price. . . . . . . . '. . . Suits Price . . . $29.50 $25.00 $22.50 $19.50 SfS.OO IKS PREPARE "FOR MINE STRIKE Coal Dealer! J$fltca. to Xa? fn Heavy -.v- 'StoolA of Fuel. BYERS -rOE "'feHO&T, tEJE BATE Attorney "i's)sliraP Declsloa Forces . Roads I to Glt-a Pavsaengers Lowest . PaasUie',F&res -Attorneya .' ' ;'Readjr.o Flfcbt. ' , - ' (From ft Staff Correspondent.) . DE8 MOINESr-lR., March S0.-r-epeclal Telegram.) A .1' itddden ' changre ' lrl the weather causeda hustling among th com mercial dealers today tcv. buy all coal in sight and this was' ekpeclally notjceable' because of the .failure of tha coal minerd and operators to; gjut together- and even make a start toward fixing up a wage scale. Most of the, pes Molhes dealers say they have .coat enough on hand to supply customers or sixty days and nearly all the large consumers cf coat have been buying and storing coal for several weeks. The miners are waiting for the return of Presi dent White before they. Start negotiations. College Wonld Move. Overtures have been fnade on behalf of Pennsylvania, college at Oakaloosa to move to Pes Moines and take over the property of Highland .Park college. Pennsylvania Is the Quaker college for ' Iowa" and western states and an old fashioned institution, but with poor equipment. Highland Park' is owned privately and has boen. "conducted as a business oollege with great success. Railroads Against , Decision; Railroad men, ' having to deal with con ditions in Iowa, are much exercised over the attitude taken .by the attorney gen- M&ny iv Clever Housewife Has learned that : to serve Tailor Made vs. Ready Made Thert'a a strong contract between the tailw-made garment and the picked (iffth counter kind the difference it : n( only in fit it is in everything fie fabric, tht lininqt, the tVjle and workmanship the thousand little stitches that count are missing in the rtady-to- wear - after they-alter-them-kind. !. Qive me a trial order I keep the garment if you are not satisfied. ' I am making some mighty swell suits at S2S and $30, and every ' garment Is cut and made in Omaha Tailor Beck 111 South 15th Street AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS, Hi ii'iifH.. """ ""J: Toasties Saves 6rrv and labor, nnd pleases .each member of the family as few other foods do. The , crisp, dainty, fluffy bits are fully cooked ready to serve from the package with cream or good milk. Give the home-folks a treat. "The Memory Lingers' Pkg. 10c and 15c Postum Cereal Company. Ltd.. ' Battle Creek. Mloh. era, who declares that the railroad com mission has authority to compel a road -to charge for passengers only the short line rate, where the road has two lines and the lortRer Is .uqed for passenger trains. This arises from the schedule of the Min neapolis road, which has two lines from the north and runs its trains the longest way. Attorneys for tne road contend that the ruling Is contrary to Iowa laws and have filed with the attorney general a statement of their case. .;; PJ EW;V? A ft AGE IV) E ft TJ ,U; V-a La UUU ooUCLAS AMD 14TH STREET OECUINING MARCH 31st MORALLY AND PHYSICALLY CLEAN HIGHEST CLASS IpATEGT AND BEST- MOTION P S C'T ORES JRESERVED SECTION LADITOS AND CimlKKN" : ! COUKTIOOUS ATTENDANTS S WEEK DIAZ & RODERIGUEZ SSSSKSJ Bil l V f? P CELEBRATED COON SHOITTEI IsUsUl It UUU AND CHALLENGE DANCEIt , FF RI T a! 1U ft A KOAItINO FAHCE COMEDY aU 1M I U II U U tf. "BKOKE IN A HOTEL" DEL l BAITY DAVE SO ft I E R lOc AND HIS EDUCATED MUSICAL BULL DOG. OMAHA'S FAVORITE ' BAHITONE AMY SEAT iTh t.; MATINEES H ALP PRICE Jl CL,' VAUDEVILLE CHANGED EVEIIY THUKSDAV AND SUNDAY 1 MODERN VENTIL.1TING IL.NT . .. vTll.V;ctl0,l O?" ta ttJ 5"e poslUvely In a class by themseWea -absolutely no comparison with anything now belna-hJ- il th-STv", ou money back U dissatisfied. Ptrionnuos luti twoloun. n Rain Checks Prairie Fires Unconfirmed Eeport that Four Per . tont Were Burned to Death in McPhenon County. TIT 0 THBATEB PSIOZa I 1 W loo-aSo-60s-7(a. TOMTOHT AT 8:15 Matinee Saturday, All Seat BSo. Tho Great Divide MIT BimSAT IBSTHAXI. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., March 30. (Spe cial.) The prairie fires which have been raging In this county and McPherson county are now probably out,' as a heavy rain fell In the western part of the county last night and probably where the fire was elsewhere, although no rain fell in North Platte. The prairie fire south of North Platte was the most disastrous ever known, acoordlng to reports which have been received. Many people lost their homes, stock. Improvements and the range. The wind was terrific. The fire to the north In McPherson county was probably not as disastrous to property, but It is reported that three children were burned to death, and reports have also been received here today that C, T. Cllne, the county treasurer of McPherson county, lost his life In the fire. It is said that he was busy In his office and did not notice the coming fire until It was near. lie then started for bis bome and was surrounded by the flames, which set fire to his cloth ing. Whetbsr or nit U is true that the three chldren burned to deals is not cer- . ly is said that a camper upon the fork of Tho Btrdwood started the fire. , .. . Persistent AdveriUlpg la the road to Big Return. . . r. Best Flags fa Kava Ycur Teeth Cared For. This Is a perplexing question, confront- ins people every any. deputation. will cover hundred Dentist has It, thoughts which you raay have forgotten to ak about. Dr. Bradbury, with his many years of practice, will give you the very best results. Crowns and Bridge worlc T8?5' BRANDOS K D I a n c h 6 Wa i s h from S6.0U up Fillings $1 09 up. X)ON'T FORGET WB BUfPCY TEETH WITH OUT PL,AT1$. . Nerves removed "without hurting you. Teettf estrsoted without fain. Ordinary Plates from 14 to 12 10. undreds of people have been satisfied here. Why not youT DR. CRAQEUHY, THE DEXTIST 1S06 rarnam St.. Thone, x. X7fc IT years sank' loaatlom. 30 ft. Bowels Bifgest organ oi tho body the bowels and the most important It'i got to be looked after neglect means suffering ' r.nd years of misery. CASCARETS help Datura keep every part of your bowels clean and strong then they act right means health to your whole body. ui CASCAinTi loe a boa frrwtk'a treat. iut. All druuqlata. bif scat seller la Una wutii Mtliwa buc. a alh. XJT BIB ORBATTBT TBXVafFH ftflcca ..........SBo, Wo, 76o, S1.0; 1.80 , Sunday, Monday and . Ynesdey WiffHts ' ELSIE -JVNlt V In Charles DUllngham'a Prod act Io a SS&. THE PAIR-CO-gD TOSIOHT MATHTBB TOSAf,' ' ' THE XVOODWAKD STOCH CO, Vj PRisonEii of;zebba1 n Willi STBOVOXZAJtT." ADVAStOri) TAVDSTIX.UI Ifat. Bvery Day SilSl Be. farturuaao SHI This Week Edward Abelea, Arturo Bernardl. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGrcevy. Walter Lswls. Belle Davis, Dorothy Drew, Marvelous Hilton. Ths Klnodroins and The Orpheum ConceH Orchestra. VatlOlCB) loo, B5o, 60O. ,.c e-.y all w., closlni A Corking Cl,ow for 1) any L1IU S1I.I.T Wa "GIRLS FROM HAPPyLMIf SXTBATAOAsTSA aad TAUSIVZLLI 1 I.acll.s Dime Matlnse Daily at 8:15 Sat, The firear Co.. la "T JIB WlgaAS" vogs., 1S.B5-B0V7S toe all w., closing Vrlday nljrht. many L1IU 111,1. Y WaVTBOaT sbAfthe TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Uaa lHlUr a Yeas. If u