Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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. .
TbeAt Condition Favor Bulli, Who
dvance'with Heary rurctoue..
htorka Make Rltnntlon Boorept-
to Rrnrtlon Reported
la Draltrrlif and of Lit
tle Important Effect.
, OMAHA, March 31,
i-attered rama were receivea in v
l.t fn!lwd hv lilxii colfJ winds.
hilnn exiatiiiar for nm week hava
. been relieved and whet price ad-
need with the buying of bulla, who had
s- trpn nrnfffa
I With the falling off In corn receipt the
Wket react quickly and good advance"
- 1 1 1 with any buying. A better market
looked for during the next few week.
v i. - .... . . p. twiatf and n rlrr a ad
"need early In tbe day on good buying by
limls-Hon houses. lck of rain, n,c;
h reported, became the feature and cash
, ... i( a iivht nfferlna.
V' corn market opened firm and worked
f, r wltn hMt in tne eariy iruio. i
,1 of again when cah corn waa found
V soft and torn aelllng developed, rie-
are falling off dally, out snipping u-
mn "wheat rerelols Wl tOR.000 bu
Khlnmmli 1M UlO bll.. BKalnSt r-
,,.ts last year of 446.0W) bu., and shlp-
1-its of 291.0l bu.
Imarv corn recept were 3KS.O00 bu.
I shtnment were 47f..OW bu.. agntnst re-
i.t lant year of 2r5,Oi bu.. and shipment"
f 370.000 bu.
Ica'ranrwa were 15.001 bu. of eoro. 890 bu.
'f oats and wheat awl (lour eiuai lu .'I.iwj
Liverpool closed 4Jd higher on wheat
J 'tfd higher on corn.
.ocal lange ot option:
Jicle Open. Hlgh. Close-! Yeay.
i' "neat-l
4-1V...I 1
ly... .1'Jirt.
A-n I
l m 1 1 1 FH
io$ loati l 03
. 59 5 . W
61 . . 1 ,
43 43'. ' 43'.,
41'a 41',. 41'
1 08S
1 0S
41 '4
J May... Ml,
May... .- 43ft!
July... 41
) Oarfah' Caah Prtece
I WHEAT-fo. 1 hard, 1 08Stl.rrH; No
Sard, ll-Orrt-OS1: No- nrd- 1':
S'o. 2 aprlng, ll.Ofitd'; No. aprlng
1.03'!ff.l.'.Ht; No. 4 spring, 99rri 1.0 ; No. a
.iiirim. SOc; No. S durum, &5c; no grade,
I I'OJIN No. 2 white, 6D-5i9tee; No. i
fwhlte, 68'-nf.Sc; No. 4 white. 6V95Mic; No.
II color, T',c; So. S color, 5WirS7 He; No. 2
i ie.low, 6.c; No. 3 yel.ow. HM: 1NO-
I velliwt ;S?i "i6cj Jo. 2, fii".c; No. 3, WMHe;
' N'o. aAraiS:; no grade. CiiflSOo.
' ;i4' A-f,,n,lard''4''3,aci No- S whlu- 42
4 white, 41i42c; .No.'l yellow, 41'n)
yl yellow, 4Ci4io; ino. raueu, jd
i VlMtY-N'o. 4. B3(SC4c; No. 1 feed, 52Vi
?;vi?J; rejecied, MHjRac
IlVK-No. 2,74VV."Bc; No. ? 7474Vic.
Carlo neceipte. N
V'.ieat.i Corn. Oata.
hlcago . . .
14 100
...'...... an
, 1
. . . :. . . . .137J
Mir too r:niv a.d provisions
J'et tnrca of Iht Trndlng and loalng
f 1'ij.cea on .floard of Trade.
f CHICAfiO. Mnrch leading bullB rr-
ir.d thi what' market today and much
Itn li: n v.ifi rfirnlnd. nrlccs at the
ope rhfi'Vim net a'nn or lie to "SWiie.
on in- tialna and provision, cloaod heavy.
Trading In wheat waa only moderately
etlvc. The bu!k of trading was In Sen-
cm Iwr. ",'h'ch showed a rango of le. Other
ptione moved ovrr a .una or c ana
(c. The maiket opened flm, with price
ip yii'Ac to the bulge being uua
h'pf y to the ubxenoc of any great amount
of ryi n In Kanaan, deplt me orticlal pre
iri.T of genrral ruin for' the winter
fcf bilt. Septemhor opened at tl.051 to
,f hi n In Kanaan, deplt tlie official pre-
e mlr'dle of the " dav- September hnd
vtd up 10 SLOTS and Jul lo ,1 .ow.ifri.08?!,,
,.v.- f Wr "wnerreernbrt-' at
Jl (V"it ?, I t!.H and Julv X-l.(V -- V ,
y on v. is
f.i .n at tho aturt, although light
1'i-rlri"- from the country, alao exerted a
aiah cficct AUhoug.h-domand.lQr caeh
w int'itr poor, prloe wero ateariy
J li!f)ni-rffl. yellow selling at fil
The market for future closed' heavy
jJjHTKist the lowaflt point and at net losses
1 a s-Tde to V.c May sold between tic
fa 63t4!(''c. nnd closed-of Rr'i'ftMSc.
tiin 1 II' IITVtuoHl I 'J -ill: l-i n .- .rv-JUI m
if early seeding had-ai bearish effect' on
he market. The, close was weak, with
rlca a shade to below yesterday'
nnl fuioiatlnns.
'T'rnvtulnnH closed weak at decline of
0c to SIV. Final figure on the May de-
yvery tr: Tork, A.5; lard, I13.S71; rlba,
i The leiKilng futures ranged as follows:
rtlclea.foiieb.1 Klh. J Low. Close. Yes y.
Wheat , ') S -
May 114'-HI t 11H
Juiy 1 V'if lO.-VW,
Spt llWa-W 'l6V
114 I 1 14
1 OK Mi I 1 08 -S
1 06Vk 106-Vi
1 1H
i or
' 3l621iff4'3?lii4
' . '. H
y-.v '.-xjt ".tt
tVL.,. W
. 4Si
' 44
M 28
26 90
A II '
W 16 I
26 86
26 4i''
' 37
38 06
2(1 86
36 6
26 76
' July
36 62H1
26 Uhi
25 42!
25 27H
13 87H
25 63H
It 08"
1 - si-
li 90 13 92'
13 76 I'll! 76
13 bo I 19 U
1 'l
is w
1$ t
13 KVi
14 70
1JI tS "
13 S& ; ) U
13 ) 1' 40
13 72
13 92Uj
13 46
13 ft
13 V;i it':m
13 S2Vs
13 42Mi
)UR-Steady; lnli i bntent. tS.SOf
f; winter straight, J4.i5.; aprlng
.Hicoio. oa. we.oi- OMJieTS,, S0.aW10.dU,
: T V Mo I Lla
' A RLE Y reed or mlxlngr, 82Gtc; fair to
ice majimg. msmio. ,
ai':ii5-rFi.x. No. 1 aouthwaatarn. ti t
1 northwestern, $2. 2a. TiuioUiy, $4.6
Vir. til hi
tOV1810N3-rorV.' Iheaa, pf bbl.,- $26.00
Lni, per iuw ma.. enort ribs,
Ceoe, $U.S7Vx'd 13.76; short tjlear aides.
. J;: 3i4.3iiil4.4S. '
al clearances of wheat and flour wer
' t til,(wJ bu. Primary receipts wwr
' bu., compared wtth 446,000 bu. the
jmamtf aay a year ago. .
"4atd reoetpu foe tmnorrow: Wheat,
I oorn, 114 corn; oats. 37 cars; hogs.
sa -Oash Prtooa Wseat No, 3 red.
1.J0- No. red, $1.143".. 18; No. 3
jl.H-91.15: No. $ hard. $ kt
y,g. $1.06tM4. Corn. No. ) cash. 61i
i No. 4 cttab,, tHtlfflo! No. 1 ,,!.?
: No. S hlte, fCa No. a yellow
I Oat. No. 3 white, tM7o: No. i
a. oj'iiwj, iu. l wnua, titf4c; stand eteaoy; cregmerles. itn
i : dairies. 23t3i37e. . "
IOS- Steady; receipts, 18.883 rasea
T ark. rs. Included, "IS 30o; firsts!
IffiF.aK Steady; 'deletes. ltOltUc
;,s. 18013Vkc: young Americas, 14V a
1 long horns, l4SWl6o.
)TATOE3 Bteady ; cholca to fancy, tl
JULTKY Steady: turkevs, 1U6;
Vkenal.-ITHo;-pringa 11H.
AL Steady; 60 to to-lh. wti. is
LJ.. -Ti? lVsc; 85 to
j iv.rui neceipvo y neat. II oars: corn,
s ara; oau, 40 cars. Estimated tomorrow:
J-"'. cars; corn, ut cars; oats, 7 cars.
Mlnaeapells Grata SlarLet
f MINNF.AlOIJS, March 30.-WHFAT-'
iav. II It; July. Il.liw O.-tT M 'i '...L,
- - - ..... . . iirrii,
ii 2 norihiit-n;' tl:.fii 14A.
$1 l!Wl H',;
I FI.AX 'iusd at K-aHi.
I k " wmte. 4i"HlSc.
K't-ho, 2 '(U74K,C.
vrA,Nj'ii..,c,! pou,,j r''- 2i 00.
fliJl'H-Hni intents, In wood f
.-""eatKil'H. 'rit'.iii'.-; second natent.
a. h .
"'. second iMktents, 36 20
flrnt V-' rs. 61 "ViiJ Ti . V
a I A ,
r irU Market.
WRIA Wch SO -CXlRN-SteLdy; No
;ellow. c; No. 1 yellow. 6!V; Xo $'
jATS-Hlgher; No. I white, 440
'Philadelphia Ptatae Market.
i x.v r ae,"na:. woalerq cream-
u-i.Vv. TJX
"",,ui rmwyi-f
r firm.
la Br
22c at mark! I'ennsi'lvanl
current receipia, returnnv- at
mark; wrairm firsts, .,-. 22c at
mark; western currw free eases.
21r at mark. ,- ;
C KK.K-Firm: York run cram.
choice, 17c; fair to good. HTjl7e,
Qaotatlona of the Mar on Varlowa
NEW TORK, March Fl)IR Market
qnlc-t and about a'eady; spring patenta, tn.M
iSHO: stralghi.'iie.3b; winter patents,
14 Mo.C0; spring clear. I4.WU4.75; winter
extra. No. 1. M ii")'(i4.0; winter extras, No. I
Hi4.4; Kansas stralghta, OOA.JO. R
cetots. ll.ITt bhls.: ahlpmsfits. 4.8W bhla.
Ky flour, quiet; fair lo good, $4.2ft4.46;
cholre to fancy, l4.Mti4 B5. .
'(RNMF:Al-8teadv: fine white and yl
lo, 1.4i.ijrl.60; coarse, Il 'JO'Ml 40; klin dried.
RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 904c noml
nal. f o. h.. New York.
WHEAT Hoot market steady: No. 2 red,
11 IT., c. I. f.; No. 1 northern. It 25. f. o. b.
Option market for whoat was firmer most
of the day on reports that the rain fn the
southwest had been light and scattered,
but tradlnr was aulet and Price lost part
of the gain under raltilng and af tne
clos were He to 1VJ net blgner; May
closed at 1.E14; July closed at 11.17; Sep
tember closed at 1.1ZT. Shipments, a.0J0
CORN- Fpot market dull; steamer, 5c
and No. 4. t.a-ic, nominal; eJovator export,
basis export No. 2. t&Mte. nominal, f. a. b-.
Option market was without transactions,
closing 'irHc net lower; May closed at
71e; July, 74iic; Septitnber, tc. Re
ceipts. S3.7'iO bu.; shipments, 1.214 bu.
OATS pot market quiet; mixed, 21 to
S2 pounds, nominal: natural white, W to
22 pounds. 4!uflc; clipped white, 31 to 42
lbs. &0'4eCHc. Option market waa without
transactions, closing 'c net lower; May
closed at-4ik Receipts, 8&.400 bu.; ship
ments, M) bu.
KEE1 Steady; western spring bran, 10O
pound taeks. $i4.2ftL'4.7S.
HAY Steady: prime, $1.15; No. 1. II.IO
1.15: No. 2. ll.0Wil.10; No. S, $1.00-31.05.
HIDF.S Steady; Central America, Z-'e;
Bosota, 2?He.
L.KATHER Steady; hemlock iirst, mg
c; seconds. i-c; thirds. 22'i2ac; re
jected, 20-ii 21c.
I'ROVISIO.NS Fork, steaoy; mess, ;;
fsmilv tiT rVo200: short clear. IJH.fioiT2'.i10.
Reef, steady; mess, $l." .00.716-05; fimlly. $19.t
411160; heer hams, jz-t.uo'o-s.w. v-ui niram,
quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lb., $l.fiO
17.V0. Lard, firm; middle west, prime.
$14.Strfrl4.H0; refined, easier; continent, 15.0;
South America, $13.50; compound, $102ft
lt'.M. .
TAI.I3W-Steady ; prime city, nnas., (c;
emintrv. 77"c.
BUTTER Dull ajid easy; western Imita
tion creamery, 24i'rJ6Hc.
K;08Kasler; wrsirrn storage selections,
Kfi21"c; western storage selections, extra
first, 21V5 22c; western storage selections,
first 2icsiu,e; southern, first, Vi ile
POULTRY Alive firm; fowls, 20c; tur
keys, 14200. Dressed firm; western chick
ens, 1iV17c; western fowls, lMjfl9c; western
turkeys, 17g23cv
Fair and Colder, with a Visit from
Jack Frost.
OMAHA. March 80, 1910.
The disturbance, central over the moun
tains Tuesday morning, moved northeaat
during the last twenty-four hour and Is
central over the upper Mississippi valley
this morning. Light ralni were general
over the Missouri and Mississippi valleys
and upper lake region since the last report
and rains, snows and high winds, accom
pany the disturbance over the upper valleys
this morning. The western area of high
pressure, accompanied by clearing and
colder weather, reported moving In over the
Pacific slope Tuesday morning, has apread
over the entire west, and generally clear
weather now prevail west of the Missouri
river, with temperatures below frenalng In
the mountains and over the eastern slope.
The western high will follow the low ove
the central valleya during the next twenty
four hours, and will be accompanied by
colder, with frost, in this vicinity tonight,
with fair weather tonight and Thustday
and continued cool Thursday.
Following is the temperaturt and precipi
tation compared w-lth the last three years:
1910.1909. 190S. 1907.
Minimum temperature.... 43 33 9) IS
Precipitation : ; .00 .00 .27 .06
Normal temperature for today, 43 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March 1,
1!7 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period . In 1909,
.83 of an inch. t . - -
" I )ef irtiency corresponding; period le -1908,
.96 of an Inch. . 1 A. WELSH,
uocai Forecaster.
St. Loala . General Market. -
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March 30. WHEAT
Futures, higher; May, $1.11V31.11; July,
$1,081. Cash, steady; track: No. I red,
$1.2frl.20Vii No. 2 hard, $1.13116".
CORN Futures, lower; May. 6io; July.
65Hc. Cash, woak; track: No. 3, 62k62o;
No. 2 white, 64H60.
OATS Futures.' lower: war. ii'c; Juiy,
44f'4c. Casii. weak; track: No. 2, 4S43c;
No. 2 white. 46"c. ,
RYE Unchanged, 81c.
FLOUR Unchanged; red winter patents,
$5.40g6.0; extra fancy and straight, $4.70
6.40; hard winter cleara, 33.804.00.
SEED Timothy, ti.ou'fli.&o.
CO RNMEAL 33.25.
BRAN Unchanged; sacked, east track
$1.12&1.14. - .
HAY Unchanged; timotny, tib.uuoniis.w;
prairie. $12M14.00.
I run Lvnvn xiujOvoc.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; prime steam.
$13. H 14.06. Dry salt meats, unchanged;
boxed, extra shorts. I15.871: clear ribs.
315.37W: short clears. $15.624. Bacon, un
changed; boxed, extra short, $16.63; clear
ribs, I18.62H; snort clears, 115.371.
POULTRY Hteady; chickens, lc; springs,
20c; turkeys, 21c; ducks, 15c; geeae, to.
BITTER Steady; creamery, 27ff33c.
EGOS Lower, 19c
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl..'..
Wheat, bu......
Cornt bu
Oats, bu
7.300 18.400
24, tOO 88,000
......... .81.800 " 89.600
22,400 96,100
I Kansas City Grala aat Prorlaloaa,
May,- 11.09. sellers; July, $1.04, soil era;
oeptemoer, li-te-g i.w, sellers, uash. un
changed: No. 3 hatd. $1.09Uai.l3: Ns. a
$1.07LU; No. I red. $1.171.23; No. 3. $L14J
CORN May. 2Ho; July. 363io, bid;
neptemoer, ezvno, sellers. Cash, un
changed to c higher; No. 3 mixed, 62S4
IWc: No. 3, l6Ic; No. S white, 6tf3c;
No. i e:',ie. '
I mixed. 4d-4c.
OATS Unchanged: No. f white, tatto: No.
HAY Unchanged to 60ofj$1.00 higher;
choice timothy, $15.00; choice prairie, $1L60
rju.xo; cnoice auoira, m.
i BUTTER Onchanged: oreatnerr extra.
31c; flrats, 39Vkc; seconds, 37o; packing
sto-k, ilo.
EOOS Unchanged; current receipts, new
caee.; miscellaneous cases, $6.06;
squtnerna,; storage packed, tats.
i Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu i 1100 7.Ki0
Corn, bu ll.OAO 46.000
Oats, bu 3,000 t.OjO
Liverpool O ratio Meu-ket.
tpoi, mini; xso. 1 red western winter, no
etocg; futures, rirm: March. 8s ITd
May Is d; July, Is d; October, Is
CORN Spot, -mixed
quiet; new American
6s 4d; old American
mixed, 6s I fed; futures, dull; July, 6s
Mtlwaakee Grain Market.
WHEAT No. i northern, $1 17il.l8; No. 2
northern. $1 144.1.U; July, $1 Oh.
tiATS 4to.
llARLEY-Homplea, 6Sg70o.
MeTal Markai.
NEW YORK. March 30. METALS The
mark for standard copper was dull and
unch.tnged today. Local dealers quoted
lake copper at $13.2614.50. electrolytlo at
$ll00..ltl6 and casting at $117641100. Eng
lish 1 market closed Bteady, but at a slight
decllnf. with pot at UM and future at
fu 2s 6.1. Tin. firm; spot, March and April,
$.3 0o:ii.5. English market higher; spot.
(150 1 : futures. fl.J 16. Lead, dull; spot,
34.42U JtW. London market was unchanged
at II 18 9d. Spelter closed easy at I6.6KI
6 66. London market was unchanged at 11
The JEriRllBh Iron market was uiK-hami at
61 6'fcd for Cleveland warrants. Local mar
ket inlet. No. 1 foundry northern. $78 ov
18 60. No. I foundry northern. No. 1 soinhern
and No. 1 southern, oft, $1T75SJ8 28
ST. LOUlji, March 80.-META Lei-Lead.
dullJ $4 27; spelter, nominal, $1 45.
toffe Market.
tures closed steady; net, unchanged to R
pf.inls lowt-r. . tale were reported of 13 000
l; i'lo,!nf blJ: March and April. 70c;
Say. Shoe; June. tlsJc; July. 36c; -August
wnd entmber. T.OUc; October and Novem-t-r.
7.06: lieoember. T lOt Javniierv mA k-.k.
.ruarv. 7 15c. Slu, Coffee oul.t- v.. t in.
f1. r '.?!. """" .. Uc; uuid coff
bun lkli.. e. . . .7. - -'
(.vioova. .k Willi
xsnia ond other nearby
Market Narrow , and Apathetio with
t Shifting: of Prices.
Aaaoaaeemeat of James J. Hill of
Great Northerar Strengthens this
Belles Some Feaur Coairt Delay
hy Brewer's Death.
NEW YORK. March 30. The courso of
the prtr-e movement of stocks shifted again
today. The amounts offered for sale were
not of great volume, but the demand waa
Insufflolent to absorb them exoept at ma
terial concessions. The dealings had an ap
pearance of professionalism aid the mar
ket was obviously narrow and apathetio.
Conclusions of wide application were
drawn from the sudden weakness shown by
the Atchlnaon eonvertable bonda. which
were dealt In "when lsaued" In the outalda
market. Compared with a prloe of 110 made
yeaterday after the Issue was announced,
the Trioe ran off to 108V It waa advanced
4n explanation that a provision by which
the right of conversion Is deferred until
1913 first bemame known today. The ep
isode was cited, nevertheless, to show a
congested condition of new bond Issues In
the market.
The omtnlon Is heard that an era Jf short-
term note Issues la again approaching, such
a heralded the over-supply of capital Issues
three years ago. Bpecial Interest, for that
reason, attaches to the opinion of Chair
man James J. Hill of the Great Northern
that the rallroada will require new capital
at the rate of $l,600.000.0uu a year for six
years to come to provide absolute necessi
ties. In face of this necessity the demand
for bonds, both from home and foreign In
vestment sources continue to fall off.
There was much discussion of the danger
of discouragement to enterprise In a pro
longed delay in the decision of the Import
ant cases before the supreme court, the
possibility of which .Is eugge'rted in connec
tion with the death of Justice Brewer,
There ws a rally In prloe when It became
known that the supreme court would ba In
amnion Monday, wtth the possibility in
ferred of decision being handed down.1
The bond market waa apathetic and Irreg
ular, due to slight recoveries of some recent
sharp declines, rotai eaies, per vaiue,
$3. 1W.000. I'nlted States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of saies and leading quotations
on stocks wer as ioiiows:
Sales. High. low. Clow,
Allla Chalmara prt
AmalfBDjiaVeil Copper
American Agricultural
Amer. Boot SuaSV'
American can
Amor. Car A T
Amorli-an cotton Oil
Amortcan H. A L pM
Ameiic-aa loo Boa
American Llnooot
Amortosn Locomotlv
Amor. S. aV R
Amor. B AR. ptt
A marl can Biool Pound
Amarlraa Sugar Raf
Aaaerlean T. A T
A marl con Tobacco ptd ....
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining
Atclhson v
Atchloon pM
Atlantic Coast Una
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Ra. Transit ..
Oanadlan Paclflo
Central Leather ,
Central Leather pft ..
Central ot N. J
Cheampoako A Obio
iio uk n
4l,TOt Tl 724
10 45. U
I7(4j M1 M'-l
i.n 1114
100 Mlt
"iiio is
100 lMt
l.too &
St, 400 II H
11 11
62V. OS
Bit, IRVfc
lit 13
4! .. 4
7H '91
..... . iX.
600 ITV. tl H
l.tOO 1X3 12 W
4,700 140 13lfX
100 M St It
too lSk tH
;t,4H0 4t 4M 4SH,
11,010 lit llla I"
S00 lot 103 1931,
Its) Its. 129 U
i,To m4 H uot
100 10 10 19
T0 Tlta 75Tt 'Va
1,400 llli 110
t.eoo 41 40 40
100 107 108, 104
14.400 14 14 MH
09 14 64 M
, 1000 1H. 160 161
It. too 1U U
100 IT 17
8,400 814 37 M
tuO M 6 f
3.90O 144 141 141
1,700 IT It 14
600 171 171 171
"400 40 ' M4
too II tl 11
'" 2.100 3
2V0 4t 41 41
t00 tl 37 17
tOO WO 141 1M
l.tno lit US Its
l.i 6 64 64
100 it iu in
4,700 n
t,0 ' M. M W
400 tl
0 1 it it
. too , It U It
100 41 4t
Chicago Alton
Chi. Great West
Chicago A N. W, pM..,..,
C., M. St Bt. r...
C, C, C. A St.
Ck. F. A I
Colorado A Southern
Ooneol lasted Oss
Corn Produoui i.....
Delaware Hudson .......
Denwr A Rto Grande ...:
Penrer A B. O. ptd
IMatllisrs- Becuntiea
Brie 1st pit
SMo H Ptd
General Electric ..........
Oroat Northern ots etrs...
Oraat Northern oca t(s
niioaui Central
Interborough'Met. - ptd ..;
international Harreaxer ..
Inter. Mann pia
International Paper .mx.
Inljirnatlaaial Puml
loam Osntral "
5., kt,i..,s,.ein
C. Boutlaern sit ......
,400. It
too M
-36 M
t7 , IT
tattled Oaa
10 100
Loelsvulo A Nasavlll v. 1.1W ISO 141 1J -
Minn, at Bt. Louts
100 I4M 84 .11
kt., St. -P. B. ei. at
M., K. A T.,
M., K. A T... p
Uiexourt Pacific
. TOO 140 1st 131
l.tut 41 ' 4 4t
too t tt to
National ptarntt
, ..... lot
, too to - tia
)0 M 17 17
. T,80 182 120 1
. tot 44 44 44
. i.TlO 104 102 10
600 f 7 Tt
- 1,40 1W ISt l.
.f14,X ' lit 136 1W
National La -
N Rr. Of Hex. H BIO.
New York Central
N. Y. O. A W
Norfolk western .....
North American
Northern Pacino
Paolllo Mail
PennsylTania ............
People's Oas
too 110 im
PUtahurg, 0.. A Bt. U,M0O. W?H.U
PltUburg tai
Pressed Steel Car
400 10 10
400 41 . 41 40
00 in ui in
- 0 41 40 t
Ut,K 104 111 1M
100 II S6
-too 10 100 - t
Pullman Palao Oar
Railway axaet wprms
Itepuallo Bteal .
Republlo H P't '
fcook lalan 0 ?"1
St. L. A B. P. 34 ptd
Ba L W.
II, L t W.' pfd
lees-Bhertleld Steal. A I.
Swatbern Pm1'1
Southern Railway
Southern Railway pf ....
4 4
.... n
400 , It Tt . 14
11.000 1W ue 136
too at ,r t7
O0 13 tl
lot 10 to .to
. 1.400 tc . to to
tOO 44 ' 44 '44
TOO l It ' 7
it. en lit in iu
IvO ; 97 17
l.tOt - 43 tt 4
17t.K0 U tl
, l.tOO ltTk U lit
8.100 46 44 U
Tenease Copper v..
?azaa A Paain
el., at. U A W.....
Htol . Bt. L, A W. ptd
fveten Pmolfl
Union Paoina pra
tmtted Hate Realty .....
t'nltea Btatee Bukoer ...
United State Steel ......
linlted Btata stoat pia ...
Utah Ospper
Virginia- Carolina Oienj..
Wakaah aft
4,4(10 19. 67 U
- SCO tl II 31
6,600 44 46 4ft
Meetem at ethj
WtlngbA gaeetrlo .... t.700 14 tl
Western Union 1 74
Wboellag .tl12
Total sales tor the day, to. 109 shares.
.. 4
Wow Tork Money Market.
NEW YORK. March 30.-iMONBT-On
call, steady; 8?J3 per cent; ruling rate,
i7 per cent; dosing bid, r per oent, of
fered at I per cent.
X1MK LoANSv-Very duU and steady at
the decline; 30 days, per cent; ninety
days, 3 per cent; six raonthes. 4-4 "4 per
STffilUjNO EXCHANGE Strong, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.84609
4.8470 for 0-day loans and $4.3776 for demand.
SILVEiR Bar, 624a "
Closing quotations on bonds were as
U, B. ret. 3a, rag
do eoupea ,
U, t. la. res
do coupon
V. S. 4a, rag
.100 int.-Hex. ,na en
.looelint. Mar. is. 7
10tJapan 4a tt .
io to 4 94
114 K. X B. 1ST la 71
1I4L. B. tab. 4 41M1). 13
let la TtL. A N. an. 4e tl
do ooupoo
linw ae
...101 m., K. a t. 1st as.
Anv T. 4a T. sr. ae. m bdi1 s m
Amer. Tobacco 4s ,. tl !. Paolflo 4s 10
ed. ta 1N. R, ol at. 4ia...
Arxaoar A Co. 4a.. WN. T. C gen. . II
Atchlaoa sen. 4s " deb. 4s t
do ex 4 111SN. Y H. tT. 4s.. .114
Al. Coast L. lss 4a. 94 N. A W. v. 4s. 103
B O 4a tl d 1st con. 4a- Mi
do ts am, Northern Pacltlo 4a..lOO
do B. W. I.... to, do la Tl
Brook. Tr. cr. 4a ... t4 Or. a U rfd. 4e ... T
C of Oa. U 107PtlB. ex. la tt). ra
Pen. Laataar to. 101 St. U A S. P. fg. 4a It
Q al N. J tn s.U4 to setu I u
Cbea. A Obis 4a....l0 . U t W. eon. 4s 71
ao ret 6a 104 1st gold 4s.. 71
C A A. ts T4 osoaboard A. U 4a. . II
O.. B. A Q. J. 4e.. M Bo. Pacltle col. 4a. 1
do sen. 4a to ex. 4s lol
O.. M. A 4H. P. g. 4 I to 1st ret. 4s 15
C.. k-I. A P. a. 4.IB. Rjr Is ... l'T
tx rfd 4s to do gen. 4 II
Cola Int. 6 " Cslon paoine 4s
fVlo. Midland 4s.... n de ex. 4a 104
C ax B r. A ax. 4e M to 1st A ret. 4a.... 17
Del. A H ex. 4a. 100 V. B. Robber ta ..lot
D R O 4s WC.t. Bteel 14 6s. ...KM
do ref. ts H Va -ur. C. ta. II
IHetlUer t ...... Tl Wabavan 1st I .....M10
Krt sr. 1. 4.. ...."74 do lat A as. .... H
JO gen. B T4 West. ltd. 4s e
do ex. 4s ear. A. Tt We. Uieo. ex. be.... rt
du series B.. Tl Wha. Oaew 4s
Oen glee. ex.. te....lMa. Pa, ex. ta eta. 94
L C. let ret. 4a....
IJI4. Ottered.
Traaaary "xnteaseot.'
' WASHINOTOM. March 30 The condition
of the treasury , at the beginning of busi
ness today was as follows.
Trust Fund Oold coin. $2.47i.8); Mirer
dollars. $41-0 L3 GV0; s'lvcr dollars of IkjO,
83 6o4 OO: silver certificates outatajdtiig,
(leneral Fund Standard Oliver dollars In
general fund. $1.7u) .ITU: current liabilities).
ti.O,&A5 810: working balance In treasury of
fices, f7.txxl.wr7; In banks to credit of treas
urer of the (jutted tnatatj.4W,Li. sub.
sldlary silver coin. $?L421.M7: minor coin.
$l,n7MX; total balance In general ftind.
London Storh Market.
LONDON. Marrh 30 American seour1tie
opened steady and a fraction higher today.
Covering Improved prlrea during the early
trading and at noon the market waa firm
and front tl higher than yesterday's
New Tork cloelng.
London closing stock quotations:
Consols, money .81 l-PI,oui. A Nah...lW
no account silMo.. Ivan, m jex. 4
Amal. Copper .... 7iN. Y. Central. .. .174
Anaconda 9iNorfolh at Weet..l07
Atchison lifts do pfd M
do pfd WiOnnt. A Western. 4
Palt. A Ohio 114 Pennsylvania .... H
Canadian Pacifisms Rand Mines
Chesapeake O . 8V;Rcadlng W
Chi. Gt. Western Southern Ry
C. M. A 8t P...145H do pfd
Da Beer lHSouthern Faciric.U'o
Denver A Rio O. 41rnlon Paclflo ...1M
do pfd .... IS do pfd ,..10o
Erie $or. . Hteet h
do 1st pfd 4u do pfd 12J
do 2d pfd 'iWabash
Orand Trunk .... 2f. do pfd 4
Illinois Central ..14 Spanish 4s 96 H
SILVER Rar. steady at 24d per ounce.
MONEY l1-K4 per cent
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is t 13-11 per cent; for
three months' bills. 3 11-1&Q3 per cent.
Loral Securities.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns,
Jr., (14 New York Life building:
Bid. Atk.
Alma. Nb.. eltr of...
City Omaha 44, 1121
Cn4ahf Parking t'. 6
Columbus K. L first eitff. to not 9
Lne noil Lumber Co. to, !:......
Nebraska Tol. Steok, ,
North Slitto Vl, irrl. Co. . 1M0..,
Omaha Water Co. 6f.
Omaha Watar Co. to, 1H
Omaha Water Co. it pfa
Omaha Caa la. HIT
Omaha B. U. P Is. 19ai
Omaha . U pM. V
Omaha 8u Ky. la, 1114
Omaha t C, I. IL Ft. Is, lira
Omaha A C. B. Bx. Fr pfd. oa-tls..
Omaha A C. B. t. Ry., com.
Omaha A C. B. Ry. B., pfd
Pacltlo T. A T. Sa. 1MT
Sioux City Stork Yards, pfd t
ft. Loula Browing Co
BhroToport O. A . . 140
lot -
104 4
lis '
, 14V.
. tl
So. Ry. Co. 4kto. eq. W.t-H, not 4 ...
Inton Stock Tarda Stock. Bo. Omaha.. M
Boston Mining Stock.
BOSTON, March 30 Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Alloues ftvtMlaml Coppei' a
Amal. Copper 73i4Mohawk 1...
A. Z. U A S 2CNata Onn 10
Aria. Com SI Nlpletng Mines .... in
Atlantlo t'tNnrrh Uutaa. 84
B. 0. O. ft r. rets. 11 North Lake 1
B. A Oorb. C. AS. 13014 Dominion St
Buite Ooalltlnn .... 22stOeceola 141
Cal. A Arttona .... 7 Parrott t8. A C). . It
Cal. A Hoola ...
Copper R. : Con. ...
. Qnlnry 1.. ...... II
II Shannon ..': ;.
4 Superior
East Butt Cop ...
Olroux Con .......
O ran by Con .....
Oreeno Cananea
Iale Royal (Cop).
Kerr Lake
Lake Copper
Laaall Copper ...
t Superior A B.
It Puperior .A Pitts. O. 11
t Tamarack to
,41 U. S. C A 6 It
. IC. 8. S. A ,R.... 4
IT to pfd , in
lrut Oonsoiidatea .. II
, C4 Winona ,
, ltWolvrin I '.
New York Money Market.
NEW TORK. ' March 30.-C1oslng quota
tion on mining stocks were:
Alice ,....30 LeadTlll Oon
Brunswick Con ...i'.', I Little CMet '.',
Com. Tunnel stock... to Mexican I. .
to bonda 18 Ontario
Cm. Cal. Va .115 Ophlr
Horn Sllrer
7S Standard. ' ..iu,.
Iron Bllxer
....16S Yellow Jacket
Bank Clearing.
OMAHA; ' March 90 Bank clearings for
today were $2,609,623.95, and for the corres
ponding date laat year were a,3ut,8.7.04.
Staple and Fancy Prodaee Prices Pat
nlabed hy Bayers nad Wholesalers.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to
ths retail trade In. 1-lb. cartons, SJc; No. 1.
In CO-lb. tubs, 82c: No. 3, la- 1-lb. cartons,
81o ; In 60-lb. tubs, 30c; packing stock, solid
pack, 18o; fancy dairy roll, 20c Market
changes every Tuesday.
CHEESE Twins, 18c; young America,
19o; Daisy oheesM, 19c; Llmbergex, Itc;
brick.. 14c to ISo; domestic . block, Swiss,
19o; imported Swiss, 30c. - - -
POULTRY Pressed broilers'' $7.60 a do.;
for storage, $6; ' for fresh 'spring. 17c!
hens, 18c; cocks, Ho; duokcttc; geese,
16c;'-turkeys, 30c; pigeons, per'.Moi., $1.20;
Homer squabs, $4 per dos.; fancy squabs,
$3.60 per doc.; No. 1. 33 00 per dog. Alive;
Broilers, from 1 to 1 lbs., 3Sc: 1 to I
lb., 36o; hens, 13c; old rooster. 8c; young
roosters, 10c; ducks, full feathered, 13a;
gen, full feathered, 10c; - turkeys, 30c;
guinea Towls, $3 per Joi. ; pigeons, 60 per
oos. . . . . .
FISI (11 rrosen) Salmon, llo; nickerel,
tc; whlteflsh, 13c; pike, 10c; trout. 13a; cat
fish, . 18e; large crappiea, I&3U0; amolts,
16o; Spanish maoheral, 18c; eel, lie; had
dock, 13c; flounders, 12o; frog legs, 40c per
dps. ' .
BEEF CTJTfl-Rlbs, No. -1. Wc; -No. 3,
12c: No. 3, 10e. Loin, Noel. l$o; No.
3, 14c; No. 8, Uc. Chuck,- No. 1, e;
No. 8, 6T4c; No. 8, o. Round, No. 1, lOo;
No. t. 9c; No. 8, 9e. Plate, No. t To;
No. 2. 7Mc; No. 3. Tc. . . .1 , .
VEGETABLES Irian Seed r Potatoes:
Genuine Red liver valley and early Ohio,
per bu., 36c; western Nebraska and north
ern stock, per bu., 6o; yellow - Jersey
sweets, per bbl., . $190; Wisconsin and
native, per bu., 30c; Colorado, per
bu., 603700. Sweet potatoes, Kansas, per
bbl., $1.76. Cauliflower, California, 34 to M
heads, per crate, 32-50. Rutabagas: Canada,
per lb., lo. Cabbage: Wisconsin, Holland
seed, per lb., 3o. Celery, Florida In Ruff,
4. t and 8-Aos. caiea, $100; 12-1 b. bunch, 30c.
Onions, red. per lb., 3lo. Old Vegetables:
Parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, in sacks,
per lb., lo. Garlto: Extra fonoV, white, per
lb., 15o. New aoutfliern vegetable; Turnips,
per dos. bunches, 60c; shallots, per dos.
I 1 lU. I W 1 tl M.
uuiiviic, wv, riJinavn, 1 vu.i , L w , egg
plants, fancy Florida, dos. $1.6051.00; egg
matoes, fancy ' Florida or Cuba, par t
baaket crate, fancy. 34.00: ' choice. 88 60.
String hnd wax beans, per hamper, $6.00-9;
$.00; cucumbers, hothouse, per dox., $L7&9
j.w;. nome grown vagetanies: Kadlanea,
extra fancy, per dos. bunches, 25c; lottuoe,
extra fanoy leaf, per dos., 40c: head let
tuce, in hampers, 31.6076.00; parsley, fancy
noma grown, per ao. Dunchea, too.
FRUITS Strawberries: Florida, per at
60c. Oronges: California, navels, $0-96-112-126
sixes, per box. $2.60773.75: 8Jfi6-I00-21-2il
slses, per box, $3.00; Camelia brand. $3.26.
Lemons: Extra fanoy Llmonerlas, 300-360
sizes, $4.75; choice Loma, 300-300 sixes, per
box, $400; 240-420 size. 60c per box les.
Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, $1.75
tOO; Jumbo, bunch, $2.752.75. Grapes: Im-
Prted Malagas, per keg, IG.COyfS.W. Grape
rult: Florida. 64-64-80 sixes, $4 50; Indian
River, all sixes, $600. Apple: Jonathan, per
bbl., $6.50; Ben Davis, per bbl., $304 00;
Gentian, per bbl., $4.00; Wlneaape, per bbl..;, per pdi., tt.uu; ixew York Bald
wlivs. Russets and Sdvs. per 'bbl.. $4.96.
California W. W. Pearmains, per box., 32.00; Colorado Jonathan, per box. $2.00;
extra fanoy Colorado It- Beauties, per box.
$2 60; extra fancy Colorado Wlnesap. per
box, $2.26. Cranberries: Jersey, winter
stock, per bbl., la 00. Dates: Anchor brand
new, 80-lb. pkgs. In box, par .box, $2.00.
Figs: California, 60 pkgs., 6o else, 30 pkgs.
In box. 32.00: 13 pkgs.. 10a else. 80a
. MISCELLANEOUS Cider; New York, per
vfc-ooi., le. is. Money: new, za rramea, u.oo.
Horseradish, 3 dosen In case. $1.90. Wal
nuts: Black, per lb., tc; California, No. L
per lb., 12o. Hickory nuts: Large, per lb.,
tc; small, per lb., 60. Cocoanuta: Per sack.
so.vv; per aosen. eoc. 4
Cotton Market.
ket opened ateady at an advance' of 3
points on March, 'but generally 8 to 6 points
lewer, owing to disappointing cables snd re
ports of further rain In the southwest. The
weather map. however, showed no DreclDl
tation of consequence and prices quickly
rallied to a point silghtly above last night's
close. r utures opened steady. March,
16.19c; April. 15.25c; May. 15.10c; July, 14.85c;
August. lt.38c; September. 13.37o: October.
12 20c; December, 13.05c; January, 13.0tt
Closing futures barely steady. Closing
bid: March, 16 07o; April, 16.10c; May,
1500c; June, 14.87c; July, 4.B4c August,
14 16c; September, 12.56o; October, 13 19c;
November, 13.03c; December. 18.03c; Jan
uary, 13.00c.
ST. LOUIS. March 90.-COTTON Steady;
mirMllng. 14c; receipts, .413 bales; ship
ments 2 875 bales: slock, 40.816 bales.
NEW ORLEANS. March 80. Spot cotton
unchanged; middling, 14o. Sales on tho
spot, 750 bales: to arrive, 1,000 bales. - Low
ordinary, 16 1-lOc. nominal; -ordinary, 12c,
nominal; good ordinary, 13 9-16c; strict good
ordinary, 13 15-16c; low middling, 14c;
strict low middling, 14c; middling, 14o;
strict middling. It 16-lc; - guod middling.
lbc; siiict good middling, 16 6-ltc; mid
dling fair. 16 7-16c; middling fair to fair,
16 13-lc; fair, 11 t-ltc, nominal. Receipts,
9,340 bales; stock, 158,470 bales.
agar nnd Holaaart, '
NKW YORK. March S0.-SUOAR Raw.
Bteady; muacovado, e test, 3Wc; cen
trifugal, 9 test, 4lr; molasses sugar, 89
tret. 3 tie. Refined strsdv; rruahed, 6. tic;
granulated, 6.26c; powdered, 6,86c
Sharp Break in Cattle Prices at All
, i
hee and Lambs flow and Weak,
with Demand Limited and Prlrea
Decidedly Lower Than Last
Week's Market.
SOUTH OMAHA, March 30, 1910.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 3.178 4.433 1U
Official Tuesday...! 4 4 8 V-i &
Estimate Wednesday 300 3.SO0 10.160
Three days this week.. 13. 731 30 m 37.649
Same days laat tek....l7.0 22.178 iiln
Sams dav 1 weeka avo .ll.i'tt ST7.7M 2 0
Pame days 8 weeks ago.. It 803 24.015 18.9"0
Sam days t weeks ago..lo f 24 4l 1
Same days last year 14,91 32.346 30.304
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at Booth Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year.
1910, 11. Inc. Dec
Cattle .a l44 212 M7 26.607
Hogs Jt m 7 811 148 B90
Sheen 8S2.622 414.837 S2.31S
The folios. In table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. 1910. IWO3.I1908. 1907. !19M. '1906.11904.
March M.
Mfrch 21.
March 32
March 23
March 34
March 26.
March Jft.
March 37
March 28.
441 4 tl
11 evi ii-
I 26) 19
f 11 t HI
I 161 251
I 241
081 I
8 401 17' 8 00
10 Ki
t T3I
n 1 19 $ i3
t 93
10 4!
( 64!
0 ox
6 01
4 95
4 97
I 01
10 i
10 2
10 er
4 71
t 90
I 11
6 OS
I 16
I 681 4 891
I 08
10 C3
I 871 I 011 081 t 20)
6 13
It 72 t I2 t II t 27
6 13
I 101
6 17
10 69
I 60;
33( I 27
I 811 I M
March 29
10 71
i 091
I 14
March SO. jlO 58
61 5 87
39 6 ) I 091 I 07
ReceiotH and dlsoosltinn nf live stock Jt
the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, iseu..
ror twenty-iour hours ending at 1 p. m.,
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p HT's
C, M. & St. P S
Wabash R. R
Mo. P. Ry I
30 18 4
.. 1
48 8 2
4 4 1
21 a
1 T 1
137 ts ,
P. R. R 28
6s N. W. (east).. 1
Sr. N. W. (west).. 45
- P.. M. A Q.. U
B. A Q. (east).... S
C. B. A Q. (west).. 13
C, R, I. A P. (east).. 3
C, R. I. A P. (west). ..
Illinois Central Ry.. 1
Chicago Gt. Western I
Total receipts 126
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift and Comperiy ....
Oidahy Packing Co. ..
Armour ft to. v--"
Schwartx-Boieri Co. ....
Murphy, shippers'....!...
Cudahy, from country..
Cllne A Co j,
Mo. A Kan. Calf A C. Co
W. B. Vansaht Co
Benton, Vansant A Lush
Hill A Son
F. B. Lewis ...j.'. ...
Huston A Co. ...1
J. B. Root A Co. f.
J. H. Buna ..............
McCreary A Carty.......
S. Werthelmer
H. F. Hamilton;
Lee RothsohUd '.,
Other buyers
Totals ....
1,301 T.614
CATTLE Thar wer a aood many cattle
m aela, mt I it in aVtnarket bointa thl morn
ing, although level receipts were only mod-
..... fWi.. . . I. - aula twiint
arain, xnw teuv i., ivwium - -
have been very moderate all week, showing
B deoreas as co&pard with the three day
last week Of ovnr 5,000 bead and of over
loot head as compared with the same time
last year. Liberal receipts at eastern mar
kets together with a demoralised meat
L tna-nthee -with a demoralised meat
mai-w.i emjitorn.annauming cantors, caused
a sharp creak in prices ot cam at an
P?ta. - 1 .
-rri marttet on neer sxeore at ania nimi
waa very late lit' opening and the forenoon
was well advanced berorg any Business 01
consequence had been transacted. When
the offerings dtd change hands prices wefe
r.iiiv ion lows and In om case salesmen
thought thy took off ttc as compared with
the Best lime yeaueraax.
Cows and belter sold In about tho earns
way a beef Bteejrs. the trade peing equaiiy
slow and au4h-wn prices a goou ivo ivi,
ir aat mftra in Botna naaea.
Stockers and feeders nttturally felt the
depression In beef steers so that the trade
was not ao brisk aa yesterday, while the
feeling was reneratiy weaxer.
Quotation on came: -rooa 10 tu
comfed teer, f,j.w; rair to i vtu
. - . ...... , ' MAhnmAn ft f M I r Mrn.
tea aieei - ' "'y, . -
fed steers, $8.7t27; ooA to choice cows
and heifers, $5 JkJ .26; ftlr to good cews
and heifers, B4.wrEo.; common 10 iair cow
.n2 helfra I5E.44.B0: good to choice
stockers and feeders. $o7.78; - fair to
good stock ar and feeders. Ifi.oogt.xv; 00m
mnn to fair atncksr and feeders. I4.007M.00;
stock, helfars. $3,504-4.50; veal calves, $4.0023
a 00; bull, stags, eto.. tvrow-za.
Representative tales:
At-. Pr. No. At. Pr.
W IN 4 11S7 7 00
.. M $ 8 41 U71 7 10
1154 7 15
.1138 7 20
li 1360 7 25
....1887 7 60
....1864 7 60
....1443 7 60
....14.39 7 66
....1444 7 70
...1183 4 (D
... Ml 6 00
...1365 I 60
... 892 6 85
...1053 6 65
...1027 6 75
... M I 36
... 967 5 85
1040 4
1156 4 26
933 t 40
lOtit i W
375 t 69
.1350 6 00
a ...
600 3 TO I...
.. 606 I 00
736 4 65 II
881 4 10 22
4-8 4 30 7
DM 4 30 4
408 4 86
.. 840 t Ho
.. 706 4 76
.. 4M) I 90
..1015 100
10W 4 35 1....
..1M0 6 76
..1650 6 75
..1680 6 76
..1360 t 86
..14.0 6 86
..1130 t 90
.. 100 7 75
.. 160 8 00
..140 8 00
..140 8 00
..140 8 00
.. lis) 8 00
.. 176 8 35
.. 170 I 36
4 T5
.1210 I 25
.1040 S 31
.It) S 50
.1J I 78
a .
- .CALVliS.
. 373 4 75 LV..
.313 (00
. 85 400
.311 I 00
1K 150
... 275 f 75
215 7 SO
. 213 7 00
... 140 7 60
... ISO 7
... 155 7 75
140 3 26
133 I 26
190 8 25
160 I 26
90 T 76
447 I 00
44 6 15
678 6 36
819 6 36
u5 i 50
SmO I 15
... 688 4 00
... 87 4
... 377 4 75
... 578 t 86
Diamond Cattle Co--Wyo.
28 steers.... 877 6 78 3f heifers... 935 1 10
Ed Cheesbough Wyo.
23 cows..... 902 1 46 19 oow 839 6 00
HOGS Hog values broke sharply on
fairly liberal supply mis morning ana ais
rouraclng advice from eastern points. A
few slilppuig orders were filled early at
figures that looked to be no worse than a
dime lower than yeaterday, but the amount
of business was not large ana only good
butcher loads were wanted at this decline.
Movement was Slow, the same as the two
previous days snd local killers were In no
hurry for material.
As the morning advanced, packers started
out to put up their droves, but only one or
two loaas wer soia at a time and conces
sions of 1015n were demanded. A large
share ot receipts changed hands on thli
baals. Smooth lots of well-finished butch-
rs wer favorites with the buying force,
and. In most cases, suffered lees than light
and mixed lots. In fact, ths beat figures
obtainable lor common underweights were.
In many oases, prrtty close to 20c lower,
Kepreaentatlve sales:
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. . Aw, Sn. Pr,
1 4 ill w 11 r 1.,
1......4D0 $0 11 00 1,
1 DU) W 11 00 1
0 11 00
SO 11 16
80 11 30
80 171
10 10 M..
2tt 160 10 60
9 14 .... 10 46
68 2iT 40 10 48
4 2t0 120 10 45
73 is ... 10 46
79 2l6 ... 10 46
17 2i0 ... l' 46
T8 214 .130 10 iu
. .,, 10 to
.. l to
40 10 Wl
.. 10 80
.. M BO
. , 10 to .
...... 91f8 I 60 13
1014 I tK Si
ni 1 70
10CT 173 3...
1127 W J...
111$ 7 00 20...
1021 7 00 33...
138 loo h...
to? i o ill!!
10 50
Tt .r.r.'yn"
S...,..20 30 14 6.
M......M "... 10
1....M sn 10 WS
68 M 80 10 86
70. H ... 10
44 M ... 10 66
ft f'8 ...10 65
13 89 ... 10 94
4 ti to 10 r
05 HI ... 10 TO
7 li"! ... 10 TO
d 817 ... )0 TO
38 WJ .., 10 70
tO jaj ... 10 70
IJ ... 10 TO
N 3t8 ... 10 T5
38 14 ... 10 T5
69 UO ... 10 77
:n .:: 19 1
t'l tt 1 66
0. NO .
74 0 .
0 ri -.
r9 .
38 US .
SHEKP The lamb merkt continued to
suffer this morning. Total supply waa lib
eral, but three losds were consigned direct
to a packer and seven were stopped at this
point only long enough for feed and water
so that actual offerings wer by no means
s large as receipts on paper. Still, the
balance of the run was more than large
nough to satisfy the demand and move
ment ws decidedly slow from start to fin
ish. The tendency of price was also
lower, but declines wrre uneven as usual,
sale ranging from barely steady to a big
15o lower, according to quality, weight and
dressing records. The best Mexicans sold
at tiosi:
The situation In the sheep end of ths
trade wss little different. Discrimination
was the order of the day and the market
dull and almnat llfaleea tnroughout. Prices
ruld some lower, especially on the com
moner grades, but the amount of business
done during the morning was hardly large
enough to afford much of a tet or value
A bunch of lamb with a good fleece
Wfnt to an Iowa firm at $9 SO. They wl.l-
be sheared and finished. This Is the high
est price paid at this point for stock of this
For the three days this week, the tracie
has been almost a slumpy as during ths
last week In January, when ths boycott
put a big crimp In values. Killers contend
that present prices are at prohibitive level,
that the eastern demand Is practically dead
and that the coming of warm weather will
end to contract an already narrow outlet
for product. Current sale ar around 2&ff
40o lower than the bulk of business at last
week close.
Quotation on sheen snd lambs: Spring
lambs, choice. $1S 00tifl6 00; spring lambs,
medium, $11.0itl3.00; good to choice lambs.
$r-.9OSl0S6; fair to good lambs. $940fr990;
good light yearlings, $3lxMl26; good heavy
earllngs. gt 40a8.h5: good to choice wethers.
$S 00-51.50: fair to good -wethers, $7.50jrs.OO:
good to ehotr ewes, $7. 9078.16; fair to good
ees. $7.60tfi7.90.
Representative sales:
.. 74
.. 78
.. (H
.. 84
.. 78
.. 83
.. 71
.. 66
.. 93
.. 9
.. 87
s 76
7 60
10 86
9 Ml
9 26
8 85
9 20
I 00
7 35
7 60
88 western lambs, shorn....
62 western yearlings, shorn
523 Mexican lambs
44 western lamb
233 western lambs
240 western lambs, feeders
145 western yearlings
112 western lambs
61.9 wrBtern lambs
til western ewes
342 western ewes
60 western ewes, cuils
Cattle Market Weak Hogra Reported
Lower Sheep Market Steady.
CHICAGO, March 30. - CATTLE Re
ceipts, 14,000 head: market, weak to 10c
lower; steers, 80.10ip8.75; cows, $5,0077.00:
heifers. 34.3507.50: bulls. 34.60716.25: calves,
$3.00-89.00; Blockers and feeders. $4.7r7.0ft.
HOGS Receipts. 20.000 head: market. 10c
to 16o lower; choice heavy, $l0.9i?7'll 00;
butchers. $10. SB'S 10.96; light mixed. $10. 701 1
tO.TS: choice light. $10.75fI10.80: packing, $10.50
m0.90; pigs, $10.3Ol0.60; bulk of sales, $10.76
10 86.
HHKEP Receipts. 12.000 head: market.
steady; sheep, t7.0Ogs9.20; lambs, $S. 7D10.3i;
yearlings, $7.&0i&9.10.
Kan oaa City Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 7,000 head, including 200 southern;
market, 10c to 2oc lower: choice export and
dresed beef steers, $7.40X5. 25; fair to good,
$.00iV7.S0; western cows, $6.00(300; feeders,
f4.60.00; southern steers, $.).2S'S'8.0O; south
ern cows, $S.50iIj6.7r; native cows, $4,0076.73;
native heifers, $6.0O7.00; bulls, $4.4OS.0);
calves, $4.50t6.7B. . ,
uus Receipts, 11000 head; market, lie
to 30c lower: too. 110C2H: bulk of sales.
C0.o5ttl0.75; heavy, $10.7Opl0.82; packers
and butchers, $10.5010.80; light, $10.S5ij?10.70;
pigs, 96Ci210.2C.
feHEEP Receipts, 3.000 head; market
strong to lOo higher; lambs, 31.7MT10.10;
yearlings $.60.50; wethers. $7.25-tf8.n:
ewe, $7.008.30; stockers and feeders, $4 00
.60. - . . , . .. .
t. Loal Llwe Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. March 30.-CATTLE Re-
oelpts, 2,900 head, Including 100 Texans;
market 10' 15c lower; native shipping and
export steers, 34.50rf 8.40; dressed beef and
butcher steers, 15 6M7.65; steers under 1,000
pounds, $4.6i5.90; stockers - and feeders,
tHOgS.tO; eows and heifers. $3.00(39.40;
Texas and Indian steers, $4-75S.26; cows
and heifers, $2.50gfl.60.
mous Receipts. 7.500 head: market 1071
15c lower; pigs and lights. 37.0O10.75;
packers, $10.7010.90; butchers and best
heavy, $10.I091096.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.500
head; market steady: native muttons, $6.00
68 SO; lambs, $7.1.rS10.&0: culls and bucks,
$4 2536.90; stockers. $4.007.00.
Mt. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 3.800 head; market, slow;
steers. 35.6038 00: cows and heifers.- $3,500
7.OO; calves, $.1.00ffJ9.00.
HUt Receipts. 6.000 head: market. 10c
lower; tep, $10.90; bulk of sales, $10 GTyglO SO.
tHlJP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.000
head; market, Blow; lambs, $8 5010.1O
Stock In eight.
W 8 ... 10 ot
t ) w io u
34 W ... 10 M
ff f ... 10 M
$4 10 ... 10 M
84. ll ... 10 FV,
$ Hi 30 10 0
lii ... lo to
19 ... 10
.. 10 to
.. 10 to
.. 10 to
.. 10 to
.. 10 to
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2,900 9,500 10,160
St. Joseph 2,300 4,000 11.000
Kansas City 7,000 12,000 3.000
Bt. Louis 2.900 7.500 2,500
Chicago 14,000 20,000 12.000
Totals 29,100 63,000 31,650
Dry Goods Market.
NEW TORK. March 80. The dry good
markets rule generally quiet, but there la
more steadiness shown xn the primary di
vision, where agents are feeling the Influ
ence of curtailment of production due to
high cost of cotton. Knit goods are held
steady, but are Inactive. Some business Is
being taken on silks for fall delivery. Job
bers are doing a light hand to mouth busl
nee. Toledo Bee Market.
TOLEDO, March 80.-flEED8-Clover,
cash, $7.16; March. $7-16; April. $6.55; Octo
ber, $6.50; December, $6.&o. Timothy, prime.
tz.iu; juarcn, n iu. Aisiae, prime,
An ror a Judge Saya He's Living; tho
Simple Life sal Is Not la
Former County Judge Stark of Aurora
was a caller at in mayors office..
"I am not mixing much In politics these
day," said Judge Stark, who presided In
the Hamilton county court for a number
of years. "I am living ths simple lfe. but
when Mayor Dahlrnan spoke In our town
recently be Invited me to call on him
and my visit la purely social."
Of Aurora as a possible contender for
state capital honors, Judge Stark would
not speak.
'We only know we have a very beauti
ful little city. In a rich section of Ne
breaks, " he said, "but no batter could
possibly be found If the capital ts to
be moved."
I . 1 . .
A Toa of Gold
could buy nothing better for female weak
neese. lam back and kidney trouble than
Eleotrlo Bitters. 60c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Balldlngr ranalta.
A. F. Smith, 3910 Dewey avenue, brick
veneered dwelling, $10,000; A. V. Klnalcr,
8868 Farnam, brick garage, $1,000; Edward
Thlel. 6088 South Thirty-fifth, brick flat.
$6,000; Bertna Drexel, 8032 Elm. frame, $2,300
J. Herman Krittenbrlnk. Thlrty-alxth and
Wright, brick kiln, $10,000; W. H. Stohlman.
37th and Wirt frame. $2,100; c. H. Forster,
111 irrancis, frame, $3,uo; L. W. Pronlca,
alterations, $3,600; M. Sorenaon, 324 South
Twenty-seventh avenue, brick apartments,
I 1 1 11 .
No matter how severe an attack of diar
rhoea may be. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Reniody never falls to give
Building Inspector Withnell Declare!
for General Cleanup.
Holder of ttnOetlonnbl Btrnctor
righting;, hot City Coonell f"
templates Artloa Tronhlo
for Carole Ilonaentorora.
City Building Inapector Withnell I be
ginning to get buy on several things he
desires to have don this season. The
first thing In his mind Is to have a bunch
of unsightly and somewhat dangerous
sharks condemned and pulled down In the
business district. Two prominent In
stances of what the building Inspector con
siders as needing this kind of attention
are the livery barn at 1114 Douglas street
and the two-story brick barn In the rear
of the Oma hotel.
In both of these cases the building In
spector Is meeting opposition from the
owners and tenants, but ha has already .
asked the city oounoll to declare the Doug
las street structure a nuisance and will
make the same request at the next meet
ing In the case ot the Oma barn.
Another matter now engaging tho tten '
tlon ot the building Inspector Is an amend
ment of the ordinance governing the mov
ing of buildings through the streets. Mr.
Withnell, In connection with Assistant City '
Engineer Campen and Councilman Hum
mel, la considering the best method ot
making house movers more careful In their
work. It Is practically agreed the amend
ment to be offered to the present ordinance
will provide that all permits for moving
buildings must be signed by the city, en
gineer, who will designate the route to b
Another regulation will compel house
movers to place wide planks under the
wheels of their house moving trucks on
paved streets, In order to save the pave- ,
ment from damage, and then It will be pro
vlded that in every case where damage
Is done the moving, contractors will ba
compellsd to put the street In as good con
dition as they found It, or they ' will be
held liable on their bonds.,'
Irstances are on record In the offices of
ths city engineer and building Inspector
where the heavy wheels of moving trucks
have scooped out pleoes of pavement. The
crushed material would be gathered" up -and
put away, and when a Mck was made
by tho city officials they would, be told
that the pavement was broken before tho
house movers passed tha-l ; way. In other
Instances the pavement has been sunk by
the weight of the moving equipment and
the building tt carries, with seemingly no
way existing for the city to have tb dam
age repaired. ......
Mere Report of the Gun Scare Him
and Jumping, II is In
jured. ,
Scared by the report of the gun of the
watchman at the Omaha .Cold Storage
plant at Eleventh and ; Jackson streets,
Frank Slmonslch, 16 years of age, of 1414
South Thirteenth street, one of a number
ot Juveniles prowling around tbe building
last evening Jumped from the platform and ,
broke his right arm.- .. . ; -.
There have been frequent complaints' of
thefts from the building and the watch
man, John Lloyd, says they are the -work
of boys averaging .from 16v to 1 .years ot
age. - Tuesday evening he' saw six ap
parently about to begin operations and to
frighten them discharged his revolver. All
bolted and Slmonslch, . In his haste to get
off, met with his mishap.' He had his In
juries attended at the police station by
Assistant Police Surgeon De Witt. .
Mohler Denies Denver Report that
Uls Line Haa Entered Colo-
rado Fields.
Vice President Mohler of the Union Pa
clflo is In Omaha after a trip over the
company's lines. He denies the report otr-
culated from Denver that the Union Pa
clflo has bought its way into the anthra
cite coal fields of northwestern Colorado by
the purchaa of the Laramie, Halm's Peak
A Paclflo and the Saratoga A Encampment
roads. In order to get out the coal desired
by the company. ' .' s '
Mr. Mohler says the report came to- bis'
attention, but he denied that there was
any truth In it, saying he had not bee
advised even of the Intention of the) com
pany to make the purchase."
'If the Union Pacific had bought those
lines," said the vice president, "I think
I would have heard something about the
purohaae. I haven't, ao you may state that
It la untrue." ... ... -
The News From
Wireless nesdqnsrters
The United Wireless Telegraph company
annual statement Is before us. The progress
this company has made during the year
1909 Is simply marvelous; Its business has
Increased more than 100 per cent over the'
previous two years, and haa closed con
tract for the equipment of more ships
since January first, 1910, than It even did
durlrg the entire year of 1903.
The anniial meeting of the stockholders
was largely attended. Reports of the offi
cers were submitted, showing the financial
condition of the company, and were en- .
thuslaatlcally received and unanimously
adopted. The board waa re-ejected and A
vot of confidence to the preaant manage
ment was passed. Tb treasurer's report
showed the company to be In a very pros
perous f lnanolal condition, having made a '
gain during the year of $1,827,727.96, and the
report of the president showed at present
105 land stations and 194 ships equipped
with the United system.
Tho company. Is now after the Trans.
Atlantlo business. ' Its London oTfloe,' es
tablished soms months ago. Is producing
very substantial results. It now has rep
resentatives In England, Russia, Turkey, '
Spain, Portugal, China and various other
point in the old country. The United
Wireless Telegraph company today occu
pies an enviable position among the com
mercial companies of the world. It has -demonstrated
that It n transmit comma r.'
clal business over both land and seal
absolute certainty and positive regular,'
under all conditions of weather.
That It la now, at the age of three, d
tf per oent of the commercial wl'1
business of the world, proves the effl,'
of Us present management and plar
United company. In spite of all, or
t the very top of the commercial J
field, ts the World's Wireless Conn
Herbert E. Good
ErcVers and Dealer
obaxbt, raontnoirrL bt-
Omaka Offloei 11a Hoard of ;
XteU Telephone, Xjonl. ai )
ia --m - lepadt
" ' vagesi Btotuan ta