Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    run nr.E: omaita. Wednesday. MAitcn ro. win.
vi mm n.
Twoboda -Crtsfl.d rwalle A.ooonntant.
XAfbtlnf riztnr BLrrM-OTAdMl Co.
fctrtcUT Xoasa-Vads na, Iler Orand Cafe
VtioBa Ufs Xamreaee Ckw 4slQ,
tt1" BL Ady, Oenrl A fat. Omaha.
itblsas to Xoe Ntrukt lodes Is' a
t KrV-hts of Pythias., will five a u)oe
at Myrtla kail thla evenlna;.
Fartae" fo a ksm la aa my aa. pairing
rant Nebraska, Serine" and Loan associa
tion will show you tha ivar. Board of
Trade building; Mth and Varoarn Mntti,
X. and Mra. Kattoa lot Beak Otber
Mrf. Oraoe Hut ton and Dr. case Howard
Huttoo, a colored phrskrjna. era contestants
In reciprocal suits for divorce before Judge
Sutton. Mra. Hutton assnrted that her hus
band did not gtva nor money enough to
maintain bar In the strata of aoeietr In
wtiloh she had bend wont to move and Mr
Hutton averred tha be did. but neverthe-.
lea hla Vila deserted him.
Jtr. Kant 6ts ray for Bant Clotbes
t. Alfred O, Hunt la awarded lCTi5 by
County Judge Leslie as damages for wear
ing apparel scorched in a closet . In the
Georgia. Dr. Hunt Is subject to an award
- on Mra. Maria B. Sunderland's counter
claim, tha amount being IS&.50, so that hni
net sain aa a rmmtt nt ih u...i. .
Besides Mra. Sunderland, the B. J. Jobst
company and the Jormson-Rewye-palge
company are 00-defendants. '
Osnstebls yi arson Chases Whisky
Handling whisky and other intoxicants
the task whloh took up the time of
Constable H. IX H arson nearly all day
Monday, and he fflnally got enough Ore
proof storage to hold on judgment and
costs of $25.06. The execution was min
for Simon Jung, Milwaukee liquor dealer,
i who had a claim against Joseph Maruohak.
J Fourteenth and William streets, from
whose saloon Constable Plerson got the
whisky, gataUy reducing the stock on
Rata la Cetsnlaar.
Kaln Is predloted for almost nv
bow. Keep d-y. Go to the Omaba Rubber
Co., 18 Harney. Tfemr have in
rubbers, high rubber boots and everything
u avep one ary
Taea Pole Climber Has Ifeerly te
Bite It Off, It Is Wrapped
Be Tightly.
The boys of Famam school are congratu
lating themselves that they set a mark for
other ambitious youths when they nailed
their banner to the top of the flagpole at
Central school at 4 o'clock In the morning
At that creepy hour half a doxen of the
Farnam pupils left their warm beds and
hiked away over to the Dodge street edu
cational Institution. They put their flag
where they wanted It without any great
trouble, then went back to bed. So fast did
they make the Taunting banner that it re
quired a whole day and the efforts of half
a, doxen pole climbers to remove ft, but
the Farnam boys paid for the work like
little men.
First a high school attache essayed to
take down the Farnam flax. He failed by
Us feet to reach the top of the pole. Then
a city hall janitor with a reputation as a
pole climber was called In. but he could
not bring the flag down. As a last resort
some of the Farnam school boys were
called In and they hired a man who finally
took down tha flag.
"No wonder those fellows couldn't get
tha flag down." said the successful climber.
"The high wind bad wrapped it so tightly
around that pole I almost bad to bite it
GoTermntnt Expert Says They Should
Correct People oa Typhoid.
Marlae PhyelrJaa lesperts All Wate
applies and City Deasplas;
Orstss a Msklag Ills la
estimation Broad.
rr. ton L. Lumsdn of the fnlted
States, "marine hospital service put in Mon
day afternoon traveling about the country
north of Florence In company with Dr.
tABgfeid. In the city engineer's auto
mobile they covered the country for ten
rvfs north, paying particular attention to
the vicinity of Kelly's lake and Mill creek
From this section there la a considerable
flowage of surface seepage Into the river.
Dr. Lumsden also visited the city dump
ing ground at Eleventh and Grant streets
and took In the Florence and Burt street
pumping stations and settling basins. Ills
Investigation will continue along the broad
est lints while he remains in and about
Omaha, for his experience has taught him
that water Is but one element of the typhull
problem, albeit a very large one.
. Dr. Lumsden was salted about ths
"typhoid fly" demonstrations recently con
ducted In the District of Columbia. He
said that it Is now known the fly has
more or less to do with the spread ol
typbold contagion.
One strong point that is arousing In
terest In the subject Is msde by the state
ment of Surgical General Wyman, Dr.
Lumaden's superior, that the spread of
typhoid is a "national disgrace." The dis
ease claims over 13.000 victims every year
In the United States and holds fourth place
on the mortality list.
Dml It Like Cholera.
In a reoont report by Dr. Rosenau, bead
of the department of preventive medicine
and hygiene at Harvard university, be In
sists the people must be taught to dread
typbold aa they do cholera. With this
statement he couples the further assertion
that the disease la as preventable aa rail
road accidents, and that more is known
about typhoid and the means by which It
Is spread than of almost any other disease.
Dr. Lumsden In a recent public health re
port issued by the Marine Hospital ser
vice, used the following language:
"For much of the popular ignorance re
garding the etymology of the disease and
for the too frequent adoption by the publlo
of a fatallstlo view in regard to Its re
currence, the medical profession la largely
responsible. It should be considered a duty
Incumbent upon physicians, and upon
health officers particularly, to embraoe
every opportunity to prevent or correct
these erroneous views and to convey to the
layman such knowledge as will be useful
In the prevention of disease and death."
Dr. Wyman'a department of tha govern
ment service holds that typhoid fever Is
contagious, or directly transmissible from
the sick to the healthy, and la also infec
tious, or Indirectly transmissible from the
sick to the healthy. To prevent indirect
transmission, health officers can do much
by carefully safeguarding the water sup
ply, milk supply and the general food supply.
Some Things You Want to Know
Quick Lunch Rooms.
Store Bottled Beer.
Delivered promptly to your residence at
1 same prices as formerly. Charles Stors,
next door north of Stors Brewery, 'Phones
Webster 12SQ, Ind. B-126L
Thatcher for Caaal Cooaaalslsoa.
WASHINGTON, March . President
Taft today aent to the senate the following
sao mi nation: Member of Isthmian Canal
aemmlsslon, Maurice II. Thatcher of Kentucky.
-Mets Fasnoaa'Boelc Beer
oa draught and in bottles on and after
March 30. Absolutely the only genuine
BOCK BEER brewed in Omaha. Order a
case sent to your home. Prompt delivery.
'Phone Douglas 319; Ind., 2119.
Chief Asked to Realara.
WATERLOO. Ia.. March ' 2. Special.)
Because of hla activity In the city elec
tion. Chief of Police E. A. Lelghton, a
former guard at the Acamosa prison, was
asked to resign by Mayor R. A. Dcty.
Doty ia seeking- re-election and be saw the
chief tieing banners bearing the name of
T. J. Martin for mayor to a rig designed to
bring voters to the polls. A. E. Huston,
former deputy sheriff of Da Moines
county, a city detective for two years, was
named by Mayor Doty as acting chief.
A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least
try a medicine which has the record of Lvdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched
There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in
the United States who have been benefited by this famous
old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over
thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering.
Read what these women say:
vwTiT- J--"It is with pleasnro that I send my twllmo
lfri IjJrdl E- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, liopinz It
S.HIllothor "frt women to avail themselves of tho
benI7flt ?f thL valuable remedy.
4rir.nleifrn P11"!. my back end eMo, sick headaches,
&o 0PPttt. was tlrel and n-rvo, all the time, and so toU
S riyw,?d Ly4U barn's Veeetable Compound
WeU woman and this valuable mellclne .hall
pZll"- W'P- Valentine, OOalin
R t T T am wrltiaqr to tea yon
tnat X am pleased with your medicines. I had
v nJlc? tor ft lrtcS time with prolapsus. I
iipoJind'f.n4 1 havc found t bat It Is the rirht
i'" "! 8tron. nd am abl to do my
BuiEaoTNY 7 Ko3&ow 47a Genesee fct
Since we mi.iwnfPA tr t
I. . o i. iu iouiaunui3
whirh VL-f rmklJeVi ; . . r
1 . .. . j'-wwjii ic genuine, is u not Lair
j v v , . ni'wiaiiis vegetaDie torn
no una nan th virtnA t- .,, . .
. : . "-'r wumcn n wui neiD anv
I other woman who is suffering from the same trouble ?
C -v I
551!0,,ihJ hZ ndard remedy for
liersof w ho -will not try this famous medicine,
Jlade excluuiively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to Its credit.
if th4J kHhtt trouble appears which
4 you do not understand, write to Mrs.
"7 n L. nftiti lit I .v-nn hum V . -.a . . j - ,
. - -j , . v at.ois U
The quick lunch room Is a peculiarly dis
tinctive American Institution. It Is the
creature and the symbol of that hustle
an4 burry which has enabled the Amtrlcao
business man to do ten times aa much
work la a decade aa ceo be dune by all
bis foreign competitors tofcther. It Is
also tbe omen and augury of the cert i la
dyspeptic death to which Americans are
consigned, individually ar.d collectively, by
vcretarlana, FVtcherltes, physicians and
Englishmen. Furthermore, the quick lunch
room Is generally, sometimes with justice,
accused of being the great mart in whlcn
food adulterators turn Into gold ths hon
est hunger of Innocent men, without re
gard for the future security of those hon
est and Innocent stomachs.
Unfortunately It haj become the fashion
to decry the quick lunch room as an un
mixed evil, nita, on the showing of
(acts, Americana should be aa prosd of
It as of any other distinctive red-white-end-blue
eagle feather grown entirely on
borne soil. True, It la an Institution which
could not exist In any outer country. But
that Is doe rather to the superiority of
America than to the inferiority of the
quick lunch room.
Despite the high oost of living In Amer
ica, despite the food trusts and the cold
storage combines, despite high wages and
gtnerai prosperity, the American qulok
lunch room offers better food for tbe
money, quantity and quality both con
sidered, than can be obtained anywhere
else on earth. Tbe American restaurant
may be Inferior to those of Europe, and
It certainly is higher prlctd, but the quick
lunch room stands unexcelled In its field.
In Boston the qulok lunoh purveyor may
suoceed only by virtue of bis excellent
beans and pie. In New York tbe fame of
good "beef and" will spread even farther
than tbe odor of the cabbage so succinctly
Indicated by that word "and." In Baltimore
and Washington the successful lunch room
must provide Maryland biscuits fit for epi
cures, and good milk wherewith to wash
them down. In Charleston the lunch room
is Impossible, for the people dine at t
o'clock in the afternoon, for ths good and
sufficient reason that Queen Anne bad her
principal meal at that hour. In Atlanta,
where the spirit of bustle is at high tide.
the lunchroom cooks have combined the
culinary economy of Athens and 8parta
with the kitchen prodigality of the old
south. The lunch cornea quickly, but there
is hot bread on the side.
Otdoago took a German bakery and ex
panded it Into a system of quick lunch
rooms capabls of feeding 5,000 people be
tween 11. SO and 11:33, catering to all tastes
and all nationalities. Farther west tbe
lunch counter Is high and tbe customer
perches himself on a very Eiffel tower of
a stool, but the prices come down. Texas
towns know the taste of real chili con
cern e. and tbe delicious odor of genuine
tamalea. The Paciflo coast cities afford all
the kinds of lunchrooms that the whole
country boasts, for the Pacific coast cities
are each one the whole of the United Statea
In epitome.
Responsive, therefore, to local traditions
of taste, and differing In details, the qulok
lunoh room Is nevertheless much the same
In every part of the country. Every one of
them claims to serve unsurpassed coffee,
every one makes pie the chief article of
diet and every one furnishes toothpicks ad
libitum. It may be a huge room in which a
thousands people sit at marble-topped ta
bles piled high with paper napkins, served
quickly and smartly by uniformed girl wait
ers. It may be an artificially lighted 'base
ment, where each customer gathers plate,
knife and fork and then passes in proces
sion before the roast to be served, later
computing his own bill and paying it as he
passes the mountain of toothpicks. Or it
may be a tiled hall filled wUh big chairs,
one arm of which Is expanded Into an el
bow table, from which coffee and pie, bis
cuits and milk, may be taken In comfort
and comparative leisure. But whatever the
system, whatever he menu, whatever the
service, ten minutes Is a long time to eat
and 25 cents is not at all a small check.
Perhaps the factory-made plea are bad
for our digestion, but Dr. Wiley is doing
much to cure that. Perhaps the strong
coffee is bod for our nerves, but it Is
better than adulterated whiskey. Perhaps
the ten minutes isn't long enough for a
decent meal, but there Is the reflection that
Idle men don't hve to rush. Perhaps the
American quick lunch room will be Im
proved In many waya, as It already has
been Improved, but It will never take Its
needed lessons from Europe.
The Ett'shinn tmoles himself in the
morning with a good breakfast of baon
and eggs and coffee. At the luncheon hour,
supposing him to be porsacd of a fainy
decent Job. he repairs to a chop house for
hla mldJay meat. If he Is In a hurry nnd
lias only a half hour, lie will rind a buffet
bar, where be may have a cut from tr;e
Joint and his pint of bitter ale. A placard
tells him that the Joint from 12 to 1 Is
beef, from 1 to I Is mutton, and he may
rojruUte his luncheon hour according tJ
his taste. With the meat la served boiled
potatoes and bollod cabtago. always boiled
and always potato! and cabbage. Any In
terference with this arrar.girment of vege
tables probably wcukl be regarded as an
attack on the constitution.
If the Englishman can possibly afford
It. he will take an hoar. Then he will go
to a grill room and have a chop, flanked
wtlh boiled potatoes and cabbage, washed
down with a pint of "blttera." But In any
event he will take three to six times as
long at his lunch as does the American,
he will cat three or four times as much,
nnd be will drink alcohol in the middle
of tbe day, when the American will drink
coffee. At 4 o'clock, when the American Is
thinking of home and dinner, the Kngllsh
msn repairs to a tea-room. The London
tea-room Is not unlike a certain type of
American quick lunch room In arrange
ment But there the likeness ends. A delib
erate waitress condescending to tske an
order, the customer composes himself to
read or smoke. Tea and cakes being
aerved eventually, and consumed in a half
hour or an hour, the afternoon aacrajnont
Is over. But there Is no hurry.
The continental Europeans take even
more time than the English at their meals,
and are even more greatly shocked by the
American system of swallowing a "sinker"
and a cup of coffee on the run. The
Frenchman and the Italian, breakfast, leas
make an orderly Institution, of midday and
evening roeala, which precludes the pris
slbllity of hurry The German Is different
Upon arising he takes coffee and rolle. In
the middle of the forenoon he has his
econd breakfast of sandwiches and beer
At noon, or ahortly after, he has his din
ner, and after dinner he has a nap. Then
be has afternoon coffee and cakes. He re
turns to work and comes home to a late
supper at I or t o'clock.
The stern requirements of business in a
prosperous nation are auch that thla
leisurely netive-Qerman system is being
overturned. Many people cannot afford to
go home In the daytime. Bo It la that
the German cafes and restaurants are al
ways fulL Many havs found It Impossi
ble to wait on the alow service of the
cafes, and these have had recourse to a
certain form of the American quick lunch
The stranger In a German Industrial city
In search of a quick meal may walk down
the street until he sees the American coat
of arms emblasoned on a window Let
btm turn In there. It la sure to be an
"Antomaf ' There one puts a coin in the
slot and la automatically served with cold
sandwiches, with hot dishes, with sweets
with tea or coffee, with beer or wine, with
almost anything. The autbraat was born
In New Tork, but It hever made a great
success In. America. It was' exported to
Germany, and there it has' flourished like
a green bay tree. It appears that tha Ger
mans have an Idea that Americans never
eat except the food and drink be served
by a slot machine. ' '
But the crownlns: crlnr-v r ,u.
w - - -. v .no quiCK
lunch room as an American institution Is
ii uemocracy. ine Wall street banker
and the Wall street newsboy regularly eat
"beef and" at the same place. A cabinet
minister In Weahlnston does tw iii.i.
the Maryland biscuits and milk served
uvor ui, same counter where all his thou
aands of underllnga take their midday re
freshment. With all its fault. Ik. ..ii.
lunch room la an American institution of
wuicu we ougnt not to oe ashamed.
Tomorrow Archaeological Besearch.
Come Up on Appeal to District Court
from Exciee Board.
Thomas aad Leldy Say They Made
Ka Asreement to Let All the
Cases Stead or Fall by
This Teat.
Argument is on before Judges Troup and
Day In district court as to whether certain
appeals In brewery licenses cases from tbe
decision of the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners shall go to trial or be dis
missed. Late In December the Anti-Saloon league
filed protests with the board against the
grantlns of liquor licenses to the breweries
and brewery agents of Omaha. The one
rase appealed to district court immediately
was heard by Judge Esielle and decided In
favor of the Mets Brewing company. Tbe
Anti-Saloon league took this case te the
supreme court where it Is now pending.
The Beard of Fire and Police Commis
sioners t ra-.ted licenses to all the pp Uants
immediately afterwards.
The Anti-Saloon league then filed ap
peals to district court In these other cases,
besides that of the Mets company, the cstso
of which, as narrated, had already been
Then J. P. Breen, attorney for the fton
company, riled a motion to dismiss to
appeal in thla case and later filed similar
motions in behalf of the other breweries
and brewery agencies. It la this motion
which is now before the double court
Judges Day and Troup are aittlng together
because each baa some of the suits on his
Mr. Breen contends that the appeala were
not filed Until January It, two weeks after
the granting of tha licen&e on January 1),
and he argues that the court la without
Jurisdiction because the supreme court, he
avers, has ruled that such appeals must be
perfected within ten daya
Another ground is that an agreement
was entered into at a hearing before tha
excise board that an appeal ahould be
taken in the Mets caae and that the other
licensee should stand or fall with this one.
That such an agreement was entered Into
is denied by attorneys for the Anti-Saloon
league, and affidavits on thla have been
made by Elmer E. Thomas and Rev. J. M.
LeIJy. Argumont by Mr. Breen and I D.
Holmes will l&st for some hours.
Death I n stead
of Joy End of
Tour from Italy
Husband and Father Dies Few Min
nies After Loved Ones Arrive,
Barely Becogniting Daughter.
After dreary weeks of travel with Joyous
expectancy of STeetins their father anH
husband, Mrs. Frank Criscl and little
daughter arrived In Omaha to find that
their loved one was on the vr nf
and an hour after they entered the sick
riKim ins ena came.
Frank Crlrcl. an Italian, cam to Onuhit
six months ago from his native land and
aner saving enough money to pay the
passage of h'a wife and Uttie daughter,
sent for them. A few weeks ago the man
became 111 with typhoid fever and lay
hovrlng for daya between life and death
in nis room at 208 North Tenth street,
bravely fighting for a chance in hi.
dear ones. The wife and dauehter sped on
their Journey across the country sfter
reaening jsew York with pager hearts and
th one thought that soon they would see
, the man they loved. No word had been
sivcu 10 me wire tnat her husband was
ill and when she reached the room In
which be lay delirious the shock was
greater than she could bear and with a
wild cry of anguiBh she fainted. While
tbe woman lay in a faint and Just before
death claimed its prey, the man became
rational for an Instant, recognized bis lit
tle girl and then died.
The funeral will be held thla afternoon
and Interment will be made in Holy
Sepulcher cemetery.
Forgets Her Name
Getting License
George Crew Calls His Bride-to-Ba
Mary, When She Was
Susie Cole.
"George, Geonre, how could you forget
my name on the day before our wedding?
This Is too bad."
This In effect was the disappointed ex
pression of Susie Cole, engaged to marry
Ooortte T. Grew. 69 years of age, who
secured a marriage license at the court
hovse Tuesday to marry Mary Cole.
"Why George, that's wrong; It should be
Susie," exclaimed the surprised bride-to-be
when shown tbe license.
"I want another paper," said Grew later
In the day when he appeared at the court
house. "I was confused and said Mary
Cole. It should be Susie Cola"
Another permit was issued and Grew's
spirits brightened perceptibly as he went
on his way. Grew Is a motorman for tbe
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway
company and has been with that company
for thirty
Sentences William F. Murphy After j
Several Escape That Fate. ,
Ksperted e Follow Larky Cwaree at
Thee Wis Were Paroled oe
eat te the t'aaaty
Haydea Bros. Bay Stock of Die Cin
cinnati Plaao Factory Smith A
Xlxea Plaao Btoek Cornea
to Omaha.
Through tho Fifth Third National bank
of Cincinnati! our buyer, Mr. Qulnlan, se
cured for cash the stock of Smith at Nixon,
the well-known manufarturera
The Smith & Nixon pianos are known ths
world over for their beautiful tone quality
and genera) all round dependability, rank
ing among the first and best
In fact, scores of the most prominent
artists have given the Smith at Nixon
.pianos their preference and use them
We know that In bringing the stock to
Omaha and offering It at the prices which
the cash purchase makes possible, ' we are
offering piano buyers of this section bar
gain opportunities which have not been
equaled In many years.
It will pay you to come hundreds of miles
to attend this sale.
Watch dally papers for date of sale and
prices. FIATDEN BR03.
Meta Famoaa Boek Beer
on draught and In bottles on and after
March SO. Absolutely the only genuine
BOCK BEER brewed In Omaha. Order a
cace aent to your homa Prompt delivery.
'Phone Douglas 119; Ind., 2119.
William F. Murphy, convicted of lareny
from the person, went to the state peni
tentiary Tuesday a surprised and pained
man. He was surprised and pained be
cause he expected to share the fortune of
several other convicted men who had been
paroled or sent to the county Jail.
Tbe first nan accused of a felony to
face Judge Estelle when he had sueccedod
Judge Sutton In court room No. 1 was M. C
Howard. Howard pleadod guilty to forgery
and was paroled.
The next offenders were two Austrian.
Joaeph Caxa and Joseph Sayrock, accused
of chopping open the head of a fellow
countryman. These worthies pleeded
rullty to plain aceault and received jail
sentences of thirty days each.
The next criminal case was that of Wil
lam C. Ilearn, charged with breaking and
entering. He pleaded guilty and was
paroled. Auetin Elliot, up for fonerv. like
wise confessed guilt and was paroled. John
Laurence admitted guilt on a breaking and
entering charge and got alxty days In Jell.
oam Oarrlson, on a similar charge, re
ceived thirty daya.
William Carnaby. a forger, was paroled,
and the case next In order was that of
John Austin for breaking and entering.
Thirty days In county Jail wss his portion.
Coafeeoea, No Benteaee.
Curtis Holden. Indicted for assault with
intent to commit great bodily Injury,
pleaded guilty to plain assault. S-ntence
was suspended.
Another breaking and entering case, that
of Charles WUlavma. followed. Thirty days
In county Jail like the others.
Thla brings the record down to Monday of
thla week, when Murphy, whom the police
aay is an old time crook, got a penitentiary
sentence. So did Oeorg Rce whom Judge
Estelle sent to the penitentiary for a
year and six months. Rose Is the negro who
swore free Ben Woregth, accused of being
an accomplice in a burflary.
This same day Clement Traoey, pal of
Spencer Williams, received alx months In
Jail for breaking and entering. These are
three other charges against Tracey.
Before Murphy and Rose, tho court aent
two men to the penitentiary. In their cases
the statute compelled it.
One of these was Jim Philips, murderer
Miller. Stewart
ct Beaton
413-15-17 South 16th St
We Sell tho
of Marsh Hamilton, and the other Ledge
Scott, a colored highway robber. To the
latter Judge Estelle said ho resetted he
could not parole him, but the offense dIJ
not come under the parole lnw.
Cant. Desardas inla rrttt the Mnir
Kyo.' '
This world fsmoui rm s'.ot h holds
the championship record of V n T-i!i In
KX consecutive shots. Is living 'n f.irrenln.
111. Recently Interviewed, he -nys. (
have suffered a long time Willi Kidney anil
bladder trouble and hae uaeri several we 1
known kidney medicine, all ef'nh'rh ge
me no relief until I started taking Foley's
Kidney Pllla Before I used Foley a Kid
Bey Pills X was subjected tr tevere back
ache and pains In ray kidneys, with sup
pression snd sometimes a cloudy voiding.
While upon arising in tha morning I would
get dull headaches. Now I bave taken
three bottles of Foley's Kidney nils and
feel 109 per eent better. I am never both
ered with my kidneys or bladder and once
more feel like my own self. AT. this 1 owe
solely to Foley's Kidney Pills and a! wars
recommend them to my fellow sufferers."
Sold by all drugglsta '
Balldlas; Perm Its.
Edmund J. Snyder. Slfil Meredith avenue,
frame, S2.000; August ' Krlngsbrugge. J)15
Lorlmore stseet. frame, $1,000; Sophia
Arratla, 1709 South Thirtieth street, frame.
fl.OGo; Johnson laundry,- ill" Cuming street,
brick sddltlon, tl.OflO; John H. Schulta, 143
Lothrop street, frame, $1,600.
P fields I Freei
- -
Your grocer will give you Free of Charge a
package of the daintiest of all confections
Ghirardelli's Flicks with every purchase of one pound of
laarte la m Ftvo
or bruised by a fall, apply Bocklen's Ar
nica Salve. Curea burns. Wounds, soraa.
eesenia, piles. Guaranteed. Jfto For sals
by B' "1 imcj t
It May Ueelde to Take Part of Three
Floors la the New Sky.
sera per.
Most of the time of the executive com
mittee of the Commercial club la con
sumed nowadays In working out the prob
lem of a new home for the club. At tha
.meeting Wednesday a proposition was
placed before the club, at the request of
the executive committee, for three floors
of the new City National bank. These
floors were part of the sixteenth floor, all
of tha fifteenth and part of the fourteenth
floora The builders have now reached
these Roots and the directors of the bank
wanted aa answer In order that the floors
might be laid out to suit the club If the
proposition was accepted.
Do not take a aubstituta for r-h.n.K..
Ula'a Cough Remedy. It has 00 equal.
Ghirardelli's is the original and genuine Ground
Chocolate, unrivalled for purity, deliciousness,
smoothness and strength. Ghirardelli's Ground
Chocolate is the most popular Chocolate preparation on the Pacific
Coast where its use has been steadily increasing for nearly forty years
D. Ghlrardelll Co.
Since 1852
a ... . . . - , J,i
SB ' 1
1 mm
l,X jT'ltJF. J
instead of
spending it
Young man buy real estate
You are probably spending a portion of your salary every
month for some things that are not necessary, some things you
could get along without nnd at the same time put the money to
your advantage, .
Buy a piece of real estate on easy terms live on it or rent it
to a good tenant. The rent you receive will just about take care
of the monthly payments in a few years you own the property
and have not missed a dollar you put into it.
Look in Thursday's Bee for extra good bargains in real
estate, for sale on easy terms.
Thursday ia home day.