T ) THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30. 1.110. rr 3 iniii auo, ticiiCUou of. 7v.su n Tiki Wa,eat Price Eon. Lunci, AILJ SZLLDIQ HL2X1 Opialom EiUtt that Llttla Ala V. 111 (enae frona Rata, m tk nt Is KIIUI, ilum- OMAHA. March 3. WO. Light hrrw- reported !n the southwest J'd further predictions of rtia lakes wheal film Jungs oeillr.g lree,y. with in prospect of belter growiug wiiiwr. Bonn opinions sr MdrrnH turn litti id wm come from rams, a the wheat baa been klned. '1 he oom market mnltnuea to sag; with Hgtt imn and bmmn sentiment pre viiiig pr.oe are warning kwer and the market ia.k amp. Wheat waa soft on heavy selling, with huri reported In several localities. Tha 0lliw waa checked by support from large hu.dera Cash wneat waa ,owr and buyers were slow takers on the break. Cora eased off at tha start in sympathy w:t,a--wheat, but firmed, later and held fa.rly ate Cash stuff aaain sold steady and ofrerlngs u.' ami round reerlr taker. Wtth improvement in tile snipping demand a firmer feeling eieta- Primary wheat receipts were 4o,t0 huan Is and srt.pments were III bushels. Mtainn. reo-ipt last year of 4J4.00S buanels iit a.npm;its of 218.00 btuhels fnmarv cnrn receipis were 406.000 bushels and shipments were &14.O00 "jimhels, agalnwi rrf7pts iaft -rear of 4fcg out bueitei and shipment of 4M) husheta tMruiM wars llexooo tiuahela of corn. C5 buMiKiK of oats and wheat and flour ooial to KS.Oftl bushels. Uverpo, closed So lower to d higher on wheat and ,d higher on corn. Local range of options: Articles! Open, j BIB. Low. I CI oee. Ty. 1 heat) 1 ; 1 0 1 i 1 03 S 53 ei i 44 44 41 41'4 1 wsl 1 - ,f-,uiir-- i -OTTt 1 JV an 61 4SSl 41V 1 W-4 444 4li at Oa: May.. July.. 4Ti 41 -mi Osialis Cask Prleea WHEAT-Nl.' S hard, TLMst.(. No. 3 kard. U 04H.(iM,: No. 4 bard. tl.0Otjl.CH. rejected hiu. yucHLis): No. 1 sprins. O.W il JT, No. 2 aprlnti. H-JiCl.. No. 4 sprln. VK-iLUS"; No. I durum, 0c; No. 1 durum, jta. COR.V No. t white. fmrfSc: No. 3 white, 5trfA';, Xo. 4 white, &''lfiet4jc ; No. 1 color. 6?Hc; No. 3 colir,&",Mr,'c; No. 4 color, fc'iri'Ac; No. Z yeUevr, c: No. t yA)nw, (ot'-rj; No. yellow, U'e: No, X !e: No. J. 5ttiC4c; No. 4. tjirs; no grade. if-ySiic. OATd Standard. 434lo: No. I white, fjrtttao; - No. 4 white. 41fe4Hi; No. 1 yel low, KftlVi No. 4 yellow, u&hq; No. 2 mixed. jr41c. BAKUt-No. 4. 53M.C44c; No. 1 feed, SMfV:: rejected, Sfjfia Uii, Nu. t J4;6c; No. X 1&7VC Laxlut Heeetpta, Wheat. Cora. Oats. Thlcao u 21t 170 Minneapolis . 11 omim 7 U I IjuIjUi 243 CHICAtSO- Tin.. IX O PROVISIONS Featares ot the- Tradla aatal CloalasT Priea a BaareT of Trade. ' fHrCAO. - Marrn- -Ikel!hfnd of a s7tieral hrealt hi the drouth conditions In Uie southwest Induced liberal saiea ot wheat today and resulted in decllnee rang ing from l"ae to- IVH'So, compared with ycaterday'a final fUui-ee. At tha closa the net- dmtline ww from e to 1c, Corn and oats followed wheat downward, but re trained ail of the lose, closing f'.aruree on ac.i beinK "ic ta tii nlgher. irovlaions jLioied hears. , . VVhJt oprned wsaJt on reports of rain In part ct Kan nan. A great amount waa thrown on tne market by leading longs and tnere was also fre selling for short account. Ooejiing quotations showed losses ot tifa ta I'ViTi.'. September being at l.'ss to iti!'-BdJjvift"iU- 1.(H tir tl.08. Skptaml .sold oit to tXt and July tu Uate hv the nay- a tatr rally oo- cur. eil. and Svt ember closed at &.tM74 LX, and J'l'y at ST.. Corn pr cea. de-lined because of the slump In wheat, but rallied later and advanced about lc above the low point. Cash com iwiui In extremely poor demand and prices declined Vrc to lc. No. 3 yellow sold at tile, t'he market for options cloned firm. May l-rinjr at &.Vi,4Vuu. After selling between aWSo and rxji4V- lluylng of the May delivery by elevator tn teres! caused a aurmtantia) rally In oats. Tito May delivery showed tha widest range and sold between and 44c, The market cK)m,''I lir-n at the tup. - rrovlnlons ruled heavy nearly all day-. Pork dlnpinyod that greatest actlvttv and the Mjy upUun soid between CVud and iiL'. The clone waa weak, with prices a shaae'to 10e lower. May pork being at ICM.25. Lard for May ileiivury- closed at tllaZSa, aiul rihs at. S12.. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artie!.) Open.! High. Low. Close.iSat'y. "heat - M.ty July Corn May . Jt';- "C!t Mhv oj ly Septi york M.y ' July - Sunt. Lard- May .. July Sept. Rlb My lepC I I i 11, 1 13S) 1 14H l v7h; i in i I W.lOiiului,! Ooht ilt'URj 1 0Hi :ll6i.tluJ J u6i . ICT,'fSiOafrS. ,tS'.i 4S1..I 41 -i 44 4a 41i ;rt 424e Jd X 54 IB 06 38 5 M 4 STHj Si 4iSt I TTJ 34 08 h IS 7T U 70 BHi J4 09 U SI", 13 7t4 1.1 o -U 75 13 96.' 11 -! 13 'A U 77. U 75 I 13 77H IS SCH) IS IS KV4. 13 SO U 40 13 56 13 57W 13 -UHii U 47 No. 2. - Fl R eVeadv; win tee patents, 36..1TWJ I: winter straighta, X4.3o;5 : spring (uireiirhw. . H.TVw, hajiarsu-XAc&.3, iIE-Su,.l. i'auc.. . . . , HAHLKT Feed of mixing, S&USoc; fair to ch.ice mnlflnir 0Mti7o. - t.KDS Fisx. No. 1 south western, fj.jn: No. l northwestern. C..1Q. T!nuthy, t JO. p lover. H tM. " ' ' r-Uo-VI.-r- KS-1I pork, per bbU CK.T7V, i A.M. Lo.. lmt Iw ti.: ijhort rtiia, l-if. Jli .-wiU iT'-4 ; Short clear .!'! (box-d;. ;. ' rT4 . 1 ofa eiiiai Total olearanoes of wneat and flour were to lto.iAW uu. rnraam iw.lni. ,4.iK) -towx-tunirwred with 4iae'w bu. the correbpon.ung uay a yeiir aui. The world s visibla suiipiv. as shown bv BradHtreet's. t increaaed cut bu. Eatlmaied ret-etots for tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars; corn, lwj cars Iojih. 4 cars; hogs, is.ju hi-ad t Chlcajro Cash Prices Wneat' No. S I ted. Hi ',; N... 3 red. $l.l2i.i;; x," tiaxdi t fLir.al l-iU". No. a hajo, il 07i.u- m, i northorn .fu-ing n.l7; No. 1 nortnern "r!Hil. DJJ',i.i-li); No. 3 apnng vnj, 1 I .. Corn: .". 3 cash. HWjj .. Nc: . N. 3 white. 34,-; No. j while fflv. 'V -'c; No. 3 yellow. Oats: NoTl Mie. c; No. 3 white. 4J :45r; .No. 4 wliitaT w '-: standard. cifWHc " KCTTFlt Steady; creaiiM-rira. J62'. t Ktj'iJ steady; receipts, S6,!S cases, at n;ark. rasrn Included. i.'jSOc: firm. Ati-- yrm-.e frMs. 21 ' Pt,vTATt KS riteadv; choice to fancy 3 1 tl-'c: fa.r tj gcod, rsj3c. ' POI'l.TRY Firm; turkeys, 16ic; chlek ms. 17'tc: springs. ITc- St. Laala tieaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. March 2!WriEAT-Furr Kr; Max Si UV,a-l.U; July, tl Njl ob; ra.--n. Ina.r: tratk No. i red. 31 J- No. S t.-ri. 31 U-il.14',. Z t'tJHN Kuturrs hitrher;. May. 04?1'kp- July. ObHauac; raah lower; No. 3, CijfiZ'vc' No. I w a !. c .i?. I'ATS tfiiuiea loWerJ ll, 4S 4'"; csri inwnc: track. N.i. u. J:ily. N.l 1 4-:-roi47e. f ' HIE rt.ly. lc. 'V 'ichiinged; red winter patents oa ra f.iocy atid -rTij,-i, i. .r,i FI.iK'R l 36 H ;4 ; " , - '-. WWi.t. V.Kl-T -n-i.thv ii.uo jl .;. , ) KiNM.l.t: 63-- ' I irtAN u'"t:. ,a''k,-'l ast track. O 13J HAT "tea.iy; , rvraine. T2 ..! 4 03. timuthy, riOOiijIia; 1 K" 'N t Y'TToi TIES WVj. l i-..-1 Mr. Mr TWIN fc. 7c " "I'ttov l.'li ..i eteadv; Jcbbinar. Sisal T-ari. histir: Drime iii-tm i;i in..uin .at mMta. MlMtiiiv: li , A . 1. t . " . ...... vu. J,, f 1 5""- ' ear ni a. flii;,, atnia-t cu-ar-a ' 4W Lauvu, mcii,, ij..Ai-J eair ;Krta, rlNs. I7SC., llrntt clrar. I PC't'LTTIT PT't'LTTtT 5tpm.lv rhirk.n. 1,V: ror!no. TOr. turev, 2:c. durka. 15c; g mi 4c. BUTTER dieeJy , crmrv fT'jtJc Receipt. Mlpme-o F'oue bhis : ) IS I Wheat, bu T 10 ! .Corn, bu M.Vfl ' Mi , Oat. bu..- 7Z.UU0 M.l ew tork . gkioal m.ihrjct 0.aatlaas af tha Day V arte as raasasadlttea. SEW TORK. Uareh 3 PLOt:TV-Market quiet and ahM MiJr; snrtng patenta last Ura.ghis. i.uS : winter patent tl eprtng cears. 4 "ui4 7S; winter etrs. No. 1. U:faj4 J; winter extras. No I M I'jtiS. Knfas stra;-hta f. . P.e neipte. Zl.Tuv bbia; umpments. lu, -t bbia Rye flour, steady, fmr to good. M Jug4 , entire to fancv. 34Bjt.66. Cull.NM EAl-m.-ady; fine white and yel low, il .4inl.j0. roarse. tl-ftul. kiln dried, a RTF: Dull; No. 2 western. Vx nomi nal f. o. b.. New Torlt. WHEAT fip't easy; No. J red. tl 36 In elevaior and No. 1 northern. & .2t. I. o. b. ta.tion wneat declined sharply on reports of mower m Kansas and predictions of s-eneral rwlns in the west, but prices re gained part of the loss on covering and on steady cash markets, closing lnjlSc net lower. May closed. H2. July closed, tl 1: September oiosed. II 12"4- Rereipts. in KV bueneis; shipmenta t7(M huaheis. CORN Pput easy; steamer, 65c and No. 4. 3vc. bKh elevator export basis: ex port No. 2. nominal f. o. b. Option market was without tranaaction. aluatng. a'T-Ho net higher. May closed. 72'c; July. 7; September. 74To. Raceipta, "i.JtA bUKheis; shipments. 116.. GO bustieia. t)ATH Hpot steady; mixed. 31 to 3 lbs. noirunal; natural white. 28 to S3 tha. ?? 5!e; cihjped white. 34 to 43 lbs. Htirtr. btn-r cm!. 4ev,o. Receipts. DO. 475 busheia FKlil rtu , western spring bran OV pcnnd sacks. li4.2Wr)i4.76. HA T Steady : prims. $3.15; No. L Lib, No. 3. I10&4M.1O; No. a. tl.OtwH.Ce. HIL'E.S Firm; Central America, Cvc; Bogota Cc LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 2-,? Zc; seconds. 2it527o; thirds. 23Siic; re jected. Jlt'rile. PHUVIIONS Por4t. f'rmer: mesa. trT.TS family, 327 .MS :.: short clear, tacsoein.'iO. iieer. r;rm. m- se. S4 W15 0"; family. i. S'.9i0; beef hams. t24.tVit2o.0ik. Cut meals, firm; pickled bellies, i0 to 14 lbs.. lifted! 17 fax Lard, steady ; middle weet. prime, 314.0614.76; refined, firm; continent, 115 10: -S'l'iiu America. t. compound,, llu 1-t TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhda.. 7Mfl 7c; country TaTc. BUTTER Irregtilar: creamery, held sec ond to special. 3Mawf2c; creamery, extras, S'c: prcetm. first to special, 24VrSi7o. t'HEESK Firm and unchanged. F'T t-d Easier; western storage selections. ttfii-'Hc: western storage selections, extra first, Tttlc; western storage selections, firt Bn1tt: southern, first. Revoke. POCLTRT Dressed firm: weet em chick ens, kn617c; fowls, UiWCi turkeys, 3D tjESu. WEATHER IN THE URAIX BELT Car Nebraska. Rata aad Saw aad Celder. - OMAHA, March 39. 1310. The barometric depression, noted In the preceding report aa overlying tha Rocky mountains, has developed Into a disturbance of doctded energy extending from the upper Missouri valley south over the eaatern Rocky mountain slope, with Its canter over eastern Colorado. Tha disturbance waa pre ceded by hiifh winds over the eastern slopw during the nlgtit and la accompanied By snows in Wyoming and Colorado, and rains over tha western portions of Nebraska and the Dakotas. The disturbance will continue eastward over the valleys, and will be ac companied by rain In this vicinity tonight and Wednesday. An area of high pressure, accompanied by clearing and colder weather, is moving In over tha Pacific slope, and will follow the low over the valleys, and - tha weather will be mucn cooler In this vicinity by Wednesday. Following is the temperature and precipi tation compared with the last three years: ISlu. 180L liV7. Minimum temperature. . . 04 31 36 83 Precipitation 00 .00 ' .00 ' .00 Normal temperature for today, 43 degreea. Deficiency in precipitation atnoa MarcH L L2v inches. Deficiency corresponding period in. 1903, .76 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding " period fn 1308, of aa inch. L. a. WELCH. Local Forecaster. ICaaaaa City Prwelaea) Market. 'KANSAS CTTT.'" March S.i-WHKAT-May. JLft-HSl.OoH, July, tLOS'-wST-d: Sep tember, 31-ufUj. . Casn. unchanged to lc lower; N'o. 3 hard. tl.lfrL13i; No. , 11.07a L12: No. 3 red. H.17'jL22; No. S, IL14Tftli CORN May. 62SCc; Jtily. ma. Cash, unchanged; No. 3 mixed. 62&e2Na; No. 3, tlettHc: No. t white, 63o; No. i, Aa OATS Nominally unchanged; No. t white, 4ia-7r; No. 3 mixed. 4S$Gl44a. ftfE TSiiTBo. HAT L'nc hanged; choice timothy, 314.50 (316.00; choice prairie. ULEU.w; choice alfalfa. fli.O&fiUToO. BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, extras, 31 V: fire ta, "c; aecondo, 37V-; packing stock. Sc. EtKis 6c higtier; current receipts, new eaaes. Is. 10; miscellaneoua cases, 36.06; southerns. 36-75; storage packed, r to. Raceipta. Shipments. Wneat. bu SS oM 60 (J Corn, bu A... S0.U09 TTOiO Oata. bu 1.O0U U,0u Vlalblw fapply af Grata. NEW YORK, March 29 Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradetreet's show tha following changes In available supplies as compared wita previous account: Available - supplies: Wheat. United States, east Rockies, In creased Tw.OdO busheia; Canada, decreased 24Lt bushels. Total United states and Canada. Increased 608.000 bushels. Afloat for and in Europe, decreased SUO.'XO busheia Total American and European supply, In creased. 2US.U00 bushels. Corn, United Hiates and Canada, decreased 090.000 bush els. Oats. United States and Canada. In creased B3.O0O busheia. The leading de creases and Increases reported this week follow: Decrease, Manitoba. 310.000 busheia; St. John. 139.000 bushels: Minneapolis pri vate elevators, 100,000 bushels; Portland. Me.. W.000 busheia Midland, 70.000 bushels. Increases: Chicago private elevators, Srt.OOO bushels; Omaiia, 67,000 busheia. Mlaaeapatis Grata Mar feet. MINNEAPOLIS. March 29 WHEAT Cloee. May. 3L13S; July, 31.14. Cash: No. 1 hard, 31 16L16; No. 1 northern, Sl-l&ai 1.1.V'(,; No. t northern, SLliJil.13; No. i, XO-itUTa. FLAX -Closed at 3S-3. FLOUR First patents. In wond f. a. b , Minneapolis. S6.4O146.t1O: second patanta, (6.30 an 40: firM clears, Sd JH-oti; second clears, 33.1053 40. BRAN In 100 lb. sacks, f. o. b., Min neapolis. 32LOO. CORN No. S yellow. KS4SrXa OATS No. 3 whlta 4latlV-. Phi lade I pat a Prodar Markaf. PHILADELPHIA. March 29. B UTTER firm, good demand; extra westara. cream ery. Xta: nearby prints, 38c. EGOS Steady; fair demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 22a at mark; current receipts. In returnable cases. 21c at mark; wemern firsts, frea caacs. 22c, at mark; current receipts, free canes, 2lc at mark. CUEEiE-Firm; New Tork. full creams, choice. .lTVkc; fair to good. lC'ra 17c I.lverpaaS Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. March 23 WHHAT Spot, dull; No. S red western winter; no stock; futures quiet; March. Ss 3d; May, as; July. 7s llTd; October. 7s VuSd. CORN pot quiet; new American mixed, northern. 6s 4d: old American muted, 6a i; futures quiet; July, 6a 4d. f'E.i.-i Canadian, steady, 7s 6d. FLOUR Winter patrnta. dull; Za. SfllwaaAea bra la Market. MILWAUKEE March "3j FLOUR Dull. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 1.17rLlS; No. 3 northern, n .ltguW; July. SLOT7, OAT-H44C BARLEY f-ample. btTOr, Taleda Sod Market. TOLEPO. March SEED tTlover, cash. 1710; April. 1 0: October. Se.40. Timothy, prime. .32-10; March. 32-ia Aislkc. prime. 17 .06; March, 17 A. Caffew Market. NUW TORK. March 29 COFFEE The mttrkft for ooffo future opened dull at unchanged prn-es to a decline ot 6 point undt-r a f-w acattcring selling orders In tha absence of prompt buvera. Practically no buMinees was transacted duriog the- morn tor, but later tn the day a few lot changed hands around the Initial figures, w:th Iho market closing Inactive, net un changed to 6- point lower rtatee were re-IM-rtid of ltruo bajta. Cluaung bids; Follow V ircfi. April, C7.V; May. 6 .-; June. 0K; July. Auui and Spieinbtir. 7c; uctutoer and November. 7 6c; I ecrtnber. 7 lc; Janu srv and Febr-tiarr 7 ISC Spot cuff quiet N.j. 7. ll-lmowvo: Santos. N.. , oo) mild ctjffe quiet; Cordova. irS a ll'c NEW YORK STOCKS A5D BONDS Prictt Generally Tan Upward JTxouzh. Vueat Dmpa Qua Cent S DEATH HAS EJTTXZJCE ev-iata Jairtlee Marked as Fa V Lisattew raastrwwttwa af Aatt- trmet Laws E,ri, Rata Rises aa Loaeea. NEW TORK. March 23 The Irregular and shifting movement of tha stock market Uniav left some uncertainlty as ta whether Its actions stmply meawtres tha completion of stipa In the pma-reea of the speculation or whether an actual change In opinions on the outlook was being reflected. The turn upwards In prices was coincident with the fail of a cent a bushel in wheat. whii:h greeted the news of showers In K annua. More than ordinary Importance attaches to the wheat cmD this year. A replenishment of the exportable surplus must be relied on to correct the dislocation In the country's foreign trade, which ta a present embar rassment to finance. A plentiful harvest must also be an Im portant influence In sustaining th ex tended credit position of the banks of the Interior, much of which Is known to be based on farm land purchases and soma of which, also, to bs involved In holding old wheat. Tha favorable weather news from the crop rey'on. therefore, was re ceived with gratification tn tha financial district. The sudden death of J'jatloe Brewer could not fail to receive active dlacusstuR. in view of she vital Interest of great cor porate Interests In cases pending before the court. The Influence) on tha market was unfivoraole. The substance of Justice Brewer's opinion In the Northern Securities caee while concurring in tha majority da emion had marked him out aa the figure likely to carry the balance of the court to the side of a limited construction of the sntl-trust law In ths pending case The suggestion that the vacancy on the bench might Involve a retrial of tha Amer ican Tobacco and Standard Oil caees also was not milshed. The exchange rata on London rose agaa hera and renewed the probability of an outgo of gold in April. The substance of the foreign demand for American bonds Li an element In tbla-crravement. Tha Atctlnon announced Its convertible bond issue today, tne amount running to ata.odo.ono. The privilege accorded to stockholders to sub scribe to the new bonds at H.03H; carrying valuable rights and the underwriting of tfia Issue by a syndicate Insure Its success for the purpoee of the company. Tha bond market did not improve. Some of tha h!uh grada bonds especially acted badly. Total saiea. par value. JS.778.000. United States 3s coupon advanced Wx on call. Nuraner of sales and leading quotations 00 stocks wer as follows: - - ffaica HI, bow. OHea. Altle-Otaimars pfa M mu. sii xr miismtiM oroper saint T5"4 7Mt Aiaaritan AcrteeUural .... . 30s tt - 4 Aa. aest Suaar 1.H S3 M4 Amertaea Can in 1:14, 1114, Am. c r r m4 Am. Cetton Oil l.KO u 75 eft rr 11 Ata. H. mU. pta tft nin. vrwiuw. ......... Ttv S JS fe Amerteaa. blneuiil . 1, 1J4 im ll4 Amencaa Locomotive SI fe an, (A Am. 3. R U.SW tli TH !!H Am. 1. It. rrd. no 1M4 lfn Am. Wert rVHmitrtas. 4" u4 ST-e iTvfc Aa snaar Raflning lot uj4 12 Am. T. T l.e leMtj K iei4 Am. Tueaeoe pfa.. 40) t s M Amwloan Wooien to N4j M M ADanadt Mlrung Cb...... T.tra 4&H Atrh.am 2..V 112 111 Hl4 Atrniaon 96 1( 10 IS Ail.nu. ceeat Lias mt i0 tse l"4 Balllmora A Orilo. I J0 Ul4 UH Hl4 BUileha Steal 119 (4) f H Braoiclrn Ral TT xo 774 T 7i Canadlaa Pkctrls t.a ith 173 I"H Oatitml Lalhir (,!( 40 40H Oantral Leather p jo vni Jena Kni Central et New Jeraay h 3W S MS Cbeiaseake A OSll.. ....... taiS MU &4U ivAt iChioaaje a Alton HO 04 64 (4 I Chlmae Ot. w new IW Bit 31 3S Chloaao Ot. W. HA......... u Cilicasa A W. W.. TOP tfilH lBli 111 C. at. A . r 6.400 ltt o uiv c, a. o. bu b. is si rt Colorado T. s 1 3,w S tf Jej Colorado A Somtbera. jno ui SV4j Canaolloatet Gas 3.00S 144 US 14314, Corn Products Ms IT IM4 1t, Doiaware Hsdan,. ...... a rri Hl 171 Oenvsr Bio Oranrte . 9a 40 - 40 4( P. a R. 0. pro M T T ' T DlMillora- . SMuriiiMV .... s '- H - 3.10s tr n 3 Erie !, Did TOa 4S 4 4t Sne id pf we tf K tX Oeneral Eluetrte aa 110 JM lb Oeaet Northern pel. a.am m6 U lB4a oreec rfortaem ure Otis.... loss Illleota Central tl lnMrternaah Met. M.ie Int. Met. pfa is,) Intemotlenal Hanestar ... loe hit. Marine pf. :....... 3CO International Paper ........ 409 International Pump 3,30 Iowa Central ' few Kansas city Soathern...... aa K. c. Be. pfa Ti Laclede Oaa In Leuuntlte a N 1M Mian. 91 Leala 1W u lad. 1 1 4t 14 44 10i 161 U 61 m 1P ipe, U 12 48 44 & 31 26 a6 & a VJO 14 161 M Its 13 . t. P. a. . M. sao us M., K. m T -.. LJ0 41 'oi 40 'is M., K. a- T. pfO.. Mlaaearl Paeiri . 00 ' National Btaraat 2Ur 1 Natleaai Laad ton 0 4to m 3.400 m 9"4 44 3.ane k ano 7 tl ia i 44 4 M 1(H n. a. a. o m. u ait.. Mew Terk Central . T.. O. W Norfolk A Wasiern...... North Asaotioaa Northern Paelite Paetn Mail ParjaarlTanla M People's Oos p- a, c. st l. Plttsbarg Coal Pi 1 t Stael Car...... Ptiiltsan Palace Cr Railway Stool Spring Hooding RepotMla Stool Ropnblle Stool ptd Rork IMand Co. Rook Island Oa ptd. .... Ot. L. da S. P. 3d ptd.... St. Loula S. w St. U B. W. ptd 81aaaftieffleld . A L... soattiern PartOo ......... Boatiioni Railway Oa Railway pltt Tonnoeaae Ooppor , Texas A PaclOe T.. St. U A W T . Ot. L. A- W. ptd Unloa Parino Cmoa Paone ptd V. a Realty U. 0. RuOoor U. B. akool C. B. Stool prd. Dtat Copper V a -Caroline Caemlaal .. Wahook ptd Woawra Maryland otrs... Waotlasaooae Klaotno ... 74 7 S.4U0 U UX u 14 110 11 41 1M 40 1W n .. I4.PM 1M 1M 1(M lia 10S liu Ma iit e 30 3 3M il 41 6U 12 U1 140 41 41 , .m.7ia) 1M 13 tl ST 14.4U0 47 'iiia 4 "ii" 44 a 61 sue 71 7X4 7 74 Ja.o l 133 tiwa Z74 r;"a 7 L-T 129 S 4 n 41 4 11 st ". 30 ro s .. 77.MS 1M r) n lie) 7 . a 44 .la.5i n .. U r . 4 T oi ,. T.jia M is . 3.SS) 44 . l.ll u . 3. 44 4U0 74 W0 3 367.700 ekarav 44 4h 1(3 lrt 7 71 41 4S 3t B4 11 U 41 44 61 as 31 31 44 44 IS 44 41 44 71, 71 6 4 Whooung I B. Total sales tee the Laeal Saewrltiaa. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr.. 414 New fork. Life building - Bid. Asked, Alma, Kob.. etty ot City ot Oaaabs 4a IrtS .... Cadaiiy Parking Co. la Coiamaoa A L. firm bmc to net 0.. Uma Boll Lambor Co. 4a 113. Keuraaaa Tel. Stock, 0 Nona Plaita Vol. lrrt. ( o. 4s, IMS.... Oaaaua Water Co. aa 1414 Omaha Water Oa. aa, lPad 1114 i ' . 100 St 10 1 lu im '? cUu. u. Omaaa Water Co. M ptd if Omaaa Oo as, 1117 M Omaha A L. 46 P la, ISM 14 Omaaa B. L. Pfa. 1 m. Omen Oa. By. 6a, IK4. Omasa St C B. St. Ry. aa. UM a Omana aa C B. Be R,. Ota. ex-dlv M Oauaa e B. c nr.. aa 74 Omaaa a B. Rr. 4t A, snl 04 Parltla T. A T. ia 147 1 mou City stork tarda, pfd , It St. Loaua Browing Co. a tirerotwt tf. A A ea, 1X4 So. By. Co. 4e. q. ItlX-n, aot 4 ... Ualoa Buck lards Star. So. Omaaa.. M Kjii 104 m at 71 7t ' 0! stem Mlalaaj Slack. BOSTON. March 29 Closing quotations an mining stocks were; Allnaoo 4 Miami Copper B Ataal. Copper 7 Mobowk U A. X. L. A MoTwaa Cos 11 Anauna Cora, B MlptaMns Cea. i Arlkntlo ftUNth lratto m B -. c. c 17 North Lata 17 B. C. C. A M.. l."N'd Ooaatmoa U Bntto aoaiitaoa xuoeoota 144 Cal. Ananaaa... Cal. 4V llorla-... Oanlonnaal Oiepw B. G. C ha Batte C M Pnanktls Olrooa Cua. . '.IrMiby 'i. ... Parrott A A C tit Tj Qalary laghannaa , 71 Siiwoi lua 4 Suaorlor B. M.. IftSSaoanor A P. C... tTaiitamrk r. s. - a r . rate. . s R. A M.. i do ptd rtii coa. 4TW!noaa " ' . " . M . 4 . 1 .131 Or Ci To RoTaio Copper. Mr Laeo La Salao atid. " 1 wWoir LssSas StaeA Market. LONDON", March 23 Amertran snmirilli s opened rirra with values from lu a point above party today. Later storks were ut- fred rattier freely and an Irregular move- meat (uilowed. At Beam prtrea ranged from ahov to a below yesterday's New Tork o.eeu'g. S Terk Mawey Market. NEW TOK. March 39 MONET-On rail steady at 2N' per rett; ruling ra'e. ft per cen. c! eing bid. 1 per sent, offered at 3 per cent. TlJilS LOANt Very snft and djll: sixty dsys. J per cent: ninety days. 4 per cent, six moitlia 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4 per cent. STERLINO EXCHANGE Ptmng. with ac -iai ba..lre- m bankers' bills at 34 t-i 4M16 for sixty-day bills and at 34..C4) for demand: eommei 'al blMa. 34 104-44 4. SILVER Par. Kwo; Mexlran dollars. 44c. FONDij tiovernment. firm; raiiroad. heavy. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: C. . ev. 3a, res 4e enapen C. a Sa reg de eoapow ..... C. 4a. rag do eowpon 4l:ia-4at. let ae. Am. Aa. e Am. T. a T. cr Am. Totaacee 4a. d 4a wum. M 4Ha r NvNJipan srn 1J4 4H "i iV",H. C so. let rt 11XL. t. toa 4e ISU.... H 1 A N snl. 4a 9 "l. K. A T M 4a. SI 1"S 4a sen. 4Ha aft l.SHMo. Partftr e sw n i. r. r. at a 4Ha. n itenr. T. :. . im- w Armonr Co. 4Ha.. t-t Au-hisnn sen. 4s so i.T. a. HI 1 a. a n. ....lim do ev. ie 114 a. a w. 1st At C, U 1st 4S. ... Bal. Ohio v do IHe o a W. !.... Br. Tr. rr. 4a Cen. et Oa. le Cva. T.aasliaa am C. ei N. J. (. 5a... Cbea. a Ohio 4a... de raf. a wUilomss A A. 3s. C B. Q. . 4a ... do aan. 4s M4 so ev 4a.... rt,No. Pacirio 4a 11 de la HO. 8. u rflta 4a ... 4 Unit rr. ive ma. TI 1 en mo. 4a 104 101 Readins pa. 4a era, :t It. L. a S. P. ra. 4a, HI A it4 so res. t a Wast. L. s. w. . 4s. . rt T de la sol 4B .... Saetoert A. U 4a W4j MaSo, Pxrtm cel. aa. wo. a. 4 I F. IH I? do or. 4a. lo.a, C. I. I. P. a. a. Ii de 1st ret. 4a (6 do rtg. s ar-HSo. Railway Sa 17 Colo. Ind. is T7t de sea. 4 M t'ola. lild 4a 7T rfnfnn Ptt.tn. tm 1fl ! C. S. r. a 4Ha e"4 do ev. a iraa. u. a h. r. as de let a nf. 4a.... F? O. R. O. 4a. saiiC. g. Rnbtwr 4s H4. de raf. ta M-U a. Km M 104 tnaillara aa rs Vaarn. im. ta. Kne a. L 4a Wabart let ia 110 do am. 4e 74 s let as. 4s 13 o ct. 4a ear. A. TJuWwalam Md. 4s eo eriea B 71 Waot. Bias. ev. loir. IS Otn. gloa. cv. Sa 140 Wla Oratrai 4a smt. III. Can. 1st ret. 4s.. rMo. Pao. ct. is stnt.. 4 Int. Kit 4s C4 Bia aeotterea. Wave Toy at Carta Barket Tha following quotations ara furnished sy Logan 4k bryan, li& South Sixteentii street: Am. Tobaoee 414 OoldfleM Daley 10 ear State Oaa M Oreene Can ansa M Braeoa im u inastraUoa Bau Coalltloa Laroae 4 actus 4.Sers)e Oon. Chine lneeheoea Chief Can 11 Ohio Oopeer DaTio-Dair I Rawhto Coalition Biy Central 14 Ray ?mrai .. Blr roaanlidatad .... T7Bwift Pxg. c Ely WltoB s superior A P Pranklln IS TonopaA Mining . ... n ... l ... 4 .. SO ... M ...104, ... 11 ... 7 ... ... T wroai rsjTnottr tepr Ootanald Plerenoe.... I United Coceer Treaaary fttateaaewt. of the treasury at the beginning of business today waa a. follows, . WASHTNQTON. March 39. Tha condition l ti I Trust Funds (roid coin, tR2.0SS,M0; silver dollars, 34rtl.067.000; silver dollars of UM, S3 KM.'); Silver certificates outstanding, K'.ttn.ooa -General FtindT standard artver dollars in general fund. 31.772.588; current llabtlltlae. 31oO.oSr7.227; working baianoa In treasury of fices, 326.U9.4o9; In banks to credit of treas urer of tha United States. 3J6.4l7.JeJ; sub sidiary sliver coin, 321.506.194; minor coin. 31 07R.163; total balance in ganarai fund, 3SC.0C2.49t. Haw Terk Meaer Market. NEW TORK. March 29.-Closlng quota tions on mining stocks were- Altre 30 LeaaTiiie oon. Branswick Gob 0 Com. Taimet meek... de bonds 13 Con. Cal. Ta Ill Horn Stiver 73 Iron Stiver 136 OCIered. Llttlo Cklet . Mexlran Ontario Opbir etaneart Tallow Jacket 1 16 Bask Claartjra. . . OMAHA. March 29. Bank -clearings for today were SZS29.387.3T, and for the corresponding- data laat year, were S2,122.2s7.S3. OSXASCA CSENERAX MARKETS. Staple aad a tailed bp Bayers aaad Wlawlt aalin e. BUTTER Creamery, No. L delivered to ths retail trade in 1-1 b. cartvaa, 33tr. No. 1. In 30-lb. tuba. 32-Hc: No. 3. rrr l-lb. cartons, Sic; tn SO-lb. tuba. 30c; pafk'.ng stock, solid pack, lSc; fancy dairy roll,. 20c Market changes every Tuesday CHEESB Twins. lHc: young America. H I9c; Daisy oheeAa. lc: Limberger, lKc; brick. 14c to IScr domestic block. Swiss, 19c; Imported Swiss, 30a POULTRT Dressed broilers, S7.M a dot; for storage. 30; for fresh springs, 17c; hens, 16c; cocks, lie; docks, 13c; geeso, 16c; turkeys. 26c; pigeons, per dos.. 11.20; Homer squabs, 34 per dos.; fancy squabs, 3S.04) per dos.; No. L 33.U0 per dos. Alive: Broilers, from 1 to 1 iba. 36c; 1H to 2 lbs., 2&c; hens, 12"-tc; old roosters, c; young roost era 10c; ducks, full feathered. 13c; geese, full feathered. 10c; turkeys. 30c; guinea fowls, S3 per dos.; pigeons, SO per dog. FISH (a!l froxeny-Salmon, lie: pickerel. 9c; whlteflsh. 13c; pike. 10c; trout, l3c; cat fish, 18c; large crapplea. l&iTUc; smelts. 15c; Spanish macherel. lac; eel. 18c; had dock. 13c; flounders, 12c; frog legs, 40c per dos. BEEF CUTSRlbs. No. L 16c; No. i 12Hc: No. S. 10c. Loin. No. L ttc; No. 1 U4c; No. 1 L3fl. Chuck, No. L 84c; No. S. 8c; No. 8. c Round, No. L 10c; No. 8. OHc- Xo. 3. 9c Plata, No. L 7V: No. 2. THc: No. S. 7c. VEGETABLES Irish Seed Potatoes: Grmuina Red river valley and early Ohio, per bu., S5c; western Nebraska and north ern stock, per bu.. 5c; yellow Jersey sweets, per bbl., S1.9n: Wisconsin and native, per bu.. 60e; Colorado, per bu.. tioflvOc. Sweet potatoes. Kansas, per ntnuts, per crate. C.XJ. Itutaoagas: Canada, 1 per 10.. iac uaDtnas-e: wiecnnaln. n -1 1 1 i ,1 seed, per !b., 2c Celery, Florida In Ruff, 4. and 8-dox. cases. 8J 00; 12- lb. bunch, sue. Onions, red. per lb., 2VirSc Old vegetables: Parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips. In sacks, per lb., 2c. Garllo: Extra fancy, white, per lb.. 15c New southern vegetables: Turnips, Par doa bunches. 6O0; shallots, per dos. bunches. Goc; spinach, per bu.. 31.00; egg plants, fancy Florida, dos. Sl.Sltj2.uO: egtf matoea, fancy- Florida or Cuba, par 6 hasket crate, fancy, 34.00; ahtilc, 33 SO. String and wax beans, per hamper, SB.taya; .ou; cucumbers, hothouse, per doa. SL 7.va to:. Home grown vegetables: Radishes, extra fancy, per doa bunches. 25c; lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40c; head let tuce, in hampers. 31506.00; parsley, fancy home grown, per dos. bunches. 40c r nuts straw berries: Florida, per qt 50c. Orongea: California, navels. m0-9it-U2-12 I aire, per box. 32.SO-d2.75: 3i:-a-216-2,0O sixes, per box, 33-00; Camella brand, SS25. Lemons: Extra fancy Limoneras. Xtih.M sizes, 34 75; choir Ltmv SOO-3O0 sisea. per box. 34.00; 240-420 atxe. 60c per box lees. Bananas: Fancy eek-ct. per bunch, S1.7a; i: Jumbo, bunch. 32.771 .ITS. (intpee: Im ptirted Malagas, per keg. 30.ftkn1.io. Grape Fruit: Florida. 64-44-W aiaea, KiO; Indian River, all sisea. 36.00. Apples: Jonathan, ner out-, ta ju; wn uav.a. per 001., "B.6a4 uO; Genttan. per bbl.. 34.00; Wlnesap. per bbl., m- Gtuin. per bbl.. 34 00; New York Bald- w"".- Ituseets and Spys. . per bbl.. h i. California W. W. Pearmalns. per box.. 800 4d-26; Colorado Jontahans. per box. 32-00; !''xtra fancy Colorado R. Beautie. per ax. " t? Ti) Mvfra fani.v I'nlnran II' ... . . . j - ...... , .. . , . . yj. i j I DOZ- S2.26. Cranberries: Jersey, wlntar I i stock, per bbl.. BS.0O. Lates: Anchor brand. I new. 30- Ih. pkga, in box. per box. 32.00. ! Ftgs: California. SO pkgs., 5c sise, JO pkgs. I Is box. 32.00; 12 pkirs.. !0c slse. "uc. i UlsCELt ANEOUS Cider: New Tork. per iH-hiil.. 33.75. Honey: New. 24 frames. 33 j0 I Horseradish. I dusen In cane. 81.su. Wal- tnuts: uiack. per lb.. 2c; California. No. L per lb., 12'tc. Hickory nuts: Large, per lb. 4c; small, per lb.. 5c Cocoanuts: Per sack. 36.00; per dozen. Oc Olla and Raaia. . SAVANNAH. Ga.. March -TURPENTINE Market firm. 5SHc; aalea. 50c; re ceipts. 263 bbla. ; shipments, 83 bbla; stock. 9.C0 bbls. ROSIN Market firm: sales. S bbls.; re- t cetpts. 1.275 bhia.; snlpmenta, f?5 bbls.; stock. wo Diila. ouote B. tt.S': D. 14 iru rr 14 46; iT. 34 75-14 0: G 34.11: H. 34.JO: I. sw, ;.; aa, a4o; r, 3. in: wu, 3R.K6. I WW, 37 e r 1 C)IL CITT. March Crerllt hln.. 1j bbla Runs. 217X1 bnls ; averatte. lfAdia Shipments. SU1.S6 bUa; averaga, 4 bbla Dry 4eaa Market. NEW TORK. March 29 DRY GOODS Cotton goods were quieter and somewhat steadier during tha day. Ginghams are sell ing we-i; prime are quiet, popular num bers of bleached cotton are moving bet ter. Jobbers are doing a very quiet house trade, but road orders continue good. In men s wear huuaea the feeling is growing that wormed trade la getting better. The export a id tn March wa tuaod. Tarns rule ' aulet. OMAHA LIVE STOCR MARKET Receipt of Cattle Slodente, tat Trad a Either Slow. ECG3 SSOWIJQ LITTLE CTLUGE Sheep Da Nat kew Mark CJIaege. bat Laaaba Are Beth Slaw aad Lower, Setwltkataadlsg Rererd BreaAlasj Tepa. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. March 29. 1910. Official Monday 6. ITS 4.453 U.110 Eft. mate Tuesday 4.3J0 . 4.. ".a Two days this week.. 473 ll.:33 Same days last week . li t: 14.J63 Sama davs 2 weeks agr..10.0H 17.1X7 Same days I weeks Sf0..1i.lJ Vi.lM Same davs 4 weeks oo..ll.lK7 16. Ml fame days last year. ...1X00 .S.O The following tahle shows the raceipta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data, compared with last year. lfto ise. Inc. Dec Cattle r-4.H2 23. US . Hogs fcA, n fi.7V 13.J7 Sheep 372.614 O.l0 30.666 Tha following table shows the average price of hoga at South Omaha (or tha laut everal days, with eomparieons: Date. 1910. 19O9.;i9OS.!19T.,190. 1305. V.aM. f I ( 'IK C If! 5 OS I 4 March 23, 10 00. f M Id W 0 ICl 26 1 6 Oil 4 97 March 24 10 2H, Sll X 24S0I602 March 26. .10 OS j S 4 S 0 I s 16) t 00 March 2 .10 63! 0 07' 5 Oil t OJi 0 2W I 6 13 March 17. 1 0 7 6 22i 0 U ( 27' i 111 March 28. 10 00; I 6 60j 0 23i 6 271 6 HH 6 IT March . 10 71, 68) Sit 3SJ I 0t 6 14 Sunday. C. M. St. P 4 Wabash 3 3 Missouri Pacific 7 3 Union Pacific 42 2S C. A N. W. east 7 3 C. A N. W. west ... 47 20 C. tit. P M. A O.. 13 & C, B. dk Q., east 3 3 17 Receipts end disposition of live stork At tha Union Stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-tour hours ending at 1 It m.. yesterday: RECEIPT 3, Cattle. Hoga. BVo HVi C, B. A Q.. weat 46 C, R. L dr. P.. west .. C R. JL dk P . east .. S Illiuoi Central S C. G. W S Total receipts ,...1'J7 March IS., 10 .Ti HH 4 W ( 4 6 011 3 04 March It ,10 0i 0 441 4 l t 4l W( 14 03 March 20. 441 4 M 0 40; ( 17' S 0 March 21. 'l KfHi J4Tii 0 26lll51j4 March 22-10 4-S, I Klf I isi id; S 01 4 M 21 10 2 .. 1 S .. 1 1 .. 1 93 27 11 DISP06ITION. Cattle. Iloirs. Sheep. 2!". " . n 2 S S23 623 L4S4 Llitf L1M li L&19 Lflf.3 LOSS s.r.4 Cudahy Packing Co .... 6'i Armour A Co 670 Schwarta-Bolen Co .... Cudahy .... Murphy, shipper I W. B. Vanaant Co 11 Benton, Vansant A Lush 73 Stephens Bros S Hill A Son .. 11 F. B. Lewis 81 Huston A Co 34 J. B. Root A Oo 49 J. H. Bulla 24 L, F. Huas 4 L. Wolf 8T McCreary A Carey 2SJ S. Werthelmer H. P. Hamilton 63 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 84 Sol Degan 94 Clihe A Christy 87 Other buyers 391 709 Totals 4.415 7,726 8.188 CATTLE Receipts of catus were mod erate this morning, making tha total tor the two days only 3.4TS head, as against 12.350 head for tha same days last week and 12,00 bead for a year ago. Tha sharp break in the market last week ia evidently responsible for the failing off In receipts, tha country evidently being unwilling to Fart with Its cattle at the reduoed figures. a spits of the moderate receipts, market conditions, however, were not any too fa vorable this morning. Advices from other selling points Indicated only fair runs,, but wtth the market everywhere slow and weak. This market afforded na exception to the general nils and the forenoon was wall advanoed before buyers and sellers got to gether on a business basis. The market on killing cattle was mora or lass ot a drag all the morning. Hers and there ttuyers picked out some of the better steers or a few af tha good cows and heifers that, just happened to suit their re- Sulrements at prices that were not much lfferent from those that prevailed yester day. On the other hand the general mar ket was not only slow, but mostly 10c lower, with tha close not so good as the early market. Ths break In stock en and feeders last week Induced freer buying yesterday, so that the surplus In the hands of specu lators wss all cleaned up, with the result that everyone was on ths market looking for fresh supplies. Under ths Influence of free speculative buying, steady prices were generally maintained on all desirable kinds at least. Quotations- on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers. S7.2&88.10; fair to good corn fed steers, S6.75Q7.2K; common to fair corn fed steers. S6.7o.75; good to choice cows and heifers. S6.25eo.25; fair to good cows and heifers, S450ft6.26; common to fair cows and heifers, 3S.i-4.60; . good to choice siorkers ana feeders. 3.ooiA7S: fair to gooa stockers and feeders. K.ouj.00: com mon to fair stockers arid feeders. S4.00jl5.00: stock heifers, 315ot40; veal aaives, (4.0043 S.00; bulls, stags, etc. O.7a0.25. Representative sales; w. BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. lilt t 40 l:o 7 w lioi 7 46 1174 t 44 1113 t 40 1MW T 44 1W6 T 73 1X40 7 76 1ST I OO 1070 I W) 1V44 4 16 113 8 40 11 3 78 lirrr t 78 1113 4 14 6 4 1041 1 0 1 ot I 10 llAl IW V.A 0 !0 1-1 4 31 ITS 4 10 tt 4 IS 77 I 40 741 4 I4 44 4 94 !' 4 B lt7 8 36 ...1141 ... W7 ...111 I A I tl.... II I 10 10 14 to 13 6 8 14 . 4 95 3 6 4 T 4 4 7 17.... J.... 13.... 14 to 4 ... IS..... COWS. 4 8 2 3 4 tl 31 I 8 8 31 M 4 44 .... rt 4 73 .... 4t 4 73 ....IfJl TOO ....1347 T M ....yarn 7 40 .... Ml Ik .... 113 8 14 .... tu 3 S l I 4 .... 77 8 7 tf i n .... si is ....1114 4 ..lfavT .. 114 .. U7 .. PT7 .. 4 1 4 54 4 48 4 4 4 44 4 4.. HEIFERS. 13. S10 431 3 76 t 3 46 4 4 II It x. I 4 14 7. MM 8 I 4 1 .6 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1.,.. 3 6 4 1 I a , L..... 477 .. 444 4 40 .. 4V7 4 W .. Ct 4 40 .. sa 4 04 BULLS. ..into 8 .... 320 4 75 .... 4-0 4 71 ....u; 4 4 .... IH la IW 6 60 ....llad 14 ....! 6 78 ... IM 6 U ....113 100 .... u m .... 140 7 76 .... 164 8 40 170 I t .... If a ..11' 3 71 I 7i ,.U3 4 II .. i 4 a . -l' 4 26 ..;( 4 A . If 4 M ..1 70 4 aO 3 CALVES. 204 III 1 M IS It 4 73 M 4 IK 414 ISA 7 Tl STOCKERS 41I 4 36 , 571 4 i 424 4 73 , 4tH 4 t Kl 4 "J If 4 St bl IH 44 I t i 04 ' i 10 573 6 1 t7 IS 1... 3... I... 3... I. i m AND FEEDERS. 6.. 7.. it.. It.. I.. 14.. 13.. 11.. U.. I. 74 I 6 14 t 4 14 4 30 17 11 , 10 tl at u 5 I J , 4AI 8 SO Oil 5 44 7(1 I so ll'li i 40 mi irt 447 4 U0 4 00 ltd I 10 440 4 16 H"G.4 Condition surrounding the hog trauu this morning were much the same as yr-aieiday. Supply wa limited asd buyers showed no lluMo In filling orders at current prices. Tho movement was slow from start to ftniRh and while a few good hogs were fiurchaea.d at the opening at prices that ooked to be a shade stronger than yester day's averag trade, light and mixed lots were mors or lea neglected, with the trend of price easier. The bulk of the business was transacted on a generally steady basts. A large share of receipts sold In prac tit-ally the earns nothce as yesterday's bulk, 310 te4il0.75. Tops reached 310 si. the beet price ever paid at thla point and the outside figure of the last four market day a STAG HOGA Ma 1... U... 1 1.... i... 4t.... 71 Av. a. Pr. Ma Av. Be. Pr. aa 11 il4 is 11 ll U 1 I toe muw a U i 1. MO a) u sa 11 13 1 41 W U 30 ami to HOGS. 40 10 i 7 BC ... 10 TW 40 14 as a s 40 10 TO - as ta Id 10 70 4 11 r 44 Hi e) n ra ... 10 -a tl ... 14 71 Hat ... 14 t ii ... : e r. t ... i ra !" ... i a ta a a as 14 te w a ... id aT ...lew, "S 1 U i o -3 4 ... id :a t ;4 e til ... 10 44 U4 ... i as 48 ri ... 10 in N I ... ea 7t ut ... ie ... i as i t ... i t 34 Ill ... 14 44 14 jM . . 14 t! 34 ... r 40 71 rs at is at I I ... 14 41 44 1 40 14! IS 1M ... 10 aj r Hi ... ie 3.4 .. 1 at el w ... 1 "S n nt ass rri ... id n 4 ill S) 14 44 tl ?1 . . ) 1 t 314 aa 14 41 4 M a 14 S 47 11 MI4M II 3.3 ... 14 73 aa 144 ... 1 41 44 KW ... 1 n ei 1-4 ...net 14 H) ... 14t 4 .. 14 ej -4 na . :t m U et 44 14 4 Had 44 14 Tl 1"4 ... 14 44 47 VI pt IS 71 r . 14 44 4S ft ... 11 n tl 1:4 4 14 as a JK1 ... IV 71 4 II ... 19 41 44 XT ... 171 44 r-4 ... Id It ? . 10 71 :i Md .144 a 341 J 10 1 44 ri 14 14 St M 4 a t n n ai i i& 4 rr i ... is - rt 111 mi 44 to 77 f) ill 44 I SS 41 ft ... 14 w 70 XII ... 0 47 4d K1 ... ' as i tt ...1 l S4 3 14 tl 14 B) 10 70 B j, ... ) p . n M 4 14 7 m m ... is rt 41 ... I 70 41 Ml .. H kl 71 r! . r r m tea as to M 4 4 )! SS Sri II 10 S3 44 :n at 14 a 1 ... i an 7 If ...14 70 47 SH ... 10W 44 SSS . 10 Ta 44. KJ ...101 71 K4 40 4 TB M 140 ... 10 M 75 t'4 ... t " M ft ... 10 86 1.1 ... 14 74 St tao SIS 16 3b ...10 70 U m ...! 8HE.CP It was one of the slowest mar kets of ths year in the sheep barn this morning on a normal supply, consisting largely of lambs. Buyers were out In full force, as usual, but tnelr wants. If they had any, were well concealed and It was almost noon bef.ire my business of con sequence had aeen transacted. Eastsm ad vices, as well, were mure or lens beartKh and this fact did not serve to sharpen de mand by any meena Lamb trade suffered more than the sheep end of tha deal, aa waa the case yeMterday, but prices were very uneven. Slow to lower would be tha best way of describing the lamb trade, although one bunch of choice Mexicans established a new record at 310.00, which price is 16o higher than the beat figure previously paid at this point They were just the knd of animals that a pacKer needed on a a pec a 1 order. Shep and yearlings looked to be barely steady In spots, but movement wss s!ugg:h and Uia trend of prices much easier. For the two days this week quotations have hMM m.rltMl t . i n. inniMhil It. nr, 1 1 r- I w every branch of the trade. Current pr'cea ! on lambs are around a quarter lower than , laat week i closa but sheep do not shuw quit as much weakneas. Quorattons on rheep and lambs: Spring lamoa, oholce. 313 UOi217 00; spring lamus, medium, $;i tili A; good to choice lambs. JlO.OuAlO GO; fsit to good lambs. SO.jOfl 10.00; good light yearlings, S.0O5,9.4; good heavy yearlings, iS.6tKa9.u; good to choice weth ers, SU ltaje tii; fair to good wethers, 37. A 3.16; good to choice ewes, 37-304(3. ; fair lo good ?wes, 37 5(VS7.80. Representative sales! Nc 194 western owes 92 Mexican ewes STJ Mexiean lambs 60 western ewes, culls 211 western ewes, oulls 201 western awes eO western ewes, culls .... 46 western wethers 213 western lsmbs , 617 western lambs Aw Pr. .120 I 10 . M 7 DO .79 10 30 ,76 4 3 , S7 7 36 .. 7 00 .31 4 25 .104 8 00 .93 9 60 .H0 9 00 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Steady nogs Steady "keep RaporteA 9 tead y . CHICAGO. March 29. CATTLE Re ceipts estimated at S.M .head; market steady; steers. 64.lu-sa.75; onws, SB.uOitT.uO; heifers, KJty7.8j. bulla So.H.25; calves, SS.OtV'n'H.aO; stockers and feeders, 3i.76-47.O0. Htrj Ilecelcu estimated. ll.OoO bead; market steady; choice heavy, Sll-OCa 11.07 V, butchers. 310. 6u 1X06; light mixed. 310.764? 10 K5: choice light. 310. 36a 10.95; packing, f 10 tn 11.00; pigs. tl0.3ul0.66; bulk of alee, 310.45 10 95. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts esti mated 10,000 bead, market steady; sheep, t7.OS9.30; lambs. 18.759.00; yearlings, S7.a4 9,10. Kaaaaa City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY, March CATTLE Receipts, 9.000 head. Including not southerns; market steady to lOo lower; choice export and dmased beef steers, 37.S0ii.40: fair to good. 36.uO-yT.aO: western steers, SS.26jiS.2S; stockers and feeders, S4.50go.75; sotitherc steers. 35.2eS.23; southern cows, fi.di.fg 00; natlvs.cowa, S4.26qtt.7G; 'native heifers, 3&.00 w7.26; bulls. KotMpAlO; calves. 34 &(J9.00. HOGS Receipt), 10.000 head; mark at steady to weak; top. 31095; bulk of sales, 810.7a 10. K0; heavy, SlO.tkAq 10.96; packers and butchers. $10.76410.96; light, i0. jgl0.36; pigs, SS.HSejlU. SHEEP AND LAJUB8 Receipts, 5.000 head; market steady; lambs, 7ty?10.O; yearlings. 38.269.50; wethers, S7.2&6 : wee. 37. 006. Ju; stockers and feeders, 36.00 St. Lewis Live Btorlt Market. ST. LOUIS. March 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.400 head. Including 1.200 Texans; market lower; native shipping and export stent. S8.a7i..V; dressed beef and butcners steers 5.7.Vo7.76; steers under 1,000 pounds, 84.7un'7.00; stockers and feeders. S3.jvj5a0: cows and heifers. S2.7TiHj6.7E; oanners, 32 00$ 3.00; bulls. 32.50'.i6.fiO; calves. 3a0dr7.50; Texas and Indian steers, 4.7&isAa&; cows and heifers, 82.51s.5u. HtXiS Receipt a 4.9i) head; market So to 10c lower: rgs and lights, 37. 7510. SO; pack ers SiO.TTVolLUI; butchers and best heavy, S30k.aii.iiu. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.300 head; market 10c to 15c lower: native mut tons. Sfc OO'. 30: lambs. 37. 154x10 5; culls and bucks, t4.Ad6.90; stockers. St. 0047.00. St. Joeeph Live stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 29. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1500 head. Market steady- sioers, 6alj.10: sows and heifers, S3.90tf7.00; calvee. SS.OO6t.0O. HGG8 Receipts, S.ym head. Market steady; top, 310.95; bulk of sales, 310.,'Oir 10.86. SHEEP AND TLA MR 3 Receipts, head. Market slow; lambs. S.au&10.1& Stack la algkt. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4.30) &..0 1.525 3t Joseph 3,000 6.0M 4.W0 Kansas City 8.000 lO.uOO 5. oon St. Louis '.. 4.400 3.a Lite Chicago S.500 11.000 10.04) Total a, 700 99.950 27,825 Metal Market. NEW TORK. March 29 METALS Standard oopper waa weak and lower, with spot and all deliveries up to tha end of May quoted at 812-7kg 13. uO. The Engllah market recovered part of an opening loss, closing firm With spot quoted at tUtH 7s od and futures at A 179 Ida Local dealers report a slow demand and an unsettled tone, with lake quoted St 313 2T.S13.&0; electrolytic, 31iOO&18.25: casting. 312.764t18.0O, Tin waa firm but quiet, wtih spot and March quoted at SSiKTVO a.12. London market higher; closing firm, with spot at 149 15s and fu tures at 151 15a. Lead dull: spot, 84 4Or4.-0; London market lower at 45:2 16a 'Mi. Spel ter dull; spot 36.56t26.i: London market un changed at 23. Iron lower, with Cleve land warrants quoted st 51s 71-id In London; local market unchanged; No. 1 foundry northern, S18.0uji. jo; No. 3 northern and No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern sort 317 7r7Qlg.2S. ST. LOUIS. March 29. METALS Lead unchanged, at S4.27H. Spelter dull, at 36.46. Cattoa Marked. NEW TORK. March 29. COTTON Ths market opened steady at a decline of 2 to I puint an response to lower eabina than expected and soon sold off to a net loss of rrom 10 to 14 points under scattertna Uuul- dation jind local bear pressure, which waa inspired by reports of showers In Texas and apprehensions that tha unaettled condi tions might result In a thorough breaking of the prolonged drouth. Futures opened steady; May, 16.11o; July, ld-ffcc;. August, 14.31c; September. ULUc; October, HASo; December, U.uxc; January 12. Wo. Futures closed steady. Closing bids March. 1616c; April. 15.16c: May. liiaei June. M.SSc; July. 149(ic; Aummt, 14.43c: September, 13 61c; October. 13 36c; Novem ber. 13. loc : December, 13.10c; January, 13 0e. Scot closed quiet to 6 points decline Mid dling uplands. 16. 30c; middling gulf, 15.6c; sale 700 bo ea. ST. LOUIS. Martrh 29. CYrTTON Market steady; middling. 14" tc: sale. 191 bales; re ceipts, baies; ahipmrnts, 463 bales; stock. iLZa balea B vapxarared Applew aad Dried r rait a. NEW TORK. March 29 EVAPORATED APFLES Viulet and prtnee ara nominally unchanged. On the spot fancy s quoted at 10c: choice. fc44c; prune, oVarTtc; oonnaoa to fair. aH DRIED FRUTTa-Prunea are dull and eaoy; quotatlona range from 2T4.e for Caiifomlac up to 30-eia and K'lrc for Ore gona Aprtooi are Inarttv and prices are barely steady. Choice. ltilic; extra choice. 11jl2e; fanny. lJWnSe. peaches are dull, wtlh aome disposition to shade price. Choice, s'fc.uiV; atxtra choice, uc; fancy. 7T7,.r Raisins ara dull nnfl tineet. tied, loe Muscatels are QuetM at 3HJJ eri'ilce to fancy seeded. f iv less, 3Sitc; London layers, 31.li.gl. 26. Pilar aad Molaaaea, NEW TORK. March FTTJAR Raw, steady; muerovado. . test. 3 c; cwitrif uxaU IS test. 4.30c: molaaaea sugnr. K teat, 3 lc Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.i6c; granu lated, 6.20c; powdered. 6.36c Ray Market. OMAHA. March HAY No. J, tln.on Vo 1 packing. 36'. ilrte- Wheat, roo; rye and oat. MM Alfalfa, S',S Tha supply of poor hay la heavier than t-e de mand. The supply of good hay M light. DR. F. W. LAKE PRESENTS PLAN ON OPENING STREET Prnpeees t Make Twee ty-swewad Forty reef ta Slav Bia Cherry Tf Dr. Frederick W. Lake. 2207 Dodga street, has made to some of the city councilman a proposition that will nn ih. hit - ... . vwimii erable money on the opening of Twenty- eeoona street rrom Howard to Dodga. It seems to b the sentiment of the council, men that the offer should be socepted, and an amendment will be ofTered to ths ordi nance heretofore passed that will take ad vantagw of Dr. Lake's proposition. In the ordinance aa passed for the open ing of Twenty-second It was provided that ; me oiock rrom Dong! a to Dodge should bs j f'.fty feet wide, whereas ths block from Fsrnam to Douglas Is to be but forty feat In width. Now Dr Lake offers to waive damages entirely If the city will amend he ordinance to make the width forty teet from Douglas to Dodga. Ho points : out that a ff'y-foot street Is not necas ! sery at that piao. and that forty feat will serve ail purpose. The fifty-foot street would bring the sidewalk flush against tha east side of ths Lake homestead and would destroy a row of cherry trees which have stood there since tho resldeno was first occupied, many years ago. Tha nar rowing of ths street to fort v feet wit j the trees and leav ths Laks horn about ten reet from the street Una. Ths fact that the Central school Is Immediately east of Dr- Lake's home Is also a consideration that is having weight with ths sou no II to leave the surroundings as ploasant as possible Store Bottle Barer. Can b obtained by ths oaa from Charlee Storx. next door north of Storx Brewery. Prompt delivery to private family trad. Sam prices as formerly. 'Phones Wsbster 1200. Ind. B-I28L WOMEN FLEE QUICKLY FROM ' FIRE, BUT HORSES BALK aad Beaata Eaeana. Tkaaak Latter Are Foreed Oat witk Dlfflcalty. F!re which broke out In the Douglas Street Livery stable Tuesday morning threatened the lives of persons living over ths barn and damaged the building and contents to an extent of Sl.ono. Thirty head of horses, which were tied In the basement were lead out, after a struggle. The fire originated in the second story of the building In the rear. Tha portion of the building is used aa a hay loft and store-room for grain. Ia front of this ia a rooming house. P. P. Malley who "rung ths place Tor Jul Althaus was standing In ths front doorway when he heard the crackling of flames and turning saw smoke and fire oreeping along the celling In the rear. He turned In an alarm and after calling for assistance from passersby, vent to the basement to get ths horses out. Ths horses were fire-mad and it was with great diffi culty that they were lad to safety. A soon as the fir wa discovered by the inhabitants of the rooming house, above, there was a wild scramble for ths street and frantic women appeared before ths crowd tn decollate garments. The building Is owned by Minneapolis parties. TVe likiaista, Accept no substitute for Foley Honey and Tar. It .is ths best and safest remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. Contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Remember the name. Foley's Honey and Tar. and accept no substitutes. gold by all drufilBta BOYD, ENROUTE FROM CUBA, ' SEES SPEAKERSHIP FIGHT Former CoBgrreaasaaa. Wife aad Dangkter gtop la Washlaartena m way Ho u. e . Former Congressman J. P.- Boy4 of ths Third district and wife and daugMer, Helen, were guests at the Roma hotel, Tuesday, stopping In Omaha on their way horns to Nellgh, after spending the winter in Cuba. "I'm glad that ths lower house of con gress has voted for an appropriation to rata the battleship Main a This wreck Is one of the first thing you see when you enter ths harbor and Rs . casts a gloom over a trip to Havana. It Is a si ram the United States has 1st it remain there as long as it has."' On their way home from the south ths Boyds stopped In Washington, D. C., and Mr. Boyd was on ths floor of ths bouse the last day of tha fight on Stwaker Cannon. "It waa a great battle. " said Mr.. Boyd, "but "there was more excitement In the galleries than on the floor. I've heard more spirited debates tn congress than was this one." i Mr. Boyd declined to discuss Nebraska poXtlca, saying that he had. been away suras months and was net in touch, with conditions In the scat. "- ' I Keep Chamberlain's Liniment err band. It Is an antlseptlo liniment and oauaea wounds to heal In less time th,an by any other treatment. . I When you want what you want when you want It, say so through Ths Bee Want Ad columns. . IF YOU WANT'.. Uwaliiwibla Infcroalfcn REGARDING THS . Giiam r.inn:iETs WRITS TO G..rd!.nor B. Unn lass Grain SpadaSU! CHICAGO, ILL. Member Chicago Board mt Traia FORTUNES MADE IN WHEAT (in buys option on 11.0U bu. of wheat a) 111 No further Rlk. Each lc movement irrirt -lTW lft rva-W miku a... a . I " ww aaaeass XJSB Jtjni Si.SJV, 2C-S200 5c-gW. eio Write for free cirrulaj. Civvtrland. '