The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Rain anj roMr-r. Frr Iowa Rain and colder. For weather report soe pare 2. 5 VOL. XXXIX NO. 244. OMAIIA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH SO, 1910-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY ONE CENT. The Bee aims to print a pser that appeals to intelligence; not to an appetite for scandal and sensations. SENATOR ALLDS FOUND GUILTY New York State Senate Sustains Brib ery Charge Against Him by Decisis Vote. EE TZI7DERS HIS RESIGNATION Timely Action Saves Him from Bein; Ouited from Office. CANNOT NOW BE PROSECUTED Statute of Limitation Closes Law oi Hit Fast Peed. CONGER WILL FIGHT CASE OUT A censer of Aids Will ot Rlt, Bat Mill B((ll Anwliist BimilM " Who Have 1 !- cated HI-. ALBANT, N. T., March . Jothara P. AIM want to his home la Norwich tonight a private citizen, branded aa a bribetaker by hla former collerues In tha senate and by hla own act no longer a member of ty body. Senator Conger, who filed the dirges against Allda, atayed her tonight. Th battel that confronts Conger la no longer to prove his cbargas. To this extent the senate vindicated him today when forty of Us forty-nlna members voted that tha charges had been sustained by tha evidence brought befor thm. It Is believed that Conger cam to the senate today prepared to resign as soon as ha received this vindication. However, be did not resign and developments mak It likely that h will not do so. The cause of this la a resolution Introduced by Sen ator Cobb, the majority leader, providing for tha appointment of a committee to pre sent to the senate charges against Conger, "growing cut ot Ms connection with legis lation and the use of funds to influence the members of the legislature or other persona with reference thereto." I'jven Conor's enemies admit that he Is a fighter and the belief Is that he will op;oie llilJ attempt to deprive him of office s vigorously and with aa free an expenditure cf money as he attacked A!lli. Tlic Cobb remlntlon was referred to tha judiciury convulttee. It Is expected that th coir.rnlttee will report It promptly to the sor.aie. There seem no doubt that the present legislature will conduct a funeral "graft" Investigation. Aluti" resignation absolutely clones his ca a. Alt th senate could have done after sustaining the eludes against him would have been to put him out, and such a pun ishment his own act foreetalls. Although, bribery is a crime under th statutes, the alleentlons acalnst Allda concerned some thing thut occurred ten years afro, and the tttitute of limitations would prevent any criminal prosecution bad anyon felt in clined to bring such proceedings. The j.ej:-.eb7 a vt.1 of io W 9 jwatalnfd the' c'iari;e Senator AUds had de manded ami taken a bribe. It was unable to penl-.h AJlite, hewever, for this morn ing before the vote began he resigned his position In the senate. Alius vmr net In the wrato chamber to diy, but tf?nltor Conger sat all through the j.-.iu'c.t'n;j with his wife at his aide. When the flnitl vote was announced he turned I i h's wife and smiled. A Hiatement given out by AUds counsel declared All'ls resigned on the advice of hla attrrneya because the latter were satis- fled that his case was not to b decided on the vote, but by political expedency and Influence br."ut;ht to bear from "Washing ton and elsewhere." Governor Hitches may now call a special election for the Immed'ate selection of Allda" successor. Mackenzie Talks for Cattlemen Stockman Appears Before Senate Com mittee and Tells of Cost of Raising Animals. WASHINGTON. March 29. Murdo Mac kenzie', representing the cattle raisers of the Vest, today defended th producers gainst the charge of responsibility for th Increased cost of beef. He was a wit ness before the senate committee investl- !gat!ng the high coat of living. Mr. Mackenzie raid It cost Si to 40 cents a day to feed each head of eattl and as an expert fetder could not increase the weight per head more than three pounds a day at a value of about S centa a pound, It waa Impossible for stock raisers to raise corn ftd cattle at a profit. Mr. . Mackenzie owna large ranches In South Dakota and Texas. Man Draws Money, Bloody Trail Left Otto Witthuhn of Gothenburg Dis appears and Leaves Big- Mystery Behind Him. GOTHENBURG. Neb.. March .-Spe-lal Telegram.) This morning the bloody eoat and hat of Otto Witthuhn was found one block from home In a hole near the sidewalk, also two tmpty and bloody pocketbooks and one shoe badly cut. On the bank of the lake wss the other shoe, cut and bloody, and his vest. H drew H.0C9 In cash from the bank yesterday. Bloodhonds followed a trail to the rail road track, where sere found feathers In blood. Borne think he disappeared and left the bloody clothes aa a blind, t Guyer and Porter Named for Mayor KAN Us CITT. March U.-Complet ra k tur.s s Joe tht U. S. Guyer, th present mayor. sVu J. E. Porter were chosen aa the nominr for mayor In th primary lection yenterday In Kama City. Kan. Guyer is a rasuhUcao and Porter la a democrat. Th election was held under th commis sion plan of government. E'.Kht candidate far commissioner were T. S. Allen Declares for County Option "Shallenberg-er Will Come Around," Declares Brother-in-Law of Wil liam J. Bryan. (From a Etsff Correspond-nt) LINCOLN. Msrch 29. ?peclal. "I am for county option. I shall work to have th democratic state convention endorse county option." This statement was made by T. S. Allen, brother-in-law of Mr. Bryan, former chair man of the democratic stats committee, the man who went east with Mayor Dahl . 'n 1904 after the sinews of war. course, I do not know what the con " 'Z will do, but ao far aa I am con r . ., am for county option," continued J V When asked what he thought '- tement of Governor Bhallenbeger t j, 'posed county option, but would m - wee on any platform th party Prt. he said: "I r Bhallenberger will climb on the i Vj " H right. He'll come around." Mr. 1 not commit himself as to whethy juld be for his old slde- klcker, Dahiman; whether he would get behind tha candidacy of Governor Bhallenberger, or whether he would urge the democrats to stand behind George W. Berg as th Bryan favorite for governor. As the case stands now, democratic can didates who have announced themselves are lined up In this fashion: Against county option, James C. Pahlman, candi date for governor; for county option, Wil liam B. Price, candidate for United State senator; on the fence and about to fall over on the county optlcn platform, W. H. Thompson, candidate for th aenata; non-committal, G. M. Hitchcock, candidate for the senate; personslly against county option, but for It If the band wagon heads In htat direction. Governor A. C. Bhallen berger, candidate for re-election. Demonstration by Egyptian Students Parade in Front of Roosevelt's Hotel and Shout "Long: Live the Constitution!" CAIRO. March 29. This evening 200 studenta from the University of Egypt ' made a demonstration In front of the Shepherd's hotel, where Colonel Roose ! velt Is stopping. The students carried an ! Egyptian flag and as they paraded past the hostelry shouted: "Long live thea con stitution and th liberty of Egypt." ( The shouting was interspersed with hsndclapplng. Mr. Roosevelt paid no at tention to the students. The latter were orderly, and after giving expression to their sentiments dispersed. Th demon stration was brought about by the pro British expressions mad by Mr. Roose velt In hla speech at the university yes terday. Mr. Roosevelt visited the bazaars today and lata today had tea at th German em- !bsssy with Prince Eltel Frederick- This evening Colonel Roosevelt gave an Infor mal tea to the- newspaper correspondent. New Mystery in Stamp Robbery Indications that Hen who Looted Postoffice at Richmond Fought Over Booty. RICHMOND, Vs., March SB. A new mystery has entered Into the startling robbery of the cashier's safe In the post office, which was discovered here yester day. Stains of blood were found today on the floor of a room In the baaemrnt of a cheap hotel In the vicinity ot th tem porary postoffice building to which the. thieves have been traced. Detectives have a theory that the thlevea quarreled and fought as they were packing their booty preparatory to flight on on of th night trains out of Richmond. Conservation. Lincoln Theme First Nebraska Congress Called for this Purpose Meets at Capitol City. LIINCOLN, March 19. Th first Ne braska conservation congreaa waa called to order today. Dr. George E. Condra of the University of Nebraska presiding. Mayor Love of Llnocln delivered an ad dress of welcome. Governor Shallenberger urged th development of the agricultural wealth of the state. Th session will end tomorrow evening. Delegates from all parts of the state are In attendance. Date for Bars sad Lsuas;. SYDNEY. N. 8. W., March .-Another date has been set for th fight between "Tommy" burns, the Canadian pugilist, and "Bill" Lang, heavyweight champion of Australia, for the Australian title. The date announced today is April VL The fight waa originally scheduled for March 2S and subsequently postponed to April SO. Injured Man Lowered from Eighth Floor by a Derrick Letting out Its cable inch by inch, while careful hands manipulated Its progress, a big derrick lowered a bruised and bleeding man to the ground from the top of a high building, while a large crowd watched with bated breath. William Harwell, S South Nineteenth street, a bollertnaker'a helper fell a dis tance of thirty-five feet from th top of a water tower being constructed on the roof of th new Hoagland building. Eighth and Douglas streets, to th roof and frac tured his right thigh. Tor over an hour after the man fell, and while he waa moaning and writhing In palu, all attempts to lower Mm to th ground proved futl!. Th only way of ascending to the roof was by means of ladders, and It waa deemed dangerous to attempt to carry th man down eight stories to th ground MINERS ISSUE STRIKE 011DER Three Hundred Thousand Men in Bituminous Fields Wil Quit . . . Thursday Sight INDUSTRIAL WAR DECLARED Walkout is Result of Disagreement of Hen and Oners tors. DISPUTE ARISES OVER WAGES Advance Asked by Employes April 1 Coldly Turned Down. BITTER CONFLICT PREDICTED President L-wla of Mine Workers Says Ills Army Will Fight Until Yletorlaaa or Until Com pletely Rested. . CINCINNATI, March 19. A declaration of an industrial war of great extent seemed but a few hours away today, when the delegates of 300.000 union miners of th United States met this afternoon to outline their course aa a reault of th sine die adjournment without agreement of the joint conference of Mners and operators of Ohio, Indiana and western Pennsylvania. Tha adjournment vl-S taken following an all morning discussion and Just after Presi dent Lewis of the United Mine Workers of North America had declared:- "When the miners go Into this conflict It will be a fight that will .not end until we are the victors or are completely routed." President Lewis gave notice to th oper ators that th disagreement and adjourn ment ot the Joint convention meant the withdrawal of all demands by th miners and that If th miners are successful in an open conflict they will demand even mora than a 10 per cent advance in wages and also added improvements in working con ditions. "Of course," he added, "if we are losers m the fight we shall expect the operators to make the terms." Illinois Mime Close Thursday. ST. LOUIS, March 29. Mines which pro duce 50.000.000 tons of coal aijnually in Illinois wilt close down Thursday night, as the operators' agreement with the men ex pires on April L Negotiations toward a new contract will begin In Chicago next Monday, when th seal committee of the operators and miners meets. President Alfred J. 8. Moorshead of tha Illinois Coal Mine Operators' association, who Is authority for the statement tha mines will close, said today no shortage of coal will exist If the mines do not re open for two months. , , If the miners and operators had agreed at Cincinnati today the mining rata and th day wage for Illinois would bav been settled, but an agreement on local condi tio na would have to have been threshed out. This usually requires thre weeks' tima. No As;resaBt la Soathvrest. KANSAS CITT. March 29. No agreement Is In sight betwern the Southwestern Coal Miners- association. Including Ulunuri Kansaa and Oklahoma, and the miners of those states, on th wag question, accord ing to a local authority, and a - general striae la expected on April L Iovrm Miners Walt. DES MOINES, la.. March . (Special Telegram.) The state convention of miners and coal mine operators in session her to day did little but await news of th pro ceedings in Cincinnati. When the news was received that the convention ther bad dis solved without reaching an agreement aa to the wage scale, It was announced that on Thursday all th Iowa miners would cease work until the wage matter could be adjusted. President Whit of the coal min ers of Iowa has been attending the Cin cinnati convention and fa la expected to Immediately come here and assist In the rettlement of the wag question. Tomorrow evening President White will address a meeting arranged by the Trades and Labor assembly for a state-wide rally of labor ing men. and following this there will be meetings every day for a week to arouse interest in labor questions and organi sation. Special Election in Oklahoma Permanent State Capital Will Be Se lected by the People on June 11. GUTHRIE. Okl.. March 2k.-A proclama tion calling a special election for June IL under th Initiative and referendum to re- locate permanently the setate capital waa 1 filed secretly by Governor Haskell with Secretary of State Cross late last night and Issued publicly today. The secrecy is said to have resulted from fear of federal court Injunction on request of the city of Guthrie, where an enabling act fixed the state capital until ISIS. Thla will be th first time that th Initiative has been taken in Oklahoma. The pollc ambulance waa called and a stretcher waa carried to the roof and there Hartwell waa atrapped to It. Next a der rick, used In hoisting building material on the structure, was pressed m service and th stretcher balanced and tied so that the man could be safely lowered. But be fore It was possible to as the derrick It was accessary to fir up th engine that runs the derrick, and this, of course, took time. Th big long arm of tha derrick swung Its peculiar burden far out from the build ing and th descent waa slowly made, while hundreds breathlessly watched th pro gress. After flv minute Hartwell reached th ground still conacloua. H was Immediately taken to St. Joseph s hospital, where be waa attended by Dr. T. T. Harris. Hartwells Jaw waa badly bruised and th attending physician thinks it probable Internal Injuria may be found after a thorough ezamlnatkm can b 1t . It May Come Prom tha Washington Star. LABOR LAtVS OF TWO YEARS Federal Bureau Reviews Legislation in Special Bulletin. STANDARD GRADUALLY RISING ' ... Six New State Cesinlssieas Created to Itady Con drftlona Liability of Employer Glvea Mar , ; Attention. WASHINGTON. March 2. Bulletin No. 85 of th United States Bureau, of Labor Is devoted to a preecntatlou cf th labor legis lation, of th oounfry during tha, last two years. Prior legislation of th Ik' sort is col lected In tho twenty-record annual report of the commissioner of labor, this bulletin being, in effect, a, supplement to that report. Besides a reproduction of the laws, th bulletin presents a. review of the principal features of- the statutes of 1S08 and 190. Th tendency of labor legislation to co- forrn to a ertand&rd, which Is being raised from year to year, and a consequent In creasing uniformity In the provisions of such legislation are clearly In evidence. State Commissions at Work. Six state commissions to study specific conditions and draft laws or suggest amendments to existing laws In accordance with the findings of the investigations were appointed In the last two years. Commis sions to Investigate the liability of em ployers for Injuries to their employes and better methods of compensating employes for the results of Industrial accidents were appointed in Minnesota and New York, while Wisconsin had a similar body at work under an earlier appointment. The co-operation of these commissions, though not at all provided for in the laws creating them, has been a practical economy In the matter of conducting Investigations, as well as affording grounda for a belief that the results will be the recommendation of fairly uniform laws on this important and press ing subject. - Th New Tork commission was directed to consider also the subject of unemployment and a better distribution of labor, while another commission was Instructed by a law of this state to In vestigate the condition, welfare, and Indus trial opportunities of Its alien population. Illinois haa a commission at work on regu lations relating to factories and mercantile establishments, while Arizona, Illinois and Ohio assigned the conditions snd regula tion of mine labor to commissions for In vestigation and report. Liability of Fmaloyera. That the employers' liability is the sub ject of an Increasing degree of attention 1 appears not only from the appointment of commissions but from actual legislation as well. Five states (Michigan, Texas, Idaho, Maine and New Jersey) and the Philippine Islands passed laws affocting employers' liability directly; while In Georgia, Iowa. Massachusetts, MiPstrslppl, Ohio and South Dakota the customary defenses of employers In suits for damages by Injured employes. L e, fellTW service, assumed risks and contributory negligence wer more or less restricted or modified. The doctrine of comparative nellKence, under which the contributory negligence of the employe is compared with the primary negligence of the employer, with a corre- (Continued on Second Page.) This is moving and house cleanino sea- son. You are Interested In it in one way or another. It Is made easy by those dealers In that line. Read the column today. Moving and House Cleaning. It will help you to do what you are thinking ot doing. Phone Douglas 238 and an accommodating 6taff will at ten4 to you in a jiffy. i, i i ' " ' ' -TTV SvT , rrnr:r-- liL. - -, " - fvV r" 1 Ttr. To This If the Price of Hogs Continues Upward. Little Light on Murphy Murder Icebox in Which Meat Was Kept Was Accessible from the Outside. CHICAGO. March 29. Detectives ensagej In an attempt to clear up the mysterious death of Alexander J. Moody today hinted cf arrests soon to be made, but could add nothing to the startling story that Coroner Hoffman yesterday gave out. "Alexander Moody was murdered, there cam be no doubt of that, when we know that the meat of which he ate on the day of hl3 death was Impregnated with arsenic, and as we found th organs of his body to be," said the coroner today. "But there Is no one on whom an unwavering finger of accusation can be pointed. Members of the decedent's family and others today dwelt vaguely on some mys terious illness from which, it Is said, Mr. Moody suffered and which might justify a suicide theory. The fact that the Icebox from which the poisoned meat was taken wss accessible from the out-ld& allows the widest scope for speculation as to the manner In which the drug reached the food. Love's Dream is Broken by Posse Boy. and Girl Elope in Automobile and Well Armed to Fight Pursuers. - SAN DIEGO, CaV, March 29. Armed with two revolvers and determined to do battlo for the lady of his choice against any odds. Thomas Foreman, the 17-year-old son of a wealthy merchant ot this place, for the second time eloped last night with Girtrude Seifert hU 15-year-old sweetheart, and headed for Death Valley In an auto mobile. His progress was stayed by the snow, which blocked the roads at Des Conaa, twenty-five miles east of here, and It Is reported that a battle haa oc curred at that place, the youth standing off the pose which set out In pursuit. KANSAS CITY CAR RUNS AWAY Twelve Persons Slightly Hart In Col-' llslon at Foot of Twelfth Street Hill. KANSA8 CITT, March 29 Twelve per sons were Injured today when a cable car ran away down the Twelfth street incline and collided with another car at Hickory street. No one wss seriously hurt. At Jefferson street, the. summit of the Incline, the' gripman of the runaway car, conld not utilize hla brakes and the car ran backwards dor.n the hill for two blocks at a terrific speed. Both cars were badly wrecked. London Papers Comment on Roosevelt's Address LONDON. Mtrrh 29. Former President Rooevelt's address before the students of th University 'of Esypt yesterday has at tracted considerable comment here, where there is a difference of opinion aa to the good or evil effects of his plain talking. In denouncing the assassination of the late premier, Boutros Pasha Shall.' Colonel Roosevelt did not mince his words with a view to avoiding offense to the national ists, a great many of whom have openly sympathized with the assasln. The radical press today takes exception to Colonel Roosevelt's remarks and even the moderate Westminster Gazette aays editorially: Disquisitions on the readlneus or the re verse of Egypt for self-government, while permitted to men without great position, are perhaps better hushed In th breasts of es-preeldenta." Regarding Mr. Gladstone's pronounce ment in rrgard to the early Indiscretion of FOWLER'S CALL TO BANKERS New Jersey Congressman Explains Some Provisions of His Measure. ATTACKS MONETARY COMMISSION He Sara Third Great Trial In Courts of Civilisation Impends Theodore Roosevelt Attorney for the People. . WASHINGTON, March 29. Representa tive Charles N. Fowler of New Jersey, speaking In ' the bouso ot representatives today to his bill to establish a complete financial and banking system for the United Ft tea, declared that a third great trial in the courts of civilization impends, th trial being "the case of the chairman ot the ' national monetary commission, alias Aldrlchlsm, alias tho special Interests, versus the people of the United States." "Theodore Roosevelt," Representative Fowler concluded. "Is the attorney of record for the people, and the people, under his leadership, will triumph most glori ously." In championing his bill, which is a repe tition of the Fowler bill Introduced in the sixtieth congress, before the appointment of the monetary commission, Mr. Fowler compared the pending crisis, which he de scribed, to the "first great trial of civiliza tion, British tyranny versus the American colonies," and the "second great trial, slavery versus liberty." "If In this great crisls."sald the New Jer sey congressman, "the American bankers as a class, would prove worthy of their proud past, they must rise at the call of duty from their bank counters to an ex alted conception of the American banker of the future, holding a trusteeship of the business welfare of the whole republic and I of th national credit." Provision of Fowler Bl'l. Mr. Fowler's bill provides. In brief, that th banking system for the United States shall be organized with a bank note re demption sone. a banker's council, a board of control and a federal reserve bank. The bank note redemption zones, under the provisions of the bill, shall be located In twenty-erght cities of the United States, to be selected by a person to be appointed by the president of the United States, acting in conjunction with the secretary of th treasury and the comptroller of the cur rency. Within a reasonable radius of all bank redemption agencies, renresentatlves of national banks shall organise what will , us xnown as dbjik note redemption zones. mm rannrri council or eacn Dana note redemption sone would elect, under the terms of the bill, a representative to the board of a proposed federal reserve bank to be located In Washington, banks bearing even numbers to elect business men and these bearing odd numbers to elect bank era. The comptroller of the currency and the secretary of th treasury would be ex (Continued on Second Page.) the present Ixrd Halsbury, "mistake which are pardonable In a private Individ-, ual become scandalous In an ex-solicitor general." The Gazette recognized Mr. Roosevelt's desire to be friendly and help ful to Great Britain, but says his pro nouncement not calculated to make easier the path of governnment in Egypt. On the other hand, the tory press is highly laudatory of the fearless declara tions. The Pall Mall Gazette considers that the American statesman has done a service not only to the Egyptians, but to the cause of human progress throughout the world. The paper adds: "MT. Roosevelt la providing our senti mentalists of the Kelr Hard! breed with a healthy spectacle of the representative of tha greatest democracy in th world giving pseud'j-democracy a sound trounc ing." Th Evening Standard warmly approves the address aa "the wis words of a great statesman." MANY ARE NAMED FOR JUDGESHIP Justice Erewer's Death Causes Wid Speculation as to Selection of Successor. WILL MAN COME FROM EIGHTH I Kansas Deletjation is Divided Over Choice of Man. SANBORN AND VANDEVANTER These Jurists Prominently Mentioned Together with Eastern Men. EEARGUMENT OF BIG CASES Tkree I. end Ins; Trials Mar I.oagr Drlsyrd .lantlre'a Brewer's Faaersl at Leavenworth Saturday. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March 29 (Special Telorram.) Even though the body cf th late nsmclate justice of the supreme court. David J. Brewer. I still without confinement In the earth, there is specu lation here as to Mi sucrcsor. Justice Brewer's death makes It neceisary for I rehenrins; cf thf corporation tex acse, th Standard Oil srd the Tobacco trust casef. Rut eight justices sat when thc:e esses were argued, the absence of Justice Moody, who l Incapacitated on account of rheumatism, maklnt Ms apptarsnre on the bench and participating In the deci sion impossible. With the death of Justice Brewer comes the question. Will hit successor be se lected from the Eighth judicial circuit, composed of the states of Minnesota, j Iowa. MiFBOurt, Arkansas. Nebraska. Col j orado. Kansas, North Dakota. South Da kota, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah and th territory of New Mexico? Twenty years atso on January David J. Brewer was appointed a member of the supreme bench from Kansas. The Kantaj delegation is unhappily divided over a successor to him. although William C Hood of Leavenworth. Kan., a very dis tinguished lawyer. Is one of the circuit juJges of the Klshth judicial circuit. Mine. ota Presents Sanborn. Minnesota will probably present Judga I Wsltr H. Sanborn, who Is the ccnior i Judge on that circuit. Wyomln gwlll prcb 5 ably present Judxe Willis Van Ievanter, who ranks next to Judge Sanborn In tha list of circuit judges, and it la probable that Missouri will present aa Ha candi date Judge Elmer B. Adams. But it is possible .that a lawyer may be selected from somo one of the states in the Eighth judicial circuit. In which event three names of Nebraska's distinguished law yers will in all probability appear upper most Charles J. Greene, John L. Web ster and John C. Co In of Omaha. It ! Judg T. C. Munger had been on th twnvh Wnitr,, 0n be has h j might be regarded In the nature of a can did ate, and It Judge William H. Mungcr had different politics ho would certainly , be regarded J . a candidate. But with Judge T. C. Munger. a comparatively new man on the bench, and Judge William 1L Munger, a democrat, it seema a fair gueaa that neither will be considered for th Brewer succession. It Is understood hero that the Iowa delegation, regulars, in surgents and democrats, stand as a unit for the promotion of Judge Deemer of th supreme court of that state. In the seventh circuit is snother pos sibility, Lloyd W. Bowers of Chicago, cow solicitor genrral of the Department of Justice. It is well known In Washington that President Taft has the highest regard for Mr. Bowers' ability. entlment for Eastern Stan. I A strong sentiment Is said to prevail in favcr of the appointment ot an eastern man. When Justice Lurton was appointed to succeed Justice Peckham, an endeavor was made to induce President Taft to glv tha seat to a New York member. Promin ently mentioned at that time was Attorney General Wickersham. Should the Standard Oil case, the to bacco case or the corporation tax suits te set for re-argument It Is probable that neither Mr. Bowers nor Mr. Wickersham would be considered since they would b j Incspacltated for service in that connec I tion. I On behalf of th appointment of an eaut j em man it is urgtd by Some that th Ai.snisBiiijji airvauy nas xour mem bers on tae bench, Chief Justice Fuller ot Illinois, Justice Harlan of Kentucky, Jus tice Day of Ohio and Justice Lurton of Tennessee. Another candidate whoae chances ar considered as strong la Judge John W. Warrington of tha Sixth circuit court. Other Poaalbl 8 accessor. Among those mentioned today as possi ble successors to Brewer were Secretary of War Dickinson, Secretary Nagel of the De partment of Commerce and Labor, Henry M. Hoyt, counselor of the Htat depart- mer.t; Governor Hughes and Senator Hoot. I The sudden death of Justice Brewer and its possible effect upon the supreme court dec sions in the Standard Oil and Tobacco trust cases were discused at tha cabinet meeting at the White House today. Attorney General Wickersham as he went into the cabinet session was asked if there was any chance of a rehearing on the two important cases pending In the su preme court. He declared there wis th possibility of a rehearing, but he did not consider it at all probable. Ileurawment Likely. Rtiargument of the cases affect ing great corporations which ara I pending before the supreme ourt ot tho I'niUd States loomed up proro l.iently today ss a probable outcome of th death of Justice Brewer last night. Thes Include the dissolution suits against tha Standard Oil company of New Jersey and the American Tobacco company and th corporation tax cases. The declxion of thes cases by th seven justices on the bench now thst Juntic Breacr has passed away and Junttc Moody Is Incapacitated for service on account of rheumatism, is believed to depend almost entirely upon the unanimity cf opinion on th questions. Some lawyers who have followed closely the decisions of the supreme court scout ths Idea that such unanimity exists and therefore they are free In expressing the !ew that these cases will set for reargu ment before a full court- . It is probable that a vote already has been taken on all cf these caaes. If this be true and tha court nas equally divided or nearly so, it Is believed th court would besiut to glv to th country declaims