Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1910, Image 5

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    Tlin BEE: OMAHA. TTESDAT. MARCH 20. 1910.
Albert Walter Kow in Toxki Clurfvi
witi Atrcio-a Xarttr.
Aviation Rules
Arc Prescribed
for Sky Pilots
Some Things You Want to Know
rirtxsurr'f Civic rrLrigitecaineu is
Tcjie f Laitr Sermons j
Ths Comedie Frajxaise.
lijrxis C2JXZ3 to Txsnrr
Otrielala af Vfs C wrer Involved la
Jilkfrl Br Ike C aM- Saaaaaeeed
Before brand Jf Cw
eilssea IteelnTe.
rrrrsETT.a. Pa . v.h 3. -The iemen
wki w h ich en.3d j r.riay has be-n too
ekcrt a seaarn f fric for Pittsburg
td U wl.1 be coannued. !;h promise
c re a irar s".rti:ic ecrifons and Us
tloruie' f evnft tis WW
In Mmtl t-ctiered church today an
uul feature iT the Eii:r set Kjs waa
th ni i( of a circular letter Issued by
ci ta eo-t-- venerea y urglrig tin
members a-", -v-ry cor greeauon to, attend
a huge Wl-fTra roans meeting- te be
held urat r this week.
trM(i, too. were 4fnt4 t arm
public roodearsilra of aaca practices a
hra ie-a arid e each a text
... "T.i-tt nH ria transf-a-Bred-"
by many pastor.
It barir.g beea pn-rty thoroughly er-eb-lwAed,
accord.r.g to restrict Attorney Wl
Item A- Scalers eieira. hew at least
WCsT nl m4 la Influencing: leg-jttatjeu.
th source of Ue rrxmeT and th dispensers
tt arc ts the focus ef the grand Jury",
ajrtentlco when that busy body resumes
tomorrow merer after a tw cays' re-
A MaiUcit i portion ef tb tug br.h
fund U charged u nmu backs r.,c
o tight to get 'b city deaoaita. They suc
ceeded, but tt 1 the deatr of th grand
jury, a pronounced la ita report ef Friday
xn that tba bacJi deposit rdiris'i be
rescinded sa4 th baraa. If for -ilty.
Jt tprrd of tt u cf tiry -T
v -luam A re
It t VnmTi liat rs -itattret af
ti banaa ar t t t-- tomorrow ta
tfatlfT. TS rix baska j:cj bara been
BaaMd br tii rrad Jorr aa teoTd ta i
tb aeaadaJ are th Col-omala XatlocaJ. the !
"'If Ixti XTV aad Na;oa tad o: n-.-.r- f r art. 5t oontian"! ta r-
V-r4 a-a tb Cucriffdia rnuica..iw i ai ot jar ia tr n.w c berwts Vxrjl aftirr
-rr.:d 7 roral dre. uera wx-:l bad JiJ the taif camtory aark and
BJt b n-.aea of fc jror,&ii ti..erw. ta cm tt a bfrarJsa brute threw a wreath
rivm" nwrarkrd a America loarUt a cf torarei;ea .pra tfO tar at her faet.
tort Ua ara ij'i fc- return from IJ- and horJy tkia tnodent aa waa
W"b'.) tta g-''--aJ4aaTi!o ia eatrarajaai. haj-j .J tad to corre t are Ua foot
it la a fct that ta eajxpaa of tie two jfc-.j to make tlia patkeitc apoloffy.
f-eat ru'.era and cf tina aowerf'-J dra-natic -M aie a-a. JfJe. Mario fher part ia tfct
orraiMsaaoa ara Rvnre rtat; ato-oaa:? ta
t-' uti. THiiid wvJi the "TYesch DaUoa
j ttaa acy other array cf peraocaa w
i frmia f bw.ttutiora.
J The Co3ip rraacwiaa oc-rspea a p at
' of are-eiii.ieica Sa ttia wortd f dra -jai. c
j art. and baa ma.ata.ced tba fos.tjon a'.-ac-M
rce us ereauoo by Lo'w XIV. wtra be
decreed that tn tfcrea nib tir : r otl w-raa-aacor.a.
U.e KJr.fa Company. Mo!.ere a.
teo rnpaay of tS Varaa tbeatr. ard
tie P-pyal Corr-pany ahtm d ooaibiB in MNi
tk aataert Dray Cailt ( Klaa
Crtie TH-tlaa waa Kllied aad
Body ormea la
H ie Mara aaar
NET TORK. March a. A:bert oiler.
the youta ia tb r.reauare of wboao roomt
were tvani Satardae rrtxna of the buret
body of RjUa WlieJfr, tk l our a atar.o-
j (raaber. a bo had bea tnaaaax .nee lat
r-U) u on'y li eara old.
la r:iry
x! to M:;- Mara and Racbe-L tbe
Ccn.fd.e raT 9 "tbe rreach peop.e tbat
wtr.4erf .re.elJi;ae, Mme, Arsoud-
. r.rr'ia. d Mx. r-..r nr a.-h ! TotBba wttboat baU today cr arrod wub the
r rry o;.t hcrwr m ccmedy parta.
tin a rarder At a Poaunuatxjei c f tbe pp!o
It a praoLiooaiy Uwa oaiy royal mcriution critic c Frai.ce. a at
cf Frax.e wcjcb aarrlved U.a reroCotioa.
Naao.eoa raa it a rew bo aad tct.tpO
H by ha derre frotn Maocw ki IKt I'J
r-arrei :o atn w laurel a aa a trareAjeaaa I " h ?abt"1' " - J
a--.d a tie era-u-d tie r:e of Acr:rpa la h prT,i1,-J to"' l taat be
Paru-M -Britaciur-a.- At t.tat Um i h4 'T"rr art. rrer bad wrttta I
FrtcciM J Saroey. tfca rreatewt dramaile i bT or kMW bow bar body caae to ba i
l.Tinc aid ta ' ha i
es tbe fire escapa cuti-kie bia wisdow or
rei.ew a tew dayi la'.er ta wrote "i arall J ira-m:La ci ttcu teev buu ana
B?t aay the Mme. p:ewy la roea.arre. Wl-.h j arm ware fotod ta tbe aatea of kia fire- ,
ter iEiei..rwice. aith ter tat jral anfaL Piaca. i
caodaoma theater, a treaasire aoxiae of re- t, lB)&tr.M asttartiy orer tie pubjs, j Katia MJler. or Katchea Mueller, tba
ce ccoid sot la acy way be KeSijTe. &&e C"i aitb wbota be lived waa arrarLed to
ts ct'U thertfare. soed.ocrely bad. fa ta ! day aa abe approacte4 U. Iwm. wbere '
orda. waa burned ta VX. but waa rebuilt
era a corerasarat approprtaUoa.
It la roeeJaed ta a moat pecsuar s-iarser.
Ia face zo one aoema ta know eiarUy what
lta ood ta Ita lawa ara rataer a ootnmoo
iaw wbaca bava (roara cc: of traii'Joa.
Waae a pretuiavnr yoccc audexit Tad:e3
frofn tba Caaaerra'-ory. tba xsatjooaJ tra-a-
bad to an lreipreaaabie de-re"" A few
daya later he waa calling at a friexkda
ho-1 aid aaeiin llxt Pieaay la tba draw
U rcK t Lned ta bide betlad a" Balm,
but i-fce case atrait-tt toward biro ari
tba mnr&er waa cctntsml. Pv e waa read-,
lax tbe detaila la a Gertraa Bevapaper aa
aba walked and amnltr-r aa ah read. ur
iai a lour CTase-eaaminanoa ty tbe police
aha bead rtnriily to a oonaiatett rirry tiiat
fctdice oat ber haxd aa:d -Ton ara rixtt. , t. knew notliiEf of the crtoa ortil aba ,
j ar ruw aurx U'U. & d v u 1 .
ln aebooi for actora. be may ba easa-ojed taie tUd tba trata more aauacjy of K la tba Bewapaoera
at a yearly MArr to pay tanner rt
After ba baa beef ia tba exoy of the
tneaxar for oarerai yeara, aioaa aacrtade
aad Tbera ia finally a vacancy, either
ttrouca deatb or ratli e-tneet. be ta e.c. f4
of the - aaaoalatea." Aa aa aaaoelia
be ahaa in tbe annual proCta of too iiiTLi
tifcon. wtx are aottlae cora4erah.
aa the tat-i:aUa racTa aa aaniial aiib
a2y af "( franca froai tbe froTaronjea.
and in aid::-ao racairea tia tba-ar fre jf
rant and tazea Ooa of tbe best faaiarea
-yt it aaa im train, i ahaJ not aaa ; Tburaday airht wbec ahe retoreed from
m mJ ta a traic part. I tkaU yau.' ! work at tba laandry. where be earned
And wltb a bow aha walked away ieana 1 B . -...j. ,ni - . H.
barcey atuciftod.
AJ eeJeaniiae ef taa Comadia bar Bot
i ead aba soticed that tbe rtrve in front
! etf tha fTemrm KaJ hn mnraj flu r
rece!jl a4re crttam jptb ruch rood ; y - &
Predoear tba OTer hole, where tbe
frraca. towerer. aa wttneaa tba caca of i .- , , .
. , awxuvj casru na KV
sum wojwt l. Ef ufi qocv uua Lf raa
iaxcesied Coa.uelU aa tbe bead of the V
tiutai ooacpaxy. Oot'a fint appearaaca
aa a meatier cf th company waa a pitiful
rest and taiea w me faJare and two dayt Utar ba read a
of tbe anaiuaatiaa U tnat aora caat f -..t..,r4 . ty Cbartel Maurtoe,
manor pane oa ot i. " a tmr troe lancer, who if be were WM
know tAat wfcila thay may be pAytn the oa:J t . ,Mt
nana at tauu an :-J
Grzr.ji National of PittabBJT. tbe rarm-
- - . . l - . V ffVa. -v Vs.
tinaal bax.k. tbe Oormaa aaocai nana at
gwrrow they may
ba oaat for prtncpa:
la awidom g'.rma more
moat Tirajant ty i Oa tba nigbt afiar
Got read tba article ba set Maarica and
ro-ea. aa one Pay
rwa dare ta auocaaaWn. ana
I dan a weak for the aame puay ia u
Ailorbeay and tbe- Warkfcjrmea'a Sa-lr iit. By taia meaaa of matiae: tba acwra
aad Trvat cuiiaauy. and acti tau. the anaesiibia exrallemce ef
iu. - " taa ca u b"-" ranklinr ia hia breaat retued- -Tba fad
baa axine-mc-d that it arCl comply wltb tie . One re w wby acsara da D- com- and I baea no rnaaay
diatrict .turner-, call for formation pmi of a;oarln to manor J that t tfc Cj Tb. j,
iaa taccaa aijtJTTia 1 r-. 1 v jey ara iwi a 1 n .w.
fled atatement whitb ia ta be Pi aeeotea ) e-ery perf ommnoe la erhacb tbey take part-
that r.irotr waa comli and
they would not naad the sloTa
Gtrt Deelea Stary.
ghe had not e-rea known thxt "Wo'ler
had received a visitor, aba aaya uct-1 Pearl
ffbealer. tba dead rW'i elder aister. had
called Prtdar Bomii. to aak If R-jth had
there. Woker tad dend It. bat the
La vi Are "Dftig-ntd kj FrtBdi Acr
Club for Xea Abort ui I
tca Below.
PARJP. March -R'ea asd rec-j'attona
rwetrt'irr the r.aTiratinn of tbe air de--rr
"d 10 rret the pew ard rTap'ei pnb
letra ana.rr from the d -veiopirrt of erta
Uaa hare beea f -ra-iaTed by ero
eitib of rranea atd bare been
t the rrerch fx-rerc treat aa tbe ban f
a tatlocal law. The code, elaborated af:er
much atuy. aJrra to iret the rlfhta ad
lr-terwrU of all t the aeror'.rAt arv? bal Tiahtjre thrm;r apace and of
mar ar.d kati a propertx oa the earth
Fc:'towir,s are :rve of the c!ut' ajfTra-
tiori: Aeria! craft whether aeropane cr
dirif ble balloon, mart DM circulate lower
than 11 ft abcre prt-rate prop?rty. F.i hi
ts above ciin-a requ n a pjrult frcra the':tea Fl.fhtir.a !n fog It no:
allowed and the transportation of n
ploKTea eacept burltrf atnatunlllon, ti
proh; tried. The rtxat.oa cf crcrral aerial
rclea ia recorr!irjerded a a a ay of ariwlir g
elliai(ria and aernpAr.ea and d riaibie bai
looca ehcmld keep off a eertaia diatance
from ephenral baUoona to tba end that
if eipi:iTia or other accadesta bappas to '
h irlf machlrxia tb apherical may
Dot be endar.rerf-4. -
For the protectjea of tbe awonaot It !
recommended that proprtetora of hlrh
bnlldina-a aod ether atrucmrea b mjulrad
ta ni-arr.trat ttei.r p;upej t) at cifht at
each Wl t,f f-et and all eiectrte w!re
and eonduita a-.rur.f ISO feet abcrre tb
CTocbd ahotiid be marked aacji 6a feet with
a white flac by day aiud a white 11 ht by
r:f;fct. Otbtr rutrr'aUoaa relate to tb
eatabilahipeat of aerial porta of accera
to la-r duea.
Tba project 1 new bebr aladjed by M.
Miller and the ra-riatrr af pat&c worka
Good Enough for Anyone
YOUCAN BUY COFriE for 15. 20. 25. 30 or
cwitta a pou rvcL
MOST Flo TLX pax SO cam a.
THEY HAM LEABNLD. by tiatrl.nce. that tHa
20 cot Kind la good anough for anyone better
wrortK its price- than the 40 cent Kind, or the 15
cent Kind, either.
THIS WAY Or LOOniNG at thinga 1 true
of oap as it ia of coffee.
YOU CAN BUY SOAl for 2S. S'. 4r5 cent.
LENOX SOAF la good enough for anyone better
worth its price than the 3 cent Kind, or the two-for-I've
Kind, either.
Lenox Soap-Just fits the hand
Itwi .- etea.
ta tba rraad Jury tomorrow. Tba other
taxka have taken no action.
It waa atia vniearnad tnirbt whether ar
not Charlea fltewart yeanerday la hia talk
with District Attorney Baaiey. toid all
that he la believed to know ahovt the man
hljher a. Stewart t a former aelect coun-Ti'T-an.
arho waa deciared by the fraud
bees the
tainted xctney waa Blven at Holai Imperial
' la New Tork-
' The dtr'a councHa meet totnorrow tlrat.
" twenty pf the m tan lit member of tb
'cpimrtj are under indict merit la ootiaee
' tkm" with tb craft caaea. It ia expected
''that aoma will protest their Innocence, but
the Tuajor.ty ar eznacted to hand ta resic-
'aatiooa , c,ulta aa meekly aa they oocfeaaed
'lart week.
VThXa the biz snow ooatlcaea tber ia
a lively rid faatur la a croaada a-aliwt
all varketlea of craft and wrong- dots- ia
plttaborc. IMaorderty bonaea are beiac
JoaejJ.vp fnd every nZgt.laiaJy baa eeen
.1 round-ufi. ci women la the taoderlotn
f . Uairlct. .
At a iriiM-nna; of cttiaess ta the Fort Pitt
fetal, at which a onmmlttee waa formed
rcrther the maaa aneerins plan, it waa
... . oreiiy charrwd that the craft ootlectad la
to red Hcht district of the dry ajrwtitn.1
'. vcfi.aM.Uit a year.
aa F. Klelm. vhaca oocfeaaiaa and ex
. poar af others baa Betted saeh a scandal,
hat bees, raxsled and ia sow kept ta a
roca at the Fort Pitt hotel, paodis' frta-
paatloa cf his ease. Ha is under sentedr
of tires and on bait rears. Teaterdar ha
bwurd aa eraotioBal postcard appeal for
tfeaeacr and aid for hia faciCy. The aa
io,'.jr bare f?rbldde9 him to gtre oct
further jrabiie statemesta.
a Jewtah
,!TT.. Got'a bitterer! enemy.
or nempermemai -
. v.. tw. v-vua -mi
eDa an W,k - V . .,.
- v - . 1. Minri rm a " " wr-
w m T to the tsiumurafck
. w . jiIM nr s a.nnuaj
Uw J m.
Trere is ao lasu
the latter said: "Weil, rouse man. why beea
have you sot been to aaa me? Ia Franc j Mueller girl say he was uneasy after the j
it ia customary for an artist to call oa a j interview and that aha became )eeloaa and 1
a-rtiar to thar.k him for kindly criticism." j accused him of barbortrs' another woman
Got, with the stin- cf the review sail ' m the Tat. Arain La denied h. Friday 1
roomier she want to work agaia and that j
afternoon Wolier waa arrested. Tbe Ctrl I
was committed to the lout of detecuon .
as a material witness. ,
Aa autopsy today ahowed that Ruth
Wheeler had been klllJ In the manner
mhart. tioo. First abe had ben rrajirit
forgave the acier. He was ever after that
wbum unai raiwiiomi unoer the haaaer -n, thw. tie hrr. t.f the arm. :
wouia Je wr m.- " . . . i . . .
l-y, cf avrrloa. k aocMnp.iaaea orur ; were brokea to admit the body more
oTtheTeaTare ef the Comedle Fran- fioaJty. Evan th. youthful . ctrrow trcu cf the -
caiaT whi Ltnaea Amerieana mo f .rci- rmh educataon waa gained only after I chimney. Why tbe em. on the body wer.1
,7. -eaenTKantrdar to hare bly i. its .ncompromisg attitude ia oppo- :T". V." .f. T. i
r ' r' -r: r ... . th- ".tarrtna- r--.n. which la " 13wa ! When ah waa ahown the nightshirt ia
tfCn -aVaJ W JJwa srww .--w . . a. MTeWiasra OB LlirC. CMSHMTVtiM ZXIbVZXT I at
Governor Stubbs
JLaudi Prohibition
11 tag ZuKntirt "Ptts Hii 7ot oa
tie Seeks" cf ThMe UTia
Arrae Otherwise.
" CHICAGO. March CwaiM Walter
Stubba of ' Vintai City, la a speech
itr yesterday, "put hia foot on the necks"
A thoas who maintain that ahooluts prohi
Vt'ooa srocld brire commercial ruin ta
L Bs cttad the experience of
Tama as showing how stale-wide pra
j llUtiia precluded "race suicJne" and eo-
eayraged saviscs bahks arrotinta
PnfclhKlon ta Ksnsss ts sot a result
. cf atmorpherta conditions," said Governor
robba Tbe eJImate had nothtrg te do
th preacr.bed
pnaea aL
aaated te be a Ma or aa actresa So j garmeat as 'Wolter e.
-acr aa tetecral part cf the stage In both
Kiland and Ammca And this antipathy
. . 1 1 er. ...Aal aa Vvav a .eua -a
Tn r fouu-y deodtd ea 1h. latter erofeaa ai
for Its one experteer in that airecnon waa
fraurht wtlh much arUstie snd TirajKial " , " -a-
"lL,ul at the Theater Francaiae to tirr tut
distress. Tbe str-gle exceprton ares ... . , : ,
Vf aat 'aTpeared0 ulthe had to Teaaft-er ta
1 'SLXZ'ZS. ------ princ
raeua . fci, Payers. She became julte an eccentric
npoa h wTica a-ulred . large follewmg
into her own pocketa. On the Bights which . . .. ZtT
early showed a remarkanla genitia far the
presa agency and of her art aod aha waa
the most talked-ef woman, la Parta even
-' ore abe waa re-chgaged at the Comedie
'a her ah "woa cie!atctioa.!n.,apite af th
" -fc... . . . . . .
,1X'L!! 1 LzTt71 amagniatic to her. Sh7 wa7Z ia her
U- position of a ar boeause in the opinion nre-amie w ZJ.Z?,
course, capturing many whK nart of the -Jrres h-t- wfl w i
undecided ahether ahewraorl tKe e-rl MirtiT ,v
tVv star did not arseer. nowever. vne
theater was prsct waiiy empty. On on
ooeaeioa it is recorded that "Tart life" and
the two naasterpseces of MoUers
and Martvaax. were nrodaoed without the
tar and the recaipta were. 7 francs.
-That letter "W." - said the M, indicat
ing' aa Initial worked on the shirt, "waa
embroidered by Albert mother."
She also idrnttfiad the g-unsysack ta
which the head and trunk of fh victim
had beea placed aa having- been ased by
ber and W oiler to hold kindling- wood.
Oastaa Weseaa Take Pea. a
Taaa See Caajaaf Takt
A war Pwraitare.
a Rather
y F-ntraiti
ISESTOX, la, March (.Special.) Be-'
fn naa tK. wi i . . .
7,... ik. wcrtd. One " ekUaely thJa Ecure, while ! farnltur. which she" waa unable to pay,
critic. Mr. Lewea. deacrtbed ber tana:
"Rachel was the panther of the stage:
boardingho-jBe ,
her chief adversary was iaciiaed toward : UEi " Johnson.
embonpoint, which precluded the effective , keeper of thia city, committed suicide at j
eaactineat of noetic roiea j ber home early Saturday night by laiiiig: .
latin arreee she moved acd stood, g-ared "y great nrare ol , - rner tnan see tae
. ' id (.enwoit trancaiaa died only a ahorl urmaJOT cvumpany laae away the furniture.
with a panther's terrible beeaty and undu-
snd sprang
It is not reoerany known Chat tbe honor
to aa Americaa.
hones, with tb marbia face and-tha Rant-
hreaere is demonical power in ber. Couelln the manager offered him j tti, c.
U she lhr and deos net burn oat too soon, tha pnvJega of chooalng any pert be t Vt
"v Lr,, . -m-Mr,, wonderfuL- nd he selected tts valet. Fiaarel k3,oa- T
beea deKpondent for seme time, as abe had
beea unable to make ber boarding-house
time ago at the moment when ba hoped -d threatened. Ii is not Improbable
to achieve hia greatest triumph ia th uax doeaeatic trouble had somethiz- to do
trt'a m' nf V -..r, - A n...,. ... 1 with the Woman laah MLft . if. i.jt -
When Idwla Forrewt was 7 " -T- TT ''Itwioa arA -.T
m Europe in 13 Jf. th Com waa attendrf ! waa boerdi-ig and roomln
the maoaar of a r xrr x, hi. gradual -rri8- t testimony
f JJtTth. Cocaervatory wtth flrTTolor bad eadeavored to force her
expected mach At tb. concrumoa od the ,M T arry him again. Mra Johnaon had
cerfonnanoe lorrwt saaa oe mwim m . . . , . . ' '
ma. ooly tnediocre. but be added, "fct that tut )or wa. U ahort duration, for It
" . . . . waa soon taken aaar from him and rwa
Jewish looas.g tpn. u , .k nay. and had threateraed takine k.r 1 fe i
wvu vi mm w.u acw. o OOnsOia th -
vciuanjvzi. a oosDpexir wTta ner
came to this city from
she wCl become something vomiul -- r igare, , T. .. j-. . tev . j a.
And U was not Job, befe the "bag of 2r?rZr " j waa a comparatively roung- woroaa. bei
wea- arrtved. bat there was lots of work durjig- th first four acts be was so . VZl. J ...
before aha reached the ton. M- Wouv. frig-htened he played most stupidiy. bet
the author of "Adrietnae Leocnrrraur." re- the lart art, baring- regained hia nerve,
latas that on one eocastoa ah worked with acfclrred such a notnhi triumph thai
him for three hours over the reading of a be waa for many yeara cast for aa the
slntl line ta -Ixrcise de UgroeroCea." important valet parts in M oiler-. crmt
Another of th greatest names associated xsnedlea la which serrtr- men have th
with th Comedi Francals waa M.Ha oacter of the stage.
Mara. who. unfortunately for her sensi- mj jaauaaic J.
buttles, tried to reig-a too long- as the
XaTVAXA Alleging that be has been tna
liciousiy -araerea ty George Coee- a liTery
aaa of Be .arid. Fred C. Rxrera baa Tied a
peotloc trj tee dirtrx court by which be
c.a'.rr.t tLOUi darrarta.
LAKE C1TT Tfce board ef rrusteas of
th Carseg-ia bbrary Saturiay effjal.y ts
oepted hr.e new th eoxurarVora
ha v the rul tbe cei miiii ohar-is and
edd-UoA to comply wnh the specif rf-ateaa
ONAWA Mji Stella Wiley, wb has
bee the efficnt Ubrarian of the Onawa
Carher-e-Oiiver i.brary. ha tendered ber
reiticra :liC to be effecsrv after Aprli.
Wiiey reaic-ra to accept a position la tbe
Gm.De.1 city library at an increased sal
ary. FORT DODGE Small boys set Ere to the
big Cfrlby rtab.-ea at Mineral Ctty Driving
park et cr-day morTung early. they
were ou'.vice of the oty urlti and ns f jv
ftii.Lj cottud be done. The stables, vaiued
as. . tw a-tia ir oontecta. made a S-.g Ony IlXK inr-jracce waa ca
and the were practically new.
LAKE CITT At a Joint meeting last
vnL the members of th Monday cas,
Soaaeaieare c.wo and P E. O. resoivad ta
unice ti. three organ: rati ona ucler one
fcead for the pu.-p-e of furc-aamg the sew
Carrx-ra library with eaaira pM-turea. etc
The (u.ioaiiig officers aer eiecied for the
ensuiiig year: rTvadect, Mra Jpfcn Jacob:
vice preiSent. Mra R. L. McCord: sat
lary. Mra G G. Uutctuaoo; ireatrurer. Mra
O. E. Brownell.
FORT DOIKJE The of dismantling
the CSO fefieral balldir. scaroely fifteen
year old. a structure of oonsiderable
Veauty of architectur and web built, be
gaa :n trie c-ity Samrfiay. t spite ef re
peated effort on the jart of cruaeaa to
ear it from c-:ruc'fa because a larrer
taliding is needed. Tbe efforts of Irrfaj
eeiuei men. iscudinc Se-.or r-oljrer.
cou.d not charge the decree of eoBg-rta
tKaX this. l Ae u ma.'or:U' of oher gurers
ment bciidlnga. tarur: be deetroyed rataer
than sold by the government, although
ri was hoped to secsre tt far -a oty ball.
ON A W A Tba municipaJ eedion which
will held here Monday promtoea ta b
the warmest In yeara The main issue id
the saloon qoesuea and the wets and dry
are heed up for the fray. Both adea hav
tickets in the fieid. asd stree-t-eomer coo
f renc are being he.d m all parts of town.
The four raiooni which have been oper
ate la Onaaa for yeara were closed Janu
ary 1 by the action of the efty council ta
refusing to aranl a reneaal of the license,
and s:tice that time both skies tare beea
husv f rajrung ap trjeir reepective campaigns
for th new aSmin-.t5trai.)on. Chaiier-gere
will be stationed at all polling ptacea. and
shrmld tbr be any attempt at illegal vot
ing arreets -lil be made and prosecution
iJ follow.
Who Hay Join
the Omaha
Ad Club?
Any male citisen of Omaha who
believes in bigger and better
city, and who is interested, di
rectly or indirectly, in any ph&se
of advertising.
Ttis is broad enough to iaclode every rood clUtm wto i rflHti
to adopt tbe a",cfaa. -Onward Omaha." ad do hl part in tb dty'
ad ran cement.
And what bag the Omaha Ad Club dote that every good citiaaa
shoald Join?
The greatest thin the Orraia Ad Club ever did ru to secure the
annual coareatJoa of the Aaocil4 Advertifics Clubs of Americ for
Omnia cert July. . This will bring together upward of one thousand
of America 's brtghteat and bralnlet men. At the close of the cod re n
tion they will return home with appreciation or Omaha ' hospltalltr
In their fee arts and resounding praise of her greatness upon their llpa.
Provided. Osatt does her part well, and of course she will. Bat th
help ef every eitlsen is needed.
Ttdref ore, St is yocr doty, Mr. Good Otixen. to become a member
of the Omaha Ad Club. Do not wait for wnecse to gie you a per
sonal Invitation. Consider thia a neraonal reqaret front President
Kaipfa aaaerUnd and every narmbrr to join without fcrthar delay.
Jsst maia nse of this conTenlrct cou;on.
TTmak row, air, I thought
jroti .were a good ciUcrsi
and sow I know tt.
Chairman Membership fTiis TTlea,
Oavaaa Ad Ciaa.
Herewith is my cheek for i la par.
ment for initiation fee ILft and
tnoatha dues.
Business Address
Aateaaebltee Baraea.
FUIINFIELJ. N. J, March X Twenty
two suiomobiifs were destroyed stid eurht
eea were damared when fire today swept
the garage cf Brc-kaw. one of the largest
ia the staia Ioss r.-Ot.wm.
3. Altaian &GJ0.
.Fifi AoKmF." 3hlli ni 35 IB fitrVrta. iCrta arL'
Quake Feared
on Sicily's Isle
Ttth It- K-ascn was at the bottom cf it Kotst Ztni Still ca aUspage tad
X As a result th Ksnsss peopi today
ass better .14. better clothed, bar Maer
iarrer ft milt and bigger bark ac-
, Tha cry of aftnrohihitioaiists that wip
trg owt th aatooas would brm- bustneas
s-taaailoa ca beea utierty refnted. I
gar arwofs. by which. Cg-uraSively a peak -'.
b-A 1 trdnk I hav my foot oa the necks
, a Lhaee a ho circulate anU-nrocJbltioa
, ta. It waa said three years ago that the fret
' wisaaa eaa ox wictrai K satoons would
ra: he town. Today., with no saloon. : ....w Tenm
that town, has doahied tts population, mora ! - JlXf. reault.
aw nuni -w aana account, has bet
tar peopa less mate, mora schools and
' saora toteheweee. I hare Just reoarrad et
rr and taeerracna from the mayors of
' sweety ctQM and towna. from twwaty-aiae
Uatriet Tsdgwa and troca chiefs of police,
nod tfter all adTee that th day statewid
proaihttsoa went tclo effect ia it.
the arigfctieat day ta that state'
urTraor bxuim ecrerea to eaoort a dela
gratioa cf Cluragn bustaeas men over Kaa
aaa ta gaove his cestestioes.
i LrperU See Eipa ef Iapead-
Lnr Cdtadtrcp-be,
CATANIA. March A W t.!.e the quantity
ef lava from th craters of Mount Eiaa
coertlnues to decrease, the lmemal activity
of the volcano was stronger today thaa
yestarday. Frank A. Perret. the American
volcaaologlst. believe the decrease la th
Cow of lava ia due to obatrurriacs In the
new craters which prevent ha flowing
'T. vnd that later, either In a few days
or pernaa in a week, th moitoa mass
passage cr aa earth-
Id h'nV.niik Trust
" SAi rraUorssBB, kcarJs aod f.wtati'sia.
LXicican, saviyaracEg aod aUBtaaaog,
Kxiep k oa yixa" sairbaarJ at txie.
D i trasei rxLoa g.
A aici hack irtarwl b a aklastle.
Tail C Rliatihste. Aak f IrCSUCX'S.
Qthn arm imitations.
Mr. Perret weat today from Mieolosi to
the Alpine dub refage. wxoch is srtuated
Bear the craters, and later telegraphed
down as follows:
-The activisy of XX ra today Is eti 141 .
It th lava h slower. Trrrifie explosions
ta th Interior of the mocn-Aia continue."
Miles Events Arewee Early 1
at Peadwsd aad SrlgkWe.
Ul Tewea.
tEAXWOOD. n. IX. March a -Special.)
Interest in th local ervie elections t be
held ha the Black Hilla towna April If baa
er&psed A3 other pontlral ejections, but
eandidatea for eocnty offices are not neg
leriing their epsortunl ttea and numerous
pettUoca have already beea filed with the
county audita. All the present offWr
wha bar not served two terms in sucee
aon are eandidatea lx reeoBilaaiMw, sev
eral of there thus far having- no competl-
Of th new mea who want office there is
John Baker acd Fred Beaucaw for eourty
aaseasor; Neil Hall and 'Madieaa BaUan
tra. both of Load, far county traaaurer:
Chart Kardia of Two fia. farmer Shertrt
Harry Trathea aad Andrew Bray, both of
Ijeadwood. for sheriff; Wa -er L. Varcoe
of Lead for stat represmtatlve. and Ne'.s
Brakee of Sprarfuh U-t reg-sler of deeds,
ii rx-pbiicaca .
Aaa the democraia Stat Attorney lirf -
froa is opposed tar repommatloa by M. H,
Eustace of Spearfish.
There ht no talk of stalwartirta and in
rurgency and it la a geaeraT.y reooroized
ftct that the fact local partr line win oyt
be drawn so far as th Black Hilla arc
wncerDed thia year, as public sentiment
! strongly sratnst a cortlnuanca of th
fnt la the parry.
Persimexit sdvertisli is the road ta Big
ad Sewwre e te rerh-
CRKSTON. Ia.. March St Special )-Aa
extremely sad sequel ha. been fumlabed te
the death of Harry Pennington, a former
Creton boy. killed in th Green Mountain
wreck near Marshal It own. la the death of
h young wif and I days' old baby, at
Albert Lee. Mirtfa, where fee was g-oing at
the time of the accident which resulted la
his death. His bom waa at Gelesbwr-, and
at that place yejerday took place the fu-
reral of Fnnlng-t.oo. his wife and oaky.
Mrs Peaningtoa : was formerly Miss OpsJ
Toitoa or this crty.
only a Ltti over M years of age.
Vaiea aad Xeaaaiasi Jgeaabera (
Lead Soeiety Beeralaed frees
Cobb petl age.
LEAD. K. D.. March S.- Special Rival
ncea between th ecion aad non-union
members of the Finlander Good Templar
society, a temperanos organixatioa of "-
dry. will no be permitted, acoordiiig to
the terms of a temporary injunction se
cured by the officers of the society la the
circuit court. Tbe sortetjr is divided in its
union and non-unloa aympaihicav the true
tees Siding with the Uomeataae and aiso
some of the member.
The union members advertised a dance
ia the Finnish hall btlong-ltg to the society
and gave notice that oruy ution men-bete
would be permitted La attend. Th trustee
then sought the aid cf the courts and gjt
a rerainix.g order pnt enting the memoera
jfrom dttcriminatir.g betaeea union ar. d aon-
uuon at taeir dancea, and also preventing
the members named in th order from
taking- possession of the hail
' -sr." " Ihosa
show the beneficial effects cf
Scott's Emulsion
al.Tbost iniraeiiiately. It not
only builis up but enriches
the mother's milk 2nd prop
erty nourishes the chilJ.
Nearly &3 mothers who
nurse their children should
take this splerblid food-tonic,
not orJy to keep rrp their own
strength bnt tor the benefit
of the ctuU as welL
AIX bar&GBsTi
i eVl
I tan 1
mmt I ar
traesUs atiaarle with C-eds aad
baered Tradltlea of Ctrl' '
school 1 Broaea.
WELLEFLET. Mass , March S.-Tae
cet aacred tradition of Weaealey baa beea
broken. late the c.aaaea of thia insUuitioc.
"Hjeriy eaaasireiy cf the fetcal sea.
there waa recently adailtted a your man,
Diraa Uag-opLaa.
He W an Armenian, and it ts sail he
cornea cf royal blood. K escaped from j
Turkey over a year ago, fLoning- the saaa- 1
aacrea at Adca He aorked his way to '
this country and finally setUed la Weilsiey. j
After worklEg- ahout th college, one of th !
teacher, becam intereeted ia Haguntaa. '
and ererJua-y the faculty gave him per- i
miaraon to attend the lectures and recita- j
tlna in certain coursea Th faculty is a
yet undecwW aa to a nether Hagopiaa a ill '
b asarded a degree upon compietwta of i
Us stuAea I
? t
i !
i :
I "
.a i
i I
i i
! f
; f
i t
j i
Silver aeaatag at Creeteau
CB.ESTON, la. March X, l-peiai) At
their home ia thia etty Friday evening. Mr.
and Mra Crg Armstrong. weU knoaa rea
ideots of Create, eeleorai-ed thatr aJer
wedding aaatveraary. A number of rela
tive and frieada were nreeeor, th accasaoa
beliig la th nature of a T s'dkack dianer.
10 dyspepsia, liv.
trocbles Is
the guaranteed renjedj.
Beataa Drug- C
osenpialats and kidney !
Electric Bittera ia !
Uc For
instead 'of
spending il
Which have you?
Rent receipts or a home
:.". Every year yon pay rent you are adding to your pile of rent
receipts accumulating some thing that does you no good.
Now, about investing your rent money: Fine.-modern, cory
homes can be bought for a few hundred dollars down and tbe
balance paid monthly like rent Under this plan every cent you
pay brings you nearer your oal.
Real estate brokers will advertise their choicest Lome bar
gains for sale on easy terms in Thursday's Bee.
Thursday Is home day.