1 ir The Omaha unday Bee KOR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA BEE UfcST IN THE WEST AUTOMOBILES pages on to nan ( ) VOL. XXXIX NO. 41. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1910. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. r". i. jrt. :. i . - - f.- .. .i ' - -. v -i , - f. i ' '' ' j, ' S - : ; .('-!..'. , . TT i. -, . 0 mm Si t 1 x K A ''.'i.Iifi : , 'l V k.y . ixl: i ; ' ' -. i ' . , , i ' -x . ' ( ' J i . . " : '. i . . i . The season is here! ' I After a tiresome ;siege:of. bleak' winds arid Vribw and zero weather, making the, use of a machine: almost out of question, the:sun comes out and shines, the birds sing, the grass grows Spring is here. - . ; . v - . ; . ," What a' great season!'"" Some 'delicious ' days -"haW come' already 'and . the-outlook 1 is ; for :a::fgiqripus; spring.-.. Automobiles have been flying down the roads like arrows, and some, cross-country runs-have, been undertaken successfully. But the Beginning of the season . is Easter, Count from the 2th of March. After that i'time it will be right to'do anything with automobiles except itb 'climb trees; ' ' i ..... -;. .. : . ' x . ' ' . ' The automobile show gave an impetus to the automobile business in Omaha and: Council Bluffs. . The splendid array of machines, and the good things said of them and those who handled them, strengthened every owner's faith: in his car. ' ; It is a fact that those who own cars like to hear them talked of and written about. The business of a dealer does not1 stop when :he sells a car. His triumph comes when he makes his ma chine popular This makes satisfied customers; this means increased sales, and sales represent the growth of the automobile industries and measure , , . . - . . i :. ...''.. the dealer's success. 1 : v ...., 4,, ..." '' " ' r , '.'. ' . The Spring.ofT91Q.-wiU.be unprecedented. This is the opinion of the best informed ones! This will be the greatest season in automobiles that this section of the west has known. More cars, and more good cars have been sold here and in Council Bluffs and are represented here and there than ever. After-Easter" the roads through this section will be specked with cars, pretty cars driven. by men and women, trying their level best to fly, and yet not exceed the speed limit. ' ' Eastern automobile enthusiasts, visiting this section in the season, are surprised that so many ladies and girls drive cars. They are surprised to see that they seerh to be able to do it about as well as a man. Certain it is that up to this good hour, no accidents have been set down to them So many times they have threaded their way through Farnam and Sixteenth streets, where 'travel was congested without the least harm. At present more than thirty-five dealers are offering cars in Omaha and Council Bluffs. More than four thousand cars'are driven out daily here and there. People who are able to own cars, but Who have waited for one cause or another, are impatient, no doubt, for the season to open. Tley have their eye on a car. They are eager-to lay their hands upon the throttle and go spinning around over the country like their neighbors. And with people, from one end of Nebraska to the other, as keen as mustard for machines, and plenty of cars ready for immediate delivery, it will be a miracle if the season is not a record-breaking one.