9 t XlcctricaC in Results WAnt Ads ThercJ fiqaht' Column t1'"" ' T I I THE BEE: OMAltA. B E2- m MONEY TO LOAN (Continued.) Notice to the Public NO MORE HIGH KATES , 110 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOl'SEIIOI-D FURNITURE PIANOS AND SALARIES " This Ik a new firm, organised by the rpu'ble business men of this city, to protect honest working peopu In. need of temporary help from the extortionate charge of the so-called "Loan Companies." We Will loan you All the Money You 'ant And charge you only 10 per cent year. , This Means You Pay , !1 00 interest on t 10 for one year. 1.60 Interest on (Hi for one year. 5.00 Interest on $100 for one year. $30 00 Interest on $. for one year. ALL OTHKK BUMS IN PROPORTION Easy weekly or monthly payment!. A Reasonable Appraisement Charge. A glance at the above rates will convince you how much you can ave by dealing with ui. No Red Tape No Delay MONET IN TOUR HAND WITHIN AN HOUR. INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., ROOM 804 WITHNELL BLOCK, 'Phone Douglas (045, Cor. lith and liarnoy. Salary and Furniture Loans t Ulve! the LOWEST RATES, quicker aerate and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEMI of any In the elty. Patron!;, the HIGHEST AND BEST, RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor. 807-30$ Paxton Block. Douglas 1411 una A 1411. ir WE COULD put put our proposition, as hundred! know It, before all the people of Omaha who need money we would nave no trouble in loaning all the money we could lay our hands on. NO ADVANCE FEI5 OR OTHER CHARGES. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. for eighteen year at ' lit Board of Trade Rldg. 06 So. 16th Bt Telephone Doug. $396. CALL US UP. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPINQ HOUSE AND OTH FRS, without ' seourityi easy payment. Offlco in be principal cities. Tolman, roots 111 New York Life Bide. DO TOU NEED MONET to pay your debtsT If so, call on us. We loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS and LIVE STOCK AT POSITIVELY the LOWEST TERMS. WEEKLY or MONTHLT I'AT MENT3. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL . . NEBRASKA LOAN CO., T Croons Blk., Opp. P. O., 16th & Capitol. Doug. 1890; A-1358. SALARY eorBPHn,' CHATTEL LOANS odhrVV LOANS 437 Board of Trade' Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. Tel. Red 8811 1614 uoage. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding ' ana Rooms. MRS. JEAN LANDEROREN Wishes, to announce to her old patrons and new that he has opened up the dining room at her new location, 720 S. 21st St, the former Hamilton home, where una will be . pleased to accommodate any wtsnlng fine , rooms and board. Phone Douglas 5637. ' r ROOM mate to share large east room With bath; $1.60 per wfeek. 606 N. 20th St. 164$ N. ITTH, board and room, house modern, terms reasonable, on car Una. NICE room for 1; strictly modorn; prlvt ate family; board - 814 8. 26th St. Doug las jm ROOMS and board or very light house keeping. 'Phone Doug. Tt&L BOARD and room with private family. Modern. .201$ California St SOUTH' front room with board; near Field club. Harney $230. ROOM and board for two, In modern home. i 1817 Corby. Web. 8878. NICE furnished room with good board. $11 Douglas St ROOM nd board for two ladles In priv ate home. Everything modern; good home oooklng. 8113 Leavenworth St. ' BOARD and room for 8 genflement, $5 eaoh. 1713 Leavenworth. St. ELEGANT suite of rooms, private bath, also single icini. beautiful, large lawn and porch, 22'.i St. Mary's Ave. f 8INGL1 rooms, with board; modern, 38 8.. 19th St. TWO unfurnished rooms fof Hunt house keeping; rent reasonable; private family. 8406 Jackson St THREE unfurnished rooms. 8970 Wool worth iav. Phone Harney 870; FOU V pleasant unfurnished rooms; gas and bath. 103 N. 80th. TWO unfurnished rooms; modern; $7 a month, Phone Independent A-8t61. THREE modern room.. 4408 N. 28th St Tel. Webster 4021. TWO nice unfurnished front rooms and one furnished. Kit Dewey Ave. TWO large rooms, one with alcove; board If desired. 114 S. lth St. Private. Furnished Rooms. . NICELT furnished sleeping room suitable for either lady or gentleman; walking dis tance. 840 8. 23d St O. M. E. - hauls -trunks. Douglas 811. FOR "RENT Nicely furnished rooms; Strictly modern with private family. 120 S. SOth (ft. 'Phone Harney 4761. CLEAN furnished rooms, 023 B. 20th. 1CAST front room, steam heat and bath. Flat '&, 18th and Farnam. Douglas 3498. NICELT furnished front room; gentle man or man and wife preferred. 122 N. 16th St. 'Phone Harney ZM. FURNISHED rooms., house new. plenty hot water. 816 N. 19th St. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. U3 a 20th. FINE furnished rooms at 833 Park Ave.; Ingle or suite in front, for men or young men. t House Just redecorated and repitp ered. Service of telephone; call mornlnsa or after $ p. m. FURNISHED rooms, strictly moder,- '73 So. 17th. Phone Red 7049. FURNI8HED room, bath. 2304 Marcy. Phone Harney 4107. FURNISHED room for lady In private, modern house. Hanscom park 'district. Tel. Harney 4361. 1617 S. S3d t THREE modern rooms for light house keeping. fO' St. Mary s Ave. FURNISHED room. 133 S. Ed. Private f amlly. ) FIN W FRONT SUITE FOR TWO OR THRKHJ iVKRSONS, and west front room for one v 'two, In thoroughly modern reel dtnee. Wtctrlo light, phone. One block from car. Close In. 2104 Webster St FOR RENT FuruUhed rooms to colored. $404 Indiana Ave. rUBNIHHEn rooms. 4 blocks from car barn, 37U S. $4d St TWO beautiful front rooms, strictly mod era i prtvexo family; board If desired. 70$ orglr. Ave. Phone Uaruejr Hue. OFFERED FOR RENT Farnlmbed llonini ONE large room for lent at 3V4 Farnam. Tel. Harney 2773. DEWEY European hotel. 131 h Farnam, FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 11$ 1Mb St.- The Chatham. ELEGANT front room, fine furniture, 12 N. 80th. No sign on trouse rs' ICE front room, suitable for two. In quire at basement. 615 N. Z3d.SL FURNISHED. sieam heated - room, private family, close to business. 16K So. 17th Ave. NICE, warm rooms. 1809 Farnam Ht MODERN, $6 per month. 1431 No. 20th St DODGE HOTEL Large Outside. and steam heat In every room; rates by week. UTOPIA Nice rooms, good board ISth and Davenport. 4 FURN. rooms. 2600 Leavenworth. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 1807 Leaven worth St FURNISHED room in private family. 2006 St. Mary s Ave. LARGE, front room for one or two gen tlemen, reasonable. 418 S. 26th. FURNISHED rooms with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1M0 Dodge. FURNISHED rooms, house new, plenty hot water. 818 N. 19th Bt. WARM rooms. $2 per week; free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. BEAUTIFUL front room. 1900 Capitol avenue. FRONT room, close In, walking distance, modern conveniences. 2219 Douglas St A-23&. NICELT furnished room for gentlemen; private family; $6 month. 814 8. 23d. VERY desirable, newly furnished rooms, In new modern flat 314 N. 35th St MODERN sleeping room for man and wife. 620 N. 1Mb.. ' ONE large modern room, suitable for two mn, separate beds. 2039 Harney St. FURNISHED rooms, also modern rooms for light housekeeping. 1717 Burt. STEAM heat, hot baths. 624 3. ICth, third floor, flat 12. FOR RENT On second floor, for two; breakfast privileges; very reasonable If taken at once. 2715 Dewey. LARGE well furnished room for two. 2C1S Farnam Bt. ' FRONT parlor for two; , gentlemen pre ferred. 2708 Douglas. FURNISHED room, suitable - for two; modern. 2106 Cass. TWO modern furnished rooms; reason able rent;' one block to cats .- 2120 Douglas. - FRONT parlor, with board; suitable 'for three gentlemen. 2317 Douglas. ELEGANT large. ' newly furnished mora In private family; modern home; strictly first-class, with large closot 2220 Douglas. : r i. . , . FRONT parlor for two- or- ttireo people. 016 N., 19th. .. ... : . 2220 EMMET, modern rooms, ha)f "block' from car. 'Phone Webster 4170.' ' LARGE front room, 604 N. 20th. 'For two gentlemen. ' " NICELT furalstted front room, gentlemen Or man and wife preferred. 12J N. 26th St Phone Harnoy 2224. ' " NICELY furnished sleeping room, suit able for three men. 1817 Capitol Ave. Tel. Red 4851. . . PARTLT furnished rooms, 1737 Park Ave. Phone Harney 2363. FURNISHED room- for rent in private family; walking distance. , Call at 961 N. 26tu Ave. , STRICTLY irodern rooms; walking dis tance. - Reasonable rates. 2567, St. Mary's Ave. - i TWO furnished rooms. 2318 Douglaa. NICE large room, furnished or unfur nished. 411 Capitol Ave.. Dundee. SINGLE furnished room for gentleman or lady. 2001 Burt NICE room with private family; walking distance. $8 per month. 624 N. 23d. LA It G E front room, suitable for two gen tlemen. 813 8. 22d St. NICELT furnished front parlor; also single rooms, reasonable; close In. 2114 Chi cago. .- . , WALKING distance; $14; nicely furnished southeast room with bay window, fur nace heat, nice bath, plenty hot water, both telephones, one large room with pi anos. $18; has 6 windows, nice fireplace, no objection to practice or music of auy kind; Leavenworth car one block. 2063 St Mary's Ave FOUR blocks from postofflce on two car lines, strictly modern; references required; front parlor, suitable for light housekeep ing, front parlor second floor suitable for one or two persons; large room second floor for one or two persons, 121 N. 20th St. TWO connecting furnished modern base ment rooms; no objection to children. SOS N. 26th St 4 NICELT furnished front room, modern. 2210 Farnam St. LARGE front room, modern, 633 S. 19th. Douglas 27 U ' FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 1613 Dorcas. THREE or four nicely furnished rooms In all modern house. 1221 Cass. ' 606 N. 17th. large front rooms, also single rooms, modern. TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping, 1694 N. 24th. Ind. B-1029. FRONT room for rent, furnished or un furnished. liU Madison Ave. NICELT furnished room for one or two gentlemen; modern. 2018 St Mary's. TWO furnished rooms, modern, roomy, quiet cool. 130 S. 80th St. NICELT furnished rooms; modern. 216 N. 22d St. ' VERT pleasant room In modern flat 210 N. 24th St. Tel. D. 8201. LAl'.OE front room, modern. Tel. Doug, too. 203b Farnam St. ' NICE clean sleeping rooms, all modern 18U Cass. NICELY furnished room, modern. 60t 8. 3ith Ave. Phone Red 6&M. MODERN furnished, walking distance, private family, $2 60 per week. $19 South knh Ave. Tel. Harney UU. ... NICELY furnished room for gentlemen, strictly modern. 2i28 Dodge St . ROOM for gentlemen; six blocks flora the postofflce. 6ue N. 20th St VERT plearant front room for ono or two. 201 a 26th Ave. TflllKK modern rooms for light house keeping. '1 St. Mwy's Ave. MODEltN, $6 per months. 1432 N. SOth St NICELT furnished rooms, modern: very reasonable. Tel. Red 7793. Res. 624 No. SUiu St OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms Continued. ELEGANT front room, parlor, mission rtvle, for two gentlemen; Al board. 2606 St. Mary's Ave. ' A PLEASANT single room for lady or gentleman, 21.r2 St. Mary's Ave. FURNISHED room and board; suitable for two ladles. Tel. Web. 2922. NICELT furnished room, $3 per month, 2705 Douglas. Inquire A-S297. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, new building; hot water heat. 2013 Chicago. MODERN furnished roams, close in. 3019 St. Mary's Ave. TWO nicely furnished room. 2023 Far nam, third floor. TWO very nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms. Call afternoons or evenings, 816 Juckson St. NEWLT furnished rooms In modern house. Very reasonable. 2571 Dodge. TWO f ui ntshed housekeeping rooms, modern. 712 N. 16th St FOUR-ROOM modern apartment. 'Phone Webster 628. 2019 N. 20th. ONE nice, front bedroom, newly furn ished, all modern; also one smaller room. 631 8. 19th Bt. 'Phone Doug-6612. SMALL, modern, walking- distance. Doug las 6277. LARGE front parlor, nicely furnished and strictly modern. Slnglo room, $1.60; gentlemen. 710 8. 17th St. ONE modern room for party employed. 117 S. 2oth Ave., Phone Douglas 7010. - AN exceptionally fine southeast front room for one or two gentlemen. Every thing Just new. Call Webster 8768. FURNISHED rooms, also modern rooms for light housekeeping. 1717 Burt LARGE, airy room, with fine furniture; no sign on house. 320 N. SOth. VICTORIA HOTEL nice furnished rooms 60c up. Two blocks from postofflce. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 1559 N. 17th St- , . Apartments and Flats FOUR-room mogcrn flat $20. 320$ Nich olas. NICE 8-room flat, ail modern, 4168 Dav enport St Tol. Harney S668. 6TRICTLT modern,: nearly new, e-room apartment, near 27th end Jackson; rent $36. BEM1S, Brandels Bldg. . i FOR RENT 6-r. apt. In the Barnard apt house.1 C. E. Herring, 411 N- Y. Life. 1 4-ROOM semi-basement flat In Dunsay, 10th and Pierce, steam heated.. - - CONRAD YOUNG, Tet D. 1671. - ' 1618 Dodge. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. one high grade 6-room flat, cool In summer, hard wood, fire proof stairways, free hot water all year, range, steam heat, walking distance. Can't match' It. Summer, $24. Winter, $7 more. References required. BEMIS, 4S0 Brandels Bldg. - - FOR RENT 1415 South new, trlctly modern 7-room apartment Apply D, Branch, 1414 South 10th. Tel. D. 4670. . FOUR-ROOM 'apartment, $30; 8-room flat. $50, The Manuel, zist ana Howard. Red 44ST. . . - . FOUR-ROOM modem St. Louis flat, east bt Hanscom Park, $20. Harney S8S6. , A NEW' modern, 6-room St Louis flat. up-to-date oak rinisn, gas and electric light. 16th and Locust Sts. Call Web. 1403. Uoasekeeptng Hooms. A SUITE of true elegant new rooms modern. U0 North SOth. BASEMENT 4 rooms modern except heat 3607 Pierce. Inquire 1301 a 26th Ave. THREE nice airy rooms for light house keeping. Private family. 2642 Dodge. . . ONE light housekeeping room; also one deeping room. 2019 St... Mary's. ' TWO nicely furnished front rooms; mod ern conveniences; cooking gas furnished. Good location; walking distance. 26G6 St Mary's Ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; trlctly modern. 809 S. 19th. Douglas 6610. . TWO nicely furnished rooms; gas range, heat. 614 8. 32d. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with gaa and sink in kitchen; no children.. 16 S. 18th. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; modern, 1119 Farnam; third floor. TWO nice housekeeping rooms. 3013 Leavenworth. TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. 2424 Caldwell St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas for cook ing. 17U N. 24th. TWO modern rooms; gas rango, electrlo lights. IMS N. 16th St TWO nicely furnished rooms. $16; mod em; ground floor. 604 S. 28th- 1702 Clark St, two rooms, $9 month. .Red 4487. TWO excellent completely furnished housekeeping .ooms. Phone In house, 2674 Harney St ' . , , THREE airy, freshly-papered rooms, with large basement; walking distance, on paved street and car line, $10. 409 Paxton Blk. LAR(E modern housekeeping' rooms. 2121 Wirt St. "NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2117 Webster. Phone. LARGE, clean furnished front room for housekeeping, $8 per month; nice neighbor hood. Will be ready March 16. 618 N. 19th. FURNISHED housekeeping or sleeping rooms. 2408 Cuming. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1513 Leaven worth. SOUTH front rooms for sleeping or house keeping; strictly modern; breakfast-privileges. 2678 Harney. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 602 S. 22d St. TWO or three modern front rooms; gas range; walking distance. 2o4 Burt ROOMS for housekeeping; gas for cook ing; cheap. 1644 N. 16th St THREE furnished light ' housekeeping rooms; strictly modern. 713 N. 16th. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 1903 Capitol Ave. Doug. 6494. TWO beautiful furnished connected rooms, all modern conveniences. 633 S. 28th St Tel. Harney bite. CLOSE in; cook on gaa; large rooms; cheap rent 1916 Cuming. THREE rooms for housekeeping. Strictly modern; unfurnished, 4,'W N. 34th. FRONT room and kitchen; modern. 3024 California. - - IJGHT housekeeping and other rooms; furnished, luul Park Ave. PLEASANT front room, with alcove. 611 S. 3olh Ave. ROOMS for housekeeping, furnished and unfurnished. 818 N. 17th bt TWO modern front rooms, tbird floor. T10 N. lth; OFFERED FOR SENT Housekeeping Rooms -Contlaned. 2469 Harney St., two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; ground floor; use of laundry; also other rooms. SUITE of two housekeeping rooms, com plete. 121 Cass. NICELT furnished rooms, modern. 422 N. 17th St. UNFURNISHED lower floor. 3678 Har ney Bt. TWO light housekeeping rooms. 2013 Cass. THREE or four front rooms, complete for housekeeping, 301$ Daventport St LARGE front rooms, furnished; steam heat; rent reasonable. 1910 Capitol Ave. TWO furnished rooms fer light house keeping. 306 N. 20th. ' 1M9 N. 17TH Housekeeping; three fur nished rooms, modern house, good bath, gaa light; no children. Price $1$ per month. MODFHN housekeeping rooms, south front 2220 Chicago St. TWO furnished rooms for rent for light housekeeping. Tel Webster 37. TWO or three housekeeping rooms. 8018 Davenport St. TO COUPLE Two nicely fumtehed rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Omaha Pillow Co., 1909 Cuming St. MODERN rooms for housekeeping. 2121 Webster St Call after 6 p. m. TWO modern rooms, private family. 1428 N. 20th. W. D. Stoner. THREE modern housekeeping rooms. 3ul S. 24th. TWO modern housekeeping rooms, $10.60. SH9V4 California. Phone B-1S38. DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms: also nleeping rooms; close In; in modern house. 2114 Chicago. $2.60 PER. week, single room. 2666 St Mary' Ave. FURNISHED rooms. 3Z38 Farnam. Flat 4. TWO furnished rooms far light house keeping. 621 8. 19th St - ' LARGE front basement 4 room for light housekeeping. 616 N. 20th. ' THREE nice furnished rooms for house keeping. Use of bath. Fine lawn and garden. Inquire 8309 Howard St MODERN house near Ames Ave. car barn; one or two rooms; breakfast If de sired.. 8936 N. 30th. TWO nicely furnished front rooms. 2913 Paclflo St. T. Harney 871. ' NICELT furnished rooms, striotly mod ern, for light housekeeping. 1608 N. 17th St. MODERN furnished .room., walking dis tance; cheap. 616 N. 23d Bt. FOR close In. RENT-Moderh 'furnished rooms, 8016 Leavenworth fc't Tel. Red 7074. FURNISHED, rooms. for; rent, by. day or week at 11)11 Douglas St 1 I ' r T FURNISHED ' rooms, $3 per month, for young men; eleotrla UxhJL steam heat. telephones running;, waters laundry and FIVE nicely furnished 'rooms for rent Inquire 1516 Sherman Ave. e-' a TWO single or double rooms for sleeping. 201 S. 24th. ; -. - ' LOVELY furnlxhed ToornV all modern, $32 8. 2Sth St Tel.1 Harney 6146, NICE, ' large furnlshtd , front room. , month. 806 N. 28d. r NICELT .furnished rooms; modern. 422 N. 17th. ' ' .' WANTED Two suites, furnished house keeping rooms. Modern, Phone Douglas 148 or Ind. A-4140. .. .,' . BASEMENT, 4 rooms, modern except heat 2u07 Pierce. Inquire 1301 8. 26th Ave. df arnlsfeed Hooms. UNFURNISHED, lower floor. 3S7J Har ney St TWO back rooms. 37 per month. 2203 N. 80th St , , FOUR-ROOM flat, 1470 8. 16th. WMklng distance. Phone Harney 236L TWO nice unfurnished t rooms, large closets, bath, gas, $9 per uoath. 2633 No. 18th. 'Phone Web. 6099. , TWO or three unfurnished rooms, modern 3642 Dodge St THREE large, modern rooms. ' 607 No. SOth. . FOUR unfurnished rooms; reasonable. 2213 North 19th St Webster 3757. UN FURN. room. 206 So. 36th Ave. TWO unfurnished front rooms and one furnished rooms. 2C16 Dewey Ave. Houses and Cottaa-es. 2813 Wool worth, 8 rooms, mod., $25. 1560 N. 20th. 6 rooms, mod., $!0. 2i)19 Mason, 10 rooms, mod., $31.60. 6r2 S. 28th, 6 rooms, mod., ' $31.50. RINGWALT BROS, BARKER BLOCK. KOUNTZE PLACE SPECIAL. 2107 Plnkney St., swell 8-room, strictly modern home, facing tne park, only $36. Look at this today. PAN YE, BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. , 10-ROOM brick house, modern; keys on premises. 2601 Capitol Ave. HOUSE. , . Seven-room, all modern, new pressed brick house at 20th and Cass Sts., on lease, one, two or three years; will deourate to suit tenant; price $50. Telephone Webster 4069. T. S. Kelley. 2417 Emmet St 1508 Ohio St., city water, gas and toilet. $18. , 2till N. 20th St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $25. 317 N. 27th Ave. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $21. 408 N. 2t!th St.. 6-r.. mod. ex hat, $22 50 BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg., Phones Doug. 4764, A 1764. 3 ROOMS, easy walking distance, $10. 6-room, new, modern, $i. 6-room, choice location, $35. 4o5 N. 39th, 8 rooms, modern, $35. 419 N. 3'jlh, $ rooms, moderu, $40. ' '' NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite 624. N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. OMAHA Van stortsr Co.. sack. move, stole, li b. goods; storehouse. 1120-34 N UiU; office J09 a 7tb St TaL Douglas 'ii HOUSEHOLD GOODS pa c Led. forwarded! chesp freight rates; moving and storing. Lxpressmen'e UellverV Co. TeL Doug y4. ARE TOTI IN TROUBLE? LET US MAN AGE YOUR RENTALS. PAYKE. BOriT WICK & SLATEK, 4TH FL N. T. LIFE. UKJUQEjO Creigh Sous Co.. Be B.dg FOR RENT. l-rwim. all modern biick bouse, combina tion fixtures. $40. March L 1910. will bo vacant 8-Tootn, aB modern. - combination fixture, fji, 9-room. all nioJern brick tonomoni, north part ut elty. I. 4 rooms, first floor, apartment U28 No Uth St.. 81160. 6-room cotujre for oolorod family, list iimJ Clark St., $11 , 8 nice rooms. 191? Clark St.' 81 ' 3 rooms on first floor, modern, IS No. 17th Ml., $11. C. JL BACHMANN. TeL B. 2639; Boa. IX suet, 481 Paxton. OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and (otlsgei 'onttaaeil. HOUSES. Insuraoot. Kingwalt Barker Blk. CENTRAL location, ail modern, stent) heat; 4 or 6-room flats. Tlxard. LN N. 8d. HOUSE. Tats. Garvin Bros.. IU N. T. 1. ' 9-r., strictly modern, beautiful lawn, choice location. 726 8. 37th. Tel., Webster 2500. FOR RENT 8-f-om house; modern ex cept heat; full basement with laundry mo. 311 N. 28th Avs. Call Red 6204. Low rent. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE RENTING. Save tlmu and money: -all sizes, all prices. PAYNE, BOSTWICK SLATER, 4lh Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. SPECIAL T rooms, nearly new, excellent condition, corner lot, east front, 1 blk. to No. 24ih line. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1003-2-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A -2 152. HOUSES Poters Trust Co.. N.T.Ltfs Bldg. NEW, modern 7-room flat, hard wood finish throughout; one block north of high school, 2112 Chicago St; key next door. Phone Douglas 7656. HOUSE to rent, new 8-room, strictly modern brick flat; splendid location on Farnam car line, $40. Call Douglas 4670. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 2607 Franklin. TWO new 6-room brick houses, modern. Harney 647, MODERN 6 and 6-room cottage, 2124 Miami. STRICTLT modern brick cottage, $ rooms; West Farnam district. Phone Douglas 3U2o. 6 ROOMS and bath upstairs, for family without children. 2038 Davenport. 6-ROOM house, new pamted and papered. In good repair, for small family, $14. 2911 Parker St 'Phone Harney 1842, or cars 34U1 Burt St FOUR-ROOM, city water. 1613 North 19th. REAL RENTAL BARGAINS T-r., also barn, city water, premises newly repaired, 4103 N. 28th Ave., $15. 8-r., mod., choice, 8321 Davenport $27.60. 12-r., mod., choice, 2416 Sherman Ave., $28, 8-r.,' mod., choice, 811 N. 25th, $35. 4-r. and store room, 2122 Military .Ave., $20. 6-r., part mod., 1512 N. 81st.. $15. 8-r., part mod., 1C02 N. 24th, $8. 6-r., city water, '725 Bancroft, $10. ' 4-r part mod., 1416 N. 18th, $15. Russell ac McKltrlck Co. 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. Farms. " . ' " FOR RENT A -very good 106-acre farm in Hasel Dell township, 8 miles from post office. A good tract of farm land and some good pasture. Small Improvements. Rent, $300 per year. Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl St., Tel. 174, Council Bluffs, la. - glare b. . FOR RENT Moaern store room. No. 30$ N. IHth St.. Hotel Loyal Bldg., apply Loyal hotel office. Store building and good basement, S. ' BIRKETT A TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg., Phones Doug. 4764, A 1764. J 808 Farnam St alao, 22x60 ..ft, ,'Phons Harney 2496. , . . ?' ; Offieee.- .. . . , LARGE and small office rooms -on 16th St, opposite postofflce. 117V N. lbth St $12 and $6. , , , CONRAD TOUNG, . . 1618 Dodge St SAMPLE floor and office sp-jcc for rent 1117 Farnam Ht ..... . , OFFERED FOR SALE : ' Roonilngr Houses. CENTRA LLT LOCATED, BEST PATING All modern, 14 rooms, always rented; a snap at $&0. Nine rooms, all modern, well furnished; clears $50 per month above all expenses, and owner reserves living rooms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. Furniture.. ' DON'T BORROW MONET on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until you THE J. A. HUTTON CO., , 614-616 Paxton Block. Hardware. PATTON-BOWMAN IIDW. CO. AGENTS P. & F. CORBIN BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CONTRACTORS' SUP PLIES. 1615 Farnam. Phone Doug 6884. Musical Instruments. STMPHONT Grand Columbia Graphs phone, splendid Instrument. Price $200 and never sold for less. Will sell one, which Is brand new,' and in perfect condition, for $170. Good reason fot selling. Address, G-140. Boa. $450 KIMBALL PIANO, walnut finish, good as new. $160. Piano Player Co., Old Boston store. Trpevrnrs, SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange 5W7 Farnam. Typewriters for Rent 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. ' REBUILT TTPE WRITERS for sale or rent Smith-Premiers, Remingtons, Olivers or Royals; we also repair machines. Mon arch Office Supply Co., 1216 Farnam St. FOR SALE Second hand No. 6 Oliver typewriter cheap. . Address 8 395, Bee. . FOR SALE Smith Address G, 609 Bee. Premier typewriter Miscellaneous. ' ABOUT 1.60$ feet Vlneh wire cable, eee- end hand; will sell at bargain. Apply K. W. Paker. bupt Bee Bldg. Omaha. No. BARGAIN Big lint of secondhand furni ture. Selling out. S22 N. 16th St FOR SALE National cash regls'.er, with tape, almost new; cheap It taken at once. Address K-869. nare Bee. or better. Catalog free. Aye Bros., Blair, .N CD. - ... CLOVERSEED for sale; 300 bu. choice, med. red aeed; must be sold. E. W. Miller, Guthrie Center, la. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink "ar rels which we will sell at too each. Tn-y are fine for ra!a water or ashes. Call at pressroom Be Publishing Co. CODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. D right, tail Farnam Bt SECOND-HAND scales at 1607 Harney. DRUas at cut prtoes; freight paid oa all 110 orders; catalogue free, rjberuiaa . M Council Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business 4,-ai-e(e for tain al discount. . Address l'-W " FOR BALE New and 8-1-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world la cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns-Wtck-Balke-Collcndar. 4(17 H. ltrth St t. h. wmiarr sho1.? eases. Bank Counters. MM .Work, etc. 0FFEREO-F0R SALE m Isi-ellaneom -Continued. PArFRHANGERS. use the best Snow flake paste. Omaha Paste Co., 713 S. 13th, D-S70C. . HALL'S safes, new. 3d -hand. 1811 Farnam. ID-HAND oak counter, band-carved nr hl cashier plate; v Ire wlck'-t about 40 ft, odd shapei will fit' room 80 frt "'Ids. Can be seen at storage house. For further tartloular 'phono Douglas U8, . bee build lg Co. 1 1 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING Tn IT Vnil'HAVF! YOUR FURNI 1 A ' At aU TIRE REPAIRED AND UPHOLSTERED. 2v0tiSt FARNAM. II. 3110 PATTON-BOWMAN IIDW. CO. Garden Tools. Carpet Beaters, etc. 1615 Farnam. I'ohne Doug. 6884. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dav tnport Sts.; warehouse, 2207-09 Izard St. CTTRTATNK Hf,nd Ironed, S pair, $1 VUIVXiaiMO ..non Douglas 4-23. COLE'S EXPRESS. STORAGE ANO MOVING. IC18 Capitol Ave. D. 67a A -3337. CHINA PACKING J lenced packer.. 1S14 Davenport b' Ind. B-2793. WHAT Is the use of taking up your car- fets when you can have them cleaned on he floor in, a few hoursT Free estlmntes given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Douglas block, 107 S. lfiUi Pt. Phones: Doug. 746; Ind. A-1336. Acros" from Hayden's. CLEANERS , of Everything Wall paper cleaned to look, like new, $1 per room up. All work taken, by coutract, suoh as. cleaning tombstones and all kinds of marble, white and red stone; brick fronts of all kinds. Chris Ellington, 812 N. 18th. Tel. Doug. 7149. Mfg. fluff rugs, rag carpets; carpet clean ing. D. 2321. Poloar A Co.. 1443 So. 16th. PATNTTNfl- Pm m Prlng line of wall ih'awwj parer. Munson. Tel. R 6652 PTiTTAfRTNfr et 11 (Son now- J- a. X XiUJlIJXlNVJ Fltzpatrlck, 1721 Cuming. Douglas 1344. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES MOULTON'S MTTSTn r"11 MouUon, director. 605 Kar lUUOlVJ laeh Block. Doug. 2388, A-4383. NEBLE'S TJrloh Orchestra. Doug. INUUUlJ O 8062. D- 4615. 415 Valley. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. T. JU TeL D. 1664. Dr. Kathryn NlohoJ tia N. Y. L Bldg. PERSONAL A HOME for women., during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lee. 401 Bancroft St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1921. -: 1 WHAT'S the 'matter with' LEANDER CLARK? He's all. right -Who's all right? Why, -Leander Clark, Kearney, Neb. JUNIPER and Asparagus pills for dis orders of th kidneys and bladder. - 60c ,box. Cerjnak Pharmacy, 12C9 8. 13th. - THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clotblns, In faot anything you do not need We collect repair and sell at 184 N. JUb Bt, for cost of collwtlou. to the worthy poor. CSj.ll 'phone Douglaa Ail and wagoa will call. ' PRIVATE HOMB during confinement; babies for adoptlom Good Samaritan Saai- MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. 808 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor 120 S. 16th St. Stairway on,. Douglas St Open evenings, 8 to 8:30, If you are suffering from rheu matism, catarrh, dyspepsia, stomach, liver, kidney, gall stones or nervous and , chronic diseases of any character, call on Dr. Theodore Milen, 428 Ramge Bldg. Dr. Milen has made a life study of these diseases and gives free consultation and examina tion, i 81,0US PRIZE EARNED. WRITE FOR FACSMILE OF CHECK. I am friendless and bedfast. Made this offer to establish business. Had to sac rifice half my profits to succeed. NOW HELP ME OUT. 101 more dUbscrlptions to Saturday Evening Post or Ladles' Home Journal in March earns $250 more for In fanta' home. Besides $100 season's prize for myself. . THINK. The last hundred worth $2.60 .each to Infants' home and worth $1 each to me. : SURELY, 100 In United States will send their order and renewal in advance Either counts. GORDON, The .Magazine Man, Omaha. 'Phone. Dpuglas 7163. STRICTLT private- home for conflns. men (a; trained nurso; babies for adoptions. 2618 Davenport f EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1814 Davenport. Ind. B-2798. - WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-lt,63.' Doug. 1668. : NEBRASKA CTCLE CO.. 16th and Harney Sts. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, ttrengthen. 40c BELL DRUG CO. PRIVATE -confinement -home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th St. 'Phone. Webster 3&4. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss. LaGrane. 1617 Dodge St.; hrs. 10 e. m.-S p. tn. Basement flat. MISS Dsrwln, shampooing, electric mas sage, magnetic treatment. 1718 Dodge tit. , . .. ,r : 4 Be an Actor or Actress Earn from $25 to $100 per week; complete course $7; diplomas given and engagements secured. Address at once for full particulars THOMPSON AMUSEMENT CO.. : , 2013 CHICApOST.. OMAHA. f AflNFnrj treatment Mme. Smith. tit i.vw r . r- vrrv , .. j age. 624 S. ltith Si. Flat 12. 'Phone D. 7640. VTnSna tcupes tor men.. GRIFFITH. ,UUkll and 14 Fit ENiih.rt BLK. DIVORCES' obtained without delay or noise; criminal' rus jr specialty; 27 years' experience. f '' ' . w. A, CONNOLLY. 474 .6 .Ri andeis Bid. DOU ;0.-'.8ti: IND.. A-1434. OMAHA Stammerers Ins.. Ramge Bldg, .' JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer" at aU, book stores; pr.ee, $1.6ti Swai-tz A McKeliy News' Dept. 8d-hand books; Cer. or Eng. periodicals. 109 8. 16th. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, fazton Blk. Tet Red Till. HUFFMAjil7ri$l$ Nsvllle Bldg Book free. HIRAM A. 45TUBGES8. registered patent attorney, v. a. ana roreua patents se cured. 619 N. X. Dt(e Bldg Tel. i). I4T.9. Wlllsrd Eddy, registered practitioner In U. 8. Palest office. N. Y, L. Bldg 1. $ 4' ORPINGTONS Greatvst winter laying hens In the world; rgijs for sale; free cnt alogue . l'rewltt, Box roj.Onanu, la. SAY, HI!,! if you wun trd to bry lund. who would you et- first? Why, Leatulor Clark, Kearney, Neb. PL' RE Mack Langshar eggs for batching. Benson H6- .-''..' OLD TRl.'STY Incubators; write foi free rstf.loyue, $50 poultry Illustrations; siera low pi-Ices: 40-60-90 days free trial. Addr' M. M. Johnson. Clay Center, Neb. FOR 8. C. White Leghorns call or Wr1tw Hlllsldo I'ou'.try Farm, 4'.'l Harrison St. Council Bluff j. Ta. Tel.. Bid. ,W4J Y. Rhode Itiaud red setting eggs. Tel. 8. 9M. - PAINTING IXIUGLAS county saves thousands of dollars, yearly, by having my figures on printing. John T. Thompson. Tel. Web ster 858. RIES-HALL Prt Co.. W9 8. 14thi Ind. A 8624. wat::rk printing c. 6a-RBV- utn. 'PHONE IND. A-3U0 for good prlnttag. Lyngstnd Pilntlnr Co,. 10fb Capitol Ave, Miller & Jemleson. 121k Doug Both phonra REAL ESTATE REAL SCSTA1B EiBALKR. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. IsW; prompt aervloe; get our prloes. 1710 Farnam Bt BENJAMIN R. S. CO.. 4TT Brandels Bldg. Geo. D. Perrln. $33'Paxtoa' Doug. T80L REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. t .. i m REMINOTON-LUNDBERO REALTY C(X Tel. D. 1271. 643 Ramge Bldg. New houses. , , L -. v i RE. or Ex. T. Q. Torrl.on. 47) Brandels. CITY PROPERTY; FUR k ALE) ''l '. . dundp:e; iiqmes.- '.. $3,600 Two-story, six-room, i- modorn . , - housei, furnace heat cloHa to car lino, cheap. 1 $4,960 New, elghf-rooin,' - modern house, quarter-sawefl-oak fin ish, large living roonv four bed rooms, close td car line. Reasonable terms. $6,860 Eight-room, -two-story, strictly , modern house, ' decorated throughout, oak rinlsh, -hot wotT heat, east front, a good home at a reasonable price. These are only a few df tha ' first-class residences which we have for sale In Dundee at very reasonable prlceB and terms. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam St, ' investment' ' : -$3,000 will pay ,31 per month Two houses and full lot on 8. 20th St.; $1,000 cash, balance etsy terms. Looks all right, don't H ' ''''. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. ' NEW 6-room cottage, with lot 60x127, only $2,800. luHt north, of iBemlB park. ' - W. 1L GATES, ..,.,. Room 617 N. Y: Life. .-'Phone Doug. 1234. I AM going away and my home of 7 nice large rooms in first class condition Is for Hale. Call 2570 Spaulding St NEW house, three large bed rooms, oak finish, living rooms; all modern; built for owner; near school, church, stores, street car; price, $3,000, half cash., Owner, 3011 Miami St. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Wo.havs for solo two nice nearly new homes in above location, 7 and 8 rooms; one furnace heat, the otht-r hot water both well built and finished up in good style. Wc can make very reasonable trm on either one. Kindly 'phone or -oall at out office and we will make-arrangements to show you through. INTERNATIONAL LAND A INV. CO., D.3133. 210 and 212 Bee .'Jldg. A 237a FINEST acre In Douglas county wist ol Country club; grounds 2 blocks from car. Inquire on premises. r- , : ST. IXDUIS flat, choioe looatinn, incomi fC30 per year; $0,000. Harney InSS., 1 CHICKEN FARM. Oround 200x128; lays nice. 5-room cottage, city water, shade and fruit trees, berry bushes, t blocks, to Amoi Ave. car, $2,500. Would exchango for small place closet In. . ,. W. H. GATES, Room C17 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 1294 8 ROOM HOUSE FOR I SALE, NE. COR. 40th AND . SARATOGA STS. Leaving elty, offer comfortable, well built home, with five good bedrooms, pleasant living rooms, six closets splendid celljtr; olty water; electrle light barn; two large lots; nice shade and some fruit; good community; block from cat 11110; near tcliool, also Congregational and Baptist churches. Price. $2 600. If you examine; this you will want It. Will show any time, except Sunday. Phone) - Webster 1034. W. D. King. Make Us an Offer on the beautiful, most complete home In the city; parlor, living room, .dart, dining room, kitchen and large, airy, sunny bed rooms; lot ti.rxU2, shade and fruit trees; located 200 feot off Farnam car line, on Pine street, near schools and churches. . : GALLAGHER & NELSON, - -490 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . . $2500 rooms, Bemls Park, near car, high, new modern, close to church and school; bargain at this I rice; will rent for t. ; Wray & Steven, Sole Agents 510 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3407. Street Car Men or Clerks South side, one block to car, from dwner. A new not rtulle completed modern 6-room cnttaire; $0u cash, balance easy terms. ' Douglas 2318.' From the Owner For Sale South side, one block to car, a modern, up-to-date 6-rooin cottage, new", not iulte completed $.0 cosh, balance easy terms. Douglau 231$. ' NEAR UNION STATION OFFERS WANTED - ' On tho property at 807 Pierce St., com prising a 6-room cottage aud large lot 8k 147. Nonreeildent owner wanle to oioae out his Omaha holdings. - , .. The Byron Reed Co. both' Phones. 212 S. Ulh St. VACANT 2 9TH BOUTU OF KAUNAM ' One of 4h best locations for flats In the city. Will sell you single lot at very low P' LNOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. C24 Ni Y, Lit Uldg. - Phone He '.99. ' 7-ROOM. NEW MODERN, 3,000. FULL LOT, GOOD LOCATION; $500 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Lldg. Phons Red 199 POULTRY,: