Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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j See Our Big Ad oa Page 3. Big Sale of Women's
ft Imported Costumes and Dresses at Half Price.
1 fiaV-MkHiVT
B Ulijfl v!
D utho It
. H - Pais
Dcautlf ul, Out Moderate Frlced
'fflliiery for Easter
f . Brandeis hats are always smart and correct in style
po matter how moderate the price may be. For the thous
ands of women who want fashionable and becoming hats
for Easter wear at a price that is moderate, Brandeis
Stores is the natural and sat-,
isfactory place to buy.
', Ve specialize in high grade
spring hats to sell at $3.00
and we, put more smart style
in' them than any other mil
liners can get into their $10
hats. .
V Hundreds of the newest
Easter shapes, trimmed in
the latest ideas; on special
fables, at
We si low great varieties of the cleverest styles for spring
Vwear," specially suitable for Easter, trimmed in the latest
1910 ideas, for. ; . . .10.00 and 15.00
Brandeis Exquisite Spring Millinery in ultra fashionable
models for Easter, at ;. .$25.00
18 'and 22-inch Fine Embroidered Flonncings, 9Cp
Skirtings and Corset Cover Embroideries, at, yd.. . 31
English, Eyelet, crochet and floral effcts; Swiss, nainsook and
cambric, worth up to 50c a yard. ,
W e m n a Hose
Bupporters '..10a
Finishing. Braid,.'
- all colors, per
holt, at
Muchtna Silk, black
' and white, two
poola, at ... .Bo
Btesl Shears anil
Scissor loo
Dress Shields, at.
per pair . ..-.lOo
aw v
Sun F.onnets are In. You'll be wa
for work In the garden and law
ranting one I
rearl CM1 Pictures,
hand painted on
gls; scenlo
subjects; lxI0
Inrh and Ux2i
Inrh wlds, gold
frames; 15.00
value ,...91.89
Bennett's Easter Week Exhibition of Suits
iq TTfimJcfafrnlilv fJtmrpinp A
Glove Special
22 and 27-inch Fine Embroidered Flduncings, Ele-" rn
gant Irish' crochet effects, etc; worth to $1.00, at. . 9vL
Angleterre" and floral spray designs; also neat, dainty designs with
hemstitched borders for children's dresses.
m Fine Embroidery Edgings and Insertionsr effeo- .
& . tive designs worth up to 10c a yard, at, yard 31
Fine Wash Laces and Insertions, Linen Torchons, 9 1
Plat Vals., etc worth up to 7y2c a yard, at. '. . . . ; . V2
Hand Embroidered Center Pieces, and Pillow Tops All
' Hand Made But Slightly Soiled Worth to $4.00
Center Pieces, 36-36, on tan linen, embroidered In floral designs and
edged with lace, white embroidered pillows, finished with back and
ruffle, dark linen pillows, embroidered back, lunch cloths m n
In whlte'86-36; also table runners 18-64, worth $1 to S4 ZIKP
now at . Vla
Elastic Belts, with fancy buckles, worth up to 25c, at. .5c
Easter IMo vcltlco iii Sweetlaiid
Easter Rabbits, each. ,5 10J
and. up .to .$1.00
Cotton . Rabbits, each 5 10
Baskets, . trimmed , with rabbits
and chicks, each ........ 5
Jelly Bird Eggs, lb. 1
Best Quality Jelly Bird- Eggs-
all sizes, lb 15
Panorama Eggs, each 5 10
and up to .$3.50
Natural Ducks and Chicks, !l0
Have your name put on Choco
late Easter EggB each 5k 10J
Special Wednesday Home Made
Cream Caramels; regular 40o
quality, at, lb. 10
' Hundreds of the clever new designs for Easter greet
ings ta your friends. Anlmmense showing of new Easter
. Post. Cards at, each, lc and up.
El we-.
1 it you want to wear them for
Enater you muat et them this week.
If you want the smartest Spring
Btylea, 1 the correct and fashionable
shoe, you win una mem i una
Shoes and
Oxford Ties
'4 la , every correct style, every pro
fer, shape, every fashionable leather.
$3.50. $4.00. S5.0O
10th and pouglM Strecu.
Dry Cleaning Talk
Number 10
The Cost
rBT WELVE years ago we set the
price .In'- Omaha for Dry
Cleaning a suit of clothes at f 1.50;
up to that time every man who
had a Buit dry' or steam cleaned
paid $2.50.
When we set the price It was
based on the cost of doing the
work, since , then both labor and
material have advanced from 60
per cent to 100 per cent, but ow
ing to labor saving-machinery and
Improved methods we have not
been compelled to raise our prices,
and at the same time weare able
to turn out a much higher grade
.of work; k . .
'; 'All our prices 'are based on the
cost of:, production when we
charge 75 cents to clean and press
a .plain, skirt, and fl for a pleated
pne. It. means that'there is'a dif
ference in the cost doing two skirts
of 25 cents. "
Take lt one day with another
year after year, and we think you
will get a little better prices and
a little better work at Omaha's
y Biggest and Best Cleaners.
Pan tori um :
J 'Good Cleaner and Dyers'
J 1513 Jones St. . Botb Phones
Today we will sell Peanut Brlttlu at
l&c per pound-. Kresh , Home i. Made
CANDY all the time at popular prices.
Have you tried our candy? If nqt, to
day will be the day to do to.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co,
ietn uid Frjriinni
$1 Kid Gloves,
Best Colors
A tlmsly Kaster offering A largo
. quantity "of fins imported gloves, la
' shades to match spring suits. They
. are soft, pliable goods, and correctly
cut to fit neatly All sixes in the
- line. '
Prime Iambkln Gloves $1.88
French Kid, very grades, all
shades, at tl.CO and (3.00
Silk Gloves, Kayser and Pownt'i
make, all colors . , . . 50o, 75c and 91
Up In our second floor boys' aectlon
are the neateat, dressiest little suits
one has seen In a long time. It's a
real pleasure to see so many likeable
styles. It's boys' clothing that Is
honest all through looks good, la
made well and Is as good as It looks.
Prices were surely never more reai
onable. Kaaslan Salts Single and double
breasted. In grey, red and blue; also
fancy materials; many have sep
erate reefers to match. Prices of
suits . .$3.60, tB.OO and S0.00
Xnlokersooker Suits Single and
double breasted Norfolk styles. In
best shades . .$3, 9. $S to $10
Stesfsr peolal Tan covert, strictly
' all wool,' double breasted; 2 to 10
years, at flO.oo
: Winsome Easter Suits over 2,000 of
them each portraying fashion's man
date to a remarkable degree, giving to
the wearer a self-satisfied feeling that
comes only from a knowledge that one
Is faultlessly attired.
. Dennett's Style Innovations
and Bennett's Low Prices
Hate Certainly Captured the Town
Never in any season has the tide of
Omaha suit selling turned Bennettward
with greater perslstance. Every day shows
wonderful gains. - Meet the gladsome Eas
tertide arrayed In a Bennett suit, which
characterizes every element of refinement
and individuality well informed women
so universally seek.
There' Is a distinctiveness about Ben
nett's suits a certain tailored-to-order at
mosphere hovering about them that wins
the admiration of all eyes and lifts one
Quite above the common place In dress.
These are the prices that establish a
new precedent for good value In women's
suits. .
Charming Easter Models
,in Silk Dresses
New foulard dress with overdrape In one
piece . effects, new sunburst dresses of
changeable taffetas and greatest assort
ment of other new 1910 models
$10.50 $25.00 nd $35.00
Spring Jatketa, $3.05, $6.05, $8.50, $10
and $12.00.
Madam Grace Corsets
Hand tailored," their construction and finish is simply
beautiful their fit perfect
Price range
-..'.. ;''
$5 to $25
American Beauty Corsets
America's best popular priced brand. We are showing these renowned . corsets in
Serless new spring style effect, adapted to. every figure- .
Prices range ' 'V v iw V
Wednesday's Attractive Offerings
in Stylish Easter Footwear
Women's patent colt ankle strap pumps, with Hgnt
turn soles and Cuban heels. One of the neatest pf.
the present season fashions In women's foot wear;
also smart, one eyelet ties, with ankle strap,, in dull
leathers and patent colt;: all sizes and all widths
shoes that are clearly. $3.00 values CQ
featured Monday, at V"uu
TOKzri oxtokbs
Here's a "plum" for
women who can . Wear
small sites. We have ISO
pairs of odds and ends in
Oxfords to clean up
They are all good, perfect
$2.60 and $3.00 quality.
Lut.. owing to lack of
best selling slses, we of
fer them, at , $1.00
Also Oxfords; a great line
of the most stylish ef
fects ever shown at Ben
nett's AnU'.e strap styles
in patent colt, tan, Rus
sian Calf, dull leathers,
etc., at . ...1.35 to $2.60
Easter Shoes for Boys High shoes and oxfords; most
any kind you like best Is here, in all leathers; trusty
kinds; all solid leather and up-to-date styles
..$1.50 to $3
..$1.25 to $2.50
Corn Meal,' white or yellow
8-lb. sack for . ...lao
Bennett's Capitol Coffee
lb. pkg S8o
And 40 Stamps.
Bennett's Challenge Coffee,
per lb 180
And 10 Stamps. ,
Bennett's . Teas, assorted
per lb cao
And 60 Stamps.
Tea Sif tings. 16o lb. pkf..
now at 10
Bennett's Capitol Pure Pep
per, Vi-lb. can luo
And 6 Stamps.
Table Syrup, . 2H-lb. can.
now at loo
Van Houten's Cocoa, 1-lb.
can, at 78o
And 20 . Stamps.
Van Houten's Cocoa, '.4 -lb.
can, at ...48o
And 10 Stamps.
Van Houten's Cocoa, Vi-lb.
, can, at ...84o
And 6 Stamps.
"; Double Stamps on Gran
ulated Sugar.
Small Sour Pickles, dos. So
'StoUwerck's Cocoa, H-lb.
can, at 30o
And SO Stamps.
Hartley's Pure Orange
Marmalade, jar ... ...lBo
Diamond 8. Chill Sauce, at.
per bottle 100
Capitol Baking Powder, lb.
can, at Bo
And 20 Slarnnn
Crackers, large assortment.
Per pkg loo
And 10 Stamps.
Cheese, full cream, lb. 82o
And 10 Stamps.
Virginia Swiss Cheese, at.
Per lb ;'. 26o
And 10 Stamps.
Imported Hand Cheese, 3
tor . . . .85o
Snider' s Catsup, bottle; 8 So
And 10 Stampa.
3nlder's Chill Salad Dress
ing, Cocktail Sauce ...8So
And 10 Stamps. -
Hartley's Imported ure
Fruit and Sugar Jams,
assorted, jar aoo
Onion Sets, per qt. . ...lOo
Seeds, flower and vegetable
seeds, per pkg. . ...;3Ho
Popcorn, lb. .60
Yankee Rose Toilet Soap,
4 cakes, for 8So
Diamond S. Chill Sauce, at,
per bottle lOo
And 10 Stamps, v
Pea Special,. Mignonette
Marrowfats, 4 cans . .850
FiaWS ' 8 All 2 Califor
nia Santa Clara
Fraoes. 80 to 30 to lb..
our 17Ho quality, at, J
per id. mvto
Torothy , Dodd" the gvdd6-post , of Women's
shoe fashion the unfailing' sign of footwear sat
isfaction. cTHany new. models for spring in which
refinement and originality ard happily blended. ;
If you judge shoes by their selling prices, you'll be t
egreeably surprised in Dorothy Dodds." , No
genius can produce better shoes nothing less
than genhis,' shoes as good. , V
si iiiist' si t-'i r ff aoa'V w in mum
It's the Corset That Hakes the Gown
Next Sunday is Easter, the one time of the year when all womankind wanta to
look her best, when she' insists that her .gown pass the minutest inspection.
Why is. it that some always look trim and attractive? It's not so much a matter
of figure as you would expect it's the corset, the right corset that moulds the fig
ure to just the lines that will make the Easter gown a mantle of perfection.
We are splendidly ready "with the best corsets the Beason
affords figure builders In a wide range of style effects
for every figure the tall, the medium and the short; the
stout figure and the slender. No matter what your form -we
have the model that 'wlli' produce Just the figure effect
your gown demand.
. v. v; - " '
With us corestlng is an art, a study; and not only that,
we have arranged eVefyonvenlence for right corset1 fit
ting commodious, flttiffg" rooms and expert corsetterei
advantages and serve -Which are yours without extra cost.
America's most noted' revision Of the famous French models.
Osauliful Silk Dresses and Evening Gorans
An iinmonso urchnso of rlpRnnt
imported nnd domcstir creatiotta,
wonrotl by our btiyer who luis just
returned from Now York, secured
at a fraction of their actual worth
the most delightful values ever
offered in Omaha. ' . : ,C
Ml 1
F.legant. Imported Kvenlng Costumes
that would sell regularly at prices from
. $50 to $250; lncom-
- parable values . ,
$20 io$05
875 Stylish Silk Dresses Newest de
signs and colorings, In Mescalines,
Taffetas and Fancies, trimmed with
laces, insertions and appliques, made
to sell to $25 Marvel- A I A f"f
lous values, at $ii9U
50c Easier Ribbons For 25c
Newest spring shades, plain silk and
satin taffetas, plaids and fancy
shaded, to C-inch Widths,
now at v
shipment of 7c to 16c a yard values
in edges or insertlngs Wednesday in
.thre e big lota 3 5
Wool Drcos
Goods Sale
From O to 13 A. M. 25 bolts of
62-inch, all wool navy blue Pan
ama; regular price Is $1.25 a
yard; one pattern to customer,
at, yard 67
From 2 to 4 P. M. 1 case of 52
inch black Mohair; regular price
$1 a yard; one pattern to a cus
tumer, at, yard 5G
Other Specials for AU Day
Monday All Day in Our High
Grade Wash Goods Department.
Gingham Salo
Toile du Nords, Afc. and Red Seals
regular price 12 He and 15c
will go, at 7
Genuine Barntby Ginghams l reg
ular price 16c to 18c, on sale
now at 11
Abherfoyle 25c Ginghams, 1QW
Galy and Lord's 25c Ginghams
now at 12H
Anderson's Genuine Scotch Glng
bams, at 1 . 18
Amoskeag Apron Checks ....Q
Extra Specials for
Wednesday in Our
Famous Domesfic
From 9 to 0:30 A. M. 1 case
of product Muslin; regular
price 10c a yard; 10 yards
llmltat, yd 5
FroniO to 10:30 A. M. 1
case of 15c Black Sateen; 10
yards limit, at, yd. . ...)
From 2 to 2:80 P. M.- l ease
of 15c India Linon; 10 yards
limit, at, yd
From 8 to 8:80 P. M. 1 case
of 81x90 SheeU; regular price
85c; 6 . sheets limit, now at,
each 43
From 4 to 4:80 P. M. 1 case
of 25c Turkish Towels; .6
towels limit, at, each ..H
From 5 ta Sir 80 P. M. 1 case
of Apron Check Gingham;
regular price' 7c; 6 yards UmTt
at. yd ;4K0
Six' Other "gales Not Advertised
For Discrimmmting "Women
"Short Vamp Model-
favorite in aJl leathers.
Especially desirable for af-
y t, . : I
ternoon wean Introduced
"Custom" makers at $6
ana $7" Queen Quality"
immediately offers improve
ment at . a moderate Price.
Easter Lillies Easter Lillies Easter Lillies
We' have bought from one of the largest nurseries in the country
5,000 Beautiful Blooming Easter Lilies, of the famous St. Joseph
variety. This variety is retailed at nearly every Q
nursery for 25c a bloom; our price for this special jfP qG
sale (No limit, all you want as long as they last) . . V r
Basement, Crockery Department ;
Read the Big Special Grocery and Canned Goods Sale
for Wednesday
Haydens' save' you 25 per cent to
60 per cent on your grocery bill.
48-lb. sack Best HlKh Patent Flour,
now at JUS
18 lbs. Beat Granulated Sugar ..91.00
J-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes,
now at 'H
1- lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn,
now at .-. 'Ho
3-lb. cans Oolden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Squash, Sauer Kraut .or Baked
Beans, at . . THp
S-lb. cans Apples 7 VJj
2- lb. cans Wax, String, Green or
Lima Beans, at Ho
Quart cans Table Syrup 7Wo
1- lb. can Baked Beans 4o
Large cans Mustard Sardines .,..60
Rex Lye, per can '. 6o
Store Scrubbing Lye, per can ,...4o
2- lb. can Table Peaches Bo
3- lb. can Table Peaches, Apricots,
Plums, or Pears, at ..iaHo
163 cans Van Camp's Milk IWo
Tall cans Alaska Salmon luo
The Best Condensed Mince Meat, at,
ptr pkg .7Ho
Our Table' of Flowsr and Vsff
tsbls Bsefls.
Fresh Spinach, per peck ...loo
Head Lettuce, each vBo
2 bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuce Ifo
Egg Plant, each ' : fc
Fancy Klpe TomatoeH, per lb. laio
New Potatoes, per lb '.'.'Wo
Fresh Cucumbers 10o, 7Vo. 60
2 bunches Fresh Hothouse Radishes,
now at . --Go
Fresh Shalots, per bunch ....... 3Vi,o
Fresh Beets, per bunh ..3,-i0
Fresh Turnips, per bunch 3V40
Fresh Carrots, p'r bunch 3Uo
Fresh Cabbane, per. lb.r ......... .J4o
Red Onions, per lb, . . :... i .. JUo
Large, Fancy lemons, per doi. ,.16e
Green Peppers, for stuffing, per dos.,
now at ' J . 300
Tbs best No. 1 strictly I"rh Egrs.
per dos. m 80o
Kotblng better at, dotsn - SOo
The Highland Maysls Xxosl All
Others for Quality and Fries.
For this sale special, a carload of
regular 50c slse,. per dos , ,30o
t i iii. rxsi
Inva rnmtnri inn nie
wealth in
1 j
CcMcmers' DistriliBtet
John Nittler
8224 So. 24th Street,
'.. ... ' .V '..
ftoag . 1883, 4 933,
, l- Icd. A-1410.
- f
" ;
Art You Going To Paint This Spring?
We are better equipped and located"
than any other paint concern in Omaha
to furnish you with paint merchan
dise. Call or write for color card. Visit
our Paint Department at 1416 Harney
St. We have experienced- men, , and
you cannot go wrong if you take their
advise regarding anything in tha
paint line.
KeUil Paints, ' , 16tli & FArnam K(s.
M'liolesale and Retail 1'aJnts,
1410 Harney Ht.
A ii r SPEUSv
WT C 0 U G si
Best Bamsdy forACoughs,
XAr -JTroalJlas
1 I I Colds. Ttirokft and
U VA unwcilte 1WT1 lflVC
Get a bottle today, SSo and 600, at your
druglsta' or Howsli Drug Vo V07-ao M.
lath BU, Oma,ba. . - i v
' - - - - i i ' '' - - '
A Book of-Rare, Vulus to , tii 1'rlvafs
Toilet equipment of every Woman. Sen
2c stamp for fres copy.
rn.WL.rn: m.. wl. b.:o: K:.JiJtJt'J