Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1910, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MAKCTI 23. 1010. -11 ft V f J V AND PRODUCE MARKET fealli Trifling ,wi th Crop Eport, but Gain No Advantage. THE DECLINE I'l IS HEAVY ON TH ""' DentaatI Poo anil Pfa Export Bolaea on . Hand Market la strengthened by Rally la Wheat Prlcea. - OMAHA March 22. 1110. Bulls ralter&te the crop damage report that have caused the daily nervousness In Wheat. ' Aa' yet, ho real advantage has len gained, i-and It looks more like a waiting game unttithn amount of damage can be correctly estimated. The corn market gels heavier a prices decline; hipping demand- la very poor and little or no export. business la being , done. Liqui dation continues Wavy. Wheal was- steady early In the session, but. advanced sharpljr 4ater on liberal buy ing on crop news from the southwest. The bullish tone that hat) dominated the market t(tr some time became active and valuea ware aent higher. ... - The corn market tvna strengthened by the ralU In. wheat and prices advanced irnuny wltrtOUl opposition, rown www and no change In the situation Caah corn was easy, aelllng at ho over yesterday. Primary wheat' receipts- were 403.000 bushels and ahlpmenta were 192,000 bu-thels, against receipts laxt year of 476,000 bushels and shipments of 189.000 bushels. Plimarv ""i-orn recelnts were 617.000 busheta and shtprm-rrts -were 594.000 bushela, j against receipts lat year of M bush!ls and ahlpmenta of 690.000 bushels. Clearances were 876,0u bushels of corn. l.OoO bushels -of -oat aiKt wheat and flour equal to 68,000 bushels., Liverpool closed Sd higher to Mid lower cn Wheat "and d lower on -torn. lxti range, of -options: - . steadily Wl I lacking and evident. c over yeaten Articles. Open. High. '1 tow. 1 C1ob6. Bat y. .Wheat May., July.. Corn ' JMy., July.. Data Ml ri01 iW(,'To7Vj 10SH1 107 1 02 1 03'4 1 02 1 0314 1 02 .-67'4, ',,6SHl' 67'4 W 67H 69 W t, bi .' COW 60-T. ! ' Omaha tuk Paleea. WHEAT-'NoM bard. 81.05W1 ; No. ( W..Jt . CI I, 1 nr.. V- 1 U 1 i.l ;,ei AO. Wn spring, 1.0i,'1.0; No. S spring. $1.03ftl.0t; No. ( spring.-avrf 02: N6. 1 durum, Or; No.- 3 durum, . 8Si&9i . CORN No. 3 wWte. 67H&5Sc; No. a white, 67Vc; No. 4 white, 66i.Cc; No. I color, Wc; No. I colof. 66',t!36c; No. 4 color, tzttaici No. .1 .yellow,. 64Vfcc;-N. S yellow, MH'W; -.No 4 yellow, r.fS521c; . No. 2, 6SWici No. S..63&54io: No. 4, 62a52Vic; no grade, -41pt9c. OATS Standard.-42er No. S white. 41V4c; No. .4. white,. 41q; .No. S yellow. 41c; No. 4 yellow. 0c; No. 3 mixed. 40"4f41c. nAnLKT--No.-4. tfT&i Tf.'l feed. Mg57c. RYKUor .75it76ft'.N. 3. 74740. 'J ijf)lrtt. laaalpta.. i e:v Vhat. Corn. Oats mark; current receipts In rtirnable canes. 2xo at mark; western firsts, free caaes, aic at mark; current receipts, 22c at mark. CHKKffKhm; New York full creams, choice, 17'xc; fair to good, I'.'ii) 1c. !SEW YORK fiENKIlAI- MARKKT Qaotatlena of tar Day . en Varloa. ( onmnUtli, , - NKW YOFlK, March 12 F1X)VR-Prmdy, with etil. Iraife; spring patents. V, ..yV5 '; winter straights, .Z"in A; wlmor patents. IS 00; R:rlr clears, MSOnt.Vo: winter rxtra, No. J. 4.(4.r-l, winter extrH No 2. 14 "( 4 ;; Kansas straight, r,.0fvr, 30; rv clpla, S7,!:2 hbls.; shipments, J.Mt bMa. Hye flour,' steady-', fair to -ool, 4,344fi, cholce to fancy. J4 tVfi-4 W. ' '. COHNMKAl-Wfirf; fine -wilte and yel low, $1.411.50; coarse. 1.3l.4V; kiln dried, 3 35. , - " HYK thill;. No.' f western, W)',4c, nominal, f. o. b.; New York. WHKAT Hpot market firm; No. I red, 11.25. c. 1. f. ; No. 1 northern. II. KH. t.'o. b., opening rvlg.i.t Km. Option wheat- was e-Hnler early under selllnft on the lower ca bles, Il1 Milled nnd-advanend Sharply with active commission houe buying mid on unfavorable crop report and prediction, of fair, warmer weather. Price eloped at Htt lHo advance. May closed at I1.2J1, July closed at 11.17 and Feptember cloeed a-t 11.1.14. ltccel )t 8.400 bu. CORS Spot, firm; stemer.- W4c; No. 4. fTJVie, both elevator, export busM; export No. 2, 04c, nominal, f. o. b. The option market m WMk early under llii!doAlin, du: wne,n selling ccaned the market ad vanced BhniT'ly and closed a iJl net advance. May. 7uti72V, closed 7-c; July doted at 7.'lc; Septemhef, 72V(i74Vtc. cliwied at 744c. Itucelpta, 7,7M) bu.; shipments, 10,ft14 hu. OATS Spot markeit, steady; mixed 28 to 32 lbs., ri,:min.l; natural whMe, 2(1 to 32 lhs.. 4s4,i.V)4c; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 60j wtrc; May, 4c. Iltceipts, 41JO0 bu. HAY Steadv: nrime 11 15: No. 1. I1.10O l.l.r.; N'o. 2, ll.0iVril.10: No. 3. ll.OOu l.Oj. HIDKR Firm; Central American, 22Hc; Bogota, 22Sc. , ' Firm; hemlock firsts, 263 2!'c; seconds, Ziljilc; thirds, 2i25c; rejected. 2o?j21c. I'KO VISIONS Pork, steady; mess, 127 .03: family, JJ7.fjOru2K.Oil; short clears, IW.OOc 2100. Beef, firm; mess, $14,504)15.00; family, I13.00-&1!) M; beef hams, J24.OOOiliB.flO. Cut meats, firm; pickled hams, lis.&Ojf 1B.0O. Iard steady; middle west, prime, IH.tjo'g 14.70; re fined, firm; continent, 114. SO; South Amer ica, I1S.4&; compound. JlO Wi 10.25. TAILiOW Firm; prime city, hhds., 7Hc; country. Giii7c HL'TTEH- Firmer; creamery specials, SS'acj extras, 82c; third tn first, ZS-il'sc; held, second to special, 2T'Q:t2o.; western fac tory, 22(ijZ3iic; western Imitation creamery, 24 V'2Gc. KtKiS Easy; western firsts, 2222V4o; seconds, 2Hic. CHEelSE-Firm; state, full cream, fall made, special, KvjKQl&c; fancy, 17!4c; good, to prime, ltiVu'ldc; current, best, luttni18o: common to fair, U&lSc; skims, full to speclul, 132il4VkC. POCLTltY Alive, firm; fowls, 20o; turkeys, U'u liic. Dressed, flrmj western chickens, lt'ul7c; fowls, MQlS'xo; turkeys, 18ij23o.. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market PenisU ia Waitinf Attitude ' with Strong TJndertony. EAISIKQ SCALE - OF miCES Scantiness of applies of StooW tor Sale Totlred Conf Idenc la - Early Settlement ot Fire-' . men's Dispute. . ri,ersl fund. I2.10r,.2l: current liabilities. $nio.S M; working balance In tresenry of fices, $?2.!M!.4l5; In banks to credit of treas urer of I'nlt'd Ptates, JW 447.122: subslrlsry silver coin.; minor eoKv $!.iv..ii; total balance In general fund, JN,J;U'.,JS1. lttn York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. March 2.-MONEY-On rail, steady, 23 per cent, ruling rate, 2Tt per cent; closing Lid. 2 per cent, offered at 2-1 per cent. Time loans much softer and dull; sixty days, BViit Per cent; ninety days. 4 per cent; six months, 4q4Si per cent. . I'HIME. MKHCANTILE PAPFH-4MJ5 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bunkers' bills at $4. 4.S4 for day bills nnd at 14 8725 for nemand. Commercial bills, $4 .Xttt 4 PILVETt liar. rrc; Mexican dollars. c 1mj t l"e Int .itt4ini. ,' Jnfitn Chicago . Minneapolis .. Omaha, 7i...i. '4l 174 13 348 '56 271 23 VtONI'S Oovernmcnt Irregi-lar. Closing quotations on as follows: I, s. rf ?s, "rfg do coupon V. 9. rs du in coMpon ... V. S. . rl ilit ennpon Atll-rhilmer ta. Am. Axt'- 6 Am., N. T ct. 4s. Am. Tobacco -R Amer. Ttbcco 6. .. Armour A Co. 4'j Atchison sen. do cv. 4s do c. fii Atl.ntlr C. L. B. A O. 4s do SHi do tvts ito g. W. Br. Trsn. er; 4s . Central of (I, hm. Central -estlier fti C. of N (hm St CHICAOO' OltAIN 1NJ PROV ISIONS , ."- . f.n.f. .i .i , ...., . .j- . Featarea . tke. Tradlan. a ad Closlag - ; r.rltem -oa .Oard - mf Trade. CHICAGO, Maroh ,22.-11- the, K grains finished strong after, an, easy start, today. IHdlni bull Jullittd'Mri the buying and fcrrced ' shorts to coVer, Carrying wheat prices ;uo from IH. to la -above the )ow pqlntf. Piovlslona -felt, the bullish move ment In I. less derlroe'. ' " ' What-' promts" toi be- a dull day tn hwt was okargBd with excitement In the final halfi of , toe. session,...- Less favorable crop reports than' had beeti 'received earlier, together wttli dry" weather In southwestern wheat Jandatwaa ttha .basla of. the bullixh cUylty. . yrtoes a4vknce4 steadily and t'tr September- Wheat'' touch td a H"' lov-above tha" curly" low.' - July , and May options war npteuiw .to follow the auvaus and ahot up 1-Vo and , l,c respectively f rem their lowest figures. Statistics show Intr ' 4 deoreaa In . the ' World'a available uptdjr .and-, emaller arrivals had Do .place In the mlnda of traders who were absorbed Irr th4 Crop oor ditlone. September moved betweerl Jl OlafV.tM and- ML July ad vanced, from.' tUXUa. to .tl.OSffi). -and May inoved up from I1.124i to tU.39. . The close waa strong at almost the top with Septem ber lSi'slHo up at I1.0GH; July lfilrt up t I1.0ittan4 iay higher at 11.13 i4 Poor demand far1 corn early In the day tfirted the market downward. May later went Up from 60?a to 6214c, the more dis tant options making similar headway. Cash corn shared In tl.e advance and Bold steady to 'Ho higher. No. 8 yellow was bought at 6SMiu&9tyc,,. .The demand or futures con tinued to the close which was strong all around with May HMjlHo up at 62c. i)ats ; madu- well - defined gains in price nd shorts la the-oats pit, rushed to cover when the wave of, wheat strength surged over bounds.- May advanced from 4&a to 434fi:43ko; the other futures -making like gsjna. Tha oloae waaUlrm at near the lop with May &a up .at 43&43?aO. when grains advanced the effect' waa seeie iu iuiproved prices fur meal products. May pork niude the- greatest - gain, ad vancing from 125.46 to lifc aTTX uid closing on ho high. ' 2imc up. Final prices on May lard- and 'rtns are: Lard, I1S.57H, 7c Off; anKrb, I13,t6. 6o up. .Leading futures rapged as follow: WEATHER IS THIS GRAIN BELT For Nebraska, Fair Wednesday and Continued Mild Teraperat are. OMAHA. March 22, 1910. Very light showers occurred within the last twenty-four hours In the middle Mls siuslppl valley, lower lake region and on the south Atlantic coast. There has been no precipitation, except In sections named. east of. the Rocky - mountains., since the preceding report, and except that, con siderable cloudiness prevails In the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys and lower'; lake region, generally ciear weather pre vails everywhere east of the mountains this morning. A depression of considerable energy is moving in over the, extreme northwest, and .is causing unsettled weatlier In that section. Conditions con tinue unsettled on the Pacific slope, and' rains are general - along the coast this morning. The weather will continue fair .In this vicinity tonight, with increasing cloudiness Wednesday and 'continued rrtlld' temperature.. : - ' The crest of the rise In the Missouri river reached Omaha this morning, with a stag of 19.6 feet. - The river Is falling at all points above Omaha. A slight fall la reported at the Blair bridge, thirty-five milts by river above Omaha, and a fall of 3.4 feet occurred at Sioux City within the last twenty-four hours. The river will begin falling today, and will be followed by a decided full during Wednesday. - Temperature and precipitation, as com pared with the last three years: ...... 1S10. 1909. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature. . , 66., ,,36 . 84 60 Pi a tlon .............. .W .00 r .00 ".00 Normal temperature for- -today. S9 de grees. . . ... . Deficiency in precipitation" since March 1. .82 of an Inch, Deficiency coi responding .period In 1900, .Xi of an Inch, Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, .50 of an inch. X A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. NEW YORK,-Mareh 22 The stock mar ket today persisted In' Its waiting attitud. The undertone was strong, and until th lust hour and the demand, llnft.t as it a., was filled on a rising scale of prices. This Is according to the .conviction ot the habit ual tradeis In'stocks. that prices are cp tltled to an advance whtn "the sap begins to rlfce," tempered by '.conslderaHon of possible 'complications in the money mar ket oh the llrst of the coming month. Scantiness of supplies of stocks offer ings fur sale was an undeniable fact today, which facilitated the efforts of the pro fessionals to move prices upwsrds on the light accumulations. Foreign markets were about as apathetic as tnat here and Hie causes of the- dullness were pretty fairly tommon for -them all. Bssldes the April 1 money settlements a pause is In order preceding the coming holiday eftoris. Such news as came to hand was lntre preted In a sense favorable to values of securltlis. The average price of 101.78 real Ixed for the New York City 41 per cent bonJs, proved higher than was expecud st yesterday's close. The new bonds were dealt in "when tssurd" at pr.cts above the list In tne outNide yesterday and the older issues all made fractional reooverloJ. The proportion of the Issue token by authorities amongst the International ! VdusV'k.' ununcia. i no niKii as t& per oeni ot ine total. This wouid mean a supply of foreign exchange to an amount of more than 12.600,0ij, an important contribution to the needs of the debit balance of New York. - A statement attributed to western rail road officials kept up confidence In a settlement of the dispute of tnose com panies with their locomotive firemen. Following the adjustment of the Baltimore and Ohio difficulty, this new success of the government mediators would be ac cepted as assurance against other disputes. The Uompers manifesto against the United States Steel Corporation and the New Haven, strike later unsettled this confidence. The coppers were firm In expectation of the adoption of the Anaconda plan at (tomorrow's meeting. He-ports 'that the 'Canadian tariff negotiations was working out favorably were helpful in sustaining prlcea. - The tone of foreign' exchange held firm In spite of foreign subscriptions to the New York City bonds. Rates for time money were shaded. , Bonds were irregular. Total xsales par value, 13,844,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and range of prices on stocks were as follows: Bales. High. Lew. Cloac. l'Ki' 4J e-'t - 424 14.J00 ' 1st, 7SH steady; railroad. bonds today were r. 11 ref. 4a .'. t14 Met. 4Hi 2 Mar. Mar. 4HC 4a S!4 114V.. Mo w. r ...1MVC. FovllMri) lat la ...OU 8. dab. 4a (HUH. t4 ...IM I,. N. un 41 M'4 a. .14 M , K. A T, 4. V tl'4 do Kn. 4HS,.,..., rS4 107, 'Mo. Pacific 4 .. ... Hi : NaT I ft. R. of M, 4H ;. Y. ea. !', 0 1154 "do deN 4e ........ "S nnv, N.T.N.H A H. . b lM4 1st 4a M N. W. ct. 4. .j... livv, v. Nor. Pacific 4a J"! An U 71 US OrtV'l. U. rid. in ... 744, peon. ct. . S" t.tlU VI MHdn tan, 4a ......r. 0,104 4 :! RaadliK fen. 4a .... lftlVs.. U A 8. rt. , 4a..., J. mm. 5a..lZ4H do xcn. (a r Ohk) 4Vtia...;2'3. I. 8. W. con. 4a. 7 Allla-Ctialmars pfd Aoialfratnated Chopper,....-. American Aj-rkuUural , ., American Beat Sugar .... American Can American Car A F Amctioaa Cotton Oil .... Hide ft U pfd, loe securltlca Linseed ' , Locomotive , . . 8. A H , A R., pfd ...... Hteal Fuundrlea angar Ret .... T. A T To&aceo .pfd . Woolen ,....., Mining Co ... do ref. & 1M, do lat sold . . . .'IiiUj Chloan A A. IVkf ... 7:14 arnord A. L. 4a.. M4 C, U. A Q. It. 4.. W4) 8o. Pacific Col. tr .. do ftn. 4 4i So c. 4S iriji C. A St. P. ( Sa 74 do" lat ret 4a, e.." C R. I. A P. C 4- V8o, Rjr. 6a . .....:'. 10 txi tto gen. 4a ...!.... 7s 7 U. P. 4 1""! Colo. Midland 4a .. 77 do far. 4s..' i..l'l'4 C. A 8. r. A ex. 44 94H do 'let A ref. 4a... - Pel. A Hud. cv. a.Ol)Vfci;. 8.: Rubber a lila O 4a ... 6 I ten . 4a D. & R. do ref. DIstMlerV Krle pr. do gen, 4a : ,;docv. 4a ser. i do er. B Oen. Electric cv. Aa. Bid. Offered. : t'.- 8. Acel M .... !04H . HiVa,-cl, chein. Ha.t 4 . 7S'Wuti3h lat 5a lint . s5Vi do 1-1 and ai 4a.. 72 . "4 -Wenterit Md. 4 . SI Writ. Blee. cv. -... W . 72XWla. Central 4a .... M4) .14ZMn. Par. ct. rs..ctfs. H OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Top on Cattle Highest ia llistory of .. Market." HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS L0WEH Good, Active aad Strongj Market oa Sheep aad Laanbs, . "While Kerr Record Tops Are Made Both. a Neb.. March 22, 1910. Cattle. Hobs. Shep. S.704 6.S69 6042 10. 2 JO 10.170 7.K0 SOUTH OMAHA. Uerelpts were: Official Monday Estimate Tuesday.. Two riavs this week. .11.073 15.22 17.4M Same days last week..l0.0? 17.1K7 17,9 Sime days J weeks ago. .11.140 18.420 11.2.4) Same dsys 3 weeks ago..U.l7 l&.4tt ll 4o Hume days 4 weeks ago. .10.819 14 RHtl 14."9 Same days last year.... 5,144 17.063 17,684 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dse, compared with last vear. isio. liio. lno. Dec, Cattle 233.615 JO7.031 28,4.14 ....... Hogs f.21.0?0 634.187 112.W7 Sheep 888.081 808.402 .0.411 The following table shows the averare price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparlsonat Date. 1910. 1909.lWJ.1907.19O6.19O3. 104. March 12 10 87H 4 4 33 Msrch 13.1 I 471 4 7 ilarch 14.(10 34S I 4 45 March 16 10 3- 6 40 March 16.110 3.".HI 6 611 4 45 1 Msrch 17. 10 3:.m 6 ST. 4 M Msrch 18 I0 5-T-,l 8 601 4 681 March 19.110 fOH 6 44 1 4 63! March 20. 8-441 4 6o March 21. 10 62S 4 73 March 22. 10 49-Hl 54 681 09' 63 12 f BR B 11 I 69 6 48! 6 4m 6 401 26 04 I 07 6 11 10 17 6 19 IU 4 M 4 81 5 IS 4 91 5 26 4 941 6 16 4 981 B 04 6 01 6 OS 5 13 5" 04 4 93 4 92 6 16 6 18 5 01, 4 95 Loral SecnrlHa-B. ' Quotations furnished by Samuel Jr.. 6U New York Life . building, Burns. Oman n : Did. Asked. .104 1W4, . n loo . i ti . 84V4 5A .1IK) , IOOb track, 11.12(31 15.00 18.60 j ArUedes.t Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y. I ...... I ! lW..4.r..Hl l -..Ma ". IMS I.ISa.1 ! 'Wheat Wy July I jinwMsf-' l '1 1M4I1W4-HI 1 12H UUti-4-TvJ -1 OaWi . 1 Util 1 UM-lki 107-7 Sept,' , 110J4J.-W .1 0iil04-4 1 06S 104T4-6 Corn- I iay- . tw .' vz 60T4 2 01WH4i July., tavw 84b MV'ibi tat. I4r'trll4l')l ;s 4 U' , o4-4 MB,-' ! a. in. .nm . m. Sept. ! Oala- i W ' July , I Sept J May" :' 4iy- I Bept, Lard Vi- .Way; I 13 S24 juiy i u iu " iiept. 13 60 Itlb-. I,,. ,' -May I 13 B7T, 13 65 ,' July ' 18 Ha 13 86 ' Beat, flit Is 'I 13 ii 41, . .40 bo m vi 26 CO j V 25 4iiHiv .26.45 26 22V: 24 90 13 92,j IS 77Si u oiy 13 75 13 63 I , 13 50 is nm is 10 42 414 40 3a'Qk I 25 J7V4. .26 W to a , 13 87H 13 72V, 13 2V 13 65 13 13 2a to 60 25 60 26 30 13 90 13 72V4 13 6o IS 60 18 80 13 No. I, .' ' t'aeh quotations were as follows: KLOCREasy;- winter patents, $S.S0Q 1 1 66; atralghta J4.S0-ti4.3U; spring straights, ft. 76U4.96; . bakers, $3 2O4j3.30. . il K-No.' 2. 7.i'7uc MARLE-Feel ol- mixing, 60&S70; fair to cnflctnrHiitnig, oiiiwo. -, eluUUJ!i--F.lx, No. 1 . south wewtern, 12.22; No, 1 nortiiwentern, $2.32.. Timothy; $4.totf 4.6B. '-Clove-r, i2 09. - PROVlrJlONS-Pork, inesa, per bbl., 2.00 tjaO.ISu, Lafd, pd 100 Ilia, t4.12V. Short riba. Biaes tioosei, 4i4.a uiJ.wst; ahoji t cloar sides (boxed), 8i4.0fa 14. Total clearance of wheat and flour were HtiiU to ,0U0 bur Primary reoelpts were 14.UJ0, bu., compared wlth.47ti,Ouo bu the cor responding day a year ajio. The world's vl kibl supply, aa shown by IJradstreet'tt, de- crraaiHl (pv.wv du. llstlinated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 41 cars; com. 143 cars; oata, la cars; hogs', 21.000 head.- - Chicago Cash Prlcea Wheat: No re 81 nui i; ino. 9 rea. i.lal.ltl; No. 2 hard ii.ivtii.-u; -no. i nira, fi.07Ul.13; No. 1 nm tin rn spring. 11 &; No. 2 northern pring, . S'-ior i". f spring. JlObJilu. Corn; fo. casn, 69&'Jc; No. 4 cash. 5ai w; r o, wiiitv, noijuic; no. white . i wniie, se: No, 4 White. Q42c: MCTTKR Firm; dairies. J-iiZTo. k;iu.-4-tieo-ipis, 11,504 caseat steady; at rival k,. oas InciudsuV .17VilSo; . fOiata, 2iJc; lll-urie liraiw, ic... ... , POULTKT-Sieady; turkeys, 16,c-r chick lis, lsc;' springs, 18u ., . St, Loala General Market. BT. LOUI9. March 22. WHEAT-Iliaher: May, $l.UHfjHl: July, 1.0tj. Cash, un changed; trRC-k, No. 2 rod, S1.21H:; No. 2 hard. Il.lO'tftl.14. CORN Futures, higher! May, C3H634c; July. 6H'6'uoHo. Cash, higher; track, No, 2, 62c; No. 4 white, 64o. OATS Futures higher; May. 43c; July. 41MjC Cash higher; track. No. 2, 44c; No. 2 wnitc. 4t,'c. RYE Unchanged at SOHc, FLOUR Lower; red winter patents. 35.40 .;; oxtra fancy and straight, 14.705.40 hard winter clears, 83.8Oft4.0O. SKEL) Timothy, $3 0041-3.25. JOKNMh;ALr-?3.2o. BRAN Dull; sacked, east 1.13. HAY - Steady; tlmoUiy. prairie, $12.50(014.00. WAOOIMJ t'4C PROVldlONH Pork, higher: Jobbing. $25.76. Lard, lower; prime steam, $13.97i 14.07H- Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts. $16.12; clear ribs. $16.50: short clears, $15,374. Bacon,' steady ; boxed, extra short, 118.37; clear ribs, $u.37ft; short clears. $18.tUtt. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 16c; sprlnga. lc; turiteys,. zic; oucks, joc; geese, ic. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 27'?J33c. KGGS Unchanged at 19c Kansas City Grata Market. KANSAS CITY. March 22. WH EAT May, $1.09; July. $1.0J(3 1.03V,, bid; Sep tember,, sellers, casn. unchanged. No. i hard, $1 0Mjl.ll; No. 3. $1.08V1.08; No. 8 red, ll.lMUi.v; jvo. a, CORN May. lic; July. 63'Ac, bid: Sep tember, 6lo. bid Cash unchanged to He higher: No. 2 mixed, 684ifi&4c; No. 3. 6u0 otj'c; mo. 8 wnite, ouc; jso. , oij'Vii'i.HO OATS Unchanged: NO. 2 Wh U. 44I46c: rtio. z mixen. tutic. RYE 721750. HAY Unchanged r choice timothy. 114.00a 14 60; choice prairie, U.ou.U.a.; choice al raira, 8i7.U04U8.txt BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, 81c; iiisis, : seconus, sic; pacKing stock. iV4c. EUUS Unchanged; current receipts, $5.83 case. Recelnts. Khlnments. Wheat, bu v 34,000 40,000 Corn, bu 39,000 6.0U0 Oats, bu 7,000 9,000 Amerlcaa American American merlcan rrerlcan mar. 8. American American Amarlcaa American American naeonds Atohlson pfd . 1 Atlantic Coaat Une i . Baltimore ft Ohio Bethlehem--stael ..... Brooklyn ha. 'T'ran Canadian Pactflo . ..1 Central Leather. ..... Central Leataor pfd. Central of N. J Ohe. ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton ,.. Chicago O.. W. nw . Chicago O. W. pfd ... Chicago ft N. W m. a m. p ....... c, e. ft st L... Colo. Fuet ft iron olo. ft Southern ... Consolidated Uaa Oorn Products 's:..;.. j Delaware ft Hudaon .... Denver ft Rio Grand ... Dan fur ft Rio Orand pfd, Dlatlllara' gMurhles Erie , Krle lat pfd Krle td pfd Oenentl Electric ..: Qreat Northern pfd Oraat Northers, or ctfa . Illinois Central Inlerbaroui'h-Met lntrborough-Met. pfd .... Inter. Harveater ,. Inter-Marln pfd International Paper International Pump - Iowa Central Kan. City Southern . Kan.. City Southern pfd . yellow, 64y Mm oata; No. ( whltev 44440,- No. atandard. . c ream lea, rt-S2c : ' - Minneapolis Grain Market MINNEAPOIJ8.. March 22 WH E AT May, $1.14 0.1.14'; July. . L14So 1.14. Cas No. 1 hard. II 14tjl.l6H; No. 1 northern, $1 ItySl liA,:' No. t northern.' tl 12!al.l3; No 3, ll'('rt Ui. ' v FLAX throned, $2 $1. CORN No . yellow, 6M,(jfc. . OATtJ No. 1 while, 41'j42,c. ' ieYr!- Av... 4,ISC, riRAN.'it W0 lb. BacaaV 421.0a F IAjL i.-Flit patents tin w.Kd Available Sapply of Grala. NEW YORK. March 22-The following caMo and teli'graphlo communlcatlona re ceived by ItraOhtiects show the following euanegs in avails uie supplies, as compared witrr previous account: W United fHates, east Rockies In creased 669,0ti0 bu.; Canada, Increased 61,000 bu.; total t'nited States and Canada, In creased UiO.OrO bu ; afloat for and in Europe, decreased 1.4OO.U00 bu.; total American and uropean, decreased iso.oou bu. Corn, I'nitcd States and Can ml. i, increased 1. lliS.OOO bu. Oats, United States and Canada. decreased 84.0w bu. The leading increases and decreases re ported this week fuiloWB: IncreaseH M ilwaukee private elevators. 170,000 bu. ; Omaha, lni.uuu bu.; Manitoba lSxooo bu. : St. Joseph. 67.0011 bu.: Mm iieapolls private elevators, 6O.0U) bu.; Louis ville. 60.000 bu,: Port Huron, 60.000 bu. Decreases St. John, HOo.OuO bu.; Portland, lie., 174,000 bu. Minneapolis) 85.4:!w; $j ii6.4; flrsf cii ai-s, clears, IJ.lVyltO. Second f. o. b patents. $1 li;4.!55; , second! PhlUete.Iphla Frodaea Market. IHllADELPHIA. March 2t. BUTT'ER Firm; extra western creamery, j&c; nearby prints, toe. . ;Ui.K-4 Flrnjt good demand, Pennsylvania and other pearby tirsta tree cases, 23c at Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, March 2J. WHEAT P pot, ouu; No. t red, western winter, no stock March. 83 2d; May, Ts lid; July, 7s lo-Vtd tn-tober. 7s id. CORN Spot, steady; new. American mixed, 6a 9d. Futurvs, quiet; July, 6s IVd! Mllwaakeo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. March 22-WHEAT- r.o. i nortnern, ll.IT,f1.17; No. 2 north rn. fl 14HU. 16V,; July, $1.0b4. OATS tic. liARLKY Samples, 6&71c. ' Peoria Marked, . PEORIA, M 4 etitnC OATS Hirhei ; standard Whit), 43VaD43V,c No. 4 white, CORIA, March 22 CORN-Hlgher; No. hlte. 66c; No. 8 yellow, 6He; No. a. No. 4. 64c; no grade, 47ki6oc, tTS Hlphei; standard, 44c; No. I 42c. N hen , y,ou want what, you wanA when you want It, say so through The Bee Wan Ad columns. too tf0 1,000 400- CO0 too ''5,000. aoo ,"iao 1.600 Vioo lot) . 4(i 40 4W, 40 624 10S 126 141. 4VH .I0O,UoH. "ioo '.vii'i -' 100 - Sl4 . 10.300 78 800 1714 . I.WO '. 800 4Vt 107 41' Sf4 U 44 7 89 2V4 1414 61 8-1 107 0 lie .141 ...., 4'4 45 '4 1H,.1H H214 - 111 ttiii' iir . 3 81-4' 7T 77 17,.i ' 42 41, 4. !Vt '4 1 3l4 W -86 1071i 126 Ml Cltjr of Omaha 414, 1K9.....1. , Cudahy Packing Co. 6a Kanaas City Home Tel. fa. ,19S3 Long Bell Lumber Co. . l2t Lincoln Oaa A Rlee. 6a. 1941 Nebrr.rka Tel. Stock, 1. North Platte Valley lrrl. Co. Ca, IPSO. Omaha Water Co. 6a, Omaha Waler Cd. oa. ISIS......... Omaha Water Co. td pfd. . Omaha Oaa la. 19171 Omaha Elec. Light A Power a, l3t Omaha Blac. Light pfd., f...,,.... Omaha St. Rr. 6a, 1914 ..... Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry. 6a, 1II... Omaha ft' C. B. 81 Rr Com....i.. Omaha A 4?. B. Ry. ft Brldae'ptd. 8iou City Stock Yard pfd., .., Seattle 114a. 1930.... Swift. Eatate Col. 614 notea,: 1U Bt. Loula brewing Co United Ry. St. Loula, 1 834 Union Stock Ydi. stock, So. Omaha... Boston Mining: fttocks. i BOSTON. March 22. CJosing quotations un UlllllUg. BlUCKH Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock yesterday: RKCKll'TS CARS. ' Cattle Hogs Sh p 11 r s ..too . '.. ii . .. M . . n4 " i.'im : .. M .. 9 .1 75 .. 84 "4 ' .. 1 ..104 99 .. u . all K 101 94 14 II to 914 82'4) 100 100 71 8il4 ti 1041, 10014 91 n 97 C. M. & St- P Wabash .., Missouri Pacific ... Urlon Pacific C. & N. W.. east... C. & N. W., west... C. St. P. M. & O... C. B. & Q., east C. B. & Q.. west.... C. R, I. & P.. east. . Illinois Central ..... . a. w Total receipts ,- v; 16. Miami, Copper 6014 Mohawk ........ 8714 Nevada Con .... 30 .'NipiHlng Mines U North Butt .... 114 North Lake . 1914 Old'. iDotnlnlon .'. 107 1,800 88 88 00 100 100 1.46)0 . too . -I.etM) '- 10 . - 40 t too. 200" 1,0 600 6100 . 200 100 o e U4 144 K)l : 48 tt ' 146 It T75 . 42 801t 3314 31 4D1, 400 U4 1,700 13614 400 ' (81, ' 800 141 49,400 U . 87.900 (0 .. 400 l 100 to 200 12 loi, 6 1S414 143 K14 41 . ' 146 -41 so4 82 80 4 39 164 116 48 141 2t 68 91 .20 . U 800 400 84 81 , 241, 87. 400 8,200 100 a! 100 "ioo . !'iiio roo 8.400 1.6. tO 11.400 100 164 40 -1 'ioii 84' 87 . 12614 4le 10 t.KO 13614 134 St. L. . 11.400 .. 400 U.ll'lO 100 137 110 104 2114 800 13 . - 100 44 .130,900 ie tOO 89 Laclede Oaa Loulevill ft Naahvlll Minn, ft St. - Lout St. P. ft 8. St. 1 Mo., Kan. ' ft Te. ...... Mo., Kan. ft Tex. pfd. Mo. Pacific National Blarult National Ltd R. R. of M. id pfd. New York central .... N. T., O. ft W Norfolk ft Wettem ..... North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People' Oa PIttaDurg, C. C. ft Pltleburg Coal Preas'ed Steal Car ... Pullman Palace aCr Railway Steel Spring Heading , Repulbio Steel Republic Sttel pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd St. L. ft San r. 2d pfd. St. Loula S. W.. St. Luota S. W. pfd Sloaa-Shsffleld Sttel ft I, Southern Paclfl .....'.... Southern Railway .t Sotuhem hallway pfd ... Tennaa Copper Texas ft Pacific Tol St, L W Tol., St. L. ft W. pfd.. Union Pactrtc Union Paclflo pfd United States Realty ... United Btala. Rubber ... United State Steel United Suites Steel pfd . Utati Cooper Virginia-Carolina Chemical 0,7u0 Wabash tin Wahaah pfd I.!') Weetern Md. ctfa .......... 200 WeatlnghouM Electric ... 800 Western Union M'JO Wheallns ft Laa Brl Total aale tor lb day, 611, K0V shares. 100 16S 40 42 wii 'si" 27 136 46 107 3. 800 too 100 . 10,700 7() 400 '. 11,000 to.) 700 . 28.5O0 . 1.100 '. i!io . (l.too 8O0 tuO 49 U 64 136 HOlt 101 21 44 17 88 'ia 6414 ltd ,187 2 ' 28 . 81 . 46 1M 'is 8614 121 4 81 Silt 4 62 70t T6 90 . 46 l'. 8; 'iiii j'4 120 4slt r i2 4S 6t 70 76 107 300 ' . 88 . tlt 1014 6614 164 14814 19 -4 61 : 146 18 . 174 8314 30 ' 48 V, 88 It 164 136 8 141 2 61 91 , 2014 K 46 23t 87 tt loon 168 40 144 42 71 70 111. 84 27 12414 4514 107 77 124t 31 1S not 103 21 It 43 It I Kit 42 16a "It 101 4k 01 6 26 1314 ' 177 1JT 81 M 82 M 4414 6lt m 96 7 44 It a.'4 121 4.H oia 4Q14 4614 61 70 16 . 6 Laaalla Copper Allouea Amal. Copper Am. Z. L. ft Aril, Com. ... Atiantlo' ....'". l i'.l B. C. C. ft C (rcta). B. ft CorV C. ft g.nuOaceola Butt Ooalltlo-n .H.ilt$5Panrat4 .XS. Cel.. 4 Aria 7i Quinoy Cal. ft Hcl.,.4...wio. stianaon Centennial jtO Superior,..-...,. Kaat Butt Copper , 10 , SuperWa A B ..,pper rt, i-on... IPranklln Olroux Con '..,... Oranbjf oOn Oren Cananea. 11 Royala Kerr Lake Lake' Copper Akd.Uld... ...'7f.Supeffor ft .... 18H Tamarack ., 91, t' 8, 8. .,'V2 ; in -pi A. . lOltVtali 4n ..'.' 80 Wlrrohk ... 8HWolTrln ...'14 .. S .. .... , . ,1 ),. A ; o. . Mln.. P. c. R, AM . 22 . 63 . W . 10 . 40 : tA . 42 .163 s 16 . 87 . .14 66 ., 15 . IS . 4 . 6111 61 V10 .134 ' Orraha Packing Co 640 1.312 780 Swift & Company 1,100 2,30o 1,31b cudahy Packing Co 887 2.0!X 2,103 Armour & Co 1,163 8.108 l,4o8 Schwartx-Bolen Co 247 V. U.-VaiiBant Co...... 197 , Denton Vansant & Lush 18 Stephens Bros 84 Hill & Son X.. S73 F. B. Lewis 174 Huston & Co 24 J. B. Hoot 6t Co 120 ' J. H. Bulla 8 L. F." Husa 'j t 2a L. Wolf 12f McCreary t Carey 401 ...... S. Werthelmer 80 .. H. F. Hamilton 80 Sullivan- Bros. 8 Lee Rothschild 58 Mo. & Kan. -Calif. Co... 124 Kline & Christy 18 Other buyers 619 ..... 311 London (stock Market. LONDON, March 22. American securi ties were quiet and featureless during the early trading. First prices were about un changed. Later a few buying orders hard ened valuea ana at noon tne macitei was quiet and steady and from unchanged to higher than yesterday's -New York closing. London closing stocKs: 81 1-I4LOUIBTIII (1 t-l M K. A T.. ., 60S N. T. Central... 10 Norfolk ft W ... ,.1U4' do pfd ..l'ttltOntarlo ft W.... . .11H4 Pennaylvanl ... ..181 Rand Mine...-.,, .. II Reading .. 1 Southern Ry St. P...147 do Wd MHSouthern Pacific 42. Union Pacific... 8214 do pfd 11 U. 8. Steal 61 do pfd... i tf14Wabaih tl do pfd llllnola Central 144 It BpantiU 4a ; SILVER Bar, 24d per ounce. MONEY 263 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills. 3 4 3 1T-14 per rent. Conaola, money... do account. ... 1. Amal. e-opper Anaconda Atrhleon do pfd pa It I more Ohio Canadian Paolflc. Cheaapeake A O. Chicago U W Chi., Mil; ft l Bear Ixmrer ft Rio O do pfd Brl do lt pfd do Id pfd Grand Trunk N 1ST ..... 4114 ,.:..i2 .(..111 ..... 84 .... '44 70 9 86 14 .... 68 ....IV m-'lt lot ..... 66 .....124 tz 46 lt Bank Ocarinas. OMAHA.'. March 22.i-.6ihV; c'parings for today were $2,543,269.17 anQ for the corre sponding date last .yesarj-vera, ,$2, 102, 898. 20. -wool MtwilL.-, jmarcn zi.V(M)Lr-There Is a revival oi interest 1n Ur.i BcaJ wool mar aec, principally from the carded woolen mills, and a few" good. Sld trinsfera are nuiea. me inquiry is pf-irtcipally for Cali fornia, atock", with only small dealings in fleeces. Shearing Is starting up.'brlakly in the far west, but local 'dealers' are doing very little contracting owtW to high prices by the growers. 1 loment ift wool.! iren. ttucky, Indiana and Missouri: ,Thra,elghth uioua, aoa-atic; quarter piooa, ii'&jbc. Scoured basl Texas: Fine, 12. months, Wfi 71c: fine, 6 to 8 months,. ftot&OKe: fine, f4Ul, - tTtWttfc. California:" Northern, 63Si6tto: middle coun ties, 67ytia; fall free, iSiOOc. -Oregon: East ern, mo. 1, tplot; eastern, clothing. ofl'uwc; -valley,, io. l, . b'abxc. Territory Fine, staple, 70$72c; fine, 'medium atale, 6 Hi (joc; fine, clothing, 6tiii68o;, fine, medium ciotning. 6-66c; half blood, 6t(j62o; three- eignins diooo, quarter blood, comb ing, 66(58co. - Pulled. exra, T2fc76c; fine A, ocufuc; a supers, wyatioc. LONDON. March 22. The second series ot the wool auction sales will close tomor row. At today'! sales 6.994 bales were of fered, principally New Zealand hd West Australian grades. The assortment met with a ready sale, chiefly to the home trade at firm prices. New South ' Wales, 300 bates; scoured, la 2de;ls 10d. greasy, 6d nits ia. west Australia, a.suu Dales; greasy, 7vidf(;'ls Id. New Zealand, 3,090 bales; Bcourca, is zaria eita, greasy, .7diils 2d, Cape of Good Hope , and .Natal, 200 bales; greasy, -sain. is. rum a Arenas, - suu bales greasy, 6Hd(&10V4d. ST. LOUIS, March 22. WOOL Un i changed: territory and western mediums, 'aoc; line meamms, ingrzc;. line, Jiijji6c, . . Cotton Market. NEW YORK,' March " ?2.t-COTTON Mar ket opened firm at an advance of 9yi2 points in response to higher cables tnan expected, covering by neaK months shorts and some scattering demand for. the new crop, which- waa encouraged by continued weather in Texas. There was no sign of important bull support during the early trading, however, and after the opening prices eased orr slightly, -under - realizing. the 'quotations later, liowever, ..advancing txg points. Cotton futures opened firm. March, 14. wc, bid; May, 14.wc; July, 14.72c; August, 14,23c; September, 13.41c .bid; October, 12.98c; December, 18.81c. .- - , Future closed steady; March, 14.97c; April, 14.92c; May, - 14.890 ; June, 14.68c; August. 14.19c: September, 13.38c; October 12.9.'tc; November, 12.80c; llecember, 12.77c; January, 1Z.73C. COTTON Spot . closed quiet.. S points nigner: middling uplands,, lo.iuc; middling gulf. 18.35c: no sales. - - NEW ORLEANS,, March 22.-COTTON-Spot, easy, unchanged; sales on spot, 1,200 bares; to arrive, 8U0 bales; hedged, 100 bales low ordinary, llc nominal; ordinary, 12 8-I60 nominal; good ordinary, 13c;' strict good ordalnry, 14c; loow middling. 14 b-lftc strict low middling, 14- 9-lfic; middling, 14 13-I6c; strict middling. le; good middling. 16 S-16e; strict good middling, 15o,' middling rair, 10 wc; miaaung iair 10 rair, i..l,u; ratr, 16'4o nominal; receipts,,. 9,474, bals; stock. in.wi Dates. - Total 6.307 9,038 CATTLE There was a large run of cat tie here this morning, 344 cars being re norteil in. makinir the total for the two days 11,073 head as against 10.026 head for the same days last weak, ana 0,140 neaa or the corresponding period of last year. In other words the receipts of cattle so far this week are more than double what they were a year ago. In spite of the large offerings, ouyers pi beef steers were all out in the yards- In good season In the morning, the. market opening quite early and fairly active. While prices did not show any very material ad vance, still it was a good, strong market, as compared with yesterday. . As high as $8.20 was paid for a bunch of right good beef cattle, this price being not only the highest of the -year, but the highest ever paid at this point .for a full load Of cattle. Cows and heifers were also very free sellers at good strong prices, the market, as a whole, being in a good, ' healthy and entirely satisfactory oondltiori; Buyers of stockers and feeders got down to business early in the morning and any thing at all desirable met with very ready sale at firm prices. As noted before in theso columna, good feeders are selling higher than ever before, and what la equally noticeable they are selling very freely. uuotatfons on rattle: oood to choice cornfed Bteers. $7.368.30; fair to good corn fed steers, $6.75(fT7.25; common to fair corn cornfed steers, $7.2(78.30; fair to good corn- and heifers. $f.6Mi6.50; fair to good cowa and heifers, $6.005.60; common to fair cows and heifers, 3.25'(S.O0; good to choice stock ers and feeders, $6.25M1.90; fair to good stockers and feeders. $5,001(6.00; common to fair stockers and feed era $4.00dji5.00; stock heifers, I3.754.50; veal calves, $4.50'8.60; bulls, stags, etc, $4.2fvlj6.2f5. ' - Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. T4ew York Mlalntx Blocks. NKW YORK.- March . 22 Closing quota tions on mining BiockH wre: l I.111 con 6 .. 8 Utile Chief. 4 .. 11 Mexican ......... l.,-. -10 .. H Ontario t8 . ..lis ophir i.i .. It Standard , 71 . .141 Ytliuw Jacket Si Alice Brunswick Con. Coai. Tun. stuck do bonda Can. lt. A Va... Horn Silver Iron buc '....4; Offered. Treasury Statement. . WASHINGTON, March 22-The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: . Trust Ktihels (.ld coin, $S4,757.8a: silver dollars. $4--. .38.000; sliver dollars of' lft-0, 13 814 owO: silver ceiHlfioatea outstanding, $4N9.738,00e. - - Uonoral fund Standard silver dollars In Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK, March 22. EVA PO HATED AlTLKS-yulet, but Bteady; on the spot iancy is quoted at Wli'allc,; choice., "ipliftc prime. 6(B7o; common to fair,. 6-i"i6c DRIEI) FRUITS Prunes are ouiet nd barely steady. Quotations range front 2ift 9c for allforhlas up . to 30-40' s and-6u-'Jo ior urfRuni. Apricots are in mouerate supply, but the demand Is small and prices are barely steady; choice, lo'(jllc; extra cnoice, nB'i2c; tanoy, I2(ulc. t'eaches are dull and . easy; choice. . S'li;c: extra choice. 6ia7e; fancy, 71i7"t,c.' Raisins are dull, Dut prices are steady; loose Mus- cateis are quoted at 3Vtf.c; choice to rancy seeded. fyytic; seedless, 3(ji'c mnuun layers, l.l.u ' Dry. Good Market. NEW YOJHK. March 22-Brown and bleached cottons- are being offered and sold at very low prlcea. but the movement has not been up to expectations formed when recent cnanges were announced In prices. neiauers in tne metropolitan district are doing a very satisfactory Easter buHineux, Hook houses In the men s wear trade are ordering ' Ireely, but cl"thlr are buvin little. Yarns are dull. The ex-porC Inquiry ia inHiiiiHinea. out Duwiness actuall transacted Is light. , 6 .. 1 .. 6 .. 64 .. 4 .. 67 .. 84 .. 2 .. 64 .. 13 .. 8 .. 2 ..258 1 t 4 80 1 44 10 , 2 43 1 1 144 21 29 Dl SPOSITiON H EA D. II rt ... 16 43 . M 215 ... IH 68 8r 40 10 46 61 10 40 10(1 61 lit ...10 44 7 6 til Ittl 10 6t . . . 1ST 40 10 48 4l 9M ... 10 88 .. M ... 10 46 61 Si ...166 .. lit ... 10 46 . i4 rt US ...tit 60 14 44 64 8M le 6.1 .. J 40 10 41 f "0 1W 10 W ...8t4 40 JO 74 3U ! 1' H ...3H ... 10 46 71 tf'6 ... 10 M .. -n .. .10 4S W 117 160 10 u ...114 ...10 U " Tt t ...168 ., IJ4 ... 10 45 71 t. ... 10 64 ...ft) ...10 4' It ITO ... 10 J 60 10 49 6 .......til 40 168 ...Hi . JO 48 86 8-7 ... I U ...111 - 80 14 46 64 t'l ... 10 M ... ... V 46 74. X4 ... 10 66 ...tot ... 10 46 16 JN4 ... 10 6A ...tat f) 10 46 83 tl 10 10 68 ...1:13 80 16 48 48 271 ...10 67 ...117 ... 19 46 TO 11 80 10 0 .. til ... 10 48 4 123 ... 10 60 ...Rt ... 10 4T 85 tet ...10 80 ..let 147 6 tkl 40 10 4 ...l7 ...10 41 ...10 10 ...f) 40 10 47 It -.100 . K-t 80 10 47 . V SHEEP Prices were marked up still higher In the aheep tarn this morning, but quality of offerings waa excellent on an average ana record-breaking sairs no not Indicate very much of an advance. There were a few dime higher spots In both the sheep and lamb trade but, broadly speak ing, tliu market aa a wnoie was nanny belter than strong as compared with the bulk of yesterday's trade. Hlgh-dresser. preferably Mexicans, are still meeting with the more urgent demand, but even the heavier grades are selling to very good ad vantage. Two double-decks of Mexican lamps Drone all records at $10 35, another two-car ship ment went at $10.25 and western lamos commanded even money. $1000. Mexican wethers scored a new top at 88.60 and sev eral strings were good enough to reach $8.40. Western ewes Hollowed close behind, the best kind here selling hi a witn several shipments well over the $800 line. A small lot of Easter lambs changed hands at $13 00. Supply waa fully normal and trade ac tive from start to finish. There was noth ing of consequence In the way of shorn stock on sale, but choice lambs would doubtless go as high as $9.26. Aside from the .yowlng scarcity of sheep of all kinds, one of the notable features of receipts lately Is the small proportlor of shorn stuff. There has not been enough shorn strings received thus for this season to af ford anything like a broad view of values. Quotations on shwp and lambs: Easter lambs, choice. $15.00u 19.00; Eater lambs, medium, $12 00$' 15.00; good to choice lambs, $10.0W 10 40; fair to good lambs, $9.00110 00-, good light yearlings, $8 86!h9.2i; good heavy yearlings, fcas.Si; fair yearlings, $7.90t&i 8 40; good to choice wethers, $8.00((8.;0; fair to good wethers, $7.60a8.00; good to choice ewes, $7.908.40; fair tu good ewes, $7.60 7.90. ' Representative sales: No. 233 western ewes 401 Mexican wethers .421 Mexloan ewes 61 western, lambs, feeders 16 western lambs, feeders 20 Mexloan ewes, culls ... 1X9 western ewes 225 western ewes ... 112-western, ewes .... 84 western lambs . 84 spring lambs 13 spring lambs ..... 80 spring lambs .... 184 western ewes .... 11)9 western lambs . 13 western ewes ... 644 Colorado lambs 190 Colorado lambs . 627 Mexican lambs .. 473 Mexican lambs 607 Mexican, lambs . Jff.9) Mexican lambs . 703 western wethers 79 western lamba .. A v. ...100 ... 89 ... W ... 87 ... 61 ... 81 ...102 ... 86 ...103 . ... 70 ... 41 ... 42 ... 40 ....82 ...110 ...125 ... 88 ... 83 ... 72 ,., 78 ... 82 ... 63 ... 93 ... 91 Tr. 8 00 8 60 8 16 9 00 8 60 7 tt) 8 05 9 60 8 00 9 60 13 00 13 00 13 00 8 25 ' 8 40 8 35 9 80 9 80 10 25 10 00 10 36 10 15 8 40 . 9 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Steady Hosts Re ported Weak Shrep Also Steady. CHICAGO, March 22.-CATTLE R' ceipta, 3,000 head; market, steadov; steers, .10'tte.6fi; cows, 4.7u(66.&0; heifers. $4.0O6.7&; bulls, $5,254(0.26; calves, tUOOa 10.60; stockers and feeders, 34.lbtci6.tu. HOU3 Receipts, 12,000 head;- mantel, weak; choice heavy, $10.8010.86; butchers, $10.7o4j;10.R6; light mixed, $10,504(10.60; choice light, $10.60410.65; packing, $V).'ir.'0'10.60; Dli!3. $10.3t& 10.60: bulk of sales. $10. 70fu 10.80. SrlbltUP axsjj, LAJiua tteceipis, u.vw head; market, steady; sheep, $7.50&8.90; lambs, $7.7610.60; yearlings, $7.65&a00. Kansaa .City Live Stock Market. No. IS.... t.... 7.... 6.... to.... ... I.... 10.... 41.... 11.... It.... 12.... It.... 17.... to..., I.... T. At. Pr. 831 I 10 I 10 I 60 4 15 4 76 . .. 711 .. T64 ..1484 .. ! ..1060 .. 177 .. 7I ..1160 ... 681 ..1166 ...mi ...1126 . ,110 ..1(102 ..lt3 ..1203 13 1131 19... II... 4 4.... 29...., 4 ... I.... 4.... 4.... 4.... I.... 8. . . . 12.... ...1220 .. 156 .. 110 .. 980 .. 91 ..1110 . .1116 ..10k) ..916 .. 6.11 ., 818 .. 479 .. 8l 8 76 8 86 7 00 T 80 7 so 7 T 86 1 IS 7 40 7 46 7 60 7 60 7 66 T 66 I 83 I 16 4 00 4 10 I 00 6 01) I 10 I 16 NO. 27.... 2i.:.. II...., 17.... 14.... 80.... II.... 88...., 87..,., it.... II.... 17.... 16.... to.... 80.... It.... It.t.. 17.... COWS. 6.... I.... 6..., It.... 17.... 14.... Av. Pr. ..1191 T 40 HEIFERS. 4 15 83 4 86 11 4 60 37 , 4 60 - 8S. ...... BULLS. .1171 ...120 ...1!38 ...1206 ..AM ...1236 ...1247 ...11117 ,...1205 ...1370 ...1425 ...1188 ,...1281 ...1460 ...1377 ,...1418 ...1878 .. 6 4 ..1026 ..1060 . .1"S6 ..10U6 ..mi ..1WI3 ..1280 637 , 641 . tOl , 978 7 ( 7 40 7 65 7 68 1 10 1 70 7 78 : 7 76 1 75 7 60 7 85 7 to I 5 8 06 6 06 6 06 8 80 I 60 I 68 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 80 4 40 4 M I 10 4 85 4 86 t 0 8 90 4 00 I 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 40 I 15 6 21 FEEDERS. 621 6 45 6ll 6 73 705 6 75 tV) 4 00 87 4 00 808 4 15 6 644 4 46 1 1090 1 1060 4 45 1 1260 1 870 4 65 I.; 1OS0 1 1190 4 85 1 1260 1...... 14M 4 85 6 ...162! 1 1000 6 50 l. 1630 1 8 84 1...... 14M) 1- 1740 I 70 1 1780 1 1600 I 88 CALVES. 1 401 6 00 1 150 8 If4 1(0 1 220 I IX 100 STOCKERS AND 8 446 6 15 14.. tl. 628 6 15 7 17 479 6 16 9 H Rt 6 40 17 15 640 3 40 8 15 171 I 60 16 WESTERNS, . Sanborne & Pwinall Colo. 33 feeders.. TO 6 85 Casper Cox Colo. x 46 feeders:. 942 7 10 3 feeders.. 943 6 00 M. E. Rhtnesmlth Wvo. 35 feeders.. 1062 7 10 HOGS More or less weakness developed in . nog prices tin morning on a fairly liberal supply. Early bids ranged all the way to a dime, lower than yesterday's average trade, but little business was done on this basis. A good share of the early sales looked to be no worse than a nickel lower and the movement was reasonably active at ine a ecu no. it was a packers mai'Kei, nowever, as oraer buyers were in active and discriminating. Toward the close, after most of the larger orders had been filled and bulk of receipts had been yarded, the demand eased off considerably and the market closed draggy and slow at figures that wera Just about a dime lower than yesterday. A spread of $10 4tfi l0.5& brought .up a large portion of total offerings, as compared with yesterday's bulk of $ Tops reached $10 674 as eompareu with yester day's outside price of $10.70. ' Representative sales: l KANSAS CITY, March 22. CATTLE Reoelpts, 10,000 head, Including 800 south erns; market, steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $7.76a8.0i); fair to good, $8.!Oit'7.fl0; western .steers, $7.00 4j8.26; .stockers and feeders, $4 00a'.GO; outtierrL.Blfeej-s, o.ooi,(,.i;; Boumern cows, $4.25U.S.OO;. native cows, . $4.0006.75; native heifers. 4.654i7.25; built, $4.6iiMj.20; calves, $5.0Oii.5O. - HOtiS Receipts, . iv.vbv neaa; marxer, steady; top, $10.65; bulk of sales, $10.35(g) $10.00;. heavy, $10.tY10.6V packers and butchers, $10.4&(&10.60; lltfht, lo.zta 10.50; pigs, $0.50(39.90. SHEEP AND LjAMBS Receipts. 9.1XJU head; market, steady; lambs, $9.25(10.25; yearlings. $8.50&S.50; wethers, $7.50(8.40; ewes, $7.0VK.2j; stockers and feeders, si.uu 438.60. plant: Fancy Florida, do, tl Po-OlOO. To matoes: Fnncy S'lorida or Cuba, per -bsk. crate, fancf 00; choice. $3 60. String Slid wax beans: per hsteiper, $600.00. Cucumbers: Hot htius. per dc., $l.7.i ji; i8X Home Orown Vegetable Radishes; 7 -ttra fancy, per dna bunches, 1C. Lettucet Extra fancy leaf, per dcs., 0o; itead lettuce In hamper. $i 6trS.vO, Parsley: Fancy liom grown, per 1b. bunrhs, 0o. FRl'ITV-trawberr1esi Flor'dv per qt . tc. Oranges: California, Navels, 80-88-112-126 sixes, per box, $' 6vtjl 7..; IoO-'ihi-si. 160 sixes, per bos. 8300; Cam "a brand, $3 15. Lemons: Extra txney Llmnn erlat, 800-SCO sixes. $4 76: rnolce lama. lov-4 tines, per box. $4 00; 340-4"0 elsee. toe per box less. Bananas: Fancy select; per bunch. $176(f200; Jumbo, bunch. $2.;rK7.t, U-.apes: Imported Malaaa. per k"K.' $-i,0-t 4 60. Grape Fruit: Florida. 84 4i SO sitra, 14 "4 Indian River Grape Fruit: All sire. $"-00. Apples) Jonathan, per bbl. $5 50; Ren liHVla, per bbl., $3,604(4 00;-Urnltsu, per bbl., $4 00; YVrnesaps, per bbl., 14.60) Gm, pr bbl., $4.00; K'ew York Baldwins. Ruets . and Bpys, per bbl.. $4 86 Cnhfoteia W. W. Pearmsins, per box, $2.00-2.26: t'olo-adj Jonathans, per box. 12; extra fancy. Colo, red.) R. Beauties, per box, $2 60; extra fancy Colorado Wlnesaps, per box. V 25. Cran berries: Jersey, winter' stock, per h'.u.. $6 00. Dates: Anchor brand, new, Siv-lb. pkgs. In box, rcr box, $2.00 Kins: .t'ad fornia. 60 pkgs. ie-slse. 60 pkK- In ' box. $200; 12 pkgs.. 10. slie. 60c. MISCKIXANEOUK Cider: rW v.ik. per Vfc-bbl.. $3 75. Honey: Netv, 4 f in-nc $.1.60. Horseradish: J dox. fii ruse. $I 0C. -nuts: Black, rer lb, Ic; California. '' per lb., 12c. Hlcknrynuts: 1-ar, p 4c; small, per lb., is". t-'i-cuatiM.: IV $5.00;. per dos. 6uC. Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK, Msrch 22,'tCOFFER -Ti"; j market for coffee futures oiMied dun lit unchunged price in line with the French market and showed little fi-atyVA althouKh prices advanced a partial 8 joints during the late trailing on a nioderite demand from trade interenta, while offerings were very light. The close was steady, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales 7.'0 bugs. Closing bids: March, 6.S0V; April, 6.85c; May. 6.90c: June. T.OOc; July, 7.05c; August, ember, Ocltdier and November, 71oc; Ieceniber, 7. 15c; January and . Feb uary, 7 lHc, Receipts at the two Brnxlllan ports,. JO.onO bags against 13.000 laot year; Jundlupy re ceipts, 2.500 against 7.000 lust year. New" York warehouse deliveries, 11.41N -against 13.2t'i8 Ufct year. .. . Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio.- 8 11-1ff0t No. 4' Pantos, 9c. Mild, quiet; - Cordova, W'tr'tf' i2Hc. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 22 METALS Standard copper closed dull today. locsl dealers quote lake copper at $13.37 lti?l'13.62Mi. elecjtrolvtlo at $13.121yu 13.37. Casting at $13.00 ii 13 .25. The London market was lower, but cloexxl steady, with spot at (68 15 Id, and futures at 59 15s. Tin was dull; rrpot, $31.t0(i32.25. The London market wan firm a nil higher; spot, 146 6: futures, f 147 7 8 6d. Icad was weak; spot, $4.40.y4 50. The Lon don market was lower at 12 ISs fid. Speller was weak, with spot quoted art $5.65,i.6. The Ixmdon market was unchanged t 23. Tho English Iron market was lower, at 61s 6d for Cleveland warranto. Local market unchanged. . , ST. LOUIS, March 21. METALS Lead, $4.27. Spelter, dull ot $5.4CKH4j.&0. . -T , agar Market. NEW YORK, March 22 SUGAR Raw, sttody; muscovado. 89 test, $.86c; ' Centrl fuga). 96 tent, 4.3oo; molasses suear, S9 leet, 8.61c. Refined, steady; crushed, 5.95c; granulated, 6.25c; poivdend, 5.35c STOCKYARDS AT 'ABERDEEN'. MUwankee Arrnnffing to Accommo date Heavy Shlpnients .of Hons to Paclflo Coast. . , ABERDEEN, S. D., Wrcli 2.-j(Sp?lal.) To accomodate th hpn; narte, which Is being built up on the Paclfc coast, the Milwaukee road is sfrartgliiff" for !Vards and sheds'at Aberdeen, which will acepnimodate; 8,600 hoga daily. A 'representative, of tha Pacific const puckers' r will be located at Aberdeen, and will repolve. hogs hero for shipment to the packers from points along the Milwaukee line as far south as Mitchell, and as far east as Mllbank, and as for south as Madison and - Harlem of the BriBtol branch of tho road. The hogs will be kept here until sufficient quantities accumulate to permit the shipment of solid train loads to the coast. ' '" Repreaentativee' of" all. .the -packing com-'"' panles at tho different pacific coast -points 1 will be stationed here, And-Aberdeen will . bo mode a great market for tho reconslgn-.' mcnt of hogs. ' ' ' Persistent Advertising Is the road to. Big Returns. . ' ' St. Loala Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. March 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,900 head, including 1,500 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $8.60.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $6.00(8.00; steers under 1,000 pounds, $5.507.76; stockers and feeders, $4.3094.30; cows and heifers, $3.607.50; cannera, $2.503 3.50; bulls, $4O0tl30; calves, $3.60g)10.00; Texas and Indian steers, $5.408.00; cows nd heifers, $3.0tJj7.00. HOGS Receipts. ' 6.300 hand: market 5c lower; pigs and lights, $7.606i 10.75; packers, $10 65510.85; butchers and best heavy, $10.80 4710.96. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, L700 head: market 15a hleher: native muttons. $6.0trr(5.50; lambs, $7.25 kD.'.IO; culls and bucks, $4.6O(a.0O; stockers, $4.0OJ(:j.0O. St.' Joaepb. Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, March 22. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.000 head. Market steady to strong; steers, $4.60(88.00; cows and hnlfftrs, $3.501 7.00; calves. 33.003.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head. Market steady to strong; top, $10.65: bulk of sales, $10.4Wfi'10.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, Z.00U head. Market steady; lambs, $8.50-k 10.25. . Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.'. March 22. (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Marrket strong; stockers steady; cows and heifers, $4.60 6.25; stockers and feeders, $5.(Kfi-il.00; year lings. $4.256.60. ' HOGS Receipts, 2,500 heed; market steady; range of prices, $10.2510.66; bulk of sales, $10.60310.60. Stock In Sight. Receipts of-live stock-at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 5,639 10,220 7,250 ISloux City 2,500 ..... St. Joseph.. 2.000 6.000 ' 2.600 Kansas City 10.000 . 10,000 S.OOO St. Louis. 4.900 6,300 1,700 Chicago a.000 12,000 12.VM) ' Total 26,539 46,020 32,450 ill Tha Lsesi Rate of .he Season fo CALIFORNIA and the Oils and Kuala. SAVANNAH. Oa. March 22PP!RIT8 TURPENTINE Firm; W)c: tales, lfiS bblt receipts, 113 bbls. ; slilfunents, 54 bbls. aloe'k. 10.9(13 bbls. , IttjSIN Firm; sales, 13U bbls. : -receipts. .0o6 bbla; shipments. 440 bbls.; stock. 9119 bbls ; B.$4 30: 1, $4.421t: E. $4 474; F, $4 ft.; O. $4 70; H. $4 80; I. 14 00: K. 85.90: M. 880: JN, $6.60; WQ, $4.70; WW, $6.30. No. 31..., tl..., 44... 14... 4.... 10 64... 48. H. 13... to.., 66.-1, 10. .. 60... 64... 83... 11... At. ...174 ...177 ...168 ...lilt ...111 ...130 ...lit ...1M ...1U ...854 ...n ...2e4' ...161 ...1ft ...'l ...ill) h. Pr. to 11 Si ... 10 80 ... 10 16 ... 10 80 10 at ... 10 40 ... 14 40 1 . 84 W 40 ... Itt 40 ... l'l - ... 14 at ... hi o )'l 4"4 ... 14 4214 ... 10 41 ... 10 45 '40 10 46 No, 70....:, 60..., 48 71 , 4 It..... 47.,.. 81 It... I. 71..... 12 , 4. At. ..21 ,.t!4 . .t- t . .6 ..) ..let ..137't ..itt .,ii ..114. 144 61,,.v.. 2. t' 4. ...... .317 71 t6 71 tat 12 810 Sh. 4Fr. ltO 10 $0 10 14 60 80 14 64 ... 10 50 ...14 60 ... W to ... 14 60 0 10 60 , ... 10 I ... 10 60 ... 10 60 40 10 10 . 10 10 i) ... is to ..."10 6t' ... 10 60 ... 10 60 OMAHA GKHEIIAI. MARKET. Staple and Fancy Prod ace Prices Far nlsked by Buyers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1. delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 83c; No. 1 in CO-lb. tubs, 824c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, 31c: In 60-lb. tubs. StHfcc; packing stock, solid pack, 184c; funcy dairy roll, 20c. Market, changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. Ia4c; young America, 18 Wo; Daisy cheese, ilic; Llmberger, 184u; brick. 18c; domestic block, Swiss, 19c; im ported Swiss, 30c. POULTRY Dressed broilers. $7.50 a dos.; for storage, $5; for fresh springs, 17o; hens, 17c; cocks, 11c; ducks, 18c; geexe, luo; turkeys, 2oc; pigeons, per dox., $1.20; Homer squabs, $4- per doz. ; fancy squabs, $3.60 per dos.; No. 1, $3.00 per dos. Alive: Broilers, from 114 to 14 lbs., 35c; 14 to 2 lbs., 20c; hens, 13c; cock. 8c; ducks, full feathered i3o; (tease, full feathered, 11c; turkeys. 18c; guinea fowls, $8 per dos.; pigeons, 60 per dox. iait tan frozen) salmon, lie: pickerel. 9c; whltefish, 13c; pike, 10c; trout, 13c; cat fish, 17c; large crapplen, l&ul&c; smelts, 15c; Spanish inacherel, 18c; ell, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 12c. BEEF CUTb-Rlbs, No. 1,' 16c; No. 8. 124c; No. 3, 10o. Loin, No. 1. 18c; No. , 1414c; No. 3, L'4e. Chuck, No. 1, Sc; No. 2. 814c; No. 3, So. Round, No. 1, 10c; No. I. 94c; No. 8. 8V.O. Plate, No. 1, 74o; No. , 7'4o; No. 8, To. VEGETABLES Irish Beed Potatots: Genuine Hd river valley -ind early Ohio, per bu., 86c; western Nebraska and north ern stock, per bu., 65c; yellow Jersey sweets, per bbl $1 90; WUconsln and native, per W, 60cj Colorado, per bu., inOi.. Rweet potatcea: Kansas, per bbl.i$1.761. Cauliflower: California, 24 to 28 heads, per cjats. $2.60. Rutabagas: Canada, per lb., 14c. Cabbage: Wisconsin, Holland seed, per lb., $c. Celery, Florida, In Ruff, 4. and 8-dos. cases, $7 00: 12-lr. bunch, 80c. Onions, red, per lb., 24t3c. Old vegetables: Parsnips, tarroti, beets, turnips, In sacks, per lb.r ?. "Garlic: T.xtra fancy, white, per b, 15c. New southern vegetables Turnips' per oui, oununes, two; enauoits: fir ejus, bunches, $0c spinach: Per bu., $1.00. 11 gs S0UTII17EST Tilt " , f.lissQuri Pacific Iron nciinfain TlcketB OH, 'aal . from March 1st to Aprli 15th ( Inclusive) t .-' ' " '. .' ; V For Information In do-' tall, see or write' ( TH0S. P. GODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Aaretlt. '' 1423 rarnam St, Omaha. IF YOU WANT - Ualuabls Infcrmaticn REGARDING THE , cnAiu nAniiETs WRITE TO i Gardiner D. Van less Grain Specialist CHICAGO, ILL. Mtmbtr Chicago Bpard of Trad FOBTUSES $10 g HADE 19 WHEAT buys options on 10.009 bu. of Wheat. No further rlak ILach lc movement rom option price nakes vou. 8100. tc-$200, ' 6c-$MiO. etc. Write fr free dr. r.ulara. COI.OMIAI. TOCtr ft OB AIM CO Cleveland. OLIO. v