JO THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1910. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANOI LANU FOR ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAN C II l AND TOM tAI.O (Continued.) FARM AND RANCH X.AHD FOR, SALS REAL ESTATE CITY PKOl'K.RTY KOH BALR. (Continued.) FINE 7-mom house, mortem except heat, will sell cheap, part rash, owner leaving city- Call owner. Webster 1M6. FOH HALI-Jt"ICK equity In modern South Omaha home: II rixim down stairs; lot Boxm ll or address 1417 N. 234 Kt South Omaha. Close-in 2S.T6 Davenport Pt; 7 room. moWn ex cept heat; Kmall payment down and bal ance monthly Ilka rent. Payne, Bostwick & Slater, Sola gents, eoi N. T. Life Bldg. FRUIT AND CHICKEN FARM. 81x-room house, bam, well and cistern; all bearing fruit tree:' convenient to car, school and church. Prlre I2,aW). NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Phone Red 1999. EAST FRONT CORNER LOT 660. Concrete walks, gas, water, aewer and hade treea, 6oxl20. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. bulla 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1SM. NOTICE A BARGAIN. -rooin strictly modern house In on of die beat locations In the cit. Call at 211 V. Il'wiy Ccuncll Blurts. BARGAIN PRICE ON GOOD BUILDING LOT.. $-450 spot cash buya full 50x127 corner tot; cement walk In front; .brick walk on side; aewer, water, gas In street; good neigh borhood; block from car. Located at Sith and fowler Ave. This In a decided bar gain and should sell quickly. SIIIMER & CHASE, CO., 309 S. 17th St. Roth 'Phonee. $800 AND $900 LOTS In Sulphur Springs Addition One aouth front on Blnney 8t., half block east of Sherman Ave., has about J-foot terrace water, sewer and gas; ce sidewalk. The other one la a north front on Pinkney, Just eat of Sherman Ave., also has sewer, city water and gas. Booth lota are 50x124 feet. No doubt the (act lota you will ever buy tn Sulphur Sprints' addition, at such low prlova. HASTINGS & H5YDEN, 1614 Harney St. Croft Property, $5f250 Very palatial 10-room house, with 100 ft , so. front (round, located on Ames Ave. Just off Florence Blvd.; sewer, water, r. paving all paid. Harrison & Morton ONE ACRE FRUIT FARM. Good house, bearing; fruit, fine place for ' raising chickens; on car Una. Price 12,500. Don't wait too long. NOWATA liAND LOT CO., 0244 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS TElis is a One-Inch Ad. , To sell your home writ a description ot it In. about 60 words and send It to THB OMAHA BEES Classified Dept.. together with 72 cents for each day you wish It pub- Usbed. ' 5 ROOMS. $1,600. 10th and Hamilton Sts. East front, near tore, church and school. 600 CASH, BALANCE EAST. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19!. BARGAIN FROM OWNER-Your choice of two strictly modern homes. One at UK"! Emmet, the other at 2873 Evans; oak tln ish downstairs; large lot; fine location; easy terms. Tel. B 8388. When you want what you want when you want It, aay so through The Bee Want 1 Ad columns. A FINE HOME CLOSE-IN, $5,500 MTH ST.. NEAR ST. MARY'S AVE. This is a very attractive house built three years ago by the owner, for a permanent horn. It la built of the very beat of material and workmanship throughout, having nice : reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, .' pantry and rear entry on first floor, four bedrooms and bath on second floor. The living rooms are finished In quarter sawed oak, with quarter-sawed oak floors; the rooms are also very nicely decorated: full basement under the entire house; good concrete floor, splendid furnace. The plumbing la of the very best. The house la wired for eleotrlo light and piped for gas and has good, combination lighting fix tures. It la a full two-story square house on a nice lot, with sodded yard and terrace, cement walks and steps; the street Is paved and the paving paid for. The im provements of all kinds are In and paid for. The house la within easv walking distance of the retail section. The owner of this property has left the city and this Is the first time offered for ' sale. The house is right, and the. price Is right. The house is rented at the present time. Let us show you this property.. 'NORHIS & MARTIN, Doug. 4270. 623 Bee Bldg. NEW HOME IN KOUNTZE PLACE $5,000 We have Just had listed with us an 8-rcum house. No. 1919 Lothrop St., which is located on one of the best streets in the addition. All nice, ncv homes In the neigh borhood. Asphalt paved street; nicely ter raced lot. House has large reception room, parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, all finished In quarter-sawed oak, with the exception of kitchen; four good bedrooms and bath on the second floor, also stair to attic. The house Is papered throughout and is in good condi tion. This was built for a home and If you will look through the house you can readily see how well It is built. Can ar range terms. HASTINGS & HAYDEN, lt14 Harney St. A. P. Tiikey & Son, Gentleman Homestead Mr. William Gentleman has authorized us t) s'e'l his old homestead, which he has occupied fur 30 years, located at the N. E. cornor of 24th and Miami Sts. It has 122 feet west frontage on 24th St., and 100 feet south frontage on Miami St. On the east portion of the ground there la a large li-room, all modern, brick house, with a large stable on the rear of the lot. This Is a fine location for stores or Tata and will make any one who handles It right a paying Investment. Everybody realizes that 24th St., Is bound to be a great business thoroughfare Just as soon as It Is opened from Cuming to Cass Sts This work will soon be completed and cars running from Florcnve to South Omaha direct. Now Is about tho tl:rio of year to Invest In 24th proper-. A. i . Tukey & Son, T... Dont 21S1. 44-5 Board of Trade Bldg. WHY NOT" Get a good house for the same price you pay for an Inferior one? We would like to Bhow you 3616 Lincoln Boulevard, in the I let portion of Bemia lajk, rooms, strictly modern, hardwood finish, two fireplaces; 6 nice bed rooms, on a large lot facing two boulevards and paved street In rear. Garage with every convenience. The price ia 18.000. Terms. Do you want to see it? . GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, SOLE AGENTS Ground Floor, N. Y. .L. Tel, Doug. &$3. '"When you want what you want "whin you want It, say so through Th Bee Wan' AvsV columns. California. LKT MR tell you how to meke from 1209 to $2,5f0 p-r acre with laud that will coat but LbO nor acre. IJ0 per acre down and $." per acre per month with no Internet, no taxea for three years; lanu mat you ao not have to give any of your attention. This is a legitimate proposition of my own; I am farming this land now. If you write me. 1 will refer you to people in Minneap olis, Minn., who have invested with me. Address. W. C. Cutler, Mecca, Riverside county, California. ALBERTA TV 1 1 EAT LANDS. For sale, teat improved and raw wheat i . . . . ,m (,A klAii In (hi beet pari of Southorn Alberta. $13 per acre UP. All Inquiries piumpiij itDwci. derson & Mlnkler. U4 f irst bt.. West, Cal gary, Alia. CANADIAN wheat lands. I have several carefully selected pieces, beat o.Jtriets In Manitoba. appreciating In value rapidly. Have been holding these landa for the rise which Is sure to come in tna spring, ioiiow Ing good crop. Have payment coming due and am virtually land-poor. Will sell at a sacrifice, land enough to enable me to carry balance of my holdings. Whole section at Berton, close to railway, ex cellent district, $111 an aore. Quarter sec tion near Indian Ford, 116. Improved half section at Treesbank, $18. Write at once for full description, Owner, Box, 1704, Win nipeg, Man. Colorado. A MONEY-MAKER For sale, Red Polled stock and dairy farm of 1,80j acres; WO under ditch; 100 under plow, water free; well improved; three ranches In one; will sell all or part; $J0 per acre, one-third down, balance five years at 8 per cent. Lo cation, half way betwn ue.-.ver ed Colorado Springs; three miles from ship ping point. For particulars address, C. II. Brand, Larkspur, Colo. FOR SALE A fine section of land in the Antero district, 30 miles from Denver, Colo.; water contracted for under Antero Reservoir Co., none better; will treble In value In short time. No better investment. Will sell all or part at $35 per acre. Q. M. Jones, owner, Nederland, Colo. COLORADO LAND FOR SALE BY OWNER. About 2O.C40 acres ot good land, mostly smooth and rolling, fins soli, to be sold In one body, 16 to 30 miles east of Denver on the Union Pacific R. R. aouth of Watktne, Bennett ana Strausburg. This tract lies close to above towna. The land is all fenced and many times cross-fenced. Other Improvements: Houses, bains, sheds, cor ral", private telephone, etc. Good alfalfa and hay land; also springs and other water ings. Extra good proposition for sub dividing or colonising. No agents need ap ply. Buy direct from owner. No AH CANN, K0O4 Olenarm Place, Denver, Colo. 70,000 acres of irrigated land; 11,000 acres sold since last March. $50.00 an acre with a perpetual water right. Easy terms. To be advanced 110.00 an acre May 1st. The most attractive Irrigated project ever de veloped. Is located In the San Lula Valley cf Colorado. COSTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO.. No. 1634 Champa Street. Denver, Colo. FOR SALE 260 acres near Pueblo, Colo. Farm, orchard and garden combined. Should produce 100 tons alfalfa; fruit yearly, 13.000, besides garden truck, good water rights, $0 per acre. One halt cash, balance easy. Room 11, Baxter block, J. J. Lansing, Pueblo, Colo. Florida. $5 EACH MONTH AND A FLORIDA FRUIT OR TRUCK FARM IS YOURS Own a profitable truck or fruit farm In Florida's beet farm district and pay -for It with little monthly savings. By Intensive farming, with no previous experience, you can make It yleldt aa much aa S5.000 a year. This prolific land will grow from three to five crops each year, with a profit ot from $100 to 8800 an acre. Land will raise sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, Bermudes, celery, lettuce, cabbage, tobacco, tomatoes, pea nuts, pecans, strawberries, oranges, figs, grapes, rice, oats, cotton, corn, sugar cane besides being Ideal for stock, dairying, bees and poultry. Near btg markets; three railroads; eight minutes from Lake City; 61 miles from Jacksonville In th estab llshrd profit belt. Climate is fine, water pure health, fresh air and sunshine abound; beautiful lakes, fishing and hunt ing galore. This la one of th few In stances In which good land can still be procured at a low price. Lake City Board of Trade, mayor, bankers, congressmen and farmers will vouch for our statementes re garding this beautiful land. The price of this land is 825 per acre, but this allot ment will be sold at 81500 per acre cash or little monthly payments. It can't last long at that price. Write now for maps of land and Its possibilities. Columbia Florida Land Co., 349 Times Bldg., St, Louis, Mo. Kaaaas. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent rent. Best alfalfa In the world. Easy terms. If not as represented, will return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. (24 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1931. IDEAL HOG AND ALFALFA FARM. 325 acres, 2Vi miles of Anthony; 80 alfalfa, 200 In cultivation, balance fine pasture, with never-failing stream of clear water; well fenced; large house and barn, both new. Price, 816,000. Libera terms. Other farms. SMITHSON & HOLADAY REALTY CO., Anthony, Kan. Maryland. MARYLAND Farm, VlO per acre, from 1 to U00 acres, level land, fertile soil; mild, healthful climate. Two crops per year, no failures. R. C. Drew, Salisbury. Md. Mexico. OLD MEXICO LAND FOR SALE-140.000 acres of good pine timber In the state of Jalisco. Price. 31.50 per acre, half cash, long time on balance; K.000 acres good farm land in Oaxaca, fronts the railroad, a sta tion on the land, a fine tract to colonize. Price, 86 per acre; half cash, balance one and two years; Interest. L. A. Beckwlth. Gordon, Neb, Minnesota. 100 IMPROVED farms In central Mlnne sola; all sites; cheap prices; easy terms; always a good title; write for land list No. 4; mention this paper. C. U. BAKER. Fergus Falls, Minn. FREE GOVERNMENT FARMS Our of ficial 112-page book, "Vacant Government Land" describes every acre In every county In U. S. A million acres vacant. How to secure 160 acres by entry. 1!J0 diagrams. Al! about Irrigated farms. Price 26a, post paid. Webb Pub. Co., 63 E. 10th St., St. Paul. Minn. LOOK HERE A 720-acre stock ranch In Redwood Co.. Minn., on the Minnesota liver, between 300 and 400 acres tillable, rest pasture and meadow; a large hill of extra quality granite, suitable for monu mental purposes, on the property; terms, $.r3 per acre, one-half cash, balance on easy time payments. If Interested inquire of W. B. Mlkkelsen, Wells, Minn. lt0 ACRES good, level, rich prairie land tn Douglas county, Minn.; GO acres plowed, balanoe meadow and pasture; fine stooH and grain farm; town and creamery four miles. Price for quick sale, $30 per acre; easy terms. George L. Treat, Alexandria, Minn. 200 ACRES farm land, Clearwater county, Minn., 31$ per aore, part cash, for sale or exchange. Close to proposed. Soo cutoff, Weetern Ind Agency, Sua Wldlund Blk.. Orand Forks, N. li. Msataaa. IRRIGATED farms. Fine fruit land. Smooth bench laada. Improved stock ranches. Large tracts for subdivision, and many choice government homesteads. Write today for particulars. A. D. Atkins, Three Forks, Montana. HARLOWTON. MOST., town lots. Im proved property, farm landa and ranches for sale. U. B. Stephenson, Harlawton, Mont oa tinned. 1.8W) ACRES fertile land, I miles from the hub of Yellowstone valley; w4 acres under ditch. 110 acres In alfalfa; terms, half rash, half mortgage. James Pstter eon, Room 212 Staplcton Block, Billings, Mont. FARM LAND READY FOR SPRING, 1W) acres ready for occupant, with small family; level; water right; school; partly In crop. M in acre. 320 sores ready for occupant with family; level, water right; school; partly In crop; 80 acres ready for seeding. 130 an acre. Possession April I, 110. J. K. WEBB, CHOTEAU, MONT. aiiaeoart. MISSOURI Wants farmers, truck, fruit dairy, sheep and chicken farms cheap; easy terms; nearby markets. Write Missouri State Board of Immigration, Springfield, Mo. Iftbrmi, 45 BUSHELS WHEAT LAND. 26 PER ACRE. We own and control 20,000 acres of Chey enne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, now on the marVot. The heaviest crop-yielding county In Nebraska for ten years; alfalfa also a leading crop; ask for folders and full particulars; agents wanted everywhere; write for our proposition at once. Railroad fares refunded if things not as represented. FundingBland & Sever son, Sidney, Neb. GREATEST BARGAIN IN WESTERN NEBRASKA. 218 acres In beautiful South Piatte river valley, just 8 miles from Paxton; all on bottom excepting 35 acres pasture; woll Im proved; 66 acres blue stem hsy; river front; must sell quick; price only $2o per acre: 160 acres under cultivation. M CON NELL BROS., Paxton, Neb. HALF. SECTION Kimball county land, a bargain; some Improvements. Address Y 121, care Bee. LAND buyers will busy themseles If they will only nsk Leander Clark of Kearney, Neb., for farms he has for sale. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on account of owner's health; well Improved fJO-acra farm 7H miles from town; price, i.per acre; easy terms. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. ) MAKE ME AN OFFER South half of N. E. quarter, went half of the S. E. quar ter, N. K. quarter of the 8. W. quarter of section IX, townsjiip 144, range 33, 120 acres good land and timber, one-half mile from Uuthrle. Hubbard county. Minnesota: south half of N. K. quarter, section 21, township 41, range 8, In Sawyer county, Wisconsin. Don't know what It Is worth; make me cash orror. A. 11. Langmann. Orand Is land. Neb. North Dalcota. FOR SALE 160-acra farm, threa miles south or Temple, n. l., on Great North ern coast line: 65 acres new land, under cultivation, 25 acres pasture, balance Eralrle and hay meadow; good house and am: aood well: musr sell hv Anrll 10: price, $13.50 per acre; cash ItWO, balance o years. J. u. iiaarstaa, Temple, N. l. FOR SALE 100 acres. 4 miles from Green and 7 miles from Urano, N. D. ; 46 acres under cultivation. For particulars write P. K. Madden, S 10th St., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE Quarter section good farm ing land close to railroad, In the wheat belt of southwestern North Dakota; 90 acres broke. Reason for selling, to use money In business. Will take 32.600 cash or $1,500 down and 81,500 on time. Address, O. C. Patterson, 118 W. Routt Ave., Pueblo, Colo. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 240 acres of choirs land suitable for dairy Ing and sheep raising; 120 acres under plow and well fenced and cross-fenced, balance heavily timbered, oak. maple, etc. ; Improve ments worth about 84.000 and In good condi tion; R. F. D. and phone at house; located south 11ns Eau Claire county. Wisconsin, six miles north Eleva; price $it.50 per acre. Write owner at once, as it won't last long at above offer, O. J. Johnson, Monango, N. D. FARM FOR SALE This property con sists of 896 acres about 1"4 miles north west of the village of Inknter, Grand Forks Co., N. D. The Forest river runs through this property. There are several large springs of -water on the property. This would make an excellent stock farm. Would sell this property at $32 per acre on easy terms, say $1,000 cash and $1,000 a year at T per cent interest, For particulars apply to Peter McGovern Lend Co., Flbrence. Wis. oiclasiona. FOR SALE 5,000 acres best corn land, cheap; easy terms. Write for new state map. L. H. Kershaw, Muskogee, Okl. FOR HALE Alfalfa farms, near (C.OOO.OOO packing plants now building In Oklahoma City. Writs Shuler, tho Iand Man, Okla homa City, Okl. OKLAHOMA tVe have 100,000 acres of choice land t elect from, ranging tn pries from ti ta 40 per acre. This land Is In the oil snd gas district and you might get an oil well with your land. NOWATA LAND ,.ND LOT CO, Suits U4 New York Lite Bldg Oregron. 320 acres Government Land Free Advantages of Oregon, book of 32 pages, explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for, also the amount of government land open to home stead: a map, 21x28. showing all new towns on railroad. Including eastern and central Oregon and counties In different colors drawn down to January 1, 1910; last map in U. S. A. Also gives homestead laws and cost of getting 820 or 160 acres and a description of the state of Oregon In gen eral; mailed for 25c stamps or coin. Nlmmo & Runey, 13 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. Ore. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT IANDS, timber and cut-over lands; grazing and Irrigated lands. Write us for Information. Maginnls Land & Investment Co., 316 and 817 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. WANT A FARM IN OREGON? Of course you do. People settling In Oregon never move away. Write at once for our list of farms In the world-famous Willa mette valley. Starr & Foxter, 10l2 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Ore. Sooth Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS-160 acres first-class unimproved prairie land. Hand county, South Dakota, on new line of rail road, near location of new town; will dou ble In value In year; a snap. 3J0 acres wild land. Faulk county, price 35 per acre, easy terms. 160 acres of wild land. Potter county. South Dakota, price 322.50 per acre. Write us for maps and particulars. D. N. Hunt Land Co., Redfleld. S. D. SOUTH DAKOTA FARMING LANDS. $12 to $20 per acre. Wonderfully productive soli. Address G. R. Malone, Draper, S. D. Texas. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS Over 1.000.000 acres for sale by the state. You can buy 640 acres at $2 an acre; pay $32 cash, bal ance after forty years; fine farming and fruit land and healtny climate. For further Information send 6c postage. In vestor Pub. Co., Dept. B, San Antonio, Tex. Waablastaa. "KENNEWICK HIGHLANDS," WASH. The Choicest of Early Fruit Land. LoU's Orchard Tracts." Now In apples, peaches, pears and cher ries. Will bear fruit next year. Close to Kennewick, Wash. Excellent schools snd churches; steamboats and three railroads; among desirable people In a prosperous community. A delightful climate and mild winters, price same as adjacent raw land. 6.0u0 buys ten acres, one-fifth Cash, one fifth per annum. (Maintenance of orchard extra). C. F. LOTT, KENNEWICK. WASH. FREE homesteads In Central Oregon, the new Klondike of the west: can loca.te you on 160 or 320 acres fins valley wheat lands, on two new railroads building; send 3c for book on Homestead laws. Forest Land Co., Tacorrm, Wash. FOR SALE Irrigated opportunities. Spo kane valley land; all one year old apple trees. Care of orchard for four years; It miles to Spokane. Four transcontinental railroads. To sell In five or ten-acre tracts. G. E. Browne, Spokane Bridge, Wash. DAIRY and fruit farms bring beat cash returns; for list address Acme Realty Co., Acms. Wash. Moatana- FOR Information ard literature on fsrm land and Irrigated fruit lands Idaho, Ore gon and Washington call on us. or writs us 3.12 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Young, local manager. FOR SALE Improved quarter section, 8 miles from Warden. Adams county. A. M. Sullivan. Box 418. Seattle, Wash. TVIseonala. CHOICE agricultural lands. $10 per acre; also lake shore property, three hours' ride from twin oltles; any size tract; 16,000 acres to select from. Writs owner, Harry C. A. Johnson. 225 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Wyemlag. FOR SALE Ranch on Colorado and Wyoming line, consists of 9,500 acres of grasing and hny land; ranch Is now stocked with cattle and sheep; will sell ranch with or without stock. For further particulars apply to Harry Tatham, Jelm, Wyo. SELL YOUR HIGH PRICE LAND and buy (15 lands in Iowa colony, Wyo., where big crops grow and they don't drown out or dry out; have Just rain enough. Also fine climate and good water. Write for map to M. H. Hartung, Cheyenne. Wyo. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 8100 to (10,000 made promptly. F. IX Wead, Wead Bldg., Ifith and Farnatn. LOWEST RATES Berate. Brandels Bldg. WANTED Oil y loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smlta Co.. 12A Farnam St. FIVU I'KR CENT MONEY o loan on Omaha business property. THOMAJl BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Llfs VMdg. 8500 to 85.000 on homs In Omaha. O'Ksefs Real Estate Co.. 10ci N. Y. Life. Douglas or A 2151 LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay merts semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 503 First National Bank Bldg. QARVIN BROS.. 818 N. Y. Life, $50 t l?W,t3 on Improved property. No delay. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOB 8, and 7-room bouses. If prices ars right we csn sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suits S24 N. T. life Bldg. FROM owner. Strictly modern residence, 8 or more rooms, large lot, location near West Farnam. Harney, Douglas, Bemia or Hanacom park. Would consider double house. Ulvs full particulars. Address B 416 Bee. SWAPS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchang ing property. HARRY H. CULVER. Suite m and 810 N. Y. LHfe Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE or trade for auto, 8-room house and two lots In Homestead Addition to South Omaha. Call or address 1417 N. 23d St., South Omaha. 663 ACRES, Wayne county, Illinois, 84 miles from town. Deep black soil, all culti vated. Large house, bams. Seventy acres In bearing orchard. In short, a complete Illinois farm. Price $100 per acre. Make offer. $6,000 stock up-to-date clothing, $20,000 stcck general merchandise. Will trade building with stock If desired. Wants land. Some choice residence property In Omaha foi land. Two nearly new 6-room houses, centrally located, well rented, paved street, South Omaha. Price $7,000. Mortgage $1,100 on each. :. TWO B-rootn, close In, well rented. South Omaha; clear. Will trade all or either two for land. . ' , NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 621 N. L Life Bldg- Red 1999. , utJ..,. - f AILORS G. A. LINPQTTEST CO.. M PAXTON BLK. MAX MORRIS. 101 BROWN BLOCK. SISTEK Young mon's fashionable tailor. 412-H Paxton Blk. RUFFNER TAILORING CO.. 324 a 15th St V TATTPTTF.N Sulu ,25 UP Kru V. AiVUllililN Theater Building. SKILLED labor commands high wages and good craftsmanship justifies It. See J. A. KERVAN, 608-610 Brandels Bldg. HARRY MARTIN. R. 19. U. 8. Bank Bldg. WANTED TO BUY I buy, sell and exchange secondhand goods, Sol. ROSENBERG, 103 S. 14th. D. 5S85 BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price for 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4265. BEST price ptd for second-hand furni ture, carpets. lothlng and sboea. 'lei. Doug. 3971. INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHASED IN OLD LINE COMPANIES. CALL ON OR WRITE PUTNAM CO., 604-6 N. Y. LIFE BLDG, OMAHA. . WANTED A ladles' bicycle In good re pair. Ruth Sanford, 4820 Florence blvd. Eeconu hand clothing, party, afternooa dresses. John Feldmsn. D 312$. Ind. A-ZtUl GOOD PRICE for second-hand clothe, shoes and furniture. KKLNER. Doug. 6401 JUST opening business; highest price paid for furniture end stoves. D. 1691 A-43. New York Repair shop, 1117 Dodg BEST PRICES paid for second-hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, olothes, shoes. TeL D. 6831 WANTED Second-hand auto delivery wogan; capacity 500 to 1,000 lbs.; state make, how long used. Price, Box 25, Holy oke, Colo. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT At once by traveling man and wife; strictly modem; nicely furnished housekeeping raoms or furnished cottage in desirable neighborhood. Address J 611. Bee. We Are Getting Numerous Calls for houses, all sizes. List with us. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Hed lift. WANTED to rent, modern, well fur rlslied house, one year or longer, from May 1. Address O. W. Updike. 7uS Brandels Bldg. wanted situations WANTED By young man, place to worg for board while attending lloylea' college WANTED Position as office assistant to physician and surgeon. One year s hospital experience In St. Luke's, Chicago. Best of references. Phone Harney 1506. AN EDUCATED, refined woman wants position aa a nurse for an Invalid. Have no objection to traveling, lei. a. too. CARPENTER work wanted; repairing and remodeling a specialty. Harney 2228. IOUNO lady attending school wants place to work for board and room In a private family. Phone Douglas 34H8. REAL ESTATE TRANSERS Real e Late transfers for March 22. 1910, furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas The 8. D. Mercer company to John Berg, lot block 11, Walnut Hlll.. 125 Frank W. Carmlchael and wife to C. C. Crowell, Jr.. lots IS to 16, block W, Dundee Place 1000 Reed Bros to Jurvia Ahngren, lot 1L block X. Crelghton Heights 175 The National Land company to Leon ard Everett, eHuO feet of nl32 feet sublux 1. taxlot 1 11-1&-11 11,000 Edwin Truman ot al. to Mary E. Mo- You Choose the Plan And wa will build you a strictly modern cottage In Shull'G Addition Either 4, 5, or 7 rooms, any design you want, any style or finish. EASY WALKING DISTANCE This addition In located 20th to 27th streets, Plercs to Hickory. Many fine lots with city Improvements In. ONLY ONE-TENTH CASH ayments, $18 to $20 a month will I And easy monthly payments, $18 to $20 principal. SOME HOUSES If you are ready to buy we have two houses all completed and four that will be ready next week, and somo others nicely started. Call us up, our plan Is very simple and easy. Office always open Saturday evening until 9:00 p. m. HASTINGS G HEYDEW 1614 Harney Street. Ewan, lot 14 and H lot 15, block 18, Scully's add 1 Mary F. Bourke to Merrlam & Holm- quist company, part of seJ,4 3-lo-J, othec consideration and 1 Hastings & Heyden to I. M. Hortonv lot 8, block 2, Collier Place 640 James A. Howard and wife to Theo dore R. Penny and Mary E. Penny, . e30 feet lot 17. block 2. Benson 210 G. Parker et al. to James G. Caldwell, wMi lot 12. Arlington Place. 1.1W Frank Panek to Mary F. Panek, undivided hair lot , block z, i'oresi Hill add 6 John B. Riley and wife to Joseph Adam, lot 21, J. E. Klley s euouiv vm F. W. Clough to JoseDh Adam. same. 1 Alice Riley, executrix, to Joseph Adam, lot 21. same 1 A. R. Johnson and wife to F. A. Math ews, lot 3. block 2. Seymour s l,7Wl Antonio Racek to Josephine Burnlcko Klrklnosky, n7 reet lot b, block , Kountze's 3d 2,450 Henry H. Dupln and wife to William Wolter, lot 2, block 6, Crelghton's 1st 8.800 C. E. Graves to K. L. Severance, lots 20 and 21, block A, Saunders Sc Hlmebatigh's 1 R. K. Towl and wife to Erwln B. Towl, middle 50 feet lots 1 and 2, block 3.1, South Omaha 1 George M. Madlgan to Jossle Novak, lot 4. Maxwell's subdlv 200 Z. W. Avery to M. L. Avery, lot 18, Phelan s, other consideration and... l R, D. Shirley and wife to H. S. Mo Dermott. oart lot 4. Ottawa Place.... 1 John 8. Forgy et al. to Hans Bock, sH of nH ot 40, Hartman'a add 60 W. L. Shelby and wife et al. to Ethel I). Barker, lots 13 and 14, diock 4, Cart hate 1.090 Oallle Lee Epley to May Rooney and Husband, lot 14, block 7, Lincoln Place w 2.460 Ralston Townsite company to Annie llaohmo-n, lot 8, block 9, Ralston 175 Ralston Townsite company to Morris Rachman, lot 2, block 9, Ralston.... 175 Charles P. Traver to S. J. Ryan, e70 feet lot 10. Preeton & Williams'.... 58,000 Charlen D. Blbbln and wife to Max well W. Berstein, w4 lot 8. block 362, city, other consideration and. 5 L. N. Nixon to Jennie L. Burgess, lot 18, block 88, Dundee Place 1 P. T. Burchard to M. B. Lumry, lots 20 and 22, block 1, Lake View 4.500 John P. Bobery to Jens C. Nielnon, undivided half lots 2 to 20 34-15-13... 10 R. M. Gift and wife to George E. War ren, lot 10 and eVi lot 11, block 23, Benson, other consideration and.... Hastings & Heyden to Charles F. Johnson, lot 15, block 2, Hastings & Heyden's 2d 4 W. J. Green anid wife to 8. P. Borgl son, lot 6, biock 11, Orchard Hill.... 1C J. Garbacs and husband to John Hal ler, s50 feet lot 1. block 4, Hazel Ter race ,.,.............. Mary Ring and hupband to Bertha Karman snd husband, e47 feet lot 2, block 8, Bowery Hill 2 i C. M. Wilson to A. F. Ford, e33 feet lot 8. block 6, Drake's 1 A. Weckeeser and wife to Josef Glo ser. lot 20, block 10. Corrlgan Place.. 953 M. C. Knudsen and husband to A. Larson, n63 feet lot 15, block 15, Im provement Association 2,050 Frank Radii, Jr., and wife to Jan Novy and Mario Novy, lot 1, block 16, Brown Park 750 I. C. Twamley and husband to D. B. Lyons, trufrtee, lotis 6 and 7, block 11, Poppleton Park 1 TRAVEL EUROPE tacLCDIlrt A. series of Delightful OAQ to IraSSloN Tours, Including all or I 111 ins important poima, jiavg at rates ranging from v North Cape(Mldnight Sun), Juns 16 $498 MaiUterranean British Isles. July 9 S97S Other departures In April, May, June, r.iiv. Earlv aDDllcatlon very lmport- fint. Write today for Booklet and Details f Our Plan. THs BOSTOH TBATEZ. BOOIETT, kas Boylstos treat. Boston, Mass. TRAVEL TO EUROPE XX 1910 Zs Going- To Be Enormous. TOO CAN 00 TOO. AND INCLUDE SWITZER LAND, tha land ot acenlo beauty. It coata Im te so to Switiorlana than to apand a vacation al oma Amarloan Reort- But whathar for Bprlni or Bummer jou should makt jour plana NOW. Sand tor a traa copr of HOW TO BKB SWITZER LAND and our Traral Latter No. M Our Amer ican Office (Iraa expert adrlce free. Swis3 Federal Railroad, 841 Tilth Ats., Waw fork. To FLORIDA CUBA Drawing-Room Sleepers L. St. LeoU daily, L C. R. R. 8:55 p. si. Ar. NathrilU, N. C ft St L: Ry; S:3S a. m. Lv. Atlanta. Cast, si Ca. Ry. 8:40 s. Ar. JackasTUla,IV,A.C.LR.R. 7:30 a. . Dining Cars Ketweea Naahvflle sad Atlanta Writs to or call F. C. SWEAT. Wsstern Passenger Agent, N. C. & St. L. Ry., Bank of Commerce Building, St. Louis. Mo. U) HAMBURG AMERICAN All Model's Safety DoTlcea (Wireless, etc.) London-Pa ris- Hamburg Pretoria. April t 11 a. si Proa Llntoln, April u Kala'a Aus Vie. April ltclnclnnaU April U Ura( Wele'eee... April Anierlaa April M Blaeenar April llrrea. Orant May 4 a Bita-CarUea a la Carta RaaUaraM. aa Hiokiira direst. Nw. TMAVfLKMr CHgCal IBBUCD. Tearlet Iept for Tripe Iverjrwfaere, Bamkaxg-Aniericaa gaaa, 4o B'way, V. Y Os local Areata. When you want what you want when you want It, say so through The Be Want Ad columns. ' . :i t.l' ,7: a month will Include Interest and ARE NOW READY Douglas 1G06; A-1G0G. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOll PUBLIC BUILDING. Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming, March 14th, 1910. Sealed Proposals In triplicate will be received until t P. M., mountain time, April 18th, 1910, lor the Con struction and Klectrlc Wiring of a Reinforced Concrete Root House, Plan 195. Plans-and Specifications on file at Office of Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb., Chief Quarter master, Department of the Colorado, Den ver, Colo., Builders' Exchange, St. Paul, Minn., and the American Contractor, Chi cago, III. Or the same may be had from this office upon deposit of five (15.00) dol lars, which will be promptly refunded upon their safe return. Envelopes-containing proposals should be Indorsed, "Propo sals for Root House," and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Mac kenzie, Wyo. Mch-21-22-23-24, A-15-16 CHIEF QUARTERMASTFR OFFICE Omaha, Neb., March 21. 1910. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received hers and by the quartermaster at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, April 21, 1910, for furnishing mineral oil and gasoline during the fiscal year ending June 80. 1911, at Omaha and Forts Omaha and Robinson. Nebraska; Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Forts Riley and Leavenworth, Kansas: Forts D. A. Rus sell and Mackenile, Wyoming and F'ort Meade, S. D. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any' part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to quartermaster at the stations named. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil or Gasoline." and addressed to Major D. E. M'CARTH Y, C. Q. M. M.21-22-23A.18-13-20. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING OF THE PAfltlU EXPRESS COM' PANT. The stockholders of the above named ompany having failed to hold their annual i eeUng, notice Is hereby given that I, the ndersignea presiaeni or saia company, ave. pursuant to the by-laws of said com. any, called a meeting of the stockholders f said company, to be held at the general .fflce of said company. No. 1401 Harney treet. in tne city ot umana. state or Ne raska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on Monday, larch 28, 1310. for the election of dlrec ors and the transaction of such other uslness as may come before the meeting id .you are notified that such meeting 111 be held at sucli time and place for id purposes. JAMES EGGLESTON. President the Pacific Express Company. larch 18, 1910. Seated proposals will be received at this tiulldlng until 2 o clock ). m., April 1, 1910, for furnishing fuel, lights, water. Ice, miscellaneous supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes and sprinkling streets for this building dur ing the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the Treas ury Department, B. H. Barrows. Cus todian. M21-23 HEB HUSBAND A OKAHK. My husband was an awful crank, About the bread he'd always "Jaw." But not so now, and I must thank The flour I use, which, to be frank, Is "Pride of Omaha." MRS. R. P. SCHWAB, S31S Lafayette Ave. FREE! FREE! An Order on Her Grocer for a 24-lb. Sack of "Pride of Omaha" Flour to Every Woman who malls us a verse of four to six lines (which we use for advertising) about "Pride of Omaha" Flour. Updike Milling Co. 1613 Sherman Ave., Omsua, Vsb. DAKOTA INDIANS GO HOME Bands that Have Been ia Washlnartoa far Consultation Itetorn Satisfied. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March 22,-(Speclal Tele gram.) Superintendent L. F. Michael, In charge of the Cheyenne Indian delegation from South Dakota, left Washington with his charges yesterday, and Superintendent Beldon, who accompanied the Standing Rocks to Washington, started home with his band today. These delegation of Chey enne and Standing Rock Indians have been In Washington to have their final talk over the bills opening to white settlement tho remaining lands of their respective reservations. It Is said they left Washing ton entirely satisfied with the bills aa drawn and Introduced by Senator Gamble and that they desire them passed at aa early a date as possible. - S. II. Burnham, president of the First National bank of Lincoln, Is In Washing ton. It Is the purpose of the First Na tional to construct a modern bank and office building and Mr. Burnham Is to con sult certain architects and builders. J. C. Mortenaon of Wolbach and John C. Blanchard of Homer, D. O. Rosenow of Omaha and C. O. Mlnter of Neligh, Neb., have been appointed railway mall jlerks. The secretary of the Interior has denied a motion for a review filed by Harvey Shuner to contest an additional homestead entry of Ellia J. Will In the Lincoln land district The following rural carriers have been appointed: Nebraska Pierce, routs 1, Byron Vanderpool, carrier; no substitute, dtromsburg, routs 1, Emanuel L. Hallqulst, carrier; no substitute. Stromaburga routs J, Charles L. Norman, carrier; no ubat tuts. South Dakota Brdgewater, routs 1, Henry W. Wysa, carrier; no substitute. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAD City Council Has Difficulty Selling I Faring- Bonds. EASTERN MARKET 13 SL0 superintendent Graham of gcools He-Rlerted for Three-Tear Teira at Increased Salary of Three Theaaand. The city council last night readvertlaed bids for $190,000 of South Omaha securities consisting of paving bonds for fourteen districts of the city. These were advertised some time ago and it was found that the eastern bond buyers were not eager for th' lsue owing to market condltons there. Tho companies buying the latest Issues of bonds consisting of 1178,000 paving bonds, found when they attempted to put the bonds on the market the movement was slow, so when the last issue was offered they failed to bid. It Is said In the event that the readvertlsement orderfd last night falls t bring bids the contractors will bid In the Issue so that they can go ahead with the work. The council took cngn:zanoe of the death of Fire Chief David Garratt last night by ordering the city hall draprd In mourning for thirty days and appointing a committee consisting of John Hasburgh, Bwan Larson and Frank Dworak to draft a fitting mem orial resolution. The IIlKhland Improvement club sent In a communication asking that the grade of tho streets In the south end of the city be established throughout a district from Twenty-first to Twenty-eighth and from Madison to Harrison streets. Tho paving ordinance for tho pavemtnt of J street from Eighteneth to Twenty-second was passed. Several paving ordinances wero advanced for new districts. The Judiciary commutes made a favorable report. ' ravlnsr lloetor Boulevard. The contract and bond of the Cent Contracting company for the pavement of Hoctor boulevard was submitted for ap proval. It was referred to the city attor ney!. This contract was the one In which the company named brought a successful mandamus suit against the city to compel the award. Bids were opened for the paving of Twenty-sixth street from A to the city limits on the north'. Dan Hannon bid on paving block and the National Construction company on paving block and on asphaltlo concrete. The bids were referred. A petition was received for the pavement of M street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty fifth street. This It one of the most trav eled streets and needs the Improvement greatly. IV. M. Graham Re-Elected. The Board of Education met last night In adjourned session and elected Superin tendent N. M. Graham for a second terra ot three years and advanced his salary from $2,500 to $3,000 per year. This action, as explained by members cf the board, was tp keep the factor of the election of the superintendent of the city schools out of the campaign for the elec tion of members ot the Board of Education to be held at tho time of the municipal election. The action Is authorised by the statuto, which provides that the super intendent may be elected at any regular meeting of the board. The members of the board expressed satisfaction with the way affairs had been conducted under tho administration of Mr. Graham. The board received a number of bids for the erection of a school building at Forty-second and II atrjats. These were rofered. John Klewlt was elected architect -to complete the plans proposed In a pre liminary which was submitted at a previous meeting. The committee on playgrounds and Im provements reported progress and will make Its recommendation at the next regular meeting of the board. Alfred Johnson Would Die. Alfred Johnson, 424 South Twentieth street, Is said to have attempted suicide last night by slashing at his throat with a knife. He did not succeed In Inflicting more than a scratch. The family called the police and Captain Sheehan found the man In a state bordering on frenzy. He . placed him under arrest for disturbing the peace and he will probably have time to re pent his rash attempt. He Is said to have been despondent for several days. The funeral services of Chief David Gar rett will be held at the residence, 2310 G street, Thursday at 2 p. in. He was a member of the Maccabees and one or two other orders, which will probably be rajf Rented In the last services of honor. Ballot Case Is On In Conrt. Argument is on before Judge Troup In district court on the plea for a mandamus to compel the city clerk of South Omaha to prepare paper ballots and ballot boxes for the city election. It Is In evidence that a resolution of the council directed the use of paper bollots, but the cojn'ro versy Is turning on the the qutatlon whether a South Omaha ordinance pafrmlts the use of voting machines. Judge Troup will probably give a decision late this after noon. Mad Creek Diverted. The redolent waters of Mud creek, which have been the bane of the Sarpy county residents for the last score of years, have at last been diverted Into the new Mud creek tunnel, which passes through the river bluff on Monroe street a distance of about 2,000 feet. The water was turned In Sunday afternoon. This creek has borne a large part of the water used In flushing the Union Stock Yards and In the sanita tion of the yards and the packing houses. For this reason the Sarpy county residents complained, and finally brought a success ful suit to compel the city and the yards company to abate the nuisance. The suit brought a few days since by Timothy H. Horan has been settled out Of court by the Union Stock Yards company agreeing to furnish him with enough P" wa,nr Tam their hydrants to Irrlgats his celery fartn, Maglo City Gossip. Edward Oaughan left last week for Denver, where he will make his future home. tvi .vptxntjv. . KM and have a ease of Jetters Gold Top Beer delivered at your residence. HENRY J. JETTER. Some trespasser last Saturday robbed Richard Steel of his favorite dog, of which ho was very fond. rtHIn lRo.a.rsen'a funersl will be held at t p. m., at Brewer's chapel. Rev. Savage will have cnarge. n uui ii win wv Forest Lawn cemetery ornnz BOTTLED BE PHI We deliver Eton Bottled Beer promptly to residence In South Omana at same prices you rorm erly paid. Urodertck ac Maslowsky, t01 4 St. Phone South 1581. t.w Nichols was arrested last night by Officer Jake Kmall, who found It necessary to resort to his ciud, leaving Micnois wun a badly wounded scalp. The Shamrock club will give a grand taii March SO as the finish ot the popular diamond ring contest. The committees sre arranging for a fins program. Tommy Rreanahsn Is scheduled for enother fight with Willie Qlbbsofk Phila delphia at Kansas City, March A Their last bout was declared a draw. ' klaaed from Head to Heel was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged ever a gravel roadway, out wuomen s at nlca Salve cured him. ZSc For mf ley Beaton Drug Co. T 1 4 Y V