V rirv .REAL FSTATt- TFIK ni;K: OMAHA. Tt'KSDAV. MAIiCH 22. 1010. 1 I ViAHA MARKET CLIMBING Still Stands Second in Country in Re ceipts of Corn. MOVES UP AS WHEAT MARKET Aim trp Ip la Oas Cols row ami If Receipts of All ftralaa Bom from lllsth to Fearlh roaltloa. Omaha rontlnuff to climb th lulder of (lift, primary grain markMs of th world, nrcordlns: to the government report for the month of January, which la Juat out. The omaha market moved from sixth to fifth ifltlon In the- receipts of wheat; It re irmlned In, second pooltlon In the receipt of corn; It moved from fourth to third po sition In the receipt of oats and In the total receipt! of all grain, moved from alxth to fourth ponltlon. Tlila la cunaldered a moat remarkable situation when It J considered that Omaha has pasaed many c-ltlp which have had their grain market extabllnhed many years longer tlian Ihe Omaha market. These tables for January, 1910, ahow the strides the Omaha market has been making: ' Total Grain Haskell. , -.RKCKIPTS. -SHIPMENTS.-1!X. 1!10 1li(X 1910 1M14.S02 IfiM.LK.VS ID.Tia.W. 11 .10T,,1fO 7.iOi.:.' 1M,4iO 4.KW.6XO 4.713. ZX) 6.8'.'r.,7a 7.5w.f.2 5.223.4D M"3.1V 4.277.700 8.2M.500 4.003.000 3,f2-,000 WHEAT BfSHEI.ff. -SHtPMENTS.- Chlcsgn . Mlnnea'lla St. !X)tllK Omaha .. Mlnnea'lls Kan. City iMiluth ... SI. Louis Omaha .. ( 'lilcaaro minha rfiicago 1910. 1.E70.SM l.t'.W.VOO 102. 50T. 1.7M.Ci 5(0.U0 -RKC'KIPTS vm. ifm. 190k. 4.SSX.2SO lO.lWl.MO 1.0H2.440 ?,irOX tS-24. 1,64.M 1.0.04 l.'M.SB 1.K6.1M 1. OKI. 400 1.124.400 863.000 COM V RI'Kf IF.I.R RECEIPTS. -.SHIPMENT. 110. I'JOf. 1M0. .7,C11 S.7SH.5O0 7.735.120 4.4;I7,S16 2.23.9VO 3.."il!7.70l 1. Wit, 000 2,011.01.0 OATS Bt "FUELS. RECEIPTS -.SHIPMENTS. - 1S0. 1910. l!(09. 1910. K.ra.ini n..V.4,400 B.21S.4W 5.12M10 St. tenuis. 1.TD6.S70 2.228.S00 l.THS.tMH) - J.H41.7VO Omaha ... 43,100 1.:.:t,10 l.CSfi.OOO 1,236.000 Mother Draws Gun to Keep' Boy x from the Police Sayi She is Not Going to Hurt Any body, but Officials Feel Un comfortable. "Stand back. I-et my poor boy alone," screamed Mrs. Filbert to a squad of offi cers at' he,r home, Eighteenth and Hickory streets. She covered the foremost of the detail which had come' to arrest her son, Charles, who escaped from Officer Carver two weeka before. I Charles Filbert was Implicated In the robbery of the watchman at the Guarantee laundry by the confession of Spencer Wil liams, a negro, who assumed leadership and Joined with the boy In the crime. ' Filbert was sentenced to the reform school at Kearney In Juvenile court and escaped Jusf as he was being taken from the Bee building. - I Saturday night the police located the boy at hln home, but he leaped from a window as they were surrounding the house. . Bunday night the police went again to the home in force Jand found not Charley Filbert, but his mother and a revolver? This she pointed with no wavering, wob-bilng- hand at Officer McDonald, who had 'led the charge. . "Shoot away!" cried McDonald. "I'm not going to take anybody's life," said Mrs. Filbert', lowering her gun. But the police did not like this gun play. ."-It was more than the officers could stand," says Desk Sergeant Marshall's re port and Mrs. Filbert was taken In tow. , When brought into Juvenile cotirt on the charge of aiding and abetting a deltquent, she was ordered back to Jail pending a hearing next week. Bail In the sum of $o00 will be arranged for, her. ARTHUR L0CKW00D IS DEAD Son-ln-I.aiT of Isaac W. Carpenter Falls to Survive Operation for Appendicitis. Arthur Lorkwood, son-in-law ot Isaac W. Carpenter, died Sunday night after an operation for appendicitis. Mr, Lockwood ' was taken 111 Sunday, March 3, and an operation was deemed necessary and performed March 17. Mi;. Lorkwood waa born at Peru, Ind., July 23, -1882, where he resided during the early years 'of his life. He assisted his father In publishing' paper at that place. Six years ago. ha came to Omaha and ac cepted a position with- the Union Pacific. Later he worsted for the Missouri Pacific as rate clerk and was promoted to the position of freight solicitor. Recently he went to work for the Car penter Paper company in a responsible capacity. Six months ago ha' married Miss Linn Carpenter, eldeat daughter of Isaao W. Carpenter. and they made their home with Mrs. Carpenter's parents. Mr. Lockwood wus especially Interested in church work and was a prominent figure In Calvary Baptist. Ha was also Inter ested In tha work of the local Toung Men'a Christian association. . Mr. Lockwood was a member, of the Phi Kappa Psl fraternity and was a student at Ds Pauw and Ohio Wesleyah unlver- sitles. The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday afternoon at i o'clock. Interment will be in. Forest Lawn cemetery. O'KEEFE CAN'T SEE THE JOKE' Pickpocket Who Gets Canafct at the Trick, Then G aided Into Olfl- ' err, Draws Thirty Davs. i John O'Keefe, .who was arrested last week, charged by V. O. McCaffery with attempting to pick Ills pockets, was given thirty days In police court by Judge Craw ford. O'Keefe tried to rob his man while both were riding on the rear platform of a Farnam street car, but McCaffery saw blm first and Insisted on searching him right on the platform before he would let lilni go. Later, when McCaffrey aaw O'Keefe on a car lis accused hhrt of being a pickpocket and when O'Keefe resented the accusation he Invited the suspect to get ait and fight. O'Keefe accepted the invitation and when tha two men alighted and made their way to a suitable spot to pull of tha battle, McCaffrey guided the man Into a polloeman and had him sent to the police station. , McCaffrey thinks It a joke i O'Keefe, but O'Keefe does not. I . A Uluodr Affair Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It and cur weak lungs, coughs and colds wlh Dr. King's New Discovery. 6$c and $1.00. "For aaleby Beaton Drug Co. TUESDAY IS lay at Five Specials in Basement Cloak Dept. Silk Petticoats These petticoats are made of good quality silk, in Mark and colors extra $98 special, in basement. . ."' Walking Skirts In all new spring styles pleated effects, black and new colors in C8 basement vPw Spring Suits Up-to-date spring styles, wi give splendid service; new colors and materials $ in basement, at . . 10 Muslin Underwear Gowns, Chemises find Skirts, that are very prettily lace and embroidery trimmed; special. . . w"t New Spring Styles in Women's Waists All spring effects plain or fancy trimmed worth fLCk , J regularly $1.00, at. sf. .5 &sm Stunning Easter Hats V-Thousands" of beautiful new flower trimmed hats for Easter; in the newest shades and cleverest trimmings, the colors are the very newest for 1910. Other stores might duplicate them for $10.00; Brandeis sells them for. . . . Second floor. T f Beautiful Trimmed Hats and Street Hats Including all the clever new shapes and styles for 1910 stunning hats for Easter wear, at $10-$15 'Z Odds and Ends ' Art Dept. 5c each Slightly soiled articles, such as fancy pin cushions of var ious kinds, pillow cords, remnants of ribbons, fl coronation cord, silk fringe, spools knitting silk, f fancy bags, etc. wonderful bargains Tuesday. . 36 skeins of embroid- C 36 skeins of embroid- CS. J'v erv cotton. : - V -ery silk . 18 and 27-inch Fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Flounc ings, Skirtings and Corset Cover Embroideries, also wide insertions and galloons worth up to 65c 0n QQ a yard, at......:... . . &d,mOVK, Fine Embroidery Edgings, Insertions and Beadings Med ium and wide Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric endless vari ety of pretty, new designs worth up to 20c a yard, A at, a yard. . , Xvt Fine 'French and German Val Laces and Insertions, also dainty crochet, cluny and Armenian effects many to match and many worth up to I2V2C a yard Pa at, a yard Novelties in Easter Cards Hundreds of clever new designs for Easter greetings to your friends. An Immense showing of new Easter Post Cards at lc each and up. Sale of Boston Ferns fcu,D; but Flower artment A large quantity of Boston Ferns, in fine condition. A new stock which we used for our late opening on sale Tuesday. . . . ' Regular 75c and $1.00 QQA Regular $1.00 and rQ Ferns, at.1........... $1.50 Ferns, at .9tJL Stars lti(t4 Uak steer. Supplied promptly to private fmlly trade. Uet your order In early. Charles Stori. Tfaouea, Webster UW; IdJ , B-1WL Cronk Gcts'HiSj P'urnitureBack Mil. Cronk Had Stored Missing Pieces in Council Blaffi in Law 1 yer's Name. George P. Cronk has back in his pos session furniture and personal effects worth at leaat tM5, which Mrs. Cronk"lhad atored in Council Bluffs in the name of Oorge S. Wright, the attorney. Mr. Cronk. hearing that the furniture, which was moved from the Cronk home the night of March 4, had gone across the river, sued out a writ of replevin and got the effects, which conBlated of one trunk, one box, one brass brd, five rugs and a number of books. The property was moved back across tha river and Cronk now has it here. Mrs. Cronk, In her last affidavit, reply ing to Crunk's accusation that this prop erty had been removed from the houxe In the night time, said that ahe had realized that she must move from the Georgia avenue home, and finding an opportunity to atore the things with a friend for Doth Ing. had availed herself of.lt.' The property went to the warehouse ot the Durkee Furniture company In Council Hluffa and waa to be charged to Georgt 8. Wright at the rats' of 12" a month.'. The replevin ault Is actionable at the August term ot the district court of Pottawattamie county. The recovery of the property Is said to have been accom plished before Mr. Cronk'a attorneys knew anything "about the affair. ' ' ' a o n a n n n. n a a m n n no b a a n n n mm I The only high-claM - Baking Powder sold a , "K atooWata price JC ! u Hl'I XKW KASTKIt MX "K UK Alt H)H WOMKX 1 IJ I l.Ti:sT XOVK1.TIKS Jl'ST IN. ' S Easter Gloved at a Third Less r An offprlng cominj; In the nick of time is full of promise for glove nhoppers. A lot of fifty dozen very nice dollar quality kid gloves In me nest colors are one oi our uesi i ut'suay onrgains. Those gloves Hre fine, soft and pliable. Identical In finish, trimming and gra.de to regular $1.00 lines pair Women's Linen Handkerchief All pure linen hemstitched, 10c kinds, Tuesday, special for Jj 1U IIV.ITB JI1 69c "Showerproof Foulards 85c and $1.00 Unmistakably tbe highest grade foulards extant and the only kind that fully meets every requirement of well dressed women. The styles and colorings of the "Showerproof" line are surprisingly beautlfuK Our"s are exclusive patterns not shown In other Omaha stores. "Showerproof foulards do not spot from rain or water. They are soft and Phlmmerlng and strictly pure silk. nr No silks are more popular,' yd OOC'Ol Easter Week in the Suits :MAVnC!A a S B . Alterations, if necessary, made free and delivered in time for Easter if ordered Tuesday. There's a distinctiveness about Ben nett's Suits for women, a tone of char acter and quiet refinement that is sur prising to find in popular price suits. . The materials are the newest all wool weaves, principally in plain serges, wor steds, etc. Linings are guaranteed satin and soft Louisienne ilks. e a cut There's a style touch to them, that makes far perfection in fit,, quite out of the ordinary. Our Mnes at $15.00, $19.50, $25.00, $29.50 are the big selling numbers. AVe show so many sizes that alterations are unnec essary or reduced to a minimum. w. a. a a Exceptional Shoe Values Smart Patent Colt skin Oxford for young women-' Short front, broaxl tread, high arctfi as dictated byrhodern fashion. J r I. Some merchants persuade themselves that women are ignorant of a difference in shoe values. "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes prove this contention decidedly untrue. Call to-day? i $3.50 to $5.00 BENNETT'S COAL CONSUMER Our hlghrat quality of Xadlant Hut, (S.so p.t too. mhers charge you .&U. Bad wsatbar bound to corns. Have c-uul on hand. Quality and Quantity a-uarantssd, Rosenblatt's Gut Price Goal Go. 1933 sTlctaolaa St. ' Both Pbonsa Bsll, Sour. 412; Ind. B-1412. I Rollabfo Dentistry Tali's Dental Rooms TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER A Popalar Farsa Paper. AYHirS MAIK VIGOU Does not Color the Hair Stops railing Hair Makes Malr Crow A r . g , . , 11 . Hat.. Does not Lc!or the nair s-" w at ti sj stanBas Makes Hair Grow 3 O Am Oomhit Tw-M Vim Does not Color the Hair THHlMlUilTH J"' T 1 1 Pfi o a v IS BARGAIN DAY Five Rousing Special Bargains in Our Busy Suit Bcpartmcnt $1.1.00 New Spring ('oat Coverts and broadcloths, in choice now styles, 100 to select from on 'sale at $10.00 ftrt.OO Auto and Kalnconta Silk rubberlzc-d, 75 of them In tho lot the biggest snap of the sea son $G.93 200 MIsmV Ueautiful Sprlnn Tailor Suit All newest colorings and styles, sires 14, 16, 18 and 20, garments made to sell for and well worth to $20.00; on salo at, choice $10.00 Dainty Ungerie Waists $2.00 . Lingerie and Uingliam Drvases values, lace and insertion trim- Regular $7.60 values, In all col med, at t)S ors and white: choice. ... gS.OS Extra Specials for Tuesday grade above Amoskeag and bent in the world, 6-yard limit; at, ' yard .'.5d From 2:. 10 to 8 P. M. Genuine Old Glory long cloth, regular price lf c yard or $1.80 bolt En tire bolt of 10 yards for. ...83 From 4 to 4.30 P. M. S 1x90 Beam loss sheets, round thead, strong and heavy, and reeulur price 85c, 6-sheet limit; nt. each 42 H i Specials in Our, Famous Domestic Room From 8 to 8:30 A. M. Indigo blue prints, regular Cc, 10 yard lmit; at, yard 2 From to :30 A. M. Thistle down bleached muslin, 9c regular pVlce, 10-yard limit; at, yd.4Hr From 10 to 10:30 A. M. 15c towels, extra large and heavy, C towel limit; at, each g From 1:30 to '2 P. M. Genuine Lancaster apron ginghams, one High Grade Vash Goods Specials From 10 to 12 Noon. All fancy wash goods (no ging hams) will go on sale at exactly half price. From 2o 4 P. M. All ginghams, including Scotch, Frenob and English high grade ginghams for these two hours, at exactly half price. WOOL DKESM GOODS. Forenoon Only. . All black goods at half price. Afternoon Only. All colored dress goods at exatftly half price. FOK ALL DAY. $3.00 table cloths for $1, $1.00 sheets, 81x90, seamlons yft 12e pillow slips, 42x36... 10 25c silk finished pongee 15 10c percales, all colors 7 39c silk stripe pongees 18 39c white fancies 15 25c white goods for waists 12$s 18c white goods 10 15c English long cloths lO 1 2 Vi c bleached muslin . ; . . . g ), 15c black sateen 10 Eight other specials called on the floor. Special for Tuesday in Groceries All Monday's (iroeery, Flour, Butter, Choose, Cracker, Fresh Vegetable and Orange Sales to be continued Tuesday. SPECIAL SALE OF HAMS FOR EASTER TUESDAY. TVio Vnet fatictr Nn 1 Rnrrnr Purorl TJermlnr TTn.ma' jaasi . If 2fc The Supply is Limited. fL-DOlTT per pound. jat IIAVDEU'S FBSTiJ1 H Easter Styles at DrexeVs There In a wealth of beauty and style in our Women's Ox fords, Ties and Pumps that wo men of discriminating taste will appreciate.. v Oxfords in lace and button styles and In blucher cut handsome ribbon ties. The new ankle and instep strap pumps. Dainty leathers, Cuban and French heels, narrow toes, short vamps, hand turned and welt soles. Every size and width that's made. $3.50 and $4.09 We know that vye are safe in saying that we have tbe fin est showing of women's foot wear that can be fou;id. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. MONEY AND VALUABLES Should be kept in a burglar and fireproof safe deposit vault. Nearly every day you read of someone having had money or val uables stolen. Why not make yourself absolute ly safe by renting a safe deposit box in our big bank vault? Our boxes are for the poor as well as the rlm. They rent for only $1 for three months. Call and see them. AMERICAN SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Bee B!dg. 216 S. 17th St. omeseekers round trip tickets at reduced rates to theDakotas, the Black Hills, Wyoming, and other points West and Northwest, are on sale via The North Western Line on the first 'and third Tuesday of, each month. The opportunities provided for stop-overs to examine lands and the return limits are all very conveniently arranged. Colonists tickets on sale daily March 1 to April 15, and Settlers' tickets are also on sale every Tuesday March 1 to April 12 inclusive, to a large number of points including the Canadian Provinces. Excellent train service 3. and direct routes. For rates," tickets and full infor mation apply to ticket Office . 1401-1403 Farnam Strut Omaha, Ntb. HW1383 1 v WAIT WAIT ; FOR THE BIO SALE or LADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS and DRESSES, at DILZ'S WATCH TOMORROW'S PAPER SELLING OUT, FINE ARTISTIC WALL PAPER -AT- LESS THAI! COST 2C08 FARNAM ST. ; pnrnrEraisisTiiT : jy Artesian Water Free The present agitation regard ing the city's drinking water, prompts me to Inform tbe pub lic that the Pure Artesan Water f II0TEL ROME is free to all who care to use It In their homes. ItOME MILLKR. Ground floor Farnam Street Front Dee building This is tbe ground floor room just west of the main entrance. It is to be remodeled so as to increase the floor space to 1,271 square feet. If desired, it can be ex tended to give the tenant 1804 square feet. It includes a- very large vault Heat, light, water and janitor service furnished by the building. ( The room will be partitioned and arranged to suit the needs of the tenant. Apply to R. W. BsWr. Supt.. Bee Business Office. Available April First. J! 0 In their homes. II g ItOME MILLKR. l CKzaa&aacua (T9 s) J i- A. Watch for Easter would make a lasting, acceptable gift, A tiny one for a lady 12 size for a gentleman. We have a beautiful line of thege. Spend a few minutes in u store. ok for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler J51A Dougla St ! t. m... '( The Bee for Rllttie Sporting News