Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaha Daily Beel
' -
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State of Nebraska, Ftoagla County, es.i
Oeorse B. Tuchork, treasurer of Tha
Bee Publishing Company, belnir duly
sworn, says that tha actual number of
full and complete copies of The Dally.
Morning-. Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during tha month of February, 1910, was
aa followa:
1 48.140
4 48,970
...... 41,740
1 43,110
10. ......... 4&..80
11 43,700
It 43,100
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1 40,830
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.... 43,770
11 49.990
it 43,570
tt 43,040
14 43,810
ti 43,930
.... 43,440
tT 41,700
It 43,070
1 1 11 QOO
He turned copies...... J90
Net total l ia nia
Dally average. ..""""irrSJK
S ,.,, . , Treaeurer.
unecrlbed In my preeence and aworn to
before me UK J.ih day of February, lUi
Notary Public
erlke-a leoviagr tha elty tem
porarily ahQHl Itare Tha Be
aumll to them. Address will ba
Mary never suspected that her "lit
tle lamb" would be worth f 10.
From all reports those Iowa reform
school girls need a little more reform
ing. Tha next, thing . In Order will be
Mayor "Jim'i annual clean-up procla
mation.' '
A base ball pitcher gun has been In
vented. Better make it rapid Are and
give It to the umpire.
Take note that the bbek beer season
has arrived on schedule time In spite
of the 8 o'clock Ud law.
A pound of platinum costs in the
neighborhood of 710. "but it may yet
have a fat rival in the pork chop.
Interviews that are not printed in
the World-Herald would probably
make still more interesting reading.
A Chicago servant left 1 5,000 to the
family by whom she had been em
ployed for thirty years. Sort of a re
bate. Since Japan gives assurance that
"war with the United States is incon
ceivable," we would better order those
other two battleships at once.
The newest disease is "appendicu
lar gastralgia," whatever that is, and
fear Is expressed in some quarters that
that is "what is thi matter with con
gress." It might be a good plan to leave the
mortgage on the old Webster home
stead up in New Hampshire so that It
will seem more as though Daniel were
still alive. v ;!,
If someone could get a corner on all
the cold wave Jokes perpetrated at the
expense of Mr. Fairbanks the cold
storage monopoly need not be such a
depresslAg matter.
That Los Angeles man who has two
extra ribs which he Is planning to have
removed should take warning from the
trouble Adam got into when he had
one of his taken out. '
It la an even guess that J. Plerpont
Morgan will bring-home several blocks
of Roman ruins for bric-a-brac in that
famous collection of his. And next
time h will have a corner on Roman
ruins. ....
Senator Dolliver's declaration that
"the time has come when plain Eng
lish must be used by congress in pass
ing legislation," is something of a
slam on the Jaw-makers who have
heretofore been on the job.
James A. Patten is a humorist, all
right. . While blowing himself to a
trip to Europe, he la objecting because
"the American people are too extrava
gant." They really have to be when
be is boosting prices of 'what they must
The Industry of the World-Herald
correspondents in searching out folks
to stand for interview' boosts would
Indicate that they expect to connect
with the 150,000 with which Candi
date Hitchcock recently replenished
his war cheat.
A death from typhoid, fever in the
state penitentiary it Lincoln is re
ported, tho victim having been in
carcerated there for eight months, so
that be could '.not possibly have Im
bibed the germ on the outside. Here
Is where the Missouri river certainly
has aa alibi. -
Presidential Difficulties.
When President Taft spoke feel
ingly not long ago about the criticism
to which his administration had been
subjected he drew attention to . the
difficulties besetting the great office
which he occupies. It is no easy task
to be the chief executive of a critical
people. It Is not an easy task to be
the leader of a nation of ambitious
people with widely diversified Inter
ests and with sharply conflicting po
litical Ideas.
Within the history of our republic
many subdivisions and bureaus have
grown up under the administrative de
partments, a tremendous volume of
business has fallen upon the judiciary
and the work of the legislative branch
hag Increased almost beyond Its
power of accomplishment. While this
has been going on the progress of the
country as a whole has made many
changes and reforms necessary.
Everyone knows, of course, how these
changes and reforms can best be
brought about without reference to
the conditions at Washington, and
when the administration does not do
things forthwith aa demanded then
the guns of criticism are trained upon
the president.
Heretofore every subdivision, com
mission and bureau has had the ear
of the publlo sometimes over the head
of the department chief. The same
thing has been true with regard to
the policies of former administrations
and everyone desiring publicity and
political advertising has had an open
door to the press. In fact, the public
has often indicated a preference for
the word of a subordinate over the
word of the chief and with that as a
basis many movements have sprung
up to decry the administration. And
the worst criticism which has arisen
at this time has been the charge that
President Taft has suppressed in
formation because of his Insistency
that Information for the public shall
come through the responsible head of
the department itself.
Of course, no administration is free
from mistakes some mistakes are
inevitable, considering the complex
governmental machinery which must
be moved in all accomplishments.
When a man- has been given a great
task to perform with complicated and
delicately 'running machinery to be
used In its performance, he has a right
to expect a fair chance to make things
go and to look for support, rather
than obstruction, from those who are
professing' the same purpose.
Dr. Wiley on High Prices.
According to Dr. Harvey W. Wiley,
chief of the bureau of chemistry of
the Agriculture department, the deep
down cause of the high prices is the
desertion of the farms .by the "city
struck country boy.V The lights and
dazzling show of city life, together
with Ane- accumulation o great ..for
tunes' in . commerce,, , have lured the
country boy away from the homestead
and from the basic occupation of cul
tivating the' soil. As a consequence
Dr. Wiley says the number of .non-
producers to be fed is increased and
the number of producers has de
creased. To this condition he attri
butes the present high cost of farm
labor as well as the high prices of
farm produce. As an explanation of
the fact that the total amount of the
agricultural products are vaauy
greater now than they were In former
years, the ratio between the amount
produced and the amount necessary
for food, in this country alone, indi
cates to him a decided increase in the
demand over the supply.
The great ' pure food expert refer
to the well-known fact that for years
the country boy has been "going to
the city to seek bis fortune." -That
he has found It In many cases is true,
but that he has not in many others is
also true, as evidenced in every city
by the number of laborers, small
salaried clerks, masons and carpen
ters of country birth and breeding.
While the east abounds In abandoned
farms the west raises a cry for help
as every harvest comes around and the
percentage of farmers to total popu
lation has dwindled to less than 40
per cent. In addition to this he cites
to the large number of fruit and sugar
orchards in the east, and especially in
Ihe northeast, which have been felled
for lumber.
We may be thankful, however, that
Dr. Wiley does not leave us entirely
without hope. The equilibrium to
which all natural forces tend will have
to be restored by repopulatlpg the
farms or at least stopping the exodus
and that is precisely the direction to
which the increased prices of food
stuffs are pulling.
wli'D" Hog!
Wlth pork bringing 11 cents a
pound on foot, the bog Is in a fair
way to become enthroned as the' king
of the barnyard. Only, a short time
ago ."the American hog was a humble
sort of a citizen," as a well-known
humorist has said. He was fed on
slops from the kitchen, sour milk and
that grade of corn which would not
sell, while be received a soft' berth
only at butchering time In the fall.
His grunt did not sound like a dollar
sign In those days and he was. the
least recognized of the domestic ani
mals. But a fat hog today Is worth
more than a fat steer was In 1894.
The market is calling for hogs of all
degrees of fatness and the farmer
with a pen full of hogs nay ride in
The rise In the price of bogs began
about a year ago as a direct result of
the law of supply and demand so we
are told by the Journal of Commerce.
In the fall of 1908 the price of com
was especially blgh ' ft-4 ' the farmer
sold his surplus, preferring to make
the big margin of profit from the corn
rather than to run the risk of smaller
profit by feeding to hogs and cattle
As a result, many hogs were marketed
fattened only on alfalfa. Last fall
when the price of hogs was up a little
and corn was down, every kind of a
hog was sold, big, little and fat and
razorback, leaving the supply of hogs
in the country now small. The high
price of beef has increased the de
mand for pork and the price is still
The present price of meat has
added anothgr incentive to the "call
of the farm" for the average man who
Is inclined that way. There Is no ques
tion of the profits to be realized from
the soli. Some states are even dis
cussing the advisability of a "hog spe
cial" as an educational feature of the
spring agricultural campaign. It
really seems queer that farmers have
to ba urged to get better seed corn
and wheat, raise more and better fruit
and raise more hogs and cattle when
there Is so much profit In all of these
things for the farmers tbemselves.
Ahead of the Game.
Our old friend, Edgar Howard, has
again gotten ahead of the game and,
If voicing the democratic sentiment,
as he claims to do, the purpose of Ne
braska democrats is to get rid of the
direct primary and restore the old con
vention system at the earliest oppor
tunity. Judge Howard seizes upon an
alleged remark of Judge Cobbey, who
complies our statutes, to the effect that
in hi.? opinion the decision on the so-
called nonpartisan judiciary act killed
the whole primary law, for a excuse to
say that he will shed no tears if the
law is dead. Further than that, this
democratic oracle declares:
Tha convention plan of making nomina
tions Is really the Ideal plan, provided all
the people would participate In the party
primaries. Nothing; could come closer to
the rule of tha people than the convention
system, If only some meani might be de
vised to draw the people to actual part In
the township and ward primaries. We
thought tho Nebraska primary law would
get nominations closer to tha people, and
yet we have seen primary nominations
made under that law with only a handful of
voters participating. For our part, we want
to see a primary law which will encourage
all voters to take part If we can't get
that kind of a law, then we are quits ready
to return to the convention plan.
Judge Howard has here shown his
hand, but has shown it prematurely.
So far as anyone knows, the direct pri
mary still prevails in Nebraska just as
it would havj prevailed had no fake
nonpartisan Judiciary law been perpe
trated. The decision of the supreme
court adverse to that law does not af
fect any other law not at issue. As a
matter of fact three of our supreme
judges are now sitting, on. the bench
who were nominated by direct primary
and elected after that decision, as were
also all the county officers elected last
fall in this state.
The direct primary is being used
right now for the various municipal
elections in Nebraska, and so far as
anyone knows will continue in force
until some legislature changes it. There
is nothing to prevent any political party
in Nebraska from resorting to the con
vention plan and using the primary
simply for ratification. Just as the dem
ocrats do in Wisconsin. Perhaps that
is the ideal plan. If so, we will, join
Judge Howard in advocating that it
be tried out.
A Joseph's Coat.
Notice is officially served that the
Anti-Saloon league had nothing what
ever to do with calling the Nebraska
county option convention recently held
in Lincoln and that the County Option
league formed on that occasion is en
tirely separate and distinct from the
anti-Saloon league. This is interest
ing information, but does not alter the
situation. It simply reminds us of the
old days of the three-ring political cir
cus when "the allied reform forces"
exhibited in one end of tha tent as
democrats, at the other end as silver
republicans and in the middle as pop
ulists. So our versatile prohibition
agitators are simply clad in a Joseph's
coat of many hues. They meet today
as the anti-Saloon league, ' tomorrow
as a county option convention and the
next day as the allied church societies,
each time under some other color of
the rainbow. The same speakers talk
and the same auditors listen to the
same old speeches, and they resolute
under one name endorsements of what
they, themselves, have done under an
other name. Some people will be
fooled, but when Joseph's coat comes
oft they will see what is behind it.
It is suggested that Omaha put an
upper limit on the height of buildings
and draw the line at twelve stories.
Omaha has tot as yet been seriously
troubled with skyscrapers, but has a
far greater grievance against the ten
story buildings all on one floor. A
lower limit on the height of buildings
that will prohibit the erection of new
structures of . less than three stories
facing the main thoroughfares would
be quite in order.
Banker Gurney of Fremont rein
forces his opposition to postal savings
by saying before a congressional com
mittee that while the legal rate of in
terest Is 10 per cent In Nebraska, "it
has gotten so that we hardly ever
charge more than that now." One well
known Nebraska banker got in trouble
not long ago by writing letters.- It
seems that it is no longer safe for a
Nebraska banker either to write or
The Commercial club is to make an
effort to help the census taker bring
Omaha's population up to where it
should be. The Commercial ' club
could have helped the census taker
most noticeably by bringing about the
consolidation of Omaha and South
Omaha before tne crnui date. Ilu
the time for bringing that about soems
to have been allowed to slip by without
even a serious attempt.
The University Democratic club has
resoluted denunciation of the enforced
retirement of President Crabtree of
the Peru Normal. It will now be up
to the Peru Normal students to form
a democratic club: and denounce the
enforced retirement or Colonel Bryan
and Governor Shallenberger from the
university extension lecture circuits
Mill, there Is room for doubt
whethei the democrats would have
been so averse to providing automobile
transportation for. the vice president
and speaker If "Sunny Jim" and. "Un
cle Joe" were not republicans.
Judging from the samples we have
had, Dr. Cook could be elected to the
United States senate from Arkansas
without much trouble. - Arkansas is
the place for him if he only knew it.
The slow movements of the camel
must nave been rather Irksome to
Colonel Roosevelt, unless he is so
blamed tickled to get back to civiliza
tion that he does not care.
Judge Norrls is said to be debating
with himself whether to run for sena
tor, governor or congressman. Now,
If he were only triplets!
Abased Rights of the Pnbllc.
6U Louis Republic.
Either or any party to a labor contro
versy which adopts the attitude that there
is "nothing to arbitrate" Is reactionary
ana lrritatlngly unjust to tho public. The
public often has been damned, but in the
last analysis it refuses to ba damned.
Freight Hate Boost enjoined.
Philadelphia Record.
Eight railroads have been enjoined by a
federal court from increasing tha rat on
coke from Connellsvllle to Buffalo until
the Interstate Commerce commission shall
determine tha reasonableness of the In
create. Tha complainants were Buffalo
steel companies, wblqh said that the In
crease would amount to, a discrimination
against them and In favor of the steel in
terests of Pittsburg, and Gary Ind.
, Emulating the West.
Philadelphia Press.
The farmers' Instruction trains one has
set out on a three days' tour through South
Jersey which are a comparatively new ag
ricultural feature, in the east, are an old
story in the middle weBt. The railroads, co
operating with the state agricultural col
lege, have been Instructing western farm
ers for several years In the science of the
soil. It is obvious that It pays the rail
roads to do this ah Increase of crops means
more business. It pays the state In advan
cing land values. ""Above all, it pays the
farmer. So, all around,' It Is an admirable
economlo movement. ' ' ' '
Contents of School Books Provoke
" : Obfeetlon.
'"'" Plilledelpriiaf Record.
It 1s becoming' -bJ" hard to find things
that rnay be' tatasJflVri the public schools
that? it may be toddessary to turn 'them
back excluslVely-'to' the ' three Re, and- In
view of the fact that the children are not
over-educated In 'reading, writing and
arithmetic, 'with a little spelling and geog
raphy on the side,! this result would not
be wholly deplorable. School books are
manufactured for the most part In the
north and camps ef confederate veterans
have repeatedly denounced the sort of his
tory of the civil war which the grand
children of tha men who followed Lee and
Johnston and Jackson are learning from
their books. We can't blame them much;
If our school histories of the revolution
were made In England we should scruti
nise them very closely.
The Hebrews of Cincinnati have had the
reading of "Shylock" in the publlo schools
stopped, though it seems to us that the
Christian olvllliatlon, of the Shakespearean
era suffers In that drama a good deal more
than Its victim does. Of course the stag
Irishman and the atage Jew have been
driven from the contemporary stage, and
it. is not entirely . aafe.upw to caricature
anybody except an , American, who, of
course, has no friends.
' A delicate-minded teacher in the Brook
lyn sohools some years ago excluded Long
fellow's "Building of the Ship" because
with poetic licensenot to say llcentous
ness he pictured the hulk rushing Into
the arms of of the ocean. Now a Boston
woman, not southern, but painfully anxious
to efface all trace of sectionalism, de
mands that ".Barbara Fritchle" be pro
scribed on the ground that the lines
A shads of sadness, a blush of shame,
Over the face of the leader cams.
The nobler nature within him stirred,
are an unwarrantable reflection upon the
southern manhood that followed "Stone
wall Jackson through Frederlcktown, Per
haps we had better, confine school history
to the Greeks and Romans, though there
may be too many descendants of the
Romans in this country,, and in Boston,
at least, too many descendants of the
Greeks, to .make even this wholly safe.
Our Birthday Bok
- Karen 18, IS 10.
Grover Cleveland would be 73 If he were
William Sulier, the red-headed Tammany
congressman, . was born March -18, 1863, at
Elizabeth, N. J. Mr.' Sulxer has orated at
least once for the edification of Omaha
democrats at their Jackaonlan feast.
Victor Murdock, the militant insurgent
congressman from Kansas, Is S3 today.
Ha was born In Kansas and edits a news
paper when he is at home attending to his
own business.
General Charles Morton; In command of
the Department of the Missouri, Is cele
brating his sixty-fourth birthday, which Is
a prelude to' hi retirement from active
service. General Morton has a notable
military record.' 'He entered as a private
at the opening of 'tha civil war and goes
out as a brigadier general.
John L. Webster, lawyer' and orator, was
born March IS. 1847. Ha Is a native of
Ohio, but has been practicing law In Omaha
for many years. )I presided over tha con
vention that framed oar state conatltion,
and has aspired to various offices from
member of congress to vice president. In
the Interval he has achieved a reputation
of being the best drestd man In Omaha,
with particular emphasis ou his fancy
H. F. Curtis, general agent for tha New
York Central St. Louis railway; was
born March 18, 1S64, at Nprth East, Penn.
He was . educated In Mlnneaota and has
been la bis preecut position since 1W3.
Slashing Red Tape
' Proposed Beorg-anliatlon of '
the Boat-ess Methods of the
tf-loa Paolf le KaUroad.
Chicago Evening Post.
One of the most radical and Interesting
departures In the theory and practice of
business organisation is being worked out
on the Union Pacific railroad. It Is known
as the "unit system of org-nliAtion," and
while It comes as a relief to the more
rigidly organised businesses, It Is not with
out Its significance for large bsslness oper
ations In general.
It Is not, to tell the truth, very well de
scribed by Its nam. Nobody would guess
what the cheme comprised from looking
at Its title. But It can be expjalned aim-'
ply as an attempt to unite the minor ex
ecutive officers of the division In working
for the interests of the company Instead
of for their own particular department
In spite of a vast deal of nonsense about
Its "system," the average large organisa
tion Is frequently built up on the most
completely feudal lines. There Is the "big
boss" at tho top. and a handful of denart-
ment bosses below, each endeavoring to
"make a showing" for his own department.
each one Jealous of Interference and quite
vnable to prevent the company's affairs
In general from going to pieces If the crisis
in question does not come clearly within
his province. The relation between these
minor barons Is formal in the extreme.
Letters pass back and forth; the files are
glutted with Correspondence tending to ex
hibit the demands and Derformanops nf
'my department," and the red tape which
the American business man professes to
scorn is woven In and out and around about
some of the simplest "family" transactions.
That is the sort of thing which the Union
Pacific railroad hopes to abolish through
the reorganisation of its system. Under
the new scheme the minor executive of
ficers of each division the master me
chanic, train master, division engineer.
chief dispatcher and what not are made
assistant superintendents. While each one
or inese assistant superintendents Is still
Interested primarily in his own department
ne nevertheless has the power and author
ity, when necessary, to step Into any situa
tion and command It. If he happens to be
on the spot at an ugly mlx-up at the
roundhouse he can take charge until the
right man reaches the spot. Each is en
couraged to work and think for the whole
division, and not, primarily, for his own
Major Charles Hlnes. who has been work
ing out the details of the scheme, gave the
western Railway club a fairly typical IIIui
tratlon of the situation which they hope
to meet: -
"But now, when we have a blockade. In.
stead of having to send two or three of
ficials to one place, we hope that one man
can perhaps go down and clean It up. If
required by stress of weather or otherwise,
we can scatter our officials where thev can
do the most good. We have probably all
of us been through blockades, we have
probably all chased around engine houses
at J or. 4 o'clock in the morning, and we
nave heard a man say: 'Now, this Is not
up to my department, It Is up to the other:
my part la all right.1 And some railroads
have gotten up a special blank to show
engine was ready first- or
whether the train was ready first and
there la a long argument as to how many
hours the power was In service, and the
result is that they chase the engines out on
the road and they die because there Is a
blockade of trains there. We expect to
eliminate this whole question of whether
the train was ready first or" the engine was
ready first ' "we claim that the time of our
officials Is too valuable to continue to be
taken up In hese personal that Is what
they amount to differences of opinion as
to why certain things were or were not
done. We want to move the train, and not
talk so much about why It did not move.
That Is what we are all here for to move
the train," i
The simplification has been real. It is
said. The number of letters written has
been cut by 80 to 60 per cent, and many
other gains are claimed for It.
And Its larger significance the major ex
pressed very well when he said:
"All this system claims Is to reflect what
la a general tendency today In organization
the world over In various lines of work.
This stystem happens to be adapted to rail
way woflc on the Harrlman lines. The navy
has bean going through a similar process.
This system means In Its last analysis de
centralisation. In nearly every line of ac
tivity today decentralisation Is the order.
Tour branches of government work have!
Deen aeoentrausea in the last year and a
half. The national bank examiners have
been decentralised, the forestry servloe
has been divided Into districts, the Post-
office department has Increased the number
of its districts, the quartermaster's depart
ment of the army bas been decentralised
to a considerable extent The big corpora
tions Ilka the telephone oompanic are In
troducing similar principles."
It may bo that in the next few years,
with this somewhat revolutionary acheme
In operation, the Union Pacific will take
the place of "Jim" Hill's roads as tho
'school for railroad prtsidents."
Word has been received that Dr. Cook Is
coming home. No certainty about It. how
ever. Cook himself may have sent the
Dr. J. C. White of Boston has discovered
that motoring causes women to become
bald. If hair that Is clinched by nature
will not cling what hope can women have
for continuing the sport when they enter
tha wig stage?.
E. It Petery of Denver, Lancaster county,
Pennsylvania, 80 years old, gave up only
two weeks ago his dally Job of carrying
newspapers. For sixty years be hasn't
worn socke, and he says he hasn't had
cold feet In all that time,
Mrs. Ellen H. Richards of the Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology faculty
lays the present high cost of living di
rectly at the door of her own sex. She
asserts that man Is driven daily . nearer
and nearer poverty by woman's extrava
gances. Barney Kelly and Thomas O'Connall, two
of the oldest locomotive engineers on the
Southern Pacific, each over 70 years of age,
have ben retired on pensions. For over
forty-five years they have handled the
throttle, and tor several years have been
pulling the Red Bluff local between that
city and Sacramento.
Millionaire and president of seven cor
porations at the age of 45, Daniel Waldo
Field of Brockton has gun back to school
to make up the education he lost In outh.
Ha la tha richest student in his own right
at Harvard, and tha oldest. He probably
la the only Harvard student that has made
bis millions himself before going to college.
Tronblea Just Ileitlanlnar,
. Philadelphia Bulletin.
Theodore Roosevelt's constitution I said
to have restated successfully all the dangers
of tropical fevers and "the sleeping sick
ness." The Indications now are that it
will be subjected to a much more severe
strain unless its owner manages to side
step some of the banquets which are wait
ing for him.
Reverence kona Imported Tnrf and
Shamrocks mi t hlrnao.
-ome nrte aqnares of Irlnh sod. sprrnkled
with growing shamrock, brviiffht o Chi
cago ror the festlvltlrs of St. Patrick's
dsy. became an Irlnh shrine for two days
before President Taft stood unon It whllo
addressing tha Irish Fellowship cluh. The
son was placed on a rough tablo and ex
hibited In an alcove of the La 8alle hotel.
Toung and old, rich and poor. Inst year's
Immigrant, and the young American re
moved by generations from Ireland went
by the hundred to pay their tribute, relates
the Tribune. Some laughed, some
were merely curious, some went at the
orders of those dear to them, but many
went as devotees go to the shrine of a
saint, as a man goes to his loved ones
Sra ve.
Men removed their hats as thev ap
proached and more than one woman kissed
the green grass and wept, regardless of
the staring crowd. A detective was placed
on guard for a time, but It was fmind thet
he was not needed. The sod had voluntary
guardians, and It would have been a brave
man who would dare to touch It.
Every one was curious about the sham
rocks, and took great delight In discovering
them. The turf was In fino condition, and
the shamrocks green and numerous In
spite of the fact that It was cut In mid
winter, subjected to a Jolting voyage of
1,000 miles by land and 3,000 miles by water
In rough crates, confined for some dsys In
a pent house on the roof of a Chicago sky-
"Ff, nu again removed ana stood on
end In the electric lighted rotundn.
For a time one dear old lady constituted
herself an apologist and custodian for the
sod, telling strangers how the president of
the United States waa to have the privilege
of standing on It and explaining how a
little care, and water, and sunshine would
bring It to Its natural green' luxuriance,
and she told them of the beauties of Ire
land. 'How long Is this going to be here?"
asked a man, who evidently had run sev
eral blocks to get there. When tcld It
would be open to public -Inspection for two
more days he was much relieved. "I Just
heard about It." he explained, "and If this
was the only day I was going right out to
gei my mother and bring her down, ishe1
been talking of nothing else for weeks, and
feeling bad because only the few who
AnntJ . .1 I . . - . . ,. T
v."iv iu mo Banquet couia see 11, Uee!
She 11 be glad tonight."
a man, evidently a wealthy traveler,
watched tha crowd for a time and then
walked over and asked what was the at
traction. When he was told It was the
Irish sod from which President Taft Is to
speak he took off his hat and stepped for
ward, remarking:
"My mother came from Galway."
A big young man who looked like a col
lege student escorted his mother Into the
room. As she pointed oix the shamrock
she said to another woman:
"It's many, many a year since I came
downtown, and I. never expected to again,
but when I read of this I knew I had to
come down once more; sj sent for Jack
and he brought me. Isn't it wonderful?"
a snort time afterward 'a venerable
woman wrapped In costly furs, a woman
with a stern face and a "proud walk," en
tered. She looked at It with her glasses
and without them, wiped them -and wined
her eyes, caressed It and slipped a pinch of
grass ana shamrock Into her purse. She
left and came back again. Then the tears
came and she knelt and kissed the sod and
hurried away.
A stout poorly dressed woman with big
rough red hands stood and watched the
sod for a long time, glaring Jealously at
every one who -touched It Suddenly she
spoke! '- -t . - . i -
"What are they goln' to do with It after
the aright?' -! v.v ?-, t-ili-'i la, t
"Put It tn seme park,"- was the answer.
''But they must put it In consecrated
ground," she said, 'fit wouldn't be fit to
put it Just anywhere. Sure, if they don't
bless the ground I don't believe the sham
rocks would grow there." .
Perhaps she thought' some one smiled.
"TIs true!1' she declared, defiantly.
Every fut of -Irish ground Is holy with
the footsteps, sure an', the blood, too, of
saints and heroes."
The man, whose mothe? was from Qal-
way, had been standing by. -
"This has been worth the trip from New
York," he said. "My mother will be glad
to hear I have seen and touched the ould
While the devout Irishwoman at the hotel
was demanding that the sod be kept holy,
Leo J. Doyle, chairman of the general re
ception committee of the Irish Fellowship
things and
GOLD DUST does more than clean it steril
izes and leaves your kitchen things sanitarily safe.
The ordinary soap-washed utensil is not fit to eat
from, because soap does not cleanse as thoroughly
as it should does not kill germs of decay wnicn
are bound to lurk in oft-used utensils.
Besides its cleansing virtues, GOLD DUST
has the merit of doing" work quickly, and saving
your strength. It will
do most ot the cleaning
without your assistance,
and do it too, in a quicker
and more thorough man
ner than will soap, or
any other cleanser.
pot and pan spick and
Span. .
Made by THE N. K.
Makers of FAIRY
We are now dlflplaying a moit complete line of foreign, novel-
tlea tor spring and aummer wear.
Your early inspection la invited, aa It will afford an- opportunity
of choosing from a large number of exclusive, style-.' . '
' We import in "single .tilt lengths," and, a suit cannot be clupU-' '
cated. - t . ;
An order placed now may be delivered at your- convenience,-'
-317 South Fifteenth SUeetESTAEI,ISnED;ie37;;
rlub, waa receiving an,.. 'Tt : petition
from the Sisters of Nt- .' nIu lvtve a
convent at Iji Grange, to oMaln for thorn
a "bit" of the sod, promising to preserve
It carefully forever In. the shapa ef a -miniature
Ireland. ... . . . .
Tins o tiih ilr.nT, T
Systematic Roost in Price of Una'
WortH InveaOa-aflag. '
Boston Henrtd.
The allegation by The Omaha Bee. on
the authority of " members "of the South
Orraha Live Stock exchange, that present
record-breaking prices for hogs and pork
are the reault of a corner which la being
engineered at Chicago, ought to receive at
tention from the senators at Washington,
who have ' professed a desire to discover
all the causes of the Increased cost of liv
ing. Here is a specific! Instance which beam
all the earmarks of speculative manipula
tion of an Important food product. If th
senators will demand the preeence of th
pork packers with their books, and will
trace the repeated Increase In the last
two months to their Irreducible causes, we
shall have much light not only on the
cause of the Increased price of pork, but
on the Increase In other 'food prices, where
similar conditions may be traced through
slirllar processes to Identical cause.
'I suppose life In the suburbs remi t.'
attention to many details."
Yes, replied Mr. Crosslots. I have an
noyed my wife terrlHy by forgetting to
take down this "for sale' sign when we had
invited company." Washington. Star.
"We Included our congressman In the
'grace' we said at the breakfast table this
"Why was that?"
"We ate the free seeds he sent us."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Two chorus ladies were at one of Victor
Herbert's concert . on , complimentary
"My," exclaimed one ' of them, with a
glance at her program, "hasn't Mr. Her
bert a tremendous repertory 1"
"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that," re- i
piled her friend: "but he is getting pretty. 1
fat " Rvervhrwlv'a Mimiln. O
"Pefore elections you Invariably say It
Is all over except the shouting."
"Yes," replied Senator Sorghum; "but I
take oare not to say whether we ere going
to shout for Joy or revenge." Washington
ar. :- .--t-v ,.
Father What makes you so extravagant
with my money, slrT
Son Well, dad, I thought you wouldn't
like to apend it yourself after working so
hard for It Boston Transcript .
"Why so gloomy, old chap?"
"The doctor has ordered my wife to Spend
two months In the country."
"I Snderstand, my poor fellow."
"But you don't understand! She won't
go!" Judge.
Lady Caller (confidentially to her hostess)
My dear, why doesn't the dean pad his
Wife of the Dean (pathetically) But my
dear, he does I London Punch,
"I'm afraid," said Deaoon Hardesty,
shaking his head, "we'll have to take our
new preacher in hand and Straighten up
his doctrinal a bit." '- .
"Why, he ain't preaching .heresy. Is he?"
asked Brother Keepalong.
"Well he come mighty close to It. When
I asked him the other day If he didn't
think that the upbraiding of conscience
would be one of the worst tortures of the
lost souls in perdition, he said: 'Nonsense,
deacon! Nobody that has a conscience will
ever go there 1 "Chicago Tribune.
W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Post.
The parlor light was low and dim,
Yet not too dim Snd not ton Inw
He talked to her, she talked to him
Yet what they said they did not know.
They talked about the latest play.
They chatted nf tha imv.ii
But somehow ach one. seemed, to say r
w'wfai ,ipng.. .wuq,.smiitt. ana jookv
Theytolked about the flood In France, ,
u i win pow at England a polls, ,.
Of an amusing circumstance.
Of chocolate, of breakfast rolls,' ,; -' '
Of making change on trolley care, ..-
Of Dloturea In a marazlna.
Of what they put in good cigars.
i now to crana a Dig machine.
They laughed at some unconscious Joke, ,
ii-y juukcu ner miest pnotograpn,
They talked about the city's smoke.
And of her uncle's enltanh.
They gravely spoke of politics.
Of how fair woman's lack of guile
Would do away with graft and tricks
BUi- more they said with look and smile.
At last he said that he must go;
It took some time to say- "Good night"
The parlor lamp burned c1m and low,
out outn ineir neans were giaa ana
In conversation aptly led
The evening had been - nicely spent
Though neither knew what either said,
imwu Knew just wnai me outer meant
DUST will
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make them
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