Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tlffi REE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MARCH 18. 1010.
! Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The ComaoU Bluffs office of the
Ontkt Im is at IS Boott Street.
Beth phosss 4a.
Strict Watch Being Kept on Naturalizations.
Davis, drugs.
The Clark harder shrip for bath.
CORRIUAN3. undertakers. "Phone 141.
Woodiing Undertaking company. Tel. 13
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone IT.
Balrd Boland. undet taken. 'Phone lit-
South. Main street. Independent 'phone fTX
llroadwsy. F. A. Hpencfr, plumbing and
heating, -flion tvtf.
Ilctures, art ntivelties and cards for
F.aste-r gifte. Only two we-ks till Easter.
Alexander's, til brosdwsy.
The bst ar.d cheapest place In the city
to art your wall paper ana painting la at
W. Nlcholalsen A Co., 14 South Main street.
Harmony chBptcr. Order of the Eastern
Star, will meet In regular session thla even
ing. V
Mm'.' Ch-ter Mouton of Table Rock,
Neb In the guest of Mr. A. F. Hollis
and other Council Bluffa friends.
J. A. Kuiwll of Denver, Colo., and Eth
ylene Potts of Atlantic. City. la. were
married yesterdsy by Justice Gardiner.
Rev. Q. M. Hensen of Oklahoma la con
ducting a series of revival meetings at the
Union City mission. Hervicea will be held
eackx evening at 7:30 o'clock.
MlrViael Moore reported to the police yes
teiday that his roim mate at the St. Joe
hotel on Houth Main street had d-camped,
taking wiut him all of Moore's clothing.
, A b.tlldlng permit was Issued yesterday
to the John O. Woodv ar company for the
addition to its plant at . the corner of
Broadway and Glen avenue to cost $40,H0.
Btar chapter, Hoval Arch Masons, will
meet in spcial convocation Friday even
ing for work In the Royal Arch degree. At
tne cloe of the exercises a banquet will
be served.
The cose against J., W. Phawler. prop
rietor of a Broadway restaurant, charged
with assault find battery on Oscar Edtxer,
was dismissed yesterday In police court
for, want of prosecution. -
Michael O'Leary- wan arrested yester
day afternoon and will have a hearing to
day before the commission on Insanity.
Ills condition la belived to be due from ex
cessive use, of alcnouoltc liquor.
"St. Patrick. . Tle Apostle of Ireland"
will be the subject of a lecture to be given
this evening by Rev. Father McDermott of
Massena, la., at St. Francis Xavler's
Church. Rex. Father McDermott Is a
native of Ireland and state chairman of
the Irlbb History Association of America.
IJ. It. Doolittle, chairman of the execu
tive committee of the Commercial club.
Who was elected exalted ruler of the Coun
cil Bluffs Lodge of Kiks, has been com
pelled to decline the latter office owing to
the fact that he could not give It proper
attentlom At the regular meeting of the
lodge tomorrow night an election to fill
the vacancy will be held.
The Reilmen of Council Bluffs, their
families and Invited friends will meet In
social session on the evening of March 17
In their wigwam In the Eagles' hall. The
wigwam will be decorated suggestive of the
clay. Special inuslo has been arranged for.
The program will consist of dancing,
cards and refreshments. Special Invita
tions are out and members desiring same
for friends ctn secure them from commit
tee or from the sachem of the tribe.
Major C ,H. Richmond, chief of police,
received a telegram yesterday from the
chief of police at Mankato, Minn., stating
that five boys from Council Bluffs were
being held there, and asking what should
be done with them. The boys are: Her
bert Brandt. John Flannlgan, Bob Lee.
Harry Johnson and Robert Booty. The
police are now trying; to locate the parents
of the boys, but up to late last night bad
met with little or no success.
Councilman Alphonse Bellinger of the
Sixth ward, who failed of renomination
at the hands of the democrats In his bail
iwick. Is now satisfied that his term of
ornee win soon draw to a ciose. in a
letter to City Treasurer True, received by
the latter yeeterday. Mr. Bellinger says
he has been appointed manager at tbe Chi-,
ctio office or a bre&Vfast food company.
with a salary of 15,000 a year. This means
that Mr. Bellinger will transier ma ac
tivity to the Windy CIU
Another effort to get people interested
In the proposed independent packing plant
and stock yards which George W, Adams
of Walnut, president of the Iowa & Omaha
Fhort Line, la anxious to establish at the
Council Bluffs terminals of his line. Is to
be made by Mr. Adams and bis fellow
promoters. A meeting has been called for
Saturday afternoon in the county court
house to discuss the proposition and hear
the report of the local capitalists who re
cently visited the packing plant at Mar-
shalltown. A. G. Ullck, manager of the
Marshalltown plant, who was expected to
attend the meeting, will be unable to be
present. He has written Mr. Adams, how
ever, assuring him of his entl.e sympathy
with the Council Bluffs project and his
willingness to furnish ail and any In
formation possible at any time.
E. M. Jones, proprietor of a saloon tn
Treynor, was arrested yesterday for the
second time within a few weeks on a
charge of being in contempt of court, it
being alleged that he sold liquor in vlola
tlon of an injunction Issued against him
in the district court In September of last
year. His bartender, Beth Freeman, was
also taken tnto custody on a similar
charge. As no provision had been made
for the men to give bonds for their ap
pearance In court, they were placed In the
county Jail over night. The complaint on
which the arrests were made yesterday
was filed by County Attorney J. J. Hess.
It is said that Jones, despite the injunc
tion Issued against htm last September,
has been conducting his saloon at Treynor
without any attempt to comply with the
previsions of the mulct law. Jones and
J-'rewnan, It is expected, will have a hear
Kvig before Judge Wheeler some time today.
Marrlaxe Ureases,
Licenses to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
ooarrey Albert James, Omaha jj
Minnie Myrtle Maitherly. Omaha i
t. A. Russell, Denver, Colo 31
ru.yienne i'etta, Atlantic, la so
Dlvoree Mill Bee-las Aaala with De
cree te A. B. Williams Fran
ces Klrknatrlelc
Files Belt.
Council Bluffs
Purer Milk Aim
of Mr. Thompson
Iowa Deputy Food Commissioner
Pays Visit to Council Bluffs
for Inspection.
That the government Is keeping strict
watch on applications of aliens for nat
uralisation was evidenced yesterday In dis
trict court, when Judge Wheeler was com
pelled to refuse papers to Henry M. Horn
of this city. Horn's application was tem
porarily barred by a technical objection of
the government agent detailed to attend to
such matters. The objection was based In
"As soon as the dairymen are educated
to the Importance of keeping their dairies
sanitary and their cows healthy they will
cease to be antagonistic to pure milk laws
and ordinances." said Dr. O. P. Thomp
son, the newly-appointed deputy pure food
commissioner, who has been placed In
charge of the dairy and creamery inspec
tion work in the state and Is now In Coun
cil Bluffs In connection with the duties
of his office.
"They simply fail to reailxe the Import
ance of the thing. To Illustrate, many
people who send milk to pasteurising
the fact that Theodore N. Petersen, senior i plants have an idea that it doesn't make
school election board to establish unir r.n
text books tn all schools was voted down.
HAMPTON P. J Pstton, twice a rep
resentative from Franklin county to the
state legislature, a pioneer settler and art
honored citizen, died at the home of his
son. Frar.k Patton, four miles north of
here, Isst night.
TABOR A case of smallpox Is reported
In the southwest part of town. O. C. Starr,
a painter and paperhanger. being the vic
tim. He is under quarantine and every
means being taken to prevent the spread
ing of the disease.
MARSHALLTOWN Miles Kelleher of
this city, an old passenjter engineer of the
Iowa Central, today filed suit In the dis
trict court for damages of $J5.otlO, resulting
from Injuries received In September, 13ml.
when a side rod of his engine tore loose
and crashrd Into the cab. ,
BERLIN O. L. Sherwood, a Chicago
nM.l Wat.... hr,kman 1 1 v 1 nir at I In,
Moines, was Instantly killed here Tues- j
day afternoon when he fell from the root
of a car under the wheels of north-bound
freight N. M. Sherwood la survived by a
wife and three children.
WATERLOO A communication received
by the local chamber of commerce here
today from the Rock Island Railway sys
tem conveys the information that the road
will erect a large passenger station here
this year If a suitable location can be se
cured by the company.
Democrats Start Stories About Ap
pointees with Purpose.
riret Day ef Revision ef Registra
tion Will Be Merck 8 Roherte
MaeDewrll WeddlasT
Takrs Place.
member of the Petersen & Schoenlng com
pany and recently elected a member of the
Board of Education., who was one of Horn's
witnesses, had not known him for the full
five years at the time he signed the affi
davit, as required by the United States
statute. The defect, however, will be cor
rected and another application will be filed
later by Horn.
Eight men born under the rule of foreign
potentates were made cltlxens of the United
Plates by Judge Wheeler. Those to whom
naturalization papers were issued, all of
whom are residents of Pottawattamie
county, were Chris Peter Nelson Bolt,
Chris Jacobsen. Lulgl ' Salaxzo. Martin
Rlndsley, Nels Sorfnson, Wyde Peter Peter
sen, James Christian Overgaard and Henry
The divorce mill started grinding yester
day, as Is usual at the opening of each
term of court. A. B. Williams was granted
a legal separation from Mattle O. Williams,
to whom he wss msrrled April 11. 1907. Wil
liams based his suit on statutory charges.
Adeline K. Scott was given a divorce from
Carey W. Scott, to whom she was married
October IS, 189S. on statutory grounds.
KlrVpatrlok. Divorce.
Francis H. Klrkpatrick has filed suit
for divorce from William T. Klrkpatrick,
to whom she was married in Denlson, la.
on July XI. 1908, and from whom she sep
arated on September 23 of last year be
cause, as she alleges, of the defendant's
cruel and Inhuman treatment. She also
makes a statutory charge against her hus
band. Mrs. klrkpatrick. In addition to the
divorce, asks the court to quiet her title
to the property at 1604 Sixth avenue, which
she and her husband have been occupying
as their homestead.
The temporary assignment made by
Judge Wheeler Includes the hearing In the
removal case against Major George M.
Richmond, chief of police, which Is set
for Wedneeday of next week. Tbe tem
porary assignment, which. Is subject to re
vision. Is as follows:
Thursday, March 17 Russell against Rua-
... . .v
Friday. Marcn is uioDons against, um-
bona, alimony. .
(UlllMftV. MlTCn IS. rwlKia
asalnst Bellinger; naamuseen 8"
Rasmussen, anmony; ijay w new
Monday. aaarcn n ontrum
DH.r.ln mnA nthera: KDAUr SKSlnSt BPaUr.
Wednesday, March a menmonu rou
Thursday. March je-nuwonn ""'-
Elsworth; Clark against Clark Implement
company. . . .
Friday, naarcn jamrs V. ,y-
eomnilssloners: Reynolds against Holloen-
beok; UteJ-einei uaytes.
Monday, f larch Painter
Anmrnv UU I nfll AdklnS.
Tuesday, Marco nir
Walker: Hansen against Rodd; Giles
against Hart.
Thursday, March 41 Bentley against
Jewelry repairing that la satisfactory.
Old Jewelry made as good as new. Re
modeling a specialty. Surprising results.
Don't let your old Jewelry be lost The
equipment of our manufacturing and re
pair department has - been greatly im
nroved since we came to our new store
at SOS Broadway, next First National
bank. Emit H. Leffert
any difference what kind of milk they
send. It may contain all kinds of impure
matter, but they think that the pasteuris
ing will remove all this and the milk so
purified that no harm' will result. The
work of the state department Is to edu
cate the dairymen along proper lines and
to Insist that pure milk laws and ordi
nances be enforced. We have a year and
a half In which to do this, but If the dairy
men do not co-operate with us they will,
of course, suffer prosecution."
While In Council Bluffs Dr. Thompson
will make a complete Inspection of the
dairies and investigate the city's methods
of securing pure milk and of enforcing
sanitary conditions. In making the In
vestigation here Dr. Thompson Is being
assisted by Peter Smith, city health In
spector and deputy state milk Inspector.
The pure food law provides that all
cities of 10.000 population and over shall
be visited by an Inspector of the state de
partment and that he shall assist the mu
nicipal authorities In every way possible to
obtain pure dairy products.
Dr. Thompson said yesterday that he had
visited several cities and had found very
diverse methods In use. In some cities he
had found the work of the local authori
ties to be most efficient, while In others
he found the officials were having trouble
In enforcing any sanitary measures. In
some dtlfs the authorities were not pay
ing the slightest attention to the matter
of pure milk or sanitary conditions in the
Dr. Thompson expects to- conclude his
work here by Friday and from here will go
to Sioux City.
Omaha Man Elected President
State Association of Prod
ace Mea.
- For the wedding gift you will have no
trouble in finding something at Leffert's,
the wedding gift store. New things In
ailverwsre every few dsys.
Pastors of Local Ca arches Aroeae lav
terest la Coaveatloa.
Members of the central committee to
gether with the pastors of the local
churches, met at- luncheon at the Grand
hotel yestrday noon and discussed various
plans In connection with the work being
done to promote the laymen's missionary
convention In Omaha. .The meeting was
addressed by Dr. E. R- Curry of the Cal
vary Baptist church of Omaha. It was
stated at the meeting that at least 100
from Council Bluffs would attend the open'
ing banquet of- the convention this even
ing in Omaha.
The committee appointed by the pastors
to select a meeting place for the Council
Bluffs delegation reported that It had de
cided upon the Omaha Toung Men's
Christian association. The Council Bluffs
delegates will meet there for luncheon and
dinner Friday and Saturday.
A committee with Rev. F. A. Case, pas
tor of the First Baptist church, as chair
man was appolned to arrange for a mass
meeting to be held tn this city Sunday
evening at which several of the convention
speakers will be Invited to make addresses.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. March 17. (Special Telegram.)
The butter and egg dealers of Nebraska
tonight. In their annual meeting, elected
the following officers:
Louis Klrschbaum of Omaha, president;
E. F. Howe of Fremont, vice president;
George Clark of Omaha, secretary.
The association endorsed the suggestion
of John Bower that a poultry and egg de
partment be Installed at the state farm,
and that egg candlera be licensed and all
eggs sold be candled before delivery.
Pony Creek Matter Goes Over.
The Board of County Supervisors In ses
sion yesterday as a drainage board, was
unable to determine whether the property
owners Interested desired the proposed
Pony creek drainage ditch established.
After spending the greater part of the day
listening to arguments of attorneys rep
resenting the owners of land along the
line of the proposed ditch and many of
the property owners themselves, the board
ppstponed further consideration of the mat
ter until April . On this date another
hearing will be held and the board expects
them either to reject the entire proposition
or order' the establishment of the ditch.
A. C. Graham and Captain J, J, Brown
of the Board of Park Commissioners, ap
peared to protest against the plan Of J.
Harley Mayne, the engineer who made the
survey . of the proposed ditch. They asked
for a posponement of,' decision until the
attorney of the park board, who is en
gaged In the Mabray trial In the federal
court, could be present. - '
Damages to the amount of S9,S31.40 were
allowed by the board to property owners
affected by the extension of the Pigeon
creek ditch.
tter Jensen, vt . n. iviipuiricK, xeatrice; gave a program oi i
.hn V. xvaish. Humboldt; George Smith, , wlJe range of
sneva; Dr. Robert Demerell, Red Cloud; . . .
r. J. W. Mitchell, A. C. Felt. Superior; pretation. . early ev
Meneray's Photo Studio
roBTAir, acoica in CO at- ,
Oronad Floor. Open Band aye
as South tttU St, CoancU Bluffs, Za.
If you see It in our ad it U so.
you are going to buy, get a good
one nothing like absolutely cor
rect tlme and that's irhat you
get where you buy one of our
AVe'va Just got In a new lot
12 site, thin model, open face,
gold dial, adjusted movement, 25
year case for $22. SO
' We'd like . you to see these
tare a ooueLAg sts.vj
. jlOu IS w
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
March 16 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
Harry O. Cook to John W. Allton, w.
Si teet of part of O. P. lot lit, Coun-
' cil Bluffs, w. d f 2.400
F. J. Day and wife to George J. Miller
lot i In biocK s in made s sun. to
Council Bluffs, w. d
O. P. Timberman, et al.. to C. A.
Sample, lot 34 in block ( In Oakland,
Is., w. d
Eisle Larsen and husband to lrvln M.
Knopsnyder, lot A In block it In
Bunnyside addition to Council Bluffa,
w. d,
Sylvester F. Jones, et a!., to James
P. Chrlstensen. lot 1 in block M la
Bayllss palmer's addition to
Council Bluffs, q. c. d
William Sullivan, trustee, to P. E.
Juhannsen, ne of S-7S-M, tr. d 11.000
John Stockwell snd wile to L,u K.
r.irtery. sw4 ne and n. It acres of
nwV4 se" of l-i-44. w. d
Sherilf of Pottawattamie county, la.,
to F. J. Schnorr, tit acres In aw
m of Sl-ii-4. shf. d
Royal Hudspeth and wife to Anna KL.
Creager, ei n l of 16-74-44. q. c. d..
Edward H Richard to Lew Went
worih nW nwW and ns swW nwU
SW sW of 11-74-43, w. d 32.SU0
and nwVa neW all in section 17 and s
I Minerva ric and husband to Cephas
w. Hopkins, lot X Aud a sub. ol
nw4 la-.t-U. q. c d
W. F. Umertne and wue to Edna May
Emerine, lot s in block 30, Railroad
addition to Council Bluffs, w. d
Tabor College
Trustees Meet
All Members of Faculty He-Elected
Except Mrs. Martin, Who Hesigned
Because of 111 Health.
TABOR, la., March lT.-(8peclal.-At the
regular meeting of the trustees of Tabor
college, held here yesterday, all members
of the college faculty were re-elected for
another year with the exception of Miss
Frieda L. Martini, professor of modern
languages, who took a vacation some
months ago on account of 111 health. . Her
resignation was accepted and Miss Georgia
Hopper, who has very acceptably filled the
position for the last term, was elected to
fill the vacancy.
Trustees W. P. Hepburn of Clarlnda and
E. E. Flint of Great Fall a. Mont., re
signed on account of being unable to at
tend trustee meetings. Their successors
will be chosen at the June meeting of
trustees. All local trustees were present
and those from out of town were Charles
Anderson of Farragut, Rev. P. A. Johnson
of Grinnell, I. A. Loose of Thurman and
Rev. George Ladd of Red Oak.
The report of President Long showed a
slight Increase in the number of students
attending college over that of the pre
ceding year, there being a total of 207 thin
year, as compared with 191 last year.
It was decided to make especial effort
to prepare for a summer school In con
nection with the college and to raise a
special fund for the promotion of ath
letics. Cash and pledges secured on tbe
endowment fund since September last by
the financial secretaries. Revs. W, B. Hill
and F. W. Martini, were reported as S,i.
The salaries of Profs. M. C. Gaston and
Susan Jewell were increased 100 each:
Karnes of Kebraskans Who Have Been
Asked to Attend Llneola
LINCOLN, March lT.-(Ppeclal ) The fol
lowing delegates to the First Nebraska
Conservation and State Development con
gress, which meets at Lincoln, March 23
and 30, have been appointed by Governor
J. C. Ecker, Wlnslde; Phil Kohl, Wayne;
Carson Hlldreth, Franklin; O. Hull, B. M.
Slmms, Alma; Jack Cc.ey, Robert Pickens,
F. A. Babcock, Hastings; E. Arnold.
Bloomlngton; Grant L. Shumway, J. H.
Hall. C. A. Morrill, 8cott's Bluffr Charles
Coffey. Judge A. W. Crites, Chadron;
Prof. H. R. Smith, Dean E. A. Burnett,
Will O. Jones, J. A. Seacrest, C. B. Edgar,
O. M. Btonebraker. Charles W. Bryan, T.
S. Allen. W. 8. Whltten, J. E Miller. W.
H. Ferguson, Prof. A. E. Davlsson, Mark
M. Woods. F. W. Brown, sr.; H. W.Camp
bell, Lincoln; Dan Kavanaugh, Falrbuiy;
peter Jensen, vt . ti. nupatricK, Beatrice
John F
Dan Livingston. Lawrence; Ralph Clark
Stella; Colonel J. J. Derlifht. Dr. Charles
Rosewster, H. E. Newbranch, Mel L'hl,
C. O. Lobeck. J. H. Rushton, T. C. Calla
han, J. W. Martin. G. H. Payne, Omaha;
Thomas Creigh, John -O'Hearn. J. J. Fer
guson. M. D. Welch. South Omaha; Oscar
Swendburg, John Nelson, Holdrene; Dr.
John D. England. Axtell; A. Fransen. J.
L. Johnson, Funk; John Benson. Saron
vllle; Harry MilUr, Stanton; Judge Doug
las Cone, Pierce; W. 8. Morlan, McCook;
Charles Walker, Benkelman; Thomas H.
Brltton, Trenton; J. R. Darnell, St rat ton;
Thomas Andrews, Cambridge; John Modlln.
Beaver City; Tom Jones. Hendley; Carl
Slruve, Oxford; A. J: Keyes, Holbrook;
A. B Persinger, Lodge Pole; W. Ritchie,
Sidney; Orln Reed,,, .Ogallala; Joseph
Drapella, Clarkson: John A. Thlesen, Jen
sen; Edgar Howard. PlTt. Gruenther, P.
W. Phillips, Columlnisi er; E. Taylor, St.
Paul; Otto Merschal.r.Ord; Judpe E. E.
Placek, Wahoo: N. C. Dunlap, Kearney;
Joseph McDonald. J. O. Beeler, W. D. Sny
der. Nortn riat ; jonn r . .arr. opnng
vlew; Tom Golden. O'Neill; Felix Hale.
Atkinson; A. Morriaeey, Valentine; H. A.
Olerichs, Butte; Fred ' Hunker, West
Point; Dan Stephens, J. F. Hansen, Marc
Perkins, F. McGivern, R. B. Schneider
Fremont; Dr. Charles Inches, Bcribner;
Conrad Schneider. Snyder; F. C. Crocker,
Filley; F. A. Good. Cowies; J. S. Canady,
Beatrice Primary.
BEATRICE, Neb., Marho 17.-(8peclal.)
Telegram.) The republicans held their pri
mary election here today and placed In
nomination the following ticket: Council
men: First ward, F. E. Lenhart; Second
ward. H. H. Norcross; Third ward, C. J.
McCall; Fourth ward, Dr. P. T. Gass
Board of Education: Long term, J. T. Har
den, H. A. Thompson and J. H. Penner;
short term, T. E. Lenhart.
Total, twelve transfers.
To meet the ItlO demand for Easter
gift Jewelry, we have laid In a fine as
sortment of gold crosses,' rosaries, lock
ets, bracelets, brooches. A gift of this
rind at Easter Is a pleasing cnmplliueiiL
Enill H. Leffert. progressive Jeweler, next
First National bank. (03 Broadway.
Pneumonia f oltovr oid, dn never fol
lows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar,
which stops the cough, heals the lungs and
expels the cold from the system.- Sold by
aU druggists.
Gas Ordlaaace for Marshalltowa.
MARSHALLTOWN. Is.. March 17. Spe
cial.) Exasperated by the mayor's alleged
dilatory tactics In fighting the city's gas,
electric light and power ordinances in the
federal court, and also because of the fact
that the city has employed a firm of at
torneys, who were also representing the
Marshalltown Light, Power and Railway
company, four of . the seven councllmen
this afternoon Introduced new gas, elec
tric light and power ordinances at the
on their first reading. The gas ordinance
provides for tl gas next January, com
pared with $1 25 gas now. Councllman-at-Large
Hull, who Introduced the ordinance,
also filed the written statement of two of
the city's best attorneys that they would
fight the new ordinance through the
courts for' the city free of charge.
J. W. Terry, the well known optician, has
moved to 411 West Broadway, Offices with
George Gemer, Jeweler. '
Diamonds ef quality 'WMr1
Refaee to Accept Sw BalldlaaT.
LAKE CITY. la., March 17. (Special)
Although the new Carnegie library build
ing has been finished for some time, and
Is now ready for oocupaocy, the stcucture
has not yet been officially accepted by the
board of trustees of the library. They are
not satisfied with some parts of tbe work,
claiming that it Is not done in accordance
with the contract, and deelare that these
defects will have to be rectified before they
will officially accept It. - The building was
erected by the Nelson Construction com
pany of Mason City and cost 110,000,
Seniors Decide to Do Away with Cap
aad Gown fomnieive.
meat Week.
Are caps and gowns a necessary part of a
high sphool student's graduation? Is tbe
question which was most hotly debated
In the senior class of the Omaha High
school. In fact, this minor question re
ceived more discussion than questions
which were of far more Importance to the
class as a whole.
More sensible counsels prevailed In this
weighty point of appearance of the class
during Its commencement week and exer
cises, and It was decided that the graduat
ing youths and maidens would appear suf
ficiently mature and dignified If each one
was dressed in merely his or her Sunday
It was announced at the meeting that a
senior annual would be published, as usual,
by the high school paper, the "Register."
Lumlr Buresh, editor of the paper, wss ap
pointed chairman of a committee to get
bids on photographs this firm to get the
entire, contract for taking all the pictures
of the entire class of 200 students.
Mr. Graff, principal of the high school,
spoke to the class on making their prepara
tions for the commencement exercises and
the attending festivities economical enough
so that no student's pleasure would be
spoiled by his feeling that it would In any too expensive for him to undertake.
The class heartily endorsed his sentiments.
Warren Howard, one of the prominent
track athlete of the class, was elected track
captain, and will lead the class In lis con
tests with the other classes of the school.
Among other events announced was an
entertainment to be given about the middle
of April to show the talent In the class and
te raise a little money for a senior banquet
or social entertainment In which tbe whole
class will participate. As part of the show
the High School Glee club will furnish an
octet to take part In a minstrel show. The
Mandolin club will also take part. Other
features of the evening will be living pic
tures and tableaux, music by a capable
orchestra and minor acts.
The High School Cadet band will give a
band concert later In the season, under the
direction of Prof. Oeorge Green, band In
structor. Miss Kate McHugh announced Wednee
day that. In all probability, the commence
ment program of ths high school would be
held In the Brandeis theater.
Iowa Newe Notes. -
WATERLOO The proposition before las
One of the earliest fakes of the cam
paign has been exploded In statements Is
sued last night by P. H. Shields, formerly
chief detective of the city. It had been
said that In the event P. J. Tralnor was
elected mayor, P. H. Shields would be ap
pointed chief of police. Democratic spell
binders hoped to draw a few Bohemian
votes. It was confidently affirmed by the
same parties that In the event of the elec
tion of W. H. Queenan, Captain James
Sheehsn would b promoted to the office
of chief of police.
Last night P. H. Shields put an effectual
end to the talk of his position by slating
emphatically that he did not want such
a position under an elective board and that j
he would not seek nor accept the place If
offered. He said he resigned his position
expressly because the board
elicilve. He was offered the
chief of Armour & Company'
and considered It a far uetter placo In
many ways than service for the city.
' From the above statement which Mr
Shields authorized It will be seen that the
democratic plans will have to be altered.
The fact that James Sheehan Is openly
named as chief of police will not be pleas
ant for the electors the story sought to
First Day of Regis! rat loo.
The first day for the revision of regis
tration for the election of April 6 will be
March 10. The revisions will be conducted
by the Board of Registrars at the several
polling places of the city as heretofore.
The revision will be completed on the last
of three separate days. The fact that
many unregistered voters swore In their
vote at the primary does not place them
on the poll books for the election. These
men will have to appear before the
boards of registration and be enrolled.
Mayor Frank Koutsky has been busy i
with his election proclamation and will
soon have the same ready for publication.
In connection with the use of the Aus
tralian ballot it Is expected that the man
damus proceeding will be prepared and
filed today, so that the questions involved
may be settltd In time to determine what
must be done.
Vassar Girls m Hit.
The last number of the Young Men's
Christian association last night drew the
largest crowd of the season. The enter
talnmcnt was furnished by the well-known
Vassar girls' troupe of musicians. They
gave a program of twelve numbers, cover-
of sentiment and lnter-
ery number was given
second and third encore. In their happy
responses the young women chose the
Common and best-loved folk songs of the
Immediate past and the present.
Roberts-MacDowell Wrddlog.
John L. Roberts and Miss Jeane Haw
thorne MasDowell were married at 8 p.
nu Wednesday at the residence they have
prepared at a?4 North Eighteenth street
Miss MacDowell is daughter of Samuel
MacDowell and Mr. Roberts is assistant
timekeeper for Armour & Co. The cere
mony, by Dr. R. L. Wheeler, was the
simpler Torm of the Presbyterian service
with the " pledge s "of the ring aervloe both
to bride and groom. Luclle Parks was
ring bearer. Mr. MacDowell gave away
the bride and Miss Berta Ferguson played
the wedding march. Mrs. E. L. Roberts,
mother of the groom, was able to attend
the wedding, although she was not en
tirely recovered from her very serious
Illness. After the ceremony an informal
reception was given and a light refresh
ment served. Toward the close of the re
ception, while all were chatting, the bride
and groom slipped away and started on a
little trip. They will be at home after
April 1.
Dies of Too Hack Optam.
Comellum Kelly, otherwise known as
Cornelius Dunn, a colored man, died at
10 a. m. Thursday from an overdose of
opium. He has been living at 2613 L street,
and was a laborer In the packing houses.
He returned home Thursday morning after
a night spent In smoking opium and It was
apparent to his companions that he was
practically dying. They sent for Dr. Beck,
who arrived Just before the death and re
ported a case of opium poisoning. It is not
believed that the Intent was to commit
suicide. The coroner will make an investi
gation. Maalc City Gossip.
Mrs. H. C. Murphy has returned from a
visit to Excelsior Springs. ,
Rev. Karl Hlller and wife are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hart.
Mrs. Anna Kulik Is building a new house
at Twenty-third and U streets.
Miss Minnie Broghammer of Chadron Is
the guest of Miss Bertha Shelaney.
George Seater, Twenty-seventh and Jack
son, is erecting a cottage dwelling.
J. L. Duff has been in Fremont for the
last week and returned Wednesday.
The Althea Lee club will give a dance
Friday evening at Odd Fellows' hall.
The Mystlo Workers of the World Initi
ated thirty-nine candidates Tuesday even
ing. China Premiums 800 fine LOTHAIR
Chlnaware premiums Just received.
E,rank Saunders, Twenty-seventh and Q,
reports the birth of a daughter In his
Ladles See our new nobby line of low
shoes. Great showing of strap pumps.
The Rebekah Lee club will give a danc
ing party at Odd Fellows' hall Saturday
evening, which promises to be the best of
the season.
call &68. Prompt delivery to all parts of
the town. HENRY J. JETTEK.
Slors Bottled Beer promptly to residences
In South omsha at same prices you form
erly paid. Broderick & Maslowsky, 2t01 Q
St. Phone South UL
That Boy Will be well togged In a new
pair of our 32.00 Box Calf or Kid Shoes.
Best values ever given. Ceressey.
The Missionary society of the Christian
church will a-ive a tea at the home of Mrs.
F. G. Sevick, 1519 North Twenty-seventh
street, Friday afternoon.
order for fctorx Bottled Beer to us. We
deliver sny place In South Omaha promptly
Same prices as formerly. Broderick it
Maslowsky, iKil Q St, Phone South U31.
Our "Steetson" at to. 00 in all leathers
for men, will give you a shoe one dollar
below any of the aeme grade. Ceressey.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians will cel
ebrate Sl Patrick's day by attending mass
at St. Agnes' church st a. m. In the
evening a grand entertainment will be given
at the South Omaha High school audi
torium. More elaborate arrangements have
been made for thla program man ever be
fore. STORZ BOTTLED BEER Private fam
ily trade in South Omaha supplied promptly
by 'us at sam prices as formerly. Phone
your order. Broderick Maslowbky (retail
dealers), &U1 Q street. Phone South 1S3L
Easter Showing Our new spring line of
of baby shoes and oxfords will please
every one. Prices are as low as ever given.
Come and feast your eyes on our windows.
It will do you good. Ceressey The Shoe-man.
Grand Opening, Friday,
March Eighteenth
221 North 16th St. Hotel Loyal Bldg.
cd his position ;
had been made I I W 1 f R""PiI 1
he position of V I I U I fft
s special pollcej I III Jlwsi'Utl
Miss Bessie Chambers Steps Into Open
Elevator Shaft.
Operator Leaves Car wltb Door Opea
and It Ascends Womaa One
of City's Best Instructors.
Dashed to death down the elevator shaft 1
of the Boyd theater building was the fate
Wednesday afternoon of Miss Bessie Cham
bers, 2902 North Twenty-fifth street, who
had been for eight years connected with
the public schools of Omaha and who at
the time of her death was a member of the
teaching staff of the Cass Street school.
She walked into an open door on the fourth
story and fell to the basement..
Miss Chambers died last night In Clark
son hospital from shock, following the acci
dent, which occurred at S.2S p. m. . A few
moments before she-paeBed away she be
came partially conscious and was Just able
to recognise her father, mother, sisters and
brother, who were at the bedside. The only
apparent Injuries were a fracture of the
left hip and some bruises on the face and
head. None of these, however, was suf
ficient to cause death.
A musio pupil of Mrs. Walter Dale, Twenty-fifth
and Maple, who has a studio in the
Boyd theater building. Miss Chambers, ac
companied by Mrs. Dale and another friend,
Miss Mary Ellsworth, 1501 South Twenty
sixth street, was on her way home when
the accident happened. The three had
reached the elevator on the fourth
story and, seeing the gate open. Miss
Chambers, who was In front, stepped, as
she thought. Into the car. But no car was
there and she plunged Into space. Her com
panions' cries aroused the building, and
when those they had summoned reached
the basement they found the young woman
lying there unconscious.
Drs. De Witt and Loveland were canea
from the police station and had Miss
Chambers taken to Clarkson hospital,
where Dr. Rich took charge of the case
and remained until life wss extinct
Elevator Wltboat Operator.
It Is said that the boy In charge of the
elevator. Sam Madison, had gone to attend
to something In the corridor, leaving the
elevator gate open, and that the machine
had sradually ascended to the next floor
during his absence.
The accident was reported to the cor
oner, who has taken charge of the body
and will hold an Inquest Friday at 1 p. m.
Miss Chambers was one of the best
teachers In the Omaha schools. She taught
for two years in Salt Lake City, -hen she
came to Omaha and taught for three years
In the Cass street school. She then took a
course of one year at the University of
Nebraska. Returning to the city she was
for two years a teacher at the Windsor
school. For the last year she had hr--at
the Cass street school, where she
charge of classes In the sixth and si
Miss Chambers Is survived by her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. X M. Chambers, who
live at Zm Nurth Twenty-fifth street;
Alice Chambers, director of the kindergar
ten department at Saratoga school; Flor
ence Chambers, who Is at home; Dr. Oliver
Chambers, Rock Springs, Wye. ; Everard
Chambers. Salt Lake City, and Wlllard
Chambers, who Is employed In the First
National bank In Omaha.
The Boyd theater building is the prop
erty of the estate of the late James ' E.
Boyd. The elevator Is of a type con
trolled by a wire cable. An Investigation
of the mechanism will probably dicloso
whether It was left at a complete stop or
whether It started through any defect In
the machinery. '
Large Increase lb Number of Mea
Employed and Totsl Amount
of Waves Paid.
NEW YORK. March 17. Large Increases
over 1908 In the number .of men employed
and In salaries and wages paid by the
United States Steel corporation are shown
In the annual report of the corporation Is
sued today. The average number of em
ployes In the service of al companies in
the corporation Is shown by the report to
have been 196.500 In 190) as agalnBt 165.211 In
190S. Salaries and wages paid during 1309
aggregated ' tl51.463.SM as compared with
$120,610,825 In the year previous.. -
Chairman E. H. Gary says In the report:
"Substantial revival In business, which be
came evident In the spring of 1909, contin
ued with Increasing volume throughout the
balance of the year.
'The total production of finished products
for sale In 1900 equalled about 75 per cent
of the normal maximum productive capac
ity of the properties."
Brut Whose Life Waa Insured . for
Fifty Thousand Dollars Dies of
Bronchial Pneumonia.
DALLAS. Tex. March 16 Consul. Jr.,
the so-called educated chlmpansee, who
was dressed and taught to act like a man,
died today of bronchial pneumonia after
an Illness of four days. Consul was valued
at $50,000, and was Insured with a London
Insurance company for that amount. Dur
ing his illness physicians attended the ani
mal as they would have administered to
human being. The body will be embalmed
and sent to Europe for burial.
liven Up to
tors Bottled Bock Beer.
A delicious and sparkling tonic, now
ready. 'Phone your order for cast,
prompt delivery guaranteed. . Charles
tors. 'Phone Webeter 12. ImL, B-:XL
Causht la the Art
and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
bilious headache quits and liver and bowels
act right. SZc For sale by Beaton Drug
C - ........
With Kidney Trouble
The Experience of Zenla Simonson, of Mount Carmel, Illinois, I Convincing
Proof of the Great 5Ieritt of Warner's Safe Cure as a Ttemedjr for Kidney
Trouble and Bright' Disease. A Sample Bottle of Thla Great Remedy Will
Be Sent Free to Any Reader of The Ree Who Writes.
In the following letter Mrs. Simonson tells In her own
wsy how serious was her condition and how she was cured
with five bottles of Warner's Safe Cure: "I am glad to tell
vhat a wonderful medicine Warner's Safe Cure Is. ' It saved
my life I had kidney trouble so badly that It turned to
Brlght's Disease and I could not He down I had .. kneel
down on pillows for three weeks, also passed a great deal of
blood. The doctor told my family I had but a short time to
live. My children got a booklet from your office and I read
the testimonials of people who had taken Warner's Ssfe Cure.
told my liufband that was the medicine I wanted, as it
fitted my case. Ha bought me five bottles. The first night I
suffered so I took almost as much as half a pint. Next
morning the doctor came and said: "You are better;', and I
told him Warner's Safe Cure did the work for me. The five
bottles of Warner's Safe Cure restored me to health. I have
recommended It to others. I know of three other cases which
wer cured by Warner's Safe Cure when I recommended it
after doctors hsd glvsn up all hopes of curing them. They
are well at this writing." MRS. ZKNIA SIMONSON.
Mt Carmel, III
If you suspect that your kidneys are diseased, snd dis
cover that your urine Is cloudy and milky, snd us a sample
for analysis snd we will promptly give you the result of our
discovery. Bufferers win be glad to know that Warner's Safe
Cure will surely relieve and cure the most distressing rases.
No living physician can prescribe a medicine for the kidneys,
bladder, liver and blood that equals Warner's Safe Curs. It
Is put up In tOo and $1.00 slsea and sold by all druggists.
Constipation and Biliousness
WARNER'S SAFE PILLS, purely vegetsble. sugar-coated, absolutely free from
Injurious substances, a perfect laxative, will cure Indigestion, Biliousness, Torpid
Liver and Constipation. They do not gripe or leave any bad effects. 25c a package.
neys. liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFE CI RK will absolutely cure, a
sample bottle and also a sample box of Warner's Safe Pills will be aant FREE OF
CHARGE, postpaid, to any one who will write WAKNfcRS SAFE CCRK CO..
Rochester, N. Y., ,d mention having Bean this liberal offer tn The Bee. The gen
uir.euess of this offer la fully guaranteed by the publisher,