THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 1 8. imo. MANLEY DISCOVERS A.RONS i Classes Himself witb.'Selee, Haff and Old Johnny Gonding. FINDS GREATEST BOWLING STAR jkarona Roll 'Km to Trif that the llest of the Ksprrts l-ook I.Ike ' fto Manr "tiff IMns la I an Alley. . It wis Frank 9le who flrat saw the prob ability of Frank Chance becoming a great firm baseman and captain. Oorge Huff found Trie Ppoksr and many other atara. Johnny Uondlng found the hard-hitting George Stone, Pitcher Ragan and the com ing Mar Stndelar, but It fell to Bob Manley to discover Phil Aarsni, the bowling sen aatlon of tha Sanson. ' The Prandi-I -Store'g bowling team hap pened to bs a trtsn abort Wednesday night and Phil wai aitked by Captain Bob to fill the vacancy. Talk about springing a sur prise on the boy! Jf -Tom Haley. L,ouls Fran, Pill Klchler or any other of the famous pill rollers of the country had He cretly dri pped In oa tba boya the surprise could not have been greater. Aaron,' playing hla p:t bf the game, ab solutely refuaed to fhoot; but finally agreed to enter after roioh coaalng. Then, taking off hla pair of delicate new gray shade of pomps, hla cream tie, coat and vest and adjusting a pair of No. it bowling ahoea. his battle with the pin i began. Strikes and spares all the way 'through, and, of course, his aide won' the game with eaae. Jkarona wishes to Announce that he Is willing to take on any, bowler In the city for a match game, .hcermjn, rluntlngton or Zarp preferred, standing start and no handicap". One of the largest bowling partlaa seen on the alleys In a long time shot at Fran cisco's Wednesday night. The party con sisted of Mrs. O. Illbner, Misses Nettle Uurnes, Sadie Hallenback. Ella Whltte more, Jennie Chase, Elizabeth Lints, De borah Hulthser and MMMla Dunn, Mr. O. Hlbner. W. M. Ord, W. B. Nelman, L. II. bints, M. Wlllodsen and J.'B. Bteveson. Only two records of the A. D. C. were broken at the Dftrolt tneet and these ly Tom Haley, a Petrolt bowler, securing 706 In the single event and 1,961 In the nine game total. The previous records of other tournaments In the two events are as fol lows: INDIVIDUALS. 191-Tom Haley, Detroit .' 70S 1!W L. Sutton, Rochester ;fflS V. Hruggeman, Hloux Cltv 6ftl jniw A. Wengler, Chlcaeo ' 6 1SW7-M. T. Levey, Indianapolis R. T. Matak, St. Paul (21 1900 V. J. Favour, Oshkosh 6-! m. Anderson, St. Paul 6M IfXH-M. Kern. St. Louis.. . ; G47 l'KV3 D. A. Jones.- Mllu-iitikee '. X3 1902 Fred Strong. Chicago H9 ISOl-Frank Brill, Chicago 648 ALL KVKNTS. imo Tom Haves, ' Detroit 1 !il 1S08 J. Rlouln, Chlo.iw... R. Crable. East Liverpool l.m 1J-H. C. Kills i.7ffl lftfW J. T. Peacock. Indianapolis 1.714 1H06 .1. O. Hellly. Chicago l,79t 1W4 Martin Kern, St. Loula 1,804 im Fred Strong. Chicago.,...,, l.fWW 3906 J. Koster, New York 1,841 190V-F. Brill, Chicago 1,738 O, O. Francisco, a member of the ex ecutive board of the 'American Rowling congress, who attended the meet and re mained during the greater part of the bowling, haa returned and Is full of praise of the1 cffloers whd onhitucted the affair and claims the past meet to be the best vu held under, M cpngrcs,, ., , , . t . , O. O. thoroughly nyestlgnted every con dition neriefsary'for a' successful handling of a large tournament," so that the Mld West tou-nament. to be held at Omaha In November.' can take advantage of all the acquired Information. ' Willie Hoppe. New Billiard Champion Gotham Player Defeats George Sutton of Chicago in Easy-Manner . Score fiOO to 228. CHICAGO, March IT. Willie Hoppe of New Tork last night won the 18.1 balk line billiard championship of the. world by de feating George Sutton of Chicago, the final core being, Hoppe, 500; Sutton, 228. According to the terms' of the match, which were named by Hoppe. as challenger, the vlotor carried off the diamond emblem, the stake money, amounting to $500, and the entire box offioe receipts. Edward H. Sem ple of Minneapolis refereed the contest. Hoppe won' the bank and missed the opening shot. He left a "setup" and Sut ton collected 24) at .the first trial. For the next six Innings Sutton played a strong, consistent game, keeping his aver age cross to IS, while Hoppe was unable t bring the balls under control. He was com polled to make the majority of his billiards at long range. ' In the seventh, however, Hoppe brought together 38 In a -succession of difficult masse and 'ruund-the-table hots. Button made a couple of "goose eggs" in the ninth and tenth, while Hoppe ran up ST In bis ninth attempt. In his twelfth, Hoppe took the lead, -with a run of 32, the score at the end of the twelfth standing: Hoppe, 144; Sutton, 135. From the twelfth Inning on Hoppe grad ually Incrpastid his lead and when the tw.en-ty-aeopnd wax ended ho was 131 points ahead, tho. total being: Hoppe, 32(1; Sut ton, 1!. Sutton apparently lost both his stroke and judgment of distance, missing several easy draw shots and one-cushion caroms. Hoppe's game, on the other hand, improved and he drove the ball around the table, ex ecuted hard masse shots and played bank rbota with precision, TWO HtHVAHD MKNIIREAK LEGS Team Will Not, Therefore, Come to Indoor Meet la Omaha. ITomoters of the Indoor athletic meet at the Auditorium April 1, have received word that Harvard unlverMty will not send a team to the meet because of some mlshapa. The athletic committee had sanctioned the sending of a tram, but two days ago two of the men broke their legs In training and now Harvard telegraphs that It will have to cancel the engagement, as It does nut care to be represented by a second rat team. Harvaid was to have run a relay rare with the University of Min nesota team. It ansae and Missouri have been sub stitute.! for -Harvard and Minnesota and this event may prove Just as Interesting to the western colleges. Joe Horner, Michigan's crack athlete. Is expected to be present to take part in so roe of the eveuis. Hindoo Held for maagllac. NEW' YORK. Marih 17.-For failure to declare diamonds and emeralds, which he cairled in a wallet. Merwanl K. Irani, a Hltidoe.- ea route to Chicago, was ar rested by tbe customs authorities today after landing from-th steatnahip Oceanic. He was held in HO.OoO bail for eiamlnatlon. Irani said that he was bringing the Jewels over for a )arisan friend. Catcher Knlllvan Recovering. IjOS ANGFXE8. March . 17. William O. Sullivan, the veteran catcher ef the Chi cago Americans, who Is confined to bis bed with blood polHonlng as the mult of step ping on a rusty nail, is Improved, but not yet out of danger, should his recovery not ! interrupted, his physicians say he will he able to get back la the game la thrte mv four weeks. Fastest Trip on Record Made by Daring Barney Lightning Journey for Mile is Quick est Erer Taken by Human Being. DATTONA. F!a., March 17. Barney Old field, driving agnlnst time from a flying start. In a 190-horse-power Bens, awtemeMle of special design, covered the fasreet mile yesterday traveled by a human being; His time was 27 and 33-160 seconds. Noth ing projected Into spsce by man, save a bullet, ever has travelled at equal speed. The previous record was set four years ago by Marriott, who drove a spe cial Stanley steamer one mile 2 seconds at an average speed of 127.S miles an hour. OtdfleH'a average today was 131.78. Oldfleld again launched his great car from a standing start for a mile against time and crossed the finish line with an othtr record. His time was 40 and 63-190 seconds as against 41 and 23-100 seconds made with the same ear by Hemmery In England. The timing for both races was done by C. H. Warner, official timer for the Ameri can Antnrnoblle association, with the same mechanical device he used at the Atlanta and Indianapolis speedwaysi and which has been officially adopted by the association. Ralph De Palfmv Oldfleld's rival, who was unable to start against him because of1 a broken piston, acted aa representative of . the tflhtest board. A surveyor's cer tificate was filed for the distance posts, and Bnly the formal acceptance of the board Is necessary before the record passes officially Inta the history of the annihil ation of distance; The best previous official record for the mile from a flying start by a gasoline car Is two miles In 68 seconds, made at Ormond Beach, Fla., In a -horse-power car by Demogeot In 1908 at an average of 132.3 miles an hour. The bent speed ever made by a locomotive Is five miles In two minutes thirty seconds over the Plant system. Olen H. Curtis the aviator, covered a mile from a flying start In an elght-eyllnder motorcycle In 4"4 seconds In 1907. ' Fdx Here Saturday; Schipkc is in Line Eourke Manager Beady to Break. In Eecruit Skipper Bill is Wanning Up. Manager Billy Fox will be In Omaha Saturday to take charge of the Rourke re cruits and begin breaking them In, or rather, trying them out, for as usual many of these young; aspirants will fall by the wayside. Manager fox Is In good condition hltnsslf and eager for the beginning of the season, which, he thinks, Is going to be a winner for the Omaha team. Word oomes from Skipper Bill Schlpke that he left for Hot Springs. Ark., Thurs day to work out and will be In Omaha April 1. ready for business. This talk of the aid Trapper being a bald-out Is all bosh. AMONG THE LOCAL BOWLERS Willow Springs Take Two f Games , roaa Monte Chrlsto Tease on tha Alley. The WllhVw Springs took two games from the Monte Chrlstos last night on the Metro- fiolltan alleys. Anderson nad some nard uck and did not bowl his usual game. Al Later took high total or frttt for the Candy bunch and Spetaian had hJgb single game of 113 for the same team, while Keyt toon all honors for the Springs team with 231 for single game and 680 for total. Tonight the Olendales ana ureious canay company, The score: LOCH'S WILLOW SPRINGS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Keyt 169 189 2.11 M9 Ualzer 210 179 167 666 Jones 1M 1.17 1A2 4:ifl Martin 17 1S9 1S4 6) LH Ink water 16j 191 187 47 Totals 809 885 Wl S.6C0 O'BRIEN'S MONTH CHRISTOS. lRt. 2d. 3d. Total. 181 520 178 4?T ir.a . f&2 181 W4 163 4i rtrown 158 1X1 McRae 162 137 Spetman 17 213 Latey , 180 20 Anderson lfo lil Totals ..... 817 BS t 2.G72 Other scores at the Metropolitan alleys I MANET'S SUNKI3T, 1st. Ed. 8d, Total. Moras 137 li8 f4 4K9 Griffith 131 161 169 443 Laird 113 164 146 42! Totals 384 483 488 tJ36 DAILY NEWS. 1st. 2d. Jd. Total. Merritt 182 1..5 149 4X6 Mclean 143 118 136 8 Paxton llil V3 133 417 Totals 481) 394 418 lTg MANET'S PUNKIST. ' ' 1st. . 2d. 8d. Total. Moran . 20V . 101 . . . 6 Griffith 198 171 147 618 Ortman 17 1311 188 481 Totals 673 401 623 1.6M DAILY NEWS. - . -Int. M. . .8d. Total. Merritt ; 133 137 J21 tH McLean 128 148 134 412 I'axton 210 164 178 649 Totals ,-..r 471 4H9 43d l.Mtj Scores at Francisco's alleys, Mercantile league; Q. M. DS. 1st. 2d. M. Total. Heller 174 157 134 446 Merslg 107 149 140 WH Scott lift 197 150 436 Totals 439 693 424 1,298 ON THE 8QUARE8. Int. 2d. 8d. Total. Wilcox l-'S 135 111 874 Nelson 134 1 37 136 897 Flntley lt3 164 166 m Totals. 433 438 . . 40S 1.183 Soath Omaha Bowlers. The Carpenter Transfers defeated the Culkln Cubs last night by a score of two to one. The best scoring of the year was made by the winners. Scorei CARPENTER TRANSFERS. 1st. 2d. 8.1. Total, Leplnskl 201 J66 1W - f. Clark , 214 171 13 672 Nolan 157 1 53 176 486 Kennedy 1 17J 13 6Z6 Hemleben It 139 ; 133 Ui Totals 930 HUH 963 t.8t CULKIN CUBS. 1st." Id. - M. Total. Sherwood ... Tracy Roth Schumacker Fagan Totals 1M ' IM I'TJ 172 187 P2? m 179 158 .lti8 , 203 485 471 479 62T 141 Kl 131 755 Wl . 807 J.4U4 Sehedale tor the Week. OMAHA LEAOtTK. . '' Friday-Omaha Bedding oompany against Hospe company. METROPOLITAN LEAGUE. Friday Bungalows against Hqllya, BOOSTER LEAGUE. Friday West Sides against Cudahys. ' MTCRCANTILR LEAGUE. Friday Omaha Gas Co against Karooa," Eaten Hneloar gesma. SAN FRANCISCO. March IT Thomas H Williams, president of the New California Jockey Ohio, announced tonight thst the nietng season at J-.'inrvvll!. which was to end on April 7. will Im extended twenty days, and probably longer. Cornhuskcrs Will Go to K. C. Nebraska Track Men Will Compete Today in Annual Indoor Meet in Missouri, LINCOLN. March IT. Specials-Nebraska will send a team of five men to Kansas City tomorrow to compete In the annual Indoor meet of the Kajisaa City Athletlo club Saturday. Four of the five men will compose the Cornhusker relay team. The fifth athlete will be L)ale Mc Donald, who will compete In the hurdle races. The relay team that will represent Ne braska at Kansas City has on It two men who did not compete in the Sioux City meet last week. Captain Uurke and Reed ran on the quartet at Sioux City and will be at Kansas City. McQowan and Powers are the two new runners. The Nebraska train ers decided to leave Minor and Davis off the Kansas City relay team In order to test the strength of the new runners, with a view of getting the best relay quartet in the university to represent the Cornhuekers at the meet In Omaha on April 1. The Cornhuskcrs did not show up at Sioux City as well as they had been "doped" to do, and It Is thought the new runners who go to Kannas City may be able to run faster than the pair that made the race for Ne braska last week. Coach Ben 11. Cherrlngton took charge of the Cornhusker track men today and put them through the flrat training of the out door praotlce season. A meeting of all the candidates was held this afternoon. tr-A the plans for the spring outlined. Coach Cherrlngton Is enthusiastic about the out look for the season and looks for a strong track team. The new cinder path on Nebraska field is being constructed this week, but the work Is progressing Blowly because the athletlo management Is experiencing great trouble in getting cinders and ashes to place on the circle. Manager Kager Is rush ing the work aa fast as .possible In an at tempt to get the track finished before In clement weather sets In. The sixth annual gymnastlo contest will be held at the university armory tomorrow night. A team will be selected from the winners of the events in this exhibition to represent Nebraska at the annual contest of the Western Intercollegiate Gymnastic association, which is to be held at Minne apolis next month. A feature of the exhibition tomorrow night will be several wrestling bouts. In one of these Frank N. DuCray, Instructor In wrestling at the university, will meet several of the local professional wrestlers. P. C. Mitchell, winner of the Individual contest in the western meet last year, will be one of the contestants this week. He will not be eligible for the team, but will oompete against the other gymnasts to pur them on to better work. " Weston Struck by Auto, Not Injured Veteran Pedestrian Meets with Slight Arcident at Nickerson, Kan., ' but Does Not Halt. NICKERSON, Kan., March IT. Edward Payson Weston, the 72-year-old pedestrain. who U walking from Los Angeles to New York., reached here at 7 o'qlock last night, having, walked about forty miles since o'clock this morning. At the outskirts of the town he was truck by an automobile, but was not hurt. Weston will rest here until dawn, when he will start for Hutchison, ten miles east. There he expects to arrive at 1 o'clock in the morning', eight days ahead of big schedule. English Woman Tennis Champion Mrs. F. 0. Schmidz Wins First Honors in Singles in National Indoor Meet. NEW YORK, March 17. Mrs. F. O. Rnhmlds. an Englishwoman, won the title In singles in the Women's National Indoor Lawn Tennis meet yesterday on the courta of the Seventh regiment armory, defeating Miss Erna Marcus in the final, 6-7, 8-6, 6-2. Miss Marie Wagner held the title in 190S and 1909. In the doubles championship final Miss Wagner and Miss Clara Kuttroff won the title, defeating the former champion. Miss E. H. Moore, and Miss Marcus, 5-2, 5-7, -S. STILL PLANS FOR MARATHOJT allien Expects to Have Bis Bis at the Aniltorlnm. Manager Gillan Is still making arrange ments for a spring Marathon race at the Auditorium In which all the leading cracks of the country will run. The date of tbe Marathon has been fixed for April 8 and Manager Gillan la already assured of the presence of 8U Yves, Hayes, Dorando, Fltspatrick and Marshall. The track which will be Installed for the indoor track meet at the Auditorium April 1 will be allowed to remain a week for the Marathon. Scores of Iowa Varsity Team. IOWA CITY, la.. March 17. Spctal.) With a score of 1813, the crack University of Iowa rifle team yesterday broke all previous records on the local range this seanon in decisively defeating the Harvard Military school of Los Angeles, Cal., in a special match. The best previous score was made against the Washington State college, 1809, in the second shoot of the series Just completed, which ended in a tie with Iowa, Columbia and Washington State as the leaders. This tls will be decided in a shoot Thursday Instead of today aa previously announced. The record-breaking score of the Iowans follow: J. 8. Leeper 94 98 190 O. A. Minnlck 93 96 li H. K. Weh man 87 9J 186 F. Bruins 90 96 16 L. Khepard 88 M 1X4 L R. Leeper 89 94 183 C. E. Klein 91 91 12 C. E. Williams ( 90 179 X. Corso T7 81 168 C. G. Balrd 79 89 luS Totals 877 936 1.811 In tha first column Is given the scores standing, while the second set of figures is for the prone position. ' Hlaglus-Will Not Sell. PES MOINES, la., March 17. (Special. ) That the Cantilluns endeavored to buy the Des Moines bae ball club back from owner John Hlggins is the latest news which the fans have circulated the last few days. The ofter was made this winter, but Hlggins refused to dispose of the champlona. Owner Hlgglna haa also turned down the offer which came from the Pueblo busi ness men. He wrote them emphatically that he would not dispose of his holdings to l hero. Twelve days more and the Minneapolis and Dee Moines players will have reported and the eeaoon will be under way. The CantUlona, Hlggins, and the new manager, George Davla, will be on deck, but It is Erobable that the "boy manager." William iwyer, will be among the missing as be la still miffed over the salary situation. Many Entries for Empire City, NEW YORK, March 17. Announcement was made t onlght that the average of nom inations received by the Empire City Rac ing anKociatlon for Its stake events Is the lurgest of any doling In the east to date. A i.n.i ut mi entries has been received, or an averaae of slty-Tlv to th sink. This IS two and one-half times the number of lant year's entries. ... Ilnaehall Itranlts. HOT SPRINGS. March IT .-Boston Amer icans, 7; t'ln innml Nstionals. 2. UAKKR8FIKLI, Cal., March Is. Spore: ' R H E. ChVago Amrrlcans No. 1 10 1 Baker.ofleld 0 4 Batteries; Smith, and Block; Hull. Dow and H..rr FORT WORTH. Trx.. March lS.-Detroit Americans. 8: Fort Worth, t. NEW ORLEANS. March 16. Scope: K.H.R. Cleveland Americans 2 8 1 Chicago Nationals t'. 0 t 0 Batteries: Ball. Berlce and Easterley; Schwenck, Pfcffer and Moran. Turk Throws Connolly. COLUMBUS, O.',' Mafch 17. Yusslff Mah mouth, the Turk, tonight In a catch-as-catch-can wrestling matrh, twice threw Pat Connolly, said to be Irlxh champion, the first fall in 18 minutes and 66 seconds and the second In 15 minutes and 8 seconds. Athletic Director Resigns. COH'MBUH, Md, March IT. Clark W. Hetherlngton, director 'of athletics at the University of Missouri for ten vears. re slsned today to go to the University of Wisconsin. His resignation Is effective September 1. INGERSOLL'S WIDOW GETS FEE AFTER TEN YEARS' FIGHT New York- Woman. Receives Over 183,oot as Amount Die Lata Hnaltand In Will Cnae. BOSTON, Msrcb IT. After a ten years' legal struggle, Hs. Eva Ingersoll of Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., received today a fee of 1183,323 due her late husband. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, for his efforts In contesting the will of Andrew J. Davis, the millionaire mine owner of Butte, Mont. The check was made out by the clerk of the United States circuit court. The result of this suit is only a phase In the twenty-year contest over the Davis estate. Robert O. Ingersoll was engaged to break the will, but Instead secured a large set tlement for the contesting heirs, and the court awarded this estate the fee, which was paid today.' I .. i SAN FRANCISCO ARTIST COMMITS SUICIDE Willis R. Davis, Rated mm Millionaire, Kills Illmaelf on Steamer En. route from Europe. NEW YORK, March lT.-That Willie E. Davis, the millionaire clubman and artist of San Francisco, who died on the White Star liner Oceanic when It was on Its way to this port, commltteed suicide, was the Information brought here today with the arrival of the steamship. 1 CONTRACTORS FILE ANSWER Present Their Side of the Conrt lloase Labor Controversy In Conrt, ' "Covert Is not acting In good faith when he makes petition, for an injunction re straining Caldwell & Drake from proceed ing with the structural Iron work on the court house in a manner which he alleges I defective," say Hall 4 Stout, attorneys. In an answer for, (he contractors. The answer u filed' Wednesday after noon with the clerk of the district court and the- defendants' aver that they are not violating in any way. the provisions of the contract "Covert Is not tax-payer of Douglas county," reads the answer, "but in fact is acting tn behalf of a small number of men who are here In Omaha, most of whom are non-resliients an 'rftin-taxpayers and who pretend to be mefn hers of a union of struc tural Iron workers prj'd be affiliated with some!ftiwfrV.'IThl8' email bqdy Of men, it Is alleged .isacting together With Percy Covert ffti" the. purpose of annoying the contractors In .their business In and about, the c6urt house, because they do not ercploy men designated by the plaintiff and those who act with .him. Also because the defendants do not observe certain rules laid down by the plaintiff and those associated with him for the purpose of compelling all persons who put 'up structural Iron to em ploy the plaintiff and those associated with him. "Percy Covert and those associated with him, as nearly a' the defendants can as certain," further states the answer, "claim to be members of the Structural Iron Work ers' union or some similar name and num ber about twelve, bo the defendants claim and believe." The contractors assert that the ' action is not brought for the benefit of the tax payers of Douglas county or for any good purpose, but for the purposes connected with rules which Coyert and those affiliated with him have undertaken to lay down for controlling labor on buildings using struc tural iron, , DINNER TO GENERAL MORTON Ma.ior and Mrs. Omar Bandy Give It In Honor of Retiring; Officer and Mrs. Morton, Major and Mrs. Omar Bunday gave a din ner in the Hotel Loyal last night for Gen eral and Mrs. Morton. In addition to the guests of honor the party included: Colonel and Mrs. Gardener, Major McCarthy, Cap tal and Mrs. Wilder, Captain and Mrs. Jones. Captain and Mrs. Crimmlns and Lieutenant Miller. General Morton retires from command of the Department of the Missouri and leaves tbe servioe tomorrow. Miller porn Back Willingly. BTURGIS. 8. D., March IT. (Special Telegram.) Joe Miller, a resident of Law rence county, who was held here on a charge of murder, supposed to have been committed in Lucas county, Ohio, about thirty years ago, left for Toledo, O., last night voluntarily, with the sheriff of Lu cas county, who came here after him. Miller claims to be, Innocent of the affair. He haa lived in the Black Hills during the last twenty years and bears a good repu tation. Stora Delicious ftooU Beer. Now ready In bottles. An excellent and Invigorating spring tonlo. Private families promptly supplied. , 'Phone your order. Charles Stora ''Phones. Webster 1200; IndN B-UO. Horse's Kick Fatal. PIERRE, S. D Murch IT. (Special Tele gram.) Carroll, the little son of William Donovan of Canning', died here at noon today from the effects of a kick by a horse last evening. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of mcdlclr.e. No medi cine can do more: Sold by all druggists. Grand Jsry to lnrcttlg-ute Mob. CAIRO, III.. March 17. A special grand Jury was called Unexpectedly late last night by Judge W. N. Butler, and will meet this afternoon to Investigate the attack on the Jail last month by a mob. . . InJared la Fire - or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. "Cures burns, wounds, sores, ecsema, piles. - Guaranteed. 26c. For sale by Bea ton Drug Co. Yankee Opera Blnaer Wrds. IX)NDON, March 17.-Mlae Frances Rone, the American soprano, who haa been sing ing in "Elektra, at Covent Garden, was married in Ixindon today to Theodore Con rad, an opera singer and merchant of Cologne. The pouple have gone to Berlin, where the prima donna will resume her slnvtne at the uorra hniu. . .... COPPER MINES LANDED UPON Anaconda Smelter Subjected to In- junction by Government. PLAKTS FUMES INJURE FORESTS Sulphurous t.nses Destroy Nature's (iardesi, and Besides, Company's Methods are Unnecessary, Recites BUI. WASHINGTON. March 17.-Satlfled that the present methods of operating Its smelt ers by the Anaconda Copper Mining com pany are not only destructive In widespread degree to the surrounding natural forests, but unnecessary. Attorney General Wlcker sham today caused a bill In equity to be filed at Helena, Mont., against the com pany. The bill asks for a permanent In junction to compel the company to operate Its plant at Anaconda In such a manner as to end the destruction. The company has resisted the demand of the government that the methods of smelt ing be changed and among other conten tions has represented thst It would cost millions of dollars to do so, besides the loss accruing from the temporary shutting down of the plants. The attorney general, however, announces that the suit will be pressed vigorously, unless, as he hopes, the company will co-operate voluntarily with the government to bring about a termina tion of the existing conditions. Frlenly Acton of No Avail. At the Department of Justice the state ment was made that the suit was not filed until every possible friendly method had been exhausted. Amendments to secure accession of the Injuries from the smelter were under way some time before the close of President Roosevelt's administrations, and the min ing companies were then notified that suits would be brought unless definite action wn taken by the smelters to stop the wholesale destruction of the for ests, resulting from the distribution of sulphuric fumes over a wide area of the Country. Instead of attempting to remedy the situation, the companies, it Is declared, represented to Mr. Roosevelt that they could operate their plants In no other manner than that then in use. President Roosevelt ordered a full Inves tigation and took a personal interest In the hearing. The claims advanced by the Anaconda company, under which they sought to avoid being sued, it Is declared, were not new, but were Identical with those made In two other suits under which similar injuries' were stopped, one case be ing by the government against the Moun tain Copper company In California and the other by the state of Georgia against the Ducktown, Tenn., company. Company Foreseen Ruin. In each of these cases It was claimed that adverse action' would mean the clos ing of -the mines and smelters and the discharge of thousands of men. Injunc tions, however, were granted in both In stances, but neither mlnea nor smelters were closed. Instead, the companies spent the money necessary to convert the harm ful fumes Into a valuable product and many additional men were given work. On behalf of ths Montana smelters the contention was made-that they could not convert the fumes Into acid as had been done in California,, but a full Investiga tion' of this claim by leading experts has satisfied the government of the entire fea sibility of converting the fumes at-Anaconda Into aeld and that there are large phosphate deposits near there, which may bO'-utted ,Jn connection wish auoh acid '! the manufacture of fertlllaera v , - , . .' " I Caruso Nervous in Police Court Famou. Tenor Appears Against Al leged "Black Hand" Men in Extortion Case. NEW TORK, March 17. Nervous and with roving eye. Enrico Caruso, the tenor, appeared. In a Brooklyn polloe court today as a witness against Antonio Mislano and Antonio Clncottl, who are accused of try ing to extort 115.000 from him by threaten ing letters signed "Black Hand." Two bodyguards accompanied Caruso on the subway and Into court. Tbe letters were read, and a revolver found on one prisoner and a sawed-of f shot gun thrown away by the other when they were arrested, were offered In evidence. Detectives testified to watching the spot where Caruso's secretary had left a bogus bank roll, as Instructed In the letters, and told how. they made the arrest. Xhe pris oners were held In 15,000 ball pending fur ther examination. SUPPLY OF HOGS YET SMALL High - Prices Falls to Draw Normal Amount to the Parking Houses. CINCINNATI, O., March 17. (Special Telegram.) Prloe Current says: Short sup plies of hogs for market channels Is a con dition which continues and prices have no power to change the situation at this time. Total western slaughtering for the week totaled 330,000 hogs, compared with 330,000 the preceding week and 860.000 last year. From March 1 the total was 766,000, against 1,180,000 a year ago. Prominent points com pare as follows: 1910. 1909. Chloaxo " ." lfiO.000 275.000 Kansas City ... KO.000 10.000 South Omaha 70,oo0 126.O0O St, Louis 76,0(10 100.000 St. Joseph 65.000 88.000 Indianapolis 83.000 4R.000 Milwaukee 22.000 88.000 Cincinnati 17.000 24 .000 Ottumwa 14 000 20 000 Cedsr Rapids 14.000 20,000 Sioux City 22.0110 6fi,000 St. Paul 20.000 80.000 Cleveland 25,000 30,000 THIS Atttlotio 1 U9PENDEH. mmg. unnorts I trousers and gtockines without wrink- llnff. Freedom of circulation f:inrl nuicknes in dress is assured. For boy In knee trousers. Made lor trirli also, klr50T5 a asaaw ew pertment nounca. if rour dealer does f it iMailgrr nna hi i.n4ru&A Mnir KllM llJIMIItl D law 01 aauv - -- - - uom . " .BoleM.k". 0UO oairc'T n 1 dm 1 . I S'i I I I I A .11 1 . 11 it 1 1,1 III I III . Ill' I 1 ,l 1 df 0 . J . 1 ' r 1 4 4 m, - '- Ill t il I.H . II .MllH I.' ' -'! iiimhi WMH hi A'J tl tl Established 1 847. T"l Xu w App'y y Wherever ther U PalnJjr V Pal as In the Back AUcock's Piasters have no equal. Strengthen Weak. Backs as nothing else can. AUcock's Plasters can always be distinguished by their fine balsam odor; this comes from the Frank incense, which has remarkable curative qualities. When you need a Pill take a Brandrcths Pill for CONSTIPATION, tBILIOUSNISS, HIADACHf, DIZZINISS, INDIQISTION, Sto. preh Vegetable. I I Horn round trip tickets at reduced rates to the Dakotas, the Black Hills, Wyoming, and other points West and Northwest, are on sale via The North Western Line on the first "and 'third Tuesday of each .month. The opportunities provided for stop-overs to examine lands and the return limits are all very conveniently arranged. Colonists' tickets on sale daily March 1 to April IS, and Settlers' tickets are also on sale every Tuesday March 1 to April 12 . inclusive, to a large number of points including the Canadian Provinces. t Excellent train : services and direct routes. For WW138 (CHnaoo In Ofifilco IL,ocatIoo ILLINOIS CENTRAL On April 1st, 1910, The Illinois Central Ticket and Freight Offices now located at 1402 Farnam St., will bo moved into temp6rary quarters at 1507 Farnam St., pend ing completion of the new City National Bank Building, .where permanent quarters will be established August 1st.; Parties conemplating a trip are invited to calj at. the. office where every attention will be given them in arrang-, ing itineraries and all details of their journey. j CLUBBING OFFERS Daily Bee (without Sunday) .'. $4.00 ' Review of lteviews i. 3.00 Regular price for both one year. .$7.00 , Daily Bee (without Sunday) McClure'i Magazine Woman ' Home Companion ICeview of lieviewg 3.00 ' Regular price for all one year. , .$10.00 $6.90 THE OMAHA DJIE, Omaha. Neb. Pains In the Side AUcock's 1'lasltrs relieve promptly and at the same time strengthen side and restore energy. S9RB93B39KC! rl rates,' tickets and full infor mation apply to J. tCKCl KJJICCS . 1401-1403 Farnam Strett: t SB. I Our Price ONLY $5.20 . $4.00 ") Olir PrirP ; 1.60 ' ' 150 ONLY iliiiih Will