"' 1 THE BKKi OtiAHAY FTttDA7 MAI. CI T 19, 1910. 12 . -- ' ' TH MUaSCK mm . fc tw InlUASCB Og KeruioTiainiii: a- A and wo will sell a thousand nieces from tho bolt of clean, un-to- rirtto TBneaarw ai earn r:m.'iaTirrr;B: trtraa cr a:Bir.Di.: rIJ ST" l?. D I ' ' I ' f I l it I P 8.- , It I II' II II XX I I 1 I Bl t I I 1 II II H. HL.M n laiW WMIIH FRIDAY IS 15c Hero arc Extraordinary Special Bargains in Odd Let and Remnants in Various Depts. Mercerized ""White Jaequard Madras will make beautiful waists the kind that retail at $2 and $3 each. Imported 10-yard sample lengths, on special table in basement, at, per yard 12-Yard Bolts of Royal English Long Cloth Made to retail at 10c a yard or $1.10 per bolt. Friday you save "J C .)5c on. each bolt, at, per bolt I Sheer India Linons, Sea Island Nainsook, Mercerized lin gerie Lawns, finest long cloths and high grade batistes all on' special tables, in desirable lengths 30 and 36 inches wide, at, a yard 5c, 7lAc, 10c and 15c There is not a store in the country where you can select , ginghams more to your satisfaction our prices are always the lowest and our stock is always strictly new mill lengths, at, a yard. ; .7VC, Oc and 12V2C & to 10 A. M. Only Short Length of Cotton Goods, all kinds, at, yard, at. . ., jc A fine lot of Fancy White Goods go on sale in the afternoon. On sale at 1:30 promptly finest lot of fancy 'white goods ever, received from the mifl. Lengths suitable for, waists. Cilildren's wear, etc. values up to 25c a yard at, a yard 5c Big Sale ol Mill Ends and Sample Pieces Fine all Wool Dress Goods From the Botany Worsted Mills, semi-annual sale of all their, mill ends wool dress goods the lengths run from 3 to 12 yards, mostly 45 to 52-inch widths. Ottomans, whip cords, taffetas, diagonals, hopsackings, basket weaves, serges, henriettas, fancy suitings, summer weight broad cloth, etc. worth up to $1.50 a yard 5 r a' on bargain square, at, a yard O VC"0 VC Imported Dress Goods Samples to Match Up to 10 pieces of one kind to match up. Black and all the prevailing' colors, specially adapted for separate skirts, coats, jackets, misses' and children's dresses always, sold for 49c a piece on bargain square extra place A . given to this sale at, each piece.' ....... . . ... . .owVC Two Big Dress Goods Bargains in Basement 36-inch to 40-inch Dress Goods: regularly 3c to 60c grades, In broken lots; all go In basement In one lot. at, a yard . . . -15 Silk Sale Silks worth to 60c a yard; printed pongee, Loulsine, Robco silks, Foulard silks, etc., as long ad they last, yd. . . lf) Remnants and Odd Lots of Silks 20-inch Poplins, Bengalines, satin and Twill Foulards, Crepe de Chine, Pongee and Shantung Silks, Messalines, check and stripe, Louisienne and Taffetas on )A OA bargain square, at, a yard.'. . I VC3 VC Remnants and Trial Stripes of Narrow and Medium Em broideries, Insertions and Beadings, worth up to 4fi 20c; at, a yard. ; ... lUC Remnants and Odd Lots of Narrow Width Embroideries, Edgings and Insertions (Bargain square) Ql at, yard . . . . . . . . O2C Real Linen Torchon Laces and Insertions French Vals., Tlat Vals. and fancy wash laces all kinds k , . ' at, a yard t O2C 35c Fancy Trimming Laces at 15c a Yard Crochet, Venise and Cluny effects edges, insertions, galloons, etc. black chantilly , laces, silk embroidered bands all f r kinds at, a yard JLuC Women's Fin Cotton Hose in Odd Lots Fast black and colors, also children's fine and heavy ribbed Q all sizes, at, a pair JfC We Cordially Invite You to Visit Our Spring Opening Display Throughout This Entire Week. ,. , The decorations are superb and the showing of new juercnanaise is very attractive. OMAHA U BRANDEIS STORES Frid&y is Special Bargain Day Basement Clothing Dept. Knickerbocker Suits for Boys, ages G to 15; modern style of double breasted knickerbocker suits good school mixtures, plain and fancy cassimeres well lined $3.00 values, at. . Children's $4.00 Blue Serge Russian Suits $2.50 Russian suits, Buster Brown suits ages to 8 only blue serges or red, blue or brown, all wool flannel cloth a $4.00 (Jft TA Buit; in our basement, at. . . . vfl3v Boys' Blue Serge Confirmation Suits Ages 6 to 15 years ' the materials are all wool serges, light in weight wel J ,' Bewed, every seam double stitched full; cut Qrt (Q ' knickerbockers. See these serge suits, at, ..... fJ v-Wa vQ j i . Boyg' Shirt Walbt .. Mouses , S1.39 25c Boys' Blua Perge,' pants 49c Men'i good, J Roys' IS.59 Kuanltn bulla; age $3.50 work, log Pants I to , at- $1.48 Children1 - I l-i lu Dtmlm Overalls; I agea i to 12. ' '25c In all th Newest Norrlttca In Spring Foot Year For the Easter Season High Arches, Short Foreparts, with Heels to suit the most fastid ious. , Our Monogram Department is more up-to-date than ever.. Show ing $3.00 Pumps In Suede, Dull and Patent that create consterna tion in the ranks of high priced shoe dealers. The new Perforated Shield Tips on the Three Hole Stub Ties at $3.00 per pair. We have no back numbers to of fer, but all new up-to-the-minute stylish footwear. See Sunday papers for explana tion of our exposition windows. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 So. lBth St., raAVX WILCOX, Ms nag. r. A "Try Ori of our garments will result in your satisfaction with' , thell fit, aid that is the main point. .' to consider in Clothing. r "We : guarantee the fit, the style, the finish, the perfect tailor- ' ing throughout and the body fabrics will be more than pleasing in texture,v design and shades. If we once get you as a customer,,.we know we will have .your future trade secured. SUITS $25 to $40 3w London 3ai "- J CacklGy's Specials Standard brands bottled in bond Whiskies, per quart ....$1.00 Maryland Rye. per quart. . . .75 MOONSHINE WHISKEY. Tennessee White Corn, per quart ;. . , 75 EASTER ..WINES. Vine, de Mease- alter wine); - Im ported from Spain, quart. ,75 Home made Grape Wine, white or red, per gallon. -. ... . . .$l.O0 Lady Clerks In A'endanco CACKLEY BROS., WINE MERCHANTS Ml W. 16th It. OTP. P. O. Both Fbonaa . w.M.anm.1. xji:mmi.. m.Muj..uiu.u..rr Do You Read Our Birthday Book? j .....' It is appearing daily on the editorial page of The Bee, giving pertinent information about peo pie you know. . , 't Whose Birthday? i Why your own and your aeighbors and prominent people generally. -' Pill In and nail the Biographical pata blank sant you a few weeka ao, It you hav oot already dona ao. If ou hava mislaid tha blank, sand us memorandum of data and place of birth. - Ffinn FOR wk and nerou mea I UUU IUA who find thalr power w NfRVFC work and youthful vlgoi t J (one aa a reault of over, 'work or mental exertion should taka QRAY'8 NEKVB3 FOOD PILLS. They wlU make you eat and aleep and ba a ran a again. 1 BoJ S bokea tS.BO If tnaO. XEKMUJI II HOOOSSBU 3100 CO, Cer. lath and Dodge aUreeta. OWL DIDO COkfPAJtT, Oct. X6ta and Karney Stau Omaha. Van, : SPELLS COUGH The Sert Beaaedy tow Ooarha, Ooiaa, Throat aaa I.aag TroaUea " K3 WELL'S AX ) Get a bottle today, S and bOo, at your well Ztrof Co- auy-aO M. a 1 . . ' i drualat or ISth mt Omaha, "CX-BTJiat ADTXOB TO UOUa -A Book. of Rare Value to the Private Toilet equipment of every woman. Bend 1 !o utanip for free copy. . . TU UUPiaJX. DM DIAMATCUM, TX ' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER! Ideal Paraa Jaaraal. Be Ban Bonne4s are in. Tou'll be wanting one ;for work In the garden and -lawn.... 35 Srgaln Friday Silks-Two Big Bargain Groups Who wants silks T Who ever Baw better values than these! Faille and Bengaline Silks, Shepherd Cheek Silks in brown, blue and black checks, with white combination, Louisine Silk Wastings, fancy dress silks of many kinds. They are eel ect styles recently unpacked. AQn Best 75c and $1.00 qualities, at, yard U VC"fiVC Friday Bargain Extra DRESSING 8ACQUE9 A day for lawn aacquea at a good price aaving. Choice of light or dark garmente, - In. fitted and loose tylefl, made with buttonhole etitch edge, regular and aallor collar effects Friday sale pe dal 690 Friday Bargain Extra DOMESTIC KEMNANT9 A big clean-up with very fine bar gains In Calicos, Outing, Cre tonnes, Muslins and Shirtings, the accumulation of all the short plecea, up to lBc a yard, all thrown out for Friday, at, yd. 60 Friday Bargain Extra INDIA LIXON8 AND SPREADS 50 bolts only of our highest grade India Llnon selling at 16o yard, van long as quantity laste, at. yard 10o Bed Btpreads, full slse Marseilles hemmed Spreads, worth' 1.25 ' special ,89o 1 ")i 1 i Friday Bargain Extra WASH GOODS REMNANTS , A great sale day for remnants of Wash Poplins, Himalaya Cloths,-silk mixed fabrics, Roaco silks, etc., all goods selling at 89c and 6O0 a yard at yard ISo Friday Bargain Extra TOWELS AND NAPKINS, fine larg jjuck'lowels, wlth red bor-, dera. selling aa a special at 8c regularly, for Friday, at. . . Ho JTapklna, all linen, fast edges, best 1.25 dosen quality, to close, at, V, doien 43o Friday Bargain Extra WASH GOODS REMNANTS Two big cases of choice lengths of fine' 25c ginghams, 19c mad ras, 16o percales and other goods suitable for dressea and child ren's wear, all go Friday, at, yard So Friday Bargain Extra Friday Bargain Extra SITJiOUNK-rA sale of hun dreds of pl.ee remnants of yard wide, standfcrJ quality sllkollnes, In lengths-ef S to IS yards ths Identical grade everywhere sell ing for 12 He on sale at domes tic counter, "aV: yard . . . . to VAL. LACES 6c for laces act- ' ually worth to 25o yard. Fine . Imported Valenciennes edges and - Insertions, Including filet vals., also cluny and linen torchons for dresses and underwear, 10c, 16c, 18c and 26c goods for .'. . So Friday Bargain Extra HALF HOSE 200 dozen sttir dy, well made half hose for men. In black or tan, absolutely fast colors and made without seams, as good a quality as you, ever buy for 16c, sires 9tt to 11H, . Friday, jalr Bo F r i AtiRlk$ gin Extra MVSTN K'WERS-Jo dozen of well rnavaeV 'alcely, trimmed drawers oa, women, all new arid trruh garments, .open and closed,, style either ' lace or embroidery tirimrned a Plea.ti.pp of alt small Jots of aarments selllnc ud to oc each, Friday for ....... .390 ' - F r i d a y; Ba rg ain Extra WASH PIJTTJCPATS Exceptionally-fine .yaJues lnthls lot. Made from aood etrlped or plain ginghams, 'In durable weih col ors, finished" with a tucked flounce. n They are cut liberally full. Buy . a . summer's supply, at- ...7:1 69o ' F r i d a y' Bajrg.ai n x t r a WHITE WAISTS A clearing up daK f ir) tjur better lines of lingerie waists 'selling at 12.60 to 11.00, Aarnong them are open front stylee, r either embroidery or lace trlrqmed, broken lots and a few slightly soiled garments, at . . . .Zi-u : - 91.49 Friday Bargain Extra BOVSV. CAPS Little fellow's Bklddoo styles, in blue, red, grey, tan, brown, red velvet combina tions, fancy stripes and plaids a nit leather caps, regular 60c, 75c and $1.00 kinds, on sale In boy's auction 4 2d floor) fi5o Friday Bargain Extra EMBROIDERIES Best Swiss goods In edges, bands, insertions, all In matcfieJ' patterns, also 24 lnch flounoiogs, worth up to 29c yard, at 19o Embroidery Pfhy Bets, matched patterns, 'worth to 2c, Friday, yard i-. 180 Friday Bargain Extra MEif'S; HAT8 Newest spring styles soft hats, specially sr ' ranged as ' a Friday attraction for men. New tourist, telescope ,( shapes. In all the late shades, freys,' blues, tans, etc., also new rush, hats, $2.60 values.. $8.00 Friday Bargain Extra WOMEN'S NECKW EAR 2000 ''pieces of new neckwear novel- ties for spring. Including' Jabots, ties, . bows, box ruchlng (Biz pieces), etc., a maker's sample lines .and broken assortments, worth 26c, 36c and 60c. . . .6o-15o v Friday BargainExtra WOMEN'S SUITS 200 stun nlftg m6dels of pure wool serges and worsteds In leading yhades for spring; new 82-ln. satin lined coats, pleated skirts, etc., finest aulta ever In Omaha , . at v '. 91s P A "D C 17 T C Three Great Speciab tlK5ii 1 O Friday and Saturday, 75c Corsets 49c Corsets 79c $150 Corsets 89c EXTRA SPECIAL For Friday's and Saturday's sell . ing only, remarkable 75c .corsets for 49c; $1.25 corsets foj:79c; . 11.60 corsets for 89c. These corsets are the products of the world's best corset makers, ' and were made special for us to, be sold as leaders. In fact, they're far superior to the ordinary corsets at these prices-Miorsets that combine every comfort with the newest dress ideas corsets that will give you'-eVery- possible satisfaction. They're new, Just fresh' from ' the factory made of good quality ba : tiate and coutlls-auperbly tailored garments. Fine, Heavy web) hose supporters. Alt sizes, 40t. 79, 89 ar0 sPet ,tJ Prtce9 ,or Friday and Saturday. GROCERIES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY dn to goods as cheap as remnants: . . 10c 12V.0 AND 15c WASH GOODS 5c tOO pieces of 12 He Batiste, at,. yard ) f" 250 pieces of 10c Percales, at, yard f M S00 pieces of half silk Organdies, at, yard r Bj I 800 pieces of 10c and 12Vc White Goods, at, yard ) 18c WASH GOODS 7ao 2S0 pieces of 12c and 15c Ginghams, at, yard . M - 800 pieces of 16c Scotch Madras, at. yard I I J ft ivu pieces oi Amosseag, i :, at, yara v O l Light Colored Outing Flannel, at, yard 1 I 600 pieces of White Goods, worth up to 18c yard, all, at, yard : ' 600 pieces of Scotch Ginghams, at, yard .., 1.000 pieces of 16c Percales, at, yard , .' I S00 pieces of Scotch Madras, at, yard '. g . 260 yards of Mercerized Pongee, at. yard ... I 1 1 ! f 600 pieces of 18c India Llnon, at, yard Jy ' 250 pieces of 20c English Longcloth, at. yard .A 100 pieces of 46c Persian Lawns, at, yard .................... .1 2,600 yards of all kinds of Remnants, worth up to 26c yd., at, yd. 8c, 7Uc, 10c See other adds. Underwear and Furnishings IN DOMESTIC KOOM Ladies' Gauze Lisle Vests, regular 20c values, at .' 0 Children's Under Waists, regular 25c values, at 10 Children's 76c Rompers for ....35 Ladies' and Children's Underwear, light and. medium weight, worth to $1.00 garment, on sale, at, per gar ment 15 19 "d 25 Men's 25c Suspenders, for ,.12 Men's and Boys' 8hirts, new spring styles In all sizes, . values to $1.50, at, each 10 30 and 40 Ladies' Undermusllns, odd lota and broken lines, garments worth up to $1.50, on sale 25 30 49 75 Hosiery at Half Big Saving opportunities , for buyer here Friday: Children's 16c Fast Black Hosiery; Ladles 15c Hose, tan or black; Men's 15c Socks, black or grey, at, Per Pair i 4 .7H Ladles' Hosiery, worth to . 25c pair, plain black with whlto feet and in A colors, per pair t 10 Men's Sox, worth to 26c, black and fancies, at, pair 10 Children's 20c Hosiery, pair ..10 Men's and Woman's Hose, regular 12V&C quality, on sale; at, pair 5 The beet .showing of Hprlnff Corset styles In Omaha, at $1.00 to $5 FRIDAY'S BEST SHOE BARGAINS 100 Pairs Women's Vlci Kid Oxfords, with turn and welt soles, sizes 2 to 7. wfatnVB. C and D, odds and ends of $2.60 and $8.00 lines at $1.48 60 Pairs Small Slz Shoes for worden, high cut, patent colt and calf skin shoes, sizes 1 to 8 only, widths AA and B, all $3.60 values, on tables, Friday for i . . . I 08t Boys', Youths' and Little Men's Shoes, ' In box calf and vicl, sizes 9 to 6. They ara strong, sturdy $2.00 and $2.25 shoes for 91.15 'Men's Work Jhoes All styles,. all new goods, every pair a $2.50 grade. . !We cut the, price 42c just for a Friday flyer. Don't expect them at '- this price ny other day, pair .......... .'. 91.08 Frid.ay,3iakirgain Extra VEILINO250'- pleces of . styl . js.h'.nw'igs''n th' bargain tables at, An aisurdlr low price. All athe boHi -eilors ind many nsw mesh effects In tha line, platal antfiaotted veilings, worth up tq.B0c.Ysxd ona Qf our best p-riaay-saiJa-'.l i 10c U I Bennett's , Capitol Flour sack S1-68 - And 60 Btamps Bennett's Capitol Bak ing Powder., 6 lb. can, t ...'.... i VM And 100 Stamps Bennett's Best Cofwe. t lb. cah l-00 And 100 'Stamps Bennett's . Basl Coff. 1 lb. And B0 Stamps Bennett's Teas, assorted kinds, pmtnd .M , Ad lit Stamp ' Bennett's' Teas, - assorted kinds, pound .... Me And 66 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Pep per. ''lb. can .... 100 . 'And 6 Stamps Tea . Slftlnga, pound plMT- . . ... t- ' lSo 1 And 1 fiiamps Com aCaal feaia. , lb. toks, wtardr 'r low, . for .1 Small Sour Plcklea, at, don .j S. Stoti wertk's Chocolatja, .lb. c.H.. .s . .'1. S34 And Staaipa t Bnfd.'rs nxicklad. Chill Hum, ot.HaUd Dfe.s lHnal..., Urn And 1 stamps Snldr'a, Catsup, bottle, at .... .'. ..-.' -aao . ... Ao.4.1. Jk'ijPI Double Stamps on gran- ' ulated -Sugar. , Van Houten's Cocoa, at, pound can 780 And 20 Stamps Van Houten's Cocoa, i lb. ran 480 And 10 Stamps Van Houten's Cocoa, H lb. can ao And 6 Stamps Seeded Kaialns, two 11- os. pkgs. . , l&o Currants, pound pkg., three for 86o Cheese, full cream, lb., at aao And 10 Stamps Virginia Bwl.a Cheere, pound- 850 And 10 Stamps Imported Hand Cheese, three for o Medium Sour Pickles, quart lOo ' And 10 Stamps Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg ISHo And 10 Stamps Lawn Qraaa Fertiliser. 16 lb. aack , 4o Flower and Vegeiabla . Seeds.- pkg: ...... SVfco Bennett's Capitol Pure Maple Syrup, , H gal- lun I........ 7So And 60' Staanps" Mlngnonetto Peas, hr.e can. for ......., M And 10 Stamps I f NOTIONS STAPLE AND FANCY AT FROM ONE-HALF I TO ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICES. Mil! Remnants of SI Silks Big asortment of choice patterns and colorings, lengths from 2 to 20 yards, plain and fancies, all at, per yard ,.......... 29c 59c Printed Pongees, 23 inches wide, at, yard . . . .". ..... .30c 50c White Jap Silk, 27 inches wide, at, yard 29c 75c Rough Pongees 27-inches wide, at, yard , . ,39c 85c Black Taffeta, 36 inches wide,' at, yard .."..,....;.69c $1.00 Black Taffetas, 27 inches wide, at, yard . ............. ,79c REMNANTS OF HIGH GRADE Wool Dress Goods IN THE DOMESTIC . ROOM . Goods that sold from 75c to $2.50 a yard, will go In lots at yjird 25 39 40 and 59 In High- Grade .Wool Dress Gopds De partment, Remnants of good worth from. $1.50 to $4.00 yard, at About Halt Price. Remnants of Linens, worth up to $1.50 yard, at yard 25 39 49, and 59, 6,000 yards of Sheeting in remnants, at west counter, rery loom, 2,000 yards of Toweling in remnants from 6 to 10 yards, at about H price Special on Towels, at 5 7H 10 12He "d 19 Exfra Specials for Friday Prom 8:30 to O a m. Indigo Blue Prints, from the bolt, regular price ,6ttc, 10 yards limit, at, yard 2H At 10 a. m. Short lengths from 3 to 6 yards In piece, odds and ends of various goods, as long as they last, at, yard . , ........ .2 At 1:80 p. m, Another bunch ot long remnants from 6 to 10 yards, worth up to 18c yard, at, yard 3H At 2 p. m. All the remnants of tha fine Wash Goods, department that sold up to 50c, at .......... .10 From 2 to 2:80 p. m. The celebrated linen finish' Sheets, 81x90, seamless. seconds of the Utica, nearly air per fect, 4 sheets limit, each ... ,38 8 to 3:80 r. m. $2.60 extra large Bedspreads, 4 spreads limit, at, each 81.32 CANDY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY 20 Sticks Pure Sugar Candy, for 5c Our Special Mixed Candy, at, per pound 12aO 25c Articles I2c 25c heary Wlr Carpet Beaters, at, 114c; S5c Voorman's Sink Strain er. 13if; Nickel plated Flour Sift er. Cracr Jack Cora Poppers, 4 quart lIu and White Pudding Pans, 4 quart Kit and white Preserving Kettle.. Cotton Mops, 25c Wire Clota lin, S Wooden Coat Hang' vr. Ury Hasting Pans, Henis Fruit l'r rlu and Whlt Dippers. I.eatao-rvtt Chair S'ts, all on sala KTUay, tor 12 " wa 1 1 '"r,ll"""T sT V Domestic Room Cloak Department Specials Ladies1 and Misses'' Suits, all colors, very newest styles, spe cial bargains, $3.98 to $10 Women's Underskirts that would sell rejfularly at $1.50, I Moraes, Sateens, etc., etc. Ladies' Wash Waists, that regularly sold to $1.50, Friday, at, choice 39c New Spring Jackets, ladies' and children's choice values, Friday prices $1.08 to $5.98 Women's Wrappers and House Dreses that sell regularly at $1.50 95c Chambray House Dresses, regu lar $2.50 values, at ... .$1.50 Ladies' Wool Skirts, regular values to $5.00, at'... ,$2.08 Children's Flannelette Rompers, Skeis and Dresses, to 75c val ues, at, choice 15c Starch Bala Silver Brand Uloaa anil Corn Starch. I t lb. bos Gluas 8tach, . ova And 10 Stamps 1 lb. pkg. Olos Btarch. at So And i Stamps 1 lb. pkg. Com Btarch, at 6o And 6 Stamps Popcorn, shelled, lb. Bo ronl. I lb., pkg.. . aso B And 10 ti tarn pa vc Codflah all ready to 1 use, 3 cans 800 J L. And 10 Stamps i B Pearhea. C a 1 1 f o r nla 1 . Peaches, 12fcc quality, P (o lb. 1 lbs. for.. ISO is Bennett's Capitol Oats' H or Wheat, t lb. pkg.. j U at 10a n And 10 Stamps , Poppy Milk, large ran, at loo And Btampa .. Newport Cataup, bottle.7 at ..:.' loo J And 10 Stamps Double Stamps on But- terlne, , Tourst Graham Crack ers, nan a sooda. fresh 1 aaxea, pt.- ...... too And 10 Stamps Liooaa-wt 1 . s Cream Cookies, pound.... ISO I H IT'S TO YOUR INTEREST TO TRADE At' HAYDEN'S FOR GROCERIES ; y , We save you from 25 per cent to 50 per cent pn your Grocery Bill. CAKES t, i.t nivh Patent Flour, retails ev erywhere per sack 1.T6, our price for this sale, sack l 5 S bars Diamond C. or Beat 'Em All Soap, for , 26c 2 pound cana fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 7 He X lb. cans fancy Was:. String, Oreen or Lima Beans, for ...TViC S lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash or Baked Beans, for 7VsC 3 lb. cans Fancy Table Apricots, Peaches. Plums or Peare, for ISc Fancy Qolden Table Syrup, per can 8Vc The Beat Self Rising- Pancako Flour, per package 8Sic Brotnangelon, Jellycon, or Jello, pkg. 7c Grape Nuts, per package 10c All kinds Corn Flakes, Breakfast Food, per package 7 Vic Quaker Oats, per package sc The beat Koda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 7Vfcc The best t'rlip Ginger Snaps, lb 7UC The best Crlap Pretzels, lb jc BUTTSX. XCKM, OIRIs AJtD BUT- TzautB Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. 10c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Buter. per pound i ,. rancy no. i lairy nutter, per lb. ... Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb. ... Fancy Full Cream Umburger Cheese per pound 2 pound roll Good Butterlno, for i . ! Fresh Oouatry gga, tho best, doaea Dorinrr .26c .20C at. .IDC ,26c 20c JHMEB nwm roa naTrrrra Fancy J and i Crown Mascatel nalwlns. per pound Kuncy Seeded Ralslns,',per' package' '. ". 7 Fancy Mulr Peaches, per t!kg. ..... A Janoy Yellow Crawford Pachea, lb. 'ii S.fnc? t-leanl Currants, per lb 8'so The beat Lemon, Orange, or Citron pnel, per pound Oa raVXSH TXOBTABI.XS AT lElg THUI WKOUlUXl Beets, Carrots. Tufrilpk and EHallots, bunch Fresh Bplnach, per peck; . . , Fresh Toniatoes. per lb Fresh Cauliflower, per lb Jonathan Apples, per peck .... Two hesds Fresh Leaf Lettuce Two bunches Fresh Kadlshea . Fresh Cabbage, per lb hutahaga. per lb Red tmlons, per lb , Cranberrlea, per quart Anything you want in the veaetablea. we have It at a saving of 60 per cent. ICIKX.AjrS BTATEXi OBAN OB BA1.fl, Regular 30c slse, dosen ot.S.tfia Regular 26c 1ce, docen X7Hd Regular lOo slse, dosen 200 Regular 40c .lie, dosen 28o Regular 60c also, dosan ton Orange Sppns, guaranteed for ten years, ''.' . eo Wo save you I Ho oa every s(ioon. , . .i!0c .12 'io . . .100 . . .40j ....60 . . . .60 ,.!Ho 2d ..21J I 7S FOUGHT TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO t