THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1910. 17s XT f i "T"T"k T 71 T T XT T7V AfS T T T Tr V i!wiinlVll Bde Want Ads . ts,,a.y A- V A a. X. a. v-z V X T JL 1 AX JU K W JL A rm IF. ftVantJ Column Enerrfv v i?A urn: 4 . i. t -5 L i r -J Ar kmmm T A S ss u far . a w w w it " ,-, 1 A U luuumnm. I 1 AkmrnMrnmrn A 'V ".l"1 Want Ads AlTfrllarmnU fur tha want ad tolinat will fee taken aatll 13 at. $ (he fTrnlii cdltlaa aad until "ia" a., far taa aaarala and Sanday tloas. Cesn snaat iroayr all trl far , B-. 4 m advertisement will be accepted far Ira tkan SO eeats far first laaertlaa. Ratee aaaly ts iltiw Tha Daily aaday Baa. A I war a taait al ta a Una. CAHn RATES rOR WAWT ADS. REQULAR CfcARSirrCATCOft Oaa Insertion, 1 l- rente ne word and 1 rent per ward far aaaa iabail Inacrtlaa. Each Insertion sand aa mill daya, 1 1-3 cents par wortl fl.B par lima aar aeaath. Weat ads far Taa Baa aaay a left at aar af tba fallawlac ra ataraa aaa la roar "eoraer tlraMlaf" tkaa ara all kraafk affleaa for Taa Baa aad yaar a will ba InHrtrl Jaat aa roniatlr aaal aa taa aaaaa rataa aa at tha aaala afflra fa Taa Daa Balltllas, fpilrtlk aaal Paraam atractal Albacn, W. C. Wli and Farnara. nrnnck. i. A.. ft B. 10th B. Ilacht Pharnoacy. HQ B. 10th . Pnon PhiirmacK Senaon, Nab. 7mlo Park Fbarrr.acy, tM anJ Cunilnf. Hlnka-Bradlah. t?1 Pherman Ara. CauKhlln, C. K., to and P1rra Sta. Clifton Kill Pharmacy, n Military Ara Con?a. J B.. tlaf Ava. and Karnam. Crlneey Pharmacy, tub and Laka. tV'onry Pharmacy, IM8 B. 1th Ht. Csrinak. KmU. lM-4 S. l?th St. Khler, P. H.. twt Learenworth. Poatar A Arnoldl. til N. h HC Freytag. John J.. I N. Mth St. Kraaaer rru Co.. 1 N. !6th "t. rio.-pnra rru Co., Floraiice, Nao. Ooldinan Pharmacy. )th atd lka. Orana Pharmacy, Park Ava. and Paclf! firatioush. O. A.. J a 10th St. Oiecnough. O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. Wllllarf. C. 8920 Farnam St. Hanacom Part: Phar.. taOl g. tttb Ava Holt, John. tH N. istn St. Huff. A. U, t2 Leavenworth f. JohRnaon rroa Co., 24th and Bpaldinir Bta Klnv, H. 6. t&ti Fam am ft Kountia Placa Pharmacy. 2904 N. Mth. Marea. Fred t,.. W19 Central Blvd. Patrick Drue Co., 1624 N. Mth I.athrop, Charlaa E.. iSU N. Mth St. Peyton. L. B., Mth and Leavenworth Rt- Saratoga Drue Co., Mth and Amee Ava. chaefer'a Cut Price Drug Btore. IStli and Chicago 6ta Schaefer, Auguat, 2831 N lftth '. KchmlJt. J. H., 14th and Cuming Sta. Ktorm Pharmacy, Kith and Martha 8ta. 'alnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. "'aiton Pharmacy, tOth and Grace Sta, Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FlERAL NOTICES. EI,MOREN John P., aged 80 yeara 7 days, .March 14, 1!10. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 1:30 from family residence, 717 North Heventeenth Dtreet to Immanuel Lutheran church. Nine teenth and Catii streets, at 2 o'clock. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends In vited. CARD or THANKS. Rudolph Schultz and family wish to thank tnair many rrlenas, wnu nave aliown tiietr knunesa and Byniuutny to uu uuniiK the recent lllneaa and bedlu ot my beiovea ne and our bvloved inutnrr. B HIT US AND DEATHS. Births Will M. Pile. ps, 22.7 North Twen- livitl sirtec, Uo, ; 11,11111 lelauiK", ou .oria ruilj-liillu auaut, uuy; tiomer Weuge, jiiiuna ociitiai lioeviial, boy; Ernusi inouipson, Sou til i wenty-vitshtu ave- u, Uuy. lualhs Arthur 1). Stowltts, Thirty-sixth iiiu cumuiK streets, 4i;'iiaov Alien. i416 Vuilou street; joiin P. jluibrii, ill Worta t eiueeiun street, bu. Ml' i . MARUIAGB LICiiNSliS. Name and Henidence. 1.. ,y is, itobfita, umalia... , cnriktman, uiuuia.... Age. .... 21 .... ti Aiillor C. Alford, Huron. 3. D., .... 38 .UiUa Morgan, bloux Falls, 8, L 2d Alfred B. Paulson, SuUx, la 24 etna Madison, hioox liu, la z4 Herman H. Sohullx, Beaver CroBsinK.... 24 luary Meyer, Omaha 24 Marinus Jensen, Omaha 21 May Wlese, Omaha 21 Henry A. Kruse, Fort Calhoun ii Mugtfie ohrt. Fort Calhoun HQ Otto Schneider, Gretna 21 ihlrsa Moore, Omaha... 21 Leslie C. Hindman, Omaha 22 tlia kj. Chollman, Omaha ., Li Kalph K. Drennan, Corning, la 28 Mabel lilddlck, Omaha 2i Asmus Oehl, Benson 23 Maggie fritolley, Benson Zl ANNOUNCEMENTS (mat CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal. V. OAU couiant Bqulrea. 1406 Fai'. l. Hja MONEY TO LOAN LOW UATK, In suma to suit. S10 Bee Bldu. Phone Duui:. L.iO. i-UAN COMPANY. WESTERN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Be Uldg. Mulllgraphed letters. Loug. 3U4L UOOU MERCHANTS LUNClii e; rT A. JETErt. J302 Douglas hi. AS. LYNCH BKOS. 1LUN(AND ilKPAlK WORK A SPECIALTY. 10i a Kin. Phonu Lou'aa 1477. ILEIi GltAND HOTEL KraHowg'rdVJ!- ' Turkish Baths SUOKS called tor and delivered free. Standard Sho Repair Co.. 1MM Farnam. J. A. FITZPATR1CK. plumbing. hot nater, ateuin baatllng. 1.21 Cuming. D. 1344. MAUGARD Van & Storage or Omaha Trunk Van & biorugw Co. Pack, move, atora and alilp 11. li. goods. Li. I4ssi, B i4l CLEANERS of Everything Wall paper t'lramd to look like new, $1 per room up. All woik taken by contract, such as cleaning tombstones und all kinds of marble, white and rv1 stone; brick fronts of all kinds. Chris Ellington. 812 N. 18th. Tel. Doug. 7 Ha. C. H. CLAVIER, auctioneer. 4 Leaven worth St. Y)AT. Ullnola lump, par ton. 4.7 K.yjAlJ p. J. Creedon t Sona. 4.' lb and Dodg. Tel. Harney Utlu. Missouri FUtera uiad. sold. 1310 Howard. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Annuunca the opening of their new store, low-i Farnam. A complete line of Sherwm William's Paints. Oils. Varnishes, White Iud, Brushes, lllars and Wall paper. Ba ilable glaxlng and arttmio framing. Phones Douglas AIM; lnd. A-M21. BARRETT-JOHNSON CO., The Well Known Tailors, WHO HAVE BEEN AT 1507 FARNAM ST. FOR THE PA. ST SIXTEEN YEARS. HAVE MOVED 524 So. 16th St. Opposite Rome p1mun flLv.L-o BERT QUALITY. VCUienl lilOCkS 1J!4l cement Stone Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Con'.lnued. HK1 REMOVAL SALE FRIBt'MAN IiOAN OFFICE 211 S. 12th, Is moving to H. B. COR. 13TH and IKJI GLAS. Clothing. Khoes, Hats, Jewelry, etc., sold below cost. OFFICE STATIONERY f,,'"".' live lens. Koiera Co.. IMC Jackson. 'Phona D. IMA n. F. Wl'RN. Optician, moved from lth and Farnam to R. 44. Brandels Bldg. Monuments, J. F. Bloom Co.. Ula Far. W. W. Scott. Photographer. Photos taken anywhere any time. D. I1&. H. jTPenfold & Co. BZ plica. Invalid Chairs. Elastic Htocklng. Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, 1412 Harney Mf. fluff rues, rag carpets: carpet clean ing. I). 2zl. Polcar A Co.. 1442 Bo. ISth. Door bells other wiring repaired, u. &u. THE Cltv Garbage Co.. Tel. Doug. 13X7. cleans vault, cesspools and removes ma nure, ashea and all kinds of refuse. D. W. DUDGEON. Plumbing and heating. ELEVATORS REPAIRF.U Freight, Pas- tnger., J. li. Kennedy, 104 a. utn. ooui awi. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. LEW W. RABER, Printer. Bee Bldg., after April 1. Tel. D. 101. Fence Iron and Wire Champion Fenco Co., Uth & Jackson Sts. Tel. D. 1590 PATXTTTMiT Pec my spring line of wall I A AIM AJ.1NU pat.or. Munson. Tel. R.6M2 ANCHOR FENCB CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Laat a Lifetime. K7 N. 17th. 'Phone Red J1A Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44. CV) AT , S. A H. Oreen Trading Stampa wIth har(J and Bott coal people's Coal Co. Douglas 1754: Independent A-146S. PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid Blase Etching. Prompt Work. W. n. BRAMBLETT & CO.. 1311 Howard. D. 6971 Monuments, J. F. Bloom 4 Co., 1815 Far. AUTOMOBILES Acroplaaa. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1102 Fsrnam. Dlstbra. Matthewsnn-Marr Aeroplanes. Call or write for specifications. Automobiles. BUGGY BARGAINS. DELIVERY WAGONS BELOW COST. AUTO, TOPS, REPAIRING AND PAINTING. SHOW US YOUR CAR. DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney Sts. KEND for our list of aacond-hand car DE1UQHT At'iOMOBILK ":0.. 1814 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE repairing at any hour.any time and anywhere; for first claaa me chanics call Douglas 72S1. Storage, second-hand cars. Diamond Urea. The Paxton-Mitchell Co., 231 Harney St. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat apace for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night. Tire vulcanising, oils and supplies. Broadway. Council Bluffs. Ind. C7L Black sow. , AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. WM. PFE1FER CARRIAGE WORK. 2uth Ava and Leavenworth. PA1?K"K!Y Z230 FARNAM STREET. L Automobile Overhauling, Repainting and Repairing. Douglas WS. INTERNATIONAL - Delivery Wagons. I.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Company, Omaha. Auto Paintinff MurPhy Did it." Get ftUlUlalUUUgour prices. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. CENTRAL MACHINE, WORKS DOES AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. 04 S. 10th St. CALL US for demonstration of Cole "30." Midwest Auto Co.. Uth and Farnam. ATTTO Lamps enameled. L. Flescher. Auiu 1622 Capitol Avonue. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTfiCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs la. SO ACRES good farm land In Red river valley. Minn., near town and railroad; want automobile. Addresa P. o. 100. WRITE for list uutomohlle bargains. H. E-. FKEDRICKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. BARGAIN in second-hand car, over hauled and repainted; looks like new; for sale or trade. Pres-to-Lite tanks for sale. Standard Automobile Co., 20'.'4 Farnam. Tel. Douc. 1821. FOR SALE For best bargains In auto mobiles, write or call on tha NEBRASKA-BUICK AUTO CO., 1U12-16 Farnam St. BARGAINS in used cars; send for list Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 510 Pearl SL BAl?fJATKS 1n use1 automobiles. IVXIUAIINO Velu Automobile Co., 190? Farnam St. FOR SALE A new Marlon four-cylinder, five-passenger, 30 h. p. touring car. all complete and never used; cost $1,860; can be sold so aa to aave the purchaser MiO. The Marlon is a high-grade automobile, made by the firm who build the Overland. Phone Doug. 312, or write Box M. Omaha, Neb. KISSELL KAR The beat buy for service on the market Write for list of used cars. K1S8EL.L AUTO CO.. 212D Farnam St. Doug. 2920. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or aut of. business call 00 GANGE3TAU, a4 Be lildg. Tel. D. Js7. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A complete, up-to-date stock of geneial merchandise, la meet the trade of tne best farming com munity In Gregory county; 13 m.los from railroad; an opportunity for you; we are going to sacrifice to sell at once; real es tate busineta demands our attention; Ger man locality niobtly; a good trading point; 2 churchea. Catholics and Lutheran, 1 bank, t blacksmith shops, lumber yard, postof (ice, newspaper, good hardware, hotel, butcher snop. livery barn. We are aver aging $15v dally, square Deal Land Co., Carlock. S. D. $1,609 buys the only restaurant business In good town of about too, owner must aell to move out on homestead filing, bnap to right party; no trades considered. Address Y Jod, Bee. FOR SALE Mest market; good location; will sell right. If sold soon. Inquire of U. W. Tennaul. Tobias. Neb. TWO-CHAIR barber shop lor sale. Hot N. lsih tit BUSINESS CHANCES IContinued.) AN OPPORTUNITY One of the blggeht colleges In the west, located In one of the best cities In Nebraska, need a new lmi room dormitory for boys; to the right party, who can manage It, the college will furnish half the money or- more If neces sary to build In the heart of the city, and will keep the rooms ruled : Incomo rrom the rooms alone will he $nfl0 per month; this rhans a fortune to some one, but no one need apply who cannot furnish the best of references and invest from $10,000 lo 120.000. Address Y Ulti. cute Omaha Bee. BARGAIN In stock of merchandise; build ing, including resilience, can be rented very reasonably, owner must change cli mate account of health. Write L. J Weg man. Halbur, la., for particulars. POOL hall, barber shop and confectionery store for sale. Bargain. Write for par ticulars to German Savings bank, Halbur, la. RAPID ahoe repairing shop, with fac tory machine; best plant In the state; largest repairing In the city; best trade; sickness; Charles P. McCullough, 206 Fourth St.. Sioux City. Tt. GET In or out of business In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, sea Will larna, 411 McCague Bldg. I FOR SALE OR RENT. Modern blacksmith shop; work for two men. t all on or addreeu, A. W. Knight, Belgrade Neb. FOR SALE Confectionery, doo! hall. lunch, barber shop, the only business of kina nere. Lock Box &i, Angu.i, Neb. FOR SALE Stock general merchandise; county seat town, western Nebraska. Clean, up-to-date stock, no clothing; In voice about 120,000. Leading store of the town; oaue of selling falling health. Ad dress lock box U6. Haatings. Neb. WANT man to take Interest In legitimate business; big profits; no competition: must have 12,600 to $3,000. Address, F 172. Bee. FOR SALE 2 harness shcpK, 1 grocery store and meat market. S. J. Locke, Essex, la. FOR BALE Up-to-date equipped machine and automobile repair shop; best between Des Moines and Omaha; 1T,000 business last year; good reason for soiling; price, $2,000. Write J. J. Chapman, Bagloy, la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. About 60.000 rolls of finest stock of wall paper In Omaha; fine location for good painter and wall paper man. Addresa S 878, Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam St. Douglas MJ. DANCING MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; lessons Mod., Fri., S p. m.; private daily. D.-1041. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. $d floor. Paxton. D.10S TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Donglaa St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency, 428 Paxton. D. 1319. DRESSMAKERS M. 6ELECOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. LADIES' skirts cleaned St pressed. R. 4211 T3RRY COLLEGE, 20th and Farnam Sta MISS STURDY. ,2702 Fnrnam. Tel. H. 4C70. LADIES' tailoring and . dressmaking. Model Tailoring Co.. 606 N. 18th. D. 4 CHILDREN'S dresses and Infant outfits a specialy. 'Phone A-1934. EDUCATIONAL BOTT ES' COLLEGE, the largest business college In all tha U. r went of Chicago. DAY AND NIGHT COURSES. Trains younr people for successful ca reers as stenographers, bookkeepers, tel egraphers and U. S. civil servloo railway mall clerks, carriers and government clerks; tine, big, Interesting, Instructive catalogue free for the asking. , Ask now. Both 'phones. Boylea College, Omaha. Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couise In business, sho-t. hand, penmanship and English. None- but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send fvr one today. MOSHER & LA WPMAN. Severr.eenth and Faraam Straeta. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion water makes clear, white rkln. By mall 50o and 1100. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's claases Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungale. mi Brandels Bldg. Tel. Had MSA. MRS. MATTHEWS, hair goods. 304 Neville. PANTORIUM ?NE VrTy- "Good cleanera and dyers." DO YOUR 8PRING SEWING AT THE Young Women's Christian Association. Adult classes for making underwear, spring shirtwaists and dresses. Children's classes for making doll's clothes and children's aprons and under- SPUING TERM BEGINS NEXT WEEK FOR EASTER YOU'LL FIND AS GOOD, BUT YOU'LL PAY MORE FOR A HAT LIKE OURS $2.00. OMAHA HAT FAC TORY, 114-16 SO. 13TH ST. THE SA II LIN WAIST, sold exclusively at WEINLANDER & SMITH, 317 S. 10th St. JOHN II. BATH "owr Kr customers are alwaya pleased. Boyd Theater Bids- Tel. Douglas 30U0. Illi' K TflM 'Q 15lh and Farnam Sts. JAJCjXWIN oTelfphone jjouiii.. 81. Agenta for Malllard's, Park and Tllford's Continental and Lownry'a Chocolates, V to 5-lb. packages at from 30c to $5. nAVHTTPP MILLINERY for Easter. UAiiiurr N -iilU bt ,.ju,t opening our fifth Spring Seaaon." WHIiOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at Vk retail prices. Wa are direct importer and aave you the dealers' profit. Brln us your old plumes. We'll mske them aa good as new at a trifling cost. H. GOLD B FUG A SONS. 161 Howard. r'TITrT0 ,ne leading tailor and dreas--lll-JW, niaker. lnvttea hi patrons of Omaha and elsewhere to Inspect the spring and summer styles and material of 1310. Parlors. 214-210 S. 18th St. J. F. WILCOX. Co. Bluffs. Ia.; largest greenhouaee In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. XlflT? AWf! The gentleman' popular made In Omaha fur the money. A trial a 01 convince you. 2914 Sherman Ave. FOR EASTER (Continued.) J. HANSEN, upholsterer and furniture repairer. Iul2 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 32.-K. HnRClM "AIR SHOP. Have Just te liyjUJ celved a large, full line of $C-tnch switches. See our prices; 24-Inch switches, $5.50. Our halrdreaMng. manicuring, massage, electrolysis and chiropody departments are the best and newest In the west. Exclu sive Marinello syatem. Entrance through KERNS, Millinery, 1503 Douglas SL Doug. 2U6. BALDWIN & HEATH MILLINERS. Easter Styles on Display Mth and Ohio Sts. O'Connor & Emblen Mmin- nental Blk. Latest spring patterns In. Easter egg dyf. 60; Easter perfumes, 60 to $5.00. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. 18tn and Dodge. Owl Drug Co., 18th and Harney. CVPTIQ Garden ad field seeds. Younk-OILiLiJ-'O erman 6ed Co.. Co. Bluffs. Ia. nnTTT A 1JT1 Dressmaking, Room 4. 1523 UUA11-rtxtiDouglaa St. Phone A-3952. ARKIN 'S KOSIIERf.,,.; nniVTJTV Raster millinery. i5i N- J4tn st Webster 197ft. LADIES' AND OEI-fTS SUITS Cleaned and Pressed; altera'.mns a specialty. 2601 N. 24th. Web. 478?; B-2231. SHIRTWAISTS for ladlea artistic ally made to order. M. LEVIN, 404 Web.-Sund. Blk. Doug, 7913. C'TTTRrrS Made to your order for Ea OHXiVXO ter BURGESS SHIRT CO., 61$ Karbach Blk. Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Both 'phone. DALZELL'S for Ice cream and Ices; good things to eat. Both phone. TILE FRENCH WAY gSMSSS Ladles' ' and men' ' clothe , cleaned im macutely. PHOTOS S24?hst!M BTUDIO, K0 DTfFSFS Suits, Tuxedos, full dres XJltlliOOrjO ulu eiightly used, bought and sold. Feldman, 216 N. 17th St. Doug las 3128, A 2636. ERDMAN'S celebrated .Havana filled Be cigar; Gen. Watson cigars, a 10c cigar; all Havana wrapper and filler. ERDMAN'S celebrated Cacti oap. ERDMAN'S celebrated cough drops. Erdman'a celebrated Sklddoo soap pasta. One agent wanted In each town; J00 per cent profit. W. F. ERDMAN, Both Phone. ' 103S S. 22d 8t. Now showing "The Broadway," "The Flsk, The Rich," 'The McCarren" pat terns for Faster at Pennell', 1611 Doug las St. .?! IRMEN THE OLD RELIABLE. finltai tn rtrA at" $15 S oux City and Omaha. Still sticking to Sioux City, where other Omahana have lauea. see me ct.lM N. 16th St., opposite postofflce. ' . . WHAT Is the use of taking up your car pets when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hours T Free estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Douglas block, 107 S. lGth St. Phones: Doug. 746; Ind. A-1936. Across,. from Hayden'. . WHY pay big prices to have your dresses made when you can do them your self at KJEISTER COLLEGE. 606 Kar bach blk. ROYAL FRENCH ,DRY CLEANERS. Pressing and all kinds of repairing work guaranteed satisfactory. 2301 Leavenworth St. PREPARE your home for Easter with new or Zd-hnnd furniture and rug at rea sonable prices. 220 N. lth, opposite Loyal hotel. DERBY WOQLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 103 So. ' 15th SL Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Aniea Ave., accurato compounders of prescription. Frsa delivery. Store open 6:30 am to 11 p. m. IlTi 1 linoT'V For Easter, we have all th milliuerv utest patterns for this sea son. Wa are out of the high rent district. See our .line then' deolde. Mr. Helen Kroenert. 12C2 8. 13th. r1 TAT Deliver Shirts blue Wagons 3- lars Call our Wagon Prompt Delivery. Kimball Laundry Ta'-isI': WATCHES and Jewelry at reduced prices. Repairing guaranteed. A. A. Cecha, 1M8 8. Uth St. SANITARY HAIRDRESSINO PARLORS Marinello Creams Used and Sold. 601 Paxum Block. Phone D. 467t TRY our Cakes, always fresh. Leaven worth St. Bakery, 2707 U-worth. H. 6u9i. CRIPPLE has earned $1,018 prize for In fants' home. NOW help lilm out. See per sonal for particular. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. & store entr'ca HESS A BWOBODA. 141$ Farnam St. I. H. BATH. 162S Harney, Douglas 300. A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Fsr. D. 1001; A-1001. , L. Henderson. 151$ Farnam St. Doug. 1261 BRANDEI9 CUT FLOWERS DEPT. FURNACES AND REPAIRS NEW FURNACES, water fronts, tank heatera and repairs of every make; 1206-1 Douglua St. Omaha Stove Repair Works. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. Steno. and bkpr., $t5. STENO., out of town, abstract offices, $50 Expeitenced cashier, $25. board and room. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 7 Yrs.) WANTED Three energetic women with salesladies' ability. 879 Brandeli Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and bill clerk with reference, lady preferred. Address Box 1034. Factery aaa Trade. MACHINE GIRLS Good wage. Burgeas Shirt Co. WANTED Millinery apprentice girls at once. Meracheim. 204 Paxton block. Housekeepers aad Domes t Ira. A GOOD girl; must be able to cook. 3025 Dodge. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages, $003 Mason St., Tel. Harney S441. GOOD girl for general housework; a nice pleasant room. $5 per week. Mrs. Gtorge Mark. 1623 Wirt St- Phone Web ster $840. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeepere and Domeetlee Coat'd HOUSEKEEPER wanted. No. $114 8. 22d t. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family and good wages. 1906 S. 83d St. WANTED Competent housekeeper, 2403 N. 19th St. No children. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry; good place and good pny for a competent gnL om a. Z6lh Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply li Para Ave. GOOD girl for general housework, 3002 Dodge SL Tel. Maxney 141. WANTED Good girl for second work Mrs. J. F. Wilcox. 1132 Pierce SL, Council Bluff. Ia. WOMAN to do washing and ironing Tel. Harney 3389. 709 Georgia Ave. WANTED Olrl or woman for general housework; family of three, good wagea If competent. 607 N. ltn St. RELIABLE girl for general housework; no laundry. 3408 Dewey Ave. GIRD for reneral housework, also second girl; good wages. Mrs. II. V. Burkley, -1102 B. 30th Ave. Phone Harney zmi. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 3526 Farnam St. or telephone Har ney 899. WANTED A good white laundre. Tel Harney 1338. 4012 Farnam St. WANTED A girl for second work; refer ences. 332 8. 17th St. WANTED Bright, willing girl to assist with housework and care of one child; tasy place, lit S. 25th St. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework; no washing. Call 1K5 win at. GIRL or elderly lady to help with house work. 2013 Chicago. WANTED A nursa girl. 2919 Webster. 'Phone Harney 636. WASHERWOMAN wanted two days every other week. Mr. Thomas Brown, 1824 WlrL MIDDLE-AGED ladv to assist with housework In modern country home, close to Omaha. 1250 S. 16th St. GIRL for second work. 114 S. 35th Avo. WANTED A housekeeper in family of mree. rat (jaiirornia. GIRL or widow for husework and to care for children. 2127 Douglas SL Charles Walker. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages; good home. Mr. F. H. Gaines, 115 N. 32d Ave. GIRL for general housework. 2039 Har ney SL GOOD girl wanted for general house work. 1904 Elm SL, Tel. Douglas 4316. WANTED Girl for general houacwork; no Sunday work; wages, $5.00. 198 S. 33d. IF good girl, not too young, wants a good place, where cooking la plain, call 4123 Farnam St. GOOD second girl at 2013 Douglas St., at once. GIRL wanted to do plain cooking. Ap ply 1906 Farnam St. GOOD girl for general housework; Good wages; small family; apply at once. 1020 S. 36th. Tel Harney 2104. WANTED Girl for' general housework; small family. 626 8. Mth St., Red 4490. GIRL wf.nted for general housework, also washl'ig; $6. 133 N. 40th. Phone Har ney 6179. GOOD woman for housework. 1708 Lake St. Tel Douglas 1314. WANTED Girl for general housework, good wages, one who can go home nights. 107 N. 20th fit. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework. Call 1616 Sherman Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family; good wages. 222 S. 86 th SL 'Phone Harney 619. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family; good home to right party. Apply 628 N. Mth St., or 1101 N. 23d St., South Omaha. Tel. South 1673. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small- family; best wages. 101 N. 39th SL SMALL girl Ao take care of child from 6 to 7 years. In evening. 2566 SL Mary's Ave. A COMPETENT girl for general house work In family of S adults by the lth or 20th of March. Mrs. B. S. Baker, 102 8. 38th SL 'Phone Harney 817 or A-1616. WANTED at once. A middle aged house keeper. 2580 Spalding. Tel. Webster 3910. WOMAN to do cooking and girl for seo ond work. 1612 Grace St. GOOD girl for general housework. 'Phone D. 4816. 1910 Elm St. GOOD, strong, experienced girl, to as sist with general housework, no wash ing or cooking, gooa wages. 2408 Cass. YOl'NG girl to assist In light housework; two In family. Apply mornings. Uin tah apartments. No. 16. YOUNO girl to assist with housework; go home nights. 1918 Farnam. WANTED Girl for general housework. In small family. Call mornings or evenings. 1712 Burt, Flat D. GIRL of school age to help with house work and care of children. 823 South 25th Ave. GIRL for housework. Mrs. C. H. Wil son, 2910 N. 24th St. Phone Webster 1487. GIRL to assist with housework. 1512 N. 26th Bt. GIRL for general housework, $6; no wash. Ing. Tel. Harney 1026. 3315 Burt SL WANTED Experienced cook and second maid; good wages. Apply 1303 Park Ave. GIRL to help care for two children and do general housework. Must sleep at home nights. Tel. Harney 4644. 223 S. 30th SL WANTED-At once, a laundreas for Mon day and Tuesday. 803 Worthlngton Place. GIRL for general housework, family of four, no washing. 602 8 35th Ave. Phone Harney 1481. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; email family; wages $6.00. Apaitment with bath. 3504 Wool worm Ave. Tel. Harney 1M. . WASHERWOMAN wanted. 2211 Bt. Mary's Ave. WANTED-A girl for general housework; family of three. 618 B. 29th SL, no children. GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily. Can go home nights. Apply at 2018 VUrt St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2912 8. Mth St. Three In family. No ohildren . Tel. Red 2900. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th SL, South Omaha. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Bet pay, small family; no washing. '829 Park Ave. Phone Harney 143a HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoasekeepere and Boniest Ice Cont'd. GIRL for general hourework; no laundry work; wages $5. 108 S. 33d. WANTED Girl for housework: young girl preferred. 1024 N. 83d. Phone Harney Jois. GOOD girl for general housework; no laundry work; wagea $5; 108 S. 23d St. GIRL tn do general housework In small fumlly. 3331 Harney. Tel. Harney 29. A GIRL for general housework: good wagea; no laundry work. 845 S. 2"A. COMPETENT girl for general housework; three In family; no children. Tel. Red 20. Webster 1853. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. 25S0 Manderson St. A n i r.i- -v i i e,:u,i nouseworK and cook In small family; pleasant part of olty; best wagea. 'Phone B 2448 or call at 1128 Chlcasro St. GIRL Experienced second work. 630 8. 20th. Douglas 2827. WANTED Girl for second work. 1S39 8. 36th Ave. Harney 2904. COMPETENT maid for second work. Mrs. 8. B. Kennard. 1824 Dodge. SALESLADIES wanted. Call at I a. m., 8. W. cor. 13th and Farnam. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Dour Ins County Hospital. 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. LEARN HAIRDRERSINOi It pays. You can earn $15 to $26 weekly. Full course taught. J. L. Brandels, Halrdresslng Dept. BODY lroners and hand Ironera wanted at once. Evan's Laundry, 207 So. 11th. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salcaraea. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or writ Twentieth Century Farmer. 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha. N. AGENTS everywhere; send three dollars for three sample equalizers, retail for three dollars each, 200 per cent profit No competition; easily applied, full directions. The hardest working pumps work easy. Wind mills work easily and noiselessly with slightest wind. Great money maker. Write today, now. Equaliser Manufacturing Company, (40 Bee Building, Omaha. WANTED A solicitor with arse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. Th Bee ?ubUsnag Co. EXPERIENCED coll. ctor for house fur nishing Co.; state experience and reference. Address H 479. Bee. AGENTS to handle the $18 "Bennett" Typewrter; territory going faat; good prop osition. Write quick. Bartlett Supply Co., State Agts.. Brown Blk., Omaha. Neb. 100.000 ACRES Good live agents wanted. Liberal commissions. Write for our latest maps. Maxwell Land Co., Aberdeen, S. D. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY lOU $16 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID , INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO., -800 Brandels Bldg., Omaha Neb. WANTED Agenta to co-operate with us In the sale of South Dakota land; we fur nish the land and pay a good commission. Address Lock Box 845, Gettysburg, 8. D. CIGAR Salesman In your locality. Ex perience unnecessary; good pay. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. HOUSEWIFE will buy on Bight: new useful demonstrated succeas; big profit; write today. Walter L,. Brooks. 326 E. Uth, Davenport, la. Dors. WANTED 6 reliable boys: good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. Uth. WANTED Good delivery boy. Apply at Eominer Bros. Phone Harney 1329. Clerical aad Office. IF you are open for a good position, BEE US AT ONCE, or write for COMPLETE list or vacancies. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN.. INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 7 Yrs.) WANTED Brian t young man with some experience as steno. In contractor's office. $10 per week ard good chance for advance ment. Must turnisn nest oi rererences. Aa- dress P 600, Bee. FOR GOOD POSITIONS SEE US. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 674-6 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Three energetic men with salesmanship ability. 879 Brandels Bldg. LOOKING FOR A. POSITION? If so, see hM AT ONCE. We can place you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Trades. PAINTER ' wanted. Call at 6013 Capitol Ave, YOUNO man about 18 to learn drug bus iness. W. A. Plel, 18th and Farnam. COAT and panta maker wanted Lundgard, Council Bluffs. A. M. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. KnlesL Bee Bldg. BAKER wanted; good 2d baker, at once; phone Hooley's Bakery, Kearney, Neb. GOOD coatmakers, sacks, $8 and up, and also a good panta and vestmaker. A. J. Struts, (tailor), Walnut, Ia. BARBER WANTED $12 guarantee, good man can make from $12 to $16 per week. Steady JoD. Answer quick. M. Kinney, Campbell, Neb. MAN about 26 yeara of age to work around factory. Prest-O-Llte Co., Eleventh and Seward. S lkellks aa aa. WANTED Man and wife without chil dren to work on small country place near Omaha. Man to do garden work and wife for cooking and housework. Excellent po sition the year round for the right couple. Address B 604, Omaha Bee. MEN WANTED to prepare for railway mall examinational commencement salary IbOO; preparation free. Franklin Inalltute. 187 L, Rocheater. N. Y. WANTED Grading outfit, with elevating grader and read machine; can start Imme diately; all time work. N. P. Dodge A Co.. 15th and Harney. Tel. Doug. 629, or Harney d If 2797. v-KEE Employment Bureau. Business Mi Ass n.. 440 Board of Trade. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; time saved by ateady nractlce; careful Instructors; tools given; Slplomaa granted; wages Saturday; posi tions waiting; splendid demand for graduates- write today. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Mth St.. Omaha. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. WANTED Three hundred teams for double track work on Union Pacific H. R.. Knrtb Piatt to Julesburg. Phalan-Bhtrley Company, loot N. Y. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. ASK me how you can start a profitable mall order business at bom evening, lis. TTECF-WANTED MALE" l lffllssnitt ontlnoeil. EARN $10 to $1S a week during spars time; we ss mniMifacturers start you and furnish everything; no canvassing: throe simple successful mall order planj to keep our factories busy; we coarh you and show you how to get business; yott pay us In three months and make big profits; spare time to start; write today for posi tive proof. Pease Mfg. Co,, 53J I'ease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. MEN'S pants cleaned A pressed. R. 4213. WANTED Night watchman; must he steady and rellnble; good chanro for ad vancement ; state wages wanted. Address D 434, Bee. WANTED A live and energetic young man with some real estate experience; must, be a hustler. Call 12 to 1 noon, or 6 to 6 V. 416 BRANDKIS BLDG. WANTEIv-RXPKRIENCFn HEAL ES TATE SALESMAN. 8AI.ARY, AND COM MISSION. ADDRESS. W 502, BEE. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses ana 1 chicles. WAGON repairing, painting. lettering, rubber tire put on and first clasa blacksmith work dona by Johnson Danforth Co., lOtl. and Jones Sta. ' MILLER A WINDER buy and TseUnTl kinds of horses. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. FINE line of sample buggies and surrlrs; will be sold cheap 1117 Farnam St. FROST, repairs wagons. 714 S. Mth. HORSE'S Clipped, 1415 Cap Ave., D 1S10. PHAETON and hsrness. Phone Doug. ;i4. LOST AND FOUND LOST Tuesday evening, March 8, ladies open-faced gold watch. Finder bring to Princess theater. Reward. LOST Young white French poodle. Re turn to 2623 Sherman Ave. Reward. goal; WE Save you $1 to $2 In weight per ton. good quali ty. Tel. 1). 2)0(1-11 fiSJW. FULL WEIGHT COAL CO. LOST Pearl Brooch with diamond In center. Reward for return. Telephone Douglas 673 or Harney 1166. LOST Small, round, oppn scroll work, light enamel breast pin with six small dia monds In It. Liberal reward. Inquire of manager Western Union TeU graph Co. FOUND a pair of gia-ses. Owner call D. 3449. MEDICAL DR. MAXWELL, Begs to announce to he patrons that be has returned from his tour around the world, which he began October 1, and that he la now at li Is ofQce, 624 Bee Bldg., and prepared to resume his practice as a specialist In diseases of the rectum, piles, fistula, etc., all of which he cures without . cutting : or burning and without pain. Dr. Maxwell has resided in Omaha for twenty-four years. A guarantee given in all case, treated. Telephone Douglas 1424. PILES-FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL DISEASES cured without surgical operation and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME, reo chloroform, ether or other general anaesthetlo used. EXAMINATION FREE. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK, DR. E. R. TARRY. 124 BEE BLDO. OMAHA. NEB. COSTS YOU NOTHING If you have a ehronln disease to try the FAMOUS FREH TREATMENT at the Radium Medical and Burglcal Institute, northwest corner HUt and Farnam. r AVERAGE TIME TO CURE. Rupture, one visit. Piles and Fistula, I days. Cancer, Catarrh, Rheumatism and. Gout, 30 day. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc, 90 days. No knife, blood or Pain. See how quickly and easily these cures are possible when you become fully Informed concern ing our new methods. Write for free book. GERMAN DOCTORS, Corner Main and Broadway, Council Bluff.. Ia. BEST nerve braoe tor man., Gray's Nerve, Food Pills. II a box, postpaid. Shermaa tl )t McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. ' f FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised bv college professors, 'phone Douglas 1107, Calls answered day or night. MONEY TO LOAN - SALARY AND CHATTELS. it on U PIANOS. SALARIES I I? UltlNl l ultrJt rjm.uu, uun II at ma iouov..n ..." U COo a week pays $10 loan. $$ 0o a werk pays $& loan. U 11.60 a week pay $50 loan. 1$ $$ we are tne r. i c.o 4 aim uiLai, li OMAHA HIOAJNt-'lAL CO., $1 U 601 Brow 1. Block., Opposite Brandels, II it Phones Douglas awfi, A 2U36. ff 1S92 Oldest Established. 114 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , for 18 years at 119 Board of Trade. 1 806 Fo. ICth SL 'Phone Doug. 229$. See us and be convinced that our rata are cheaper than any advertised. Salary and Furniture Loana t positively th LOWEST RATES, quicker, service and MOST CONFI DENTIAIJ DEAL of any tn the city. Patroulxa th BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, $07-308 Paxton Block. Douglas 14U and A 141L MONEY TO LOAN. EASTERN RATES. W can loan you any amount of money cn your furniture, live stock or any other security at eastern rates and extend your payments for the longest time ever given in Omaha. Give us a trial. Business strictly confidential. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Suite T and 8, Crouna Blk., opposite post" office. Corner 16lh and Capitol avenue Bell Doug. 1366. Ind. A-13U. SALARY ?'?dBMr?n,' CIIATTEIJV LOANS onVu'cV LOANS 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY" LOANED SALARIED PEOPLHL WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH PUS. without security; easy payments, fiff ice In CO principal edits. Toliuan, ruoia ill Hew Tork Life-Bldg. rurnltur loan, private; 4 Patterson Blk. w ! $2.66 a weea fiuv loan. i $$ You can psy mommy n you wisn. If These payments Include Interest and $ ft principal; no other charges, STRICT- $$ $$ LY CONFIDENTIAL. NO RED $$ ''all m nn rig nnnvlnrail ihai I