Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    THi: BEE: OMAN A. TITUUSPAY, MARCH 17. 1010.
t"1 ii i
fofni'fd tit fdwabp rose water
victor Rose water, editor.
Kntered at Omaha postofflce a second
rlaxa matter.
Iallr F (Including Sunday), per
1'ftlly Hee (without Hur.d)).-rr
Ixllv Wee fwlihnut BaniUv
uia). 'ni -
lMilv IIoa snH Sunday, one Jfesr
Kvenlna Pee (ulthmit Sunday!, per week c
Kvenlns; Hf Willi isunaajrj, l" ' """j,
ouimny !, ijii . in
Adlrcf all complaint" or irriir"'" ...
delivery to City Ctrciilmlon Department.
Omaha The. P Tlulldlne;. -
South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Illiiffnl5 Scott fctreel.
I.lnroln-MS Little HiitldlnK.
Chl.-aRo-ir.4S Msrnuette Building.
New York-Rnotns 1101-llto No. 84 Weal
Thirty-third Street.. . .
Washington-?: Fourteenth Street N. w.
CORREf PON DEVICE. -Communications
relating; t new and
editorial matter shoi'ld be addressed:
Omaha Tiee. Edltortnl Department.
Remit by draft, enpren or postal order
payable to The Pee Publishing Company.
Onlv 2-rrnt stamps received In payment or
mall account. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of Nebranka, Douglai County. I
Ocorre R Tzschuck, treasurer of The
Ree publishing Company. being duly
sworn, say that the actual numbar of
f'lll and complete coplre of The Dally,
Mornln. Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during- the month of February, 110, wii
aa follow:
1 43,140 1$ 43.470
I 43,800 1 48,880
t 48,370 1J. 43,860
4 43,970 J 1 43.80
5 43,030 It.., 43,770
41,740 18 41,980
7 43,810 11 43.980
8 43,080 28.., 43,670
43,910 ' 28...., 43,840
10 43,980 24 48,810
11 43,700 III.......... 48,980
12 43,100 . 3e.., 43,440
13 43,100 27 41,700
14 4330 38 43,070
Total .
cop lea ,.v '. ,ao
Net total 1,189.970
Pally average 48,498
Subaorlbed in my presence and sworn te
oeiore me uua xsui aay of .February, Kin,
j. ; (NpUry Public.
fcaerlfcersi teavlaa; the elty teas
, porarlly aaoald hare Tke Bee
Dialled to them. Aadreas will e
chanced aa aftea mm reel nested. ..
"Uncle Joe ' says' fie can sing, but let
us hope he will
Khartum, waited, a . long time, but
got on the map at last.
Supposedly the drop 1n the price of
butter indicates is not so strong
as usual. ...
What is the matter with calling the
new styles of millinery this spring the
"Dreadnaught hats?"
Speaking of prices, -one shudders to
think of Mr. Patten's, wrath as he re
turns from Manchester.
One of the first prerequisites to pav
Ing the Way for7 aT'cIty ' 'beautiful in
Omaha ls Ho enlarge the fire limits.
Another Boston tea , party. Four
tons of ancient .eggs have been ordered
thrown overboard in that classical city
There seems to be a difference in the
"open door" policy" as construed, by the
older and younger , members of the
Knox family. '
If mediation can avert the threat
enod strike of locomotive firemen, arbi
tration' can settle the strike of Phila
dclphla street car men.
Democratic Interest In "the future
of insurgency" turns entirely on the
possibility of using the Insurgents to
boost democrat Unto office.
City " Comptroller Lobeck proceeds
on the theory hat the early bird
catches' the polftlcarwoVm.' Sometimes
it. does, and sometimes it doesn't.
Paul Morton; will be vico president
ofi D. E. Thompson's Pan-American
railroad, wh,ich wi;j hiako it look even
more like a Nebraska enterprise.
An eastern school teacher has lost
his Job because lie told' the pupil
there is no such thing as "hell." And
lie had been teaching for years, too.
If the firemen had a particle of that
"brotherly love" in their hearts they
would not try to C'rowd those Phlladel
phla street carmen out of the limelight.
The suggestion of another republic
in South America should be frowned
down at once. There are revolutions
and rebellious enough down there al
The Wright brothers have '"signed
up" to show Newport something about
high flying. Tbey' will have to go
some, for Newport knows a little along
that line itself. r
The hat Pa -ordinance has duly
made ltjrappearaoce in the Omaha
city council. If we must have freak
legislation, why can't we-start some
thing original? .
.. i.aJL. '
It transpires that the only man who
escaped with hisr life in the Alaskan
mine explosion wore the number 13.
A "Thirteen" club ought to prove pop
ular In tho6e .parts.,.
If Edar Howard doean't want 'to
show his VUole land at vnce, he might
name first the promtneqt Omaha
democratic lawyer" whs. ha hired out
as a corporation "fixer."
St. Louts' police fore is undergoing
a shake-up over the ihiaaporopriaUon
of the police relief funds. '' N.t that
there is any caueo for suspicion, but
still it would not be a bad idea- to have
our, cvii' police and' fire relief funds
checked Bp Oncovin a while. ' v
Magnanimotii Mack and Murphy.
Chairman Mark and nns Murphy
have cracked the bent political JoKp of
the season In their assurance to the
publlo that they will not try to freeze
Bryan out of. the democratic pnrty.
othfng but the spirit of altruism
could prompt such magnanimous
action. Anyone can picture Mr. Bryan
aa he finally receives this bit of be
lated news that means ao much to his
future aa the quadrennial candidate of
his party for the presidency; see him
relapse from a state of tense ex
pectancy Into one of calm and peace
ful repose and consolation.
Before turning from the humor of
this situation, It should be observed
that with all their charitable Impulse,
Norman E. Mack and Charles F. Mur
phy decided not to freeze Mr. Bryan
out of the party only after they had
become satisfied that he would not at
tempt the leadership of the party
again, nor essay to run for president
n 1912. If Mack and Murphy believe
this, then, of course, It would be fool
ish for tbem to antagonize Mr. Bryan
any further by pretending to read him
out of the party. They would simply
be wasting ammunition that they will
need for other purposes and disrupt-
ng their ranks even more than they
are disrupted already. Divested of hla
relentless ambition and shorn of hla
power, Mr. Bryan would be no more
bjectlonable to them In the demo
cratic party than any other private in
dividual. Subdued and surrendered,
he might make a very agreeable mem
ber of their organization. And it is
only after viewing the matter from
this standpoint that one can appreciate
the magnificent concession Brothers
Mack and Murphy have made.
But more seriously, those who know
Mr. Bryan best will be slow to believe
that he has forsworn his political am
bitlon or decided to relinquish ; the
leadership of his party. Every move
he has made since his last defeat indi
cates that' he is only realigning his
forces for a new attack and strength
enlng his ranks for the next battle.
Canada and the Tariff.
Negotiations between the United
States and Canada over tariff 'conces
slons continue 'with Canada appar
ently in an obstinate mood. Canada
refuses to concede to us even prlvl
leges it accords to . France and Ger
many and maintains thia course with
out the least signs of yielding. Can
ada has had, the big end of the tariff
relations ever . since the year 1890.
The discrimination enjoyed' by Eng
land iasv made but little difference
and American exports to Canadian
markets 1 have continued to exceed
them all.
Canada has been known even to
take more than she is entitled to un
def out trade agreements. Her seal
ers have killed our seals, her railroads
have crossed anoVrecrossed our bound
ary line; paying but-alight attention
to the orders from the Interstate Com
merce commission and.'-'fcer ; shippers
have had the use of our ports and free
shipment of goods acrosB our frontier
Some of these' privileges Canadian
shippers can not well get along with
out and she before losing them would
make real concessions.
By the end of this month the max!
mum rate of our new tariff on Can
adian goods, shipped into the United
States, will go into effect unless lifted
by presidential proclamation. . The
added tariff duties will be calculated to
put pressure on our northern neigh
bor if left to take their course, but
while this Is going on a bitter feeling
would be aroused between the two
countries, which neither can afford to
Incite. It behooves us to use all possi
ble. diplomacy to avoid flctlon. and
maintain friendly Intercourse. Canada
has no right to ask of Us more than
she asks of European nations, but, on
the other hand, we cannot afford to be
unreasonable nor at the same time to
permit Canada to force a one-sided ex
change. '
Military and Public Highways.-
The recent debate in congress on
the use of convict labor to construct
the proposed military road between
Fort Leavenworth and Fort Rlloy, in
Kansas, has resolved itself into a dis
cussion of the value of rockbed high
ways for public traffic. .The advlsabil
ity and desirability of good roads
seems to have taken precedence in
this particular measure. Good roads
have proved to be an economic value
to the country and it only remains to
get them. AH the congressmen, -ap
parently, favor rockbed highways and
when they have been persuaded that
convict labor for road making is also
advisable they will become the most
ardent supporters of a nation-wide
good roada movement.
Figures are quoted to demonstrate
that it costs just half as much to mar
ket produce over macadam roads .as
it does over flay roads, such as are
quite common throughout this coun
try. European countries have long
recognized this; in fact, long before
even Roman times the rock road was
common and convicts and prisoners
were employed in their construction
With the advance of civilization and
its accompanying progress in the de
velopment of transportation facilities
the overland route bad fallen into dls
usa to a vary great extent. The auto
mobile, however, has emphasized
again the value of the road. both aa
means of travel and as a means of
transportation and there is a very
strong' Jlkellhood of this emphasis ex
tending to the military road as well
as to the publio highway.
' Aa an economic factor in our coun
try'a affairs good solid roadbeds are
more Important than most people real
lie Tremendous quantities of agrl
ultural products are to be moved an-
ually and travel Is constantly increas
ing. It now costs over $1,000,000,000
year to move our farm products to
the points of shipment over our or-
inary dirt roads. With paved road
ays It Is estimate that $500,000,000
cculd be saved annually on this haul
ing. That amount saved every year
ould soon pay for the constructs of
rock bed for every main traveled
road in the country.
John C. Calhoun.
The latest American to be honored
Ithln our national hall of fame is
he South Carolina statesman, John
Calhoun. Born during the closing
ays of the revolutionary war, of the
rugged stock of Scotch Highlanders,
an American in heart and a giant in
ability, he was of the fiber that made
our independence possible. Living in
the south, amidst customs, traditions
nd activities fostering extreme ideas
f states' rights, his motives and opln-
ons were naturally biased. uut,
though a champion of the states' rights
doctrine, he stands among our na
tion's great men in ability and sincer
ity of endeavor.
Two great figures in American his
tory tower above even the presidents
of our nation during their time, Dan-
el Webster and John C. Calhoun.
Champions in the conflict of those
earlier years, they fought the cause of
the north and the south with efforts
so gigantic as to dwarf contemporane
ous events. They embodied the spirit
of those years and, although Calhoun
lost, it was from the weakness of the
cause and not from inferiority of abil
ity. Realizing his defeat his heart
throbbed with fear for the people of
the south and as he closed hbt eyes in
the stupor preceding death he was
heard to murmur "The South! The
poor South! God knows what will
become of her."
In these days of peace and quiet
when sectional animosities are dying
out we can see with a clearer vision
that Calhoun, the southern statesman,
was patriotic even when mistaken. We
can acknowledge his 'ability, his cour
age and his conscientious devotion to
his principles. He was of a type of
American manhood deserving to rank
with the others given representation
n the national capitol, where the
greatest efforts of his life were made
A fitting tribute to him as a man and
a statesman was delivered by Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, of the "Web
ster succession," in the senate when
the statue was received. Thus with a
touch of sentiment, deeply impressive,
the successor to his giant New England
antagonist pronounced the eulogy to
the genius and statesmanship of John
Calhoun of South Carolina.
Citizenship Once .More.
The Lincoln Journal persists in the
contention that we have "noncltlzen"
voters and that The Bee Is Indulging
in' verbal quibbles when it says that
the right to vote in Nebraska on so
called "first papers" is not conferred
on "noncitizens." ' "
The best authority on citizenship
is the United States supreme court
and nowhere has that court gone into
that subject more in detail, than in the
famous Boyd-Thayer case which .went
up from NebrasKa. in tno opinion
rendered the court held that Governor
Eoyd was entitled to his seat because,
as a citizen of Nebraska at the time
of Its admission into the union, he
thereby became a citizen of the United
States, irrespective of the final steps
of his father's naturalization. In that
case the court, among other things,
quotes Chief Justice Taney aa saying
We mimt not confound the rights of
citizenship which a state may Confer within
Its own limits and the rights of citizenship
as a member of the union. . It docs not by
any means follow, because be has all the
rights and privileges of a citizen of
state, that he must be citizen of the
United States. He may have all the rights
and privileges of the citizen of a state, and
yet not be entitled to the rights and
privileges of a citizen In any other state,
The court also there quotes with ap
proval the opinion in the Slaughter
house cases, which held that the first
clause in the fourteenth 'amendment
"recognized the distinction between
citizenship of a state and citizenship
of the United States."
No one will take issue with the
Journal In its assertion that the right
to vote is not a necessary part of the
right of citizenship. But in Nebraska
as in most states, the right to vote is
confined to citizens, and we have no
"noncltlzen" voters.
A terrlbie screech comes from the
local democratic organ over the pro
posed use of. the paper ballot instead
of the voting machine in the impend
ing South Omaha municipal election
The paper ballot was used In the lost
Omaha municipal election, in which
the democrats pulled out half of thel
ticket, while in the last county elec
tion in which the machines were used
the democrats lost everything. On
this basis me democrats nave no
"holler" coming.
Kansas is trying to make a sensa
tlon out of the fact that Walker Wes
ton was "all in" after stepping off sev
enty-two miles on his seventy-second
birthday in the Sunflower state. How
many miles is a man supposed to walk
on bis seventy-second birthday
Those San Franciscans are great for
celebrating. Some patriotic thief on
the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
theft of Toby Rosenthal's famous
"Elaine," gets away with a $10,000
painting that hung in the Golden Gate
Memorial museum.
The Commercial club is to be asked
to prevent the Merchants' and Manu
facturers' association from sending out
literature opposing county prohibition.
How the Commercial club Is going to
control an entire separate and dis
tinct organization Is not disclosed. The
Commercial club has enough to be
responsible for In the literature sent
out by its own authority.
Even after so long a suspense, it is
gratifying to learn from the special
correspondents that those natives did
not. In truth, call Colonel Roosevelt
Bwana Tumbo, but Bwana Makuba,
which, of course, makes all the differ
ence In the world. Bwana Tumbo!
The Idea!
A Chicago man wants a divorce be
cause his wife Milled and cooked the
family horse and made him eat that
as well as the family goat. Evidently
his domestic felicity lacked the neces
sary spice to act as a good sauce.
It must have hit the "street" pretty
hard when a New York judge recently
called the Stock exchange a "Gam
blers' club." The name the brokers
would apply to the judge might lead to
contempt proceedings,, ...
Trenton, to enforce its demand for
an old fashioned Fourth of July, pro
vides for three hundred automobiles
and passes an ordinance prohibiting
the firecracker. Must be a joker in
that deck.
A London eavant investigating the
skull of a woman declares she lived
600,000 years ago. What a blow it
would bo to science if he should later
discover that she lived only 580,000
years ago.
One man who pretends to know de
clares that the "mikes" were mulcted
to the tune of $5,000,000 in the course
of ten years. Didn't know there was
that much easy money lying around
loose. ......
Can't Keep It Dark.
Indlarmpolls News.
If the railroads are still contemplating an
ncrease In freight rates It would seem more
judicious for them not to make such, glow
ing reports of the Increase In their net
Cheer Vpt
Wall Street JournaJ.
With a beef .trust and a coal trust and
numerous other combinations coniroinng
necessltles the report that there will be no
automobile trust will be cheering news to
the wage earner. .
Uh Are the Other
New York Sun.
The admirer who resented the treatment
James A. Patten reoelved on the Man
chester exchange and cabled to Liverpool
that "Patten Is one,, of America's flneBt
men," should relieve the public suspense by;
naming the others. . j:
Cherished Hoje.
Philadelphia Record.
The government suit agalhst the Beef
trust has now reached the grand Jury
stage. Let us, whjje -chewing our dear
steaks, fondly hopethat the grand Jury
has not been Itself, reached by the cul
prits, -against. whanjjye.arsjhave been spent
In .the, collection .or ipcuipaiing iraiuuvuji.
The Mlajhty lla'nter am He 'Emerarea
' from th Jangle. '
Cleveland' Leader.
The most famous hunter that ever shot
big game at the head waters pf the Nile
Is quoted" as saying' that he Is ready to
lay doWn ' h'ls rifle for good and all. He
declares that he has hunted enough. Now
he Is ready to quit.'
Men often speak thnt way about a favor
ite sport when they have indulged In It
long and without stint, only -to change
their minds after awhlfe, Roosevelt may
do the same thing;' His" resolutions have
weight, and he Is the master of his own
ways, but he Is very human.
However this may be, there Is another
Roosevelt for tho country and the world to
watch now.' lie Is out of tho Jungles.
This return to civilization will bring to
the front the Roosevelt who is a student
of men and events, 'a voracious reader of
history, an ardent grappler with hard prob
lems of natlonal and civic life, a man of
wide outlook upon the world and deep
Interest In all that pertains to the larger
affairs of humanity.
Americana are going to be very proud
of their fortner president when they read
of the honors Europe will shower upon htm
and the speeches he will make and the
Incisive comments he will volunteer, now
and then, upon matters of wide Importance
and local Interest. They are going to real
ize, more than ever before, the many-sided
bigness of the man. '
It Is better than hunting, better than the
studies of a "faunal naturalist." It will
place Theodore Roosevelt before the world
at his best, which is a best hard to better.
Our Birthday Book
Karon IT, 1810.
Futrlck Cudahy, ', one of the Cudahy
brothers, who have become famous as meat
packers, began life on St.- Patrick's day
hi the morning in the year 1849. He was
born, as were most of hla brothers, at
Callan, Ireland, and la now located In
Milwaukee. . i . .
Francis J.- Heiley, the big San Francisco
lawyer, who haB , been doing things to
high-up criminals on the Pacific coast, was
born March 17, 1869, at Lima. New York.
He was taken to San Francisco when he
was only S years old and was educated
there. . ' .
Albert . K. Smiley, philanthropist and
sponsor for the Mohawk conference, called
orlglnaly to dtscuaa the Indian question,
but more lately taking up the subject of
world peace, la 82 years old today. He was
born in Maine and waa for nineteen years
principal of a Friends' boardlnr school at
Providence, Rhode Island.
Rev. Patrick A. Judge has also a St.
Patrick's day birthday. He was born In
Ireland and la In his fifteenth year as
pastor of the Sacred Heart church In this
Thomas Swobe, retired as lieutenant
colonel of the United States army, is 67.
He used to be In partnership with J. E.
Market In running the Millard hotel, and is
now interested in the Milton Rogers &
Sons company, hardware.
p. C. Heafey, undertaker and funeral
director, la a St. " Patrick's day product.
Mr. Hea(ey has been coroner once or twice
and Is one of the colonels of Governor
Shallenberger's staff who didn't resign.
Here are four more local 8U Patrick's
day celebrations: deorge Parks, the South
Omaha bulldr and contraotor; P. T. Mc
Orath. who also works in South Omaha;
J. C. Klnsler, the lawyer; Mark Coad, tol
ler of the Merchants National bank.
St. Patrick's Day.
The drum's loud roll, "the clarion's blare.
The sidewalks lined with colleens fair,
There's Gaelic music In the air
"Tla I'atrlck's Uay In the mornln-.
The shamrock nn earh coat Is seen
In all lis soft, perennlnl green.
The years can t dim Its verdant sheen
'TIb Patrick's Uay In the mornln'.
Thrlr thoughts trxlsr are wandering frea
Through dear old Krln o'er the sea.
Who bravely' waits, lone silently.
The sun on Freedom s mornln'.
The gallant men who fought and bled
To place the green above the red,
Oh, not In vain their blood was shed
'TIs Patrick's Uay In the mornln".
Soft strslns of music fill the air.
We hear "Klllarney's Lakes So Fair,"
The "Shan Van Vocht" and "Sweet Adalre"
'Tla Patrick's Day In the mornlu'.
The boys from Cork to Donegal '
Some, as the gallowg lasses, tall
March past 'mid ringing cheera for all
un fairies, s uay in the mornin .
Oood fellowship shines forth today
As sparkling as the shamrock spray
we pledge the loved ones Tar away
vii a ., ivn q ,1, mo uiui .
Here's to old Erin's verdant isle.
God gviard her from the trsltor's wile.
May freedom o er her valleys smile
on fames: a i-'ay in the mornln .
Ireland's Shamrock.
Through Erin's Isle,
To love awhile.
As love and Valor wander'd.
With wit, the sprite.
Whose quiver bright
A thousand arrows squandered;
Where'er they pass,
A triple grass
Shoots up, with dew drops streaming,
As softly green
As emerald seen
Throuch purest crystal cleamlns-.
O! the Shamrock, the green, Immortal
ChOBen leaf
Of Bard and Chief
Old Erin's native Shamrock!
Pays Valor, "See,
They spring for me.
Those leafy gems of morning!"
Says Love, "No, no,
For me they grow,
My fragrant path adorning."
Rut wit perceives
The triple leaves,
I And cries, "Oh, do not sever
A type that blends
Three godlike friends,
Love, Valor, Wit, forever!"
O! the Shamrock, the green, Immortal
Chosen leaf
Of Bard and Chief
Old Erin's native Shamrockt
So firmly fond
May last the bond
They wove that morn together,
And ne'er fall
One drop of gall
On Wit's celesthvl feather!
May Valor ne'er
His flowers divine,
Of thorny falsehood weed 'em!
May Valor never
Ills standard rear
Apalnst the cause of Freedom!
O! the Shamrock, the green, Immortal
Chosen leaf
Of Bard and Chief
Old Erin's native Shamrock!
Spring- In Ireland.
Sweet spring, you are an Irish lass,
And wearing of the green,
Your Jeweled feet run o'er the grass
And gems by all are seen;
Rare diamonds and emeralds
You leave behind, my queen;
The Seventeenth of March will come
With wearing of the green.
Thrice welcome, darling of the yeaif.
Sweet colleen of the green.
The hearts of Irishmen you'll cheer
St. Patrick's tay, I ween.
Each son of Erin loves you.
They hall you as their queen.
And all the world Is happier
With wearing of the green.
For the winter days are over
And w4 tread the breathing od,
Irish soldier, Irish lover,
Of his country and his God.
To a martial air these verses
As the colors bright are seen.
The colors of old Ireland
That's the wearing of the green.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The Rising- of the Moon.
(A. D., 1798).
"Oh, then tell me, Shawn O'Farrell,
Tell me why you hurry so."
"Hush, ma bouchal, hush and listen!"
And his cheeks were all aglow;
"I bear orders for the Captain
Get you ready quick and soon;
, For the pikes must be together
At the risln of the moon!"
"Oh, then tell 'me, Shawn O'Farrell,
Where the gath'rln" Is to be."
"In the ould spot by the river.
Right well known to you and me.
One word more for signal token.
Whistle up the marchin' tune.
With your pike upon your shoulder.
By the risln' of the moon!" .
Out from many a mud-wall cabin
Kyea were watching thro' that night;
Many a manly heart was throbbing
For the blessed warning light.
Murmurs passed along the valleys
Like the banshee's lonely croon.
And a thousand blades were flashing
At the risln' of the moon.
There beside the singing river
That dark mass of men were seen
HlKh above the shining weapons
Hung their own Immortal Green.
"Death to every foe and traitor!
Forward! Strike the marchin' tune.
And hurrah, my boys, for freedom!
'TIs the risln' of the moon."
Well they fought for poor old Ireland,
And full bitter waa their fate.
(Oh! what glorious pride and sorrow
Fill the name of Nlnety-elght!
Yet, thank God, e'en still are beating
Hearts In manhood's burning noon
Who would follow In their footsteps
At the rlHin' of the moon.
"The Wearing of the Green."
Oh, Paddy, dear, and did you hear the news
that s goin rouno.
The shamrock Is forbid, by law, to grow
on Irish ground;
St. Patrick's Lay no more we'll keep, his
colors can't be seen,
For there's a bloody law agin' the Wearing
of the Oreen:
I met with Napper Tandy and he tuk me
by the hand.
And he said: "How's poor ould Ireland,
and how does she stand 7"
She's the most distressful country that
vr vnii have seen:
They're hanging men and women there for
Wearing of tne ureen.
Then since the color we must wear Is Eng
InnH'M nrilf-1 rf-,1
Sure Ireland's sons will ne'er for&et tfie
hloiKl. that thev have shed;
You may take a shamrock from your hut
and cast It on the sod. i
But 'twill take root and flourish still, tho'
unHr tnett 'tis trod!
When the law can stop the blades of grass
frnm ri-nwlnv aji thev crow.
And when the leaves In summer time their
verdure dare not snow;
Then I will change the color I wear on my
But till that rtay, please Cd, I'll stick tq
Wearing of the ureen.
But If at last our color snouia be torn
from IreiHiid a heart.
Her sons with shame and sorrow from the
dear old soil will part:
I've heard whispers of a country that lies
beyant the say.
Where rich and poor stand equal, In the
llu-ht if freedom's day;
Oh. Erin! must we leave you. driven by the
tyrant's hand.
Must -we ask a mother's welcome from a
strange but happy lana!
Where the cruel croua of England's thral
dom never shall be seen.
And where, thank God, we'll live. and die,
still Wearing of the Green.
Wonld the Average Man Kick
Springfield Republican.
Strong dental Is made that a great com
bination of automobile manufacturing con
cerns has been projected under tho finan
cing ot the bouse of Morgan. Yet this would
be th one siueesliig trust which the aver
age man mould view with great complacency
I . Kir
ii x 11.
t. - -c III
mm m
L..J I
We taarve equipped ,
adjoining the BAFK DEPOSIT VAULTS,' with, every
convenience for the holding of - .
IVIectinosi of Committees;
Directors, Corporations
A telephone call will ' '
reserve one for your use. ,
Colonel Roosevelt has cut the word
"bully" out of hla vocabulary. During his
visit to Cork, however, admirers may be
pardoned for reviving "a corking good
Francis L. Qulmby of Claremont. N. H.,
who Is 82 yeara old, cut seven cords of
wood this winter, driving six miles to cut
it He has hauled It home and is now
cutting It ,up Into cord wood.
The estate of Samuel J. Tllden, which
has been In the hands of executors since
188. Is practically wound up. There Is still
a cash balance undistributed and a part
of this will be used in erecting a stAtue
of Mr. Tllden in New York City. A site
near the new public library will probably
be chosen.
President Taft will stand on a platform
covered with Irish sod this evening while
addressing the Irish Fellowship club In
Chicago. Aa a souvenir of the occasion he
will be presented with a gold-headed black
thorn slick adorned with rows of knobs
that would, rightly used, 'transform a
shindy into a Quaker meeting.
A hlgh-cost-of-llvlng investigation going
on In Ohio is reputed to have revealed evi
dences of a state-wide combination of gro
cers and butchers against price-cutting. At
the same time testimony has been taken
by the Lodge high-prices committee at
Washington which places the net profits
of . retail grocers and butchers as high as
83 per oent.
uoneral A. W. Greely writes from Flor
ence, Italy, a sweet-tempered letter about
his own promotions In the army and his
honors at the hand of congress by reason
of his Arctic Journeys. He never had any
promotions nor any honors from that body
because he was a distinguished Arctic ex
plorer. Congress never recognized him as
a polar hero. But, he adds amiably, "the
failure of congress to recognize my Arctic
services, which received the highest
European honors, was never personally crit
icised and did not embitter me." And the
general says ne hopes that congress will
honor Mr. Peary In some suitable way.
Freight Rates Baaed on What the
Traffic Will Bear.
Sioux City" Tribune.''
The Omaha meat Interests charge the
Burlington road with starting the move
ment to Increase rates on dressed meat,
and forcing the other roads into line. It
would be interesting to know what' was
used to force the Illinois Central, the Great
Western and the Wabash loads (which
have no lines west of the Missouri river).
It looks as If the distinguished J. Plerpont
Morgan kept a lookout in one of the tall
towers of New York for prosperous spots
on tho map of the nation,- and that as
soon as they are discovered the suggestion
is wired down to tap those spots for as
much of the profit as po,t8't'e. But what
ever the method, the scheme Is working
and the packers are going to start a back
fire that the man in the tower will be able
to discover before long. The railroad theory
of rates Is that they shall be based on the
BUndert of
Rmcipm uxn In
j Tone's Spicy Talht"
1 llprxKfet.ovtT
A. HOSPE GO. Represent
Pianos, Grand & Upright
Messrs. Mason & Hamlin, .... ,
Dear Sirs: I have watched with intense Interest the
marvelous progress you have been making in your beau
tiful pianos. Today I believe the Mason & Hamlin fiano
matchless an artistic ideal and I congratulate you on
your great achievement.
" (Signed) RUDOLPH GANZ.
You Can See and Hear Them at
1518-1515 DOUGLAS STREET '
; 1 1
Capital fi 3 500,000,00 jj
value of the service to the shipper. This
In the modern euphemism for Jay Gould s
statement of the way ha charged "all th
traffic will bear."
"T understand it was a gasoline car
which struck Jonesby."
"Yes, and I think that is why he aeema
bent on "smelling- out a suit," Baltimore
He Would you rather be beautiful or
She Beautiful, I think. You see, thora
are lots of stupid men, but only a few
blind ones. Boston Transcript.
"What made you cut that puppy's tall
off ao abort?"
"Economy." replied the man who goes to
extremes. "Wife Insists on having a dog,
but I'm determined there shall be aa little
as possible of him to feed," Washington
They tell me, dear boy, that your , tim
idity in operating your car caused a bad
"Yes, old fellow. The accident might
be properly described as a nervous break
down. Philadelphia Press.
"Let me sell you the 1910 style book. It
tells what will be worn, and why."
"I know already what I'll wear and
why. I'll wear my old olothes because I
haven't the price to buy new ones."
Kansas City Times.
"Well, well!" surprlsedly' ejaculated the
patent-churn man, who had not vlBlted the
hamlet before in several months. "When
did you change the name of this hotel to
the 'Taff House,?"
"Right after we built on that big bay
window," replied the landlord of the host
elry at Whlttlesvllle. Puck.
The Doctor You must put a porous plas
ter on the small of you back.
The Lady That's Impossible, doctor.
I'm going to the opera, tonight how would
I look? Cleveland Leader. .
"Henrietta," said Mr. Meekton, "can I .
eat anything I find growing on a tree and
still be a consistent vegetarian?"
"Oh, Joy! I notice that a lot of our
chickens have taken to roosting in the.
woods." Washington Star.
i 1
Far hence amid an Isle of wondrous beauty.
Crouching over-a grave an ancient sorrow
ful mother.
Once a queen, now lean and tatter'd, seated
on the ground.
Her old .white . hair, drooping . dlshevel'd -
, round her shoulders, . ,
At her feet, fallen an unused royal harp.
Long silent, che too- long silent, mourning
her shrouded hope and holr,
Of all the earth her henrt most full of
sorrow because most full of love.
Yet a word, ancient mother:
You need crouch there no longer on the
cold ground with forehead between" your
O you need not sit thero vell'd in your old
white hair so dlshevel'd,
For know you tho one you mourn Is not In
that grave;
It was an HluHion, the son you love was
not really dead.
The Lord Is not dead. He Is risen again,
young and strong, In another country.
Even while you wept there by your fallen
harp by the grave,
What you wept for was translated, paSs'd
from the grave;
The winds favor'd and the sea sall'd it;
And now, with rosy and new blood,
Moves today In a new country.
Tested for ,
Strength and Flavor
Freshness and strength are the first es
sentials of quality spices. You never get
these qualities in bulk spices, but you do
when you purchase Tone Spices. Better
spices were never milled. Our stocks are
the choicest grown selected by experts
tested again and again to insure quality,
strength, flavor. No air, moisture, odor or
foreign impurity can contaminate
for they are sealed in air-tight packages as
soon as ground and come to you with flavor,
aroma, oody and strength at their best.
Sold by grocers 10c.
If not at year trocar': MnJ as 10c and tra
cer' m hum, Wm will tmnd rmmular retail pacham
mnd our took booh, " Tono'm Spicy Talk:"
There are two kinds of spices
TONE BROS, and "others."
TONE BROS.. Das Moines, lows.
tlu ctltbruttd OLD QOLDEfif COf-fES.