THK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. o -i.i r r ) Council Bluff At the Theaters 9P L ess Tim otry is mm i p. V 'ORIv ON ANNUAL BUDGET Levenues for Coming Year Will Probably Be Less Than Thi Year. V7HZRE TO CUT IS PROBLEM Number of Kerns Cannot He Hedoced nil several Kami Are Over drawn -I. aat of I. not Year's Appropriation. City officials ore now figuring on the appropriations for the mnlntenanre of the Vfrl municipal department during the new fiss year, which commences April 1. The .apportioning of the anticipated revenue of the rlty for the ensuing year 's a tsk thnt devolves on the present rlty rounc'.l and not or the new rouncll trif n, who will Ve elected on March 28. In dentions are that the appropriation for the new year will have to he cut. a the anticipated revenue during the next fiscal will probably he considerably less than during the year Just coming to a close. A larfie portion of the clty'a revenue Is derived from uncertain and unstable sources, such as saloon licenses, police court fines, forfeitures, etc. This portion of tho revenue will. It Is confidently ex pected, he conslderahly smaller than dur Ing tho fiscal year now closing. A year apo the anticipated revenue was figured at $S7.00, and the appropriations for tho several departments were made on . this basis. At first It waa figured at sr,.nO0, but City Solicitor Kimball gave It oa his opinion that $2,000. which had been paid out In connection with the proposed municipal water works plant, could be transferred from the water works sinking 'j ill to the general fund, so the council iic Ided to base th ' appropriations on an estimated revenue of $7.0n0. Hevrnue Waa Overestimated. Unless there would 1ms a material Increase In tiio valuation of the city, which Is hardly expected, the revenue for the next twelve months cannot. It Is said, be estimated much over $M).000. The shortage will occur In the amount derived from sa loon licenses nnd from what la known as the "police fund." The appropriations for the year now closing were as follows: Salaries of executive department $11,020 Police and marshal's department 2 1. IV) Klre department 28.W0 Fire, and police telegraph 2.OH0 Engineer's department 5.000 Streets and alleys 10,000 Printing and supplies 1,200 ity hall 1.500 Klectlons 2,3T rlty pound AM) Health department 1.800 Total IK.220 The salaries of the executive department follow: Mayor - $ t.JOO Auditor 1 l.aoo Treasurer 1.200 Sollollor 1.600 Clerk 1,200 Deputy clerk 1.000 Right council men 2.000 Judge superior -court 1,000 Stenographer .for city offices 720 Total $11,020 hortaaret In Several Funds. Where to make a cut la what Is puzzling the city officials. No appropriation will be needed this oomlng year for elections unless the advocates of the commission form of government got busy ajid secure the neces sary number of signers to a petition for a special election at which) lb, proposition may be submitted to the voters. The appro prlatlon for the fire department cannot be reduced unless the number of man Is de creased, as the city must provide for the paymonts on the new central fire station. which was built on the "Installment plan." The last monthly report of City Auditor McAneney shows that the amounts appro prlated for some of the departments were Insufficient and have been overdrawn. For several months the streets and alleys fund has been depleted and It Is conceded that $10,000 Is . Insufficient for this department. It Is likely . that the matter will come up at the meeting of . the ' city council this evening, at which time City Treasurer True Is expected; to make a report. Great Northern Again Blocked Only One Train Get Through, Before Snowslide Near Wellington Tiei Vp Traffic SEATTLE, Wash., March 14. It Is re ported that an avalanche at Wellington, the scene of the Great Northern disaster In which more than 100 lives were lost two. v.'cks ago, has burled a rotary snow plow mM two engines with their crews. After having its line through the Cas cade mountains blocked for three weeks,. the Great Northern railroad got it openM Saturday only long enough for one east bound train to get through when snow slides again blocked the way. Traffic of ficials announced tonight that for the next forty-eight hours all the passenger trains of the Great Northern will use the North em rrictflc tracks through the Cascade mountains. ST. PAUL. Minn.. March IS. At the of flee of the general superintendent of trans port&tlon of the Great Northern railway In this rlty It was said that an avalanche a few miles west of Wellington, Wash., at z o clock this morning burled a rotary snow plow and has again blocked traffic, thouKh It is expected that the line will bo cleared sometime tomorrow. Engineer John Annen was seriously In j urea ami luis been taken to Seattle. An Italian laborer Is missing. These are the only casualties, according to the railroad officials, who-say that the engines and crews, were not burled In the avalanche, SALOON KEEPER LOSESA ROLL Muht Prowler f'oaneet with an I nluikeil Nafe aad Finds ISO In Cah. Two Saturday night burglaries have been eporled to the police. Some one broke the back window of tleorge Rrunnekant's saloon, 1W1 gt. Mary's uvetiue, some time Saturday night and stole $13) in cash from tho sate that was un locked. The home of N, Spegal, 614 South Eight eenth street, was also entered by some one breaking a kitchen window and $2S In cur rency waa stolen. Store Drllrtoaa boric Beer. Now ready in bottle. An excellent and Invigorating spring tonic Private families promptly supplied. 'Phone your ord.r. CharVts Stoia 'Phone, Yb.ter W0; lod- Aato Accident In Chicago. CHICAGO. March 14-Tcn peopla were injured, three puihana fatally. n auto mobile acclaent In Chicago In !h twenty four hours ending tonight. On of the vic tims was Mr. uorge W. Strell, a well known club woman, who wa seriously In. Jurud by a Peding automobile th. occu pants uf whkh ijut aay without blns '"ntifitcd. - " Tne Servant In the llonse" at ta. Rrandels. The Henry Wilier Associate riayers in "The Servant In the House," a drama in five acta, by Charles Ilann Kennedy. The cast: James Ponsonhy Makeshift, P. D.. the Most Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Lancashire John Westley The Iteverend William flmvthe. Vicar.. George Irving Aunt e. the Vicar" wife Lizzie Hudson Collier Mary, their niece Ml Edith Fpeare Mr. Robert Hmlth. a aentleman or necessary occupation Willis Granger Hncer. a Dase bov Henry Traver Mr.nson, a butler Howard Kyle Charles Rann Kennedy's allegory, which has been much debated since It waa offered first In America last season, I now being expounded at the Brandets by a capable company. The drama has changed none since It was first seen here, although Miss Lizzie Hudson Collier Is the only member of the cast that survives the progress of tlmo In connection with 'The Henry Miller Associate Players." The argument of the drama Is the familiar postulate that the world mould be a nice place to live In If men and women would but realise their obligations to one another. It Is as old as humanity, and up to date has proven as futile as humanity has been perverse. The mere fact that In the present Instance Mr. Kennedy alms his shafts especially at the church Itself, or, rather Its condition of defective "drainage." does not alter the course of the, play's Indictment of man kind. Maybe this Is the whip that Is to stimulate us Into such frenxy of contrition as will bring about the desired reformation; It has been a year since It was first pre sented here, and so far no sign of any social cataclysm Is noted. One doesn't like to be listed as a pessimist; but surface In dication favor the conclusion that Mr. Kennedy's preaching is no more potent than has been that of all the long line who have preceded him. It Is not espe cially to the credit of man that this Is so; It Is as easy to live rightly as to live wrongly, and only requires the subjuga tion of self to achieve the happy state all at least pretend to wish for. "The Servant In the House" shows how the better condition may be brought about, and does It In a way that Is Interesting. It Is not merely dry preaching one listens to, but a morning's life of an Interesting group of people, who are simply human. It Is a remarkable production from this standpoint alone, and deserves the careful attention It has been given. The company having It In hand is giving It very ef fective Interpretation. Mr. Kyle has a much more satisfying comprehension of the role of Manson than Mr. Creston Clarke showed. Mr. Clarke seemed to be under the obsession that It was necessary to sug gest the Savior In every word and ges ture; and persisted in a frequent offense against good taste and dramatic strength by so doing. Mr. Kyle gives his audience credit with having some discerning ability, and tactfully leaves to the people in front the matter of associating the character with the Son of Man. Mr. Granger is not so Impressive as the Dralnman as waa Mr. Clement, yet he gives the role a quality of sincerity that compensates in some measure for any power it may lose. Miss Collier Is still giving the wife of the vicar excellent care, and Mr. Irving Is decidedly convincing in the role of the minister who wrestles mightily with his own doubts and Anally resolves them In favor of the right. The work of Mr. Westley, Mr. Travers and Miss Speare Is good. "When Knlarhthood Was la Flower" at tae Boyd. The Woodward atocK company In '"When Knighthood Was In Flower," a comedy drama In five acta, from the novel of the same name by Charles Major. The cast: Mihtresa Anne Boleyn Marie Hudson Lady Jane Bollngbroke Ethel Valentine Mistress Jane Seymore Innes Forrester Will Homers, King Henry's jester Baldwin Phelps Puke of Buckingham Henry Duggan Sir Adam Ju?son, cousin of Buckingham Ervllle Alderson Rlr Edwin Caskoden Frank Durilev Charles Brandon Albert Morrison Mary Tudor, princess of England Carolyn uats Henry the Eighth, king of England Llovd Insraham Thomas Wolsey, bishop ot Lincoln William T. Hayes Duke de Longuevllle, envoy of France.. Ralph Martfcy Master Cav.ndlsh, Wolae's secretary.. Claude Mlnters Queen Catherine of England.. ..Anna Bates Landlord of the Bow and String Inn Charles Mlthers First adventurer Virgil Hudson Second adventurer Billy Martin Servant at the Inn Tonnv Neas Captain Broadhurst of the Royal Hind.. Ervllle Alderson Francis D'Augouleme, dauphin of France , ...oscar uray urigga When Knighthood Was In Flower" Is giving the Woodward stock company a fine chance at the Boyd this week, and It Is more than being realised by the members. Mr. Morrison makes a fine bit ot a man In the role of Charles Brandon, giving It all the qualities of modest courage that would attract the notice of a princess of the royal blood to a captain In the king's guard. Mr. Ingraham has In King Henry VIII one of those character studies In which he takes such pleasure, and Is prov ing himself again a most capable actor. Mr. Dudley's Csskoden Is good, and the Buckingham of Mr. Duggan la well worked out. Miss Gates shows remarkable capacity as Mary Tudor; In fact, her performance last night showed the best conception of the part yet seen, at the Boyd, and that Is saying much, for the play has often been enaoted at the theater. If all of Miss Gates' work Is on the same plane she will be a decided success In Omaha. Mlas Valentine's Jane and Miss Hudson's Anne are also good. The play Is splendidly staged. Vitnievllle at the Orphean. Mrs Jones-Bmlth-Carey had all those names before she married Robert Sterling only because her late, but unlamented, husband had found It convenient to chang. his nomenclature occasionally. Conse quently Mrs. Sterling was not the triple divorcee her second spouse for awhile deemed her. to the Imperilling of domestic happiness. With this baste theme Lau rence Grattan has written for Miss Eva Taylor a farce which has a little more body and substance than the usual vaude ville sketch. Grattan himself plays th husband with Mis Taylor as hi wife. Miss Taylor Is familiar here as a come dienne of ability and her new tola will not diminish her popularity. It la a comedy bill this week, a strong man act being the only turn not In part at least Intendedly funny. Th. Intention Is well carried out by all, but particularly o by Eddie Leaonard of mtnatrel fame. He I th same old soft shoe dancer and singer, with a face which la boylsh-look-Ing In spite of the burnt cork. Yesterday's audiences demanded and re-demanded hla return tlm after time. Frank Fogarty, "The Dublin Minstrel," gets as much fa vor with a recitation of popular philoso phy In verse as with his stories, which are new and numerous. The dancing of Marlon Sawtelle Is the notworthy feature of the act In which she and the Knight brothers appear. Natalie and Aurle Dag well give a cycle of ong. colonial, civil war tlm and modern. The last, some what curiously, are the best sung. Other act are Kramer and Sheck, two heavily, but flexibly, muscled athletes, on of whom gives a lectur on physical culture, and James B. Donovan and Rons i ..... J r ii i i VrM J ' to l I 1 .a B l J NOT TUP -TO y r Look for the Label 100 A That reason is you ... . i V ' irrr" y..'i 1 . a 1 ..... J Arnold, who contribute more comedy songs and stories. In "The Isle of Splce" nt the Krai. Many girls and much song In a series ot stage pictures rather whimsically fitted to gether, with less of plot and more of Jest than most similar productions, constitutes "The Isle of Spice." The girls are pretty enough to be interesting and they sing besides. Tho tuneful bits that became hits when the production appeared several seasons ago find friends and favorites still. "Tho Goo Goo Man" still has a home. A good house at the Krug last night gave generous appreciation of the show. Julia Dl Cynthia, as Trinket, sings "Peggy Brady," backed by a shamrock chorus, with unusual' success. The mimicry of Mattle Mart, as Kamorta, in the "How Can You Tell Till Tou Try" song claims approval. Mattle Is a cheerfully well developed and good looking blonde, with "those eyes," too. Though tho Jokes of Blubsy Mackinaw, played by Harry B. Watson, have been out of the shop for a long time, they are de livered to the audience with an air of sincere freshness. Margaret Felch, as Teresa, has some pretty songs and a win ning way. The Hastings Show at the Gayety. Some novel spectacular effects serve to distinguish the current offering from predecessors at this theater. The extrava ganza, which form the first and third parts of the entertainment, are of about the same quality as others In recent time and the efforts of the comedians secure the same quantity of laughter. Vocally, the organisation Is better than the last two or three companies. A song In which a pony ballet Invaded the audience won the most encores of Sunday evening. A rival In popularity Is the "fire fighting" act which comes In the olio. v The chorus girls earn their money. They have Innumerable changes of costume and are kept at a lively gait when on the stage. I Girl Refuses to Wed on Thirteenth Miss Moore of Warsaw, Ind., Insists , on Postponement Young- Man Kills Himself. WARSAW, Ind., March 14 Because the day was the thirteenth of the month and unlucky. Miss Ethel Moore postponed her wedding to Don Crlpe, which was to have been held this afternoon. He, after vainly protesting, went to his father's house and killed himself with a revolver. Miss Moore told her friends that she did not realise until today that she had set her wedding upon a date that was certain to bring un happlness. BLOOD TRANSFUSION FAILS Final Attempt to Have Life of Grand Nephew of Johns Hopkins Is Cnaaceesef nl. WASHINGTON, March 14. Although the father hurried to this city on a special train from Baltimore and submitted to an operation for the transfusion of his blood Into the veins of his son, who wss lying near death's door with meningitis, Francis Hopkins,, 7-year-old son ot Louis Hopkins, grand nephew of Johns Hopkins, founder of the university that bears his name, died today. The boy had lain In Providence hos pital seven weeks, and after submitting to two operations, the physician decided that a third, with the tranfulon of blood, probably would av hi l'fe. Attar the op eration the boy rallied, tut death resulted from exhaustion following his long Illness. A Fortunate Teaaa. E W. Goodloe. Dallas, Tex., found a sure cure for malaria and biliousness in Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. When you want what you want when you want It. say so through Th Be Want Ad columna Mothers! There's just one to stop baKing and buy TIP -TOP is better bread, sweeter, more delicious, more satisfactory in every way than any other you have evei New York State Republicans Are Still in Clouds Day of Conferences Results Post ponement of Hostilities by the Pactions. NEW YORK, March 14. After a day of conference and compromise the situation In the republican party of New York state Is still In the clouds. Hostilities have been postponed. Both the partisans of Senator Root, Governor Hughes and Senator Hln man on the one hand and of Timothy L. Woodruff, chairman of the state committee on the other, preserve a trucculent and glum mien. There Is no desire to duplicate, In the republican party, the situation over the state chairmanship that lately afflicted the democratic party. It Is not wished. In endeavoring to eliminate Mr. Woodruff, to make him a Conner, and Mr. Root in at tempting It does not wish to be a Murphy. Yet on the fate of Mr. Woodruff, a large measure of the fate of the republican party In the elections next fall is felt to hang. Senator Root, Lloyd C. Orlscom, president of the county committee, and the new school of republican leaders at large be lieve that Mr. Woodruff and his allies are directly responsible for the election of Allds as president protem of the state senate In the first Instance, and, when that proved a mistake, of Senator Cobb to succeed him, which they feel to be not only a personal affront to Senator Root, but a second mistake of only less weight. There fore there Is a strong disposition to de mand that Mr. Woodruff retire, and It Is understood that It Is with the express In tention of demanding his resignation that Senator Root came to New York last night. Senator Root would not say directly to day that such was his purpose, but he virtually admitted It. In this purpose, he held conferences this afternoon with Mr. Grlscom and James W. Wadsworth, speakers of the assembly and tonight with Mr. Woodruff himself. Neither he nor Mr. Grlscom would discuss the outcome of these conferences, but Mr. Woodruff waa more communicative. He consented to Interview himself for tho newspapers. "You may say this," he said: "When Mr. Woodruff was asked If Senator Root had demanded his resignation, he answered, 'ask Root.' "When Mr. Woodruff was asked If he was any question of retiring him, he an swered with even more emphasis, 'ask Root. "When Mr. Woodruff was asked if he Intended to resign of his own accord he answered with an emphasis almost border ing on belligerency: "Ak Root.' " In' iplte of the wide diversion of opinion as to what Is proper to do In the present crlsl within the republican party of the state, and what Is the proper way to do it, both sides are still sincerely anxious to avoid an open breach at the primaries. The adherents of Woodruff sum It up In one word hysteria. TROUBLE WITH NEW AUTO Klagstoa, N. Y., Man Wrecks Twro Store Fronts and lilts Wonina la First Effort to Drive It. KINGSTON. N. Y., March 14.-John H, Santqry, manager of a clothing store hero, purchased a new automobile yesterday and caused $300 damage while trying to learn how to run It today. II practised In the bualness section, and after bowling over Mr. Sarah K. Wlnchell, who was returning from church, and break ing her arm, the machine wrecked the plate glus front of hi firm's store, scat tered a crowd that started to Mrs. Wln chell' assistance and finally crashed Into the plate glasa front of a store on the orroatt side of the street. Eantory was uninsured. A friend who juu.ptd from the car dlblocated bis shoulder. "Yes. Mary, Here it is at last the loaf that pleases us all better than the and worK. O PURE and all halted or bought. This bread was made for you who never were quite satisfied with a baKer s bread. It is made better than bread was ever made before. It is the bread you have waited for so long. Try it it will prove Itself to you. Try it, for goodness eaho1 FRESH EVERY. SUNRISE Costly Painting is Cut from Frame in'Frisco Museum Millet's ,-"The ..Shepherd and the Flock" Stolen While Visitors Throng Gallery. ' SAN FRANCISCO, March 14-Carefully cut from Its frame, while a score of persons wandered about the other works ot art, the famous painting, "The Shepherd and Flock," by Jean Francois Millet, was stolen from the Art museum In Golden Gate park this morning. No one saw the thlof remove the canvas and the police are without the slightest clue. The painting Is valued at $10,000. , The painting Is the property of Miss Sarah M. Spooner of this city, who Is now traveling In Europe. It waa purchased by her from T. D. Trlmon of the Rue Lafayette. Paris. The canvas Is 21 Inches In length and 17 Inches tall. Two other paintings of equal value were loaned to the art museum by Miss Spooner when "The Shepherd and Flock" was hung. They are Dupre's "Twi light" and a landscape by Charles Francis Daubllgny. Alexander Lawson, the curator of the museum says that shortly before the theft was discovered he saw a smartly dressed man lugging a bundle from the Institution, but a crowd was visiting the hall at the time and attached no importance to the Incident. Tho painting was Insured against fire for $10,000. The picture hung with others In a large room and people were passing constantly along the corsldor. Baptized Through Hole in the Ice Three Thousand Hungarians View Unique Ceremony at Cleveland. CLEVELAND, March 14.-A unique bap tismal ceremony was carried out here Sun day when M. B. Granpy. a convert to the "Church of the Living God." a Hungarian sect, was led to the lake shore and, a hole having been broken In the Ice, was Im mersed In the freeslng water. About 3,000 enthusiasts stood on the shore and prayed and sang as the convert, accompanied by a church elder, stepped out on the ice, and In company with his sponsor, plunged Into the water. The weather was bitterly cold and a piercing gale of wind was blowing. DOUBLE MURDER AND SUICIDE New York Real Estate Dealer Kills Ills Two Sons nnd Himself. NEW YORK, March 13. Herman Moriti, 45 years old, and two sons, George and Walter, 21 and 18 years, respectively, were found shot to death tonight In their home in the Bronx. The father's body was In a hallway, the eldest son lay dead In a closet, while the younger boy was found In the cellar. It appears to be a case of doubl murder and suicide. Morlts wa a retired real estate dealer. The bodies were discovered when officers entered the house after a watchman had rung a fire alarm 'at the request of Morlts, who had rushed to the street yelling that his house was afire. Firemen In the mean time began extinguishing the small blase In the cellar. Morlts evidently was seized with a fit of deKpondency, to which neighbor ay he was subject, killed both hi boys, set a fire In the cellar, gave the alarm and then re turned and shot himself. The Morlts's were well-to-do, and Mrs. Morlts is visiting In Englewood, N. J. When you want what you want when j you want It, say so through The Bee Want I Ad columns. best we can baKe. sJ We are set free from our "worst trial free from bahing-day worry Father said "My dear, you certainly made a success "with your bread to-day. This is splendid." He didn't Know It was from a baKer. Willie said "Please pass the bread." five times. All the children ate more bread than usual. reason why you o) fa) Rs"anal sT "fc i.i.1 kJ W fci.iii- Look for the Corrugated Double Loaf I the family will agree that Copyrtgfot tfo. by twe B. Mccdaaa Cei Topeka Farmer Lured from House Man Fractures Wade Lindemood's Skull with an Axe and Then Attacks His Wife. TOPEKA, Kan., March 14. Wade Llnde mood. a farmer living ten miles east of here, was lured from his home early yes terday and attacked wtlh an axe. A short time later an attempt was made to assault Mrs. Llndemood, who was watting in the house for her husband's return. Presumably the assailant In each case was the same man. Mrs, Llndemood broke away from' her would-be assaallant and gave the alarm. Searchers found her hus band unconscious In the road. His skull had been fractured and surgeons say" he can live but a few hours. Officers located George Brlttenham at a farm house, where, according to the occu pants, he had hurried from a field seeking refuge. Brlttenham was partially identi fied by Mrs. Llndemood and was brought to Topeka to prevent a lynching. He denies his gi'llt. Iowa Ittm Notes. CRESTON Hamilton & Schwarts, pav ing contractors, have signed up the con tract and furnished the $10,000 bond required as an evidence of good faith for 25,000 square yards of paving to be added to that already in thta city, and will begin work Just as soon as tho weather conditions will allow. CRESTON Word waa received here yes terday that Frank Galbreath, a former res ident of this county, had died at his home In LtiHk. Wyo. His wife was a former Greenfield woman, and he was well known In this and Adair counties. CRESTON-John Hall the veteran Ice man, well known over the state for his fighting proclivities against the Burlington railroad, was awarded a judgment against that organization yesterday for the sum of $116, alleged due him for overcharges on freight sent over that road by him. Convicts Listen to Sermon ' While Fire Rages Near PITTSBURG, March 14.-In the face of a fire peril which would have stricken an ordinary crowd with panic, GOO convicts at the Western penitentiary today sat quietly through their Sunday afternoon service with hardly more than a ripple of fear. There was good cause for alarm In a stub born fire In the hosiery factory of the prison, not fifty feet away from the chapel. Smoke enveloped the windows so thickly that electric lights were turned on while Chaplain C. M. Miller continued the exer cises. Warden Francles hlmelf was In the chapel when the fl e broke oit. He seleo ej a half dozen "trusties' to help the prison and city fire departments fight the blase and then returned to quiet hla charges. Fully half of the 000 had Jumped to their feet as If to stampede, but at a word from Chaplain Miller they recovered composure, reseated themselves and listened attentively INDIGESTION, GAS Tour out-of-order Stomach will feel fine in five minutes. Every year regularly more than a mil lion stomach sufferers In the United States, England and Canada, take Pape's Dlapep stn snd realise not only Immediate, but lasting relief. This harmless preparation will digest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gaasy, or out-of-order stomach flv min ute afterward. If your meal don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lays like a lump of lead In your' stomach, or If you have heartburn, that Is a sign of Indigestion. Get from your Pharmacist a O0-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln and take a dose Just as soon as you can. Ther. will be no TRADE MARK REG. U.S. PATENT OFFICE are going Two Iowa Women Reported Missing George Hnmphrey, Who Went to New York to Meet Wife and Cousin, Unable to Find Them. NEW YORK, March 14. George ttum ph:ey of Van Horn, la., reported to the police yesterday that his wife, aged 61. and his cousin, Mrs. Sarah Mennwell, aged 71, of Council Bluffs, la., are missing. They had been abroad and he came to New York to meet them at a Cunard line pier, but missed them. He has since been- unabl. to trace them. Mrs. Sarah Mennwell is the widow of th. late Robert Mennwell of Council Bluffs and makes her home with lier daughter, Mrs. C. A. Flower, at 1000 High Btreet. Mrs.1 Flower received a telegram from her mother Sunday, dated Jersey City, saying sh would be home Tuesday morning. . She went to Europe last fall. MILD WEATHER 1 PREDICTED Week Will Be ' Comparatively Warm Throughout the ' United tate. WASHINGTON, March 1$. Comparatively warm weather will prevail over the United States during most of the present week, according to the prediction of the weather bureau today. About the middle of th. week a period of cooler weather will set la over the extreme west and advance east. Two Drowning at St. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 14. Two persons were drowned In outing . accidents, the first of the season, near St. Louis this afternoon and several other persons had narrow escapes, Jacob Rlefschnetder, 23 years old. drowned In Cahokla crek, after daring other membera of his party to swim with him. William Howell, 18 years old, drowned In Merameo river when a canoe overturned. to the sermon. ' As the flames grew more threatening a second ripple of excitement started, but the Methodist choir stayed It by singing many of the favorite hymns, In which the con victs Joined. The fire was fought for more than an hour, many of the "trusties" doing the most valiant work, some climbing to the roof of the burning structure and others braving smoke and - fire until black In the face. Several were overcome by smoke. The cttton material In the hosiery factory made ready fuel and It took tons of water to confine the blaze to the hosiery department. After the fl.e Warden Francks pa d many compliments to his charges for the self restraint they had shown. "No body of United States troops," h. said, "could have acquitted themselves bet ter under such trying circumstances." The loss by fire will not exceed $10,000. AND HEARTBURN GO sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullne or heavy fueling 'in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and besides, there will be no sour food left ovef In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dlapepsln Is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because It takes hold or your food and same as If your toma.;, Relief In five 'minute ach misery 1 waiting drug store. hi It Just the .isn't there, from all tom for you at any These large 50-cent canes contain mors ' than sufficient to thoroughly cure almosi any case ot Dyspepsia. Indigestion, .r auj other stomach disorder.