I THK I.KK: OMAHA. Tt'KSDAY. MAIM II il h J timm PRODUCE MAR&ET Pry Weather in Kansas an Influence r' in Making .Wheat Strong. EIQ DEMAND FOR WINTER GRAEl Hrmrf Damage liy Wrilhff Poo (rowl.a; Caoae Desire for Wheat .Cora la Firm, Follow - tmm Adtiirt. OMAHA. March 14. D10. Wheat ((pnl i)f strong and higher on connnueil dry weather throughout Kn. Experts mi ill report heavy damage by winter klljlng n. poor growing weather lias fncreaaiM the damage Hulls are very confident and are t.uyirm steadily, forcing, prices to higher levels. Corn Is linn on account of the ailvanca In wheat and linrht receipts 'actor. 4.'ah di-mai.d la some belter and !'!. I eral tone of the market l more arti.e. N brat opened higher on continued dry weiithcr and damage reports. Huymg m genm-ai, while offerings were scarce, tonus holding firm for further advance. -onil-llons ihloughoiit the winter wheat belt Indlnme higher Ices. t'ftrn started strong on the strength In 1 wh.-at aaU advanced sharply following buying on lighi receipts. The rrnv kt was lnd-iji n'liii'flyXrnng at tha close and s-n-t: nit tit fiivoiwit'tne buil aida until receipts Increased,.. . ... . I'rlrimrk wheat rtcelpts were 1.124 000 bu. and shipments were i:,.vt Ml., afc-'itnat re ceipts last year Of ). bu. and ship- Primary corn receipts were .".00 bu. and shipments were .W.pO bu . agaln-it re ceipts last 'year or SH.0U0 bu. and ship ment of 4U..O0U bu. t'leafuncea- were 9S.0M bti. of corn, none of oats and. wheat And flgur equal to 104.0W bu. Liverpool closed hnehangefl to 'Ad higher on wheat and Mid higher on corn. Loal range of opttues; Articles 1 O0en. Hlgh. f Ldw. Close. tfat'y. Wheat 1 M t .... . Omaha Ch Prlcee. WHKAT-No. I hard, ll.tPHMfLOTH: No. 3 hard. fl04.i'lft'5: No- hard. I1.0W1.04; No. 2 spi1nc, fl .-us 1.07? No. S sprinK. ll.UMjl Ob; No. .4 spi-tng, Wctill.t; No.. J durum, 91S K-'V; No. 3 durum, 9tu91c; no grade, 5ucjJ 1.U. CiiRX-Ni) J- white, .0c: No. 1 white. (t4 rfl'-ac; No. i rltr, S7'iiM"tr; No. 2 color, f,7l.o; No. 3 color. ,W 'j7'c; No. 4 color, . inVyiifieo; No t'yellow. No. 3 yellow, r.B'dfiti'liC; N".' 4 yellow, MVJ)Mjc; No. 2. .'.;, No. 3. uCtiWic; No. 4, tefcWic; no grade; "4.VrMc." t . OATS Standard. 4ic;. No. 1 white, 44'i(S 44tr; No. 4 white, mv44c: No. 2 yellow, 4.1Va44i4c; No. ' 4 1 yellow, 43843Vc; No. 2 livxnl. 4au,44'ic. , ... HAKLKY No. 4, 68lc; No. 1 feed, S.V4 4f,v. . .. KYE-No. 2. "fi'Ef Ttt'ic ; , No. . S, 7S97C ' i Carlo! Receipts. . . . . Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 4 217 170 .Minneapolis ..........'....'. 621 : .Omaha, 17 67 20 I)uluth (4 ruic.iuo ai. and. provisioxs Urr( o( tit Tradlaa; and C'loalag; Prices bn Board of Trade. CHICAGO, alarch 14. Wheat ruled strong today under the stimulus of renowed crop damage reports and a good demand. Corn also advanced. Unlit" offerings being mt ' by good buying, and oats profited from the ueijKlp iu other gralna.. 1'rovlaluns touched new ton iKlntH. Bulls' "controlled wheat deriving their .principal advtaga from a, repetition of the crop duiiii reports from southwestern fhlis. Tlln market started out at a con slderabla 4rpXurn and 't lout none o( its rtrenwth. Much -of th. trading waa In the defurid, .Bioytbg. r, a. good .drmand tor h iji plcnibi4'r..optiin waa In evidence, quo- iatioiiH' for thut 'month traveling from 1 .04V tor tt.-054j.' July -waa also a favorite wtah the buyers -aod went up from 21 07', to tl .Ob'.a. w hile May, which etarted with a mullcr Btrfda than the distant deliveries, -climbed from' 3113 to 3114H. The olose vaw strong In all tha futures at near the high point, with May o up at II H4 and Julv and September ' lc up at $1.0 and II. afi'dtj 1.0CW.' respectively. 7 AlinttK of offerings lit any great volume was the. punctual feature of corn and kept prices strung. Opening prices were at a good advance and additional gains were made later til the session. May working up from 6'Hc to 65c, tho other futures travel ing along with It. Cusli corn advanced from c to Via on a gqod demand and No. 4 yellow sold at 61M,iJHc. Tho futures closed strong, with May o up at mc. Tim strepgth. of thu other grains belpod cats. May went up frcm 4o'c to 46Vtc, the noie illaiant deliveries allowing similar ruins. The close waa strong at near tha lilgh point, with May hie up at 45c. In provisions new high price records for many years were reached. May pork sold at S2U.1. ai'ic above Baturrtay. Lard closed 15o up and ribs 10c up, the final sales being at the" high point. - Cloning prices for May pidducfar 'wefM Pork, 124.15; lard. 111.22!; riba, 213.62S. ... Lieadlpg futures ranged as follows: Ar(lcle. Open. High. Low. Close.) Sat'y. Wheat May July ' bt-pt. Coi n May Jiily M'y r. Julv ' tept. ' Pork , Mav . July Lard May July, Itlhs May' July . 1 13 1 074 1 vlS 1 14 1 OX'-. 1 064 t 134J 1 144 1 0741 1 08 144yi 4414 t 1SH 1 07 1 04414 I 64fi KI 7 tWira? --uiit7Hl&K i - I 4'H.ff7y !4f.';iT4 . 4C4 45U 457. 45-S i4:tuiU 4:i- 4:t4;43Sj-1 434 43 4ts tovi&N 2S 9R 5 85 14 00 13 'Ji U M 13 W 2 15 2i OS 14 T4 28 8714 26 M iti 05 V, 824 25 at) 12 274 IS 86 13 50 25 75 14 224 14 07H 14 074 13 Itf 14 074 18 fi24 J2 Ui- 13 624 U 50 13 524 ! IS 274 U 40 I No. 2. ' v Cash quotations wera aa follows: FLOl'-R Firm; winter patents, 2,"..SOS 5 70; wintci utraighta, 24.K5.40; aprtug atraights. I4.ftii5.flt.; bakers, J3.0Ci;5.4O. RYE No. -2, ;sM1Jt;o. IIAKUKY Feed or mixing. OOWiiic; to choice majtlim. SSiJilc. fair Kk.Lt r lax. No. 1 southwestern. No. 1 northwestern, 12.23. Tlinothv, Clover. !1.75. .. .. . 22.12 14.30 PROVISIONS Mesa Dork, tier hhl.. IlV.k iW 60. l.ard. per loo lbs.. 214.25, Short clear aides (tH.xrd). It3.7'ya I4.W. - Total el.Hiioio.;a of wheat and flour wera 7.,. ww . rriinary receipts were l.llt.OOo bu tontjared w Ith. K-j.cOO bu. tha corresiMiiulIng i!h- a year ago. The visible "I'''"'" wne in me rutted Mates In creuwt..M4.uj'.,4u. for tha, wiwk. The ,....M.,kl , urmiismii dh ocean passage ln oieiuied S.592.UIO bu. KxiltuaKd rrcelpts for tomorrow Wheat 57 cars;- com. 440 our; oaia. U4 oara; hogs lii.'W head. t Chicaao Cafh Trices Wheat- Vo s red l.l!4iVSl: No. I red. II 13Hls- No : hard. 1 l.t4til 144: No. I hard. 1.H,114 T.u. 1 not inern . spring. 2117iilixi.- v.. 4 north, rn spring, 11 H'njl.HiLj; MQ. j ,D1.i', ,1 .ltH.rl.H4- Corn: No-3 cash, l4c- No 4 bl'iio; No. X while, ta4''oc; No. I'yellow' l-tW.c. OiUs: No. 2 while. 4:1,itoc- No. J white tr.J 47c: No, 4 while, ,4t4c; standard. CltTBie. J Hl'TTKK steaulj ; creameries, 26ilj3lc 'dairies, 2hi)i'i-c. . ' fcUUS tiieJyl at mark, cases Included. ,V'c; re-elpts. 7.14 casrs; firsts, 21c; prima fllatS", 22c. CHEESE Steady ; daisies. l4Jjlc; twins,. H4a4; young Americas. I6444 hr; loiig horns. WyH lic. PoTATOE.-4-nteady ; chuica to fancy, SM JTc; fair to good.- 3Jij4c. Pt,)l'LTRY titradyi turkeys. 1614c; chlck np. lie; sprlnas, 15c. . VEAl-Steiidv; w to JO-lb. weights, 4it , 10cf W to .b.- wetahira, M4iU4c; 26 to 110 lb, wteighta, 11 Vl 1 Hecelpta Toditv: Wheat. 42 cars; corn, 217 cars; oats. 110 ears. Estimated tomor '',,w'heat. 5 cars; corn. 440 c-ara; oats. u . ... Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNBAPOLIit. March 11 WH EAT , I1.14T; No. 1 Northern. ll MMjlUV; No i northarn, ' ll.UHgl U-a; N- 2. l-07tf SEEf,' Flag cloiwd at 12 224. CORN No. J y-rllnw. 5AtVitc. OATS No. 3 white. 43(x44V. ; R Y E No. 1 T2.i;54c 1-RAN-ln I0i.b. aa. ka, 12! 0OU 22 M. HOl'R Flrni patents tin wood, f ob unit a polls), 2a.40y5.au; aecond paleota JS.20 A'.y... 104 T 1 04 I vl I I'M I C T I Vf K' fV, "H S July,.. Si : fti'' 62 !' R2' 1W Oats- ' ' '"' i I' M... . '44,! -tfeJ 440,1 . 4.M., 44H, July.... 4i 42 i. , 42 1 42 42 iS 4": firnt clears, ft 3T.U4 45; second clears, Hlwu3.i. KW 1 IIDK .!; V; It 41. M4RKF.T Maotatlnns of the Oaf on arloaa Connodlllft. NKW YORK. March 14 FllR-f teady with fair trade; chanae; spring patents, li (;tl "); w inter patenta ff. 0f 00, winter extraa. No. I. $4 fr'Xi 4.f; Kan a xiralghta. lii CHXyS Ju; winter atraights. .'i ?".', C: "prlng clesrs 14 Rum 4 S ; w inter etraa. No. 2. tiM'tiiab. Receipts, Srt.MiO bbls. ; shipments, 7.172 hhls. Rye flour, firm: fair to good, f4.3ofi4.45; choice to fancv. 4 VKi4.Ha. COHNMKAL Ptf ady; fine white and yel low, fl 4..ijl.50; coarae, fl.avu 1.40; kiln dried, 1140. JtYIC Dull ; No. 2 western, nominal, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Spot, market firm: No. 2 red. 21 It1. oked elevator dornentlc and nomi nal f o. b., afloat. No. 1 northern Ouluth and No. 2 hard winter, fl 2t. nominal f. o. b., afloat. Options: Wheat was Inac tive, but prices were very steady, most of the day, on small offerings, due to ap prehension regarding the crop outlook. At the close tha market was to 'c net higher; May. II 24ir 1 24S. cloned, tl.241: July, II lul lfi 7-l, closed. Il l3; Septem ber. II .12VU2V closed, I1.12. Receipts, 14.400 bushel. CORN Spot. Fteady; steamer! c. and No. 4. (S4V lKth elevator export basis; export No. 2, 6SaC f. o. b.. afloat. Option, market was without trsnsactlons, closing at 'ijNc net higher. Exporters took six loads. May closed. 74Nc; Julv, 7.r4c. Re ceipts. 27.1.625 bushels; shipments, 14.-..741 bushels. DATS-Spot, market firm; mixed. 2i:t2 pounds, nominal: natural white, KnilJ pounds, SflrJr.Sc; clipped white, 34'&42 pounds. 52'yrMC. Option market was without trans ections closing 1r net higher. May closed. Glc. Receipts, 117.423 bushels. HAY Firm: prime tl.lfvnvl ): No. 1. 11.15 71.17: No. 2. II.Cftijjl.10; No. 3, flScfifl.OO. HIIiKB Steady; Central Ameria. 22Hc; Borota. 2iV.fi2:Uc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 2va 2!c; i.evonds, Z'AiT.c; thirds, 22ii2TK.'; rejected, 20a21c. riOVIftriNSPork. firm: mess, 2 V; family, 127.00627.50; ahort clears. 2.0iVi Reef, firm: mess. JlRTeVfrW 00: family, $lB.50gf IB 00; beef hams. 1 24. ft fa 2600. Cut maiK. firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lb.., I15..vi(ttl6.."; pickled hams, l.r)..V. Tard, firm; middle west, prime. H.iJ 14.70; re fined, firm; contlntnt, 114; South Amert cia, 115.46: compound, HOOO 10 TA I. LOW steady ; prime city hhds., 7c; country, inK'U'Mc. rt1CE-8teady; domestic, VWW J-Pn. "ji((f'tC. II UTTER Firm; creamery speclnls, 33c; extras. 32c; third to firsts. 27r31c; held, second to specials. 2fi32c; state dairy, com mon to finest. 24'!3lc; process, first to special. 2Mi27Hc: western factory, 22u22c; wpHtern Imitation creamery, 24ViU"26c. CHEKSK Firm; state, full cream, fall made, special, HalSc; fancy. 174c; good to prime, lUViifflttfio; current, beat. luVdlac; common to fair, 134)15c; skims, full to special. 13rfil4V4c. ECJOSt Weak; western, firsts, 25c; seconds, 24i(iWVic. POULTRY Alive, steady: fowls, 17i9 174c; turkeys. 134)11c. Dressed, ateady; weatern chickens, 16 17ci , fowls, 14igl8V4c; turkeys, 1&2."c. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT For ebraaka, Fair Tneaday and Not Mich Chaage In Tannerotnr. OMAHA. March 14. 1910. A disturbance of decided energy la moving off tha upper Atlantic coast. This disturb ance caused high winds and unsettled weather throughout the eaat during the last twenty-four hours and Is followed by llgnt but general snows In the Ohio valley, lower lake region and New England states this morning. An area of high pressure overlies the country west of the Mlssteslppi river Into the Hocky mountains and generally clear weather prevails In the south, the central valltya and west to tha Pacific coaat, except rains are falling along the lower Pacific coast from Han Francisco to Loa Angeles. The area of high pressure, moving over tho central portion, waa ac companied by a very decided fail In tem perature, and the weather Is much cooler over the central vajleys this morning. Continued fair with no Important change In temperature may be expected In this vicinity tonight and Tuesday. Temperature and precipitation, aa com pared with tha last three years: ., mO, 1909. 190S. 1907. Minimum temperature ... 31 11 47 ' 21 Precipitation . .00 .00 .01 .00 Normal temperature nor tooay, to degree. Deficiency In precipitation slnoe March 1, 0.60 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period in 1309. 0.07 of an Inch. Deficiency orreanonding Period .In. 1908, 0.19 of an Inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. - St. Loots General Market. BT. LOUIS. March 14. WHEAT Futures higher; May, 31.124; July, ll.O6V4fH.Oa4. Cash, lower; track, No. 2 red, 11. 241. 25; No. 2 hard, 1.124''al.l. CORN Futures higher; May, 68c; July, 574c. Cash, higher; track, No. 2, 62c; No. i white, 64 " 64 4c. OATft Futures higher; May, 45'4e: July, 454c Cash, higher; track, No. 2, 4ti464c; No. 2 white. 4itc. RYE Nominal, 804o. FLOUR Unchanged; winter parents, $5.50 560; extra fancy and straight. 24.805.50; hard winter clears, I3.8O&4.10. HEED Timothy, 3.00'g3.25. CO RN M EA L ?3. 25. Bran Weak; aaoked. east track ll.14fl.16. HAY Weaker; timothy, 315.60tgl8.50; prairie, f ll.006 14.60, PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 225.75. Lard, higher; prime steam. IH.OOgi 14.15. pry salt meats, higher; boxed, extra shorts, 114.76; clesur rlba, $13.75; ahort clears, 11600. llacon, higher; boxed, extra short, $1(1.00: clear ribs. $14.00; ahort clears, $16.25. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 14c; springs, 174c; turkeys, l4c; ducks, 144c; geese, Cc. 13 UTTER Stead; oreamery, 26432c. EUGS Lower, 13c Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls V.300 7.200 Wheat, bu 79,iO 42,800 Corn, bu 74.800 62.500 Oata, bu 86,400 47,400 Kansas City Grain and Provlaloaa. KANSAS CITY, March 14. WHEAT May, $1.00401.094 bid; July, $1.034. sellers; September. $1,014- Cash, unchanged; No. 2 hard, $1. Otto 1.11; No. 2, U.OVl.us; No. 1 red, $1.161 1.21; No. 2. 21.1361. 1. CORN May. 63c; July. 654(51io bid; September. 634c bid. Cash, Vtilo higher; No. 3 mixed. 604c; No. 2, ta4&59c; No. Sk white, 63c; No. 2, C24c. OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, 46 49c; No. I mixed, 43U'46o. RYE 72(75c. HAY Unchanged to Ko lower; choice timothy. 114. t! 14.60; choice prairie, $11. OW 11.25; choice alfalfa, $17.0012.00. b UTTER Unchanged; creamery, extras, 21c; flrsta, 29c; aeconds, 27c; packing stock, ISc. EGGS 16o lower; current receipts, $5.55 a case. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 101,0") 75,000 Corn;, bu M.ono 4S U Oats, bu 24,000 11.000 Visible Supply of Grata. NEW YORK. March 14. Following la tha New York produce exchange statement of the visible supply of grain In the United States. Saturday. March 12: W HEAT 26.419.000 bu.; Increase, fttt.OflO bu. CORN 1S.SM2.0U0 bu.; decrease. 475 0UO bu. OATS-9.3W1.00O bu. ; Increase. S5S.0OO bu. RYE 742.000 bu. : Increase, 8.0UO bu. BARLEY 2,840,000 bu. decrease. 77.000 bu. The visible supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was 10,678,000 bu., a deciaje of 106,000. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 14.-BITTER-4o higher: extra, weatern creamery, 344c; nearby prints. 35c. EGOS Steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby flrsta, free cases, 24c at mark: cur rent receipts in returnable caeea, 23c at mark; weaiern fists, free cases, Itc at mark; current receipts, free caaes, 23c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, choice, 174c; fair to good, 164'jl7c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, March 14 WHEAT S(Kt, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futures, quiet; March Is 27d; May, 7a HSd: July, 7e 114d. CORN Spot, steady; new American north ern, mixed, is 64d; old American mixed. Is M; futures, steady; March nominal;, July, fa 3d. PEAS Canadian, steady. 7a 6d. Mllnaakeo Grain Market. . . MILWAUKEE. March 14. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 11 lt.7jl.ls; No, 2 northern, $1 16 1 lr; juiy. si. us. OATS M47c. UARLEY Sample, I7971c. . .' Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. March 14.-CORN-Hlgher. No. I white, 62c; No, I yellow, W4c; No. 3, O'-l-c: No. 4. 684c; no grade. 6.'zi64c. OATS Higher; standard, 4o; No. I while, 464c. Elgin Matter Market. F.I7IN'. March 14. n UTTER Firm, 31c alts for tha week, 402, DA) lbs. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tightening; of World1! Credit Tacili- tiei I Feature ct Finance. TIME MONEY RATES RISING ew York Ranks Belag Called I sob to apply Reqalremenls of 1 a terlor with Opening of Planting Period. NEW YORK. March 14-The tightening of the world's credit facilities Is the fea ture of the present financial situation and that factor underlay the constraint on the day's stock market In New York, although more superficial Influence alao played a part. Hero In New- York the banks lire being drawn upon to supply requirements of the interior for currency, wtih the opening of the spring planting period, was shown by the e;th loss In the Saturday bank state ment. This morning brought fresh offer ings of bonda by bankers who had made purchases of new Issues from the rail roads, with additional employment of banking funds Implied In these operations. Notwithstanding the purchase of parts of these new bond Issues by foreigners, de mand for remittances abroad are sufficient to have turned rates of foreign exchange upward again. Time money rates are rising In New York and the bankn are lets eager bidders for mercantile at recently prevailing rates. A 25-point rise In the price of shares In the second ln size and Importance of the New York national banks was the Incident of the day from which the expectation of more profitable business for banks might be argued. The recurrence of decision day In the su preme court was cited as the repressive In fluence during the morning. There was little Improvement In that respect after It became known that no declnion would be handed down In the American Tobacco I case. Apprehension of an unfavorable de cllon has been neutralised by the strong adavnee In American Tobacco securities. One reason given for supporting United S'ates Hteel was the deduction tomorrow of tl dividend from the price of slock, mounting to 1 per cent with the regular and extra dividend last declared. The re ported softneHB of the pig iron market did not depress United States Steel. Crop damage reports played a part ln the day's market and labor difficulties claimed their share of attention by reason of the critical stage of the negotiations be tween the western railroads and the fire men and englnemen. " Ronds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,837,000. United States 2s and 4, registered, declined 4 per cent on call. Number of sales and prlucip.il quotations on stocks today were Sales. High. Low. Close. Allls-r.halmsra ptd .. 4 S4,W 7!S "S "l 100 49 4fi 4c, Jilcl 4C4 3S 9S 1c) 7IP, 7Si IH (Hk) AS 4 U ISI4 fcS'-Ci Ml 1. SOO 41 Vt 4S 41 7IO 2S 2cm, 254 l'cc) Lit, 10lj 15 t,5"0 M C.2 IZ ,400 17 S H4 'H 10114 400 1lS IMS l- 4 127.S 1-4S 1!4 J0 9u, 9it 8.1'cc) 341 S3 3 t.2011 4S 4K4 .7"i) 1I714 1IS 19 7i) lns's Hies K lc U-1 IMS too UJis 114 14 1.700 - 7 4 76S 7S 1.10O !74 17 lTtia I 1.800 43 S 43 U 1074 , 30(1 10.800 88 US 7 1.74 1.100 n m vs ! 107 ; 2.S00 147 S 146S 146S - too to tt Wh , 100 414 414 4t U 81 7 2.0110 14S 147 4 147 too 1 1 14 100 1744 174 ITS . 300 421, ,42 42 " loo us 33S U4 S.frl' IS 81S 31S 300 M4 60S 60s ' N1 IfA 158 ISA 700 1384 1374 137S 7 142 I0 23 224 2? 4 l,4ic0 474 Bits MS 300 us :s a 400 21S 2144 214 IS 40c) 474 44 4714 00 S4S 23S 2-IS 200 38S 3HS 8S fa 200 1534 1534 l.M 42 100 141S 1434 143S 3O0 71' 704 70i, ! l,7oi) 434 43 1 S j 1121 400 444 84 3S ' 100 44S 44 44S 1,700 124S 12"'S 12S 400 44S 4i4 4c4 1.300 1044 1014 1044 2O0 80S 80 79S 2.0W 1174 13S 11"S 33 10,400 1374 137 1.174 000 HIS 1104 lhS too 1014 1014 101S I 444 200 195 196 1V4 0 44 4 444 . 4.14 13,400 1S 114 licS. MO 404 40 44 ,. 10J 4.t00 1S 1 1 200 M4 44 (4 29S lit too 7 79 7 V1.00 14 14 1 1, 100 tUS 284 100 74 8'4 47 4 600 tl tos aus , 0 434 4oS 44S 400 4S 84 ' 4S U.400 1ISIS li lsys 400 SKS 99 9 300 T8S 7S IT t.OuO 47 - 4S 4S lt.iuO 8 BUS 88S 0 1214 122 It S 2,900 41 50 S tV'S l.l.) 484 o;s I'S I"") ts i:s US 100 DOS 4S 4?S 4,ll 43S U tlS 72 t00 76 S 74 78 54 44 14 60 1I0 1184 1184 118 ) vs 101s 1014 Aroalfcamated Copper Amsrlc-an Airtculturml Am. Been flufar Am. Can pM Am. O. A r i Am. Cotton OH Am. H it L pM Am. Ire decurttlae. American LJnseM American Locomotive Am. S. A. R Am. 8. R. pfcl Am. Sugar Refining Am. N. A T Am. Tobacco pfd , Amerlcaii Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio BhI. A Ohio pfd Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago Ol. W.. new Chicago A N. W C., M. A 8t. P C, C C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A Southern Colo. A 80. 1st pM Colo. A Bo. 2d pfd Consolidated Oaa Com Products .. ., 4. Delaware A Hudson Denver A RXo Grande.... a D. A R. O. pfd. Distillers' Securities Brio Erie 1st pfd Brie 2d pfd Denarii Elec'trtcl Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore etfs. ... Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Hanreeter ... Internstional Marine pfd.. International Paper International Pump Iowa Control Kansas City Bo K. C. Ho. pfd Louisville A N Minn. A St. L. M , St. P. A 8. 8. M Mlirourl Paclflo M., K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M. 1st pfd.... New York Central N. Y., l. A W .. Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Fennaylvanla People's Uaa P.. a. C. A 9t. L. Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Rallwar Steal Spring, Reading , Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co St. L. A 8. V. Id pfd St. Louis S. W St. L. 8. W. pfd 8l.ws-Sh.meld 8. A 1 .x Southern Pacific Southern Rallwar So. Rallwar pfd Tenneaseo Copper Texas A Pacific T., St. U A W T.. 8t. LAW. pfd Pnloa Pacific Union Paclflo pfd U. 8. Realty...-. V. 8. Rubber V. 8. Steel V. S. Steel pfd I'uli Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical .... Wabcaeo W abash pfd Wsstsrn Maryland Wesllnghouse Electrto .... Western I'nion W heeling A U K Wtscuncin Osntral PhUburg Coal Am. Steel foundry United Dry Goods.... Laclede Uaa Total sales for tho day 4 Vie-) a.-iarea. London (loalnaj Stoeka. " LONDON, March 14. American securities opened a fraction either ' sme of parity today. During the first hour trading was limited, but prices Improved on light buy ing. At noon the market was quiet and from 4 above to V below Saturday's New York closing. GO Lie Bar. 77s 94d; American eagles. (bs 44a. Consols, monsy do account .. Asial. Copper Anaconda AU'hlaon n pfd .81 l-ll Louisville A Nash. UT 41 4-14 Mo.. Ksn. A Tfi ... 44 ... 81SN. Y. CsntiT Us . .. IDS Norfolk A Wsstsrn.. l.S .laos 00 ipta 93 . . . lots Ontario Western.. 16s Baltimore Canadian A (hlo..llfS Pennsylranla 70S Pacific... lMSKsod Mines 9S Thee. A Ohio... CMcao O. W... C , M. A SC. p. Ie Beers Dsnrer A R. O. do pfd 2lo do lit pf..... do 2d pfd Oraud Trunk ... . 8 Rssdlng MS . 43 Suuthern Ry 30 .141 do pfd 70 . 19S Southern Pacific . . U: .42 '4 Is mil Pacific 19..S . 82S do pfd 1 . 824 1', i. Steel 90s . 2344 do pfd ls . 4 Wsbaab u . 2AS do pfd , 61 .144S Spanish 4a HoU Illinois Central MU.Mii v(iis per cent. SILVER Bar. steady. 234d per ounce. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills and three months' bills ia 24 per cent. New York Cdrh Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, 31S riouth Sixteenth atreet : Bar State Gas Boston Cona. . . Butte Cosliuon Csctus t hluo Chief Cons Kractlon Dasla I)alr .... tly CwiLrsl ... Kir Coo Kir Wuett .... rraukllB Otreux It Greeno Cananea .... 104 194 inspiration 4S 24S Larueo 4 4S rieiada Cons 234 I4S Nevada I'taH 114 2S Ohio Copper 4S 19 Rawhide coalition .. Is IS key Central IS IS Swift Pkg. Co ItSS T7 S Sears, Huebuck Cw..lisS 14 Sllre Mrk 9 It Sllrer King Coal. 44 Superior a PUtis.. Is Tonopeb Uluing . 2S Trinity Coooer ... 4S .MO H4 7S IS Uoldtleld ija-i.t Coldtteid Cona floreoi. Daisr Toledo rrl Market. TOLEDO O, March It SEEDS Tlover. caeu. tuo. Ma icli, lb si, Aio ii, $'i lj, oc- inber. $; 42'j. Tlmcthv. prime, fl 95; March, 11.96. A Nike, prime. $7 1".. March. 27.5.. v York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 14Mi NET On eall, eay. 2.i3 per cent, ruling rale 24 per cent, rinsing bid, 24 per cent, offered at 1 per cent LOANS Time, firm; sixty-day, 341iJ per cent; ninety-day, 3li4 per cent, six month. 4 per rent. PRIME MERCANTILE. FAFER44t?5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers" Mils at $4 W-if 4 i-4io for slxtv-dav hills and at $4 K7 for demand; commercial bills. $4.K3fi4.K44- SILVFR-Rar. 514c: Mexican dollar. 44e. RON1 S-Uovernment. weak; railroad, ir regular. Closina quota?. on on bonds today wera as follows; U S. ref ts. do coupon . rf. 1rttnt M. M. 4i 4 4 "S 9 s4 So' f.S 9 . . . ijiptn 4s . . .. t:'t do 4," ... 1i'?'K C. So. 1st Js ... ... .1I4,. H rtsb. 4a VWl... ....1I4U A N. unl, .... 1!H .. K. A T. I.t 4s.. V. S. 1.. rtg .. do coupon .... U. S 4a, rsg .. do rnupon Allls-rhsl. 1st Si Am. As 5. Am. T. A N. rr Am. Tobacco 4s .ins rto gee- 44. 4s 1l4,sM. P-iflc 4a SJS R H. of M 44. 1' N T l I I4. ... ?' do 4eb. 4s do Aa Armniir A Co. 4S Atchison gen. 4s.. do cr. 4s do rr. as At. C. L. ltl 4s ... Bsl. A Ohio 4s..'.. do ISa do S. W. 34s. . Brk. Tr. cr. 4s .. . lcS N. Y., N. H. A H .. 1174 cr s :u .. lit N w. ln c-on. ts. ... cm 14 au c;. 4s n...104t4 ... WS'No. rsiltlr 4s MA ... fl do Is 1 ... !4o. s L. rfclg 4s MS ... M'jPmn. ct. ', 115.. VJ ...l'cH e eon. 4s 1M' .. .mmReiclliiR gsn. 4 . Ms 1 en. of Oa. iie Cn. Leather Ss . C. of N. J g. Is Cites. A Ohio 4,s. do rof. to "Chicago A A. ISs C. B A Q. J. 4a.. do gen. 4s . . .' litlsSi. L a tt. F. fa. 4s. S44 1'S do gen is .'... (A l4',spr,. w r u Wlt 72S "do 1st gold 4a Ks "Wesieaboard A. L. 4e... Ms sSSo. Fae. rol. 4e ss C. M. A 8 P. m 1U, S7 do cw 4s 14M14 do 1st ref. 4s T.S C. R. I. A p. c. 4a. 2 on rrg. 4s Colo. Ind 6s.. . Colo. Mid. 4s. C A S r. A o. n. A H. cr. 4s. II. A R. U. 4s.. do ref. fis Plstlllers- 4s ... Erie p. I. 4s . .. do gen. 4s.... do rv. 4s. s do series B . . slio. Rallwar r.s lews I'S "do gen. 4s TS 7"Sl nlo Psilflc 4s 1MS 4Ss. S do cr. 4s. 11014 l"cv do 1st A ref. s.... 7S ..... 97SC 8 Robber 4a ,1'US imi'. 8. Steel 2d it 14 74SVs -Cam. Chem. &s... 9S swsbash 1st 5s lit "' do 1st A ei 4s 74 r. A. s:'Western Md. 4s 8fi4 iA'il. Bier. cv. Be 2S 14S Wl, -r!enirsl 4 . .. S4i "Oen. Klec Ml. Cen. 1st ref. 4s... JSMo. Pac. r. Bs ctfs.. tu'i Int. Mel. 4Ss SIS Bid. Loral deewrltlea, yuotatlons furnished bv Samuel Burns, Jr., 614 New York Life building: Rid. Atved. BstH;e Creamery Co City of Omalm 4Ss ? Cudahy Packing Co. 6s Columbus Neb . E. L. Be. 102S ., Kansas City Home Tl. is 1823. Long Bell L. Co. So 1922 Lincoln Gss A Klec. 6s 1941 Nebraska Tel. Stock per cent. North Platte Cat. Ir. Co. s 1920 Omaha Water Co. 6s 1916 ..... ... l ... 10S ... 994 ... 9S ... 11 ... 994 ... 84S ... K ... 99 .., 100 it ... 98 ... 984 ... 81S 14S iiS IDS 9S4 n 1004 toS lot 100 101 944 13 99 99 824 190 994 IB 14 464 92 1044 100 s 914 82 17 umana Water o. Ss 1948 , Omaha Water 4'o. 2d pfd..." Omaha Gas 3s 1917 Omaha R L. d- P. Ss 1933 Omsha R. L. pfd 5 per cent.. Omaha St. Rr. Is 1'.4 . ..,.....;.. Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. r 10;.... Omaha A C. B. St. Ky pfd 4 per rent. Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. com Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B. pfd... , Slotis City P. Y. pfd 6 per cent Seattle 44s 1930 ; Swift Estate col. 44a notes 1911....... St, Louis Rrewlng Co , .. United Ry St. L. :834 Union 8. y. stock. So. Omaha....... 99 98 844 7B -. 44 91 104 994 : S 114 Boston StooUs and Bonds. BOSTON. Murch 14.-Closlng quotations on stockM were as follows: Amal. Conner 79', Mohawk , ro't Nevada Con. ... a34Nlplsltig Mines US North Butte .... . 48 . 33S . 10s . 42 . 224. . a .153 . 14 . 8 . 144 . 54 A Z. L S.... Arliona Com. .. . Atlantic B. O. C. A C... B. A C. C, S. & Butte Coalition . .... 19SNortb Lake .... M . . 17 old Dominion . ... 2 Osceola Cat. A Arlsona 78SParrott . A C Cel. A II ik Is OS Qulncy v... . riuennisi 1 Milan nntl Copper Range C.f... 7S9iiner1or Ksst Hutte c. M .. Pranklln Olroux Con. (Iran by Con Greene Cananea ... Isle Royale Copper Kerr Lake I.ake Copper 1-s Salle Cjipper Miami Copper ....... Anked. JOS Superior A B. M 144 2! Superior A P. C 134 9S Tamarack j 87V, U. S. l A 0 384 104 "IT. 8. 8. R. A M. .. . 47 21 do pfd : BT4 84 Utah Coa. ............ SIS "7SWInona 104 If i. Wolverine .14S x4AlkueS',..- M Nerr-York Jllnlnar- S4oeka. NEW YORK. March lVtClMilns;-quoU-tlons on mining stocks eri ,i Alice i.17B LeadrtUo, Con. B Brunswick Con Utile Ctilet Com. Tunnel stock Mexican1 ....... Oruar1c,ia.C.r.. Ophjr Stardard Yellow Jacket . do bonds -18 Con. Cal. A Horn Sliver Iron Silver offered. Va i 35 - ..165 .140 . 4.1 .100 Bank Clearlnirs. OMAHA, March 14-Bank' clearlnss for today were $3,442,065.07 and for the corres ponding date last year were ,$3,067,131.50. Cotton Market. NEW "YORK, March 14 The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of 4fo6 pointa and sold D'nU points higher during the first, few minutes on the continued ab sence of rain In Texas, covering and some scattering demand for new crop months. The leading bulls seemed to be giving the eased off 3 or 4 points from the best during the middle of the morning. May contracts sold at 14.97c after tho call, or into new high ground for the movement. Spot closed quiet, 10 points higher; mid dling uplands. 18.20c; middling gulf, 15.45c; sales, 1,400 bales. Futures opened steady. March 14.9057 14 8Re: May, 14.93c; July, 14 ".c; August, 14.Cs.Ti 11.09c; September, lull's 13.13c; October, 12.G6c; De cember, 12.4Sc: January. 12.47c. Futures closed steady; March, 15.06c; April, 14.93c; May. 14.9Sc; June. 14.75c: July, 14.74c; August, 14.20c; Heptember, 13.30c: Oc tober, 12.8oc; November, 12. Wc; December, 12.S2c; January, 2.5Se. GALVESTON, March 14 COTTON Mar ket steadv at 144c. NEW ORLEANS, March 14.-COTTON-Spot, firm; 4c higher; sales on the tpot, 1.360 bales; to arrive, none: low ordinary, 114c. nominal; ordinary, 12 3-lSc, nominal; good ordinary. 134c; strict good ordinary, 14c; low middling, 14 5-16c; strict low mid dling. 14 9-16c; middling. 14 13-1c; strict mid dling. 15c; good middling. 15 3-llc; strict good middling,- 15'c; middling fair, 154c; middling fair to fair, 154c; fair. W4c, nom inal. Receipts, 2,305 bales; , Block, W7.225 bales. ST. LOVIS, March 14. COTTON' Quiet ; middling. 15c; salts none; receipts, 201I bales; tchlpments, 317 bales; stock, 42,57ti bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 14.-META LS-Mar-ket for standard copper was dull today, with spot and all pofltlons up to the end of May, closing at f!2.K7V( 13 124 The Lon don market was firm and higher, with spot quoted at 1.9 5e and futures at fuO 3s 9d. Arrivals reported at New York today were lOj tons; the custom sous returns showed exports of 1.7S5 tons, making 7.tW3 tons so far this month. Local dealers quote lake copper at 213.24fll- 874: electrolytic, 213.374-itl3.li24; casting. $13.124n 13 2f. Tin was weak, with spot closing at 131 40p 31.70; March. 211. 3-331. 75; April. 31.30r3l.70; May. 3l.5o-i!;il.7C; June, 231.:fi31.tiO.' The L6hdon market, was weak and lower, with spot ouoted at 144 lid; and future. (145. 17s lid. Lead whs wettk. with spot quoted at $4 60 4i4t:0 New York and 24.30ff-4.40 East Sr. Louis. London was unchanged at (13 Ss 9d. Sjielter was dull, with spot quoted at Si. 66 t?i5.70 New York: 25.fi4?i5 574 F.aM St. Louis. The London market was unchanged" at 23. Iron was unchtinKcd at 6ls M for Cleveland warrants in London. Locally the market was quiet. No. I foundry northern. tll.taHP 1S.&0; No. , 117. 7Mj 18.25: No. 1 southern aid No 1 southern soft, 2l7.75fil8 ?5. ST. I.OI'IS, March 14. METALS Lead, dull, 24.40. Speltli'r, weak, '..tiO. Wool Market. ST. ' LOl'IS. March 14 -WOOIl'n-changed: territory and western mediums, 24n4c; fine mediums. !K-i24e: fine. 114j!0c. LONDON, March 14. WOOL A largo and vailed Mt'lt-ction, amounting to 14.S44 bales, was offered at the wool auction tab's to day. Competition was animate.! and prices were firm, especially for merinos, which were In sellers' favor. Light, greusy crons hreds were In spirited demand for America and the tome trade. tWlonga brought Is &4J and New Zealand Is 44d. Ameri cans purchased crofsbreds freely. The sales I follow: New South Wales. 1.T0O bales; tenured. Is VtriHila lid: greuay. 44dc(na .I4d. yui-tnsland. l.UXi bales; ncoured. lb Cdi 2 4d; greuay. Islfi Is 3d. Vlcti-rlu. 70( bales; I scoured la Wals 10t,d: greasv. 5i,dvils rn. west Australia. 400 hales; grensv. citKMs 4d New Zealand. 700 bales; scoured. 1 Kd-fjls H4d; greasy, "cpols 4'mI. Cape cf O.ukI Hope and Natal V41 bales: scoured, 11d"ls d; greasy. Mrild. Punta Arenas, 200 bales; greasy, idcfils Id. .- t Hrr Goods Market, NEW YORK. March 14 The dry tjoods markets sM-ra quiet In the primary division. Hfttor sales are reported in cotton s-ooils at lower prices. In-ess goods era 4Uiet for spot delivery and soldo from the businens l.oi'ked by larttcs corporations there is llttl doing tor fall. Yarns are some, hat steadier. Jouiii. trade ia quiet OMAHA LIVE STOCK" MARKET Killing Cattle Ten Cents Higher and Feeder Stronj. HOGS SELLING STEADY TO L0WIS Fat (keen aaa Lambs Aaala la iooa Demaad, sslth rrlrea Strong to Tea Oata Illaber Than Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. March 14. n.-.ii. . I'.Mi. lln.. AheeD Estimated Mondav 4.41l" ""'l Hume day last week 4.47i1 4 675 Same dav 2 weeks ago.. $.706 .4."3 Sertis dav 2 weeks ago.. &.77" J.SSil Some day 4 weeks ago.. 4.2"2 8.019 U n ... . .. .. 1 . . T-O S ? ' 1 6 MS 4.704 4.-.41 S .Ml f.0l The following table t'.ows the receipts 01 cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1910 1909. Inc. Dec. Cattle 20V 17 Isd.siW 1X22 Hogs 4..MS 67. 6SS 1021. S Sheep 295,012 324.917 j ne louowing taDie snows m ntA nt k . . u 1. the laaf . . ' 'I W IIUK . I '. .1 I 1 1 ...II BU- .V several days, with comparisons. Date. I 1S10. 19t. I1WS. 1907. 1006. lfJ. 11904. March I March ".. 2 741 ( SW 4 3.1 ! 4 44, 4SI I 6 M I 4S 62 4 38 6 40 4 341 74 ( 7S 6 7S 231 4 251 t 131 4 2 B 13 10' 4 M 2 20 131 4 2S; i 19 C 111 4 8L5 H I t Stil I 11 6 09 1 b 15 ( 121 4 2 6 llj 4 211 5 15 March 2..1 9 7ss; March 9..1 944' March 10. 10 224; March 11. 10 27 I March 12.110 274! March 13. I March 14. W 34 7S 4.1 1 4 t 6S 47 4 37 Kt I 4 46 6 5 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live gtock at the fnlon stock yards, e-.mlh Omatia, for twenty-four hours -ending at 2 o'olock, p. m., March 14: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. 11 r s. C , M. & St. P 5-3 .. 1 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 2 2 I'nion Paclflo 42 14 24 1 C. & S. XV., east.... 4 3 .. 1 C. &. N. W.. west.-... M, 23 4 2 C, St. P. M. & O.... 11 3 1 C B. & (J , east 6 .- 1 C, B. & g.. west.... 64 2 2 2 C. It. I. & P., east.. 1111 Illinois Central 3 1 Chicago Great West. 3 .. 1 Total receipts ...171 73 3!) 12 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omnha Packing Co S24 :M 1.21 Swift and Company . 795 720 1.73S Cudahv Packing Co 417 1.02H 1.H52 Armour A Co 603 1,014 tm Schwartz-Bolen Co 35 St. Clair 1 Morrcll Pack. Co 10 Kar Packing Co 370 Mutphy, shippers S13 W. 11. Vansant Co 181 ..... Stephens Bros K7 Hill ASon 141 F. B. Lewis 199 Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co 71 J. H. Bulla 72 L. F. Husi 99 L. Wolf 4i9 McCreary A Carey 142 ..... S. Werthelmer 24 II. F. Hamilton , 29 Sullivan Bros 19 Lee Rothschild 14 0 Mo-Kan. aClf Co 78 Sol Degen 22 Kline 10 Other buyers 341 1.650 Totals 524 5,093 9,340 CATTLE Receipt oL cattle this morning were about on a par with one week ago, and also with the corresponding day of last year. It was, in other words, a fair run for a Monday, but by no means large. Advices from other points Indicated only moderate runs and the general situation was very favorable for the selling Inter ests. Buyers of beef steers were all out early thin morning and It soon became apparent that they wanted the cattle and wanted tht m badly enough to spring last" week's prices. Tha result was an active market, with prices generally 10c higher than laat week. Pretty much everything waa cleaned up by 10 o'clock la the morning.-' There. were a Jew cattle good enough .to . jin 27.66, (he highest price paid since .Novero- ' berv ' -' . ,- I Cow and heifers were alao In -very good., demand and. they., too, told, very, freely,! being pretty much all cleaned up by W o'clock or soon after. The prices paid were around 10c higher than last week. It might I be noted, however, that the beat cows and heifers have been selling so high that buyers are a little backward about putting on very much on the extreme tops, the I medium to pretty decent kinds showing j even more advance than -the best grades. I Stockers and feeders were In moderate i supply, but there was a very fair demand, although last week's prices were extremely high. The market today could be called steady ts a little stronger, If anything. Quotatlona on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers V.7fi&7.76: fair to good corn fed Bteers, I'i ('((, 70; common to fair corn fed steers, 2o.2i.v6 00; good to choice cows and heifers, 26.26c3B.l&; fair to good cows and heifers, 24.606.23; common to fair cows and heifers, 3.0ca4 50; good to choice stock era and feeders, 25.4OJi.ij0; fair to good stockers and feeders, HMdiOO: common to fair stockers and feeders, 24.OOc04.2S; stock heifers, Ji.75.tf4. 25; veal calves, 24.002.25; bulls, stags, etc., 24.0OfjtC.75. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ko. At. Tt. No. At. Pr. 83 764 I 50 20 9C1 I 71 U .. 890 6 40 0 .'....1110 4 76 11 901 I 10 14 1217 4 90 44..: 964 I 16 11 ...11(8 I 60 34 lcl I 55 21 1091 4 15 49 1040 ii 13 1107 4 MS II 1081 I 60 21 1041 4 16 11 931 -6 60 II 1241 4 90 19 1041 4 50 22 IUA) I 4 I .' 1164 I 46 SO 1,72 7 00 II l'W 4 60 1 1101 1 00 I..; 1094 4 10 1304 t 00 II 959 I 40 1 1091 T 00 1 1150 I 40 2 1380 7 10 II 1001 I 66 71 1296 7 10 21 1093 4 70 16 12o6 7 10 16 .....1163 I 10 3 1114 7 18 II 1190 I 70 42 1143 7 14 II 871 I 70 13 1310 7 16 20 1134 76 11 1876 T M 6 1240 76 1 1400 1 40 Wii ( 75 14 161 7 64 COWS. 1 834 I 60 4 1C26 6 60 14 841 I 70 12 1114 2 66 7 8c7 4 00 18 994 4 66 tl 984 4 20 14 ....1040 I 4 1107 I 60 16 1013 4 80 14 887 4 80 1 1000 4 70 10..- 894 4 81 4 1114 4 74 4 800 i IV . 1 1186 I 70 21 774 ItS 1 1.1-5 6 80 1....... un 1 10 1 us 1 14 7 971 6 15 HEIFERS. 4 117 4 00 11 446 I t 20 446 4 00 11 Ii4 I 36 1 618 ' 4 00 11 46i I 6) 10.... 7'2 4 05 4 891 4 On T. 638 4 15 23 ..1087 I OS tl..-,.., 631 4 15 4 '. Hi 4 18 W 621 4 00 , - BULLS. 2'....;. lliUS 4 40 1 .....neo -4 65 1:.-.'... 12'J0 100 l..........14.r,0 2 70 1 1490 6 14 1 16J0 I 7i 1 1390 I 16 I ..'...1480 6 74 1 1490 I 40 1 13M) I 76 1 1540 I 40 1 1330 4 74 1 1370 4 60 1 14) 4 85 1 1140 6 40 1 14.44 I 90 1 It.- I 60 1 1314 I IS 1 1SO0 6 60 CALVES. I ". 100 I 00 1 140 7 SO nr....:. 3 6 I 26 I Ml) ' I 00 I.. 213 6 6) b 180 I 00 1 I ll I 00 I LSI I 01 1 100 I 00 1 mo g J5 4 lsl 4 25 1 114 I 14 1 210 I 60 1 m 4 b 1 110 7 00 1 140 I 14 1...... loc) 7 60 . . .STOCKERS AND T' EEijERS. IK 423 4 14 1 7)2 K 15 4J3 4 60 32 131 4 75 1...., 490 6 UO 2'J 740 6 80 6 671 6 00 11 lt:l i 90 21 545 6 06 64 8.4 4 90 60 440 l '26 41 91. t 4 IS) 3 612 i & I I.Mi 4 110 t: 698 5 i'l I ft 6 10 10 44 I 46 67 73 4 U) T 618 I o I tat t M) I Iu I 60 IIOOS Chicago was surprised this morn Intf with a much larger run than was ex pected at last week's close and. eastern advices were all bearish. Local supply, however, was limited and in spite of lower prospects salesmen In both divisions made strong efforts to obtain steady prices. A few IlKht shipping lions sold early at quot ubly firm figure., but outside orders were hardly numerous enough to force local buyers to follow their lead. Tackers re mained out of the alleys until well along ln tha morning and when they finally did appear, it was to bid &o 10c lower. Prac tically nothing was done on this basis and the tnornlr.g wore along with only a few scattering sales. After more or leas dickering, toads began to sell at weak to lc lower figures and a big portion of the supply was weighed up on this baala. A spread of fh) 10 40 pur chased moat of the hogs aa compared with Saturdays bulk of 10l1oc1U.4o. Tops reached 21AM, aa Compared dsv s record 9nrt of $K) f. with Satur- Krpreentntl sales: Vo. Ar. fh. rr No. Ar h Tr t 141 . . 10 It TS 40 1" 15 87 Ml . . .0 tl 99 rw 40 0 93 f 40 10 7 JI0 ... 111 cn TO 't 91) 10 rs M. 1st ,. 10 J Ml. H9 .10 2.-. 8-1 ! ... 10 o 74 l 141) 10 n V 2.-2 ... ID 94 47 .. . 10 18 (4 ii 12.) in 55 ,'S4 o I'l 11 T7 tit ... 1 J?S 73 m 10 In 77 3.1". ... 10 J714 a 1st 49 10 90 7 916 t.. 10 37c, tl V ...) 54 J.i . 11 ru 77 2' 9 ...I0J4 4 H7 150 to J7 4 90 10 V, S t s 10 S7S 77 110 ) 10 ; 3.14 ... 10 r:s SS 211 ..MM t (43 ... 1 41 75 'l ... 1 30 49 340 . . 1" 41 90 216 ...l) 72 346 4OIO4O 88 914 4 10 l 4 V3 ...10 40 J HI 40 1 30 71 rsj 1) III 40 71 hi ... 10 11 14 9 :8 ... 10 40 77 211 ... 10 224 34 .1st 10 10 40 90 14 40 10 124 49 244 ...10 40 tt 2.11 im 10 3S II XS3 4.) 1.1 40 44 272 .1011 73 I4 40 10 40 6i J44 80 10 98 tl Jf, 40 0 4n 61 XM ... 10 31 m Tl ...10 42S 76 im ... 0 6Ti an 24 ... 10 4". JJ HI ... 18 45 1:3 ... 10 4.S 71 900 40 11) tt W ... : 41 311 ... 10 U 1.7 2S7 so 10 411 80 118 49 10 3.1 44 S..7 ... In 4. 71 121 ...10 IS 84 ISO 44) 10 411 42 2.T0 80 10 86 79 144 ... 10 44 10 246 ... 10 IS 16 f l 80 10 44 70 .. IM SO 10 35 tS yt 90 10 4.-. 49 3.18 ... 10 16 4 241 ... 10 46 70 21 84 10 36 72 240 ...10 64 41 133 ... 10 Si SH KEF Live mutton and lamb prlcee opened up ateady to a dime higher a compared with the close last week, but aside from a reasonable degree of activity the demand was not very broad. Supply was limited, as usual, and everything that looked good to killers changed hands dur ing early rounds. Desirable classes of ewes, wethers and yearlings were especially favored and the greater advance was apparent, of course, in this tH-anch of the trade. Waetern wethers sold up as high as 2t.0O. Mexican yearlings topped at 28 K) and Mexican ewes went at 27 90. All of these sales are the highest In the history of the local trade. Mexican lambs acted creditably at 29 65 and a string of westerns waa good enough to command 29 40. Only a sprinkling of shorn stock waa on sale, some ewes going at 8ci.no and lambs selling at 2 35, steady with last week. quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs. 29.2ta d0; fair to good lambs, 2s (t,V(j-.l)r); good light year'lrgs, n .60-tKSH5; good heavy yearlings, 2S 0Or(J8.50: fair year lings. IT a'. as uo, good to i holee wethers, 27 5tWjS.); fair to (Rood wethers, ,7.0Oii7.6O; good to choice ewes, 2?.r(j"7.90, fair to good ewes, 27OVM7.50. Representative sales'. 113 western lambs 452 Colorado iambs ISO Colorado ewes 24 western yearlings M western ewes, culls.. fjOft western lambs 25 western lambs 417 western ewes 401 western ewes 465 Colorado ew es 249 Mexican yearlings .. 4H5 Mexican lambs 1!'2 western ewes 697 Mexican lambs Kti 54 S5 95 24 7 63 S7 .... 102 94 77 77 121 75 75 74 77 .... 62 8 00 9 25 7 25 8 76 8 00 50 8 00 7 90 7 0 7 40 8 80 9 40 7 85 9 66 9 55 4 86 9 45 8 00 6 00 8 00 8 00 6 00 47o Mexican lambs 162 wetsern ewes, culls 525 Mexican lambs 267 Wyoming lambs, feeders 117 Wyoming ewes, feeders.. 2i6 western lamhs, feeders .. 2H8 western lambs, feeders .. 68 western lambs, culls 27 r.2 5$ 41 Stock In Slant. Receipts of live stock at the sinx prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4 412 6.0:9 9,ti01 Sioux City 4.0IK) 2.300 St. Joseph 1.700 6.0OO 600 Kansas City 10.0"0 7.300 16 0 O St. Louis 3.000 7.310 8,000 Chicago 22.O0O 35,000 14.000 Totals .36.112 61,959 42.101 St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST LOUIS. March 14 CATTLE Receipts, 8,000 bead. Including 800 Texans: market steady. tQ 10c higher; native shining and export ateers, 26-508.10. dressed beef and 6 Public Invited To iOKfiiini '. mtmn w . .ay . - . 315 South 16th Street, Up-siairt. Stocks, Bonds, Grains, Provisions, Cotton and Coffee ...PRIVATE WIRES... WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE FOLLOWING: flow York Stock Exchange Doston Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange New York Coffee Exchange New York Metal Exchange New York Produce Exchange 1 Chicago Dard of Trade New Orleans Cotton Exchange Liverpool Cotton Association Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. MAKE TOUR INVESTMENTS AND SALES OF STOCKS BONDS, ETC., THROUGH US We make specialty of Copper Stocks, Hated and unlisted. Our Private Wire System reaches the lake, liisbee and Montana Mlnluc Districts. " F. C. HOLLINGER, Mgr. -,,, A SAFE INVESTMENT i. We offer $1,000,000 Gold Bonds of a well established and success ful Western Power & Lighting Company at 92 V4 In denominations of $100,. $500 and $1,000. the Electric Power of this Company Is generated from coal. -" The" Company Issuing these bonds is earning double the interest on all tys TMitstandjDg bonds, and has under construction greatly In creased' facilities for a larger output. This will be ia operation .yrUbin the next three months and result ln earning dividends on lta common istock. .. .,... 50 STOCK BONUS Every purchaser of one of the bonds will also be given 60 of Its value In common stock, so that in addition to the assured Income o. BVio on the bends there will be a share in the future growth and earnings of the Company. There Is an existing market for a large In creased output. ...... Write for full information 1 , W ALSTON H. BROWN & BROS., 45 Wall St, New York Established 1868. Do You Want FREE , , Reliable Advance Information on the Growing Crops? Then Write Finley Darrcll & Co. Dept. E Monadnock Block Chicago. HI. hirtcher steers 24 10n7 ': sleers under f. minds. 2 3. i7hI; stcx-k.-r unci feeders 4 hi id 10; cons and he fet s 21 tVt 1 7 1 0 . mhiii'14. 2J Si) .i.t ST.; bulN. tl s..ii: 10; rnlvre 2!.Cit00: Texas and Indian s'eers, 27i li'tf 7 n0. cows and heifers. 23 ts)nf Ml. Ili-x-.Si-Recelpls. 7 .718) he ld. ni )rket st-aclv: p'gs and llrhts. 27 : 10 75; packers. I'D fi'.. 10 90, butchers and best heavy, 2i0 O.f 10 HO SHE K V AN D t.AXIHSSnecelp(s. 01 head, market strong; native muttons. 24 !vi KM); lambs. 27 v,t9 i'.; culls and bucks. 24 fiO-iKi 10, stockers, 24Wi7 0O. tlll(C.O LIVE STUCK M.tHKKI t attle (Heady la II laber Haas Weal to Lower. CHICAC.O. March H.-OATTI.K-Rerelpls 22.tmO head Market stendv to 15c hluher Steers. 2.r..v, t 40; row u. ftOOoiHOO; heifers, 24 etV'tH ISV. bulls. 24 Onti.lO: calves. W 00-d 10 00; slmkers and feeders, 24 4V.I H.tHV HOI S Receipts. 35. 000 bead. Market weak. Ho lower Choice heavy. 210 (Cm 10 tV; butchers. 210 si10 HO; light mixed, 210 10 70; choice light. $10 7V t Id.!: packing, 210 .St cti 10 90: pigs, 210 OO11 10 60. Bulk of sales, 210 7isvrin .. SHEEP AND LAM US Re.-elptg, 14.000 head. Market 10i- to 25c higher. Sheep. 27 7r.''i8.25; lambs. 2S.759.S6; yearlings, $7.Jfl ti8.36. Kansas City It re Stark Market. KANSAS CITY. March 14.-CATTI.E-R-ceipts. 10.000 head, Including tiOO southerns. Market steadv to 10c higher. Quarantine rattle, 27 75: choice export and dressed beef steers. 27.16(iiS.0O; fair to good, 2 25fl7.li; western steers, 27. S5cii7.60; stockerg and feed ers. 24.U"ti.iS; southern steers, 2d.7iVi7.75: southern cows. 83.60iid.fl0-, native cows, 23.35 1i50; native heifers 4.5t'l i.S0; bulls, 24.50 Cun SO; calves. 24.60'u9 00. HOOS Receipts. 7.31W' head. MisrVef steady; top. 210 : hulk or sales. 2HS21VH1 10.60. Heavv. 210 4,-.Ti 10.00;' packers and butchers. 210.3611 10 00; light, 210.154110 45; pigs. 28 7Mf9..1n. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, UOO bead. Market 10c to 15c higher. Ijimbs. 28.44fn9.H6; yearlings. 2H.0fh9 00; wethers, 27.28 'iisl; ewes, 2ii.o0n 7.i; stcx keis and feeders, 24.50-tMi.W. - St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March 14. CATTLE Re celnls. 1 TtiO hed; mnrket. strollif: steers. $4.fsir7.75: cows and heifers, , 23 .D0fi 40; calves. 23.00t.j9.0fl. . . HOUS Receipts, 5.000 head: market slow; top. 210 60; bulk of sales, 210 351 10 55. SHEEP AND LAMBSV-Rc'cetpts MV1 head; market, l.VSj25c higher; lambs, 27.5019 .50. Slonx t Ity Live Stock Market. PI017X CITY. la.. March 14.-(Spcclal Telegram 1-t-ATTI.E Receipts, 4.000 head; market killers strong; feeders, higher. HOOS Receipts. 2.300 head; mnrket 54ilOe lower; range of prices, $10 .oO'tf 10.9d; bulk of sales, 210.2XkiT10.30. Oils and Moaln. OIL CITY. Ta., March 14 Oll-Oedlt balances. 21.40; runs, 229.17 libla.-. aviH'age. 150.329 bbK; shipments. 344,721 bbls.; aver age, 190.273 bblH. SAVANNAH, March 11 OII-Turpen-tlne firm; W4'(j4X)A4c. ROSIN Firm; quote, B, 24 30; D. 24 40; K. 24.60; V. 24 00; O. 24.fi5: H, 24.76: I. $4 75; I. 24 90; K, f.,90; M, $6.40; N, 2''.60;' W. G., $t;.8.-, W. XV.. T OO. . - . Itar Market. OMAHA, March 14-HAX-No. 1. $10: No. 2, $9; coarse, $8; packing, $7. straw: Wheat, 27; rye and oats. S. Alfalfa, 213. The supply of hay Is heavier than the de mand. Herbert E. Gooch Co. Brokers and Dealers OBAXM, FBOVirCtOlfS, STOCKS. Omaha Office) 113 Board of Trad Slig. Ball Telephone, Dootrlaa 31; Independent. A-8iaai. Oldest and Largest H.ouse in the State. Inspect Cur Hew Office - , I Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange,