6 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1910. tr 71 oil Aib&! Want Ads Advertisements fur the want nd col a inn will be Uk antll IS m. tor the evening edition and until MiSO p. m. tor tha morning aad Bandar dl f loaa. rali mail accompany nrdera o want ,nd ne advertisement nil! be accept? for less than 8 ft first Insertion. Ratti apply to either The Dally naday Dee. Always eonat els wards ta a Una. CAII RATKS rnR WAWT AD". niSClUMK CI.AMIFlCATIfiff Oaa InMrtlOBt 1 t-'J e-rata pJ" word and 1 at per word tor enen ennseiaent lasertlua. Kara Insertion, mnde on odd days, 1 1-2 rents per word! ft. 60 per line per asantb. Want ads tor Tha Heo may tie let! at any of the fellowta draw stores one la yoar "corner drna-n;lt" they are nil lirnara offices for The Dee and for ad will be Inserted lost as prrtMIy aad on iir sasse rules n at lha unla tvfflee In Tha lire Italldlas;, nvenlrenth and Farnam streets! AlM-h. vf. c, 40th and Farnata. P.. ranrV. a. A.. IH'l . IJtri Sr. Icht Pluiri.scy, 'rtO 8. ICth Benpnn Pharmacy, Hanson, Neb. Pernio JV.lk Vhrirc.-ry, S?d ami C'jmlr.g. IilRke-itra.Vsh. jsid Sherman Ae Cnughim, C. K.. tc and F1rc. fits. Cllfftu Phsrntacy, JIW Military Av Conte. .7 H.. flat A-. srtd Farnam. Crlsaoy Pharmacy, !th und lake. IVoney Pharmacy, xn B. 'ith '- Cermak. Kmll, 1 ,- S. t?th St Fhler, F. H . W tenvenworth. Foster A Arnoldl. I'l N. tt C Trevtag, John J.. 4?1 W. Mtl St. KrenRpr Drug Of.., iy! N. '.Hth Pt Fli..ppra Prn ... T'omiik. Noo. 0.l(1:nn Plirma!y. With and L.ke. Hrorn's rharmac;, Piirk Ave. and Pacific. rirtpiiotirh. o A.. Wi 8. Wh fi:. Cireanouifh. fl. A., 10(h and Hltkery. 1 ln Ju. 'iVtlilarn C.. Kstnuni St. irm.iicom Park Phar . jwil 8. 2Stb Av tfolxr, John. 62 N. Wtn Pt. Huff. A. Jj., tfH Leavenworth S. Johnnsun Inm Co.. 24th anl alrtlD Bta Klnif. H. S.. es Farnam St. Kountis Plce Pharmacy. ISO N. Mth. Krd Ij.. pJ1 Central Blvd. rtrlck Druif Co., 1(24 N. I4th Ri. I-itlirop, Chrlee E.. 1321 N. Uth t. Peyton, L. K.. Mih and Leavenworth Pta (sratoKa Drun Co., 4th and Arn Avt. SrliBi'fer'a Cut Pries Drug More. KtU nd Chlcaao Sis. Pihafer, August, 1631 N Jfth ". Hclitnlill. J. K . Z4ch and Cuinlng StS. r'torni plarmary, ltith and Munha St. Wlnut HI',! Pharinry, 4()th and Cuming. M'aiton Phimiry, 20th and Grace flta. Wlrth. O. If. 40th ard Hamilton Sta. ANNOUNCEMENTS iflAT CLEAN Carbon Conking Coal. .JJXU coutant & Squires. 140 far. D. J0. MONEY IOAN LOW HATE. In sum to ult. WO Bee Hide. Phone Poue. UNION" LOAN COMPANY, WESTERN DUPLICATINO CO., 403 Bee Bldg. Multlgraphed lettori. Douk. 3041. GOOD MRRCHANTS LUNCH. K Yvro A. JETES. ?302 Douglaa 8t. VX.. EYE SPECIALIST I TAKE PLEASURE In announcing that I havo establlHhcd myxclf at room 405 Pax ton block, with a full line of opticul Roods. Am prepared to di expert eye testing, re pairing and adjuniing of tranxttH and levels as formerly donw by me at Wurn Optical Company. My experience with the leading manufacturers of Europe In this Hie of In struments insures thu best of service for my patrons. 1 will be pleaoed to demonstrate the above and for reforepce I can name the city nnd county engineers or railroads lead ing Into Onialie. W. Matthaei 40S Paxton Block. D. 3631. LYNCH BKOS. "Mn nd Rl-.PAtR WORK A tFKClALTll. 70J & ltith. Phono Douglas 1477. ILER GRAND I10TICL Finest In lha west, ltilh and Howard 8ta. Turkish Baths SHOES called for and dell vend free. Standard Shoe Repair Co. lMrt Fitrnam. J. A. FITZPATRICK. plumbii" hot water, ateuin heatllng. 17Z1 Cuming. D. 1314. M AUG ARD Van & Storage 'or Omaha Trunk V&r. A- Storage Co. Pack, move, store and ship H. il. goods. Li. X4L'6, U 2428. pn AT. Illinois lump, pr ton, 47 nA wUALl K j cre.don & 8oni !J).UU 4ith and Dod. Tel. Harney ZliiO. Utcsour! Filters made. sold. . 1310 Howard. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Announce tne opening of their new store, lutfe t Furnim. A coii.plt.te line of fiherwln WUll.im's l'alots. Oils. Varnishes, White Lead, Brushes, Glaus and Wall Psper. lie liable glaring and artistic framing. Phones Douglas 4750; lnd. A-1&21. BARRETT-JOHNSON CO., The Well Known Tailors, WHO ILWE BEEN AT 1S07 FARN'AM ST. FOR THE PAST SIXTEEN YEARS. . HAVE MOVED 524 So. lGth St. Opposite Rome OFFICE STATIONERY SS'";. Koitra Co., IMS Jackson. 'Phone D. lxeo. B. F. WURN, Optician, moved from lGth nd Farnam to K. 4:4, Urandels lildg. blooumsnta. J. F. Bloom 4k Co.. Ula Far. W. W. Scott, Photographer. Photos taken anywhere any tline. D. IIS. H. J. Penfold & Co. ZXT'' f& plies. Invalid Chairs. Elastic Stockings, Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, 1412 Harney Mfg. flnff rus, rag carpets: carpet clean ing. D. 2321. PoUar & Co.. H42 Bo. 16th. THB City Garbage Co., Tel. Doug. 137, cleans vaults, cesspools and removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. Cement Blocks BEST QUALITY. . Ideal Cement Sions Co. D. W. DUDGliuN. Plumbing and heating. LEW W. RABER, . Printer, Be Bldg.. alter April L Tel. D. ICC EI.EVATOK8 REPA1RKU FrelGht, P enger,. J. R. Ktnnedy. 1D4 tt. Uth. Uoug.wJ. Poor bells & other 1 lng r paired. D. (Oil. "DAVID COLK CrenroenT Co. " Fence Iron and Wire Champion Fence Co.. 15th ft Jackson Sts. Tel. D. ISM ft. H. COLE 81GN CO.. D. VSi. UU Farnam. P VTVTTVl'l See tny spring Una of wall J-Aw paper. Munson. Tel. R.i&j2 VACUUM AIR CLEANERS. Wa clean carpet, ruga, bedding, drap eries, upholstering and lace curtains; we clean wall paper as low as tl 06 a room. We patst Iron work of all kinds. C KLUug tttn, sii N, lath. Tel. D. 714a ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 7 N. 17th. 'Phons Red 14. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglss 044. rT AT. B- H. Green Trading Stamps vAU Wfn nar(1 Rnd eoft coa peoples Coal Co. Douglas 17.V4; Independent A-14WI. raOlrENGRAVINO Acid Blase Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BRAMBLETT & CO.. 1311 Howard. D. SD71 C. n. CLAVIER, auctioneer. 4069 Leaven worth Ft. AUTOMOBILES Aeroplane. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1103 Farnam. Dlstbrs. Matthewxon-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or write for specifications. Antosaobtlea. BUGGY BARGAINS. DELIVERY WAGON'S BKLOW COST, AUTO, TOPS. REPAIRING AND PAINTING. SHOW I S YOUR CAR. DRUMM0ND, lath and Harney Sta. feKND for our list of second-hand cars. DEI'.IGMT AUTOMOBILE CO., mi Farnam St. AUTOMOI11LE repairing at any hour.any time and anywhere; for first class me chanics call Douglas T281. StoraKe, second-hand cars, Diamond tires. The Paxton-Mitehell Co., Z31 Harney St. MIDWAT AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night. Tire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ind. 671, Black SUS. AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. VM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORK. 8, 36 th Ave and LeaveDworth. PAPTTfV K3 FARNAM STREET. VXtiYXjX Automobile Overhauling. Repainting and Repairing. Douglas Mi. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons. I.-II.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Company, Omaha. Allto Paintinrr "Murphy Did It" Get iYULO L ilHllllig our j.lces- ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. CENTRAL MACHINE YT0RKS DOES AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. 604 S. 10th St. CALL US for demonstration of Cole "JO." Midwest Auto Co.. 19th and Farnam. ATTTD Lamps enameled. L. Flescher, AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs la. WRITE for Hat automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRlCKbON AUTO CO., Omaha BARGAIN In second-hand car, over hauled and repainted; looks like new; for sale or trade,' Pres-to-Llte tanks for sale. Standard Automobile Co., 2iJ4 Farnam. Tel. Douz. 1S21. FOR SALE For best bargains In auto mobiles, write or call on the NEBRASKA-BUICK AUTO CO., 1912-16 Farnam St. BARGAINS in used cars; ("end for list Council Bluffs Auto Co.. 610 Pearl St RATfrtATNS 'n " automobiles. 1902 Farnam St FOR SALE A new Marlon four-eyllnder, five-passenger, 30 h. p. touring car, all complete and never used; cost U.fcoO; can be sold so as to save the purchaser 4 0. '1'he Marlon Is a high-grade automobile, made by the firm who build the Overland. Phone Doug. 312, or write Box 898, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Electrlo runabout, good con dition; S400 cash or trade for property. O 427, Bee. KISSELL KAR The best buy for service on the market. Write for list of used cars. KISSELL AUTO CO., 2129FarnamSt poug.2920; BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business eall on GANGKSTAD. 04 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. I37. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A complete, up-to-date stock of general merchandise, to meet the trade of tne best farming com munity In Gregory county; 12 miles from railroad; an opportunity for you; we are going to sacrlilce tj aeil at once; real es tate business demands our attention; Ger man locality mostly; a good trading point; 2 churches, Catholic and Lutheran, 1 bank, 2 blacksmith shops, lumber yard, postof flce, newspaper, good hardware, hotel, butcher shop, livery barn. We are .aver aging $150 daily, square Deal Land Co., Carlock, S. D. WANTED Partner, small capital for established manufacturing business, man ufacturing staple patented necessity. No competition. Partner to take office man agement; full particulars. Address, 0-3.6, Bee. BAKERY, two wagons; trade estab lished; must sell acct. owner's Illness. E. F. McCartney, 392J Decatur St $1,600 buys the only restaurant business In good town of about 600; owner must sell to move out on homestead filing. Snap to right party; no trades considered. Address Y 2US, Bee. POOL hall, barber shop and confectionery store for sale. Bargain. Write for par ticulars to German Savings bank, Halbur, la. BARGAIN In stock of merchandise; build ing, Including residence, can be rented very reasonably. Owner must change cli mate account of health. Write L. J Weg man, Halbur, la., for particulars. HARDWARE, harness and paint stock for sale; Invoice about $3,300; for partic ulars address W. G. Christie. Verona, Neb. RAPID shoe repairing shop, with fac tory machine; r-rt plant In tha e.ate; largest repairing In the city; best trade; sickness; Charles P. McCullugti, 206 Fourth St., Sioux City. WILL EXCHANGE Choice Income prop erties for good North Dakota Improved farm lands. Address owner, Lock Drawer B. Enderlld, N. D. TO GET In or out of business In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Biufls, see Will. lams, 411 McCagua Bldg. FOR SALE Stock general merchandise; county seat town. western Nebraska. t ' l a 1 1 lin.l it.rl t. kIapI, n n .(.thin.. In. voice about $A,000. Leading store of" tha ton; csuse or selling falling health. Ad disss lock box 184. Hastings. Neb. VOD E it u rxt O WVT Modern Mackamlth ahop; work for two men. Call on or address, A. W. Knight. ueigraaa, roeo. FOR R FIN TV-Rooming house and botsL ,tu i urn is ue a. cs-U ooug. T2ik BUSINESS CHANCES iContlnued.) FOR PALE 10 United Wireless. 7 per cent pfd; transferable. $27.50 per share. 327, Peterson, la. FOR SALE Staple stock, ceneral mer chandise, invoice about $U.0uO. Building SixHO, $5,500. located In one of the best little towns In noi'heastern Colorado Town has bright future, is building up rapidly one of the best Irrigated dlFtrlcts In the state is doing, and aiways has done a good bual- uesn. has always mnde money, sell tor To rents on the dollar. This will bear Investi gation. Address Y 196. care if Hee. WANTED Tenants for new brick store rooms; good opening for groceries, hard ware and meat market. Address W-430. Bee. t FOR SALE Confectionery, pool hall, unch. barber Bhop, the only business of kind here. Lock Box &, Angus, Neb. FOR SALE European hotel and cafe; this property must be sold. Address G. A. Cross, Marshall, Mo. WANTED An experienced city sales man with from $3. OHO to $5,000 to take active part In pushing an Al line of food prod ucts; big profits. Address Box 166, Alex andria, Minn. HAVE two pool halls for sale at a bar- pain; half ca.i. balance by month. Call Tel. Douglas 5106. FOR SALE Tin and plumbing shop do ing good business; invoice $1,000 cash. Ad dress L. Klkltis, Dexter, Mo. WANTED Partner with $5,000 canlttil to form partnership In the clothing busi ness. Address Lock Bos 8i, Cleveland, N. D. FOR SALE Good naylnjr eroccry busi ness. Address Station A, Box 177, Lansing, Mich. DKNTTST-Wntl In o ...J imilh,.. Minnesota town; good opening for a first imon nuiniiwii, une wno piays a oana ln itrumert preferred. Write Secretary Com- m iTixmi ciuo, i-eicron. Minn. OWNER Of valuable natente ninnertv Cripple Creek, will give one-fourth Inter est to anyone Who win furnish capital to Sink Shaft to shicptnff rienth: ffnnri vein and contact close to mill. T. Halllwell, 1134 . avtn -ve., uenver coio. HOTEL for sale. Two stories, brick, best paying hotel proposition In no. ihwest Mis souri. The only hotel In town or 2,800 people; for price and particulars address Commercial Hotel,. Tarklc, Mo. WANT man to fair IntAPAbl In l.fflHmnl. business; big profits; no competition; must ,uw iu j,uw. Auaress, v nz, liee. OKLAHOMA MWAMS WTfAiTtT- h.nn. of a life here; I've farms, hotels, stocks, restaurants, business' chances. J. W. Roll Ison, Okla, Okla. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1508 Farnam St Douglas 47. DANCING MORAND'S. 15th and Harnev i.nn. Mon., Frl., 8 p. m.; private daily. D.-1041. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK. 3d floor. Paxtoo. D lOSi TAFT S Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St DETECT.VIES OMAHA Det. Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. DRESSMAKERS M. SELECOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. LADIES' skirts cleaned ft pressed. R. 4213. TERRY COLLEGE. 10th and Farnam Sta MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4C7e. LADIES' tailoring and dressmaking. Model Tailoring Co.. SOC N. 18th. D. i2. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES' COLLEGE. the largest business college In al! tha U. S. west of Chlcsgo. DAY A in L muni i;uuiaiS. Trains vountt people for successful ca reers as stenographers; bookkeepers, tel egraphers and U. 8. civil servlee railway mall cierKS, carriers ana government clerks; fine, big. Interesting, Instructive catalogue free for the asklnr. Ask notr. Both phones. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled comae In business, short. hand. nenmanshlD and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most luterestlng cataloguo pub lished tu'(-mana eena iir one toaay. Beven'.eei.th and Faiam Htreeta. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN A RS It NIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white ckln. By mall 50o and $1.00. Sherman ft MoConnell Drug Co, Omaha. CKINA decorating: order work a sneclal- iv. Ixiaons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat- tirday morning, airs. j. nuugaie, wt Brandels Bldg. TeL Red MS. MRS. MATTHEWS, hair goods. $04 Neville. PANTORIUM S?onJNM.-g l phones. Good cleaners and dyers." FOR EASTER THE SAHLIN WAIST, sold exclusively ,t WEIN LANDER ft SMITH. 817 S. 16th St JOHN II. BATH rf!owPersnt' Our customers are always pleased. Boyd Theater Bid;. Tel. Douglas 3OU0. TJ IP A fAXT Q 15th and Farnam Sts. XirjillUiN O Telephone Douglas 81. Agents for Malllard s, furn and Tllford's Continental and Lowney's Chocolates, Vs to 6-lb. packages at from 30c to $5. VTITTTOTi1 MILLINERY for Easter, opening our fifth Spring Season." PIITfirn 'h' leading tailor and dress-yjlll-yjWi maker. Invites his patrons of Omaha and elsewhere to Inspect the spring and summer styles and materials of 1910. Parlors, 214-216 S. Uth St. J. HANSEN, upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1512 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 326. MORAVEC TXrKenXr&t ar hes mad. In Omaha for the money. A trial will convince you. an Sherman Ave. ITriTldnM HAIR SHOP. Have Just re IlUliOJN civrrt a large, full line of S6-lnch switches. See our prices; 24-Inch switches, $560. Our hairdresslng, manicuring, massage, electrolysis and chiropody departments are the best and newest In the west. Exclu sive Marlnello system. Entrance through KERNS, Millinery, fe08 Douglas St. Doug. 266. BALDWIN & nEATH . MILLINERS. Easter Styles on Display 24U and Ohio Sta. O'Connor & Einblen 7. min- Denial Blk. Latest sprlr; patterns In. Easter erg dyrs, fc; Easter perfumes, se to $5.00 Sherman ft McConnell Drue Co . ldin and Dodge. Owl Drug Co., lulu, and Uaxnay FOR EASTER (Continued.) J. F. WILCOX. Co. Bluffs, la ; largest greenhouses In wfst; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped snvwhere In U. S. tlT-' iV Garden tn.d field seeds. Younk OLLUO erman Seed Co.. Co. Bluffs, la. LADIES' AND GE.VTS SUITS Cleaned and Pressed; alters' ions a specialty. 2501 N. 24th. Web. 478?; B-2231. SHIRTWAISTS y Jfj M. LEVIN. 404 Web.-Sund. Blk. Doug. 7913. UTITT?rPC' Made to your order for Eas- " ter. BURGESS SHIRT CO., 516 Karbach Blk. AlUvIN 'S KOSHER AhFE- rtalr; G011IARDCor;,a1.aks,ns' Room 4, 1"K Phone A-3952. nnWMP.V Easter millinery. i5i8 Dress pleatlngs. buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Both 'phones. DALZELL'S frr Ico croam and Ices; good things to eat. Both phjnes. THE FRENCH WAY XV": Ladles' and men's clothes cieuned 1m macutely. PTTflTO RODSTROM STUDIO, 920 ERDMAN S celebrated Havana filled 5c cigar; Gen. Watson cigars, a 10c cigar; all Havana wrapper and filler. ERDMAN S celebrated Cacti soap. ERDMAN'S celebrated cough drops. Kidman's celebrated Sklddoo soap pasta. One agent wanted In each town; 100 per cent profit. W. F. ERDMAN, Both Phones. 1033 S. 22d St. Now showing "The Broadway, " "The Flek." "Tho Rich," "The lkicCarren" pat terns for Faster at Pennell's, 1511 Doug las St. IRMEN THE OLD RELIABLE. Suits to order. $15 Sioux City and Omaha. Still sticking to Sioux City, where other Omahans have failed. See me at 109 N. 16th St., opposite pUMtof f Ico. WHAT Is the use of taking up your car pets when you can have them cleaned on the floor In a few hours? Free estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Douglas block, 107 S. 16th St. Phones: Doug. 745; Ind. A-1936. Across from Hayden's. WHY pay big prices to havo your dresses made when you can do them your self at KEISTER COLLEGE. 606 Kar bach blk. ROYAL FRENCH DRY CLEANERS. Pressing and all kinds of repairing work guaranteed satisfactory. 2301 Leavenworth St PREPARE your home for Easter with new or 2d-hand furniture and rugs at rea sonable prices. 220 N. Vth, opposite Loyal hotel. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order - 103 -SV lfith 8L- FOR INFANTS' HOME. $1,018 PRIZE-CHECK EARNED. Important, see "personals" for particulars GORDON THU MAGAZINE MAN. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:30 a. m to 13 p. m. Millinoi'v For Easter, we have all the miniueiy iattst patterns for this sea son. We are out of the high rent district. See our lino then decide. Mrs. Helen Kroenert, 1262 S. 13th. WATCHES and Jewelry at reduced prices. Repairing guaranteed. A. A. Cecha, 1248 S. 13th St. SANITARY HAIRDRESSING PARLORS Marlnello Creams Used and Sold. 601 Paxion Block. Phone D. 467t TRY our Cakes, always fresh. Leaven worth St. Bakery, 2707 11-worth. H. G095. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at H retail prices. We are direct Importers and save you the dealers' profits. Bring us your old plumes. We'll make them as good as new at a trifling cost. H. GOLDBERG ft SONS. 1519 Howard. TD1 kT Deliver Shirts Blue Wagons . - - lars Call our Wagon Prompt Delivery. Kimball Laundry Wa'i": WILOW AND OSTRICH pi,. . t Vt retail prices. We are direct importers nd save you the dealers' profits. Bring IS VOlir nlri Ttliimen Wa'11 malr. .ham good as new at a trifling cost ti. ovL,LJi5ii.ttj & &u.n, im Howard. .T. KNflY ll'NRTT. ..rlkt nnri nhArrranhu Studio 216 S. 15th St. DRESSES Sult8' Tuxedo, full dress ixiuooijo aulti BiiKhtly used, bought ard sold. Feldman. 216 N. 17th St I ,,no- 8128, A 2636. 10 IJIllII t IT) A 1 1 (7- T. . J . alike. 10. .to ,nr. - allu.. VTi.l TI'..... . i ' " v. "I'llli H1IU-), CB, Specialty Co., Omaha. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt E. store entr'ce. HESS ft BWOBODA. 141$ Farnam St J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney, Douglas 300$. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100I. L. Henderson, 151$ Farnam 8t Dug. 1258. BRANDE1S CUT FLOWERS DEPT. FURNACES AND REPAIRS NEW FURNACES, water fronts, tank heaters and repairs of every make; 125-8 Douglas St Omaha Stove Repair Works. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. LADY AGENTS make $26 to $40 and over per week handling Mme. McCabe's flexible side and expanding back corsets. St. Louis Corset Co.. St Louis, Mo. BRIGHT capable lady, over 21, to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. 1910 contract $25 to $n0 a week. R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St, Omaha, Neb. Factory as4 Trad. MACHINE GIRLS Good wages. Burgess Bniri to. WANTED Millinery apprentice girls at once, merscnenn, at raxton clock. WANTED First-class hair dresser. Ad dress N-426, care Bee office. TWO . young ladles of good address to take o-weeks course in hairdresslng. 1605 Howard St., upstairs. WANTED A good experienced aeastreaa. permanent position. Call 1108 S. 29th, or rnone tiarney aw. tflnuae eepsrs una. XManoettsn. WANTED Girl to assist with house work and care for children. 11 U Georgia Ave. WANTED Girl for eneiai uuu.i.i family of two and child t yram: ciei man or Bohemian preferred. Apply mornings at N Ito. UU &U, aureaa nam Ulgb school HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domentlcs- Cont'd. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages, small family. 2221 Capitol Ave. GIRL for general housework. 2509 Far nam. GOOD girl for general housework. 1631 Spencer. Phone Webster $54. WANTED Competent girl for nurss maid. Call at 3525 Farnam St., or Telephone Harney $99. YOUNG girl for light housewora; no cooking or washing. 710 Park Ave. WANTED Girl to assist It general house work, no Burt. Phone Harney 1237. GIRL to do cooking. Mrs. Yates, $120 Davenport Bt GIRL for general houaework; good wages. 3124 Leavenworth. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages. 3204 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 4151 EXPERIENCED girl for general house worK; small family, and good wages. Call at once. 1304 8. 35th. Phone Harney 74L COMPETENT girl for general house work; good wages. Mrs. J. J, O'Conner, 1022 Georgia Ave. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. 25S0 Manderson. GIRL for general housework. 1915 Spen cer St. WANTED Girl for housework; young girl preferred. 1024 N. 33d. Phone Harney219. WASHERWOMAN to take washing home; references required. 1329 So. 81st. WANTED Middle-aged woman or gtri; light housework; small family; easy place. 1917 Grace. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; German or Bohemian preferred. Apply at 3408 Dewey Ave. HOUSEKEEPER, small family; no chil dren wanted. 2403 No. 19 th St WANTED Woman that Is competent In all lines of work. Sanitary Hair Dressing Parlors, 122 So. Main St.. Council Bluffs, la. GIRL wanted for general housework; no cooking; small family and good salary. 2013Vi Capitol Ave. GIRL for general housework. 8003 Mason. WANTED Good, reliable girl, cooking laln: permanent place; nice room; good lome as well as wages; no real young girl wanted. 4123 Farnam 4t. WANTED Chambermaid. 1717 Chicago St. WANTED Young girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing. 136 6o. 88th St COLORED womnn. middle-aged, single, housekeeper for widower. Call mornings, 8 to 10, 3406 Ohio. COMPETENT girl for general houaework; two in family. 1538 Georgia Ave. Tol. Harney 602. WANTED A woman to do sweeping and cleaning at 2622 Capitol Ave. WANTED A girl for general hous work, 3039 Harney St., Douglas 4658. WANTED A seamstress by day or week. Inquire 2616 Harney St. . GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. 2108 Binney St. GOOD girl for general housework; no laundry work; wages $5; 108 S. 23d St. Gl-iL for general housework; best wages, at 219 S. 38th Ave. Tel. Harney 2525. GIRL for general housework; one who can go home nights desired. Call 1526 Wirt. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 624 S. 20th St. GIRL Light housework; no cooking or washing; phone Harney 2317 or 8032 Marcy. A NURSE girl for child 8 years old; references required. Mrs. John J. Hanl ghen, S27 S. 37th St WANTED A girl for general housework, no washing. 129 N. 3Sth Ave. Phone Har ney 2446. GIRL to assist with housework. 2217 Wirt St. Tel. Webster 139. YOUNG lady as housekeeper for man and wife; references required; wanted at once. 2017 Manderson St WANTED Neat colored maid for family of three; no laundry work. f21 N. 20th St. WANTED Experienced nurse clrl to take care of 1-year-old baby. 845 S. 22d. WANTED Girl for general housework: must understand cooking; two In family. 3326 Harney St. BRIGHT, willing girl to assist with light housework and girl 4Vi years old. 11C a 35th St WANTED Good girl for light house work; no washing; at once. 914 N. 16th, upstairs. GIRL for housework; no washing: ref erences required. 3223 Cass St WANTED A girl for general housework: onlv two In family. 401 8. 40th St. Mrs. A. C. Lewis. Tel. Harney 66. A miJ T . f r.f ttanaral hmiiWAt lf trnnA wages; no laundry work. 845 S. 21i. GIRL for general housework; two In family; can go home nights. Apply at 2)13 Wirt St WANTED Lady for light housework: apply at once. Mrs. M. M. Aronson, 507 S. lath. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. W. H. Murray, 3317 Wool- worth Ave. Harney 3P27. YOUNG girl ' to assist with housework. Apply Mrs. Sturtevant. 112 S. 36th St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must know how to cook: none other need apply; two In family. 2101 Wirt St. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 8124 Leavenworth St GOOD cook wanted at 2011 Douglas St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good horns. 103$ 9. 31st 'Phone H. 4089. WANTED Girl to assist with housework, small family, no washing, 3902 Cass. GIRL to do general housework In small family. 8331 Harney. Tel. Harney 2tfjfl. GOOD Bohemian or German girl for gen eral housework. 2634 Harney. Tel. Har ney 3453. GOOD glr) for general housework. 1202 Park Ave. H 8366. WANTED A girl to help with house work; good wages. 110 S. 34th St GIRL to help with housework. 1710 Burt St Tel. Harney 1237 WANTED A girl for second work; ref. erencs required. Apply 333 8. 39th St GIRL for general housework; two In family; refer noes required. Mrs. It- E Lamereaux. liJO So. 33d. 'Phone Harney UI1 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; wages $5. zvu Char.es. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 502 N. 4vth St. WANTED At onco. good reliable girl for general housework; wages $i. Call 11L4 NO. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and DomeatleaCont'd. WANTED-A cook. 2024 Chicago 8t Hlseenaaeeaa, SALESLADIES wanted. Call at 3 a. m., S. W. cor. 13th and Farnam. LEARN HAIRDRESSING It paya. You ean (arn $15 to $S weekly. Full course taught. J. L. Brandels. Hairdresslng Dept WANTED At once, forelady, large dress making establishment; good wages to com- retent party. Address Phene Losier, Grand sland, Neb. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital. 40th and Ponuletnn ah. dress Mabel Christie. HELP WANTED MALE A areata. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Farmer, 60S Bee Bldg., Omaha. Ne. AGENTS everywhere; send three dollars for three sample equalizers, retail for three dollars each, 200 rr cent profit. No competition; easily applied, full directions. The hardest working pumps work easy. Wind mills work easily and noiselessly w;th slightest wind. Great money maker. W:lte today, now. Equalizer Manufacturing Company, (40 Bee Building, Omaha. WANTED A solicitor with ft jrss and buggy to drive through tho country anl solicit subscriptions. Call and see olrcu latlon manager. The Bee ?ublisutg Co. EXPERIENCED colli ctor for house fur liiblilng Co.; state experience and reference. Address H 479. Bee. AGENTS to handle the $18 "Bennett" Typewrter; territory going fast; good prop osition. Write quick. Bartlett Supply Co., Statu Agts., Brown Blk., Omaha, Nub. WE positively have the fastest selling household natent nn thn mn.rker Wnnl. farlne Co., Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED Salesmen, $Tp0 per week, easily made selling our wrenches. Something new. Handy Wrench Co., Wood River, Neb. Lock Box 12. 100,000 ACRES Good live agents wanted. Liberal commissions. Write for our latest maps. Maxwell Land Co., Aberdeen, S. D. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY lOU $15 TO $40 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO., 800 Brandels Bldg., Omaha Neb. WINONA hosiery and underwear sales men In Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa cities; a very great opportunity. It costs nothing to find out. Call mornings or evenings. Geo. A. Hunt Loyal hotel. for Nebraska, to call upon public Institu tions; references required. United Chemi cal Co., Minneapolis. Minn. Clerical and Office. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th St. 'Phone Webster 8659. WANTED Young man as assistant credit man; one with experience nrefe.rred: srood references required. J. L. Brandels ft Sons. Factory ana Tradea. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlost Bee Bldg. BAKER wanted; good 2d baker, at once; phone Hooley's Bakery, Kearney, Neb. WANTED A good carriage blacksmith at once; good wages; married man pre ferred. J. M. Camp, 240-242 8. 10th Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Platen pressman, stoadv work. Deitch & Lamar company, Sioux City, Ia. A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER can iret steady work, good prices. Alt A. BJornstad, Lexington, Neb. EXPERIENCED Gordon press feeder. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 S. 14th St, Omaha. GOOD coatmakers, sacks, $8 and up. and also a good pants and vestmaker. A. J. Struts, (tailor), Walnut la. Xlaoariaastaaa. MEN WANTED to prepare tor railway mall examinations; commencement salary $800; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 187 L, Rochester, n. x. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: few weeks completes; time saved by steady practice; careful instructors; tools given; diplomas granted; watres Saturdays; posi tions waiting; splendid demand for gradu ates; write today. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St., Omaha. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. WANTED Three hundred teams for double track work on Union Pacific R. H., North Platte to Julesburg. Phelan-Shlrley Company, 1009 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. ASK me how you can itart a profitable mall order business at horns evenings. Hea- Cock, 739 Lockoort N. Y. MEN'S pants cleaned ft pressed. R. 4211 MANAGER retail lumber yard. $100. Also bookkeeper, $100; and manager commissary, $100. Give age and experience. American Opportunity Co., Houston, Tex. WANTED A young man to wash dishes for his board. Call Douglas 4r,68. WANTED A railroad man familiar with twitching and depot records; Htate experi ence, reference, age and salary required. Address B 433 Be. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and A nicies. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires put on and first clasa blacksmith wurk dona by Johnson Dantorth Co., lOtl. and Jones Sta. MILLER ft WINDER buy and sell all kinds of horses. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 110. FINE line of sample buggies and surrles; will be sold cheap. 1117 Farnam St. FROST, repairs wagons. 714 S. 14th. HORSE'S Clipped, 1415 Cap. Ave., D 1S10. GOOD express wagon and harness. Cash or time. 43d and Center St. A CANOPY topped, hand-made rubber tire runabout. In good repair. 'Phone Har ney 2876 or So. 1219. J. B. Blanchard, 1111 8. 29th. Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pete. WHITE Angora kittens. 2118 Davenport B 2164. LOST AND FOUND COALj WE Save you $1 to $2 In weight per ton. good quail- y. isi. i. ig-H ULL WEIGHT COAL CO. LOST Young white French poodle. Re turn to 2621 Sherman Ave. Reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelgbton Medical college, 14th and Da v. enport Six ; special attention paid lo pod flnement eases; all treatment supervlsrd by college professors. 'Phone Douglas lit;. Call! aiiswered day ar Bight, MEDICAL (Continued.) PR, ..MAXWELL, Hops to announce to his patrons Hint he has returned from his touf arounJ the world, whlcb.be becan October 1, and that he is now at hla office, 1"2I Deo Bldg., and prepared to resume hit practice us a epeclallst In 'diseases of the rectum, piles, fistula, etc., all of which bo cures without cutting or burning; and without palri. Dr. Maxwell hag resided In Omaha for twenty-four years. A guarantee glven'ln all' cases treated. Telephone Douglao H24. PILES-FISTULA TAY WHEN CURUI). All RECTAL DISEASES cui'ml without a surgical opcrnt'on and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. eo chloroform, ether or oJher general anaesthetlo used. EXAMINATION FREE. WRITE FOR FREE ROOIC DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 BKE BLDG. OMAHA. NEB. COSTS YOU NOTHING If you have a chronic disraso lo try tho FAMOUS ERFI1 TREATMENT at the 'Udlinu Medical and Cuiglral Institute, northwest comer 13th and Farnam. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE. Rupture, one visit. Piles nnd I'iiula, H dajs. Cancer, Cntarrh. Rheumatism nnd Gout, 30 days. Goiter and B'o 'd Poison, etc., IK) days. No knlfo. blood or I'aln. 1'ou will be surprised how quickly and euslly then cures ar possible when you become fully Informed concerning rur now methods. Write for fiee book. GERMAN DOCTORS, Ocrner Main sn.l Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. BEST nerve brace tor man Gray's Nervs Food 1111". $1 a b'tx. postpaid. Khcrinan t McConnell Drue Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN AL AH Y A.r CHATTELS. $$$$$H$$WJW$NMWW$$J$,Wf?l $$ MONEY LOANED - $) $1 on $$ $t FURNITURE, PIANOS. SALARIES M $$ at the following low rates: t$ 1$ 60o a week paya $10 loan. $ $$ 90c a week pays $25 loan. $$ $1.50 a week pays $0 loan. J $ $2.65 a week pays $100 loan. IS You can pay monthly If you wish, tj $$ These payments Include Interest and $) 14 principal; no othor charges, STRICT- it $$ LY CONFIDENTIAL NO RED l $$ TAPE. Call and be convinced that $i if we are the CDEAPEST and BEST. $1 $$ OMAHA rlNANClAL CO.. f $$ 001 Brow h Block', Opposite Brandels. t $$ PI. ones Douglas 20;, A 2086. $i 1892 Oldest EstablishedT-" 1910 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. for 18 years at 119 Board of Trade. 80S So. ltith St. 'Phone Doug. 2235. See us Slid be convinced that our rates are cheaper than any advertised. SALARY CHATTEL LOANS 0trTrK. LOANS. 437 Board of Trade Bldg. Furniture loans, private; 4 Patterson Blk. MONEY TO LOAN. EASTERN RATES. We can loan you any amount of money on your furniture, live stock or any other security at eaatern rates and extend your fiayments for the longest time ever given n Omaha. Give us a trial. Business strictly confidential. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Suites 7 and 8, Crounsa Blk., opposite post office. Corner 16th and Capitol avenue. Bell Doug. 1356. Ind. A-130C. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLM. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTli. ERS. without security: easy payments. Office In 66 principal cities. Telman, room US New York Life Bldg. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, qulckel service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronlie th BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 807-308 Paxton Block, Douglas 1411 and A. ML DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLATAU Tel Rd M,J- MOVING AND STORING EXP. D lively Co.. office 16th and Pav. anDort 8 la.: wareliouaa. Ir-ird St. INlV MOVINO 1C16 Capitol Ave. D. 670. A-3937. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES fnTTT TrtM'Q Union. Orchestra. mUUlilUliI O ew, catchy danrenble. VrTTdTf"1 Rhul Moulton, director. 506 Kan JUUOXW i,ack Block. Doug. 23S8. A-4383. PIANO lessons, reasonable terms. Mis. Fay Stall!. 2703 Spalding. Tel. Ind. B-5284, Vn?T?T TT"Q Union Orchestra. Dou,7. XSliiXiLJii O D. 4U35. 2415 Valley. FOR RENT C-r. opt. In the Barnard apt house. C. E. Herring. 411 N. Y. Life. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding; nnd Itoonis. WANTED Two to occupy large south front room; also 1 cast room with board. 2472 Harney. LARGE room for fwo; also smaller rooms, with or without board. 621t4j S. 19th. FIRST-CLASS rooms; ilonhls or s'ngl ; excellent board; centrally located; refer ences required. 620 S. bth. PARLOR bed room, with breakfast prlvl. lege; lady. 2578 Harney. 2610 HARNEY Front looms and board; also single rooms, with pr using and laun dry privileges. Harney 2J47. LARGE south front room, steam-heated, with board. 123 S. 25th Ave. 1903 CAPITOL Ave., furnished rooms with board; strictly modern, l't;Ut nutxlile rooms; gentlemen pieforrcd. Two Mucks west postoffice. TWO beautiful connecting front rnonin, strictly modern: private family; bojrd If tie.slred. Box 705. (Joorgla Ave. 1'hune Harney 6166 BEAUTIFUL rooms, e'.l furnlnhed with running water. Splendid table. All ths comforts of home; eaiy vulking distance. 206 Ho. 25th Ave. SUITE of two small connecting rooms, for two ladles or gentlemen, l'none Doug. 1476. U18 Cass. aTarnlanaa ltooms. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen.' ttf, I Utb ML.- The Chatham. - TWO beautiful convenient front rooms. Strictly modern, private family; board II desired. 705 Georgia Av Tel. Harney 5131 TWO cicely furnish' d ruoins; onn lanta. one small, lit all in..uJin liouie, ;1 ( an. THREE nloely furnisned rooms, a S3 houaakarpUg rooiu, twCoru. aUai