Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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- moot jh-tn iv
meiptt y. avow a j. A.
fcdfntlnf Flgtar Bargss-Orndn Cat
. Btrlotly Bm-BT see Fie. II cr Grand Of a.
1 rnsUa tanogrfce 1 Brown Bit,
' D. lti.
IB keel ny f coff In Omaha, I
Sent, at th llr Grand Htel Caf.
last srstiaaai xaf immit o
pb arias E. Ady, General Agent. Omaha.
JCanua'a Jtottla Imi delivered promptly
t yeur realdepo. Sam Brio aa formerly,
a. ,X TutblU, fear of 1I1S Douglas,
rtion. Dougla 1(11 v
Ton wmUj o monthly Savings paid
Cm sharea of Naoraaka, a.vlnjts and Lao&n
association will flam I par cent per an
nmrh V4 Board of Trad bull dine
Pud can Xarg Huttnoa-Oensral
Charles f. Mandersen delivered hta ad
dram on "President Z Hav Known," be
fora th Dunde B a tarda olab laat avail
ing; at Xhinde ball.
Kara Cohan Aooosa Mayer Cohan,
tookkeepT at 110 North Thirteenth
Street, was apprhndd laat night by D
tactlvea Murphy and Ring aa a fugitlv
from Juatlo. It la wanted on a charge
of grand laroeny In Naw Tork City and
Offlamra Tina Ban An '4 raault of a
raid by Officer Dunn and McDonald laat
night on tha baaement Of tit Dodg
treat. Charlea Moore la held for tha
court Monday an tha charge of keeping
Ik dlaorderly house and seventeen others
With being found there. The allegation
fs that when the detectives entered tha
place they found a full blown bar In op
eration. Thousand Demaga From lire A fire
caused a damage of nearly ,1,000 Satur
day afternoon when It broke out In tha
Northwestern hotel, Sixteenth ana wen
ater streets. Most of the damage was
done by smoke and water. The fire did
not ealn much headway. The contents of
the building was owned by A. H. Acker-
, rnan Company and tha loss waa oor
k tred by Insurance.
Oar Strikes George Deoker George
Decker was laat night struck by a trolley
car at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets
and cut on the scalp. He waa treated at
the police atatlon by assistant police sur
geon, Btandeven, and afterward charged
with being drunk. Decker, who lives at
4 Leavenworth street was. It seems,
walking on tha track and waa unable to
get out of the way before the car hit
him. Conductor Hanson was In charge of
tha car, which waa southbound for Hans
torn park. Cal Elklns waa the motoraan,
Fall Causes Practnre A. P. Peterson
of 1X36 South Twelfth street Is a patient
In St. Joseph's hospital aa the result of
an accident laat night tn the saloon of
C. Loftman. Fourteenth and Howard
Ktmeta. Peterson threw. It la stated a
glass at a mirror. The mirror was
mashed and the act over-powered the
man who fell on the floor, cut his head
and sustained a fracture of the ankle. Ha
waa attended to by Analatant Police Sur
geon Standeven and afterwards taken to
Mte hospital.
MoiMt'i rormar Soma on Tire Fire
laat night did 100 damage to tha old
home of tha late Tim Kelly, Sna ot Ie-
braaka'a earliest pioneers. The plao, 1101
Chicago street, la now owned by Mrs.
Koran Goggln. a elater-in-laW of Kelly,
and aha baa it rented to Samuel Jantla
who runs It as a rooming bouse. A de
fectlve Cue waa tha cause, and when tha
firemen arrived tha flames had enveloped
tha greater part of tha roof. The flra
waa under control before It reached tha
lower apartments. '
0. f. Tlmble, Ftel Secretary, Ad
Uoaae Local Executive Com
' sntttee mt Y. M. C. A.
'At a special meeting - of the executive
fcommlttee of tha Laymen's Missionary
movement, held Saturday at tha Young
Man's Christian association building, O. P.
Ttroble, field secretary ot the Kansas City
movement, addressed tha members, telling
of the convention held there and of the
progress of the campaigns In various parts
of th country.
Meetings of tha laymen wera fixed for
tha convention. Tha Thursday night meet
Ing will be held at tha Auditorium, the
Friday and Saturday meetings at the
First Methodist church and tha mui meet
Ing Sunday at the Auditorium. At the big
banquet It la expected 1,400 men will be
Tha committee will hold a special meeting
Monday noon at the Young Men's Chris
tian association to make further plans.
A Viper la tha Stomach
Is dyspepsia complicated with liver and
kidney troubles. Electrlo Bitters help all
such cases or no pay. 60c For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Removed by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Holly SDrinfira. Miss. "Words ar
Inadequate for ma to express what
J tout wonderr ui mea
iicines hare defne- for
me. The doctors said
II had a tumor, and I
had an oe ration.
ibut was soon as bad
againaieTer.I wrote
began to take Lvdia
li. Ilnkham's Veg--
jeiaoie compoand
ag you to id me to
do. I am glad to
and led eo well that my friends keeD
asking me what has helped me so
much, and I gladly recommend your
"Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Wilux
uwaki8. Holly Springs, Miss.
One of the sreatest triumnhs nf
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com.
rouna is me conquering oi woman's
dread enemy tumor. If you hare
mysterious pair8,inflammation,u1cera
tlon or displacement, don't wait for
time to confirm your fears and ro
through the horrors of a hospital opera
tion, but try Lydia E. Pinkham's vege
table compound at once.
For thirty years Lydia E. Hnkham's
petable Compound, made from roots
rja herbs, has been the standard remedy
tvr female Ills, and such unquestion
able testimony as the above proves the
value of this famous remedy, and
ehould give everyone confidence.
If you would like apem-lal advice)
about yonr ca.e, write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. lMukbam, at
Lynn Maaa, Her a4vlc Li tree,
and always helpful
Featoret of Educational Progress In
Various Institution.
Cam las; Peaalaaa of Coaaoairtal Cel-
legro Aaaoolatlosi lai Oaaka
Ca-oyra4lv Collfffe Et
tamaiea Plaaa.
rear kormaf, school prOTEi.
Taaaa fat Mluoirl Debate Ilaa Beam
The mwnbori have been selected for the
Missouri debating squad and tha queaQon
as been chosen. Tha question Is, "Re
solved, That an cttles in the United States
should ba granted absolute home rule."
Peru will debate tha negative. A careful
study will ba made of tha conditions in
Omaha. Tha team is as follows:
Ira Cook, a graduate of tha Salem Hlrh
school, and haa a fcood debating record.
He won first place In tha oratorical con
test In 1903 and represented his school in
two Inter-high school debates in the same
year, and in tha county high school debate
In Uot. He haa been a euocisaful teacher
In tha Richardson county schools for two
years and at present la a Junior In the
normal and a member of tha Ciceronian
Debating club.
Joseph Goldstein Is from Pawnee City
and a graduate of the Pawnee City acad
emy. He Is Interested in athletics as veil
aa debating and played two years on the
well known Pawnee City foot ball team.
He was a 'member of the Athenian De
bating and Literary society in the academy
In 190S and won first place in the declama
tory contest. He Is a diligent student and
a ready debater.
Audubon Neff Is a graduate of Emery
and Henry college, Virginia, and has hla
bachelor of education dgree from that
school. He is now taking advantage of
the opportunities offered for professional
training at Peru. While In Emory and
Henry he was president of tho Callopean
Literary society, senior editor of the Emory
and Henry Era and vice president of the
Teung Men's Christian association. He
waa right guard on the Normal's success
ful foot ball team laat season and Is a
worker in tha Ciceronian Debating club.
Joy E. Morgan of Upland, who is presi
dent of tha Junior class, has for two years
won first place on the preliminaries. He
Is an ex-presldent and an active member
of tha Ciceronian Debating club, was for
two years debating editor of tho NormaJlte,
has won a place on the debating teams
for three successive years and this year
meets the Mlssoorlans for the third time.
He haa the distinction of being the first
student of the jiormol who has ever won
a place on tha interstate team as a fresh
C. J. Skinner is a well known member
of tho Junior class and is now president
of the Ciceronian Debating club. He la a
strong athlete, having bean a member of
the normal's foot ball teams for the laat
two years. Last year he did good work
aa guard and this year took the famous
8wenson'a place as center. He is a promi
nent member of the Everett Literary so
ciety. It Is generally thought that this Is one
of tha strongest teams that the normal
haa aver sent against Missouri.
The Phtlomathean Literary society gave
one of tho most Interesting programs of
the season Friday evening. It was aa fol
lows: Song, Sam Brownell; "The Story of
tha Woodpecker," Helen Fay; song,
Eleanor House; "Life of 'the Eskimos."
Grace Ellis; "Talk on Alaska," Miss Louise
Mears; piano solo, Margaret Stetter.
Ralph Bingham, one of America's most
popular humorists, will lecture in the nor
mal auditorium next Saturday evening as
the closing number on this year's lecture
A number from Peru attended the fu
neral of William GUmore, who waa killed
in a wreck on tha Burlington near Ne
braska City a few days ago. William Gil
more, Jr., is a prominent student of the
normal and the sudden death ot his father
brought grief to the students. Approprlato
resolutions were passed by the school and
floral offerings were sent to the bereaved
The Normal Glee club, under the direc
tion of Dr. House, will sing at Auburn
next Tuesday evening under the auspices
of tho public schools. They will be as
sisted by Miss Lena Larimer and Miss
Adelyn Blankenship, both former Peru
girls. Miss Blankenship comes from a
prominent Peru family and la winning a
wide reputation as a vocalist. Prof. Mo
vlus, under whom she is taking work at
Lincoln, said recently: "In twenty years
of teaching I have never before had the
training of so good a natural voice."
Miss Anna HUler of Belvidere has regis
tered for special work in the normal.
The Hungarian orchestra gave a pleasing
recital In tho normal chapel Tuesday even
ing. Tha the musio was highly appre
ciated was evidenced by the prolonged ap
plause after tha several numbers.
Prof. Charles L. Grimes of Diller has
registered for special professional work in
the nominal.
The normal Is not able to supply the
large demand for trained teachers and
many calls remain unfilled.
Harold Stephens cf Nebraska City Is
doing great stunts making pictures of
the scenery around Peru. Mr. Stephens
has attained considerable, distinction as a
Stata EumlaliR Doard Checks I'p
Candidates for Graduation.
A large number of men sre out each
evening for practice on the diamond. Two
teams of almost equal strongth are organ
ised and real games are b'-lng plad for
practice. It Is expected the normal will
be heard from this year.
Lst week was a record breaker for mall
In the office. Forty-nine letters were re
ceived In one mall, consisting of letters
from prospective students, requests for
teachers and a few business letters.
Deputy State Superintendent Purdue and
Prof. Joseph Sparks of the State Examin
ing board spent Wednesday In the school
checking up students whs are candidates
for graduation or certification. They ex
pressed themselves re highly pirated with
the school. They mado the statement be
fore the school that Kearney stands second
to no achooi In the state in regard to the
ouallty of the work done. They also stated
that no special achooi Is the standard by
which other schools are measured, but that
the course of study adopted by the State
Board of Education for normal schools Is
taken ai the standard.
The contract for building the north wing
of the normal has been let to W. F. Cross
ley of Kearney, the contract price being
H9.W7. The construction will ba of gray
preaaed brick, to harmonise with the color
of the present building. It will be a com
pletely fireproof atruoture.
A large delegation of the present senior
class will attend the university next year.
From present Indications twelve or fifteen
will enroll In tha university next fall. The
Normal shows a fine spirit for higher edu
cation. The basket ball boys from Peru ware
enthusiastically received at chapel Thurs
day. Tlio usual school spirit was shown In
the sUiglng of school sonrs and giving the;
yell of Kearney and I'eru. The game
Thursday evening was one ot the closest
of the season, resulting In a score of IS
to le In favor of Peru.
CalU for President Thomas to deliver
commencement addresses continue to come.
A number of the members of the faculty
will fill dates which the president will be
unable to take.
Miss Carrie E. Ludden of the Normal fac
ulty spent Sunday at her home in. Lincoln.
Rev. C. B. Stephens of the Baptist church
waa a visitor at tha school and conducted
the devotional exercises In chapel Tuesday
Mrs. Dodon and son of Tecumach are vis
iting Mrs. Dodson's sister, Miss Cora
Dr. Luther P. Ludden, secretary of the
Board of Education, made the school a
short call on Wednesday.
Misses Minnie Ward and Grace Hall fa
vored the school with a piano duet Friday
morning In chapel.
The German club gave an open meeting
Friday evening. The entertainment con
sisted of music, a German play and tab
leau. The principal characters In "Der
Wlrrwarr" ("The Mlxup") were Enclt Ham
ilton, Katie Schaper, Lots Gardner, Nellie
Maze, Daniel Leitch, Joseph Tensen and
Louis Hanlsch. Tha costumes were espe
cially adapted to the characters and the
young people acquitted themselves In a
very creditable manner. The tableau rep
resented a German wedding scene in the
year 1745, Miss Elsie Belschner and Mr.
Walter Fischer acting as bride and groom,
and Miss Una Reed and Mr. Louis Hanlsch
as attendants.
President Thomas went to Lincoln Fri
day to attend the meeting of the Board of
Education called for that date.
Institution, for Yoonar Women at
NushTlUe Growing Rapidly.
Belmont College for Toung Women has
this year the distinction, perhaps unique
among Institutions of learning, of a larger
attendance after tho Christmas holidays
than at any time before. This, too. In
spite of the fact that the attendance from
the first waa 317 In the boarding depart
ment and an enlarged day school attend
ance. Belmont continues to make successful ap
peal for patronage to tho entire nation,
tha attrndaife this year alone represent
ing thirty-three states, besides two foreign
countries, 30 per cent from tha north.
An innovation of the year is the new
and thoroughly equipped school of house
hold economics, wlta departments of do
mestic science and domeatlo arts, and an
attendance which has taxed the capacity
of the school. At the head of this school
aa director Is Miss Grace E. Fryslnger,
for five years a teacher In the Chicago
School of Domestic Science and Arts and
a graduate of two eastern schools of house
hold economics, Drexel Institute, Philadel
phia, and Oread institute, Worcester,
Belmont has spent In Improvements dur
ing the last twelve months, enlarging and
adding to Its buildings and beautifying Its
grounds and In erecting a steam heating
and water distilling plant, a sum approxi
mating $90,000. It Is now, In both build
ings and equipment, among the first ot
such institutions of the country.
To the music school has lately been
added a department of organ training and
a large pipe organ, said to be tha hand
somest In any school in the country ex
cept Talr, is being installed In tha beautl
ful new assembly hall.
An interesting feature of the recent im
provements is in the household depart
ment, where th most modern cookery
equipment haa been inaugurated, do.wn to
such details as electric machinery fon po
tato peeling and lea cream freezing, steam
cooking for vegetables, soups and coffee.
oold storage and the most modern ma
chinery in every other line. A trained
German chef and French, cook have been
engaged from one of the leading hotels
of the country. The nrw dining hall, fitted
elegantly in mission, seats too persons.
Featnres of Law Jost Enacted la
The college extension ideas of Edmund
Dana Barbour, a wealthy and philanthropic
cltlren of Boston, have been embodied in
law recently enacted by the legislature of
Massachusetts and approved by the gov
ernor. The plan contemplates extending the
benefits of college education to the people
of communities distant from public colleges.
No college buildings are to be erected,
rub lie buildings, particularly high school
buildings, will be utilized during the hours
of Idleness, thus reducing the cost of main
tensnce to a minimum. "The scheme ap
peals to me as a business man," says Mr,
Barbour. "It Is co-operative. It utilizes
by-products and It establishes the plant at
(he scat of raw material. I could not be
lieve that young men and young women
should be compelled to go a long way from
their homes for a college education, any
more than the people ot a village or town
Should all be compelled to go to a town
pump for water. Take the college to them
was my Idea.
The work of the new Institution is to be
gin when 1500,000 shall have been subscribed,
Mr. Barbour has already given $100,000; he
has a promise of $100,000 more, and is con
fidant that he can raise the rest within a
nhort time. After this amount has been
obtained he will set about raising an en
dowment fund of $2,000,000.
"If we succeed in getting the $3,000,000,"
said Mr. Barbour, "It Is Intended to use
the Income of $150,000 yearly for scholarship
fees for 1.000 boys and girls who may wish
to enter one of the older colleges for their
fourth year and receive their degrees there.
In that way this Massachusetts college will
become a kind of college extension for all
tha colleges. Under the law of lajpaes, as
we have figured It out, the income from the
$3,000,000 ought to provide enough money
for all those who need it who remain for
ths fourth year."
New Men Named for Sn miner School
Eight professors from other universities
have been added to the regular faculty of
the University of Wisconsin by the regents
at their last executive session for the uni
versity summer station, June tl to August 6,
Lester Frank Ward, LL. D.. professor of
sociology at Brown university, will conduct
courses in "The Development of Society,"
and other advanced sociological subjects.
Mrs. Anna Gsrlln Spencer, special lecturer
In sociology at the New York School of
Philanthropy, will give a courst on "Social
Movements and Service." In the Economics
department Dr. George Ray Wicker of
Dartmouth will deal with labor problems
In two courses. Dr. Henry Neumann of
ths faculty ef the College of the City of
New York will lecture on "Principles of
Moral Education." In tha Philanthropy
department Prof. Nathaniel Schmidt of
Cornell will lector on "Ethics of the Great
Poets." Dr. Oeorge Morlin, professor of
Greek at the University of Colorado, is
to give four courses. Including special study
of Theocritus, of classical mythology and
of Homer In English. For the summer sea
si on of the law school Edward Wilcox
Htnton, professor of pleading, practice
and evidence at th University ot Missouri,
haa been added to th regular law faculty,
Peter William Dykema, lecturer In music
at the Ethical Culture school of New Tork
haa been added to the summer faculty of
tha school of musla
Prof. V. A. C. 11 err man, dean of the'
University of Colorado- and professor of
pedagogy In that Institution, has been ap
pointed associate professor of education at
tha University of Wisconsin, to begin his
work at Msdlson next fall.
Coming Oaaahn Convention Attracts
Noted Edneatorm.
Among tha prominent educational work
ers of the country who will attend the
Commercial College association meeting in
Omaha in May is C. P. Zarur of Co-
umbus, O.
Prof. Zaner has made hla reputation as
penman and is recognised by all ac
quainted with his work as the most skill
ful and artistic teacher In tho United
States. II 1s proprietor of the Zanerlan
college, columbun, and has probably
trained more students In penmanship than
any other tescher In the country. He has
no equal In his line.
In addition to teaching work he Is the
author of a number of publications hav
ing to do with his line of work, and thes
are largely used In the commercial col
legia of the country and his work Is recog
nised as being equal to that of the famous
Spencer of a generation ago.
His college Is the largest In the world.
He has been assigned to an Important
place on the program.
New Buildings.
The University of Minnesota la to build
a three-story dormitory for women.
Princeton university In bnlMlnr a tiflnflnft
addition to the James Madison dormitories.
The University of Wisconsin Is soon to
erect a new biology building, which Is very
The new Phi Gamma Delta hmme at tha
University of Washington, built and fur
nished at a cost ot tM.OOO, was opened last
Iowa State Agricultural college Is to have
domestic science hall, which will coat
The Unlverlty of Pennsylvania Is to have
a new and beautiful building for the school
of architecture. More students attend the
school of architecture at Pennsylvania then
at any similar pciiooi in tne world, with the
possible exception of Paiia
The dedication of three new hutlrtinrn at
the University of Kansas occurred on Feb
ruary 26. The new structures are the gen
eral engineering building, the mining and
geology building; and the mechanical labor
atory and power plant. The buildings were
proviaeo lor oy me legislature ot lw7 and
they are thoroughly equipped.
Colonel Fanning
Writes of Romans
Omaha Traveler Describes the Old
Cities and Events in For
eign Life.
Writing to Omaha friends, Colonel
Charles E. Fanning, the officer of the gov
ernor s staff who never donned his uni
form, says his eyes have seen and his feet
have trod pavements that are 8,000 years
old and still in fairly good condition.
"They are a bit rough, though," writes
Colonel Fanning, "and It would be quite an
Improvement to replace them with Purlng
ton block."
Colonel Fanning also describes with much
sentiment some of the roads over which the
Caesars marched their troops In the grand
old days. - ,
"Thousands of captives-, have been led
over these roads as slaves," writes Colonel
Fanning, "and as one .views them stretch
ing away In the distance ho can almost im
agine he sees tha victorious legions, with
their flaunting banners and glittering arm-
raent, proudly marching homo with their
long lines of captive warriors, women and
workers. Of oourse, today these wonderful
roads, built by the old nwman contractors,
give no hint of the historic scenes they
have witnessed, bu they are hi a remark
able state of preservation."
On the subject of Monte Carlo, where his
party watched the gambling games from a
safe distance. Colonel Fanning Bays:
'We have found that If you go against
the games here they will put you 'on th
hog.' The man behind the table gets the
money here Just as easy as he does In the
United States, but with a more artistic
touch and amid surroundings calculated to
make a fellow forget the cold feeling due
about tomorrow."
Of Naples he says: "Omaha Is pretty
rich, and so are a great many other Amer
ican cities, but it looks like all the wealth
of the world was centered hereabouts. It
Is called the most beautiful spot In the
world, and the most cosmopolitan, but
Omaha will look mighty good to mo."
Corrlnne Horn Fonnd at Lincoln nnd
Will Come to Claim IXor
Corlnno Horn, tho colored girl who Is
heir to a small fortune, haa been found.
The police officials of Omaha had ben
notified that the young girl was heir to a
small fortune and they set out to find
her. They notified Th Bee that they
would like to locate her, and after an
article appeared In this paper stating that
she was wanted she was located at Lin
coln, where she Is living with a brother.
She is going to school In that city. She
has been notified that she has a legacy
awaiting her and she will claim It Imme
DeUctlve Dan Leahey was assigned to
the case and It was through his efforts
that the girl was found.
Omaha Division of Fraternity Enterw
tain Gneata from Lincoln
A very successful banquet, the fourth
annual, was held In th Roma hotel last
night by the Omaha chapter of Nu Sigma
Nu, University Medical School fraternity.
Covers were laid for thirty diners,"" ho
Included guests from the Lincoln chapter.
Th table looked pretty in decorations of
red carnations and red roses, and during
the dinner musle was rendered by an or
chestra. Dr. Alfred Schalek officiated as
toastmaster, and the following sentiments
wer responded to: "Then and Now," Dr.
Palmer Flndley; "The Rising Generation,"
Dr. C. W. Pollard; Reminiscences," Dr.
Rodney Bliss; "Th Beginning," Dr. O. W.
Prltchard; "Beta Epsllon, in Omaha." A. A.
Bald; "Beta Epsllon In Lincoln," E. G.
A Night Alarm.
Worse than an alarm of fir at night Is
th metallic eouh ot croup. Careful moth
ers keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the
house and give it at tha first sign of dan
ger. Foley's Honey and Tar has saved
many little lives. No opiates. Sold by all
W. B. Christy, who has hren seriously
111 for two weeks, is convalescing.
Mra. Mary Cohen, who haa been at Hot
Springe for two months, has returned bom
Douglas County Attorneys Exclude
Them from Their Association.
Menken at Canr Are Always Wel
come aa Gneate, Bswws
noeeh Male at Baanet
at Loral Hotel.
Members of ths Douglas County Bar as
sociation voted Saturday night as they sst
around the banquet board at th Loyal that
the district Judges and county Judge should
be guetts of the association at all times,
but that they could not become members.
The question came up when th application
of Judges Redlck and Sutton were read
along with a list of twenty other appli
cants for membership. It was held that
tho constitution specifically said that only
practicing members of th Douglas oounty
bar could become members of th asso
ciation. Charles A. Goss, former United States
district attorney, spoke on soma of th
phases of the federal court procedure and
especially on what extent th laws of tha
state control the federal courts. He said
tho law of the ststes ar regarded as
rules of procad ire In trials at common law
In th federal courts In cases where they
"The common law, as It exists in the
individual states today, is th common law
of England as It existed tn th early part
of the Seventeenth century, when colonists
from England settled In America," said Mr.
Goss. "Rules of evidence are aa they
were in that state at the time th state
was admitted, except tor such changes as
have been mads by congress and not by
the state legislatures. Federal courts are
not always bound by state decisions.
"Federal courts are coordinate with, but
not subordinate to the Jurisdiction of the
state courts, and are bound to exercise
their own Judgment as to the meaning
and effect of those laws."
Judge Lee Eatelle told some reminis
cences of the early days In Nebraska, and
Judge Day discovered that Howard Smith
was the only attorney around the banquet
board who waa practicing law in Douglas
county when he arrived in Omaha twenty-
six years ago. "I have seen many young
men with brilliant minds come to this bar
and go down the road to ruin," said Judge
Day In speaking to the younger men. "If
you young men apply yourselves to Indus
try, self-reliance and good character. It
will carry you above any who might be
endowed with a silver tongue."
Notable Speakers
at Ad Convention
List Includes John Temple Graves,
Me dill McCormick and Lew
W. Hill.
A list of the speakers who will be in
vlted to address the Associated Ad Clubs
of America when they meet In Omaha
July IS, 19 and 20, has been prepared.
Tha list Includes John Tempi Graves of
ths Atlanta Constitution, Lafayette Young
of the Dea Moines Capital, Medill McCor
mick of the Chicago Tribune, Hugh Chal
mers of automobile fame. King C. Gil
lette of razor fame, George S. Parker of
the. lucky .curve, L. W. Hill president of
the Great Northern railroad; Herbert
Quick, editor of Farm and Fireside at
Springfield, O., and William Morris Reedy,
editor of the St. Louis Mirror.
To add interest to the convention the
Omaha Ad club will offer five cash prizes
for advertising copy. The copy Is to be
for a one-page department store adver
tisement, one-quarter or one-half page
clothing store advertisement, one-half or
one-quarter page exclusive dry goods ad
vertisement, one page for magazine adver
tisement for any manufactured article and
a suitable advertisement of not less than
half a page to run in agricultural papers
on some mall order proposition.
The Omaha club will also offer the "ads'
for sale, the proceeds to go to the writers
whether winning prizes or not. The prizes
In themselves will be substantial, sufficient
for a short vacation trip, and as they will
be displayed to many advertising men, it
is particularly desirable from the ad
writer's standpoint. The list of prizes and
particulars of the contest are be'ng pre
pared by F. W. Harwood, secretary of the
Omaha club, who makes tho announcement,
George Walker Catches Man tn Aet
of Robbing Place at Fourteenth
' and Webster.
Jim Wilson, a negro, was caught early
this morning by George Walker while in
the act of robbing his saloon at th corner
of Fourteenth and Webster streets. Walker
says he returned to the saloon at 12:16
to get some butter he had forgotten, Be
for leaving he thought he would have a
look around, and on going Into a baok
room he was struck by a bottle of whisky
on the head. Though momentarily stunned.
he managed to grab his assailant. Wilson
made a deeperate effort to get free, but
Walker clung to him until he got help
of his porter, Ed Bolder, and the negro
was pinioned by both when Offloers Hell
and Dillon reached the place in the patrol.
The alarm had been sent in by a woman
who lives next door and who had been
aroused by the noise of the struggle in
the saloon. Wilson, who has no fixed
abode, had a razor In his possession when
searched at the police station. It waa dis
covered he had effected an entrance by
removing a bar off one of th windows.
Cnpt. Bogaraaa Again Hit the Ball's
This world famous rifle shot who holds
the championship record of 100 pigeons In
100 consecutive shots, Is living in Unooln,
111. Recently interviewed, he says: "I
have suffered a long Urn with kidney and
bUdder trouble and have usd several wall
known kidney medicines, all of whloh gave
m no relief until I started taking Foley's
Kidney Pllla Before I used Foley Kid
ney Fills I waa subjected to severe back
ache and pains ' in my kidneys, with sup
pression and sometimes a Cloudy void Ins.
While upon arising in th morning I would
get dull headaches. Now I have taken
three bottle of Foley's Kidney mil and
feel 100 per oent hotter. I am never both
ered with my kidneys or bladder and one
mor feel Ilk my own self. All this I ow
solely to Foley's Kidney Pills and always
recommend them to my fellow uffrrs."
Sold by all druggists.
Regular aolleg preparatory courses.
Muaio. Art. and Commercial eourae of
fered Healthful location. Ezponaes mod
erate. Catalogue sent en raqueal Ask at
bout th school. Addraaa. Dr. Uaorg
otaMrlaua. rraaldaat,
Our Letter Box
Cantrtbatlea an Timely gabjaata,
Sfot Bxj&g tw araaSreS waras.
Am Xnvll from Oar Uvaser.
Charrh ana llenrr VIII.
OMAHA, March 11. -To the Editor of The
Bee: In A. D. Bremen's letter, which
appeared In yeoterday's Be, I find noth
ing in the line of Information, nothing that
would alter my expressed views, to which
the aforesaid writer take exception. She
writes aa If sh had Just had a talk with
the parish priest.
If Henry VIII could have moved the
pop to consent to his divorcement of
Katherine ot Arragan (though Leo's op
position was not so atrong aa Wolsey's.
who foresaw his own power wane with
the eel I pee of hla friend and obedient
servant, Katherine), perhaps the matri
monial antics which the bloated monarch
afterward Indulged In would never have
taken placa W do not forget that Henry
VIII had been educated for th church;
Indeed, for th seat of errhlbnhop of Can
terbury, which he would have filled had
his elder brother, Prino Arthur, lived to
succeed their father, Henry VII, on the
After all that may be said against Henry
VIII, to his credit b It written that he
gave England her first Protestant queen,
Katherine Parr, a woman whom her coun
try may hold up as on of the few shining
lights of those dark days of political and
religious Intrigue and persecution. Ths
suggestion that I "tak th trouble" to
enter the church and pick up a prayer
book to read certain chapters provokes a
smile, as I am not unfamiliar with the in
terior of the church in question. The
command to Its married children to "live
In peace" Is good, excellent. Too bad 'tis
so poorly followed. Very respectfully,
Man with Broken Back Insists
Against Women's Will on Giving
Away His Money.
Mrs. W. W. B. Miller and her arsoclates
on the nursery committee or tn cmin
Saving Institute want the people who have
aided John Gordon to secure the publica
tion prizes to know that while he has
turned over to the Institute $1,000, ' the
amount of his biggest prize. It waa xonly
because they could not dissuade him from
the belief that he ought to keep the money
Mr. Gordon la the man v. boa back is
i .hi. " 7 i i ' '
m ;J
Jk - ,,..1KrfU.i.l 1 I J
Lw as1l: Mattes
Form Your Vacation Ideas Early
May z to june s, Juiy 9
Omaha to Portland, Tacoma
April 4 to 8, July 2 to 8, Sept. 1 to 7, Sept. 24 CJ rrssl ssx
to 80, round trip Omaha to Los Angeles, San B
Francisco and San Dleeo
Francisco and San Diego
higher via Seattle and thro' California.
Send for free illustrated
"Yellowstone Park," and
For Men vho Dress "better"
High Schosl Seniors Da You Know
that Bellevue College, Including Normal School, Business Course and Conserva
tory of Music, Fainting and Dramatto Art. located In Omaha's beautiful suburb,
is th most delightfully situated Institution In tha WeatT Able Faculty, Success
ful Intercollegiate athletics, debating and oratory. Fine College spirit The
advantage of th city, combined with th health and freedom of th uuuniiy, at
BeSleviae oliege
Graduates of th Acadamy and Normal receive Stat Certificates. Academy
and Normal admit students who have completed the Kightb Urads work. Bum
mer aeaaen of eight weeks, beginning June 13th. tzpenees moderate. Hand for
catalogue and bulletins.
W. ITOOUT, U , Vrealdaat, BEXXXTTTE, IIBSilli.
broken and yet whose energy Is as undying
as though he wer able-bodied. While ha
has turned over this prise to a cause In
which he believes he retains the premiums,
which amount to something. Now he I
working for another such prize and th
women of the Institute aro giving Mm
their help as before.
By Prompt Aetlon Blase la Kstln
gotahed on Fourteenth Street
that Seemed Serlona.
Fir broke out Saturday evening at I0J
South Fourteenth street, whirh threatened
the whole block at Fourteenth and Doug
las streets for a time.
An alarm was turned In from th Ruben
stein Tailoring company, 111 South Four
teenth street, aiui when the fir depart
ment arrived It found the whole rear por
tion of the block extending from the alley
to Douglaa street enveloped In smoke.
A general alarm was turned In and the
blaze was soon quenched. The Moeher
Cigar company probably was th worst
damaged concern. The firm had a number
of crates of cigars ready for shipment, and
when tho fire broke out they were scorched.
The worst frightened Inmate of the
building were the members of th Inde
pendent Political Colored club, which has
Its quarters In the block In which the fir
originated. When the alarm was soundid
colored men made a dash for the fir es
cape and by the time the fire apparatus
arrived and the stress wer filled with
people the fir escapes were filled with
negroes. However, th flames did not
reach the third floor and the negroes wrre
in no particular danger.
The fire is supposed to have started tn
a pile of papers in the basement. The
Janitor of the building cannot account for
th origin. The occupants were mostly
protected by Insurance.
Lams back may be cured by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment two or three times
a day, wtih a vigorous rubbing at each ap
plication. Home for Aberdeen Elks.
ABERDEEN. 8. D., March 13. (Special.)
The Aberdeen Antlers' association Is tho
name of an organization capitalised at
$100,000, which has been formed for the
purpose of purchasing and managing a
lodge horn for th Aberdeen Elks. A bar
gain has practically been mad between
the association and the Dakota Farmer for
the purchase of th Farmer building, a
handsome stone structure which can easily
be converted Into one of the finest build
ings in South Dakota.
mm n msm cf
mil. THESE 13 M
mm RSff 8f KSiT
m etiTiMEi ini
round trip, Omaha to Los Angeles, San Fran
cisco, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, etc.,
dally June 1 to Bept. 80.
to in, round trip Qrai sk
and Seattle, only ff35lO)
Cheap, . one-way Omaha to Pacific Coast,
March 16t to April 16th.
folders, "Pacific CoaBt Tours,"
"California Excursions."
J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent,
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.