8 TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAKCII 13. 1910. A t X T14 fTT'TTlffiSO. V i 3 A Presentation, of. Authentic Styles for Sprin Every department in Brandeis Stores shares in this opening event, each section displaying its most attractive novelties for the new season Jdntire A complete style congress of Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel, Millinery, Dresses, Suits, Costumes, Goats, Waists, Separate Skirts, Imported Fabrics and Accessories to the Costume. Week Our own office In the style colony of Paris, and bur New York buy ing organization have collaborated in secur ing the most character istic expressions of style from two continents. eginning, Monday, March. 14th No Special In vi- .l-s tations Have Been Issued to This Event. We Hope To Have the Honor of Your Presence. p' Iffoffc: ' r;; tag)- at hHk l'1illiii 8 YMt' V V i fit JSW? 1(1 M-Uwi- -mm -Wm'iv U Our "Court : of Honor will be brilliantly decorated after a theme in harmony with the spirit, of the season. The window displays will be ex quisite. Throughout the stores, the decorations will be artistic, but the spring merchandise will be even more fascinating than itsV surroundings. man