n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAROI 13. 1910. 11 REAL ESTATE CITT PHItreRTV TOR ki t. i..n eH.eed. Grain and Stock Farm For Sale ITS tern. 110 mii hi r-r-.'.vRtl-m. all of It l ftrat anil second lo.'.om Und. 132 acre are under good fence and cross fenced. 40 acrea hi rood virgin timber, molt all white oak and some black oak and hickory. On can operate a self binder or mower over very acre In rulttvatlon. Fine living stream running on two side of farm. Two acts of buildings, one art haa (-room frame houae with porch, amok house, chicken home and frame barn. 4'ht40 feet, with driveway between, and hay track. The other set haa a S-room hotuie with porch, smoke houee, chicken house, granary and frame barn. 20x36 feet, with driveway be tween, and hay truck. Doth barns are about thirty feet high from bottom to top. One clslern at each house. Bearing ) orchard for family uae. BulldlnKS ere on mean country road, exactly alx mllea from county sea.t. a town of 1,600 Inhabitants, and only 127 mllea from 8t. Louis, Mo. Oood road from farm to town, no big hills, In splendid neighborhood and rood healthy gvatlon, near good school and church lnujse. Telephone In house, phone and stock goes with farm. Will soon have free mall delivery. Soil la black sandy loam with clay subsoil. No swampy land on this farm. 110 acres In cultivation Is In one solid body, balance across country road. 30 acres In good wheat, 40 acres In good meadow, wheat crop goes with farm. Tills land will produce 05 to 90 bushels of corn per acre, 28 to 40 bushels of wheat per acre, i to I tons of timothy hay per acre. Clover grows well on any of the farm. This land In cul tivation will produce just as much aa floO acre Iowa and Illinois land. It this farm Is not as I have represented It to be I will pay all your expenses both ways, now len t :hat fair? Will furnish warranty deed and abstract. Taxes paid to date. Will give possession any time If sold by the first of April. Prtce $50 per acre. IH.OOO cash, good r.-tna on balance. Address Box 136. Palera, ' c.il County. Mo. CAS3 COL'NTY-li ACRES All extra smooth. S-tnori! house, orchard, in mall route; can rent 40 acres with It; rice. 11,600; terms, K0; rest like rent. Come tnd see It; don't write. J. C. Patrick, Jwner. Haj-rlsohvllle, Mo. 20 ACRES; 1 In strawberries; good In rome; 11.200; -40 sires; 7 hi strawberries; handsome Income, $1,000. 6. G. Clay, An del eon. Mo. 40 ACRES fertile land; 30 cultivated: l room house; barn, well, spring; R. D. ; V)0; worth more. Blankenshlp Se Roes, Buf falo. Mo. MaaltsM. UNIMPROVED 400 acres within 17 miles Winnipeg: 160,000 population, on main Una f Canadian Pacific railway; 80 rods from depot; school house across road; level, deep black soli; M0 per acre; party who will Improve; tl.tu). cash; time on balance; no Interest first. year, ii. 11. Johnson, Beat rice. Neb. Rartt Dakota. WORLD'S RICHE3T WHEAT LAND AX ROCK BOTTOM PJUCEtf. Write me today for particulars about rloh North Dakota wheat farms offered to yon for $14 an acre less than real value. These farms axe In Hansom county, North Dakota, the center of the richest wheat-growing country In the world, here land values are Increasing by leaps and bounds. Sur rounding farma are selling for from $4 to $46 an acre, to lore immediate and quick sale 1 offer four Improved farma at the surprisingly low price of $35 an acre. These are M0, 480, U0 and 10 acres, respec tively. My terms are very easy. Write today for particulars. I have aome facts about these farms that will Interest you Owner, Walter. L. Williamson, Box 11 Lisbon. N. D. NEW RAILROAD AND NEW TOWNS now building In rich North Dakota, where wheat la king, making 16 to $30 per acre without Irrigation. We sell our lands on saay terms. We have hotel and business ailea for sale In aome of the new towns. Get maps and facta from Wm. H. Brown Co., 181 La Salle St.. Chicago, Illinois or Mandan, North Dakota. FREE NORTH DAKOTA MAPS And folder about our dollar wheat and two dollar a bushel flax land. We sell In 140 or 820-acre tracts. 1 wenty quarter sec il' ins for $17 to t-S per acre. Come out now m select a iwj-scre mrm. Write us SLlnount you can pay down. Ask Wm. II Brown Co., Mandan. North Dakota, or 131 Ua Balls (., Chicago, iiunoia. BUSINESS OPENINGS IN FLASHER, North Dakota, for a hotel man. Uverv. hardware and general merchant. Flasher will have its first railroad this summer. Apply to the owner a of the townslie. Wll. llara H. Brown Co.. Mandan, North Dakota. A BONA FIDE anaD In IM acres of Net on county land, adjoining the Red river vaU4, close to county seat loo acres under cultivation, 10 acres good hay meadow, balance 60 acrea fine arable land which caa be broken up this spring and put Into flax: with average crops this land win pay tor itseir in three years ana be worth ilt to $li per aero more than ycj fay for It; write quick; this must be sold rfere seeding; price, tUbtt per acre. Ad ditss Lock Box 464. Lakota. N. I). FOR BALE Or'v'RADE. VALUE $3. M0. A good 6-room tr tie house 22x10, 10 ft. posts, all In flrst-clao shape and is now renting for $10 per m, -th. Also a good frame barn, shingle roof on both buildings, barn Is 12x24, 8 ft. post. A good well within 10 ft. from tl hove and sbout $0 shads and apple trees on the place. All situated en a ptrvel of land that gives you 126 fu of main street front by 140 fL deep In a town of about 1, 100-1.500 people in ma wwiern pan or l.a aioure county. N. D. Hardware preferred. jr. wtrcn. rorbee, N. t. Write to FREE MAPS and printed matter for the aaklng, enow lag where to go to buy the beat wheat and grain land on easy terms at from 1$ to $1$ per acre. Fine locations for new bualnesa housea In tiie new towns on the new railroads Ask Wm. H. Brown Co.. Mandan. N. D, or 1J1 La Salle St.. Chicago. 111. .tethvsmta. FARM RANCH BARGAINS 2 SCO ACRES Improved Nebraska farm ranch land. In square block; fenced and cross-fenced: sheds, barn, 6-room house In good condition, 1 wells; Ideal locat'on. $ mllea from railroad atatlon, 6 miles from rounty seat, Sheridan county; will sell on time, $10 (MO cash or security; act quick: biggest snap In western Nebraska Call or write Oeorge Caldwell. 171 Webster St., Omaha, t leave for ranch March 14. Fruit Land (.teres, ad loins atatlon on main line Bur- llnaton. only 4 minutes' ride from Omaha; almost level: will soon sell for town lota Big snl.p at $6,100. ERNEST SWEET. (It N. T. L. BUKJ.. OMAHA. NEB. NEBRASKA LAND CHEAP-14 PER ACRE. fUd acres. weste-ii Nebraska, In very desirable remmunlty. small creek on the section, $U44l caah. 11.11. may run sevej rears. J. "- tione. council uiuns, 14. $13 thug art .block. 'Phone Mi. BEAL ESTATE FARM A D RAWCII L.ASD FOR S ALB (Continued.) Kf)MK NORTHWEST NEBRASKA BARGAINS THAT YOU CAN BUY CHEAP OF HUNGERFORI), CRAWFORD, NEBRASKA A smoked ranch of I7!S seres, six miles from Crawford. JOT acres good plow land. 75 acres now under cultivation; balance of the place Is good hay, timber and pasture. Iots of good saw timber. Squaw Creek, a never falling stream, runs through the plsce. Five-room house, two baxne with haymow, gralnery. chicken house, good cave, corrale. etc. Place Is all fenced and crosa fenced: has "rood rich black soil. With this deal goes St head of good western cattle. $ good work horses, t younger horses. 1 1-year-old mules, quite a line of farm mi- cninery. 2 wagons, I buggies, z sets or nar nees and various other Implements nnd ap pliances; $7. W0 takea this outfit; $4,500 ra.h. balance time. H0O acres deeded with 10 acres school lease adjoining, six miles from Belmont, a good shipping point; S-'iO acres of good plow land 6n acres now under cultlcation. Oood black loam Pine Ridge soil. A world of good timber, lots of saw timber, fine hay, good pasture, runing water. Present owner has lived on the place 24 years. Oood five- room house, good barns, sheds and corrals. Ur tool and carpenter ahop. All fenced and croasfenced. $7,200 takea this; $i VO cash, balance on time to suit. Possession at once. 644-acra relinquishment, three miles from Glen. Neb., a good ahlpping point. Fully 3O0 acres of good plow land, CO acres under plow, tjood house, bam. sheds and cor rals. All fenced and cross fenced. Oood well and windmill. Full line of farm ma chinery, having tools, etc. 9 head of good horses. lis head of rood catt e. 8 hogs. 91v bushels of good grain for seed. 200 bushels of potatoes, $.000 feet of good timber, lift) slabs, a considerable amount of good hay and corn fodder; wagons, harness, saddles, cream separator, household goods snd everything as It stands goes with the oem, all for ts.kno. acres deeded lnnd. lying In the famous Ntohrara River vallev, 3 mllee out from Marsland. WO acres of this Is as good hay meadow aa one would care to see. It cuts from 600 to 7(0 tons of hay a year. The balance of thle piece is fine second bottom farm land and with It goes W arree of school lease right down to the haymeadow, and 80 acres of isolated government land which Is good farm Wind. This farm land will raise any kind of crops which you may seed It to. On this place there Is a very good set ot buildings, among which Is a large three-atory mill building which was constructed some few years ago for a grist mill, It waa very substantially built and la worth at least $2,000. It can be used either as a feed mill or a repository for bailed hay. With this place there goes a etete water right upon the waters of the Nio brara river for all Irrigation and power purposes, the hay meadow la all under Irrigation with a good well-built ditch on either side, while a gooaiy amoui or me farm land can be Irrigated It desired. A good man can take hold of this place and make It pay for Itaelf Infull In two years. I can sell this place to you for $19,800, for half cash and the balance back on the place for three years at per cent. If you have got enough money to handle this. It will make you rich. With this place I can put In a 400 acre relinquishment which Joins the place. It la rough, but fine pasture. Come and buy this. 640 acres deeded land. 2 miles from Mars land. Fully euO acres of this In one solid field Is aa fine a laying stretch of farm land and aa smooth and level aa one would care to see. About 60 acres are now under cul tivation. Tha B. ft M. railroad has a side track on one corner of the ground, where you can have your cars spotted for load ing your grain. With this place there goes a school lease on some 400 acres which Joins this place and on which there are also fully 200 acres of good plow land and 40 acrea run right down on the Niobrara river bottom, taking In 60 acres -of the Niobrara river. I can sell you this place for 116 60 per acre for the deeded land and throw In the school land. Half cash, bal ance three years at per cent. This is a rare bargain. 496 acres. 16 acres of which Is right In the townslte of Marsland, the balance Joins the townslte for more than a half mile. Every acre of thla place le either first bottom hay meadow or second bottom plow land. It la the prettiest, smoothest, nicest place In the country- The meadow part to this farm cuta more than 400 tons of hay a year, while tha second bottom farm land la Just aa smooth and nice as a house floor. The set of buildings on this place are In side the townslte and gives one the benefit of all the advantages of a good, live little town of 354 people. There la a nice t-room house. 2-story', and another l-room house, 1 story, both well built and In first-class shape. Then, there are barns, sheds, cor rals, dairy barn and corral. Ice house, blacksmith shop, cave, good well, good windmill, and in all. It is a nicely ar ranged, first-class place. $30 per acre takes thla place. Half cash and balance on time at 0 per cent. Buy this and have a good town farm. IriO acres of good. raw. level land. $ mllea from Remington and 8 miles from Crawford. Fully liO acres of this Is good farm land and now raisea good hay. No improvements. $8 per acre takes it. $300 cash and balance on tha place at 8 per cent. li0 acres good, raw, level land, l'i miles from Adella; now raises fine wheat grass hay; almost every acre Is good plow land. $12 per acre takea this. 60 per cent cash. 40 per cent back on the place at ( per rent. IdO acres. 2 mllea from Crawford, 30 acres of good hay meadow and 100 acres now under cultivation.. . Thia place la all under Ir rigation, getting Its supply of wstnr from a water right on Sulphur creek, which runs right through the place. Has a email house, barn and shed, all fenced and cross fenced. 437 per acre takes this place. UM cash and balance time. Now, If you want a good Irrigated farm, come and buy this. IM) acres raw land, 12 mllea east of Craw ford; no Improvements, good soil, but rough. $6 per acre. One 640-acre relinquishment, 12 miles out from Olen, Neb., In Sioux county; 8,00 acres can be plowed; 26 acrea now under cultiva tion, t-room houae, amall two-story barn, sheds and corrals. All fenced and cross fenced. $1,800 cash takea this. MO acrea, 1( mllea from Glen, Neb.; fully 400 acres can be plowed. I ran sell you a relinquishment to this for $750 cash. 80 acres deeded. miles from Crawford; about 60 acrea of plow land; 20 acres now under cultivation; small 2-room house; good well. Will cost $50 or $75 to put house In habitable condition. 212 per acre takea this. 800 scree, deeded. 840 acres school, mak ing 1.440 acres. This whole business goes for $8,000. if bought this month. ThU place la located three miles from Glen and 12 mllea from Crawford. There are SO acre now under cultivation, seeded to alfalfa and fall rye. There Is enough saw timber on this place to pay for the in stallation of a first-class sawmill and to then pay the entire purchase price of this place. This place raisea a world of wild hay, has good running water and plenty of springs, and ia In all one of the finest stock ranchea in the state of Ne braska or adjoining states. It has a good five-room house, nearly new, which cost more than $1,200 to build. It Is all fenced and cross-fenoed and la really worth more than double what It la being offered at. I ran sell you this place with a payment of $4,000 down and the blance back on the place at t per cent. You had better come and buy thla and slap on sbout 400 head of stock and It will make youwealthy. If the above descriptions are not com plete enough to warrant you In coming right up here to see these bargains, then write me. please, and I Willi send von complete descriptions of any of these prop erties in wnicu you mjr ue iniereiea. The soil on all of these properties is a good dark loam soil and In many In stances runs down to a depth of flteen feeet Any kind of crops which you mav wish to seed can be raised on any of thme places. ..Now, don't hesitate, but come right up nere 10 me, ana come prepared to deal, for you will want one of these places when you se-e thm. There Is always a good market on at Crawford and Fort Robinson, and you are always sure of getting top prices for your product. Crawford Is on ths Burlington and Northwestern, both, so take either road, unload at Crawford, come to the date City hotel and I will take care of you and aend you home happy. Correspondence la solicited from people who really want a home and who will be lieve when they are actually shown and not thiuk there Is something crooked on account of tha price being ao cheap. I can give you the best of bank references as to myself. I have made a good many people happy here In the last thirty days by fitting mem out wun good, new homes In a good, new and hautlful country: ao why not come and Join the others and be one of our western boosters? It is better to be at the head of a new country than one of the tall-enders of an old country. Come now ana grow rich in a pew and proa pernua sect Km. Yours for business. ARAII L. Hl'NGKFORD. CRAWFORD. NEB REAL ESTATE . FARM AXD K A C M LAND FOR IA1.E Krkruki lowttsw4. 4D0 ACKFS Improved farm in Ftlttler dis trict. Alberta, for sale, or will trade for Washington lnnd or Spokane property. Box i. Mynard. Neb. FOR QUICK SALE. (44 a res in Logan county, Nebraska; all fenced; $S per acre; easy terms. Lock drawer 87, Johnson. Neb. FINE, well Improved dslry and hay farm, valley land. 2o0 seres of it farm land. A snap at F an a re W. W. MITCHELL Board of Trade B!dg , Omaha, Neb.s Kimball, the County Seat of Kimball, Neb., on If. P. main line. The gate city of west Nebraska. A rapidly growing city. Population. So); has 4$ busi ness houses, a Commercial club, a new Irrigation reservoir. Some business lots brought $1.0H0 esch. The Pioneer Ijind Co. offers 160 business and resident lots close to depot in original town plat at $16 to $40 per lot on easy pay ment. Secure one of these lots; they are worth twice the money, OTTO PIEMSSEN. Sole Agent. Omaha, Neb. 214 Karbach Bldg. Tel. D. 3T.18 REAL ESTATE FARM AND Ht.MII I.AD FOR. SALK Texas -real laaeg. TEXAS PAN HANDLE LANDS M.rto ACRE.", solid bodv. lesf ml'h countv. Onlv two mllee from railroad. A" good smooth prairie farming land. Will sell In large or small tracts. Price and terms reasonable. Addn ss Owner, box 214. Cameron, Mo. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS Over 1.000000 seres for asie bv the state. Tou csn buy r.10 arres for $2 an acre; py $32 cash, balance after 40 yesrs; fine tarm tng and fruit land and healthv climate. For further Information send c postage. INVESTOR 1'UH CO.. Dept. K, San Antonio. Tex. Kimball and Banner Co. Fine Klnkald for sale cheap. Improved farms U to Jli per acre; no sand; no alkali; fine crops. DARLING A- D A R L t N O. 441 BRAN DEI 8 BLDU FARMS FOR SALE H acres of fine, level lsnd. two miles from town, good Improvements, all fenced and cross-fenced; running water on place near-by; every foot of this can be plowed: our bargain price $12 60 per acre. 320 acres, five miles from town, good Im provements, all first class fsrm land, all fenced and cros fenced, our net price It $12 per acre. We have the largest bargain list In western Nebraska. Write us at once or better, come and see us personally, we will pay your railroad fare and all other expenses, if we can't show you aa good farm land as It to be found In eastern Ne braska snd Iowa. Agents wanted. Write at once to THE HOME LAND INVESTMENT CO., Crawford, Nebraska. FOR SALE Section of graxlng land In Lincoln Co., shout 10 miles from Hershey. Neb.; price, $27. CO per acre. Xr. Gamble, Missouri Valley, Ia. FOR SALE-South half of 20-4-1C w. ot 4th. being 220 acres of good level land In Sunny Southern Alberta, southeast of Leth brldge. A new railroad la now building within thre miles. Price for quick sale, $15 per acre. Will make terms. Address Box 262. Fargo, N. D. GOOD LAND $5 86 PER ACRK $40 acres In central Nebraska, about one half good cultivation land, balance pasture land, five , and one-half mllea from rail road. $-'44 cash; balance. $1,844, mav run six years, r. O. vox JTJ, Council Bluffs, J Oblaateosa. OKLAHOMA We have 100.000 acres of ehol-e land .tS select from, ranging In price from $6 ta $40 per scrs. This land le In the oil and gas district and yon might gat an oil wtU with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Suite 34 New Tork Life Blag "YOU'LL have to hurry," If you get one of my free booklets, "All About Okla homa." Don't miss this chance to learn about good corn land cheap. Write Perry DeFord, Oakwood. Okl. OKLAHOMA lands yield per acre corn, $44; wheat $38, cats $37; alfalfa tM. ootton $70; Improved farms $S0 to $60. Write I. T. Dabney, 218 W. 6th, Oklahoma City, Okl. 160 ACRES well Improved, level land, Woodward county, Oklahoma; '-room house, good water, cheap. Address owner, W. H. Kronhelmer, Hacxberry, Okl. Georgia. 1.000 ACRES TIMBER LAND In Montgomery Co.. Georgia. Price $10.00 per acre; to exchange for northern land or merchandise. Chas. Barchus, 200 Century Bldg.. Des Moines, la. Oregea. ATTENTION, buyer and home- seeker; reliable information on Oregon and "Washington lands; hundreds of fine bargains; de scriptions, prices and booklets furnished on application. Oregon Lands Information Bureau, 606 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Ore. ORLUUN-its resources snd srea-: a new 12-page pamphlet, full of reliable informa tion, ?S pges being a list of farms for sals In different sections of the state; giving description, location and price of each. By mall, IS ccnta. W. J. Smith. 438 Chamber of Comrrerce, Portland. Ore. GOOS BAT, Oregon's deep sea harbor, now stands at the head of the list of north west opportunities. Billions of feet of standing timber, mills, shipbuilding plants and factories in operation and othera going up; 400 square miles underlaid with coal lumber at manufacturers price; water transportation; excellent dairy, fruit and garden land partially developed and await Ing settlers; grass green the year round truly a cow heaven; equable and delightful climate. Write for free booklet. Secretary, 1.1 amoer or commerce, xuarsnnsia, ure." OREGON Is Gad's country. Ws have some of the finest fruit and garden lands In the whole beautiful Willamette valley; cioae to oom university ana manuractur lng towns; Ideal location: good references. Send for our booklet today. Wlllamac Land Co., Eugene. Ore.' owta Dakota. I HAVE a farm for sale In Codington county, south Dakota; win sell or trade. H. Rhine, Florence. 8. D. FOR SALE Brule county, 8outh Dakota farms: also lands west ot the river at $16 acre and up; deep black soli, never failing ciops; good schools, churches and markets; for new illustrated booklet, state map and prices, can on or aaaieta i i.. Hagaman, Pukwana. S. D. FOR SALE Charles Mix county. South Dakota, north H or s, in Jackson township. 4 miles from Geddes, well improved, kooq isna. imersi terms, trice per acre, M. If Interested write to Mathew R Faber, Remsen. Ia. DO TOU want 184 acres of good lsnd, good, rich soil covered with timber; seven iiuva iiui uicui iruiu int nice, growing w .. - t "--". w..hs.,w, southwest quarter section, 20 township; best A ml r.-i Dam. U li-.r . . . I I- .... $1,000. Olaf Johnson. Yankton, 8. D. Box 30ft'. FOR SALE Greatest bargain In South Dakota; &.0-acre well improved farm near city of Mitchell: no watte land: lava iwr feet: best of soil; alfalfa land; tenant raised over $7.0W) of crops in 1W; corn went TV bu. acre. acre, worth Im) acre. i:,uov can remain, c per cent. Mather A Co.. eeaar ttapias, la. 180 ACRES choice dairy and s'nrk fsrm 25 miles northeast from Minneapolis in Chi cago county; valued at $66 per acre; for par ticulars, write to owner, j. wm. k... Clare mont, b. D.. Lock Box, 215. FREE map of Texas, giving elevations., rainfall, cities, railroads, products, etc.. with everv (25c I 8 months subscription to Texas Reslty Journal, a big magaitne telling all about Texas Development, re- ources, opportunities, etc. lexas nesny Journal, Houston, Tex. TEXAS PLAINS LAND. Two tracts of 4,000 acres each, in Lynn county; 93 per cent til lable; Santa Fe railroad building near it; for quick sale at $11 per acre bonus; will not exchange for other property. Address John P. Marrs, Tnhoka, Tex. EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL. B0YLES Unusual Systematic Plan of Keeping in Touch With Every Application for Stenographer, Bookkeeper, Telegrapher or Clerk TEXAS ORANGES WON FIRST PRIZE over Csllfornla snd Florida oranxes at Na tional fruit show; yield $400 to $M0 an sere You get bearing orchard for little rash snd smallpavment monthly; government report free. Hanford Realty Co . 310 Bank of Commerce, or Iowa orchards, Bcamon Bldg.. Houston, Texas v-xz o 1 T r fi VIA -" r a n... 11mmAm IA r-,.rw r M m m A mil fin htark vill.v land; abundant water supply st depth of 60 fast; good tract to subdivide; adjoining tana now senins; si -o ir kib, cn w bought for $12 If taken quick. Addresa C. O. Byrd. Uvalda. Tens. FOR BALE Greatest bargain In South Dakota: 3.0-acrea well improved farm near city Mitchell; no waste land, lays perfect, best of soil; alfalfa land; tenant raised over $7,000 of crops in 1808; corn went 70 bu. acre; $80 acre, worth $80 acre; $12,000 ran remain. ( per cent Mather A Co.. Cedar Raplda. Ia. 180 ACRES of farm land In Aurora county, South Dakota; no waste land In thla quarter section; will maks the price very reasonable to close up a business Robert F. Smith. Counotl Bluffs, Iowa ' IF SOLD, possession at once; highly Im proved Tsnkton county J00-aorw corn "farm Long time. A. R. Kerr, Mission Hill, 8. Ii. Texas. TEXAS plantation. 1.800 acres. Braxorta county; ranch house, tenant houses, rail road, store, post off us, townsite. alfalfa, corn, potatoes growing; subdivided. Fed ersl Land and Investment Co., Hu Scan lan Bldg., Houston, Tsx, WE WANT TOO TO SEE the land that we are offering for $808 per acre and compare It with othera. Tben we have real farma. low at $17 W per acre. Easy distance to Houston, city of 100. buo. Go with us Tueiday. March Is. Low round trip rate. NOWATA LAND LOT CO. $24 Now York Lift Bldg. Red tm. , Wis FORTT acres, good level land, JO cleared, balance wcod and pasture, four-room frame house, frame barn, chicken house. trout brook through farm; $708, easy terms. Tom O. Mason, Island City State bank. Cumberland, Wis. alao lake shore property, three hours' rids from twin cities; any size tract. 18,000 acres to select from. Write owner, Hft-ry C. A. Johnson. 323 Palace Bldg., Uinneapoh. JUIUU. WaaHlasrtoaw FOR SALTC-W acres, Yakima valley, under flunnvi.lde canal: seven In orchard. five bearing small fruits, small house, out buildings. acres airaua. oaiance poiau land, close to railroad, good community, high school; bargain, price, 56.600, terms oa part. Ad V tas owner, Norman Sine, Granger, Wain. VIEWS of Taklma valley, Waahlngton, showing orchsrds, coxy homes, scenery, sent free. Our thousands of fruit growers started with small means and have achieve! Independence and wealth In a delightful climate. New lands are constantly being brought under irrigation, affording just as food opportunities for newcomers. For In ormation. Illustrated book, write Com mercial club. North Taklma, Wash. FOR Information and literature on farm land and Irrigated fruit lands Idaho, Ore gon and Washington call on us, or write us 233 Neville block. Omaha, Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Toung, local manager. 820 ACRES good, lwel wheat land near Othello: end of C. M. St. P. division; ready for sowing February; fenced; terms, J. C. Macauley, Hatton, Wash. HOMESTEAD relinquishments; fine level wheat lands; also several sections of im proved and unimproved land, near new C, M. A P. S. Ry . and close to Othello, which will be one of the best towns In eastern Washington on this road. Prices are very low at present;' buy now-and make some money. A. tt. Hammone, otheuo. wash. FOR SALE By owner at real value, l'i acres Improved irrigated land In Nob Hill addition to Kennewlck; perpetual water right: fine view of 2 cities and Cnlumbi. river; must sell within 80 days. Box SO, Kennewlck, Wash. FOR SALE Yakima valley fruit land; 71 acres at $180 per acre: 20 acrea haa full paid water rights, 1-room house, barn and chtckenhoURe and 10 acres of alfalfa, tim othy and clover. Thla is a bargain and can be sold in whole or In part; easy terms. Call on or address Ira F. Inman, 8108 Jd St. North Yakima, Wasb. BOTLES SITUATION-FINDING DEPARTMENT tabulates each and every application made by any business firm. Dally Bulletins showing open posi tions are posted at Boyles College. Any student or graduate tan see theso bulletins and make application for any of the positions. We send that per son to apply personally for such position, backed by our strongest recommen dation. Of course, such a graduate armed with and backed by our prestige always get courteous, interested attention and invarlbly gains and retains the desired position. We work hand in hand with the Employment Bureaus of the Reming ton, Smith Premier. Underwood, Monarch. L. C. Smith and 1I other Type writer Agencies. As a matter of fact, we have twice and thrice as many positions offered to our students as we bare students 'though we DO enjoy the largest en rollment of any business college in the United IS t a teg west of Chicago. In fart, Boyles College graduates are at a premium among business houses In this section of the country! No other college in this section can offer you the supreme advantages that accrue from our superb Situation-Finding Department. Don't you think you should Investigate the college that has such a stand ing in the business community? Students are being enrolled every day and every school night. Bend for the now famous catalogue, "Bread and Butter Science.' BOYLES COLLEGE FOR SALE Dirt cheap, 330 acres wheat land; 1(0 acres in summer fallow; good Im provements; one quarter Is worth what I ask for the half sectlcn: half cash. K. F. Koch, owner, Wilson Creek, Wash. Wyonaf s(. FOR free descriptive booklet where you can still buy good land cheap, write Beattv, Pine Bluffs, Wyo. Texaa. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS Over 1.000.000 acres for sale by the state. You can buy 640 acrea for $8 an acre; pay $3 cash, balance after 40 yeara; fine farm ing and fruit land and healthy climate. For furhter Information send 6c postage. INVESTOR PUB. CO.. Dept. K, San Antonio, Tex. ltlscenaaeaaa. CHEAP farm land. Irrigated. $30 to $50 per acre. Including perpetual water rtghta. Water aupply more than ample; used for years and fully paid for. Looated Bear r'ver valley. Utah-Wyorrr'ng. Farmed and fenced. Three sets of buildings. Great crops of alfalfa, timothy, wheat, oats, barley, rye. potatoes. Fine market. Great el'mate. Liberal terms. Also dry farming; wheat land located adjoining above land. $10 per acre. Write for free pamphlet today. Qulnlan A Tyson, 104 I'sarborn tit. Chicago. It ACRES alfalfa land: S. Dak. It acres, 48 bushels wheat to acre, Can ada, H0 an acre. Box ITi, Grand Junction, Iowa. fOR 8 ALE Nice quarter section of land near Hosmer, Edmunds county, 8. D. ; can all be broken; $.'3 per acre if aold within 10 or 15 days; $2,000 cash, terms on balance. Two quarter sections south of Lakota, N. D.; 2WI acrea broken; $22 per acre . lis) acres miles south of Crookston, Minn.; all broken; $30 per acre. Quarter section In McKenxle county. N. D.. worth $15 per acre; will sell for $12.60. IM acres close to Dickin son. N. I.. $18 per acre. Three quarter sec tions In Marshall county, 8. D., J -3 per acre. i7 acrea near Watertow n. S. D. 8.200 acres In Ward county, N. D., and 12 quarters In Roseau county, Minn.; also a number of quarters near Austin. Minn. JOSEPH KEENAN. Austin. Minn. FOR SALE Idaho and Oregon yellow pine timber land; also farm and ranch land. Luscas Land company, fdeadows, Idaho. "FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS.1' edition tails i,t frae fi-..lt ...In stock, timber, Irrigated lands; millions of acres: dry farming; Including 1'nltrd States rainfall map. etc. Write to Foderal Pub lishing Co.. Chicago. MONEY IN FLAX-We recently pur chased 6 gas traction engines and intend to break up and sow to flax aa much land as possible thla year, and have thousands of acrea suitable for flax raising that we would lease to reliable parties having ihelr own horses or traction engines. We will give the privilege of buying and applying rent on purchase price on our usual terms and list price at the end of the eeeson. or lesse for a term of yeara. A crop of flax often paya for the land the first year. We have alao a few Improved farms to rent. For further Information address Hackney Land Credit Company, 8t. Paul, Minn. TIIE Rig Land Show to be held next No vember in Chicago, under the auspices of the Chicago Tribune, will have exhibits of land products from every state in the United States. Every responsible land company will have an exhibit. Space in this show Is not sold to wild-cat companies. It you want land, visit this show. wantedto'borro'w LADY wishes a loan on residence prop erty; private party preferred. Add reus U 47. Bee. f Boyles Bldg. II. B. BOYLES, President fffiT '!!' , OMAHA , fyfi Official Training School for Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Department BUSINESS COLLEGES approximate ac tual life much closer than the university, train ing the youth so he can step directly from the school into a paying position. Their growing recognition is one of the most hopeful signs of ; the times. Lyman J. Gage. " ; OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 19th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Business College in Nebraska. A Position for Every Graduate. Day and Evening Sessions. A Splendid Corps of Com pitent Instructors. V Send for free catalogue. E. A. Zartman, President. Douglas 1289; Ind. A-2189. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CON STRUCT I NCI QUARTKR master, Fort I oavenworth, Kansas. March II. 1910.--Sealed proposals, in tripli cate, will be received here until II a in . Central time. April M lIO. and then opened In the presence of attending Mdde-s for the construction of a guaid house st Fort Utvens ot th. Ksnsas. Including plumbing, heating and electric wiring and electric fixtures Plans and specifications mav be seen at this office and offices of Chief yusrtermsster. St Paul and Omaha. Builders' Exchange, St. Paul. Master Raid ers Exchange and U S (Jjai master s of flee, p'csrrllt Building. Kan City. Missouri. Full Information and blank forms of pro posals turnlhrd upon application to this office. United States reserves the rlpht to accept or reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked. "Proposals for titiard House at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas." and addressed to Captain Wm l. David, y uartetmaster. f. S Armv, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort I-avenw orth. Kansas Mil U 14-1S-A8-10 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED bids will be received at the office of A. II. Dr. architect. Fremont, Nebraska, until t o'clock p. m , March 4, 1810, for the erec tion of an Odd Fellows Home building st York, Nebraska, according to plans and specification', row on file at said office. Separate blls will be received at same time and place for the plumbing and beating of ssld building, also fireproof floors, parti tions and roof construction. All bids for either proposition must be accompanied by a certified check as provided In spec ifications. Thi right la reserved to reject any and all bids. Oeorge L. Loomls, Chair man Home P-ulldlng Board F24 to Mil LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEKT. INUOr THE PAF1C1C EXPRESS COM PANY. . The stockholders of the shove named i-ompany having failed to hold their annual neeilr.g. notice is nerby given that I, the undersigned president of ssld company, ' have, pursuant to the by-hiwa of snld coos panv, called a rarMng of the stockholders of said company, to be held at the general office of ssid companv. No. 1401 Harney street. In the city of Omaha, state of Na brasks. at 11 o'rlock a. m. on Monday. March M, H10. for the election of direc tors and the transaction of such oqher business ss may corns before the meeting and you are notified that such meeting will be held st such time snd plsee for said purposes. JAMES EOGLKSTON. President the Paciflo Express Company. RAILWAY TIME CARD SJi! Graduates OF THE Mosher-Lampman College arc INDEPENDENT! Yes, INDEPENDENT! They are all employed, and scores upon scores of students who hare taken but a partial course In the Moaher-Lamor ian Caller are alar, in is -..m - The Mosher-Lampman College Is not obliged to run "the largest employment bureau In all the United States west of Chloago" In order to locate Its graduates In positions. Business men come to us for our graduates, because they know that ...w " ii smru, ui.umio iru nsni irom our ecnooi io positions where em- r lovers thought they MC8T HAVE experienced bookkeepers and stenographers and they are giving satisfaction IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE 'WHERE YOU GRADUATE. noBiirr or iampmwn nave always given tneir students the best courses of study and the moot capable snd experienced teachers, and that accounts for the superiority of the Mosher-Lampman graduate. Oraduate In the Mosher-Lampman College and you'll be able to "hoe your own row." and business man will seek your services No school Is more able and' wllllnar to assist Its graduate; than the Moaher-Lampman College, but thus far the demand haa been so far In advance of the supply that we have not been able to Ml half of the positions offered us. TOU MAT BEOIN ANT TIME. Why not begin with the class that wll'l commence tomorrow? Vlait our school and talk the matter over with us You'll be welcome, and It will pay you to Investigate thla UP-TO-DATE TRAINING S-TV- A A W Ws , , lit MOSHEIt & LAMPMAN, . L'J I CTITB"1'.1 lTth and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. ' '! J! BUI?"! WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent by roan and wife. no children. tstrictiy moaern iurnun house; by April 1st. 8tate price, locatten, and how furnished. No flata desired. Ad dress 8021 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. r-L-xrT-o IT T V lnr-tteH rnnmtns house or furnished flat. Might buy If price is right, Vnw. i. Ind and Lot Co.. 2t New York Life Grag. Tel Red 19W. We Are Getting Numerous Calls for houses, all alses. List with us. NOWATA LAND a. LOT CO.. tU N. Y. Life Bldg. Red IMS. Bit.TTvnne t. . . Vs7 V. J i ; eiare pari DOS I prioe for 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 2i BEST Price da id tar . nr i v-pbti , n r.nl mrwtern well fur. VTJafaE.f W " - ----- - -- i lehed bouse, one yesr or longer, from May 1. Address G. VY. Updike, 70S Brandela Bldg. WANTED TO RBNT Bet. 30th and ttth. California and Dewey Ave., an abaolutely modem house with yard. Address P 77, Bee. WANTED Small house, good neighbor hood; rental trrme; give particulars. Ad dress, K 4H5. Bee. TAILORS Q. A. LINDQUEST CO.. P PAXTON BI.K. MA.X MORRIS. Kl BROWN BLOCK. SISTEK Toung men's fashionable tailor. 41I-U Pax ton Bik. RUFFNER TAILORING CO.. C4 S. 15th SL V T ATTniiW Bulu UP Krug . XAVJCiir- Theater Building. SKILLED labor commands high wages and good craftsmanship justifies It. See J. A. KEUVAN, 6"S .10 Brand, Bldg. WANTED TO BUY rur"r. onmn . - . . . mr wono-nino Clothes, shoes and furniture. 8ELNER. Doug. HOI. -ROOM house, bath, and one bedroom mUSt ba 'rtft-naf.lr. LJ . n Preferred. 101 N. y! Life Douglas "so fiMOn IS PI 41 ale.4kl. . iw tixfla-ntna cloth, shoes and furnltitra. gsLNER. Doug Mai JUST nnanltor h.,.l... u.-. . oatd tn, ,:z" r....r"-"'T" -"." A-satl, New Tork Repair shop. 1117 Dodg. ABOUT a ten-horse hnll.r vm, Howard St. ' WATF.rWlnnit pninl.h.n. jt i... -. , - uiaauivuig stereopticon. Frank M. Brlgnam, tm R til.. Lin coin. Neb. WANTED Second hand stencil cutting maohlne; Dlagraph preerred. Van Dyke WANTPn TO B'Vll,v.J h..ll . .... dress, O-iHt. Bee. FROM owner, modern house, I or more rooms, largs lot; would consider double house; location West Farnam, Hariscom Prk or Field Club district. Address A-431, Bee OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST., all M. T. Ia Tat. D. ISH Or. KAUirra NUboUs. M M. I. U Bldg alO:M pm a 4.20 pm a'lJ JO pin b 9 U pre a lis pie a 8.U2 am t:T pro a 4 pm a 160 pm a l.li lua UNIO STATION Tenth and Masest. L'alna Paelfle teave. Arrive. San Fran. OVrl d Ltd. 8:16 a. m. U p. m. Chi. 4b Jap. I"st MalL 4:10 p. m. 44 p. m. AUantlo Kxpresa :4o a. m. Oregon Fxprees 4 00 p. m. :w p. wn. Oregon-Wash. Ltd U:4 p. m. 1:40 p. nt, Denver Bpeclal :47 a. m. U a. m. Colorado Special 11:41p.m. I;'U B. Colorado Express S;Mp. rc. e Wp. m. North Plate Local S:15a.ro 4:4&p. m. Grand Island Local.... 6:2 p. m. 10:30 a.m. Lincoln-Beat. Local. ..14:41 p. m. 1:10 p.m. Val. Cen. City Lcl..lI 41p m. 1 M p. m. thlcage, nck Islasia At Pacific EAST. Rocky Mountain Lto....a 1:40 an Iowa Local Chicago Day Express. .a 6:M am Des Mulnes Locai a 4:00 pm Iowa Local bl: aro Chlcago-F.astern Exp. .-a 4'40 pra Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6.08 pm W EST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln a 1:25 am Colo, and i.'al. Exp a 1:2 pm Okla. and Texas Exp... a 1:30 pm Rocky Mountain Lid...au:v pra thleage Wert ntittrs- EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a i :00 am Chl.-ago Local ali;u pm Colorado-Chicago a 20 pm Chicago Hpecla; . . . . j a w pro Pacific Coast-Chicago.. -a 1:06 pro Los Angeles lvimita....a :io pm Overland Limited all:44 pm Denver Special aU:40 am sue : w tud ec-t Fast Mall NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:W am Blouz City locai a .: pm MIdu. 4k Dakota Exp.. .a 7:00 pm Twin City Limited a :0 pm WESTBOUND. Llneoln-Chadron a 7:60 am Norfolk-Bonateil ai:Duam Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 1:1a pm Hastinss-buuerlor b J. 16 pm Deadwood-Hot Spgs a . 66 pm Casper-Lander a I 66 pm Fremont-Aioion o i pm Mlsaoarl Pacific K. C. and BU L. Ex. ...a 140 am K. C. and St. L Ex. ilv Sat. 13 p. m all. IS pm UUaela Cewtral Tjilva a 7.00 am a 6:0u pm ,b 7:00 am a (.00 Dm b 4:la pm Chicago Express Chlgo Limited Minn. -St. Paul Exp... kdlnn.-Ht. Paul Ltd Omaha-Ft. Dodge Luc. Chicago. M lln aake-r Limited -- Omaha-Cblcago Exp.... loioraae npetiai Perry-Omaba Local..... Lkioiss ureal nil Chicago Limited Twia City Limited Chicago alxpreaa Twue City Ifixpreaa Wabaah . Omaha-St. Louis Exp. I , , I . Vvn,..! a.H alUta J--- Stanberry Local (from Council muii;.. aU:3S am a i:2 pin a 13 pm a 7.63 am a 1:21 pm all:20 pm a 7:46 am li:iil am a : ptu alO .M pra a 1:13 P-u a :lf am a 7:W a as all:0t an 10:46 pra tl 6 JO pro b 6:10 put m I.N pra all .00 era b l:tt a t:MS A 30 pot Arrive, a 1 46 pot a 7.4s am a :46 ant bu ao am 4 St. Faal Leave. all: 43 pot a 1 :la mm ,a 7:T am .a t: pm b 6:16 pm era- Arrive. 1:09 am a I H an aU:M pa a 1:26 pia bll.Ui pm .a 1:0 pm .a : pm a coo am a 3:46 pia a : am a :00 pia .a 1:10 nm a a SB a .a I W am aiilu ma b 6:00 pm blO 16 am BCnLINQTOI STATION Teatlk mm4 Maava. Bwrllagtoa Denver and California. Puget Sound Express.. Nebraska polnta Black Htlla Northwest Expre Nebraska points Llncolu Mall Nebraska Expreaa. Lincoln Local Lincoln Local .... Kchuyler-Platlsniouth . piattamouth-lowa ...... Bollevue-Plattamouth . Colorado Limited Chicago Special Chicago- Kipress Chicago Fast Express . Iowa Local..... ..... Creeton-lowa Local.... St. Louis Express....... K. C. and St. Joseph... K. C. and bt. Joseph... K. C. 4k SL Joseph Leave. .a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pn. .a 1:20 am a 4:10 ptn .ali:25 pm .a 1.10 am b 1.2u pra m i.ti ara .a 7: pm ,b 1.06 ptn a 1:14 am al2:10 pm .ail: 26 pm .a J:15 am .a 4:20 pm .a (.10 pm .a 9:U am .a 1:30 pm .a 4:80 pm .alO 46 pm .a 1:16 am .a 4:10 pra Arrive, A 1:46 pra a :I0 pm 6:11 pm a (:10 pm 7:00 am a :10 pru a 12 Li pre a :10 pm b t un am a 7:60 pm bl0:Mam :60 am 140 pm 7:00 am all 06 pm a 16 pm a 1 00 am alOJOam alO SOam til :4a am a :46 am a (:10 pm WEBSTER tf etsetcr. STATION fteeath aa T a a a b 1:60 pm bU lOpm !al. MlaaeaaalU M MUsoarl Pacific Auburn Local. . Cklewce, St. Pi Omaha Blous City Express b 1:00 pm bU:4San Omaha Local e(:S0pm Sioux City Passenger b 120 pra Twin City Passenger. ...b ( 30 am Blous City Local a 1:36 am , OCEAN STEAMSHIPS EUROPE bnacOlW A aeries of Delightful 0A( to f AS110S Tours. Including all of w-,rIV If LAI ths Important points, SI AO. at rates ranging rrom -e- North Cape(Mldnlght Sun). June 1 (495 Mediterranean British Isles, July S $278 Cither departures In April, May, June, July. Karly application very import ant. Write today for Booklet and Details of Our Plan. TMM BOSTOW KiTEL BOCIETT, 499 Boylstoa Street. Boeten, Mass. HOtll TACATIOH OTTOMOIITIII are to be found la SWITZERLAND than in all other countries combined. These attractions can bs saloyed by aU. It Is a mistake to suppose that only the well-to-do eaa afford a visit to thla unique country. There are hotela to ult every purse and "unlimited" tranaportatlon for a few cents dally. Think of the enjoy, ment of seeing the real Alps and send for a free copv of HOW To riEK. rlWITZEH LAND and our travel lettxr No. II Our American office gives expert advice free. SWISS flDIBAIi BAJXmOAD. 841 ruth Aveuoe. Ksw Tork.