THK BKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAKCIP 12, 1910. 18 REAL ESTATE FARM AND MA.NC M I.H.n POH VA1.fl (Continued Kaaaaa. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACKE All rented, paying from 10 ro 22 per eeTt rent. it alfalfa In the world. Eny terms. If not as re pre sented, will return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND IX)T CO. tU N. T. life Bid. Pnona Red 1999. ICS-ACRE RANCH, "nO acres cultivated, tialnor pasture: 4 mom h"tio, well, barn; worth t.W per acre; price, SIR SO: nix miles from Caney, Kan.; two producing oil wel's; a hvrgaln If pur chased at once. T. T. Blakely Caney, Kan. IMPROVED FARMS KQ AND PER ACHE. In Neosho county. Kansas with fair houses and good barns and oiier buildings about 1"" acre In cultivation on each of them. With live hogs about 10 rents per pound, liens at IB cents per pound, beef rattle climbing up towards 9 rent per pound, can you afford to not own a farm at these low prlre. No trades. Thomaa I). Hubbard, Krle, Kan. IflO FARMS for sale, price and terms rea sonable; well located and In the best wheat belt of Kansas Thomas Dancey, Real Es tate Agent, Offerle, Kan. IF you want the right land at tha right price. In the right place, from the right man, write now to Ii. I). Hughes, McDon ald, Kan. 1.120 ACPES, Co'-e county, Kan., well Improved; prlct, Jl.'i per acre. Nordell Bros., 1037 FanduMky, Kanaaa City, Kan. Wyoming. FOR free descriptive booklet where you can still buy good land cheap, write Realty, Pino Bluffs. Wyo. BI1 selaalppl. I.AROK tracts .of 1,00 to 20.000 acres suitable for colonliMlon or a good Invest ment; located in South Mississippi on the (lulf of Mexico. This Is excellent land for raising early truck a nd the famous paper shell pecans; fine transportation facilities; price 13 to IM per acre; terms. Enter prise Lumber Co., P. O. llox 407, Gulfport, Miss. MootM a. A 320-ACRE TMCIT P ARM FREE. Po you want a 30-acre tree 17. H. govern ment Montana homestead arm? Buy yotir ticket tlirouKli to Galatu. Mont., on the main line of the Great Northern rallroaj and take train No. 3. Ualata is the very center of the flnesl, largest, smoothest, most productive crops, free government farm lands In Montana. Every advantuge you can think of. basr large body of prime A-l f roo homestead lands left In United States. You- las: chance. What more easy and satisfactory way can you think of to get a home and make money fast and sure? Homesteads being taken by the hundreds. Won't last long. Ualata Is growing so (wt it needs all kinds of business houses. "You'll like Ualata best." MONTANA HOMESTEAD COMPANY, Qalata. Choteau County, Mont. YOU CAN BUY KO-arre tracts from us m the Jadlth Basin, Montana, here they raise 40 bushels of wlntpr wheat per acre yearly, and splen did alfalfa and other giralns, without Irri gation, for 130 to 845 per acre, close to railroad. Get our frefe maps, low ex cursion rales. William II Brown Co., 131 l.a falla Ht., Chicago, 111., or Hobson, Mont. A MILLION ACRES TO CHOOSE FROM. 160 acres free government homesteads, 320 acres. Will -locate you on the best wheat and cereal lands In Chouteau county, Mon tana, close to schools, markets and trans portation facilities. Twenty-two years' con tinuous residence. O. T. rianderuon, Loca tor. Havre, Chouteau county, Montana. Reference, Cltliwns' National Bank of Havre. MONTANA LANDS Abbott Miller Land company. Three Forks, Montana. Irrigated lands that net 830 per acre a year. Wheat lands that net 82& per acre a year. Can be paid for in one and two years' crops. Write us for description, prices and golden oppor tunities. Minnesota. FOR SALE 40 acres, Clearwater county, Minnesota, three miles from county seat; fairly good buildings, considerable mixed timber: Joins beautiful lake; price $20 per acre. Oscar F. Stenwlck, Baglev, Minn. 40 acres, 25 acres under plow, S acres In hay, balance timber, new four-room house, large barn, some lumber; una mile to town; two horses, six head of cattle, forty chickens, some pigs, wagon, buggy, runners, sleigh, mower, rake, and binder, three cultivators, two plows, harrow and other small tools, fifty bush els of oats, fifty bushels of wheat. 300 bushels of potatoes; all for $2,700 on quick ale. L. P. Larson, Brahm, Minn. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. 11,000 acres more or less In Billings county, N. D good 10-room house 40x40, two large barns, mess house, wagon shed, chicken house, tenant house, office, two wells, two windmills, ice house, etc. This Is an Ideal proposition for retailing, and price Is only $11 per acre. Kingsbury & Tracy Co., 322 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. AN Ideal 80-aere farm, five miles from Fairmont, county seat, population 3,500; good eight-room house, full set of out buildings In gonu condition; splendid well, fine grove, orchard and small fruit; one third mile to school, fine neighborhood, tel ephone and mail route; farm Is tilled In high state of cultivation, free from nox ious weeds, never been rented; no better land In Minnesota; 891 per acre. F. Church yard, owner, FiMrmont, Martin county, Minn. FOR SALE A very fine timber claim In Koochiching county; there la white pine, cedar, spruce and tamarack on same. For particulars write Box 26, Lowry, Minn. IMPROVED farm, splendid sol!, 6 miles from city: hundred rods shora Una on beautiful lake: $6,600 In buildings: Price. Stati , pur acre. J. A. Foster. Faribault. Minn. IMPROVED FARM oT 160 acres 1H miles from Princeton. Minn., 100 acres under cul tivation, balance In pasture and timber, cultivated land is nearly all seeded down In timothy and clover: the buildings con sist of two small houses, a good barn, gran ary and other outbuildings; land Ilea nice and level; free from stone, price $30 per acre, can t handled on reasonable terms. M. 8. Ruthcrfoid & Co., Princeton, Minn. SENSATIONAL BARGAIN, 240 acres, 27 miles of Minneapolis, Sherburne county, near Elk river. Pr;ce and description on application; apt lng catalogues now ready. Ureen & Son., Anoka, Minn. 1.200 ACRES of good, agricultural land all within 20 miles of St. Cloud. Your choice. Easy terms. $13 per acre. P. M. Thielnian, St. Cloud. Minn. FOR SALE Several farms and land In Minnesota and Dakotas. Write A. J. Ander son, Kenyon, Minn. Ulaaitart. 40-ACRE bargain, 4 miles southeast of Ray town; near rock road; you can have pos session this spring; this belongs to an es tate and Is a bargain; price $115 an acre; quick. Boyer & Snider, Lee's Summit, Mo. -s20 ACRES; 8 In strawberries; good In come; $1,JOO; 40 stres; T In strawberrius; handaome Income, $1,000. S. G. Clay, An detson. Mo. 40 ACRES fertile land; 20 cultivated; 8 room house; barn, well, spring; H. D. ; $.'.00; worth more. Blankenshlp Si Rosa, Buf falo, Mo. FOR SALE OR exchange, improved farm, 200 acres, Harrison Co., Mo.; 6V miles from county seat; well watered; 110 overflow price $75 per acre; want Kansas Cltv. Mo income ot like value; deal quick. Address rratiK u. 1 lenaerson, Bethany, Mo. CASS COUNTY-15 ACRES All extra smooth, 6-room houae, orchard, on mall route; can rent 40 acres with it': price, $1,600; terms. M; rest like rent. Come ana see 11; aunt write. J. c. Patrick Owner, Harrlsunvllle. Mo. EVERYTHING goes: farming toola and possession at once of 32 acres, miles east of Kansas City; 1 mile to station; near rock roaa; improved, rich land: orchard; isiepnone ana rural man; price. 12. 600 terms, one-fourth down, remainder easy. unurn iiugncs, uiue springs, mo. Stsrsns. FOR QUICK BALE. 640 acres In Logan county, Nebraska; all (meed; $8 per aera; easy term. Lock 4Uwr 17, Johnson, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANOI I.AKU FOR SALE Nebraska (out I need. 45-RfPHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 PER ACRE. We own and control JO.fluO acres of Chey enne county. Nebraska's choicest farm land, now on the market. The heaviest crop-yielding county In Nebraska for ten years; alfalf.1 also a leading crop. Ask fnr folders and full particulars. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for our proposition at once. Railroad fares refunded If things not as represented. Fundlngsland Severson, Sidney, Neb. 879-4 ACRES: 15 HORSES; 28 CATTLE; FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLE MENTS; WAGONS. RL'GGIES, HAR NESS, ETC.; t MILES FROM CRAW FORD, $7,100.00. Here Is a property that I must unload during the month of March. This Is 779" acres or as good sou as there is in me meat today, a good black loam soil with a clay subs.ill. .quaw Creek, a never fail ing stream, runs right through Its center and Is thickly timbered. There Is a world of timber nn the rjlnce. consisting of elm. ash, boxeldrr, and yellow pine, much of which Is plenty large enough ror lumnor purposes. There are more than 300 acres of good plow land on the place, 75 acres are now under cultivation. The place la all fenced and cross fenced and all ready to commence spring work. There Is a five room house on the place, but it is not lathed and plastered. There 'a a large three story barn, which with some fixing, win make a very fine barn, i nere is a small barn for five head of horses, with hay mow In very good shape. A good tittle grauiery and hen house, gooa wen and cellar. Now then, to a good buyer, I will make this proposition. 1 will pay for all the material to lath and plaster the house and to fix up the barn In first class shape If they will do the work. Now then, with this place there goes fifteen head of good horses. They con sist of five work horses 4 of which are good brood mares) 4 yearlings. I three year olds, 2 mules, and two saddle horses. The mules are 2 year olds, weli matched. The heavier horses will weigh from 1150 to 1200 and are a good western grade of horses. The 3 head nf cattle consist of nine good mi'ch cows, one good white faced bull, thirteen head of last spring's calves, and fifteen head of one, two, and three year old steers and heifers. This bunch is for the most part, a good high grade white faced strain and tha red poll strain, they will match up and rank well with any of the average farm herds In this, or any other country. The farm machinery consists of one new disc, one seeder, one hay rake, one 1H Inch stirring plow, one cultivator, and various other uppurtenarvea and tools that usually go to make up a ranch. Be sides this, there are two buggies, and two wagons, two spur of work harness, and one set of buggy harness. The land in tlio raw. without a build lng upon tt, or without u hoof oa stock, Is worth all the money that I am asking for this entlro layout. But, this Is .kist one of those bargain counter propositions that corns up once in a while. Tne fir: man that jumpy off the train here and looks this place over and says he will take It, Is the man that will get It, for this must have quick action, i turn the place over Just as It staiulM ready for the spring work. Possession will be given any day. $4500 cash, and $3300 back upon the placa will close the deal. Now, I don't want any Ions winded letters, asking all sorts of fool questions. This place Is cheaper than you can steal a place, and will make you a delightful home und a thoii'mnd times better than to stick around y'ur wl'e's folks paying rent. If you buy this place and Just turn In and work, you can be worth $25,000 in the next three years for this Is a dandy layout and is really worth today, double what It Is being offered at. Act at once, get right on the train and come here to me and let me sell you this place come prepared to deal, for I would not hold this five minutes for anybody. ARAH L. HUNGBRFORD. CRAWFORD. NEBR. Hogs Have Reached $10.00 and that means an added value to every acre of land In Nebraska. Who Is paying for the pork roasts and pork chops? The merchant, the preacher, the lawyer, the clerks, the laborers, tha carpenters, the mechanics. Who Is hit the hardest? The man who can least afford It, who Is working for someone else. Who Is making the money? Who Is reaping the benefit? The farmer, of cotirse. Does It not occur to you, Mr. Con sumer, that now Is a good time to get hold of a piece of land and raise your own pork, and your own bread, your own potatoes and cabbage and othr vegetables? Don't you know that the high prices of provisions Is sending land higher every day? Get a piece of land, and GET IT NOW. If you have a piece of city property which you are watting to sell, do not watt any longer. Come In and see us and we will discuss a plan for selling your city property and finding you a good farm In the North Platte Valley. We have some farms in the Platte Valley, "America's Valley of the Nile," that will make a main a comfortable living and grow In value not less than $5 per year for the next ten years. BE A PRODUCER, NOT A CONSUMER. Don't spend every cent you make In buy ing grub, but begin NOW to produce the stuff other people want and must have. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 8. E. Corner 15th and Farnam Sts. "Manless Land for Landless Man." FARM RANCH BARGAINS 2.S00 ACRES Improved Nebraska farm ranch land. In square block; fenced and cros-fenced; sheds, barn, 6-room house In good condition, 2 wells; Ideal locatton, 3 miles from railroad station, 6 miles from county seat, Sheridan county; will sell on time, $10,000 cash or security; act quick; biggest snap in western Nebraska. Call or write George Caldwell, 1716 Webstar St., Omaha. I leave for ranch March 16. . 320 acres of alfalfa land, at auction, on the 12th of March, at Cambridge, Neb. E. N. ALLEN. Kimball and Banner Co. Fins Klnkald for sale chean. Imorovari farms $5 to $16 per acre; no sand, no alkali. una crops. DARLING & DARLING, 441 Brandela Bldg. Fruit Land 84 acros. adjoins station on main Una Bur. Ilnglon, only 46 minutes' ride from Omaha; almost level; will soon ell for town lota Big snl.p at $5,100. ERNEST SWEET, C13 N. Y. L. BLDG., OMAHA. NEB. FOR SALE. 8.0 ACRES CHOICE FARM LAND In Cheyenne county, Nebraska, nearly every acre good plow land; excellent aoll. Price $15 per acre. Geo. N. Hicks, Omaha. 480 ACRES Improved farm In Stlttler dis trict. Alberta, for sale, or will trade fnr Washington land or Spokane property. Box oo, xuynara, ieu. Jtfaaltok. UNIMPROVED 400 acres within n mil.. Winnipeg; lO.OUO population, on main tin. of Canudlan Pacific railway; 80 rods from nepoi; scnooi nouae across road; level, deep black soil; $30 per acre; party who will Improve; $1,000 caah; time on balance; no Interest first year. G. 11. Johnson, Beat rice, Neb. Naru Dakota. WORLD'S RICHEST WHEAT LAND AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Write me today for particulars about rich North Dakota wheat farms offered to you for $15 an acre leas than real value. These farms are In Ranaom county. North Dakota, the center of the richest wheat-rrowina country In tha world. Here land values are increasing by leaps and bounds, bur rounding farma are selling for from $40 to $46 an acre. To forca immediate and quick sale I offer four Improved farms at the surprisingly low price of $J5 an acre. These are v4u. 4&0. iM and 100 acres, respec tively. My terms are very easy. Write today for particulars. I have soma facts about these farms that will interest you Owner, Walter L. Williamson, Box It Llbbon, N. D. BUSINESS OPENINGS IN FLASHER, North Dakota, for a hotel man. livery hardware and general merchant. Flasher will have Its first railroad this summor. Apply to the owners of the townsite. Wil liam 11. Brown Co., Mandan, North Dakota. REAL ESTATE ("ARM A7VU HAftCII LAMI) fOlt IALB JSorta Dakota Cor NEW RAILROAD AND NEW TOWNS now building In rich North Dakota, where wheat Is king, making $l! to $10 per acre without Irrigation. We sell our lands on easy terms. We have hotel and business sites for sale In some of the new towns. Get maps and facts from Wm. H. Brown Co.. 131 I -ft Salle St., Chicago, Illinois or Mandan, North Dakota. FREE NORTH DAKOTA MAPS and a folder about our dollar wheat and two dollar a bushel flax land. We sell in MO or 3'J0-cre tracts. Twenty quarter sec tions for $17 to per acre. Come out now and select a lHO-acre farm. Write us amount you can pay down. Ask Wm. H. Brown Co., Mandan, North Dakota, or 1.11 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. A BONA FIDE snap in 180 acres of Nel aon county land, adjoining the Red river valley, close to county seat; luo acres under cultivation. 10 acres good hay meadow, balancs 60 acres fine arable land, which tan be broken up this spring and put into flax; with average crops this land will pay for Itself In three years and be worth $10 to $16 per acra more than ycj pa for tt; write quick; this must ba sold before seeding; price, per acre. Ad- diesa Lock Box 460. Lakota N. D. FOR SALE South half of 30-8-16, w. ot 4th, being S'JO acres of good level land In Sunny Southern Alberta, southeast of Leth brldge. A new railroad la now building wlthtn thre miles. Price for quick sale, $15 per acre. Will make terms. Address Box 2f.2. Fargo, N. V. FOR SALE OR TRADE, VALT7E $2,500 A good 6-room fi.Tio hotise 22x30, 10 ft. posts, all In flrst-clavi shape and Is now renting for $10 per nvtth. Also a good frame barn, shingle roof vn both building, barn Is 12x24, 8 ft. post. A good well within 10 ft. from the hovie and about SO shade and apple trees on the place. All situated on a parcel of land that gives you 325 ft. of main street front by HO ft. deep In a town of about 1,200-I.duO people In the western part of La Moure county, N. D Hardware preferred. Wrlta to Q. F. Wirch, Forbes, N. V. , Orffci. ATTENTION, buyer and home tc-cker; reliable Information on Oregon and Wash ington lands; hundreds of fine bargains; descriptions, prices and booklets furnished on application. Oregon Lands Information Bureau, 606 Board of Trade Bldg., Port land, Ore. OREGON Its resources and area-; a new S2-page pamphlet, full of reliable Informa tion, 23 pages being a list of farms for sals In different sections of the state; giving description, location and price of each. By mall, 15 cents. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore. OKIanusna, OKLAHOMA We have 100.000 acres of choice land tt elect from, ranging In price from $6 ta $40 per acre. This land la In tha oil and gas district and you might gat an oil wU with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg "YOU'LL have to hurry," If you get one of my free booklets, "All About Okla homa." Don't miss this chance to loarn about good corn land cheap. Write Perry DeFord, Oakwood, Okl. OKLAHOMA lands yield per acre corn, $44; wheat $36; oats $37; alfalfa $9C; cotton $70; Improved farms 30 to $60. Write I. T. Dabney, 218 W. 6th, Oklahoma City, Okl. 160 ACRES woll Improved, level land, Woodward county, Oklahoma; 7-room house, good water, cheap. Address owner, W. H. Kronhelmer, Hacaberry, Okl. Georgia. 1.000 ACRES TIMBER LAND In Montgomery Co., Georgia. Price $10.00 per acre; to exchango for northern land or merchandise. Chas. Barchus, 200 Century Bldg., Des Moines, la. Soata Dakota. I HAVE a farm for sale In Codington county, South Dakota; will sell or trade. H. Rhine, Florence, 8. D. FOR SALE Brule county. South Dakota farms; also lands west of the river at $15 acre and up; deep black soil, never failing ciops; good schools, churches and markets; for new Illustrated booklet, state map and prices, call on or address L. L. Hagaman, Pukwana, S. D. FOR SALE Charles Mix county. South Dakota, north H of 8, in Jackson township, 4H mtles from Geddes, well Improved, good land. Liberal terms. Price per acre, $60. If Interested write to Mathew R. Faber, Remsen, la. DO YOU want 164 acres of good land, good, rich soil covered with timber; seven miles northeast from the nice, growing town of Rainy River, Ontario, Canada, southwest quarter section, 20 township; best district. Rainy River; price for quick Rale. $1,000. Olaf Johneon, Yankton, S. D. Box 305. FOR SALE Greatest bargain In South Dakota; 320-acre well Improved farm near city of Mitchell; no waste land; lays per fect; best of soil; alfalfa land: tenant raised over $7,000 of crops In 1909; corn went 70 bu. acre. $60 acre, worth $80 acre. $12,000 can remain, 6 per cent. Mather & Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 160 ACRES choice dairy and stock farm, 35 miles northeast from Minneapolis in Chi cago county; valued at $G6 per acre; for par ticulars, write to owner. J. Wm. K., Clare mont, S. D., Lock Box, 215. Texas. TEXAS plantation, 1,800 acres, Brazoria county; ranch house, tenant houses, rail road, store, postofrice, townsite, alfalfa, corn, potatoes growing; subdivided. Fed eral Land and Investment Co., 809 Scanlan Bldg., Houston, Tex. TEXAS PAN-HANDLE LANDS. 11.000 ACRES, solid body. Deaf Smith county. Only two miles from railroad. All good smooth prairie farming land. Will sell In large or small tracts. Price and terms reasonable. Addrtss Owner, Box 214, Cameron, Mo. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS Over 1.000.000 oeres for sale bv the state. You can buy 040 acres for 82 an acre: niv $32 cash, balance after 40 years: fine farm ing ana rruit land and healthy climate. For runner information send ec postage. INVESTOR PUB. CO.. Dept. K, San Antonio, Tex. WE WANT YOU TO HER the land that we are offering for $5.00 per acra ana compare it with others. Then we nave real farms, low at $17.60 per acre. Easy distance to Houston, city of 108.000. Go with us Tuesday, March 15. Low round trip rate. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. 624 Now York Life Bldg. T.ed 1999. WILL take aa part nay for 20 aore.i Stonewall county land standard make type writer, tsox nz. Troupe, Tex. TEXAS PLAINS LAND. Two tracts of 4,000 acres each. In Lynn county; 9b per cent tillable; Santa Fe rail road building near it; lor quick sale at 811 per acre bonus; will not exchange for other property. Address John p. Hi aura, iahoka Tex. TEXAS ORANGES WON FIRST PRIZE over California and Florida orangra at Na tional fruit show: yield $400 to $SO0 an acra. You get bearing orchard for little cash and small payment monthly; government report free. Hanford Realty Co., 310 Bank of Commerce, or Iowa Orchards, Bcan'.on Bldg., Houston, Texas FOR SALE-8,000 acres near Uvalde, 10 milts from railroad; all fine black valley land: abundant water supply at depth of 50 feet; good tract to subdivide; adjoining land now selling at per acre; can be bought for $12 If taken quick. Address C O. Byrd. Uvaida. Texas. Wlacsa1a. FORTY acres, good level land, 20 cleared, balance wood and pasture, four-room frame house, frame barn, chicken house, trout brook through farm; $700, easy terms. Tom O. Mason, Island City State bank. Cumberland, Wis. CHOICE agricultural lands, $10 per acre also lake shore property, three hours' ride from twin cities; any sise tract, lS.OuO acres to aelect from. Writs owner, Hri-ry c. A. Johnson. Palace Bldg., iii.ineapolii, Minn. Persistent Advertising Is th road to Big Returns. REAL ESTATE FARM Aft D HAM. It LA.D FOR 8 AXE (Continued.) FOR PAL'T 20 acres. Taklma valley, under Sunnyi.lde canal; seven In orchard, five bearing small fruits, small house, ou. bulldlngs, v acres alfalfa, balance potato land, close to railroad, good community, high school; bargain, price, V.W0. terms ok part. Ad-V ss owner, Norman fcinc, Granger. Wain. VIEWS of Yakima valley, Washington, showing orchards, cosy homes, scenery, sent free. Our thousands of fruit growers Mar:ed with small means and have aolilevaj Independence and wealth In a delightful climate. New lands ore constantly being brought under Irrigation, affording Just as food opportunities for newcomers. For In ormatlon, Illustrated book, write Com mercial club. North Yakima, Wash. FOR Information and literature on farm land and Irrigated fruit lands Idaho, Ore gon and Washington call on us, or write us 332 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Young, local manager. 320 ACRES good, level wheat land near Othello; end of C. M. A St. P. division; ready for sowing February; fenced; terms. J. C. Macauley, Hatton, Wash. HOMESTEAD relinquishments; fine level wheat lands; also several sections of Im- & roved and unimproved land, near new C, I. P. S. Ry., and close to Othello, which will be one of the best towns In eastern Washington on this road. Prices are very low at present; buy now and make some money. A. E. Satnmons, Othello, Wash. FOR SALE By owner at H real value, K'4 acres Improved Irrigated land In Nob Hill addition to Kennewlck; perpetual water right; fine view of 2 cities and Columha river; must sell within 30 days. Box 30, Kennewlck, Wash. FOR SALE Yakima valley fruit land; 73 acres at $130 per acre; 20 acre) haa full paid water rights, 3-room house, barn and chlckenhouse and 10 acres of alfalfa, tim othy and clover. This Is a bargain and can be sold in whole or In part; easy terms. Call on or address Ira F. lnman, 8109 2d St., North Yakima, Wash. FOR SALE Dirt cheap, 320 acres wheat land; ISO acres In summer fallow; good Im provements; one quarter Is worth what I ask for the half section; half cash. K. F., umin, tv noun V lt-ra, v aoll. lxlseenaaeona. CHEAP farm land. Irritrated. 150 In KrO per acre, including perpetual water rtgnts. water supply more than ample; used for years and fully paid for. Located Btar r'ver valley. Utah-Wvomlna:. Farmed and fenced. Three sets of buildings. Great crops or airaira, timothy, wheat, oats, barley, rye, potatoes. Fine market. Great climate. Liberal terms. Also dry farming; wheat land located adjoining above land. $10 per acre. Write for free pamphlet today. Quintan & Tyson, 104 Dearborn St., Chicago. H10 ACRES alfalfa land; S. Dak. 100 acres, 48 bushel3 wheat to acre. Can ada, $30 an acre. Box 375, Grand Junction, Iowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. . Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. JA Weed. Wcad Bldg., 18th and Farnam. LOANS to home owners and horns build. crs, with privilege of making partial pay. ments semi-annuaiiy. W. M. THOMAS. (08 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loana and warrnnt. w Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Su LOWEST RATES Bemla, Brandela Bldg. FIVE PER CENT MONEY o loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life TUdg. niDvru npoa via xt v t i ... . . $200,6.3 on Improved property. No delay. NEBRASKA FARM MORTGAGES are the safest possible Investment. We have a number running from five to ten years, netting 6 per cent. We have a splen did one of $2,000 as sure as a government bond and bringing better returns. It cov ers an irrigated farm, one of the best In the Platte valley. Ask for the Olson mortgage. Call, write or telephone. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Cor. 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. $500 to 5. 000 nn homra In Omaha. H Kufa Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A zizz. HAVE YOU IDLE MONEY! It ought to be working. We have 32.400 on a finely Improved Nebraska farm that is an excellent Investment, as the security is all that one could ask. It has five years to run, with Interest at 6 per cent. Im provements alone are worth the loan. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam. REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT Information about a good grain or stock farm for sale; I know of over 1,000 buyers, willing to pay your price; I can tell you how to find them. Write me about It and let's see if we can close up a deal. Ad dress at once, Arthur Capper, Dept. 25, To peka, Kan. WE HAVE BUYERS FOB 6. 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA UND AND LOT CO.. Suite G24 N. Y. Life Bldg. FROM owner. Strictly modern residence, 8 or more rooms, large lot, location near West Farnam, Harney, Douglas, lie mis or Hanscom park. Would consider double house. Give full particulars. Address B 415 Bee. SWAPS FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres In Ward county. North Dakota; equity $1,000; best offer in 20 days, gets It. Southern Business Exchango, 344 Moore Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. TO TRADE Ten head farm horses, price $1,600; want cheap timber land; best offer takes them: give legal numhers and full description In first letter. Box 322, Aton. S. D. TO EXCHANGE Good farm near county seat, for an up-to-date auto, touring car preferred. Address Box 223, Steele, N. D. SWAPS. $5,000 clothing, all up-to-date-stuff, well as sorted stock; will trade for land; must be clear and worth the money. If you have a quarter section land that Is really worth $10 per acre we can trade you a property that pays $i0 a month. $17,000 slock hardware for land; $20.00.1 stock general merchandise for land and cash. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1919. WILL trade ."20 acrts vheat land In southeastern Saskatchewan for Improved P10 acres In central Minnesota; 8 room house in Minneapolis for Minnesota timber land. Spencer Erlckson, 411 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. TO E.CHANGP--ror tnproved or wild land In North Dakota, the following prop erties, clear of Incumbrances: Two-stury hotel on corner lot In Grano, N. D., $2,500. Fifty-three nice lots close to school house at l.ansford. N. D , $5,000. Two-story building at Decorah, la.. $3,000. 9-room house at IK corah, la., on two lots, $3,500. Send full particulars, price and legal de scription In first letter. Box 252. Fargo. TWO sections of southern Louisiana prairie land at $12.50 per acre, clear, to trade for city property or merchandise of equal value. No agents. M. O. Page, Beaver Creek, Mont. TAILORS O. A. LINDQUEST CO.. $35 PAXTON BLK. MAX MORRIS. 801 BROWN BLOCK. SPRING WOOLENS HAVE ARRIVED. TAILOR BECK, 111 So. 15th SISTF.K Young men's fashionable tailor. 412-16 Paaton Blk. RUFFNER TAILORING CO.. 324 S. 15th St. TAILORS (Continued.) V T V TVI TTTV Suits $3 up. Krug . XVUVlJ.lJil Theater Building. WANTED TO BUY GOOD PRICE for second-hand clothes, shoe and furniture. SELNER. Doug. 6t0l. 6-ROOM house, bath, and one bedroom must bo downstairs. Hanscom Park section preferred. Wl N. Y. Life. Douglas 1150. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best prloa for 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4266. BEST price pNld for second-hand furni ture, carpets, lothlng and shoes. ll Doug. Kt Secon'j hand clothing, party, afternoon dresses. Jolio Feldman. D 3128. Ind. A-&U4. GOOD PRICK for clothe, hoes and furniture. nbLNER. Doug. 8401 JUST opening business; highest price paid for furniture and stoves. D. I860. A-4363. New York Repair shop, 1117 Dodgv. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent by man and wife, no children. Strictly modern furnished house; by April 1st. State price, location, and how furnished. No flats desired. Ad dress 3021 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. CENTRALLY located rooming house or furnished flat. Might buy if price Is right. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 624 New York Life Gldg. Tel Red 1999. We Are Getting Numerous Calls for houses, all List with us. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., '.'4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1901. WANTED to rent, modern, well fur rluhed house, one year or longer, from May 1. Address G. W. Updike, 70S Brandeii Bldg. WANTED TO RENT Bet. 30th and 39th, California and Dewey Ave., an absolutely modern house with yard. Address P 377, Bec. WANTED SITUATIONS CARPENTER WORK, repairing and re modeling. Tel. Harney-2229. WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Boyles' college. WANTED Employment for boy 11 years of age Saturdays. Address L 407, Bee. STENOGRAPHER Want one? Telephone Douglas 1112. WANTEO By first-class dressmaker, eewlt T. St le and fit guaranteed. Phone Harney 1658. WASHING t.- take home, work. Tel. A-299. . Also day CURTAINS clea.-ed; worn guaranteed. Phone Webster 17C0. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for March' 11. fur nlshed by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. Tele phone Douglas 2SH5, 1714 Farnam: Edwin S. Marston and wife to Dan iel G. Hopper, lot 4. block 3. Brldggs Place $ 1,000 uity treasurer to Frances I. Thomas, lot 6. block 1, Hanscom Park City treasurer to Frances I. Thomas, lot 13, block 6, Saunders & Hlme baugh's addition Hannah Casey and husband to Ber nard J. Haegen. n75 feet of lot 12. Rutland Place 700 Barbara Hoffman to Joseph Jedncta and Marie Jednota. n lot 1. block 12, Kountze Third addition 2,200 Peter Pernetzke and wife to Frank Freyer and Katherlna Freycr, sS4 lot 14, block 10, Wilcox's addition.... 950 Bridget Lenagh and husband to John F. Coad. Jr.. lot 13. block 2. Bur lington Center 3,992 August Johnson to Edwin Steele and Sophia Steele e nw4, 9-16-9 7,600 I'er August Anderson ana wire to the S. D. Mercer company, lot 11, block 7, Clifton Hill 821 Fred Nelson and wife to Per A. An derson, lot 14, block 7, Clifton Hill.. 1 Martha Goss to Joseph O'Connor, lot 22, block 13. Omaha View 100 Anna L. Young and husband to Mid way Investment company, lot 21, block 13 Albright's Annex 200 Antonio Polan et al. to Joseph Polan, sH lot 6. block 3. Kountze's Third addition 1,0:0 The Florence company to Charles W. Partridge, subdivision of lot 2 of lots 13 and 14, Florence Heights 2,000 Charlf s V . Partridge and wife to Martha T. McDonald, lota 13 and 14. Florence HeightB 1 Martha T. McDonald and husband to Charles W. Partridge, lots 13 and 14, Florence Heights 1 Warren C. Crane and wife to George T. J. Weber, lot 2, Clfveland Place.. 2,250 August Schumann and wife to Ed ward Schumann, lot 2. block 1. Hill- aide addition No. 2 2.509 Shlmer & Chase company to Harvey J. Guthrie, s20 feet lot 2 and n20 feet lot 3, block 8. Boulevard Park..;... 675 Benjamin F. Thomas to the Mutual Investment company, w14 lot 13, block 1, Bedford Place Mary E. Iine and husband to Wil liam H. Russell, lots 6 and 6, block 17, Central Park 10 Frank Groves and wife to Ix)ulse Hewekerf, lot 4, block 1, Hastings 4; Heyden's add 2,100 Reuben A. Merrlman and wife to J. W. Merrlman et al., n30 feet lot 2, block 91, South Omaha 1 Mary E. E. Kelly to Anna Wahl strom, lot 6, Burdette Court 200 Patrick F. Kelley and wife to Anna Wahlstroin, lot 6, Burdette Court Annex 200 Lavlna Helthelt and husband to Pau lino W. A. Mangold, eVs nw4 26-15-11 6,250 George E. Warren to Nannie Wollen, n H sw4 and nw4 se'i 7-16-11 1,203 City treasurer to W. F. Johnson, lot 8, nVi lot 9, n" lot 10. nV4 lot 11, block 11, Hanscom Place James W. White and wife to Grant Watson, lot 30, block 1, Grammercy Park 230 Kenwood Realty company to Vernon C. Bennett, lots 317 and 316, Kenwood add 185 Mornlngslde Land company to Wil liam Iverson, lot 3M. Mornlngslde... 245 Frank D. Hill and wife to S. H. Dor sey, lot 11. block 18, Orchard Hill.... 180 Thomas K. Hunter and wife to John W. Klnyoun. lot 7, Wills' subdlv 4.100 Elmer R. Porter and wife, et al., to Alice M. Bacon, lot 18, O'Keefe's Hillcrest 2,600 Paxton Real Estate company to Ma ria Fransun, lot 10. block 8, Walnut Hill 150 Mattlo B. Stone et al. to Charles B. Stone, lot 2. block 23, West Omaha. 1 Blower McCague and wife to William Matulka and Metadyka Matulka, lots 18 and 19, Mid-City add 2,508 llannuh Casey and husband to Oscar I)u Jardna, s45 feet nlll feet sublot 2. taxlot 31 34-15-13 3.500 Albert E. Lewis, sr., to Niels Nielsen, ne4 sw4 23-16-12 6,500 Annie H. Horner to McCague Invest ment company, eft lot i, Diock 12, Parker's add 500 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING OF THE PAFIC1C EXPRESS COM PA NY. The stockholders ef the above named company having failed to hold their annual n eeting, notice is nereby given that I, the . i ....... J nraiiHont nt ..1.4 have, pursuant to the by-laws of said com- jHI1, ' 11 u - ....W-...0 ."w .I'JLIHIUIUffl uf said company, to be held at the general office of said company. No. 1401 Harney fctreet, In the city of Omaha, state of Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on Monday, March 28, 1910, for the election of direc tors and the transaction of such other bunlness as may come before the meeting and you are notified that such meeting will be held at such time and place for said purposes. JAMES EGGLESTON, President the Pacifio Express Company. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED bids will be received at the office of A. H. Dyer, architect, Fremont, Nebraska, until I o'clock p. m . March 24, 1910, fur the erec tion of an Odd Fellows Home building at York, Nebraska, according to plans and sDecIf Icatlono now on file at said office. Separate bill will be received at same time and place for the plumbing and heating ot aid building, also fireproof floors, parti tions and roof construction. Ail bids for either proposition must be accompanied by a certified check as provided In spec ifications, ilu right la reserved to reject any and all bids. George L. Loomls, Chair man Horn Building Board k'ii to till GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING yUAHTF.R- mastcr. Fort Iavenworth. Kansas, March 12. 1910 Sealed proposals. In tripli cate, will be received here until 11 a. m.. Central time. Aorll 12. 1910. and then opened In the presence of attending bidders ror the construction of a guard nouse at Fort Leavenworth. Kansas. Including plumbing, heating and electrlo wiring and electric fixtures. Tlans and specifications may be seen at this office and offices of Chief Quartermasters. Ht. Paul and Omaha. Builders' Exchange, St. Paul, Master Build ers Exchange and U. S. (juarmaater's office. r-carrut liuliaing, Kansas City, Missouri. Full Information and blank forms of pro posals furnished upon application to this office. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked, Proposals for Guard House nt Fort Leavenworth, Kansas." and addressed to Captain Wm. D. David, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Constructing Quartermaster. Fort Iavenworth, Kansas. M 12-13-14-15-A9-10 HAYSHED WAR DEPARTMENT, OF flee of the Constructing Quartermaster. Fort Crook, Nebraska. March 14, 1910. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 a. m., April 4, 1910. and then publlciv onened fnr the construction of ono Hayshed at Fort Crook, jMeorasaa. 'ertmed check or surety com pany's guarantee for 10 per cent of bid must accompany each proposal. Proposals must be made on the forms to be obtained at this office. Plans and specifications may be seen by Intending bidders at the office of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri. Omaha, Nebraska, and at this office. Necessary blank forms and full Information furnished upon application here. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes con taining proposals must be indorsed "Pro posals for Hayshed, Fort Crook. Nebraska." and addressed to First Lieutenant G. 11. White, Constructing Quartermaster. M14-16-16-17-A1-2 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth and Maaoa. Cnloa Pnclfle tava. Arrive. Ban Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 816 a. m. 11:80 p. m. Chi. ft Jap. F'at Mail. 4:10 p. m. 6.46 p.m. Atlantic Express 6:45 a.m. Oregon Express 4.00 p. m. t:0p. ni, Oregon-Wash. Ltd 12:40 p.m. 1:40 p.m. Denver Special f 47 a. m. 11:0 a. m. Colorado Special 11:48 p.m. 7 1 a. m. Colorado Express 3:50 p. re o'OOp. ra. North Plate Local 8 4:46 p.m. Grand Island Local.... 6:29 p. m. 10.30 a.m. Lincoln-Beat. Local... 12:41 p. m. 1:20 p.m. Val. Cen. City Lcl... 11:41 p. m. 1:20 p, iu. Chicago, Ilock. Island raclflo EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am alO:$0 pra Iowa Local a 4:30 pm Chicago Day Express.. a 6:68 am Des Moines Locai a 4:00 pra al$:S0 pra Iowa Local bl0:85 am b :6S pm Chicago-Eastern Exp., .a 4 40 pm a 1:16 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6:08 pm a 8:02 am WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln a 8:25 am a 6:47 pro Colo, and Cal. Exp a 1:26 pm a 4:3d pra Okla. and Texas Exp. ..a 3:30 pm a 1:50 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm a 8:86 aot Chicago A Northwestern- EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a 7:00 am all:3S am Chicago iocal al;05 pra a 8:28 pra Colorado-Chicago a 6:3U pin a 3:28 pm Chicago Special a. 6:00 pra a 7:66 am Pacific Coast-Chicago.. .a 6:06 pm 8:28 pra Los Angeles Limited. ...a I: lit pra al3:20 pm Overland Limited all:4i pra a 7:46 am hnvp ueclal . 1 -Atl am . tt-x-j .m tus vi s a uid of:? a 1307 uojj3 fut Mail . 1 .-. r..rr NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:60 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pin a 1:28 p.n Minn. A Dakota Exp.. .a 7:00 pm a 8:16 am Twin City Limited 1 :IN put a 7:80 am WESTBOUND. Llr.coln-Chadron a 7:50 am all:09 am Norfolk-Bonatell a 7:50 am al0:46 pra Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 2:16 pm ; 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior ......b 8:16 pm b 6:10 pm Dead wood-Hot Spgs a 3:66 pm a 6:80 pm Casper-Lander a $.66 pm alLOO am Fremoni-Alblon b 6:3v pm b 1:36 pm Illinois Central Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 3.46 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:4 uni Minn. -St. Paul Exp....b 7:00 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a :46 am Omaha-Ft Dodge Loo.b 4:16 pm bll:30 am lutcasTO, Hllwsskw St. Paul Leave. Arrive Overland Limited all:43 pm a 8:00 am Omaha-Chicago J;xp....a r.ia am a 9:30 am Colorado Special a 7:67 am all:33 pm Colo. -California Exp a 6:00 pm a 8:26 pm Parry-Omaha L.ocai o :u pm bll;Uu pm Chicago Great Western Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm ' Twin City Limited a 8:80 pm a 8:00 am Chicago Express a 3:44 piQ Twin City Uxprass a 8:00 am a .oo um Mlsaonrl Pacific K. C. and SL L. Ex. ...a 9:40 am a 6:36 am K. C. and St. L. Ex. (lv Sat. 12 p. ro all:15 pm a 6:30 pm Wabash Omaha-St. Louis Exp. .a 6:80 pm a 8:26 am Mall and Express a 7:30 am aU:14 pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm blO.15 am OVHUNOTOa STATION Tenth aaii tlasvn. Bnrllngton Leave, Denver and California.. a 4:10pm Puget Bound Express.. .a 4:10 pm Nebraska points a 6:20 am Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all :25 pm Nebraska poluia a 8.20 am Lincoln Mall b 1.20 pm Nebraska Express a 9:15 am Lincoln Local .v."1-- t innnin 1 ira I a 7:26 nm Arrlr. a 8:45 pm a 6:ift pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm 12:15 pro a 6:10 pm b 9:08 am a 7:60 pm bl0.20 am a 8:60 am a 2:40 pm a 7:00 am all .06 pm a 8:. pru a 8:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 11:45 am a 6:46 am a 8:10 pm Bchuyler-Plallsmouth ..b 3.06 pm Plattsmoum-iuwa uiin nii..i.-Plattsmouth ..812:30 Dm Colorado Limited all :25 pm Chicago special a i.ioam l. 1 n n iTvnreM a 4:20 niri Chicago Fast .Express. ..a 6:30 pm Iowa ijocai ira Creston-Iowa Local a 8:30 pm St Louis Express a 4:30 pm K C. and St. Joseph. .. .alU:45 pm K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 9:16 am K C. A St. Joseph a 4:30 pm WEBSTER STATION Fifteenth ana Webster. Mlaaonrl Pnclfle. Leave. Arrive. Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bl? :10pnt Chicago, St. Pa a I, Minneapolis a Omaha 6loux City Express.. .b 2:00 pm bll:46 cm o 6:20 pni b 8:20 pm uma ha Liocal Sioux City Passenger Twin City Pasaonger....b 6:30 am 6loux City Local o 8.36 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CRUISES DE LUXE WEST INDIES 11 BOO Titns Twin-Here tv 1 ra w EASTEtt, CRUISE. 18 days. 8? UP From New York March 23 nond r.i. $30 to $110 Ftrst-cUM onlj. According to locatlott. BERMUDA HEW WEEKLY SERVICE ! MrtDilTAVA" B.OOO Tone R.M.S.P. Fro du. an M. It., n. Y. Every Wednesday. 1 A. M. From Hermodn lirerr "atornay. Cmf..n.l.l, ..; Wl" v" tuwise trs Klt-ctric Mm In ill rooms. Cosplrte Illustrated Bouklrtj on Uocst. THE I0VU MAIL STEAM fACKET CO. ANDEHSO at SOI8, S3 Slata St.. H. T. 14S X.S Ball aitreet, Chicago. W. E. Book, 1584 rarnam Street, Omaha. H. C. Bhlslds, 1601 rarnam St Omaha. HAMBURG AMERICAN Ail Modern Safety Device (Wireless, etc) London-Pa ris- Hamburg Anwrlka. Mcta. IS 10 a.m.! Bluehor April 11 Pralorls April I Fin Lincoln April U llraf Wtl4'M... April Cincinnati April tl K. AOS Vie. ...April 14Anrtaa April JO Blis-Carlton a la Cart lUataiirant. a tumours slraci. Oaslu riroxmia TMAVULltH' CHECKS ISSUUU. Toenat bopL far Tripa a.arrvhare. SXamharr-AJnericaa Line, 45 'w, a. T. Or looal aVsents. DUX'S REVIEW OF IR.)E Nearly Every Center Beporti Advct in Volume of Business. SEASON'S OUTLOOK BMCILTEB Financial Situation Is Stronger nnd Altogether a, Better "entlment Prevails Metal Trndea Active. NEW TOIIK. March 11. Tl. O. Tun A Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Nearly every report from tha large trade renters Is of transaotlnna well abova last year and of a bright outlook for tha new ' season. Financial conditions are also much stronger and. altogether, a belter sentiment prevails. This Improvement, however, Is In spite of considerable uneasiness on account of the strike In Philadelphia, which nausea some uncertainty aa to future develop men Is. The reappearance of tha railroads aa ac- tlve purchasers of rolling stork and other needod equipment Is the Important develop ment In Iron and steel, while evidences that construction work will be pushed with vigor gives the situation, as a wnoie, a aecideiiiy Improved aspect. The needs of the rail roads cover various forms of equipment nd are apparently becoming more urgent, l Judging from the Important Inquiries now pending. Electrolytic copper haa risen In prlca to 13i cents. In lines other than cotton goods jobbers re doing a fair trade, but reordering In the primary marketa la of a conservative character. Retailers are purchasing In a non-speculative way and the manufacturing situation growa more difficult In conse quence of Inability to secure values com mensurate with producing costs, hence cur tailment Is being forced a a protective measure, which it la thought will become sufficiently widespread to impress buyers. Kxport trade with the smaller market hus been somewhat better and It Is noted thai price concessions have brought about more signs of a resumption of normal buying finished cloths. Trade) In boots and shoes Is slightly bet ter, but the question of values continues to limit new business, as buyers and sellers do not agree on terms when negotiations ror large quantities are Involved. There Is 1 nere is nand for lug 4iTnre nlwV a to some Improvement In the demo leather and buyers are nneratln freely, although no dlsoosltlim Is hIi buy for more than current needs, anil the market continues easy and sales, as a rule, are at slight concessions. A marked In crease in activity is noted in tha packer hide market, but holders, In order to Inter est tanners, are compelled to name lower prices than bavo ruled since the decllr.4. that followed the panic of 1907. nil ADSTnlCKT'S HKVIKW of tradb Reports Continue to Display Certain Degree of Irregularity. NEW YORK, March 11. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Trade reports continue to display a cer-l tain degree of Irregularity, a tendency par-f tlcularly notable In the east, parts of the nearby south and in scattered sections of the west. Yet on balance, trading at a majority of the points la probably better than It was last week, the south as a whole reporting Improvement, the north west showing up In good shape the far west good, with the southwest satisfactory, though house sales there are lighter, while the west, except Ohio and parts of Iowa, reports progress. More favorable weather conditions appear to be the chief Influ ence making for Improvement, but on tha other hand the poor condition of country roads tends to deter anything like a free movement. Staple lines are In chief re quest and aa a matter of fact buyers con tinue backward as to future commitments except where price conditions favor them. High prices of manufactured goods and uncertainty as to their permanence are (he principal barriers against expansion In trade, but as the situation stands manu facturers find it difficult to reduce prices on a large scale because raw materials are ao high and because present profits are not normally remunerative. Hummed up, the turnover is larger than It was last year, but the point Is that trade does not measure up to anticipations, which were keyed up to a high point. Retail trade has Improved at a few points, but on the whole the week's developments have not been especially satisfactory, prospects of a verv early Easter trade not having materialised'. Collections are slow. The labor situation Is, If anything, more unsettled than it was a week ago. Business failures for the week ending with March 10 were 250, against 184 last week, 254 In the like week of 1908, 27S In 11108, In 1907 and 187 In 1908. Wheat, Including flour, exports from the I'nlted States and Canada, for the week ending March 10 aggregated 1,679.458 buh el, against 1.845,807 bushels last week and 2,289,847 bushels this week last year. For the thlrty-slx weeks ending March 10 ex ports are 110,606,718 bushels, against 140, 201,134 in the corresponding period last year. Corn exports for the week are 1,022,898 bushels, against 783,466 bushels last week; and 930,848 bushels in 1909. For the thirty six weeks ending March 10 corn exports are llS63,683 bushels, against 21,762,800 last year. LIGNITE BRIQUETTES NEW ' SOUTH DAKOTA PRODUCT Coal, Now I'arleaa, Mar Be So Treated na to Become Valuable Fuel. ' PIERRE, S. D., March 11. (Special.) The business men of this city and Fort Pierre have Joined hands In a movement which has for Its purpose the working out of a combination of Missouri river trans portation and Missouri river coal to supply the northwest with cheap fuel. F. M. Ollbreath. commissioner of agri culture of North Dakota, says of tfi lig nite briquettes tested at their station: "Lignite briquettes, with an approximate heating value of 13,000 British thermal units per pound, as compared with 12, 1 per ton anthracite coal, ran be manufac-i tured for 83.60. f. o. b. cars at the mlnw In the process of brlquettlng, the heat ing value of the lignite la doubled, for the original lignite has a heating value of about 6,500 British thermal units. In order to bring about this large concentration It la necessary to use about two and a quar ter tons of lignite as mined, to make one ton of briquettes. The lignite can be ma chine mined by contract labor on a larger scale at a maximum cost of 60 cents per ton. I will venture to predict that there will be very little Pennsylvania coat sold In tho state three years from now. We are laying the foundation for making North Iakota one of the foremost fuel producing states in the union. "I have Just started my Investigation of the MlHsourl river coal deposits, but from data that I now have on hand would say that certain portions of It, In my estima tion, are the most desirable coal fields In the state." Loses Big Saloon Suit. BOONE, la., March 11. (Special Tele gramsMrs. Minnie Gingrich lost her suit here for 825,000 against Joe Raglow, a sa loon keeper, for alleged selling of liquor to her husband, Ous Gingrich, to the extent that he became a drunkard, thereby ln Jurlng her by his lack of support. When the Jury handed In their verdict this morn ing they found for the defendant. ' When you want what you want when you want It, say so through The Bee Want Ad columns. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS l Continued ) s CANDLNAVIAN AUERICAN LIKE Toa Twia-rvrew ra mayr ataintri Direct to iuT- N or way, Sweden and Denmark IlKir II Mar. IT I Halii( Olar April 14 ('. V. Tlatie...alar. 14 I Oaear 11 April U t'nltad staiaa ..Mar. II I C. f. Ttatsaa ... Mar All Steamers equipped with Wireless. I rat cabin, 7t apware; aaMtod camn, par. A- k. slrst aabln, vl iipware: aaoona cabin, let). A. B. JOHNsON CO., la Wet Klnale at. Caloaai OR TO IJl'AHi AUK.ITa.