10 TIIB KKK: OMAHA, FltfPAY, MARCH 11. 1010. REAL ESTATE. city rRvi-KRir roH sale. (Continued. TERMS TO SUIT WE WANT YOU TO SEE THESE. StOih and Jackson, 7-ronm cnt(. modern but heat, renting for $22. Price, $2,2M t'LIFTON HILL 7 rooms, all modern, full south front, corner lot, new furnace. snap $3,500. HKMIS PARK rooms, two-story. H mrnlfrn, two car line; $ cash to handle. J.W. rilSR IN 7 rooms, practically new and all modern, hardwood finish, lot 10x140, $4."0 WERT FARNAM-6 moms, modern, oak finish, hot water heat, well located, $6,000; $1,500 cash required. CATHEPHAIi II STRICT Very (food, well built home. Bold for business reasons, large living room with fireplace, 4 very nloe bed rooms, hardwood finish throughout. 1'tlre reduced to $o.00. VACANT LOT Creighton'a 1st Add., at .",4th and Martha. 1750: cheapest lot left. CORNER LOT at Wth and Capitol Ave., DL'NIIEK. $1,000 OIJVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Ground Floor N. Y. Life. Doug. 33. A FINE DUNDEE HOME $3,800 This house, has five large rooms and re ception hall; three nice, large rooms and reception hall, on first floor; two large bedrooms and bath on second floor: both bedrooms have extra lnrge sized closets; downstairs Is finished In the best of quar ter sawed oak except kitchen, which has maple floor; open stairway from reception linll to second floor. The upstairs Is fln , lulled In the very best of quarter sawed yellow pine. Plumbing In this house Is strictly first-class. Furnace heat. One of the best furnaces on the mnrket. Full basement with floor drain; can be ar ranged for laundry. This house vens built for a home and ahoslntely nothing was slighted In the construction. Combination fixtures are also of the very best. Lt us show you this place at . once, as the owner has reduced price from $4,000 and must ell. Terms, half cash. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1B14 Harney St. Croft Property, $5,250 Very palatial 10-room bouse, with 100 ft., so. front ground, located on Ames Ave. lust off Florence Blvd.; sewer, water, gas, caving all paid. Harrison & Morton LOOK AT Tins ONE Practically new five-room cottage, nicely pupered and attractively arranged, with ood bath room, hot and cold water, mod ern except furnace; full fifty-foot lot. This property Is located In a growing nelghbor aood of desirable homes. Convenient to car and school; $1,300. on reasonable terms, ouys It. Other properties no better than Una sell for $2.A and $3,700. - RHIMER CHASE CO , $09 Ho. 17th St. Doug. 3667. West 'End House East front on 40th St. between Dodge and Davenport fits., lot 50x126 feet, house 7 rooms and hall, oak finish, beside 1 room in attic; buim years ago; very complete and up to date, $6,000. Nenr Dundee New house of 7 rooms Just completed, veil built and modern throughout, only $;l,00. This Is on south side of Davenport fct., the third houso east of 43th St. Dodge St. Lot, $750 South side of Dodge St., block east of 4Mh St., 60x128 feet; all street Improve ments In and paid for; lot Ilea 3 feet above the street. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 314. 934 and 888 K. 23d Street, 5-room cottage and 6-room cottage, both modern but heat, renting for $42.60 per month. Price $4,360 for both. Part cash. P. O. NIELSEN CO., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both'Phones. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR POULTRY AND FRUIT RAISING. 3 lots, 3 blocks from car; small house, new, $1,450; small caah payment, balance easy terms. 2 large lota, south part of town, SH blocks to oar; 200-bbl. cistern, good 6-room house; price, $1,750; reasonable terms. One acre fine bearing fruit, 6-room house; very desirable poultry farm; price, $2,250; terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. C?4 New York Life Oldg. Tel. Red IK. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St. A VERY nice 6-room cottage on N. 18th that can be bought for $2,000; can make terms. SOUTHEAST corner 38th and Jones. 7- ro m house, full lot, can be bought for II 2M, with a payment down and the balance n terms to suit. TL'RKINGTON, 603 BEE BLDG. EASY PAYMENT "-room house, strictly modern, ready to move right in; lot, 60x145. 43d and Dodge s.k.. V, block from car. Price, $3,600, $300 to J down. $30 per month. Brand-new 6-room house, besides recep tion hall, bath room, modern except fur nace; corner lot, southeast front; 47th and Davenport Sts. Price, $3,600; $300 to 1600 down, $25 per month. Lot 60x104. Two 7-room houses, new; lots 60x136 each, price, $2,800 each; $300 to $500 down, $26 per ii'.nmh. 6-room house, 4619 Chicago St., i- rner lot; shade trees, fine lawn; lot 60x104. P:lce. $1,600; $700 down, $16 per month. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., 923 N. Y. Life Bldg. Ind. A-2653. Bell Red. 653. REAL ESTATE CITY ritOPfclt I Y KOH SALIC (Continued. NOTICE A BARGAIN. room strictly modern house In one of the best locations In the city. Call at 311 W. B way. Council Bluffs. HEAL aSSTAlB UE4LERI. RKED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. MB; prompt service; get eur prices. 1710 rarnam St. BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Brandola Bldg, Geo. D. Perrlne. ttl pexton. Doug. TKL REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO, 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. J. N. Casady Co., Inc., mtga., bonds, rent als, fire A life Ins., 639 Paxton Blk. D. 1520. REM1NOTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D. 1271. 643 Ramge Bldg. New houses. It. E. or Ex. T. C. Torrlson. 476 Brandels. When writing to advertisers don't fall to mention that you saw this ad In The Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH I. AND FOR 8AI.B Arkansas. FOR PALE Combination orchard and chicken ranch; 6-scre apple orchard, one half bearing, rest 6 years old: some mixed orchard and berries; good 8-room house, with bath; barn, 4 chicken runs, 8-foot fence, chicken wire, good well and cistern; 3 miles from Rogers; price. $3,000. Address Gorman-American ReaJty Co.. Rogers, Ark. ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS. For sale, best Improved and raw wheat lards up to 100.000 acres n bloc In the best part of Southern Alberta, $13 per acre up. All Inquiries promptly answered. Hen derson A Mlnkler, 814 First St., West, Cal gary, Alta. Callforntu. LET MB TELL YOU how to make from $200 to $2,510 per acre with land that will coet but $250 per acre; land that you do not have to give any of your attention for three years. This Is a legitimate proposition of my own. I am farming this land now. If you write me I will refer you to people In St. Paul who have Investigated my propo sition and are now Interested with me. Ad dress W. C. Cutler, Riverside county, Mecca. Cal. Color ao. 70.000 acres of Irrigated land: 21,000 acres sold since last March. $50.00 an aero with a perpetual water right. Easy terms. To be advanced $10.00 an acre May 1st. The most attractive Irrigated project ever de veloped. Is located in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. COSTILLA IRRIGATED I.AND CO.. No. 1634 Champa Street, Denver, Colo. FOR SALE Great? st bargains In eastern Colorado; two section fine farming land, Llrcoln county, only $5.60 acre; also five nections Improved and fenced, first-class farming land, near railroad town: J6 acre. terms. R. Bettesworth," Cedar Rapids, la. Iowa. A SACRIFICE SALE, acres of Iowa's bent farm land, lo cated two and one-half miles from Coon Rapids, la. Land all In cultivation; a good 6-room house, large barn, - granaries and other outbuildings; exceptionally good water supply. For quick sale at $126 per acre, possession given at once. W. J. DKHMODY INVESTMENT CO.. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. laaho. FOR SALE, by owner, 2.440 acres pine timber land on P. & 1. N. R. R. In Idaho; cruises 10,000 feet per acre; price $25 per acie.O. W. Porter, Box 625. Weiser, Idaho. FOR SALE, by owner, .1,130 acres choice bench fruit land on Shake River, near Weiser, Idaho. Price $60 per acre, terms. O. W. Porter. Box 625, Weiser. Idaho. llllBOU. HAVE client for two sections of cheap nortnern prairie land, not necessarily all In one body or owned by same party; offer your bargains, give good description, : and state commission you will pay; will con sider quarters or halves that are easily rented, In settled communities. C. Hender son Smith, Galena. 111. Kansas. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE Alt rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent rent. Best alfalfa In the world. Easy terms. If not aa represented, will return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. riBII REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM II LA N II FOB SAl.B (Continued.) Manitoba. UNIMPROVED 400 acres within 27 miles Winnipeg; lfcO.ono population, on main line of Canadian Pacific railway; SO rods from depot; school house across road; level, deep black soil; $-10 per acre: parly who will Improve; 11.OU0 cash; time on balance; no Interest first year. G. J I. Johnson, Beat rice. Neb. FOR BALK 40 acres, Clearwater eounty, Minnesota, three miles from county sat: fairly good buildings, considerable mixed timber; Joins beautiful lake; price $30 per acre. Oscar F. Stenwlck, Baglev, Minn. 40 acres, 35 acres under plow, 6 acres In hay, balance timher, new four-room house, large barn, some lumber; one mile to town: two horses, six head of cattle, forty chickens, some pigs, wagon, buggy, runners, sleigh, mower, rake, and binder, three cultivators, two plows, harrow and other small tools, fifty bush els of oats, fifty bushels of wheat, 300 bi:shels of potatoes; all for $2,700 on quick sale. L. P. Larson, Brahm, Minn. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. H.OnO acres more or less In Billings county, N. D., good JO-room house 40x 40, two large barns, mess house, wagon shed, chicken house, tenant house, office, two wells, two windmills, Ire house, etc. This Is an Ideal proposition for retailing, and price Is only $11 per acre. Kingsbury tt Tracy Co., 822 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. AN Ideal tO-acre farm, five miles from Fairmont, county seat, population 3.500; good eight-room house, full set of out buildings In good condition; splendid well, fine grove, orchard and small fruit; one third mile to school, fine neighborhood, tel ephone and mail route; farm Is tilled In high state of cultivation, free from nox ious weeds, never been rented; no better land In Minnesota; $M per acre. F. Church yard, owner, Felrmont, Martin county, Minn. FOR SALE A very fine timber claim In Koochiching county; thero la white pine, cedar, spruce and tamarack on same. For particulars WTlte Box 2, Lowry, Minn. IMPROVED farm, splendid toll. 6 miles from city; hundred rods shore line on beautiful lake; t '1.600 In buildings; price, $sS per acre. J. A. Foster. Faribault. Minn. REAL ESTATE FA R M AM) HAM It I. AM) FOR SALE Nebraska Coat laaed. Hogs Have Reached $10.00 and that means an added value o every acre of land In Nebraska. Who Is paying for the pork roasts and pork chops? The merchant, the preacher, the lawyer, the clerks, the laborers, the carpenters, the mechanics. Who Is hit the hardest? The man who can least afford It, who Is working for someone else. Who Is making the money? Who Is reaping the benefit? The farmer, of course. Does It not occur to you, Mr. Con sumer, thnt now Is a good time to get hold of a piece of land and raise your own pork, and your own bread, your own potatoes and cabbage and othr vegetables? Don't you know that the high prices of provisions is rending land higher every day7 Get a piece of land, and GET IT NOW. If you have a piece of city property which you are waiting to sell, do not wait any longer. Come In and see us and we will discuss a plan for selling your city property and finding you a good farm In the North Platte Valley. We have some farms In the Platte Valley, "America's Valley of the Nile." that will make a man a comfortable living and grow In value not less than $5 per year for the next ten years. BE A PRODUCER, NOT A CONSUMER. Don't spend every cent you make In buy ing grub, but becln NOW to produce tho stuff other people want and must have. PAYNE INVESTMENT 00., S. K. Corner 15th and Farnam Sts. "Manlesa Land for Landless Man." 2,M ACHES improved Nebraska farm rnnch land, In square block; fenced and cross-fenced; sheds, barn, 6-room house In good condition, 2 wells; Ideal location. 3 miles from railroad station, 6 miles from county sent. Sheridan county; will sell on time. $10,000 cash or security; act quick; biggest snap In western Nebraska. Call or write Georpe Caldwell. 1711 Webster St., Omaha. I leave for ranch March 15. FOU QUICK BALE. 640 acres In Logan county, Nebraska; all fenced; tS per acre: easy terms. Lock drawer 37, Johnson, Neb. IMPROVED FARM of 160 acres 1H miles from Princeton. Minn., 100 acres under cul tivation, balance In pasture and timber, cultivated land Is nearly all seeded down In timothy and clover; the buildings con sist of two small houses, a good barn, gran ary and other outbuildings; land lies nice and level; free from stone, price $;10 per acre, can be handled on reasonable terms. M. 8. Rutherford & Co., Princeton, Minn. SENSATIONAL BARGAIN, 240 acres, 27 miles of Minneapolis, Sherburne county, near Elk river. Price and description on application; spring catalogues now ready. Green A Son., Anoka, Mtnn. 1,200 ACRES of good, agricultural land all within 20 miles of St. Cloud. Your choice. Easy terms. $15 per acre. P. M. Tblelman, St. Cloud, Minn. FOR SALE Several farms and land In Minnesota and Dakotas. Write A. J. Ander son, Kenyoa, Minn. Ulaanarl, 40-ACRE bargain, 4 miles southeast of Ray town; near rock road; you can have pos session this spring; this belongs to an es tate and Is a bargain; price $115 an acre; quick. Boyer A Snider, Lee's Summit, Mo. 20 ACRES; 8 In strawberries; good In come; $1,200 ; 40 acres: 7 In strawberries; handsome Income, $1,000. S. G. Clay, An deison, Mo. 40 ACRES fertile land; 20 cultivated; 3 room house; barn, well, spring; R. D.; $500; worth more. Blankenshlp & Ross, Buf falo, Mo. FOR SALE OR exchange. Improved farm, 200 acres, Harrison Co., Mo.; 6 miles from county seat; well watered; no overflow; price $75 per acre; want Kansas City, Mo., Income of like value; deal quick. Addrass Frank R. Henderson, Bethany, Mo. CASS COUNTY-16 ACRES All extra smooth, 6-room house, orchard, on mall route; can rent 40 acres with It; price, $1,500; terms, $50; rest like rent. Come and see It; don't, write. J. C. Patrick, Owner, Harrlsonvllle, Mo. , Fruit Land 31 acres, adjoins station on main line Bur lington, only 46 minutes" ride from Omaha; almost level; will soon sell for town lots. Big sn.p at $5,100. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. L. BLDG.. OMAHA, NEB. Kertt Dakota. WORLD'S RICHEST WHEAT LAND AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Write me today for particulars about rich North Dakota wheat farms offered to you for $16 an acre lesa than real value. These farms are In Hansom county, North Dakota, the center of the richest wheat-growing country In the world. Here land values are Increasing by leaps and bounds. Sur rounding farms" are selling for from $40 to $15 an acre. To force immediate and quick sale 1 offer four Improved farms at the surprisingly low price of (35 an acre. Xfiese are 64o, 430, 320 and 160 acres, respec tively. My terms are very easy. Write today for particulars. I have some acts about these farms that will Interest you Owner, Walter L. Williamson, Box 12. Lisbon, N. D. FREE NORTH DAKOTA MAPS and a folder about our dollar wheat and two dollar a bushel flax land. We sell in 160 or 320-aere tracts. Twenty quarter sec tions for $17 to $25 per acre. Come out now and Belcct a 100-acre farm. Write us amount you can pay down. Ask Wm. H. Brown Co., Manda.n, North Dakota, or 131 La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. BUSINESS OPENINGS IN FLASHER, North Dakota, for a hotel, man, livery, hardware and general merchant. Flasher will have Its first railroad this summer. Apply to the owners of the townsite, Wil liam H. Brown Co., Mandan, North Dakota. EVERYTHING goes; farming tools and possession at once of 22 acres, mllea east of Kansas City; Vs mile to station; near rock road; Improved; rich land; orchard: telephone and rural mail; price, $2,500; terms, one-fourth down, remainder easy. George Hughes, Blue Springs, Mo. BARGAIN 8-ROOM MODERN HOME on Manderaon St., near 24th. Has oak fin ish, mantel, full basement with laundrv; paved street, all paid for. The lot Is 00x12!. Vice shade and fruit trees, A handsome home, chrap at $4,500. ERNEST SWEET, U, New York Life. Douglas 1472 FOR SALE Under scaled bids, lots J, 4 f.nd 6, block 3, Newport addition, com prising three acres; good 6-room house; burn, beautiful trees; tWth and Curtis Ave. H'dn to be opened March 15. Cash bids only considered. Right reserved to reject any it all bids. A. Millard, executor, care United States National Bank. 8 Rooms, 29th Near Farnam, $3,500 Modern In every wav; walking distance. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE i.-. or Hansom Park, thoroughly modern and well builu Has a large living room, 14x24. The lot Is 4xl4f and lawn Is well e tided. A,l4Vln at $3,150. l'.n sure and see us about this. ERNEST SWEET, iii New York Life. Dougla 829-ACRE RANCH. 300 acres cultivated, balance posture; 4 room house, well, barn; worth $30 per acre; price, ts.w; six mues rrom Caney, Kan.; two producing oil wells: a barsraln If nnr. ohased at once. T. T. Blakely. Caney, Kan. IMPROVED FARMS $30 AND 130 PER ACRE. In Neosho countv. Kansas, with fair houses and good barns and other buildings about 109 acres in cultivation on each of them. With live hogs about 10 cents per pound, hens at 15 centa per pound, beef cattle climbing up towards 9 centa per pound, can you afford to not own a farm at these low prices. No trades. Thomas D. nuDDara, tune, Kan. 100 FARMS for sale, price and terms sonable: well located and In the best belt of Kansas. Thomas Dancey, Real Es tate Agent, utierie, nan. IF you want the right land at the right price, In the right place, from the right man, write now to II. D. Hughes, McDon ald, Kan. i.iiv Ai.r.r.s, iio"e county, Kan., well Improved; price, $15 per acre. Nordell Bros., 1037 Sandusky, Kanaas City, Kan. Wromlasj. FOR free descriptive booklet where you can still buy good land cheap, write Beatty. Pino Bluffs, Wyo. lllsstaatppl. LARGE tracts of 1,000 to 20.000 acres suitable for colonisation or a good Invest ment; located in South Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico. - This Is excellent land for raising early truck and the famous paper shell pecans; fine transportation facilities; price $5 to $750 per acre; terms. Enter prise Lumber Co., P. O. Box 457. GulfporL Miss. 1472 LOOK and then let u figure with you; 75 lots at Albright. Close to South Omaha; ry cheap. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St. CLEAR seven-room residence, value J:.:.u0. for Denver residence. Address S. R., ltiiu Tremont St., Denver. MOUSE for sale, lot 60x133. I rooms, fur :.ace, mudern. large barn; terms easy. Ap ply on premises. 2616 Harney St FOR RALE--6-ROOM HOUSE AND t;)OI BARN. TO HM MOVED FROM LOT VKHV CHEAP. ED. JOHNSTON. 306 8 17 TK.. PHONIC DOUG. 1235. IND. A-148Z - WEST FARNAM. roema at 3M and Farnam, for sale or i tnt; vacant the 16th; hot water heat, nhita oak finish; 6 bedrooms: will deco rate; $6,006 and $1,600 aaafe will handle. Will Vret for 1'IM. GLOVKR REALTY SYNDICATE. Ground Floor, N. Y. Life. Doug. House, 2 Full Lots, $1,450 3 blocks to car, beautiful location; small amount cah; balance $15.00 Monthly Payments NOWATA LAVD AND LOT CO.. 624 M. X. Life, Bldg. Rd UfJ. Montana. A S20-ACRE RICH FARM FREE. Do you want a 320-acre free U. 8. rnvern ment Montana homestead farm? Ruv von. ticket through to Galata. Mont., on the main uae 01 me threat northern railroad ana lane train jno. g. Galata Is the very center of the finest, largest, smoothest, most prod- olive crops, free government farm lands in Mni,i Every advantage you can think of. Laat large body of prime A-l free homestea.1 lands left in United States. Your last cnance. hat more easy and satisfactory way can you think of to set a home and make money fast and sure? Homesteads being taken by the hundreds. Won't last long. Galata la growing so fast It needs all kinds of business houses. "You'll like uaiata Dest. MONTANA HOMESTEAD COMPANY, Galata. Choteau County, Moot. YOU CAN BUY tOO-arr trftrts frtim na m tliA TtiVltfc Ra.ln Montana, where they raise 40 bushels of winter wheat per acre yearly, and splen did alfalfa and other grains, without Irri gation, for $o0 to $46 per acre, oloaa to railroad. Gel our free maps, low ex cursion rates. William H Brown Co., 131 ia sane ot., ciiR-ago. ill., or Hobson, Mgni. A MILLION ACRES TO CHOOSE FROM lu) acres free government homesteads. 336 acres. Will locale you on the best wheat and cereal lands In Chouteau county, Mon tana, ciose to scnooie, markets and trans portation faollltles. Twenty-two years' con tinuous residence. G. T. ttanderson. Loca tor. Havre. Chouteau county. Montana, Reference, Clllxens' National Bank of Havre. MONTANA LANDS Abbott Miller Land company. Three Forks, Montana. Irrigated ianas mat net -u per acre a year. Wheat lands that net tin bar acre a vajtr. Cmn paid for In one and two years' crops. Write us ior aracnpiiuu. prices ana golden oppor t unities. A BONA FIDE Snap in 180 acres of Nel son county land, adjoining the Red river valley, close to county seat; 100 acres under cultivation, 10 acres good hay meadow, balance 60 acres fine arable land, which can be broken up this spring and put into flax; with average crops this land tvHI pay for itself: In three years and be worth $10 to $15 per acre more than yea pay. for tt; write .tjalck, this must be sold before seeding. prle, $22.60 per acre. Ad drees Lock Box OS. Lakota. N. I). STearaaua. S79H ACRES; 15 HORSES; 38 CATTLE; FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLE MENTS; WAGONS, BUGGIES, HAR NESS, ETC.; MILES FROM CRAW FORD, $7,800.00. Here la a property that I must unload during the month of March. This is 371H4 acres or as good soli as there la In the west today, a good black loam soli with a ciay subsoil. Squaw Creek, a never fall ing stream, runs rla-ht through Its center and is thickly timbered. There is a world of iimoer on the place, consisting of elm, ash, boxelder, and yellow pine, much of wnicn is plenty larse enough for lumber purposes. There are more than 800 acres of good plow land on the place, 73 acres are now under cultivation. The place Is II fenced and cross fenced and all ready to commence spring work. There Is a five room house on the place, but it is not lathed and rilaatprpd ThrA ts a large three story barn, which with some fixing, will make a vrv fin ham Thpre Is a small barn for five head of horses, with hay mow in very good shape. A good little gralnery and hen house, good well and cellar. Now then, to a eorid huver. I will make this proposition. 1 will pay for all the material to lath and nlaster lha house and to fix up the barn In first class ahape if they will do the work. Now then, with this place there goes fifteen head of good horses. They con sist of five work horses (4 of which are good brood mares) 4 yearlings, 2 three year oias, z mules, and two saddle horses. The mules are 3 vear olds nail mntrlied The heavier horses will weigh from 1160 iu iMv ana are a gooa western grade or horses. Ihe 38 head of cattle consist of nine good mlch cows, one good white faced bull, thirteen head of laat spring's calves, and fifteen head of one, two, and three year old steers and heifers. This bunch is for the moat Dart, a (rood hlvh crude white faced strain and the red poll strain, mey win ration up ana rank well with any of the average farm herda In this, or any other country. The farm machinery consists of one new disc, one seeder, ore hay rake, one 16 inch stirring nlow. one cultivator, and varloua other appurtenances and tools mat. usually go to make up a ranch. Be sides this, there are two buggies, and two wagons, two sets of work harness, and one set of buggy harness. The land In the raw, without a build ing upon It. or without a hoof of stock, la worm an tne money that I am asking for this entire layout. Rut. this Is inxt .n ..f those bargain counter propositions that comb up once in a wnue. The rirst man that Jumps off the train here and looks this place over and says he will take It, la me man mat win get it, lor this must have quick action. 1 turn the place over Just as it stands ready for the spring work. Possession will be given anv dav. n.,00 cash, and $XK back upon the place will viuks ine ueai. Now. I don't want anv lonr utndtH letter, asking all sorts of fool questions. This place Is cheaper than you can steal a place, and will make you a delightful nome ana a tnouxanu times better than to stick around yiur wife's folks paying rent If you buy this place and Just turn In and work, you can be worth $28,000 In the next three years for this Is a dandy layout and is really worth today, double what it is being offered at. Act at once, get right on the train and come here to me and let me sell you this place come prepared to deal, for I would not hold this five minutes for anybody. ARAH L. HUNGERFORD. CRAWFORD. NEBR. FOR SALE Soulh half of 30-6-16, w. fit 4th, being 320 acres of good level land in Sunny Southern Alberta, southeast of Leth brldge. A new railroad is now building within thret miles. Price for quick sale, $15 per acre. Will make terms. Address Box 262. Fargo, N. D. FOR SALE OR '."RADE, VALUE $2,500. A good 6-room nvmo house 22x30, 10 ft. posts, all in f irat-cla. i shape and Is now renting for $10 per nvnth. Also a good frame barn, shingle roof i both building:-!, barn Is 12x24, 8 ft. postw. A good well within 10 ft. from the house and about 60 shade and apple trees on the place. All situated on a parcel of land that gives you 325 It. of main street front by 140 ft. deep In a town of about 1,200-1.500 people In the western part of La Moure county, N. D. Hardware preferred. Writ to G. F. Wirch. Forbes, N. D. Oregoa. ATTENTION, buyer and home seeker; reliable Information on Oregon and Wash ington lands; hundreds of fine bargains; descriptions, prices and booklets furnished on application. Oregon Lands Information Bureau, 06 Board of Trade Bldg., Port land, Ore. REAL ESTATE LOANS tm FARM A.U RANCH 11SI1 FOR ALK I oath Dakota- L'oatlnaed. OREGON Its resources and area; a new 32-page pamphlet, full of reliable informa tion. 28 pages being a list of farms tor fala in different sections of the state; giving (Inscription, location and price of each. By mall, 15 cents. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Ore. Oltlaauaia, OKLAHOMA We have 100,000 acres of cho!"e Unci tf select from, ranging In price from $6 tJ $40 per acre. This land Is In the oil and gas district and you might tret an oil well with your laud. NOWATA LAPD AND LOT CO , Suit 621 New York I.lte Bldg 160 ACRES choice dairy and enek farm. K mile northeast from Minneapolis In Chi cago county; valued at $ per acre; for par ticulars, write to owner. J. wm. a.., ciare mont, 8. D., Lock Box. 215. Texaa. TBXA9 plantation. l.SW) acres, Pretoria county; ranch house, tenant houses, rail road, store, postofflre. townslte, alfalfa, corn, potatoes growing; subdivided. Fed eral Land and Investment Co., 306 Scanlan Bldg., Houston, Tex. TEXAS PAN-HANDLE LANDS. 11.000 ACRES, solid body, loaf Smith county. Only two miles from railroad. All good smooth prairie farming land. Will sell In large or small tracts. Price and lerms reasonable. Addrtss Owner, Box 214. Cameron, Mo. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS Over 1.000.000 acres for snle by the state. You can buy 640 acres for $2 an acre; pay $2 cash, balance after 40 years; fine farm ing and rruit land and healthy climate. For further Information send 6c postage. INVESTOR PUB. CO.. Dept. K, San Antonio, Tex. WE WANT YOU TO SEE the land that we are offering for $600 per arre and compare It with others. Then we have reel farms, low at $17.60 per acre. Easy distance to Houston, city of 100.000. Go with us Tuesday, March 16. Low round trip rate. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. 624 Now York Life Bldg. Red 19M. WILL take as part ray for 20 acres Stonewall county land standard make type writer. Box 162, Troupe, Tex. TEXAS PLAINS LAND. Two tracts of 4,0u0 acres each. In Lvnn county; 96 per cent tillable; Santa Fe rail road building near It; for quick sale at $11 per acre bonus; will not exchange for other property. Address John P. Marrs, Tahoka, TEXAS ORANGES WON FIRST PRIZE over California and Florida oranges at Na tional fruit show; yield $400 to $D00 an acre. You get bearing orchard for little rash and small payment monthly; government report free. Hanford Realty Co., 310 Bank of Commerce, or Iowa Orchards, Scanlon Bldg., Houston, Texas FOR SALE 8,000 acres near Uvalde. 10 miles from railroad; all flno black valley land; abundant water supply at depth of 60 feet; good tract to subdivide; adjoining land now telling at $35 per acre; can be bought for $12 if taken quick. Address O. Byrd. Uvalda. Texas. Washington. FOR SAL:? -JO acres, Yakima valley, under Sunnyblde canal; seven In orchard, five bearing small fruits, small house, ou. buildlnga, 6V4 acres alfalfa, balance potato land, close to railroad, good community, high school; bargain, price, 5,600, terms Ok part. Adds iss owner, Norman Sine, Granger. Wath. VIEWS of Yakima valley, Washington, showing orchards, cozy homes, scenery, sent free. Our thousands of fruit growers star:ed with email means and have achieved independence and wealth in a delightful climate. New lands are constantly being brought under irrigation, affording lust as good opportunities for newcomers. For in formation, Illustrated book, write Com mercial club, North Yakima, Wash. FOR Information and literature on farm land and Irrigated fruit lands Idaho, Ore gon and Vaahlngton call on us, or write us 332 Neville block, Omaha, Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Young, local manager. Wlaronala. FORTY acres, good level land, 20 cleared, balance wcod and pasture. four-room frame house, frame barn, chicken house, trout brook through farm; $700, easy terms. Tom O. Maaon, Island City Slate bank Cumberland, Wis. CHOICE agricultural lands, $10 per acre' also lake shore property, three hours' ride from twin cities; any slxe tract, 15,000 acres to seleot from. Write owner, Hn-ry C. A. Johnson. 32o Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Ulaeetlaaeoaa. CHEAP farm land, irrigated, $20 to 50 per acre, Including perpetual water rights. Water supply more than ample; used for years and fully paid for. Located Bear r'ver valley, Utah-Wyoming. Farmed and fenced. Three sets of buildings. Great crops of alfalfa, timothy, wheat, oats, barley, rye, potatoes. Fine market. Great climate. Liberal terms. Also dry farming; wheat land located adjoining above land. $10 per acre. Write for free pamphlet today. Qulnlan & Tyson, 104 Dearborn St., Chicago. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 mado promptly. F. L Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege ot making partial pay. ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 60S First National Bank Bids. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith it Co., 122u Farnam 8b LOWEST RATES Bemts. Brandels Bldg. "YOU'LL have to hurry," if you get one of my free booklets, "All About Okla homa." Don't mine this chance to learn about ijrod corn land cheap. WrKe Perry DeKord, Oak wood, Okl. OKLAHOMA land yield per acre corn, $44; wheat $20; oats $37; alfalfa $'; cotton $?j; Improved farms to ). Write 1. T. Dabney, 218 W. 6tli, Oklahoma City, Okl. 160 ACRES well Improved, level land, Woodward county, Oklahoma; 7-room houe, good water, cheap. Address owner, W. II. Kxonhelmer, HacKberry. Okl. Georgia. 1 009 ACRES TIMHER LAND In Montgomery Co., Oeorgla. Price $10.00 per ncrv; to exchange for northern land or merchandise. Chas. -Barchus, 200 Century Rldg., Des Moines, la. 320 acres of alfalfa land, at auction, on the 12th of March, at Cambridge, Neb. E. N. ALLEN. Kimball and Banner Co. Fine Klnkaid for sale cheap. Improved farms $6 to $15 per acre; no sand, no alkali, fine crops. DARLING DARLING. 441 Brandels Bldg. South Dakota. I HAVE a farm for sale In Codington county, !-'oi:;h Dakota; will sell or trade. H. Rhine. Florence. 8. D. FOR SALE Brule county. South Dakota farina; ulao lands west of the river at $15 acre and up; deep black soil, never falling ciops; good schools, churches and markets; for new Illustrated booklet, Ntate map and prices, call on or address K L. llaguman, Pukwana, S. D. FIVB PER CENT MONEY o loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room I. New York Life mag. OARVTN BROS.. 318 N. Y. Lire. 1500 ta $200,to) on Improved property. No delay. NEBRASKA FARM MORTGAGES are the safest possible Investment., We have a, number running from five to ten years, netting 6 per cent. We have a splen did one of $2,000 as sure as a government bond and bringing better returns. It cov ers an Irrigated farm, one of the best In the Platte valley. Ask for the Olson mortgage. Call, write or telephone. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Cor. 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. $500 to $5.?x; on bonus In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. 1003 N. Y..Life. Dougla or A 215!. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR t. 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA UNO AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg.. SWAPS (Continued 1 TO EXCH A NO Pt For Inpraved or wild land In North Dakota, the following prop erties, clear ef Incumbrances: Two-storv hotel on corner lot In urano. N D., $3 600. Fifty-three nice lots close to school house at Leneford, N. 1.. $6.0no. Two-story building at Deeorah. la., $3,000. -room house at lecorah, la., on two lets. M.fAl. 6end full particular, price and legal de scription in first letter. Box liJ. Fargo, TAILORS PK.ILt.ED labor commands high wages and good ersftmanshlp Justifies It. See J, A. KBRVAK. 606-610 Brandels Bldg. O. A. UNDQUFST CO.. W PAXTON Bl.fC MAX MORRIS. $01 BROWN BLOCK. A trnTVYM MERCHANT TAII.OR. A. IXKJU J. M mx Harney Ht. Doug. 6W7. SrRINQ WOOLKN3 HAVE ARRIVED. TAILOR BECK, 111 So. 15lh QTQTVlT Toung men's fashionable olcArJlv tailor. 412-16 Paxton Blk. RUFFNER TAILORING CO., 324 S. 15th St WANTED TO BUY 6-ROOM house, bath, and one bedroom must be downstairs. Hanscom Park section preferred. SOI N. Y. Life. Douglas 1150. 'oil TUTAP 17 1A-mwiA - ... for 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 42(15. BEST price pld for second-band furni ture, carpets, ilothlng and slioea. 1L Doug. $971 Second hand clothing, party, afternoon restee, John Feldman. D 3128. Ind. A-2Mi GOOD PRICE for accnd-hand clothes, shoes and furniture. 8h.LNER. Doug. l0l JUST opening business; highest price paid for furniture and stoves. D. 1560. A-4353. New York Repair shop, 1117 Dodgt. WE PURCHASE INSURANCE POL ICIES IN OLD LINE COMPANIES. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. PUTNAM CO.. 504-5 NEW OMAHA NAT. BANK BLDG , OMAHA. WANTEDTO RENT WANTED To rent by man and wife, no children. Strictly modern furnished house; by April 1st. State price, location, and how furnished. No flats desired. Ad dress 3021 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. CENTRALLY located rooming house or furnished flat. Might buy If price Is right. Nowata Land and Lot Co., 624 New York Life Gldg. Tel Red 1999. We Are Getting Numerous Calls for houses, all sixes. List with us. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Hed 199. WANTED to rent, modern, well fur rlthed house, one year or longer, from May L Address G. W. Updike, 706 Brandois Bldg. WANTED SITUATIONS I'aloa PaelMe tar. Pan Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. I la a. m. Chi. Jap. F'st Mall. 4:10 p.m. Atlantlo Express Oregon Express wp.m. Oregon-wesn. uia u-wum rianver Special 6 47 a. m. Colorado Special H:4p. m. Colorado Express M p. tr. North Plate Local (:15a. m Grand Island Local.... i t p. m. Lincoln-Beat. Local.. .11:41 P. nv, lal a, ln L-ltV 1.41 . .11.41 0. iu. lb lea go, Ittck lalna4 at Taalfl EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am Iowa Loral Chicago Day Expreet..a 6:63 am Des Moines Locat a t uw pm loo t Local bl0:36 era Chlcago-F.aatern Exp. -.a 4-40 pin Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 6:08 pm WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln a s a am Coio. and Cal. Exp a 1:26 pm Okla. and Texas Kxp...a w pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:4fc pm Chicago A Si arts western - EAST1IOUND. Omaha Express a am Chicago Local al2.06 pm Coloi ado-Chicago a 130 pm Chicago pec la a 6:06 pm Paella Coast-Chicago.. .a t.uu pin Los Anacles Limited. ...a l:lt pm Overland Limited all 46 pm Denver special .al3:4v am cue :e mil ot: a Faat Mail a NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:50 am Sioux City Local a 3:4 pm Miiiu. & Dakota Kxp.. .a 7:00 um I win City Limited a V:00 pm WESTBOUND. Llr.coln-Chadron a 7 M am Norfolk-Bonatell tlMim Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 3:16 pm Hastings-Superior b 1:16 pm Deadwood-Hot Spgs.....a 3:66 pro Casper-Lander ....a 166 pm remoni-Aioion ...o : pm llllaols Ceatral Leave. Arrlva Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 14b pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm 7:46 un Minn. -st. raui nxp....D v;w am Minn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6: pm a i:46 am Oiuaha-Ft Dodge Loc.b 4:16 pm b 11:36 am Chicago, Mllvaskn at. Haal Leave. Arrlva Ovirland Limited all: 43 pm a 1:00 am Ontaha-Chlcago Exp... .a I:U am a i:Q am Colorado special a cm am au w pm Colo. -California Exp a 6:00 pm a l:26y pm Perry-Omaha Local d s:id pm OU;0 pm Chicago ureal western Chicago Llmltd a (:06 pm Twin City Limited a t:Si pm Chicago Express Twin City Mxpreaa l:W am Mtaaoarl Paolilo WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Boylea' college. WANTED Employment for boy 14 years of age Saturdays. Address L 407, Bee. STENOGRAPHER Want one? Telephone Douglas 1U2. WANTED By first-class dressmaker, eewlt.x. Sole and fit guaranteed. Phone Harnty 1558. WASHING tv take home, work. Tel. A-299.'. Also day CURTAINS cleived; work; guaranteed. Phone Webster 1760. When you want wnat you want when you want it, say ao through The Bee Want Ad columns. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 200 125 FROM owner. Strictly modern residence, S or more rooms, large lot, location near West Farnam, Harney, Douglas, Bemls or Hanscom park. Would consider double house. Give full particulars. Address B 415 Bee. SWAPS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging property. HARRY H. CULVER, Suite eOJ and MO N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres In Ward county, North Dakoia; equity $1.0u0; best offer In 20 days, kets It. Southern Business Exchange, 344 Moore Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. FOR SALE Charles Mix rounty. South Dakota, north ht of 3, In Jackson township, 4 miles from Geddes. well Improved, Jood land. Liberal terms. Price per acre, A. If Interested write to Mdthew It. Kaber, Remsen, la. DO YOU want K4 acres of good land, good. rul soil covered with timber; seven miles northeast from the nice, growing town of Rainy River. Ontario, Canada, southwest Quarter section, a) township; best district. Rainy River; price for quirk sale, $1,000. Olaf Johnson, Yankton, 8. I). Box 305. FOR SALE Greatest bargain In Routh Dakota; 32u-acre well Improved farm near city of Mitchell; no waste land; lays per fect; beat of soil; alfalfa land; tenant rallied over $7,0u0 of crops In I; corn went 70 bu. acre. $tx) acre, worth $M) acre. $12,000 can remain, 6 per cent. Mather 4k Co., Cedar Itaplda, la TO TRADE Ten head farm horses, price $1,500; want cheap timber land; best offer takes them: give Itgal numbers and full description In first letter. Box 322. Avon. H. D. TO EXCHANGE Good farm near county seat, for an up-to-date auto, touring car preferred. Address Box 223, Steele. N. D. SWAPS. $5,000 clothing, all up-to-date-stuff, well as sorted stock; will trade for land; must be clear and worth the money. If you have a quarter section land that Is really worth $10 per acre we can trade you a property that pays $20 a month. $17,000 stock hardware for land; $20,000 stock general merchandise for land and caah. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1999. WILL trade 220 acres vheat land In southeastern Saskatchewan for Improved luO acres In central Minnesota; 4 room house In Minneapolis for Minnesota timber land. Spencer Erlckson, 411 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. . 1.550 800 1,700 Real estate transfers for March 10, 1910, furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, K14 Farnam street. Telephone Douglas 2865. Title insurance: Swift and Company to August Klanschle. lot 5. block 4. Valley, Grove $ Charlotte E. Cornelius and huaband to Wallace W. Henderson, lot 25, block 12, Orchard Hill Michael Kerns to Thomas J. Hart, lot 10, block 4, Patrick place 1 Eliza Wlthrow to Ed. Johnston w96 . feet of lot 21 and w9C feet n33 feet lot 22, Himebaugh place Helen Hooper to United States Na tional bank of Omaha s74 feet e44 feet lot 7, block 117, city 100,000 Eva May Turlay to Luclnda L. Turlay undVi lot 8. block 3, Washington hill, premise Francis C. Welch to Helen Hooper, lot 1, block 165, City of Omaha, other land 1 Holils M. Johnson and wife to John D. Slevers, lot 4, block 23, Kountze place 1 Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate com pany to Eva Klrschbraum, und4 nl4 feet lot 15, all of lot 16, block 19, Highland place 2,610 The United Real Estaie & Trust com pany to Eva Klrschbraum, same, other land 2,610 Margaret Maher and husband to Ella C. Peterson, lot t, uiock , nnisiae add. No. 1 The John A. Crelghton Real Estate & Trust company to Charles A. Lundberg. lot 13, block 5, Crelghton'g 2d odd Ellen P. Cary and husband to Karl A. Hellgren, s30 feet lot 13, block 3, McGavock & O'Keeffe's add Sherman S. Green and wife to Ernest G. Bugh, lot 4 and eVi lot 5, Clark plaoe 850 Anna Dworak and husband to Charles P. Wilson, lot 8, block 6, Military add 2.-0 Fred C. Jorgensen and wife to An drew Peterson, lot 21, block 2, Port land place 600 Wllhelmlna Anderson and husband to Anna Dworak. lot 8. block 6. Mil itary odd Martin R. Pruette and wife to Laurltz Lauritsen, lot 14, Burdette Court an nex Cora P. Mullln and huaband to Jul iette Klnbach. lot 3. block 3. Patrick place M0 Tereaie Kavan to Jlrl Konoui ni ioi 10, block 3. Brown park 1,500 Arthur H. Didaon and wife to John Znls. ir.. nwti aeA of 5-16-10. other land , S.200 Rudolph Melroy Rlngler and wife to Clate B. Nichols, lota 6 and 7, block 1. Krway & Nelson's 2d add to Valley Helen H. Aldereon and husband to .lohn V. Tlnlev w lot 1. block 1. West end M.00 Fred U Gallup to Charles T. John son, w50 feet lot 3 and e30 feet lot 3, block 19. Kountze place Joseph Volenec and wife to Josef Ce puian and wife, lots 34 and 36, block 1, Kountze 5th add Mary B. Esklldaon and husband to Maud L. Hensel n50 feet lot 1, block 7. Bowery hill ;;""r Harrv Reuben and wife to Morris Orlljan e30 feet lot 7, block 11. Omaha ."L""J""i"V- Adallne Edmonds and husband to John N. Haskell s25 feet w84 feet lot 62 Hartmin's add ..................... Catherine Roy to Patrick Dougherty n'k lot 5, block 4S. South Omaha...... Provident Real Estate company to N. V Dodge, Jr.. lot 22, West Side add No. I 2:,o too 3.750 1.176 1,85 4 006 1.C26 100 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET. 1NG OF THE PAFICIC EXPRESS COM PANY. The stockholders of the above named company having failed to hold their annual rreetlng. notice Is hereby given that I. the undersigned president of said company, have, pursuant to the by-laws of said com pany, called a mewling of the stockholders of said company, to be held at the general office of sld company. No. I4ol Harney street, in the city of Omaha, state of Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m. on Monday, March M. 1910, for the election of direc tors and the transaction of aueh other business as may comt before tha meeting and you are notified that suok meeting will be held at such time an)' place for said purposes. JAMES KGGt.'KitTON, president the Paolfio Kapress Ciswpany. LEGAL NOTICES (Continued ) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALEP A blda will be received at the office of A. M. ler. architect, Fremont, Nebraska, until j o'clock p. m.. March 24, 1910. for the erec tion of an Odd Fellows Home building at York, Nebraska, according to plans r specifications now on file at said office' Separate blls will be received at same time and place for the plumbing and heating of aald building, also fireproof floors, parti tions and roof construction. All bids for either proposition must be-aeeompanei by a certified check as provided In spec ifications. Ttu right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. George L. Loornls, Chair man Home Building Hoard F24IOMU RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth aasl Maisa, Arrive, II w p. m. 6:46 p. m. 1:46 a. in. : p. av : P. ni. It:a. m. 1:3 a. m. e:06 p. ra. 4:46 p. ra. 16:30 a. m. 1:M p. m. I N m. alO M pm a 6:30 pm all' ' pin b t:6i pm a 1:16 pm a 8 03 am 1:47 pro a 4:10 pm a 1 ;50 pm ;U am all.St am a 3:38 P'Tl 1:31 pm a 16 are a 1:33 pm al3.30 pm a 1:46 am a 6:31 aat so-r oaj3 .... a ; put al0:20 pra a 1:28 p. a 1:18 am x a 7:36 emf all :6o am al0:46 pm 6:16 pm b 6:S0 pm a 6:30 pm all.-t am b i Jti pm K. C. and BU Sat 12 p m Wabash- L. Ex.. ..a t:49 am ,.ail:l6 pm a 1:06 am 3:46 pm 6:06 pm a 6:36 am 6:30 pm : am aUOf pm Omaha-St. Louis Exp.. a 6:80 pm Mall and Express a 1M am st an berry Local (trom K. C. & St. L. Ex Lv. Council bluffs). ...b 6:00 pm bl.u am DURLINOTOH TATlOPI.Teath aa afaaua. Barllna-toa tava. Denver and California.. 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express.. .a 4:10 pn, Nebraska points a 8:20 am Black Hills 4:10 pra Northwest Express .all:26pm Nebraska point a 8.20 am Lincoln Mall b 1.10 pm Kiohrauir ixDress..... .a 8:1A am Lincoln Local Lincoln Looai a i .m pm ..iIMntlninuth ..htlKnni - ------ ---- --- J Bellevue-PiattsmouiQ ..aijiiwpm I'.inniiii Limited all:26 nm Chicago Speolal a I:l&am Chicago niprnn pm Chicago Fast Express. ..a C.30 pm Iowa Local a :15 m Creston-lowa Local a 8:30 pm St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm K C. and St. Joseph.. .. al0:4S pm K. C. and St. Joseph.... :16 am 1C. C. tt St. Joseph a 4:30 pm Arrive. 1:46 pm a :lfi pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pra 7:00 am 1:10 pm all 10 pm 6:10 pm b 6:03 am a 7:60 pm v.v.fcV 1,111 a 8:56 am .w pm 7:00 am all:05 pm 8:55 pni 8:00 am al0:30am 10:30 am U .46 am 6:46 am 6:1 pm WEBSTER STATION Fifteenth SaJ Webster. Missouri Pacltlo Leave. Arrive. Auburn Local bS:60pm bu 10 pm Chlcaa-o, St. Paal, MlaaeapolU Omaha - Sioux City Express b 1:00 pm 1)11:43 tm Omaha Local c6:20pnt Sioux City Passenger b 1:20 pm Twin City Passenger.. ,.b 6:30 am Sioux City Ixcal e 6.86 am MRS. CR0NK FILES COUNTER CHARGES NDIV0RCE CASE Denies His Accusations and Makes a, Few on Her Own Account, Asking; Alimony. Mrs. George P. Cronk has made answer to her husband's petition for divorce, do nylng his accusations of her misconduct and bringing counter charges against Cronk. These counter charges are made, say her lawyers, only Insofar as UV necessary to defend Mrs. Cronk. Her a J swer prays that Cronk's petition be dls-' mlBsed and that she be granted temporary alimony until the proceedings are at an end. The answer first takes up Mr." Cronk'g statements with respect to certain auto mobile rides. Mrs. Cronk declares that "two gentlemen did call at the house upon one occasion, but not upon her. They came to call on a lady who was seeing for me, nd after a short time they left, and the sewing lady with them." The defendant admlta that later, on on occasion, she took an automobile ride with these two men and this seamstress, Mrs. Cronk denies having threatened th plaintiff with a revolver and says that several years ago she gave her revolver way, fearing lest she be overwrought by her husband's alleged misconduct and mako use of the weapon. Mrs. Cronk admits she took Cronk' watch, but says he had stopped support ing her. She declares she pawned the natch and the piano In order to go to Los Angeles, where, she feared, he was going to desert her for his former wife. The answer states that, "hearing that this former wife, whose nam was Elisa beth, kissed the plaintiff each time he left her house, this defendant more or less lost control of herself and gave an Interview to newspaper reporter, but she denies that the exhibit attached to plaintiff's petition is truthful report of that Interview " The answer Includes statement that the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Cronk has been lonely, the absence of callers being ascribed to the fact that Mr. Cronk's for mer wife had many friends In Omaha and to Mr. Cronk's own alleged misbehavior. Mrs. Cronk charges her husband with having "wrongfully and maliciously" pro cured the commitment of her son, Ray mond Patterson, to the Nebraska Indus trial school at Kearney, and this while she was In the hospital. Mrs. Cronk admits she did go before th grand jury and admits that she wentfto officers of the Elks' lodge, but says Vflat the one ahe had a right to do as provided by law and that the other was In the hop the Elks might Indue her husband to re turn to her and "become loving husban4 one more." Temporary alimony (if U5 a gaunlli IS asked, . , V