Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiie omajia Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha postof flee M stcond
claee matter.
Dl)r Bee (Including futility), pr week P0
Dlly (without Sunday). per weekior
Dully Bee (without fiundoy). n jrr. -J to
Daily Bee anil "under, one year
fynlnf Be (without Punaay). per week.Sc
K.venlng Bee (with Bundajr), par ".. 10o
Hunday Bee, on year J
Saturday Bee, an. year...... ,
Address all enmptatnt of Irregularis In
dellrry to Cltjr Circulation Department
Omaha Tha' Bee- Building.
South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Bluff U eott Mtreet
Lincoln 6lg Little Building.
fhicaro-IM Marquette Building.
New York-Beom JIOMIOJ No. J4 West
Thirty-third Street. r
Washington 725 Fnnrteenth Street N. W.
Communication relating to new and
editorial matter should be addresstd:
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable t(T Tha Bea Publishing Company.
Only t-rnt stanrpe received In payment of
mall account. Personal check, except on
Omaha or eaatem exehang, not accepted.
State of Nebraska. Douglas County. ss.t
Oeorg B. Taachuck, treasurer of Tha
Be Publishing Company, being duly
nworn, aay that the actual number of
full and complete coplea of The Dally,
Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during tha month of February. 110. was
as follow: .
1...., 44,140 II 4S.S70
1 40300 II afl.aao
I 43.370 17 4S,BSO
4 48.B70 It , .. 4S.S8S
,.. 4S,O30 If 40,770
41.T40 10 41.SS0
1. 43,319 l...v 43,a0
I - S,S60 . S2,.,,. 43,870
I 4H.H0 it.,, 40,440
19 M.80 ; 14 43,410
11...., 49,700 as 4a,tao
It.......... 43,100 It., 43,440
It 43,100 27 41,700
II 4380 tl 43,070
Total I,laae0
Returned) coplea.,, - ,20
Met toui I,l.t70
Dally average 43,4tt
Subscribed in my presence and awarn to
before me this lit
in aay or jreoruary, 11.0.
Notary Public.
Subscriber lenvintT the ally tem
porarily ' akoall nave Tne . Baa
untie to tkeaa. A4reaa will ba
cfcangred aa often, aa rooeeoted.
Meat barons -have confessed that
goat has been ' sold for lamb. The
scapegoat? .
Only one democratic vote recorded
for the postal savings bank bill in the
senate. Is s platform binding?
If Mr. Bryan does not harry home,
he may find that "Brother Charley"
ban usurped hli place 4n the lime-
It is tantalising to read the dispatch
that strawberry shortcakes are regu
lar diet in Florida during the month
of March.
Com pjantlna; time Is fast approach
ing. The wis farmer will have his
seed corn tested before he puts it in
the ground.
Omaha was always put down as a
good show town, but It is steadily
looming up still bigger on the show
man's map.
Another Omaha church has burned
up its mortgage. Churches do not
liquidate their, debts except during
prosperous time, ,j
After trying to by a pork chop for
dinner a man can go to an automobile
show and never wince.. Everything
elso looka cheap after that.
Anyone who baa been at New Haven
after Yale (had defeated Harvard in
foot ball will sot be easily, convinced
that Yale was ever a church school.
It is rather significant that a man
was "accidentally killed In an Austrian
duel." Jnst what do they intend to
do to each, other in an Austrian duel?
The late grand Jury proves to be
profuse in presumptions, but short on
Indictments. If a grand jury cannot
lecure the' evidence to support the pre
emptions, who can?
The Boston professor-, who insists
that the .state should control matri
loony ha the right Idea, tor it is too
true to Used reiteration hat no one
Mse can control matrimony.
For lack of robins at Atlantlo City
Ihls spring women are appearing on
the board walk wearing straw hats al
ready. The "Just as rood? idea is evl
lently not confined to mercantile bust
ICS. '
A New Hampshire woman asks for
I divorce because her. husband does
iot know the war Is over. This Is
losalbly explained by tne husband that
he war has never been over so far
is be is concerned. -
The local democratic .organ is sua
llclous that republicans are trying to
bment discord within the democratic
tousehold of Nebraska The demo
rats seem to be doing tolerably well
rlthout assistance. 0 j
Down In Lincoln , somebody has
teen checking up the probate court
ecord 'of ' the Tftate against the last
(receding personal tax return of the
teceased. That s taking a mean ad
nutate over a man who cannot talk
It would seem that Oklahoma demo
rats still consider themselves bigger
Lan the constitution of the United
Hated. This condition is. only ex
latned by looking casually at the eon
Ututlon of the state .of Oklahoma.
'ou really have not time to look at it
lore than casually.
Pfthe Labeli In Politics.
"When shall purs food principle bo
applied to politics?" asks the Lincoln
Jourasl, basing, its inqolry on a let tar
questioning the Ingredient of the
Merchants A Manufacturers 'associa
tion of Omaha, which Is engaged In a
campaign of publicity to .counteract
tha agitation of the Antl-Baloorr
teagu4. Although the names of the
officers are" printed on the letterhead,
the label of the Merchants & Manu
facturers' association of Omaha does
not seem to give the Journal sufficient
Information as to who's who and
what's what in the organisation.
When we come to talk about false
labels In politics, however, we have
several more flagrant examples to
point to without going very far from
home. Last fall In promotion of the
campaign for the election of so-called
nonpartisan judges, agents of the
democratic state committee put out
mlsbranded literature over the forged
name of "Progressive Republican
League," chiefly- devoted to personal
attacks on the republican state chair
man and the republican national com'
mltteeman. The dtrraocratio state
chairman lied like a gentleman when
he disclaimed responsibility and as
serted that he knew nothing about the
fraud. ' But the dissemination of the
falsely labeled documents waa pro
cured through local democratic com
mitteemen and paid for with money
left over from the Bryan volunteers
the year before and turned over to
the democratic state committee.
Another rank case of false label Is
that in which democratic nominees
masquerade as populists in order to
get populist votes by false pretenses.
This Indefensible fraud has been, and
still, practiced by democratic of
fice seekers who in every other walk
of life would be scrupulously careful
not to commit theft. The stealing of
the populist label gave Nebraska's
electoral vote In Bryan in 1908 and
put a democratic governor in the
To the Lincoln Journal we present
our compliments. We are for a law
that will do away with false labels
in politics.
Thomas 0. Piatt
In the death of Thomas Collier Piatt
of New York another of the unique
figures in the political history of our
country has passed away. . Besides be
ing a man of exceptional versatility
and power be accomplished much In
politics and in national affairs directly
and indirectly. He had been in the pub
llo eye for many years because of his
prominence in state affairs in New
York and also because of his early In
fluence in the republican party as one
of its leading spirits.
Mr. Piatt was in the United States
senate at the time or the trouble be
tween President Garfield and the con
gressional delegation, from New, York
and with Roscoe ConkUng became the
first to have the unique distinction of
resigning from the United States
senate after the civil war. He was
universally trusted by the politicians
of his state because of his mental
grasp of political affairs, and in his
time he was the leader of political
Senator Piatt will go down in his
tory chiefly for being the unintentional
instrumentality by . which Theodore
Roosevelt was elevated to the presi
dency. It was Senator Piatt who
forced the nomination of Roosevelt as
vice president on the ticket with Wil
liam MoKInley in .1900. While at
tempting to end the political prospects
of the then governor of New York by
shunting him to "the office of the
dead," he unwittingly placed him in a
position to give to the nation service
of immeasurable value. And It is the
Ironf of Mr, Piatt's fate that this last
and greatest service to the nation
should have been the very thing which
he most desired to prevent.
A Bureau of Publio Health.
The efforts to make some provision
for federal protection of publlo health
have resulted in a lively discussion in
Washington of the desirability of a
department or bureau having this par
tlcular work as Its function. The
senate committee to which the propo
sition nas Deen reierrea favors a
bureau subordinate to one of the
existing departments, while the minor
ity, headed by Senator Owen of Okla
homa, is pushing for a department
with a chief in the president's cabinet.
Both sides, however, are agreed upon
the advisability of some federal activ
lty for the public health with special
reference to effectually checking yel
low fever and bubonic plague.
Conservation of the public health
as a whole Is a most Important matter,
but there is question whether present
provision in such matters-Is so flag
rantly Inadequate as to demand a cabi
net department. The states already
have boards of health and the govern
ment has its military and naval medi
cal corps, the function of these being
to oversee the public health in the
territory within range of their author
ity, respectively. The government has
already accomplished much by way of
example in the enforcement of quar
antine regulations as nyell as maintain
ing sanitary and hygienic conditions in
the canal sons antf other territory oc
cupied by those engaged in govern
ment enterprise. Individual states are
perhaps less effective in the work of
looking after local health affair. In
terstate quarantine regulations, to the
extent of closing traffic to and from
states infected by a malignant plague,
until such time aa that state can con
trol the situation, might stimulate
state boards to activity and accom
plish the desired improvement, .
' Those favoring radical action by
federal health authorities have isyed
great stress npon tbe'rpread of the
bubonic plagne along the Paclf?9
coast. This plsgne, It is said, has been
carried over a Urge territory around
San Francisco by Infected ground squir
rels and wood rats. But this. It would
seem, Is a matter for the state of
California to look after. The co
ordination, however, of tho various
federal activities that have to do with
health and sanitation Into a single
bureau would be a good move.
Chicago's Vice Commission.
Mayor Busse of Chicago has Just
named a commission of thirty promi
nent men and women, distinguished
In different business fields and profes
sions, to report upon vice conditions
in that city. In his publlo statement
constituting the commission the
mayor declares that there Is nothing
to be gained by shutting eyes to the
fact that vice exists in Its various
forms In Chicago as in every large
city, and that Chicago is no better
and no worse than other places of
Its size, The commission is expected
to suggest practical measures of con
trol and repression that may enable
the city to adopt and pursue a com
mon sense policy In connection with
this social evil.
Mayor Busse Is correct in saying
that Chicago Is not alone troubled
with the vice question. Every city of
any consequence finds a condition con
fronting it which cannot be met by
mere theory. Here in Omaha, as else
where, the subject Is a favorite one
for demagogues who want notoriety,
and misguided upllfters ignorant of the
past and with no adequate apprecia
tion of the present. Our mayor might
appoint a vice commission for Omaha
to wrestle with the question and find
out whether anything should be done
differently from what has been done,
but perhaps It is just as well to let
the Chicago commission work it out
first and take advantage of its recom
mendations, when made, as may seem
applicable here.
The Bockefeller Foundation.
When the bill calling for the incor
poration of the "Rockefeller Founda
tion" was Introduced in congress con
siderable comment was called down
both of praise and censure. There Is
scarcely a community, the country
over, which has not raised a voice in
protest against this "Standard Oil
method" in business. Rockefeller
has been denounced by almost every
bad name and his ways reviled. It
makes no difference what be does, says
or dreams, he is censured and black
guarded from one end of the country
to the other, and the consensus of
public opinion is that he deserves it.
But granting that the fortune he
has amassed, whether wrongfully or
not, is his under the law of the land,
why should he not be encouraged tb
devote It to charitable' purposes: ' He
has given away . a colossal sum al
ready, and although nearly every gift
aroused a tumult of dispute, yet Mr.
Rockefeller can find plenty of charita
ble and educational institutions still
willing to be the recipients of his ben
If this fortune were to be squan
dered simply to satisfy Mr, Rockefel
ler's personal wants ana whims, pro
test would be much more justified
than if it is to be disposed of in a way
to make it a self-perpetuating source
of benefit. Tho good that may be
done may be made permanent, while
the life of Mr. Rockefeller must be
transitory after all. So the general
public may as well accept the benefit,
make the most of it and see that as
much of the fortune as possible really
goes to charity, education and human
itarian objects.
Helping the Indian.
The announcement that the bureau
of Indian affairs is preparing to teach
the "noble red man" to farm has re
vived the old subject of the "abuse of
the Indian." The experiment In agri
cultural education may yet be a suc
cess, but not without reversing previ
ous experience in helping the Indian
to help himself. Many mistakes have
hitherto been made trying to "civilize
the Indian" and many of them are due
to the poor ability of those selected
for the task, yet the irresponsive atti
tude of the red man has v to a very
great extent invited failure.
It is useless for those who get their
idea of the Indian from the writings
of Cooper and Longfellow to say that
our federal government does not treat
him with proper consideration. Al
though former mistreatment cannot be
denied, yet tha government has not en
tirely neglected its wards. Since the
establishment of our republic the De
partment of Indian Affairs has spent
over (500,000,000 in behalf of the red
man. It is now spending $9,000,000
annually for his support, including the
maintenance of the Indian schools.
This does not take into account the
forty-nine Indian schools supported by
religious and private organisations.
When It is remembered that there are
but 300,000 Indians in the United
States these figures carry more signifi
cance. Yet In spite of all this the In
dlan is slow to take advantage of bis
opportunities. However, it is to be
hoped that the present efforts to make
him stand alone will bear fruit and
that the practical assistance now
tardily given him may result in devel
oping his ability and preserving the
remnant of the race.
Our old friend, Edgar Howard, pre
tends to think Tho Bee is "rejoicing'
over the election by the democratic
legislature of Mississippi of a corpor
atlon lawyer-to- be Unltod States sen
ator in preference to a friend of the
people. Oh no, Edgar, not "rejoic
ing." Merely filled with pity that
democratic professions are so, lament
ably weak In its performance. Democ
racy in Mississippi is not much dif
ferent from democracy in Nebraska,
as Edgar's own experience with the
hostile check-book has demonstrated.
The announcement Is made by
Edgar Howard in his Columbus Tele
gram that the corporations have al
ready selected the men who will lay
the foundation for control of our next
state senate, with this further Infor
The democrat selected by the combina
tion to fix the democratic senatorial nomi
nee I a prominent Omaha lawyer. Tha
republican selected to fix the republican
senatorial nominee la now holding on of
the bent offices In the state.
Well, that lets us out.
From the standpoint of those who
wear thera It is interesting to know
that nearly 10,000 tons of Chinese
hair, taken from the heads of "the
quick and the dead," were shipped to
America last year to be made into rats.
How fortunate that the chloride of
lime process and the breaking up of
the ice that has prevented aeration,
are to arrive at , the same time, so that
when , typhoid is put to rout each
remedy may help vindicate the other.
Now that Vesuvius has started in
with its regular eruption after we have
bad Cook hats and Chanticleer bats,
it is up to some enterprising milliner
to Invent a red hot eruption hat with
an earthquake attachment.
The New Jersey preacher who re
signed In order to raise chickens must
have been a Methodist. No other ex
planation can be found for such a close
affinity between the clergy and the
chicken raising business.
A Texas editor remarks that if
George Washington were alive be
would be a cltlsen of Texas. What
did Oeorge Washington ever do which
would require him to live in Texas if
he were alive?
The ten years of closed season on
seals should help out the average man
in the cost of living, but then just
think of what he will have coming to
him at the end of that time.
It is charged that a lot of the Cali
fornia scenery is infected with the bu
bonic plague, but if so, it is sure to be
remedied by the authorities before the
next "tourist season" opens.
A Bother Tarn of tha Screws.
New,-,York World.
The threatened advance in the price of
diamonds, the importation of which In
February waa the largest In the history
of the trade, point to a further Increase
In the coat of JIvjLns;,,., ,:
' .Thrift 1 Action.
inatanapofia xvewp.
tT the lienate ha ,
: Now that the senate ha paased Mr.
Aldrlch's bill providing- for that "business
methods"1 commission, congress may. feel
that It la so far Advanced toward savins
that 1300,000,000 a year it can make a lit
tle larger' appropriations.
- Vnlejae Army Record.
t. 'Lout Glob Democrat.
Four -general in the United States army,
soon to be retired, served a youthful
.privates In the- civil war, then went to
West Point and graduated, and now are
brigadiers. A record like that, beginning
with a private's knapsack, Is highly credi
table. Vlbratlnsr tho Home Chord.
Washington Herald. ,
The first words from Mr. Roosevelt a
he emerged from the jungles were, "I
am homeaick mighty homesick V Call It
advertising or whatever you will, but that
sort of talk account In large meaaure for
the former president's remarkable and sus
tained popularity.
Pearl Harbor, In Hawaii, Considered
tho Beat.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
President Taft's definite announcement
In his recent Newark speech that the
scheme to spend millions for the creation
of a mighty American naval station in
the Philippine bad been abandoned, de
serve attention, Neither at Manila, nor
Sublg Bay, but at Pearl Harbar, in Hawaii,
which In some 5,000 mile nearer the coast
line of the United States, "the great naval
bbse of the Pacific" tp use Mr. Taft's own
wordsI to be constructed.
This Is an eminently sensible decision,
however deeply it may disappoint some of
the uniformed strategist who have written
and spoken as If they thought "a far
flung battle-llne" were an Indispensable ad
Junot to national great nes. To have
ereoted huge fortifications on the other
Ide of the earth's blggeet ocean, to have
filled them with magazine of ammunition
and large garrisons, and to have provided
vi at dock and repair facllltu under the
raige of their gun, would have ooat
enormoua sums with no certainty that the
United State would be able to hold them
In caae of war.
Whatever may be the ultimate destiny of
the sprawling archipelago In the Allan
seas, no one doubt that Hawaii will tay
under the Star and Stripes.- Naturally it
is an outpost for our far western seaboard
a point of vantage whose Importance will
be greatly Increased when the Panama
canal is finished. That I the plane for
dock and forts and batteries of heavy
ordnanoe If the position of the country In
the Paalflc is to be strategically strength
ened. Our Birthday Book
March a, 1910.
Homer Davenport, the famous cartoonist,
was born March S, 1M7, at Sliverton, Ore.
He originated the dollar-mark cartoon for
Mark Hanna, and besides drawing picture
breeds Arabian horse.
H. C. Brome, with law office In the
Brandel building, was born March ,
ISM, in Sullivan county, New York. lie
started practicing law . at Stanton, Neb.,
in 1879 and later removed to Norfolk, com
ing to Omaha In 1B8S.
H. L. Whitney of the land and tax
department of tha Northwestern railway,
la T years old today. He was born In
Richmond, 111., and has been with the
Northwestern railway tor tweuty-one
years. .
Around New York
Blpple en the Current of Lift
no Seen la the Great Americas
Metropolis from Say te Bay.
The new home of the Dime Pavings bank
In New Tork City, embodle the latent
protective devices and convenience In bank
rontructlon. The vault, rising behind the
hanking screen, I tho notable point In the
Interior. It I structurally quite indepen
dent of the bullillng. It stands on Its
own foundation and cannot be entered
from below. The vault I 12x23 feet and
has electric protection on the top. sides
and bottom. This protection la under a
coating of bronse and marble.
First In the electric protection come a
layer of wood so thickly filled with elec.
trie wires that the Insertion of a knife
blade Into the wood at any point would
cause the nlarm to ring. Vnder this wood
come the walls cf concrete, two and a half
feet thick and rlbled with Interlaced Iron
bars, and finally tho shell of chrome steel
and Iron. This Is three Inches thick.
There are two doors of steel and Iron
weighing thirteen tons, but so carefully
adjusted that they may be moved with
one hand. Thero are three time locks.
A thin layer of steel divides the vaults
Into parts. Ono Is for currency and the
other for securities. The wall may be
easily cut through In case one of the
doors should, through any cause, refuse
to operate.
The electric communication with the
vault leads out of the building through a
secret Joint, but should the wire be discov
ered and cut It would still continue to ring,
Just as a telephone does when the receiver
haa been removed. Bo anybody trying to
get away with any of the $600,000 more or
less In cash that will be usually deposited
In the bank, or the securities, which may
be still more valuable, 1 not going to find
it an eoay job.
The two doors of the vault are in the
eastern and northern walls, and one is en
tered from the treasurer' office, while the
other give directly on to the space back of
the banking counter. Mindful of a bank
robbery that took place several years ago, j
whan the robber "watched through a win
dow for the minute the treaaurer was alone
and then broke Into his office, there are
three doors to the office of the treasurer
In this new bank, and the door leading im
mediately to the office cannot be opened,
except wben the treasurer touches the
button on his desk.
"Nobody Is going to poke out a good
eye just for the sake of getting a glass
eye," said the city salesman, quoted by
the Bun, "but I know a man who makes
money on his glass eye. He goes to
Europe three time a year on business.
While there he does a little trading in
jewels as a side line. It is on the home
ward trip that he turns his glass eye
to good account. In the cavity back of
It he carries two or three small, but valu
able diamonds. Half the duty, saved Is
his commission on those stones alone. The
customs inspectors have never got onto
him. Naturally they can't go around Jab
bing their fingers Into people's eyes."
Magistrate Kernochan Walked past the
Forty-second street pollee station the other
day just In time to see four red faced
policemen dragging a Swede to port. He
was obviously intoxicated. He sang ber
serk war songs as he battled the coppers left
and right, and, white hair and pale eyes
and all, was a man of might Kernochan
observed the struggle with interest. The
desk lieutenant and the doorman had to
come out and add propulsive power before
they got the Scandinavian landed. Next'
morning Kernochan mounted the bench at
9 o'clock. The first man to appear before
him was the fighting Swede of the night
before, neat and trim, eye clear, color
ruddy, not a bit the worse for wear.
"Ay tank Ay ben lottle bit stewed la'
night," said the Swede, frankly. "Day
copper 'say Ay have ay oase of tin hats.
But Ay feel bully dls har morning. Ay
no mean to gat full."
"How much did you drlnkr'Uisked Ker
nochan, in Interest.
"Ay tank Ay drink four quart vlky,"
aid the Swede. "But Ay can't tell. Ay
no keep count after fourth bottle."
"Don't you feel bad at all?" asked Ker
nochan, "No," ald the Swede. "Vhy should Ay
feel badT Coppers hit me a lettle on day
head, but Ay do not mind that Ay gueas
maybe ben noisy."
"Doesn't your head ache at all?" asked
the magistrate. "Not even a little bit?"
"Vhy, no," said the Swede. "Ay not
dreenk enough for make may head aohe.
Ay yooat ban happy."
"DiBmUsed," said Kernochan, leaning
his head on his hands. "No penalties th
law could enforce would touch a man with
your constitution.'
"Tank you," said, the Swede.
"Don't thank me," said Kernoohan.
"Thank heaven,"
"There is not, I believe, another city on
the globe that has a market to correspond
to New York's 'Paddy's market,' " says one
of the old time New Yorkers.
" 'Paddy's market cannot be found dur
ing the week, and it I not until Saturday
night that it springs up In all its glory.
It Is a mongrel market. Dealers In all tha
big markets throughout the city dispose
of their perishable produce, such as fish,
meats, poultry, fruit and vegetable, to
peddlers at an absurdly low price late Sat
urday night. Thetie peddler station them
selves along both sides of Ninth avenue
from about Thirty-fourth to Forty-second
streets. From around 6 o'clock on Saturday
evening until midnight It is difficult to
push your way along Ninth avenue In this
section. Th orowda are phenomenal and
they com from all over the city. Poor
famllle that have once lived In the neigh
borhood and then moved to the Bronx,
to the lower cast lde, to very remote sec
tion In every direction, appear with great
market basket on their arm and leavo
with the basket overflowing with food of
all sort and with innumerable bundles be
sides. "Meat Is sold there, not by the pound,
but by the piece. You can buy your fish
In the same way. Fruit, such a orange
and apples, you buy by the pall Instead of
by the dosnn. There ere almost no quart
measures In 'Paddy's market;' a pall u
used to measure beans, peas, spinach, to
matoes and all the vegetable that are
usually purchased by the pint, quart or
small measure.
"The produce sold at 'Paddy's market Is
much better than you would suppose It
could be. It Is first class stuff, a good
deal of It, and Is simply' sold cheap to tbe
peddlers because It would not keep over
in the other saarket until Monday. Few
New Yorker apart from th regular pat
roolxers of the plac have heard of 'Paddy'
market,' but It I op of tbe unique place
of New York."
' livtr on the Spot. 1
Pittsburg Dlxnatch.
If anyone tried to bribe the publlo prose,
outor of Jersey City on behalf of the pack
ers' combination It was ftrobahly the office
boy. Office bey are of the greatest use
nowaday In signing notes for millions,
dumping stocks at th psychological mo
ment and doing many things that the emi
nent head officers would never think of.
A Firo and
Deposit Box
is economical insurance
on Valuable Papers,
Jewelry, etc. Various
sizes fer various needs.
(From $3 Per Year Up)
Entrance to Safety Deposit
Vault I at 3U7 South 13th St,
Attorney General Wlckersham will be the
ehlof speaker nt the Appomattox, day
dinner of the Hamilton club In Chicago
neit month.
Senator Gordon's farewell speech did not
break the Congressional Rucord, but mads
such a demand for It that an extra edition
has become neceosary.
John W. Gates, whose financial specula
tions have made him a national character,
Is mentioned as a possible candidate for
governor of Texas on the republican ticket.
Patrick Peterson of Buxton, la., bored a
hole In a nt-w Lincoln penny, and was so
sorry about It after he realised that he had
mutilated a "coin of the realm" that he
wrote an apology to President Taft
Collins Graves, hero of the MIU river
flood disaster, famed In prose and verse for
his race with the torrent at his heels from
Williamsburg through Sklnnervllle to
Haydenvllle, warning the people along the
way of the danger, died In hla home at
Williamsburg. Mass., at . the age of 70
tst year the tobacco business of this
country amounted to JIM, 000, 000. That is
nearly $10 to a family. A saving of 3 cents
a day In each household would remove
these appalling statistics. Terrible, be
cause when thus analysed they reveal tho
character of many of the cigars that of
fend tho air.
Colonel John Dietrich, a friend of Abra
ham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas and Gen
eral Grant, died In his home In Plalnfleld,
N. J., of general debility, aged 89 years.
He possessed many tokens given him by
the three great Americans. He made a for
tune In California In 1849 and waa present
with Grant at the surrender of Vlcksburg.
Ninety-two men indicted for capital
crimes are awaiting trial In Chicago. Seven
city contractors and near-blind inspectors
have also been indicted. An Investigating
committee and two grand juries are fer
reting out shady doings around the city
hall. Those alone insure the district at
torney's office a year's run to its full
Why Appropriations Climb Higher
( nnd Higher. . . .. .
Washington Post.
Senator Aldrlch spake the words of truth
and soberness when he said the federal
government costs $300,000,000 more than it
would cost If run by a business man on
business principles, with a view to effi
ciency, economy and honesty. There Is not
a doubt of it. Ours is the costliest govern
ment in the world. We pay for It more than
$1,000,000,000 per annum, and that 1 not all.
In this glgantlo computation no account Is
taken of the forty-six state governments,
the hundreds of county governments and
the thousands of municipal governments
the American people have to support
The poet Pope thought that tha best gov
ernment which was best administered.
Thomas Jefferson said the best govern
ment was that which governed least.
Another school has It that the best govern
ment is that which costs least.
Robert Toombs served eight years in the
United States house of representatives and
eight years in the United States senate. He
was a man of giant intellect and tremen
dous force of character, and it was his
boast that during that entire sixteen years
he got not a cent out of the federal treas
ury for Georgia. How long would a states
man a that hold a job In our day, in
Georgia, or out of Georgia?
If the people want a frugal government,
let them raise a crop of men like Toombs
and send them to the two houses of con
gress. But the people do not want, and will
not have, a frugal government. They seek
senators who will "get things" for their
states, and representatives who will "get
things" for their districts. They prefer a
statesman who can secure a pension for an
old soldier to one who can make an argu
ment like Webster or Toombs.
Instead of retrenching, before this cen
tury concludes Its second decade, the fed
eral establishment will cost $2,000,000,000
annually, even If we shall be so happy as
to escape a big foreign war. As the poet
of the Kentucky "Pennyrlle" sang:
Poll on, roll on, thou silvery moon:
Thou carest not a for expenses!
Does Better Work Than
"Cheap" Soaps
tho choep soopsi but It does much bettor worK
nnd io nnfer.
called "hih-grndo" loundry nonpsi nnd does ns
good worh the best of them.
IN OTHER WORDS, Lenox Sonp is GOOD ns
well os CHEAP.
IT IS THE SORT Or SOAP thot eppeol to tHo
majority of housohoopors.
ir IT WERE MOW EXPENSIVE, they -woyld not
use It ns freely ns they do.
ir IT WERE CHEAPER, it would not could not
be ns good ns it Is.
Lenox Soap-Just fits the hatid
if flfS
" - W
"What are your term for removing
"Spot cash." Houston Post i
"What Is your favorite book Just now-4-a
novel, social or religious?" t
"A novel, but religious, too, In one r
"What is that?"
"It Is keeping lent, all right." Baltlmorf
She (reminiscing) Don't you remembmt
dear, that lovely gorge up in the White)
He At the Hawthorne? Say, that wis
about the swellewt feed I ever tucked In.-
Boston TranscrlDt.
"Pa, what does the doctor mean by hear
Practically the same n the lnwyef!
mean It, my son. When the doctor trlna
your heart artlon he stick you for mone.y,
and when the lawyer tries It he sticks yov
for alimony." Ht. Loul Star. "
Family Friend I congratulate you, my)
dear sir, on the marriage of your daughtwrt
I see you are gradually getting all the girls
off your hands.
Ooldbranch Off my hands! , Yes; but tht
worst of It Is, I have to keep all their bus
bands on their feet Spare Moments.
man was saying, "you've got to pay foe,
them." '
"That's so," remarked the suburbanite,
"Mine have cost me a dosen 1U14
"Impossible!" '
"Not at all Impossible. I keep half
dosen hens." Chicago Tribune. j
"How. did they niansge to get' all thos
fact about the milk trust?" -
"In the natural way, I suppose." .. ,
"How was that?"
"Pumped the Witnesses." BaltlrooroV
Novice It must be a dreadful sensation
to run over a man!
Chauffeur Not nearly so dreadful as tc
run over a cow and It doesn't Injurs the
machine so much. Judge.
They were setting up tho golden calf.
"W hat do you tfilnk of H?" the
ecstatically asked the wise man.
"It u-Ml Innli nhn fmnuffh when thfl
ji you kbi ninc-ny irriii cmhb, uilj r
food barons bugln to put up the pnoe or.
veal," he answered, and gloomily stalked '
away. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ella She said she wouldn't marry tha
best man on earth.
Stella She kept her word. The ceremony;
was performed in an airship. Judge.
"I should think Wiffles Needrox would
be ashamed to g!ve jhs daughter away -
wnnn sne marries mat non toia icuunurck -
He's not going to give her sway."
"Who Is?"
"Nobody, he's going to sail her." Balti
more American. . .
"Fifteen-two and a pair makes four,
said Subbubs, who was playing crlbbngo
with Popley. "What have you In . your,
"Ah!" replied Topley, absent mlndedly.
"Just the sweetest little ootsumstooUiu-ns
girl In the world." Catholic Standard and
"I'm going to have my boy learn elec
trical engineering, chemistry, physios and
law an.? Im.liluntullv n k A. nnnrne In rthv.
slcal culture that will enable him to en
dure all sorts of exposure and muscular
"Great Scott! What for?"
"I want him to b able to run hla owa
automobile." Washington Star. .
Chloago Pest.
"Aim high." they ald to William Brown,
And he cho notion elevated;
To common thing he gave a frown,,
He felt for greatness he wits fated, i
Alas, he did not rise to fame, ,
Nor realise his high ambitions ,j!
He put so much thought on his aim '
He quite torgot ni ammunition. ,. '
And "Hitch your wagon to a star,"
Wa what they counseled Henry Walk
He wished to Journey on and far
Behind a steed that was no balker.
Alas, the journey that he made
Was not distinguished by lis fames
His wagon led no cavalcade '
Becauio h overlooked the harness.
Jl V
"Do not put all your eggs," they a,Id F
To Hiram Perkins, "In one basket."
Now, Hiram had It In his head -
To some day own a treasure casket. '
Alas, he met the worst of fjes ,
He thought of fortune In c- blather, .
But while assembling all hla crate'.
He did not think the egg to gather.
"A burnt child dreail the fire," they tolo)
To Julius Mlggles 'or his training; w
He waited then till things were cold, W .
Kven a lukewurm chance disdaining.
Ala, although his finger ne'er
Were scorched liy anything he handled,
Tho fortune tliut might 'b hi r.are
Today In other hands Is dandled.