6 RAIN iXD'f ROtfCClTHARKET t . tvri en. ..fa iMA -..v-t - . vu.i uuu iujir courts, vvnea. ITicct WEAK CABtfS, IIEAVY' RECEIPTS , . . . 4 Qnotatlna rit ,,,indi Throaah- oot , Mlon Crop llrporla Disre garded and Caah Trading glorr 4 ora la Weaker, O.VU.IA, Match ", WO. Th bulftstl '"levef 'ruKiiltlim from, crop Course and wheat aiues i kept on tho dwllne mta-it today.... 4k' ".hie, In creased r-re,ptg and lariis world :r- ship ments we fufl)r vra,m:ne Inaiuru. Receipts" f. .jin .'irMiiiuu i.Lm'ioI . wiill th demand shows liitlo tUtu of improvement- ,-,-.-, I'rices Ciitvtlnua on (jie.4cl':lie' an l unless the demand pick , up nu change- is pre dicted. ' t m ' - V heat MsWed sherplr, 'llinr Mvet porta were illsreiratdeU uivt cis'.i wheat was decidedly mow; buyers were not lii- viiiirA 10 lane me riroueraie ouuiiiias. Th cori, market was ueemeuij weak, selling waa ssiieial and Ei:, Bears had nu opposition. Heavy receipts arid no demand broa cash p('icM, oflorir.gs . being . taken from He to'l'c lower.' '. . I'rlmary wheat receipt were l.l.OJO kn.l..i. .. M l . . . n i .-.I V """""il nn mtipnisnitB nr l,wr uurii':i, e-salnst reeipls lut year of Xuv.uuO busncls Primary chr-h rerelpts' were si.i'.OW bushels and shipment were 414.000 busheis, against receipts last year of l,6.tM) bushel and Shipments ot Ua.000 busheia. Clearance were Mi.tKK) busheia of rorn, Conn of oe-lff and whwu and .flour equal to tin .n fa. : Liverpool cloned ViTad lower on wheat uku raa( ox opuaoa; Article. Obqu.I lUh-l Low. I Close. I Safy. -e-U it .... i,:., Wheat I ' 1 ' May... 'J 07 107 1 06 1 1 07 1 1 07 'ftny... M 1 . 8 ' . L7 07S tflV, July... 61 7!?, ti JOViT' 00V Ui Oats I May... u 44H 4:r, 43 U July... 4i !; 411 41' 42 V maha Caah Prlcca. WHEATvfro.152; hafi 11.04! 06; ' No. i nara, n.uisjv l iB'; Mo. 4 hard, ulu-, re jected hara. iOefuSo: No. 2 Mnrlnt'. JLOTytt 1.0ft4; N ..J', priog .l.fliei.04;- No. 4 apruiK. Hb'Dri uj; u. 3 durum, '.'ilc ; Mo. durum, fytlo. COKN-lvTa.-. wWte. MH'3Xc; No. S white, 2c; ivcu.s .oolot, WW. No. 4 color, 48 . 0h,c: No rellw. &2Uti5I.c: No. 3 yel low, Oi'af-Tiio , iNu. yeiiow, WiixK!; no. , 62o; NolMITiiZiio; no grade, 4046c. OATS-dptandara, 43c; No.' 3 whKa, 4$ 42Vc; No. 4 white, lWstl: No. 3 yellow, 414f41r:(,No, i . yeltow, 41Uf4c; No.- 3 mixed, 4lfol.' ISAIlLKli-No. 4, 3Mc;'No. 1 feed, (70 tla. '. .vv'-. ... itrE-NOi"?,- 76; M S. 7tx87&c. ' Carlo ftecelata. I t ' .. 1 . Wheat CHrn. Oats. Chlcos-o 376 iia Minneapolis ,. . ... . .76 Omahn. .....,..',..... 2) Uuluth' .'.7 87 CHIOACfO' OR.il.t AND' PBOVlllOX! Feataraif.4H"jrrdlA and 'Closing Prtcea Board of Trade. CHICAOQ Vlwrth 7.-rt?nder preaaura of lare arrfvalr May wheat fri off sharply today. Corn said- decidedly and , oats ranged lowe'wlth th other grralua. Pro visions gained materially hi the earlier mlnutoa of tha market and then weakened In sympathy with the couri of grain prices, " S "" " - ' ' Bearish 'sentiment controlled wheat. May prices finishing with a net loss of lVslo, after reKfstrlng n txrreme fleoltne of 1q. The May .4llvry iore the brunt of the bears' onslaught, falling off from I1.12H to Sl.lltt ac1 eiosed waalt- at tl.MMilT'tllH. July traYeled' dwn from 1.V to tl.wi and then moved. up again, flniahlng WW o oft at September ciosely appro. tmating tVe movement- of July. Weakness was manifested In corn all day and price. it ha law, point ahdwed losses of from IV o lo. May fell off from ij& 63To ta 61 Ho. Buying by shorts caused a moderate fralitt frim th Inaj Mini k,. market cloae"wa,k, with May lc dawn, at "it- uimnnii or casn oorn were fairly liberal and tha demand waa slow, which resulted in a deollne of about lo. No. I yel low sold at WvtfK. Liquidation and short selling weakened oats, piices declining Ho to l$le. The 1 . . w iifa-irpb TVOKHIICHS. After selling between 4io and 44o, May V1UBCU U Vll II WqO. In provtalons, pork showed the greatest VHlfnMI t h fa Miv HaMi,apw II... s , - - - - - J w...w, UCfaUIIINfl UUm I34.871 i 44.46, The- market closed firm, with the1 May 'delivery tinchanged to 7He h'w'""', v.v.-iiiia faiuviaiiiini on me juay products were: Pork. IJ4.80; lard, 118.82; ribs, IU.80. r Leading futures ranged as follows: ' v ' Articles ..?p?'Vt E.PuM Low- jCloa. Safy. Wheat lUgl HH1 1154 ICS1 103 10f 10SS 8l w iw HC 62$ Szii&Ti C1H 2f2 Sii 661), 4(2r4 64 444f4fi 4S 44't 44 42V-r'42S(,'0 41 41 6 40 tm S M 97H M 97V 14 45 24 80 24 86-5 24 96 14 46 34 82 IS 1714 1$ 47 M 13 83H 18 3i 13 36 13 0 13 36 12 17-90 11 90 11 75 12 US 12 ft) 12 So . Vt 70 12 77 May July Sept. July Sept. Oata May f July t Sept. ?ork ttlrd TMay . July Bibs-. ' May July 112 1 08V 6363 ea 65 46 42H 40 14 80 14 80 IS ?2 13 22 11 77 12 72 -f- " -INO. a. 1 i Cah quotations wet as follows: 1 FLOUR Steady; winter patents, tS.Jfta tj.76; winter straight. 85.1i( 40; spring atralghts, 34.10lr6.66; bikers, U.CHW6.40. I IlVlV-Nll 1 7STn WArj4iy-Feed or misinm i83o; fair to ' BkilSOS-lMai, No. 1 northwestern, 12.09W X." r 1 nnrlkv.Bt.-n 14 111. .T I ...... a., -a o.c:, ia, fj.irif. i llllUkll J, U.1U l'ROV18IONa-Mess pork, per kbl.. 124 75 Ba-UL. I m. . iaa.K iidia a . rihM, sides (looae), fll.eoti 13.09, Sliort dear k. Total ojearancea of -aheaV and flour were 54".nUi-J? N0"- pfm"r receipts were vuiiijiarea f'lo ua,wv OU, Ihi corresponding day a year ago. The vlnlhl tPtly. at- wheat ta .tha United-States In creased S.fiu6 hu. Jar ih. .waii Th. Amount of breadstuff ,on t iceen paaaago , V. MAynu'-1"0' 'w tomorrow: Whea, JJPi" ""V ' f ra; o4ts, SU cars; hogs, ij.wO head. XWV- ttlK OkXERH MARKET a tat laaar of taa'tiay oa Tarloaa ax. 4?amaHlea. 'rVEW YORK; Marrh T.-rLftTR-Market fWl '!n- ' nominally ' iJX" lTi i'LT-i'r1"''!"1"; No. I red ''. i"r, wntcBTro ania nominal f 'sV afraaiMq. 1 morthlrikuluth and aio' 1 hard winter, 1.X nominal, f. o. b. afloat" Options: Wheat waa weak and lower under heavy-WJutdatlmv on' wnr favorable crop nawth larger :.rc!m, ai Jadifferent cash demand, and trn epeotailoua of a bearish irovernrneiit report oh farm restri-es. Shorts crVerfng.vrtie,1 a' partlM rally and prices at ..the- rkse-e -sver: tf not 4ower. Adas . U lit-.il 30. rlo.l IUr; July. $1,114 iaV, cl0'4.ii,,'ti.fi''Plmber closed 8i0i.V Receipts T. luahels. 14.t ll'fi: l,lt.rn.r,i 1 .1 ) if OAT-Spot mnrtte eay: fi,re4 t a H. puonds, -fiOTnliia,lf aatura) white, M to 81 Wuuiuyr a0fa.'3oiiPP4. w-tiufa .14 to 41 potinds, Mli.iJ'tii. Option" market was without transaction, rinsing 1c net lower Mir' led 6K;i V' ede4ta, 7T.176 bushels HAT-Wteady; prime. 31.J6; Ko, i, UfaUij I. 16. HinFrt-Faay; Central America. llHc LEATHUK 4Julet; henUock firau t&i tto. PROVielONSr-Pork. firm; niwi, ,00' Mtanta,, KJflqJi.ia, wlnvp..eu-ajgras, ,36l a5iiri:ifa n maret. ojulft; steamer, e fAK" i : ,fd''lvator export ;f.l;"fc Vv.'' - b - fit. tJitV.i Tmrlre' was- wfthhm tratisai-tlons. cln!i!g al to'tie derUnev Maf closed 72Uc: JltlW. 7ici .. ieoliiit,ai-. . TSV r..,.... JLJ sajMaajafjMspajaajs j I famRrv K6nA7.00: abort dears. rfcJfr. Iieef. steady; mees. IH.KtYltM; family, (Lft.OrilK M; eef hsms, tU.ffAM. Cut meats, firm;-pickled tellls. 16 to -14 lbs., J140l5ln; pfekiad hams. $14 f lortl. film; middle weet, prime, -$U 7liiC; r flnrrt, tareiy steiuly. TA LIxjW Steady; prime city, hhds., 7c; rovirttrv, fVu75. Kfi'l-:-viV'.; domestic, 2frei. - , Kl'TTP'-K lapwer; creamery sperflals, tTc; ex'.rss. 32c; third to f;rt, 27310; held, ser.ond to special, !;'j"Ic; stale C'ry, com mon to flne.it, 2i(i1''. prccees, flirt to epe. clal, 2i.tr.i7V; western factory, 2ItfZTc; western imitation creamery. 2l'-.'(.2'c. ("ItKESK -Firm; state, full cream, fall madi specials, lTtJdilsc; fancy, lTo; god ti priin-, lV,!,?; current inako, bst, U .'jlOc; rimmion t'i fair, lS16u; skims, full to special. la-pMUjc. r MOi - Firm; western, f!rt, 22'iC5r; sec onds. 22r. 1'OfLTItT Pressed. Irresular; western rh.r:kei:s, 16-u 17o; fowls, llili'.c; turkeys, lci'i'jc. WIIATIIER IN THE Git AIN BRI.T I'artly tlondy Toesday Af'tet Warmer Niht for Nebraska, ( OMAHA. March 7. 1910. Llfiht precipitant a wan Beno:rjJ within the last twenty-iour hours In the Wke reston, upper Oiilo vauty and eujiltm states, and llgut snows are falling in the lake region thiH morning, wild llgut rains In the .Sew England stales. The weather Is ganerxily clear In the southern states, the central valleys and throughout the wwt, and no precipitation worthy of mention has oc curred in tnose sections a. nee the preceding reporl. A cool wave spread over ihe upper valleys and northwest iluilng Sunday, and mm h-colder w eather prevails this morning from the Rocky mountains eaut over the c-ntral valleys and lake region. With the generally clear weather prevailing througn out the west, the outlook Is favorable lor continued fair In this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, wlui no Important change in tem peraturo. Temperature and precipitation as com pared with the three preceding years. w;o. iAW. li-ott. 1907. Minimum temperature.... il 29 24 29 Precipitation (W .06 .w .00 Normal temperature for today,- 21 deft-recs. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, .'ii ot an Inch. 1 etlc1cncy corresponding period In 1909, .23 of an inch. Excess corresponding period In 13CS, .0$ of an Inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaetar. St. I, on Is General Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 7. WHEAT Caah, lower; track: No. 2 red, $1.231.25; No. 2 hard, $l.tl ti. Futurea. lower; May, $1.0931,10; July, $1.02. C'OHJ Cash. dower; track: No. 3, Kc; No. a V'hlte, ttte. Futures, ' lower; .' May, ' 62fifi2Tio; July, 6-IVwWHo. . OATii Cash, lowerlj track: No. Z, 4Bc; No. 2 white, 4J,-lkj. - ... Futurea lower; May, 44c; July, 42c. FLOUR Unrhams-ed : red winter roiuiia $5.ttgii.0; extra fancy and straight, $4.90dl .ov, nsiu wimtr clears, ij.MJtT4.zu. HKItO Tlrhothy.. $3. 0-3. 40, ' CORN MEAL 43.25. ' BRAN Quiet; (aeked eftst track, $1.15 1.1 tf. Strong; timothy, $15,00018.60 prairie, $18 Ootj 14.W. ' BAOOlNO-40. TWINE HemD. 7e. . - , PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job bing. $24.7$. LARD Unchanged; prime steam, $iS,15 13.26. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra short, 14Vsc; clear ribs, UMic; short clears. 14Hc. . Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, ltHc; clear ribs, 15c; short uirma, idtsc RYE-Nominal:' Ho. POULTRY Steady; chickens. Uc; springs, in;, lurncrii, aic; aucKS, loc; geese. 70. BUmjtR-8tedy; creamery. 303!3c. EGOti Lower; 20o. - , Receipts Shipments r lour, ounneas 1ft 8.HI0 Wheat, bushels US.000 6,e00 Corn, bushels 17S,0vO 38,400 Oata, bushels 76,800 33.7V0 Kansiui City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 7. WHEAT nominal, - 10- lower: No, 1 hard, ll.OCiffll.OJ; No. 8. 11.041H.07: No. 1 red. II 14,1, 1 . : No. $.. $1 J04J1.16! May, $1.06" bid; July, 9Vi otrc,- eeuers; eevremoer, vo0 Dia. CORN ltflc lower; No. 2 mixed, ESS? WMre; No... I,-87c; No. 3 white. 6014c; Wo. 8, raio; jiswt. eec, sellers; juTyvflDc; Sep tember, 60HBflOe, sellers. OATS Hfflle lower; No. 3 whlta, 46047c; No. t mixed, 48444o. RYK 72B7BO. HAy-Unehanged: choice, timothy; $14.00 ibi.ov; cneice prairie, u.X(ju.w); .choice nana, sii.evvis.ea, BUTTER Unchanged; creamery extras, 19V "rt. seoonds, 27o; packing stock, EGQS 20c lower; current receipts, $$.70 a case. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 160,000- 73.009 Corn, bu- 139,000 " 48.000 Oats, bu 22,000 13,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March 7. WHEAT -May, $1.11H; July, $1.11; caah: No. 1 hard. l.LWyl.U; No. 1 northern, $M2(& 1.1T4: No. 1 northern, $1.17J1.10; No. 3 northern, $1 041 08',. SKED-Flax, $1.18. . CORN No. i yellow. 6346G. ' OATS No. t white, 42!42o. ' RYK Ne. 1, 747i4,e. BRAN In .100-lb. sacks. $22.0322.60. FLOUR First patents (In wood,, f. o. b., Minneapolis), S.444).66: second patents. $6.102&.40; -first clears, $4.f4.; second clears. $f.iofl.4, , Visible lapplr ot Grata. NEW YORK. March T.-Followlng is the rwew xorK i'roduc Kxcnange ewtiina,te or the visible suddIv of araln In tha Ttnlted States. Saturday, March 6: Wheat. 25,783,000 ousneis; increase, ,, bushels. Corn, 14.866.0U0 bushels: Increase. 879. Of bushels. Oats, I.OSS.OuO bushels; Increase. 2U9.000 bush eia. Rye, 734,000 bushels; - decrease, 37,600 busheia. Karley, 1,117,000 bushels; Increase, 44.000 bushels. The visible supply or wheat in Canada last Saturday waa 16.734.000 bushels, a de crease of 100,060 bushels. Philadelphia rrodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 7. BUTTER unu and lc lower; extra western creamery, 34c: nearby prints, 36c. EGOS Steady; fair demand; Pennsyl vania and other nearby points, free cases. 23a at mark; current receipts In returnable cases, 22a at mark; western firsts, free case, pa at mark; current receipts, free cases, 22o at mark.""" " ' CHEB.SE Firm; New York full orearrm; choloe, 17c; fair to good, ltifl7o. Llrerpool Oral a Market, LIVERPOOL. March 7. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 1 red western winter, ne stook. Futures steady; March, 8s d; May, 7sl0d; July, 7s d. . . CORN Spot, quiet; new American mixed northern, tstd: old American mixed, 8s 8d. Futures, dull; March, nominal; July, 6s 31 . PEAS-Canadlan, steady; 7s 6d. FLOUR Winter patents, quiet; 83a. Peoria Market. FEORIA, March 7.-CORN Steady; No. 8 white. (714c; No. 8 yellow, 67c; No: I. Cc; No. 3. btlic; No. 4, 64c; no grade, 47 . OATS Steady; standsrd. 450. Ri'E .Steady; No. 2. 79c. .. Mllwaakao Grata Market. MILWACKER. March ?WEAT No. lporthern, $l.l54''Jl.Wi No. ,1,. northern, $1.14 L14; May, $1.1SS. , , OATS-iVJ-kSHa. r - - BARLEY Samples', 62t4971ci . r - ..t .i Dalnth Grala Market. puLlTif, March . 1 -WHEAT - May, $1.12'; July, tl.lir-4; No. 1, northern, $111; No. 1. northern, $1.11. - ' OATS tuc. . ... .i , Coffee Market. NEW YORK, MaVr-h T COFFEE Mar ket for cTfee 'futures -opened steady at iinrhanxed price to a dsolln f i points, May be4ng 6 points lower under scatter ing Unuldatlon. while other months wore unchanged in keeping- with the European markets. There -was son he switching from May to later positions, but developed no particular feature wllh trade Interests, ab sorblng the limited offerings at about the Inltlnl f.gurea. The close was stecdy, net unchaneed to 5 points lower. Sales 16,0 0 bass. Closing quotations follow: : Msrch. WW-; -April, J.orxr, Way, T 86c; June, 7. We. JUily. Auavust. feK-mber, October and No. v?bTv 7 V: l"nihr, 7.U1C-. January and Februsry, ' 7 20. Spot steady; No. 7 R. 8ic; No 4 Santos, $c aCiid, 'quiet; Cerdova j ii2c, . . . .. f -c llTiy-Market. ' OMAHA; March T.-HAT-No".' f.'Vi 6A 1100; No 8, $10; eosrse, - SS; picking $8 Straw: -What. 17: rye- anil ni f fa if a, $14. The supply of g.iod.hay la food 11V, 1 . UKtlfaJ . I. (1 1 ,u IV. Elcla Batter Market. EIJQIN. March 7. BITTFR Firm: 81 csuis. aajes or ine w TIIE BEE: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Concerted Operttiong for AdYaneo oa larjc Scale Are Perceptible. STEEL AND UNION PACIFIC LEAD nine In These Issnea Has a Beatl snectal Effect on Entire List Boad Market Is Irregular. NEW YORK, March 7. Concerted oper ations for an advance on a large scale we-e cVailv pe! opt,hIe In the stock market today. Unfavorable Influences were entlreiv ignored In New York, although the market for Americans In London was slightly af fected before trading betan here. I-arge and amresslve accumulation and rapidly rising trices In United States Steel and I'nlon Pacific had a sentimental effect on the whole list that, overrode all other considerations. The movement of steel sug- Ccsted the resumption of market operations y the same organisation which conducted the brilliant campaign ,n that stock last year. I nlon Farlflc was favorably affected by the character of the day's testimony In the hearing of the i;nvernment's suit against the merger. The recital of Union Pacific hIMory by one of Its bankers, was read with proiound Interest In Wall Street The Influence of the Philadelphia strike was minimised by quiet conditions reported from that city, although conflicting claims left the octual situation somewihat con4 fvsed .No question was raised of a prob able decision In the American Tobacco case at Washington, In contrast with preceding Mondays, when the probability of a decis ion was as remote. Although-the stock market paid no at tention to the bank statement, that ex hibit was the subject of Interested com ment In other quarters. No very clear light was thrown on the unexplained decrease of upwards of $10.000.WO In cash held by th? clearing house banks, where an In crease estimated up to $.1,000,000 wns looked for. Tho time loan market became notably Vi inf fa"1 J.h PPHn offered sensibly diminished The call loan market was not i?lj The "Jvance In foreign exchange halted, notwithstanding continued harden ing of London discounts and large sales here of stocks for London account. Ru mors were current that permission will be accorded to the railroads to advance freight rates together with an advance In wages or employes. Bonds were Irreeular. Total sales, par value. $3,868,000. United States 2's declined per cent on call. Numoer of sales and principal quotations on stocks today were: ..... ... , .. Sslss. Hlfh. Low. elm. Allli-Chslmers pfd 44 Amalgsmatsl Copper 11,400 'tin U American Agricultural ;iT American Best sugar 70) 44 'jj" i2 American can ptd l,oo ttsi 71 1 American Cr A Foundry.. I.teo 47 lfi tiiv Anisrlcan Cotton Oil 20 t1 t'l 47 Am. Hid C: -Leathar ptd.. ;.0 41 jiu 40U Amsrlcan Ice Ssrurltlos.... 1.4-0 It 27 zx'i American Linseed joo li 15 ijij American Locomotive J.ino 55 5414 54 Am. Smoltlos Ref'ng.... 2,0o u Kvi N Am. Small. A Rat'nf pfd. D lna VW 1)9 Amerleao Bugar Refining . M 17 Amorloan Tal. A Tal oo :4J i4,u hiu American Tohacoo pfd H ni Amartoan Woolen ,. ruo rru, alV. 87 Anaconda Mining Co I. HO) u A u Atchlaoa 13,7) In in Atchison pfd . gag mi jojti 11 Atlantic, Ouast Una 8) 183 ISi Kltlmor Ohio , J.10O U2 lt Baltimore dt OlUo pfd u. Bethlohem Steal ,.. iro jik )m j Brooklyn Rapid rmnsll 6 K0 74 TPH 74. Canadian Paoine 680 ill J tun, 1,014 Pantral Lsathar 4,100 4 49 Vs 3 Oantral Leather pfd eoo 104H 1(4 lii Central of Naw Jarssf w CBaaapaak 4a Ohle M.WQ rm gf, gm Chicago ft Alton vs) n MS M Chloao ot. Westarn, new. So SJ14 II Chicago Jh Northwsetsrn... (, SCO 1U 1M 1M Chloage nil. A St. Paul. , 19, 10 147a, 144V4 H7 C, O. C. A 9t. Louis 70 at I1V4 (1 Colorado Fuel A Iran 6,400 42 41 41 H Oolarads A Bout horn 1,400 19 61 M Colorado A o. lat pfd " Colorado A go. M pfd 7u Consolldatod Oas...; 4.100 Ul 14714 lit, Corn Products fJ 1M4. 11 lVa Delaware A Hudaon. 200 17 177 i 17714 Danror A Rio OraneVs 1.7 4S14 41 43 Ponirer A Rio Orand pfd. S00 atta. 79U. lZ Dlailllara- Bscarltl 3.600 14 14 Brl".il. 1,000 'fl 11 12 Ens 1H pfd , (.600 II to n Brio 14' pfj.. 3.IV0.41 S 41 General Eiectrlo 155 lb6 lbi Oreat Northern pfd I.tos 188 . 117 1J Oreat Northern Ore. atfl... . 10 70 74 704, Illinois Oenu-al oi ij 141 14JV4 Intarborough Mat.- MOO 12 21 aS Intoraoreugh Met. f4...... 7,140 14 06 14 International Harveeier 1,000 93 11 fi- Inter. Marin afd.... 600 11 11 tit International Paaer 200 U 14 14 International Puna 600 41 41 48 laws Oantral 700 (9 24 Mo Kansas Oltjr tautsern, l.luO 40 ! Kansas Oltp So. pfd , . a LoiHeylll A NaahTlll 1,400 155 1M in J Mtnnaapells A St. Louis.... SuO 44 44 41 M , St. P. A tault tt. M. 1"0 144 144 144 Missouri Paolfle 10,100 71 71 fjI Mlaaruri, Kansas A Toias. 1,000 44 41 444a. M.. K. A T. pfd 300 72 71 nu NaUoaal Blsoult , jwff Katletial Lead 1,400 16 iu 1714. Nat' I. Rra. 1 Max. lat pld 3.400 66 44 44 New Tsrk Central. ........ t.JO - Us 121 1U Now York, OnU A Waat... 6,000 44 44 46 Norfolk A Weatorn 1.100 lt 101 106 Narth Aawrleaa 400 11 to 10 Northern Paslflo.i 1,00 1st 111 117 Pacific Mall too U 11 nil Pennsylvania 17, loo 117 1S4 117 Feopl' Oas J.SOO U 111 111 Pittsburg, C C. A 8t. L.. rJO 101 101 101 Praaaad Steal Car 1,W0 41 46 4 Pullniaa Palace Car lu 1M 1M 1M Railway Keel Baling too 41 44 44 Reading 121,404 170 141 17 Rapubllo Steel 4v 40 40 Resuelto Steel pfd 10 104 106 10 Reck Island Oo 37,40 11 4 , 11 Reck Island Co. pfd 600 14 I n St. L. A SJ Pran. Id pfd. 1.S0O 47 46 17 t. Louis teutrrwoatera l,20o 3 1 11 St. Lsula S. W. pfd too 74 11 74 Sloea-Sheffteld 8. A 1 1,700 It 7 II Southern Paelflo 11,600 119 trt 114 Southern Railway 1,640 1 10 20 Sou ihe m Railway pfd 100 SI 17 Tennoeae Copper JO 11 It 14 Tiae A PaclOo : 1,100 91 90 11 Toledo, at. Leu I a A Vast., -too 46 44 44 Toledo, St. L. A W. pfd... 400 IT 17 17 Union Pacific 9,K 1W 117 144 1'nloa Padfio pfd l.OeO 100 100 I'nlted Stats Realty 200 11 76 71 United States Rubber 4.400 41 46 47 United States Strel M1.90nu U l United States Steal pfd.... 2.10 122- 111 13 Utah Copper toe 6a 0i jat Vlrglnla-Oarollna Cbemieal.. 3,100 tt 64 Wahaah 10 11 31 21 Wakeat) pfd 7.KI0 4 44 44 Western Maryland'. 1 IO (1 ) ei Waatuighouao Hoc trio 1. 100 73 13 7 Woatarn Union .- 1,000 II It It Wheeling A Lk Kin Wlaronatn Ueotral 1,400 II 64 Plttsews real 600 23 2 American Steal A foundry. 100 41 41 40 United Dry Oeoda.. 10 10 ISO Ha La Clod Oas t.too 104 101 10 Total sales for th day, Ml, 100 share. Local Secarltiea. Quotations furnished by Samuel jr., (14 New York Life building: Burns, . , Sid. . Asked. Beatrice Creamery Co City af Omaha 4a. 1IM Columkua. Nb., B. L. la, l2f Cu4ahy Packing Co. 4s Detroit U. R. e. I per cent note 1111. Kaneaa C4ty Home Tel. 6a 1419 Kansas City Stack Yards I 1111 It 104 a H 11 100 9 4 14 6 100 11 22 Ifll 100 16 100 10 101 4 11 M 11 100 H H 4 1 st .104 1" Long Bell Lnmaer Co 6 1111 Lincoln Oaa A Elec. 6a 1M1 Nebraska Tel. Stook 1 per oent North Piatt Valley Ini. Co. Is 1920.. Omaha Water Ca. 6s 111! Omaha Water Co. 6e 141 Omaha Water C. 2d pfd Omaha Oa la 117 Omaha E. L. A P. 6 IMS Omaha B. L. pfd f per oeat Omaha St. Ry. la 114 Omaha A C. II. St. Ry. to 1021 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry pfd I par cent., Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. eom Omaha A C. 11 Ry. A B. pfd Sloua City 8. V. pfd 1 per cent Seattle 4Sl 194. .; Swift Batata cel. (a netea 1111 Union 8. Y- Stock, 8. O. ex-dtv loo M It 4 M 1 J7 4 n 44 w 104 7 Bostsa Stocks sad Boad. BOSTON, March T. Closing quotations on siotks were as follows: Alloues 17 Miami roc dot uai Amal. Copper liMohawk 4 A. S U A S II Nevada Coo 24 Artre.ua Cora tNlclaalnsr Mlnae ll'U Atlantic H, North butte 43 u. B. c, ('. A C lnt North Lake iu B. A C Cl M . 17oia Domlnloa 6vJ Butta Coal. 1 Ion 27,Oacaol Cel. A Ariiou 76 Perratl g. A C .. Si Cal. A Hectp .'t Qulrcy 1714, Centennial 21 Shannon i& Copper Range C. C.fa 77tSu'arlor , ... 61 Faet Butta C. M...... losupenor A llnmon M. 11 Pranklln .'. i" Superior A Pitta. P... 14 Oiroui Con 10 Tamarak T2 Uranby Con 17 V, 8. Coal A oil II Ore. re Csnanea. . . .. 10U. 8. 1 R. A M 4t I e Royaia Cupper... tl Ac pfd al Kerr L.a mt'ah Con Lake Crpper 17'a Winona 114 La Sen, Corner.. I7,Wolverln -. 144 Asked. "Bid. , ....... Treasary Btalenaeat. " The condition of the treasury at the be ginning of buainess today was as follows: Trust Funds 4old coin. tVA.tst.tiHt: silver dollar. $4, 270,000; ailver dollars of $3. .:tt oV silver certificates outstanding, $v.ro,oo. Uauerai Funoj standard sllvar dollars in OMAIIA, TUESDAY, MARCH ranaral fnnd. fc4BLr: ourrvnt IlaWlltres, Iv.JsTvn; working balanoe In treaaury of tlcea. 4tO.017.a; In baunka to credit of treeut urer of the United Hiates, l.4ril.M3: sub sldtary ellrer coin. $2X411.714; minor coin, U,i;.W. total balance In geoeraj fund. $S3, WL3h8. New Yark Maaep Market. NEW YORK. March 7. MONKY On call, y; tHtl per cent; ruling rate. ! per rent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 3 Per cent. Time leans, strong; alsty days, 3 per cent; ninety days. 34 per cent; sit menths. 4 per rent. PRIME MKRCANT1LE PAPER 45 per cent- BTIfRLINO FTXCIIANare-Pteidv with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 K470 44K for lxty-dav bills and at $4 8716 for demand. Commercial bills. $4 S4 !. 44). dl.VKR Har. tftjc. P1LVER Mexican dollars. 44c. BOMiS Ooverntnent, weak: railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. S. ref. Is. rcg..,.10t Inter. Mot. 4 1 d, con poo... 101 Inter. M. M. 41.... 49 V. 9. fry. rg MJapan 4a do coupon lo?. do 4H s V. 8. 4a. reg '1K. C. Se. lit Is 71 do coupon 114Lke 8. deb. 4a 11) 44 Allla-flial. In 6a llaL A Naeh. un. 4a... t 4m. AtI. Ca ItOvK, K. AT. lat 4a... Am. T. A T. v. 4a. .104 gen. 4a t Am. Tobacco 4a i:MI-ourl Pacific 4e... 1! do e 'do eol. ts. ctfa .... Armour A Co. 4s... sj N. Rya. of Met. 4vs. 5 Atrhloon sen. 4a 1-HN. T. O. gen. J ,s 10 do cv. 4s 117 ,i deb. 4 113 do ev. U 11 N. T.. N. H. A II. Atlantic c. L. 1st 4s. M cv. Is 1J4 8 A O. 4s Ill) N A W. lat con. 4.. 91 do l 4 do rv. 4 10S B. A l). 8. W. I Via JOHNc-nbam Pacific 4... 101 Rrook. Trsns. cv. 4a. I.t do la 71 Centrsl of Oa. 8...lnaHI"r. S. L. rfdg. 4a... 4 Central Leather 6-.. l't, Pann. rv. 0216). 7 f. of N. J g-n. fa. 1N do eon. 4s V4 Che. A Ohio 4a ", -HRoadtng grn. 4a 19 do ret. 5a l4"4Sl. L. A 8. P. fg. 4s. M Cfilrass A Alton SM-a T do gen. 6 0 C, B. A Q. Jt. 4a.. V. L S. w. eon. 4a.. 71 do gen. 4a rle lat gold 4a C, Mil. ft St. P. Srehoard A. U 4.... M (en. la 17 8a. Pacific cal. 4a..., C R. I A P. col. 4a 4! do cv. 4a 105 do rfg. 4a 11 do lat ref a s Colo. Indtiatrial .... So. Railway B If Colo. Midland 4s.... 17 do gen. 4a 11 CAS. ref. -eat. 4i Tnlon Pacific 4s 11 Del. A Hud. cv. 4.100T do cv. 4a llo D. A R. O. 4a : do let and ref. 4a.. frT no ref. la. ,V. 8 Rubber 4a Distillers' lie 74 u. S. Steel Id 6s 106 B.ie prior Hen 4a k. ,Va -Car. (hem. is.... do gen. 4i 74 ewabaeh fat la Ill do cv. 4e. aeries A. 1 do 1st and ait. 4s,. 71 do rv. 4s. eerie B. T9 Western Md. 4a 14V Oen. ETlectrlo cv. 6a. .144 Weat. Eloctrtc cv, 6. fl I. r. 1st ref. 4 CS Wlaconaln Central 4s. 4 Bid. London Closing; Stocks. ' LONDON. March 7. American securities opened dull and a fraction either side of parity today. During the first hour only a small business wss done and prices moved narrowly. At noon the market waa dull and from higher to '4 lower than Satur day's New York closing, . , London closing stocks: Consols, money I' Louisville A N.. ..11 .. 44 ..1S4 ..14 .. S3 ... 47 .. 7 .. do aocaunt.... . 11 M., K. A N . MK. T Optra!.... . 1H Norfolk A W.... .120 do pM.. .10414 Ontario A W.... Anial. Ooppar Anaconda Atchlaon do ptd Baltimore A Ohio 116pnnylvnla Canadian Pacific in H Rami Mine.... firsapeake A O H'4 Reading .. Chicago O. W.. , MgitherB Ry 140 do pfd 1'4 Southern Pacific . 44 Cslen Paelflo V d Pfd M U. g. Steal........ ei d ptd 41 Wabsah 26 do fd Chi., Mil. A Bt. P Da Beer Denver A Rla O.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Grand Trunk vt ..11 .11 ..It .. 14 ..124 .. 11 .. 4 Illinois Centrsl SILVER Rar,' steady at 13 7-id 'ie'r' os. .147 Spanish 4a. .. . MONET-Wlll4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market ror snort bins is J per cent; lor three monins puis, zt7 per cent New York aflalngr Blocks. NEW YORK. March 7. Closing quota tions en mining slocks were: Alio 10 'Lead villa Con.. .. 8 .. I ..10 .. .328 .. ..ISO BrBswek Caa Cam. lnnnel stock.. d sands Con. Cal. A Va Hern Sliver Iran Silver ,, Offered. , I Llttl Chief , 21 Meilcan . U Ontario 10 Ophlr ..' , 41 Standard .141 Tal lew Jacket .. Bank Cloarlatra. OMAHA, March 7. Bank clearing for to day were $4,183,130.48 and for ' the corre sponding nat last year M.U.S67.88. Q1IAKA CBJSBBAVlAmftKT, . taal isl rsaey rradlace PrleeMi rf, Blsk by Bapere aasl Tfkelaaavlera. BUTTKRCreamery, Ke. 1 dellvere ta tha retail trmele In i-lb. cartona, 13e; Na. L in 80-lb. tubs, 11c; N. 8. ta 1-1 b. oartons, 30c; In OS-tl. tuba, 29S4o; packing stook, sella psxk, 8tc; common, Ho; fancy dairy roll, 140 ; common, lie Market ekasges every Tusay. . POULTRY Dressed: Broilers $k a Jog. for gtcrage, 8; for fresh springs, 17ei hens, 17a; cocks. 11c; ducks, 11c; geaae, loc; turkeya, 3Jo; pigcene, rr aoa,, $l.tt; Homer squabs, $4 tvr dos.; fancy sauabs, $3.M Pr dea.. No. 33.6 Pr dos. Alive: Broilers, under 1 )bs., I7c; springs, 14o; hens. Uc; stags, Uc; ducks, fall feathered, 13e; geese, full featheied. He; turkeys, too; guinea fowls, $4-30 per dos.; pigeons, 0o per dos. CHEESE Twins, VPAo: young America, llo; Daisy eheeo. Uc; Umbergr4yr, llo; brfok, Uo; domeatlo block Swiss, Joe; lm aortedl Iwlss, 88a. FISH (all fren)-Hernng. te: saltnan, lie; pickerel. 8c. whltf)h, lte; pike, la; trout, 13o; catfish, 17p; large cripples, lift lie; smelts, Uo; Spaatsh mackerel, lee; ell, ltc; haddock, lie; flovlndera, Uc; fresh hali but, 13c, OTiTEKS Selects, small eans, 3te; large, Me; gallon, $186; New Yark counts, sraalL 3tct large, ic gallaa. 818&; standarea, small. Vo; large. 88c; gallon. $X8b; extra large standards. 81.84 BBEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, le; No. , Uo; No. 3, 10c; No. 1, loin, ltc; Ne. 3, 10; No. 3. 13o; No. 1, chucks 7c; No. 1, 7c; No. 3, 7c; No. 1. round. Vic; No. 3, 8c; No. 3. 8c; No. 1, plate, 7o; No. X, 8c; No. 8. 60. ... FRUITS Strawberries. eTlotida, per quart, T075c. Oranges, California navals, tW-M-UZ-li alaes, per box, $3.86; lSO-171-a-W-816-860 slsee, per bez, $3.08; eottra fancy Camella Reee brand, per bez, tt.36. Lem ons, Limonlero, extra fancy, 800-tQ alses, per box, $4 ; choice 309-3110 alsea, per box, $4.08; 840 else, tOo per box less. Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, $1.7b4f3.00; Jumbo, per bunoh. $1.7I9$.?6. Q rapes. Imported Malagas, per keg, HOOgpt.oO. Orape Fruit, Florida, 64-t4-80 sixes, 84.Kr86.00. Apples, Jonathan and Grimes Golden, per, hbl. $0.08; Ben Davis, per. bbl., $3 KVfj4.o0; 4Jnl tan, per bbl., 84.80; Winsapa,- per bbl., $4.50; Gano, per bbl., $4.00; New York Baldwins and Russets, medium slsea, per bbl., $3.78; California fancy W. W. Pearmalns, per box, 810; California extra fsnoy W. W. Pearmalns, Red Wood, per bex, 81-88; Colo rado Jonathans,, per bex, $3.M); extra fancy Colorado Jonathans, per box, 33.84; antra fancy Colorado R. Beauties, per box, $3 64; extra fancy Colorado Wtriaapa, per box. $2.28. Cranberries, Jersey, winter stock. per bbl.,- $4 0. . Dates, Anchor brood, new, e 1-ls. pkgs.. In box, per box, 33.08. Figs, California, 80 pkgs.. So else, In box, $L85; 13 pkgs ., lo size, 80c. VEGETABLES Irish potoes. Wis eonsln and native, per bu., 60c; Colorado, per bu., 70c. Sweet Potatoes. Kansas, per bbl., 8188. Cauliflower, California, 84 to It heads, per crate, 32 50. Rutabagas. Canada, per lb., lc. Cabbage, Wiscon sin, Holland std, per lb., 3c. Celery, California, per 13-lb. bunch, tec. Onlona, red, per lb., IHc; yellow, in sacks, per lb., 2c; extra large white, per lb., 8c, Shanlsh Onions, per crate. $l.tS7 Old Vege tables, parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, In sacks,, white, per lb.. Sc. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb.. 18c; red, per lb. lAo NEW "OUTHERN VEGETABLES--Radishes: Per dot. bunches, 87c; per it basket crate, R00iffi4.r0. Turnips:, Per dos. bunches, 60c. Carrots: Per do, bunches 60c. Shallots: Per dos. bunches, 60c. parsl ley: Per dos. ' hunches. 0c. Bests: Per dos. bunches, $1.00. Pitnach: Per bushel $1.00. Kgg Plant: Fancy Florida, dot $1.5042 00. Tomatoes: Fancy Florida or Cuba, , per 6-basket crate, . $4 oo choice, $.1.00 String and wgx b'ians: per hamper, $5.0f300. Cucumbers: Hothouse, per dos., $1.76ff2 00. HOME GROWN VEGETABLES Radlshee: Extra fancy home grown, per dos. bunches, 3Ko. Lettuce:. Extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40c; head lettuce In ham pers, $3 0Cvas.O0. Paxsiey: Fancy home grown, per do, bunches. 40c MISCELLA NEOl'rJ Cider: New York per H bhl-. 8178. Honey: New, 34 frames' $3 60. Horseradish: Two dos. in case, $130 Walnuts: Black, per lb., lc; California, No 1. per lb., lc: California, No, 1 aoft, per lb., 120. Hickory nuts: Large, per lb., 4c small. per lb.. Rc. Cocoanuta: Per aeir' $i.00; per flox., So. . ' Metal Mar rt. NEW YORK. March 7 -METAIStand. ard eopper was easy today! The English niaraet was lower ana ctosea easy, rjpot .r 17s d; futures, I of) 16s. Locally: Lake, $13.6:?J13 K7; electrolytic. $13. 37 G 13.6-'; costlnar.' 313.131813 36. Tin market weak. Boot closed, $.12. 44 m 60. Th Londan mar- sea was siw ana lower. Mpol, 4143 6s; futures, flfjo. Iad. aulet: snot. MUMb) The London market waa unchanged at 1$ ss. rpeitrr. quiet; spot, lo w,;"tio. Mew York; Indon was lower at ii 2s tld. Iron waa higher at 61s 7d for Cleveland war rants la London. Locally, unchanged. 8. 1910. OMAHA LIVE SlOClt MARKET Desirable Kinds of Fat Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher. EOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS IHQHEXL kewy Ska 4 kanaka Ratber Blow getlera, bat Prioti a All KJaa Are Aboat Steady wltk Last Week. BOtTTH OMAHA. March 7, 1910. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoc. Sheep. Estimate Monday S.WO 8.000 6.0M0 Same day last week 6,706 6.493 4.704 Same day 1 week ago.... $.770 8 646 8.4M Bams day 8 weeti ago.. 4 .868 8.04 8 611 Bsme day 4 weeks ago.. St? 4.S7 t.UH Same day lain, year 1730 7,784 7,871 The following table tliows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compared with last year: IslO I no. Dec Cattle 1M441 lftXl 17.607 Hogs 418. Sl 4e 00t 73.314 Sheep 36,6tt 286,878 21.3.'4 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: - Date. I 11. lrJ.lB. 1117. 10.1M:.1!K14. Feb. .., fb. i7.. Feb. 88... March 1.. March 3.. March 3. March 4 March 6. March 8. March 7. 8 361 8 IS 4 Hi 6 801 8 881 I 6 40 4 77 I 83 4 84 6 11 4 80) 8 11 4 i2 6 09 4 78 8 11 4 kli 6 04 6 07 4 86j 4 9 8 13 l 4 .6)1 76 8 04 3 31 28, 6 7 6 11 6 8 14 6 86 6 4 t. 4 30 4 l 8 W 6 76 6 761 6 ti ) 6 U 8 731 6 ti 60i 3 9 tvSl 8 68 6 3 8 18 a e-i a 04 il v 74 8 IN: 6 SO 4 33 8 76 4 44j 6 76, 8 14, Sunday. Recelpte and disposition of live stock at the Lnlon Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at $ o'clock p. m. March 7, 1910: RECEIPTS. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. & St. P 6 1 Union Paelflo 30 18 . l ., C. & N. W.. east .... 7 1 C. & N. v'., west.... 68 13 8 1 . tt. P.. M. & O... 13 8 8 C, B. h Q-. east .... $ 1 v ., . tfacst.... 81 13 t t U., H. 1. &. P., east.. 8 8 X Illinois Cintral 7 1 8 1 c. o. w a .. .. .. Total receipts ,...170 83 DISPOBiriON. Omaha Packing Co 648 Cattlr 670 1,046 787 - 1.171 169 Hogs 1,161 1,008 1.143 1,863 Bw-lft and Company .... 896 Cudahy Packing Co 614 Armour Co 666 Schw-ars-Bolen Co Murphy W. B. Vansant Co 117 Benton, Vansant & Lush. 331 (Stephens BrOB 323 Hill sV Son 128 F. U. Lewis 183 Huston it Co 17 J. B. Root A Co 18 J. H. Bulla 84 La F. Huss 165 L. WoLf 63 McCreary 4V. Carey 134 M. Hagerty 4 Sullivan Bros 10 Lee Rothschild 100 Mo.-Kan. Calf Co 69 N. Morris 1 Kline dk Christy 41 Other buyers 668 1,66 160 Totals ..v... 4.63 6,809 4,828 CATTLE Receipts ot cattle were disap pointingly small this morning, only 148 oar being reported in. After the vary good market that prevailed her during the greater part of last week it was only rea sonable to expeot a liberal run this morn Ins, but it failed to materialise. Under the Influence of moderate offer ings and a very aotlve buying demand, beef steers advanced sharply this morn ing, being a big 10a higher, and in fact, a much higher that a good many salesmen were calling it lOtflSc higher. The trad was active at th advance and tb early arrivals all changed hands ta vary good season In the morning. There waa nothing very choice on sale to make a- teat of ex treme high prices. There wr a few cattle god enough to sell at 37.6. Cows and heifer were generally 10c higher, and in many rasas lOdylsc higher. Th early market was aotlve and the of fering changed band quit readily at pre vailing prices. Geecl feeder said a strong or a little stronger than any time yet with the de mand goo and th trad active. A high at $8.48 was paid for right ged Wyoming bskyfeda. Thr did net appear te be any grsat inquiry for list stockings, the market n that kind being without any noteworthy change. Lat trains mat with vary ready sale, th latr market being fully a rood as any tlm. As high as $7.1 waa paid for a full lead that came In late, with a part of a lead aeliinz ud to 87.18. Quotations eq cattle: Good to choice cornfed steers, $.B'3'7.60; fair re grnod corn fed steers, 88 816.6; common ta fair corn ftd steers, $4.7606.3$: go 8 to ohelce eows and heifers, S4 44 4); fair t good eows ai-d - heifer, 34.80tN.OO: eerrmion te fair cows and heifers, (itOtJAt: food te ahele stock!- and feeders, $16x4.4l; fair to good steckar and feeders. t4.krfr 06' commas t fair stockar and feeder, M-4.30; tek heifers. 3S.d4.06; Yl calves. H084H.; bulls, stage, etc., $3.T8tSifl.rS. Representative sales: BEEF BTS3CRS. K. A. Pt. K. iv. Pr. 140 8 46 2 Ill 6 6 16 147 $ 44 11 lie 6 it I ttt 8 Tt II 1214 6 1 6 tn 6 4 II 114 7t 6 mi t 1101 6 UN 6 II It 190t I 2 1 1 6 26 II H4 6 1 18 WT7 6 26 11 194T 6 8 II ,...,.1111 IH It 1164 Jt 11 118 ttty 17 ISM 1 06 22.....' 1116 6 4 It 141 1 In ) 1142 M 1 1114 1 a II 1111 6 66 COWB. 6 164 3 M 10 1026 6 16 1 117 t II 4 ,.lr0 6 16 711 I 66 t... 1100 $ U 6 S44 I 46 10.., 1( I 1 141 t 1 1 l6 I 40 11 IM 4M 1111 40 I Ml 11 20 MT4 6 1 t 77 4 44 U i'47 6 16 44 4 60 11 111 I 0 11 to 4 4 I ,...100 I K) 14 IM 4 10 HEIFERS. 8 8A6 I 66 6 M 4 20 8 440 I 40 14 IS 4 10 14 641 8 10 31 142 6 36 11 44 I It 24 116 6 46 11 W IN 44 161 6 1 6 30 I I . t IM IN t 1(1 4 04 4 1106 6 00 BULL 4 140 t 0 $ II 4 1 HOO 4 0 t ..176 $ Ot) 1 110 4 26 1 US I ot 1 140 4 26 1 Ill 6 0 1... 130 4 II 1 HU 6 0 l mo 4 m i um 1 1 1 .' 1240 4 I 1 1710 6 II 1 1110 4 6 3 14J4 M 1 140 4 (0 1 irr 8 M 1 Ii) 4 1 1 140 I I 1 1420 4 T 1 14 6 It 1 1120 4 II ' 1 1111 6 14 1 140 4 16 1 17 6 6 CALVE H. 11 416 t to 1 144 7 H 6 , KM 4 24 t 114 7 M II 61 4 4 1 0 1 6s t til 8 0 1 130 I 0 I lo I 00 1 I ID 8 .16 IN 4 160 0 1 M IW t 141 t 26 t m IK 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . 16 61 4 10 4 16 6 Ot 4 41 4 40 6 , 741 I 00 16 66 4 66 14 , 641 6 00 6 M l . II 141 I 1 11 671 4 40 II , IM 10 4 531 4 76 M (Tt 6 0' 6 4eJ 4 76 6 1046 6 M 6 406 4 16 - 11 .....I 6 60 12 Ml 4 76 11 K60 6 66 1... 411 4 1 II 641 6 M t 441 4 10 20 H I 66 HOGS Light receipts, coupled with an actlv demand, resulted in a further eleva tion of hog values this morning. It was the same old story as far as tops and aver age cost were concerned both war record- breakers. Opening bids were Just about a nickel higher than Saturday's average trade, and a few hogs sold at this advance, but the market quickly ascended to a dime higher level and the bulk of offerings went at the better figures. Some weakness was ap parent toward tha close, after most af tha stuff had baen received and weighed up. out neiiuer ine acun nor tn amount of business at th close, was sufficient to affect the market as a whole. Shipping demand throughout th session wus espe cially active. A considerable portion of the hogs sold at $9.7tV69 80, as compared with Saturday' big strings between l9.UOrl.76. and iha bullc a week ago of $1 869 46. Tops reached $9.90. as compared witn Saturday's high top of 89 82'. Representative sale: .1 Ho. At. ...14 ...IH ...tut ...IM ...17 ...171 an. pr. 4. 44 I 40 6 .. 40 6 44 11 40 t 41 ao. 40 t 47 68.. 0 t 70.. 40 8 et St., t .10 Ill ... 17 .. t 17 4 t 17 Ill 40 77 r ... 71 0 t 60 40 8 0 ,244 Public lr.vi.ed To n - 315. South 1 6!h Slrcst, Up-tlain. Stocks, Bonds, Grains, Provisions, Cotton and Coffee ....private: wires... . WE ARK MEMBERS OF. THIS FOLLOWIXQ: Mow York Stock Exchango -, Doston Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Now York Coffco Exchange . New York Motal Exchango Now York Produce Exchange Chicago Doard cf Trade Now Orleans Cotton Exchange Liverpool Cotton Association Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce MAKE YOUR INVESTMENTS AND RALES OF STOCKS, BONOS, ETC., TUKOUGU I S We make a. spwiaUj of Copper Stock, listed and utdlsled. Our Private Wire System roaches the lake, Ittabee tuid Montaua Miniiic District. - F C. HOLLINGER, IVIor. A SAFE INVESTMENT "We offer 11,000,000 Gold Bonds of a Tell established aad success ful Western Power & Lighting Company at 92 in denominations of 100, $600 and 1,000. . The Electric Power of this. Company is generated from coal. T" The Company issuing ther .bonds is earning double the Interest on all its outstanding bonds, and has under construction greatly in creased facilities for a larger output This will b in operation within the next three months and result In earning dividends oh Its common stock. 50 STOCK BONUS - Every purchaser of one of the bonds will also be given 80 of its value In common stock, so that in addition to the assured Income of 6 tt on the bonds there will be a share in the future growth and earnings of the Company. There Is an existing market for a largo in creased output . Write for fxdl information W ALSTON E BROWN & BROS., 45 Wall St, New Ycrk Established 1868. Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange. EIERBERT 1 ' ' BROKERS AND DEALERS ' GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS OMAHA OFFICE REMOVED TO 112 BOARD OF TRADE BU1LDIHG Bell Telephone, Douglas 621 OLDEST AND LARGEST HOUSE IN THE STATE 46... Is 'tt 81 He. A. Sa. rr. . II 17 ... t 1 4 141 ... t M It .341 ... 8 7 IT M ... t 64 IM 8W t 1 16 pi 49 I 10 It 1.16 4 lit Tt.. 346 60 t M it 16 ... M 44 U0 ... t II 18 ... 819 214 40 tM 41 in 168 8 71 1 ...... HI ... l tt. m ,. tn t...:. ...36 .., t t 4..M1 a,. 111 If HI ... t0 1 lit ... t 18 116 ... I I V 84 .... I 16 44 i.tOl 40 t Tt 4 ...1S4 120 I 10 tO ...lit ... t 60 81 81 40 t 71 41 tet tt 1 1 11 Ill M III 44 ...11 60 6 II 341 ... t 60 tl 141 ... IUI1 61 SO t It Tl ill t 9 IS 7t. tit 40 1 14 r m to t tt 11 11 ... t It 11 144 40 I 44 Ill 40 I 11 66 271 20 t 16 17 IM 10 71 11 346 ... 117 66 34 10 117 81.. .244 tt t M BHDsjP There was net very much activity te th live mutten trad at the opening this morning owing te the taut thai aetual offerings were limited and quality nn to go4V Almost thirty iars were exfjeoted, but only eleven arrived In tlm for early rquads and most of these were common and unfinished shipments. Pesplte th dull appearance to trade, th mer dealrahl classes ef killer changed hands In vary good oon at generally steady prloe and th market as a whole Is quotable on this basla. Three loads of hroken-fleece lambs war good enough to sell at 83.64), and even the more inferior lets oemmanded good, firm figure. Demand from hearers far anything that promises profit la still brisk, but the volume t business seasonably small. Th number ef sheep and tamba taken back Into th oountry last week was just about normal with previous weeks, but prices raid were the highest in the history ef i trad at this point fat kinds of lambs With a good fleeo selling up to 39 00. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 88.0Oit78.3S: fair to good lamb. H.wt'.wi cuii lamss, eti.WB7.oe; good shear ing ia i. wethers, 8?.407.73; fair to geud wethers, 86.767.40; good to choice ewes, I7.00vtj7.50; fair te (eed ewes, 88.607.00. Representative sales; No. Av. Price. p) western ewes ,83 6 SO tin western lambs, broken fleece. 80 8 40 No. ' Av. Pr. 99 western Iambs 74 8 36 171 western lambs , 74 8 86 80 western lambs 74 8 35 144 Mexican ewes ..... 77 8 85 124 western lamb, . feeders 62 SOU 4tt western yearlings 78 8 60 84 western wethere 81 7 80 83 western ewe 87 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Stronr Hoas Hler Sher p Steady to Illaer. CHICAGO, March T. CATTLE Re-cr-lpt. 23,000 had: market, strong; steers, !.M58.25; cows. 84ti?6.76; holfoi-H. 34. U"? -: bulls, 34.60-(60; calves. $3.00rr10.O-i; Stocksrs eind feeders. 34 2i" J 5 75. HOOI lU'celpts. 28.000 head; market, 10c to 16o higher; choice hoavv, 10 lry-i 10 SH; butcher. flO.10ttt10.tO: light mixed. fVOrTUO; choice llaht, 3.90(1 10.00; parkrrs, 810 OjlO lS; pigs, 125(09.76; bulk, 810 (v7 io.l6. SHEEr- AND LAMB Receipts, 10fV) head: market, ateadv to lfVr, 15c higher; she-p, H&O94U0; lamb, f8.3fa3 4i; yrariing, ri?48- Klaaa City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. March T.CATTLK Re ceipts, 11,000 head, Including 400 southerns; market steady to 10o higher; cholc export anrl rireeeei. 1-jfaf IIMnfim. S,.lw good, l,0ra.86; Western steera. f6 607.80: Bur Hers ana reeners. 44 a,(!6 10; s'Mitnern steer, fR.2f'?r7 .80; southern cows, 83 fiOiT'ii.76; native cows, fl fvV.td 60; natlv heifers. 4.30 (7 00; bulls, fi 25.,5.76: calve. 8 50'., 8 75. HOOS-Recelpu, 6.OU0 htad; market lOo me. 61-tiCgii.UP; straight feeding mini, f.ea.M; good llgnt yearlings. 83.23 !.; good heavy yetrllngs, 87.01i.35; air yearlings, l6.8eS7.80: good to choice IT Inspect Cur f!t Cffica i'IHW TOW1, r-'1 IiIIM'"! 09. Jo lto higher; top, f 10 00; bulk of sales, fe.O8.80; heavy, f8,80sif 10.00; packers ami butohars. t9.754j8.86; Jlght. faty04r8.88; pigs, 88.6OO.O0. - - BHBSP AND IMBRo4pt, 8.008 l.!M,L2!rket to 10c hlgherj lambs, 88.804Jfl.3fi; yerllnfs, 87.rAij-vl.78; wethers, M5f7.76; ewss, frt.35r3r7.86; stooker and feeder, M-JfC50. St. Lyli Live Stock Market. PT. yOUlH. March 7-CATTI.lC-Rfl'-celpts, 7,200 head, Including 800 Texans market strong; native shipping and oxpoi-t steer, f7. 508 10; dreaaed bef and butohera steern, W 30(s7.4O; steers Under 1,000 pounds, 84 ftf)10; stonkers and feeder, $3;tWr?f 35; cow and helfera. 33.7t)8.86; canners. 83 10 3.36; bulls, 836ii:b.76; talvoa, 86.40t4fl0.00; Texaai and Indian steers, H707.30; cows and heifers, f3.7a5.CO. . ' HOOS Reoelptu, 8,600 head; market lOo to 2o hlgtier; pigs and lights, f7.rKs8lO.0G; packers, . f9.KS10 06; butchor and best heavy, flO. 10tf ii 17H. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Rfoelpta, 1.000 head; market strong; native muttons, 87.30 ftt.tn; culls and bucks, 84.6tXa.10 stockera, 84.sW.00. St. Joseph Lire . Stook Market BT. JOSEPH .Maroh 7 -CATTL,E-celpta, 2.600 head;' market steady to strong; steer, 84. 801. 76: cows and heifers, 83.0O 6.i; calves, M. 659.08. HOOS Reotlpts. 4,000 head; marltet lOo higher; top, flO; bulk of sales, 88.8043.95. SHUEP AND LAM Bit-Receipts, 8 000 head: market strong to JOc higher; lambs,1 8t.50O4).2ti. Slenz City live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., March 7 .-(Special Telram.) CATTLIJ Receipt, 2 600 head. Market strong to 10c higher; beevea, ti.Wt 7.26: cows, 33.505 6 00; feeder. 10I6o hightw at f4.0ofr6.76; yearlings, 33.liOi8i5.08. - HOU8 Rejcolpui, 2,000 head. Market JOo hlghavr- rang of prises, fD uO.tV: bulk of sales, t9.Ka-l.80. ,; - stock la Slsfct. ... Receipt of live stook at th gig principal weuiern markets yesterdiay: . . Cattle. IIo-s.'Hheer. South Omaha 3.600 3.B.1O 6M) flioux City 2,500 2,(100 ' 8t. Joseph 2.500 t.Mt " 8,000 Kansas City Jl O10 fi i0 8oin) Ht. Louis v. 7,3n0 9.600 2 0"0 Chicago 13.000 tf.000 16.U00 TotU r 48,0 6-1.2'JO , 8(1,000 NFW YORK, March . T tXVTTON-Tho market opened easy, unchanged, to 6 poiiiu lower and Quickly sold off to a net loss of K18 points under over-Sunilay selling or ders, attributed to rumors of bull ol4uo liquidation on Saturday, and a renew) of bear pressure . encouraged b-, relatively easy cables. Covering checked the decllna after stop-Ion orders hod bu executed and there was some bull support pn whloh the market rallied to within 4'u-4 point of Saturday's closing figures. Futures opened easy. March, 14 64n; April, 1460c. bid; Muy, 14.47c; July, 14 24c; August, 13.t'o; rJcpleinbr-r, 12.87p; October, 12 4c; December. 12 S.Vt 12 S5c. Futures closed steady. Closing Md: March, 1461c; April. 14.43c; May, 144tio; June, 14.22c; July, 14 24o; August, U o: Bptember, 12.S0c: October, 12.48o; Novem ber, 12.!"c; D.-eimber, U.Hto. Hput closed quiet, 10 points lower; mid dling uplands. 4.65c; mlddlliig gulf, Ji.Duc; salf-s. i.Vrl bales. OALVEMToN, Tex., March 7 COTTON Lowerf l47c. . BT. .LOUIS, March 7.-COTTON'-tTn-clianged; midrlllng, 15c; sales none; receipt, tiffi hales; shipments, 928 bales; stock, 43,OjO bale. Wool Market. BT. LOT' 1 8, Mo.. March ' 7. WOOL Lower; territory and western medium, 84 27c; fin mediums, ltr24c; (In, lliJeOa. GOODS. I