THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 6. 1910. The Bee has established its position as the leading I irtvTT t tt TP V lf1-ornn The Bee makes a spe cialty of Home, Farm and Ranch advertising. its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska. REAL ESTATE Ml l'HOCi;ill rim SI.K :r v.-tv-l REAL ESTATE CITY" I'HOI'ERTY FOR KALIS (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKBTV COR SALE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTV FOR "ALE (Continued. REAL ESTATE CITY FHOPKRTY FOH S41.E. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rHOPKRTY FOR 8I.B (Continued REAL ESTATE CITY I'KSITHTV rtlB ALB (Continued.) Tt llllll. i I J II Dl X V II. II I NHJULU D. V. Sholes Co., Ill Bo.-inl of Trade Bldtf. 10th and Farnam Sts. Now Is the Time To Buy Omaha Real Estate OMAHA IS FORGING TO THE FRONT WITH RAPID WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF EXCELLENT PROPERTIES V AND WE TAKE YOU AROUND IN AUTOMOBILES, USING BUT LITTLE OF YOUR TIME. $3,150 Caldwell St., near 2rtth, lot 60x157 ft., with frond 6-room house, modern; fin. In terior finish, paiiium floors, fireplace and full cemented basement. A good clone-In bargain. $4,8iV 32d Ave , second house mouth of Martha, west front lot 47x127 ft., with new full iwo-story, 7-room house; four good hed rooms and bath on Bftoond floor; large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Thoroughly mod em and ready to move In. A splendid purchase at the price. $6 250 Howard, near 3fith, right next to the cream of West Farnam district; lot 60x 132 ft, with good shade, and nearly new 7-room, two-story modern, well built and well arranged house. Nice oak flush and oak floors. Streets paved and paid. Tills is the best residence for the price in the West Farnam district. $ij,7o0 Hast front on 32d Ave., In Crelghton's First Adition, lot Mxl40 ft., with nearly new S-ruom, thoroughly modern house, finished In quarter-sawed oak; very nicely arranged and delightful location. $i,500 Near the Field club, east front lot 40x125 ft., with good two-story, 8-room thor oughly modern house, hot water heal; fin. oak finish and very desirable in every particular. $7,HJ0 If sold Immediately, 1026 So. 32d St., one block north of Pacific St., near car line; lot 60x16 ft., with large expensive, well built 10-room, thoroughly modern house, fine oak finish; hot water hoat; good plumbing; house cost over 18.000 to build, and is less than eight years old, and the lot is cheap at $2,500. Owner has left the city and wants lo sell. It is a bargain. $10,CM 37th, near Farnam St., lot flt)xl35 ft., with excellent, well built, strictly mod ern, well arranged 9-room houses nice oak finish, oak floors downstairs; four good bed rooms and bath on second floor; third story all finished for servant's quarters; location choice and the properly is the best for the money in the West Farnam District. $12,000 On the Boulevard, near the Field club, east front, nearly new, strictly modern nnd up-todate; 9-room house, finished In quarter-sawed oak; rine oak finish; rooms largo, conveniently arranged; beautiful lot, with shade, and delightful location. $16.000 On West Hodge St., Just opposite the city limits; a very large, handsome 14 room house, thoroughly modern and up-to-date, with hot water heat. Ex ceptionally well built, and large grounds, InixSii ft. One of the most com manding views around the city. $18,000 Near Field club and a beautiful spot, 138x126 ft. of ground, with a nearly new 10-room brick house; thoroughly modern and up-to-date; good fireplace; two bath rooms and an Ideal place. $12,500 Near Hanscom park, 60x160 ft. of ground, with 12-room house; thoroughly mod ern, two fine tiled bath rooms; with very best of plumbing, besides servant's bath, making three complete bath rooms. Elegant billiard room finished in quarter-sawed oak; one of the real comfortable homes, in first class repair. - owner leaving the city and will consider reasonable proposition for cash or easy terms. $12jj00 On Dodge and 34th. corner lot, with fine shade; delihgtful location, with leptionally well built, strictly modern and up-to-date home; ie rooms. Down stairs artistically finished in quarter-sawed carved oak; fine library, with book luses; servants' quarters and sewing room on third floor; four very fine bed rooms on second floor. House built only 6 years ago and In first class repair. Wo Are Headquarters for Good Homes. If You Are in the Market Don't Fail to See Us. BUNGALOW CITY Take the car today and ride out to C'relghton'a Second Addition, 43d and Parker Sts., and look at thone delightful, artistically designed, handsomely decorated modern, up-to-date houses, from $3,900 to $4 600, with 6 per cent discount for cash or half cash, or on very easy terms. Lot 60x130 ft. each, sewer, water gas and perma nent walks Dot li in street and around the house. Location is high and sightly, good car service. Some of them have buffet and book cases built In. Handsome Interior finish; rubbed down and polished, with oak floors. Our salesmen at 4.114 Decatur St., within a block of them, will show you through uny time today. . While there look at the beautiful lots w. are offering in this addition. CREIGIITON'S FIRST. ADDITION Smith of Hanscom park we have a few good lots with water and pern mnent walks at from $;w to $i00 each. Over 109 houses built in this addition within the last year, t'.et one of these lots before they are all gone. MILTON ROGERS' PLACE T ' . Between 19th and 20th Streets. and north of Leavenworth, right in the shadow of the skyscrapers that are now going up, and within three minutes' walk of the theaters, w. offer the best lots in th. 4 city for Improvement at $! per foot, wit h a discount of 6 per cent for cash. This ground ought lo he selling for $100 per ft., a nd cheap at that . let on this If you want to build for Investment and on ground th at is bound to Increase. INVESTMENT i00 S. W. romer 34lh and Lincoln Ave., with three 7-room houses; monthly rental $75 per month; sice of lot 75x130 ft., navlna nald. We ran sell ih. at a baigaln. They ore good stuff and In an improving location. With a little repairs they will rent for mora money. $10.000-.'0x132 ft., fronting south on Jackson St.. 60 ft. west of 17th. opposite the Dally News office; has two old cottages bringing In about enough to pay taxes. This lot will be worth double the money in the next three or four years, with out any question, and it is a mighty good buy. $l7.5X-Kor these two fine stone buildings at the S. W. corner 2Mh and Cass St., renting for $1,M0 per year; good corner, excellent buildings, first class tenants. A very fine proposition for Investment or income. $2;,.VhV-Tel,. new 6-ronrn, brick apartments at the N. W. corner 22d and Nicholas Sis. Monthly rental, $225. Lot 149x 170 ft. Terms half casn. J.iS,(i- mm:u it. of ground at the S. E. corner 14th and Howard Sts.. right across from the Auditorium. Has an old. 10-room frame dwelling; no other improve ment Three and four-story brick stores right up to the lot line; paving newly put clown and paid for. Within two blocks of the site of the new W. O. W building. $2,000 Six room house, modern except fur nace, tn north part of town; corner lot 46x111; good shade trees; one block to 2 4th St. car; good neighbor hood; clone to schools, chu rebus, etc. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phones: Doug. 297; A-3834. 212 South 14th St. SPECIAL N. 4.'d. This to-story, -room house la all modern. New plumbing, good fur nace; paving paid; only two blocks to Far nam car and St. Cecelia's church. The tjasl offer gets it- Price, $2,tvd. i E. W. Stoltenberg Phone Doug. ir.ia 4 Board of Trade Bldg For Sole or Exchange (-room cottage at 431 Ohio St., will take vacant lots for equity. Price $1,600; incum brance $ij0. McCague In v. Co., 15(X Dodge. Telephones: Donglas 49; Independent A-2049. 4 1ST AND CUMING STS. 8 ROOMS One big. from 3 car Unas and stores; paving paid; 3 blocks from new cathe dral and schools: HOT WATER heat Just Installed. This family home is cheap at $4,600, but we have cut to (4,200, no less. See it today. 4165 CUMING ST. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1002 3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. 35th nnd Cuming Sts. $.6A0- A substantial home; 7 rooms, strictly modern: lot 4i!10, naved street, overlooking BISMIb PARK. Terras. WALKt'P REAL. ESTATE CO.. $76-7 Brandels Bldg., Douglas 2838. OWNER'S BALE-Ordersd to change cli mate, will sell my place, consisting of T rootn house, modern except heat, barn, 1 acie lot. paved street; 4 minutes walk to cr. Box 144 Beoson, Neb CLOSE IN HOMES $ 6,306-NIne-room, 2-story modern house, near 36th and Davenport Sts.; south front, paved street, newly painted, close to High School and Crelghton College. $ 6,200 Eight-room, J-stcry house, near 38 th and Chicago, south front, paved street. Reasonable terms. $$,5002228 Howard St.j all modern, 16-room residence, In excellent repair; lot 60x173 feet; large barn; Improvements alone originally cost over $20,000; walking dis tance of business district. Terms: One-third cash, balance to suit, HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT $12,000 For a 9-room, strictly modern home, oak finish first floor, hard pine finish sec ond floor; large brick fireplace In reception hall; full cemented basement; fur nace heat; located on a beautiful corner overlooking Hanscom Fark. $ 6,000 For a 10-room, 2-story strictly modern house, on Georgia Ave.t about a block from car line; oak finish first floor; full cemented basement; furnace heat, corner lot, 50x140 feet, with room to build a brick flat or tnuthci- house in the rear. $2,000 EACH for a few 50-foot lots, located at J2d and Pacific Sts., (Euclid Place), with city water, sewer, cement walks and paving In and paid for. Flrst-chuis location for a home, being conveniently located to two car lines and surrounded by good residences. Rea sonable terms. HOMES ON EASY TERMS $400 cash Balance like rent, almost new, 5-room cottage, modern except heat, eas4 front, paved street, near 30th and Bancroft. Price, $2,400. $300 cash BaJance same as rent, 6-room cottage, Hanscom Park district, modern ex cept heat. Price, $3,500. VACANT LOTS. EASY TERMS $300 Each, for three 40-foot lots, near the corner of 25th ft. and Miami. $500 For the southeast corner of 86 th and Cass, 60x100 feet. $500 South front on Evans St., 46x188 feet. Submit Offer 50x124 feet, 100 feet south of Laird St., fronting east on the Boulevard. Submit Offer 60x140 feet. 220 feet north, of Manderson St., west on ISth St. $500 Northwest corner of 30th St. and Stone Ave., 43x126 feet, on car line; easy terms. $800 Each, for two 60-foot lots, fronting ea st on the Boulevard St., near Sprague St. $850 40x80 feet, on Dodge St, close to Boulevard; excellent location; paved street. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam St.v D. 756. Spring Bargains $1,700 5-room cottage, modern except heat, near 45th and Lake. $1,750 6-room cottage, modern except heat, new, fruit, etc., near 42d and Lake. $1,900 7-room cottage, city water and gaJ, east front, a bargain, near 26th and Parker. i $2,000 6-room cottage, modern except heat, ' near 34th and Arbor, new. $2,500 7-room cottage, all modern, barn, fruit, fine property, near 43d and Ersklne. I i $3,000 8-room, all modern house, full lot, near 22d and Miami. $3,600 -room, all modern house, near 41st and Cass. $3, 750 6-room. all modern house, 52x140 lot, near Strelow apartments. $4,000 41-room. all modern house, fine home, near 35th Ave. and Jackson. $4,750 7-room, all modern house, barn, lot 75x112, near St. Cecelia's church. I $5,450 New t-room modern, hot water heater, oak finish, very fine, near 24th and Manderson. I $7,500 On Dodge, near 35th Ave., 8-room, all modern, hot water heater, oak finish, south frontage. i OMAHA MUTUAL REALTY COMPANY.' Phone D. 2734. 612-13 Paxton Blk. Only $3,500 8 rooms and reception hall; fully mod ern; fine hot water heating plant; newly equipped; laundry in basement; good barn for three horses; south front on paved street: papered throughout and a bargain. No. 2518 Blondo St. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels., Doug. 1064; Ind. A 1064. CHOICE AND COMFORT ABLE HOMES $2.1500, 33d and Seward, 6 rooms, modern except furnace, lot 60xl32Vx, block from car line. $3,750. 2Sth and Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, strictly modern; paved street; walking dis tance. $5,500. This Is bargain, S-room house, strictly modern; east front, corner Jot, both streets paved; Hanscom district. $6,250. 85th and Poppleton, T rooms, hot water heat; corner lot, east front, paved Blieet; bargain. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. OPEN TODAY 3 Till 5:30 3715 NORTH 24TH STREET Fine large 6-room house built last fall, never occupied. Has large living room across the front, with front vestibule, large dining room, south and east windows, splendid kitchen, pantry and rear vesti bule. Open stairway and $ nice sleeping rooms and bath. Oak finish downstairs and pretty open stairway. Come out today. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 9-ROOM HOUSE $1,850 1618 Ohio St., a S-room home on corner lot, facing south, half block from Sherman Ave. car; 6 rooms on first floor and 4 rooms ui stairs, besides bathroom. House has toi let, city water, sewer and gas. We will make easy terms to the right party. ROBINSON & WOLF, 436 Paxton Block. Phone Doug 2418. 7 rooms, $4,500 The best bargains In West Farnam dis trict, X9th and Harney Sts. Hot water heat, large lot, house nearly new and strictly modern. WRAY & STEVENS, Sol. Agents, (10 BEH BLDG. D0U0LA8 .407 DOWN TOWN 30th and Howard, 7-room cottage on eaet front lot. Has modern plumbing; lot 33x160 rt; paving paid. Only $3,650. 66x200 ft. on Howard near 20th, with two houses. Good for flats. $10,000. 640 S. 26th Ave. A new 8-room, all mod ern house; hot water heat; paving paid. Only $5,250. Opposite Hanscom Park, new 6-room. all modern two-story house; hot water heat; corner lot. Only $4,200. 22x36 ft. on 12th St. near Farnam St Cheap at $3,500. Near 33d and Caxs. a new 8-room. all modern two-story house; fine plumbing; paving paid. $3,260. Corner X7th and Douglas Sts.. 7-room two story house; paved streets. $3,750. . Field Club Homes On 37th near Leavenworth, 6-room two story house, modern; lot 60x140 ft; paving paid. $3,500. On Woolworth Ave. near the Field cluh. A fine south front lot; paving paid. Only $1,800. On S5th Ave. near Woolworth Ave. splen did 8-room thoroughly modern house; a I the conveniences; must be seen to be ap preciated. If Interested call for number and price. On the boulevard near Woolworth Ave. we have a splendid new home, right up to the minute; the owner don't want plnce advertised, so can't give number In this ad. but If you are Interested can tell you all about It. We have a number of good homes and lots In this district. List your property with us for sale. SELBY Phone Doug. 1610. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. HOMES We Have Them All Parts of the City $ 850 Four rooms, full basement, good ce ment walk to it, easy terms. $2,000 Five rooms and hall, on corner lot,' sewer, water, gas, splendid location. Call us up. Make offer. $2,250 Five rooms, nearly new, extra large, water, sewer, gas, bath, all modern. Make us an offer. $3,750 Eight rooms, nearly new, four large rooms and hall below, and four bed rooms above, full two utoilea. ce ment cellar, paved street, owner must sell. $4,200 Seven rooms and reception hall, oak finish, modern, complete, four bed rooms above, one block to car, good terms. Four houses, on or one block from Farnam St., between 84th St. and 40th St., ranging in price from $l.noo to $9,000. Either one being a bargain. BEMIS Both 'Phones. Brandels Bldg. CHEAP LIVING Get a few acres close to town and solve your own problem of cheaper living. Get out In the country, raiso your own garden, keep chickens and a cow; grow fruit. Out near Benson we have 4 acres, with four-room house, stable, cave, some trees and It is a bargain at $l.W0 Speak quick If this looks good to you for the warm days put the thirst for the soil Into many a man's blood and somuone will have this bargain In a few hours. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Phones Douglas 1781 or Ind. A-1138. Southeast Corner lfath and Farnam Streets. Residence Site Corner Two lots 98 4x12 3, one of the best corners In the Field club district; price 3,000 for quick sale. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phones: Doug. 207; A-3834. 212 South 14th St. 7-room, 8-story, nice house; water, gas; lot 60x110; large barn, nice lawn, good cellar, $2,300. l-room house; 8 large lots: much fruit, ahaee; In west Farnam dlatriot, close to car, $2,su0 SILAS BOBBINS, 111 S. lath 8t. Upstairs. Doug. 2842, A-2842 IMPROVED $1,0004 rooms, north part. $1.460 Partly finished, near 37lh and Gtand; two good lots. $1,800 I rooms, partly modern, 671 So. 41t St. $1,6606 rooms, partly modern, barn, shed, cistern, 8015 Franklin. ti.auo 6 rooms, partly modern, near 2Jd and Meredith. J2.S00 5 rooms, modern ex. furnace, nearly new, 3lst and Corby. $2,4007 rooms, modern ex. furnace, near Ave and Taylor. $2,6007 rooms, modern ex. furnace, 83d and Webster. $2,6008 rooms, modern ex. furnace, ISth and Manderson. $3,150-6 rooms and hall, strictly modern, near 19th and I.ake. $3.200 rooms and hall, strictly modern, new, oak downstairs, lKth and l.aird $3,3tO 6 rooms and hall, strictly modern new, Will and Sprague. $.!."00 7 rooms, modern ex. furnace, 4 blocks from city hall. $6,0008 rooms, strictly modern, fine home, Hanscom park district. Telephone or call at office for terms and full particulars. VACANT $.V0 36th and Fowler, 50xl.V). $t25 45th and Grant. 44x128. $tW0 2 lots near 3tith and Fowler, lots of fruit. 50x150 each. $t50 Near 2i!d on Fowler, 50xl."3. $.60 Near 2Mb. and 8hlrley. BUY IN A LIVE ADDITION HOC LEVARI") PARK Is wideawake. Al ready a number of nice homes are under construction and others will be started soon. The reason Is, BOULEVARD PARrv offers more Inducements for the money In vested than any other location In the city. Good lots can be bought as low as $575 up, with sewer, water, gas and cement walk thrown In. Fifty good substantial dwel lings occupied by as many contented own ers make the addition doubly attractive, because of the uniformly good appearance throughout and the permanency of the residents. Don't buy until you see BOULE VARD PARK, and don't wait too long to look. We're not holding these lots we're selling them at a lively clip. For full par ticulars and plat of the addition see SHLMER & CHASE COMPANY 309 So. 17th St. Both phones. Benson & Myers Co. 412 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. New Homes Crelghton's first add., near Hanscom park, five-room cottage, all modern exsept neat, oak and maple floors, easy terms. $2,650. Same Addition, 6-room, all modern, very classy and artistic, full lot, $3,350; $1,000 cash, balance easy. Same Addition. K-room, all modern, cor ner lot, very choice, $3,650; $1,000 cash, balance easy. Same Addition, 6-room and reception hall, all modern, oak finish first floor, gumwood, beautifully finished on second floor; gas and electric lights, gas grate and mantel, full brick cellar, fine full lot, ter raced. You should inspect this property. $4,350; $l,0u0 cash, balance easy. t Snappy Bargain Non-reHident owner offer at exception ally low price the property ot N. W. Corner of Blondo and 28th Sts. 12 rooms, all mod ern, fine corner lot, 55x136 feet. High and sightly, good neighborhood. Large barn, paved street, fine shade. This Is your opportunity. Price $3,000. Act quickly. Vacant Lots We can give you prices on choice lots for homes in all parts of the city: West Farnam. Hanscom Park. Field Cluh dis tricts, Dundee, etc. Let us take you in our automobile. We will save you lime and money. Improved Acreage 9 acres, 3-year-old orchard, having over 250 8-year-old fruit trees of various varie ties, grapes, currants, etc.; 4-room house, barn and fine well. Located north of Ken Fim on road running east of Krug Park. Price, $3,500. Worth more money, but owner Is leaving city and Is anxious lo sell. Benson & Myers Co., 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglaa 746. HOUSES $1,650 Five-room cottage and corner lot 40x123, 27th and Plnkney. Nice place. $1,900 Five-room cottage and lot 30x140, at 1550 North 17th, near Clark. CLOSE IN. $2,500 New 5-room cottage on small payments, at 2613 Wirt St. 12,650 Seven-room modern house, with new furnace, at 222 9 Lo cust, lot 40x140; barn; price reduced from $2,850. $2,700 New 5-room modern house, just north of Bemis park, close to car. $3,400 Eight-room house, good fur nace, ground 83x300, fruit and shade, large barn, on 24th, near Fort. $2,800 Six-room house, modern ex cept furnace, barn, and lot 47x 127, 3325 Parker. $1150 Seven-room modern house, with hot water heat, corner lot, W. H. GATES 3901 North 18th St. Room 617 N. Y. Life. Ph. D. 1294. 5 AND o-ROOM COTTAGES ON EASY TERMS $'.'.100 Good house, mod. except heat. 26tn and Chicago StH. $2.2UO All modern, well built. 31st and Spring Sts. 91.!no Modern ex. heat, good locality. 25th end Pierce Sts. $2.MO--Modern ex. heat, fine lot, close In. :!titli and Cuxs Sts. $2,7001 in ndy place, 27th and Capitol Ave., moil. ex. heat. $2,700- Well-built and fine location. 17th and Lnclust Sts. See our complete list of small cottages In all parts of the city. All good barna.n.s and terms very easy. WRAY & STEVEN, Sole Agents, 510 Bee Bldg. Douglas 3107. , Close In $3,500 Only 7 blocks to high school, a good 6 room, all modern house with hot water heat. Full lot; Xronts on boulevard. The Byron Reed Co. Phones Doug. -JJl, A 3h34. 212 8. 14th St. 7 rooms, $3,500 New. modern, with all conveniences, well built. 2 blocks to car. In nicest part of Bemis park district Terms to suit. WRAY & STEVENS. Sole Agents, 510 BEE BLDG. DOUGLAS 3407 KOL'NTZE PLACE See that charming new 6-room house, full lot. 2123 Lothrop St., every modern feature, new decorations, oak and brick finish; good as gold for investment, and Just the neigh borhood for permanent home; price, $4,850; some cash, long contract for baUnce. House shown by appointment. C. 8. SHEPARD, Owner. Tel. Web. 2612 Go Out Today And See the "CHARMS OF NORWOOD" The new addition we are opening up east of Miller Tark, on that beautiful stretch of the boulevard at the Junction of 24th street. NORWOOD Will comprise all of the land on both sides of the Boule vard, which at this point Is from 120 to 150 feet wide. Some of the lots will front on MILLER PARK All of the lots will be large. Some of them are 165, some 250 and the acres 837 feet deep. Nothing like this tva ever been attempted on the north side, and it will pay you to wait for NORWOOD There will be building restrictions, beautiful yards, and in three years this addition will be like the Field Club and other restricted districts. The prices will be very low and there is absolutely no mors beautiful building site within the City Limits. There are only 89 lots and they will sell quickly. The wise ones will double their money. Ready April 1. NORRIS & MARTIN Doug. 4270, Web. 4638. Time Well Spent Reading This Ad 2122 Lothrop St. Brand new S-room hou e, rubbed down oak finish on first floor, tile vestibule, kitchen and bathroom, combination fixtures costing $200, heating and plumbing costing $1,000. fine billiard room, hot water heat, an Ideal place, sacrificed because owner Is leaving city. Price $6. W0. Must be seen to realise what there Is In this property. I 4024 Lafayette Ave., good S-room lioue with oak finish downstairs, mantel and grate, south front. 60 ft. lot, fine shade, paved street, permanent walks all paid for, nonresident owner has reduced price to $4,l'i0. House vacant. Don' fail to see It. 1010 eGorgla Ave. Two story, 8-room house, nil modern, with large double parlors, dining room, kitchen, four bedrooms, mantel and grate, combination hot air and hot water heat, everything In first-class condition; a splendid location. Price $4,500. 2S?1 Capitol Ave. New, modern, S-room house, gas and electric light, combina tion fixtures, laundry, furnace, bedroom and bathroom on first floor, nice den off of front hall, lot .VX12H, paved street, all paid for. Price $4.3."fl. Quick possession. THREE BUNGALOWS 232S So. 34th St.. brand new 5-room bungalow with oak floors, combination light fixtures, everything right up-to-date. Trice $2,HO0. Now being newly papered. ir09 Olln Ave., (or Frederick St.) New R-room bungalow with combination light fixtures, ready to move right In. Price $2,(550. 3432 Franklin St. New r-room bungalow, all modern, except heat, corner lot, price $2,650. Terms on these three bungalows, $600 down, balance monthly, Juat like rent. 3019 Charles St. Good 5-room cottage, only 2 years old. with tiath, toilet, gas. city water, sewer, cistern, lot 50x127, a nice lot of bearing fruit. Price only $l,fi0 for quick sale. Terms, $o00 or $'X0, balance monthly. This la a bargain. 1541 So. 2fith-St.. S-room house, modern, except furnace, lot 50x12. paved street all paid for, price $2,500. Small payment down, balance monthly. We are anxious to get more properties listed for sale. Come in and see us. , Payne, Rostwick & Slater Sole Agent, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. PETERS TRUST COMPANY $1,600 For R-room cottase with toilet and Isva tory, gas; for lighting and cooking. Full lot, fruit and shade. $1,830 New 5-room cottage, with bath and toilet. Half block from car. $2,300 New cottage of seven rooms and bath; romblnation fixtures; on car line; full lot; good terms. $4,600 New 7-room house, modern throughout; 4 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; oak fin ish. Located near car In Dundee. $5,200 Fine S-room, modern house, hot water heat and extra well finished; full lot on paved street In fine neighborhood. Price reduced from $6,000 for quick action. $5,500 Large 10-room house In good condition and all modern; half block from Sherman Ave. car In Kountze Place. $5,700 8-room house of fine construction, en tirely modern and finished in hardwood throughout; located In fashionable district In West Knd; on corner and both, streets paved. House is only 2 years old. $8,500 Field Cluh resldenoe of 8 rooms on first and second floors and maid's room on third; hot water hfat. extra fine interior finish: living room 12x22. with fireplace and coxy coiner; owner's sleeping room, same else as IMng room. Nothing better In that district. VACANT Fine corner nn No. 16th St., $1,500. Size 53x124. (iood lot In Benson $275. South front lot on Decatur between 34th and 3Mh, $300. DUNDEE LOTS Corner lot. 2 blocks from car, on grade and sewer In street, $S00. Corner, 100xl3f., 2 blocks from oar, $l."0. Lot Joining the above. $700. Fine south front lot. hulf block from car. All Imptovemi nts In. $1,000. Two north front lots lay fine and but I.MI feet from car. All Improvements In, $1,7"0 A bargain. PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Bldg. Main Floor. For $200 Cash You can buy a fine 6-room house one block from ear; .nly 2 blocks from school. Price $1,ij00. llalanoe $20 per month. Another full lot adjoining can be had for JT00 addi tional. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels., Doug. 1064; Ind. A 1064. Must Sell 2826 Decatur Street Owner desires to offer this 7-room house, suitable for two small families; has city water, barn and lot 60x127 feet. The price Is $1,(00, but we want an offer. Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. Life 623 Bee Building. Some Vacant Lots 52x124 N. E. cor. 16th and Wirt, $1,600. 40x140 East front on 19th, near Burdette, $1,200. 33x140 East front on 20th. near Burdette, $950. 40x122 On Maple, east of 24th, $950. 50x140 East front on 18th. Just north of Manderson, $550. 40x110 Corner 25th and Grant, $500. 75x125 East front on 16th, Just north of Center. $1,400. 80x100 On 20'h. near Castellar, $800. W. H. GATES 617 N. Y. Life. Ph. D. 1294. West Farnam District New House Just completed at 3211 Har ney St.; has six rooms and reception hall; reception hall, living room and dining room finished in oak, with quarter-Hawed oak floors; kitchen, pantry, three bed rooms and bath room finished in selected hard pine; full basement; guaranteed furnace; handsome lighting fixtures. Price $4,650. Very easy terms. Open today from 2:30 until 4:30 p. m., and any other time by appoint ment. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phones: Doug. 297; A-3834. 212 South 14th St. THE VERY BEST of lots; excellent vlsw to east and south at blghetit point in Omaha; sur rounded by beautiful homes; Improved with wide walks; new paving and trees on parking; water, gas and sewer ready for connection. Per front foot, $50 up. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1002-3 4 N. V. Life. Doug, or A-2152. Suburban Home At 4.'d and Woolworth Ave., Just west of the Field club grounds. S-room cottage, hot water heat, ouk finish, city water and electric light. House built a year ago; ever) thing shout It the very bfst. Can sell with a whole block of 14 lots or with i lots; $,oix) for all. Harrison & Morton M3 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 114. New 6-Room Modern In north part of city; can finish S more rooms upKtalra; owner lost Job and wants to sell hadly. NOWATA LAND As IJOT CO.. 24 N. Y. Life fildg. Red 1Mb,