r, 'JIIJILUJBB!. 3d 1 ne el dl Wan A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 6, 1910. ?iSL h " I-'tL iff- ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) FOR EASTER (Continued ) HELP WANTED FEMALE Want Ads AtTertlarnrat tar tfca waat art ealsraaia will be fakea til IS an. Talag eamiea til StSO a. m. far tJhe aaaralac eart day edl lea. Caafc Bin iecMif alt en-i" (or waat ass aaa a ad.rlaemet will a aerepted for thaa SO tee at far first laaertlea. Rate a pair to Hiker Tk Dally or leader Br. A 1 wars aoaat l woraa a lias. CASH RATES TOR WAHT ADI. REOCLAH CLASMFlCATIOIf Oas laaartloa. t 1-J ( a" aa 1 eaat ar wnrl for enrk beiaeat laaartloa. Rack laaertloa aaada aa dd day, 1 1.2 rrnli per word I aar lla tr aaoath. Waat aa tar Tko rise- mmr at aay of tka follawlac 4ra stares ao la roar "rorarr raajit" tfca aro all kraark offices far Tka Baa a aar aa will ka laser. Jaat aa araajatlr aa tka aaaaa ratca aa at tka saala afflr la Tka Baa Ballalas, avaataaatk aaa Faraaa atrcctat Albaeft, w. C.. 40th and Farnam. Beranek. S. A.. 14W S. 10th St. Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16tn fit. Benson Pharmacy, Banaon, Neb. Pemle Park Phasmaey, SM and Cuming. Blake-Bradlah, KM Sherman Av. Caughlin, C. R-, th and Plarc Sta. Cllftou Itm Pharmacy, W18 Military Aft Conta. J. B.. Hat Are. and Farnam. Crlaaay Pharmacy. Hth and Lake, Coonay Pharmacy, KM 8. Itth Bt CermeJc, CmU. l&VM 8. Itth 8L Fhler, r. H twt Iavenworth. Poatar & Arnold!, I' N. ffth ft. Fraytac John 3., IBM N. i4th 8t. Prnr Drug Co., IW N. lth flt Flerencs Drug Co., Florence. Nee. Ouldman Pharmacy. aflth end Lak). Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Orenouh. O. A., 1K a 10th Ft. preenough. O. A,, lth and Hickory. Heydan, William C, $97 Farnam St. llanaeom Park rbar., 1WI1 g. SUt Ava Holat, John. CM N. lth Bt. Huff. A. L., Z4 Leavenworth St. Johanaon Drui Co., 14th and Spalding Bt King, H. 8. tS Farnam 6t. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Marea. Frd V., toil Central Blvd. Patrick Pru Co.. 1SS4 S. Mth St. I-athrop. Charlea B.. 1SJ4 N. 4th St. Peyton, I E.. Mth and Leavenworth Sta Saratora Drug Co., Kth and Am Ava Kchaefer'a Cut Plica Drug Store, lets and Chicago Sta 8chafer, Auguat, M31 N ldth St 8chmldt, J. H., Mth and Cuming 8ta Ptorm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 10th and Orace Sta. Wlrth. O. U.. 40th and Hamilton Sta DEATH A JID rtTTVERAL NOTICES. TKSSKSZ on BKCK-Joephlne, wife of William H.. died Friday afternoon at the family residence, 2621 Hamilton street. Service will be held at St. John' church, Twenty-fifth and California atreeU, Mori day morning at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment at Uely Sepulcher. ERIK SON lira. William, aged 46 years, al Eaaf I-aa Vegaa, N. M. Funeral aervlcea at family realdenc. 4i0o Charlea atreet Sunday at 1:30 p. m. Inter ment Prospect HU1 cemetery. POFFENBAROER Harry, aged 27 years, March 3. Funeral from family residence, 423 North Twentieth, South Omaha. (Sunday, 3 p. m., to bt. Agnes' church, 1:30 p. m. Interment, Holy tjepulcher cemetery. . " RABT Mrs. Mary, age Tt years, at resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. A. Logsdon, Jfifil Amea avenue. 8ho Is survived by Mrs. A. LoBdon, 8lster Mary Monica of Omaha. Mrs. 'i'homas Cullen of Douglas, N. D. Remains will be shipped Monday evening to Toronto, la. Friends Invited. DIED At birth yet none the less mourned Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen White, 3343 Harnay street. Burial Forest Lawn cemetery. LODUB r.OTICK Attention, Camp 120, M. W. A. Member of camp No. 120 Modern Wood men of America are requested to attend th funeral of own deceased neighbor. Jamea W. FerguKon (Sunday. 2 p. m., at the Baptiat church. Twenty-fifth and 11. Street, ciouth Omaha. Member of other camp are Invited. NATHAN BERNSTEIN, Consul. C. H. T. RIEPEN. Clerk. FUNERAL NOTICE Member of Beech camp No. 14o4, M. W. of America, are requested to attend the funeral of our deceased neighbor, II, A. Paffenbtrger, who died at the So. Omaha hospital Thursday, March 3. The funeral will be held from St. Mary' church. J3d and Q 8 la.. So. Omaha, Sunday, March ti, at 3 30 p. m. Member of other canipH are Invited. A, A. SMITH Consul. H. EVANS, Clerk. ATTENTION F. U. of A.-Th funeral of Hi other George C. F.aaton. member of Mcr.damln lodge, No. Ul. will occur Tuck day, March I, at 2:00 p. m. f rom -rebldfhcf, IW1 North Thirtieth. Interment - Forest Lawn. J. B. BROOKS, F. M.. SOPHIE MILLER, Secretary. CARD OP THANKS. Wa wlah to expreaa our thanks to our friend and neighbor fur their beautiful token of love and sympathy during th elokn and death of our beloved urn and brother. Nell R. Moor. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moor and family. UARRIAGD L1CUX8E8. Th following marriage licenses have been Issued: Nam and Residence. Age. !toy V. Booker, Ithaca js Winifred .Martin, Ithaca a) Pet Jandln, Omaha jo Emma Holmstedt; Omaha Clarence E. Cunningham, Council Klu f f . 43 Bernleca K. Stevens, South Omaha 13 Quy B. Comm. Lena 23 Chrlatlna Petersen. Omaha lj Vrbaln Deacamp. Roundup, Mont 21 Carrie Winter, Roundup, Mont 28 BIRTHS A S U DEATHS. Birth Peter Jaspercon, 2811 Suuth Thirty-fifth avenue, boy; Jacob Funk Tl Hickory, girl. Death 6amul M. Flgga. W South Taanty-elghth, 4s year; Charlea Ludwlg, 714 South Sixteenth, 40 years; w. A. Red den. St. Joseph's hospital. 33 years; Forrest D. Spurrier. 24th ireet and Am avenue, 7 year; Charlea Limlatrom. 3,15 Mandcr on, 4 year; Baby Olson. 3301 California. ANNOUNCEMENTS CMAT, CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal. coutant 8iulrea rr. D. Ml TYPEWRITTEN work produced In ouan title. W'RN DUPLICATING Co., 403 Bee h'.Ct- R- L. Andrawa Mgr. Doug. SeU. MONEY E TO LOAN LOW RATE, in aume to ult, 310 Beo Hid phone Douic. ru UNION LOAN COMPANY. WEDDING IUKGS Eyan Jewtlry Con Fifteenth and Douglas. EVE SPECIALIST I TAKE PLEASfRK in announcing that I have established myself at room 4". Paxton block, with a full line of optical goods, am prepared tn do expert eye test ing, repalrlna; and nd justing of transits and levels as formerly done by me at Wurn Optical Company. My experience with the leading manufacturers of Europe In this line of instruments assures the best of service for my patrons. I will be pleased to demonstrate the above and for reference I can name the city and county engineers of railroads leading Into Omaha. . W. Matthaei, 406 Paxton Block. D 3631. GOOD MERCHANTS LVNCH. PTSL A. JETES. J303 Douglaa 8L 0 Vlk7' LYNCH BROS. f S-Snoand REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 705 B. ltith. Phono Douglas 1477. 1lr KAN D 1 1 0 TEL Finest In the west. 16t.lt and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths SHOES called for and delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. U04 Farnam. J. A. FITZ PA TRICK, plumbing, hot water, steam heatllng. 1721 Cuming. D. 1S44. MAOGARD Van A Storage or Omaha Trunk Van & Sloraue Co. Tack, move, store and ship 11. H. goods. D. 1416, B U2&. LOUIE AHKO 1419 Doula sl. cm. chop place. American and Chinese atylaa, AUCTIONEER Charles B. Clavier, practical auctioneer; outside sales a specialty; sales made any where in the 1'nlted State?. Address 4669 West Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb. COAL Illinois lump, per ton, d7 (r P. J. Creedon Son. JP'-U-' 4Sth and Dodg. Tel. Harney ZltiO. Qt'ARTER Million yards fine team work to let on Burlington extension In Wyoming. Hamilton & Gleason, Powder River, Wyo. olriCE STATIONERY fiT Kotera & Co., 150S Jackson. 'Phone D. 160. Mlaaourl Filters made. sold. 1310 Howard. BARRETT-JOHNSON CO., The Well Known Tailors, WHO HAVE BEEN AT 1S07 FARNAM ST. FOR THE PAST SIXTEEN YEARS, HAVE MOVED 524 So. 16th St. Oppsoite Rome W. W. Scott, Photographer.. Pbotoa taken anywhere any time. D. SIS. W. F. F.RDMAN starting next week wa will be able to furnish our customer with the CELEBRATED CACTI SOAP. Wa will also be able to supply all of our customers with the famous LITTLE MINISTER CIGAR and the ERDMAN C1GAH, a hundred thousand a day. W. F. ERDMAN. THE City Garbage Co., Tel. Doug. 13H7, cleans vaults, cesspools and removea ma pure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. Monumenta. J. P. Bloom ft Co., Ult Far. CfTTiPntR1nrt best quality WmentDIOCKS Ideal Cement Stone 1 Co. D. W. DUDGEON, Plumbing and heating. Mfg. fluff rugs, rag carpets; carpet clean ing. D. 2.11. I'olcar & Co., Ut2 So. 16th. LEW W. RARER, Printer, Bee Bldg., after April 1. Tel. D. 10U.. 4 APiv TM'H "Kmemvi? cafe, m a ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight. Pas enger., J. R. Kennedy. 104 S. 33th. Doug. 2997. Fence Iron and Wire Champion Fence Co.. 15th & Jackson Sts. Tel. D. 1500. S. H. COLE SIGN CO., Farnam. D. irJi. 1318 PHOTOENGRAVING . Acid Blast Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BRAMBLETT & CO., 1311 Howard. D. 6971. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, tieiigthen, EOc. BELL DHUG CO. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. .DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas S44. pn AT. 8- & 11 Green Trading 5 with hai.1 and soft coal. P Coal Co. Dnuglas'lTpt; Independent AUTOMOBILES Aeroplanes OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1103 farnam. Di.ttbrs. Matthewson-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or write Sur auecif Icatiuns. Aa toenobllea. See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires. Tubes or Casing, lit I. and Harney Sta. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagona. I.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Company, Omaha. VEND for our list of second-hand ca:a DER1GHT A I'TOMOBILIS CO.. 1814 Farnam St. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat apace for storago; repairing tone promptly anywhere, day or night. Til vulcanising, oils and supplies. l,v.'9 Hroadway, Council Bluffs. Ind. ti71. Black no. Aiitn Piiintinre "Murphy Did It." Get AUIO I aiming our pnc. Andrew MURPHY ft SON. 1412 Jackson. AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS. 26th Av and Leavenworth. PAPKPV Z?30 FA RN AM STREET? ulaul Automobile Overhauling, Repainting and Repairing. Douglas Via. ' CALL US for demonstration of Cole "3a" Midwest Auto Co., 13th and Farnam. TRADE my cottage, Omaha, for good electrio or gasoline car. Must be first class. 810 N. Y. Life. AUTOMOBILE n pairing at any hour, any time and anywhere; tur firat-ciass me (hanlc call Douglaa 721. Storage, second-hand car. Diamond tires. Tho Paxton-Mitchell Co., 23 IB Harney St. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kind of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed BERTSC HT MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluff la. R-E-P-A-I-R-I-N-G Thl5 question is a vital one with all owners of automobiles to keep the coat at the lowest possible point, the work done, must he of such a nature that It will hold up, last. In fact, be aa good as new. 8uch Is the work turned out from our shop, with every modern facility obtainable, ex pert mechanics. men' that know their business, and our long experience In this line gives you the best poaslble at the lowest cost consistent with good workmanship. The next time call Doug. 7281 and have us do the job. Tho Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. DIAMOND TIRES STORAGE. SECOND-HAND CARS WRITE for list automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKbON AUTO CO., Omaha. BARGAIN In second-hand car, over hauled and repainted: look like new; for sale or trade. Pres-to-Llte tanks for sale. Standard Automobile Co., 2024 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1821. KISSEL KAE Every Inch a car. The best buy for serv ice on the market. KISSEL AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2129 Farnam St. Dougla 5920. FOR SALE For best bargains in auto mobiles, write or call on the NEBRASKA-BI ICK AUTO CO., 1912-16 Farnam St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualnes oall on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1367. Vt.&OO stock hardware In rapidly growing town In South Dakota. A fine prospect for a prosperous business, Nowata Land and Lot company, 621 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1899. FOR SALE Stock general merchandise; county seat town, western Nebraska. Clean, up-to-date stock, no clothing; in voice about 320.000. Leading store of the town; cause of selling falling health. Ad dress lock box 185, Hastings, Neb. FOR SALE or trade, first-class cream ery, In splendid condition, all ready to do business, in S. W. Ia. Address Y 193, care Omaha Dally Bee. FOR SALE Fully equipped blacksmith shop and feed mill; best in state. Address Box 141, Mount Aetna, Ia. ' TO GET In or out of business In Omaha, South Omaha or Council Bluffs, see Will iams, 411 McCagu Bldg. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery siock opposite school; opening for soda fountain. Will lease new building with living rooms. Address, C-416. Bee. FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking in finest town of its Blze In eastern Ne braska; splendid stock, finest room In olty; rich community; price 6,000. Address Y 193, Bee. FOR SALE At $150 2-chalr barber shop and 2-table pool room In small mining town; sells soft drinks, tobaccos, cigars; long lease; no competition. For particulars write to Barber, Independence, Colo. WANTED Party with Jo.OOO to $10,000 to buy Interest In and manage a 1.000-acre grain and stock farm In southwestern S. D. Splendid opportunity for right party to make money. Write P. C. Anderson, Holdrege, Neb. WANT man to take lntereet tn legitimate business; big profits; no competition; must have 12,500 to 13.000 cash. Address. F 172. Bee. FOR SALE A good general law practice and law library and Insurance business In a good Central Iowa town. Will sell the library separate. Must sell on account of health. Write Y 187. care .Omaha Bee. FOR SALE The only bufcgmlth shop and two resident properties lit good rounty seat town. J. E. Wilson. Stockvllle, Neb. ONE of the best locations In N. E. Neb., for a first-class livery and feed stable. Write F. R. Hufsmlth, Sec'y. Commercial Club. Creighton, Neb. FOR SALE European hotel and cafe; tills property must be aold. Addresa U. A. Cross, Marshall, Mo. FOR RALE Good paying grocery busi ness. Address Station A. Box 177, Lansing, Mich. WILL EXCHANGE Choice Income prop erties for good North Dakota Improved farm lands. Address owner, Lock Drawer B. Enderlld, N. D. SPLENDID opening for a meat market and general merchandise atore at Beemer, Neb. Also wagon maker. Write B. Y. Beemer, Neb. OKLAHOMA MEANS WEALTH; chance of a life here; I'"e farms, hotels, stocks, restaurants, business chances. J. W. Roll Ison. Okla, Okla. WANTED-Partner with $2,000 capital to form partnership in the clothing busi ness. Address Lock Box 85, Cleveland, N. D. DO you want to earn extra money on the slde7 Will rut Interfere with your present occupation. No soliciting. Address F 3uS. Bee WANTED An experienced cltv sales man with from $3.01)0 to $5,000 to take active part In pushing an AI line of fond prod ucts; big profits. Address Box 166. Alex andria. Minn. FAMOUS Delicious Smlthfleld Hams Fed on Va. peanuts, cured our private re cipe; shipped direct to you; $ hams and up. $.! 75 each, run 8 to 14 lbs. Clip and re mit. Smlthfleld Ham Co., Richmond, Va. FOR SALE Meat market In a good town, together with all necessary tools, and suf ficient Ice to last over summer. Address L. C. Rasmussen, Colon, Neb. FOR SALE Retail and manufacturing for sale cheap. Sales for February, $3,6U0, gross profits over $x0. Neat, clean business for two men. Small cash capital required. $4.(U0. No trade considered. State plainly what you can do. FOR SALE Controlling Interest In an old established manufacturing plant located In Omaha; former owner made fortune; best of reasons for selling. This is a rare opportunity and will bear Investigation. Address K . Bee FIRST CLASS opportunity for an attor nev. who wishes to practice law and run a weekly paper. Address R. Cloaaon, Car roll. Nsb. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. ) cLAssTnki) ad ca Socurtiy Building, St. Louis, Mo. Largest Classified Advertising Agency In the United States. FOR A $10 BILL We will insert your K-word classlfed ad vertisement under heading of BUSI NESS OPPORTUNITIES, FARM LANDS, AGENTS or SALESMEN WANTED In the complete Sunday edition of tlie following 4t of 25 (ir?atest Vet rn Sui day pap ts. Each additional line of s.x Word's, j.0. Denver rait. Denver R. M Nrwa, f'hlcaxo Tribune, Ktaaas City Star. Omaha Ba. St. Ixiuli (ilobe-I)em. Pas Moines Ne. i lnclniull Knqulrr. Topeka Capital, f Icveland ruin ller, Wlrhlta Bl. til Its Newa. Pueblo Chieftain, Mllnauke Hetlnel, Bait Laka Tnbuna, Mllleapolla Tribune. Lincoln Journal, St. Taul rioneer-Preaa, LeaTenworth Tlmea, St. Paul rlpat:li, ( herenna Tribune. iH,urr,iieSotn Han'keye. Oklahoma Cityt Oklaho- Colorado Sprlnta C.aietta, own. Indlanapolia Star. COMBINED CIRCULATION OVER l.M',000 Thousands of dollars' worth of business can be secured by advertising If you have a good proposition to offer the public. This is the biggest and best value In a combination list ever put out by an adver tising agency. No other agency can meal our prices and' prove Insertion. Don't fall to glvo this list a trlul. Through It you csii SELL A BUSINESS, A FARM, SE CURE GOOD AGENTS and SALESMEN TO PUSH YOUR GOODS ON A COMMIS SION BASIS OH RAISIO MONEY TO PRO MOTE AN ENTERPRISE. In ordering service In the above list kindly remit In New York or St. Louis exchange if con venient. 10 per cent discount on an order for 4 consecutive Sunday. We can quote you on advertising space In any newspa per, magazine, mall order or trade Journal in the United States that you may desire to use. Send for buletlns and lists. WANTED Partner with $15, 000 to invest in a thoroughly equipped automobile and gar age repair business in Omaha; good business and established reputation; stock of merchan dise, machinery and fixtures. inventory $45,000. Splendid op portunity for man who means business. "Write immediately. Address A167, care Bee. IF you lieve some energy and some ready cash and want to step in at once In an established biu-aness. with large prospects of business and profits In all parts of the country, no competition. Very pleasant and easily managed. Take free charge of office and shipping and hand ling money, if necssary you could run some other business also. In well estab lished and furnished exclusive office In most prominent building In city. H 4.'', care Bee. $400 BUYS boilers, engine, extractor, Ironer, starchers, shaper, bander, drying coil, shafting, belting, piping, tanks, ta bles; cost $370 new; good condition. 1H64 Dayton St., Chicago. FOR PEOPLE WHO SWEAR thev will never lick another envelope, eat another GUM LUNCH or muss up their mall with a sponge, we have a remedy In the New Model Saunders Envelope Sealer, which au tomatically moistens, closes and seals your mall in one operation at tho rate of 40 to 50 a minute. Always ready 'to use. The patented automatic moisture feed requires no attention. No rubber, no springs, gun metsl finish, won't wear out. The onlv practlral low-priced sealer, $2 postpaid. We want live men to represent us. Write now for booklet and full particular about our liberal new "selling plan." Saunders Sealer Co., Dept. 16, 1814 E. 40th St., Cleveland, O. Fifty 1910 Model Hllo Peanut Vending Machines will make you $50.00 weekly and not Interfere with your other work. Small Investment. Beware of unscrupulous imi tators. Hllo Gum Co., (Inc.), 127 Market St., Chicago. FOR SALE-Staple stock, general mer chandise, invoice about $12,000. Building $2x80, $5,500, located in one of the best little towns in northwestern Colorado. Town has bright future, is building up rapidly one of the best Irrigated districts In the state is doing, and always has done a good busi ness, has always made money, sell for 70 cents on the dollar. This will bear investi gation. Addresa V 196, care of Bee. HOTEL In Nebraska doing a thriving business; Junction of two railroads; no better paying hotel In the state; best rea sons for selling. Price $S,500. Restaurant In Omaha netting $15 profit per day. Price $2,000. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. V Life Bldg. Red 1999. FOR SALE Tin and plumbing shop do ing good business; Invoice $1,0U0 cash. Ad dress L. Elklns, Dexter, Mo. STOCKS AND BONDS sold on commission basis; entire Issue ne gotiated. Will consider industrial, mining and railway offerings. Issue must be "gilt edge." Mlnyard-Kessler Co., Selling Brok ers, First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati. O. WA N'T ED Well known out-of-town manufacturing aTnd Importing company, large plant, staple line; has excellent opening for a competent man with $5,000 cash to establish and carry on permanent branch store here. Can pay right man $250 a month salary, all expenses and liberal share of profit besides. Attractive invest ment and high-class business; reasonably good for $6,000 a year, with splendid future. References required. Address Y 194, care Bee CAPITAL furnished for meritorious en terprises; stock and bonds sold on commis sion; facilities for incorporating and reor ganisation of companies. Johnson Co., Selling Brokers, Madison and La Salle. Chicago. TRANSITIONS; specialty on cata logues; trade directories from Spanish speaking countries and Europe; agency of goods mi commission, solicited. Write to Kellx Rey De Castro, 19 Broadway, New York. DENTIST Wanted In a good southern Minnesota town; good opening for a first class wurkinan; one who plays a band In strument preferred. Write Secretary Com mercial club, reterson, Minn. FOR LEASE On long time, "The Axtell Times," a weekly paper and well equipped and located In aouth central part of atate. For further Inquiry address "The Axtell Investment Co,1' Axtell, Neb. HOTEL FOR SALE-Modern up-to-date, brick, flve-siory, best custom, paying in vestment; county seat; opposite cuurt house; $75,000; worth $i0,0ii0. For particu lars, address Wm. Chrlsman, Bloomsburg Co., Pa FOR RENT Cheap blacksmith shop, gas engine, good tools and good trade; will let on per cent. Write or 'phone Fred Bryant, Kearney, Neb. HOTEL for sale. Two stories, brick, best aylng hotel proposition In northwest MIs- ii Tl,a ....1., l ., ...... people; for price and particulars address Commercial Hotel, Tarklo, Mo. FOR SALE Good general merchandise business In growing western Nebraska county seat town. Address Y 38. Bee. READY money. That California o 1. Write for our monthly paper; It gives full particulars; It's free Shits r-Loomls Com pany, l'helan Bldg., San Fiancisco, Cal. WHEAT Buy on breaks, sell on bulges. Send for booklet, "Facts and Flgurea." and market letters. Osborn Grain Company, MUiiieapoLla, Minn. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. i "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" la worth $10 a copy to any man who Intends to in vest any money, however small, who has money Invested tinprofltably, or who can save $i or more per month, but who hasn t learned the art of Investing for profit. It demonstrate the REAL earning! power of money the knowledge financiers and Iwinkera hide from the masses. It revel the enormous profits bankers mske and show how to make the same profit. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes are made am! WHY they are made; how $1,000 grows to $22.0iH). To Introduce my maxsuelne write me now, and I'll send it six months FREE. Editor Gregory, 83 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. PATENT aecured or fee returned; illus trated guide book and list of inventions wanted, flee to any address; patents secured by us advertised free In World Progress; samplo copy free. Victor J. Evans A Co., 63 F St.. Washington, D. C IiARGE returns from California oil In vestments; California produced $2,000,000 barrels In 1!Xj9. worth $.10,000,000. Highest authorities estimate her production will reach 7o.000.000 barrels annually. We offer stock In high grade, producing dividend paying oil properties. Write for descrip tive matter, prices, terms and full informa tion. Brown-Walker-Simons Co., 602 Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore., or 615 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco. Reference, bank and com mercial agencies. S PER CENT PREFERRED TRANSPOR TATION STOCK. Company operating profitably In rapidly developing northwestern country. Safety and lartre returns for small Investment. A371 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash. CHICAGO manufacturing company wants man to invent $4,000 and take charge of a distributing office on the Pacific ooajit. A man capable of handling a big proposition can make $20,000 In a year. We take all the risk. Address, J. F. Iawrence, Secre tary, 1034 W. Lake St.. Chicago. FOR SALE Good, clean stock general merchandise. No clothing. Good Nebraska town. Invoice $5,000. Address y-204 care Bee. WANTED To buy established paying mercantile business; g-ive last yoar sales and expenses; detail description of atock and location; principals only. Addresa Y l Jo, care aee.' IF you want to sell your farm or bus! nesa writs Real Estate and Business Ex change, 419 Victoria Bldg., St. Louis,, Mo. EARN 40 per cent on your money. We are incorporating a trust company that will pay large dividends. Our reference are gilt edged. Write for prospectus Vital Garesche, Attorney, St. Louis, Mo. START a business of your own. Small capital required. Perfectly legitimate; $ pront. For particulars address, J. F Karpe, Ludlow, Ky. CAPITAL furnished to legitimate enter prises. Present your proposition and If It appeaia to us we win rurnisn capital re quired. No advance feea. Henry Swanson A Co.. 714 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. WANT PARTNER. I want good, live man to take one-half Interest In my growing real estate business; must be a hustler; small Investment re quired. Address P 445, Bee. A GOOD tea and coffee route for sale; little cash needed; 7 years In bus.; reason for selling, leaving city. Address 3525 Ham ilton St. Wo are offering an exceptional Invest ment proposition In the stock of an auto mobile manufacturing plant now doing a profitable business. A limited amount of stock is being sold for the enlargement of our plant to take care of increased busi ness. A golden opportunity for Investors. Write at once for particulars. Carter Motor Car Corporation, Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1506 Farnam PL Douglaa 647. DANCING MORAND'S, 15th and Harney; lesson Hon., Fri., g p. (.; private dally. D. 104L DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. 3d floor. Paxton. D 10S TAFT'S Dental Room, 1517 Douglaa 8L DETECTIVES O. A. Halterman, 432 Paxton. Phone R. 4771. OMAHA Det. Agency, 428 Paxton. D. 1319. DRESSMAKERS LADIES' skirt cleaned & pressed. R. 421S. TERRY COLLEGE, 20th and Farnam Sta M1S3 STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4674 M. 8ELECOW. 2002 Farnam. Harney $047. LADIES' tailoring and dressmaking. Model Tailoring Co.. 606H N. 18th. D. 4952. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES' COLLEGE, the 'largest business college In all th U. S. west of Chicago. DAY AND NIGHT COURSES. Trains young people for successful ca reer as stenographers, bookkeepers, tel egraphers and U. S. civil service railway mall clerks, carriers and government clerks; fine, big, Interesting, Instructive catalogue free for the asking. Ask now. Both 'phone. Boyle College, Omaha. Neb. MOSHBR-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled comae In business, short hand, penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teach am. Day and evening sesatons. Most interesting catalogue pub lished iu Omaha, band for on today. MOSHER LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL. FOR BOYS (1st AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D TYNER. 8841 Charles H-2288. -EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, whit skin. By mall 50s and $1 .00. Sherman c MoConnell Drug Co, Omaha. CHINA decorating; order work a special ly. Lessons Tuesday, Thuraday and Satur day a. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat. tirday morning, lira C. C. Huiigat. w4 Branded Bldg. Tel. Rad MM. MRS. MATTHEWS, bair goods. 304 NovlUo, PANTORIUM ffifo".. 2& "Good cleaner and dyer." FOR EASTER JOHN H I? TII Easte- Plm nd UVJIIVN XI. D.llll cut fOW(,rg our customers are always pleased. Bovd Tluater Bid?. Tel. Douglas SOijO. SCREENS. SCREENS. SCREENS. Prepare for Fly Tim. Higglns all metal, all walhr screens do not rust or shrink. Sam'l Dickinson, 821 Kamge Bldg. Chlodo, th leading tailor and dressmak'r. Invites his patrons of Omuhi and else where to Inspect the spring and summer styles and materials of 1910. parlors, 214 216 S. luth faK. Easter egg dyes, 5c; Easter perfumes, 50 to $5.00 Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16m and Dode. Owl Drug Co., 16ib and Haruey, Dress pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles Th Ideal Pleating Co., 100 Douglas Block. Both phones. DALZF.LL'B for Ice cream and Ices; good things to eat. Both phones. TILE FRENCH WAY EhF. -.": Dadtes and mens clothe cleaned Im macutely WHAT Is th use of taking up your car pets when you can have them cleaned on th floor In a few hours? Free estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co.. 200 Douglas hlock. l"i s. ictn St. mones: Doug. 747; Ina. A-is.tb. Across rrom llayden . WMr pay nig prices to have your dresses made when you can do them your self at KEISTER COLLEOE. 605 Kar- pacn oik. Y PREPARE your home for Easter with new or Id-hand furniture and rugs at rea sonable prices. "20 N. 16th, opporlte Loyal hotel. DERBY WOOLEN-MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 103 So. 15th St. FOR INFANTS' HOME. $1,018 PRIZE-CHECK EARNED. Important, aee "personals" tor particulars UOKDON THIS MAuAZIN E MAN. Saratoga Drug Co.. Mth and Amea Ave.. accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery, eior open a:av a. m to u p. m. Now showing "The Broadway," "The Flak," "Th Rich." "The MeCarrem" Dat tern for Easter at Pennell's, 1611 Doug las Bt. t THE SANITARY HA1RDRESSINO PARLORS. Switches Mads and Dyed. 601 Paxton Block. Phone D. 4671. TRY our Cakes, always fresh. Leaven- worm St. Bakery, 2707 11-worth. H. 6096. Royal French Dry Cleaners Pressing and all kind of repairing work u a rant eid satisfactory. 2301 Leavenworth HAMM'S BOTTLED BEER can be obtained by the case from J. A. Tuthlll, Retail Dealer. Prompt delivery to private families. Phone In your order. Rear 1512 Douglas, Phone Doug. 15SS. WILLOW AND OSTRICH PLUMES at H retail prices. We are direct Importers and save you the dealers' profits. Brln,r us your old plume. We'll make them as good as new at a trifling cost. .H. GOLDBERG & SONS, 1519 Howard. FURNACES AND REPAIRS NEW FURNACES, water fronts, tank heaters and repairs of evtry make; 1206-8 Douglas St Omaha Stove Repair Worka FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flowsr Dpt. B. atore antfoe. HESS aV 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1621 Harney, Douglas 300ft. A. DONAGHUE, 1807 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson, 1611 Farnam St Doug. 125$. BRANDEI8 CUT FLOWERS DEPT. Ifaraevlea. WRITE for special prices on early orders. Honey Creek Nursery, Honey Creek, Ia. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aarenta and &alealavdle. LADY agent now earn $5 a w.eck selling my new patented article, each one a neces sity and can be sold In every house. To prove this I will send $10 worth on credit to one agent In leach town. Write quick for liberal terms. A. M. Young, 325 Young's Bldg., Chicago. Clerical eand Office. WANTED Young lady tor correspondence filing. Address, E-284, Bee. TWO STENOGRAPHERS AND BOOK KEEPERS. ONE STENOGRAPHER. $60. THREE STENOGRAPHERS, $40-$55. SIX SALESLADIES. ONE CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER. (8ee) CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 04-s isranaeis aiag.- STENOGRAPHER, Insurance exp., $60. Billing clerk, $50. Stenographer and traolng clerk, $'0l Stenographer, aome experience, $40. Clgiar clerk, experience, $35. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Young lady to act as cashier, stenographer and Dookkeeper in county seat town of 1,500. Answer, long hand, slate salary, experience and If have own machine. Address N 443, care Omaha Bee. . 4. . : Factory a aa Tradea. WANTED Makers, preparers and ap prentices In millinery department. Apply superintendent, Brandeta (stores. WANTED 50 EXPERIENCED SHIRT MAKERS. APPLY AT ONCE TO BYRNE A HAMMER D. O. Co. FACTORY, 9TH AND HUWAKU IV1B." I WANTED A woman to run power ma chine. Thomas Kllpatrick & Co. WANTED Women experienced In altera tion of skirts and Jackets. Thomas Kll patrick Sc Co. Housekeepers ill Doaaeatlea, GIRL for general houaework. U01 80. 32d. NEAT maid for aeneral housework and cook; family of 3; in nice part of city; good wages and pleasant, private room. Call at 3128 Chicago Ht. WANTED Girl to assist with house work and cars for children. 1113 Georgia Ave. GIRL for general housework. 2509 Far nam. GOOD Gill for general housework. Mrs. Van Lussan. 2639 D St., South Omaha. GOOD arlrl for reneral housework. 1631 Spencer. Phon Webster 364. WANTED Girl to assist In general house work. 2710 Burt. Phone Harnay 1237. GIRL to do cooking. Mr. Yates, 8120 Davenport St GIRL for general housework; good wages. 3124 Leavenworth. WANTED At once, girl for general houaework; good wages; tnree in family. Mr. Thus. W. Haien. 2724 Spalding St., Tel. Webater 3203. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wagea. $204 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 4152. GOOD cook wanted at 2013 Douglas S: "EXPERIENCED girl for general house wora; small family, and good wages Call at once. i:XM 8. 35th. Phone Harney 741. COMPETENT ' girl for general houae work; good wagea. Mr. J. J. O'Conner, lu?2 Georgia Ave. " W ANTE O A girl to assist with house work. 25u Maodarson. Housekeeper and Domeatlca Cont'd, EXPERIENCED general house glr'; no wahln;. $:'5 per month, 118 N. th St. GIRL for general housework. 1915 Sp r.. rer St. GOOD girl to do cooking. Mrs J. P. Wil cox, 1132 E. Pierce St., Council Hluffa. la WASHERWOMAN to take . washing home; references required. 1329 So. 81st. GIRL to assist with general housework, 1512 N. 26th St. WANTED Middle-aged woman or irtrl; light housework; small family; easy pin, . 1917 Grace. HOUSEKEEPER, small family; no chil dren wanted. 2403 No. i9th St. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework: German or Bohemian preferred Apply at $408 Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of two and child 9 years; German or Bohemian preferred. Applv mornings at 304 No. 22d St., aoross from High school. WANTED Woman that Is competent In all lines of work. Sanitary Hair I'resslng Parlors, 122 So. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. GIRL wanted for general housework; n. cooking; small family and good saiaiy. 6134 Capitol Ave. WANTED Good girl for frencral house work, small family. Tel. Harney 88ft. WANTED ChamhernmlH 1717 Chicat St. wiKTrn ..., . . i ..i .. . . - , , . . .... . . v.iiib ! ciii avi uuunT.- work; no washing or Ironing. 1311 So, 28th, St. i GIRL for general housework: two In family; references required. Mr. R. E. Lsmereaux, 1330 So. 33d. 'Phone Harney 2128. W A vrrrn . ii ... i u,.,, " 1706 Park Ave. Tel., Harney 3372. WANTED Chambermaids; Millard hotel. WANTED Comrietent arlrl for ranaral housework.. 2125 Douglas. WANTED experienced second Klrl. rood wages. Apply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith. No. 1303 Park Ave. WANTED Exnerlenced irtrl fnr n...l housework; wages $6. JOlf Charlea. COMPETENT alrl for aeneral hnnsearnrir 502 N. 40th St. WANTED At once, a-ood rellahle rlri fnr general housework; wages $5. Call 10J4 No. 82d St. V GOOD air! for cenernJ hrhiinewnV i.nw Park Ave- H 3365. GOOD Bohemian or German air! for ren- eral housework. 26S4 Harney. Tel. Har ney 3453. GIRL to heln with housework. 2710 Rnra St. Tel. Harney 1237. COLORED wrunnn ml.Ml... housekeener for wMnw.r. Pall mnmin,. 8 to 10, 8406 Ohio. WANTED-, cook. 2024 Chlcao St W A X'T &f.rv A Wftmat. , Ar n v nn.a cleaning at 2622 Capitol Ave. WANTED A saamsrriuaai hv Aav vtr Inquire 2616 Harney St. COMPETENT arlrl for rennral houanworkt two in family... 1S38 Oeorgla Ave. Tel. Harney 602. ilHIi for BTaa r nru 1 hnu aanrnrt t Brnall o ' sjyivin. ""'inn t via sa . (7 1 ti (4,1 a four ily; good wages. 2108 Blnney St GOOD elrl fnr I h . ... laundry work; wagoa $5; 108 SL 23d. Bt GIRL for general housework; beet wagaa, at 219 S. 38th Ave. Tel. Harney 2525. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mr. F. Walters, 8319 Harney St. WANTED Otrl for general housework; no washing. 8521 Farnam St. WANTED A good glrll one that caa cook. 2026 Dodge St. GIRL for genera! housework: one who can go home' nights desired; .Call 1526 Wirt GIRL for general housework; good wages. 524 S. 20th St. GIRL for general housework. 3003 Mason. GIRL Light housework; no rooking or washing; phono Harney 2317 or 8032 Marcy. A NURSE girl for child I years old; references reoulred. Mrs. John J. Hani ghen, 327 S. 87th St. WANTED A girl for general housework, no washing. 129 N, 8th Ave. Phone Har ney 244H. WANTED A chambermaid. Harney 2534 or A 2534. 816 S. 26th St. GIRL to assist wltH housework. 2217 Wirt C TV, 1 'r i,. ..I. tmn 4'V. a Ul. CUBITM 1. YOUNG lady as housekeeper for mat man and wife; references required; wanted at once. 2017 Manderaon St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must know how to cook; none other ned apply; two In family. 2101 Wirt St. GIRL for ' general housework; good wages. 8124 Leavenworth St. WANTED Girl for general hoUKemork; must understand cooking; two In tnaiiiy. 3326 Harney Sr. T WANTED Neat colore! maid for fsml'y of three; no laundry" work. 4524 N. 20th St. WANTED Good, reliable girl, cooking plain: permanent place; nice room; good home as well as wagea; no real young girl wanted. 4123 Farnam St. BRIGHT, willing girl to assist with light housework and girl 4V4 years old. lie a. S5th St. WANTED Experienced nursn girl to take care of 1-year-old baby. 85 p. 22d. WANTED Good girl for light house woik; no washing; ait. once. 914 N. let M. upstairs. GIRL for housework; no washtns: rer. erences required. 3223 Caas St. GIRL for general housework: thre In family; good wages. Mrs. Thus. W. HarerL 2724 Spaulding SL Tel. Webster 3m WANTED A girl for cenerail housework; onlv two In family, 401 S. 4oth Ht. Mr. A. C. Lewis. Tel, Harney 56. A GIRL for general housework: r,vJ , no munnry worK. Mo z.n GIRL foria a-eneral housework' iwn In family; can go home nights. Apply at 2018 wiri ni. GOOD girl for general housework.. 213 Spencer. WANTED Ladv for llo-hi hm,... 1, . applv at once. Mr. M M. Aronson. .V17 S. 19th. WA NTEI) F.vnarlAnnArf -l-i ..- . housework. Mr. W. II Murray, 3317 Wool worth Ave. Harney 3027. WANTEIGIrl for general houaework. family of three, good home, light nrk airs. t. . laimage. 4H29 Cass St. gi'luln Harney 2918. ' WANTED A woman for dav work Siu So. Soth St., So. Omaha. WANTED An expert waiter. 221$ Dousr- f0J?,'ETENT cook. Mrs. W. A. Radlck" 2120 Emmet Bt li i ! hi 4 1 r