THE DEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1910. it, hisinfi makes Real Estate move Bee It 7 OFFERED FOR RENT Faralehe LARGE front room, with alcove, neatly furnished. 224 N. 11-th. St. TWO furnished room" morern, best In city. 630 So. 17th ave. Tel. Douglas 4422. A liAHOE south front room, modern. 117 S. 25th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 7010. SMALL alfteping room. 1306 Douglas St I.AROR front room. 2045 Dodge. D. 70n' PLEASANT front room two preferred. 2411 Harney. MODERN, well furnished front room large lawn; private family. 7ft! 8. 2th St. TWO furnished rooms, close In. 1918 Cap Hoi An NICK, dean rooms, strictly modern. 11U Chicago, TWO nicely furraahed rooma; one large, one small. In all modern house. 1821 Cass. THUFB otcely furnished rooms, also one housekeeping room, modern. sSlV, 8. 18xh. ONK nicely furnished room, reasonable. 2426 Dodge. Red 61S6. TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent.- 2208 N. JOst. 'Phone B 617a 'l.lRnR niilhatit rrw,m fttrtetlv modern. ,V0U. Harney., Doug. 8U01. NEATLY furnished room, strictly mod ern, private, home. K13 N. 20th St. 'Phone Web. (Mi NICELY furnished front room. 27 fV nam St. 1 ONK front room, furnished; also light housekeeping rooms for oouple; new, mod ern house. 115 6. SMh Are. -i TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with board. S14 N. lth. MODERN furnished room. Private family. Walking distance. tl 8. th Are. Phone Harney 6LU. . 2008 HT. MART'S Ave., nicely furnished room for gemtleneen. TWO double rooms and two single rooms, with board, modern, for young men. 11 Uapltol Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms; all modern, 631 8. 19th. V1SRY desirable, well famished, front rooiiV modem, 2aW SL Mary's Ave. ONE nice sleeping room. 1608 Howard. PARLOR, bed room, with breakfast privilege lady. 2578 Harney. TWO nice rooms, newly papered, all modem, with bath, etc. 8407 Jackson. FRONT room, all modem, 810 per month, am California St. FURNISHED room for rent; close In. Apply 8006 8U Mary's- Ave. MODERN room; : 'second floor,1 suitable for two. 8716 Dewey Ave. FURNISHED rooms, steam heated, in private family. 610 8. 17th Ave. 8401 HARNEY ST front room,, private family, .walking distance. NEAT room, modem home. ll Wirt St. CLEAN, comfortable furnished rooms. 17Z4 Ifdge St. riNtt irn and two small adlointnat rooms, running water, us n. oin oi. qiwn ...... wu, Iw fmnt wwmn strictly modwrn, private family; board if aeairea. too ueorgia av x nmr STEAM-HEATED, furnished room; mod ern. 6a S. 18th St., flat It LARQB front room, south exposure; modem. 117 S. 26th Ave. Phoru 7010. DESIRABLE furnished rooms, with board. 123 S. 25th Ave. LA ROE furnished room; sleeping or housekeeping; cheap. 1636 N. ltn. ONE nicely furnished room, modem; suitable for 8 gentlemen. Ill Harney so. NICB3 outsMe rooms, 81 SO; Inside, 81 . a weea; sieam nnni. mj o. m v. NEWLY' furnished room in modem house; close In. Call XII St. Mary's Ave. e- NICE furnished rooms, modem, with bath. 82.50 and up week. 1819 Leavenworth. Flat 7. ONE nice room for gentleman In private family; bath and use of telephone; half block to car; twenty minutes' walk to town; 810. 8421 Poppleton Ave. D Tt4. UTKAM heated rooms, with choice table m, rd. 1818 Capitol Ave. Telephone Douglas 7758. ROOM for gentlemen; six blocks from the postoffloe. 608 N. 20th St. 816 Iarge warm front parlor, has five windows, nice fireplace, rurnaoe heat, nice bath, always hot water, walking distance Leavenworth car one block; one small room besides. 2cxJ St. Mary's. PARLOR, ground floor, 810. 624 N. 20th. bTHAM HEATED furnished room for rent; reasonable. 2Z3S Farnam, suite 8. Tel. Douglas 5oSL FINE suite south front rooms for two or three gentlemen: strictly private residence: lectrto light; 'phone; one block to car line; clone In. IUM Webster St. Taik about classified! Look at this 'Automobile want ads printed last week : . In Omaha Bee 1,848 lines , In, World Herald 804 lines . Bee lead 1,048 lines Now, this is live business that all of the papers wanted and fought for. It's busi ness about which there can be no dispute, because much of it is still running. It took a live paper to get this business, ' and a live one got it. You have done your best, when you have used a Bee want ad. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed Rooms . Coattaaed. PLEASANT alcove suite; Also one small room. $17 8. 26th St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; cheap rent. 1911 Douglas. Aftaruaemta ill Wlats. 4-ROOM semi-basement flat In Dunsay, 10th and Pierce, steam heated. CONRAD YOUNG. Tel D. 1571. ISIS Dodge. FOUR-rooro modern flat. 8JQ. 2201 Nich olas. CENTRAL) APARTMENTS. Big rooms, outside corner, high grade, hardwood, full modern, gas ranee, steam heat, hot water all year, walking distance, summer, M; winter, (7 more. Reference required. BEMI8. S0 Brandels Bldg. NICE 8-room flat, all modern, 4168 Dav enport St. Tel. Uarney 2668. MODERN FLAT8. 2616 Dewey Ave., none more desirable than this 7-room brick, oak finish, nearly new, Al repair and In walking distance; 608 So. I2d St., very choice, 7-room St. Louis brick; hardwood finish, every con venience, nearly new and easy Walking distance; 143 40. OAR VI N BROS.. 318 N. Y. Life. 270C Jackson St., upper flat, 8 rooms; gas range, modem; vacant April 1, 830. Apply, 2706 Jackson. Hoauktttlsg Itoeaaa. A BUITH of three elegant new room modern. 120 North afttfc. LIOHT housekeeping rooms for a couple: all modem; new house; 116 8. 26th Ave, TWO excellent furnished front rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In house; 2574 Har- ney BL BASEMENT 4 rooms modem except heat. 2607 Pierce; will be vacated. Inquire 1301 S. 2Mb. Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms. oomDlete for light housekeeping. 8018 Davenport St THREE unfurnished rooms for house keeping; modern. Tel. Web. 3056. AN up-to-date kitchen, with sitting room. for light housekeeping; strictly modern. 2678 Harney. TWO modem second floor. 622 N. 19th. . 1 FOR RENT Two large front rooms, all modern; furnished for light housekeeping. 2221 Willis Ave. UNFURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 2218 Chicago St. STEAM heat and strlotly modem two and three-room apartments, light housekeeping. 4768 N. 24th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Ref erences. 823 N. 21st. TWO large completely furnished rooms. Water In kitchen and gas range. 2119 Doug las. TWO ifnlv riii-n1Vi.l rvi n nvm, fn. housekeeping. 2208 Harney. HOUSEKEEPINO-Two nicely furnished rooms, modern, conveniences, arood location. walking distance. 2565 St. Mary's Ave. SUITE housekeeping rooms on ground floor, part modern; gas stove. 1821 Case. TWO nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms. 2115 California. HOUSEKEEPING apartments and suites, two or three, 816 up, modern, walking dis tance. 604 S. 28th. FOR RENT Four rooms furnished com plete for housekeeping, $15 per month. 2030 Spring Bty HOU6EKEEPINO, also sleeping rooms, modem. 1S08 Webster. LARGE rooms, light housekeeping; mod ern. 702 S. 17th. UP-TO-DATE kitchen and sitting room; strictly modern, 2578 Harney. LARUE front parlor room for light housekeeping. 2011 Caas St. HOUSEKEEPING! rooms, 1613 Leaven worth St. SUITE of front housekeeping rooma, mod em. 2601 Dodge St. TWO nice furnished rooms, modern, .no children. Phone B-1836. SllSVt California. FRONT room and kitchen, modern. 422 N. 17th. ROOMS for housekeeping, two- unfur nished. 818 N. 17th St. h TWO rooms, with alcove and hath- separate meter for gaa; on Harney line. 8210 Caas St. . ' . . , THREE rooms, gas range. B-2427, 1609 Grace St. ONE large, sunny room, with kitchen heat; light; 88.50 per week. 613 N. 21st St. r- FINE suite south front rooms for two or three gentlemen; strictly private residence; electrkj light, phone; one block to oar line; close In. 2104 Webster St. TWO excellent, completely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone In house. 3674 Harney St. TWO rooms, gas . range, electrlo -light, modem, on oar line. 1818 Sherman Ave. LARUE, modern room, furnished com plete for housekeeping. No objection to children. 8ul N. 26th St. OFFERED FOR RENT Ileaeekeeplaa- Rooms Coatlaeied. DESIRABLE modern furnished rooms; reasonable. Call evenings and Sundays. Harney 84SS; 3013 Webster. (06 N 17TH, two front rooms, modern. t7f arTalaked Rooma. FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent Maroh 1. 2212 N. 19th. Web. 8757. ROOM, 206 South 2Mb, Avenue. Ill aad Cot tea, a. OMAHA Van St etorvire Co., pact, mora tore, h h. goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N Uth; office KM S. 17th St. Tat. Douglas Ui6a HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bras.. 811 N. Y. L HOUSES, Insurance. RlngwalU Barker Blk. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Kxpressmea's Delivery Co. TrL Doug. 294. FOR RENT. 8-room. all modern brick house, combina tion fixtures. 840. March 1. 1910. will be vacant C-room, all modem, combination fixtures, 832. 8-room, all mojern brick tenement, north part of city, 225. 4 rooms, first floor, apartment, 1628 No. Uth St., 1 12. 5a C-room cottage for colored family, 21st and Clark St.. 812. 8 nice rooms, 1917 Clark St., 8. 8 rooms on first floor, modern, 1S28 No, 17th St., 811. C. M. BACHMANN, Tel. R. m; Res. D. SOU. 43 Paxton. tTrkTTC!l7a In all carts of the city UWUOJJO Cralnh Sons A; Co.. Baa BldC New 6-room brick house, modern, llar iey 647. 2308 No. 18th, almost new, strictly modem, eight-room house. Rant, 830 per month. BEMia Brandeis Bldg. CENTRAL location, all modern, steam heat; 4 or 6-room flats. Tizard, 220 N. 23d. MAGGA RD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk Van A Storage Co. Packed, roomed stored, shipped H. H. goods. D. 1496, B 2428. 6 rooms, modern, new, 122.50. 6 rooms, modern, new, 225. 8 rooms, brick, modern, 406 N. 29th, 835. Special Inducements to desirable tenant. NOWATA LAND ec LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. HOUSES Petera ffrunt Co N.Y.Ufa Bldg. SEVEN rooms and reception hall, walk ing distance, near 27th and Jackson Bts., very desirable. Bemls, Brandela Bldg. 9 r., strictly modem, beautiful lawn, chotoe location. 726 8. 87th. Tel. Webster 2690. EIGHT-ROOM modern house. Inquire 2614 Caldwell St. 6-ROOM, modern, walking distance, In quire, 2223 Burt. 6-ROOM cottage. 4401 N. 81st St.. Bandies. I WANT an offer tor the two story brlcli tmlMIng at 1213 and 1215 Howard street. Will rent for 8208 a month. Eastern ownet wilt sell cheap. THOMAS BREXNAIf. Room 1 Now York Life Building, Offices. LARGE and small office rooms on Uth St., opposite postoffloe. 117 N. 16th St. 81 and 86. - CONRAD YOUNG, 1518 Dodge St. tore a. STOREROOM with basement, all or M. 11 N. 16 St. Enq. Cole-McKay Co. Tel. D-464 1808 Farnam SL, size 22x0 ft. Harney 2496. 'Phone FOR RENT Modern store room. No. 208 N. 16th St., Hotel Loyal Bldg., apply Loyal hotel office. OFFERED FOR SALE si aa leal I as t ran. e ate. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia Grapha phone, splendid Instrument. Price 8200 and never sold for less. Will sell one, which Is brand new, and In perfect condition, for 1170. Good reason for selling. Address, G-140, Bee. 8250 PIANO PLAYER and 810 worth of music, good as new, 876. Call or write Piano Player Co., Old Boston Store. FOR SALE CHEAP Stein way parlor grand piano in fine condition.' Can be seen at 122 S. 39th St., from 10 to 12, mornings. Trpwrwn( We have the following rebuilt Machines for sale. Every Machine has been rebuilt and all worn or defective parts replaced. Latest model. No. & Oliver f.00 Remington, No. 6, above 44000 i-T.M Remington, No. 6, above 163000 $40 00 Smith Premier, No. 2. above 89000 835.00 Address, Lock Dux 10, Omaha, Neb. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 107 Farnam. alUceliaaeeae. ABOUT L50 feet -lnch wire cable, seo nd hand; will sell at bargain. Apply H. W. Baker. Bupt ttee Bldg., Omaha. Nab. WHEAT 82.10 per 108 lbs. D. 2963. B-2U63. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. Deright, UU8 Farnam St. . FOR SALE National cash register, with tape, almost new; cheap If taken at once. Address K-8. oare Bee. DRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on all (10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ,fc Mo Ooanell Drug Co., Omaha, Nab. SCHOLARSHIP on leading buslnaas col lge for sate at discount Address P-uJC POATi Furnace lump a tonr 7c VVAiVjj Harmon & Weath. W. MS "- J BALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR SALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns-Wlck-Balke-Collender. 407 R 10th SL WE HAVE on band a number of Ink bar rel which we will sell at too each. They re fine tor rain watar or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. SECOND-HAND scales at U07 Harney. ID-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ttle cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft, edd shape; will fit a room IB fast wlda Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars 'phoue Douglas U8. Bee Build . big Co. BARGAIN Big line of secondhand furni ture. Selling out. S3 N. Kith St. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. Y. L. Tfci. D. 1994 Dr. Kathrya Nicholas. M N, I, L Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELI Faxtoa Blk. Tat Red Till! Wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner in U. 8. Palani oiftce. N. V. L. Uldg IX 4. HUFFMAN, 818 Neville Bldg." Bou tree WHEN answering ibuse advertisements. Juki put In an extra aoid or twu lo lell here yoi saw the ad. 1 PERSONAL MME. ALLEN of Chicaoo, baths, rait gluw nnd maftge. 160S DodKe St., opposite postoffloe, 3d floor; suite t. MISS LE ROY, shampooing, electro-mag-netlo facial massage. M S. Uth St. MASQUE suits to rent. Theo. Lteben. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGrsne. 1617 IKidge St.; hrs. 10 a. rn.- p. m. Basement flat. THERtf IS NO AFFLICTION ' mental or physical that supreme power can not cure. Sectarlsrm don't know the cause of thulr failures. There Is just one thing to do tor ma to sei-jre you a perfwt cure. AMERICA liOWfcN COOPER, Phone lnd. B-6817. 4338 Charles St. I was separated from my father when I was a child end I wish to find him. His name la George Franklin DeVorn. Ad- drtes Mary Anna DeVore. Clay Center, Kan. OMAHA Stammerers Ins., Ramge Bldg. ARLENE DR VOY, manicuring and mas sage 624 S. Uth St. Flat 12. Phone D. 1634. Be an Actor or Actress Earn from 825 to 1100 per week; complete course, 87; diplomas given and engagement!! secured. Address at once for full partic ulars THOMPSON AMUSEMENT CO., 2018 Chicago St., Omaha. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits ceet-ofl clothing, tn fact anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at 184 N. Uth St., for cost of collection, 10 the worthy poor. Call 'puoue Douglas 4188 and wsgoa will call. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babl for adoption, uooa Samaritan Sant- torlum. 740 1st Ave. Council Bluffs. Ia. A HOME for women goring confinement. We find homes for babies where mothers eannot care for them. Fables boarded. For terms address Mr. Martha A. Te, 401 Bancroft St Gmana, Neb. 'Phone Douglas UU. STRICTLY private horns for confine ments; trained nurse; babies for adoptions. 2618 Davenport. MAGNETIC and Maarage Bath. 814 No. Uth SU MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith, 122 S, Uth 8L. third floor. DR. SOGERS private confinement noma 8516 MartUa ML Phono Douglea 6831 JOS1K WASHBURN'S new book. "The Underworld Sewer," sold at ail book storaaj prloe, 1X60. PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th St. Phona Webster SOW. WTflSnnd toupee tor men. GRIFFITH, AVI.U kna M FBENZER BLK. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. 808 Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor, 120 S. 16th St. Stairway on Douglas St. Open evenings, 8 to 8;30, POULTRY LEE'S WHITE LEGHORNS are heavy layers as well as high quality. Eggs and stock for sale. MANDY LEE FARM. Phone Florenoe 162. .,, ., FOR S. C. White Leghorns call or write. Hillside Poultry Farm,(4 Harrison St., Council Bluffs. Ia. .Tel.. ,nd. 1048 Y. SEE MANDY LEE INCUBATORS AND BROODERS AT11U HARNEY ST. . , OLD TRUSTY Inoubators; write tor free catalogue; 350 poultry Illustrations; special low prices; 40-60-90 days free trial. Address M. M. Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. FOR SALE Bis ck Lanxshan chickens. W rite for particulars. .. Mrs. B. F. La Rue, Hartlngton. Neb. Rhode Island red setting eggs. Tel. S. 040. PURE black Langshan eggs for hatching. Benson 146. PRINTING JOHN C. THOMPSON would like to make an estimate on any printing you may need. Telephone Webster 3586. 'PHONE IND. A-8620 tor good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th tt Capitol A- Miller St Jamleeon, 1212 Doug. Both phones. WATERS PRINTING C, E22-524 S. 13th. REAL ESTATE REAL ICgTATB DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 28E8; prompt service; get our prloea. 1710 Farnam BL BENJAMIN B. E. CO.. 477 Brandols Bldg, Geo. D. Perrlns, 832 paxton. Doug. 7J01. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO, 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. J. N. Casady Co., Inc., mtjrs., bonds, rent Bis, fire & life Ins., 589 Paxtpn Blk. D. 152a CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 66xl327$25,000 Corner, one block from ICth and Jackson. Harrison & Morton 8 Rooms, 29th Near Farnam, $3,500 . Modern In every way; wnlklng dldtance, NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. C24 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red-1999. 6 ROOMS 2119 Grand Ave.; tnodorn. fur nace, cement walks and basement, paved Klreet. 50 foot front; $2,600. Owner, Wfb. 1941. 8 ROOMS MODERN, $4,300 One block Farnam car: this nlace munt be en to he appreciated. Any reasonable DUBinens terniB. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red 1999. 3 Front Lot Northeast corner 2th and Nicholas, 3,260. SELBY, 436 Board of Trade Bldg. Douglas 1510. 66x132, $8,000 Corner lot, one block from 16th and Cass. Harrison & Morton NOTICE A BARGAIN. 8-room strictly modern housa la one of the beat locations in the city. Call at 21 W. B way. Council bluffs. New 6-Room Modern In north part of city; can finish I mora rooms upstairs; owner lost job and wants to sell badly. NOWATA LAND Ss LOT CO., C24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Had IDs. 66x132, $15,000 Brick Flats on Chicago St.; near IStb. Harrison & Morton Two Brick Houses $3,000 . Rented 12 months every yt-ar ut 832 per month. Any reaaonabletrrnia. NOWATA LAM i ft LOT CO, N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 191.9. REAL ESTATE CITY PKOI'KRTY FOU SALE (Continued.) KOUNTZE PLACE to.WO Seven - room. two - ftory frame hoiife, with reception 'hall, built about a year, strictly modem, hot water heat, very beat of plumbing. Just reduced fur quick sale. Kcetlent location. 17,000 1920 Ithrop St.. new seven room, two-story lioune. modern and up-to-date In every rc epect. not built to sell, but built for a home: very boat of plumbing and lighting fixtures throughout: hot water heating plant. Well worth Investi gating. 7,W0 nine-room, two-story fiamo house. with finished attic, strictly tnodrrn, built for a home: very best oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule and bath, hot water heat, artis tically decorated throughout. South front on Lathrop street near boulevard. New garaKe. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. D. 756. 44x132, $11,000 On Douglas, between Uth and 12th Sts. Harrison & Morton 6-Room House, $1,250 20th Ave., near Cautellar; well rented; never vacant. NOWATA I .AND A LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Red 1999. CLOSE-IN 9-R00M HOUSE, $3,900 2035 Davenport St., a well built 9-room house on a paved street. House la strictly all modern In every way. New oak floors on the first floor. This is your opportun ity to get a large house within walking dis tance. House Is vacant ready to move Into. HASTINGS & HE YDEN, 1C14 Harney St. C. SUNDEL & CO.,B,1,..Nco?: tractor and Builder; specializes on Bunga lows and Cottaces. Estimates furnished. 700 Ft Trackage On paved St.. and Missouri Pacific R. R. 820 per front foot. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE FARTtI AND RAHCH LA5D FOR SALB Calif orala. FREE FROM ICE SNOW, BLIZZARDS CENTRAL CALIFORNIA In the Famous Thermal Zone PALERMOSy 5, 10, 20-ACRE TRACTS, 1100 TO $150. Oranges, ollven, nuts, lemons, peaches, poultry raising very profitable. Healthy and salubrious climate. Best drinking water. Unlimited water for Irrigation. Two transcontinental railroads. A. B. BEALL, SIOUX CITY. IOWA. Rooma 8-4, New Theater Bldg. Caaaela. BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LANDS We are excluxlve dealers In British Co lumbia timber lands, large or small tracts; send for list- Eugene R. Chandler, 4t7 Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C. Alberta Wheat Lands For Sale. Choice Improved and raw lands up to 75,000 acres In block In the best part of Southern Alberta, at from 812 per acre up. AH Inquiries promptly answered. HENDERSON & M1NKLER, S14 First St.. West, Calgary, Alberta. ALBERTA FARM LANDS FOR SALE Raw and Improved, in the very best parts of southern Alberta; raw lands from $12.60 per acre up, in parcels of from 4,000 to 75,000 acres en bloc; correspondence solic ited. Henderson & Mlnkler, 814 First St., Calgary, A It a. FOR SALE South half of 30-6-16, W of 4th, being 320 acres of good, level land In sunny southern Alberta, southeast of Leth brldge. A new railroad Is now building within three miles. Price for quick aale, 815 per acre; will make terms. Address Box 2EJ, Fargo, N. D. Iowa. South Iown Farjn and Coal Offer Most Attractive Offer in Iowa To close the estate of the late C. W. Bowen we offer 5a0 acres underlaid with coal and 40 acres coal only, making 610 acres coal In all. Lays between Ctnter ville and Mystic. Intel urban runs along It one mile. Farm run to fine stock tor yaara. Fine house anil- btrn. Coal worth In roy alty $200 per acie. Price, $W,000. Will carry $).0u0, possibly $25,000. Particulars on ap plication. NO TRADE. LAW BROS. CO. Exclusive Agents, Centerville, Iowa. FOR SALE 820 acres, near town, iaipe house, good outbuildlngR, plenty wator, black loam, $S0 per acre; good terms. Bevls Bros., Mount Ayr, Iowa. Kaneaa. KANSAS FINELY IMPROVED FARMS, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent rent. Best alfalfa in the world. lvisy terms. If not as represented, will return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. 120-ACRE FARM, 4 miles town, 6-room house, barn 2T.X40, must be sold this month; a snap at $: per acre; good terms. Louis Michel, Foil SoutL Kan. t- ltiO ACRES near town; house and ham: all fenced and cross fenced; goud corn, wheat and alfalfa land; a bargain at 8.V1 per acre. Write me fur full particulars. Fred Hallman, Danville, Kan. Minnesota. For Sale at a Bargain 200 acres of gently rolling land nil fenced In, good soil, 1.10 acres under cultivation, 15 acres timber, 20 acrrs gool memlow. balance pasture, drilled well, windmill and tank, large barn with silo. 14-room hnu-e, basement ami cistern, granary, cblrken house. Farm Is locutcd half mile from the creamery, rtore and a blacksmith shop, 4 miles from WVbster, railroad station. Write at onco. August' Jtiuon, Kenyan, Minn. FOR SALE 40-arro farm. 40 miles west of cities, near Nutwood. Minn.; nearly 2fj acres finest timber In state; 140 acres field, 90 acrfs pasture; all heavy black soil, no wasto land good set of buildings; timber alone worvn $10omi; land will be worth the price askril with the timber off; $nf per acre; reasonable terms, or will divide the tract. K. E. Witb, Box l:i4, Norwood, Minn. FOR 'ha I.E OR BXf 'HA NC5E A well nJ provt PW-acre farm In Kandiyohi county, Minuoaota; make me un offer. Addles U. 5, Dux K, Renville, Mel REAL E6TATE FARM ANb liAAtlt l.AMt FUM Mlneaotn Continued. Easy Terms on a fine Improved 210-acre farm, 3lt miles fiem town; $.'.2. Ml per acre; $2,000 cash, bul unco on long time at 6 per cent. Write for particulars to C. E. Brown Land Co., MaUella. Minn. CHOICE agricultural lands. $10 per acre; also lake shore property, three hours" ride from twin cities; any sue tract, lo.onO acres to slect from. Write owner, Harry C. A. Johnson, 32b . Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. IMPROVED farm, splendid soil. 6 miles from rity; hundred rods shore line on beautiful lake: $"1,000 In buildings: price, $b5 per acre. J. A. Foster. Faribault, Minn. FOR SALE Some choice bargains tn largo and small tracts In Musselshell val ley, Montana; prices and terms reasonable. Also two southern Minnesota farms to ex change for western land, city property or merchandise. V. li. Morse, Faribault, Minn. -I DIRT CHEAP 1.2M) acres of scattering cutover lands In St. Louis and Lake coun ties; five-eighths mineral rights; only $2.60 per acre ciish; no trad. A. W, Ulchnow, Torrey Bldg., DulutU, Minn. FOR SALE 40 acres, Clearwater county, Minnesota, three miles from county seat; fairly good buildings, considerable mixed timber; Joins beautiful lake; price $20 per ucre. Oscar F. Stenwick, Bagley, Minn. LAROE, Improved farm, 685 acres, fenced, with 12-room stone house; 200-foot stone stabling, with cement floors, hay carriers, litter carriers, stanchions, drinking cups, milk cooling system, etc.; large granary, windmill and shop house. Will sell, as go ing concern, with stock Implements and furniture, etc.; 15 miles from Winnipeg and one-half mile from station. Full particu lars from Mills Co., owners, 1000 Main St., Winnipeg, Man. SCOTT, HILL CO., 21 CANADA LIFE BLIKJ., WINN1PKU, MAN. 2.000 acres, 00 miles from Winnipeg; mixed grain and pasture land; only $6.60 per acre; easy terms. 8.000 acres, In the famous Eagle Lake dis trict, close to C. N. R. ; all clear, open prairie; steam plow proposition; $11.50 per acre; easy terms. 640 acres, choice Improved form, ninety miles west of Winnipeg, on main line, nearly all under cultivation; well fenced, splendid buildings; only $28 per acre; easy terms. There are millions to be made In western Canada lands. Oet our Hat. Scott, 11111 A Co., 21 Canada Life Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. OTorlta. $5 EACH MONTH AND A FLORIDA FRUIT OR TRUCK FARM IS YOURS Own a profitable fruit or truck farm in Florida's best farm district and pay for It with little monthly savings. By, Intensive farming, with no previous experience, you can make it yield as much as $5,000 a year. Tills prolific land will grow from three to five crops each year, with a profit of from $100 to $00 an acre. Land will raise sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, Bermudas, celery, lettuce, cabbage, tobacco, tomatoes, pea nuts, pecans, strawberries, oranges, figs, grapes, rice, oats, cotton, oorn, sugar cane besides being ideal for stock, dairying, boos and poultry. Near big markets; three railroads; eight minutes from Lake City; F9 miles from Jacksonville in the estab lished profit belt. Climate Is fine, water pure health, frosh air and sunshine abound; beautiful lakes, fishing and hunt ing galore. This is one of the few In stances In which good land can still be procured at a low price. Lake City Board of Trade, mayor, bankers, congressman and farmers will vouch for our statements regarding this beautiful land. Tho price of this land Is $25 per ucre, but the first allot ment will be sold at $12.50 per acre, cash or little monthly payments. It can't last long at that price. Write now for maps and a truthful and honest report ahnnt this land and Its possibilities. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 248 Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Free Trip to Florida - Oood Boll, drainage, water and climate. Ample rainfall; io frost; land Is smooth prairie; no stone or gravel; grows oranges, lemons, grapefruit, peaches, all kinds of vegetables, Sugar cane and corn. Price, $8 per acre. Terms easy. Free trip whether you buy or not. This offer only good for a short time. Write at once If Interested. J. D. Morrison. Reinbeck. Ia. Mlaanarf. FOR SALE 80 acres of land In Vernon county, Mo.; all nice, level land; good 4 room house; good 5-horse barn; good well of water; about three acres of nice young orchard about five years old; all of this land can be farmed; lies of a mile of Dedrlck, on rural route. Price, $45 per acre. Write to J. Q. Coder. Owner, Letts, la. Nebraska. Fine Farm In Deuel county, Nebraska, on the Union Pacific R. R.- and only mile from town, 51 acres; 122 acres purtly set to alfalfa under irrigation with paid up water right; lt)0 acres additional smooth dry farming land; balance rolling pasture, well grassed; fine, never 'freezing spring creek In pas ture; several excellent wlndbreults. Price 20,356; one-fifth balance one-tenth annually at 0 per cent, or owner will take improved city property or small farm an part payment and carry mortgage back for difference. This excellent stock farm is Just the thing to put the bovs on; ask us for plat and detailed Information. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. K. Cor. 15th and Farnam. Telepones, Douglas 1761. A 11S8. 320 A. relinquishments In Kimball Co.. Neb., for fm. $10, $,VJ0. LATH HOP A TOBI.V. 415 Bee Blitg. 25 Miles Oiuaha, 160 Per Acre No waste land, 20 acres timber, loO acres cultivation; 6-rooni hvuse, good barn; ail fenced. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Phone Red 19:9. FOR SALIC Five acres good land, partly alfalfa. 5-room house and other buildings Insured for $2,000; well and cistern, good wuter; V mile from David City, Neb Price. $2,100, $1,000 down. Inquire of Aug Schoi'irfeld, route 3, David City, Neu. 45 IH'SMKLK WHEAT UNI), $25 PICK ACRE. Wo own ami eonttul 20,000 acres of Chey enne county, Nebiaska's choicest farm land, now on the muikr'. The heaviest crop yielding county In Nebraska Tor ten yeais. ulfalfa also a leading crop. Ask for folders and full particulars. Agents wonted everywhere. "A rile for our pron. tlon at once. Railroad fares refunded if things not as represented. FurullngHlund & tSeverson, Sidney, Neb. North Dakota. FLASHER. NORTH DAKOTA, will have Its first railroad this year, (let your business lot now and staku out your fnrtune. Free maps and facts about ihe wheat lands we own at.l have for kale on long time payments. See Wiliiairl 11. Brown Co., Maiulan, Norm Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA FARM 4)-aere farm near Wllllstuii. WllliuniM county; 20 acres broken; well, pasture, K iod buildings; four miles from Trenton; $15 per ucie. If interested write E. ll. Biowuson, SVilislou, .N. D, REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAACt4 LAND FOR IAH (Continued.) New York. . . NEW YORK fsrnis at $tS to $M per acre good land, good buildings In the best of locations at . $40 and V0 rr acre. Send for special farm list just out. f wl Farm Agency, Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y. v Oklaraoaaa. OIOAHOMA We have 100,000 screa of choice fend t relect from, ranging in price from 86 td $40 pet acre. This land ia In the oil and gaa district and you might got an oil well sith your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COk, ' Suite 624 New York Ufa Bldg OKLAHOMA Innd bargains; write ma for . my new list and elegant circulars of latest bargains in best Oklahoma dirt If you Are"' thinking of making a purchase. Don't watt. Write D. U. Esser, Walters, Okl. Soatfc Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA HOME- ' , STEADS Corn, Alfalfa and Wheat Land . Rellnaulshmenta to IKO-scra claims in Tripp county can be had from $4 to $10 per sere. rnm land can be pntentwl in is months and will then sell at .to $40 per acre. Railroads, good markets, fine water an Mlin.-tA .. ..... I . I ..... 1 1 ... a.m k .. .4 liberal laws. Rich corn, alfalfa and wheat lands will produce anything. Buy. now and make money. We also sell deeded nnd In- -dian heirship lands. Write, us what you i need. ' BAKER REALTY CO.. Gregory, So. Dak. .' "THE FAIRY OLKN FARM." 1.780 ACRW8. Here we have It, tlw finest form in South Dakota today, located as it Is In the best part of Faulk county. With gaoil drainage, of the best soil, being a heavy black loam, with a deep clay suliaoll.' There Is nothing Itvlbwa or Illinois that la selling for $160 to $200 per acre that' can equal this farm. If after an In spection of this farm this statement Is not verified, the party making the in spection will have his expenses pnld by us. This farm will sell tor $100 In lesa ; than three years' time. Then Is this not a good Investment? This 'farm has two sets of buildings, which are as follows! House, 24x32; barn, 60x56; artesian well, li inch; cow bam, 3f!xll2-, together with good granary and com crlbr. Oood plum . groves and other trees. The second set . of buildings is as follows: House 28x3'0 barn 40x14, hen house and granary together, with fine 14 Inch ar-: teslan well. These buildings Were built last year. There Is at. present 1,200 acres , under cultivation, eight miles of barb wire fence, 120 acres fenced With 41-lnch hog tight fence, likewise two, pieces of $ and 7 Acres respectively. ' This farm lies f(ve miles northwest of', the beautiful town of Cresbard, one of the best towns In ' Faulk county, and when th grade owned by the Minneapo lis A St. Louis railroad from Aberdeen to Pierre la Ironed, which will ho In the spring, there 'Will he an elevator wtttiln two miles of this farm. t Now, then, two men with means that, want homes together or near one an . other, can buy this and It would be Just the farm, or for one man with plenty of horses and help. Thin is the -cheapest , farm in South Dakota nnd a money maker. Price, $60.00; terms, $26,600 cash, , when', bond for deed will be given, or with a, payment of one-half a warranty deed wilt be given. Buy this, If only for an Invest-., ment, for you cannot beat It anywhere In , any country. Eleven quartera south of Creshard this spring sold for $80.00 and they do not compare with this farm. Don't linger, as It will not be on the market long; first come, first served. For full Information call or write, , HEONES-RIEGER , LAND,. COMPANY, Chelsea, S. D. Make Money Easy M quartT sections In South Dnkota for sale. Gi1 terms. Call or write . South Dakota Farm Land Co. 616 Clnpp Block, Gregory, S. D. ' FOR SALE The south half 4-137-79. Bur leigh county, North Dakota; all fenced. Write C. C. Bratrud, Sioux Falls, S. D. S'SSU. WE WANT YOU TO SEE the land that we are offering for $.09 per acre and compare It with others. Then we have real farms, low at $17.60 rr acre. Easy distance to Houston, city of 1(10,000, Go with us Tuesday, March 15. Low round trip rate. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., " 624 New York Life Bldg.. Red 1999. THE TEXAS PANHANDLE Wheat, corn. hogs. Come to Swisher county, the heart of the cheap, rich, level land. Sure . crops. High altitude, delightful climate. No cyclones, no floods. . Free descriptive booklet: write. James' ' Frye; ' secretary. Commercial Club. Julia, Tx. Virginia. 200 FARMS In Piedmont. Ta., from VtO to $100,009, ; from 16 to 1,200 acres; quality finest; pro ductiveness unsurpassed. 2,000.0(10 acres in Kentucky, timber and , minerals, $7 per acre. Ice and electric plant In thriving town. , W. W. BRIUOS,- Orange, Va. Waafclaertaa. WHEAT and Fruit Lands., Montana, Washington and Oregon. Large and small tracts of cheap farm lands. Tyler Scoville, 321 Central Bldg., Soattle.. Wash, j r . , . Wlaraaialf. FOR SALE At a bargain, one quarter section heavy timber land; located on rail road and lake; also one HO-acre, fine black -soil; some farms In Minnesota and Wiscon sin; will Improve or consider trade, Chae, Tomon, Nllisvllle, Wis. Wyoming. FOR SALE 160 acres, 1 mile south 'of the city of Cheyenne, Wyo., the capital of the ' Mtltte 1T I .. ill teoil all f.l i .... . ' n m i r . . . ', some one. Price, $25 per acre." Fob paitlc- j ulars write O. W. Cook, Outhrle Center, Iowa. $10 CROP LANDS 111 Iowa colony. Wyom ing; don't drown out or dry out;- have -Just rain enough; also fr homeateadM. J Write for maps. M. II. Hartung, Cheyenne, Wyo. SELL your high priced land and buy $16 lands In Iowa colony, Wyo., where big crops grow and they don't drown out or dry out; have Just rain enough. Also fin climate and good water. Write for maps to M. II. Hartung, Cheyenne, Wyo. lllacellaueoaa. , . FOR Information and literature on farm land and Irrigated fruit lands Idaho, Ore gon and Washington call on u-i. or write ur-fCi Neville block. Omaha. Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co. J. W. Young, local managtr. FOR HI'SINKSS HITKH OET OUT on the new railroads In rich North DikMs or In. tho GREAT JI PITH BAHI.V, MONTANA. We ttell our lands on fuy terms. Oet free maps aad fiK'ls from Wm. K. Brown Co.. i:si La Halle St., Chicago, Illinois, or Ilobsoii, Montana. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Staach l.anda. . TWENTY ACRES, house ar.d barrf. Har ney C47. THREE QUARTERS, near ValparalaoT $2 50 an acre, if taken immediately; hear ing orcl.ard. 100 arrea cultivated on each, Chaa Xauford, Richards Blk., Lincoln. . The Key to tha Situation Be Want, Ad