TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1910. Want - Ads Adverttaemeat for tee waat rolomm will be taken nnttl 13 M. fn (he evening edition until SiSO n m. fop the anornta and lialu; edt tloaa. tana ami ncronsnany all orders for Trent nda aad ao advertisement will Ito accepted for leas tkaa SO eeate for flrat laaertlon. Hates apply (a fllkrr "The Dally or nnday Br. Always tout ats word to a Ha. CASH RATRS rOR WANT ADS. ItKfill.AII CI,ASSiriCATIO?T Oao ifnt per word for each rnbeeineat Inaertlen. I.ach Insertion made oa iilil day, 1 1.2 rent, per word I $1.6- per Una per Month. Waat ada for The Bee mar at anr of tho following- drn etorea one la roar "corner drairsTtat" the are all branch offleea for Tho Bee and roar ad will be Inserted eai aa promptly aad aa the aamo ratea aa at la mala office la The Bee nlldlncr seventeenth aad Fnrnam atrectai Alr.c?i, TV. C, 40th and Farnam. IWaiick. S. A., 1403 8. 10th St Becht Pharmacy. 12e 8. 16th St. Henson Pharmacy, Beneon, Neb. Pernio Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Rlake-Rrarilah. SS1 Hhermun Art Caughlln, C. R., tth and Pierce Sts. Clifton -Ml Pharmacy. 8213 Military Are. Conte, J B., list Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. J23H 8. 16th SL Cirtnak, Kmll, 1744-e 8. 13i.h St Khler. P. H . 0t Leavenworth. Foster Arnoldl, 813 N. Kith ft. "Voytag, John J.. 1914 N. 14th fit. 'Megger Drug Co., IVO N. ttb Ht Vorenoa Drug Co., Florence, Nee Mman Pharmacy. Mth and Lake--een's Pharmacy, Pnrk Ave. and Pacific n enough. O. A., J06 8. loth St. !i eenough, O. A., ICth and Hickory. Wayden. William C. M Farnam St. I tanscom Park Phar.. 1601 6. SStb Ave, Hoist. John, 24 N. lffth 8t. Huff. A. L., 8824 Leavenworth 8. Johanaon Drug Co., 14th and Spalding St King, H. . 2238 Farnam 61. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. -4th. Mirea. Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles B.. HB4 N. t4th 8L Peyton. L. B., i!4th and Leavenworth Sti. Saratoga Drug Co.,1 24th and Am Ave. Kohsefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16ti) tnd Chicago flta. Rchaefer, Augunt. 2631 N lh St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th ar.d Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, l(?th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrtli. O. If.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. ri'NERAli NOTICE. The members of Capitol lodge No. 3. Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, are requested to meet at Masonic hall. Six teenth and Capitol avenue, on Tuesday, March 1, at 1:30 p. m., to attend the funeral of our late brother, Harry A. Smith. Hy order of GEORGE R. YOUNG, Master. JOHN HAM FORD, Secretary. O'OORMAN Mrs. Mary, aged 77 years, at her residence, 2109 Nicholas street. Funeral from ft. John's church Wednes day morning at o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. SMITH Harry E., aged 54 years. Funeral from Cole-McKay company a chapel, 1708 Douglas St., Tuesday at Z p. m., under the auspices of Capitol lodge No. 3, A. F. & A. M. BIHTIIS AND DEATHS. Births Gulseppe Sofia. 708 Pacific, bov Hurry Sinner. BlS North Sixteenth. girl Kdwln Hatheway, 218 South Twenty fourth, girl; George TJrbach, Eleventh and Paul, boy: Fred Dahlstrom, Fifteenth and Corby, boy; Oscar Olson, 5301 California, girl; F. J. Byors, 2105 Hast Locus, girl; Charles Remington, 2456 Camden avenue, girl; James Green, 1913 Cuming, girl; Ar thur Wright, 1007 North Seventeenth, boy Robert Hell, 3015 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Charles II. Sherer, 1301 Georgia ave nue, bov. Deaths Baby Berghahu, 2111 Ohio; John Hansen, Battle Creek, la., 56; Mrs. Caro line O'Neal, 271S Charles, 67; Arthur Oar berry, IS) North Seventeenth. J7; Llzrle Smith, lfi07 Cuming, 48: John F. Gilchrist, 4M Leavenuorth, 79; John H. Powell, 93 North Twenty-fourth, 20; KarenMartis, Petaluma, Cal.. 73; Mrs. Mabel E. Frye, Methodist hospital, 34. MAHIUAGI3 LICENSES. Tho following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. John L. Nelson, Oakland 2K Effa Anderson, Oakland 23 H. C. Morgan. Chicago 2:1 litesto L. Page, Conu.ta, 8. D 23 I. udle T. Arnold, Newport, Ark 29 Bertha Buhe, Kewanee, 111 25 Herman L. Wenlgc, Den Moines 54 Sarah Jane Price, Des Molnea Carsten Hansen, McArdle 23 Liszle Neumann, Bennington 21 Oren H. Wilson, Omaha 23 Esther Brewer. Florence 18 Ralph, Kurz, Omaha in Marian Fremel, Omaha , 22 A. C. Monroe, Papllllon 2t Cora Raiser, Omuha 17 CARD OF THANKS. To the many friends and hla brother Odd Fellows who so kindly honored the late William Doll at his funeral and for the many beautiful floral offerlnga evidencing the love and esteem In which he was held, the relatives extend their most grateful acknowledgements and sincere thanks. MRS. L1SETTB UHLMAN. ANNOUNCEMENTS fVIAT CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal. V,U"U Coutant Squires. 1406 Far. D. 80. TYPEWRITTEN work produoed In quan tities. WIIN DUPLICATING Co., 403 Bee Iildg. R. L. Andrews. Mgr. Doug. SM. TUB City Garbage Co., Tel. Doug. 1387, cleans vaults, cesspools and removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. WEDDING RINGS Ryan Jewelry Co., Fifteenth and Douglas. Monuments. J. V. Bloom Co.. 18U Far. MONEY TO LOAN - LOW HATE. In sums to sun, uo Bee Bldg. UNION LOAN COMPANY. f- Iron and Wlra PPTlCft Champion Fence Co., X lcth 4 jackBon gts. Tel. D. 15S0. W. F. ERDMAN starting next week we will be able to furnish our customers with the CELEBRATED CACTI SOAP. We will also be able to supply all of our customers with the famous LITTLE MINISTER CIGAR and the ERDMAN CIGAR, a hundred thousand a day. W. F. ERDMAN. THE UNION FUEL CO. Altchlson. Cook, Conner, Formeily ground floor New York Life Bids. ANNOUNCE THE OPENING of their new office. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLDG. BRIQUETTES o'tr specialty for Hound Oak and Furnaoe. IS 60 a Ton. PROMPT DELIVERY. 'Phones; Ind. A-ttbi. Doug. 261. A WELL established business In antn. nuibtlr.i and general repair will take a pHi'tner willing to put In l!000. Inventory of slock and machinery I4&.O00. Address ii i,o. care lit, and interview will be ar ranged. S. H. COLE SIGN CO., D. $701. 1316 Fai nam. PHOTO ENGRAVING Arid Blast Etching. Prompt Work. W. R, BUAMULETT at CO.. 1311 Howard. D. 6371. HINDOO TAHLKTS) will build, brace. . ctrvnglhen. 40c. BtLL DUUG CO. , Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. ANNOUNCEMENTS H olii aiu. U. i fvut S. A H. Green Trading Stamps VV'11J ( , u k.r1 mntt cnu I to,.nla Coal Co. I)oilgla17."4; Independent A-H4H. ILEU GltAND HOTEL Finest In the west. rrnrlfich lifllhs Hth and Howard Sta. iurlsa XUIU5 i AUCTIONEER Charles R. Clavier, practical auctioneer; oiitlde sales a specialty; sales made any where in the t'nlted states. Address 4fi69 West lyeavenworth St., Omaha. Neb. SHOES called for ar.d delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. liM Farnam. J. A. FITZPA TRICK, plumbing. hot water, steam heatilng. 1721 Cuming. D. 1344 ELEVATORS RF.PAIRF.D Frelpht, engrr,, J. R. Kennedy, 104 8. 13th. Don g.27. Pnnitoga Drug Co., 24th and Ama Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. Store open 6:30 a. m to 12 p. m. PCI AT. THinoli lump, per ton, 0:7 00 UiVXl p j creed m Sona. 4Sth and Dodge. Tel. Harney 2100. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. K PTS A. JETE9. 1302 Douglas St. VXO. TiOTTTF! TIK0 Douglas St.. Cm- LXJUXtU jIIIJVU Kha.a brnt ,tealt and chop place. American and Chinese aiylea. OFFICE STATIONERY f Kotera & Co.. IMG Jackson. "Phone D. 1XA. The Melcher-Schmidt Drug Co., announces that' Its new up-to-date drug tore will be open for business about Feb. 2V. It will be In the strictest sense a prescrip tion drug store. A large and varied stock, complete equipment In tfie prescription room and In the laboratory guarantees that prescrtplons will be filled In an ac curate, scientific manner. Besides this, on able and active force of pharmacists will be occupied In co-etratlng with your physician to safeguard your health. Melcker-Sckmidt Drug Co., 17th and Farnam. BARRETT-JOHNSON CO., The Well Known Tailors, WHO HAVE BEEN AT 1507 FARNAM ST. FOR THE PAST SIXTEEN TEAKS, HAVE MOVED 524 So. 16th St. Oppsoite Rome ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Laat a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th. 'Phona Red S14. LYNCH BROS. plueant(?n(d REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 700 8. 16th. Phono Douglas 1477. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. W. W. Scott, Photographer. Photos taken anywhere any time. D. 915. Missouri Fillers made. sold. 1310 Howard. Pnm,rfT?lnJrfl BEST QUALITY. Wiucuiuiuuna Cement Ktnn f-n D. W. DUDGEON. Plumbing and heating. AUTOMOBILES Aeroplaae. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1103 Farnam. Dlstbrs. Matthewson-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or write tor specifications. Aatomobllea. See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle repairs. Fcr the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires, Tubes or Casings. 18th and Harney Sta. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons. I.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvoster Company, Omaha. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam 8k MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or nhrht Tire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. uroaaway, council anuria, ina. sii, uiack buw. Antn Pflintirnr "Murphy Did It." Get AUI 1 amlm6 our prices. Andrew uLxtrhx & sun, 1412 Jackson. BARGAINS In used cars; send for list. Council Bluffs Auto. Co.. 610 Pearl SL AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Renalrlnr. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, tttn Ave ana Leavenworth. PARKTyV 2230 FARNAM STREET. I. iXiXVEiX Automobile Overhauling, Repainting and Repairing. Douglas CALL US for demonstration of Cole "SO." Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnam. WRITE for list automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. AUTOMOBILE repairing at any hour, any uui ana unywnere; ior . iirst-ciass me- cnanics call Douglas 72S1. Storage, second-hand cars, Diamond tires, The Paxton-Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St FOR SALE or trade, new 1910 high grade auto. Finely - equipped, top wind shield, etc. One of the best cars made. Address L-iii jiee. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on uAuisaiau, wt lie ijidg. TeL D. 1367, ARKIN'S KOSHER f6AhFBUpa!r8. VCll HAI.1T , i. . .. I . i , . ness cheap. Address Box 262, Spearfish, IF YOU have a few hundred dollars ready money and all right, you can take ch.rge of office and h tabllshed business, handling exclusive seller ior uniiea isuttes; nothing like It; party going on the road establishing more agen- cit-B, great iuiure; act quick, WO Bee Bldg. Equalizer Mfg Co. $4,500 stock hardware in rapidly growing town In South Dakota. A fine prospect for a prosperous buslnes Nowata Land and Ia1 company, 024 New York Life Bldg Tel. Red 1SW9. HOTEL In Nebraska doing a thriving business; Junction of two railroads; no belter paying hotel In the state; best rea aons for Belling. Price 83.500. Restaurant In Omaha netting $15 profit per day. Price 82.OU0. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19!9. WANTED Partner with $15,000 to lnveat In a thoroughly equipped automobile and garage repair buslnesa In Omaha; good business and established reputation; stock of merchandise, machinery and fixtures. Inventory 846,000. Splendid opportunity for man who means buslnens. Write Imme diately. Address A 167. care Bee. IF you have money to put Into a well, established business that will inventor)' 846.000, communicate with me. Addreas B 168, care Bee. IF you have a few thousand dollars to Invest In an established business of good reputation and solid, I can put you In touch with the best thing that you ever saw. Address C 109, care Bee. TAILOR Experienced cutter, open for position. Salary reasonable. Would leave city. M-408 Bee. FOR SALE A stock of general merchan dise in a good Central Nebraska town. Will Invoice betweeA 83.000 and $10,000. Purchaser must have cash. Address Y 178, pee. FOR SALE One of the beat paying sa loon In Council Bluffs; good reason for selling. Address D, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. FAMILIES WANTED Fifty families wanted to establish Ifcmie In this city; employment for men In Burlington shops and for girls and women hi the M. K. Smith it Co.'s factory. Addrets Commercial club, l'lattsmuuih, Neb. WANT man to take Interest In legitimate huMiiess: big profits; no competition; must have 12.500 to $3,0u0 cash. Addrexs, F 172, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) FOR SALE Confectionery stock and fix tures: aell cheap. Good location. For In formation. Lork Box 62. North Rend, Neb. FOR SALE A r..0(in stork of general merchandise In a good location at 2T per cent discount for cash. Miller A Wacker, Loveland. Colo. PARTNER wanted real estate or manu facturing HUFFMAN. SIS NEVILLE BLDG. two BUYS the best located 11-r. rooming house In Omaha. LATHROP ft TOBIN, 415 Bee Bldg. DANCING UAD V TV Q IKth anrl ITat-naui Mon., Frl., 8 p. m.i private dally. D. 104L JOIN Morand's spring term this week and ask for reduced prices. DENTISTS BAILEY 4V MACK. 3d fioor. Paxton. D109 TAFT'8 Dental Rooms, 1317 Douglas St. DETECTIVES O. A. Halterman, 432 Paxton. Phone R. 4771. DRESSMAKERS LADIES' skirts cleaned & pressed. R. 4218. TERRY COLLEGE, 20th and Farnam Sta MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4676. M. SELECOW. 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. LADIES' tailoring and dressmaking. Model Tailoring Co.. SOfiH N. 18th. I. 4Sr,2. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall 60a and 11.00. Sherman & McConnoIl Drug Co, Omaha. CHINA decorating: order work a special rv. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. j. vj. nungaie. n Brandels Bldg. Tel. Rd 5486. MRS. MATTHEWS, hair goods. 304 Nevillo. PANTORIUM ? BJNES.-"- "Good cleaners and dyers."' FOR EASTER FOR EASTER. Dress pleatlnrs. buttons covered, all Sizes and styles. The Ideal 1'leatlng Co., 200 Douglas Block. Both 'phones. FOR EASTER. Chlodo, the leading tailor and dressmaker, Invitee his patrons of Omaha and else where to Inspect the spring and summer styles and materials of 1910. Parlors, 214 216 S. 18th SL FOR EASTER. Easter egg dyes, 5c; Easter perfumes, 6c to 85.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney. FOR EASTER. Now showing "The Broadway," "The Flak." "The Rich." "The McCarren" pat terns for Easter at Pennell's, 1511 Doug las St. THE SANITARY HA1RDRESSING PARLORS. Switches Made and Dyed. 601 Paxton Block. Phono D. 467L SCREENS. SCREENS. SCREENS. Prepare for Fly Time. Hlgglns all metal, all weather screens do not rust or shrink. Sam'l Dickinson, 321 Ramge Bldg. FURNACES AND REPAIRS FURNACE repairing a specialty. Joseph Duffy. 1U01 Cass. Tel Doug. 62'JO. NEW FURNACES, water fronts, tank heaters and repairs of every make; 120ii-8 Douglas St. Omaha Stove Repair Works. EDUCATIONAL ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL. FOR BOYS 41st AND CHARLES. Rey. F. D. TYNER. 8848 Charles. H-2283. BOYLES COLLEGE, the largest business college In all the U. S. west of Chicago. DAY AND NIGHT COURSES. Trains young people for successful ca reers as stenographers, bookkeepers, tel egraphers and U. S. civil service railway mail clerks, carriers and government clerks; fine, big, Interesting, instructive catalogue free for the asking. Ask now. Both 'phones. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMP MAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled course In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam SL Douglas 6447. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ca. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney, Douglas 8000. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson, ISIS Farnam St Doug. 1258. BRANDEI3 CUT FLOWERS DEPT. Noraerlea. WRITE for special prices on early orders, Kuney Creek Nursery, Honey Creek, la. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trade. TEN girls wanted for catalogue work. Girls under 16 must have permit when applying. Call at office. Nebraska Clothing Co. WANTED Thoroughly experienced cloak and suit saleswomen. None other need apply, WOLFF, 1517 Douglas. Honaekeepera aad Domestic. WANTED Competent girl to take care of 1-year-old child. Call at 3525 Farnam St., or telephone Harney 899. GIRL for general housework. 110J go. S2d. WANTED Cook. Tel. Harney 352. Apply 24 Farnam St. 32: GIRL to assist In care of children and housework; must sleep at home. 223 So. SOth St. Tel. 11. 4644. WANTED Girl for second work. Douglas 2827, or 630 So. 20th St. GIRL for general housework. 3229 Harney Street. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework; good room and good wages, and small family. Apply 2612 So. 10th St., or phone Douglas EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; small family. 1116 No. 23d St., So Omaha. Tel. S. 44. GIRL for general housework. Family of four. 136 So. 38th St. WANTED A girl for general housework. 2421 Charlea St. Phone Webster 2911. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. 614 N. 15th St., South Omaha. Tel. South U0. WAMLI A Mmtiflinl m.lH a 4 a- .T .I , '"1-ry. Mb d. tela - - - www. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ilonarhrepera and Domestic Cont'd WANTED Girl tot light housekeeping. Apply Mrs. Wrdgq, 820 So. 2Sth St. GIRL for general housework. 1316 Park Ave. WANTED A competent artrl for house work. Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, 1329 So. S-'d St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing. 4U No. 40th St. Tel. H. 1243. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no washing; pood wnKes. Ap ply Mrs. J. P. O'Keefe, 5n2H Davenport Ft. GIRL for general housework: small fam ily; good wages. 1020 8. 33th Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housework from Friday to Sunday evenings. 502 N. 40th St. GIRL for housework at 1910 Cass St. COMPETENT housemaid. Apply in per son. 113 North 18th St. WANTED Thoroughly experienced sec ond girl. Phone Douk. 62. 2J4 N. Uth St. A YOUNG girl to assist with housework anrt care of children. 1623 No. 24th, So. Omaha. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. Phone Harney 1504 or apply 1720 S. 22d Ave. WANTED Good washerwoman. 115 N. 41st St. GIRL for general housework. 218 N. 22d. WANTED A middle-aged woman for general housework; small fnmlly; no wash ing; good wages. Apply 2719 Pratt St. or phone Web. 4iCl. WANTED A good girl for general house work; good wages. Mrs. M. Rachum, 834 8. 24th St. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages; small family. Web. 5686. 2006 Spencer. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and oare of children. 6 So. 19th. GIRL for general housework. 2509 Far nam. GOOD Girl for general housework. Mrs. Van Dussen, 2539 D St., South Omaha. GOOD girl for general housework. 1029 Georgia Ave. GOOD girl for general housework. 1031 Spencer. Phono Webster 354. WANTED Girl to assist In general house work. 2710 Burt. Phone Harney 1237. WANTED Girl to assist with house work and care for children. 1113 Georgia Ave. GIRL to do cooking. Mrs. Yates, S120 Davenport St. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 3124 Leavenworth. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages. 3204 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 4152. GOOD cook wanted at 2013 Douglas St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; small family, and good wages. Call at once. 1304 S. 35th. Phone Harney 741. COMPETENT girl for general house work; good wngs. Mrs. J. 3. O'Conner, 1022 Georgia Ave. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. 2580 Manderson. GIRL to assist with general housework. 1512 N. 26th St. GIRL for general housework. 1915 Spen cer St. GOOD girl to do cooking. Mrs. J. F. Wil cox, 1132 E. Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. WASHERWOMAN to take washing home; references required. 1329 So. 31st. WANTED Middle-aged woman or girl; light housework; small family; easy place. 1917 Grace. HOUSEKEEPER, small family; no chil dren wanted. 203 No. 19th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of two and child 8 years; German or Bohemian preferred. Apply mornings at 304 No. 22d St., across from High school. WANTED At once, experienced girl for general housework; wages, $5 per week. Call 1024 No. 32d St. WANTED A neat, experienced girl for general housework; family of three. 409 Dodge St 'Phone H. 1431. WANTED Woman that Is competent Ip all lines of work. Sanitary Hair Dressing Parlors, 122 So. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Young girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing. 136 So. 38th St. WANTED Chambermaid. St. 1717 Chicago WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; German or Bohemian preferred. Apply at 3408 Dewey Ave. GIRL wanted for general housework; no cooking; small family and good salary. 2613, Capitol Ave. GIRL for general housework; two In family; references required. Mrs. R. E. Lamereaux, 1330 So. 33d. 'Phone Harney 2123. WANTED Girl to assist in general housework; no cooking or washing; good wages; good home. 2408 Cass St. , GIRL wanted for general housework. Tel. Harney 18il5. 38th and Hawthorne Ave. Swedish preferred. lflscelloaeons. LEARN' HAIRDRESSING It pays. You can larn $15 to $25 weekly. Full course taught. .1. L. Brandeis. Halrdreaslng Dept. WAITERS, waitresses, porters, llsh washers. Robertson's Lunch, 313-15 So. 16th. Apply to head waiter. FIVE girls to press on ladles' garments; good wages and fcteady work. Address 2907 Leavenworth St. HELP WANTED MALE A greats, Solicitor aad aleameo. WANTED A solicitor with kjrse and buggy to drive through tho country an4 solicit subscriptions. Call and sea circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Reliable salesman to inter view physicians on attractive guarantee basis. Address Y 1S6, care Bee. WANTED The American Sales Book Co. of Elmlra, N. Y., has an opening for two agents in Nebraska to handle their line of sales books, order bookscounter check bonks and short account systems. The salesman will either be brought to Elmlra, N. Y., . for Instruction or a special In structor will be sent Into the field wl'.h him. Credit given agent for all sales com ing from his field. The reorders are a big feature. The account must be handled on a com mission basis, and the salesmen must have satisfactory referonces. Address Sales Manager, American Sales Book Co., El mlra, N. Y. I- START LOCAL ACCIDENT TNST'H- ANCK AGENCY THAT WILL PAY YOU $15 TO H0 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO.. 800 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Farmer, Uli Bee bldg., Omaha. N. WANTED Agents to sell our lands In the beautiful White River valley in the famous Rosebud district, In Lyman. Stan ley, Tripp. Mellette, Potter and Sully coun ties, So. Dakota, in the heart of the great corn and artesian belts. vlan Is situated on the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee Ac St. Paul Ry., between Chicago uud Rapid City, which makes It very easy to reach. We do not hesitate In stating that we are one of the be.t equipped land firms in the U. S. and will gladly furnish refer encea as to our moral and financial stand ing. Write for full Information. Liberal commissions. Address the Dudley Scheffer Land Co., Vivian, Lyman county, S. D. EXPERIENCED collector for house fur nishing Co.; stale experience and reference. Address U 4:9, Bee- HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Saleantea- 'ontlnaed. AGENTS Something new, easy to sell, easy to handle; write quick. Brtlett Sup ply Co., Brown block, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Man of some selling ability, capable of nrgnnlslng a selling staff, to handle one rf ihe best advertised rommodl - fo vmi In oriniKlns; you innst have a clear record; position will pay aalary and commission. $!.0n0 to H.ftono per year. In answering give full particulars. All replies will be treated confidentially. -.i.uieit A-lol care Bee, Hoya. TWO ROYS M years old; apply Monday morning at new court house bldg. Cald well & Drake. Clerical aad Office. IF you are opon for a position and want one where ability counts for something, you should SEE US AT ONCE or write for complete list of vacancies. We can place you on short notice. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. WE CAN USE SEVERAL GOOD STENOGRAPHERS, BOOK KEEPERS, SALESMEN. COLLECTORS. CLERKS At Once. (Jet busv. (See) CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 674-6 Brandels Bldg. OUR BUSINESS is to set you next to ft good position, if you are experienced In any commercial line. It will PAY YOU to see us AT ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandels Bldg. Factors- an a Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. WANTED One mechanical and one arch itectural draftsman; must have experience. Aurtress W 166, Bee. . WANTED Beet Workers People wanting to work Sugar Beets the coming year, write to, Iowa Sugar Co., Waverly, la. WANTED Good gardener and small fruit man and wife for small place near Omaha. Pleasant home. Address, 8-412, Omaha Bee. WANTED A first-class architectural draftsman; permanent position for suitable person. Address A. D. B., Denver Post, Denver Colo. If lauellaaeeae. MEN WANTED to prepare for railway mail examinations; commencement salary 1X00; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dfpt. 187 L, Rochester, N. Y. P ATKTT'Wri. anl papering. Get estimate liiuminu now Henawa, Tel. H-4S41. WANTED Band men that can handle the standards to travel In Nebraska and Iowa for hlgh-cluss proposition. Big money for hustlers. Call and see me. A. I.I. Theall, Paxton hotel. WANTED A married man to run a route. Man must have good references and be willing to work seven days a week. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam. MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago Mull Order house to distribute catalogues, advertise, $21 weekly; $50 expense allow ance. Manager 1224 State St., Chicago. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. WANTED Three hundred teams for double track work on Union Pacific R. R., North Platte to Julesburg. Phelan-Shlrley Company, 1U09 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. ASK me how you can start a profitable mall order business at homo evenings. Hea cock, 739 Lockport, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Apprenticeship saved by free work and careful Instructions. These advantages given only by us. Few weeks completes. Tools given, board secured. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber college, 110 S. 14th St. MEN'S pants cleaned & pressed. R. 4218. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lioraes aad t chicles. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires put on and flrat class blacksmith work dons by Johnson Danforth Co., lOtl. and Jones Sts. MILLER & WINDER buy and sell all kinds of horses. 1-ilo Capitol Ave. D. 1810. Heavy teaming gears, delivery and farm wagons, buggies and surrey, Central Manu facturing Co., 1117 Farnam. $200.00 ball bearing rubber tire buggy, used very little; for vale cheap. Central Manu facturing Co., 1117 Farnam. Let Frost fix your wagon. 714 So. 14th. ROY Young buys and sells horses. Livery and boarding, 1720 N. 24th St. W. 1603. Full Rawhide 50c Whips now 25o at HAYDEN'S HARNESS DEPT. (Basement) ONE undercut, cushion buggy for sale cheap. 425 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Tel. South 214. WILL SELL at public sale, six good driving and work horses, three Shetland ponies and Shetland pony stallion. Fort Calhoun, Neb., March 1. ONE mare, 8 years old, weight, 960 lbs. Good single driver. One spring wagon. One set single harness, new. 2524 Decatur Street. LOST AND FOUND LOST Beaver muff In Brandels base ment; finder please turn in at main desk; receive reward. COALes WE Save you $1 to $2 In :nt per ton, good quail Tel. D. 2109-B 658a. FULL WEIGHT COAL CO. LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co.. HI 8. 16th. Reward. LOST In the U. S. Nat. bank, one small red memorandum book. Please return to assistant cashier. MEOiCAL I beg to announce to my pat rons that I have returned from my tour around the world, which I began Oct. 1st, and that I will be at my offices in the Bee Bldg., room ' 524, prepared to resume my practice as a specialist in dis eases of the rectum, piles, fis tula, etc. Dr. W. C. Maxwell. AVERAGE TIME TO CURB. Rupture, one visit. Piles and Fistula, E days. Cancer, Catarrh, Rheumatism and Gout, 30 days. Goiter and Blood Poison, etc 90 days. No knife, blood or Pain. You wlli be surprised how quickly and easily these cures are possible when you become fully Informed concerning cur new methods. Write for fiee book. GERMAN DOCTORS, Corner Main and Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. PILES-FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL DISEASES cured without a surgical operation and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. No chloroform, ether or other general anaesthetic used. EXAMINATION FREE. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK. DR. E. R. TARRY, 224 BEE BLDG. OMAHA, NEB. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor, 'phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. OMAHA SANITARIUM Nervoua and skin dlaeasea cured by elec tric treatment. X-Ray lamination Free, ill N. ioth. Tel. Douglas 6036. Omaha. BEST nerve brace lor man. Gray'a Nerve Food mil, tl a box, po-tpmd. buerman Ik McConnell Drue Co Oiuaha. MEDICAL (Continued.) COSTS YOU NOTHING if you have a chronic disease to trv the FAMOUS KRP1R TREATMENT at the Radium Medical and Surgical Institute, northwest corner 12th and Farnam. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sta; warehouse. tWJ W Izard St. MONEY TO LOAN lALAn Y AND CHATTEL. U on If FURNITURE, PIANOS. FAT.ARIE3 t$ at the following low rates: fj JJ 60c a week pay $10 loan. it ft 90c a week pays 1.5 loan. $$ M Tl no a week pays T'0 loan. $$ $2.C6 a week pays $100 lean. II You can pay monthly If you wish. $$ Thcs payment Include Interest and ti $$ principal; no other charges, STRICT- $$ ft LY CONFIDENTIAL. NO RED $1 If TAPE. Call and he convinced that M it we are the CHEAPEST and BEST. it ft OMAHA. V 1 N A.NC1AL CO.. It If 601 Hi own Block., Opposite Brandels. U t PT.ones Douglas 20.. A 2036. $1 UtUWMWWWiUmW5tMWW.etWJJl MONEY TO LOAN EASTERN RATES. Wc can loan you any amount of money on your furniture, live stock or any other security at eaotern rates and extend your fiayments for the longest time ever given n Omaha. Give us a trlul. Business strictly confidential. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Suites 7 and 8, Crounse Blk., opposite post office. Corner )6th and C.ipltol avenue. Bell Doug. 1356. Ind. A-1356. 1892 Oldest Established. 1510 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. for II yeara at 119 Board of Trade. 806 So. 16th St. 'Phone Doug. 229S. See us and be convinced that our rates are cheaper than any advertised. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates, confidential; open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Blk. HOW MUCH I ! I are you In debt? Would It not be better to pay off all your creditors, Grocer, Butcher, MHkman, Furniture man. Landlord, Etc., and owe only In one place? Wc will ar range this for you, and again establish your credit standing if It Is now Injured. Our rates are absolutely tho lowest In tho city, and we give you any length of time to settle. Loans made without delay on In' surance Policies. The J. A. Hutton Co., 514-15 Paxton Block. 1514 Dodge SI. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, Douglas 1411 and A 14U. ' MONEf LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPINO HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 111 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 110.00 only.; 60 per mo. $15.00 only 75 per mo. $20.00 only., $1.00 per mo. $n0.00 only $2.60 per mo. $100 only $5.00 per mo. W. C. FLATAU. Red em MONEY EK S1etdneT. tw SALARY LOANS & CHATTEL LOANS. Easy payments at low rates. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES IVf OUT .TON S lTnion Orchestra. UlUUDlUiM "New, catchy danceable. AfTTRTP Rhul Moulton, director. 506 Kar uuiu baclc Block- rjoug. 2388, A-4383. PLVNO lessons, reasonable terms. Mrs. Fay Stahl, 2703 Spalding. Tel. Ind. B-5284. NF.RTFJ'S Union Orchestra. Doug. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding; and Rooms. NICE room with board for two young men. 314 N. 19th. THE PB ATT Excellent home cooking. Meals, 25c. Warm rooms. 212 S. 25th St. LARGE southeast front room with board. 123 So. 25th Ave. WANTED Two to occupy large south front room; also 1 east room with board. 2472 Harney. A BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms with board. 106 No. 25th St. LARGE room for two; also smaller rooms, with or without board. 621H S. 19th. NICE front room, newly furnished, with first-class board, for gentlemen. 2407 Har ney. TWO south rooms, 2318 Douglas St. FOR gentlemen or gentleman and wife who would appreciate a home in refined family; an eact front room with alcove room handsomely furnished, with choice table. J 142, Bee. Varnished Booms. THE BELMONT, i51S DODGE. MODERN STEAM HEATED ROOMS. EVERYTHING NEW. RATES FROM $2 60 TO $8 PER WK. LARGE room, house new, plenty of hot water. 316 N. 19th bt DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam heat In every room; rates by week. SITUATION wanted In a good up-to-date dairy by an experienced man. W-447-Bee. THE IDEAL Modern rooms, well heated, and board very reasonable; 5 minutes' walk from center. 1717 Chicago SL WARM rooms, $2 per week; free batb. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, lit S. litb SL. The Chatham. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Douglas 6U. LARGE front room, modern. 1814 Dodge. ELEGANT front room, fine furniture. 32 N. 10th. No sign on house. 8TEAM heated rooms. 611 N. 17th. 2403 Harney St, front room, private fam ily. FRONT ROOM, strictly modern and close in. 508 N. 20th St. LARGE rurnished room, suitable for two young men. 2709 Capitol Ave. 201 So. Z4tn; front parlor; also small room; reasonable; steam heat. FRONT room; modern; suitable for tw gentlemen. 638 So. iUlh. Douglas 2715. TWO modern furnished rooms, furnace heat. 864 No. 25th St. NICELY furnlched front room, modern. 714 So. 17th Ave. TWO, modern, reasonable. 1428 N. 20th, Phone Webster 329. DEWEY European hotel, 13th & Farnam, TO RENT Furnished, sleeping and house keeping. Heat and gas. 620 N. 18th St. LARGE front room. 2045 Dodge St. Phone Douglaa 70J& FURNISHED ROOMS-15 per month, for young men; electrlo light, steam heat, telephone, running water, laundry and preaaing privileges. 2627 Harney St. ONE large and two small adjoining rooms, running water. 118 N. 25th St. ROOMS, newly furnished. 909 N. 17th. ONE well heated east room. 212 N. 24tb Et. Phone Douglas 4707. NICE parlor bedroom, new piano; also clean room for two or four at II a wek each. 1711 Webster, top floor, caat wing. NICE, warm rooms. loa Fwaui - OFFERED FOR RENT Fernlahed Room ta Coatlaaed. L I hal MA In K. nAa.H - FRONT parlor and back parlor, modern. cloe In, suitable for four men. 1709 Leav enworth, 1st floor. WALKING distance, tl: Isrge, warm, w-ei) furnished room; has piano and fire place; strictly modern; nice bath; always hot water; no objection to mualo or prac tice. Leavenworth car one block, 266 HU Mary's Ave. One other room. .i CLEAN, modern rooma, reasonable. 1814 Dodge St. LARGE front room with kitchen; modern; newly papered. 2003 Burt St. TWO front rooms for rent. 711 8. .M fit SMALT, room, modern, private family; Cheap. 712 N. 19th St. Phone Red 6M6. FRONT room, steam heat, bath. Doug. 24Vt. Davldge Blk. MODERN room, second floor, for two. 2715 Dewey Ave. Suitable STRICTLY modern rooms. 3018 Webster. Harney 3738. THOROUGHLY modern, strictly ftrst clssa; steam, janitor, gas stove, tiled bath, hot water. 114 N. 18th. NICE front room, suitable for two. In quire at basement. 615 N. 23d St. ONE nicely furnished room. 610 N. 18th. STEAM heated, furnished room, modern. 522 S. 16th, flat 11. SINGLE room and double rooms. 211 N. 18th. NF.WI Y furnished room In modfrn house; close In. Call 2512 St Mary's Ave. NEAT room, modern home. 1129 Wirt St. 22?0 EMMET, modern' rooms, near car. Phone Webster 4170. ONE front room, suitable for two; also small rooms; can have breakfast If de sired. 1813 Webster St. TWO nice front rooms, also one single room; private family; modern. 2021 How ard, iiougias 61U6. t d NICE room for two gentlemen; modetiaj PLEASANTLY fumlahed front rooms', two preferred. 2411 Harney. T . A Tf O TT. l-nn m .v.pvthln mnAwn V. . . day or week. 2038 Farnam St. "Phone uougtas 666. GOOD heated room for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th. FlTf N'TSUKTI rnnm.' nr4m .nn . hi. 811 S. 21st. Douglas ''SSS. FRONT room, reasonable and comforta ble. 1821 Leavenworth, flnt 4. SOUTH front room, new house. Phone Harney 2256. THE SHERMAN. Elegant apartment. Call Webster .765. LARGE front room, with alcove, neatly furnlshel. 224 N. 19th St. Apartments aad STIats. 4-ROOM semi-basement flat In Dunsay. 10th and Pierce, steam heated. s CONRAD YOUNG, Tel D. 1571. 1511 Dodge. FOUR-room modern flat, $30. xat Nlch- Oil CENTRAL APARTMENTS. SIT TnoniM. Allt.l. nnn.w kl.L a hardwood, full modern, gas range, steam heat, hot water all year, walking distance; summer, $28; winter, $7 more. Reference required. BEMI8. 480 Brandels Bldg. NICE 8-room flat, all modern, 415S Dav enport St. Tel. Harney 2668. MODERN FLATS. 2616 Dewey Ave., none more desirable than this 7-room brick, oak finish, nearly mew, Al repair and In walking distance; 609 So. 22d St., very choice, 7-room . L Louis brick; hardwood finish, every con venience, nearly new and easy walking distance; 142.50. GARVIN BROS., 318 N. Y. Life. Heaaelceeaina; noeaaa. A SUITE of three elegant new room. modern. 820 Ncrth a)th. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for a couple all modern; new house; 116 8. 25th Ave, TWO, three or four-room suite, hand somely furnished, modern, walking dls tance, $15 up. 604 S. 28th St. TWO coxy furnished, housekeeping, to couple. 909 S. 27th. rcaronable. Call evenirgs and Sunday. Tel. nompy vioj. dvij weoster ol. TWO excellent furnished front rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In house; 2674 Har ney St. TWO nice front rooms for housekeeping. 013 Leavenworth. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, furnace heat. 324 N. 17th St. THREE unfurnished front rooms, onn light housekeeping, one furnished bedroom. Call 933 N. 24th St., 2d floor. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20th. NICELY furnished room en suite; mod ern, 1919 Chicago. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room strictly mod nodJ ern apartments for light housekeep. steam heat. 4758 N. 24th St. TWO housekeeping rooms, $15 a month, 2018 Davenport. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; heated, 605 N. 18th St. NICE, modern room for very light house keeping. 618 No. 19th St. StTITE front rooms, plenty of beat, rea sonable. 2425 Dodge. Red 6186. i One large housekeeping room for rent, 2110 Douglas. MODERN, basement rooms. 2020 Burt St, TWO nice rooms for housekeeping, 714 S. 16th. 606 NORTH 17th. two front rooms, mod ern. Tel. Doug. 6605. STRICTLY modern rooms. 3018 Webster. Harney 3738. FOR RENT Two large front rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping, 2221 Willis Ave. TWO connecting rooma, gas range, elec tric light, 1818 No. 16th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2408 Cuming St. NICE rooms for light housekeeping; ground floor, 2018 Howard. TWO nice rooms, furnished, for taking care of flat. 614 So. 34. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, gas range, 2010 N. 18th. .yxrm r-i i rooms mouern except neai. 2.07 Pierce; will be vacated Saturday. In- T A DClir-'lll . a a . . ijuj.o ..ivi o. .Din A.VI). TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport bt TWO front rooms for housekeeping, fur nished complete. 1113 Pacific. Red 7800. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, gas range, 2010 N. 18th. FURNISHED rooms with or without light housekeeping privileges; one front room with alcove. 19.10 Dodge. Mrs. S. C. Carson-Low ery. TWO modern, second floor. 623 No. jUh. FURNISHED housekeeping and SleJ'lU 'ooma. 2408 Cuming St. I. ) SUITE housekeeping rooms, modern; rent asonable. 2601 Dodge. FURNISHED and housekeeping rooms, lill Leavenworth, inquire feed store. 1816 CHICAGO, one or two rooms for Hghl housekeeping. FINEST furnished front roorri, in city fm light housekeeping; nice large room, all new furniture; strictly modern. 1422 N. lth St TWO south front furnished rooms fol housekeeping, modern. &06 bt, Mary's ...