s a. ... . ' n'cnr A TriT'A r I ) IV! A nl A ! v v.'--a . O 11 ' "71 It1 S i iiW As As Apply. 1 Council Bluffs Wkchett SAYS CITY WATER assesies Chairman of Board of Health Dis cusses Typhoid Fever. .." ADVISES STEPS BE TAKEN Iffiti Dee Molaes tanltarr Bt nee Be Browght to City to Look . Oror Sltoatloa Giro Opiate. hat the water supplied by the City Water Works company. Is responsible for the several eases of typhoid fever in Coun cil Bluffs Is the expressed opinion of Dr. A. P. Hanehett of this city, who Is chair man of the Iowa 'State Coard of Health. Dr. Hanehett further expresses the opinion that It Is the duty of the local board ef health to deal with such .mat ters ahd that H nu kiu to take Immediate measures to ascertain definitely the source of the trouble nnJ to correct tt ss far as possible. Dr. Hanehett suggest that Lafayette Hlggtns, of Des Moines, sanitary engineer of the state board of health, be asked to come to Cemictl Bluffs and advise with the local bcirt "nf health as to the cause of the trouble and the best measures to be adopted for Its correction or suppreslon. "Since we bagsn to have typhoid troubles In thl rlty last August." said Dr. Han ehett Friday morttiig, "there have been a pr. at many eases. 1 fceve not kept eount t the eases e ourselves have treated, hut I shouWkay that we have probably hid from forty to fifty and possibly rrnre. It is true, however, that there A. A. CLARK & CO. i nnn rtvicrw fl'l horses, cattle and LUi UJ L.iU.ii. I U.J HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AM) ANY CHATTEL SECURITY AT ONE-HALF THE VBVAh RATES. Twenty Year of Successful llusinesa , CORNEK MAIN AND BROADWAY, OVER AMERICAN EXPRESS. No connection with the firm calling themselves The Clark Mortgage Co. DOTH PHONES SIT. - JNO. P. TIN LEY, Mgr. r in TSjupm . . . advortisod in Tho OMREN advertised in The f Council Bluffs have not been at any ne time more than thirty to forty cases of the disease In the city, and it has not been so prevalent as to bs termed an epidemic. It Is true typhoid, although most of the cases have been of a mild type. (Jawsaal 1st Wlater. S "There are enough cases to make the situation serious. We always expect more or less typhoid in the lata summer and fall, but it is unusual for It to persist through the winter a It has done here. Prom our experience I shrfuld say that the water supply Is the source of the disease In Council Bluffs. I see Dr. Tubbe states that practically all his cases have been of people working or living In Omaha. This has not been our experi ence. Nearly all. if not all of our case. have been Council Bluffs people, and an unusual proportion of them have been children. Our cases have been in el' parts of the city, no part seeming to b especially affected. In most of them, think, eity water was used. In others the patients had attended school where they drank city water. . but there nave bee some cases where city water was not nsed so far as I know. The condi tions here and the fart that the same sit uation exists in Omaha, which also se cures its water supply from the Missouri Hver. would indicate to me thai the trouble is with the water supply. "The province of the state board of health in such matters is largely aavis ory. The local boards must deal directly with the trot'bte. and I am glad to see that the Counoll Bluffs board Is Uklng hnM of the matter." Dr. Hanehett expressed the hope that some means would be found to check the spread of the dlseass before warm weither, but said he was not sufficiently acquainted IREJMT r Omaha Bee. 5nRByjaBma Uinaha Beo. No cards Council Bluffs with the law to say what powers the local Board of Health had in the matter. City Solicitor Kimball, to whom the mat ter was referred yesterday by members of the city council who constitute the mem bership of the Board of Health, made an examination of the statute to ascertain what powers the local Board of Heslth would have to enforoe measures for the purification of the water supply should it bs determined by tho state,, chemist, after making a baoterlologlcal analysis as di rected by the city council Thursday, that it was Impure. v "There Is no provision giving the local Board of Health specifics authority In this particular matter," said Mr. Kimball, "but It is my Judgment that the general powers conferred on such boards would apply In this case. Of course the city could not require the waterworks company to build yw reservoirs er go to unreasonable ex pense. Any reasonable requirement could, I think, be enforced." I Western Iowa Editors "Meet Pais Sharp Criticism Upon Customs Generally Adopted by Weekly Newspaper Men. The attendance at the winter meeting of the Western Iowa Editorial association held in this city yesterday was much smaller than bad been louked or, but d-t spite this drawback, an Interesting session was held. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected: president, Fred Hill of Hamburg; vice president, Everett Stewart of Coin; secretary-treasurer, E. S. Stevens of Sliver City. Stevens has held this office continuously sver since the or ganisation of the association. h Hamburg was selected as the location for the summer meeting, the date of which was left to the executive committee to de olde. At the morning session, Lafe Hill of the New Market Herald in discussing "The Ready Print Question," Insisted that the "ready prints" had usurped ths legitimate business of the country newspapers In foreign advertising and explained why he had discontinued their use , Bosiness Ofifilco an i mi i ii- IB IFO will he given Bluffs J Council Republicans Select Their School Men W. H. Killpach, Joseph Smith, ad Andrew McMillen Picked for School Directors. For school directors: W. H. KUlpack. ' Joseph W. Smith. Andrew McMillen. For school treasurer: W. 8. Cooper. ' The above school ticket was piaoed in nomination at a caucus of republicans held last evening in the county court house at which Dr. H. B. Jennings presided and Harry M. Brown, clerk of the district court acted as secretary. y The selection of the four candidates on the school ticket for the election, March T, was unanimous v and the ticket is re garded aa an especially strong one. Mr. KUlpack Is one of the' membre-"of the board whose term expires this spring. He had announced that he would not be a candidate for renominatlon and finally yielded to the importunities of his frknd and consented to allow the caucus to name him. J. P. Hess was suggested as one of the nominees, but his name was withdrawn when it was learned that he was not will ing to accept the nomination. There was some discussion of selecting a party candi date for city assessor, but nothing wss done as It wss suggested that the caucus had no authority In this matter. A can didate for this municipal office will be named at the city republican convention, which will probably be held some day next week. ' Joseph W. Smith, nominee for the board of education, Is a well known business man, being senior member ef the firm of Joe Smith A Co. Andrew McMillen is aa employe of the Union Pacific Railroad company and a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. W. 8. Cooper was formerly a member of the school board. He is a well known real estate and In surance agent. The following candidates for committee- I SDSL .(0X0) As advertised i ! v BrB"rrtiTT"i"n7ivT t tit roin1" T As advertised in Apply. to children Council rBluffs ) man and delegates to the democratlo elty convention were suggested at democratic caucuses held lest night In the different precincts of the city First Ward, First Prec'.nct For delegates, J. U. McFnerson, James Wickham, J. P. Mulholland, Kdward Blacken, LouU Cireen, F. H. Alexander, Char, eg Adolph. For committeeman, W. M. Oreen. First YVerd, Second iTecinct For dele gates, M. C. Goodwin, W. H. Barghausen, B. B. Dentltr. F. H. Shoemaker, W. S. Amy. D. Drlscoll, Nels Jensen, Conrad Geiae, I. C. Btsley. For committeeman, Fted H. Shoemaker. ) Second Ward, First Precinct For dele gates, J. C. DtHaven, William Groneweg, M. F. Hohier, II. O. Ouren, Luolus Weiu, It. II. Huntington, W. H. Schurs, E. U Cook, Chris Rudlo, For committeeman, W. i. Schurs. Set ond Ward, Second Precinct For dele- f aies, U P. iervlss, J.. C. Martin, W. D. i risen, C. Lelbold, R. B. Anderson, J. P, O'Neill, Frank Murphy, Frank Owens, C. IHerwith. , For committeeman, W. D. Han sen, f Third Ward, First PreolncfvFor delegate s, Frank J. C&pell, George S. Davis, Frank Zurrnuehlen, J. H, Maurae, A. C. Graham, Dr. J. F. fiprlnk, Jacob Neumayer, Clay Plainer. For committeeman, Frank J. Capell. Third Word, Second Precinct For dele gates, F. W. Spotman, M. J. Kelly, Clans Thompson, W. 11. Thomas, John Evers, ISJ F. Stlmpson. ' For committeeman, M. u. Hughes. Fourth Wsrd, First Precinct For dele gates, J. J. Drown, C. F. Paschel, William i O'Neill. John Tholl, Robert Peregoy, P. Uunnoude. For committeeman, C. F. Pas- i chel. Fourth Ward, Second Preclnot For dele gates, S. J. H. Boysen, Arthur Slack, Patrick Moran, Joseph Jensen, Herman kundele. John Mulquec.n, John Clementson. VFor committeeman, Wllilam Ooff. r ii ill itciiiii J. i . m t Julius Hvpimer, John Keesier, Manlon Brown, Thomas F. Caliaghan, Biepnin Kersler, 1 homes Naughton. For committee man, M. D. O'Rourke-. -Fifth Ward, second Preolnet For dele- fates. Z. bethera, E. E. Sayles, Harry ruen, Louis Larsen, Iiariel Nelson. For committeeman. Zed Bethers. FlftlvWard, Third P. ecmjt For de'.ega.et, p. M. Cnppen. Edward Ryan, H. E. Fallers, Fred Evers. J. J. Martin. For committeeman, C. M. Cripptn. Sixth Ward, First Precinct For dele f aies, Wl.llam Evan , King . aner, Wl I a n Smlm, F. H. I'Umel, w. H. Payue, Jerry M. Shea. For committeeman, William Evans. ' ' Sixth Ward. Peeond Pre-lnct For dele gates, P. B. O'Neill, Joreph Moss, William B Hoyt, L. J. Antone, Vincent Crowe. For committeeman, Joseph Crowe. Hlxth Ward. Third precinct For dele gates. John Hanson. M B. Shonquist. For committeeman, M. B. Shonquist. ' Let me moke your spring suit. I do firat-class work only. The Fashion, R 11 Emleln. Trop,, S3 8. ' TH) U? Kf sum 7 maha Bee. The Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs 1 Minor Mention Tie CHomeU SHaffs OfflN of the Omaha Bee im as 1 Beth Vheaee Davis, drugs. For Pale Modern house, 72 SthAve. CORRIGA NS. undertakers. 'Phone 143. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 839. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. Biilrd A Boland, undertakers. 'Phone 122. Diamonds Special prices this month at Leffert's new store. S03 Broadway. Any pl.'cs of mi sic In Hospe's Pearl streot window goes at 8c a copy Saturday. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICE. 50? South Main street. Independent 'phone S7S. Open evenings this Isst week of 20 per cent discount sale. Alexander's Art Store. 133 Broadway.' , County Treasurer James -r. Mitchell arrived home yesterrtsy from a month's sojourn at Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Jane Mattie Colgan, wife of Thomas Colgan, 1823 Sixth avenue, died yesterday. agec years. Besides her Husband siir leaves one son. 1 Miss Emma Drake of Denver will give two lectures on March 1 In this city under tne auspices or the Woman's Christian Temperance union. The subject or the location fpr the afternoon address has not yet been derided. In the evening Mies Drake will lecture at the First Baptist church. Adam Haun, the Rockford township farmer, charred by the ie Motnes Fire Insurance company with 'cheating by false pretenses in connection with the payment to him by the company of lonses undor policies held by him In the company, was yesterday held to the grand lury or jus tice Cooper. Ills bond wss placed at SkuO, wtuen ne rurnteneo. Mrs. Elisabeth Miller, aged 83 years, died last evening at her home, 11S South First street. She leaves two sons, G. F. and H. W. Miller, both of CreeceAt. Is., and three daughters. Mrs. E. Carpenter of Powell. Wyo.: Mrs. C. Stock of Weston, la. and Miss Dens M'ller. Ilvlnir at home. Arrangements for the funeral had not been completed last night. J j. O. Noffsinser, aged 17, and Nellie Clark, aged Is. both of Omsha, applied for a marriage tloenae In tills city and were refused. The young man had with him the written consent of his father, properly acknowledged, and the tatter's statement that the hoy's mother was deed. The young girl, while she had secured the consent of her father had omitted to bring with her the consent of her mother, hence the license was refused. The preliminary hearing of Frank Oln der, charred with attempting to mistreat the two little daughters of James Cotter, J J Council Bluffs second assistant chief of the fire depart ment, was continued in police court ye terday until Monday morning. Cinder, when arraigned yesterday, told the court he resided at Ml South Twentieth street, Om-iha, and that he had a wife and twe children. He said that he had been for merly employed aa switchman by the Bur llnt'ton, but that at present he was work lng In a ilmllar capacity for the Qreul , Western. His bond was piaoed at $3Uu, which he foiled to furnish. The t,0C0 personal injury damage suit of Louis A. Weber, a railway mail clerk of this city. agoJnet the Chicago, Rock .- and Paclfio Railroad compa-r was severely nuit ax the time the Rock Island Limited went Into a ditch near Homestead, la., a few years ago, went to the Jury In the district court shortly before 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ip to a late hour last night the jury had fallod to ri?aeh a verdict. This was the second trial of the suit. On the former trial, alxo before Judge Thornell. who Is presiding at thla term, the Jury, after being out three days, failed to agree and was dis charged. Merriaee Licensee. . , ' Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: ' Name and Residence. ' Age. Wilbur I. Hagerman, Gregory, S. D 36 Lulu Origin, Mondamln, la 30 Ifresley F. Riddle, Council Bluffs 3 r.'oen A. Merrill, Council Bluffs 33 Geo. W. Klein Upholstering, Furniture Rrpalf. ed and Keftnlfthed, Feather P.euovated, Mirror Replatcd. and all kluda of mattress work done. Both Pbonea. 10 So. Mala St., Council Blaffe. Have It Done Rlgb Meneray's Photo Studio 3OKTKAIT, IOHI A STB COM USKCIAZ, VaOTOQBAPXT. . . Oronnd riour. " Open Bandaye -S Bovth Mala STL, Council Blaffa, Za,