Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1910, Page 7, Image 8

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    THE BEE. OMAHA, FRIDAY,. FEinUAItY 25, 1910.
i Wr Vet r-'nt i.
X.lttlng "latnts niir-s-Orndsn Ce.
tried? Ktiue-Maa Pie, tier Or rid Cf
Diamond aiaoelet Edholm, Jeweler."
"-a atonal lilft Xoauraaee Oe 110
diaries K. Auy. Oeneral Agent. Omaha.
I Tli Vefaraska Savings and X.oaa As'.
XS" "" hon'ea only In Dougla t-juaty.
Sir. 1c prompt, terms rraxonalile. Board
ot Trade building, 1003 Farnam.
rilling- Up th Wi rnd A building
' Permit has hjen taken out by Ucll I.
Hubert for a frame dwelling at Forty
sevanth ami California, to cot t2,M0. This
section of Omahu la being rapldty . Mled
up, as ,to It vacant places, with substan
tlnl horns and several property owner are
planning new resldrnces thereabout.
Baearrorfaat, Fnbllshe a Faper The
jtfirat H-nue of tha official rper of the
imaha ftaengeifest la published, with Val
J Tetcra aa editor. It la printed in Oer
inan rn 1 devoted to the one Idea of
boosting Omaha and the Sapngerfest, which
will V hold here July 20. 21, 22 and HI.
Uraahlsg-toa and Llneoln Celebration
Oarflrld circle. No. U, Ladle of the Grand
Army, .'will entertain It. members and
friends Friday evening with a Washington
and Lincoln birthday nodal. Addresses will
ba niaV by membeis of tha Urand Army
on the Uvea) and characters of Washington
and Uncoln. Tha occasion will also be
taken advantage of for a reception 'to
Department Prextdcnt Mrs. Clara Lyons.
Light refreshment will be served during
tha vonlng. The affair will ba given In
Earlght han. ,
Data of Commercial Club's Convsntioa
P J. M. -Guild, comrtilulontr of tha Pnm.
menial club, who Wednesday attended a
meetlnar tit the offlnera nf th Rtata mmn.
elation ijr Commercial clubs at Columbus,
t epulis that tha state meet will ba held at
ii'oturobus April IT and 2S. The association
"lias six vice presidents, ona for each con
gressional dUtrlct and the task of Inter
esting all tha clubs In the dintrlct falls to
the vine , presidents. Mr. Guild is vies
president for this district.
; .
Five Fights for
! Eighry-Fivc Dollars
Braw cf Clan of Williamson Eecorded
in Police Court, a Bather
Bellicose Tribe.
' ' - :
Flva fights In two days at tha total cost
of SS5 In police court fines, to say nothing
of broken heads and shattered furniture,
Is the record of the braw. clan of Wll
llsnyson. '
Kfvgaret and Charlotte, rather dishev
elled and uncertain of step, appeared to
answer before Judge Crawford for. their
duel In a locked room at their home, 1815
Cam street, the day b'-tore. Ten dollars
and coats each was i!"- assessment.. This
was paid and then the court took bp the
matter of Mr. Jamie Williamson, who got
Into a fuss elsewhere. James paid a fine of
S'JS apd costs and they went trooping to
their happy home.
Jamio left tha house and got Into an
argument with Elmer Tulbrlght in which,
for the sake of an illustration, he took Tul
brlght' hat. In th6 effort to recover tha
hat, Mr. Tulbrlght underwent extensive
modification of his features.
The ,dy, pruvlow, 4ha Williamsons, got
into a disturbance which took the crowd
Into police court to pay fine amounting to
Three Thieve Who Overate tn Mores
Sent to Cells-Vntll Snrln by.
J ad are Crawford.
Tha way of the "booster" I hard.
Three members of tho light fingered gen
try of' that Hype known to the police aa
"boosters," the shoplifting sneak thieves,
got sentences that will hold them for about
i , two monthB in the county Jail when, they
appeared In polio court Thursday morn-
Joe Adams and John Foley, collectors of
clothing and lace operating In tha Bran
del stores, wer oaught with the goods
and sot sontenoea of ninety and eighty-five
days respectively. William Martin, who had
a route of his own, will serve eighty days,
Tha sentences Imposed by Judge Craw
ford will secure the release of these men
at Intervals of five days; thus they will
not be turned out on the community in
a concentrated bunch. .
To Lydia E, Piakham's
Vegetable Compound
x)uhiuuuib. vmo.- "x suirerea irora
terrible hartachea, pains in my back
and riRUt slue, ana
was tired all the.
time ana nerTOus.
I could .not sleep,
and every month I
could hardly stand
t lie rain. Lvdla E.
llnkham'a vegeta
ble) Cnmnniinrf to.
,"V J stored me to health
J n gain and made ma
J feel like a new wo-
man. I hope this
loiter vill induce
ier Momen to avail themselves of
irns vaiuaoie medicine." Mrs. E. M.
I'HtDEiucK, Elooiiidale, Ohio.
Backache is a symptom of female
weakness or derailment If you
Lave backache don't neglect it To
rp,t permanent relief you must reach
he root of the trouble. Nothing we
kmmof will do this so safely and surely
as Lydia K. link ham's Vegetable Com-
round. Cure the cause of these dig
ressing aches and pains and you will
become well and strong.
Tho great volume of unsolicited tes
tliiy constantly pouring In proves
conclusively that Lydla E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound, made from roota
and ht-rbs, has restored health to thou
aands of women.
If you havei th si Ijrh test doubt
that I ydla 11 JHnkham'g Vego
tntIa Compound Mill help you Jslrs. l'lukhamat Lynn,
Blitss., fct jkIvIco. Vour letter
will be ftl'solutrly couudentUU
und tho ati vice free.
Some Things You Want to Know
Growth of the Telephone.
Few branches of business have enjoyed
tha development that ha marked the ac
tivities of voice-transmission. Telephone
have multiplied over and over again until
there are now more than ( 000,000 In us In
the United States. Talk, over wire ha In
creased tn such an extent that the com
panies which keep account of their me
sage show a total of lO.OOO.OOO.OOO conversa
tions a year, and these constitute only
about half of the total number of mes
sage. It Is said that the Hell' Telephone com
pany added 2,000 Instruments a day to Its
service during 1S09, and that the independ
ent companies did equally is well, If not
better. New York has 260,000 telephones and
Chicago 180.000. Th exchange of the latter
city are the busiest In th world. They
average twenty-tm'o conversations on each
Una a day, or about 1,100.000 message each
twenty-four hours. The average conversa
tion Is said to be 200 word long, so that
the total number ot word spoken over Chi
cago telephone In a day would fill 1,100
ordinary sited book.
The wireless telephone I being perfected
gradually, and Inventors confidently pre
dictthat the next ten years will see re
markable progress In volce-transmleslon.
As tli telegraph was th forerunner of the
telephone, and tha wtreltea telegraph the
harbinger of the wireless telephone, so It
I believed the picture transmission by wire
and wireless will be followed by actual
seeing by wire. It Is predicted that people
of this generation may yet behold the per
son at the other end of th line when they
use a telephone.
Tiulu dispatching by telephone I-being
adopted by many Important railroads, and
In the recent eastern blizzard It proved h
lat r4ort In the handling of train. Be
twetn Rochester and Syracuse the New
Yrrk Central did not have a single tele
graph line In operation. In spl'e of the
fact that the telephone lines were crossed
In two places and further Interfered with
by the breakdown of the Niagara Power
company's high tension transmission line, .
they were able to perform passable service.
The same was true on the Delaware divi
sion of the Pennsylvania railroad. While
the telephone wires .were crossed and
broken the operators still wer able to
talk the entire length of the division. Th
railroad off totals stated afterward that .
but for th telephone not a wheel could
have been moved until the telegraph wlie
were repaired.
President Taft has one of the biggest
telephone booth ever n ade. Not only is It
roomy enough for him, but hi stenographer
can ar.tcr It with him. It is finished In a
way that makes It a notcble piece of cabi
net making. The White House has one of
the best branch telephone system ever
installed. In addition to the public system
thrre Is a prlvnte system, which leads to
the capltol and the vtrlcus executive de
partments, over which the confidential
business of the government Is transacted.
Uncle Sam Is the world's greatest. user of
the telephone. In the past the government
was given a flat rate for Its business: to
day It Is oharged so much per message,
nd th government olerk cannot use the
telephone for his own private business ex
cept by resorting to pay stations. Even
r-hen subscriber calls up a clerk h must
leave his number and have the clerk go to
the pay station and call him. In this way
the .Washington: Telephone company gets-.
double pay for many of Its messages. '
The automatic telephone exchange has
been on trial for some time an has proved
uch a success that several concerns in
America are now manufacturing uch equip
ment. On this exchange each subscriber
Is able to make hi own- connection and
there Is no chance for back talk. On the
subscriber's apparatus there Is a clock-like
affair with ten holes In its face, numbered
from lero to nine. When a person wishes
to call 9662, for instance, he takes the re--ceiver
from the hook, put his finger in
hole No. and rotates the disk as far as
It will go, then permits It to return auto
matically to It normal position. He re
peat the same operation for each of the
three other numbers The connection Is
made through the selective principle, used
In party line service. When It has been
established and the conversation i con- .
eluded, hanging tht receiver on the hook
disconnects' tho telephone and the subr
crlber is ready to call up another person.
It 1s so arranged that no one can ring in
on the conversation. The switchboard Is
always in service and the subscriber can
be sui-6 there ha beep no Indifference to
hi call. ...
Norwegian fishermen are using a new
mlrro-telephon apparatus to detect the
cooilnji of a shoal of fish. The Instrument
la enclosed In a water-tight box and sub
merged In th sea. - It I connected with a
receiver In the boat and the listener can
hear the fUh coming when they are still
io me distance away.
The telephone companies of the United
tte are lending thlr aid toward tli
prevention of fire and the repression of
crime. In all cities they transmit messages
free to fire alarm and police stations. In
Chicago the call for police Is Main II and
It was used C2.00S times In 190B. Th fire
alarm cal.. Main 0, was used I.S2S time.
American telephone companies could well
Imitate a Copenhagen company, which In
stalled phonographs In Its central office.
Whenever an Irate subscriber abused an
operator over the wire she limply (witched
hi voice Into the phonograph. If he were
at fault, he was summoned to tha offtoe
nd asked to listen to himself talk. A an
abuss-repressor It has proved a great suc
cess. Belling time service a a by-product of
th buslnes I one of the latest wrinkles
in telephone. For many year th West
ern Cnlon ha sold standard time service,
though It never has pushed the Idea. Now
comes a Missouri man with a master clock
In the tllephone office with which clock
In the home and offices, of subscriber are
connected. Where th experiment ha been
tried It haa proved satisfactory, and It is
not Improbable that hustling telephone
companle everywhere will adopt the Idea.
Telephone are now sometimes attached
to barbers' chairs. A New Jersey barber
Installed neveral In his shop and his pat
ronage hat Increased because of It. In
this way th busy man can keep in touch,
with hi offic. while being shaved or
having his hair cut.
The Germans have a telephone which
rem to be the aojne of perfection. Th
transmitting and receiving are made Into
one piece in such a way that when the sub
scriber hold the receiver to hi ear, the
transmitter is In the correct position before
his mouth. Thus one hand Is always left
free and both transmitter and receiver
can be moved aa far a the cord will per
mit A Philadelphia invontor has brought out
a fire-hose telephone. It consist ot a wire
connection woven through the lengths of
th hose and a small portable telephone
attached to each end of the line of hose.
In this way the firemen may talk with, the
chief and get order even when the latter
ts a block or more away from the fire.
Whenever the hose section are put to
gether the wire connection Is mad auto
matically. ' ' ' f '
Thomas Thorne Baker, In charge of the
photo-telegraph department of the London
Dally Mall, has perfected a new photo
graphio transmitting device which he
calls the telectrograph. It la being used
between the London and Manchester office
of the Mall especially for the transmission
of pictures from the London office to the
Manchester office where they appear simul
taneously with their publication In Lqn
don. r'roin four to-five hours are saved
over the transmission by mall. It taks
one hour to transmit a picture.
The illustration 1 first photographed
through a screen ruled ' like a checker
board, with seventy-live line each way to
the inch. By chemloal treatment the de
veloped plate is made to contain little fish
glue dots, one dot for eaoh mesh In the
acreen. Aa the needle, corresponding to
the needle of a phonograph, passes over the
plate these glue dots alternately make and
break the. circuit, and corresponding im
pulses are sent out over the wire. At the
other end of the line a needle act in the
same manner on p'aper so sensitised that
the little impulses of( electricity mike., a
black mark at each mesh, corresponding in
intensity with the degree of the Impulses.
Consequently, when the reproducing needle
hus followed the Rending needle through"
all of the little messes on the sending
plate, an exact reproduction of the original
with ail ita gradations of light and shado
Is the result. A line between London and
Paris is being planned and will soon ba In
operation.. -
The very newest thing in electrical cir
cles 1 "farming by wireless." ,At the re
cent Hobby night of the National Press
club in Washington, Prof. Wlllla Moor
stated that the highly electrified nort'
west wind is the source of America' re
markable energy, and, In keeping with this
idea, some English scientists are making
experimental efforts to transfer the energy
of the atmosphere to products of the toll.
They rigged up an oil engine and dynamo
and covered some twelve acres of land with
a series of parallel wire lines not so high
as telegraph lines, but still high enough to
be out of the way - of farm operations.
Through these wires electrical currents are
sent over tho growing crops with remark
able result. Anyone walking below the
wlrvs can feel the effect on the hair of the
head as of a cobweb one the face. At dusk,'
just before the power Is cut off, there i a
glow visible wherever a leakage of ourrent
occurs. The current In turned on several
hours each day, and the photographs of
erops grown tinder such in Imulatloa show
that by this means production may be in
creased hy one-half.
Br ruxBxjuo J. HAsxnr.
Tomorrow "Preventing ltlne Blaaater,
Burglars Seen
Smashing Glass
and Run Down
Two Men Caught in the Act of Bob
biny TawnBhojAre Tripped
by Volunteers.
Caught In the act of a daylight burglary,
W. F. Murphy and Tom Welch were pur
sued and captured by a crowd In tha heart
of the downtown suction of the city lata
Thursday afternoon. '
Welch and Murphy smashed a window In
Nathan' pawnshop, 209 South Thirteenth
street, making a hurried grab for the
watch tray In the window. Welch snatched
a watch and together they ran, a a man
standing nearby, yelling loudly, took up
the pufsult.
"Halt, halt," the racing, self-organised
posse screamed.
Sergeant Madsen wa etrolllng along tha
treat at just tha proper place to come j
face to face with tha running men at
Twelfth and Douglas streets. H arrested !
them both and Jerked them away to jail in
the patrol automobile.
Waiting for the arrival of the can Murphy
tried to throw away two watohea and
Welch attempted to drop unnoticed the ona ,
which he took from the pawnshop window.
One of tha watchea haa been Identified j
by the detective aa that stolen from Her- l
man Tnlkln of Auburn, Neb., several week
ago. Th police expert to connect these i
men with another caa under Investiga
Committee oft Heceptloa of Bin Sns--
' day Srhool Workers Will .
Ba Appointed. ' '
Sunday school worker in Omaha are
deeply interested in the coming visit to
Omaha of the world' president Sunday
school party, scheduled for April 10 and 11.
Th executive committee of the Douglas
County Sunday School association met at
the Young Men's Christian association
building to discuss plans.
George O. Wallace, president of the as
sociation, wilt appoint a committee to take
charge of - the reception to the world's
workers. The party will consist of Rev. T,
B. Meyer of London, president cf tho
World' Sunday School association; Marlon
Lawrence and E. O. Kxcell, the song leader.
The party will visit eighteen principal
cities of the country between March 16 and
May 15, Omaha being the farthest point
west to b visited. .
More people are taking Foley's Kidney
Remedy every year. It la considered th
moat effective remedy for all kidney aa4
bladder trouble that medical science can
devise. Foley' Kidney, Remedy correct
Irregularities, build up th system, and
r stores lost vitality. Sold by all druggist.
If you have anything to sell or exchange
advertise It tn The Ue Want Ad column
The Great
Hate Oaf tie
Xa Amoag Th Article of Ur Onr
reat later. aa Tain ta tha
in tho IVost
Made Same from All Kiisouri KiTer
Cities to Chicago,
Itavlaa- Raised tha Hrese- Reef
Rata, They foaerdr Other Polat
and Biehss Asreea to
Dlsntlaaal ot lta faee.
The railroad having Increased the rate
on dressed beef between Omaha and Chi
cago and Sioux City and Chloago, thus dis
criminating as In favor of Kansas Oity
and St. Joseph, have magnanimously
agreed to a uniform rata on live stock for
ail Missouri river cities to Chicago, On this
basis therefor th petition of the South
Omaha Live stock exchange against the
several railroad operating between Omaha
and Chicago for an aqual rate on live stock
shipments from Omaha to Chicago with
that of Kansas City, Atchison and fit Jo
seph was dismissed by Interstate Commerce
Commissioner B. B. Clark; Thursdsy morn
ing. The railroads through their several
attorneys, agree to give Omaha th same
rate enjoyed by th other cities on April 1.
Th stipulation were agreed to orally by
all .the attorney (or the railroada, each
announcing that th rates on live stock
from KsnSa City, Atchison and St. Jo
seph should be raised to the Omaha rarf
wii'ch ia 2Z'i cent on cattle and hogs and
X cent on sheep.
Withdrawal f Rate.
Th agreement involves the withdrawal
of tha Kansaa City, Atchison and St. Joseph
rates on live stock and th substitution ot
the Omaha rale from all Missouri river
points, thus giving Omaha an equal chance
with these po.nts, which has hitherto been
denied Omaha.
Commissioner Clark said the oase would
be dismissed without further hearing with
the understanding' that the new rates
should be published forthwith, to become
effective April 1.
The Live Stock exchange people are muoh
elated ovr their 'Victory, many of whom
were present at the-dismissal of th case.
This live stock rat suit, a a ault. ha no
relation to the matter of the Insreaaed
dressed beef rate, but It may bear a very
live relation In another respect. Tha pack
era contend that If th dressed beef rate
Is allowed to stand, making Is mora from
Omaha and Sioux City to Chicago, than
from Kansas City and St. Joseph, . there'll
not much live stock from this territory ba
unloaded this side of Chicago.
Spencer Confesses,
Involving Others
Negro Sayi Two White Youths As
sisted Him in Some of His
A multiplicity of long, unexplained rob
beries haa been confessed by William
Spencer, ' alias Spencer ' Williams, negro,
who has been held hy the police. In al) he
and Ms accomplices have been connected
with fifteen robborte oommltted within
tha year. : "".
Charles H. Tracy and Cha'rle Filbert,
two whit youths, wet "arrested (Tlur
day afternoon followtnf,''rt''llliams' con
fesalon to Chief Savage the detective
department -They are charged With com
plicity In the robbery of ' Henry Stone,
ntghtwatchman at the Guarantee laundry,
1168 South Sixteenth street. .
Stone, It develops, was asleep and un
dressed. Spencer and the young white, men
met there.
Thoy surprised each Other on their guilty
errand and then agreed to share the spells.
The watchman's clothe war stripped and
Spencer, turning traitor to hi new found
friends, secreted SG5, while he gave the
boy 11.50 each.
Spence Is-charged alao with the robbery
of Eloomentbal's pawnshop at Twelfth and
Douglas streets. William Woods,, who was
arretted for a share In the laundry rob
bery, was Innocent , ot that charge, but
guilty of tha pawnshop -robbery, aocord ng
to the police. . .
Health 'Cotamlaslonrr nnd His Vetev
Inarlaa Are Still Clinched la
. . . Their Het-To.
Mayor Dahlman was due o icwd to the
last meeting ot the city eouncll a nomina
tion to the office of assistant city veter
inarian and slaughter house .Inspector. Hi
absence from the city caused a postpone
ment of the appointment. Thl office was
recently created and the lnoumbent will
have the duty of. watching the animals
brought to tha slaughter houses ' of tha
Independent peckers in South Omaha. Ho
will also Inspect and tag the meat after
killing, ao that no more uninspected meat
can be brought to. tfio butcher shops, ot
Omaha for sal. The salary la 12 a
month. . .
In thl espnectlon, copalderabln Interest
is aroused about th city hall over the de
mand of Health Commissioner Connell that
the city council abolish the office of city
veterinarian and dairy Inspector, now held
by Q. R. Young, a veterinarian. rrV Con
nell gives as his reason tor. wanting the
office abolished that Dr, Toting has not
been performing the duty of dairy In
spection aa he ought to. It is understood
Connell askrd Young to rttjlgh, but tho lat
ter refused to comply with the demand.'
Both men will have a chnnoe to give their
sides to th council committee of th whole
next Monday afternoon, -
Dr. Young draws a salary of (100 a month
and bsld having the duty of Inspecting
dairies looks after tha horse of tha police
ar.d fire departments. He oontends this 1
work takes a great deal of his time,' but .
the commissioner rtorts that Inspection j
of dairies ha brsn done only in a perfunc- j
tory manner and where bad conditions I
have been, found the offenders have not
been jacked up in an effective manner. -
1 yffxTl:
11 llOll
' .-
The Joint Postal Commission in 1907
reported as follows j '
" It appear too obvtoua to require arRumant that tha
tnoat efficient sorrlae ran haver ba expected aa long aa tht
direction of tha buaineaa ia, aa at praaent, intrusted to a
Postmaster-General and certain aaaiatanU selected with'
out special reference to experience and qualification and
aybjoct to frequent change.. Before the Poatraamr
Genrral and hi assets nta caa become reasonably familiar
with the. operations of the service they are replaced by
Others, who, in turn, are called upon to realvn before the
can, in the nature cf things, become qualiAed by knowU
edge' and experience to perform their allotted tanks.
Under such a system a large railroad, commercial or
industrial buaineaa would iuevitably go into bankruptcy,
and the Pos4 -Office Department has averted thai fate only
became the United States Treasury has been available to
meet deficiencies." -
The public accountants' report said:
'. "The work of the Department and lta development
hindered all along the line by slavish adherence to old
methods and to precedents created In previoua yeais. and
many reforms which might otherwise be instituted' art
hindered if not entirely prevented by appeals to tht
decisions of the. Comptroller, made perhaps, many years
ago under entirely different conditions, , Then, again,
the conservatism of Government officials is a generally
admitted fact. There is no inducement to employees to
suggest improvements In the service for the reason, that if
these improvements result In greater efficiency or economy
i of administration they will receive little credit; and, on
the other hand. If new methods are not successful they
rill be charged with tha whole blame."
.1 ,
? In view of these official statements
by those, whom Congress authorized to in
vestigate the Post-Office we submit that
the Postmaster-Greneral?s attempt to wipe
out the deficitiin his Department by raising
the postage on your magazines, instead of by
devoting his sequring legislation
that will place th e :seryice:biii a; sound, . 'effiT
cient and economical basis, is;,unwfee and
unbusinesslike. The nature of; his' recom
jnendations, r and th attempt to exempt
newspapers from (any( increase, ;are final
grounds for a divorce of this gre&t business
department from" jpolitids. :
"... .;. , See this week's number; of
'' '
'i :'-.'.'. ' "- ;'.'' j " ' ' ' '
More :tnan 1; illipn and a
. Half copies sold every week
The Curtis Publishing Company
. ' " " Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dnalmaa Brings Back Good l.essaa
from Hla Hsperleare Down
at at. Joseph.
Mayor Dahlman has returned from Bt.
Juiieph. He made an address in tht Mis
souri city Tuesday evening- on Wahlu
ton - and 1 on Wednesday spoke at th
monthly meeting of tb 8U Joseph Ad club.
"I was given a very 'hearty weloom ia
Uissourt,'' aa'd the mayor. "Mayor Clay
ton i almost a dead ringer (or . th late
Mayor alooras. H favor him in looks,
in sli and disposition and In many way
recall th Omaha leader of othea year.
He' had that municipal banquet properly
organised and It (truck m a a good
thing. When men get their leg under th
table to talk over oity affair and minora
of general Interest, benoflt 1 bound to
flow fiom It. Wa could very well follow
tht example hare and talk out loud In
govid, old-fashioned English what w often
ft , " "".. i t
issiori rSO
Join tho Crowd and Enjoy Youroolf
Music Every Afternoon and Evening
feel, but do not aapreae. A neighborly,
give-and-take spirit Is engendered about
the banquet board that 1 found nowher
else, and mn who ordinarily do not take
an active part In clvlo affair will pn such
an 'occasion voice opinions and outline
ideas that are wII worth while." J
Ts Dissolve tb raloa
of stomach, liver and kidney trouble and
eura blliouanaaa and malaria, tk Elaetrio
Bitter. ', Guaranteed. 6to. For . sal by
Beaton trug Co. ,
. Na AetUa aa K1T Caea. .
CINCINNATI, O., Feb. M -The National
Base Bali commlesloa failed to act on
John Kllng'a petition for reinstatement at
todar'a meeting- .
Engraved Stationery V
W4dit nm'taffon Amnauvmmnt0
Vhltlni Card, ,
AH (emet lonm la eurrant social eomved
b the k Meaner an4 aunoueUjf delivered wha '
Emboaaed Monogram Stationery
fid ether wark'ssecuue1 el Slice lawer lhaa wimIIt"
travail elMwhwe.
A. I. HOOT, Incorporated
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