TIIE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1910. 'Oil! ISN'T THAT A BEAUT.?" "Yes, Madam, It's a Peach," Admits' Scaler at Auto Show. ' HERE'S EVERYTHING IN AUTOS Along: Auto Row Show Oat Better. Crowd ronrlnf In and Automobile Man - Ara All JmU Te4af 'WV1 a a, Bla; Say Oara, Small One, Cat Onra, WorLcra, Any Klad Yon Might imatlnr All at Omaha Exhibition. "What irnt you out for to ae?" might have brori Urn fUPllon aaked the hundred ho patronised the automobile ahow at the Auaitorlum lent night as It wai ad dressed ' to rertaln folk In the days of old. It wan tTullaily a slKhti-ec-lna; crowd wlwn contract 4 with thu a.iKcmblago to be seen tn tho alilia Tuesday nlrht. Although not alto(?KheK there out of Ulle curiosity, the attitude Was different. Ono displayed the keen 'apiiroclatlnn of .the cotinolseur; the other beard the divergent points of the several machines expatiated upon with the Interest1 of tho man In the street. But the agents of'.tho company were satisfied with the attention they received. It Is not every Jay or nltfht business can be done and they reconciled themselves with the thought that the . grain of mustard B'ed dropped by the waysldo mlRht some day become a bltf tree that ttio Interest aroused casually might develop Into a craving that would not be satisfied until the person posseaaed had become the possessor of a model da luxe. I'aliMc Alive to Importance. The promoters were gratified at the at tendance 'as It showed that the lntereat Jn the show was growing and that the general public - of Omaha was becoming alive to the Importance of the exhibition as an adjunct to tha development of the prosperity of the city. .Many from out of town were to be found among the groups that sauntered throuRh the aisles and the big hull '.glowing In the rfulgence of Hs myriad electric lights presented a scene of animation and beauty. ,. . Tor.igh will be society night when It is anticipated the fair women and brave men of the chy and the surrounding districts will give their patronage to the ahow and lend it their influence' towards increasing Its hold on the position. It has attained aa the leading automobile exhibition of the mldwwst.; Friday will see the influx of a numerous contingent of dealers from various purts of the state, Iowa, South Dakota and Kunsus and that day la being looked forward to as ono of the groat booming days of the show of 1D10. ' Many Iluyc-ra at Hand.' J. J.'tHright will have a new car at the ahow Thursday which Is expected to attract considerable attention. It is a Mercer and bV some, mistake w.is shipped to Ralph yM at. Nebrasku City, which makes It somewhat late in arriving. Mr. Uerlght has already been compelled to take one of his cars from his booth to make room for the Locomobile llnioualno which waa or dered bjf C. N. Dlelz, and will now have to move another out to make room for the Mercer. ' v y "This has been the greatest selling show we ever tiad,' said Denize Barkaldw of the Electric Oarage company. "We have sold every car in our booth but one and have Bold nearly all our allotment of some of the higher grade cars."... ( Manx ' (he dealers are finding the same condition true with them,' aa no show ever held In Omaha bas brought In so many buyers fl'hey came early and are staying through tjie snow. Whe the blizzard raged, on the outside, wheto kept ,many,lpcal visitor from the show Tutsday,. the buttd Jng was well filled' with visitor from Out town Who had come to buy. faonie of the big cars were sold as soon as thoy vera unloaded -t the garages to take to the . show. iJNone j the, dealer have as yet placed "sold"' signs on their cars and all the salesmen are still busy talking, with prospective Duyers. A. V. Klnsler has bought one of the larg est Oars at the show, a six-cylinder Frank lin,' which is equipped with- all the com fort of home.' It has a commodious trunk behind 'for1 touring and ha also a small chest of lockers under the front seat, which opona Into the body of the car. - ' I.Ike Implement Convention. "This show reminds me of an Implement dealers' convention," said Roy Coffeen, manager of the Racine Battley company', Which is showing the Firestone Columbus car. ' "It aeom as if all the Implement dealers of Nebraska have added a line of automobiles and nearly all are visiting the how to line up for their supply of cars. They all are buying heavy in anticipation of a big business this season. We hav made several good 'Bale to dealers." Ralph Duff of Nebraska City I hard at work at the (how. He ha control of the out hern parti of the state and western L Iowa for several cars which are on exhlbl lion in the Derlght booth and he is taking this opportunity to meet his friends. Kb Mockett of Lincoln, dealer in automo biles, is a visitor at the show. Mockett Is well known to all tha old bicycle men of Omaha and Nebraska, as he was formerly one of the premier racers when bicycle facing was In vogue. Dr.. Luklus of Trkamah has bought one f the nobbiest looking cars at the show, lt Is a two-passenger Courier, equipped with a large tank behind, where arrangement are also made for carrying tires. The car Is manufactured bv tho same firm which puts out the Stpddard-Dayton and it has splendid lines. Among the numerous and Interesting souvenirs at the ahotf given by the dealers Is the coat hanger and the cigar ' lighter handed out by Edholm ' at Fredrlckson'a. They may be carried In the vest pocket. The American, with forty-Inch wheels, makes a great ahow in Sweet-Edwards' booth. "Murphy Did It," printed on silk slips to be pinned on. is Bert Murphy's own stunt. These little badges were in evidence last night, and Murphy waa happy. Gould has an interesting booth, !n which he allows the Ford. He is allowing some attractive models and draw the crowd. Dewitt and Knott held the tort Monday and Tuesday In the basement at the Au ditorium, then they moved op stair on the main floor. Dewitt wear the con tented smile now of the man who has turned a trick. The Roger has made Its appearance In the market. And a smart car It Is. It Is made by the Roper Motor Car company In Omaha. It Is a superior car and Is sure to become one of the popular car for business men of the weat where there are hill and mud. "No matter how good the car Is or the follow who sell it, It takes advertis ing to do the work," said an' eastern auto man yesterday. "People listen to news paper. Newspapers can speak to so many more than a dealer can speak to. ineyve got him skinned four ways. Beside who ants to own a car about which noboay is talking, and of which the newspapers are saying nothing. The fellow' who thinks can aell car by 'main strength' la a goner." Howard Bauer, the racing man of the Oakland. Is attending the show. Bauer en- Joys the distinction of haying driven In all f the Oakland races last year and of being the only American driver who' haa not been defeated. C. H. Herring, president of the Atlantic Automobile company, in not ' in the show with the Reo, "but Just outside.'' Herring as a way of Impressing people, and no mattes how much they wish to get Into the Auditorium, they hang on and climb over hia Reoa like kittens. Sound Sleep Refreshes the body for the activity of the next day. - .'But if the food we eat is not fully digested it is liable to ferment in the stomach and cause "gas and that may disturb sleep so that we rise more tirod than when we went to bed. Grape-Nuts FOOD Made from wheat and bar ley is pleasant to the taste and so easily digested that sound sleep follows a supper of this food with cream or good in ilk'. It. builds- up the body, brain and muscle ami gives a rosy glow of health. 'There's a Reason" (Jin smoke rlcers up there will he aorrr sold cars upon the field. T. O. . Northwall Just moves rlutht along '.tying little, but selling an awful lo; of Brushes. Pome follow said that this little car might be run over by a railway train, and It would get up and run on. The Wlnton Six and the Metsger are ex hibited Just acroas the street from the Auditorium. Both are popular care and the Wlnton ftx Is by no means a new machine on the streets of Omaha. , One of the most Interesting departments of the show It that devoted to commercial cars. In the basement, Murphy la showing the Frayer, Miller A Randolph; Velio Auto company is Bhowlng the Wilcox; Bleotrlo garage is showing the Packard. There are several other exhibits to be seen in the basement. The Great Western and the Schocht are exhibited by the Western Auto Co. The Schoct is shown in low wheels and Is one of the pretty cars of the show. The Great Western Is becoming a popular car In this section. The Stanley Steamer rs exhibited by the Stanley Steamer Co. Tht car I improved over last season very materially. An Omaha made car Is on exhibition thl week at 309 South Seventeenth street. It is the Rogers car and is to be built In whoU by the Rogers Motor Car company , a'. Ralston. The modern, up-to-date plant Is nearly completed where car will not be assembled, but will be built' in their en tirety. An experienced automobile builder has been secured as superintendent of the plant and the firm Is now ready to take orders. This cars is a business man's car, built, for a specific purpose and desurned especially for the rough roads of western Nebraska. ) A lot of bachelora around here are wait ing to be picked up, and why they are be Inr: overlooked, even Treasurer Foray can not explain. I gave It up long ago." Bullet in Brain Failed to Kill II. Sumner, Shot By Mon-ln-law, 8anan MnrrUwa, Leavee the Hospital. J. II. Bummer,' who received a bullet wound In hla brain, when Randle Morri son, a mall carrier, attempted dou-ois mur der and hot himself to death, hia re covered from his dangerous wound, under treatment at St. Joseph's hospital. lie left the hospital Wednesday evening. Mrm. Hattle Morrison, the suicide's widow, who waa shot in the neck, recovered sufficient to leave the hospital last week. Mr. Summer was thought to be In a dying condition when he W'as taken to the hos pital. He bore up with rare fortitude after the shooting, at the Monadnock hotel. Fifteenth and Capitol avenue, on February 3. With the bullet lodged in hla brain he started to the police station at a steady gait. BaJck Medol 17, Price $1,750 .VWV-vWNrV ItaJck No. 10, Toy Tontiaan, $ MBO CUPID TRIES TO GET A FLYING HOLD ON HARRY PRIMEAU Little rhernb la Abont to Pin Man, Too City Hall la Fertile Field. Hla foalum Cereal Company, Ltd., Battle CrMk, Mich, "Mister, please, I'm lost,", sobbed Guy Smith to the supply man who exhibits speedometers, horna and compasses at the end of, the Auditorium. The dealer hauled out a jcompass forthwith and the needle new arouna 10 me uuiiuu ul riftuauiu Peerless. It will be the beat season dealer have ever seen," said Harry van Brum yester day. He keeps In touch with the people and Js perhaps one of the best posted busi ness men In this part of the country. "We have received an order from one of our agent for 100 Overland, to be snipped within the next thirty days. This agent had only order for ninety-five "care" for the season." . : : Sales Manager' Peek of the Regal com- pany Is attending the ahow. He aald tnat, thla car wlH' be Pushed vUJorouslv'ln Omaha;! this season.; It . has been improved and tn 1910 model ' is Tar and wy ,.i uu v its last' year's model. The Omaha agency as been placed with the Standard Auto company. . . , v ; . The Stevens-rSuryea "in Kimball's booth i one of the good car In' the show. The one exhibited now la model -AA and waa purchased yesterday by Mr. McCord, - Guy 8mlth Is exhibiting a polished en gine of the Franklin whioh shows the op eration of the dutch and valves, and the construction of the new -fly wheel and fan and cooling system of J910. ' Wallace Automobile company is showing pretty Stearns machine. Mclntyre Auto company la showing aome very pretty Oakland. The Omaha Anto company is exhibiting the RiSer-Lewl along, with the Auburn, and they make a great team. The Rauch A Lang company of Cleve land, 'whose vehicles are shown by Electric garage, is a concern the growth of which ha been most phenomenal. Known for fifty-eight years' . a makers of the finest carriages in the country, the Rauch & Lang company ten years ago de cided to enter the ranks of the electrts car field.' Three year after the company entered the same the first machine was placed on the market ' The founder of the concern was Mr. Charles Rauch, who, In 1863, built a small way-side carriage shop on West Twenty fifth street, which was then known as Pearl atreet. As business grew, shop space was added, until now the square feet of ; room utilised In the manufacture of the Rauch & Lang electrics is 275,000. . At the Automobile show at Portland, Ore., the only air-cooled motor car shown waa the Franklin, and in order to give its cooling system an extreme test a seventy-two-hour, nostop run waa made .'with one of the Franklin ears. This ended with out a algn of overheating of the engine or adjustment or replacement of any of Its parts during the three day of continuous work. The Franklin with' which the test was made was a five-passenger touring- car driven by a four-oyjlnder elghteen-horae power engine. The run was made through good and bad streets In the city and out to numerous suburban towns; steep grades and deep mud were, encountered. The dis tance covered waa KM miles. A safe rule by which' the automobile owner will always. know when hla tlrea are tightly Inflated, Is the tires must stand up full and round under, the load. The pressure gaugea do riot make .allowance for overloading and practically all tires are subjected to frequent overoladlng. ' "Suppose for Instance." said Mr. Welgele, explaining the Diamond' contention, "that the car weighs 3.000 pound and the ttrea are pumped to the pressure called for op posite this weight on the table of preasurea. Tou have only to take aboard two peraons averaging 150 pounds to Increase the weight upon the tires 10 per cent and then the tires are not sufficiently Inflated. The de sirability of keeping tlrea pumped up ao hard that they will not flatten under a load ilea in the faot that thla will greatly Increase the service. Drummond was one of the bunlent men in Omaha yesterday. It seemed to be a special dav for admirer of the White and Wooda Klectrtc. They railed In big hunches Drummonq' Is a great talkor. ITe iever grows tired. However, yeter fay, ha drew upon hi rtsarv. and hr-mgh'. Peck and rratt lota the battle, and wbn Harry Prlmeau,- of the city clerk's office, has been 'caught by one of the flying holds Cupid so, of ten uses. In the bottom of a box of lead pencils packed in Hoboken, N. J.t- Mr. Prlmeau found the address of a New . Jersey damsel, , who requested the finder to correspond. Since making this discovery Prlmeau has been preoccupied in the task of framing up a letter, "Just for fun," as he tells the men in the office. Many an attempt has been abandoned and the sheet torn up, until now every man and wort an about the place Is Intensely Interested In Prlmeau's perfor mance. ' "He's falling down in his bowling," says City Clerk Butler, "and Is losing some of the good color he gained on his Texas vacation. Looks like he may have to go to New Jersey to settle his mind. And the city haH girls who recently put In The Bee their views on what kind of man makes the best husband, are getting letters from bachelors all over the western country. So the city hall is slightly lovesick, you see. A aafrarnaro: to Children. "Our two children of lx and eight years have been alnce Infancy subject to colds ind croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley' Honey and Tar, and it has never failed to prevent and cure these troubles. It Is the only medicine I can get the children to take without a row." The above from W. C. Ornsteln, Green Bay, Wis., duplicate the experience of thousands of other users of Foley Honey and Tar. Sold by all druggist. Ir you want to sell anything quickly ad vertise it In The Bee Want Ad Columna. ONE DAY CURED IN Mnnyen'a Cold Remedy Relieves the head, throat and -tings almost Immediate ly. Check Fevers, stop Dleubarges of the nose, take away all aches and pains caused by cold. It cures Orlp and ob stinate Cough and prevent Pneumonia. Price 25e. Have yon stiff or swollen Joints, no mat ter how chronic? Ask your druggist for Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy and e bow quickly yon will be enred. If yon have any kidney or bladder trou ble ret Munyon's Kidney Remedy. Munyon's VitalUer makes weak toca, trong and restore lost power. fcou are cordially invited to malSelyour headquarters : at R.: R. KimbaWs Exhibit Nci. 25, during the Automobile Show, February 21st to 26th, where a complete line of high class cars will be on exhibition. "Stevens Duryea" "Cadillac Thirty" "Babcock Electric" Do not fail to see the wonderful Cadillac "Thirty' Chassis in full operation. . R. KIMB ALL 2026-28 Farnam Street Si M nit i t i ill '.-'. ; Si ' ' II ' All the World Loves A Winner Regardless of prio, horse power or number of cylinders, Buiek cars have won more important stock car hill olimbing speed and endurance contests and made more world's stock car reoords in 1909 than all other cars combined. jIMXas"" l"n'VaJntVl-'"IT"J"TTy Nebraska Buick FVuto (p. . Omaha Branch, 1912 to 1916 Taraam Street. . T a Lincoln Branch, 13th and P Streets, jjSB fflSjl Bulrk Model F, 1,000 Bukk Ko. 10 Surer,' $1,090 At the Automobile Show being held in the Auditorium this week - ID) sim mi (Qi Wrapped Tread Tire Equip 27 gasoline cars. Nearest competing make equipping 22 gasoline cars Repeating the record made at all of the leading automobile yKows. The Diamond Rubber Co., ,,.;- ' 1329.31 Union Ave.. Kansas City. Mo. -... -.,.-.- t " The Omaha Car The Rogers ;yV. j- vv"" '5; V:''"J't:n-.?.?:iV''' y;.-vvf'.V',:i:i i -V'-SK'-'' .'".ii-.A" ;.' -,''. if',' 7 , '4 1'. I . I rTiti')iN.li;i,l'.,'iit inn in ! ' $G50. ' ':' -.Y;'. Here is the much talked of Automobile built in Omaha. It is made by .western, manu facturers specially for western business men. It is high class in every essential -vfiuilt of the best material, along the most modern and practical lines. No car exhibited in Omaha today will compare with it in reliability and low cost of keeping up. It will gi through mud and climb hills, which other cars cannot possibly make. .! g RUNABOUT, $650. , SURREY,v$7Q0. DEMONSTRATIONS AT 309 SOUTH 17TH STREET. . ; Unqualifiedly Decided the Classiest Cars The Oldest Cars by the Oldest Builders Vinton Six 00 The absolute limit of excellence and reliabilty. The Newest Car by the OldestJBuilders. "TheEverittS' 47 contracts closed for these cars. You must see this car to appreciate it. On display directly opposite the Auditorium all this week. ROGERS' MOTOR CAR GO v ssnssss Kemper Autoi 1812 Harney Street lobile Co. OIIAnA, NEB. TMIO GAR TOM "Duilt Fr The Man Who Knows By Men Who Know." SPECIFICATIONS. Motor, 4i2x5i4. Timken front and rear axles. Brown-Li pe selective trans mission. Gemmer irreversible steering gear. ( 115 inch wheel base. SPECIFICATIONS. 3-1 G inch channel section frame. Aluminum effect honey-comb radiator. Rushmore head lights. Finish second to none. Circassian "Walnut Dash. PRICE $1,800. Can you find these parts in cars costing from $2,500 to $4,000.. Look them all-over, ' - . . '- i then call on us. JQlif DEERE PLOIV GO. DISTRIBUTERS UELIE AUTOr.lODILE CO. 1902 FARNAM GT. ass Waii Ms Will ei liyftsif )