9 HOWARD -CHILD OF FORTUNE Oel'i Eich Father-in-law Sarei Him . .ii from Jiinori. C0MISKE7 lHDlSd.illM.X00 GOOD OH Roman Woald Taken film, Itesrarda i.awVerinlttina;' HI -kirk I nja4 an rata It I t 'Kan Johnson. Vel Howard,' "fin 11m "st-cond t'mn for Omiht, H MA.le good with the Bos ton National 4nI; then for two seasons with th Chlcair Cub utility men, Iim bn Bold by Murr.nt; to Louisville In the American wortlkUoni According , to tlie Chicago Trlbnne, will, not no to Ken tucky. ,' '' Pel's fkthefHi-latv'H. Q. UH.. "ays 'he Tribune, wh Isi Wrabr of the Chicago Board of Trad arfl who Id eeiied of having much trce Of this world's goods than th aWr;. human being, was au thority for th .atatctnent,;. made the other dty. Mr. iitMinVvWt claim to be lfl s boss, but hl twUKVM1 he knows something about the "'ete'S ,ffalra. Del himself is not obliged rt .play . ball for a livelihood. If all the ltni; irr the world broke up today he stKl . att!4t be alile to truggle alepg aomehow.n ', Aeoordlng tta 'thH.t rlatlon-ln-law. Krl doean't wan("(o ku to tne Colonels, and doesn't have- to tf, ha . doesn't want to. Hence the deduction, that he will not. M. Suttl addd that he might put IVI Into the base ball binlne-"? for himself as, a minlf A ''Chtcigdv e'e njl-pro berth If said to be id the, board';. off trader eye. No on doubt .that Oporg 'Rimer would be a drawing card wherever. placed. Bvri wllj be sorry t Jo rituj.!from the organ lacd paatrm. but they, like Manager Chanc of the Cubs, will be glad to sot' him do well in any capacity. The Howard case was town talk yester day. As an outgrowth of It. a rule may be passed making It- compulsory for a major league club to secure waivers from every other team In both big leagues before let ting eut a player to the minors. The pres ent law provides that an athlete who has been under contract t' ,a major leugut bunch or more than on.' year can be let out If waiver are obtained from all clubt In hla league. In the case of a player drafted or puichaaed within a year waivers must bo asked for and obtained from both major leagues. President Comlskey ,f ; the Sox, who would not have been opposed to landing Howard, brought up the point yesterday In the presence of Ban Johnson, saying it waa unfair, both to the player and to the cluba of the rival leagues, to send any ath lete to the minora when he could hold down a job in a big league and draw , big league salary. President Johnson, cited n oases oi isDeu ana Uavls, whom Comlskey recently released, and asked him why a rule of the kind he had In mind wouldn't have blocked his plans to re lease these men and thus have prevented them from doing as they pleased. Commy thought this over a while and then suggested that a club of the American league should .not W required to get waivers from the other fifteen clubs If it Intended to release a man unconditionally. If. on the writer hand,,lt cttitended to send him to some minor league team, It should be compelled to get waivers from every body In both major organisations. This looked like a fair prqppimfoa to Mr. John-i son, and he said he 'would see what could' be dona toward creating such a rule. ll will be remembered that Issy 'and George were let out without being tied to any club. Therefore, both of them were at liberty to sign anywhere they wanted to. with another . major league-club If they wanted thm,ln case, of Howard, Dei: myst play at Louisville or not at all, unless he cai get A4y frWH tb American asso ciation club.'.') , : WHITE SOX JFLOCK WESTWARD tblenaro American Players Co Through Omaha tyatarday la Spe. ,. elal Train. to Pacific, Coast. "The White Box Special," conveying Co mlskey and hla celebrated Chicago players of, the American league from the Windy Cily to Ban Francisco, will pa through Omaha Saturday afternoon 'a 1:30 o'clock via- the Rock Island line. The players are enroute to Jh Pacific coaet for spring training. - -,.,.( The special will form ;tho second section of trsin No. 5. It will consist of one bufffl car, one diner, two Pullman slxteen-sectlnn sleepers, one ten-secllon sleeper and oh Hratlon car. THBW l HOI F; J. I . I. ATIII.KTK9 Address Mnr Koreeaal Hostile Aelloa IOWA ( ITT, Feb. ' U (Rpela1.) Will the state Board of F.ducatlon, con trolling the State university, the AgrN cultural college and the State Teachers' collre. ahollHh foot ball and other forms of Interrnlletilme athletic competition at Ite March meeting? This question his sprung Into the minds of alumni here and almost universally the question has been answered In the sfrim atlve. for the mrength of James H. Trewln hf Ceditr Rsplrts, chairman of the hoard, is readily recf.anlred In this city. Mis dec laration at the Isw building derl'.rstion bnn ouet Is the foreword of probable action next month. The declaration of Mr. Trewln agtlnst Intercollegiate contests on the athletic fl d ranie as a bolt out of a clear sky Tuesrtny evenjni?. The university public was Ktunnii. It was with difficulty that the alumni and students present grasped the significance of the opinions stated so forc ibly 'by the former wtate senator. Yesterday there was one subject of con versation unions: the student. Naturally the rank and file were extremely Indig nant over the prospects of losing foot ball and other forms of athletic contests with sinter Institutions. (Irariual)y It dawned on the undergraduates that Jowa would Ins' Its inemberehtp in the Chnagn confer ence and In the Missouri Valley conferem-e and that It would become a -nonentity In the athletic world. . Opinions among faculty members were few and far between, thnss nppoeed to the probable outcome naturally refusing to dif fer with the authorities . which pay Infclr S'arls Must of the profess. ,-s, it is be lieved, favor the happy medium, where the ptesent abnormal development of special ized tenms Is decreased and the Intra-col-letr athletics are Increased. There are those among the citizens, students and faculty members who believe that the athietirs will not be disturbed lv the new bnsrd and that the foot ball sched ule next -fall wlll.be played as usual. Thev state that even If the new board eliminates Intcr-oollertate athletic contests It will not do so until after the next legislature. The entire athletic Interests of the state are watchlne; the next move of the State Board of Education. Kl.10 CITED TO HIIOW ClTR SIFTING MEN' FOR THE MEET Cornhuikers Flan to Make Mark at Omaha Event. SOME FAST MEN ABE IN THE LIST Antra and .Nebraska Tied for Basket Hall lloanre Hssie of (iimri In Playoff May Come to - Omaha. Commission Wants to Know Why It fthonld Itelnatate lllm, CINCINNATI, Feb. 24 John Kllng must show cause to the National Base Ball com U'l.'Hlon as to why hi- should be restored to govd Htandlng as a player. Thin mandate is also extended to the management of the Cl'lcngo National league club. . Because of a lack of evidence, the com mlsHlon today refused to take final action on. Kllng's petition for reinstatement. Th case was dlscuxsed at length and then laid over. Kllng and President Murphy are asked to furnish within five days copies of all the correspondence tnat has passed be tween them since the close of the playlni? season of 1908. In addition Kllng Is asked to furnish a list of the players who accum- En unrnf. "i,n the Nebraska metropolis r . - . . in games there last year. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 24. "1 am perfectly Willing to submit all tha evidence In my possession to the National Base Ball com mission," said John tiling today when shown the dispatch from Cincinnati to the effect that he must present evidence to that body within five days to show cause why he should be rehtorea to good standlns- "Mr. Murphy and 1 have indulged In very little correspondence." continued the ralohni' "m.u i , i S C over 'the lo. -di I' tnrTZZ'Z- lhat the Jayhawkers are the champion, of LINCOLN, Feb. 24-(SpeclRl.)-Ur. IV Q. Clupp announced yesterday that he would start the latter part of this week the weeding out process among the track athletes to select a team of fifteen men te epresent the Cornhuskers at the big track meet In Omaha on April 1. The action of th Nebraska Athl-tlc board In permitting any qualified student to rep resent the university has resulted In giving the Nebraska athletic director fully fifty crack athletes from whom to select a tram for the Omaha games. This afternoon nearly that many men were in the gym nasium working out for the finals. In which they will have an opportunity to show their ability. By permitting all students lo compete for the Cornhuskers, the Athletic board made Hale McDonald eligible. He will be a strong point man for the Cornhuskers In the running events. He will have a place on the relay team, and will enhance Ne braska's chances of winning that big event, Nebraska will also be permitted to place Its two freshmen runners in this meet, and this fact will almost assure the local scnooi a place In all the fast sprints. Swanson, an ineligible freshman, la one of the speed iest runners the university haa possessed in several years, and hla presence at the Omaha contest will mean much to the Corn huskers In the short dashes. Nebraska and Ames are now tied for the championship of the northern half of the Missouri Valley Basket Ball league. By defeating Drake Monday night, 12 to 11, the Aggies made their record equal to that of the Cornhuskers. A series of three games will be played between Ames and Nebraska to determine which of the teams shall meet Kansas, the winners of the title in the southern section. . Manager Eager has written Coach Wil liams of Ames requesting that the games be played either In Lincoln or Omaha next week. It is thought that the Aggie coach will consent to coming to Nebraska for the games. If he does, the scries will be booked for either this city or Omaha, Keveral letters have come to the local manager asking that the series be played Manager Eager Is not yet decided whether h will take the tames there, though. The Nebraska Ath letic board does not object, however, and If Ames expresses a preference for a neutral floor, the games will go to Omaha. This much has been decided by the local man ager. The Cornhusker basket ball players ob ject to the claim made by the Kansas five ine only statement I am nrenareri tr make to the commission is that I put prac tically all 1 had Into a private enterprise In this city and had to remain here. to look after It. When the management of the Chicago club realised my situation I was given an Indefinite leave of absence." CHICAGO, Feb. 21 President Murphy re fused 'to make any statement' concerning the Kllng case. DES MOI. ICS TO Ye. DTRACK TEAM ... iu . ' . Commercial Club There Will Pay Ex-' peases of Its Athletes. iVord lift ' been .received' by tas Com mercial club of Omaha that the Greater les Moines committee will pay the ex penses of all the athletes from Des Moinea who expect to participate in tlrn great in door track and field meet which is to be held .at, the Auditorium ,ArU i, '. The Oreater Des Moines commit' e wilrbe t guest of the Omaha Commercial club while In Omaha and will attend the meet In the the Missouri valley. The Lawrence team still has to meet the winners of the title in the northern section before it can have a clear claim to the conference honors. Then, It has two games to play with the Corn huskers In Lincoln this week, and there la a slight feeling among local students that the local five will surprise their old oppon ents in those two contests. NEBRASKA - AM J KAKSAS MEET Ttt Basket Ball Teams Will Draw - 4iaery of Hooter. LINCOLN, Feb. 24. (Special.) Nebraska and Kansas will meet in two basket ball games on Friday and Saturday nights that will probably decide which of the two schools shall be caled ehamnlons nt the Missouri valley. .The Jayhawkers will oome Kanias Has Easy Time with Drake Defeat for Dei Moines Saiket Ball Five by the Score of 60 to 30. DES MOINES, la.. Feb. 24 (Sp-clal Trleiam.)-!anas defeated Drake tonight In a game which was a shower of baskets, tha visitors netting 87 and Drake making a total of 14. The Jayhawkers toased six points from the foul line and Drake two, making a total' of NO to SO. Kansas started Smith at center, but re placed him with Helser, when the locals threatened to lead early In the first halt. The lineup: Drake. Kansas. Defaults l.f.l.f long J. Hoffman '....-.r.f.r.f Vandervrles '. Hoffman c.c Smith, Hetaer M ancle .......,...r g.l.g Woodward Heery l.g r.g Larsan Windsor r.f - Berry r.g. Foul points: Debutts, 2; Long, 4. HIGH SCHOOL ATH I ETICS ACTIVE Crames and Mas ' Meetings Arooae Interest of Boy. Omaha High school Is to have a lively time in athletics during the next week and a half. Krldav afternoon a m" meeting of the whole school will be held te arouse enthusiasm for the game to be played with the high school of Joplln, Ms. Next Monday a meeting of all the boya in the school will bo held In order that this year may see the largest track squad in the history of tlie school. All will be urged to come out and If they feal that they are worthy to compete f"r places n the school team they miv try for a plare on class team. Later In the year track evftits both indenr and outdoor will be held between the different classes. The freshmen and sophomore basket ball teams will meet In a preliminary game HMturday before the regular game is called. The Omaha five feels pretty sure that it can redeem Itself for the two defeats of the last week. It haa already beaten St. Joseph team once this year. The captain will be unable to play because of an In jured ankle, but Coach Cams haa several fast substitutes on hand who will go far towards helping Omaha to, a victory. The lineup of the two teams next Saturday will be as follows: Omaha. . ; . St. Joseph. Dodds : r.f.r.f....Cresap, Kewley Rector, Bauman..l,f. l.t Meadows Flnley, Carson c.c Voerhees Fatton r.g.ir.g lrwlne Trimble .'. ..lg. Kulakofsky l.g.ll.g May WITH THE BOWLER. i ne tseseun Mixers won three games from the Daily. News team on the Cellar aneys last night. Ueselln took all honors. having Mi for high single game and MS for high totals. Tonight, llollya and West oiues. i ne ncore: .. . ' BESELI.VMIXER8. lecoras Br MARCH On Sale February 25th Beselln :.it D. Schneider Cole ......k,p... Totals .... vlst. .. J44 2d. m ni , , 4.S0 47 DAILY Js'KWS. Merritt .. McLean . Faxtou .. Total Falconer ., C. Klce ... Toman, .. Druggeman Vuusem ... Totals . Holmes Perkins Hinder . Smith .. Clark . 1st. . 16S . 14T 2d. lit la lHI 3d. 17 17. IS m 2d. 11 14 134 .I. 4fi0 444 414 YOUSEM'8 COLTS. 1st. 2d, , loo , i..':.,i7 v..-- 1 V 10 m 17 1 1 '4 3d. 157 ltf lis 164 Total 401 l,4til Total. 434 47t 4111 1,318 Total. bli bU . toft olS 865 SW SlUNTAL COKPS. Totals ... ..Jst, 144 147 in lu4 V 74t . 2d. ITS 174 Ki 1K6 If 7S4 1,647 8d. Total. 134 178 200 m 4rf 4 0 BIO I7S 2,474 ?T The DrelbiA CaV took two game from, the Omaha HlcycieHast night on the Met ropolitan alleys. There were too many spilts for the: Blkes,. hence their defeat. Angleberg (took all .honors for the Candy Kids, with 6 total and 223 single. Tonight ... i i-i .i;,, ' i niQB, Willi ow luifti mm Biiigie. Aunifgiii to Lincoln with a record of fifteen games iP win h & Brweti hien AmUhr Waved and nnlv one lo.t Tfc h- a. I t",.rewli' e . "J0!1 ?,et.wen Angleberg The Commercial club ha, '"made appllca-UfanhattanClDr'anife Amisi on for special train for the meet from b k. ' 1,rake- A,ne. t. -e Moine and also from Lincoln. , Tt.e .ames won from is tlon Des TIMBLIN 15 .HOtiE He Will Look After Home Affair of Rod and (inn Clnb. The directors of the OmaAa Hod and Gun club have appointed the eoretary of the club, A. L. Tlmblln, as house secretary for the year. ' A special committee; con sisting of (Jeorge W. Craig-.- city engineer' Harry Lawrle and W. H. Rhodes, ha ben' appointed to .look Into the Question of the purchase of-tho Cotntland Beach property' Considerable sentiment Is being worked up among the club members, 'looking toward the advisability of) buying. soon us the committee his a, definite' proposition a meeting of;the club metrjliers will be called played and only one lost. Thev have rh feated every strong team In the Missouri Washington. Urlnnell and Ne wer and Fred Baiter, and Friday night Hull and Huntington will play a match game on the Metropolitan alley- Score: OMAHA BICYCLE CO. tiuw'wnijiuiuitiii 1 l f Ik I. I ... I liirtejf4jnftfe4BafttJBeiT '. -j z tpttt ..-,. , - I' r -mil ri ! R Y fl Tt r A nj . HI il'il iH'i i iiiiuiiaiiaiuiiihuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiililiuuiiiuiilm Soothes and Heals Raw -. Spots and Cures All Catarrhal Troubles DO not apply violent snuffs, sprays, douches to Irrl tate, smart aud burn the inriamed mucous mem- vrane. rciuuvq iiio cause tne catarrh aernis. Nehraalr n nnrnvTinv' Fmyou eany in wie season, wnen the Corn- J " ' u ,.wv ' ' .v., j IU1I11, BV umi iney were no criterion or the relative strength of the two aggregations. In the two contests this week the local five will be In good form, but will be lacking one or two star playera, whose absence w ill prove a great handicap. '1 he Kansas team claims the rhmni. ship for three years, but It only has a ciearl tltlo to the honor for one season, and that I was last year In 1907-08 the Cornnuskera and Kansas played four games and divided the series. . Last season the Kansas five clearly won the pennant. This winter, though, it still haa to meet Nebraska this week, and after that It will have to play either Nebraska or Ames in a series of five games to settle the championship of the Missouri Valley conference. Interest In the game with Kansas this week la the greatest It has ever been here oer a basket ball series. A friendly feeling of rivalry against the Jayhawkers is in tense, and the student are clamoring for the Cornhuskers to win so as to compensate in some degree for the defeat of the Ne braska foot ball team during the last two years. The Interest In the games Is so high that player at the theter are making big hits this week by getting In sidelines to the effect that Nebraska will win from the Jayhawkers. Practically all the seats for the contests have been sold. which cannot live wben Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly ha beea applied to the raw, affected surfaces, (iootbes, heals. Drevntii abnormal discharge cures. Kondon's (In sanitary tubal) brinn lninf r.ll.f from every catarrhal compllcatioa- Hay Fever, Asthma, Catarrhal Headache, Hore Throat, Deal aess. Stomach Trouble, etc. It Iras cured millions. -It will cura vail Writ t. J.u t, r . x ' " " ' " " Ask Your Dragglst or Doctor Ahrt lirfmir m 9 . h.lu f..- . V'V handy us at home or In Docket: a need v. ner- manent and sate cure. 35,000 rtrurflsts i whk aril If Biiil r nJ m .. ,4 H V.. . . u - jk ' Anil , ' a . I r. K ham.fi.l I . your dealer hann't It. write fur 2$e or 50c tobo of sample, feostpald; (rota Uondon Mfg. Company MioacafMlla. Mian. Wrl1lIlltltlllH"HMMItMllll..lMM4,:M,mM,.,H,),HI(a 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Hull 2ti XH Vi 60 Solomon lu 204 142 62 liiniicks 158 1D5 144 470 Oilbreaih 177 212 201 W4 Zarp li ISO 14 6ft,' TotalB 83 u 84 2.640 DREIBUa CANDY CO. 1st. 2d. id. Total. Tray nor 164 161 167 42 Stafford 167 1K3 1M 44 Floyd k. 170 183 186 ' lit Angleberg 23 1S4 lis 006 Prlmeau 194 200 171 672 Totals m 921 172 2,701 "tHE first question is, have you an EDISON v PHONOGRAPk? If you have, we won't need urge you to read through this new list of records. You've been watching for it, as every Phonograph owner docs every month. But if you haven't a Phonograph, this list of Edison Standard and Amberol Records will certainly interest you in owning one. Read down this list of selections, one by one, mark the ones you wish to hear, and any Edison dealer will be glad to play them for you: Amberol He Res Walts froa Salts "Kese of SMs lFM" ass's Baai MS Pot Oa Tear Old Grey Beat . T. H P4r Ckers M7 DeTheyTklak f Ha at Heme. MsahaMa Blls4 Trt MS Cenr.mtla (Cle Charaeter 8ag).B. M. FTr M Bsalaag Vlcler Herbert a kU BuiaSi TO Moeelee ea Married Ufm Marray E. U1 n There Were hsobsras . . Mlsea KUed 4)arWtt n White Wing Naaael BeoMta tit FsatMl en Tk.SMw V Uoaard sad Psfsalal (Vlella Sole) Mtsaael aaaer r4 I'm Weaua f lter ttella Mefhew m Lynsl Oa, Oh, kllsi lqraa .... eelllas a4 aarlaa f.t DreaaM-tTleH OsllgaU) .... Klimbsth WaeeUr I7T AmeriesaBtaaenU WalUes.MswTerk Military Bud I7t Iiavy Joaes' Leckar Reed 7 Nearer, My S4. to Tkee . EaUkerkoeker Qnartette W 111 Cros Arabella Jack Pteauat Ml Bslsy Klgkt . , . . Tie lastraneatal 4(or4ett Ml The dt My rather Wore Cms St. Patrltk i Bay Billy Mam a4 Ckrs tn Tae Iks Cary r . Earls OStaaley M4 Elg Esrl Manh ..... Mew York Military Bead BY HARMY LAUBEK mil Tie Beaadlag Bee ltlM Whea I Cot Back Agala to Beaal BeoUaad nVE NEW CRAN OPfJLA RECORDS 1M1T I0US 10819 less 10M1 meet ItMS Standard La Lettre 4 Msnoa Sens' It.nd I'm Agola' to Chsf V.j Msa , . M.r't preealer Hasting Sosg Staalsy a1 (llllette LaTraWslta Caarlee (Sno(,bont (tele) II. Bene H.nton Whea I Aat Away freai To . . . Mannel Rensin Saa of My Seal (Sacred) . . Asthesy and Barrtsoa Irish Blee4 Ada Jeaee oagartaa Dsae O. Miser if. Brabat) Vleter Herbert and hie Orehettra 1MM ions 1KT 1UM 1MM With the Milk la the Morning . rate Murray . . . . Cellist and Barlaa Be Seoie Bay, Mellas BITS Bin B1M Bill B1M L'Afrlealne-O Ptrtdls (Meyerbeer) (I Italia) rierwcl Ceasleatlae, Teaor Braaai laMtc (Teral) (la Iultea) Ltljrt Laeeatl, Be Cavalleria Kntlcaaa Tel I tete (Masragal) ;la Italia) Bater lenahtal, vyr.se loeeTsa le tteDe (rSeotal) (1 ltallea) Hlceard Maraa, Teaer I Pnrltaal-Sseai la treaba (Belllal) (la Itallaa) BraeeU Careaaa and La'rl La east! t'aele Jh la a Depsrtaeat Store (Talking) Cal dtewart year Little Sugar Ptanu Aaericaa Symphesy Orchestra Net for Me-" Eld" Seng sesele Wyaa What Makei i World Ci Reand llijiis tn Billy mnrrsy IWI raleoa Maroh New Terk Military Band BY HARRY LAUDER mil ! Lored Ber Brer Stsce She Wat a Baby There are Eelten dsalsrs OTry where, fle te the aeareat kssr the EdUe m.nef rti plsy hath Bdlson atssd ard sad Anherel Recerds. t eeaalet catalogs froa year dealer r IVea a. Edison Phonofraphs . . . $11.40 to $S00.00 Standard Record SS Amkerol Record, (play twice a long) . .40 Grand Opera Records ... .7 and 1 .00 We eVnlre awed IW dealer to sell Ediaan Phenecravht I CTery tesra where w are set new well r.prenied. Bealm hariag established stares thonld write us at eace. NatiaauU Pkoaofrapk Coatpaay, 7S Lakaaid At., Oraago, N. J. We represent The National Phonograph Co. In Nebraska, and carry a bugq stock f all of the above aew "Edison" records, together with 100,000 others. Visit our Immense. and comprehensive talkiac machine department today hear any of the above clovor aew recerds oa the marvelous "Edison" phonograph. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. lSta aid Xaraey, n ah a, BTeh. See. a. If iokaL Maaager. 334 Broadway, Oeaaoll Blaff, la. NELSON WANTS TO TRY AGAIN Dane Insists that His Defeat Was Dae to Overtraining:. W0LOAST IS LN NO HURRY Booth Omaha Bowlers, The Katskees dropped' two game of the match last night to the Fred Stelltngs. The Katskees had an easy chance to win the last game, but fell on the last frame. Score: H. H. KATSKEKS. IX noun ten. -vis TODHSEV t( " Ground floor Farnam Street Front Bee building 4.TWs js the ground floor room just west of the main entrance. ' It U to be remodeled so as to increase the floor space to 1,271 square feet. If desired, it can be ex tended to give the tenant 1804 square feet.' j 1 . ' 1 It Includes a very large vault. t-t:i Heat, .light, water and Janitor, service furnished by the balding., - The room will be partitioned, and arrangpd to suit the needs of the tenant. ' . . ' .i:-y- W,'. 10 : wt flak'r. pupt.. . hubiiw-sh ottic. . Available April First. ft: ?t Slogle aad Doable re Uovrn emlFlnal Hoonda. NEW YORK, Feb. 24.-Play In the Na tional Indoor Tennis Cliump.onshtp tourna ment was drawn down to the semi-final round In both singles and double yester day. In tha singles R. A. Holden. Jr., Yale and Chicago, won his place by defeating VV. M Hall, -, 8-. 6-S. W. C. Grant defeated R. 1). Ulchey, 8-4. -4; C. R. Gardner. Cali fornia, defeated J. 8. CtiMhman, ii-3, 6-0, and (1. P. Touchard, California, defeated Dr. W. Rosanbaum. -4. 6-4. . . In the double M. Charlock and W. B. Cragln, Jr., runnemp to the championship for two years, defeated M. 8. Clark and W M. Hall, 2-H, fi-1. -3. C. Cragln and A. 8. Cragln defeated II. A. Plummer. ex-Yale captain, and Kdward W. Leonard, ex-Harvard and Boston, 7-6, 6-4. Gardner and Touchard defeated the Yale pair. Holden and F. M Watrous, -, 8-6. The other bracket was won by B, M. Phil lips and E. F. Iee yesterday. The finals will be reached tomorrow. NEW HIGH SCORE" AT ST. PAUL Johnsoa of Mlnneaaioll Take Load la Sing-lea In Howling Tourney. ST. PAUL, Feb. S4.-A new high score was made In the Indlvhlunl event In the International bowling tournament last night when A. Johnson of Minneapolis rolled sit, topping the mark set by John Miller of St. Paul last week by twelve pins. Several other good tccres were rolled In this event, C. A. Cole of Minneapolis getting 602, A. L.. Enderly of 81. Paul 600. A. W. Withy of 8t. Paul 590 and K. W. Russell of 8t. Paul 67S. Tha best Bcore In doublss was made by Panics and Carter of Minneapolis, who rolled 1,154. Other high scores In the doubles were made by McLrftggun and Whelan of t-it III water, 1.06a; Kelly and Teal of 8t. Paul, 1.SK3; Easier and Norther of Stlllwati r. l.uia, and Anderson and Albau of Minne apolis, 1.0U3. 12Z IMPIRES FOR WESTERN LKAtilH Haskell, Clarke, Mallen aad Dill Spencer Art Employed. CHICAOO. Feb. f4. President Norrls O'Neill of tha Western league announced today that he had signed Jack Haskell, Oeorge Clarke, John Mullen and DIM 8pencr ae umpires for tne season of It'll). 8pencer la a newcomer. Haskell, Clarke and Mullen were on the staff last year, Haskell being the Omaha veteran. Din Speurer is a nrw.mun. Hat Uon tioe East. "Hauling" Nelson, conouertd in the prise ring at San Franrlwo Tursdav aftrrnonn by Wolgsst. will pass through Omaha 8at ui!nv i i t t erroui to New York. He k',l d only by his trainer. tn' L blnsoa. t rv 1st. !d. Sd. Total. J. Vsher 132 ISO 13 4Vn Chase .. 131 131 167 419 Swift 134 144 1B1 3H9 W. ITsher A. 133 Ilw 17s 451 Bando 143 214 123 40 Totals 673 800 762 2ll44 STEALINGS. 1st. M. Sd. Total. Koll. Herman ..1..",. 144 161 128 433 Vollstedt 169 154 157 470 Koll, Hurry 149 131 151 431 Zeeck .'.. 127 160 1S1 46S Winters 177 173 163 BUI Totals 758 779 T7 1314 Hastings Hikers Walk to Kearney. HASTINGS. - Nebl, Feb. 21,-(SpeclaJ.) Members of the Young Men' Christian As sociation .Hiking club, who have walked to and from every town within a radius of twenty-five miles of Hastings, mJt the round trip to Kearney, a distance of sixty miles. They were even hour nd thirty minutes on the road each way. Those who made the trip were Floyd Hller, Carl Thomas. Ravmond Hlglnbotham, Paul Walters, Jrf-lghton McGrath and Secretary Parker. Harmon to Try Usg FllRBt. SAN ANTONIO. Trx.. Feb. 24 Weather conditions permitting. Clifford Harmon, the nmateur aeronaut, will start from Pan An tonio Frlda1 af terpoon In an effort to break uT1 lentf-dletance hslloon flights. He expects to land In Canada. In anticipation of very cold- weather. Mr. Harmon will be provided with the heaviest clothing, furs and other .egnipinsnt. He will also carry sufficient food and water to remain In the lr for a week If ne ssarv. His aide. George J. Harrison, will arrive from Los Angeles tomorrow. . ' '. ."'" " '' ' Victor Will Exerelso Privilege at the CkamalOBBBlp Sf aaaaera af . Kelaaa aad Thaaiasoa Nca-atlato. the chairman of the committee, ponement is granted." 'the poat- D Conley Formerly at Seward. SEWARD. Nob., Feb. J4.-(Speclal.)-Frank De Conley, who played third base with the Seward ' team early last season, but went to the Cedar Rapid team of th Three-la, ha received a contract from the Waterloo team and will play with that aggregation the coming season. De Con ley wa badly spiked by a runner oon after joining th Cedar Rapid team last year, which interfeared with bis playing to a great extent. Export Evidence is what you know yourself. If you suspect coffee is hurting you, stop and try , FQSTUH " s . 10 days'Tind be sure. "There's a Reason" SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. K-Now that the amok of the Nelson-Wolgast battle has cleared away and numeroua reports of the defeated champion' serious Injuries from the fight have been refuted by Nelson him self, the sporting world la devoting It at tention to the possibility of a second meet ing between the men. Nelson, from hi place of retirement In the baths, ha sent out repeated demand for another chance. He insists he was not In form; that he should have had a clianoe when Referee Smith stopped the fighting. Wolgast says Nelson .will have to wait. He proposes to exercise the privileges of the championship now that he has won th title. He agrees Nelson I entitled to an other fight. Sporting writer are Inclined to doubt that th men will meet again. They appar ently concur in believing that Nelson has "gone back" and that hla age and years of fighting and training have told upon him at last, but hold him to still b a dangerous man. -Mrlaon aad Thompson. In the meantime they are casting about for the next fistic event. It appear to, be Nelson against Cyclone Johnny Thompson. The managers of the pair met tod ly and again tonight to discus a forty-fly round match at no distant date. They are said to have virtually agreed to general terms, the winner to challenge Wolgaat. Another toplo of sporting conversation to night was the challenge from Joe Gans, who lost no time In claiming Wolgast' attention. The negro asked for a twenty round bout, but It I not thought likely his challenge will produoe result. Nelson spent the day In the baths. He left for Chicago last night at I o'clock. He waa much battered about the face, but showed no lo of spirit. Ha says he was overtrained. On hi ability to "com back" he said he wa prepared to wager S,0M a a aide bet. Nelson ataied today that h would devote hlmsolt to theatrical engage ments for the present and later go to hla ranch In New Mexico. Chicago Defer im Nelson. CHICAGO, Fb. 24-Owing to the defeat of Battling Nelson by Ad Wolgaat Tuea dayk action of a proposed extnslon of a street car lino to Hegewlsch, III., near Chicago, had to be postponed. Nelson own property at Hegewlsch and waa ehedulerf to appear in a few daya before th coun cil transportation committee to give hi views on the subject. A delegation of property owner appeared befor th com-' mlttee today and one of thorn aald "owing to what happened to Kelson last night we aak you to defer consideration of the street railway extension for a couple of weeks. We feel Mr. Nelson will be unable to ap pear before us sooner." "In deference to Mr. Nelson," aald I A ShMtlngr Scrape with both partle wounde'd, demand Buck len's Arnica Salve. Heal s wounds, sore, burn or injuries. S6o. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. SWINDLERS AGITATE BANKERS Many Smooth Coafldeaee tad Bad Check Men rindlngf Nehraaka fertile Field at Preeat. Swindlers are becoming aotlve all over Nebraska and the Nebraska Bankers' as sociation has tud numerous circular. Th swindling scheme are taking various form. 1 On smooth man worked many real estate firm In th western part of th state and a few banker. Hla plan was to place agencies for loaning money, and he claimed to represent the Eastern Loan and Trust company of Boston. H has printed application and other paper. After plac ing an agency he had th real estate agent cash a draft for $34. IK aa hi expense check on th house for the day. The swindler who 1 about B6 year old worked fast for ten day, making on and two towns each day. The Nebraska Bankers' associ ation has offered a reward of (100 for his arroat and coryvlctlon. "Watch th checks received from your customer, for any with th printed firm name, 'McArthur Brothers,' on yellow tock and a cut of three ear of corn in th corner. They are algned 'C. C. McAr thur, drawn on the Central National Bank, Lincoln." Thl Is another warning sent out. LaGrlppe pain that pervade th entire ytem, LaGrlppe coughs that track and train, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative, aafe and cer tain in results, -Sold by all druggist. STERN PARENTS STOP R0MANCE0F FARMER BOY Floyd Patten' Plaaa to Wed Aaal Bllttl Foiled by Father. LAKE CITY, la., Feb. 24 (Special Tele gram.) When hi sweetheart, Annla Bll lottl, went to visit friends at Omaha, Floyd Patten, son of a wealthy farmer living outb of town, made arrangement with her to meet him at Lanesboro, where they were( to be married against the wishes of his parent. He had been missing about a week. Today his parent! learned his where about In time to prevent the wedding. Patten, who la only 1. wa taken home by hi parents. Words of Praise Par tha several iagredleata at wbioa Dr. Pierce' medi at r COBBO), a give by leaders ia all tha several SOB4MHS wt sditao, should bav far more weight than any aaaauat af aea-arWioaal teetimoaisU. A Booklet mdo ap ml tM oat firtt. Address as belaw. Dr. Pierce' Favorit Prescript! he tns bados or honsitv oa every atti-wrpr, ia a full list ai all it ingredients printed ia aUia English aaa sworn to a eorrect. If you arc aa Invalid wemaa sad suffer &od frequent keedseh, baekaoke, gnawing distres ia stomach, period leal pain, dissfreaeble drin-dowe distress, perhaps dark spot or spooks daaeiag Before the eyes, faint spell aad kiadred symptoms oaud by female weakness, or ether deraageniaat the lemiaia orgeat, yau Can not da better thaa take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Th aeapital. eurfaaa's knife aad operating table may b avoided by tha timely us of "Favorite Prescription" ia such cases. Thereby the obnox iaa aaaaiaarian aad loeal treatment of lb family phyiioian caa be avoided aad a thorough ura el successful treatment carried out in the privacy oi the borne. "Favorit Freaeripdoa" I ooeapoaael of tha very best native aaadieiaal root koowa to medio! aeionee for th euro of wosaaa's poeaHar eilmeata, aad contains ao al cohol aad ao harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do act expect too much from "Favorite Preaoription ;" it will not perform miracle it will not dissolve or cure tumor. No medicine will. It will do a much to establish vigorous health lo most weakness and ailment pecul. isrly incident to women a any medicine can. It must he given a fair chaao by pervrnce in it use for a reonble length of time. Vou can't affot'd to aaoept a secret next rum as a substitute for this remedy of known eemaositioa. Sick womea era invited te consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, frit. All cor. respondeaee is guarded as aacredly cret and womanly confidence are pro teoted by professions! privacy. Address World's Dispensary Medio! Aan Cietioa, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pieroe's Pleeiant Pellet th beat laxative end regulator of th bowel.