Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1910, Image 2

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
la the most powerful buslnea
getter In the west, because It goes
to the homes of poor and rich.
For Nebraska Generally Fair.
For Iowa Generally Fair.
For weatlier report ieo pane I.
VOL. XXXIX NO. 21fi.
Address of Mhsissippian. Said to Be
Most Unique in History of
the Senate.
His Reward Came When He Sat in
Seat of Biff Man Wednesday.
He Thinks John D. Rockefellei
Much Persecuted Man.
Fought, Bled m Skedaddl
Freaueatlr Tribute Paid to
General Grant anal
WASHINGTON. Feb. 24.-What Senator
Depew characterised aa a farewell unique
I In the senate's history waa delivered today
by Jamea Oordon, aenator from, Mississippi,
I who aald goodbye to the eon a tors with
whom he had aerved for the last sixty dayH.
Practically the entire senate listened with
rapt attention to the address of the vener
i able Mlsslsslpplan.
i Beginning with the atatement that the
I deadlock In Mississippi had been broken
I and that Mr. Percy had been chosen to fake
; bla place. Colonel Oordon said that he had
j felt a desire to express hla feelings towards
the aenata before returning to hla home In
' Mississippi.
Ha then told how, when 6 years old. he
had bean presented with a toy board which'
waa checked over with different objects,
soma of them good and aome of them bad.
One of theae objecta waa the capltol of the
United State and bla mother had told him,
he aald, that if he would be good and would
live a correct life he might aome day hope
to ait In the aeat of the big man who waa
pictured there.
"She never had told me a lie and I knew
that what she aald was true. I knew that
I would aome day occupy the seat of that
I big man and God helping me I got there
yesterday (referring to the fact that for a
time yesterday he bad occupied the seat of
the presiding offloer). I waa born a multi
millionaire," aald Colonel Oordon, "but I
never waa happy until I got rid of my
aurplus money. I apent much of It on my
alavea and tha rest of my funda I apent
Ilka a gentleman and got rid of the entire
encumbrance. ,
V Sorry for Millionaires.
"I bava listened with interest to the
apeeohea here and the more I hear of them
the aorrler I am for tha millionaires . Why,
If there ia a fellow In the United States
that I am sorry for it la Rockefeller. He
cant got on the street with one of bla
- grandchildren unless ba Is afraid that aome
one migbr kill him, k4 . ' ' .
"Why, I' know Wat he lovea one of
thoee children much better than iie lovea
hla money. I think Mr. Rockefeller ia a
good man. I sea hla employes apeak well
jof htm, and I am told that he never had
'a atrlka. I am told also that he ha given
much money, to Churches and education.
Now, t don't suppose that everybody will
Ilka that, but those who don't like It can
put it In their pipes and smoke It.
"I'd like for Mr. Rockefeller to come
down to Mississippi and run hla pipe lines
through my land. He could have right-of-way
for all the lines he wanted, for I
know that In my time coal oil has been
reduced from 40 centa to 10 centa per ga
on." Fought, Bled and Skedaddled.
Reforrlng to the fact that he had been
a confederate soldier. Mr. Gordo nsaid:
"I fought and bled, but L did not die.
However, I akedaddled frequently,"
He then told of some of hla exploits In
tha war and how he had captured General
Coburn of Indiana and General Shafter.
flhafter. he aald, had fired at him five
different time during - the confederate
charge without hitting him. He aald that
whenever the union and confederate sol
dier met they were always good frlenda.
Aaserting thai he loved the negro, he de
clared that he wanted Mason and Dixon's
Una .obliterated from the map of the
United States because he did not want any
mora strife.
"A. few more blab-mouthed people down
our way talk differently." he said, "but
they are so Insignificant that they are
not worth cussing, they are not worth
wasting Invectives upon."
1 Tribute to Soldiers.
Paying a tribute to soldiers of both the
north and the south, Colonel Gordon said:
"Tou say as well attempt to storm the
heights of heaven and pluck the diadem
from Jehova'a crown aa to take away from
Wither of them any of the glory of the rec
ords o ft he two men who stood under the
tree at Appomattox and brought the war
to a close."
"This Is the finest body of men that I
ever associated with," he continued, speak
ing of the senate Itself, and he beamed
upon hla col ln (rues.
Again, returning to the negro question,
be aald:
"We don't want to hurt the 'nigger;' why
I love htm and to convince you that I do
I will quote from my own poetry concern
ing him."
He then read two of hla poema In which
Strong personal sentiment for the colored
people of Mi south was expressed la
Referring to Senator Heyburn'a recent
protest against General Lee's etAtue being
allowed to remain In Statuary hall. Colonel
Gordon Invited Senator Heyburn to visit
him on his plantation, and said that he waa
sure that after the Idaho aenator had seen
tha south through hla spectacles he would
take off hla hat to Lee. aa he, Gordon,
waaNrllllng to doff his to Grant.
Aged Mm Who Came to Omaha In
Farly ! Ilr(iri to Uo to
Mosul .'al.
Major John Croft. 95(jers old. and one
of tha pioneers of Oipaha, la quite sick
at hla home and hla frlenda fear for him.
He attended the pioneer celebration, but
aim-e that time has been ailing and la
not able to recognise hla frlenda. Al
though Mr. Croft haa not been well for
Some time lt haa steadfastly .fused to
go to a hospital. His neighbors, T. F.
Stroud and W. I. Klerstend, look after his
welfare, Mr. Stroud having instructed on
of hla men to keep the fire la the houso
gotriu-fc He uvea In a rottaga he baa oc
cupterf for some years In the rear at
Twentieth and Ames avenue.
Dcfcnds Taft
Railway 'Stock
Bill in House
Representative Townsend Says it
Will Operate to Dire Securi
ties Firm Value.
WASHINGTON, Fob. St. "The specu
lators, the men who want to make real
money out of water are the only people
objecting to the provisions of the admlnla-t-atlon
bill making railway securities of
"his was the atatement today of Repre
tatlva Townaend of Michigan, author
the administration railroad measure
h beara hla name In discussing the
e that there was a "Joker" In the b'll
would enable the big railroads to
their atorka and bonds and prevent
ones from doing so.
7 1 there is a 'Joker there "'he con-
led. "I don't know It, and you will
f to convince me of Ha presence. The
pposltloo narrows Itself down finally
'thla: Tou either want to regulate rall
roada or you do not.
"If you regulate thorn, the first thing to
do Is to make the paper they uvtue repre
sent some tangible value so that Investors
may know what they are buying. If you
don't regulate, why , let them continue aa
they have In the past and Issue Just as
many millions worth of stock, based on hot
air and prospects, aa they think they can
"If I had money to Invest today do you
think I would buy railroad paper? I
would not I would be all at sea aa to the
value of the paper offered by the various
roads, and being In doubt about l- tvouid
buy something else. f
"Every fair minded, square Healing rail
road man In the country ouglit to be anx
ious to see the provisions of Vila bill en
acted Into law. If any one can offer a
bettor suggestion than Is contained tn the
bill for the safeguarding of Investors and
the protection of reputations of railroads,
I would be glad to receive It."
Rock Island Now
Attacks Low Fare
After Being Publicly Commended by
Governor Haskell Road Fi
nally Joins Others.
GUTHRIE, Okl., Feb. 4.-Attaeklng the
constitutionality of the Oklahoma l-cent
passenger law and tha state law providing
for reduced freight rates, the Chicago,
Rock Island ft Paclflo and the St. 'Lou Is A
San Francisco railroads filed suits In the
United States circuit court here today.
The sulta are almllar to those filed by the
other railroads of the atate, upon which
Federal Judge Hook at fit. Louis recently
granted a temporary injunction restraining
tha. arate. corporation oommisalon .from -enforcing
the state xaOroa rate. Jaws.
Since Judge Hook' a decision waa rendered
the. Missouri, Kansas ft Texas Ra'lroad
company haa restored tha S-cent passenger
rate in Oklahoma. '
Governor Haskell haa publicly advised the
people of Oklahoma to patronise the Rock
Island and the 'Frisco roads because they
had not Joined with the other roads In the
first suit against the state law.
, , ,
Fought Pursuers
at Ferry Crossing
Head of Lamaist Hierarchy Escapes
Into India by Very Nar
row Margin.
CALCUTTA, British India. Feb. 24.-The
Dalai Lama, the supreme head of the
Lamaist hierarchy, who fled from Lhaasa
on tha approach of tha Chinese troops, haa
made good bis escape Into Slkklm, a state
of India to the south of Tibet and ad
Joining Darjlllng. the British district In
which tha fugitive will aeek an asylum.
The escape of the Daloa Lama waa a
narrow one for Chinese troops bent upon
his capture, hotly pursued him to tha
borders of Slkklm. The Tibetan pope
traveled day and night and at one of the
numerous ferries the Chinese overtook the
Tibetan party. Hla followers, however, en
gaged their pursuers, thus permitting time
for the Lama to reach the frontier. But
few of hla party were left to him when he
crossed into 8ikklm.
Governor Hauler's Request that
Tickets Bo Preserved Will
s Be Granted.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 24. The ballots
cast In this city upon which United States
Senator William J. Stone was nominated
will be preserved for submission to the
legislature next January for a recount.
Governor Hadley, who arrived here last
night, had a conference today with the
election commissioners and they assured
him that the ballots not only could be
legally held, but that they would sea that
thla waa done.
Fifteen Are Badly Iiarned.
NEW YORK. Feb. .-In a fire of In
cendiary origin In a Varlck street tene
nent today fifteen persons were burned
or Injured, two ao aerloualy that they
probably will die. The property loaa waa
Judge Leslie Declines to
Part Two Old Neighbors
Rumor reached Dundee the other day
that County Judge Charles Leslie was
thinking of moving to that suburb.
Now, Dundee knows Judge Leslie in
several ways, all favorably, but chiefly Id
connection with two lawsuits which came
close home to Dundee. These were tha
prosecution of F. L. Fltchett by IL C.
Balrd and the prosecution of Balrd by Mr.
Fltchett. The two men ar next door
neighbors and their recrlroatlona and Flt
chett s" spit fence" have attained more
than local fame.
Whan Judge Ieelle fined Mr. Balrd for
assault on Fltchett. Mr. Fltchett conceived
an admiration for the county Judge, which
waa nuj entirely disseminated when Balrd
prosecuting. o court fined ritchett, hlm
eeif. Similarly and thla la the only thing
the two men have in couinioa-al r. Balrd
Senate Reaches an Agreement to Put
Bill' on Its Passage Next
Texan Attacks Proposed Act Upon
Constitutional Grounds.
They Are Designed to Reconcile
Differences Orer Investments.
Chairman Week Explains Pro
visions of Appropriation Act for
1011 Service Grows
WASHINGTON. Feb. 24-Decldcd prog
ress waa made In the senate today 'towards
the disposition of the postal savin? bank
bill. In addition to a striking speech by
Senntor Bailey nd an amendment offered
by Senator B' ton, which Is offered as
a compromise bf the various differences
on the quest' it of the disposal of the funds
arising frsm the postal deposits, Sonstor
Carter st.tceedcd, after many previous fu
tile, effos, in getting next Thursday,
March 3, med or a vote on the bill.
There was no objection to naming a day,
and senators appeared pleased that a time
had been fixed for the final disposition of
the measure, which it must be confesned,
has dragged Its progress through the sen
ate. Mr. Carter made hla request immediately
after the closo of Senator Halley's speech.
The time was well selected, for the reason
that many senators have been, waiting to
har from the Texaa aenator before agree
ing to the fixing of any time for the ul
timate disposal of the bill.
After Mr. Bailey had concluded many
expressed the opinion that he had thrown
much light upon constitutional questions
Involved In the subject. He had a splendid
audience, both on the floor of the senate
and In the galleries and his speech waa
received with general favor.
Mr. Owen gave notice that ha would
speak tomorrow on his proposed amend
ment, substituting a government guaran
tee of bank deposits for the suggested
postal banks.
Mr. Bailey' Speech.
Mr. Bailey discussed the difenernt clauses
of the constitution, under which the sav
ings bank bill had found support Be
ginning with the commerce clause, he de
clared It to be a grotesque absurdity to
say that such an Institution aa a postal
saving bank system could ba established
under It.
Reforrlng to tha aontentlon that- tha bill
was Justified onder the borrowing clause
of the constitution, he asked its advocates
whether the real purpose of the measure
waa that of borrowing money, ir it was,
then, that It waa constitutional, but con
ceiving the object of this clause to be that
of enabling the government to perform
Its fnuctlons in time of emergency, he con
tended that this measure would not Justify
the contention made under this clause.
If customs houses were aa numerou8"a
postoffices, said Senator Bailey, they would
have been aa apt to be chosen for thla
buainesa. The business proposed was a
purely fiscal operation, he declared, and
made no pretense of any connection with
the operations of the postal service. He
contended that the citliens had a right to
do with money as he pleased, as he had
with any other property.
Rlarhta of Cltlaen.
"If you can bring money from ita hid
ing place In one way you can In another,"
he aald. "You have Juat as much power to
compel the cltlaen to supply money by
threatening him with punishment as you
have to tempt him by guaranteeing to him
a prof it, on It. If you can employ a pre
mium you can employ a penalty. You have
no more right to prescribe what a cltixen
shall do -with hla money than you have to
say wnat he shall do with his land."
He then attempted to show that the pur
pose of the bill waa to encourage economy
and thrift, and he quoted the message of
President Roosevelt of I90T In support of
this contention, entering upon an argument
to show that thla waa not part of the duty
of he government, but, on the other hand,
that it waa an unwarranted obtrusion of
the government into the affaire of ita clti
aens. Entering then Into a discussion of the ab
stract rights of cltlaenshlp, Mr. Bailey de
clared It waa a libel to aay that people
could not take care of their own money,
and declared that only through Struggle
and suffering could a atrong people be de
veloped. He contended that people must
learn to take the chances and stand upon
their own responsibility In business affalra.
Mr. Barton' Amendments.
In an effort to reconcile the differences j
among senators. Senator Burton today In- 1
troduced an amendment to the section pro- j
viuing ior me aiaposai or savings funda.
Four methoda of Investing the funda are
provided. They direct, first, for a reaerve
adequate to meet withdrawals, then the
provision permits the purchase of the se
curities of the national government, invest
ment In atate or city bonda aa authorized
by the Vreeland-Aldrich emergency cur
rency law, and in loana to banka on ap
proved security.
formed a high opinion of Judge Lealle
when the court fined Fltchett. Thua Judge
Lesll soaked them both and retained each
man's good will.
Fltchett heard the Judge planned to move
to pretty Dundee. Forthwith he appeared
at the court house.
"I understand Balrd la willing to sell hla
rouee," aald Fltchett. "It la a good pro
perty. Why don't you buy It?"
Next day In cama Mr. Balrd.'
"Judg." aald he. "I hear Old Fltchett
wish to sell and he haa a good house,
snd you are coming out our way, I under
stand, I Juat wanted to tell you It Is a
good proposition. Tou could go farther and
do wore."
But alas! Jadg Leslie haa decided to
take another piece of property and Meaara
Fltchett and Balrd bid fair to have each
other for neighbors for some time to coma
Jplii 4tl
From the Cincinnati Enquirer.
New Headquarters Will Be Built by
Thompson-Starrett Company.
Philip Hlcken Voona; Man of SO,
.Will Have Charge of the Con.
traction, Which Is to Be.
srln Soon Possible.
New headquarters for the Uhlan Pacific
railroad in Omaha are to be built by the
Ttoropeon-Starreit r $ -tt'rwt'tm Company,
of Chloago, builders" th-new- Brandels
theater. The contract calls for an expendi
ture of S1.S39.000.. which la S33,O0O more than
waa originally Intended for the new home
of the Hariiman line.
The enormous sum appropriated by the
railroad Is exclusive of the price of the
land, which, In Itself, Is a valuable 'piece
of property. The site' Is at the northeast
corner of Fifteenth and Dodge streets, on
the location of the old Labor Temple:
While the Union Pacific will go ahead
with Its headquarters building and Is also
a party to the erection of the new Union
depot at Kansas City, the hope for en
larged station facilities In Omaha seems to
be dwindling somewhat. Three roads, It is
said, are holding back In ratifying the
proposed Improvements.
' Orders to raze the old Labor Temple and
the adjoining low buildings on Dodge
street will be Issued early In March. Exca
vatlona for the new twelve-atory head
quarters building will then begin. Jarvls
Hunt, the architect, Is expected to vlxlt
Omaha shortly In connection with the
i '
Voiag Man Will Build It.
On of the noteworthy ' features In the
letting of the contract to the Thompson
Starrett company Is the announcement that
a comparatively young man, Philip Hlckey,
will have charge of the big Job. Ten years
ago he was a humble clerk In a grocery
store and began construction work aa a
At SO years of age Philip Hlckey has in
charge the erection of more great steel and
concrete skyscrapers than any other en
gineer in the United States certainly more
than any other of his age In the country.
He Is now enroute to Seattle to put the
finishing touches on a steel structure for
the American Steel and Wire company.
After he - haa approved the building and
formally turned it over lo the company, he
will come to Omaha to take charge of the
new Union Pacific home.
"The grocery business waa oo alow for
me," he iwld, with a smile. "From the time
I kft grammar school until I waa 20 I
used to work behind the counter, but be
came tired of the Job. Then I went to work
a a time keeper for the Fuller Construc
tion company In Chicago.
"I wanted to go to college und study
engineering, but I couldn't spare the time,
(Continued on Second Page.)
A waiter in a res
taurant, who had
learned stenogra
phy, found a posi
tion a few days ago
through a Bee want
The little treasures will find
places for boys and girls, because
business men requiring help are
scanning them religiously, morning
and evening.
A Bee want ad will do won
ders. It places you in touch
with concerns and people, im
possible to reach any other
If you pay rent on a phone, it
will be all right for you to call
Doug. 238 for anything you wiuh.
At the Auto Show
Defaulter Who
Got Fortune on
Twelve a Week
Clerk Who Wrecked Cambridge Bank
Had Unique Scheme for Hiding
B08TON, Feb. 24. Former Governor John
L. Bates, as receiver, was today in charge
of the affairs of the National City bank of
Cambridge, which was closed, yesterday by
the comptroller of the currency on the dis
covery of a 'shortage of $114,000. - . . ' '
This amount, it 1 aald today, may not be
the total of the defalcation. Coleman, the
to be In the weat, kept a private account
: at the bank and another aa treasurer of
the Boston branch of the Kissel Kar Kom
pany, of which he waa the manager. It is
said he would give hla checks for consid
erable amounts, which were cashed at out
side banka. Aa he handled the mall and
clearing house correspondence, the 'checks
came back to him from the clearing house
and he waa able to destroy them. Cole
man, aa bookkeeper of the bank, received
a salary of J12 a week. Ills family, how
ever, Is In good circumstances and it . waa
generally aupposed that he received an al
lowance from his father.
The police admitted this afternoon that
they expected Coleman's return to the city
before 5 o'clock tonight as the result of
negotiations with his attorney.
Sooth Dakota. Cities Continue to Vote
Upon New Form , of City
WERRE, S.' D., Feb. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) On a second trial here on the
commission plan of city government it
waa carried today by a majority of 215.
The vote waa not a heavy one, only about
half the vote of the city being cast. While
there waa Sear of strong opposition It did
not develop .from any source,
JThe question of authorising the Board
of Education to expend $40,000 for a high
school building carried by over 400 ma
jority, about 100 women voting on that
MITCHELL. S. D., Feb. 24. (Special
Telegram.) The adoption or rejection of
the commission form of government for
this city was voted upon today at a spe
cial election, which waa defeated by a ma
jority of 336. There were 1,02 votes cat,
with 681 votes against and 345 for the
commission. Every one of the four wards
of the city cast a majority against the
commission. The campaign has been very
brief and was conducted entirely through
the newspapers, with no public meetings
to discuss the proposition.
President Promise After Agreement
He Is Not to De Represented aa
Favor Ins; Doctrine.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. With the strict
Injunction that he waa not to bo repre
sented aa favoring votes for women, Presi
dent Taft today accepted an invitation to
address the opening session of the annual
convention- of the National American
Women's Suffrage association to be held
In this city April 14.
Shaw's Speech Rouses Japan;
Deny Designs on the Pacific
TOKIO, Feb. 24 Special dispatches to
the newspaper from the United States re
port a recrudescence of the anti-Japanese
movement at San Francisco. Today all
of tha local paper featured the speech
of Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary of
the treasury, In which he la reported as
having aald that war between the United
Statee and Japan waa inevitable. The
speech haa caused a moat gloomy Impres
sion among Japanese and foreigners alike.
Th specials quote Major General Frank
lin Bell aa saying that war between the two
countries waa likely to break out at any
moment. Tha press and publlo are unable
Mechanical Chicken Factory Likely
to Be Put to New Use.
Points Oat that Temperatnre of the
Incubators is Kept Jnst Right to
Get Beat neeolts ia the
Seed Cora Test.
George 1L Lee haa Jumped Into the game
of helping aolve the aeed corn problem and
has 'discovered that hla Mandy nLe 1ncu
bat'ora are Just tha" thing In which to test
the -seed'- torn at home.' km hearly every
prosperous farmer haa an Incubator, he
may hot only hatch hi egga, but during
the time of Incubation he may teat about
five batches of aeed corn in the same In
cubator. The temperature Is Juat right
and there ia plenty of moisture In the In
cubators to .make the corn sprout.
Never has a crusade of any. kind been
started in Omaha which haa ao thor
oughly been taken up all over the atate
aa the campaign for better aeed corn. It
la finding a responsive chord In all sec
tions of Nebraska and bankers, farmers,
grain dealers, creamery men and the preaa
are all lending all possible aid In securing
as much publicity as possible for the cam
paign. ' "Where can we get seed corn?"
This Is the question which Is now being
asked hlundreds of times all over the state.
It la not tha purpose of the publicity bu
reau of the Commercial club to advertise
any special growers of seed corn, but the
teats made by the club show that there Is
considerable good corn to be bad. There
la a considerable amount of 1908 corn other
than that held by the aeed houses, but in
anawerlng the inqulrlea the publicity
bureau says:
Pol nters for Corn Growers.
"By all means get aeed corn of your
neighbors If posalble or select every ear
planted from your own corn by the germi
nation test. It la better than sending; away
for aeed, aa It IS adapted to the locality
In which it 1 to be planted. The, corn
( Prnt "k horse, must be acclimated,
ana corn irom one pan ur the state may
not be adapted t another part. Always
get aeed corn In the ear, as It is easier to
tell Just what la being secured."
Tested aeed corn is being aold for from
XI to S3.C0 per buahel In email quantities
by the aaed houaea and farmers who make
a specialty of selling corn for aeed. Teats
of some of thla dorn made by the Com
mercial club ahow It to be excellent seed
testing from 88 to 95 per cent.
Bankers continue to take the gravest in
terest In th seed corn situation. F. M.
Castetter, president of the banking house
of A. Castetter of Blair, says:
"A critical period In the agricultural his
tory of Nebraska la at hand. It Involves
tha aelection or the securing of seed corn
for the crop of 1910. Tha failure or sue
cesa of the crop dependa upon It.
Farmers Most Take Warning;.
"If the farmers heed the warning, Ne
braska will continue prosperous, but If they
do not, and they proceed to plant corn
for seed that la aelected at random, their
crop will be a failure, and when a reduction
In the, value of the Nebraska corn crop Is
made to the extent of W or (0 per cent or
more, the terrific loss will be felt In every
(Continued on Second Page.)
to understand the reasons for these violent
utterances, .
The Asahl Shlmbun and Jlji Shlmpo
print long specials from San Fianslco
quoting th apeech of Mr. Shaw at Morrla
town, N, J., on laat Tuesday. Comment
ing on thla speech the papera remark the
coincidence In the receipt of these dis
patches at a time when preparatlona ar
being mad at Yokohama and In thla city
for a reception to 700 Americana aboard the
steamer Cleveland, which la due at Ypko
hama tomorrow morning. ,
Editorially th papera repudiate th Ug.
gcstlon that Japan la areking control of the
Pacific and declare that American competi
tion will be welcomes
Philadelphia Clergy Propose Plans
for Settling the Strike of
Two Methods Suggested for Selecting
Members of the Board.
Less Disorder Than on Any of Three
Preceding Days.
Notice that Employe Who Are Hart
Darin Riot Will He Cared
For Boy nistnrbrre
Larked Up.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. K-The first
open move to bring about a settlement of
the street car strike In thla city was mad
today when a committee composed of
clergymen of many denominations offered
two plans to the company and the strikers.
The first plan calls for a board of ar
bitration to be composed of two Judges,
two clergymen, two business men and a
seventh member to be chosen by the other
six. It la proposed that each aide select
three of the arbitrators. If thla plan does
not meet with approval, the clergymen
suggeat that a board of arbitration be
agreed upon to be composed of the state
railroad commission and four other per
sons, two to be chosen by each side.
A man was arrested In the northern part of
the city today on a charge of attempting
to dynamite cars. It I said he Implicated
several other men.
Mounted Police in hn ran
Mounted and amply equipped for any kind
of service, the four companies of the Penn
aylvanla state police, numbering too men,
arrived here today ready to assist the local
authorities In maintaining order while tha
Philadelphia Rapid Transit company at
tempts to operate It cara.
The troopers are all picked men, veteran)
of the regular arr y. who have seen rlo(
duty In all parts of tha state. Their pres.
enc is expected to have a salutary effect
upon the lawless element that -haa been
wrecking street cars In different section!
of the city.
Arriving in the railroad yards , in th
northern section of the city each company
quickly detrained their horses while a
curious crowd looked on. Th command to
mount waa given and they clattered along
the streets to the Second Regiment armory
at Broad and Susquehanna avenuo, where
headquarters hav bee established during
their atay here.
L After, the men had brtakfaat they were
sent to Kensington. .It, 1 the first time th
slate policemen have seen service In Phil
adelphia since they Were organized five
yeara ago. In Kensington they were dis
tributed In squads In different section of
the great manufacturing cantor. Unless
downright rebellion against civil authority
arises, the troopers will not carry their
"We will not need our carblnea" aald
Captain Linn G. Adams of Company C.
"We do not expeot aerloua trouble. I
think the riot sticks and revolvers will b
all the weapons we will need.
"OuK men know how to take oare of
themselves as well a to handle crowda.
They alao obey orders without asking tha
why and wherefore of them."
For the first time the Rapid Traneit com
pany succeeded In running Ita care until
6 o'clock on th Frankford line, which
penetratea this unruly territory. At that
hour cara on all lines were returned to the
respective barns.
Rioter Are Oaptarcd.
Four policemen guarded each car and
detectives patrolled th route all day In
automobiles. Whenever a group of -men
formed anywhere on the elraet, the de-'
tectivea rushed them and followed the ring
leaders even into house until thoy cap
tured them. In spite of th vigilance of
the police many car windows Were broken
and the company waa finally obliged to
uau aheet Iron windows In place of glaas
I Pne
While the police were busy keeping tracka
clear for th lines in Kensington, the lines
In other parta of tha city we're run on much
reduced achcdules and on several of the
Weat Philadelphia and downtown line no
attempt was made to run cara all day,
although theae sections wer comparatively
The shopping district on Market street
was again the scene of almost continuous
disturbances, especially at the noon hour.
No one was aerloualy Injured, however. v
Bolt Thrown at Police.
Baldwin's Locomotive works waa tha
ecene o: a disturbance during the lunch
hour of the hundreds of employes. One
employe waa ahot in the foot and about
fifty atiots were fired at laborers, who
, aought refuge on the upper floora of th
ouiiuinga and hurled bolta and nuta at the
policemen who were guarding car in this
district. Every time a head appeared at a
window It waa the target for a bullet from
a policeman's revolver. Th 1 o'clock
whistle signalling th expiration of th
lunch hour brought hostilities to a clos.
The city high aehoola. which ar attended
by pupils from all sections of th city,
are located near those Industrial plant
which have been bombarding th cara with
bolta. In order not to endanger the iiv.
of the puplla who would b forced to ride
on the cara, tlfe Hoard of Education today
decided not to open the two Schoole Xw
glrla during th remainder of the week.
Late yesterday the Rapid Transit company
issued a statement in which It Is claimed
that th strikers "cannot and will not win."
In part, the statement follows;
"There la no possibility of this company
dealing on any baala with th men who
have engineered th events of th last threo
"The men who hav atood by ua and the
new men who have come to us may be sure
that we aha'l stand by tham. .
'There will be no settlement which In
cludea taking back tbe men who hav led
and encouraged mob violence."
Rioter Ar Srutenred,
Th heavy hand of th law pressed hard
yeaterday on aome of the men and boya who
have been arrested for rioting. Klwood
("arr, alleged to have been a ringleader In
a Hot In th Kensington district, was sen
tenced to six yeara In th county prison.
John Klin waa given two yeara and Ellis
Atklna a almllar aantence. A 17-year-old
boy waa aent to th Huntington reform
atory for thirteen months for throwing mla
sties at a car, and other boya and niasv