12 TIIE BEF,: OMAHA, FRIDAY. FERRUARY 25, 1910. JAMES PHILIPS DRAWS LIFE Slayer of Marin Hamilton Guested Bight on Hit Fate. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY Crest feiii'siiS AT T71 Sale T7T ii iii i t i i ii i i (i 23d Anni vern n v BARELY ESCAPED DEATH VERDICT Jary Owre Mooa! Ten te Two for Umf lews, bat Fbillaa Kara He Doeaa't Tar Aaythlaa; Aboat It. BT narrow squeak .Mm Fhlllps tin" escaped the gallows. The man who shot flown Mirth Hamilton cam vary near having a Terdirt of death by hanging rendered erelnst him not long before a verdict of life Imprisonment was' reached on the thirteenth ballot. A ballot , was taken which, wtood ten to two In favor of hanging. fnls was the eleventh ballot taken by the Jury Wednesday nlRht. Then ensued some debate, the two men opposing hanging; sticking out and v, Inr.lng finally the other ten over to their side. Philips sat In the court room Thursday morning; to hear the verdict announced and It was with an unblanrhed face that he heard" '.he pronouncement of "Imprisonment for the term of his natural life." He wns not shocked nor disappointed, for, as he told a reporter for The Fee, the other day, he expected a conviction. : t . Tfclaka He la I.arky. "I'm d d lucky," was his first comment when he spoke to a deputy sheriff after hearing the verdict At the county Jail he was locked In his cell .on the first floor, where he had been since the night, that he surrendered him self as the slayer of Marsh Hamilton. Lying on his cot with his face to the wall. the prisoner subsided Into a waking stupor. He clutched the corners of his pillow an J tared at the naked plastering. "Do you know that the Jury came near to making It worse than life?" asked a vis itor who leaned against the bars of the cell door. ' Philips turned hi face toward the man who spoke and looked at him curiously for a moment. His face was set and hard. "Oh, I don't eare not for anything In the whole wide world." Then he tofised over to his old position. "Are you sorry now that you gave your self up?" he was asked. "I said. I don't, care " Then his voice fell Into an Inartuculate mumble. A prisoner passed by and paused a mo ment,' broom lr. hand, to look In on th prisoner. The lotked-ln folk of the Jail had not yet learned of the fate of the man in the cell. "How'd you come out, Jim?" he asked. "Oh, all right," was the quiet answer of the convicted man, who this time did not even look up. Jnry Cornea In. The Jury, Itself, came Into the criminal court room of district' court at 9:30 a. m., looking far less haggard and worn than most Juries that have been out all night and this because the twelve men had been In bed since midnight At that hour they were taken by a bailiff to the Merchant's hotel, aocordlng to the direction of the Judge who presided at the trial. When 10 o'clock'' came and no verdict had been reached the court's orders were that the Jury ahould be locked up for the night and that verdict or no verdict It should not be brought In until Thursday morning. The Jury did take Its thirteenth and last ballot as. the clock struck the hour of It Without vouchsafing Information to any one that their labors had beon concluded, the Jurymen went, to the Merchants and slept that night. After breakfast the body was brought back, to court and the ver dict given In. j ' ' Crime Ha Committed. ' The crime for which Philips is convicted was committed the night of August 81, at Hamilton's saw mill, near Florence. Philips was Jealous of Hamilton on account of his wife. , Mrs. Philips has denied her husband's charges from the first aa to her personal conduct and she ha shown some resent ment at times against him. Philips completely lost himself after going to the hut of Hamilton In Florence that .dark night and' shooting him to death. (Though a simple young man he eluded ! both the Omaha police and Douglas county i officials so- successfully that they never once had line of his whereabouta. Then of a sudden one day he walked into the clty'Jalt, announced himself as Hamilton's layer and surrendered himself. This stands out aa the strongest argu ment of all, his friends think in favor of the ' claim that he Is unbalanced. 1' "-' 'i F.;B. Kcnnard f Sells Out to ' - Enter, Politics Succeeded by Local Syndicate, Which Vtiu. Establish Paint Factory ' ; i in Omaha. The. Kennard Paint and Glass company has changed hand and the new proprietors will take, possession about March 1. F.. B. Kennard, who has been identified with the commercial life of Omaha for the iast forty years, will retire at that time to engage in. another field of work. ,Wpn. asked what his new field was to be he laughingly replied, , "politics." A syndicate of Omaha . business men bought out Mr. Kennard. Their names are not yet disclosed. They will have ample capital and their first move after taking possession will be to Install a pulnt fac tory in Omaha In the up-town district. Mr.' Kennard said he thought the time was ripe for Omaha to have a paint fao-' ' tory- ahd that tha new concern had the same idea.. I ' ' v" ' - Nobody la Too Old to learn that the sure way to cure a cough or sold is with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60o and W OO. For sale by Beaton Drug COURTEOUS VAGRANT ARRIVES at BRANDOS STORES sample rieces of Imported 54- 7 In. Dress Goods. Worth S $2 'it A i 7 r j AJ1 the samples of Superb New Suitings from a foreirrn -manufacturer's stork. We secured these fine goods much under the cost to manu facture. A!I single suit patterns ranging from 5 yards and up, French and German novelty suitings, Vigoureaux, bro ken checks, fancy stripes, costume serges, fine Ottoman twins, whipcords and camel's hair effects, etc.; not a piece made to sell under $1.75 and $2.00 all the. prevailing colors on bargain square, at, per yard , Dress Goods Pieces in Three Big Lots All the single pieces in one grand lot main floor A bargain square, each. JLvL imported dress Koods pieces thul match up many as 10. of one kind In the basement," each ep 19o and main floor square, .fhf at. each . tftli Clearing Sale of All the Remnant Pieces of Himalaya Irish .aiucua ongo cjoui, siik mulls, etc. worth 25c i and 29c a yard bargain square, main floor, at, per. yurd i Oc .1 lr :VR8mns,nU and Sample Pieces f FINE IMPORTED LACES All kinda crochet, Venise, Oriental and Cluny effects, 'in euges, Danas, galloons, . appliques,, medallions, etc. half to two yards in piece many worth f A W i? 75c, at, each .............. ' lUC-a&ejC Novelty Trimming Laces nt 15c and 25c Vd. In crochet, Venise, Cluny, Oriental and Filet effects in edges, insertions, bands, galloons, appliques, etc. white, ecru ami black many worth 50c a yard, ir C at, per yard.: K. . , l3CjC 35c Fine Embroidered Flouncintis at 15c Yd. 18-inch fine embroidery flouncings, skirtings, corset covers? uisu giuioon Deaaings worth up to 35c a yard, f C at, per yard 13C Embroidery Edgings. Insertions. Be&dinc Narrow and medium widths all kinds thou- f? sands of yards worth 10c, at, a yard , JC Great Remnant Bargains -IN OUR BASEMENT 25c soisette, poplins, etc in all the latest colors long remnants, great bar-1 gain, at, yard'. . . v.ll'C. Another jslfipment; of white lawns, "checked and cross bar dimities. and nainsooks worth up to 19c yard, per yard . . . iteranants of .colored I Extra fin. dra o-ino-. sateens, poplin.3 and I . hams, such aa T?ri Seal, A. F. C, etc., sold alwajs at 12 c ana be a yard-vall new patterns, at, a yard . . T il - T-l me x orenoon. y We will sell Standard Prints the regular 6V20 grade in narrow widths, at, per yard . .... 5c Long remnants heavy outing .flannels regular, 12c quality in medium C' Colors, yard DC Mill lengths fine cretonne for comforters, draperies, "etc. would be cheap, at 120 and 15c, at, per ' C , yard.;...... ...DC ouiBBBiieswortn up to 25c a yard many pieces to matchJ will go on sale, . , r at, each ..... '.)JC Sic lc 36-inch heavy, ' bleach ed muslin, long cloth and cambric s 'sold from the bolt up to 15c a yard In mill lengths, at, 1 hi vurd .... UjC :'. At 1:30 in the Afternoon! We place on sale 3 cases 3C inches wide dark and light percales worth from the . bolt in ...4 aaa nftc in rem nants, at. per yard ... l , . . 3Jc ; uay al sweetland. Delicious, ilotmv h..t...M wvur. nut centers, 40c quality, at. per pound ,. ... 1 u me Effective Fob. 27. 19m No, S -late night train for Denver and Pugef Sound will leave Omaha at 11:25 p. m.f instead of li.oup. m. . No. 28, St. Louia Special, will leave Omaha at ' ' , p m, mstead of 4:55 p m J. B. REYNOLDS, 0. P. A , 1502 Farnam St., Omaha, Lark Paltra Maa-latrate Olvra iool II nark by Hit He Let Go ' ' Kr, ''"v ' ' '''Tferf very. Vry bafl; I don't know what I did. 1 wai Just full," pleaded Anton Chada. vagrant, before Judge Crawford In police court. "Discharged," 'announced the judge. That'll aure bring you good luck. I thank- you air." declared the. prisoner pompously, assuming a virtuous air. "I knowed when you found out all about It you'd be on the square." ins junge smiled over the testimonial, while Court Offlcfr Glover rapped for order. 1 ll'liii II f "' ""aaassssesasBsi L OMAHA ' "SSSlJ jT't'ai!T!lMi!sM j ra-.-4 rt-rt .,l,i,,,, , HI IU-.J MlMjiBBjllai,y LJ lmBTmuumm - - "'- -1 n I iM aaaMaiMaa-alsal n 3 ' It : ore Lssnssil Base l.aags. Most people know tha feeling, and the tutMirable state of III health It Indicates. All ' people- should know that Foley's Hooey and Tar. the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quk-kly cure the aure neea and cough and restore a normal con dition. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by all drug-tata, Snaps m Schnapps We will sell you your choice of dos' "I", ff atundard nrand A 4 AA whl"ky bottled In SI. 00 bond, full quart .V 1 1 Home-Made Grape", Wine, Whlto and Red, per gal. 81.00 Lady Clerks In Attendance. CACKLEY BROS. WINE MERCHANTS isi v. lata. Opa. r. o. sota nraonss. Snltrjr milk bottle stopir free with every purrhauM. R. ,E.( WELCH av. SPECIALS No. 1 Pork Loina, ii, noast. lb... Wyonijng IVtato'ea" Hlrloin Steaks bu. loo 3e ISg FOOD FOR ""..-"Vrvou. m..a NERVES 55 yh.'-ThJST W J.J.K. you .4 ip l l 9 aoaea 11.10 bv Mill , S: ?Mie g.reeta. if Th6 Ma-rrh Monthly Style. Book of Ladles'f 1 J Jy I "om Journal Patterns Is In. Get one. free, h If Bennett's Big Friday Bargains Read how wo arc compelling the crowds to come Fri day. Here's an 4,ad" brim full of great bargains, better than any in our Friday sales for months paat. Friday Bargains in Garment Section; 2d Floor Mhlte UnKorte Waists, worth $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00. very nice garments but soiled; to close out quickly 50t White Sweaters Good heavy coat sweaters for misses and small women, best styles; were $1.50, for -50 ' Silk Foulard Dresses and taffeta silk dresses, all that remain from our sample purchase; one-piece styles, worth $J6.00 ' ' choice of remaining lot qq Women's Dress Skirts About 25 brown voile skirts, with silk strap trimming and extra slxe black panama skirts (30 . to 36 waist bands) all $7.50 and $8.00 skirts $2.05 Misses Tailored Suits About fifteen only very chic styles for girls 13 to 17 years. Have been $15.00; Friday. .$3.05 Short Knit Skirt Just the garment for early spring; white and dark colors, with border; 75c usually 30 'Infants' Colored Bonnets, of felt and plush, that have sold up ward to $2.00; to close Friday at 59 Friday Bargains in Silks and Dress Goods Don't hesitate a mijiuto, for these are uncommonly good bargains. They are the very goods you ll he sure to buy later on if you don't buy now. Plain Silk Messaline and Fancy Taffetas, Silk Moire, China Silks, Peau de Cygnes, etc. a great collection several thousands yards. Not short pieces, but lengths up to 60 yards; ..leading colors and good patterns a most extraordinary op portunity; 76c and 85c silks -. 25 DRESS GOODS RKMXANTS Mill lengths of new spring dress goods, in doiens of shades, such as blues, tans, greens, grays, rose. They are lengths of 2V6 to 5 yards, of all wool serges, vorth to 75c; many pieces are alike and matfh perfectlv. We offer them again Friday at, yard. 20 Friday Bargains, Wash Goods, Embroideries No better values in Omaha. Buy these goods for girls' dresses, for house dresses and street dresses. v Scotch Ginghams, Fine Tissues and Zephyrs, the pick of tha new 1910 patterns; checks, stripes, etc. In many color com binations. The quality is the usual 19c and 25c kind. Pieces of 8 to 15 yards. It's going to be a. fine treat; choice of KP a whole case, at, yard . . . . ....... ..... .j) Embroidery Special Accumulations of odd pieces from early sales, all widths, edges and Insertions, up to 10 Inches, fine Swiss and nainsook goods. Beautiful 15c embroideries. 15 7Mo Erahroiderles 2$o 200 pieces of. edges and some in sertions very good 5c and 7c goods, at. 2V4t Friday Bargains, Linens, Towels & Domestics Kemnaata .BUkoline, Cretonne, Outings and Calicoes, worth Jup to i5c; all go at, yard , .............. ... ..... .;. . .5 Curtain Swiss Pretty new goods, dots and floral designs ao lutuos wine; loo quality .- 1 0 Kuck, Towels Good size and quality, the usual 10c grade; "white quantity lasts, Friday, at. ......... .! .'. . 7qh$ Oor. W V WU MVA BIT 16 . VtZToUL a. arsu THE TWENTY CENTURY FARMER Oaa Dollar a Year lUwched Table Damask 60 inches wide. Identical goods sell lnj daily at 35c; Friday at, yard 1. . . .-jo, Friday; Bargains in the Corset Department p. While shopping around Friday don't overlook the corset styles. I.OO CORSETS 60c Made of 'coutfl' and 'batiste In medium lengths, specially adapted for the average figure, nicely trim med, hose supporters attached; dollar values G0 JLong , Batiste Models Light' weight but firm and durable, boned with non-rustable boning; long hip and medium high bust; with supporters; $1.50 values, at. 9g ' Friday Bargains in Housefernishings Dep't . , (BASEMEXT) Odds and Ends being sold regardless of cost or former price. Wash Boilers Boilers with copper rim and bottom, size No 8 "were $1.75, clearing af ............... ,Lisk Tin Boilers, with copper bottom, size 8; were $2.00 TJ at .... $1.59 Lot 76c Galvanized Tubs, at .25 Odds and Ends Bath Room Fixtures--towel bars, trays granite cups, funnels, ladles, etc., worth to 25c. at. .5 Lot Towel Bars, Canisters, Brackets, etc., worth to 10cat!2s Salts and Peppers, Egg Separators, etc. worth 8c, at tl Friday's Big Grocery Economies Interest All Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack.. 91.75 Ani 80 stamps, Bennett's Best Coffee, three pounds for (1,00 And 100 dtamps Bennett's Best Coffee, , per pound .4 38o '; , v And. SO stamps, ' Bennett's Teas, ussorted per pound 780 And 100 stamps Bennett'a Teas, assorted per pound 680 And .76 stamps Tea fclf tings, 16c lb. pk. for ...... ,'...18o Bennett'a Breakfast Cof fee, I lb. cans 4o And 80 stamps Macaroni and Spaghetti, Star and Crescent brand, .3 pkga. . ...S5o Capitol Baking Powder, pound can ...... .040 And 20 stamps Hartley's Marmalade, 20c Jars for ISO Gillette's Mustard, large Jar 4 . .16o And 20 stamps. California Ripe Olive 40c cans for B60 Jap Rio. 7c Quality : five pounds for....86o Beonstt's Cacltol Oaia. What or ranoaks loo . And 10 stanps Double stamps on Butterine. iHig-nonette Peas, 3 cans lor aso And 10 stamps Capitol Maple BvruD. pure, fi sal can...7So Ana 60 stamps Helns's Red Pepper . Sauce, bottle 800 And 10 stamps Diamond Crystal Table Salt, 3 sacks 8O0 And 10 stamps Crystal Toilet Soap, 10 cana SOo And 10 stamps (Tea Garden Preserves, Jar 30o . And 20 stamps Galllard Olive Oil, bot tle 4oo And 40 atamps Best Cream Cheeaa, per pound aao And 10 stamps - Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound 860 , And 10 stamps Cleaned Currants, three pounds 880 Medium Sour Picklea, Quart ,.10o And 10 stamps Sweet Mixed Plcklss. quart aoo And 10 stamp -' Double. Stamps on - Oranulated Sugar Cookl Bala Cream Honey Cookies, lb. 18o Iten's Tourist or Gra ham Crackers, pkg.lOo And 10 stamps Newport Catsup, bottle, tor 100 And 10 stamps Stollwerck s Cocoa. H-lb. can aoo And 20 stamps Capitol Extract, bottle. for I80 And 10 stamps P. at W. Little Neck Clams, 16c alia. , ,10o (Allready Codfish, can. 'or 100 And 10 stamps Marshall's Kippered Her ring aoo And 10 stamps Yankee Rose Toilet soap, 4 cakes for. .15o California Table RsIb lns, on stem, 2 lbs. 18o ft IHATCII- LESS BARGAIN OPPOR. TUNITY. THE RCUACLE STORK A CLEAN UP OF BROKEN LINES In Our Famous Domestic Room 25,000 Of all kinds Of COtton roods, rnttnn nltlnff 1,,,,,-kt'ju... from the eastern mills, and fold for about half regular Trice. - PrinU, ginghams, silk mixed eooda. whlt ennda. nnn.i ... -... ' v- t - iv. 1 nui 1x4.11 j to 25c a yard in 5 lota 5c 7ic Sic 10c 12c AT 10:80 A. MOne table of short lengths of all kinds of wash goods, at" pr yard 1 . .Ql AT 2:80 P.'M. One case of short lengths good goods, at. por yard . , . .3V AT 2 P. M All the remnanU of the high grade wash goods left during the akt e perice!CpdrOynad,arg0 8qnare 800da frm ,5C t0 6C "1 1 10 Anniversary Sale f uriiishing Bargains a- KKGLIOEK SHIRTS Raines to $1.00, in sateen, madras, percales, cheviots, with or without collars, to close Friday, will go Rt 40. 39. 23 FLANNEL OVER SHIRTS. Values up to 2.00, in heavy all wool flannel, single or double breasted, at 98 and 40 MEN'S : WOOL UNDERWEAR Values to $1.60 garment, in all sizes and colors. Friday at ..75. 49 Indies' and children's two-piece gar ments or union suite., also a big line of muslin underwear, values to $1.50 garment, on sale Friday About Half. FLEECED UNDER kar Men's or boys', that 6cld to 75c a garment, all sizes, at ..30. 25c i HOSIERY SPECIALS . Men's, women's and children's wool, part wool and cotton, a1ucs to DOc, Friday at lr, 12 He, 10c, 7 Ho, K "wimw ana SWEATER COAliS., meu a or women i part wool and A wool, values to $2.00. Friday. ' at 08 nd 40 MEN'S SILK TIES. Values to 60c, big assortment, Frldarv " "23. 15. 57 , LINEN COLLARS. v n Men'8 and boys', all sizes, 12 4c value, 6 for 25c, each wSSSSSSSmSSmM Si SilffQ Friday in fh,Big qnw P I OHUb Domestic Roon a dUC ) rnL 1' inousanas ot yards of plain ..and -fancy silks-Meslm, Taf fetas, etc., etc. actual values to $1.00 yard, on'nale at va.,3fie W.25 Black Peau de Soie 36 in ches wide, cashmere finish; on sale, at .89c Natural Jap Silk 21 inch "wide, a great bargt".i -for Friday at, yard v.. ,19c . , a . ..T' neody-to-lVear Garments GreaiSy Ondsrpriced in Dcmcsiic Rcotn , LAD IKS' RAIN COATS Values to $12.50100 of them ' for your selection, Friday, at. . .S3 OS TAILOR SUITS Worth to $20.00 good stles, ladies' and misses', Friday . .7.. $Q.BO WOMEN'S. WINTER OOATS. -Just a." few left,wilt close' Friday, t $3.08. $2.50 $1.75 XADIES' WASH WAISTS That sold at $1.60, at i .40 LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS, AT ' 20 That sell regularly up to $1.25 a gar ment Remnants Wool Dress Goods All the remnants of goodB ranging from 75c to $2.60 . a yard broad cloths, henrlettas, suitings, tailor suitings, etc., la five lots . 25 30 40 50 75 Five cases of spring dress goods, all the new shades, In beautiful diag onals, on sale by the yard, yd., 48 REMNANTS OF FINE LINEN Worth up to $1.60 yard in 4 lots 25 30 40 50 Remnants of toweling, by the thou sand yards, at 'the west counter. Remnants of sheeting, by the hun dreds ot yards, at the west counter. . CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES vbiuvb io f i. zd, v sues e to 14 yearn. vcnoice . . , . ,.v. M CO A big line of new goods, specially priced for Friday, at 75 to $1.50 WOMEN'S DRESSING SACQUES On big lot that sold up to 75c. will at io CHILDREN'S COATS That sold to $4 big assortment.,. 81 WOOL DRESS SKIRTS. Regular values. to $5.00 great-bargain Friday, at, choice. . . . .sfl cn $1.50 Wrappers at ....... . 7. Kii t , r i - , v w y 1 25c Laces 5c a Yard Nottinghams, Point : de Paris, yalenciennes,, Cluny, Zion City 10c, I5c t625c values in edges andinsertings to, match, all linen torchon, etc. theA, greatest line df lace values eVer ' offered ' in Omajia . . .' ... . . . 5c . Scores of new lota brought forward Friday. No one can, afford to miss this exceptional opp6rtunlty Friday. i Time Sales From 9:30 to 10 A. M. Pride of the Farm, a very fine 10c Mus lin, yard wide, 10-yard limit-Tat, yard 6Va? From 2:30 to 3 P. M. Brook- dale, a fine 8V2C, 36-inch Sheet ing, 10-yard limit, at, yd.3C Eight other' sales on Center aisle, at very low prices. Elctica Sale Friday FighUng AH Trust Prices. Hump Hooks and Eyes, card , Trust price, 10c. , 2O0-Vard Spool Cotton Trust price. ' 6c. 20O-Yard Linen Thread ... ; ' Trust price, lOe. 1 ' 10c Pearl Buttons, dozen''.... Sc Pearl Buttons, dozen1, . . Pins, per package .......;.,'. Aluminum Thimbles, each ...... 1 Cotton Tape,' all sizes .'. . . . .': . .. . J,4 , Finishing Braids, at ..... . ; .'.iV&Vt A Skirt Braids, per bolt t , : .. , ' PE eiOD ICAL " DRINKERS CURED IN THREE DAYS Without hypodermic injections and i with copy of contract and free book. . . . i. . . I f al I )v writ a tnH v VIT 1 1 . I V or T T T T n T.-i a plla contract IS given earn lwui, rr". . .... . ... . DO- lvy-a ol umana, iNeorassa. Full , information, with cost of treat- Everything strictly confidential. Bank ment at intiUtue or in the home, sent references cheerfully furnished. Bee VJant Ads Boost -Your Business Candy Solo G 20 Stacks. Pure Sugar Candy Fancy Pillows, nut centers, for . . .... . . . . .5c I delicious, lb. 'i . . ; 13ViC ft 3 7 ni .15 . .1 4 Rood ihs Extra Special Solo for Friday IT PAYS YOU TO TRADE AT HA YD EN'S FOR GROCERIES. Ba4 tala and Jndf tot yourself. It lbs. Best Pure Can Granulated Sussr for : WW 48-lb. Bank Best High Patent Flour, mart from tha best No. 1 wheat 11.40 Larte Sacks Best White, or Yellow Corn- meol l&o I Bars Diamond C or Beat-Em-All Soap for ...abo ( Iba. Beat Hand Picked Navy Beans.. c I lbs. Best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal... .26c lbs. Best Pearl Tapioca, Bo. Barley, Farina or Hominy Mo Bromanselon. Jellycon or Jell-O, pk(..?Ho I pkss. Best Condensed Mince Meat J&o -lb. Cans Solid ' faoked Tomatoes.,.. l-lb. Cans Fanoy Bweet Suaar Corn....7vto t-lb. Cans Wax. Strlnf, Green or Lima Beans Te t-lb. Cans Golden Pumkln, Apples, Squash or Baked Beans fy - inoiAi Bauas rmvxr baxb. The cheapect and most economical to buy. . '' Choice California Prunes, per .lb,...'. :4o Fancy Santa Clara prunes, par )b......Tlo Fancy Italian Prunes, pee lb 8' Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb lvo Choice California Mulr Peaches per lb., 7V4o Fancy Crawford Peachea, per lb te Fanoy Muscatel Cooking Raisins, lb.. 7So Fancy California Heedless Raisins.. ....TVm Faney Seeded Ratalns, t-lb. pk 7& BIO VIOnaJTO WATSZ. OBAJTOa AXal. Cheaper than apples, and the moui healthy fruit ron to eat. The Highland Navels are the . finest grown In Callfornlal They are not bitter nr fmmt Vtlttmn T-v. , 1 1 ... . quality, and the yshepet to buy. VI Special car for 'Friday at the following 4 sp;lal prloea. Rerular 17 mlwm fn. 1 . r... Am I,. r Regular 6o alia for sale, per dos Ik, Regular 26o alia for sale, per dos I7ftc Regular Wo also for sale, per dos iHir ' Regular Ito else tor sale, per do. . . . d0 Regular DOc sis for sale, per dos 0o To every purohaser ot 1 dosen or mora l of any else, we will sell you one of the beat silver' plated ;prang. sooons, guaran teed for ten years,- for SHc. BVTTn I DOW AaAZV. 1 wi 1 am uitlt. roncuro zowir . . rauexs. , The best fancy creamery butter, per lb., tc The best' country butter, per lb ,..Jj' The. best fancy dairy butter, , per lb....i',cJ The beet freer! esgs, per dos,,.. kl0 t-lb. rolls good, butterine fr,c l ib roils good table butterine in oest run cream cneeee, per id.. as t ninitiiiiT.rj . . viOLiiiII. Fresh beets, carrots, turnips or slisl per uuiu.n -. 'I'.a Two hnads frenh leaf lettuce.,..,.....'"..?,, .too TaU-.l Two bunches fresh radlnlil Fresh cauliflower, per lb..........,. Fresh parsley,' per bunch Fresh ripe tomatoes, per lb Fresh lare cucumbers, pmr lb Freak, cabbage, per lb.,.. A v. Fresh sweet potatoes, per Ah.. . . . .60 ' ...lOo'J . U oorani" FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST PAYQ