TIIH IUOE: OMAHA, WKDNKSDAY, FKMUAKY 1!U0. Dee va nf ads pull for both ides- the buyer and the aellei: tosrrff Bupkrjs tfODSKsvrs hyjrtfdss f OFFERED FOR RENT Rooma Coa tinned. A BUITR of three njant nw roomm Modern 130 North th. TWO nloely rooms, modern. furnished 422 N. 17th. house keeping NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1117 Webster. MODERN hou etteeplng rooms. tf.19. luot Webster. Dougla? THRKR nice, unfurnished , rooms and bath. US, lfftt Webster. TWO modern front rooms, housekeeping or sleeping. 1019 Ht. Mary's Ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath gas, reasonable, SOOT Cass. TWO front housekeeping rooms; steam T12 N. lsth St. ' TWO large, modern front rooms; gar. range, refrigerator: everything complete' 'Phone B 2168. 307 N. 3f.th. ROOMS for light housekeeping. 17th St. 613 N. fvFURNISHED, steam heated basemenr fnim. 2013 Chicago. STRICTLY modern housekeeping roomn with piano, on Harney car line; no chit dren. 2504 Da enport Ht. , FURNISHED rooms, modern, housekeeping. 616 N. 17th. for llghf S31 8. 19TH-I,arge, nicely furnifhetf housekeeping rooms, with laundry. TWO housekeeping 12. Red 44S7. rooms. 1702 Clark TWO, three or four-room suit hand Homely furnished, modern, walking dis tance, 1S up. 604 S. 2th St. TWO coxy furnished, housekeeping, to COUplb. 909 S. 27th. TWO excellent fumltthed front rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In house; 2574 liar' ney St. TWO nice front rooms for housekeeping 2013 Leavenworth. ( TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, furnace r.fcat. U24 N. 17th St. "tAEE unfurnished front rooms, onn light housekeeping, one furnished bedroom Call 933 N. 24th 8t., 2d floor. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20th. NICELY furnished room en aulte; mod ern, 1919 Chicago. FOR RENT 2 and 8-room strictly mod' em apartments for .light housekeeping, steam heat. 4708 N. 24th St. TWO housekeeping rooms, $16 a month. 1018 Davenport. . . , FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; heated, 600 N. 18tb t. SUITE front rooms, plenty of heat, rea sonable. 2426 Dodge. Red 61S6. One large housekeeping room for rent, 2110 Douglas. MODERN, basement rooms. 2020 Rurt St FOR RENT Two large front rooms, fur nl4 (or light housekeeping, &21 Willis Aval . TWO nice rooms for housekeeping, 8. 16th. 714 608 NORTH 17th, two front rooma, mod ern. Tel. Doug. (03. NICE, modern room for verj light house keeping. 618 No. 19th St. TWO connecting rooms, gas range, elec tric light, 1818 No. 16th St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2406 Cuming BC NICE rooms for light housekeeping; i ground floor. 2018 Howard. TWO nice rooms, furnished, for taking car of flat. 614 So. 23U. v. THREE furnished housekeeping room, modern, ga range. 2010 N. 18th. BASEMENT 4 room modern except heat., 2507 Pierce: will be vaoated Saturday. In quire 1301 S. 26th Ave. Vfarmlk Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent Maroh 1 2211 N. 19th. Web. 8757. Ka.ralaa.ed H L ON THE North Bide, 7-room furnished Vr unfurnished house; modern; large lot. Will rent very cheap to parties who will car for place. Inquire of owner at 970 N. lbth Ave. Phon Red 4697. H ansae an Cattaa. OMAHA Van crorwae Co., pack, more, rtore, h h. goods; storehouse, 1130-J4 H UiAi office 809 a 17th U TL Douglas t&oi. HOU8EH, flat. Garvin Broa.. 818 N. Y. U USE 3, inaura.ua. Ringwalt Barker Blk. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rate; moving and storing, Kxprssaraeu' Delivery' Co. Tel. Doug. 294. FOR RENT. l-room. all modern brick house, combina tion fixtures. $40. March 1, 1910. will be vacant 6-room, all modern, combination fixtures, $32. 9-room, all modern brick tenement, north part of city, $a. 4 rooms, first floor, apartment, 1523 No. 18th St.. $12.60. 6-room cottage for colored family, 21st and Clark St., $12. $ nice rooms, lal7 Clark St., $9. 8 rooms on first floor, modern, 1828 No. 17th Ht., 111. , O. M. BACHMANN, Tl. R- 8639; Res. D. Wbti. 436 Paxton. MODERN, 8-room bouse, 214 8. 86th Ave. Phon Douglas C7. HOUSES ln u tarU ' h city. UUUOI3 Crelgh ui ft Co.. Be Bldg. MAGGARD Van A Storag Co. D, IK Pack, store and snip household goods. FOR RENT Six-room house. B $2d Av. modern. U. Phon llarnev lj&. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cumings St.. lor hoass ana naia, irom xii from Uir to ten room. 10 $40, and TIZARD 4-roora corner fl;.t, no uual. $J0 N. 23d. HOUSES Ptr I'nut Co.. N.Y.LU Bldg. 8-R., modern, barn. 2301 Spencer, $J0 $32.60 Strictly modern- 7-room house, lsou 6. 28th St. 'Phon Harney 1767. 4-ROOM cottage, with or without barn, fer, city water and gas, $30 a month. m South 24th Av. SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heut. fin location, paved street, cistern, rent IH '"bun Webster 2602. SEVEN room and reception hall, walk ing distance, near Fi.lt and Jackson St., very desirable. Uemis, Brandets Bldg. . r FalGHTuVOOM. all modern, on car line Vacant Urr h 16. Tel. Harney 2049. FOR RJENT 118 No. 26th, rooms, Uu, OFFERED FOR RENT floases aad Cottaarea -Condaaea. KIT Tall fornla. 9-r., mod. rx heat. $.10. 1o Finkney, 9-r., modern. $.10., I"I4 N. 40th, -r., modern. 40. 4'JS N. S'th. K-r., modern. 2ttl0 California, s-r.. brick flat. new. $40. 120 H. soili., -r., modern, new. ITo. ir"7 H. Sfi'h. 7-r , modern ex. heitt. 131.14 Georgia Ave., 6-r.' fl.it. mod. J-T.S0. 2014 Ames Ave., 6-r.. mndrn. tZi. F. D. WRAP. 9r UTJ' ! tlon. y.th. To.l. Vebter2iS.K). Halldlaa;a. 1 WANT an orter for :nn two story brlclt liuliding at 12TR and iri" Hownrd street. Will rent for JM a month. Eastern owner Hi 'ell cheap. THOMAS BKEKN'AN. Room 1 New York Ufa Building. ONE-KTOHY building within 30 feet of trackage. Inquire at 112 So. 11th. DESK room and 'phone; reasonable. Bee Bldg. 61 j Stores. FOR RENT-Modern store room, No. 203 N. loth hi , Hotel Loyal lilJg., apply Loyal hotel office. U0N Farnam St., Harney tilni. slae 22xGO ft. 'Phone FOR RENT One store room centrally located. Addrens P 148. 13ee. NICE. Ilfc'ht lilt N. 13th St. D. with basement. 1 storeroom Knq. Cole-McKay Co. Tel. OFFERED FOR SALE Musical Instruments. SYMPHONY ' Grand Columbia Grapha phone, splendid Instrument. Price IAN) and never gold for leas. Will sell one, which Is brand new, and In perfect condition, for $170. Good reason for selling. Address, G-140. Bee. SECOND-HAND piano players, good as new, :J60 to $75. Call or write. Piano Player Company, Old Boston Store. Trpewnieri, TVrrvatTTT.Uo VTV.T- l?nnt ALL MAKES. Swansoo Co., 417 S. lfith St., Omaha. SECOND hand typewrite sold, repaired. Central Typewriter EzohaDgt, 1607 Karnara. We have the following rebuilt Machine for sale. Every Machine has been rebuilt and all worn or defective parts Replaced. latest model. No. 6 Oliver 160.00 Remington, No. 6, above 44000 $27,60 Remington. No. 6, above 163000 $40.00 Smith Premier, No. 2. above 89000 $36.00 ..Address, Lock. Box 10, Omaha, Neb. Jtfucellaacoaa. f A A T AT .CUT, PRICES V A J fx I We sae you from 50c to $1.60 on every ton and glva better coal. We guarantee correct weight. tioaenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. ABOUT 1,W feet -lnch wire cable, seo ond band; will sell at bargain. Apply R. W. Paker. bupt Be Bldg.. Omaha. No. WHEAT $2.10 per 100 lbs. D. 2963, B-2963. BODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payment. Darigut, 1818 Farnam Bt. SECOND-HAND safe, $36. 1110 Farnam. fOAT. baskets $1; dry kindling, load FOR SALE National cash register, with tape, almost new; cheap If taken at once. Address K-869, care Be. PO AT. Furnace lump a tond-e: 7c Harmon k Weath. W. 84S.M DRUOS at cut prices; freight paid on all 810 orders; catalogue free. Sherman . M Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business vol lg for sale at discount. Address P-8M, Be- HALL'S safes, new. M-band. 1818 Farnam. FOR SALE New and M-hand billiard and pool table. We lead the world ln cheap bar fixtures. esv payment. Bruns wick -Bttlk-Collendr, 407 K. 10th St WE HAVE on hand a number of ink rels which w will sell at 60 each. They are fin for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom B Publishing Co. SECOND-HAND scale at 1607 Harney. BA11UF.1.S ALL KINDS FOR ANY JJAXVJ.V1.jX40 PURPOSE MAGIC CITY BARREL CO SO. OMAHA So. 1625. ID-HAND oak oounter, hand-carved mar ble cashier plate; v.lre wicket about 40 ft, odd shape; ill fit a roorr. 80 feet wide. Can be sen at storage house. For further particulars 'phoue Douglas 238. Be Build big Co. DRY KINDLING wood: ,arge load de- Uiki fliliU Uvexed. $3. D. 1837. 8 9x12 Wilton rugs. Phone Harney 3S8. USED tthles and counters for sale cheap. napnaei rrea Co., u'th and Howard. ONE new hat case, quire 109 No.. 16th St., new shelving. Omaha, Neb. In 100 Hl'SHEUS 1908 grown seed corn, for $3 per bushel; graded. Patterson & Ma- loney, Kel tJak, la. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON 1N8T.. U N. Y. L. TeL D. 1664. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. 6US N. Y. L. Bidg PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL. Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner In U. 8. Patent office. N. Y. L. bldg D. 961 HUFFMAN. 81$ Neville Bldg. Book frea HIRAM A STURGES. registered patent attorney. U. S and foreign patents se cured. 618 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. U6t. PERSONAL UKOI1ANO THERAPY Druglcs treatment for grip; consult Dr. Marguerite Halloran, Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 7761, under supervision ot M. D. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. 90S, Old Boston More Bldg.. 4th floor. V0 S. lbth SL Stairway on Douglas bt. CHINA painting lessons, 60c. H. S768. MISS LE ROY, hnpoolng, face scalp treat men t. 609 S. lath St. ind THERE IS NO AFFLICTION, mental or physical, that supreme power can not cure. Sectarians don't know th cause of their fiillures. " here Is just one thing to do for ni to secure you a perfect cur. AMERICA BO WEN Cf.OPER, Phon Ind. B-6317. 4S3s Charles SL WANTED Children to board. Ind. B-lk7. PRIVATE confinement home. Mr. Dr. King, 13-4 N. 24ib bL Phon Wubbler Vi PERSONAL tCotitmut'd.) Apathy vs. Sincerity GIVE THIS YOUll INTEREST M subscription more to the Saturday Evening Post anrt the Ladles' Home Jour nal by February 28 t-arnn S1.018 prire. pny- i able to the Child Saving Institute; IM.1 1Wry P-'" read the Post or jrnl. Thousands of subscription expire. i iinusanns purcnase -.ne Post wetkly save 11.10 Price (1 50 each. Kvery blessed order worth 75c. Urgent send your renewals In advance. They are needed now. Miiko It two years If you like, Listen' If society will not make this Jl.OOii a reality for th Infants' iJoniB, what chance In ;nere for a friendless paralytic isolated in a back yard In the suburbs. Write .r complete catalogue and story, "A Broken Hack." GORDON, The Magazine Man, Omaha. 'Phone Douglas 7163. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; hables for adoption. Q.oJ Samaritan Sal toriunt, 740 1st Ave., Couni.'l Uluffs, la. ON Jan. 1, 1910. Lewis Sprtdpen disap peared from his home near Wooilhurn and has not yet been found; aa;e In years, weight 120 to 12B Pounds. helKht 5 feet 3 Inches, complexion llpht. dark hair, blue eyes. Had on dark drilling striped coat. dti,'k striped overalls, black sateen shirt, gray sweater jacket, dark cap. Had a small scar over eye. If found notify C. L. Spridgen, at Derby, la., and receive I2n reward. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machine.. 1ml. A-1GB3. L'oug. ltiU3. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. lbth and Harney ts. AlWT TfiTTT Hal1' Food. Wonderful auri'ilUIll Har Reaiorer. Gro-3 Hair o, Ba.d Heads. Fur sale by Unit. Frayer at Megeath Stationery Co. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaGrane, 1617 Dodge SL hrs. 10 a. m.-9 p. m. Basement flat. MASQUE suit to rent. Theo. Lleben. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt slow and mnssaKe. 1605 Dodge St.. opposite postofflce, 3d floor; suite 6. OMAHA Stammerer' Ins.. Ramg Bldg. ARLENE DE VOY. manicuring and maa- sage, 620 S. 16th St., Flat 8. Phone D. 7640. Be an Actor or Actress Earn from $26 to $100 per week; complete course, $7; diplomas given and engagemontn secured. Address at once lor lull partic ulars THOMPSON AMUbiSUUINT (JO., 2018 Chicago St., Omaaa. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-ofl clothing. In fact anything you do not need w. collect, repair ana sen ar. ih n. mo St., for cost of oollectiou. 10 the worthy Door. Call 'phon Douglas UU and wagoa will call. WTfland toupes lor men. GRIFFITH. VV lUk r, kna 14 VHENZER BLK. . , U144 T T." nV ihamnnnlnp pliwIrn.mAir. netic facial massage. 609 S. 18th St. PATTON BOWMAN HDW. CO. Our tools are sold on an unconditional guarantee. liiiD f arnam M. Doug. tg4. A HOME for women during confinement. We find I1O1110S ful babies where mothers cannot car for them. Bable boarded. For term address Mrs. Martha A. Iea, 401 Bancroft 6t.. Oruaoa. Nab. 'Phon Douglas 1921. MAGNETIC and Maseaga Bath. 214 No. 16th St. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; trained nurse; babies for adoptions. SB1S Davenport. MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. femith. 122 S. lth SL. third floor DR. EGGERS private confinement horn 1616 Martb SL Phon Douglas (230. Theatrloal, atreat tt evening gown, 412 8 18 BRIGHT baby girl for adoption. J 281. Be. JOB1K WASHBURN'S now book. "Th Underworld Sewer." sold at all book atorts. prlea, $1.60. POULTRY SEE MANDY LEE INCUBATORS AND BROODERS AT 1115 HARN "SY ST. LEE'S WHITE LEGHORNS are heavy layers as well as high quality. Eggs and stock for sale. MANDY LEE FARM. Phon Florence 162. FOR S. C. White Leghorns call or write. Hillside Poultry Farm, 424 Harrison SL, Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel.. Ind. 1042 Y. OLD TRUSTY Incubators; writ for free catalogue; $.7) poultry Illustrations; sp-cisl low prices; 40-GO-90 days free trial. Address M. M. Johnson. Clay Center, Neb. FOR 8ALE Black Langshan chickens. Write for particulars. Mrs. E. F. La Rue, Hartlngton. Neb. PRINTING JOHN C. THOMPSON would like to make an estimate on any pi lining you may need. Telephone Webster 3680. 'PHONE IND. A-aUsO for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th A Capitol A.e. Miller & Jamleson, 1212 Doug. Both phones. WATERS PRINTING C. 622-524 S. 13th. REAL ESTATE REAL KITA1B DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1861; prompt aervlc; get our prices. 1710 Farnam SL PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Llf BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Brandcla Bldg Geo. D. Perrlne. 832 Paxton. Doug. T80L REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. J. N. CASADY CO.. Inc., rentals, fire A life Insurance. 6!9 Paxton Block. Phone D. 1620. CITY PHOPKHTY FOR A I.E. 44x667$7,500 Near First National Bank. Harrison & Morton FOUR HOUSES BIG CORNER. Eastern owner stopied off Ion enough to say: "S-ll my houses for $.0u0." They r'iit for $700 per year. First buyers gets them. W. T. GRAHAM. 04 Be Bldg. GOOD CORNER 6-room houf-e. mod. rn except heat, north east comer liMh and Lake Sis, $2,000. Terms. M'EACllRON RRALTY CO.. UC4 Lake St. Tel. Web. liil REAL ESTATE ' CITY PKOI'KItlY FOR RAI.H. (Continued.) TEN-ACRE PEACH AND AP PRICOT ORCHARD IN SOUTHERN CAL1 FORNJV We have listed with us for sale a ten acre peach and" Bpi'lcjit orchard, located in the town of Ontario. California,' which Is Incited on main lines of Southern Pacific and Salt I.ske Route R. R. A beautiful touthern California town of s.OflO popula tion, only one hour and thirty minutes rl1e to Ixis Angeles. Price $2."00. Terms. $1,100 cssh: balance, one, two and three years. This would make a good home fur someone to move onto this spring. We also have several oranee orchards In same lo cality from five to ten years old Which are In full bearing. Hastings & Hcyden, 1614 Harney St. Omaha, Neb. TWO acres. 4-room house,; Improved; one mile southwest from Ruber's park. Leo. Lady, South Omaha, , 33x66, $35,000 Northweet Woodmen of the World lte. Harrison &, Morton 3344 SOUTH 19TH ST. BARGAIN IN A 5-ROOM COTTAGE Located on east front lot with fine shade; lot Is full size, TiOxiaO. This can he boiuht on terms of $ri00 or $CO0 caxh and balance about like rent. Price is Jl.&oo. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, ' 1114 Harney St. $1,000 BUYS two houses, .one 6-room and ono 8-room, barn for four horses; lot 60x150. fine lawn with 20 shade trees; everything In best repair;- two blocks from car Una Address Y 37, cara Bee. , , LEAVING Omaha Maroh 1. will sacri fice If sold before leaving, ( for $3,2D0, my 8-room modern house, built two years. Joins Kountze Plan, Phone Web. 54.18. Owner. ...... A Snap for the Right Party A good home on car line, only ten min utes' ride to Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Five-room house, lty. water, elec tric light, bath; two lots and other im provements. One-half cash, balance on time. 3624 Avenue A, Council Bluffs.. . Bell phone B-949. ' 1 22x66, $5,500 , Douglaa near Itth St. Harrison flfl.br ton ONE INCH, 11 CENTS " . 1to This is a One-Inch Ad. . 1 ' ' ' ( . A- ' ' To sell your home write a description ot It In about 60 word and send It to IH? OMAHA BEE Classified DepL. together with 72 cent for each day you wish If pub' llshed. 44x132, $45,000 Farnam near 13th St. Harrison & Morton SIX ROOMS, ALL MODERN. Paved street, close to car, large lot; any reasonable terms. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. 624 New York Llf Bldg. Red 1999. WANTED At ence, Harlan, la:, 300 good families who will build modern homes and room or board and room students of big college to be opened ln September. Excep tional opportunity to make home earn good Income. Fine lots near college, cheap If bought now. Beautiful, er.terprlslng town; m saloons; modern city Improvements. Address Commercial Exchange. Harlan, la. C. SUNDEL & CO. ,ZV?m?col tractor and Builder; specializes on Bunga low and Cottages. Estimates furnished. 66x132, $15,000 Corner, wholesale district - Harrison & Morton New 6-room brick houBe, modern, ley 647. Han INVESTMENT Brick and frame apartment; 21 rooma; all modern; close in; paying 10 per cent net. Peters Trust Co. N. Y. Life Bldg. TWENTY ACRES, house ar.d barn. Har ney 647. '.:.-.,, PRAIRIE PARK XrS0 $3,600 to $6,000; small cash payment and bal ance, monthly. Paxton Real Ketate com pany, owner. NOTICE A BARGAIN.' 8-room strictly modern houst In on of th best locations ln th city. Call at 2UI W. B'way. Council Bluffa ' 66x132, $15,000 Brick Improvements. Wholesale district. Harrison & Morton SEVEN-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; built four years; nice front lot; $:.'.S!0. McEachron Realty Co., ' 1924 Lake. Tel. Wtb. Iti61. REAL ESTATE FAUM AND RANCH LD FOR (ALB ArkasMU. BUY a farm In the beautltu) Whit River valley on easy terms; good river bottom farms $& per acre; orchard, poultry, timber and general farm lands from $6 per acre up. Write for free list, stating your . wants. Ham A Rioh. BatMVllle, Ark. Iowa. . $2,600 VORTH of shoes, shirts, hat, cloth ing, etc., to trade for unimproved land ln the northwest. Box 112, Humboldt. Ia. Idaho. . 1 IDAHO HOMES. Three hundred acres ln the heart of the Boise valley will be put on the market March 1 in tract to suit the purchaser; prices right. For particular rail on or ad dress J. P. Hall. 1901 N. Htli St..' Boise. Idaho. WHEN answering these advertisements. Just put in an extra word or two to tell a her you saw th a . , REAL ESTATE FARM AM H( jl l..M FOR SAl.K (Continued.) HAVE a good half seetlon of land In Saskatchewan. Canada, which I would like to exchange for stock of merchandise. Write me If you are Interested. John Morrow, Kenmare, N. D. FOR SALE GET AN IRRIGATED OR NON-IRRIGATED FARM IN CANADA. "NO CROPS-NO PAY." The Canadian Pacific makes It easy for you to own a big farm In the Irrigated sec tion of the How River Valley of Southern Alberta or the non-lrrlguted section of the Saskatchewan River Valley, ln Central Alberta. We'll break and develop your land at less than you could yourself. Hun dreds have paid for their cornea In these Sunny Valleys out of first crop. Get a home here on ONLY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN PAY BALANCE OUT OK YOl'R CROPS. "NO CROPS NO PAY." For FREE descriptive books write JOHN 8. DENNIS, Asst. to Second Vice President, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, . Colonization Iept., 267 North-av. West Calatry, Alberta, Canada. Indiana. ' FOR SALE A snap, 4.300 acres virgin timber and the finest cotton or rice land ln the Delta; new double deck mill Just started; new houses; everything complete; ready to run; panic of 1W7 knocked us down; all nonresidents, and Inexperienced lot of stockholders; willing to sell at a loss If necessary for quick deal; best proposi tion ever offered. Within 2U miles of Mississippi river; 6 miles from R. R. Leve land; does not overflow; running bayou bisects property; navigable half the year. Adjoining cotton lands worth $.V) an acre; rent for $fl. Timber alone worth about what we will take for whole proposition. Finest body of Gum, Oak, Cypress and Aih ln the whole southland and a fortune In the land when timber Is removed. Tenants for every acre as fast aa cleared. Don't bother unless you have the money; no time to fool. Don't delay; the first reasonable offer takes It in fee simple. Address. 806 T. H. . Trust Bldg., Terro Haute, Ind. Illinois. FOR flALE 2 ACRES. SPLENDID .louse, barns; fruit; 4 miles from townj ret bargain. Write PHOEBE DAWSON, Stockton, III. FOR SALE-Elegant 60 ACRES, 3 MILES out; Improvements; worth $4,000; shade; fruit; cheap; might trade. LINDSLEYJ Crystal Lake, 111, . rierla. $5 EACH MONTH AND; A FLORIDA FRUIT OR tfRUCK FA&M IS' YOURS - Own a profitable fruit or truck farm' In Florida's best farm district and pay for It with little monthly savings. i?y Intensive farming, with no previous experience, you caji make It yield as much as $,j.O0O a year; This proline land-will grow from three to flv crops each year, with a profit of from $100 to $MM) an acre. Land will raise sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, Bermudas, celery; lettuce, cabbage; tobaoco, tomatoes, pea nuts, pecana, strawberries, oranges, figs, grapes, rice, oats, cotton, corn, sugar cane besides being Ideal for stock, dairying, bees and poultry. Near big markets; three railroads; eight minutes from Lake City; 59 miles from Jacksonvllle-ln the estab lished profit belt. Climate Is fine, water pure health, fresh air and sunshine abound; beautiful lakes, fishing and hunt ing galore. This is one of the few Instances In which good land can still be procured at low price. Lake City Board of Trade, mayor, bankers,, congressman and farmers will vouch for our statements regarding thla beautiful land. The price of this land Is $26 per acre, but the first allot ment will be sold at $12.60 per acre, cash rtr llftlA mnnthlv navmpnti Tt ca.n't last long at that price! Write now for maps and ! a truthful and honest report about this land and Its possibilities. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 249 Times Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. . ' Kansas. 700-ACRE Mo. stock farm, 100 mile south of Kansas City; big snap; $16; pay com mission. Wm. Graham, Eldorado, Kan. FOR SALE A ' number of splendid Im proved farms In Doniphan and Anderson counties, Kansas, from 6 to 300 acres; good soli, reasonable price and easy terms. Write Albert C. Wlegant, Wathena, Kan. Box O. FOR SALE IH mile northeast of SparkB, Kan., 00 acres, with 6-room house, good outbuildings, well, apple and pear orchard, some timber; half mile from school. Will sell at $40 per acre, part cash, balance oil time. John Moelter, Wathena, Kan. FOR SALE 640 acres one mile west of Arlington depot; nearly all In cultivation; good improvement. See John Bowles, Ar lington, Kan. FOR SALE 480 acres of land In Ness county, Kan., 6 miles from railroad sta tion; 300 acres of nice, smooth wheat land, 1G3 In cultivation; balance good pasture land; price. $10 per acre. Address Box 228, Ness City, Kan. I.oalalaaa. FOR SALE By all odd the best In vestment ln the United States is rich land that Is cheap, South Louisiana has the cheapest and richest land, the healthiest and pleasantest climate. Unusual condi tions sometimes make great opportunities. One hundred dollars an acre cotton land which will make $160 an acre corn land, can now be bought for $60 an acre. I would like to explain these condition to men who want to buy fine farm of splen did corn land cheap. Address Manager, Paradls Farms. Paradla, La. IIsBnrl. FARMS FOR SALE We have a number of farms in northwest Missouri for sale. Don't delay. Come and let us show you. No trade considered. Booher & Williams, Sa vannah, Mo. . FOR SALE Farm of 188 acres, g miles east of St. Joseph. Write or Inquire of C. H. Nold Lumber Co., St. Joseph, Mo. A HUNDRED thousand fruit, dairy and poultry farms ln Missouri, $2.50 per acre and up. For full particulars ask Missouri State Immigration Commission, Spring field. Mo. FOR SALE Good farm of 200 acres tim ber land, KiO cultivation, 146 grass land;. 1 miles from Napier, 6 miles from Mound City; good improvements;, heirs of this estate will receive sealed bids for sale of It until March 1, 1910, reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Information given. R. E. Moser, Mound City, Mo. FARM-Write for- my free list of Im proved farm In Carroll county. Mo., for ssle. Many good bargains. W, A. Parsley, Tina. Mo. FOR SALE Fifty improved farms 40 mile south of Kansas City In the com, clover and bluegrasa belt; $40 to F0 per acre. St-nd for lists, J. B. Wilson oV Co.; Drexel, Mo. ' FOR SALE LAND AND IMPROVED FARMS Best southeast Missouri land and farms, forty to (AO acres; from $16 to $46 per acre; easy terms. Write and tell us what vou want. We can suit yuu. R.oklef tree. F. Grain Realty Co., Neelyvllle, Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RA.XII I.AD FOM I,P (Continued.) Mis sta. SEND for bulletin containing over 900 Improved farms and wild lands In Wis consin. Minnesota and Dakota; also over 2o0 propositions for exchange. Akerson, Llndstrom, Minn. W0-ACRE farm. Hubbard county, Minn.; small set of buildings; ten under cultiva tion; 70 meadow, balance timber; price, $1,600; mortgage, $400; will exchange; pre fer merchandise or live stock Akerson, Llndstrom, Minn. FOR SALE At a bargain. 1SS seres tim ber land In Bayfield county, Wisconsin; estimated 1.000,000 saw timber. IO.OuO ties, I.OaSJ cords of Wood; timber consists of hem lock, blreh, cedar, basswood and soma pine; best timber proposition In Wisconsin; a snap If taken at once. F. L. Perrtxo. De lavan, Minn. FARM 1( acres In Clearwater county, Minnesota, on good road; seven miles to railroad town and creamery, good soil, house, barn, twenty seres under plow, forty acres ready to break: som timber, hay meadow cuts seventy-five tons; eighty rods to school; prlc. $2,400; mortgaged for $1,100 at 8 per cent; over four years to Tun; might exchange for clear property. R. E. Devereaux, Bagley, Minn. cm irRk'A All under fence. North Da kota, near new railroad, 40 head cattle. 10 horses, all togethor or part; terms easy Box- 474, Marshall. . Minn. Michigan BUY NOW AND GET A LIBERAL '. EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE. The 8W1GART TRACT makes the best offer left In reach of the avra man; ln the center of Michigan's Famous Fruit Belt. BEST CLOVER AND FRUIT LAND IN THE STATE. Lake Michigan harbors, four railroads, fast boat; only nine hou' to Chicago. Large profits in fruit, dairy Ing and stock raising. ACT NOW. $8. $10, $12, 16 to $26 per acre, term as low as $10 down and $6 per month on 40 acres. Prices higher ln th spring. Many are buying with privilege of exchange when they go on MY PRIVATE CAR EXCUR SIONS which begin again In March. The SWIGART TRACT Is the largest In Michi gan owned by any one, and therefore of fers the best selection, and you take no risk on this plan. For a small fruit farm, aivl poultry and truck raising get a MASON COUNTY TEN ACRE PIECE, the best In the SWIGART TRACT, one mile from R. R. ; good markets, price $260. $5 per month. FINE LOTS In the new and growing town of Wellston, on beautiful Crystal Lake. This I the only proposi tion In Michigan which gives an Insur ance feature for the protection of the purchaser's family. If you die before pay ments are completed then your heirs get the farm free of charge. Send for large map and best booklet published on the subject of Mlchlgon. G. S. SWIGART, Owner, 1248-49-60 First National Bank Building, CHICAGO. FOR' SALE -A iFARM TO ORDER 80,000 acre of th best fruit and farm land ln Western Michigan; . mostly ln Manistee, Wexford, Mason and Osceola CbUotles. This large acreage gives- the best selection ln Michigan. Largest part formerly hardwood lands. We can satisfy any nian' land desire. Prices , $10, $12, $14, $16 to $26 per acre. Investigate. Open Monday and Friday evenings until 8 p. m. Sunday from t to 2 P. m. THE HART TRACT, GEO. A. HART, Owner, , Manistee, Mich. CHICAGO OFFICE. 1010-1012 CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. FOR SALE BUY A FARM WHERE FARMERS PROSPER. Send for price list. E. S. DOUGLAS, Lawrence, Mich. FOR SALF WE SELL MICHIGAN FARM LANDS. NORCROSS-INKSTER CO.,. Kalamazoo, Mich. FOR SALE LAKE FARMS IN FRUIT BELT OF MICHIGAN; 6 a good house and barn, $1,260; 76 a., fine buildings, fruit, beautiful shore, grove and view, $4,000; 17 a., summer resort, new build ings, 600 feet shore, fine woods, $3,600. Reasonable payment' down on these; monthly or yearly payments on balance. Call at once. L. J. LEWIS. Bangor. Mich. FOR SALE, ON EASY TERMS Beauti ful lots ln Hlgman Park, overlooking Lake Michigan. ARTHUR B. HIGMAN, Benton tiaruor, xaicrt. FOR SALE $10 and a bit of faith In ?our fellowmen 1 all that stands be ween you and your chance to make big profits on the productive lands I sell. Write for booklets and. map. S. S. THORPE, Cadillac, Mich. FOR SALE 110-acre farm with buildings. 95 acres clear, 3 acres orchard, first-class lands; M mile fronting on lake; worth $3,000. Will sell for $2,000 on time without interest. A rare bargain. Cheboygan Realty Co., Cheboygan, Mich. Mostass. FOR SALE Ranch In Montana, 160 aores In the fertile Clark' Fork valleys heart of the apple district; all Irrigated and under cultivation: fine water right. Railroad sta tion on ranch; price reasonable. Address C. C. Rever. Billing, Mont. FOR SALE WE HAVE 320 ACRES FOR Sale in the Great Judith Basin, Montana, vllch will yield yearly 40 bushols of winter wheat per acre and 6 ton of alfalfa with out Irrigation; the land Is located only 3 mllee from railroad; price $4$ per acre, one third down, balance to suit purchaser; we also have 160 acre tracts in same neighbor hood; get free mape from WM. H. BROWN CO., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. J.J AVE YOU NEVER DEVELOPED, i a profitable acquaintance .withV.aT. person toward whom you were at one time more or less indifferent? '- j It is possible that you may regret lost opportunities if . you longer as- ' sumc that there is nothing in the, j, friendship of 42,000 Bee readers which can be made of value to you. ' r ..' V '111 " .t ' Substantial gains in business by The Bee .during the past year arc worthy of serious reflection, anyway. REAL ESTATE; FARM AMI HAM'Tl UND FOft BALK (Continued.) Mexico. . - Old Mexico American Colony Near Tamplco, MeVlco, the ctohi'lnff' Log Angeles of the gulf country.' 'Nxf ex cursion Tuesday, Marh V. Railroad fare for round trip, "Ort aha' to Tam plco, Mexico autl return, only" $41.76. An American 1 colony, growing orangeB, lemons, pineapples.' corn, po tatoes, tame grasses and have all kinds of vegetables fresh, evary month in the year. The altitude of . this land , la about four hundred j feet above . sea level. Good water. The soil In a rich, black loam. Climate, no freezing In winter and, being near the guir; no ex treme heat In sununeri Healthful cli mate. You can buy fifty'acres of this land, or as much more as you want, at $12 to $15 per acre; t cat, 1 balance on ensy terms. What will this. lapa be worth in five years? Ask the people who have lands near Los Angeles, Cal. Now is your opportunity. . Go .with us Tuesday, March 1, and secure some of this land now. Call at our office or write for literature describing . this wonderful country. i . -. MEXICO GULF COAST LAND COMPANY,1 682 M, Brandcls Ouildinc. Omaha; Neb,' ' lraK. SMALL RANCH 730 acre IS trill from Long Pine, well improved and all fenced. Good reasons for selling. Prlo. $18 60 per acre. For particular write -Chae.-P. Nel son, Long Pine, Neb. -' 800 A CREW, $10 PER. ' Fine grass land, four rnl'e" from North Platte. Neb.; will take small Improved farm or Omaha property. ' W. T. GRAHAM, M)l. Ree Bldg., Omaha. . LISTEN. TO ME., " My 40-acres of fine stone quarry land for sale, at a bargain; join the town of Louis ville. Neb.; no reasonable offer refused. Write J. M. Macy, Colorado Springs,' Colo., P. O. Box 922. North Dakota. FOR SALE Farrri land ln Ward and Williams counties. North Dakota. Special bargains from $10 to $S0 an acre. Walter R. Bond Real Estate Agency, Suite 1, Poet office Blk., Mlnot, N. D.- ' , . , , - .i.b .11 I '.I 1 1 p 1 FOR EXCHANGE-t-aerrera) Store, - tock and building, Invoice $30,000; doing a good business. Want land. Address O01 66S. Dtvils Lake, N. D. ' 180 ACRES, Mcintosh county, North Da kota. S'i miles from, tounty eeat; snap at $2,600. N. D. Address L. A. Anderson, Gardner, STAKE OUT A FORTUNE. Two new railroads will build into Het- . 1 ..... . - 1 , . , b V. fn linsrr I'liumy miu iu iviuit, ui in rnuiB, this year. Mott Is the county seat and now Is the time to get your business lot and stake out your fortune. Free maps and facts for the asking. William H. Brown Co., Mott, North Dakota, or-, 131. 'LA Salle St., Chicago, Illinois. ' Oklanom. .',;. OKLAHOMA ' W have 100,000 a ore of cholo land to elect from, ranging In prlc from $6 to $40 per acre. This land I In th U and ga district and you might gat an pll ,well with your land. .1 . 5 ' . NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. " Suit 24 New York Life Bidg ' GENUINE snap Oklahoma land 360 gores well Improved farm land lust placed on market at sjf.tw per acre; terms, j. v. Fenner, Box 603, Muskogee. Okl. - 1 j 1, ' Orestop. CENTRAL Oregon homesteads, 160 to 820 acre tracts; two railroads now building toward the undeveloped lands. Reduced rates to colonies. For Information, address Homeseekct' Real Estate Cc, Prtneville, Ore. FOR SALE 2.400 acres noTtherrf Cali fornia on railroad; when water Is on this land It will sell for $100 per arr In small tract; will 'take H cash, Win good city Interne, equity or clear vacant, balance terms. H. C. MALTB.Y. Medford, Ore. Tenneaaee, . ' ... -. FOR SALE Farm and timber land ln Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Write for bargain Hat. Young-MoCrary-McConnell Co., 244 Randolph Bldg,. Mem phis, Tenn. t. i. . FOR SALE Nine section good agricul tural land one to five mllee from good railroad town. - Will subdivide to suit. Immigration company, Anton, Tex,