THE BEE: OMAHA, FIJI HA V, FEURITAUY-' IS. 1910. i- .... C!5(S1N AND l'RODCCE MARKET eat it Strong and in Highly Ex citable Condition. EEKSATI05AL . DAMAGE REPORTS Kewe front 'totilhwrK of AU(mli IranoM Storks fnrmlt I.lakt A i--Corn Prl " Kllk' Ci 'riven (Joins Higher, t'miKrr Baying;. v OMAHA. F?b. IT, 1910. The whrt market la a vstv act.v m d nervous affair, with wide rang-n In valii'-s. Tuamage reporia from tne sou ih weal con tviue. hum bring very heninu.oiMM,; strong market. Stocks on hand are very light, and tti.s makes a bull movement ens on any. crop scam. Stocks ot com .ere KIM Increasing. Mil country buying and some Improvement in tha cash demand, ia st-ndlng pncee higher, hli'iuld liquidation eft In ll "Ix doubtful If MJ'ent value would bo maintained. VI heat wan erratic and higher eurly, but Steadied later, easing back to yesterday's Cloning figures. Cash wheat lfflly strong, soiling a full cent over yesterday. Bullish sentiment predominates. Corn wu. firm with, tendency higher. ColiJ weather la checking; receipts from farmers' hands. Caah stuff sold readily, bringing about tyc over yesterday; demand being- better and buying more active. Primary , wheat receipts were 366.000 bu. and shipments were 1K4.000 bu., against rscetpts last year of 496.0U0 bu. and ship ments of 142,4)00 bu. Primary corn 'receipts were 748.010 bu., and shipments were 441.000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 4U.O0O bu. and shipments of 401,000 bu. .' v Clesianoea were 71,000 bu. of corn, none of ots u)d wheat and flour equal to 300,000 bu. IJvernool 'rthsed V3d higher on wheat And Vfcd higher on corn. Local range, of prices: Artloles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yesy. Wlieat. ' May... July... Corn ' May... V.uly... dints May... July... 1 09 1 OtfK 1 W 1 W I 01 ' r , 9 , t 984 99 4 ' 644, ' TH 63 1 C44 ffi K 4t 64', 64-4 47 f!i ' ' 4 464j 4 3 44 48 43 m Omaha. Caah Trices. ' WHEAT No. t hard, fl.0891.10;'" No. I v bard. $1.08 1.08; No, 4 hard. fl.Oll.Ol); re- iected hard. 92t98c; No. I spring, fl.OS-3 .10; No. I spring. $1.041.07; No. 4 spring, Sl.01i91.0t; No. S Durum, 94H895V4c; No. S lurum, tZWaMo. i CORN-No. 1 whits, Sl;iS21c: No. S Whits, Hitlc; No. 4 white, 68Vi!J59',cj No. S color. W&6Hc; No. S yellow, &9Vh? 0c; No. S yellow, Sffp69c; No. 4 yellow, K44iffi&8o; No. 2, Wftjf)c; No. S, 6ftyWCo; no grade. BOQUHc. OATS Standard, 46'iT47c; No. S white, '(f 46Hc; No. 4 white, 46VS4c; No. 3 yellow, 4f,W4r&c; No. 4- yallow, 4445c; No, S mixed. 4H!$46ttc, -BARLBlf-No. 4, 89H4o; No. 1 feed, SW4k .. -4 KflC-No. 8, 76H(g77Hc; No. 3. 76VS7GVc. Car lot Receipts. v ' Wheat. Com. Oats. ,188 7 43 . 14 32 Mlnneapolli Omaha,.,... IJulutn Oil nHAGO . - GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarea of. tbe Trad I a a; and dosing; '' Prices ov Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Feb. 17. Grain prices ad vanced In the first halt of the session hers and retrograded In the final hour of the flay, finishing from lo to a lower than yesterday,, wheat leading In both the advance-and 'the decline. Provisions held their gains better, finishing from 7Hc to 16c higher. ( A strong demand In wheat early carried May up to L16. Bearish sentiment then took control, and prices drifted downward, ths futures sagging from lo to ltii,c. May delivery went down to il.l3HyI.13V The close was weak at nearly the lowest lolnt In all tha futures, with May at fl.lS1.134, ,o lower, while July and rept, Tiber closed Ho down;. .. k' Llkiit offerings aif ttiM sXMnirtH ' In Wheat gave an upward trend to the corn prices. Heavy realising sales took the edge off the market later and the slump In wheat had a further dragging ' effect, fluctuations were from"vTfee to 1c. " May TellVoff from the high point of the day, (KHrnto J1.e. The close was weak at H5 Hc-'Jnwtr, Pinal figures for May were Tc, Uc-down. . Trade In oats showed the general charac teristics of the other (train market. May advanced to tSc and. declined to 47V:, the other futures following. The close was weak at near the bottom figures, wltb May , at 4;tMHe.' c. lower. Provisions closed VVti&15c higher than yes terday, Tha leading future ranged as follows: Artloles.l Open. High. Low. 1 Cloee. Yes'. v. Wheat May.. July.. Sept.. 1 15 1 OR 1 IS II J',ill 13V4 1 T4HH 1 0T.. 1 (MHI1104H"A OS l oo4! l ooi 99'I4 W 1 00(4 Coin May.: July.. ' Rept.. Oats . May.. July.. Sept.. Pol k May'.. July.. Lard -r i I 7'4fC8W4 774:08 ?' s'4 5SV4 6M4 ! 4RV.W I 23 70 I ?3 75 . 48-HBVi 47W47MJ4S. 48Vs((H " & 23 65 23 52(4 12 72V4 12 67 t 45',;i44V45H 44S"l V4 41V '41 41 23 82HI 23 i 23 75 I 23 2H! 23 70 23 2H May...1 12 90 July... I 42 H Ril-"- . , 12 90 I 13 71 12 f 12 ItfH! 12 724: 13 May... 12 65 .1uly... 12 50 12 56 1 13 42HI 12 50 12 40 14 KA A U W I 12 12 85 k'N.o. 2. 'LOUR Firm; winter patents, SS.l.VffB.60; wTnter straights, SB.005.40; spring straights, S4.7fMa-4.95i bakers. S3.2b95.25. RYK-No. 2, 80Ca81c. BARLEY Feed and mixing, lW(B84c; (sir to choice malting, tDWlic. HEEDS-Flag. - No. 1 southwestern, $2,011: "No. 1 northwestern, S2.19; Tlmothv. S4.05; Clover, S14 00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. S2.1.75 f24.00. iArd. per 100 lbs.. SIS K'(n'12.i. Short ribs, sides, (loose) S12.00jyl22.5O; short cl.jr sides, (boxed) S12.ft0ft 12.75. Hotal clearances of wheat and flour were evul to SOO.OtiO bu: Primary receipts were 85S.0OO bu., . compared ,wlth 48H.00O bu. the corresponding, day a year ago. Estimated receipts (or tomorrow: Wheat, 177 cars: corn, 439 cars; oats, 13 cars; hogs, 22.100 head. . . Chlraso Cash Prices Wheat : No. r.,1 ll.2A41.2tV; .No. red, SI. lffl. 23M-; No. 2 hard, Sl lai l6V4; No. S hard, Sl.lSftl.lS"; No. l northern spring, 31.171.19, nominal; No. S northern spring, tl. 1411.18. nominal; No, S spring. Sl.141j.l-1.- nominal. Corn: No. 3 cash. tiCHAtiOc, nominal: No. 8 cash, tiitto, nominal; No. 4 cah. 0fij'2c; No. I white, 6Ve, nominal: No. 3 white, MHtf SHn; ,No. 4 white, 61(0Je: No. 3 yellow, W4A nomlnl;:fJo. 3 yellow. 6ti5c; No. t yellow, 61aJ4iHc Oats: No. 2 cash. 4Sc; . No. 3 cash. 47UC; No. 2 white. C3,f50e; No. 3 white. 4SW4V.e: No. 4 whlte, 47Vir9 teVio; standard. 4Vir(i50a. . ' BUTTKR-Steady;. creameries. 263? 28c; dairies, l(p26e. BOOS dteady; receipts. 8.132 coses; at mark, cases Included, lWrKc; firsts. S5c; prime firsts, 3io. CHEEHB-. Steady; daisies. l14f17e: twins, lsiaibo; yountr Americas, 16 lc; long horns, lWl1c. IOTATOKa-Easy; choice to fancy. 40 41c; fair to good. S5fl37c. lVII'I.TllTrjIiu ....i - - - " .v. n n lit". r,i.. ns, lc' springs, lc. ! VEAL Steady; 60 to 0 lbs.. 8f(9c; 60 to & lbs.. 9-iflOc; So to 110 lbs.. Wrllo Receipts Today Wheat, 8 ea.s; corn lift cars; oats, 82 cars. Estimated tomorrow Wheat, 17 cars; ecrn, 43 cars; oats, 172 t. t.oals General MaeUet. ST. LOUI3, " Feb. 17 WI1 EAT Cash dull; track No. t red, SI. 2501.27; No. 2 hard" tl.14l.M; futures, lower; May, SI 134U LIS; July. SUN".- CURN-Cash. firm; track. No. t, UMc; No. 2 white, SBV; futurea. lower; May Ssc; July. (kS OATS Cask,- ftrms track. No. 2. 47c; No I white. 4ic; futures, lower; May, 47c; , RYE-Firm; SOtyc' VtAl'Iv-ilnchoaged; red winter patents. Cl'ul), extra fancy and stralKhl, Si OOuf .. hard winter clears, S3 SVS4 30. :F:I-Ttmothy. S3.S0OJ86. ' CORNMKAL 4S.2S. A N Unohanged; sacked. W-lWil-H. MAY-l'nehsnged; ' Mmothy. prairie. SU 00) 14.00. east track. Il6.00fjl8.00; MAIMIIVU 4C. , HEMP TWIN 13 7e. PROVftjiONS Pork, . higher: Jobbing. S)S7tt. rd. hlgheri prime steam. S13.6w 12 to. Dry sail meats, higher; boxed, extra horte. U7S; clear ribs. SISSTH; short ftlsara. IU.U. Bacon, blgher; boxed, sxtra short, S14?H; clear ribs, S14.KH; hort clears, S14.f7. Receipts. Bhlpmnnts. Flour, bbls 4 Onn 7.9") Wheat, bu H.4"0 Corn, bu 41 r0 ttf.C'O Oats, bu 3i,300 S2.i!00 MOW YORK GKK.nAL M4RKET Qnotatlen of the Xir Varloas t'ommodKles. NEW YORK. Feb." 17. FLOUR-- Firmly h!ld, with a fair local trade; spring f .Hen's, S3.4Mfi.j5s winter straights, S...3 tf 6 4Tf; ptrnta, $3.50f?&OU; spring cMrs, U hiHM: wlntrr extra No. 1. S4 WVcftO; wintr extra No. 2. S4 4(Vu4.55; Kinmi strslahts. S4.WiS.15. R"celpts. 1R.B bbls.; shipments-, 2.0 0 bbls. Rve flour, firm: fair good. M.SV'IMQ. Huckwheat flour, quiet; bulk, S2.0Ua2.t, nominal, per cwt. COltNM F.A Ij Steady; fine white and yel low. LafKB l.M; coarse, 1.4:al.60; klln-drled, KYB Firm; No. 2 western, 90c, tioml pal. f. t. h.. New York. WUKAT Spot mnrket. cshv; No. 2 rrd. St. 81, nominal elevator, domestic and nomi nal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Puluth and No. 2 hard winter, feign, nominal, aflont. The- option market was: More bad emu reper:s irom the winter wnoat belt sent prices up early, but the market weak ened In the afternoon under profit taking by longs and less active buying on reports of . a Rood snow covering in Kansas and Missouri, closlnfr at Vic to ic not decline. Mnv closed, 1.21 ; July, $1.124; receipts, 2.40 bu. CORN Spot market. Steady; No. t nomi nal, elevator, domestic and delivered No. 2, f. o. b., af.OHt, 720, nom nal. Optl.m mark t was without transactions, closing, un changed to He net advance. Mav closed 7c; July, '77e; September, 77c; receipts, 23,25 bu. s OATi Spot market, firm; mixed, nomi nal; natural white, 2fi-?32 pounds, R2Vff554c; clipped white, 34(2(42 pounds. (UHW. May closed. 830; receipts, 3.1,000 bu.; ahlpmcins.. 13,400 bu. HA V Steady; prime, Sl lSfNo. 1, (1 15; No. 2. SI 07vi; No. 2, S1.00. HIDES-Dull; Central America, 22'ic; Bogota, 21VtW22Hc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. ' 21c; seconds, 23'tf27c; thirds, 2228cr rejects, isn21c. . 1'ROVIStONR-Mess pork, firm, I24.0OQI 2500; family, S2.0O(26.S0r short clear. S24.75 t2rt.?0. Iteef, firm; mess. $13 0OVJ.13.M); family, ?17.00WlT..r,0; beef hams 121.01(28.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. imi3e; pickled hams. 14c. Lard, strong; middle west, prime. $12.1tr'13.25; re fined, firm; continent, S13.W; Houth Amer ica, S18.90; compound. S 2&S'6.2V4. TALLOW Dull; prime city, hhds., 6c; country, 6idplc. KICK Steady; domestic. SMifffic. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, Jlc; extras, 30o; third to firsts, 2o2c; held second to special, 2&A31c; state, dairy, com non to finest. Ziu&c; process, first to special, 24g26Vie. , CHEE6E Firm; state, full cream, fall make, special lT-SlSp: fancy, lTo; good to prime, lfi216c; current make, test. 16H(,'16c; common to fair, 13 15c; skims, S4M4V4C. EGOS Firm; western . firsts, 2627c; seconds. 2fic; refrigerator, 22'5'23o. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, 17(glSc; fowls, av&fllc; turkeys, 14W20o. Hressed, firm; western chickens, 1618o; fowls, 14(5184c; turkeys, 22&25c. WEATHER I Jl THK (JRAI5 BELT For Nebraska, Partly Cloudy, and Ris ing Temperature Friday. OMAHA. Feb. 17, 1910. The oold wave has continue! east and south during the last twenty-four hours, and very marked falls in temperature are shown this morning throughout the i lake region, the Ohio valley and eastern and New England states, and decidedly colder weather has extended south over the ex treme lower valleys and west gulf states. Know continues in the middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys, sleet Is general fh lower Mississippi valley and west gulf states and rainy and stormy weather prevails In the southern states. The temperature con tinues low in the upper valleys and Can adian provinces, but rising temperatures are shown! in the mountains and west to the pacific coast. The area of high pres sure, over the upper valleys and northwest, is losing force, and an area of lower pres, sure has appeared on the north Pacific coast, and conditions Indicate a slowly ris ing temperature in this vicinity tonight and Friday, with continued , fair weather. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the . corresponding day of the last three years: 1910. 1909. 1908. inn: Normal temperature for today 24 del grees. Excess in precipitation since March 1, 4.U todies.. . . . 1 Dei' enoy corresponding period In U09, S.00 inches. . lef!ci9iiy correspoadlng period 1903, 6.87 inches. L. A. WELSH, -v . .' '"tjocal." Forecaster...' -Kansas City Urala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY.' Feb. 17. WHfcAT-TJrt-changed to 1c lower; No. 2 hard. S1.121.15; No. 3. Sl.iog.1.13; No. 2 red, Sl.224cl.26; No. 8, SI 2041.25. May, S1.0SfS1.0fH4; July, 99c. CORN Unchanged to toe higher; No. 2 mixed, 63Hc; No. 8, 61V4062C; No. 2 white, 640; No. 3. 63&64c. May, 6644f6oHc; July, Ki4kiV6c. - . OATS Unchanged to He higher; No. 2 white. tJlfifMHHc; No. 2 mixed, 4oV4rgX'iVic. RYE iOJiT3c. HAY Ur changed; choice timothy. 814.00 614.60; choice prairie, S10.5O&I1Q.75; choice al falfa. SI7.00igt8.00. BUTTER Market He higher; creamery. 274c; firsts, 254c; seconds, 23V4o packing stock. 20c. , EGGS Market lc higher; extras, 26c; cur rent receipts, 23c, Receipts. - Shipments. Wheat, bu 43,000 . 40,000 Corn, bu 7tt.000 44,000 Oats, bu ,0iO ' - 8.000 Mianeapolla Grain Market. . MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 17. WHEAT Mav S113H; July, SI 1SH1.134; No. 1 hard, S1.15U fel.l(i; No. 1 northern. 1.161.1574; No. 2 nortnern, xi.i3ai.i3; iso. 3 northern, ll.owa 1.12H. CORN No. S yellow, 604(ibOc. OATS No. 3 white. 4fiVU'4Hl4o. ' SEED Flax closed at SZ-lS't. RYE No. 2, 7B47Ho. BRAN In 100 pounds sacks, S22.50(fJ?3.00. FLOUR First patents (in wood f. o. b., Minneapolis). Sfi.6og6.70; seoond patents, So.30&5.fjO; first clears, S4.4Mg4.65; second clears, S3.3O83.60. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 17 BUTTER Market lc higher; extra western creamery. Sic: extra nearby prints, 32c. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free canes, 28c at mark: Penn sylvania and other nearby current receipts, returnable cases, 27o at mark; western firsts, free cases, 28c at mark; western cur rent receipts, free cases, 2.(127c at mark. CHEESE Firm: New York full rrem j choice, 17l4S174c; fair to good, lV4CP17c. Liverpool Urala and ProvUloaa. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 17i-WHEAT-Closed, spot dull; No. S red western winter, no stock, futures. Inactive; March, 8s 2Hd; May, 8s d: July, 7s HHd. CORN Spot, quiet; hew American 'mixed northern. 6s 84d: old' American mixed, 6s 8d:Dtures dull; Marrh,,6s 6d. V Peoria JTTarket. PEORIA Feb. 17.-CORT Higher;' No 1 white, &qAc; No. 2 yellow. 83H-So; No 2 yellow. ftVifrMc; No. 3, 63c; No. 3, do; no grade. 675Sc. OATS Illcher: standard. 49c: No. I white, 48448V4c; No. 4 white, 48c. Toledo Herd Market. TOLEDO. O., Feb. 17-SEEPS-Cash clover. 88 45; March, 18 40; 'April, 87.85; October. S7.00; prime old. S8.45. Timothy prime S200; March. S2.00. Alslke prime. S7.70; March, S7 70. Mllrraakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 17. FTiOT'R Firm. W11KAT No. 1 northern. Sl ltHrrt iO; No. I northern. SI 17Uf, 1.1S; May. S11374- OATS-4nS1i:c. HA RL.K I Samples, 65TTnVc. - Dnlrjtk- Orala Mnrket ntll.ITH WK 1- WtiriT.U.v 1 tiu.. July. 11.13-': No. 1 northern. SI 14; No. i northern, S142V4, M eTa I Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17 -MKTAlS Market for standard copper was dull today; local dealers quote lake copper at S13 2SoJ'lS 87V ; electrolytic. SlSHfi 13 .62: casting. 81S.12S ilXJ7; Fngllah fnarket was steady; spot, :-; futures, 69 17s 44.- Tin irregular: pot. closed, S32 2IVS32 .60; London market closed firm at an advance, with spot at 153 6s and futures aU63 Ts. Lead .dull; spot. 64.40rii4 66;- London market lower at 13 6s. Spelter weak; spot, SV40ige.&6; Lon don market unchanged at 23 6s. Iron was lower st 61s Sd in the English market; locally unchanged. Hay Market. OMAHA. Feb. 17 Hay. nulet; choice Kanaa, ll; No. 1. lit; No. 1 110; coarse, 39; packing. S7. Straw Wheat. 7; ry. 68. Al falfa, til The supply of good hay is light, but the sfply of pour hay is heavier bn the demand. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Base in Union Pacific and Steel Carries Market Upward. HEAVY SELLING OF HEADING Traders Take- Advantage of Sharp 'Rise of Wedaesday to neallae Prof Its Bonds Are " Firm. I NEW YORK, Feb. 17-Prlces of slocks rose further today, although It waa a noticeable fart that Reading, which made up more than one-third of the aggregate dealings yesterday, was pressed for sale sUadlly In realizing profits on tho sharp rise yesterday. There was no one stock as prominent today as was Reading yesterday, but the large congestion of dealings In Union Pacific and United States Steel and the aggressive upward movement of those stccks carried out the Indication of largo professional participation In the transac tions which made up the body of the market. Another fact pointing to the same conclu sion was the manner in which new Inter- C relations were pluced on facts that have een public knowledge for some time. This applied particularly to the view taken of the expected supreme court decisions bear ing on the anti-trust law. Reassuring views of the iron and steel trade from a trade authority as the ex pressed conviction that the lull In demand was due as much to obstructions to de liveries by weather blockades of freight as to any falling orf In consumptive demand was a sustaining Influence In United States Meel and by sympathy to other stocks. J here were large Durriiaiui rt hm and Union and Southern 1'aelflc for London 7r u.v iresa storm blockades all FiT . !5 on;' bu Prs ' stocks was the hope that the discipline dealt bv the Stock ex change to the members concerned In the Columbus & Hocking Valley Coal and Iron pool might invite public confidence snd at insrketOUtl,'d pan,ciPtlon ' Jie stock The engagement of Sl.250.000 n gold for shipment to South America for London account was without appreciable effect on the money market. u" we,r,e TotaLaales, par value, S3,p.0O0. United States bonds were unchanged- on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks today were: ,,i.-v...inia pia !00 43 Amalxamatad Coppr 44.xx 17 American ArHcultural 40a 47 Am. atont Sutar wo 3 Am. Caa pfd non 7, Am. C. Sk r S.000 ta Am. Cotton Oil 8,010 MVa Am. H. A U pfd jjo' M Am. Ic-e RamrliiM ..... Amerloan Linaoed 0f 6 American Locomotive 1.800 61H Am. . aV R t,jfio 84 43 41 76 H 4Vi '4 7 1 (6 a "iiii Bl 47 8844. 7Vi Hi CA 8 2.1 14 61 8.1 i" m. aa n, pia Am. Bujar Ratlnlna Am. T. T Am. Tobacco Dfd 100 107 10? 1117 700 1 lli - 124 l.tno is is m (00 M 03 12 American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co. ll.HIO 61 50 OilV Io 85 U Atchlaon 11,700 II 115 116 Atchleoa pfd Atlantic Coast Line.... Baltimore A Ohio..... Bal. A Ohio pfd , Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr.... Canadian Pactflo S00 103 1( 10u 110 12 129 123 t.noo m iu 111 100 M 4 1 ! 1.800 74 7 73 00 181 1 1110 Central Leather (.too Central Leather nfd 41 40 40 107 Central of New Jersey. A Ohio Chicago A Alton Oileeao Ot. W , new... Cbloaco A N. W. ....... C, M. A St. P C. a. C. A St. L m 84 14 40 10.400 K . ' I.4O0 Silt 90 IZ I 3,190 lli- 15- 167 12,100 148 146 14 77 . 8.SO0 40 3 S9 . 1,400 81 0 , Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern Colo. A So. lat pfd Colo. A 6o. M pfd Ooraolldated Oas Cora Product ( Delaware A Hudson Denrer A Rio Grand D. A R. p. pfd , Diatillcra Securities Brl Brta lot pfd Erie td pfd ., Oeneral Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Or Us.. 81 ....'. 7 1.600 14,7 146 14f 700-1 11 18 WW 17S 170 Hi 41 -79 1 1!9 46 1,100 41 40 mo. at V 12 V 4 14 . 70 : l 46' )0 l.OJO 8 Mi X) 1M 1644 138 '.. 8.700 117 187 17 .-. , 1,100 71 71 -71 . 400 ,. 143 . 148 143 ... 27,000 2, i2 V.I 8S30D 87 '56 -' '64 lUlnola Centra,! fnterborough ' Mf. ....... Inr. Met. pfd...... International. Harveeier . Int. Marine pfd.! ; International Paper' International Pump ..... leva Central Kanaa City So., K. C. 8o. pfd Loularllle A N Minn. A St. u B D a. a a u , 1.4W - 17 17 V 8Va 14 4 23 . 1.400 s'. 10 . ' 41)0 A, 00 : 14 4 2.1 It 48 . 23 91 6O0 08 4 4 I,0vi0 140 14 140 dictions of the extension were .without if.'V"'' Cpfd !U tide. One of t& , ."n,"' '1 IZ B" L-h' .Co -'- ': - ,. 1.100 144 . 142 142 ... -H.aoO 7! 70 70 ... 4,430 44 48 43 71 108 ... 4,400 81 81 11 4 8.100 180 10 U ... 1.700 46 46 f, ... 11,100 ioe 101 101 .. 800 80 78 an, ... 4,400 187 186 118 ... 1,00 32 ) 82 .. 16, 133 122 183 ... 1.100 110 110 1.0 ... 1.400 08 7 li ,..' l.0 44 41 43 ... .100 18 ,198 106 ,.. . 400 43 41 42 ...ia.800 160 li 18 ,.. 4.100 40 40 4(" ... 1.000 10t 102 102 ... 44.1)0 48 48 40 ,.. 700 87 8 86 , 1.800 49 48 48 ,.. 6.4-0 80 88 10 tu0 74 73 74 7 ... 80.800 1J 126 1U ... 80-10 18 88 28 ... 1,000 65 66 46 .. 1ft) 82 31 Ul ,.. 1,000 10 30 30 ,.. 1,400 46 44 46 700 46 5 ,,.146.300 188 186 186 00 lot 11 in 100 74 74 74 ,.. 1.400 42 43. 42 ,. .144.800 81 10 80 ... 1,00 120 ll )1I ... 1,000 60 60 60 . .. 4,X 66 65 60 ... l.tW 82 81 211 ... 10.JI 41 41 4,-, 000 48 41 48 100 68 49 100 71 71 72 400 80 50 4 ... 1,800 81 11 81 - 400 60 58 69 ...' 100 118 118 11 ... 1.000 00 w , 829.100 chares. M., K. A T ., M., K. A T. pfd National Blecult National Lead N. R. R. of M. let pfd New York Cenrtal...... N. Y. O. A W... Norfolk A Western.. ... North Americas Northern Paclllo Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ...M People' Gaa P . C. O. A St. L..... Precaed Steel car Pullman Palace Car.... Railway Steel Spring..., Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd...., St. L. A 8. P. 2d pfd....... 1.800 St Louta 8. w St. L. 8. W. pfd Sloee-Sheffleld 8. A I. Southern Pacific Smithem Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas A Pacific , T , St. L. A W T . St. L A W. pfd..., Tnlon Pactflo ......... Union Pactflo pfd V. S. Realty I'. S. Rubber I'. S. Steel , V. 8. Steel pfd Vtah Copper Va.-Caro. Chemical ... Wabaeh Wabaeh pfd Western Maryland rtfe WeBtlnthoune Electrlo V.'eetera t'nloa Whrellni A L. Wla-onaln Central .... Ptttsturg Coal Am. Steel Foundry.... t'nltad Dry Goode Laclede uaa " ISew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17,-MONEY-On call, easy at 2W&6 per "nt; ruling rate. 2 per cent; cloning bid, t per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, 3!&3 per cent; slx months. 3-vu per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4Vi5 BTEIUJNO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business. In bankers' bills at $4.8410 to 4.8450 for sixty-day bills and at 84.8840 for demand; commercial bills. 34.c3Vi-iB4.84Vj!. B1LVHK-Bar, tzc; Mexican aoliars, 44c. BuNDS-Oovernment, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds wsre as fol lows: V. 8. ret. Is, res.... 104 Int. Met. 4e 82 do coupon ..lou Int. M. M. 4a 08 V. S. la. reg do coupon I). 8. 4e. res do coupon Allti-ihal. 1st to .102Japan 02 .102 do 4a 15 .114K. C. So. let la T,l .IHst'L. S. deb. 4a 1831... 94 . II L AN. unl. 4. 8 ,102M.. K. A T. let 4a... 04 Am. As- ta. Am. T. A T. cv. 4a.. 1-2 do gen. 4a 9 Am. Toiacco ia wiXKo rarine 4e 8- do ta lo4N. R. R. ot M. 4a. M5 Armour A Co. 4a .. 92SN Y. C. . 5a Atrhieon sen. 4t 10 do deb 4a 115 do cv. 4a ...116N Y., N. H. A H. do ev. 6a 11, cv. ts 134 At. C. L. lat 4s 88 N. A W. let . 4a... M Bui. A Ohio 4a 9 do cv. 4a h, di ! MNo. Pacific 4a.., 101 do . W. !a do 8a 73 Brk. Tr. cv. 4a iao 8. L. rM. 4 14 ten. ot Ga. 6e lfe-aPenn. ev. ! 18.1... M Cra. leather 6a 09 do con. 4a li4 C. of N. J. g. (a .25 Reedtni sen. 4a C41PS. A Ohio 4e....HMSl. U A . P'. fg. 4a 84 do ref. 6e 104 do (en 6a 88 rttcao A A. Ia.... 74 8t L. 8. W. o. 4a..., C. B. A Q. J. 4a..... H do lat gold 4a S3 do gen. 4r 01aSeaboar4 A. L, 4a... 88 C M. A I P. 8 'Va 17 So. Pac. col. 4a 03 C. , R I. A P. e. 4a. 11 do ov. 4a 102 do rig 4a 91 do lat let 4a 06 Cole. ind. ta . Railway ta ) Colo. Mid. 4a 79 do gen. 4a. 7 C A . r. A 4a Xt'eCnloa Pacifle 4a. 101 D. A H. e. 4a '0- do cv. 4 1 D A R. U. es o 4a lat A ref. 4a.... M de ref. 8 MU. 8. Ruhbr 4a 1 Dletlllera' 6s U0. g. Steol 8d la 1K egrle p. L 4a... 84Va -Caro. Uien. ta...U1 do gen. 4a tl So let A sa. 4s Tt - do ev. 4, ear. A... 18 Waaler Md. 4a I 4 aeries B) 70Weat. glee. cv. ta ... 8 Oea. Eie. cv. ts 141 Wla. Oentral 4s. 94 111. Cen let ref. to. r Mo. Pac. ev ta otfa.. 86 U4a. "Jtier-d. Troaaarr taleaaeat. WASHINGTON, Feb. lT.-Th condition of the treasury At the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust Funds-Oold coin, t&l,U.86; silver dollars. S4S8.nni,00O; t her dollars of mi. (.1 vornft; silver certificates outstanding. S4M.602.000. General Fund Standard silver dollars In g-n. ral fund, $4,Sa0.875; current liabilities, I", 178. 31 8; working balance In treasury of fices. 3-1.449.7SS; In banks to credit of treas urer of the United States. SS4.872.851; sub sidiary silver coin. SM.875.f30; minor coin, SI. 615 833; total balance in general fund, SSL996.80G. London Stock Market. LONDON, Feb. 17. America! securities opened steady and a fraction above parity today. During the first hour the market advanced under the lead of United States Steel, Atchison and Southern Pacific. At noon the tone was firm and prices ranged from unchsnaed to a point over yesterday's New York closing. London closing stocks: Contnli. money M lutrvtlls a K... lo acronnt U1-1I.. K. T ...1MU, .. 4,-.'4i .123 ..'.0iV4 .. in .. 4K ... :: .. r ..1J! .. m ..1U .. 13H .. 4 Amal. Capper.. AnaresAa Atchison do sfd ... 11 N. T. Ontr.l ... 10V, Norfolk A W ...lli lo M.. ..- ...104iOntrlo a W Baltimore Ohio... 114 PrnnnrlTanla rarudlaa Pa-irie IMHnanil Minn. Cbraap.ako A O... rtiirano u. W Ch!., Mil. St. P Da rtrar Denvar Rio O f n prd... I. Brio do lat p'd do Id pM Orand Trunk , 7 Roadlng ilsothrn ky lMi do prd DtSeutttern Pc-iric... '1 t'nlon Pciri mi do ptd I"HL'. 8. Stel 474 do pfd MS Wabash M do pfd.... IMInoti Ontral.. . H npanlh 4a. SILVER Bar. steady t 24d per ounce. MONET-iem per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short and three months' bills Is 2 3-18 per cant. Local aecartttes. Quotations furnished by Snmusl Burns, Jr.. 1)4 New York Life building. Bid. AakMI. City of Omaha 4Ha, 1171 1M M Columbus, Nap., R. L. 6s. 118 .'. ti CHt. a. A K.. Vat.rlne tl tf Chicago Ralhrar ! Wi ! t"'''11 w,''''n Powo'' -"" (Cal l 144 a M IM " ,. J , 7, . f . M 70 101 lot 101 M 11 to t u ' to u 81 lu MM Omaha Water Co. ia, 111! 104 Omaha Water Co. (a. 4 04 Omaha Water Co. M pfd 11 Omaha Gae . 1417 II Omaha R L AP ti, IMS 01 Omaha K. L. pfd I per cent, ax-dlo.... 11 Omaha St. Bf 5a. 1114 I Omaha A C. R. St. Rr. ptd. I per oenl 14 Omaha A C. B. St. nr. com 75 Omaha A O. B. R. A B. pld 14 8lou Cltr Itsok Tarda pfd, 8 per cent 10 Couth Omaha ref. 4 He, l.i 100 Union Stock Tarda atock. south Omaha le Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Feb. 17. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Allcuea ...63 Miami Copper tt ... 71 Mohawk ' V ... llNevade Con 82 ... 3Nipalnf Mines ..... In ... North Butte W ... 1 North Lake 1 1.. )TOI4 Dominion 4 23Osceola Ml ...70 Parrott g. A C . ,',M Julncy ':.: H Shannorl 15 ... T Superior 68 ... 9HupeMor..A B. M- 11 T7 a Arizona .'Com Atlantic B. C. C. A o B. A C. C. A a. Butt Coalition . Cal. A Arliom... Cel. A Heels Centennial Copper R. C. C... EiU Butte C. M. franklin Olroux Cn Orenby Con ll8uperhir A P. C. 1844 v Tamarack V. S. C. A O 73 TO 44 40 il 1 141 Greene Cananea U. 8. 8.. S. A M... Iele Royal Copper... S do Dfd Kerr Lake 9 t'tah Con '.. Lake Copper '. 82 Winona .... La Salle Copper 15 Wolverine .. Now York Mining- Stocks. NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-Closlng quotations on mining stocks were: AUco 175 Leadvllla Con 6 Brunawtrk Cod 8 I.lttto Chief .... Com. Tunnel atock... 30 Mexican 170 do bonda 18 Ontario ISO - Con. cal. A Va 175 Ophlr 806 Horn Sliver 7 Standard 76 u- .s.,...- lit Yellow Jacket ...126' Offered. Bank Clearing. -' OMAHA, Feb. 17. Bank' clearings for to day were 82,439,47.78 and for the corre sponding date last year, 32,343,601. 92 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. kstaple and Fancy Prodnee Prices Far. Disked by Bayers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery., delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. carttMis, Mc: No. 1, In 60-lb. tubs, 28Vc; No. 2 In 1-lb. cartons. 27c; in 60-lb. tubs, 26Hc; patting; stock, solid pack, 24c; common,'' 22c; fanfey dairy roll, 24c; common, 19c. Market (changes every Tuesday. ,i.M, . CHEESE Twins, WV-c- young America, 18Ho; Daisy cheese, 19c; Llmberger, 18Vc; brick, ISc; domestic, block' 'Swiss, I20CI' im ported Swiss, 30c. . : ,(, :, , POULTRY Dressed: Brojlprs, S5V flog.; for storage, St; for fresh springs,'" '17c; hens, 16c; -cocks, lOfcc; ducks, ISc;" Aese, 14c; turkeys, ioc;- pigeons... per, .itox.fibjl. 20; Homer siiuabs, 4 per dox. ; fancy -squabs, S3.60 prr dos., No. 1, S3.0Q per. dox.,, Alive: Broilers,' under 2"j lbs. 17c; springs. 13c: hens, 13c; cocks, 8c; ducks,- full feathered. 13c; geese, full feathered, ' lie; turkeys, 21c; guinea fowls, 8 per. dya.; pigeons, 50c per dox. FISH (all frosen; Herring, 6c; salmon, 11c; pickerel, 8c; whitefish; 10c; pike, lOo; trout, 13c; cattish, 17c; large erapples, 13c; smelts, 15c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; ' eel, 18c; haddock, ISo: flounders. 12o. OYSTERS Selects, small cans, 26c; large, 46c; gallon, S1.S6; New York count, small, SSc; large, 46c; gallon, 11.36; standards, small, UC large, 36c; gallon, 11.35; extra large standards, 31.60. BEEF CUTS Ribs, No, v,e-. No. 1 12c; No. 8, 8Vc. Loin, No. 1, l7c; No. I 13c; No. 3, ac Chuck, No. L 7c; No. a, 6c; No. i. b'io. Round. No. i, 6c; No, t, 7c; No. 3, 7u. Plato, No. I, c; No. 2, io; No. 3. 4V4c. FRUITS-Strawberrlesr Florida, per qt., S676c. Oranges: California Navels, 80-96-112-128 sixes, par box, U-lo; 150-17G-2u)-'21ti-250 sixes, per box, 13.00. Lemons: fcjttra fancy, 300-360 slkes, So.UO; choice, 800 sixe, per box, 14.50; 240 slxe, 60c 'per box less. Bananas: Fan jy seluct, pet' bunch, 11.7.4 2.0u; J umbo, bunch, U-'ro'ij i.'.u. Pears: Cal ifornia B. Easter, 2.W. (Jrapes: Imported Malagas, per keg, StJ.OOtjHi.oO. Urape Fruit -Floii-la, 64-64-bl sixes, V4.J6. Tangarlnes: Florida, 120-144-108 sizes, per box S2.2&. Apples: Jonathan and Oriuies Golden, pei bhl., J6.00; Ben Davis, per bbh,- 33 604.00, Oenitan, per bbl., 34.00; Wlnesaps. - per bbl., 64 50; Gano, per bbl., 4.00; New York Baldwins, Russets and bpys, per bbi., California W. V. Pearmains, per box, S2.U0; Colorado Jonathans, per box. ST. 00; extra fancy Colorado Jonathan, per box, 32.50; extra fancy Colorado H, Beauties, per box, 2.60; extra fancy Colorado Wlncsaps, per box, 2.25. Cranberries: Jersey; -winter stock, per bbl., 36.60. Dates: Anchor -brand new, 30-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, 62.00. Figs: California. 50 pkgs., 6c ,ixe, in box 31.85; 12 pkgs., 10c slxe. 80c. VEGETABLES lHsn Potators:- Wiscon sin and native, per bu., 6uc; Cororado, per bu., 75c. Sweet Potatoes: Kanaa, pr bbl 32.00. Cauliflower: California, 24 to 26 heads' per crate, S2 50. Rutabagas: -Canada per lb., l4c. Cabbage: Wisconsin, Holland eed, per lb., 2Vjc. Celery: California, per 12-lb. bunch, 90c. Onions: Red, per lb.. 2V4c yellow, In sacks, per lb., 2c; white, per lb.' 2io. Spanish Onions: Per crate, 11.50. Old Vegetables: Parsnips, carrots, beeta, tur nips, in sacks, per lb., 2e. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., 10c; red, pr lb., lie New Southern Vegetables Turnlpst, Pur dox. bunches. 50c. Carrots: Per dog. hunches, 60c; Shallotts: Per dox. bunches 50c. Parsley: Per dox. bunches, 60c. Beets: Per dox. bunches. frOe. Spinach: Per bu ' 11.00. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, do, SI 60 4j2.00. Tomatoes: Fancy r'lorida or Cuba per C-bsk. crate, S4-50'c,5.O0. String and Wax Bean: Per market bsk., 810O&1.6O. Cucum ber: Hot house, per dox., f1.50vH.75. Horn Grown Vegetable Radishes: Extra fancy home grown, per doxen bunches. SSc. Let tuce: Extra funcy leaf, par dox.. 40u; head lettuce In humpera, f2.60. Parsley; Fancy home grown, per dos. bunches, 40c Celery 75c. MISCELLANEOUS Cider: New ' fork per H bbl.. 33 75. Honey: New, 14 frames, $.125. Horseradish: 2 dozen Iq case, f 1 80 Walnuts: Black, per lb., to; California No. 1. per lb.. 16c; California. No. 2. soft per lb.. 12Vic. Hlckorynuts: Large, per lb. 4 small, per lb., 6c. Cocoa nuta: per aack, 34.75; per dos., 65c. r Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. The cotton mark. opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points, which was not a full response to relatively itrm cables, and soon sold off to a net loss of 6010 Points under overnight selling orders, a renewal of local oear pressure ana general liquidation. There waa a little foreign buying on the call, but the demand from this source waa restricted by tha poor cable service and beyond ooverlng by shorts on scale-down there appeared to be no support. Future opened steady. March,'' 14 60o; May, 14.65c; July. 14.44c; August, 13 91c; Oc tober, lZ.mi 12 7lc; , November, 12.60c, bid; December,' 12.61c. Futurea closed steady. Closing bids: February. 814 61: March. 814.62: Anrll til ki- May. 314.63: June. 814 66: Jul v. 814.6?: in.i.t' 814.00; September. 113.12; Ocfober, 813.70; No- vemoer, tn.uo; uecemner, 818.59. . Spot closed steady; middling upland 14 eOc; middling gulf. 16.06c; aales 1 2 l bales ST. LOUIS. Feb. 17. COTTON Un changed; middling. 15e; sales, none; re ceipts, 2.460 bales; shipments, 2,714 bales; lock, 43,646 bales. iNbriiiB th. irocK, I pr oo. ....... OMAHA LIVE TOCIi MARKET Killing- Cattle Are Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher.1 aaaaaaiasaaaa St HOGS MAKE A NEW HIGH RECORD Fat "keep Aetlve Hellers at Good, Btroaa- Prices First Train Of Colorado I.anaks Sells at Too ot Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 17. 1810. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Estimate Thursday... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 4.263 8.049 t.511 ... 8.447 14.87! fJIn .. S.551 10.771 4.S37 ... S,00 10.700 8lO Four days this wef...14.8n0 44.4 27.864 Same days last week.... 18.03 8.(rf 30.577 Same days S weeks ago..lS.31 28.035 17.452 Same days S weeks ago.. 18.214- 82.18 2A.H51 Same days 4 weeks ago..l6.M 86.960 28 RV1 Same days last year.,...16,32 42,388 27,347 The following table shows the receipts of csttle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1810. 1909. Inc. Dec. Cattle 132.822 129.135 3.887 ...... Hogs 312,568 S6LOD9 48,544 Sheep 201.216 199,368 LS9S ' The following table shows ths average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last scleral days, with comparisons: 1jate! I m0. 19W.190S.19W.18O8lOS.l04. F.b. ... Feb. 10.. Febjl... Feb. 12.. Feb. 13.. Feb. 14.. Feb. 15.. Feb. 1.. Feb. 17.. S 47141 S 151 I S Ml S 701 4 88 8 47 20 4 09 4 Til 4 T7I 8 C0 S0 4 17( 90 ' 4 77 4 88 GV2 6 Oil SOD 4 i e 4 8 S 70S 8 T7i 8 75 S 76V 5 13! 6 151 in i 9i 4 131 tl I 4 02 I 88 6 IT2I 4 11 4 34 21 4 0,1 e 4 06 92 6 Mi 4 6 4 86 t 18 6 864 S 9l 04 ( 07 4 73 I OS Sunday. RECEIPTS. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swift & Co . 346 1.SK8 370 804 1,073 . 816 470 1,879 8,477 S.708 179 64T Cudahy Packing Co 733 Armour & Co......... 646 Schwaitx-Bolen Co Murphy shippers W. B. Vaneant Co 8 Benton Vaneant 4t Lush 8 Stephens Bros...... 44 Hill & Son 69 F. T Lewis 61 Huston A Co 44 J. B. Root & Co., 10 J. II. Bulla L. F. Hues 0 L. Wolf 61 McCreary & Carey 29 H. F. Hamilton...., 10 M. Hagerty i.... vt Sullivan Bros 30 .ee Rothschild 32 Mo. A Knns.-Calf. Co... 61 Kline A Christy t Other buyers 248 Total 3,368 9,134 T.7U DISPOSITION. Receipts and disposition of live stock at (he Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. Febru ary 17: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. u.. M. & st p. Ry.. .8 7 1 "i 25 29 61 2 "l - 40 3 ... 2 I 1 ... 1 151 39 3 Wabash R. R..., Mo. Pao. Ry I Union Pacific R. R 26 C. & N. W. Ry.. east 4 C. A N. W. Ry.. west 33 C. St. P.,M. A O. Ry. 6 C. B. A Q. Ry.. eaat C B. A Q: Ry., west C R. I. A P.. east.. C. R. I. A P., west.. Illinois Central Ry..' C. G. W. Ry 18 6 Total receipts ... IK CATTLE Receipts of cattle at this point continue very moderate, the total for the four days showing a considerable falling off as compared with last week, but fully equal to the record of a year ago. Other market points also showed moderate re ceipts. The light offerings, combined with a very good buying demand, created not only a higher, but a very active market. Packers all wanted beef steers and they were out in the yards early in the morning bidding right and left with .he reeult that everything in sight was disposed of -before 11 o'clock In the morning. The prices paid were fully 10c higher, and In some cases as much as IBc higher. Pretty decent kind of steers sold up to 16.76, but- there was nothing strictly choice- on sale with which to make a test of the market. Cows and heifers - kept pace with beef steers, showing the same advance and the same activity. Good cornfed cows sold as high as 35.50. Stackers and feeders were snapped up about as quickly as . buyers could get to them at prices quite a little stronger than yesterday. Some good yearlings sold as high as S6.46. ' Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. S6.2&7.00; fair to good beef steers, 35.506.26; common to fair beef steers, 34. 50tt5. 60; good to choice cows and heifers, 86.009.6O; fair to good cows and heifers, S4-OOU6.00; common to fair cows and hlfore, S2.75tM.00; good to choice stockera and feeders. M-oOrt TO fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.0034.50; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, SS.OOfJ 4.00; stock heifers. S3. 00(54.00; veal calves, S4.O08.26; bulls, .stag, etc., 83.2G6.08. BEEF STEERS. No. I... 11... ... 17... 8... 11... 6... 10... 40... AV. FT. .... 844 8 16 .... 74 8 It .... 703 6 86 ....1081 8 f .1.. 818 t 61 ....1036 8 00 ......386 t 70 f4 6 76 ....1033 6 80 No. II.. I.. 13.. 16.. 4.. 13.., 14.. U.. to.. At. Pr. 1161 8 00 1183 I 26 lilt I 88 1006 SO 1111 4 10 .....Ul 4 10 1178 6 40 1230 6 40 11 1 6 60 10. ...1S85 t If 18... ...1366 4 60 16. ..j, 1048 6 80 At 1138 4 66 11.. .7. 880 6 ta 4 146 4 16 24... 1084 6 86 r 14 line 6 78 COWH. 7.. 5.. I . 6.. 6.. 10.. 6.. 16.. 4.. 4.. 4.. 10.. 8.. 12.. 12.. 4.. 11.. 6.. 4.. I:: 10.. 7.. 1.. 12.. 7.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. "1.. 842 I 08 888 8 It 791 8 40 861 I 60 8. 1!04 4 81 M8 4 86 1110 4 16 1001 4 80 1013 t 00 OHO 6 40 883 I 00 uoo too 1101 I 00 1141 f 10 1167 I ) 106 6 80 1064 t 16 1111 6 35 . 1120 I 10 1311 6 60 .....1124 6 70 ..... 818 4 78 ..... 80 4 76 100 4 88 7x1 6 00 ..... 007 6 00- 804 I 00 834 6 10 llKII 6 16 171 8 10 1810 4 80 1510 i 86 1610 4 86 1180 4 00 1780 4 10 1820 4 N MM 160 1880 6 00 mo s :t 16....'... 8 14 ll 11 11 I 11 I t II 7 I 18 I ... Ill ... IM ... 064 ... 813 ...861 ... 601 ...not ...1034 ...1071 ... SKJ ... OM ..'.1197 I 46 8 70 3 74 3 75 8 75 4 10 4 16 4 16 4 66 4 46 4 IS 4 Ti 101 4 80 tt HEIFERS. 18. 8 It 1. 407 I 60 I 66 4 04 4 05 4 K 4 V, 4 48 4 78 I.... 18... 4.... 28.... I. ... 18... 8.... II. ... 61 644 805 6b0 745 ati 7S0 BULLS. ..11(10 180 .. Sou I 76 .. 180 4 80 ..1640 4 20 ..1010 4 28 . .10UII 4 60 ..1400 4 14) 4 "6 li... ..1770 4 80 1 CALVES. 818 I 16 1....... 110 6 80 I 800 6 00 4 , 157 8 00 1 IM 8 00 1 185 6 28 .181 I 86 . 150 6 28 130 1 26 60 8 26 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 66 4 60 16 M V4 80 441 4 66 11 821 6 40 til 4 66 4... 1022 I 10 I 671 4 Tt 4. 804 6 06 HOG9 Hogs crossed the -cent mark this morning amid a turmoil of buying excite ment, but the demand quickly cooled and after first rouij) packers would hardly look at offering. Reports of wild markets in the east gave local sellers some pretty lofty Ideas of valuation at the opening, and the first fifty loads of receipts were weighed up at figures lolic higher than yesterday. Later train were heavily laden with hog, however, and in market parlance the trade flattened out completely as above noted. The late market continued very slow and dull and with about 10c of the early morning's advance lost. This means that the late market was only about 6c higher than yesterday. Packers seemed to feel that prices were too high and they did not appear anxious for the hogs at current figures. Thu it happened that the trade was very dull as noted above. The late sales were largely at 8..',sv. A considerable portion of receipts sold from S8.80 to 88. 86, as compared with yes terday's bulk of f8.70ft8.80. Tops reached 89.06. This price is not only 15o higher than the best price previously paid at this point, but the average coat la also the highest in in nisiory or the local trade, The best price paid yesterday. I: will b remembered, was 88.80, am. tne outside price a week ago, 88. 7a Representative sales: Me. Av. 8. Pr. Ma Av. 8h. Pr. 77., 16 ... 8 16 74 881 IM 6 80 46 178 ... I 10 71 24 UB I 80 78 14 40 8 10 13 12 ... 0 It 11 ... 3 8 84 844 ... 6 10 78 114 4 I 18 l 884 88 6 0 8 So ... S 88 6 14 ... 6 8 V 6! f-W ... I 16 17 IM ... H 71 ?10 Ik, 6.' .11 ... tli I v.L'4 44 6 86 ( .ee ... Oil 78. "1 ... I 11 I W 71 ll ... I 10 11. iSi ... I 4 4I ... I ;..'.... 87 ... 0-1 61 IW ... I 13 4 tH ... 4 l! ! ..14 ,.i 0 so ' Uf I '. 60 820 ... 8 88 13 IM ... I lilt tl 40 I 6i 7 IM ... I 11-t 44., 21 ... I 15 84 0 ... IM II. 131 ... I l, 848 120 I oo 81 841 44 6 17 18 Hi ... 100 l IU ... 8 , 4 'l ... I (l 44 11 ... 80 63 t!0 80 6 04 8 .111 ... IN II 318 ... 8 II 64 l ... 8 0 SHEKP Included In today's receipts wre twenty-thte car of Colorado r en and lambs that were consigned to i-isict n points ana were only halted here for les.l and rest, but the owner found such a satisfactory market that they conoluded to place a portion of them on sale, and these were bought up Quickly at a-ood. strong prices as compared with yester day's sales. Paper receipts looked quite liberal today and after making allowance for "throuaV' shipment, the actual aupplie were by no means small, i n aemana lor nnlshed kinds of killers waa as vigorous and broad usual, however, and evervthlna- sold just about as fast as received. Uenerally peaking, It was a good, active trade from tart to finish, with the trend of price decidedly strong throughout. Lambs sold early at 88 86 uid ewes -war good enough to realise 86.76. the highest oftce raid for took of . this description since March of 1WJB. The run of sheep and lambs thus far this week Is only a few hundred head dif ferent from the combined receipts of the same days last week, or the total supplies ior tne corresponaing days or last year. Demand at all times haa been aenaroiia and the tendestcy of sheep prices shsrply higher during the last three davs. In faci. current quotations on the better classes of live muuon are just about 25 J 50c higher than at last week's close. Iambi, how ever, have not shared In the advance to any notable extent the best kind here sell ing but little higher than a week ago. wuoiaiioni on sneep ana tamns; Good to oholo lambs, S8.6O4.00; fair td good lambs, 37 S68 60; Cull lambs, 85 00s 6.00; good shearing Ismbs, 37.5OtfS.10; straight feeding lambs,' 37.0097.50; good light yearlings, 87.6028.00: good heavy yearlings. 37.007j7.60; fair yearlings. St'ii T OO; good to choice Wethers, f6 6tkj(i7.i;; fair to good wethers, S6.10jj6.SO; good to choice ewea. 68.404W, 75- fair to ernnd ewes. fo. 5056. 40. Representative salve- No. 104 western ewea Av. Pr: ,82 INI , m 76 , 8 7 00 ,69 f 40 ,106 7 60 ,96 T 30 ,98 T 80 , Tl I 40 90 S 85 ,90 8 86 ,90 8 86 .89 8 86 ,86 8 86 ,63 00 236 westeaiv ewes 40 western wethers 414 western lambs 437 Colorado yearlings.,.. 4 weatern yearlings... i. 334 weatern vaaj-lina-a ' . 341 western lambs 224 Colorado iamba........ 603 Colorado lambs........ 477 Colorado lamb.,.,,... 476 Colorado lambs..'. 243 Colorado lambs 823 Colorado lambs ..I... CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Btroagr to Hlahrr Hoas Strong Sheep Steady to Strong;. CHICAGO. Feb. 17 rATTr.rc-Piiinia 9,000 head; market strong to lOo higher; Steers. 84 .7VWR (HV in. 11 uv...-. ea- V.,... S3.4O.00; bulls, 34.005.26; calve's, fS.OOdi 9.25; stockers and feednra. ta.50cn).Y7K. HOfl!i.RAf,alnl. aj raVk .1 . 1. , " v umu, m.iaei stronar: choir heaw ta uc. .,,....-. 39.3508.86; light mixed, S9.00&9.'20; choice mm, wawjai packing, S9.2iKu4.30; pigs, 39.209.30. . . , .ire. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 9,000 head; market steady to strong; sheep, 35.50 7.26: lambs. X7.2rVo)9.10: VMrltnv. 7 8.60. . St. Loafs Live Stock Market. 1,000 head, including 250 head Texans; mar ket loo higher; native shipping and export steers. 37.2067.86; dressed beef and butcher steers, 35.9O7.00; steers under l.OuO lbs., 84 fiikfilft TK' .llM,!,... mnJ. euA.x 11 C1UII h. ' , hi... . . 1 n , g.uuv ov, oow and he. fem. $3.60t6.&0; cannera. i.ZArt t Mi . W.. 1 1 a lA . . . . a.- . uuiis), i.wwd.du; caives, .os.a; Texas and Indian uteers, H7fyft.0. cows and heifers, tSMQAM. "uuh-aHeceiptH. 4,700 hsl; market, tec h srh4r ! nigral ainH Kirhta t7 itio a... 4 " ' a v-ai i"i fl.wjiJ.ini, fexi rkT" I rj, .l6t.40: butchers tnH hunt Haw tu tr,i .6. ' ' ' " SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.400 head: market 10c higher; native muttons, 84. 7637.00; lambs, S7.60ti8.90; culls and bucks, S4.6vU4.00; stockers, S3.2&$4.00. Kaaaaa Cltyi Lire . Stock Market, t KANSAS PITT 1T.K 17 f i TTT T,. n' PPt r.t A iam h ,1 lnl,l..n OK .. market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dresced beef steers, S6.8Ct7.60; fair to good, f5.30G6.26; western steers, f5.00tia.;6; stockers and feeders, S4.00&5.90; southern , r- a, 'i,,ftt KJ1 . . ,,r . ........ , , , , Dvuiuciii wwa, eow'; native cows, f3.00i&45.00; native helff rs, f3.76 v.a),- uuiis, fo.oo-rjo.iij; caives - 4.otijjl.uu. -HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market 616c higher; top, 39.10; bulk of sales, St.'EoH t6; heavy, f9.009.10.; packers and butchers, f3.8Mi9.10; light, S8.70xg8.9S; pigs, S7.40ig.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.0.0 TlaoH mnplroi 1ltf77ir;t tnla-Vtaxa 1n.a, 13 itJi 9.00; yearlings, 37.7543)8.50; wethers. 3.'0Oi7.00; ewes, f6.60iSlf.28; stockers and feeders. 34.00 O.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. jnHlfPH Un If.K !? n A TTf TT Receipts, 900 head; market strong to 10c hlerhnr: atenra tA mv.? 7 ia Bnji,.i,VH f2 60.26; oalves.' fJ.6OB-4.00. HOGS Recalnta SUA h.' merl... Iiw. higher: too. 39.10: bulk of sales 1. 7'.?i 9 (VI SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; market, strong to 10c higher; lambs, S4 5038.96. .. - Iloai City I.lve Stork Market. SIOITV PITT Te 8P.K ITrcnui.i f..l. gram.) ATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head: market. 10c higher. HOGS Receipts, 8,600 head; market, 10a 15c hlarher: ran., nf rH b aimi no. k..iu of sales, f8.7&&8.89. . Stock In Slgrkt. Racelnts of ' llva io.v .v.. -i- .i , ... - w mi. m. a ai iii- clpal markets yesterday: Hogs. Sheep. 10,700 9,300 8.600 ...... 9,000 6.000 4.700 1.400 4,600 2,000 24.200 9,000 66,000 26,800 South Omaha .. 2.600 .. 1,000 .. 4,000 .. 1,000 .. 900 .. 1.000 ..18,600 Sioux City .. Kansaa City St. Louis . . St. JoseDh .. Chicago ..... Totals ... , Wool Market. BOSTON. Fnh. 17 worn iliv,....t j,. slrable wools are no cheaper In the local market, some of the minor stocks are be Intf shaded for eiiatotn Tk... i. a... little Inquiry, however, and trading Is al- iiiudl iiuio iii uuu ion oi a lew tnousand pounds each. Eastern bidders regard ex- latlna? nrloea In thn auet fn K ititA ii as almost prohibitive. There has been some movement to the mills, but the gen eral market Is near Its lowest ebb and very in ciecieu uniii tne new cup ar- rlve-s llomeutir. o I - - lAn,.,Hi... i diana and Missouri Three-eighths-blood. ci quaner-oioon, a."03:ic. scoured basis: T.ffla Plna ll.ninnlk. TQ., -7'.. . i a . . - - .' .-J . I-IUL, .111 IQ 8-months. 6SQ.70C. California Northern. 66 iSc; middle county, 63HS05C; fall free, ffy-fji 62c. Oregon Eartern No. 1 staple, 74-a 75c; eastern clothing. 70ti72c; valley. No. 1 67fi?68c. Terrltory-Flne staples, 7&y7c; fine clothing, mmOe; half-blood. CSJItMlc; three-eighths-blood. CftSfi2c; quarter-blood 64Ti67o. Pulled Extra. 72p75c; fine A. 67 4J70c; A supenr. BOrjffic. i. iutJiH. reo. 17.-WOOL Unchanged terrttnrv and wmmimrn q.-v,w.! fine me'diuma, 201 24c; fine. 124l'21o'. ' Coffee Market. KFW TOR W irK 17 rrwxTK.rr . . . , . for futurea opened steady at unchanged ti. .i-n, ii i waa in une wun tne rrench cables. At first the only trading In the market consisted of exchanges from March to later powltluns, but there was some straight business later In the day and the naiad iwiira a generally steady tone on buying, which may have been encour aarnd hv hn1llH A ,,ia , u gardlng prospects of the coming crop. The - - - Di..u;. iici uni-nangea to 8 points v higher. Sales were reported of 24.260 bags. Including March at 7c; May, T.lOc; July, August. December and Janu ary. 115c. The coffee market at Havre closed unchanged; Hamburg was net un changed to IlO lower. Neither of the nrnaLllan rr, a r L f a r rt.rt m..l m ., u ,. RrH-elpta at the two Hraslllan porta were 17.000 bags, sgalnst 31,000 last year; January receipts. - S.SuO bags, against - 16,609 bags; New York warehouse deliveries yesterday. 13.071 bags, against 34.179 bags last year. Spot market quiet; No. T Rio, 8c; No 4 Santos, 7ti,9c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, ei2Wic. Sugar aad Molasses. NEW TORK. Feb. 17.-SUOAR Raw. firm; Muscovado. 89 teat, 8.87o; centrifugsl, 86 test. 4.17o; molasses sugar, 88 teat, t.42o. Refined steady, cut loaf. 6.95o; crushed, 6.85r: mould A. 660c; cubes, 50c; pow dered, 1.30c; granulated, 5 15o; diamond A, 6 16c: confectioner' A, 496c; No. 1, 4.90c No. t 4.8&e; No. 3, 4 75c: No. 4. 4 76c; No. 6. 4.70c; No. . 4 65c; No. 7., 4 70c; No. 8. 4.66c; No. 8. 4.50c; No. 10. 4.46c; No. 11, 4.40c; No. 12. 4 36c; No. IS. 4.30c; No. 14. 4 30c. Mi LA Pkks Steu-dy ; New Orleans, open kettle, 82420. BRCCiiERIIUPSOSTOCOSSEtl Councilman Frods Health Co:nrai sioner on Cleaning Up Refuse. CRITICISES SOME OF INSPECTOR! Doctor Admits Tkera ts ttoM foj . Criticism nail Says Ha Is OolatT After Ills Mea and Tkl Stray Dirt. Councilman Brucker and tCugwl had heart to heart argument with Health Com mlssloner Connell as to the gathering garbage and rubbish, dead cats, rata rv. manure from the alley and oywayv) of thl city. "To serve notices does no irood nnleai they are . followed up and the offender, prosecuted,' ssld Snicker. "Some of jrtAii Inspectors are not attending to their birsk nes and you ought to Jack 'em up goot and hard." ' "I have been doing Just that thing," It), slated Dr. Connell, "and at the next council, meeting you will very likely hare an or portunity to hlp me In disciplinary work.' "All right; we'll do ll. Any man wlwj does not attend to his business, evon I he Is my own "brother, must ba made to d It or get out." ws Brurker's promise. The two poulitllmen- polnted the hlth commissioner to speetfto inatanees If their own wards of violations of the ordi nances. Dr. Connell admitted he knew of Instances himself, but Insisted that prep arations hve been made to force every, body to toe the mark and clean up Just al soon as the frost begins to loosen. It hold on the piles of refuse. , ....' Street Commissioner Flynn has more gTlet long the same line. He complains esp. dally of some of the large barber ahopt dumping their cuspidors In the gutters art 4 catch basins, which become rilled wltl cigar butts and other rubbish.. .. "It ; If thrown out wet." says Flynn. "and Imme diately freeaes. This keeps up day kttei day, until eventually the. accumulation ll suoh as to block gutters and choke calclj basins when a slight thaw comes. Offlcei Wooldrtdge Is to b sent after these barbel shops, as well as material . men anr builders." HOME AND FAMILY ARE : . DEFINED ANEW FOR CENSUS Society's lnstltatlons eivea Cnasaal Meaalnsr fur Paraoao of tk Offtoyil Coantlag. The' official definitions of . the tsrrns "dwelling house," and "family," wltli ref. erence to the population schedule to us carried by the enumerators in the Thir teenth United States oennus. , beginning April 16, are explained In the census bu reau'a lengthy printed Instructions to the canvassers. It Is pointed out . that "'the, answers should relate only to conditions existing on April 15th, the "census day." The words "dwellng house" and "family" are given a much wider application for census purposes than they have In or dinary speech. A "Uwelllng" Is defined a a place In which, at -the time of the cen sus, one or more persons regularly sleep, and may Include hotel or boarding house, ' tenement or apartment house,, fcn Institu tion or school building, if persons regu larly sleep there, as well as an 'ordinary dwelling house. ' A "family" as a census term may meaft ' a group of individuals who ocoupy Jointly a dwelling place or' part of a dwelling place, or an Individual' living alone In Any place of abode. All the ooaupants. and employes of a hotel, if they regularly sleep there, make up a single family,, be cause they occupy one dwelling place, and persons Irving alone in- cabins, huts or tents; persons occupy;ng a room or rooms In public . buildings, stores, warehouses, factories or stables, and persona sleeping. on river boats, canal boats or barges,' If they have no other usual place of abode, are regarded as families. The enumerators are required to i enter upon the schedule the name of every per son whose usual plaoe ot abode on April 16, 1910, wu with the family or In tho dwelling placa for which the enumeration Is being made, f . GOES OUT FOR A PIG'S SNOUT,'! ' RETURNS BROKE, JUST ABOUT Colored Woman Haa Her Money "a a 4 Jewelry Stolen fcy Her i .. Oaests.' "He sent me out to buy a pig's snout and when I came back I found my trunk open and my Jewelry and til gone." . . Nellie Jacks was explaining to Sergeant Marshall at the police station Just ho"j he came to be short her. change , gnd finery. She seemed In some -way to con nect her guests on that unfortunate occa sion with the loss of the valuables, So did the police. Later the police con nected with the guests, George Cheney and Kathleen Tucker, who. are lodged In Jail to answer In polios court Friday morning for their overpowering desire for a pig's nout and Us relation to the looting of Nellie's trunk. ' "They Jes came to my nou to have-4 good time," explained -Nellie, an' we wua talkln' 'bout what would be good to eat.) . " 'Nothing in the world bet tern pig snout,' Jack said, 'If It'a properly, bollt.' ' "Bo I goes out to get some snouts down to de wagon lunch nnd when I com back they'd cleaned my trunk and was gone.' ' "A very little ratloctlnatlqn "will , go a, long way In . working out thaf -mystery," said the polloe sergeant turning to detail the officer who made the arrests.; ; Slaaple Remetty lor Laarlppe. , ' Le grippe roughs are ' dangerous, as they frequently develop Info pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stop the oeugh, tut h"als and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results' need be' feared. "Thg genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contain no harmful drugs and is In a yellow pacha age. Sold by all druggist. FOUND DEAD IN BATH ROOM Henry Scbayser. Kanploya of Street Railway, Dtea of Heart , ' Disease.' .'.-'. Henry Schnyser, 53 years old, an employ of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company, waa found on the floor of the bath room athis boarding house, 920 North Twenty-aecond street, Thoreday morning dead. The body was discovered by anotbef oc cupant of the houee about 7 o'clock and Schnyser hod apparently been dead for several hours. He had apparently suc cumbed to heart disease. , Coroner Crosby took the body In charge and will Investigate the death. So far as can be (earned Schnyser had gona to bod the tilght before at 10:30 o'alock. He was partly clothd when found, Indicating that he had started to dreas preparatory to leav ing the house. Schuyser had no relative In the CnKed States. He was born In Denmark and thera , his people reside. - Meta Bottle Beer, ' Call Doogla HI. Ind. A-flll. um 'Phone number for METI Bottled Beer to home consumers. Prompt delivery and same prices guaranteed. Wm. J. Boeckboff, re tail dealer, 103 6. 7to St.